Shooting Dogs (2005)

Marie Motagoma speeds away.
Obviously ETO two lap time triumph.
The crowd is going wild here.
The crowd... Come on the crowd is going wild!
Thank you. Thank you, crowd.
Look, even the Belgians can't stay away. There's
Capitaine Delon, soldier and part time pastry chef.
Wave to Capitaine Delon.
Hello captain!
Yeah, prodigally
hysterical excitement of Belgian.
Who said that UN
weren't athletic fans? I deny it.
Was it someone else?
It certainly wasn't me.
And here comes Marie!
She's coming back.
It's looking very good for the young lady.
Time's fantastic!
I think she'll be able to set
a new world record!
We're live now to Francois, a man on
the ground. What's his analysis so far?
Hey Joe.
Okay, great analysis there from our school
groundsman as ever. Thanks for that.
And here we are.
Come on, crowd.
We're back now with Joe Conor. And she is in
the home strike. And she's looking very good.
She's looking incredibly powerful.
She's making all the way round here.
And I think she might just do it.
Three, two... I can't believe it!
It's a new world record here at the ETO.
Are we gonna celebrate
in our traditional fashion?
- Your teacher is crazy.
- I know.
Tell me Christopher,
how are your doing these days?
Full of the joys of Africa.
Tell him we miss him.
No Isabel, I don't want you
falling in love with Joe.
He is only here for the year.
I'm not having you pining.
For most, it will be fitty.
Chewing the wires again here, ladies.
No connection.
Bye, ladies.
What's this?
It's Ditu.
What is Ditu?
The shop is that way, mate.
But my father's house is this way.
It will be rude not to visit him.
You know, you wouldn't wanna be in
a hurry in this country, would you.
My father has been making banana bier.
Whatever happens next,
let him make you try it.
- Why?
- It's disgusting.
He says: 'Do you want to drink?'
That is disgusting.
Oh, smell that!
What is that, Irish blossom?
- I think that smell is from sewage.
- What?
You know the problem with you Francois,
is that you never stop and smell the roses.
- What roses?
- Any roses.
Tell me where the roses are
and I will smell them.
Hey look, what's that?
- Francois Kuseef.
- Joe!
Sex - male.
Appaling photographs!
Who were they?
Well, I know you, don't I?
You go to my school sometimes.
Aaron, isn't it?
Make it every day next time.
What have you got for me?
Passion fruit today.
What are those men doing?
They're making a list of
Tutsi families in the area.
Hi mom, it's me.
Listen to this.
Those are sounds of rush hour in Kigali.
I sent you a package last week so
it will be right in the middle of next year.
I'm sorry.
So yes, that's about it, really no use.
I hope your knee is better.
I guess I...
Rachel. What's the news?
I wanna good bier.
Not that local shit.
Hi, Joe.
Two beer.
What's the matter?
Penapocachera, covering the peace around here.
Mostly Tutsis.
All of a sudden this bunch of Hutu folks
turn out stumbling into Tutsis and shoot.
- Shoot?
- Yeah.
And the police just doing 'fuck off'.
You alright?
This place is supposed to be a point where Hutu and Tutsi can
live together in peace and harmony like Cabernet and Merlot,
all blended together into
one glorious Bordeaux.
I guess, Rome wasn't built in a day.
Yeah, never will be when your government
says that Tutsis are scum.
So when some old granny gets her face
half sliced, it's obviously Tutsi provocation.
Hey Rach, where's my fucking beer?
Sorry, Joe.
No worries.
God bless.
Alright, come on.
Quiet, please.
Are there any more questions?
Yes, George.
So is Jesus inside the bread?
He's not exactly inside.
Then why do you eat him?
He's not a sandwich though.
That's a very good question.
We don't eat him.
When we eat the bread
we're taking communion.
So, when we're eating the bread
we're also eating the body of Jesus.
So he is in the bread.
Jesus is in everything.
He is in every human heart, everything
we see and touch, everything we feel.
Now can anyone tell me
why is Easter important?
Jesus died on the cross and went to heaven
and his father sacrificed him for us.
And why did he die on the cross?
Because he loved us.
Geography I think.
