Shou hu fei long (Skinny Tiger and Fatty Dragon) (1991)

Mak, Please come this way
Miss, come on, have a bite
How much?
Baldy, working so late?
Aren't you scared?
Scare of what?
Being robbed
You're CID
The change
Don't move, mind your bald head
Take the money
That one has no bullets, mine can shoot
Drop the knife, drop it
Bastard, you really have guts
Don't move
I shall, I shall shoot...
Come on, shoot, here is my heart
shoot straight
Right, I'm going to give you're a mark
The mark is fixed, come, shoot me
Bastard, you really have guts
You dare to kill me?
Drop it
Drop it
I don't, so what
I told you to drop it
Where's he?
Sir, please no more teasing
I'll call the police
I'm the police
Peter, Paul
Bastard, scared?
Come over here
Who is your boss?
Come over
Come over
When Baldy's around, there's no thief
I heard it before
Who is your boss?
Why don't you tell me earlier?
Come on over...
I've heard that he's doing swell
Why hasn't he taken care of you?
Where is he now? Who are his partners?
Sir, don't tease us please
We won't be betray our buddy
What've we done?
Just robbery
That only spells 2-3 years prison term
Take us the police station, then
Let me tell you, you're now obstructing
police investigation
Robbery, refuse to surrender...
Your finger prints are all here
You're not going to get out 1997
Are you threatening us?
No, I'm framing you
So speak up
I'll let you go if I'm in good mood
You'll enjoy 1997 in jail
What'll we do now?
Sir, don't, I'll speak
Speak up
My boss is doing business with prince Tak
I know it already
He is trafficking drug for Prince Tak
I know it too
Sir, that's all I know
I know nothing except this
You've not told me where
Sir, please
If I know that, I won't be here to rob
I swear, please trust me
It was all bull shit, get lost
Go? Go
You really let us go, let's leave...
Take your toys with you
It'll save you some money next time
Thank you, sir You're welcome
Let's go, hurry up
Don't move, cop
Robbery? On the wall
No, sir
The cop inside let us go
You can ask him
Shut up, put your hands up on the wall
Don't move
Fatty, why do you come so late?
Baldy, did you get any clue?
Are you kidding?
How can you let them go?
What the hell are you doing?
They said that they'd only tell you
It's time to tell
I didn't said that
Why do you stare at me?
He's in charge out here
I was in charge in there
Please help us
You'd better ask him
Baldy, what did he tell you?
What he told me were known already
How about those I don't know?
He didn't tell
Why didn't you tell him everything?
Don't you think we're busy enough
And want to keep us busy?
Speak up, where is your boss?
I really don't know
I've told what I knew
I agree, let him go, go...
Thank you sir
Where are you going?
You can cheat Baldy, but not me
Here's your last chance
Ok, I will talk...
Why didn't you tell me earlier?
Don't you think I'm stupid?
Ok, I'm going to charge him possession
of fire arm
Evidence, I'll call the police
To serve a 7-year term
Sir, I'll talk...
If I tell the truth?
Are you going to let me go
Damn you, no bargain
Don't scare him, give him a chance
Speak up, where is your boss?
He always goes to the TV Game Centre
at Pak Tai St
No cheating?
How dare I?
Get lost...
Thank you sir Nothing
Thank you Get lost at once
Stop, police, stop...
Stop, don't move...
Hold it
This is the TV Game Centre
What's that shit, get off
Baldy, that car is parked with the engine
Mind your own business
The engine is on to keep the
air-conditioner running
But the windows are open
There must be someone smoking
so that the windows are open
There's so many snipes
there must be something wrong
He must be waiting for someone
Don't look at that, why are you so nosy?
We come to arrest Johnny
I think they probably are robbers
Where the alarm is?
I don't know
Where's the robbery?
Upstairs, rm 308, Ngai Ching Jewellery
How many robbers?
About 6 to 7
Any weapons?
