Short Term 12 (2013)

Don't worry about it.
On-- on my first day, I forgot everything
that they taught me in those classes.
- Really?
- Yeah.
I mean, day one's always
a little tough.
It's like, you know, no matter
how the training goes,
there's-- there's always room for something
that's just totally unpredictable.
Oh, I--
I've got a pretty good story for
you if you're ready for it.
- OK.
- Hey, what's up?
- Hey.
- Did you guys meet?
- Hi.
- Hey.
- Jessica.
- OK, listen up.
So it's like my first week on the
job, and I'm at gate duty, right?
What's that?
If a kid wants to leave,
legally we can't stop them, so
we put someone at the gate to
try and talk them out of it.
Whoa, you got here quick.
I did.
Good morning.
Nate, this is Grace.
She's your new boss.
Hi, nice to meet you.
Nice to meet you.
I would lose the tie
if I were you.
And if you're listening to a
story of Mason's, understand
that there's very little
reality in it.
Hey, don't piss in the water
before we put our toes in.
It actually feels
pretty mellow.
OK, so Grace,
my wonderful new boss
at the time, she leaves me at
my gate duty for like three
hours without a
bathroom break.
And I'm dying because I ate
the tacos that they serve
here, and she failed to tell me
that they're a known laxative.
So this kid, 16 years old, this
big fuckin' intimidating
dude, he's like a foot
taller than me.
He walks up and he just
cruises out the gate.
It's my second day, so I don't
know what the hell is going on.
But Grace, she's standing right
there, and she just lets it happen.
What I saw was Mason just
sitting there and Wesley
smiling at me from the opposite
side of the gate
because he knows that
we can't touch him.
Why not?
Once they're a foot outside the
gate, we can't touch them.
So Grace tells me to follow
him, so I do for hours, just
walking eight feet behind him.
Eventually he gets on this bus,
so I get on the bus too.
And at this point I can't think
of anything but whatever
the hell these tacos are
doing to my bowels.
Sol make up my mind,
fuck this.
I've got to get off at the next
stop or I'm going to lose
it in my shorts in front
of all these people.
And exactly as I make this
decision, Wesley leans his
big-ass head over to me from
across the aisle, and he says,
really calm, I'm getting off at
the next stop, and if you
do too, I'm going to rip your fuckin'
balls off and feed them to you.
Holy shit.
Remember what I said.
Hey now, this part is true.
I was there.
- Really?
- Are you sure?
- Yeah.
So the bus stops.
He gets off.
I wait a second.
I go over to the door, but he's
just standing there on
the sidewalk like 10 feet away,
staring at me, waiting.
What can I do?
I have no other choice.
So I step off the bus.
And the second that my feet
touch the ground, it is like a
knot in my asshole untied, and
the fiesta in my stomach just
comes pouring down my legs.
So I'm just standing there,
shit gushing down my thighs.
I ruined my fuckin'
favorite Nikes.
And Wesley is just there,
doubled over, losing it.
And he's fuckin' laughing so hard.
I've never seen anything--
Here we go, Nate.
Wait, what?
Come on, Nate!
Hey, hey, hey, hey!
Whoa, I got him.
Let go, you fucking perverts!
Nate, grab his feet, please.
Just going to sit down here in the
grass for a while until you de-escalate.
De-escalate my asshole,
you duck fuckers!
I'm not quite sure what
you mean by that.
You know the drill, Sammy.
Just let it pass.
You all right, buddy?
Whoa, he got pretty far that time.
I think it's a new record.
So anyway, after all that he
ends up coming back with me,
but only because he's so excited to tell
everyone in our unit that I pooped my pants.
And he does.
He tells everyone.
Somehow it even got
back to my mom.
You heard that story,
right Sammy?
How are you guys doing over there?
How are you feeling, Sammy?
You got it all out?
You want to go take a nap?
All right, let's get you up.
Up we go, bud.
All right, I'll see you
back at the office.
, man.
All right.
This guy's been eating his
Wheaties in the morning.
Have you ever thought about
the Olympics, Sammy?
Running track?
These are the files on our
kids, if you want to see what
kind of crap they've been through.
How long do they stay here?
Supposedly less than a year,
but we have a few that have
been here a little over three.
We just keep them until the county figures
out where they're going to go next.
