Shot Caller (2017)

Dear Joshua.
I know it's been nearly six
years since you heard from me.
I can't believe you're
already in tenth grade.
It's like time has flown by and
stood still all at the same time.
It's usually a father's hope
that his son will follow
in his footsteps. Thankfully,
that won't be the case with us.
I never meant to
hurt you, Josh...
But I have failed you
in every way possible.
My intention with this letter is
to properly say good-bye to you.
Why it's taken me so
long, I don't know.
Maybe I'm a coward after all.
Make your mark in
this world, son.
Always be your mom's protector.
And no matter what
you hear about me,
you keep moving forward...
And never look back.
Your father.
Ooh, that
motherfucker hung himself, bro!
Hell no, that
buster got deal with, homey!
What happened, Lopez?
Homey had issues, sir.
Suicide, my ass.
Stick Lopez in the hole.
Photograph everything
before you take him down.
No, wait.
Don't do anything yet.
Code four.
Looks like two of you will be
leaving the block today, money.
Let me get you outta here.
This fucking mess
will take all day.
Your gate money,
200, and your cdcr ID.
Use it until you get
a new driver's license.
The Van outside will take
you to the train station.
Just take it one day
at a time, money.
From the beast.
What's up, wood?
Man, good to see you, brother.
That's for you, man.
Picked that out myself.
Something in there just to get
you started. Appreciate it.
Got a big night
planned for you, bro.
Youngster ride there,
that's Howie.
He's the man with the plan.
Should give you the
welcome home party.
Told you he'd know who you were.
Youngster's all star
struck and shit.
Hey, he's a sniper though, man.
Did work over there
in Afghanistan.
Only job you got now
is staying clean.
Roger that.
Fuck, let's go eat,
man. Whatever you want is on me.
Need a room, too.
Of course. Time to lose
those parole duds, right?
Get you a whole new getup.
I got you, bro.
Ed kutcher, parole.
I got a tip
this sex offender has a
14-year-old girl in his place.
Waiting on the
damn warrant, though.
No worries, Lenny's one of my
cases so I'm your warrant. Good.
Come to the door, Lenny.
Lenny, it's kutcher.
Come to the door.
You know the drill.
Drop it!
Go, go! Shit!
10-3, shots fired!
Repeat, shots fired!
What's up, chop?
What the hell, chopper?
It's been a minute?
Welcome home, brother.
Jason horvath.
It's an honor.
How about the name chef?
Name mean anything to you?
Hell, every tweaker south
of folsom knows that name.
Any one of these bitches in
here, they're all fucking
dirt legs, dude. I'm telling
you, man. Every single one
of them, man, they're fucking
cheerleaders, brother.
You can literally do whatever
the fuck you want to them.
You want a drink? Smoke?
I got you, brother.
He looks good, don't he?
He looks good.
Hey, you looking for a bathroom?
Come on, I'll show
you one more private.
Put your clothes on.
I could just get you
one of the other girls,
if you just tell me
which one you like.
What's your name?
How about you and me get
a drink sometime, Janie?
Just not tonight.
Howie and shotgun
have my number, or...
i-I'll get it from them.
I need a ride.
Sure, money.
Everything okay?
Who's down?
No, Janie. No! No!
Hey, hey, hey!
Money, we gotta go!
Let's go!
Go, go, go, go, go!
You ain't inked. Get him outta
here in case we're stopped.
Come on!
Go, go, go. Come on, move.
This ride clean?
Insurance is up to
date, reg, everything.
I need it tonight.
Tell me where to drop you off.
I'll pull over here.
Catch the bus.
They said you're not inked.
You answer only to me now.
You don't go near anyone,
especially if they're validated,
unless I authorize it.
You got it.
Get two prepaid cells,
both of them different.
Then be at my motel at 10 A.M.
Copy that.
Charge. No basket.
Charge? It's a pick-up game.
It's a foul!
You can't take a little bump
'n grind, get off the court.
It's all right.
Let's just play.
Lower the shoulder. If greenman pulls
that shit again, I'm gonna kick
his pussy citigroup ass.
You bringing a stepladder?
How is this an opportunity
for a short joke right now?
Hirsch is predicting
Kelly will win if
the dow gets above 10-4.
Yeah, not in this market.
But still, metzger's
a republican.
Let's close him
asap, just in case.
All right.
Let's strategize tonight.
You know the rules, bud.
How was school today?
We made masks
for president's day.
I picked Abraham Lincoln.
I also made his hat.
That's so cool.
I can't wait to see it.
Turn the TV back on
when you're done, okay?
- Mom upstairs?
- Yeah.
Hey, babe.
You know, we got 45
minutes before we pick up
tom and Jennifer.
I just showered, lover.
I know. It's my favorite smell.
- It's not happening, is it?
