Shor In The City (2011)

''Round and round,
turns a wheel.''
''The world rocks on its tune.''
''If slipped a little,
you'll get a big hit.''
''Whatever you do here,
you'll pay for it right here.''
''As deeds are to be paid here!''
''It'll try to stop you,
it'll try to halt you...''
''It'll halt you and kill you.''
''You'll certainly lose,
as deeds are to be paid here!''
''No one has escaped from
it's clutches, nor will you.''
''Your conscience and your existence
will destroy falling under it's effect.''
Damn, is everything for free here?
What amazing girls, yaar!
Hey, hey!
Go take a look around the place.
See if you can find that author.
I'll go see.
What is it?
Give me the paper.
Let me see his face one more time.
He's the one, isn't he?
You remember his face, don't you?
- You bet!
Food, booze, money!!!
The scent of all three together!
This is life!
Hey, don't create a scene.
Let'sjust go stand in a corner.
Yaar, why are these people
written about in page 3?
Because the real news gets
printed in the first two pages!
Would you care for
some bubbly, sir? - What?
Babli? Who's Bunty then?!
Excuse me?
Let the applejuice
be, get me some whiskey.
You paying from your pocket?
Get me a large, and quick!
And listen, keep coming
back every five minutes.
Now get going, quick!
Stand straight.
Don't fidget around.
Tilak, Uncle's getting ready to
leave. He's started his bye-bye's.
Let's get out ofhere as well.
What is it? What you staring at?
And what are those gloves for?
You're gonna bat
after you're off duty?
The tyre is probably punctured.
Stop the car by the side.
Check if there's a puncture...
What's going on?!
Who are you... What?!
Shut up! Look ahead, c'mon!
Ok... ok... don't hurt
me. You guys can...
What are you doing?
Put that back on. C'mon.
He's offering it with all
his heart. We should take it.
You idiot, let'sjust
take what we want. Got it?
What do you guys want from me?
A copy of yournew book.
- But that's not published yet!
That'sjust why we've come.
We hear many publishers
are fighting for your book?
Let them fight. We're going
to publish your book first.
Just give us the copy.
Yeah, Saroja... It's me...
There's a copy of
the final manuscript...
Yeah, the one on the desk...
I'm sending a guy,
give him the copy...
I'm sending him right away... Yes...
What you staring at?
Are you gonna memorize my
face to describe to the cops?
This kidnapping business, is
this a regularjob for you guys?
No, it's our first time.
Doesn't seem like it.
- There he is.
- Here it is.
Show, show... Show it to
me! Very cool! Lets leave.
Not handing us
something else, are you?
It's gonna be published
under yourname.
Yourreputation will
be ruined for nothing.
Let's go.
''Don't do any childishness!
Your deeds are visible to all.''
''It'll kill you slowly
and steadily.''
''Call upon any God,
your end is final.''
''It'll strive you for
every drop oflife...''
''It'll try to stop you,
it'll try to halt you...''
''It'll halt you and kill you.''
''You'll certainly lose,
as deeds are to be paid here!''
Sir, you don't have to do this.
Please. Let me do
it, leave it to me!
Don't worry.
Take it easy, sir.
Go on inside and enjoy
the air-conditioning.
I don't know, sir.
Never seen him before.
From the outside, this
building looks so shitty.
Inside... it looks all cool!
Looks like you're setting
up a huge business.
Yes, but you've come from
foreign? Where have you come from?
New to the city?
Hello, that's enough
- you can leave now.
Yeah? Why don't you go on...
Oh, come on, sir... You're a big
man setting up this big business...
I didn't go to work
because of you, sir.
And now it's too late. I would've
made six times this much, sir.
Alrght, I guess. Anyway, very
good luck with your business!
And, sir... I have a friend who is
really good at setting up businesses.
I've already told him about you.
He'll handle your business.
He'll provide you
security... He's really good.
Think about it, sir...
Shit! Just at the right time
he plays like a superstar!
He'll get on the team for
sure! We're screwed, man!
Look at the selectors.
Just look at them!
They're watching every ball.
Do your best. We
both need to crack it!
Three matches, right? We
can't mess up even one.
If we screw up today,
we'll be under pressure
for the other two matches.
Why are you pressuring me?
Let me go play in peace, na?
Shit, shit! I should
have played better!
I lost my chance.
I should havejust
whacked every ball!
Who cares for technique these days!
No chance of me getting selected.
No man. It'll all be
fine. Don't worry too much.
My chances of making it are zero!
And you know it too!
So stop bullshitting me!
We DO have a problem.
What have I been
saying all this time?
No man, listen...
We need to do something.
Can'tjust sit around.
We need some sort of... guarantee.
What crap! Who will
give me guarantee?
Ask your coach or something...
Shit, man.
Don't you have any photos
with modern outfits?
Yeah there are.
Let me check.
