Shoot on Sight (2007)

Terrorists linked to Al Qaeda
finally strike London.
Thousands of police officers
are involved in a hunt for
the people who tried to bomb
the London underground
and a bus, among
them armed officers
who have been told they
can now shoot on sight
suspected suicide bombers.
Train is due in one minute.
Suspect is preparing to board.
Blooming hell.
Repeat. Suspect is preparing
to board. Should I detain?
Request instructions.
Hold position.
Go commander.
She's bull dog.
Suspect is about to
board a crowded commuter train.
I need instruction. I need
it five blooming minutes ago.
Please respond.
Tell them...
Tell them to keep him off the tube.
Deadly force is authorised.
Bulldog. This is Operations.
You are clear to go.
Deadly force is authorised. Repeat.
Deadly force is authorised.
Police, open the gate.
Police, move. Police, get out
of the way. Move. Police. Move.
Police, move it, move.
Get out of the way. Move.
That way.
Move. Police, move out of the way.
Move, Police. Police.
Get out of the way,
Police. Get out the way, move.
That's him. Get down. Get down.
Armed police. Put your
hands above your head.
Drop to your knees. Do it.
Hands above your head.
Now. Don't.
Okay. Okay, good. Where is it?
Here. What's this?
It's a music player,
like a walkman, sir.
I know what it is.
I do have grandchildren.
What a mess.
Begging your pardon, sir,
but I don't see that it is a mess.
Open your eyes. What
does that tell you?
Bloody media. Never there
when we do something right.
Meaning we're in
the wrong this time?
No, sir. Slip of the tongue.
What do we know for certain?
The suspect, Baqir Hassan emerged
from the residence
we were surveying.
We had intelligence
that terrorist activity
- was being conducted there.
- Intelligence?
An anonymous tip was called in.
Can we trace the call?
We're trying, but they don't
exactly leave their details.
What they could, they did on him.
Commander. Any minute now,
I will be getting a call
from our new
Commissioner of Police
and I will have to
inform him that
only six weeks into
his administration
we've already
managed to lay a huge
scandal on his doorstep.
Perhaps, levity is not in your
best interest at this moment.
Sir, sorry.
This, D.I. Marber, is it?
What does he have to say?
The suspect didn't respond to
a lawful order to surrender.
Because he couldn't hear it?
Or he willingly chose to
ignore it? Who's to say?
The I.P.C.C. I would imagine.
With all due respect, sir.
D.I. Marber and his officers
followed policy to the letter.
They did. And now it looks
as if Scotland Yard has
declared war upon
innocent civilians.
If you wanted us...
Do you have
evidence to the contrary?
Oh, he was a Muslim.
Being a Muslim isn't a crime,
Commander. Not yet, anyway.
- Yes?
- Commissioner on the line for you, sir.
I will be with him right away.
What are you going to tell him?
The truth. That we're not
very sure at this point.
You can show yourself out.
John, the Commissioner is
keeping a close eye on us.
He's made it clear he
wants things sorted quickly.
Or someone in this
office will pay the price.
And I can assure you,
it will not be me.
Commissioner, I have it
right here. Yes, sir. I agree.
I think we've found our man.
Beg your pardon, sir. They
are waiting for you upstairs.
- Well, Tariq.
- Morning.
Are you okay about this?
I will give it my best.
I expect nothing less.
Morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Good morning.
My name is Tariq Ali
and first I will read
from a prepared
statement and after that
I will take the questions.
At approximately
armed police fired upon a
suspected suicide bomber
as he attempted to
board a north-bound train
at Charing Cross tube station.
No officers or bystanders
were injured, but the suspect
- Baqir Hassan.
- Could you spell that please?
B- A-Q-I-R H-A-S-S-A-N.
Baqir Hassan was
killed after he refused
to comply with a
lawful order to surrender.
The investigation is
currently ongoing and
more information will be made
available to you at a later date.
Thank you.
Sir? Sir?
Declan Quinn, from The Informer.
Is it true that the suspect
had ties to Al Qaeda?
There is no evidence to
support that as yet, but we are
definitely not ruling out
anything at this juncture.
John Clark, Five News. Several
witnesses from the station
stated that the victim did
not respond to police commands
because he was
unable to hear them?
As I said before, the
investigation is ongoing.
- Yes, miss?
- Pamela Davis, News Daily.
What do you say to the
victim's mother's claim that
her son wasn't a terrorist,
but was a victim of
racism by the police?
Every mother would
like to believe the best
of her own child. However,
all our hearts do go out to her
at this time.
The fact that the
suspect was Muslim played
no part in his being targeted?
We are waging war
on terrorists, Miss.
That is who we are targeting.
But, he was a Muslim.
As am I, Miss Davies.
Is it your contention that
all Muslims are terrorists?
- Obviously not.
- What does that mean?
What does that mean?
Ladies and gentlemen,
that will be all for today.
The liaison officer will
have printed copies of
the statement for all of you.
Thank you for coming.
Very impressive, Commander.
I dare say I couldn't
have done better myself.
High praise, indeed.
Here you are,
Isabi, the fresh stock.
Enjoy cooking.
See you next time.
Thank you, bhai jaan (dear brother).
You, again? Listen, officer.
This is harassment.
Don't you have anything
better to do, then trouble
an honest shopkeeper?
You call these prices honest?
Officer, can I please
offer you something?
Some masala chai (spiced tea).
- Assalum aleikum
- Aleikum.
You know, Rabiya gets our
favourite chai masala from Lahore.
Bade Miyan?
- Bade Miyan.
- Oh, no wonder.
I saw the press conference.
Hmm-huh. And?
Come on. I thought
it went quite well.
Who's heading the investigation?
No officials announcements, yet.
Commander sahib (sir), there
are no blooming cameras here.
I'm sorry. I really don't know.