Go brush your teeth!
Remember, you are not their parent.
You are not their therapist.
You are here to create a safe
environment, and that's it.
Got it.
And since you're new, they're
going to try and test you, see
what they can get away with.
So just say no for a while.
Kind of got to be an asshole
before you can be their friend.
You're going to be fine.
Community meeting is
in five minutes!
- Luis, you better be up.
- Ugh, I don't want to be.
So this is how it's
going to be?
You've got five seconds.
I love you too.
That's not cool.
Kendra, will you be secretary
for us today?
Sure, I guess.
OK, thank you.
Community meeting is
now in session.
Community announcements?
No announcements?
What's going on, you guys?
You look a little dead.
What did you do to them?
I don't know.
I farted when I was outside.
Maybe some of it followed me in.
Did you shart yourself again?
No, Luis, I did not shart,
thank you very much.
And that happened one time, and
you weren't even here yet, so.
It's still funny.
OK, are we done?
I've-- I've heard that story
like three times today.
Yeah, but it's a good story.
It is a good story.
OK, if no one has any non-poop
related announcements, I have one.
As most of you are already
aware, Marcus is turning 18
and will be leaving us.
Can I have his room?
We are going to be
throwing him a little party next week.
Marcus, any requests?
Can I shave my head?
I was talking about food for the party.
No, I don't.
I don't want food.
I want to shave my head.
As long as I hold the razor.
OK, everyone
else, thoughts?
Food for Marcus' party, what
are we going to do?
Everyone, one at
a time, please.
Luis, thank you for raising your hand.
Who's the weird guy over there?
Oh, that is Nate.
Please do not be jerks to him.
It is his first day.
Do you want to introduce yourself?
Um, sure.
Uh, as you know,
my name's Nate.
And, uh, I just--
I took a year off of school
because, you know, I just
wanted to get some
life experience.
And I always wanted to work
with underprivileged kids.
Hey, what the fuck is that
supposed to mean?
settle down.
No, I want to know what you
mean by that, "underprivileged."
That's not what I meant.
Then think about your fucking
words before you speak!
That's a level drop.
Go to your room.
Go to your room.
Sorry, man.
Um, levels and feelings,
you know the drill.
Let's start with you,
I feel funny.
All right.
Short Term 12,
this is Grace.
Right now?
So what do you think?
The new lamp.
It's really a trip.
You can turn it on and off by
touching the metal part.
Try it.
Cool, huh?
Look, I'm supposed to be in a
group session like right now.
You mind if we walk
and talk?
This is Jayden.
She just got appointed
to us this morning.
Her father's a friend of a friend,
real nice guy, very cultured.
Why isn't she with him?
Oh, he lost his wife
a few years back.
Jayden hasn't made life
very easy on him.
For the past couple of years,
she's been in and out of group
homes for dangerous behavior.
Last week she bit her
therapist's nose.
Yeah, so we'll have her during the
week, but she gets weekend home visits.
All right.
I told her father we'd
take good care of her.
I take good care of everyone.
I know you do.
That's why I'm trusting you to
do the same with Jayden.
When does she get here?
She might be here already.
I like your name, Jayden.
It's a boy's name.
I don't think so.
Will Smith did.
OK, well, these things you
can't keep in your room, but
we'll keep them in the closet
out here, and you can check
them out whenever
you want them.
Yep, I know the rules.
No belts, no razors, no
scissors, no fuckin' freedom.
No cussing.
Shit, I forgot about that one.
I'm going to let that one slip
because it was clever.
All right.
Let's go see your room.
Here it is.
Wow, it's so inviting.
You can put whatever you want on the
walls as long as it's appropriate.
So no pictures of penises?
Not unless it's very
Oh, wow.
This is really cool.
No, that's crap.
If you call that crap,
I'm jealous.
If you put your clothes
outside the door before
bedtime, the overnighters
will wash them.
And, um, you can't keep
your door closest.
I don't do that anymore.
I'm not
saying that you do.
I mean, even if I ever did want
to cut myself, keeping
the fuckin' door cracked
isn't going to stop me.
I already warned you
about cussing.
That one's going to
be a level drop.
Oh no, a level drop.
What am I going to do?
Your attitude is not helping
either one of us.