As per your wish.
Go ahead and ask what you want.
Why can't you get Robin's bike?
I can't take my Scooty.
Mom's hidden the keys somewhere.
Savvy, please do something.
Please get me out ofhere.
Every day, they truss me up in
front of somejoker like a showpiece.
They're going ahead fixing my
wedding without even asking me!
Please, Savvy, come soon.
Savvy, my lips are dry,
it's paining, man, please!
So... when will they announce
the final cricket team?
Told you, next week.
Next week for sure?
How many times will you ask me?
There's so much tension at home.
I am going crazy...
I will be relieved
once you get selected.
I was wondering...
you should talk to someone...
Talk to whom?
Someone you know...
Please, Sejal, don't start again.
I am way too stressed already!
Okay, I won't. Okay?
Show, show...
Wow, cool!
Enough, guys, I gotta go.
Come on! Lets have one
more shot! Wejust started.
Sapna is alone at home.
Why don't you understand?
True! Now that you have a wife,
why would you care for old friends?
One more yaar, last one.
That's it. Fine, last one.
Oye! You should see her with
her uniform off!. What an item!
There he goes again, Tilak!
I have seen her naked.
Top to bottom!
Only person you've seen
top to bottom is you!
Dude, I am notjoking.
I've really seen her naked.
She hasn't even looked at you once!
She'sjust showing offin front
of those English-speaking morons!
Like she doesn't know me!
Ok then, what's her name. Go on!
Err... l've forgotten it, man.
What's in a name anyway? I swear
I took her into that room next door!
What?! You need proof?.
What proofwill you get?
A signed affidavit from her?
Shall I bring her here right now?
Just say the word!
I'll go bring her right now.
Fine, go get her.
- Go, go, go!
These are wedding gifts.
They've been lying
around for a while.
I had nothing to do,
so I just opened them.
Anything of use or same
old boring presents?
Umm... there are 4 clocks, 6 Ganesh
idols and there's this mixer.
Good, atleast there's
one useful thing.
There's no mixer in the house.
Yeah, but there's masala in it.
They must've flicked it
off some place. - Huh?
Pass me those envelops.
There's no money in
there. They're empty.
What?! You took it all?
No, no! They were always empty.
Before I even opened them.
Who brought all of this home?
Your friends,
Mandookji... and Rameshji.
I gotta go to work.
I'll be back in the evening.
You're in the book business, right?
Yes, we print books.
Publishing business.
Can I come see the office?
Not today.
I have a client meeting.
They're making a Hollywood
film based on this!
How about this one?
How's this selling?
What? Well... that's in demand too.
Would you like to
buy something, sir?
Pack this one.
Wait a minute.
You sure you want to
buy ALL these, sir?
Pack these.
Yeah, of course!
Go on and pack them.
Are these books heading to Bandra?
- Yes, sir.
Chhotu, bring the new books inside.
Bhupi, find out when we're
getting that Chintan Gandhi book?
Hey, come here.
- Yes, sir.
Why are some pages missing here?
Oh, wejust missed printing
a few pages. Don't worry...
No one will know. Who reads
a book completely anyway?!
What? We're in the
business of selling books.
Just because we sell at half price
doesn't mean we sell halfbooks.
Sir, the customer
will not remember
what kid sold him
at which traffic light!
Will you do your work or not?
Sir, tell you what...
let's staple the pages on.
- Let's staple the missing pages!
How many have you printed so far?
Wejust started
the second lot, sir.
Dump it. Start a new lot.
Err... It'll be a waste
of time and money!
Do it. Now!
- Okay, sir.
What's yourname again?
Sawan What?
Are you from the south?
Not really, sir. I've been
in Bombay for a long time.
But my family is from the south.
Hello! Yeah, when are we
announcing the Mumbai team?
Under 22? Nothing much...
there's this kid here...
Ok Listen, Ill call you back later.
You're not the only one
desperate for a place in the team.
There are tons of players
willing to pay money.
Player's salaries have
gone up these days.
If you get into the 20-20 league,
sky is the limit! You agree?
To run any business,
you must invest first.
And you're your own business!
Where else can you recover
yourinvestment so quickly.
Listen, if you were
a mind-blowing player,
I wouldn't be talking money at all.
Don't get me wrong,
you play very well...
...but you're no Sachin Tendulkar!
If you were, even God can't
stop you from being on the team!
Arrange the money by next
week. 1 million rupees. Okay?
Come on, come on!
Savvy? Want a ride to
your practice session?
No, you carry on.
I'll go in the evening.
Savvy, keep him in the shade, okay?
Listen to your Uncle,
there's a good boy!
Akka... - Yes?
Akka, do we have some money saved?
You need money? How much?
Some... 1 million...
Never mind, it's okay.
Why do you need so
much money, Savvy?
Forget it, it's nothing.
If you need a ride from
the ground, call me.
