Shortcut, The (2009)

I'm so happy you didn't
have to go to the Marines yet.
Me too. But they said I have
to report in 2 weeks though.
- Do you know where you're going?
- Yeah. I'm stationed in Germany.
Isn't it gonna be dangerous?
Yeah, well,
we gotta stop the Nazis.
- I'll write to you while you're there.
- Thanks.
By the way,
thanks for walking me home.
Are you kidding?
You're my favorite girl.
(both chuckle)
Hey, c'mon.
Let's cut through the woods.
It's so dark.
Come on,
it's just a shortcut.
I've always been
a little scared of the woods.
Really? Well, don't worry.
I'll protect you.
Oh, you're so sweet.
- Oh gosh.
- (both chuckle)
- Fantastic.
- I'm tired. My feet hurt so much.
- That's from all the dancing.
- We didn't stop the whole time.
Well, we tried, yes, but we
couldn't stand back and watch
- Danny and Jess, right?
- Yeah, we did, but then we came out
- and gave them a little bit of a--
- We gave 'em a show.
We gave 'em a show.
Yes. Yes we did.
- What is it?
- It's--
you look beautiful.
- Stop it.
- Come on.
I'm not ready for that.
Oh, I think you are.
Let's just keep walking.
Come on, Irene.
What are you running away for?
I ship out in 2 weeks.
Irene, wait.
Okay, that's enough.
Stop it.
I like that.
I mean it.
- Too hard.
- (grunts)
(cries out)
Dougie, no.
- No.
- Shut up. Shut up.
You bitch!
(girl crying)
I should kill you, bitch.
Thank God you're here.
Please help me.
Go tell someone
to get the police.
Hurry, please.
Can you hear me?
Are you deaf?
What's wrong with you?!
So who do you like
in the fight this weekend?
- Is there UFC this weekend?
- No.
- MMA?
- Dude, it's the heavy weight championship
- of the world.
- You follow boxing?
I follow everything
in case you haven't noticed.
- Hey, Howard.
- I don't even know who the champ is.
Awesome. Well, if you ever
want to make a bet,
then just let me know.
I'll help you out.
Why, do you know
a bookie or something?
- Yeah, my dad.
- Come on.
I swear I haven't known you that long.
You could be a narc for all I know.
Didn't want to get busted
by the new kid.
You're serious?
Hey, Brad,
you had the Celtics
last night, didn't you?
Hey, can I-- can I
get that to you on Friday?
Fine, but don't bring me
a bag of change this time.
- Thanks, Lisa.
- No shit.
- Told you.
- I hate Paul Pierce.
Do your parents do anything else
besides break people's legs?
Yeah, my mom's
an elementary school teacher
so it kind of balances stuff out.
What about you?
Well, my dad's not around.
My mom is working
on her real estate license.
Cool. So where
do you guys live then?
- With my grandma.
- Nice.
Yeah, it's great.
Voulez-vous coucher
avec moi ce soir?
Yeah, we got like
Looks like I'm getting laid 3 times.
- You're such a virgin, Mark.
- Idiot.
So what up? Yo, where's your
crew shirt, man? It's a practice day.
Yeah, I kinda--
kinda quit.
What? When? You moved here
- You bastard.
- What can I say? It sucked.
Damn, man.
Now I'm all alone again.
Everyone else on the team
is an arrogant prick.
I know. That's one
of the many reasons that I left.
Well, cherish your freedom,
you dick.
I'd probably walk too
if it weren't for my dad,
- but what are you gonna do?
- (chuckles)
- You working tonight?
- Yup.
- Cool. Me too. See you guys later.
- Bye.
- Later.
- I don't blame you for quitting.
You know, I just never understood
the excitement of rowing a boat.
See you.
- Hi. Here to see Mr. Armstrong.
- Sign here.
Man on P.A.:
Attention, students.
There will be a mandatory fire safety
meeting this afternoon in the auditorium.
Armstrong: So soccer.
Soccer's going well?
Yeah. We're doing better.
We have a big game on Tuesday.
I'm sure you guys
are gonna be fine.
- Girl: Hope so. Plan on it.
- That's good.
Any thoughts about school yet?
I'm thinking about Columbia.
I really want to be in a big city.
Columbia's great,
- but it's also ivy league.
- I know.
Why? You think
I can't get in?
No. No.
I just, uh-- I want you
to pick a few safety schools,
you know, as insurance.
It's just not an easy one
to get into.
So we'll just keep
thinking about that.
