Shootout at Wadala (2013)

11th January 1982.
Until that day,
there were no major skirmishes...
between the Bombay police
and the underworld...
that the public remembered.
I was all fired up...
to change the course of history.
I am...
Manya Surve!
I am Assistant Commissioner
of Police, Afaaque Baagraan.
I was to change
the course of history.
Until that day, the police force was
shackled by laws and directives.
I unshackled them!
This is the tale of that
very first police encounter.
what's the answer
to the fifth question?
Show me.
Yes 7
What's up, Manohar?
All good.
Through with your tests?
Yes .
How did you do?
How long are you going to sulk?
You look better when you smile.
Here... - Don't talk to me!
Couldn't you help me?
It was one question...
What's wrong is wrong and...
'And I never do anything wrong!'
Tell me something...
we've been seeing each
other for four years.
We love each other but you've
never taken me to your place...
you haven't introduced
me to your mother yet!
Now isn't that wrong?
All in good time.
'All in good time!'
I haven't met your family yet, wonder
when you will meet my family!
I will do both!
But first stop sulking
and stop fighting.
You fight when someone hurts you...
And it hurts when you love someone.
Have this.
Will you marry me even if
your mother doesn't approve of me?
No way!
I'll go with my mother's choice.
This is Vidya.
I told you about her.
Season's greetings.
Today is a very auspicious day!
Come in...
Manya is lucky to have you.
What's a sweet girl
like her doing with you?
she loves him.
And why not?
This family is famous
for two things.
Mom's chicken gravy
and her blue-eyed boy.
Aren't you on the run?
On the run for what?
Just because I beat up Bhatkars
goon and broke his ribs?
When you aren't here,
Bhatkars goons harass us.
They ask about you.
How long do we continue like this?
When will this be over?
It will be over soon, trust me.
Once I get rid of Bhatkar,
everything will be fine.
Don't think about this.
You should think
about Manya's wedding.
It will be a grand event.
We'll put up lights for three
days and play movies for everyone.
Bhargav. - Manohar.
What the.. Leave me.
Leave me.
Leave me.
why don't you do something?
What if he is your step-brother?
Save him...
Or he will die.
Save him...
I've grown up with
what you saw today.
My step-dad could barely
afford to feed us...
but he beat the hell out of us!
My mom...
she was so busy saving
me from his rage"
...that she forgot to save herself.
That is why graduating from
college is very important for me.
I could have told you
the answer during the test...
but I don't want to do anything
that will bring down my ambition.
Once I graduate and get a job...
I will walk away from it all.
Don't worry, Manohar.
Everything will be okay.
Can you not be on time for once?
The test results are out today.
I went to the temple to pray.
Oh please!
My mom and dad will be here soon.
But first the results.
You have to meet them.
Of course!
Oh yes.
- Vishal...
- Yes.
Roll number 118...
what did I score?
Let me check.
Section 302.
What will you do with the result?
Even if the ink in
your pen is clean...
you have rogue blood
running through your veins.
What did I do?
You and your brother
are charged with murder.
But I did nothing.
Why are you hitting me?
Are you embarrassed of
being hit in front of everyone?
Weren't you embarrassed
when you committed murder?
This is not right, sir.
You stopped a policeman?
How dare you?
Why are you beating him up?
What's going on?
Who is he?
I don't know.
Open it.
Please let me go.
I studied hard so that I could
be an honest family man like you.
Ho nest?
What makes you think I am honest?
My own kids think I'm a scoundrel.
Sir, this will ruin my life.
Please, I did nothing wrong.
You are right.
You did nothing wrong.
Your father did everything wrong.
He gave birth to two rascals!
Book him under section 302!
Get in!
To hell with Bombay Police!
You tricked me...
you betrayed--
Shut up!
Shut up!
Your game is over.
- Pawar...
- Yes sir.
- Take us to Sion Hospital.
- Okay.
All of you have betrayed us.
If you had respected
the police uniform.. wouldn't be down in the dust.
I'll be down in the dust
the day I turn into ash.
I am still alive.
Your bullets turned
out to be useless.
I'm surprised...
your blood seems to have run dry...
but you haven't lost the nerve!
You know, destiny gives everyone
their fair share of life...
but now your destiny
has reached it's end.
First bring the criminals
sentenced for life.
Come on.
Get in line. Move.
He won't be hungry.
Rather than let your
share of food go waste,
it's better that Sheikh Munir
has everything from your plate.
You shared your meal with me,
so I owe you.
Otherwise you would be lying
on this table like your brother.
Remember this...
in here you can fight,
kill or be killed.
But you can't talk.
Never talk to the jailer.
Get it?
Who was it?
I don't know.
I didn't see the face.
It's your first day in here
and you're talking like a pro!
If your fancy dress competition
is over, can I leave?
Let them go and lock
up Potya in a solitary cell.
thank you.
You can drop the thank you.
Two bottles of alcohol
is the price...
to kill you and your brother.
Whom did you kill?
No one... I am innocent.
You know, an innocent in a jail"
"and a condom in a brothel
have absolutely no value!
You look for one,
you'll get a thousand!
The thing is he got one bottle"
and in four weeks
Potya will be released...
and head for the second bottle.
That means,
you have four weeks to live and...
Potya has four weeks to drink.
I have four weeks to plan.
And who will help you?
Why would I do that?
Because you owe me-.
If you don't go up to heaven, one
day you will surely reach the top.
When is the wedding?
Next month...
but I haven't said 'yes'.
Why not?
Whom are you waiting for'?
Don't you want me to wait for you?
You wouldn't ask
if you really wanted to!
If you weren't locked up in here,
I wouldn't need to ask!
Is it my fault that I am in here?
Are you saying that
I am to blame for this?
When you know the answer,
why do you want me to say it?
Are you fighting with
me or breaking up with me?
I am doing precisely
what you are here for!
I am giving you your freedom.
Freedom isn't meant
for either of us.
You are locked up in jail
and I am paying the price for it.
What price are you talking about?
You are out in the open.
You can get married
to anyone you want.
You can live the life
both of us dreamed of.
What do you want me to do?
Say 'yes'.
Your test results...