Take your books out.
No talking please.
Okay. I thought you remember, last week
we're looking on the map on page 15.
Councilor Sibomana,
how is life in high politics?
Just in time for the country, father.
Too many challenges.
So what do we owe to the pleasure
of your company today?
I thought you could pick up
the equipment you mentioned of.
Yes of course.
Is there anything more peaceful
than technical college this day?
Well chaos resumes on Monday.
And perhaps even a bit overcrowded
with your guests from the United Nations.
No, it's plenty of room.
Well we're certainly indebted
to their presence here.
How many of them are here now?
I am not pervaded the
exact numbers, I'm afraid.
But not so many that could cause a problem.
Well, a delight to see you
as always, Christopher.
And thank you for the hurdles.
- God bless.
- Take care councillor.
How was he?
Mercifully brief.
What did he want?
He was curious about your
well-being, Charles, as usual.
Thanks for your contribution
back there in class.
I don't know what I'd have done without you.
It seems to me you're digging
yourself a bit of the hole.
Look at that girl, she must run in her sleep.
That girl has a crash on you, I think.
I think so.
It's probably just a phase.
Yeah go on, get lost.
You're alright?
What's that word "nienzii"?
It means cockroaches.
They call all Tutsi cockroaches.
- It's stupid.
- Yeah.
Isn't that your dad?
Everyday I see you Joe,
you get a little more African.
I'm trying.
Will you watch football tonight, Roland?
It's Ivory Coast and Nigeria.
Nigeria will be wiping up the floor with them.
Can place a small bet on that?
It wouldn't be fair to take your money, Joe.
It'll be too easy.
Lucky for you, I'm a good Christian.
- Good bye.
- Bye.
What's going on, Charles?
Something at the airport.
What's going on?
The president's plane is down. He's dead.
Was it a shot down or did it crash?
We don't know yet.
Is it a coup?
Again, we don't know yet.
The school is now a weapon situ area.
We'll be digging in full-back positions.
A full-back from what?
It just a precaution.
It isn't good.
I had a similar situation in 73.
This could well be a coup.
Be prepared for that.
What do you think is gonna happen?
Well, people will come here for protection, they'd
rather be here with the UN than in their own home.
Francois, what is it?
Father Christopher, can I go home now?
No, we need you here.
Do you want to call home?
No thanks, I spoke to my mom last week.
I'd call her again if I were you.
Did you call your mother?
No, there's no international line.
Do you think we should call sister Isabel?
It's too late.
She's been through this before.
We'll call her tomorrow.
Do you hear that?
It must have been the mortar
or artillery or something.
Go to bed and get some rest.
Easier said than done.
Well try. You're gonna need it.
- Good night.
- Good night.
I can still call my mom.
Father Christopher, there are people at the gates.
Tell them to open the gates.
This is a military base.
Not a refuge camp.
Actually it's a school.
My school.
She says they heard gunshots.
So they decided to go to her brother's.
There were Hutu men on the street with guns...
...looking for Tutsis to kill.
They knew where everybody lived.
They had a list.
Did you see anyone else
you know from school?
Okay, I've got a job for you.
I want you to go inside, find the phonebook and call everybody
you know from school and tell them to come here, alright?
- Yes.
- Okay.
I'm sorry, I don't understand.
Francois, come here.
Tell him, he can tell me.
No listen, tell him and then he'll tell me.
What was that about?
I'm Hutu, Joe.
The Tutsis hate all Hutu.
They have kids here,
they don't hate you.
Joe, you don't understand.
So tell me. Make me understand.
The Tutsis want to become masters again.
To them we are just slaves.
- It's government propaganda.
- It's true, Joe.
Those who will not be slaves,
they will kill inside their beds.
You don't believe that shit.
If they can shoot our president,
no Hutu is safe.
Hutus must protect themselves or die.
I have to go.
You will be safe?
I'll go to my father's house.
Nobody's answering the phone.
Right, okay. Come on.
The front and back gates have been
fortified and the perimeter is secure.
We are apparently
hosting 400-450 refuges.
Mostly Tutsi.
We can't cope with many more.
There will be more to come. They know
you are here, they're looking for protection.