Hey, what happened to that guy?
What guy?
The big kid that made
you poop your pants.
He ran away again, and then two days later
someone found him dead in the bushes.
That is the real ending
to the story.
I don't like that part.
Sugar, coming with me?
I'm going to clear my head.
That was a good first day, Nate.
Thank you.
See ya.
All right, man.
Yeah, take it easy.
All right.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Come on in, Hon.
So the test did come
back positive.
How are you feeling?
I already did, like, seven of
those tests at home,
so I'm not really surprised.
OK, well, you have a few
options to explore.
And we can go over it for--
We can just make an appointment
for Saturday.
You don't want to hear
the other options?
Have you ever been
pregnant before?
One time.
Hey, stinker, what
took you so long?
Oh, no.
I didn't know you still
had that stupid hat.
I will always have this stupid hat.
What's going on in here?
Well, since you were out
cheating on me with your bike,
I decided I'd make myself some
chiles rellenos, homemade
tortillas, and my mom's
famous salsa.
Looks like there's
enough for two.
All right.
I doubt it.
Mase, you don't have to
be jealous of Floyd.
Your bike has a name now?
Of course he does.
We're very close.
I don't know what
you see in him.
Nice grip.
Comfy seat.
There is no way his seat
is as comfy as mine.
You're right.
I think I'm going to
go take a shower.
Floyd got me all sweaty.
I hate that bike!
Fuck you, Floyd.
OK, I'm done with mine.
On, yeah.
OK, yep.
Almost there.
Those are some crazy last-minute
changes you're making.
Yeah, well, I really
suck at noses.
OK, you go first.
Aw, damn it.
Yours are always so good.
I look like a homeless guy, though.
You do kind of look like a homeless guy.
Oh yeah, thank you.
What's that on my face there?
Oh, that?
Well, that's the piece of
avocado that's in your beard.
Oh, fuck.
It's been there the whole time.
Ooh, yeah.
So now you're all
nicely painted.
Thank you for saying
something-- sooner
I did.
I just--
Um, all right, here we go.
Just take it easy, OK, because you're
going to freak out when you see this.
I think it might be
my best one yet.
Come on.
Oh, wow.
You can't fuck with that.
I can't fuck with that.
That nose is amazing.
And I was going for kind of a
mushroomy thing in there.
Is that a beard?
I was, uh--
I was trying to shade. I
think it looks pretty cool.
Yeah, it looks very cool.
What's growing out of my head?
Oh, these?
They represent the peculiar thoughts
that grow out of your gorgeous mind.
Why are you so nice to me?
You being serious now?
Well, it's easy.
It's because you are the
weirdest, most beautiful
person that I've ever met
in my whole entire life.
Um. Nothing.
It's just been a long time since
you kissed me like that.
That's not true.
Well, we haven't had sex
in 9 days and 13 hours.
Down to the hour, huh?
Did I do something?
You're wonderful.
What is it, then?
Hey, hey.
Please, you have to let me in
your head once in a while or
I'm just going to go nuts, OK?
Are you doing this
just for me?
You OK?
You don't want me to stop?
What the hell, Grace?
OK, everyone.
I think most of you have already
met her, but we have a
new member of our community.
Jayden, would you introduce
Please don't be offended if I'm
not very friendly, but I'm
going to be living with my dad
soon, and I don't really like
wasting time on short-term
So, you know, it's
nothing personal.
She seems like a really
nice girl.
Hey, I think
we all can respect her space, OK?
OK, what do we want to
play for rec today?
Wiffle ball, dude!
No, man.
You're always playing
that stupid game.
Because you always
suck at it.
Until you get good at it, maybe
we could stop playing it.
- Watch your mouth, bro.
- Both of you, cut it out.
Any other suggestions?
Yes, Sammy?
Can we play Big and Small?
Is that a real game, or is that
a game you just made up?
It's a real game that
I just made up.
Well, maybe you can explain
that to me later.
Straight line, guys.
I'm going to do room checks,
so I'll meet you.
Oh, OK.
Hi, Nas.
Come on, guys.
Let's go, Shawnta, let's go!
All right, we got
a baseball game.
There you go.
You got this.
Hey, yo, Sammy.
Get-- get the ball!
Run, girl, run!
Come on, Sammy!