You remember the girl at the party?
Spare me, dude.
- No, really, I'm telling you, man!
Okay, hang on, let me show you...
Now talk!
Dude, this is that
same girl! What an item!
She let you film her?
- As if she knew that!
Send it to my phone! Sure, sure!
Bluetooth it.
- Yeah, yeah, take it!
Boy, this is fun!
Mandook! To the
left... the green bag...
- Yeah, saw it...
- Next station... we make ourmove.
Motherfu! Where
did you find this??
Where the hell did you find it?
I never thought I'd hold an AK-47!
How do you know it's an AK-47?
They show it all the time on TV...
Is it written anywhere? Huh?
- Must be written somewhere...
It's an AK-56, you moron.
I'm telling you,
this is an AK-47!
What does it matter whether it's 47
or 56? Where did you get it from?
How does that matter?
We hit thejackpot.
We can make a lot of money!
Have you lost it? There may
be cops looking for this.
What ifit belongs to terrorists?
Nah... can't be.
Don't try to scare us.
We can loot a big
place with this baby!
Shopping mall,jewelry shop... Bank!
We couldjust sell
them and make money.
No way! I'm not letting
anyone sell this!
But we can sell the
rest of the loot, right?
Fine. Let's talk to
Tipu-bhai. - Yeah, talk to him.
And look at this
- the highlight!
Have you ever seen a bomb blast?
Be careful, it may
be on, you moron!
Nah, its fuse is blown.
Give it to me. Put it
back. You guys have lost it.
With this baby in your hand,
you can do anything. Anything!
Put it down, asshole!
Turn it away, you idiot!
There're no bullets,
yaar. See? See!
You're crazy!
See? No bullets! See, see!
Tilak! Ramesh! Look here!
See? No bullets!
I didn't understand. Are
you selling something?
You are building a swanky office.
You've spent a lot.
If someone breaks in, you would
end up spending double, right?
I'm asking for much less.
Are you asking me to leave?
If you have to go, carry on please.
If you want me to
go, say so clearly.
So let me get to the point.
What kind oflife would you like?
Go to work, do your work, get back
- without any tension, right?
To be tension-free, you need
security. Which we can guarantee.
You can even trust us
with your office keys.
Do I look like a guard to you?
Me and my friends
are your security.
I'm here to help you.
And you're going on about
who and why and crap...
It's your choice.
Think about it.
Is this the way you talk to guests?
Okay, never mind. You're busy.
Sorry I wasted your time.
What the hell! I'd asked for
three truckloads of people...
...and they've sent me 6 bikes!
How in hell will this work?
Call the supplier. Quick!
Turn the bloody volume down!
The noise in this city
fucks up your head.
If a man can't even hear himself
how will he think properly?
And ifhe ends up doing some
shit, you can't blame him, can you?
That Party Secretary's son...
he partied all night long...
Somewhere he got into an argument.
Next thing you know, he got shot.
Now we have to do a Protest
Rally and rioting and stuff!.
Did you call him?
So, all well?
Going on, Bhaiyya...
This one doesn't talk at all.
You haven't forgotten me, right?
Tipu Uncle!
Yes,just like Sawan Uncle!
Yourmom is like a sister to me.
How's the cricket going?
- Pretty well...
Play for India
quickly. With Sachin.
Don't forget me after
you become a star, ok?
Oh come on, Bhaiyya!
Tipu-Bhaiyya, I wanted
to ask you something...
Yes, go on, go on!
Cricket selections are on. And
I don't know anyone else but you.
Can your Party Secretary
put in a word for me?
You should've told me two days
ago. I'd have done something.
Now's a bad time.
We're in the middle of
organizing some rioting...
Actually Bhaiyya...
Okay, move it, move
it. Quick, quick!
Mandook. Want to come along?
Me? Really?
- Yes, you.
Let's go!
Are you mad?
Next time, Tipu-Bhai! Sure!
When are you coming
to see the loot?
I'll call you!
Sawan... if you need
anything,just text me.
''This heart is aware of everything.''
''Still it makes excuses.''
''These killing eyes
have stuck on him.''
''He still did not
understand my intentions.''
''This heart
gives many excuses.''
''These killing eyes did not
understand my intentions.''
''Slowly my eyes...''
''...and my heart...''
''...started liking him.''
''Slowly to my eyes...''
''...and to me he appears
very close to heart.''
''Ambiance is full of romance...''
''...for two hearts to meet.''
''Eyes appeal...''
''...for these moments to halt.''
''How do my lips whisper...''
''Though locked it reveals
everything of my heart.''
''Slowly my eyes...''
''...and my heart...''
''...started liking him.''
''Slowly a stranger...''
''...appears very close to my heart.''
''My love...''
No, no! I don't want it.
What kind of man are you, sir?
Buy the pretty Madam a pretty
necklace. Don't be stingy!