Knives, pistols, the robbers are masked
Don't be afraid, come here
Please lend it to me, CID
I'll return it soon
Give way please
Don't let him go
What the hell, why do you hit me?
Bastard, what's the hurry?
Bastard, how dare you run away form me
and keep me chasing you for miles
Don't hit me please
You're my idol, I respect you most
I know you're flattering me
but it sounds good
Listen, Prince Tak owns a Benz
And he dates actresses
Is he mad?
I don't know
The notorious King of Drugs
Are they related?
I don't know
You drive him around, you don't know?
I don't know, I swear
Uncle Tiger, how are you going to
charge me?
I've no idea yet
Give me time
Do what you are told
Squatting, here, did you heard?
Come on, what are you look?
Come on, buddy, hurry up
Will be in a second, wait outside
Be quick
Are they masked?
Don't move, I'll shoot you to death
Shut up, let's move
Robbery, hurry up...
Come on, buddy, hurry up
Hurry up... Let's go
Be quick
What are you doing?
Robbing, what's the matter?
He comes to rob too
I think I've lost my way
Sorry, sorry
Stop, police, drop down your weapons
Get in, hurry up
What've you in mind?
Nothing Don't move
It's fantastic
Cop, I want to lend your car
See who is coming?
I'm finished
Mr. Dragon Thank you
for providing us clues
To solve this case
Please come to identify the suspects
It's none of my business, I won't go
You've betrayed them
Show them your face
What you mean... I'm an under-cover?
Tough shit
It's none of my business
Or you'd cooperate with me
Ok... I will talk
Speak up
Prince Tak'll be having a deal in
Yu Tak Commercial Centre tomorrow
Who is the dealer?
Is girl, he is a transvestite
Those stuff are hidden in the bra
No lying?
How dare I in front of you two lunatics
No... You two are the kindest
Past is past
What shall I do?
It's OK
Stop it
Let's work
Don't disturb me
It's chance in a million for me to cry
Listen my dear, we come here to look
for our target
Not come for a crying session
OK, please go look for her yourself
How can I identify the transvestite
A women with plastic figure
He must be, let's check
I don't know how, you demonstrate
Since when have you become so smooth
I learnt from you
Asshole, head or tail?
Don't go away It's ok
Miss, what brand is your clothes?
Ah Lai, he is the guy we saw last time
be careful
It's ok
Do you want to molest me?
Right, cause I've no taste
What the hell are you doing?
Take off your hand
You're going too far, pervert
Miss, I'm cop
I've watched this pervert for long
I'm going to arrest him
Are you cop?
There, over there
Aren't taking him to the police
Why are you still here?
You two are together, you con me
Miss, you misunderstood
You are the pervert
I go & call the police
Follow me
Have 2 women just come in
Yes We're cops
We're investigation a case now
Men are not allowed
Where is it?
Don't shout, Don't shout
Cops, cops
Have you ever seen a man?
Here, over there
Get out of my way, he's mine
Let me...
How dare you run?
You think I can't catch you?
How are you? Baldy
She's gone, Go & chase her
Leave it to me
He's a man, search him
What's the matter?
Search yourself
Poor fellow
You pervert, get your hands off me
I'm finished
Miss, you said that 2 cop's molested you
Can you identify them?
No 3 & No 4
No 3 & 4 stay behind, the rest can go
Left turn
Fatty, why did you let me do it
To share my good fortune
Right turn, listen? OK
Otherwise you'd not be here
keep me company
Tak told you to prosecute them
Inspector Wu
My client's sure that they were No 3&4
We'd like to prosecute them
You 2 return the pistol immediately
And then come to my office
What's that mean?
We're charged by criminals
What kind of world is this
He can't listen
But I still want to curse
Thanks inspector Wu
Baldy, what is this beef?
Scold them with foul language
What's he mean?
Nothing, nothing special
Miss Prince Tak just wants to
use you
We just want to help you
but you prosecute us
Prince Tak
I don't know who he is
I just know that your 2 indecent
assaulted me
If I knew you're woman
I would not have...