The brass on the top floor
don't believe in sharing their
thoughts with a lowly Commander.
Especially, a Muslim one.
Yunus, I'm having a
good day, don't ruin it.
I'm going to run. It's dinner time.
Oh, don't forget the special
meat for begum sahib (wife).
Hey, bless you.
- Hi.
- Dad.
Oh, hey. Hey.
You're gettin' heavy. Gonna
have to stop feeding you so much.
Is it okay if I have
dinner at Zaheer's tonight?
That's okay. Where is mom?
All right, off you go.
Hey, hey, champ.
You're forgetting something.
- Thanks, Dad.
- Bye.
Dinner will be
ready in half an hour.
What are you cooking?
Koftahs (meatballs).
Oh, great. Smells divine.
Got some mutton.
Put it in the fridge, would you?
All righty.
Where is Zara?
She's at Vrinda's.
You promised she could stay over.
Oh, yes. Of course,
a house free of children.
Does that give you any ideas?
We'll have to be quick.
My husband's coming home
soon and he's a policeman.
Oh... you're worth the risk.
Oh, there's a letter for you.
I think it's from papa.
This one?
Huh? Zaheer is coming
here the day after tomorrow.
Look at you, the proud uncle.
My nephew, the engineer.
I like the sound of that.
Where's she now?
Oh, all right. All right.
I'll be right over.
I'll be right over.
What is it?
Can I help you, sir?
- Yeah...
- It's okay.
Thank you for calling.
Sorry about the hour, sir.
No, I should be the one apologising.
Follow me.
Rave parties.
Different location every night usually.
Abandoned buildings or vacant lots.
It's very big with teenagers right now.
They think it's retro.
Anyway, somebody called to
complain about the noise
and we managed to grab
a few of them before...
- they did a runner.
- Drugs?
Little marijuana, some ecstasy.
If it's any consolation,
she does seem very, very sorry.
So am I.
I was here when they brought her in.
No one else knows who she is.
No reason they should.
I appreciate that, Ruby.
Where did you think she was?
Sleeping over at a friend's place.
Classics never go
out of style, do they?
Does mum know? Great.
I'm sorry, Zara.
But I can't lie to mum
with the same
ease as you can, yeah.
It was just a party.
It's not like I killed someone.
Just a party?
Just look at the way you're dressed.
Who else was at this party?
You expect me to
tell on my friends
as if it isn't bad
enough having a cop for a dad.
Was that guy Shawn there?
Was Shawn there?
Look, Zara.
We've talked about this.
You are not to see that guy again.
You are not to see that guy again!
You are much too young to
have a serious boyfriend.
Are you joking? In fact,
some girls...
- are married at my age.
- Come on, Zara.
We both know the real
reason why you don't like it.
I have no idea what
you talking about.
So then tell me this then, dad.
Would you be so up in arms
about me dating if my
boyfriend was named Salman.
You're grounded. All right?
Four weeks.
You're grounded four weeks.
No phone.
No television.
No computers, except for homework.
And you are coming
straight home from school.
Four weeks!
That's so unfair.
You want to talk about unfair?
Do you realise what this
could have meant for me?
Can you see the headlines?
Police Commander's
daughter arrested in drugs raid.
That would have been great
for my career, wouldn't it?
Sure, because it's always
about you dad, isn't it?
Our daughter hates me.
If that were true, she wouldn't
try so hard to get your attention.
Tariq, I was wondering...
Oh, I didn't know. I'll come back.
Yes, sir?
Apologies, there was
no one on reception.
My door is always open to you, sir.
Please, Daniel will do just fine.
Oh, all right. Daniel.
I'm on my way out for a walk.
I was wondering if
you'd care to join me?
I promised Susan, I'd quit.
My wife thinks I quit a year ago,
so I change out of uniform
before going home so
she won't notice the smell.
You sure, I can't.
No. I lack your
skills at subterfuge.
I sometimes find a
little white lie
less harmful than harsh reality.
The media are having a
real go over this incident.
You know what they'd print
if we allowed a suspect
to walk onto a crowded
train and detonate a device.
M.E.T. fails to prevent attack.
Damned if we do,
doubly so if we don't.
When will the I.P.C.C.
submit its report?
Who knows? Months, weeks.
The wheels of bureaucracy
turn very slowly.
We just have to weather
the storm then, won't we?
Tariq, we can't stand idle and
let the media vultures
villify us in the public eye.
The Commissioner and I
have decided to task our own
internal inquiry.
I need someone who is not
directly involved with
bulldog and someone to liaise with
the I.P.C.C., go
through the case evidence
interview the family, make
sure there were no blunders
on our part and if there were,
make doubly sure
that those
responsible are held accountable.
Exactly. I am certain that
your findings will not be
coloured by any
misguided loyalties.
And it doesn't hurt to have a
Muslim investigating officer
does it?
The thought never occurred to me.
If I agree to do this, I'll
need an assistant, an officer
of my choosing.
Whatever you need.
There's something else.
I've heard a rumour that
Deputy Assistant Commissioner Cole
might be retiring soon?
You're very well informed.
Requirements in a senior
officer even more so than
a Deputy Assistant Commissioner
of police don't you I think.
When I was a young
constable you could wander
all over this park and never see
a single non-caucasian face.
Britain has changed.
I like to think for the better.
We need to reflect that.
We need officers who understand
the complexities of a
multi-cultural Britain.
We need officers like you.
Bring me a favourable
result to this inquiry and
I have a strong feeling this
department is going to see
its first Asian Deputy
Assistant Commissioner.
I don't know if I'll recognise him.
I saw him last when
he was just a child.
That could be him there.
The backpack the guy with the backpack.
Hey, Zaheer.
Mamu (Uncle).
Oh, that is him all right.
Excuse me. Uncle.