My order is I'm not to allow this
school to become a safe haven.
But you are peacekeepers.
Surely you are here to prevent bloodshed.
Peacekeepers? No.
Our mandate is very clear. We are here to monitor
the peace between Hutu and Tutsi. That is all.
Why did you bring all these guns?
Our rules of engagement allow the
use of weapons only in self-defense.
In fact to use the M-2 machine gun, I must even obtain
the approval of the Secretary General himsef.
Our mandate is not to enforce the peace,
but to monitor it.
Alright Capitaine, I can understand the difference.
Certainly these people won't.
Greenwich meantime.
Violence has broken out in the central
African republic of Rwanda,
following the death of Hutu president Juvenal
Habyarimana in a plane crash, yesterday evening.
Sources loyal to the government are blaming members of the local
Tutsi minority. They are suspected to attack the plane by rocket fire.
White men coming in big car.
To make whinings.
Christopher, I need to put them
somewhere with facilities.
Yes, of course.
We must have the facilities.
Last time they had the old offices there.
Thank you.
- Isn't that nice?
- It's really nice.
Can I use a tow truck for a while?
For what?
For Marie and Roland to bring them here.
It's not a good idea.
It's two roads there,
it would take a couple of minutes.
Straight there and back.
Hello? Anybody home?
Hello, Roland?
No, I'm a teacher.
It's really weird out there, Christopher.
And I didn't see anybody.
That's strange.
I'm gonna need your help in the chapel shortly.
I couldn't find the Motagomas
and their house was empty.
They're over there.
I saw them five minutes ago.
Marie, where have you been?
I have just been at your house.
We had to come back way.
They were road-blocks everywhere.
Well you are safe now
and that's what matters.
Listen, classrooms are getting pretty busy, why don't you
take my room? It will be much more comfortable for you.
Thank you, Joe. But, you see, many of our
neighbors here. I think we should be with them.
You're sure?
Thank you for coming to find us.
Surely there's no time to celebrating already.
Well, I just wanted to inform you that I shall be giving a briefing
of the situation as we know it to everyone at 6.00 hours.
Everyone, Charles?
The Europeans.
The indication are that it is a coup.
There's also a word that the detachment
of French regime may be sent here.
In case of a need to evacuate.
It may become unattainable to provide
security for these many Tutsi.
Around here we just call them Rwandans.
Who is in charge here?
My name is Ingulimziwa.
I am the former minister of
this so-called government.
And I must tell you that the killing going on
outside is not simply random. This is all planned.
You must alert your superiors in New York.
You must intervene.
Sir, we are here as peace monitors, nothing more.
There's no mandate for anything else.
Captain, you're no doubt aware what
the Nazis attempted to do with the Jews.
Of course.
This is what we are facing here.
These Hutu extremists, who have taken
control, even call this "the Tutsi problem".
They plan to wipe the Tutsi out.
Do you understand me?
All of them.
She says, she was hiding behind her house.
There were Interahamwe in the streets.
Intera what?
Militias, gangs of militia.
Interahamwe means "those who strike together".
They were checking identity cards, like this.
She said she was very scared
because she's a Tutsi.
She saw one woman and her baby girl.
They kicked the woman in the stomach
and began to take off her clothes.
One of them took the baby by the feet and
swung her against the tree, so the baby hit her had.
They kept swinging
until the baby was dead.
Listen to me, you are safe here.
But I'm Tutsi.
If we all stay together in here then we're safe.
There's too many people here, alright?
I promise you.
There has been some rumour
and speculations around.
I'll ask you to disregard anything but the facts.
Our best analysis is that a coup has occurred.
We've been assured that an government
will be restored very soon in the meantime.
We are on full contact with your embassies.
And of course an evacuation protocol
is being put into effect.
What does he say?
He says everything is going to be alright.
My father would like to speak to you.
One at a time.
We have organized ourselves.
There will be three groups, one will be security,
watching people who are coming in.
We have some people here
who are embassy workers.
And the third group will do food.
Okay good, that's great.
We have all agreed that we shall only
have one meal a day. That's at 4 o'clock.