It doesn't matter anymore.
this is Veera.
He is so strong
he can crush anyone.
The inmates fear Potya...
but they not only fear Veera,
they also respect him.
If anyone can help you...
it is Veera.
What do you want?
I want to learn from you.
Everybody wants to learn...
but fighting isn't for kids.
And I'm not a kid.
I'll do everything you say.
It's the student that
makes his master great.
If Eklavya hadn't
cut off his thumb...
no one would remember Drona today.
I'm ready to become Eklavya.
He cut off his own thumb...
I'll cut off my own hand.
What do you say?
In that case, you found Drona!
The Olympic games state...
victory and defeat don't matter...
you have to play with pride.
I say to hell with pride,
'cause here your life is at stake!
Kill or be killed!
Manya, use the knife!
The new don of Yerwada prison...
Manya Surve.
A man has to become an animal
before he can become a human being.
I chose the opposite route.
You will always be an animal..
And that's why you
will die a dog's death!
All thanks to the police.
Mothers don't give
birth to criminals...
it's the police that
makes criminals out of men!
It I hadn't killed Potya,
he would've killed me.
Death was always eager
to close in on you.
But you are fortunate that.. surrendered
to your charm once again.
I am shocked, officer.
I thought you are a coward
who shoots fake bullets...
but you are also a philosopher.
When I was in prison using
my charm to seduce life...
what were you up to?
Back in those days the Mastan
gang was terrorizing Bombay.
And the cops were
helpless because"
...the laws and official
diktats gave no recourse.
Move back.
Did you take the
victim's statement?
She is in no state to talk...
and I'm in no state to face her.
Help her to sit.
Cover him.
Step out.
I can't change what has happened...
but I promise that no one else
will go through this pain again.
And for that I need you to help me.
Don't be afraid...
tell me what happened.
My husband and I came from
Lucknow to celebrate our honeymoon.
We had returned from
watching a movie...
and my husband was
taking the key to our room.
That's when those goons
came down and kept staring at me.
My husband and I
came up to our room.
I was in the bathroom when...
Where's she?
Where's she? - What happened?
There were two jerks.
Only the Mastan gang is
capable of such atrocious acts.
Question the hotel
staff and watchman.
No one will testify.
Why not?
If they don't talk,
torture them until they do.
We will torture them,
but they will kill them.
Who will testify against
the Mastan gang"
and see their
kids become orphans?
I have promised the girl that...
I won't let anyone else
suffer what she went through.
Is that promise worthless?
At a time when even
the cops are worthless" are holding on to a promise?
Stop talking like a coward!
We are responsible
for what happened to her.
I agree someone
else stripped her...
but it's our apathy that
ripped away her dignity.
And to make things worse...
you talk to him.
Waleku m-a-salaam.
his polite mannerisms
are very potent.
I mean,
you solved another big case.
So, what do you think?
I don't think it was difficult.
The crime took place
in a crowded area...
so you have plenty
of eye-witnesses.
And our cops are renowned
for their competence.
When a lion grows old,
even dogs bark at him.
You too can say what you want.
Tomorrow when you print
this report in your newspaper...
the morale of the
cops will go for a toss!
What morale are you talking about?
The eunuchs have better
morale than the cops.
I mean, you can blame
nature for their plight...
but what's your excuse?
Giving advice is easy, Sadik.
Do you have a solution?
Of course, I do.
Have you seen the film, 'Sholay'?
Not another story!
There was a dialogue
in that film...
'Only iron can cut iron.'
What are you getting at?
Zubair and Dilawar Haksar.
Constable llmtiaz's sons?
Yes .
Since you can't get Dharmendra
and Amitabh from Sholay...
you'll have to make do with them.
Where can I find them?
Salaam-walekum. - Salam!
Zubair lmtiaz Haksar.
Dilawar lmtiaz Haksar.
Get inside.
I want you to work for me.
Doing what?
The same thing you
were doing back there.
You mean what the cops
don't have the guts to do.
No, I mean, what the
cops aren't permitted to do.
I want this city clean...
and for that it's important
to wipe out the Mastan gang.
With that sort of cleaning...
the streets of Bombay will be
drenched in blood, not soap water.
Will do.
The cops won't trouble you,
I can guarantee you that.
I'm impressed.
That sounds like Subhash Chandra
Bose's independence slogan...
'Give me your blood and
I'll give you your freedom.'
Do you accept?
We'll think about it.
Dilawar said, we'll think about it.
You're saying 'Sholay'..
...transformed Dilawar and
Zubair from a spark to a flame?
'Sholay' did a lot more.
Sadik believed himself to be...
'Thakur' and Dilawar and
Zubair as his 'Jai and Veeru'.
Under that presumption...
he published the pictures of
Yakub and Batla in his newspaper.
Walekum, Sadik.
Waleku m-a-salaam...
Check out the first page.
I can't believe you
published their pictures.
Is that a wise move?
It's the truth.
It may not be wise
to speak the truth...
but it's better than
to lie like a coward.
Sometimes cowardice
helps people stay alive.
It's heartening to see
the concern in your advice.
Well, it's our duty to warn you.
And it's my duty
to publish the facts.
As long as you are around,
I have nothing to worry.
Did you meet Bhende?
You recommended us to him?
You want us to work for the cops?
Not at all.
In fact,
the cops will work for you.
Is that so?
- Shinde...
- Yes sir.
Get the Head Office to send an
arrest warrant for Batla and Yakub.
Bhende, request for
ammunition from the armory.
Keep the force on standby.
We have to move fast.
Their pictures and address
are out in the newspaper.
We have all the information
except their blood group.
The newspaper has
made our task easy.
The least we can do is arrest them.
No cops have ever
entered that area.
I know.
That's why those scoundrels do what
they want, wherever they want to.
I am going there to arrest them.
You are welcome to come along.
We will go in wearing uniforms
and come out in a shroud.
Let's tie the shroud on our head.
Once we arrest Yakub and Batla, we
can pin the medals on our uniform.
What do you say?
Let's go!
Everybody wants to be a hero.
Amitabh Bachchan has
brainwashed everybody!
How much? - .50 paise.