Welcome to London, beta (son).
Thank you.
You're looking just like your mum.
I hope not, for her sake.
Your Mami (Aunty).
Mami. Assalum aleikum
(peace be upon you).
Aleikum assalum (and upon you too).
Mashallah (Wow), your
pictures don't do you justice.
Oh, what a charmer.
It's very nice to meet you.
Same here.
- Oh, Mamu (uncle). You shouldn't.
- Oh. Come on, pal.
Is this your first
time abroad, Zaheer?
No, I went to Saudi Arabia
last year for my Umrah (Festival).
Oh, I would have loved
to have gone to Mecca
during my backpacking years.
My dear, I told you
they wouldn't even
allow you in there.
Why not?
I'm not a Muslim.
You should have listened to
me when I told you to convert.
Oh, shut up.
Don't start that again.
Dekha bhi (see), never
marry a gori (white girl).
Oh, God.
Mamu, thank you once again for
your recommendation letters.
It's all right, beta (son).
I don't know how you did it.
You are a miracle worker.
Yes, I am. Though, your
Mami (aunt) might not agree.
But just concentrate on your
studies, get your degree
that will be all
the thanks I need.
And in sports news.
Footballer and underwear model
Carlos Vieira can now
add best-selling author
to his list of achievements.
His autobiography
'My Night on the Ball'
debuted on the London
booksellers' charts this week.
The beloved, tall and athletic
midfielder will be doing a
book signing tour in support
of the tour beginning at
the Galleria shopping centre
on the 24th of July.
'... on the outside in
towards Kuka coming in here'
'and the ball is... '
'The fact that Lesotto has
felt it at one end. Perhaps... '
Zara, they're back.
It's lovely.
- Oh, Mamu. Give it to me.
- Oh, not a problem at all.
Thank you.
Thank you, Mamu.
It's not large, but...
No, it's perfect.
Well, make yourself at home.
Thank you.
Ever heard of knocking?
I did. Mind coming
down to meet your cousin?
I'm grounded, remember?
"Straight to school,
straight to my room, no exceptions. "
Your words, not mine.
Dinner will be ready in
half an hour. See you there.
Yes, Commander.
Aleikum assalum.
Good morning, sir.
You've heard?
Lieutenant's poster-boy is
leading the investigation.
That bum has cut me
completely out of the loop.
He's going to put all
this on our shoulders.
We followed protocol.
Oh, wake up, man. Nobody cares.
This isn't about protocol.
It's about politics.
Somebody's head is going
to hit the chopping block
to sate the public.
You mark my word.
Well, just have to keep an
eye on him then, won't we?
And how do we do that?
Crystal ball?
I guess, you didn't
hear the full story.
The Commander has acquired
himself a little helper.
You must be hungry.
I know an excellent
kebab wallah (vendor) close by.
Come on. Why do you insist
on rotting your insides
with that rubbish.
Rabya, you're such a good cook.
Oh, well, one man's
rubbish is another man's cuisine.
Still thinking with
your stomach, Yunus?
Well, it rarely leads me astray.
Assalum aleikum.
Aleikum assalum, sir.
Tariq, you are looking well.
Thank you, Junaid miya (brother).
But you're a bit far away
from your own pack.
What happened?
Did you overstay your
welcome in your own mosque?
On the contrary, I am
now it's Imam (leader).
You should visit us on Friday.
It's not as fancy as this
but still, a place of worship.
Saw you on telly.
New spokesperson of
the police department.
You must be so proud.
- Shall we?
- Yes.
Who have we here?
Oh, this is my nephew,
Zaheer, Ismat appa's (sister) son.
This is Juniad miya, Tariq
and I know him from Lahore.
Assalum aleikum.
Aleikum assalum, young man.
Mashallah. The last I saw you
you were crawling on
your mother's floor.
And look at you now.
How are you finding London so far?
A bit intimidating.
Don't worry puttar (son), everything
is going to be fine. Come.
We have a study group
that meets every Sunday.
A bit out of the way for you,
but it might be
a good way for you
to make new friends.
Zaheer, I'm running
late for an appointment.
Yes, Uncle.
I appreciate the offer,
but I have a lot on my plate.
Khuda Hafiz (good bye).
Khuda Hafiz.
If you change your mind,
our doors are always open.
Darn shoe thief.
Remember, he was
caught stealing shoes at
Badshah-Id mosque in Lahore?
My brother was not a terrorist.
He only moved to London
six months ago. He was
going to be an artist.
You know, if he met
anyone recently in college.
Someone who might
have been suspicious?
He didn't have time for friends.
He studied all week,
then came home on weekends
to help with the store.
Oh, this is total bollocks.
Baqir was never a suicide bomber
and you know it. You're just
here trying to cover your own backs.
Look, I assure you. We're only
trying to find out the truth.
Sure. Well, excuse me.
This interview is terminated.
And you are?
Fiona Monroe.
I represent the Hassan family.
Any questions for
them in the future
go through me or my office
or in an interview
at the police station.
Hold on. No one is
being investigated here.
Perhaps, someone should be.
My clients are the victims here.
I don't want to be badgered
or harassed by your department.
Look, we're not adversaries. We
both want the same thing here.
I sincerely doubt that. Goodbye,
officers. I'll see you in court.
What a lovely woman.
Praise the Lord.
For hundreds of years, the star
of Islam is shining in the world
because of khilafa (caliphate).
Brothers, the establishment
of khilafa is
an Islamic duty.
But khilafa means imposing shariat
(Koran's code of law) on everyone.
What if we live in a
non-Muslim democracy?
No, brother. Khilafa as a
duty is confirmed in the Koran.
The sunnah (trodden path)
of the prophet
peace be upon him, the consensus
of the shaba (code of conduct)
and shariat principle
and it's your duty
to change this
system of the khafa.