The gesture is called scratching
If he is so desperate
He'd go to massage parlours
Inspector Wu, listen? They're disgusting
Inspector Wu, shut them up at once
Or, I'll complain to the I.C.A. C
Oh, please don't, shut up
They'd shut up at once
We'll deal with this case properly
Brother you
Please take him to process the case
Am I a good actor? We patrolled
together in the old days
But now I'm the inspector
you're still CID
The secret?
Use your brain
How can like you two
You'd let the false one to escape
But the correct one is going to charge
you two
You're really stupid
Do we need to return the pistols?
No, he'll fix it for us
Sure, helping you has made me
An inspector with only two pips
I understand that we've made it
difficult for you
No, he didn't
Go, let's go
We're going now
Let's go
What's the matter?
He is smart today
You two have become the famous
pervert cops
Come on, show us your skills
Come, I'll do it...
Fatty, don't keep the fun to yourself
Come on... Let's see
We've never seen such ass before
Yes, we haven't
She must be an easy-laid, see that
dropping ass
You can see from her ass
Who's talking behind my back?
How can you be so vulgar?
Stop pretending, I know it's you
You're the foul-mouth of the whole station
What a clever girl, come here
Ching, I've heard that your 3 sisters
are all beautiful
They're all married
Dragon Hi
Fatty, you promised to get me 2 concert
tickets, right?
I've nearly forgot
You lined up 4 hrs for her 2 tickets
How much?
Forget it
No, I'll pay you later
Ok Bye
Forget it
You interested in Ching?
Don't be ridiculous, she's only a litter girl
I'm 6-7 years older than she is
It that all
Go to work now
Tak, Brother Wing is inside the house
What can I help you?
hi Bo Shan Pin pills
Big brother Big brother
How can have so much?
Tak is coming Big brother
Don't call me big brother any more
Call me Wing
These days, all big brothers are cleaned
up by cops
Come, take a sit
Johnny, we're one big family
Take a sit
This meal is for Bill
He gave me some tips on horse racing
I didn't bet on his horses
But I bet on the others, I won 200 grands
Tell Wing
Brother Wing, I'm sorry
I'm sorry about today's incident, we...
It's none your fault, I'd blame Tak actually
Like this kind of matter
You'd have ordered your men to do it
Big brother, damn, we got caught
by 2 cops
If they'd show their faces again
I'll kill them
You'd better not mess around with them
They are the tiresome crazy Tiger
and mad Dragon
If you get them mad, he'll make your life
Let's see what they can do to me
They've been watching you
They must think of some way to arrest
Cause you've got chips on your shoulders
Why haven't they bothered me?
Everyone knows that I'm the notorious
drug king
Buddy, if you want more elbow-room
You'd practise charity
Drug dealers better keep a low-profile
right, Johnny?
Big bother, Ah Lai's got bad luck
That's all
My Source told me an insider betrayed us
Impossible, there are only few who
knew the deal
Other than Ah-Lai, It's Johnny
They're faithful
Don't you think so?
I won't even trust my own brother
I know your every moves out there
No one can hide anything from me
You said that I am too wicked
I'm a careful person for yours
An insider sabotaged the deal
Get rid of him
Wing... listen to my explanation
Brother Wing, give me a chance
to explain
Uncle Wai
Uncle Wai
Uncle Wai
What's the matter?
Arrange him a great funeral
Cause he's one of our family
Great funeral? Family...
Drink, cheers everybody
Ah Lai
Drink it
Drink it
Cheers everybody
Please don't
It'll kill me
This time is much more simple than the
Just open the door
And let us set the eavesdropper
We'd better take a look at the vicinity
If you're caught
Don't ever tell the truth
Do you know what does loyalty mean?
let me down... don't tickle me
Are you kidding?
You're correct
Open the door
Baldy, we don't always go by the rules
No wonder we remain low-ranking police
What we doing is against the law
You always get such way-out
If we stick by the rules
We can solve no case
He's out
Sir, it's ok, the house is empty
Check me
Don't tickle me...