It can't get easier than this.
He is alone.
A bull may stand alone but...
his flock is sure to be around.
11 o'clock.
2 o'clock.
What's our move?
12 to 3 is yours.
Bhende, you take on 3 to 6.
And I will handle 6 to 12.
What happened?
Forget it.
Your picture doesn't
do you justice.
You are more fearsome in real life.
Do you have any idea
what you've just said?
How dare you come into
my area and insult me?
Come along quietly or...
this picture will be part
of tomorrow's obituary column.
Who are you?
Afaaque Baagraan... - Tea.
Inspector Afaaque Baagraan.
You are here to take me away?
Yes .
Police van.
There's no police van
that can hold Yakub Lala.
In that case...
I'll call for an ambulance.
Don't move or you're dead.
Take him.
That was a fabulous sequence.
You should sell
it to a film producer.
Instead of a medal,
you'll get money.
I got something better
than medals and money.
Satisfaction that Bombay had...
one less scoundrel to fear.
While you arrested one...
two more were planning their
escape from Ratnagiri prison.
Manya! Come.
Mince meat for lunch?
You're right!
I am sure I have sauted potato.
What did I tell you?
Sauted potato and okra!
I'm tired of this.
The okra is good.
What do you think you're doing?
- Where's your lunch box?
- I don't have one.
Your wife didn't pack
lunch for you today?
She gave nothing!
That's nothing new.
- Hello?
- Your wife cooks mince meat well.
Can't stop licking my fingers.
Didn't she pack that
for your son's lunch?
Who is this?
Where is my son?
He is in school right now.
But when they have their
lunch break in 30 minutes...
and your son opens his lunch box...
instead of mince meat,
he will get a bomb.
And instead of your son,
you will get mince meat.
Ambat, trace this call
and get Batla's location.
Bhende, head to the
school with a squad.
Get the car.
check the classrooms on the ground
floor and also check the ground.
Move it!
Hey... - What?
You do something wrong
and we'll stop you.
You commit a crime
and we'll shoot you.
As long as you're around,
so will we.
And this strife will continue...
strife will continue.
No, sir...
But we never drag our
family into this mess.
You better remember this, Batla.
Take him away.
Come on.
Let's go. Come on.
the law doesn't allow
me to grant you this right.
But my religion doesn't allow
me to snatch this right from you.
Take this...
Take this...
And do as you wish.
You and me aren't very different.
Our weakness was our family.
You saved your son...
and were proclaimed a hero.
While I saved my brother
and was branded zero.
You could've become a better
person in prison, if you wanted to.
But it's more tempting to become
completely ruthless, isn't it?
Second chances are
found only in stories...
not real life.
My story was set
in stone the day...
that crook Inspector Ambolkar falsely
accused me in the police FIR.
Is that why you.. a string of FIR's
in every police station in Bombay?
No, I did something
else before that.
We haven't done anything yet...
we haven't even joined a gang.
And this is where you want to be.
That's because...
over here you don't need to
be married to enjoy the benefits.
Hey look, I am that Bruce...
who has practiced self
control for 8 long years!
At least let me take a look and...
find out if my
pistons are in order.
You don't need to check.
Weapons catch rust, warriors don't.
You're right!
Moreover, Romeo's are in
short supply here, not Juliet's!
"Only for a clay."
"For a moment."
"I want to be your bride for a day."
"I've been waiting 79' You".
"Let me bathe in this
fragrance of love."
"Only for a clay."
"She'll steal your heart."
"She'll steal your life."
"She'll steal your loyalty."
"Laila's gonna.."
"Laila's gonna.."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
"She'll take one look at you."
"She'll pierce your heart."
"She'll take one look at you."
"She'll pierce your heart."
"She'll change the ambiance."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
"She makes your heart throb."
"Her attitude's unique."
"She can enthrall you."
"Make you unconscious."
"Lovers hover around her."
"She can do anything."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
"Laila's got intoxicating eyes."
"Her attitude so enthralling."
"She's got a sexy gait."
"She's just awesome."
"And that curvy waist."
"She's not going to spare you."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
"She'll steal your heart."
"She'll steal your life."
"She'll steal your heart."
"She'll steal your life."
"She'll steal your loyalty."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
"Laila's gonna rob you clean."
come with me.
Let me go!
- I said, come.
- Leave my hand!
Why are you forcing her?
She's a prostitute.
And a prostitute has
no rights in a brothel.
She is a woman too.
And every woman has a right.
Are you her pimp?
Your first mistake
was to grab her hand.
Your second mistake was to hit her.
I suggest you don't
make another mistake.
Because if you do,
I'll hit you so much...
that your body won't know
which wound hurts the most!
Women have been controlling
men right from the Garden of Eden.
An apple is all I asked for and...
you threw me out of paradise!
One look at the emperor...
and the empire changed hands...
What will become of you?
The one whose hand you
are holding is my sweetheart.
If she is your sweetheart,
she doesn't belong in a brothel.
She deserves a mansion...
where people respect
her and not pay to use her!
It's not his mistake.
He protected me.
Thank you.
Hold on.
I can't accept your money.
Let me know if you
have any work for me.
Come to Mohammad Ali Road tomorrow.
Where at Mohammed Ali Road?
You don't enter an empire
and ask for the emperor's address.
The lowered heads of the slaves
will lead you on the right path.
I am Sheikh Mohammed Yunus Munir.
Born in Bhiwandi, that's where
I grew up and earned my notoriety.
At the age of 11 I committed
my first robbery and...
at the age of 13 I went
to prison for the first time.
As soon as I turned 18,
I was sentenced for 8 years.
That's enough!
You are going to ask for work,
not for your dad's dowry!
Either way, I have to ask.
And I request you not
to create any trouble.
Also button up your shirt,
don't try to be a stud!
Salaam-walekum, bhai.
I am Sheikh Mohammed Yunus Munir.
Born in Bhiwandi, that's where
I grew up and earned my notoriety.
At the age of 11 I committed
my first robbery and...
at the age of 13 I went
to prison for the first time.
What can you do?
Whatever you want me to.
arson, robbery, murder, rape...
if the girl is pretty.
What can you do?