What's your name, brother?
- Abdullah.
- Alhamdalila.
What's Abdullah? Abdullah
means slave of Allah. Subanatallah.
Now, can a Muslim
subscribe to any of the freedoms
mentioned in a
democratic charter
and be a Muslim in the true sense?
No, my brother. A slave of
Allah cannot serve two masters.
Join our study circle.
Serve the cause of Allah.
Welcome all. You have
grown again. Look at you.
Hello, darling. Tariq.
Hello. That's my nephew Zaheer.
- Hello.
- Please come in.
How lovely you all look.
And you get bigger every week.
Come in. Come in.
Everyone's in the garden.
'Happy birthday to you. '
'Happy birthday to you'.
He's a handsome young man.
Like uncle, like nephew.
Makes a nice pair with Zara.
Perhaps, there will be
wedding bells in the family soon.
Yeah, but they're
first cousins, aren't they?
So are Yunus and I. It is
acceptable in our culture.
As a matter of fact,
it's even preferred.
Excuse me.
Was it something I said?
I say, deport them all.
The faster, the better.
I have to say I'm shocked
to hear you say that, Yunus.
Every time someone like
Abu Hamsa or Sheikh Omar Bahkri
appear in front of television
camera, things become worse
for my family, for my business.
They just open their mouth,
half of England thinks that
they speak for all the Muslims.
I mean, you should see some
of the things spray-painted
outside my store. Who
needs the aggravations?
I think your son
has dreams of being
the next Beckham, Mamu.
That's good. He can
support me in my old age.
What do you make of this
radical Imam situation, Zaheer?
Yunus seems to think, we
should deport them all.
Let them be somebody else's problem.
I don't really know
much about it, sir.
Well, you read the newspapers.
You must have some opinion.
Well, I think there is a fine
line between being a terrorist and
a freedom fighter.
Rubbish. They preach
hatred and violence.
There is nothing
honourable about them.
It wasn't long ago
before Nelson Mandela
was called a terrorist
and then Menachem Begin
he was a part of Irgun,
the group identified
by the Brits as
a terrorist outfit.
And then later, when he
became a Prime Minister
he was called a peacemaker.
Okay, two exceptions
don't make a rule.
I guess that depends on
who is making the rules.
Come on, come on. What are
we getting so serious about?
I thought this was a birthday party.
Yeah. Sorry, Mamu,
I meant no offence.
Never apologise for
your opinions, my boy.
Leave that to the politicians.
And to the police Commanders.
Assalum aleikum, brother Abdullah.
Brothers, repeat after me.
In the name of Allah, most
gracious, most merciful.
In the name of Allah, most
gracious, most merciful.
Peace. Assalum aleikum, brothers.
Aleikum assalum.
I am so happy to see
you all here. Brothers
before I say anything,
I urge you to ask me a question
which you yourself
find difficult to answer.
Brother Abdullah.
A movement to create
khilafa will lead to bloodshed.
Innocent people are going to die
and Islam does not condone
the killings of innocent people.
So how do we achieve
khilafa without violence?
Brother, you are right.
Islam does not teach
killing innocent people. So
now tell me, who is innocent
and who is not?
Those who kill Palestinian men,
women and children
are they innocent?
Those who invaded Iraq,
Afghanistan, Chechnya
and killed thousands of
Muslims in their own backyards.
Are they innocent?
Those who throw cluster
bombs on unarmed civilians
those who use tanks
and bulldozers against
pregnant women and children.
- Are they innocent?
- No.
Those who despise you
because you are Muslims.
Those who deny you equality,
jobs, visas
because of your religion.
Are they innocent?
If they are not innocent, if
they are perpetrators or allies of
the perpetrators, then
they are at war with you.
And you are at war
with them, brothers.
Allah o akbar
(Allah is the greatest).
Allah o akbar.
Zaheer, I...
Oh, I'm sorry to disturb you.
I was hoping you
might do me a big favour.
How can I help?
Well, I have to pop out to the
shops and do various things
and I was wondering if you
wouldn't mind picking up
Imran from football practice,
Sure, Mami. Not a problem.
Thank you.
All right, darling.
Should we have a word?
No. Let's just do
what we came here for.
Say cheese.
Don't get involved in
anything you don't have to.
Yeah. But...
Just don't get involved in anything.
Oh, hell. How do you stand it?
Few more years and
you won't even notice.
Smell like morning on the hay.
Not bloody likely. It's
not another domestic, is it?
Complaint of loud
noises and strange odour
coming from the third floor flat.
How would you notice?
Right. Smell anything?
Only your aftershave.
Pat the paint brush, did you?
Oh, cheeky witch. Just
for that you get to knock.
Police, sir. Can we have a word?
Police! Open the door, now!
P.C. Andrews. This is P.C. Miller.
We've had a complaint
about a strange odour.
Oh, yeah. Sorry about that.
It must've been spicy food.
Anyone else in the flat, sir?
No. No one else.
Yeah. I thought I heard voices.
It's just the telly.
Look, I'm sorry, but I've
got something on the stove.
So, can I just...
Hey, who's that?
On the floor.
I've got him. Check
the other room. Go.
Hey, Stop!
There's another one.
Jumped out the blooming window.
Must an acrobat or something.
I swear.
All right. Just check the kitchen.
- Good evening.
- Good evening.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Gang's all here.
Maybe I should call home and
check if the kids are all right.
Oh, relax, Susan. They'll be fine.
Last time you said that,
you spent the night
bailing out our
daughter from the lock up.
Zaheer is there.
He'll look after them.
Here's my boss. Smile.
And his lovely wife.
Susan. Hello, how are you?
How long has it been?
Tariq. How was your trip up north?
Go on, shop talk.
Come on. Let's mingle.
Two glasses of champagne,
you can't take her anywhere.
So, the interview...