- We still have some time.
- Okay.
- All right.
- Thank you, Mr. Armstrong.
No problem, Christy.
Make it a great day.
- I always do.
- Good.
- Hi.
- Hello.
Mr. Lucas, you can come in now.
So how are you?
Pretty good.
I was talking to your mother today.
She said she's still worried
about your transition.
- I'm fine.
- You sure?
I heard the crew team
didn't go very well.
According to Coach Klein,
you told him that crew
was "stupid, boring
and meant for kids
that suck at any other sport."
Does that sound about right?
Yeah, that actually
sounds about right.
Well, you're entitled
to your own opinion,
but quitters are usually frowned
upon by colleges, Derek.
Even Columbia?
Even Columbia.
(school bell rings)
I had the sickest
triple-kill last night--
took out 3 noobs
with a Spartan Laser.
Man, I'm so bored of Halo.
I like the new Metal Gear Solid.
The graphics look so real.
Hey, Tobey,
do you have a 360?
Yeah, but I can't play it.
- That sucks.
- Hey, are you guys in Scouts?
- You signed up for that?
- So lame.
Shut up.
My mom's making me.
So why are you grounded?
I got in trouble
at my old school.
What happened?
Some kid stole my bike,
so I beat him up.
So you think you're tough?
Tougher than you.
Okay. Then why don't you
take the shortcut?
Oh yeah.
What shortcut?
We'll show you.
Boy #1: So do you know karate
or something?
Tobey: No.
I just use baseball bats.
- Boy #2: Yeah, right.
- Tobey: It's true.
Boy #1: One thing though: You can't
let anyone see you cross the fence.
- Tobey: Why?
- It's an automatic detention.
This is it.
Does anybody ever use it?
Boy #2: Sure.
Boy #1: Most kids are
too chicken though.
It's just a stupid path
through the woods.
Have you guys
taken it before?
- Y-yeah.
- Sure.
Where does it go?
Right to your neighborhood.
Boy #2: Way faster
than walking around.
Boy #1: Just go for it.
See you later.
See you later, tough guy.
Boy #1: Hey. Didn't Brian Whitley's
sister die out there?
Boy #2: I'll bet you the crazy
old man got her.
Do you like blood, boy?
Do you?!
Do you like blood, boy?!
Huh, boy?!
- Do ya?
- (whimpering)
Next time it's your blood!
Man: It is not at all uncommon
for a boy his age
to get into a little trouble
from time to time.
I did my fair share
of hell-raising.
Normally, I would agree
with you Mr. Hartley,
but there have been several reports
from his teachers
and other children
about his violent outbursts.
And after this last incident
in which he struck
a young boy in the face,
he was brought to my office
where he expressed
some disturbing thoughts.
Isn't everyone overreacting?
He's just an 8-year-old boy.
Thank you, Mrs. Hartley.
So what would you
have us do?
Unfortunately, what you do
about his condition
is no longer my concern.
My attention is focused
on the well-being of my schools.
You've got a lot of nerve
saying that to me.
Sir, while your family's history
in the area is greatly is appreciated,
I must tell you that Benjamin
is no longer welcome
in our classrooms.
Excuse me?
I'm sorry,
but he can't stay.
Are you out of your mind?
You expect him
to have no education?
He's a smart boy.
He'll behave.
Sir, you're lucky enough
to be able to afford some kind
of treatment that could help.
He doesn't need any treatment!
He's a Hartley.
There are many
fine institutions--
You son-of-a-bitch!
That damn school
was built on my family's land!
You're trying to tell me
that one of my boys can't go there?!
I think I should be going.
Hartley: Damn right you should be going.
Get the hell out of my house!
Administrator: Mr. Hartley, please
consider the well-being of your family.
- Hartley: Get out!
- Sir, I truly believe your son is deranged.
You'd better stay the hell off my land!
Mrs. Hartley:
Frank, what are we gonna do?
Mr. Hartley:
I don't know.
(dog barks)
- (loud thud)
- (dog yelps)
Hey, what's up
with Christy Doyle?
Christy Doyle?
- Why?
- She flirted with me
- in the guidance center today.
- Oh, she flirted with you, huh?
Then why are you
asking me questions, mister?
Well, you've known her
a lot longer than I have.
Like what's she all about?
Fill me in. (sniffs)
Derek, it's not like we hang out.
I don't know anything about the girl.
Take it easy.
Just help me out.
- Is she dating anybody?
- (sighs) Matt Fink; fullback.