A human body has 206 bones"
and the Indian constitution
defines 1670 laws.
I break everything
from bones to laws.
Rain helps crops grow, not thunder.
If I wanted to grow crops,
I'd till the land in a village...
I wouldn't come to
the city to use a gun.
That's the way he talks.
We just want to work with you.
But you sure use your mouth a lot.
It's better than licking
someones behind!
This is my brother, Dilawar.
Don't stare at him or
raise your voice with him.
Get it?
If today weren't the
first day of Ramadan...
we'd sell your flesh
at the abattoir!
Talk some sense into him.
It's your territory.
Every lion has a territory.
Not just this territory.
You can go anywhere in Bombay...
there's only one lion...
Zubair lmtiaz Haksar.
Take your friend and go away.
Don't you ever come back.
I will.
And the day I come back...
the jungle will be the same...
but a different lion.
Manya...let's go"
I warned you not
to create any trouble.
Now we are doomed.
No other gang in Bombay
will ever hire us.
I don't want to
join someone's gang.
I will start my own gang.
Sounds like a plan but...
two people don't make a gang.
Who do we take on?
Here you go.
- Thank you, madam. - Okay.
Ladies and gentlemen,
today you can beat this wrestler.
Five rupees!
For five rupees you get five
minutes to vent your anger on him.
Had a tough morning with your wife?
The boss chew your brains all day?
Rising inflation eating your wages?
Your wife trying
to seduce your neighbor'?
Worried your salary
will never be enough?
This is your chance
to vent your anger!
Come- on!
Time up... That's it!
You are ours for
the next 10 minutes.
What are you doing here?
We want to recruit you in our gang.
If I join you,
I won't be alive for long.
You jerk, you call this life?
You were better off in prison.
At least you commanded respect.
Don't you raise your hand.
We paid the kid.
Listen, Veera...
I can't guarantee that
you will have a respectable life.
But I assure, you will
be respected as long as you live.
What do you say?
I am not as learned as you are.
But life has taught me that"
...friends and opportunities
don't come by often.
Why did you hit me?
Your time is up!
This is Gyancho, a shooter.
Is that really your name?
I was kidding... sit.
What will you have?
Ice cream?
Veera, get some
ice cream for the kid.
Very funny!
Now can we get down to business?
So, instead of playing with marbles,
you're playing with bullets.
- Or else...
- Or else what?
You'll go to your mom and cry?
I'll shoot you!
You jerk, you'll shoot me?
If you act smart, you won't be
left with any marbles at all! Punk!
Talk about being childish!
Learn to handle the weapon
before you learn to shoot.
Otherwise it may go
off at the wrong place.
Now that you think I'm a child...
do you want to see what I can do?
You are so full of yourself!
Yes, I am.
Because every bullet
fired from my gun...
salutes my marksmanship...
before taking out my mark!
Veera, give me a grape.
Let's see what you can do.
Manya, are you crazy?
What if he misses?
You'll never know.
You brought him, didn't you?
Now it's either you or the grape.
Veera, why didn't you
get a watermelon today?!
Not from here... from there.
- Manya..
Manya, we want a shooter.
Not an Olympic gold medalist...
Take it easy, you jerk!
Now that was a first.
Grape blows up there and
the juice flows down there!
Get in. Get in.
Don't move.
Get down.
You too. Come on.
Hand over the money.
Don't move or I'll shoot.
Let's go, Manya,
I've told you a million times...
Bhatkar Dada rules
over Agar Bazaar area.
And only he can demand
a share from the sales.
Yet you've come back!
What's your answer to Manya Surve?
You want an answer for Manya Surve?
You want an answer?
Come- on!
Now who the hell are you?
Manohar Arjun Surve.
Manya Surve.
Did you just piss in your pants?
From now on every
time you hear my name...
you will pee in fear!
I will pay you every week.
I swear... I will.
Look what's written.
What are you reading?
The article says Pappu
Patil is terrified and...
has refused to divulge
the name of the assailant.
According to sources
it was Manya Surve.
His terror has been spreading"
...all over Dadar and
Agar Bazaar like wildfire.
So tell me...
what do you want to talk about?
We've heard that
you don't have children.
Hence, we've found an heir for you.
Starting today 50 %of your illegal
earnings belong to Manya Surve.
When you retire in a few years,
he will take over everything.
Some years ago a cockroach like
you stepped up to become the don.
I gave him the same
example but he ignored it.
And he was squashed.
What was his name...
Surve... Bhargav Surve.
I even got Ambolkar to arrest his
younger brother under section 302.
I had them killed in prison.
That was the end of them.
If you had given us our share,
instead of narrating this tale...
your story wouldn't end today.
What do you mean?
I guess you didn't hear my name.
Manya Surve.
Bhargav Surve's younger brother.
You're going to kill
me here in this market?
What about him?
- What's your name?
- Jamaal.
You want to work?
What did you do for him?
I was his bodyguard.
Now you have to guard our bodies!
Tell me something...
what does your name mean?
Gyancho means someone
who is very intelligent.
What can you teach us today?
So, my teaching for today.
A man's world revolves
around his girl.
And there are three
chapters to every girl.
Chapter one...
When you are trying to charm her.. sing Kishore
Kumar's love songs.
"The beautiful evening..."
"Close to my heart." - Correct.
You charm her and
you start seeing her.
Chapter two...
Sing songs by Rafi.
When you've already charmed her,
why do you need Rafi's songs?
Idiot! Don't you
want some excitement?
Rafi's super romantic
songs are perfect for that.
"I can never forget."
"The moments spent together"
What's the third chapter?
Chapter three...Songs by Mukesh.
When the girl breaks your
heart and leaves you all alone...
Mukesh's soulful songs are like..
...a balm that will
soothe your heartbreak.
And then?
What else?
Start with Kishore all
over again... and a new girl.
And romance will blossom one again.
The 'Kishore,
Rafi, Mukesh' cycle keeps turning.
- Yes sir.
- What the hell is this?
How can they use such language?
Excuse me, sir...
please don't use such language.
The other guests are complaining.
It's acceptable if he
says 'fuck' in English...
But he has a problem,
if we use a cuss word in Hindi?