Sure. The family
have retained a lawyer.
Nothing surprising there.
Her name's Fiona
Monroe and she is trouble.
Most women are.
No, thank you.
- No.
- Why not?
We're in your mum's car
outside my parents' house
where I'm supposed
to be babysitting.
What else do you need?
What about my room?
My mum's passed out.
I'm not ready. Be patient.
But that's what you said
last month and the month before.
You're such a wanker sometimes.
Wait, wait. I'm sorry,
okay? It wasn't me.
It was the other part talking.
You know I love you,
right? Forgive me. Right?
Still a wanker.
Yeah, well, whose fault's that?
Ew, Mark.
A little after your curfew,
isn't it, Mr?
Sorry, ma'am. It won't happen again.
See that it doesn't.
By the way, I...
I think you missed a few buttons.
Look at that. He's got his head
so far up the Deputy's behind,
I'm surprised he can still breathe.
You're jealous.
Any word on the
interview with the family?
I should know something tomorrow.
See that you do.
Sure, retard.
Daniel, could I have a word?
John, I'm in a bit of a hurry.
I was hoping we might discuss the
Deputy Assistant Commissioner post.
Come on, now. This is
neither the time nor the place.
Susan, we got a serious problem.
I have to go. You'll be all right?
Don't worry about me. Go.
Sir, we're required at
headquarters immediately.
Suspected terrorist activity.
One arrest.
Darling, there's a situation
that requires my presence elsewhere.
I'll send the driver to take
you back home. Good night.
John. Harry.
He doesn't even look worried.
As if he's waiting for a bus.
Well, you've really
stepped in it this time, Aziz.
Until now, it's just
been little stuff.
A little bit of benefit fraud.
A bit of petty theft.
And now look at you. All grown up
from playing the proper villain.
A regular Osama in the making.
I believe the suspect
finds me funny, Diesco.
I believe you're right, sir.
Is that it, Aziz? What
do you think I'm funny?
Well, you'll find
this hysterical then.
Know what the sentence is
for committing an act of
terrorism on British soil?
Life imprisonment, no parole.
Should get out just in
time to collect your pension.
That is, of course,
unless we pack you up
and ship you back to rugged land.
I've got a bad idea, actually.
Why should we have the
expense of putting you up?
Maybe, we should just
give you to the Americans.
I've been there,
you know. Guantanamo.
I went to interview
this bloke student.
Got himself arrested as
a suspected terrorist.
Said he was a British citizen,
supposedly lost his passport.
The poor boy was in tears
practically the entire interview.
Told me how the guards used
to make him stand on one leg
for 13 hours straight.
And if he fell over
he had to start all over again.
The look on his face
when I told him there
was nothing I could do.
He got down on his knees
and he begged me to kill him.
Can you imagine that?
Do you imagine being so
frightened of a place
that you'd rather die
than live there another day?
I couldn't. How about you?
It doesn't have to be that way
Aziz. Help us and we can help you.
Look, we know there
was another man there.
Help us find him and
I give you my word.
I will do what I can for you.
It's all right. Please.
God will strike down
upon his disloyal subjects.
Death to the enemies of Islam.
Darn. I thought we had him.
Oh, Tariq. What's wrong?
It's starting again.
Good morning, ladies and gentleman.
On behalf of the Hassan family
I would like to make a
statement to the press.
The department is yet to
produce any credible evidence
that Mr. Hassan is linked
to any terrorist activity.
As such, my clients
are going forward with
the wrongful death claim
against the London Police
and in particular, the
officers in charge of the operation.
Azan Hassan lost her son...
due to inept
handling of this incident.
And rightly, well,
someone should be accountable.
But why now?
Why not wait
for the independent police
complaints commission report?
My clients remain
dubious about the report
or the accuracy of its findings.
They prefer to let the court decide.
My brother was no terrorist.
He was murdered
because he was Muslim.
He was...
That will be all.
Mrs. Hassan...
Can you tell me, why do you think...
Oh, blooming hell.
Are you okay?
No, Susan, I'm not. This...
I have to go.
What's the matter?
Oh, nothing. Aren't
you going to be late?
I didn't sleep very well last night.
Oh, dear. Here.
Assalamu Alaikum.
Wa Alaikum Assalam.
What's happened?
Oh, I fell and twisted my ankle.
Well, is it serious? Do
you want to see a doctor?
No, it'll be fine.
So, how did it go last night?
Everyone on their best behaviour?
Yeah. It was fine.
This is blooming hopeless.
Oh, come on. We've only
got 62 hours left to watch.
Bring me a tub of French
Vanilla and some biscuits
it will be like my last day off.
I hope I'm not interrupting.
Sorry, sir.
Could you give us a
moment please, constable.
Yes, sir.
So, how's it coming?
A few more eyes wouldn't hurt.
Listen, I'm sorry if I
offended you with that
'shipping back to rugged
land' remark in the interview.
I was just trying to get a rise.
It's okay. But he is from Yorkshire.
I understand you were
with Commander Ali...
when he spoke with
the suspect's family.
Baqir Hassan, yeah, we...
We spoke to his mother and sister.
About what in particular?
Well, it wouldn't be proper for
me to discuss that with you, sir.
You've heard about the claim?
Yes, sir.
Strange timing that.
The way they came up with the idea
straight after your little visit.
I don't know what you mean, sir.
I'm sure you don't.
- She was all over me.
- Bollocks.
I practically had to fight her off.
It was sore for like two days.
What was it like?
Really brilliant. She really
knew what she was doing, yeah?
All Muslim girls have
to wait for marriage.
Yeah, well they're not
supposed to eat pork either.
Didn't stop her
swallowing my sausage.
So, what was that, then? Foreplay?
That far? About there.
It's about here.
No? A little further, Ruby.
Yeah, that's about right.