They've been dating for,
like, 2 years.
She's not a cheerleader, is she?
- No, she's a soccer player.
- Nice.
So what's wrong with their relationship?
There's gotta be something.
I don't want to talk
about Christy Doyle.
Come on, Lisa. 2 years?
You know it's getting stale.
I don't know, man.
- I gotta go to work.
- Okay.
Thanks for the advice.
Call you later.
- Tobey!
- I took the shortcut!
- What shortcut?
- The dog, he killed it!
Tobey, what are you talking about?
Did you do something?
- No, I didn't do anything.
- Tell me what happened.
These kids just
showed me this path
and there was this dog
all cut up and I fell in the blood.
It wasn't me.
It was the old man.
He said if I went back,
I was next.
- What old man?!
- I don't know who he is.
You know you can
tell me the truth, right?
I am.
Don't tell Mom, okay?
It really wasn't me this time,
I swear.
Did anybody else see you?
All right, come on.
I'll find out who this old man is.
Where's this shortcut anyway?
(cell phone rings)
- Yo.
- Mark: We're freakin' slammed here, man.
(reception crackling)
Where are you?
- Hello?
- Come on, man. We're slam--
I've got really crappy
reception here.
We're short-staffed. You aren't here,
I'm gonna beat off in your apron.
I'll be there in like 5 minutes.
All right.
- Girl: Hey, Derek.
- Hey, Julie.
Hey, you're here. Good.
- Yeah, sorry I'm late.
- No, it's great. It's great.
Man, Coach is so
pissed off at you.
He told everyone what you said,
which was actually quite amusing.
Really. So awesome
to be hated by people.
Number 89.
Are you okay, bro?
I'm in the kitchen talking
to Lisa on the phone,
Tobey comes in
with blood all over him.
What? What happened?
Is he okay?
Yeah, he's fine.
It was dog's blood.
Dog's blood?
Yeah, he found one
all hacked up in the woods.
Some old man was in there.
He thinks that maybe he did it.
Bastard scared Tobey
half to death.
He took the shortcut.
Yeah, how'd you know?
Come on. Everyone knows about
the crazy old man on the shortcut.
Bro, I've been here 2 months.
Thank you.
Yeah, the story
goes back a long time.
The old guy's
a freakin' psycho.
Everyone always said he was
connected to some missing people
or murders or something,
but nothing's ever happened to him.
You know all that land
near Hartley Elementary?
- Yeah.
- It's his.
Kids used to take the shortcut
all the time back in the day.
Then he showed up
and started chasin' 'em around
with shovels or some shit.
I can't believe your
brother actually took it.
That takes some balls, man.
I went to that school.
- I never once went down there.
- Huh.
- That's 'cause you're a pussy.
- That's true.
Number 90.
Now watch it.
Always away from you.
- Okay.
- (door opens)
- Dear.
- (sighs)
- Hey, Grandma.
- How was work?
Not bad.
Kind of slow.
Brought you some
ice cream though. Butterscotch.
My favorite.
Thank you, honey.
- How's the car coming, Tob'?
- Fine.
He's been working at it
all afternoon.
I thought Scouts was lame.
I like this part.
Well, easy, man.
Knife looks sharp.
Hey, Mom.
- So I got a call today.
- Wow, that's awesome.
It was from your school,
You wanna tell me why
you quit the crew team?
It was a waste of time
and I just didn't want
to do it anymore.
It's not like you to quit.
It's kind of disappointing actually.
It's not a big deal, Mom.
I went to like 3 or 4 practices.
What exactly are you
gonna be doing then?
- I have school and work.
- It's your senior year, Derek.
You know, it's just crew. I'm not
the one that you need to be worried about.
You should be setting
an example,
especially now that
your father's not around.
You mean "dead," Mom.
(bag rustling)
- Hey, Tob'.
- Can I have a ride to school?
Hey, come here.
Come here.
How you doin'?
You still okay?
- Yeah.
- Well, don't let your friends
talk you into doing
anything stupid today.
- Okay.
- All right.
I'll pick you up after too.
Did you eat your
breakfast, sweetie?
Yeah, Mom.
Good morning.
Look, I know how important your
senior year is 'cause I've been there.
Sorry it had to be this way,
but we're doing the best we can.
- I love you, you know?
- I know.
It just sucks.
Van Gogh was
a complete loon--
crazier than me,
if you can believe it.
Some say
he was born that way;
others believe
he was driven to madness.
Man, you are super perv today.
Give it up, man.