You too good for this game?
Too good for wiffle ball?
I don't like sweat.
Hey, you know what, Connor?
Just come-- just come closer.
It's Marcus.
He ain't going to hit it.
You sure you don't want
to get the fat bat?
Strike one, everybody.
Strike one.
That wasn't no strike.
That was right down the middle.
This is the big leagues, boy.
You can't handle it?
Better keep flapping
them gums.
You want to jump rope with us?
We're not supposed to.
That's not what we meant.
Can I hear?
Strike three.
Change it up.
Bet your ma is real excited
to see you next week, huh?
What the fuck?
What the fuck did you about
my mama, you little bitch?
What are you doing?
Get your ass over
to the bench.
Come on, come on.
Guys, get Luis out of here.
Is Marcus OK?
You good?
Yeah, I got it.
Luis, come on.
Come on.
OK, where-- where where--
where does it hurt?
Come on.
Come on, sit over here.
We're going to sit down for
a little while, OK?
You OK, man?
How do you feel?
Not good.
I mean, that-- that was crazy.
They just fight like that?
Nate, I'm not asking you
how you're feeling.
I'm sorry.
How are you?
You need to tell me what
the hell is going on.
Assault and drug possession.
You realize that's enough to get
your ass thrown in juvie.
Do you think I give a fuck?
You're out of here in
less than a week.
You're so much smarter
than this.
I know it's scary out there.
I ain't scared of shit.
All I'm saying is, getting
thrown in jail is not what you
want to do.
My dad has been in there
for 10 years.
I don't want that for you.
- Straight to your room.
- No free time until all
your chores are done.
What's going on with him?
He doesn't want to leave.
Should I go talk to him?
All right, I'll just be inside
letting Marcus kick the
shit out of me.
Have fun.
You got some new lyrics you
want to try out on me?
There's a lot of fucks in it.
I won't tell.
Those are pretty much it.
It's slow.
All right, let's see.
Let's see here.
Like that?
All right.
It don't matter
now, damn near 18.
All the pretty pictures in
my fuckin' head is faded.
And when I think about that
trick that raised me, I think
about sick, because the
bitch is crazy.
Fuck that bitch, nigga,
fuck that pain.
Your body's in a ditch inside
this turned up brain.
I mean, I can't see how you
claim it, you being ma?
Doctors snatched me out the snatch
of pure evil with eagle claws.
Ho, ho, ho, slut, fuck
the way you want it.
Got your young, dumb son
pitching pigeons for money.
I mean, it's colder than the
bitch when it's sunny.
Blows raining down
on the glow.
Got the nerve to tell
me you love me?
I said, again?
Sell it again?
Bitch, I'm 10.
Let me go outside and function
with friends.
You say you ma?
You mother?
You the father-fucking queen?
I say, all right, I love
her so I flip it again.
No, not this time, bitch,
because I'm stronger than you.
Not this time, bitch, swinging
harder than you.
No, not this time, bitch, you
ain't leave me a choice.
You just a body in a ditch
in the brain of a boy.
All fucked up now,
damn near 18.
All the pictures in my past
ain't never fading.
I'm always wishing for something
amazing, but when
your life is shit then
it ain't no trading.
So put me in your book so you
know what it's like to live a
life not knowing what a
normal life's like.
Put a label on my head so you
know what it's like to live a
life not knowing what a
normal life's like.
Look into my eyes so you
know what it's like.
Look into my eyes so you know
what it's like to live a life
not knowing what a normal
life's like.
Yeah, I--
I don't--
I don't know what to say, man.
It's cool, man.
I just need to shave my head.
You think Grace will
still shave it?
I like the new wall decor.
They're actually very informative.
Can I draw with you?
When I was 9 or 10, I used to
draw portraits of all my mom's
And then I'd sell them to
her for $10 apiece.
How many boyfriends
did she have?
Enough that I was able to save
up and buy one of those
portable CD players with
anti-shock protection.
You're old.
Those things were cool.
You know what's weird?
Whenever I was drawing portraits
of, you know, those
guys, I would always
take forever.
30, 40 minutes just stringing them
along, saying, oh, I've
just got to do a couple
more shadows, or, I'm
just fixing the nose.
I don't know why I did that.
I hated every single
one of them.