- No.
By the way, your
design looks amazing.
Did you see the floor samples?
Pennies, right?
Finally, the
pennies are gonna fly.
Yeah, but how
long is it gonna take?
- To lay out the pennies?
- Yeah.
It's gonna take
a really long time.
That's why I have to ask Jennifer for her
help. I'm gonna butter her up tonight.
Does everyone use the
same house for finals?
Yes. Even playing field.
Damn, I wanna live there.
I know, right?
Wait, wait, wait.
What did I do?
It's just-i just gotta...
I knew it. I felt that coming.
You shouldn't have.
Jennifer, I also want
to let you know that I've
been eating asparagus.
No! No!
That's all I'm going to say.
Can we get another bottle?
You want one more?
Yeah, let's do it.
This is nice. This is a good place.
One more?
See, I honestly don't think
that baseball constitutes a
date night.
Like, that's not...
but they're dugout club
seats on the third base line.
It's romantic, and they're free.
- What?
- It's free, guys.
Okay, fine, fine, fine.
I will allow that, as long as
it means that Jennifer
and I can pick the next two.
- Yes!
- Two? How did you get two?
Okay, we want John Mayer.
We get John Mayer.
John Mayer's not
free in any way.
You are gonna brown-nose your
way into some John Mayer tickets.
Don't look at me.
Look at Jacob.
He's got the best knee
pads in the office.
And well used.
Wait until we close
the metzger account.
We'll see whose butts
are getting kissed, right?
Yeah, that's right, partner.
Honey, the light!
Watch out!
No! No! Tom!
- Baby, no!
- My god!
Sit down.
Your foreman called, Tony.
Why'd you miss work?
Especially after I went on the hook and
got you the damn job in the first place.
Look, I know, okay?
Dante was sick, and my mom...
I don't wanna hear about any of that.
No excuses. You said you want a plan b,
instead of wasting the rest of your life.
Look, it's hard, kutcher.
It's hard for me.
Of course it's hard.
You're a convicted felon.
Own the shit.
Rise above it.
Or I'll bust your ass right back inside.
Don't think I won't.
Look, I will, I will.
I'll rise above it.
So, how's ed doing?
I don't know if
it's hit him yet.
Yeah, well, he saved that girl.
That's gotta feel pretty good.
Still, three of the best?
Sorry for keeping
you waiting, Manny.
No worries, bro.
So, how you feeling, man?
I'm good. You?
For the record, everyone I know,
they high-fived after you put
that Jester down. Especially
after that fucker shot you.
You ready to catch
some cockroaches?
Yeah. Bring it.
According to our ci, the beast
is doing an arms deal with this
Southern Mexican in
the next 48 hours.
He's ordered this guy, Jacob
harlon, goes by the street name
of money, to handle things.
Harlon hit the
streets yesterday.
This harlon validated?
No, but our ci says
he's a sleeper.
The beast?
That dude's been running Cali
for the last 15 years...
All from the fucking hole, too.
You okay, ed?
I'm good. Keep going.
Come on, go.
I got work to do.
All right.
Any specifics on the deal?
A thousand full-auto
ak-47s and at least
500 glocks smuggled from Afghanistan
none registered in the U.S.
You alert atf?
And let them take our collar?
Hell no.
We're controlling
this one, brother.
I love it.
So, what's the plan?
Harlon faces strike three.
We nail that fucker,
get him to flip
on the beast. Simple.
Whole power structure
comes tumbling down.
All right. I'll start pounding the streets
on the eses, see if anyone's talking.
I'll set up on harlon.
Meet with him later today.
Let's rock, fellas.
Face directly ahead, please.
So, what's next?
The arraignment, right?
Yes. And I know
the prosecutor assigned to
your case. This guy's
a hard-charger, Jacob.
He only cares about his stats,
especially on dui manslaughter
cases. He's going for the
maximum sentencing guidelines,
four years plus an additional
three for great bodily injury
enhancement since the other
driver broke his legs.
We're talking about
seven years here, man.
Seven years.
Can we fight it?
Yeah. I mean,
we can go to trial, but...
I gotta be honest, man, the
evidence is pretty overwhelming.
It didn't help the intersection
had a traffic camera, either.
My advice is, you let me go to the
prosecutor now, get him to make a deal.
Because if we go to trial, he
will stick to the maximums.
That's what they do. That's how it works.
What kind of deal?
Look, you agree to
a no-contest plea...
I think I can get him
to two years on count one,
reduce the great
bodily injury enhancement...
To what's called
a dui with injury.
Now, that drops the additional
three years to eight months.
It means...
Realistically you'd only
have to do 16 months.
Yeah, 16 months. Ehm...
It's your call, pal.
Okay, so they accepted
the house as collateral.
So I can bail you out,
get you outta there. Okay?