Tell that English speaking idiot,
'Be Indian, Abuse Indian'.
Now get lost!
Some people have
nothing better to do.
Excuse me gentlemen,
is there a problem?
I'm the manager here. - What the
Sorry, madam, we were only kidding.
Enjoy your meal.
"Hey Manya.."
"Listen Manya."
"Hey Manya.."
"Listen Manya."
"Let the booze flow."
"Just live your life."
"Hey Manya.."
"Listen Manya."
"Hey Manya.."
"Listen Manya."
"Wonder where I lost track of life."
"All my dreams were shattered."
"The wind drifted us apart."
"We danced to the tunes of fate."
"The intoxication soothes my pain."
"Let the booze flow."
"Hey Manya.."
"Listen Manya."
"Let the booze flow."
"Let the booze flow."
"Just live your life."
After returning to Bombay
didn't you meet your mother?
If I had been released from prison,
I would have.
But when you escape from prison.. don't find your
mother on that path.
A mother always
forgives her children.
She would've forgiven you.
No, she wouldn't...
because I was her last hope.
Now she had given
up on that hope too.
So you lost your
sweetheart and your mother.
my sweetheart was
waiting to be found.
"I felt so lifeless."
"Now we're happy,
let there be no pain."
"Only love. Only love."
"Where will my passion take me?"
"I feel alive now.."
When did you start coming here?
When you couldn't make it anymore.
I've heard your prayers
are answered at this temple.
Now I believe it's true.
I had lost hope of seeing you here.
You have a habit of...
giving up too soon.
While you have a habit of fighting.
You fight when someone hurts you.
And it hurts when you love someone.
I've heard that it hurts
less as time passes by.
That's a lie.
The pain in my heart
hasn't gone away..
...since the day you
married someone else.
What if I tell you that even after
a year I still yearned for you...
would that reduce your pain?
And after that?
Well, my parents
stopped nagging me..
And I didn't have
to say 'yes' anymore.
"I felt lost after we separated."
"Don't ever leave me again."
"Take me in your arms."
"Don't ever shatter my dreams."
"Now that we're together."
"Let there be no sorrows. Only love."
"Come closer, my fate."
"That's what I pray for."
"My heart says.."
"..I want to be yours."
"That-s my prayer."
"That-s my prayer."
"Where will my passion take me?"
"I feel alive now in your eyes."
"The sky cried along with me."
Hey... I want four boxes.
Ambolkar... remember me?
Are you a Bollywood
star that I should know you?
Manohar Arjun Surve.
Remember Bhargav Surve?
College test results...
section 302...
Bhatkar's bribe...
Of course!
When did you get out of prison?
I escaped.
Now you want to fight with a cop?
I've been fighting with
every cop because of you.
All cops are scoundrels!
Remember what you had said?
You said,
'my mother made a mistake, not me'.
Now you will regret why your
father ever slept with your mother!
I have a family...
please forgive me.
You had said, your family
knows you are a scoundrel.
It won't make a
difference to your family.
You enjoyed bringing the
Bombay police down on it's knees.
And today your
knees have given way.
What are you looking at?
Your watch.
It's a cheap HMT watch.
Not a Rolex gifted by a don.
How does it matter, officer?
Both display the time...
but yours is also
displaying your intention.
What do you mean?
When you got into this vehicle,
it was five past two.
Now it's 3 o'clock.
It takes 10 to 12 minutes to drive
from Wadala College to Sion Hospital.
And 15 minutes if
we're caught in traffic.
You've been driving
around in circles...
hoping that time will do
the job your bullets failed to do.
But I won't die so easily.
If I can fire 10 bullets
at you in a crowded area...
I can easily fire one bullet
through your head when we're alone.
You are still breathing as
these wheels are turning because...
I am interested in your story.
And I want to know
what happened next.
It's in your interest
to keep talking..
And don't try to change the end.
You will die, Manya because...
while you were alive you made life
hell for the police force and...
even God's mercy
can't save you today.
This place is awesome.
Imagine all the hot girls...
It doesn't matter...
Once the lights go off, all girls are
Hema Malini and I am Shah Jahan!
Shah Jahan was an idiot
to build the Taj Mahal.
What would you have built?
- The Qutub Minarl
- Why?
Because it's tall and it's been
standing erect for all these years!
This table is reserved.
Is it still reserved?
No, sir. Sorry.
- For whom is it reserved?
- For Zubair.
For 365 days a year, this table,
just like the rest of the city is...
reserved for it's rightful owner.
Dogs mark their territory
by pissing around the place...
since when do lions do the same?
You're funny.
Instead of becoming a don,
I suggest you become a clown.
Do you think if you hire
local goons and get rid of a cop...
you own this table?
Of course I do!
This table and this city.
I guess you don't know the difference
between owner and gatekeeper.
- Son-of-a--
- No...
today is the festival
of Gudi Padwa and...
on this day we don't
get into a fight.
I am grateful to your brother.
If he hadn't hit me back then...
today I would've been
standing behind you.
You'd stand behind
me and stab my back.
The day I attack,
I'll make sure I stab your chest!
In that case, I'll pray..
...that it's neither Ramadan
nor Gudi Padwa that day.
So you can neither run nor hide.
We'll know that day as
to who runs and who hides.
- Your drink?
- I don't drink.
He only has tea.
Why didn't you bring
your family along?
My wife went to her mother's
place and took Salman along.
You are a lucky guy, Afaaque.
I mean, I often tell Suman to visit
her mother, but she never goes
Though her mother
visits every 15 clays.
You'll catch up
while I heat the food.
Did you read today's newspaper?
Yes .
All of us knew...
that Ambolkar had it coming.
I have no problem
with him being thrashed.
It would make no difference
to me even if he were killed.
what is the problem?
The problem is he
was wearing the uniform.
Whether the uniform is
of an army officer or a cop...
it assures the people that their
country... their city is safe.
But when a local goon thrashes a
cop on duty in front of a crowd...
it's all of us who get thrashed.
The public trusts
the uniform, not us.
You think the public
trusts the uniform?
Police officers
themselves don't trust it.
Take Ambolkar for example.