I ran into Madam and I
thought I'll say hello to her!
No need to shout.
I wasjust trying to help.
Madam, whether you know
us or not, we know you...
The other day we saw you get
home at 3 AM in a Mercedes!
Calm down. He said he was
passing by, and said hello.
Don't shout. We're going...
Keep your hands to yourself.
Hey Mandook, why isn't
your Tipu here yet?
Will he come for sure?
- Yeah, man,
soon as he comes we'll take him to
the press and show him the stuff.
Let's have a drink till then.
Hey Mandook, look!
You're item's boyfriend's here.
What a fool he made out
of you with his English.
He even gave you a
lovely name. 'Ass'!
Stop it, man! Hey you!
Pourme another drink!
He's stored the stuff
in the loft at the press.
Hey Mandook, the
stuff's safe right?
Yeah, yeah.
I'll go take a leak.
Dont even think about getting up!
You went on and on in English
the other day huh? Now talk!
Yeah! You're 'just only! ' You
fucker! I'll adjust you right now!
Eyyy! Don't even
think of cleaning up!
C'mon... say sorry in English.
Say it in English, you fucker!!
That's what I said. Sorry!
Say it from the
heart! Say 'Sorry sir.'
Say 'Sorry sir you
are a superstar.'
Arrange for two more.
Just do it.
Tipu's here.
It's business time,
I'll talk to you later.
- Tipu-bhai, how goes?
- How's everything?
This is my man, Tilak.
Where's Mandook?
Where's Mandook?
Give me your purse.
Give me your phone.
It's brand new. I spent
my entire salary on it.
Which idiot buys a phone
with his entire salary?
Bloody it'sjust to make calls!
Out with it, give me the phone.
It's brand new! Haven't
even taken the plastic off.
Yeah? Let me see... c'mon.
Hmm... it's nice!!
Hey Mandook, what are
you doing up there?
Get down! Have you lost it?
No big deal, man.
Wasjust scaring him, for fun.
You dumb ass, what're you doing
with the gun out in public?
You moron, stop fucking around now.
What does piece of shit mean?
He's MY friend. I can
abuse him. You can't.
C'mon, let's get out ofhere now.
- C'mon, let's scoot from this place.
- What's up?
Let'sjust get out ofhere.
Hello, do you have
the stuff or not??
What the fuck!
Isn't it fabulous?
That's some loot!
Let me call the hero.
I'd gone on the sets... That
heroine was there, too...
what's her name?
The one with the long neck...
what's her name...
the one with big...
Yes, Hero-Bhai... How are you?
No,just got my
hands on some goods...
No, not a girl... the
other kind of goods...
Yes. There are a
couple of revolvers...
No, not German. Looks local.
There's a bomb here...
I don't know ifit's RD X or
not. Never seen RD X before...
Looks like it will blast.
It will blast, right?
Sure it will. Very loudly, too!
You are right, what
use is it to you...
Mandook, selling the
bomb looks difficult.
There's more top
quality stuff... 47, 56...
Hold on please...
Yes, Mom, what is it?
Oh, for heaven's sake,
make whatever you want!
No, not that vegetable.
It causes gas! Gotta go!
Sorry, Bhai, one
second... Is it 47 or 56?
They don't know... What
difference does a number make!
It's an AK, isn't that enough?
Everything is for sale,
right? - Yes. - No.
Yes or no?
How can you have the heart
to sell this? Please yaar...
Oh, you want a photo?
Sure... Happy shooting!
I had called earlier...
some people... they
are threatening me...
Did they enter? Did
they do anything to her?
No. They didn't do
anything. It's all veiled.
Do you know who they are?
Actually, I don't
know who they are...
See, it's festival time...
these things happen.
It's so sad how they
harass decent men.
Don't pay them heed and they
won't harass you anymore.
They're all bloody street
dogs. They are better off dead!
Okay... if something happens,
come and see me tomorrow. Okay?
By the way, tell me about your
business. Something big, right?
No, no, no. It's a small business.
If you want, we can do something.
I can give you
protection. Personally.
We can work out something,
if you want. Think about it.
I've never seen a bomb blast!
How much damage will it do?
Will it destroy
that hut, you think?
- Damn, this is frigging awesome!
Come on! Let's go blast it!
Right now, right here!
Not gonna sell anyway!
Let's take Tilak, find an
empty place and blast it there.
Wherever! I don't care. It
should cause some serious damage!
Tilak, let'sjust
blast it somewhere here.
Do we need to go out of the city?
Are you crazy? Look
at the crowds here.
So what? We'll blast
it quickly and run.
No one will even know.
Listen to me. Let's go out of
the city and blast it in peace.
You guys are such a waste!
What's the use ofblasting
a bomb and causing no damage?
An idea
- let's blast it in the sea.
It'll make a spectacular fountain!
Use your head... it will
just go phusssssss in water!