What? Did something happen?
I know this is gonna
be hard to take...
But Steve got them
to accept a deal.
If I plead no-contest,
they'll agree to two years...
- No!
- Eight months.
No, we're fighting this.
If we do, I'm
facing seven years.
If we win this, you face none.
Honey, I blew a point .10.
I ran the red.
I killed tom.
It was an accident.
It was an accident. I know.
I don't care what Steve says.
People don't go
away for accidents!
Jennifer and Tina will
never see tom again.
I'm responsible.
Sixteen months,
it's nothing compared to
what they're going through.
Programmed my number into both.
Erase it from this
one so it's clean.
Where are we heading?
East L.A.
Lola's flowers on Beverly.
Any word about last night?
I haven't heard anything yet.
And the girl?
She'll be okay. Luckily,
the round went through clean.
She solid?
Janie won't say shit.
Put the word out,
anybody ID's me at that party,
they're green-lit.
Roger that.
Can I help you?
I'm looking for Herman Gomez.
It's been a long time, man.
It sure has.
Here you go, baby. We're
gonna be in the back, okay?
Call me if you need me.
I hate those pinches
coolers, man.
Fucking hate them.
In and out all
day from the cold.
Makes my bones hurt.
Have a seat.
You have a beautiful family.
Thank you, homes.
Appreciate it.
What about you?
You got a lady, got kids?
Used to.
The world went on without us?
Feel for you, homes.
I do.
Spent 17 years total inside.
What a fucking waste.
You know why I asked the
beast for you to handle this?
You asked for me?
To me, a man is only
defined by his actions.
Appreciate it.
I'm the one who's
gotta be grateful.
Youngster out there, he's
the one with the guns? No.
Your friends set the location?
Pretty close to the salton sea.
We're gonna get exact
coordinates one hour before.
We both need this to go smooth.
It will.
Can't wait for
this cheese steak.
Used to come here a lot?
It's a short walk
from my office.
Sorry, but I just can't
picture you in a suit.
All Gordon gekko and shit.
You were probably
what, 12 back then?
About that.
Where you from?
Small farm town, Pennsylvania.
Boring as hell.
So, you know, when
i came back...
I decided to come out here
and check out the beach.
How did you come
across the guns?
Sheer luck.
Dod was shipping plane-loads
of them to arm the
Afghan security forces
but thousands went missing.
Anyway, one night, my
unit hit a Taliban house.
I was clearing a back
room, found a trap door...
Whole cache of aks and glocks were
down in a hidden tunnel. All of them?
They just piled them in there.
So I sealed it up,
didn't tell my C.O.
Fucking muj's, they'd just
used them against us anyway.
So I found these contractor
dudes who agreed to load them
in a container heading
back to the states.
Cost me a hundred of the
aks... wait, wait.
You're telling me
there's just 900 now.
There was 11 hundred to start.
I figured a hundred was pretty
cheap to get them home but
then again we're talking about
Soviet factory full-autos,
not that cheap-ass Chinese
knock-off bullshit.
He said he needed
to see you, money.
Fucking knucklehead skins
from the party, man.
I said to them, i
said, lay the fuck low.
They didn't listen to me, okay?
They've been butting heads with these
fucking crippers from the beach.
Those toads, they knew that house. So
you're telling me it was a drive-by.
I'm just telling you
what I told them...
it sure didn't feel random,
that gun aimed at my face.
Hey, look, it's on me.
This is fucking on me.
But I'm gonna fucking hit them. I'm
gonna check their fucking asses, I'm
gonna find out who took those shots
and I'm gonna fucking hit them.
Not until the deal's done.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. No, I'm on it.
Man, I know you
like the fucking kid.
I like the kid, too, man.
I mean, gi Joe over there
in fucking Afghanistan.
But that's not
where we are, is it?
You know who I am.
You know what I'm about.
Now, I need to be with you. I
need to be on your fucking hip...
you know I can't be seen
around anyone validated.
Like I'm doing right now
in broad fucking daylight!
Now, you get everyone in check.
We got too much on the
line for any more bullshit!
Just be careful.
Fuck me!
You were told to answer
to nobody but me.
I'm sorry....
shut your hole!
Look at me.
Everything you do in this
game has a consequence.
If you defied my order like that
inside, I'd make you fucking bleed.
I will walk the walk, money.
I swear.
Damn right you will.
Open east gate.
High security first!
Look, man,
i know you're scared. All right?
I would be scared.
But you need to know this-
all violent crimes,
from domestic
battery to capital murder,
get housed together.
It means you'll be
with the big boys...
And they will test you,
whether you like it or not.
The rest of you, single file.
So you gotta
stand up for yourself...
Because once you're
marked in there...
It will never end.
Yo, bring that in!
This the real place.