He is so terrified by Manya that he
has refused to lodge a complaint.
He went to the police
headquarters dressed in a veil.. apply for a transfer.
It seems he wants to go as
far away from Bombay as possible.
What do you have to say about that?
All I am saying is,
what's happening is not good.
With a gun in hand,
even a eunuch pretends to be a man.
And a goon with a
gun thinks he is God.
Come- on!
Don't think so much about Manya.
He is a small time goon,
and soon he will die a dog's death.
Just because a match-stick is in
a match-box, people think it is...
only used to light a cigarette.
But we shouldn't forget that
the same spark when fanned by...
a breeze can engulf a pyre.
Let them burn each other's pyre!
We will warm our
hands in it's heat.
"Test me."
"Come face me."
"Test me."
"Come face me."
"My heart's open."
"You're such a flirt."
"Don't be so innocent."
"Babli's naughty."
"Babli's naughty."
"Babli's naughty."
"Don't be so innocent."
"Babli's naughty."
"I've been craving for so long."
"Let's douse these emotions."
"I've been craving for so long."
"Let's douse these emotions."
"No time to breathe."
"Just the will to give love."
"Put your heart on fire."
"Come face me."
"My heart's open."
"You're such a flirt."
"Don't be so innocent."
"Babli's naughty."
"Babli's naughty."
"Babli's naughty."
"Babli's naughty."
what's this?
You escaped from prison?
No, I've returned
from a pilgrimage.
I've been sentenced for life.
If I hadn't escaped
I'd be rotting inside.
This newspaper says you're
Bombay's most dangerous gangster.
That's wrong.
I am...
the don of Bombay.
What's gotten into you?
I can't believe you are
the Manohar I was in love with.
That Manohar is dead!
Have you ever seen the
ECG machine in a hospital?
A slant in the stripe
means the person is alive.
A straight stripe means he is dead.
The old Manohar was straight,
so he died.
The new one is not
and that's why he is alive.
The old Manohar
was weak and naive...
and the new one
is strong and shrewd.
He was innocent
yet he was imprisoned.
The new one is guilty
yet he roams freely.
The old one was afraid
of copying in a test...
while the world is
afraid of the new one!
I am not afraid, Manohar.
And if you don't give this up,
I go away.
Just like you did before?
Where will you go?
Whether a woman is a
widow or someone's wife...
there are thousands of
creeps waiting to pounce on her.
If you are with me,
no one will dare touch you.
Get it?
But you will touch me.
And there's no difference
between you and the others.
I find you disgusting.
What the--
You think there
is a dearth of women?
One word and they will do as I say.
- How is Sadik doing?
- He is critical.
Did he give a statement?
He won't talk to us but
he is talking to those jerks.
What did Sadik say?
You want to take his statement?
Then what?
Another arrest?
Just like you did before?
How did that help?
They were released
on bail in 10 days..
And this is what
they did to Sadik.
I understand your anger, Zubair.
That's why I am
tolerating your tone.
But mistake my tolerance
as my weakness.
Not just weak,
the police force is worthless.
You have guns but they
are loaded with blanks.
The bullets in a cop's
gun are solid iron!
Once you're shot..'ll never complain of iron
deficiency as long as you're alive.
Well then go after Batla and Lala.
Your words mean nothing to me.
Now we will take
charge of the situation.
Natik was like a father figure.
To avenge his death, we will torture
Mastan's gang like never before.
Take him away...
or you will lose him,
just like you lost Sadik.
Be prepared to receive two corpses!
Let's go.
If you do anything rash,
those corpses will be yours.
Forgive me, Dilawar.
Mistakes can be forgiven, not sins.
And that sin was your last mistake.
Kill him.
This tea is so refreshing!
You are unbelievable.
You are still sitting here.
It's general knowledge...
the police is always late in arriving,
so we thought we'd wait here.
Get in the car.
Do you have a warrant?
Or a witness?
The entire neighborhood
has witnessed your act.
You're standing on a bird's nest.
These witnesses are like
Gandhi's three monkeys but...
they are loyal to us.
They don't hear
anything against us...
they don't see...
they don't speak.
You want witnesses?
They will come to you.
Trust me.
What the--
Don't worry, Batla.
We aren't kind enough
to give you an easy death.
The more we make you suffer...
the better Sadik's soul will rest.
Have you ever seen a headless hen?
Have you seen it run around?
The body just can't realize
that its head is cut off.
You will run to Pydhonie Police
station like a headless hen...
and confess to all your crimes.
Sir, please arrest me.
Arrest me!
I confess to all my crimes.
I am responsible for the
Chawla Guest House incident...
I killed Sadik...
I also killed Yakub...
Who cut your hands?
I cut my own hands!
You can charge me under any section
you want, but please arrest me!
Just arrest me.
Move it.
Arrest me...
Hello, sir.
What's the latest?
I've got solid information.
Today the underworld
in Bombay will witness..
...something that's
never happened before.
Truce between Mastan
and the Haksar brothers.
- Where?
- At Maqsood's house.
We have come together
for a truce...
not to quarrel like street dogs.
Sir, we respect you a
lot and that's why we are here.
We honor your judgment.
I promise you we won't
wage this blazing war anymore.
But if anyone tries
to kindle a spark...
we will reduce them to ashes!
do I have your word on this?
Sir, we are all Muslims here.
And a true Muslim always
sticks by his word.
All of you...
Let's keep our hands
on the Holy Koran...
and make this truce solemn.
That historic truce was
more of an orchestrated act.
They took a solemn
oath on the Holy Koran.
They considered the Koran holy,
I didn't.
Alamzeb and Amirzada were traitors.
Zubair and Dilawar failed
to see their true colors.
You knew them yet you
joined hands with them?
When two people have
a similar agenda...
they can help themselves.
And you know very well,
how much I wanted to...
get rid of the Haksar brothers.
You've been swift
in making your mark.
If you aren't quick enough, you
are an easy target for your enemy.
Let's get to the point.
I want Zubair dead.
Can you do it?
You're asking if I can
hit a nail with a hammer?
Manya, how could you say yes?
It's not an easy task.
If it were easy,
he wouldn't come to me.