What do you reckon, officer?
That's right, sir.
You must be quite a marksman.
Haven't had any complaints,
till now, laddy.
You identify yourself
as a police officer?
No, as a postman.
Yes, sir.
Could you excuse us for
a minute please, officer?
You don't like me much,
do you, Inspector?
On the contrary. I have a deep
respect for your position, sir.
It's not really the same thing.
So, the train was arriving,
it was rush hour.
People pushing, shoving,
talking. Didn't it occur to you
that perhaps the
boy couldn't hear you?
Police, put your hands above
your heads and drop to your knees.
Do it.
It's all right. It's all right,
folks. Sorry about that.
Did you have any trouble
hearing me, Commander?
I have to say, I don't like
your attitude, D.I. Marber.
I don't like being
second guessed, sir.
The suspect turned and
looked me right in the eye.
He saw the gun and he
reached his hand into his jacket.
I saw wires protruding.
I had a second, maybe less,
to make a judgement call.
In the same situation,
I would make it again.
I'm sure you would.
How is the view from the
moral high-ground, Commander?
Any skeletons in your cupboard?
Perhaps, sponsorship
letters to a family member.
Issued on an official letterhead?
Ruby, would you mind
getting the car around?
You listen to me.
You killed a man here.
A young Muslim boy, not
much older than my nephew.
Right now, I am the only thing that
stands between you and the R.B.C.C.
Perhaps, you should
dispense with the attitude, yeah?
I was following orders.
I've heard that rationale before.
I wonder if you'd been so
quick to pull the trigger
if his skin hadn't been brown.
You think I'm racist.
Yes, I do.
No. No, Commander. I'm a realist.
Remember you're
little press conference?
And you gave that
reporter a dressing-down
for intimating that
all Muslims are terrorists.
You see the thing is
she was only half-wrong.
And the question isn't,
are all Muslims, terrorists?
It's, are all terrorists, Muslim?
And I think we both
know the answer to that.
Praise the Lord.
In the name of Allah, the
compassionate, the merciful.
Now it has become a routine,
that every Friday
we mourn the deaths of
thousands of innocent Muslims
killed by American,
Israeli and British forces
who have no business
to occupy our lands.
Shame on us. We meet here,
offer salat (prayers)
mourn the deaths and forget
everything the very next day.
Shame on you, all Muslims of
this land and other lands.
It pains me to refer to the
events of the recent days
following the declaration of
war against the Ummah (community).
The Muslims in Iraq, the
Muslims in Afghanistan
the Muslims in Lebanon,
the Muslims in Gaza
the Muslims in Chechnya, the
Muslims in Kashmir and where not.
They have declared a war over
our possessions, our mosques
our men, our women, and
our children and our dignity.
The deviant enemies of Islam
have undertaken a new phase
of committing atrocities
against our brothers and sisters.
Their masks have come off.
Their plans have been revealed.
But the wounded body of
crusaders has also become feeble.
And their collapse is inevitable.
Brothers, we must
unite and take revenge.
If it means laying
down our lives, so be it.
Allah o Akbar.
Allah o Akbar.
Allah o Akbar.
Allah o Akbar.
- Allah o Akbar.
- Allah o Akbar.
Allah o Akbar.
Has he gone mad?
I don't believe this.
It's because of people
like him we have to suffer.
Tariq, you people
seem to be in a hurry.
I thought I might have missed you.
Listen, Junaid. Perhaps
this is not the right time.
It won't take a minute.
It's about the Hassan inquiry.
Who are you?
Who are you? The
boy I grew up with
would never spout
such bigotry, such hatred.
I would be well within the law
to arrest you right here, and now.
Always the policeman.
You'll have me beaten as well?
Mamu, please. This is not
the way. They're only words.
Words? This is poison.
What matters is how
we interpret them.
Listen to him, Tariq.
He speaks the truth.
I'm sorry if you people
found my speech offensive.
It was not my intent. Forgive me.
Mamu, please. Please.
It's me. I think I have
something you're gonna want to see.
Imran! Imran!
Laces. Come here. Nervous?
Sort of.
Don't be. You'll
be fine. Just watch.
Everyone's bigger than me.
It's not about size.
It's about speed.
Remember what I
taught you. Go for it.
Come on, Imran.
All right.
What's the matter with
you two? Come on, cheer up.
You're supposed to
be supporting Imran.
Come on, Imran. Where are you going?
Well, hurry up or you'll miss him.
Come on.
Ball away.
Why haven't you
returned any of my calls?
Three guesses and the
first two don't count.
Look. I said I was sorry, all right.
I just didn't want
to look like a coward.
What? And make me
look like a prostitute.
Whatever. It's done. We're over.
- Ow!
- I just wanna talk to you, all right?
- You're hurting me.
- Why are you being such a witch?
Let her go.
Who are you, then, eh?
He's my cousin.
Yeah, piss off, mate.
It doesn't concern you.
I said, "Let her go. "
Darn you.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
Let's go.
Commissioner Tennant's office.
Well, it looks in order to me.
Am I missing something?
This is the tape of the anonymous
caller who phoned in the tip.
Listen, they're up to something.
They're coming. Going.
Do it now. Have to check it out.
The address. 16, Mill Lane Garden.
Did you hear that?
Tariq, I am very busy.
I have a meeting in a few minutes.
Look, it won't take a second.
Just listen to it.
The address. 16 Mill Lane Garden.
Did he say Mill Lane Gardens?
The wrong address.
Blooming hell.
- Who else knows?
- No one.
Let's keep it that way. I need
to talk to the Commissioner.
I'll take that.
His name is Junaid. He's been
on special branch's watch-list
for about a year.
Only he and Ali are friends.
You see what I see.
Our esteemed Commander
shaking hands with a
known Muslim extremist.
It's hardly a smoking gun.