This the real place, yo!
You gonna roll with us or not?
Best check yourself, peckerwood!
Looks like some lame
just stepped on a land mine.
Yo, motherfucker, move!
I'm fucking about
to boot your ass!
Get down! Get down!
Now, get down!
Get the fuck down right now!
Everybody down!
All right, break it up!
Get off him!
Get on the ground!
Spray 'em!
Stay down. Stay down.
Just breathe.
Fish has heart.
Get on the wall.
Step in.
You throw any piss or shit...
I'll leave you in here
for the whole 30, no rec.
Leave your dirties by the door.
Turn around.
No new inks since your release?
Thought I might
find a shamrock or ab.
Only a select few
can wear that ink.
I see.
Get dressed.
Need you to clear something up.
Girl got shot last night
out in south bay...
And someone reported
you were there.
Then they got it wrong.
I need an alibi.
Got a room at the easy
stay motel near downtown,
till I find an apartment.
Says here you checked
in at 6:35 P.M.
But the shooting
was after midnight.
That's all I got.
Paid cash with the rest
of my gate money for a
steak dinner at sizzler's.
Hit the bunk after that.
Not much of an alibi.
Not much putting me
at the scene either.
I figure you'd already be giving me a
one year bullet for breaking parole.
Don't think I won't.
When do I report in again?
You don't.
I check in on you.
Got a cell phone yet?
I wrote the number
down on the form.
Thank you.
Come with me.
The man you're about to meet
has the keys to this yard.
Treat him with respect.
I'm bottles.
Yeah, the stock
broker from Pasadena.
When you come to yard, chow,
you take a shit, whatever...
You stick to your own race.
Why did you fight that toad?
He challenged me first.
You gonna go around kicking it off
with every buster that calls you out?
I'm not looking for trouble, no.
But I'm not taking
any shit either.
The only thing we got
in here is our respect.
The question is, what you gonna do when you're
out here slumming it with the rest of us?
Cause the safety of these
numbers comes with a price.
There are no free rides here.
Everyone puts in work, whether
cliqued up or not. I understand.
I'm not talking about helping
us with our computer skills.
You'll get your fucking hands
dirty like the rest of us.
Or you can go back to seeing
how that lone bullshit works
out for you, money man.
Joshua made you a letter...
And he's very excited
for you to read it.
He did it all by himself, and...
I wanted to give it to you, but
some guard up front took it.
I know, I know, but
they'll get it back to me.
Can't wait to read it.
I think you'll like it.
How is he?
He's really good.
It's okay.
It's good to see you.
Kate, something's wrong.
What is it?
Ehm, Jennifer's suing
us for wrongful death.
I mean, I...
I don't know what to
do with that, but...
How much is in our checking?
Three months, maybe.
I called Lynn, 'cause I'm
gonna get my job back.
No. No, you're not quitting
school when you're this close.
I don't have a choice.
I have to pay
bills, Jacob, so...
Look, it'll take her at least six months to get a
court date and we have some equity on the house.
Use our equity line while
we put it on the market.
I'm not selling our home.
I'm not.
It's just a house, Kate.
It'll help stretch things long enough
for you to get your design license...
and that's what matters.
It's our home.
Your life is not
stopping because of this.
You promise me.
Thank you.
Must feel good to be out...
I would imagine.
Drove by old house and...
Doesn't look much different,
to tell you the truth.
So, where are you working?
I'm working in a legal firm.
It's a...
I'm a paralegal.
Ever think about pushing your
interior designing again?
No, there's no time for that.
You know, it's just between
work and being a mom, it's...
It's fine.
It is what it is.
Why'd you send him that letter?
Josh thought you were
committing suicide.
This is for you.
They're signature cards
to your new checking.
Have them notarized,
then get them back to me.
You're not gonna
answer my question?
There's 178 grand in there.
I don't know how you got that
money, and I don't care.
You need to keep that.
I'm not taking it.
No, it's yours now.
I'm not taking your gang money!
Just keep it down.
Don't tell me what to do.
You don't get to do that.
I don't hear from
you for seven years.
I mean, how do you
even now where I live?
I'm not trying
anything here, Kate.
The money's clean.
I just couldn't get it
to you until I was out.
Okay. What is this?
Is this my consolation prize?
Give it to Josh then.
Whatever you want...
you give it to Josh.
He deserves a dad.
I wrote him that letter...
Because I won't let my stink
affect him another day.
He deserves better.
And you deserve better.
Once that's handled, it'll
be the last time you see me.
Your order from the canteen?
There's gonna be
a balloon in your canteen.
You're responsible for it.
What do I do with it?
Take it to yard tomorrow.
In your fucking ass, man.
Make sure you lube-up, too.
You don't want this shit
breaking off inside you.
The fuck you looking
at the floor for?