Maybe you were just trying to
keep them away from your mom.
Are you done?
I've just got to add a few shadows
and fix the nose a little.
You are such a smartass.
That's a level drop.
Oh no, not a level drop.
I wanted to play
foosball later.
Too bad.
You want to take a look?
Looks great, Marcus.
Check it out.
Is it lumpy?
What do you mean?
I usually keep my hair long.
It's where she used
to hit me at.
Is it still lumpy?
No way, man.
Not at all.
See for yourself.
Pretty smooth.
What about the back? No scars?
no nothing?
It looks really great.
I have something to tell you.
What's up?
We're going to have a baby.
We're going to have a baby.
We are?
Uh, give me a minute.
Oh. boy!
Holy shit.
You know we can do
this, right?
Because we are going to be
some amazing parents.
I love you so much, Grace.
So much it's insane.
Let me see.
You can't tell yet.
Come on.
That is so crazy.
Did you hear about Sammy?
Last night they took
all his dolls away.
His therapist is calling it
a lesson in letting go.
Those are all his
sisters, right?
He's not ready for that.
It's time for your
meds, Sammy.
I'm sorry, bud.
Jayden, meds.
How'd you sleep?
Like crap.
Can you tell the doctor I need
a higher dosage of Trazodone?
Mm-hmm, I will tell him.
Happy birthday.
And it comes with this.
Mason made that.
I heard your dad's
picking you up.
You excited?
Dan, you
have a visitor at the front gate.
Dan to the front gate.
The barber of Seville!
Bye, Shawnta.
Bye, Shawnta.
To encounter
so many sharks can be--
The fact that
this occurs on the eve of
the summer solstice
left me wondering.
Damn it.
Will you watch the kids?
Come on, you know you can't
keep the door closed.
Stop pushing on the door.
Hey, Jade.
I'm really sorry
about your dad.
Why can't she close her door?
She's a cutter.
I can fucking hear you, dick!
Maybe I'll just cut myself right now,
and you'll all lose your fucking jobs!
Come on, Jade.
Don't fucking
call me Jade, you bitch!
Jayden, come on.
Please, just open the door.
If you just open the door, then
we won't bother you anymore.
If you're not going to open the
door, then we're going to
have to force it.
Can you help me?
Yeah, yeah.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
Get the fuck out of my
room, you fucking--
stop touching me!
All right, easy, easy, easy.
One, two, three, down.
Ah, fuck you!
Luis, sit down.
You're fucking squishing
me, you fatass!
Sorry, how's that?
Let me go!
You shouldn't be here, Grace.
What's wrong, Mason?
Can't handle me for yourself,
you weak-ass fuck?
Need the bitch to
do it for you?
Hold her good, Nate.
Yeah, hold me good, Nate.
Sorry, man.
You're going to be OK, Jayden.
It's going to be OK.
I hate you.
I hate you.
That's fine.
You don't have to like
me right now.
Just let it pass.
How we doing, Nate?
Not so good.
You're doing good.
You're doing really good.
how's my cupcake?
The ancient islands are cold.
How is she?
I guess she's in the cool-down room now.
I need that.
Common gray seals
can be found here in abundance.
In fact, Scotland is home to 40%
of the world's gray seal
Everybody grab one.
Come on.
You want to see mine?
That one's from a sneeze.
Slipped and cut too deep.
Almost cut my achilles.
My mom died.
I went to live with
my dad and--
it's impossible to worry about
anything else when there's
blood coming out of you.
God, I hate that thing.
Me too.
Take as much time
as you need.
Happy birthday to you!
Blow them out!
Blow them out!
Ah, big booty, big
booty, big booty!
Big booty number four.
- Number four, number five.
- Number five, number six.
- Number six, number five.
- Number 5, number 10.
Number seven, big booty.
Big booty, number 10.
Come on, she works here.
She should be embarrassed.
I am embarrassed.
Hey, it's OK.
It happens to all of us.
Let's go for another
round Ready?
Ah, big booty,
big booty--
Hmm, slow this down
a little bit.
Yo, y'all ain't got
no rhythm, man.
Tell me about it.
I'm trying to keep
them in line.
It's just so hard.
Mase, I love you
like a brother but I got to
say that when it come to being
discreet, you're a disgrace.