Good boy
Bless you
Are there any dogs inside?
CID, hands up
Go over there
On the wall
Search it
You envy me?
I've gotten rid of it, now do your job
What'll we do now?
Hide under the bed
Let me in, please
Full house...
Fatty How is it?
Is she nice?
Nice, but I have seen nothing
No? What a pity, let me take a peep
She is taking us to court
It doesn't mind to have one extra charge
Don't mess things up
Ah Lai...
Get lost
Full house...
Damn you, Fatty
Ah Lai...
You've come
What do you think of today's case?
Is it really an insider
I don't know
But they are the "7-11" mad cops
Give 24 hours service
Be careful of their striking back
They're police, so what?
The laws of Hong Kong
Protect people like us
That's why we drive Benz, they take bus
Stop being a gas bag
I want no more of your business
Go and find a replacement share
Ah Lai, at least, help me to finish up first
Ask your boys to do it
Don't be crazy
What're you doing?
I don't trust my old lady who am I trust?
Did you fart
What's the matter?
Get the guns
Who pages me?
Don't move, robbery
Hands up
Get the bed up
Damn you
What an obedient boy
What're you staring at? All men look
the same
You've made up your mind, haven't you?
You can get rich quicker this way
You asshole
Why do you sell drugs?
And framed us up for indecent assault
Beat me Don't move
You drive Benz and we take bus
Give me the key
Come here, Ah Lai
Don't be scared, we're family
I don't Come with us
Don't follow us
Get in
Remember, goodbye
What did he say to you?
What did you say to her?
I told her that she was beautiful
Should have come with me
What? You wanna hook her?
You idiot, I want to divide and conquer
Automatic, it's so much better than yours
It's not fair, I'm mad
We all work our butts off
He's a drug dealer with a Benz
We are law enforcers with a 2nd hand car
You're worse, you don't even have
a bicycle
Who do you want?
You two bastards
No bastards here
Give the car back to me, or I'll call
the police
Wait a while
Your call
Hello, I'm police, what's the matter?
Damn you Fatty, I'm following you
Don't be ladies
If you wreck my car
You can't afford the damage in your life
Anything else?
He said that we can afford the damage
In our life time
I hate someone call me asshole
What are you saying?
Fight me unarmed if you've got guts
Bastard, I can't stand anymore
Don't stop me
Any weapon?
You bastard dare to challenge me?
I can't afford the damage?
I am going to wreck you car
It's great, chase him, come on
Chase him
Baldy, I won't let you go
It's funny
Fatty, stop
Are you OK?
Get lost
He's coming
Don't let him over take, hurry up
It's great, Fatty
I'll show you something great
Fatty, let him over take, come near me
My car, your crazy
It's funny, it's great
Chase, be quick
Having fun? Fatty
It's good fun
It's your turn
I can make it too
Look, oh, my god
It's fantastic, great
I won't let you go
Fatty, we did a good job
Any new tricks?
Let me show you something incredible
Fine Hang up
My car
Poor fellow Baldy, go
They'd take the bus
Bye Taxi
Taxi Get lost
What car is it?
Where? Run for your life
I won't let you go
Sir, a table for...
One, I'll serve myself
Miss, you're pretty
I think I've met you before
May I join you?
Who ask you to sit?
I sit here cause
I can't understand Italian
I'd like you to help with the menu
You can ask the manager here
I don't like them
I only like pretty girls
Especially someone like you
Classy, elegant...
Then why do you come so late?
I'm full now
You are late for 2 hours
Are you ashamed?
I've work to do, miss
Ridiculous, shameless...
What's so funny?
You're most beautiful
when you're mad
The bill please
The bill please
$180, Sir
$200, keep the change
You're quite something
She's so tall
She is not that much taller
when lying down
Dad, I'm back
Let's eat
Auntie San
What's the matter?