Is there a problem?
I get it. You think
you're bad ass 'cause you
put your tips on
some fucking toad?
Maybe I should get you
transferred into my side.
I got a open door policy, bro.
Find out how a white boy fights.
Would you like to find that out?
We don't have a problem.
- No problem?
- No.
No loitering, jinkins.
Let's go.
Just keeping good hygiene, sir.
Keep putting it in
that work, money man.
Fuck out of the way, man.
Don't you see me fucking coming?
Fuck out of the way.
We'll get the location
from the eses tomorrow
night an hour before.
We got a problem here?
No, man, there's no problem.
No, it's just that's not
a lot of time, you know.
We have no idea what
we're walking into.
I'm just trying to
protect you, that's all.
Shit, man, you got it.
You got it, bro.
I'm here for you, man.
I'm good.
Stash still out in the I.E.?
Moreno valley.
A storage unit.
Anybody check it lately?
I was out there yesterday.
It's good.
Yeah. Shotgun knows
the on-site manager.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, it's
good, it's good. He's gonna
cut the camera as soon as we
drive in. I'm on that shit.
Let's keep vehicles
to a minimum.
Just the moving truck and
a scout. Who's cleanest?
Horvath. He's been
off parole for two years.
You're scout. The rest of us
will load up in the truck.
You know what's riding on this.
Now, go home, lay low.
Get a ride with chopper.
I tried, man. He's not giving up
the exchange. He said he's gonna
let us know an hour before,
that's what he said. I tried.
I done everything you
asked me to do, man.
Then you wear a wire.
You can't ask me to wear a fucking wire!
Don't come to me with that!
How you want me to come at you?
That means I'm a fucking dead man! If
I'm a dead man, you ain't got shit!
You chose this. So, unless
you produce, Monica stays
locked up for trafficking,
and you're next.
I'm trying to help you out, man.
And I'm here.
I'm fucking here, man.
I'm fucking here.
I done everything
you asked me to do.
I can't help it if he ain't
giving me shit and I can't help
you and your old lady if you
don't give me shit. It's simple.
It's simple.
What do you suggest i do, frank?
You tracking my phone, right?
Just do the phone thing, man.
Just do the phone thing.
Frank, listen to me.
I'm gonna say it
one time, all right?
If your fucking cell phone
loses its signal even for a
millisecond-be quiet.
Then I'm kicking your
trafficking charges up to DEA.
All my friends there gonna
take care of you and Monica
real well. Fair time.
You know what that means?
A fucking mandatory
twenty right off the top.
It's the position
you're putting me in.
All right?
Can I ask you something?
What, frank?
I deliver, she comes home.
I want your word.
I want your word, man.
I said, yeah.
You got my word.
Look, man, she's my life, okay?
She's my fucking life, man.
Ball's in your court, frank.
Catch you later, frank.
It's your turn, money man.
I know you're shitting
bricks right about now.
Trying to rationalize
the morality.
What will your
family think of you?
How will they judge you?
All of that went through
my head, too,
when I first broke my cherry.
And then I realized
none of that matters.
The only thing that matters is you getting
home to your family in one piece.
This guy's a monster, brother.
Make sure you're with me.
How can they know he's
really snitching?
Doesn't matter! If we leave him
breathing, they'll whack us, okay?
All right, they're popping 'em.
It's time.
Come here! Come here!
We're doing this!
All right, before
he hits the tier.
Get him!
The fact is we all started out
as someone's little angel.
And a place like this forces us
to become warriors or victims.
Nothing in between
can exist here.
And you've chosen
to be a warrior.
Now it's up to
you to remain one.
Did you get it notarized?
Uhm yes. Yes, I did.
I told you not
to bring him here.
I know, but he wanted
to be here, so...
I'm gonna stay by the car, okay?
I meant every word
in that letter, so...
I don't have much else to say.
You know, I used to love
getting your letters.
I reread them like
a dozen times.
And then nothing from you
for the past seven years.
And then I get this one.
Even when you knew you were getting out, you
still want nothing to do with your son.
It's not that.
Some things just don't
go back together again.
They just don't. You, your mom,
are on your own trajectory now.
I'm on another one.
What, just wasting the
rest of your life, dad?
It doesn't matter what I do!
Your job is to take care
of yourself and your mom.
Look, I get why
you pushed us away.
It was to protect us.
But, dad, you've
done your time now.
It's over.
Let us help you get
back on your feet.
You wanna help me?
Yeah, I do.
Then stay away.
You're a fucking loser!
Just get in the car.
What can I get you today?
An order of pancakes...
Scrambled eggs and bacon,
and a cup of coffee, please.
All right.
- Same for me.
- Okay.
- Thank you, ma'am.
- Please and thank you.
I need another car.
Janie's Nissan's out front.