I mean, he think we all don't
know about him and Grace on
the low undercover
trying to date.
I don't know what
you're talking about.
Uh, I'm out
the gate, right?
My name is Nate.
When I came here, y'all
tried to player-hate.
Everyone sit down, please.
We have an AWOL.
Stay with the kids!
I'll call you when I get her.
This happens.
It's fine.
Jayden, can you slow
down, please?
I feel like I'm going to barf.
Keep-- keep the same distance.
You can't touch me
outside of the grounds.
Well, can I walk with you?
Walk all you want, but I'm
not going back there.
Let's walk, then.
Jayden, you know you're not
supposed to be here.
Um, we're at her dad's house.
I don't think that anyone's
here, but she went in anyway.
OK, thanks.
He's not home?
Do you want to go back?
You OK?
I'll see you tomorrow.
You want to hear a story
I've been working on?
Of course.
Well, it's a kid's story, so
there aren't any big words.
Once upon a time, somewhere
miles and miles beneath the
surface of the ocean,
there lived a young
octopus named Nina.
Nina spent most of her time
alone making strange creations
out of rocks and shells.
And she was very happy.
But then on Monday the
shark showed up.
"What's your name?"
said the shark.
"Nina," she replied.
"Do you want to be my friend?"
he asked.
What do I have to
do?" said Nina.
"Not much,"
said the shark.
"Just let me eat one
of your arms."
Nina had never had a friend
before, so she wondered if
this was what you had
to do to get one.
She looked down at her eight
arms and decided it wouldn't
be so bad to give up one.
So she donated an arm to her
wonderful new friend.
Every day that week, Nina and
the shark would play together.
They explored caves, built
castles of sand, and swam
really, really fast.
And every night the shark would
be hungry, and Nina
would give him another one
of her arms to eat.
On Sunday, after playing all
day, the shark told Nina that
he was very hungry.
"I don't understand,"
she said.
"I've already given you six of
my arms, and now you want one more?"
The shark looked at her
with a friendly smile and
said, "I don't want one.
This time I want them all."
"But why?" Nina asked.
And the shark replied, "because
that's what friends are for."
When the shark finished
his meal, he felt
very sad and lonely.
He missed having someone to
explore caves, build castles,
and swim really, really
fast with.
He missed Nina very much.
So he-- he swam away to
find another friend.
Did your dad ever hurt you?
Does he still hurt you?
We can't let her
go back there.
That's not going to happen.
You were pretty amazing today.
Thank you.
More, please.
More for everyone.
More of everything.
Anyone, dessert first?
Dessert first?
Excuse me,
excuse me.
Hello, hello.
But I'm going to say it in
English so I don't embarrass
myself any more than
I need to.
Uh, I just want to take
a moment to say
thank you, Mama, Pops.
I don't think anyone here thinks
of you as just our
foster parents.
I don't even know what that
term means because to me,
you're just Ma and Pa.
And I think I speak for everyone
here when I say,
thank you for taking us in.
For taking me in when I was just
a punk kid who was scared
of everything.
When I had no one else, you
accepted me and you showed me
what it was like--
um, what it was like
to be loved.
And none of us would be here
if it weren't for you.
Just look at this beautiful
family you made.
So let's all lift our glasses
to our king and queen.
Happy 30th, you guys.
Everything good in my life
is because of you.
Will you marry me?
You're serious?
I'm dead serious.
Who the hell is calling
on the land line?
This is, uh, actually
her, uh, fiance.
And if this is about her dad,
it'd probably be best if you
just let me relay the message.
Oh, shit.
Who was it?
That was someone from the
probation department.
They said that your dad's
probably going to get released
next month.
I really think we need to talk
through some of this stuff.
Not right now, Mason.
I'll be fine.
I just--
I just need to work.
Marcus' fish died last night.
He thinks Luis had something
to do with it.
Did he?
Tell me you didn't do something
to Marcus' fish.
Luis, tell me.
I don't know what you're
talking about.
I swear!
I'm really sorry, Marcus.
It wasn't Luis.
It don't matter.
I'd like to be left alone,
if that's cool with you.
Just let me know if
you need anything.
Have you guys seen Jayden?
Where's Jayden?
Oh, her dad showed up last night and
took her on pass for the weekend.