She's Fink's girl. He'll kill you.
Teacher: Oh dear.
I could go on and on.
I got to go for it.
Unlucky in love,
nobody appreciated or recognized
his work during his day.
He may have only sold one painting.
Yet today he's revered...
Hey, do you think
I could get one of those?
I'm Derek.
From Mr. Armstrong's office.
Oh yeah.
The new guy, right?
Now let me just zoom in here
and get you some more details.
- (clicking)
- This darn thing's not working again.
Not good with technology.
So you ever played
Truth or Dare?
Yeah, I have.
Give me one.
Okay. Truth.
Did you really come over here
for a Twizzler?
(inhales sharply)
No, I did not.
I think you just
earned one for honesty.
All right.
Truly amazing!
So I hear you might
go to Columbia, huh?
I'm thinking about it, yeah.
That's awesome.
Me too.
I've decided to dedicate
my life to art history.
- Oh really?
- Really.
I'm gonna be Miss Milan's
personal assistant.
- She's my new idol.
- Mine too.
The lines, the color, the depth,
- it's very vaginal.
- (students snicker)
Class dismissed.
(lockers opening, closing)
You Derek?
- Yeah.
- I'm Taylor.
- What's up?
- What's this shit
your little crew buddy
Mark's been talking about?
What do you mean?
He's telling people that your brother
found a dead dog on the shortcut.
You know, over by
Hartley Elementary?
- Is that true?
- He did.
My dog's been missing
for, like, 3 days.
Oh, man, I'm sorry.
Did he tell you
what kind it was?
All right.
That's all I need to know.
Yo, Taylor.
- Um, are you gonna check it out?
- Yeah.
Let me know
when you're going.
There's some guy in there
that really freaked out my brother.
The old man, huh?
Sure, whatever.
What's your cell?
Mom, that was really good.
I can't have another bite.
- I'm done.
- Thank you.
- Mom?
- Here you go. Thank you.
- Is there any coffee left?
- In a minute.
So, Grandma, do you know
anything about a guy
that lives in the woods
behind Tobey's school?
Why do you ask?
Just heard some kids
talking about it.
You guys haven't been
going in those woods, have you?
- No.
- Stay away from there, you understand?
Mom, please don't scare them.
That old man's been around
since I was a kid.
Don't go there ever.
Okay, Grandma, we won't.
Mom, what is she
talking about?
Tobey, why don't you go help Grandma
and then get ready for bed?
Night, sweetie.
A long time ago
before I was born,
some kids went missing
from the old high school,
kids your grandma knew.
Talk was they were last seen
taking the shortcut.
Police investigated for months.
They came up empty.
Nobody was ever arrested.
Nobody knows what happened to this day.
But everyone looked
at the Hartleys different after that.
- As in "Hartley Elementary"?
- Mm-hmm.
That family's been around
for generations.
The old man's the last
surviving member.
I just think he's a crazy recluse,
but he's not a murderer.
He just wants
to be left alone.
So do what your grandma says
and stay away from him.
- All right.
- (doorbell rings)
I'll get that.
- You expecting someone?
- Yup, it's for me.
You ready?
I don't blame your brother
for being freaked.
That old bastard scared the hell
out of me when I was a kid too.
- But not anymore though, right?
- Nah, I ain't scared of him.
So what's the plan?
Well, head down the shortcut,
see what we see.
Then we take a look around
the old bastard's place.
Okay, let's go.
All right.
(video game gunfire, shouting)
Didn't I tell you to get to bed?
- Tobey.
- (gunfire ceases)
You're not even supposed
to be playing those.
- I'm almost done.
- When I come back,
- you'd better be upstairs.
- (gunfire resumes)
Derek: You're friends
with Matt Fink, right?
Yeah, he's all right.
Isn't he dating Christy Doyle?
- Yeah, why?
- I-- uh, no reason.
- I got a class with her.
- Shh.
This is it.
Come on.
Okay, wait.
Go. Go.
- Is that Hartley?
- Yeah, that's him, all right.
What do you want to do?
- Let's go.
- All right. All right.
- (footsteps)
- He's coming.
(can clatters)
What the hell was that?
Hey, come here.
(metal clatters)
- What's your dog's name?
- Uh, "Tammy."
Derek, I swear to God
if he did anything to her,
I'll kill him.
(door closes)
If someone's in here,
you're trespassing.
What's he doing?
- Oh shit, man. Run!
- Go!
- Hey!
- Derek: Run!