I saw your son join the street protest
Don't let him go
He'll get into trouble with the police
You know, my son is also a cop
I don't suppose the coincidence
It's no good to bump into familiar faces
It's better to join the hunger-strike
Hunger strike is bad for health
No, not if less than 7 days
It's nothing less than 7 days
It's healthy to clean the system
Dad, let's eat
Dad, if he harms because of hunger strike
What'll you do?
No sure about the 7 days
I'd a three days record
Before I was sent to a labour camp
Hong Kong is a wonderful place
So don't destroy it
Otherwise, as some people say that
I hate
What is it?
Chinese people don't think
in terms of freedom
Those who think in terms of freedom
are not Chinese
Dad, cheers to the Chinese people
Anything exciting today?
Baldy and I crashed someone's car
But, no shooting
It's nothing, my boy
Be true to your conscience
Then fate would be on your side
What so funny?
Do you know the difference between
marring someone and living together?
The former means capital punishment
the later detention
Sooner or later, there is no way out
Go have a bath, so funny
Bath? I had one yesterday
Mom asked when are we going to hang
Every time I bring up the subject
you are sleepy
Stop finding excuse with pager
Here you go again
You finding excuse with the pager
When I bring up the subject
I'm innocent this time
Old tricks
Miss Ng, your call
Brother Tak
I'm Baldy, are you Miss Ng?
How can I help you?
Are you free now?
I'd like to talk to you
Ok, how, when & where?
It's inconvenient for me right now
Bring Fatty in an hour's time
I'll meet you at the construction site
behind Prince Restaurant
Waiting for you
See you
Ah Lai, you've done a good job
What's the game you doing?
What time is it?
You said one hour
I got 2 air tickets, get in
Come here
You go in the front, I'll go in the back
What if she asks about you?
Then we've had her caught
Does it work?
Sure, it will work
Cause he is as dumb as you are
Remember, if anything went wrong
Fatty, this way
You come alone?
Where is Baldy?
He's busy
Here's the tickets
He'll meet you at the airport on time
Air tickets?
Yes, Baldy's girlfriend knows about
your affair with Baldy
She has gone crazy
But he'll be at the airport on time
What nonsense are you talking about?
I've said it all
Have a nice trip
Who is he?
Tiger Mak
Forgot? He's Baldy
Sorry, your affair is none of my business
I'm leaving, excuse me
No wonder they showed up in the
commercial centre
and again in your apartment
Bitch, how dare you betray me?
You idiot, you believe his words
No wonder your brother called you
Fat-headed? No
How dare you talk to me like that?
Your personal affair is none of
my business
But she is my buddy's girl after all
I'll arrest you if you dare to touch her
Fatty, how dare you frame me?
Don't trust him, he set me up
Shut up, Drag her away
Fatty, the purpose of this meeting
I'll be straight
How much do you want?
Do you want to bribe me?
I'll charge for bribery
Who'll be the witness?
My buddy's girl will do it
Fatty, bull shit
Come with me
Don't move
Fatty, I will give you a choice
If you work for me
I'll reward you handsomely
or, you get lost at once
I don't want your dirty money
Great, you dare to go against me
What are you doing?
I'm scared
Why you scream? Shut up
Kill him
Don't push me
Go... Take off your hands, disgusting
Go, hurry up Go
Damn you, why do you frame me
So what? Come and bite me
You do it again
Hands off
You dare to touch my woman
You bastard
Why do you frame me?
Kill him
Why do you frame me?
I do it for your own good
For my own good?
Don't force me to beat your up
I've got it
I don't beat up women
Damn you
You hit me
Listen to me
You bitch
Go with me
I won't let you go
Tak, don't trust him
Fatty, she is now inn dead trouble
Get hold of that bastard
Baldy You beat me
I'm now in big trouble because of you
Go to hell
I meant you no harm, it's for your sake
It's not good you work for Prince Tak
You bitch
Haven't your mom told you
One should stand firm on Earth
And faced high up to heaven
Unlike the beast
that crawls sideways
You going to become an animal
in next life
What kind of shit are you talking about?