It's a piece of
shit, but it's clean.
Did my truck break down?
No. We'll pick it up tomorrow.
Get me shotgun's address.
I'll pick him up myself.
Will do.
How did you meet shotgun?
Did I do something wrong, money?
Just never told me.
A guy from my unit, he's
from huntington beach.
We were real tight.
All he talked about was this
skinhead gang he was with
and surfing.
He was gonna teach me
when he got back, but...
He got blown up.
When I went to the
funeral, I met Janie.
She's his sister. I told
her about the guns because
her brother and i
were gonna sell them.
We were supposed to
sell them together.
And she introduced
me to shotgun.
Two coffees.
So shotgun...
He's jumping you in for this.
I don't wanna be a part of a gang.
Who's with bottles?
Herman Gomez. He's got the
keys to the yard for the eses.
His old man's royalty, bro.
Fucking ogma.
Herman's solid, solid as fuck.
You make sure you treat him
like he's one of our own.
Word already came
down from the beast.
Eses kicking off
with the toads, bro.
I'm fucking going with them.
Fucking live for this shit.
- I heard that, brother.
- Fuck, yeah.
Damn, i can't be part of a riot.
Don't expect a
hall pass, brother.
Whole wood pile's
expected to get down.
Just don't go anywhere the cops
or cameras can single you out.
Stay in the middle,
keep swinging on dudes.
Unless there's something obvious, they'll
just put us on lockdown like they always do.
Then you're home free.
Iron up.
Fuck these busters
and these blacks homies!
Go! Earn your ink!
They're moving! It's on!
Come on.
Get down!
Get down! Get down!
Stay down or I will shoot you!
I fucking owe you one.
Nobody get up! Stay
where you are!
Please rise.
Mr. harlon, with this
court finding you guilty of
assault by a prisoner
with a deadly weapon
I'm sentencing you to the
middle term of four years.
In addition, having been found
guilty of committing this crime
in association and for
the benefit of a gang,
I'm sentencing you to an
additional five years to
run consecutively. Penal
code 667.5 requires that you
serve a minimum of 85
percent of these terms.
Both will run concurrently
with your initial sentence.
It's over.
Forget I exist.
You'll be locked
down 23/7 in the security
housing unit with
one hour yard time.
Three showers a week.
You will not be allowed in the
same open area as any other
inmate, outside your cellie.
And there will be
no warning shots.
You cliqued up with anyone?
Why participate in the riot?
You know why.
You got your rules and
we got the gang's rules.
And theirs matter.
Yeah, well, it cost you
a year of good time on top of
the new sentences and put you
with the heavy hitters, so...
I hope it was worth it.
You know the deal,
ripper. Face the wall.
Crack 13.
Close 13.
Hands through the food port.
You can get up, ripper.
Welcome to the pad, money.
I'm ripper.
Who's got the keys here?
Redwood, from the brand.
Open forward yard door.
Redwood, this is money.
Heard how you got down at chino.
So did the beast.
Appreciate it.
He still in the hole?
Four hundred yards to my six.
Less nine years.
Little different than
the mainline?
You could say that.
Make no mistake, brother,
they design places like
this to break men like us.
Eses and woods.
500 Navy seals.
Ripper, count 'em.
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
One, two, three!
Thought you were
posting up on your ci.
Since three A.M.
Figured I'd get some
chow and take a piss.
Any movement?
You know, I can't put my finger on it,
Manny, but there's more to this harlon guy.
What you mean,
like a power play?
Phil says his wife and his kid show up to
his motel, slams the door in their face.
I mean, you talking about a guy
with a perfect life, all right?
A fucking envious life.
He's got not one prior.
Can't even fucking spell
the word gangster, man.
He gets fucked up on a dui
manslaughter, kills his friend.
Yeah, a dime will change you for
sure, but a guy like that...
Gets out, throws everything away?
Look, all I know is, once a
dude gets institutionalized,
anything is possible, man.
What you got?
Still squat on the eses.
But atf did pick up a call
from Mexico on the wiretap.
Something about picking up
guns near the salton sea.
So at least we
know the area now.
Who's the tap on?
Heavy hitter from
the sonora cartel.
And of course atf wants
any and all intel we got.
This thing just keeps on
getting bigger and bigger.
Maybe it's not a bad idea to
have atf out there with us.
Hey, you know what,
check it out, bro.
Why don't you just quarterback
this one from the office?
I mean, shit, what's it been,
a week since the shooting?
Sit around with a thumb up my
ass? Come on, you kidding me?
That's worse, man.
Sure as hell have seen my
share of violence, man,
but when you're in it...
When you're on the other end...
That's a whole different
ball game, brother.
Look, man, I've never been in
an actual gunfight myself...
So I'm not gonna sit here and tell you
I know what you're going through,
because I don't.