Hartley: Keep runnin'
or I'll slaughter you like dogs!
Derek: I'm telling you
he was definitely trying to kill us.
- Damn.
- What is with this guy?
I don't know.
- Yo.
- What's up?
Ah, lovely Lisa.
Is tomorrow cool?
Yeah, that's fine.
Hey, I heard you guys
had a close call last night.
So those dog tags I found,
they were pretty old,
but one of 'em still had
a phone number that worked.
- Beardsley?
- Yeah. Went missing a few years ago.
- Never found him.
- Maybe the old man's
- pulling a Michael Vick.
- Shut up, Mark.
No, seriously.
He's probably making 'em dogfight.
Don't make me tell you this twice.
Stop talking.
I think we should
go out there again.
I know he's killing dogs
and we've got to prove it.
Yeah. When?
I got practice now,
but I'll give you a call.
- That boy is aggressive.
- Yeah.
He's just trying to find out
what happened to his dog.
No, he's just an asshole.
All right.
I got practice too.
- Keep me updated?
- See you.
Can you guys take care of that?
Thank you.
What do you say we do
a little investigation of our own?
Oh, so now you want in
on the action too?
What can I say?
I'm bored.
So that's his front entrance.
Yeah. I mean, it's the only place
that makes sense.
- Sure?
- Yeah, I'm sure.
Why don't you just
let Christy read the map then?
(snorts, chuckles)
There he is. Finally we can
get in there, scope it out.
Oh damn.
He's stopping.
Who is sending him mail?
- Oh my God, he is so creepy.
- Yeah.
So much for
the investigation.
- He's backing up to his house.
- Well, there's 10 minutes of my life
I'll never get back.
- Are you-- you're number 25?
- Yeah, thank you.
Keep it scoopy.
All right, man.
I'm listening.
Okay, now let's say
this whole Christy thing
actually works out.
There could definitely be
some runoff benefits
if you convince her to bring
some of her hot friends.
- You could totally hook that up.
- What are you talking about?
Come on, man.
If you're gonna fool around
with Christy Doyle,
I want to bang her friends.
Okay, which one do you like?
- Wendy Rowe.
- Mm. Yes.
Man, it's her freckles.
I just want to grab her face
and... you know?
Need to get her in
on Operation Old Man.
I'll see what I can do.
Hi, uh...
can I help you?
I'll take a dog.
A dog.
With mustard, onions.
Right, of course.
Um, anything else?
That'll be $1.50, please.
Yeah, just $1.50.
(change rattles)
Uh, I'll have that right up for you.
Does he recognize you?
I don't know.
I can't tell.
Just give me the hotdog.
Here you go.
Keep it scoopy.
My God, that is not
a handsome man.
Uh, hello?
Hey, Christy.
What are you doing here?
Uh, trying to get french fries.
Of course.
Do you know that guy?
That's the old man
from the shortcut.
- Are you serious?
- Mm-hmm.
That's him?
We think he killed Taylor's dog.
- Tammy?!
- Yeah.
You wanna help us
spy on him?
Why don't you just
call the police?
That's no fun.
Besides we're not 100%
sure that he did it.
All right.
Take my number and just, um--
just text me later.
On the house,
Madame Doyle.
Thanks, guys.
I will text you later.
Christy Doyle.
(object clatters)
Oh, come on.
Who's there?
(shovel scrapes loudly)
(shovel scrapes)
(chain link fence clatters)
This isn't funny.
Who's there?
- Derek, help!
- Mark?
Tell him you're sorry, Derek!
What are you doing?!
- Get away from him!
- Tell him you're sorry, Derek!
I'm sorry!
No, don't!
- (shovel thuds)
- (Mark grunts)
- Mark!
- (groans)
(both laugh)
Now who's the pussy?
You sound just like
a little bitch, Derek.
You guys are assholes.
That was not funny.
You should've
seen your face, man.
"Don't hurt him!
Don't hurt him!"
"I'm sorry.
Let him go!"
Well, you scared
the shit out of me.
Seriously, though,
thanks for trying to save me anyway.
Very heroic of you.
- I am a heroic guy.
- You've got to admit we got you good.
Yeah, you did.
Don't want to hurt you
Try not to mess
with your feelings
It's just a matter of trust
for us, for us
Don't wanna hurt you
Try not to mess
with your feelings
It's just a matter of trust
for us, for us
For us
You should come over
'Cause I can tell
from your eyes
Why don't you tell me
what's really on your mind?