So we need a steady food supply and something to measure
the right food. Can you find these things for us, please?
Sure. I can ask father Christopher.
- Thank you.
- Okay.
Listen, they're doing a really good job outside, organizing
themselves, but they're gonna need some stuff from us.
Fine. I'll see to that after Mass.
The Mass?
I am priest in a catholic country, Joe.
This is what I do.
It's in the job description.
Yeah, sure.
Do you think it's the best time for that?
Time's a stress, people need to commune with God.
I think maybe they'll prefer some food.
Water, just put a reassurance.
Well, come to Mass.
Get all free on the same ticket.
It's been a 10th night here
in Rwandan capital Kigali.
The normally bustling streets
are now completely deserted.
Except for angry soldiers,
loyal to the former president.
...and shooting bodies is becoming common.
Militias with machetes and clubs rule the streets.
And what appears to have been a deliberate plan to
massacre Tutsis. Thousands have now been executed.
- Councilor.
- Father Christopher.
These are difficult times,
such uncertainties.
Please, be careful.
Tutsis have spies everywhere.
Some might even be in your school.
I appreciate your concern
for our welfare, councilor.
Of course the welfare of
our citizens is paramount.
Well, you could deal some blankets,
a fuel for the generator - that sort of thing.
Perhaps tomorrow, my superior
colonel Bugesera has asked...
He has asked me to ask you, perhaps
have a small word with your Belgian guests.
My government is uncomfortable with the idea of
United Nation soldiers guarding those poor people in your school.
We would prefer Rwandans protecting Rwandans.
Well, I'm not sure that it is my position
to talk to the capitaine about that.
Of course you know him better than I.
Though I'm sure he will listen to you.
His mind must be on those missing men.
What missing men?
Ten Belgian UN soldiers.
They were kidnapped while
guarding our Prime Minister.
A terrible business, terrible.
Well, I'll see what I can do.
Thank you.
That would be very nice.
Yes it's true. The detachment of 10 soldiers
were protecting the prime minister.
He said they were kidnapped.
It's possible. We don't know where they are.
So what happened to the prime minister?
She's dead. Murdered.
Look, it might sound weird, right.
But what about this.
We could call a bishop and get him to come to this school,
not to give a Mass but for a talk or symbol, you know.
It's not gonna make any difference.
Wait a minute, you can think about it.
You know him well so call him, get him round here.
I don't think so, Joe.
Well look, if he came then what kind
of signal will that send out?
I know you don't think we can make a difference.
We passed all that!
If the UN now being targeted.
Then we are way beyond that.
I must call sister Isabel again.
What's he saying?
Who will fill the empty graves?
The cockroaches are hiding in the churches.
They are hiding in the schools.
What's going on?
They are discussing how to rush and what's left.
Can we have a word?
Don't bite my head off,
but I have an idea.
Nobody knows what's happening here right?
So we should get on the TV cameras.
What would that do?
You know, nothing exist if it's not on TV. So we get the cameras
in here and the rest of the world sees what's happening.
And they'll have to do something.
How do we achieve that?
I can go and get Rachel Watson,
she's with the BBC. Staying at the Morahl.
But I can't let you go outside alone.
Fine, I'll get the UN to give me an escort.
I'm sorry my central command would never agree.
Charles, your mandate is about peacekeeping.
If you help me get the BBC and that will help to keep the peace.
You know that.
Just one vehicle.
Just one.
It's possible.
Give me a minute.
- Charles.
- No escort.
But you just said...
No escort! Leave now.
What a fuck is that!
They don't give me an escort.
I'm going get Francois at his dad's place.
He's Hutu, so, you know... He's with me.
- Everybody knows this truck anyway.
- Wait here.
Our missing soldiers have been found.
They were taken to a government
barracks and executed.
Oh my God, I'm so sorry.
You realize it? No one safety
can be guaranteed now.
The time has come to do your duty!
The army cannot do their job alone,
it is up to you the people!
Go to the roads.
Work at the roadblocks!
Is Francois here?
No thank you.
Is Francois... Thank you.
Madame, is your son here?
The news are screaming for
two ways every half hour, Joe.
From 9 to 3 minutes for me tonight.