Jack signed off on it.
Are you fucking kidding me?
How could you let her go?
Uh, Jan, let me call
you right back, OK?
The man called.
He apologized.
He had a personal emergency.
That's not even the point, Jack.
Did you read my report?
Of course I
did, and I was very concerned.
But when Jayden's social worker
asked her about it, she
said her father had never
been abusive in any way.
Of course she said that.
She's fucking scared!
What the fuck did they teach
you guys in grad school?
Jack, in her mind he is always
right behind her, watching her.
When she is sleeping.
When she is taking a shit.
When she is alone with her
therapist, he is right there
watching her, ready to pounce.
And you just expect her to
just come out and say it?
Are you guys fucking stupid?
Because she was here asking for
help, and you just send
her back to the fucking shark.
I realize you're upset, Grace.
But yelling at me isn't
an effective form of
OK, Jack.
Jack, I'm sorry.
Please cancel the pass until we
figure this out, because I
know her and I know that things
are not good at home.
And how do you know that?
Because she read you
a children's story?
Don't fuck with me, Jack.
I am on the floor every
day with those kids.
And last night, that girl sat
next to me and she cried, and
she tried to tell me the only
way that she knew how.
Grace, you are a line staff.
It's not your job to
interpret tears.
That's what our trained
therapists are here for.
Then your trained therapists
don't know shit.
Did she tell you that she was
being abused by her father?
She didn't have to.
If I'm going to take that child
away from her biological
parent, yes, she does.
This is bullshit.
Grace, I have been working with these
kids longer than you've been alive.
And there's not one of them
that I wouldn't die for.
I look into those broken eyes.
I want to go out and find the
asshole who did that to them
and beat the shit out of them.
But although I feel that way
every single day, I know I
can't track down everyone
who's hurt them.
I know I can't heal all their
wounds, and I can't start
accusing all their parents of
being sexual offenders.
Especially when they're friends
of friends, right, Jack?
We're finished here, Grace.
What are you doing
in Luis' room?
Oh, no.
Somebody, anybody come!
Help me!
Luis, I need your pillowcase right now.
Give it to me.
Quicker, please.
Marcus, please look at me.
Marcus, look at me.
You're going to be OK.
I just need you to look at me.
Marcus, look at me.
What the fuck is
taking so long?
Now I
have a real friend.
I'm going to call
you, uh, Dudley.
Dr. Stone--
Johnson, dial 93, please.
Blake Johnson, dial 93.
They still don't
know anything.
I can't do this.
Grace, where are you going?
I can't do this.
OK, let's go.
Let's go.
I'll drive us home.
Don't want to go home.
That's not what I'm
talking about.
I know it's been a really
fucked up day, OK?
Mason, you have no idea what
I'm going through right now.
Then tell me.
That's how this works.
You talk to me about it so that
I can take your hand and
fucking walk through
this shit with you.
That is what I signed
up for, OK?
But I cannot do that if
you won't let me in.
I can't.
I'm sorry.
You're sorry?
Grace, are you serious?
I've been waiting for you for
a really long time, and I
wouldn't take a second of it
back because I love you so
goddamn much, OK?
But I have been waiting for
three years for you to tell me
why you still don't trust me.
I've been waiting for three
years for you to just once
take the advice that you give
your kids every fuckin' five
minutes and learn to talk
about what's going
on inside your head.
You can't do that for me?
Whatever it is, OK,
just talk to me.
But I can't do this.
I can't--
I can't marry you.
I can't have your baby.
I can't have any of it.
I can't do it.
So what do you want to do?
Do you want to get
an abortion?
I already made the
Do whatever you want, OK?
Because I'm done.
Kids don't
care nothing about it.
Ed, do you
want some vittles today?
I do, Granny.
I worked up a right smart appetite
fetching sticks for old Duke.
Yes, that's
the trouble around here.
The critters are taking over.
Billie Mae has done made pets out of
everything but my pickled turnips.
What are we going to
do for vittles?
Wait, I remember
someplace to drive near--
What are you doing?
That's a little extreme,
don't you think?
Are you going crazy?
When I was your age, I had to
stand in a courtroom with a
bunch of strangers and tell
them all the ways
that he abused me.
What he hit me with.
How he got drunk.
How he forced me to take
a shower with him.