Too much confusion,
she needs a little more time
So many times now
we've been through this before.
(whistle blows)
Lisa: So I tried to
carry the thing on my bike,
you know, on the bike rack thing--
it was like 60 lbs.
The box was, like, enormous.
It was huge.
That's what she said.
I appreciate it.
Another dog owner.
They never found theirs either.
Like I said: Michael Vick.
- (giggles)
- (chuckles)
- What was that?
- Nothing.
So, uh, what's the plan?
My uncle said that old man, he spends
every Friday night at the VFW.
He's a veteran?
Right. So in case you were wondering,
he does have guns.
That's perfect.
I will pick Christy up
and we'll check out the VFW.
You guys go to the house.
- You're gonna pick up Christy?
- Yeah, she wants in on Operation Old Man.
[ Skipped item nr. 658 ]
- You're not gonna be there tonight?
- Hey, what's up, Tob'?
I totally forgot.
- We're working on something.
- Yeah?
Look, I'll make it up to you.
I promise.
- I'm sorry.
- My little brother Brian's racing a car too.
He's gonna be
pretty tough to beat.
Aren't you a little bit short
to be driving a car, man?
You're gonna look like Toad
in Mario Kart.
- Mario!
- (mimics Luigi) Im a gonna win.
Okay, guys, just leave
him alone. Gotta go.
Good luck tonight, man.
Kick Brian's ass.
You gonna cry? Come on,
don't be so sensitive, buddy.
what did you do?
Hey, Ricky!
- Where are you?
- Grab him.
Get him to the barn.
Hey, Ricky!
Where are you?
What's going on?!
You promised
this wouldn't happen again.
Don't just stand there.
Let's clean 'em up.
- Watch out!
- God, you're such an idiot, Mark.
- Got you a little bit.
- Not really.
(both chuckle)
How far do we have
to go in there anyway?
It's only a few minutes.
You've never been here before?
I went to St. Katherine's.
We don't get peer pressure there.
I'm just not a big fan of
being chased with a shovel.
...fat guy that dances
during their shows in the background.
It sounds stupid,
but it's really funny.
- That's funny.
- Well, it's not.
Hey, look what I got.
What's that?
Where'd you get those?
- Donna G's brother Ingo.
- Oh, okay.
- Wow.
- Whoo!
- Impressive.
- Here.
- Your turn.
- Thank you, thank you.
- Huh.
- Cheers.
There he is.
(phone vibrates)
- Yo.
- Mark, he's here.
I'll let you know
if there's any movement.
- We're all clear.
- Let's go.
- All right.
- Hey!
- Woo!
- Stop.
- Let's go.
- (Mark chuckles)
So how long do you think
we'll be here?
This isn't exactly as exciting
as you made it out to be.
Come on.
The night is young.
You know, you're gonna
have to do a lot more
than just take me to a movie
to make up for this one.
Oh really?
What do you have in mind?
I don't know.
Be creative.
Mark: Hey, Lisa,
is it weird that these woods
are making me horny?
Yes, Mark, it is weird.
Move your ass.
Let's go.
Come on.
There is no way
Tammy is still alive.
This is where the tags
used to be.
- (whispers) Roid rage.
- (chuckles) Yeah.
I hate to say it, but this place
is just as freaky as I thought it'd be.
- You hate to say it?
- Shut up.
To hell with it.
Let's go check out
the house.
Can you guys believe this shit?
Hey, guys.
- Nine Inch Nails?
- Not so much.
How about Marilyn Manson?
- No?
- Not really, no.
- Really?
- No.
What about Shwayze?
I met her at a backyard
block party by the bar
She kept looking at me
like she knew who I was
She was buzzin' all over me
She was buzzin'
all over me
She was buzzin' all over me
like she fell in love.
I like that song.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
You wanna see 'em live? I'll get tickets
for us next time they come to town.
That would be awesome.
I'll hold you to that.
Matt and I broke up today.
What happened?
We were just done.
I'm sorry.
You know what?
I'm really glad you came.
You are, huh?
(Lisa groans)
Get your hand off my ass.
- Did you get it?
- Give me a second, okay?
Hey, are we sure
we want to go inside?
Don't be such a douche.
We came here to look around, right?
That's what we're doing.
We're looking around.
Okay, yeah, but now
this is like breaking in.
- That's different.
- It's not breaking in.
It's sneaking in.
What do you see?
- (grunts)
- Whoa.
- You all right?
- Lisa: Yeah.
Way to go, Lisa.
Real sneaky.