Shut it both of you! We can't
blast it anywhere here. Understood?
You both suck! There's no
bloody adventure in you!
''Lifejust goes on...''
What tragedy, man! There's no
empty space in all ofMumbai!
What tragedy, man! There's no
empty space in all ofMumbai!
Where we can blast
a bomb in peace, no?
Man, what has this city come to!
So what's new? Every week, they
set you up with a new guy anyway.
I'm saying the same thing.
I'mjust fed up of all this.
You can't expect me to find a new
for the same problem every time!
I don't know, yaar. I have
enough problems of my own.
Why do you always get
so riled up about this?
Why do you always bring it up then?
Bring it up?
I'm the one going through
crap at home every day!
My family doesn't
care whom I marry,
they just want me
married immediately.
Every day they put a
new joker in front of me!
Look. I don't know about you,
but I am not marrying
some random fool.
Hey, I can't understand!
This is insane!
Who gets married so
early these days, anyway?
If your parents are forcing you,
tell them you you're
not interested, dammit!
Please! Now don't
start crying and all.
I'm going crazy enough as it is.
I'm leaving.
You know what to do, right?
Yeah, yeah! Don't pull any stunts!
- Got it!
And throw it over there, nowhere else!
- I know, man!
You do know what to do, right?
Why are you stressing out? I
just have to press this, right?
This is not a TV, okay?
Be careful, you idiot!
Nothing will happen, relax!
I just have to press here!
Why is it not blasting?
It will, it will.
Give it some time.
It's not a grenade.
You need to light it on the
ground. You shouldn't fling it.
Mandook, go look.
Fuck you! You go look.
I think it's a dud, man!
There's not even a sound.
It doesn't even have
a fuse that goes zzzz,
so we'd know ifit's on or not.
Nothing's happening. Go look.
Just go look!
Sit down, sit down.
Hey! The bomb's switched off!.
What the hell, man?
Don't fool around with me!
The kid!
No! Hey! Tilak! Let's go!
Let's go! We'll get
screwed if someone spots us.
Let's go man! Quick,
quick, let's go!
He's alive, see? Let's
go before someone sees us!
The kid, man!
Yes, yes, I had my dinner. Did you?
Yes, I ate with sir.
Noodles, I ate noodles!
Sir is not in!
Stop! Where do you think you're
going? Please leave! Sir is not in!
Sir, they are not listening.
I tried to stop them...
they just barged in!
What did you think
when you came here?
That you'll come here, start a
business... make a lot of money?
What about us?
You think we don't
deserve to make money?
You can't part with half a million?
This dog is worthless.
He's not worth a penny!
But you...
What's half a
million rupees to you?
If we come to know
you don't want to pay...
you won't be of any value either.
It won't take me a second to
hack you to pieces right now.
Until this place starts stinking up
no one will even know you're dead.
One more thing...
I didn't kill this dog. You killed him
- over half a million!
And... your girlfriend is next.
You'd better pay up in two days.
We'll tell you where
to bring the money.
And please. Don't
go to that inspector.
We will have to line
his pockets too then.
Of course, it will only
go from your pocket.
But it'sjust a lot of
trouble for me, you know?
Okay, sir? Cool? Bye!
Come on!
Hasn't your girlfriend
called you yet from 'foreign'?
Hello darling, how
are you? Miss you!
Mr Sawan Murthy,
what I can do for you?
Sir, I wanted to apply for a
loan... to build career actually...
Actually, I saw your ad for
education loans. So I thought...
Not possible.
But Uncle, you told me to
bring Sawan you'd do something?
I know I did. But...
Education loans are for
paying tuition fees...
And this... cricket... is
hardly education or a career.
You get what I'm saying?
Plus you don't have a
guarantor. Or a guarantee.
Sir, there is a guarantor!
Robin can give guarantee!
Of course! I'll personally
give you guarantee.
He'll pay you back for sure.
What will I do with him??
This is not working!
I'll have to figure something else.
Savvy, there's a message
- about Sejal.
Check this autorickshaw!
No, wrong one. Let's check ahead!
The auto should be on
this road somewhere!
How about this one?
Check in this one!
Sejal! Sejal! Stop!
Sejal, I need to talk to you!
But I don't want to talk to you!
Who the hell is he?!
Who the hell is
he? Do you know him?
Stop the auto!
- What are you doing? You'll get hurt!
Stop! Stop the auto!
Cut across and stop it!
What's your problem? Why
are you making a scene here?
Me?? What do you
think you are doing?!
I told you! That if you didn't
find a solution, this would happen!
- Come on, let's go talk somewhere else.
- No!
Come on, yaar.
I can't come away now.
When then?
I don't know.
It doesn't matter to you any more?
Did it ever matter to you?
I told you a thousand times
what was going on at home!
Were you even bothered?
Look, Ashok is waiting
for me. I have to go now.