There are over 1,5 thousand
people hiding at school.
Yeah, there's 2000 Tutsis hiding at Sainte Familie
and God knows how many at the stadium as well.
We also have about 40 Europeans, hiding.
When it started off it was just
the army doing the killings.
No it's spreading to everyone, they're all killing
Tutsis - the ordinary people, police, everyone.
I haven't seen such fucking machetes in my life.
Fuck, the militia.
Oh, shit!
Everyone around here knows us.
Lucky us.
Just take the tape back.
You push the blue button on the top.
I'll show you...
Joe, look at me.
Keep looking at me. Alright?
Look at me.
Take the fucking tape back!
Joe, look at me.
Joe, keep looking at me.
Just at me.
Do you know him?
Well I think that we've crawled the wall,
all things considered.
Go back a bit.
- Do you see it?
- Yeah.
- They're never gonna show this.
- Just get on taping that.
You're okay?
I heard about the road block.
Not everything.
Francois was there.
He is a killer. He is one of them.
Did you see him kill anyone?
He had a machete in his hands it was blood
on the blade. It was... blood on his hands.
I'm sorry.
Capitaine Delon, how do you
view the situation now?
Extremist Hutu elements are targeting the
Tutsi minority and anyone who supports them.
You know there are people being
killed right outside these gates.
So why can't the UN stop this slaughter?
We do not have a mandate for that.
We can only fire if fired upon.
The parameters of our operation are very clear.
Some people are starting to call this
a genocide. Would you call it that?
Because you know that if this is genocide
you are obligated to intervene.
Stop the camera, please.
Stop it now!
What's going on here
is not my choice, okay?
Being here and doing nothing
is also not my choice.
I'm a military commandor with a
mandate to observe. I can do no more.
You are the UN, show it.
But I'm not the Security Council.
They make our mandate.
Why don't you call New York and get a chance, because, let me
tell you, we have tried. And please, let me know how far you get.
There are Interahamwe outside both gates now.
It'd be as well being story surrounded.
You know I just don't understand
why did they kill those UN soldiers?
What a stupid people.
They must have known
it'd have repercussions.
Perhaps they wanted repercussions.
In Somalia 18 Americans died.
It was enough to force a complete withdraw.
As you see these are not stupid people.
Will the UN withdraw?
What you think, Charles?
At the moment my orders
are to remain in position.
But if your orders change?
I'm a soldier.
Can't imagine what
it must be like for you.
Whoever wanted to talk.
If any of your men ever wanted to talk.
My grandparents were Belgian, from Mehanen.
When the Nazis came through that town, they took
in as many Jews as they could 20, maybe 30 people.
Everyone asked to hand them over. But my grandparents
saved those people. I was always proud of that.
Stop it!
Stop it immediately!
What's going here?
He was walking across over there with a machete.
He is Interahamwe.
You all stay calm.
You all stay calm.
Are you alright?
I'm afraid, Joe.
- Everything's alright here.
- For you maybe.
See that woman there, her name is Rachel.
She's with the television crew.
And they gonna film us. If they are
filming us, no one can touch us.
You're okay?
Why did you come here?
You know, growing up...
I had everything that kid can want.
And... it's just me trying to say
"thank you" I guess.
Trying to make a difference.
I know it. I catch myself sometimes thinking
"Well done, Joe. You are really doing it. "
You are starring in your own film.
And then there's all this.
Last year in Bosnia
I felt exactly the same way.
How was that?
Great actually.
Best stuff I've ever done.
Cried every day.
Strangely enough over here... not a tear.
I guess you get on to it.
Just worse than that.
Anytime I saw a dead Bosnian woman,
white woman, I feel... that could be my mom.
Over here they're just dead Africans.
All things the same.
We're all just selfish pieces of work.
- Shit. What the fuck is that?
- That's all right. It's just the generators.
I'm surprised that didn't happen already.
- Where is it coming from?
- It's there.
Breathe and push!
Good girl.
Breathe and push.
Remember to breathe.
We have the head.
Oh yes. Push!
Push Edda, you are doing really well. Come on.
She wants to call the baby Christopher.
Thank you.
I think, Christopher is an awful name.