- (pounding on door)
- (gasps) Jesus.
Hey, come on, let us in!
Okay, I'm coming.
Hey, come on.
Come on.
This place just keeps
getting better.
This place is a dump.
Welcome to the bachelor pad.
Taylor: Let's split up.
You guys go that way.
(door creaks)
- Okay, you first.
- You go first. You're the guy.
- (sighs) Same time?
- Go.
All right.
(Lisa gasps)
(both gasp)
- (nervous laughter)
- You killed her.
Oh, okay. Here.
Oh my God.
What do you think
they need a classroom for?
Home-schooled, I guess?
I pledge allegiance to the flag
of the United States of America
and to the republic
for which it stands,
- one nation under God, indivisible...
- You've got to be kidding me.
...with liberty and justice for all.
(recording skipping)
...for all.
...for all.
...for all.
Oh my God.
- (roars)
- God!
- (laughs)
- I hate you. Jeez.
- Just kiss him.
- Get away from me.
- Just a little.
- Stop. Seriously.
- (laughs)
Hey, man, look at that.
No, I'm done.
Come on, man.
Don't be such a baby.
Are you serious?
Was this your plan
the entire time?
That's him, right?
Oh shit.
It went straight to voicemail.
Who are you calling now,
your girlfriend Lisa?
Oh, come on.
You know she likes you.
- (voicemail recording)
- I can't get a hold of her.
- We've got to beat him back.
- Awesome.
- Did you find anything?
- No.
And I don't even know
what I'm looking for.
My dog. A dead body.
Anything suspicious.
This whole place
is suspicious.
Guys, come here.
Hey, check this out.
That's where the magic happens.
Who's going down there?
I think I'll stay here.
You staying too?
No. No, let's go.
Good luck.
God, this is some
"Silence of the Lambs" shit right here.
Hey, maybe we should have
We don't want to
leave Lisa alone, right?
It smells like ass.
Look, man,
there's no dogs around here.
- Look, are you finished?
- No, man,
- I don't want to--
- (chain rattles)
What was that?
I don't know.
Hey, wait.
Taylor, Taylor--
we should-- are you sure
you want to go over there, man?
I-- Taylor!
Come on, we can still go, man.
It's not too late.
Let's just turn--
(chains rattle)
Come on, man,
we can still go.
We're not supposed
to go towards the noise.
- You gotta go away from the noise.
- Shh.
- (man moaning feebly)
- (chains rattling)
- There's somebody in there.
- That's why we should go.
(moaning continues)
- You ready?
- No.
This is so stupid, man.
- This is so stupid.
- Shh.
- (chains rattle)
- (man moans)
- Shit!
- Help me!
Help me!
What the hell?
Are you okay?
Help me, please.
He's coming back!
- Okay, we gotta call 911!
- No, there's no time!
He'll be back soon, please.
Get me out of here, please!
Damn it!
You have a signal?!
Unlock me, please!
He's coming back!
The chain.
Mark, come on!
Don't just stand there.
- How do I do this?
- Pull the lever!
Pull the lever!
Thank you! Thank you!
What the fuck?
Move, Derek!
- Stop.
- We gotta beat him back.
Sir, are you okay?
- Are you hurt?
- No.
I have to get out of here
before he comes back.
Slow down, Derek!
Do you think he's like
a sex slave or something?
The old man's
gimping him out?
Find something in there
to break the chain with.
I'll get it.
I'm just gonna call for help.
No, don't leave!
Don't worry, sir.
It's okay.
Let's stay and see
if we can get him loose.
I'm staying, okay?
- Come on, man.
- This ought to do it.
Over here.
- Yeah.
- We can break it on the rock.
Pull it tight.
Go watch for the old man.
- You ready?
- Yeah, go.
Come on.
Come on, man.
Shut up! I got this!
Pull it tight.
(Mark screaming)
- No!
- What happened?
Mark, I'm sorry, man!
- What happened?
- It was an accident!
- You hit him with a sledgehammer?
- I said it was an accident!
- Mark? Get him up, get him up.
- No!
Okay, we're gonna call an ambulance.
I don't have any signal.
Shit. Just watch him, okay?
- Mark, I'm so sorry.
- Get off me!
All you had to do was hold it!
- Why the hell did you move it?!
- Shut up!
- (beeping)
- Hey! Hey, it's working!
- (Mark screaming)
- No!
No! Please!
- (grunts)
- (loud thud)
Why are you doing this?!
(chain thuds)
Come on, guys.