Depends where you're aiming.
For example, if some nosy
reporter were to get hold of him.
Can I get you another?
I am very particular
about who I drink with.
Oh, flattery will
get you everywhere.
Hold the presses.
Bismillah (in the name of Allah).
Assalum aleikum.
Aleikum assalum, Yunus brother.
I want two.
- You want two sheep.
- Yeah, that's right.
Hey, mate.
Tariq, have you see
the News Daily today?
I wouldn't use that
rag to wrap your meat.
I suggest you have a look.
Have you any idea how this happened?
I have my suspicions.
It won't do,
Commander. It won't do at all.
I have known Junaid
since I was a child
but we're barely on
speaking terms any more.
Nevertheless, the
Commissioner feels
and I agree, it might be
best if you took some time off.
A holiday. You look
as if you can use it.
And after this blows over.
We'll perhaps look again
at your request for promotion.
Please give my best to Susan.
I'm home. Oh, hi.
I didn't know you...
Oh, class got cancelled.
Are you okay?
I'm fine.
You're sure? You look a bit pale.
After dedicating nearly
my entire adult life
to the service of these men.
After working longer and
fighting harder than
any white officer in the force
having my own people consider me
a traitor, after all this.
These men for whom I
have always had nothing
but the highest respect,
they doubt my integrity
question my honour.
Tariq, so much has
changed over the years.
But certain things,
perhaps, will never change.
I used to run down the
hill every morning
to catch No. 8 into town.
Same bus everyday.
The driver, Eddie, nice bloke,
he would wait for me
if I was late to show up.
I was his regular. There
was what? Five or six of us.
We rode together everyday.
We were not mates, but
we knew each other well.
And not a smile, a few pleasantries.
You know, Tariq, July
that I missed the bus in years.
But I was there the next day.
Hey. Hey.
Morning, Eddie. Miss one day
and you forget all about me.
And everything...
Everything was different.
Morning, Kate. No more smile.
Just that look.
Nothing that happened before
that day, none of it matters now.
All they see now
all they will see when
they look at us, are terrorists.
You don't really
believe that, do you?
Who died?
What? It's like a funeral in here.
Please. I've had a very trying day.
Dad. Dad.
What time are we going to
the galleria on Saturday?
I'm sorry. There are...
I don't think I can make it.
But the book signing.
You promised.
We'll do it another time, yeah?
Okay, once more with tension.
Just finish your dinner, young lady.
It's your turn to do the washing up.
We'll go to the Galleria,
just the two of us.
How would that be?
Thanks, Mum.
Found this in Zaheer's room.
So? What are you trying to say?
Look closer. It's the same shirt.
Oh, come one, Susan.
That's a very famous Pakistani band.
There must be hundreds
maybe, thousand of
T~shirts with that logo.
Yes, maybe in Pakistan.
Susan there...
I know he's your nephew.
But I'm your wife.
I need you to listen to me.
I want you to see what I see.
See what you see?
I know what you see.
When you look with
those western eyes
brown skin is the
first thing you see
and terrorist is the first
word that pops into your head.
Sometimes, I wonder what
you see when you look at me.
Well, I used to see my husband.
I wonder where he's gone.
Because I miss him.
Thanks, Mum.
Officially, they're saying,
he's on holiday.
We British do love our euphemisms.
So much more
pleasant than the truth.
How's he taking it?
Like someone ran
him down with a bus.
Things are very tense at the
department right now, Susan.
Phone lines are lit up
day and night with tips.
People who think
their neighbours are
making chemical bombs
in their bathrooms.
Most of the time, it's nothing.
Just people's
imagination running away.
So, do you think
it's my imagination.
The limp in his walk and that
T~shirt stuffed under his bed.
And the way he covers up the computer
screen and his radical views.
Yes, but it's hardly
conclusive evidence.
So, you don't want to help me then?
Susan, if your husband, my boss
finds out that I
went behind his back
and had his nephew
tailed as a terror suspect.
Well, I can just kiss any
hope of a promotion goodbye.
Who would tell him?
He's here.
- Assalum aleikum.
- Aleikum assalum.
Elijah got everything you requested.
I hope it's enough.
It should be fine.
How long will it take
to complete the job?
I need to be careful. I only
have access to the lab after hours.
Someone on the janitorial
staff is sympathetic to our cause.
It's always good to
have such friends.
There's been a change in plan.
It will happen this Saturday.
Insha'Allah (If Allah wills).
You must accompany
Elijah to help with the job.
That is not what we agreed on.
Things have changed.
Aziz has been taken in
and the authorities are
keeping a closer eye on things.
Elijah cannot do this alone.
I need someone I can trust.
I can trust you, can't I? Can't I?
Yes, Imam.
God be with you. Allah Hafiz
(may God be your guardian).
Khuda Hafiz.
Oh, shucks.
Brother. Open the gate.
Open the gate.
Thank you.
I only need a few hours.
You've reached the
voice mail of Ruby Kaur.
I'm not available at the moment.
But leave a message
and I'll get back to you.
It's me. Are you in there?
Oh, hi.
Oh, why did you close your laptop?
Up to something wicked?
Just finishing my home work.
Do you fancy a break?
I'm going to go get some ice cream.
Come on, you know what they
say about all work and no play.
I'm sorry, I can't.
Commander. Commander?
Thank you.
You have my condolences.
I know you two were close.
Any idea what she
was doing out here?
Nothing to do with
the Hassan inquiry?
As I am sure, you know, I've
been removed from that inquiry.
Sir, we found this on her.
There's not much there.
Well, maybe the tech
can get something off it.
See that they do. Top priority.
Commander, you should go home.
Commander? Sir? Is there
anything that I can help you...
No worries. No worries. Commander.
Oh, sorry.
Hey! Well, Commander...
What did you find?
I was able to
salvage the memory card.