It is philosophy
You don't understand, neither do I
You don't cooperate with me
Or you are dead-end
Don't move
Don't move
Get away...
What's the matter?
It seems like Fatty
Right? I've said that it was Fatty
It's you, Fatty
My ear
You disrupt the Deputy Commissioner's
Damn you, Fatty
Don't count on me help you out this time
I hear nothing
Let me finish this business first
I press, I squeeze
Fatty, come here, help me out
How com you all here?
Inspector Wu is here too
God bless them Good luck to you
What are you saying? Thanks
See, inspector in-chief
Minister of Prosecution
The bridegroom looks so familiar...
The one who got hit
He is the Deputy Commissioner
I'm finished
Let's go
We've been friends for more than
Whenever you got into trouble
I've never scolded you
But this time is serious
Tell me, how should I respect you
We accept you scolding
We've never come to know you
all these years
Going all over the place to catch your
men, shame on you
I damn you
I don't need your trouble
I'm by nature agreeable
But this has gone too far
You really know how to mess up
the Commissioner's wedding
You two idiots
Of all the inspectors in the station...
I'm the lowest in rank, thanks to you
Get lost right away
Where are you going?
Get lost
We go back to work
There's no work for you
Please leave HK
Let me have some peace for a few days
But what about the case of Prince Tak
We're still being charges with indecent
The charge has been dropped
That girl will be the witness
The prosecutor is now pointing the figure
at Prince Tak
Your service not required
The game's over
Any hope?
Hope your ass
Come back
Come back
Sit down
Go for a vocation, take some time off
Give me few weeks
To flatter the boss
Come back when they calm down
Let's go to Macau
Don't gamble too much
Attention Yes, Sir
Sit down
Attention, stand up
Thanks to you
Now everyone knows
My wedding was a joke
I've completely lost my face
Get rid of these 2 lunatics at once
Otherwise, I'll make you pay for it
Yes, Sir
Get and out, Now
Dismiss them...
Ask her for a date
At least, you'd get an answer from her
No, it's too embarrassing
Don't be shy
Maybe she would even join our trip
Ching, What
I like you a lot, I 'd like to ask you out
I know you'd probably say no
but let me know anyway
Just a Yes or No would do
You don't know
What do you mean?
I don't know
Invitation to her wedding
You hopeless, let's go on a trip
Girls everywhere for us
Is it so easy
You're right, it's not easy for you
with me here
You again?
No, you first
Then you'll be disadvantaged
My mom said whatever comes down
must go up
You kidding
How is it?
The car is out of order
There must be an accident, get off
Sorry sir, did I hurt you?
It's Ok. I'm fat
Miss, it's Fatty's fault
are you ok? Never mind
You look familiar
haven't we met somewhere before?
No Sure
Get up Sorry
My back hurts
Let me help you
Don't pull... let's go
Are you Ok?
Damn you! Try it yourself
Let's go
Miss, we've met before
Are you Ok?
Look at them
Don't go
We're CID from HK, what's the matter?
Are there any corpse?
Criminal case?
We're waiting for the sunset
The sun will set behind the statue
Beautiful? Nonsense
Don't you watch sunset in HK?
No! No sunset in HK
Baldy, come here...
Me? I must be attractive
The taxi driver's
been chased away by the cop
He dropped your luggages over there
Take them over
Miss, I say sorry on Fatty's behalf
He ran fast, I followed closely
so we crashed onto you
I'm really sorry
Never mind
This is our 1 st time in Singapore
We've booked a hotel room
Where is this hotel
It would be kind of you to show us
the way
Stop being a nuisance
they're jogging
Not anymore,
You've injured them
People don't know us
Maybe they're suspicious of our motives
Do I look like I'd take advantage
of others?
It would belong before we get to know
each other
I'm Baldy Mak
He is Fat Dragon, what's your name?