The fathers at Yamata have been murdered.
In that church.
Father Jean?
And all the parishioners. Hacked to death.
Jesus Christ.
I have not seen this before.
Did you get to the convent?
The line is dead.
What you're doing?
I've set Mass every Monday
with that convent for 12 years.
I have to go.
It's not gonna make any difference
that you're priest or you are white.
They don't care who you are anymore.
- I'll be aright.
- You won't be alright. I've been out there and it's falling apart.
They might already be dead.
That's not the point.
This baby is not well.
He has a fewer.
There's also discharge
coming from his eyes.
There's nothing here.
You know exactly what we need?
- First the medicine, then the convent.
- You don't have to do this, you know.
Yes I do, Joe.
Good morning, Julius.
Good morning.
I need some medicine.
We have some, I think.
What is the child's name?
Do you have the medicine?
And what is the child's address?
Do you have the medicine?
Follow me.
This child is Hutu or Tutsi?
Wait here.
I knew I had it.
It will help him.
Take a lot of care out there.
Thank you.
Father Christopher.
It's me, remember the hurdles?
You see?
No, it's medicine.
It is my medicine.
We need you to tell the rest of the school
that we are having problems with the dogs.
The dogs, outside the gate,
eating the bodies.
Can you please just inform everyone
that we have a health problem here.
We are going to shoot the dogs.
If they hear gunshots,
they should not panic. Okay?
Did they open fire?
Did they open fire, Charles?
Did who open fire?
The dogs.
Were they shooting at you?
What are you talking about?
This is according to your mandate, if you are going to shoot
the dogs then the dogs must have been shooting at you first.
I'll tell you what.
Why don't we just say
'fuck the mandate'?!
And when you're finished with this health problem
maybe you'll address the other health problem?
The one over there!
With that fucking machetes.
We have no more fuel for the fire.
Use the Bibles.
We'd end go around if we share. Come on.
You know what, Joe.
People have been coming to Mass
here for God knows how long.
They get up, they go to church, they sing,
they eat the bread and then they leave.
Do you know why?
Because they are told to.
They just go through the motions without the
slightest understanding of what it is they are engaged in.
Whether they are being told to eat a wafer
or hack their own flesh and blood to death.
You are wrong, father.
I know you've made a difference.
I spent 30 years on this bloody continent.
The only thing we ever had that
ever stayed the same was hope.
I always had hope, Joe.
In fact this is all we ever had.
We are running dry.
Do you receive, Christopher into
the congregation of Christ's flock?
And so sign him with
the sign of the cross.
And intook on that here after he shall not be
ashamed to confess the faith of Christ crucified.
The man will lead his fight under his
banner against sin, the world and the devil.
And he will continue as Christ
faithful soldier and servant...
...until his life's end.
It's the French.
Bastards, they're only taking the whites.
They are only taking the whites.
- But they can't do it.
- Until your Capitaine stated, they were only taking French.
Excuse me, is there room for me on this truck?
If you hurry up - yes.
Then I wanna donate my place to one of
these people. Her name is Marie Motagoma.
No, no Rwandans.
Joe, come on, get on this truck.
For fuck sake, Joe, there's
nothing more you can do here.
I'm staying.
I believe in God, the Father Almighty,
creator of heaven and earth.
I believe in Jesus Christ,
his Son, the Lord.
Keep going.
Does he love everyone?
Does he even love those men
on the roads outside?
God does not always
like everything we do.
That's our choice.
But he loves all his children.
Has anybody seen Edda?
Edda, the woman with the baby.
Did you see Edda with the baby?
Cause I have a medicine for the baby.
Claude, have you seen Edda or Aaron?
- They are running away.
- What?
- Where?
- Over the back field.
Don't cry.
Don't cry.
How much pain can a human being take?
If you feel enough pain,
does everything just shut down?
Before you've done it.
I don't know, Joe.
Cause you think no one knew.
You think that it'd be something...
Something that you designed,
you know, shed or fell.
If you feel enough pain.
I hope so.
Yeah, God knows it.
Maybe we should ask him.
He's still around.
I think it's time we pack our bags.
You'll never leave us, papa Christopher?