She made one phone call the
night she died to this number.
That's my number.
I might also be able to...
Just a minute.
These are all photos she
had her camera at the time.
Did she take any, yesterday?
There is one.
Here it is.
Oh, Tariq. What a surprise!
I know what you've
been up to, Junaid.
Junaid, I know what you're doing.
Yes, I know. I'm
watering the plants.
I found out you've been
meeting with Zaheer, Junaid.
I want to know why? I want to
know why he's coming to see you.
Zaheer? Oh, your nephew.
The peacemaker? How is he?
I hope he hasn't gotten
himself into any trouble.
What have you been
filling his head with?
That there will be virgins awaiting
him in paradise if he kills himself.
There will be songs
written in his name?
Listen, Junaid. He's a young man.
He's my sister's son.
He's my flesh and blood.
Do not try to influence him.
My friend, have you nothing in
your life you would kill for?
The house of Islam will
not be built on violence.
But if people like you
continue giving it a bad name...
One day, old friend.
One day, you have to decide,
are you a policeman
who happens to be a Muslim
or a Muslim who
happens to be a police officer?
For me...
You cannot be both. Now,
if you will excuse me.
It's time for my prayers.
You're not going anywhere, mate.
Really? You have some
evidence against me?
You can show yourself out.
Is this D.I. Marber's house?
Yes, it is.
I am...
Oh, I know who you are.
Please come in, sir.
Well, this is a surprise.
I see you've met my wife, Hannah.
Hannah, this is Commander Ali.
Pleased to meet you. Well,
I'll leave the two of you, then.
So to what do I owe this pleasure?
Have you come to
give me another lecture?
I need help.
Oh, from a racist.
No. From a realist.
No, that password didn't work.
Can you think of another one?
Try Jannat (heaven). J-A-N-N-A-T.
Access Denied.
Zara. Ismat. I-S-M-A-T.
We're in.
Blueprints. I don't
recognise this building.
I do. Galleria Shopping Centre.
Oh, no. That's where mum
took Imran for the book signing.
Oh, blooming hell.
I need a tactical squad to
the Galleria Shopping Centre.
We need to activate Operation
Crisis. On my authorization.
Yes, I take full responsibility,
just do it.
Oh, no. Susan's
phone is out of range.
I have programmed the
number in already.
Just press 'Send' to detonate.
You better keep it. I'll get it
back from you after I leave the bag.
Where will you leave it?
Wherever it will
inflict the most casualties.
Whoever the explosion
does not kill, the gas will.
Say it.
Say it, brother!
- Inshallah (if God wills).
- Inshallah.
- There you go.
- Thanks.
Hey, what's your name?
Imran Ali.
You're going to read this book?
Of course.
Here you go, Imran.
- Thank you.
- Cool. Bye.
How are you doing? What's your name?
Good afternoon, gentleman.
I'm going to need
access to your cameras.
Daddy. I knew he'd come.
Imran, Susan.
Susan, I need you to take
Imran away from this place at once.
Is he one of yours?
No, he's not.
Where is that?
That's the boiler room.
Back of the second floor entry room.
Will you keep an eye out?
I'll best follow him.
You. Stop!
Move! Move! Move!
I'm police. You're surrounded.
Come out with your
hands in the air.
Out! Out! Everybody out.
Blooming hell, are you okay?
Mike to control, Mike to control,
Officer shot. Lower north hall.
Call ambulance. Over.
There's another one.
You killed my brother.
Darn you.
Zaheer! Zaheer! Stop! Stop!
Don't do this.
Zaheer, don't do this.
I beg of you, Zaheer.
Mamu! All I have to do is hit send.
Don't shoot! Don't shoot! Hold it!
Don't shoot! That's an order.
Move back. Back away now.
You do not want to do this, Zaheer.
Zaheer, you do not want to
do this. Please listen to me.
I am a warrior of Allah.
It is my duty.
If you do this Zaheer,
these officers will kill you.
Must you die, as well?
Imam would say it's a good death.
A righteous death.
So why doesn't he die himself, then?
Listen to me, my son.
A self-inflicted death
is a sin in Islam.
There is no paradise for those
who spill the blood of innocents.
Everyday. Everyday, the blood
of innocent Muslims is spilled
by Western governments
and their war on terror.
And you, you represent them.
Please Zaheer...
You are one of them.
Please. There is still time.
Allah ho akbar.
Mom, Mom. I was so
worried about you.
It's all right,
baby. It's all right.
Where's dad?
And Zaheer? I'm so
happy you're okay.
If anything would
have happened to you.
I'm all right. I'm all right.
Assalum aleikum. When
they said I had a visitor.
I assumed it was my solicitor.
I have to know something, Junaid.
When did this happen to Zaheer?
When did you burn on this path?
Allah showed him the
path of enlightenment.
Junaid, I don't...
After his father died, you were
not around in Pakistan but I was.
I'm sorry about Zaheer.
He was a great soldier.
There will always be casualties
because we're in a holy war.
It's not my war.
It is, now.
How are you? Oh, I'm sorry.
That's a stupid question.
The press are calling you a hero.
You saved hundreds,
probably thousands of lives.
I would have gladly
settled for just one more.
You did a very hard thing, Tariq.
I cannot possibly imagine
what you must be going through.
No, you can't.
Try to take some comfort in the
knowledge that he gave you no choice.
There is always a choice.
I know it's early,
but I thought I'll leave these.
Your promotion has been confirmed.
Sir, I have a Fiona Monroe on
line one. She said it's urgent.
Put her through.
Representatives for the
family of Baqir Hassan
the young man shot
to death by police
on a London train platform
today, confirmed that
the police department
has agreed to pay an
out-of-court settlement.
Inside sources confirmed
that the evidence provided by
former Police Commander Tariq
Ali, influenced their decision.