Screw Ashok! Why are you
going around with him?
Because Mom said so.
I don't have any choice
and you don't care!
That was so simple, right?
For so little, you
created such havoc!
Sir, sir, sir!
Half a million was our first offer.
You're late, so we
increased the price...
Look at this!
It sparkles!
Don't you worry about
security anymore, sir!
You go on a holiday
with your girlfriend.
We'll meet again for Diwali!
Will you sit for a second, please?
Huh? - Will you sit
for a second, please?
You go on to bed.
I'll come later.
That's the worst
plan I've ever heard!
Listen to me, bhaiyya...
It's the perfect plan!
The hell it is perfect.
You get caught, you'll
end up perfectly injail.
Listen to the whole
plan first! Then you...
What then? It's not
like suspension in school.
Can youjust listen
to me once, please!
Fine! Tell me your plan.
We need four people.
Two in the bank, one at the
door, one near the bikes.
- Two bikes.
Better than cars in
this horrible traffic!
Bank opens at 10 am.
There are only 3-4 staffers,
including Nattoo Uncle.
Who the hell's Nattoo Uncle?
- He's the watchman.
So what do we do about him?
- That's the best part.
Once he opens the bank,
he doubles at thejewelry
store across the street.
It takes him at least
half an hour to get back.
So for half an hour...
- There's no one guarding the bank!
What about security cameras?
- We'll wear scarves.
Everybody wears them...
with all this pollution.
Sejal always wears
it when she's out.
Yeah, there's the
swine flu scare too.
What if the watchman comes back?
- He won't.
What ifhe does?
He has one gun which was made
before even he was born!
Plus he's very old.
What can he possibly do?
And what about the customers?
Let's do it on
Ganesh Immersion Day.
Bank will be open, but
there won't be many people.
Even if people come, we'll
have guns, knives... something...
Yeah, we'lljust shoot
the bastards down, right?
Err... I was only thinking of
locking them up in the washroom.
So this is your grand plan!
Yes! Perfect, isn't it?
And you want to do this because
you want to bribe some
greedy ass selector?
What else? It's the only way
I can get on the cricket team.
My dear boy, it's not
as easy as you think.
Listen to me, focus on your game.
If nothing works out, get ajob!
Wh? do you want to
become like (me)... them?
Wants to rob a frigging bank!
Everybody wants a shortcut.
What will happen to this country?!
- Rambalak?!
- I have no idea.
I heard he's gone back to
his village with his wife.
He doesn't know anything,
sir. Someone killed him!
And the police won't do anything!
You be careful too!
Once these people latch on to you,
they don't let go that easily!
Hello, sir! How are you,
sir? How's your girlfriend?
Sir, I have another
business proposal for you!
Alittle more expensive...
What say, sir?
I'll come and meet you
in a couple of days...
Do you need anything?
- Huh?
Some tea?
No, I have some work.
What are you reading?
- What?
What book are you reading?
Oh it's nothing...
We print these at our press.
I've read this book...
when I was in school.
You can read?
Of course! I went to college.
I read this book when I was...
in the 10th grade.
It's so interesting, right?
That kid looks for treasure all
over but later he finds out...
You... haven't reached
that part yet, right?
- Sorry, sorry, sorry!
But do finish it.
You'll enjoy it.
You went to college??
- Yes.
I didn't know you went to college.
You never asked!
You need your hand in many pies,
only then can you see some money.
You need to keep your options!
Huh? Hold on, let me ask.
Hey! How much is 4000
dollars in rupees?
Ey Tipu, enough already! Come here.
I am busy right
now. Call you later.
Show them the stash.
What is this?
- Goods.
What is this?
- Goods.
Ey, Tipu, are you
here to buy or sell?
Well... we did come to sell...
But... show them.
Mandook, let's show
them the big one!
You'll get top price
it's a rare item.
Are you crazy? How do you
have the heart to sell it?!
We have to show something.
It's a matter of pride now.
Think about the money also. - Fine,
whatever! Don't chew my brains!
What is this?
- The real stuff!.
Where did you get it?
- What do you care?
Do you want it or not?
It's a risk, but take it.
Sixty. - Sixty
what? - Thousand.
You fucking miser. You
think we are beggars or what?
Fucking shorty, you talk too
much. I'll shoot your fucking face.
They are amateurs.
Please forgive them.
Put a leash on the short
one. It barks too much.
Don't know how to do business.
Sorry, sorry!
Shut up, Mandook!
If not you, who else
will they learn from?
Yeah! Like it's my job
to teach the fuckers!
They'll learn slowly!
I apologize on their behalf.
They think they are
bloody gangsters.
Shit, I didn't expect this.
Had no idea they were selling too!
What a waste of time!
Not really.
I swiped some bullets!
When the hell did you flick this!?
You idiot, if you get caught,
they'll fucking gut us!