But what I do know is that there's a
young girl out there who's safe right now.
And that's because of you.
Goddamn, man.
It sucks.
It's good.
I want her to move on.
Get him on the ground!
- Get him, money!
- Get down!
On the yard. One on one.
Enemy combat. Enemy combat.
Fuck that norteo up,
homie! Get him!
Money, let him go!
Rip that farmer's head off!
Spray him!
Get down! Get down now!
Your counselor wants to see you.
Since when do you escort alone?
Why, you gonna be a problem?
No, sir.
Know who I am?
They sent redwood to death
row after what happened.
It took him four months to
finally get that screw.
Fuck 'em.
These cops...
They need to understand...
That we run the show.
Some get it.
Like Roberts.
But the rest think the
more they lock us down...
And isolate us...
It strips us of our power.
They even think we
closed the books.
We're a dying breed.
They're dead fucking wrong.
We're just real selective...
Who we choose to
call our brother.
So the question is...
Are you ready?
What I wanted to hear.
But keep your ink clean so
they can't validate you.
That's how we lull
the enemy to sleep.
I understand.
You have the keys out here now.
Roberts will single-cell you.
Get you some privacy.
Works for me.
You like to read?
I got a good collection
on psychology.
Just finished reading
the human animal.
I'll send it over with
some of my favorites.
A warrior's deadliest weapon...
Is his mind.
Welcome to the family, brother.
Mr. harlon,
after serving 85
percent of your time...
Having a clean conduct record
with no infractions...
I recommend to the parole
board your release...
30 days from today.
This is your parole packet.
Tells you who to report to.
Thank you.
Push send.
And I'll be back for it in 30.
You know shotgun?
He just sent word to me about
a heavy shipment of guns
a youngster smuggled
back from Afghanistan.
He wants permission to go
to Herman Gomez to offload
them for a million five
to their cartel connections.
Herman got his letters?
And he's out, too.
Just like you'll be in 30 days.
I'll get word to Herman you're
handling the deal for us.
And fuck our usual cut.
Shotgun just bought himself a full partner
on this. I'll be on parole though.
The fuck's that got
to do with anything?
Well, 10 years you think the
fucking honor of being one of us
ends at the gates? It ends
when you're six feet under.
Until then, you will keep
earning for your brothers.
I understand that before you
say another fucking word...
Think of your family
in this decision.
Excuse me?
Did I stutter?
I'll get word to shotgun,
tell him shit's on
hold until I'm out.
Good answer.
Who is?
It's money.
Open the door.
Howie's been calling you
all day. What the fuck?
Let's go!
The fuck you mean
he's been calling?
He ain't been
What you tell kutcher?
Does Herman know you're a rat?
Fucking stupid motherfucker!
Herman's the one who tried
to kill you, you fuck!
No, you both did, or his crew
wouldn't have known I was there.
Go on and do what you gotta do.
Go ahead.
Go on and fucking do it.
Come on, fucking do it!
I ain't a-i ain't no punk.
Yeah. Anything?
It's almost four o'clock, too.
All right, I'll
check in on shotgun.
There's no need to tip harlon
off if we don't have to.
- Okay, standing by.
- Copy that.
Frank, it's kutcher!
Get in that room now.
Yeah, he left his cell
here, but he's fucking gone.
Hang on a minute.
Hang on.
Hang on.
Somebody in this deal thinks
shotgun's still alive, man.
He texted them the
coordinates at 11:00.
Still can't track the
incoming calls to shotgun's.
Must be off.
Fucking text better come
through, or we're screwed.
Where's shotgun?
You tell me. Went to pick him up, he's
a fucking no-show! I'll call him.
Yeah, you do that.
I can't do babysitting.
Let's go. Give me the key.
That's shotgun's.
It's a different number. 714.
Look at the Russian
serial numbers.
And the glocks from
Austria, not the U.S.
Totally untraceable.
Shotgun's still not answering.
Pull your cell batteries,
in case he got pinched.
You two, you ride in the back,
since you're both validated.
Let's load up.
Well, our ci's dead.
Harlon's fucking Mia.
How was your day?
All right, so what do you wanna
do, hit the Indian casinos
or what, you got a plan b?
Because atf ain't
heard shit either.
A different cell called our
cis, what, two hours ago?
We located it in moreno valley,
then it fucking disappeared too.
Cockroaches are making moves.
Horvath caught back-up.
He's right behind us.
What time is it now?
Eight minutes to eleven.
Yo, we're in business! Yo!
The original incoming cell just
passed palm desert on the 10.
It's 10:54 now.
If we can just get the exact
location, we can set up on them.
About five miles out.
Got it.
Let's go, we got the
coordinates! Let's ride out!
All right, load up!
It's half a mile up that way.