Two gangs control Bombay city.
One gang has approached
us for help...
that makes them weaker than us.
And if we get rid
of the other gang...
who is the undisputed
don of Bombay?
Manya Surve!
The Mastan gang controlled
Bombay for 40 years.
Finally one man decided
to take them on...
to destroy them.
To rule this city
with his fist. Zubair.
And we are to kill him?
People will talk about us
in the same way after a 100 years.
And no one will remember Zubair,
Dilawar or Mastan.
People will remember us.
Manya Surve and his gang!
It's easy to become a criminal...
but this is a shot
at becoming a legend.
Who is with me?
Manya, you will either
kill or get us killed.
If you get us killed,
we have no regrets.
But if you go for the kill,
it will be a fight to remember.
Fill up the tank.
Sir, smoking is not--
the jungle is the same,
but the lion has changed.
A jackal doesn't become
a lion by killing one.
All of you are jackals...
that's why you are
hunting in a pack.
Bloody jackals!
Zubair lmtiaz Haksar, was
an emperor and is still an emperor.
Well, this is Manya Surve's
parting gift to an emperor.
Take a look, Manya Surve
is standing in your lane.
Who the hell do you think you are?
- No, take it easy, Dilawar.
- Let me go.
It's suicidal to step out.
Remember I had said...
The day I attack,
I'll make sure I stab your chest.
That new kid on the block...
I'm going to bury him...
The new don of Bombay...
Manya Surve.
We don't have back up or weapons.
Come on, let's go.
With Zubair dead
their gang is over.
Let me go.
We can kill Dilawar some other time."
"The fire's raging.."
"There's smoke around."
"The fire's raging,
there's smoke of love around."
"The fire's raging,
there's smoke of love around."
"Who stole my heart?"
"Here I am. Manya's here."
"Everyone's talking about me."
"Here I am. Manya's here."
"Everyone's talking about me."
"Here I am. Manya's here."
"Everyone's talking about me."
"He stares at me."
"Someone let him now."
"Hold him tight."
"He's mesmerized by my looks."
"You cannot endure the pain of love."
"I'll take any pain you give me."
"I'll willingly accept any anguish."
"I can do anything you wish."
"I can do anything you wish."
"Anything's possible for you."
"You're special,
you make my heart beat."
"I'm floored on you."
"Here he is. Manya's here."
"You're different, you're unique."
"Here I am. Manya's here."
"Everyone's talking about me."
"Here he is. Manya's here."
"You're different, you're unique."
"Here I am. Manya's here."
"Everyone's talking about me."
Let's go.
Is everyone ready?
Of course, we are.
Don't spare anyone
from Manya's gang.
He was barking like
a dog in my lane.
Set Agar Bazaar on fire,
if necessary.
Where is Zubair?
I asked, where is Zubair?
He went to see Chitra.
He's never stayed
this long with her.
Something is wrong.
Bhai, there's a call from J.J.
Sir, we're taking
the body for post-mortem.
No one will touch him.
They have cut him ruthlessly.
Now it's my turn to cut.
As long as Zubair was alive,
he kept Dilawar in check.
Now he will turn the
underworld upside down.
Where Zubair's tale ends,
Dilawar's begins.
The death is in their family...
but the whole city
will mourn tomorrow.
Vidya, open the door.
Manohar, go away!
Vidya, open the door.
I won't open the door.
If you don't I'll break it down.
Vidya... open the door.
Don't create a scene!
Go away.
Why are you here?
Didn't you say... 'One word
and women would do as you say]?
Then why are you here?
I don't want such women.
I want you.
Why me?
Because the Manohar that died,
loved you.
And until Manya dies,
he will only love you.
Allah! You're our benefactor.
Forgive their sins.
Accept our prayers.
We are very sorry for your loss.
Is this why you wanted a truce?
No, Dilawar.
All of us want peace.
Your brother's killer
won't be spared.
I lost my brother.
And I will avenge his death.
I don't care what the population
of this country is...
but I will turn it into a cemetery.
Did he tell you where Manya is?
I want Munir.
- Let's go.
- Munir...
You go ahead,
I'm not feeling too well.
I guess it's last night's dinner.
I'll see you later.
Idiot, you should have
some control over what you eat.
That was good biryani
that you've wasted. Hurry up.
- Salaam, Munir.
- Walekum-a-salaam.
You are definitely
going to meet God today.
Tell me where Manya is
and you'll get a worthy death.
I won't tell you.
I'm grateful for a death
that will extend my friend's life.
It's unfortunate that
you're dying to save a Hindu.
A true Muslim will kill...
and also give up his
own life for a dear friend.
Friendship doesn't
subscribe to religion.
Neither does enmity.
As soon as you step out
of God's house on earth...
be prepared to meet Him in heaven.
Munir is in trouble.
What happened?
Shut up.
Come Veera. Quickly!
Get up!
Get up.
Get up.
Munir get up.
Where are you going?
To take care of
unfinished business.
I'm sending Dilawar to his brother.
If you want to commit suicide,
hang yourself from a ceiling fan.
Why are you presenting
yourself to Dilawar'?
Don't you trust me anymore?
It's not about trust...
it's about time.
Time is a fleeting companion.
Yesterday it was on our side,
today it's with him.
What do you suggest?
That I should hide like a mouse?
Yes .
We give him a chance to
make the same mistake we did.
Let him think we are weak.
And when time moves
over to our side...
you make your move on Dilawar.
Fine, I'll do as you say.
But I won't stay
cooped up for long.
It's easy to kill
a snake in an open space.
Once it is in the burrow, it's
impossible to escape its venom.
I track the movements of cops.
I figured that when I saw you.
What do you want?
Manya Surve.
Dead I
Bombay is a haystack and
Manya is the proverbial needle.
My gang is unable to find him.
If anyone can find him, it's you.
You can name your price...
for getting rid of Manya.
Shoot him with all
the bullets that you have.
I didn't choose this
uniform to fulfill your wish.
I'll ignore this encounter.
that's a nice word for...
'a meeting'.
So go ahead and help
Manya encounter death.
I'll make sure you
get both money and medals.
Didn't you hear what I said?