They won't do shit.
They're morons, standing
around with their zipper open!
Let's try the bullets in these guns!
- Save this idiot!
Savvy! I was calculating...
So far only 7 people
have played well.
That means 8 slots are still open!
So 60 minus 7... equal
to 53, divided by 8 is...
Oh, chuck the calculations...
Just play the next
two matches well!
At least one match?!
What happened to your nose?
You won't talk to me?
Savvy, everybody's home.
Mom keeps coming up here to check.
Why are you acting like this?
You still love me, right?
Why don't you stand up to your mom?
Quit going out with that cartoon!
Has he left?
I got engaged to him yesterday.
What the hell?!
Why didn't you tell me?!
Savvy, it hurts, please...
Anything on the team selections?
Hello, sir!
How are you?
What do you want,
sir? I have everything.
Powder, girls...
- I want something else.
Sure, come with me.
Sir you want girls?
Indian, Russian, Urkanian...
You want what?!
No way. Too dangerous.
I don't deal with that stuff.
No sir, I don't.
You want coke, I can get
you top quality stuff.
Do it right here if you want.
You want a girl, let me
know. That's all I can do.
You know Fashion Street?
Meet me there tonight.
Our branch office at this traffic
signal has very strong sales.
Autorickshaws are not
allowed beyond this signal.
Only taxis and cars.
These are all well educated
people from good families.
I always have at least
four kids working here!
Hey Salim! Come here...
He's a nice kid.
Go, get to work now.
There's a new bestseller
coming from Chintan Gandhi.
And we'll be the first
to sell that book!
Right here at these
traffic signals.
We are going to make
a lot of money from it.
We'll be the only ones
to sell that book first.
Not even bookstores.
We'll buy a big car
within the year. Nano!
Next year, we'll be stuck
in traffic just like this,
but in an AC car!
You are engaged, your wedding
is fixed for next month!
Now you tell me you
don't feel like it!
Do you think this
is some kind of game?
You never cared for your studies.
You never helped out at home.
You don't even have
a bloody degree.
I've spent so much money on you.
Have you gone to the gym
even once? Look at you.
Look how fat you are!
Open the door right now! Sejal!
Sejal! Open the door I said!
You don't deserve this alliance.
They are such nice people.
Look at your arrogance!
What do I tell them now?
Will you come out or not?
Why don't you tell me
what your problem is?
You're going to
ruin our reputation.
He'll be here any minute.
Okay I'll go now.
Are you going to kill someone?
Actually, don't tell me.
You don't plan to
kill yourself, do you?
There, that's him!
How far?
You got the moolah?
The client is ready.
Are the goods ready?
Get in.
Do your thing.
Does it work?
Local stuff... Looks cheap.
But you get it going,
it'll rip everything apart!
We just tested it an
hour ago. It works great!
You plan on shooting someone?
No, it's just for security.
Do whatever.
Just don't get caught with the gun.
Else the cops will catch us.
Sir, this is falling short.
Here, count it.
Yes, we have those too.
It will cost you more.
We take dollars too!
No, no, setting fire to
buses is not my thing.
My boys can do protests,
riots, but no blowing up stuff.
Can't you take no for an answer?
Now let me party in peace.
Got you a sweet deal, didn't I?
- Superb deal.
You still have the long one?
Sure. But I don't want to
sell it, it's my pet...
We might need it for a job.
- Whatjob?
Solid plan, sure shot
job. Lot of money.
How much?
- We need one more man.
- Where's your friend Tilak?
Since he got married, his
wife has him on a short leash!
Do you have bullets
for the long one?
That's the problem. Can
you set me up with some?
I was born for this shit!
You call Tilak first.
Enough! We are almost
home. I'll eat there.
It's okay. Just one more...
What book?!
Man, what a book!
You should read it.
You've been sitting at
home reading a book!?
Is it in Hindi?
- No, English...
What philosophy!
Western philosophy
is something else!
We barely know how
to spell philosophy!
So... you won't help us
because you're reading a book?
Not like that, man...
Listen... A man never
does what he wants...
...but he becomes what he does.
Listen... In life...
What nonsense are you blabbering?!
Have you totally lost it?
Brother, please
don't do this to us!
It's a lot of money
and we need your help...
Enough is enough! I can't
do this stuff any more.
Now on, I will focus on...
I'll dedicate my life to...
Fuck life and fuck your
philosophy! Let's go, he's lost it!
Wait... It really
is a very good book.
Hard to read at first.
There are big words and all.
But once you get going,
you won't put it down!
Now I know why people spend
so much and read fat books!
What philosophy, yaar!
Does your book also teach you
how to screw over friends?!
You both take one copy each.
I have lots of copies lying around.
Come, in, quick!
Mandook, no over-smart
stuff!. We'll keep it simple.
You listening?!
- Sure. Here, take these...