All right, turn in and stop.
Turn your cell back
on, post up out here.
Text me if you see anything.
Will do.
Let me see your gun.
Keep driving.
What! What's wrong, money?
How many guns did you tell
shotgun you had total?
Same as I told you!
You lie to me again, I'll
blow your fucking head off!
How many?
Two. Two thousand aks.
Shotgun, right before i met you,
shotgun said that if I said anything
about the extra guns, he'd green-light
me, money. You gotta believe me.
Where are they?
Shotgun's dead, isn't he?
Answer the fucking question.
Second storage unit, number 246.
Does chopper or the others know?
No. Shotgun and
i went out alone.
This is what you're gonna do.
You're gonna forget
they're there...
And you're gonna fucking vanish.
Re-enlist, I don't
care what you do.
But if I ever hear
your name again...
There won't be
anywhere you can hide.
Do you understand me?
Do you understand?
Yes. Yes.
open the door and jump.
Where's Howie?
Dropped him off strapped quarter
mile back. Watch our six.
Keep your eyes open.
That's them.
Looking for shotgun?
I know it was only business.
Just pick a better
shooter next time.
You should'a seen me crack
the whip on those fools.
What you don't know is you
made a deal with a rat.
He was gonna throw you
under the bus with me.
Has that been taken care of?
And the youngster who
stashed the extra guns.
Don't worry, I know
where they're hidden.
I figure, we make everyone
happy with this deal...
Then you and I split the rest.
I'm down with that.
Tienes todas las armas?
Aj, carga los cohetes.
Chopper, move the truck around.
You got the money?
Un milln cinco.
All right.
Get down! Get down!
Shoot, shoot, shoot!
Fuck, homie!
The flaca's dog!
Hands on your back!
Don't move!
Drop the weapon!
He's got a gun!
Look away look away!!
Hands behind your back.
We're officially validating you.
Means you'll do the rest of
your new life term here in the
shu-unless you wanna play ball.
- Got nothing to play.
- Come on, harlon.
Don't let your pride
get in the way.
You don't owe these people save the speech.
We're done here.
What happens when we put
you in death row with
all the low-lifes for
murdering shotgun?
Cause when it happens,
and it will...
Whatever offer me and my guys are
willing to make goes up in smoke.
That all you got?
I already pleaded
guilty to the guns.
Let me do my time like a man.
You see, that's
what I don't get.
I've been around long enough
to know when a con's making
moves simply to survive or
when it's that rare breed...
The one that relishes
in the power.
But that's not you.
Not by a long shot.
Why you throwing
your whole life away?
Look, I don't know what
they're holding over you...
But I can offer you
something better.
Something real.
No bluffs, no bs.
You give me the beast...
And everyone involved...
And you walk.
I mean it.
No protective custody,
no reduced sentence.
Back in the free world.
Back with Katherine and Joshua.
Nothing out there is free.
Especially for a rat with
a target on his back.
You know, harlon, when
i walk outta here...
The deal walks with me, man.
Have a nice trip.
All right.
Good luck in here.
Come on, money.
Right there.
Now that we're
looking eye to eye...
You're gonna answer something.
Shotgun's body was discovered
around five o'clock which
means there's no way he
could've tipped off the cops
with the location since
Herman didn't send you
the coordinates until an
hour before the meet.
So explain to me how
three different agencies
had time to set up and
take everyone down.
I gave you a gift...
And you spit in my face.
How does it feel to
be the walking dead?
No different than
the last 10 years.
We'll see about that...
When your old lady and
kid are lying in blood
and you get to live with
knowing you're the cause.
Get this lame away from me!
Cuff up, money.
Cuff up, money.
Okay, money.
All right, easy!
Drop your radio.
Easy, money.
What the fuck, money?
You knew they'd
put you back here.
That's why you lead
the cops to the bust...
To get to me.
Well played.
Let's get down, wood.
Nobody's touching my family.
We're gonna get a few
things straight here.
I'm already doing life...
So I could give a shit
about additional time.
But I'm not sitting on
death row waiting to be put
down like some animal.
So you write it up that
he attacked me with the
blade first. In return, your
arrangement with us stands...
Including the monthly
deposits into your account.
Reason I can guarantee
these terms is...
I'm running the show now.
Say it.
You're running the show.
Pop the battery and
break the sim card.
You gotta be shitting me.
I still don't get this guy.
But I fucking like him.
Got some mail, money.
Mom told me you've
gotten life without parole now.
I don't think I'll ever
understand why any of this has
happened but I wanted you to
know that I've accepted reality
which is why I will do what
you've asked me in your letter.
I'm moving on with my life, dad.
I will learn from
your mistakes...
And I will always
be mom's protector.
But most importantly...
I want you to know...
That I've forgiven you.
Your son, Josh.