Terrible things may happen
in this world, Marie.
But however terrible they are,
you are in my heart.
And you will be there until I die.
Joe, may I have a word with you?
I have orders to withdraw to the airport.
How long do we have?
We leave in 30 minutes.
Joe, you must come. If you do not
come you will die, it's very simple.
What about these people?
You must understand,
I've been given no choice.
They could have been alright.
- Come with me, Joe.
- If they knew they'd abandoned, then why would they've come?
- We don't have time for all this.
- And now there's nothing we can do.
These children might die
without taking Holy Communion.
We can do something about that.
This is the lime of God.
Happy are those who
are called to his supper.
- Body of Christ.
- Amen.
Body of Christ.
Body of Christ.
Burden that we have set down at the
door of the church for this Eucharist.
We know, we must now bear again.
But now strengthened by this
Eucharist and this community.
In the name of the Father and the Son
and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Go in peace.
Where are you going?
I'm sorry.
You promised.
I'm sorry.
Capitaine Delon.
I have a polite request.
It's just from all of us...
...the people of Kuchekiro
and refugees of this school.
We are all fathers,
mothers, sons, daughters.
We are all one family now.
And that is as one family
that we wish to die.
Therefore we politely request just before you leave us
that your soldiers use their guns to kill us.
We do not wish to be killed by machete.
The bullets will kill us all quickly.
And it will be much less pain.
I'm sorry I can not agree to your request.
If not for us...
Please spare the children the pain.
I am sorry.
Please, just the children.
I can not help you.
I have to stay.
I can't...
I know.
That's how it should be.
Why are you doing this?
You asked me, Joe, where is God in everything
that is happening in here, in all this suffering?
I know exactly where he is.
He is right here with these people, suffering.
His love is here.
More intense and profound
than I have ever felt.
And my heart is here, Joe.
My soul.
If I leave I think
I may not find it again.
Find fulfillment in everything, Joe.
Don't worry.
Good boy.
Squash up.
Good boy.
You now really squash up.
We got room for one more.
Now, stay under the cover,
don't move and not a squeak!
When I come back I want
another load ready to leave.
Where are you going?
I have an important meeting
with Bishop Vincent.
Bishop Vincent is not in Kigali.
Where are you driving to meet him?
He said he will be in Butare.
Why are you in this truck?
It's the school truck, Julius.
You know where I work.
We know each other well.
I don't understand...
You have stolen this vehicle.
No, you're just being an idiot.
This is not a joke.
Alright, I'm sorry.
But listen, Julius.
We know each other.
I don't understand why
we are having this conversation.
Put your hands on the truck.
Alright, but why can't we sit down
and talk about this for a while?
Do you want money, Julius?
Put your hands on the truck.
Nienzi lover.
Do as I say.
Look at yourselves.
Just look at yourselves.
Do you think you are saint
because you are priest?
Do you?
Do you know what's so strange,
Julius, even now?
When I'm looking at you, into your eyes,
the only feeling that I have inside me is love.
Is it true that you have a specific guidance not to use the word
'genocide in isolation', but you always took preference to the word 'act'?
I have guidance which I try
to use as best as I can.
I'm not... I have... There are formulations that we are using,
that we are trying to be consistent in our use of...
I don't have an absolute categorical prescription against something,
but I have the definitions, I have phraseology, which has been
carefully examined as best as we can
apply to examine the situation and...
How many acts of genocide
does it take to make genocide?
That's just not a question
that I'm in position to answer.
Clearly not all of the killings, that have taken place
in Rwanda are killings, to which you may apply that label.
- Good morning, mister Conor.
- Good morning, sir.
This place is very hard to find.
Yes, I know.
So this is where Father Christopher went to school?
He was a young priest here.
He made a big sacrifice for us.
I remember he would say
"Sacrifice is the most you can love someone".
You know, when I was running
I thought of you in my head.
You remember that day
when you were commentating?
It was so strange, when I was running for my life
I was so frightened, but they were in my head.
Talking and talking,
like you wouldn't shut up.
Why did you leave us?
I was afraid to die.
We are fortunate.
All this time we've been given.
We must use it well.