I'm here only for moral support.
Moral what?
- Nonviolence.
Guys, let's be quick.
I need to go home for
Ganesh Immersion. - What?
Don't you dare move!
Come on. Let's go.
Don't you dare move!
Uncle, move this way...
We've hijacked the bank!
Come on, out! Come on!
No stupid ness.
Uncle, We've hijacked the bank.
Will I Give you in written.
Hey you too.
Move aside him, C'mon.
Nobody move. Everyone, into the
bathroom! Where's the bathroom?
Get the money, quick. Tell him!
Give me your mobiles.
All of you, quick!
Fast, you too.
Hey, all of you go in the bathroom.
Go inside.
Go in the bathroom.
- This is gents bathroom.
Madam, adjust for today.
Fast close it. Close.
What is this?
That's all there is.
Eight thousand rupees? And change??
You think I'm an idiot?
- Don't think we're not fools!
Where's the money?
Why do you want to die
for someone else's money?
It's in the locker.
Open the locker then.
The manager has the keys.
Who the hell are you?
- Assistant Manager.
Call the manager.
Today is Ganesha
Immersion. He will be late.
He'll be here in two minutes.
Two minutes-two minutes?
Or 30 minutes-two minutes?
We'll wait.
- Huh? - Huh?
Till the manager comes.
If he doesn't come
in 15, you're dead!
It's a one-way street.
It's one-way!
Step out. Show me your license!
I'm only doing this for friendship.
I don't care about
money these days.
Right. Why don't you
donate all your money then?
I will do just that!
I don't want this money!
Then why don't we reduce
your share to zero?!
Do whatever you want.
Shit, yaar!
I have to go home and
rethink my whole life!
- Two more minutes please...
- Two more minutes again?!
Hey, Uncle! Where are you
going? The bank is closed!
Why is it closed?
It's open today!
I tell you it's a bank
holiday! Go home!
What bank holiday? Why?
Uncle, it's Ganesh Immersion day!
It's a national holiday in Mumbai!
I know it's Immersion Day, but I
checked. The bank is open today!
Who is it, man?
Some old man... He's not leaving!
That fucker Tipu! Why
didn't he stop him?
Don't know what the
hell he's doing outside!
You know what, let'sjust wait
here. He'll leave on his own!
You moron! Where are you going?!
He'll get us killed!
Hey, Uncle! Can't you
see the bank is closed?
That's what I'm asking...
Why is it closed today?!
Come on, head to the bathroom!
- Move it!
Rascals! They took
away my brand new phone!
I shouldn't have come
to the bank today!
I deposit 1,000 rupees
every month here as SIP.
You think it's all gone?
Gone! Yourmoney's gone!
Final two minutes, please!
That's it. I've had
enough of yournonsense!
You're dead meat.
He's here!
Move it!
- Yeah, move it!
Open it!
Open it!
There's shitloads here!
Take it all out!
We won the lottery!
Didn't anyone call the cops?
No, they took away all our
phones! How can we call?
They didn't take mine!
Hello Ma? The police station
number... Yes, the police!
No, Mother, why would I call
you ifI knew the number?!
Tilak! See!
Have you ever seen this much money!
Come on, come on, let's go!
No one move till we leave.
- Come on, let's go!
If anyone tells the cops, you
want to see what I'll do to you?
What the hell! Have you lost it?
Come on, let's leave!
- Oh my god, Tilak!
People will start
coming in, let's go!
Let's go. The cops are coming...
There, there!
They're the robbers!
I'll call the ambulance.
Put the money in the vault first.
Take him to the
hospital right away.
Open the door! Is
anybody out there?
Please, sir. Don't shoot us, sir.
We didn't do it on purpose.
We have nothing. We
had to do that to survive.
You want yourmoney back?
Calm down, sir. We'll
bring it right away!
You've really come to kill us?
If you do, you won't
get away with it!
Here you go, sir.
It's all in there, sir.
Count it if you want.
I'm gonna kill the bastard!
Get the guns! Bring me the guns!
...what other business yields
returns as quickly as cricket?!
You are ash, you are fire.
I'll arrange for the money
as soon as possible, sir.
''You can harm yourself,
you can safeguard yourself.''
You alone decide your outcome.
''You are connected
with the universe,''
''why this disconnect
with yourself?.''
''Realize now... God
lies within you!''
Realize now... In chaos lies peace!
Realize now... In
destruction, lies passion!
Sawan, what happened?!
What did he say?
Oh, you didn't give him the money?!
What are we gonna do with it?!
- Why aren't you saying anything?
- Come,
let's go practice.
Yes, the protest is
in full swing now.
Haven't you guys had your
breakfast? Shout louder!
Down with Vasant Kamble!!
I'm not kidding! I'll set
myself on fire! I'm serious!
Hail Maharashtra!
I am not kidding, you bastard!
Come out right now!!