Kill him wherever you see him.
Label it a shootout or an encounter,
but make sure the case is closed.
I guarantee there won't
be any inquiry into his killing.
Listen carefully...
I can afford two meals a
day and I pray five times a day.
That's all I need.
You can never put a price on me.
You may not have a price,
but I'm sure your seniors do.
You will have to carry
out your senior's order.
And you will get one.
what was so important that
couldn't wait until morning?
Today I realized why the color
of the police uniform is khaki.
People can crap all over
us yet it won't be seen.
What happened?
Dilawar wanted to crap all over...
he wants Manya Surve dead.
And he wanted a cop
to do the dirty deed.
He said,
kill Manya in an 'encounter'.
First he tried to bribe and then..
...he threatened with
an order from the top.
I wanted to shoot
him dead right there.
But I was helpless.
We have to seek
permission from you..
Even if we have
to go to the bathroom.
Even if we know
who the criminal is...
we have to get the evidence
and witness before filing an FIR.
And then we get the warrant.
Until then the witness
is either bought or killed.
And the criminal walks away free.
The prostitutes are better than us.
At least their clients
get some pleasure for the money.
First we take an oath,
then we take our salary...
and then we watch the
drama in the police station...
while the criminal
takes us for a ride.
Have you said what you wanted to?
May I say something now?
Get rid of Manya Surve.
Kill him.
Not for Dilawar...
and not because we
have an order from the top.
But for the sake of our uniform.
Dilawar said, 'l may not
have a price, but my seniors do'.
How much did he pay, sir?
You think you're
the only honest cop?
You know why the color
of this uniform is khakhi?
It's the color of mud.
And every cop is ready to become
one with it or bury a criminal in it.
Why Manya, sir?
Why not Dilawar?
I don't care who dies.
Manya is a criminal
and the world knows that.
While Dilawar is pretending
to be a righteous citizen.
If you kill Dilawar,
there could be an inquiry.
But if you kill Manya, it will be a
slap in the face of other criminals.
The decision is yours.
You have to choose one.
Manya, sir.
I choose Manya.
Welcome officers.
Until today no country
has given their police force...
the opportunity that
we are about to receive.
The liberty to shoot any criminal.
But until Manya Surve is alive...
we will neither sleep not rest.
Some people study history,
while others teach history.
We are going to create history.
We will form three groups.
Ambat will lead the first group...
I will lead the second
and Bhende the third.
The dossier contains photographs
of Manya and his gang members.
The photographs are old,
but you will get a fair idea.
Sir, he is in room number 10.
- Move it.
- Where do I go?
I pity you, Jamal.
Helping Dilawar to capture
Munir was a big mistake.
Dilawar doesn't need you
anymore and Manya won't spare you.
He won't let you live
and I won't let you die.
Save me, sir.
I don't want to die now.
Every time you try to hide...
I will find you.
And I will set you free
so that Manya can kill you.
Save me, sir.
But I have a deal that will help
you stay alive and keep you safe.
In prison.
Tell me how to get to Manya.
You will get police protection
and the police will get Manya.
What say?
Vidya, sir...
Vidya will lead you to Manya.
Where is Manya?
When did you last see him?
Look at these pictures.
They were Manya's companions
and look what Dilawar did to them.
Manya killed Dilawar's brother...
imagine what he will do to Manya.
He will give Manya
such a brutal death that...
it will be difficult to identify
his body or even cremate him.
Think about this...
gangsters like Haji Maqsood and
Wasim Lala have given up crime...
and are leading a normal life.
It's because of us.
Manya can also have this,
if he helps us.
Why do you want to help Manohar?
He considers the cops his enemy.
He hates cops.
That's his opinion.
What will we get by killing Manya?
We may not be able to stop
people from becoming criminals...
but we can offer criminals like Manya
a chance to lead a normal life.
Can you guarantee that there
is no danger to Manohar's life?
No, I can't.
But if you don't help us...
I can guarantee that
Manya will be killed.
Yes sir.
Two cups tea, please.
- Hello...
- Hello...
Are you alright?
Yes .
I want to go out of town for
a few days, will you come along?
Where to?
I don't know.
If you are with me,
we'll figure something.
12 o'clock...
Wadala College.
Inspector Baagraan?
Got him.
This is the layout of
Ambedkar College at Wadala.
Manya Surve will be there
at 12 o'clock tomorrow...
and we will teach him
a lesson he'll never forget.
Just like a fox sniffs out
a rabbit before attacking it...
Manya Surve will sniff
out cops before being attacked.
He will have a gun but
he won't know whom to fire at.
We will go there undercover...
As college students.
Jeans, t-shirt, sneakers...
your makeover should
be so perfect that...
even your own mother shouldn't
be able to recognize.
Let's go. - Yes, sir.
All of you will carry
books with concealed guns.
Ambat and I will
cover the college...
whereas the rest will be with
Bhende manning the road blocks.
If Manya decides
to escape by road...
he has three options.
Dahisar, Thana or Vashi.
I will be at Vashi...
- Shetty will be at Dahisar
- Yes sir.
- And Jamdade will be at Thana.
- Yes sir.
I am sorry, sir.
I can't shave off my moustache.
In my community, I can shave
it off only after my father dies.
If you father were to hear you,
he'd die of shame.
A cops father feels proud
of his son when he is ready to...
not just shave off his moustache
but lay down his life for duty.
Come on...
- No, I can't do it.
- Sit.
You have to do it, Ambolkar.
But why me?
You are the only cop who
has seen Manya Surve from up close.
You will be standing outside
the college dressed as a postman.
When you see him you will shift the
bag from your left shoulder to...
your right as a signal.
I won't wear a postman's uniform.
You have to.
When you can wear a veil, what's wrong
in wearing a postman's uniform?
What if he recognizes me?
That's why it is
important for you...
to recognize him before
he recognizes you.
Come- on! Let's go.
Ambat... corner him.
Stop firing!
put the body in the vehicle
and drive to Sion Hospital.
- Rane...
- Yes sir.
File a report.
Manya Surve, dead on arrival.
Killed in encounter.
- Take the body to the morgue.
- Yes sir.