Got me pregnant.
I sent him to prison.
I didn't talk about it.
I didn't think about it.
Until I met you.
And I don't know.
I have a baby inside of
me, and I don't know.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I was just trying to help you.
Oh my god.
He loves the belt.
It's such a cliche.
Jayden, we have to do
something about this.
Should go bash his face
in with a baseball
bat while he's sleeping?
Uh, we should get
out of here.
He'll sleep through anything.
Now we should get out of here.
They're going to ask you
a lot of questions.
It's going to be hard.
I'll try to leave out the part
about you breaking into
that house with a
baseball bat.
You're going to be
a really good mom.
I told him this was going to be
the last time I came home.
Because I'm not going to
take his shit anymore.
And that set him
off, of course.
But I didn't care.
I'm sorry.
I didn't mean what
I said earlier.
I'm just really messed
up right now.
Marcus is going
to get better.
I think I am too.
Grace, I know talking like
this is really hard.
But this is our fourth session
together, and I'd really like
you to try, OK?
I don't really know
what to say.
Your dad's getting out
of prison in a week.
Do you want to talk
about that?
Are you OK?
Watch that monitor
over my shoulder.
I think he's-- there we go.
There he is.
Stay with it.
Hang on a second.
Hang on.
That's-- that's the baby's
heartbeat, man.
Oh, man.
So you need to get ready for
this because it's so fucking
It's going to seem fake, but
I promise you it's not.
Grace will vouch for it.
It depends if you tell it right.
There is no way not
to tell this right.
It is a storyteller's
wet dream.
Get ready for this.
OK, just in time.
I'm going to start at the beginning, OK.
So three years ago, right, we have
this girl here named Liza Green.
She's 17, older than everybody
else on the unit at the time.
And I don't mean this in a pervy
way or anything, but
she's real pretty.
She was gorgeous.
All the guys on the unit want
her, but she won't give any of
them the time of day because
she was busy.
She was always studying.
She was very smart.
Really smart.
So two weeks before she turns 18 and
leaves, we get this new intake.
It's a 15-year-old guy.
He's really tough.
He's really quiet.
But he's cool.
He's just kind of like kicking
back, checking out the scene.
And I swear I didn't hear him say a
word the whole first week he was here.
But then one day we were doing community
meeting, and we ask for announcements.
And this guy raises his hand.
And he looks directly at Liza Green and
he says, I know you don't know me.
I just got here.
But I just want to say that
I've been watching you.
I think you're the most
interesting thing about this
place, and I'm really sad I'm not going
to get to know you before you leave.
I just wanted to
tell you that.
What a pimp!
What did she say?
It was so awkward.
Yeah, so fuckin' awkward
I couldn't stand it.
And then she left, and
never talked to him.
The kids teased him
for like a year.
Oh, that blows.
No, he didn't give a shit.
No, didn't even faze him.
It was like he knew something
everybody else didn't.
Who is this guy?
That was Marcus.
I never heard this story.
Oh, wait.
It gets so much better.
Yeah, so check this out.
Grace and I are getting coffee at
Ronnie's this morning, and we walk in.
And who do we see sitting
there alone at a table?
How's he doing?
He looks great.
He's so good.
Buttoned-up shirt.
He's sippin' on a cappuccino.
Marcus drinks cappuccino?
Yeah, I guess so.
now he does.
So we're talking
to him and we're catching up.
And he's telling us about
his new job at the
aquarium and how much
he takes home in tips.
And now he's going to start
applying for classes next semester.
Oh my god!
And it's weird because I'm like,
I have not heard Marcus
talk this much ever,
since I met him.
Like, what is the deal?
Is he excited to see us?
Is he nervous about something?
And that's when I notice there's
another cappuccino on
the table and an empty
chair next to him.
And then just like in the
fucking movies, bathroom door
flings open, out walks
Liza Green.
They were on a date?
It was like their fifth one.
As soon-- as soon as she sits
down, dude just goes beet-red.
He's so embarrassed.
Oh, it was so cute.
Oh, it was so fucking cute,
I almost pissed my pants.
- Oh Jess, they look so happy together.
- So happy.
And there's just--
Here we go.
Subtitle coloured by Asiank Neupane
Subtitle decoloured by Dutch Neupane