We gotta get out of here.
- Where are they?
- Help!
- W-w-what's going on?!
- Mark and Taylor are dead!
- (babbles)
- What are you talking about?!
- Dude, just go!
- (girls yelling)
- Get out of here!
- Drive!
- Derek: Get down!
- (girls scream)
Derek: Now go!
Run and hide!
- Lisa, come on! Hurry!
- I'm coming!
(cries out)
Christy, don't stop!
Keep running!
Lisa: Help!
Help me!
(man chuckles)
(gasping, whimpering)
(man chuckling)
- You all right?
- Yeah.
- (grunts)
- Come on.
- Where's that damn path?
- It's right there.
(both panting)
- We're gonna die.
- No we're not.
- We're gonna die.
- Hey, shut--
(both cry out)
Where are you going?
- Derek.
- Come on.
Derek, don't leave me here.
Up here.
Come on.
He's coming.
Don't leave me!
(cries out)
We were-- you don't
have to do this, okay?
We didn't mean to find that guy.
It was just an accident, okay?
We're just kids.
Please, we're really sorry
about your family.
Just stop.
(Derek yells)
Come on.
I got you.
Christy. Christy!
Come on.
(chain rattling)
(Christy gurgling)
Let her go!
Let her go.
All right? Just let her go.
- (bone snaps)
- No! No!
No !
(man chuckling)
(Derek yells)
Derek, look out!
Do it, Derek!
Do it now!
- (grunts)
- (shotgun blasts)
I wouldn't do that, boy.
Drop it.
I said drop it.
Hi, Mom.
He's home.
Look at you.
- Welcome home, son.
- Thanks, Pop.
Where's Benjamin?
- Dad?
- He's my son.
If word ever got out,
it would ruin us.
No one can ever find him.
You understand me?
We have to be careful.
How you doin', Benny?
You know I love you.
I'll always protect you.
(shotgun clicks)
(Benjamin gurgling, grunting)
I'm so sorry, Ben.
I just can't do this any longer.
I don't want to kill these kids.
- Not anymore.
- I know.
I love you.
(Ben gasps)
Pop should've ended this
a long time ago.
(sledgehammer thuds)
(Lisa panting)
- Lisa: Oh God.
- Let's go, let's go.
- Come on, come on.
- Oh God.
(Derek yells)
(both grunting, moaning)
Come on, come on,
come on.
- You all right?
- Yeah.
- How you doin'?
- Just slow down a little.
We're almost there.
I gotcha.
- You all right.
- I just gotta stop for one second.
- Okay, let me take a look.
- Ow.
- Is it bad?
- Yeah, it's pretty bad.
- Ow.
- We've got to stop the bleeding.
- Careful.
- We should keep going.
- All right? Can you go?
- Yeah.
- Can you keep walking?
- Mm-hmm.
- (sharp thud)
- (gurgles)
- Lisa!
- (coughing)
Oh, no...
- (sighs)
- Sorry.
Grab her legs.
You know, I really thought
we left this behind us.
- You promised me.
- Couldn't help it.
Yeah. You're just lucky
we can cover this up.
Just like we did
with Dad, right?
Just like we did with Dad.
Are we gonna have
to move again?
Everything's gonna be just fine.
(rock music playing)
Elephant shell
You're my cave
and I've been hiding out
Will you tell me
a little bit about
A bit about yourself?
Elephant shell
You're my cave
and I've been hiding out
Will you tell me
a little bit about
A bit about yourself?
I threw darts
at a spinning globe
Swapping out
passport photos
I walk west
to the setting sun
Every single step,
I grow
Another second young
Hold still!
Hold still!
Hold still!
Hold still, don't fade,
hold still!
Don't fade
I don't know
who else to ask
Sitting in the dark
Filling an empty glass
Stained my teeth
with more red wine
I'm a romantic
But never pearly white
Hold still!
Hold still!
Hold still!
Hold still, don't fade,
hold still!
Don't fade!
All my hair grows in
Wrinkles leave my skin
Hold still, don't fade
I'll be back again
when the tide is in some day
Hold still, don't fade
I'll be back again
when the tide is in some day
Hold still, don't fade
I'll be back again
when the tide is in some day
Hold still, don't fade
I'll be back again
when the tide is in some day
Elephant shell
You're my cave
and I've been hiding out
Will you tell me
a little bit about
A bit about yourself?
Elephant shell
You're my cave
and I've been hiding out
Will you tell me
a little bit about
A bit about yourself?