I'm sorry to have hurt you
Fatty'd like to invite you to dinner
to make it up
Are you free tonight?
No, thanks, Bye
What's that mean?
Failure, Cause you look like
hungry wolf
Even old ladies will be scared of you
Am I wrong again?
Let's go
Keep it to yourself
They are coming
What do you think you're doing
They're saying hello to me
My English name is "Hl"
You pay the bill
Get in, I'll drive you to the hotel
I've never seen such capable girl
Why do you take June's seat
It doesn't matter, please sit
I'm giving you a chance
I'm scared Hod my hand
You get all dress-up for the dance
Not for dance
but for the girls
We don't look good with the girls
Let's take it step by step, we can play
both ends against the middle
How could they possibly fall for us
May be they do
You walk like
a patrol guard
You must move with rhythm of the 90's
Like this...
Please Please
Let me sing this song
to you
Let's sing together
Let him sing first
Fatty! Look
Girl, come down swim
Jump... Come on, Hurry
Let's make fun on her
Come & help me
Now, I understand what life is all about
Is it great? Fatty
I'll be happy if I can relax once a month
Like this...
Stop dreaming. You're a cop
Unless you quit
We can find work here
As what? A gigolo
Can you speak Malaysian?
Wouldn't you miss your Tall-girl?
Who is Tall-girl?
She is... his mom
Is his mom tall?
Yes, as tall as you are
What're you talking about?
We'd like to quite our job in HK
and find work here
But we don't know what we can do
Let's start a Karaoke business
I don't have the capital
No that serious
It's important to raise money
He has everything except money
He wants everything except his shame
He miss nothing except ethics
How about you?
He's got no money
I've go no capital
No problem, we'll pool together our
What's the deal? 30 to 70 or 40 to 60?
& you run the business
To live on woman
Of course not, we'll be responsible
for the daily running of business
Good, I love bourgeois liberalism
What's that mean?
I don't know
Is it a good deal?
Good, but it seems baseless
Let's draft the " basic law "
Fine Let's go
You're back?
Yes, back to quit
Miss us?
You don't sorry at all?
We've been colleagues for so long
wouldn't you miss us?
We'll miss you
and we envy you
Because you can migrate to Singapore
& live on woman
Come on, little girl
tell us something true to your heart
My boyfriend will be very glad
to see you go
Just kidding
we do miss you
It's Ching who is the decent one
give her a kiss, Fatty
I'll give her a big on her wedding day
Thank you
Go, go
Come on, hit me
Why you shout so loudly?
I don't know how to go go
Sit down
Have you been to Ho Man Tin St
last Saturday?
What date was it
Which par of it?
The begging
Why did you beat me?
I didn't, he did it
Why did you beat me?
Police's assaulting citizen
I'm the police, he isn't
fight back if you will
Let it go
What? Resignation?
Some women in Singapore going to
back up your karaoke business?
You going to be kept men?
That's good
Boss, we're sorry to have caused you
much trouble
And now we are to quite just like that
It's the fact that men should be aggressive
Boss, don't get up-set
I'm not! You've got a problem
at hand,
I can't help
What's that mean?
Are we fired?
Are you kidding, You dare to fire us?
Don't be mad! Any compensation?
But for resignation, you'd have to pay
us 3 months salary in return
Ok, fire us...
No, I insist to resign
What's the difference?
Sure, there is. It's a matter of principle
We almost got ourselves killed
for catching Prince Tak
On what ground you fire us?
Don't mention him anymore,
he is on bail
Who approved the bail?
Wasted our effort?
That's no more our business
we're going to Singapore
That's not the point
Stop that shit, let's go
What did Tall girl say?
I'll let her know later
How can we let him escape from law?
Beat me if you can't stand it!
Forget it, they'll be struck by lighting
one day
Don't be angry, Karaoke?
He called you
What is it?
He called you "Asshole"
What? Resignation?
Let him go, he's right
you are
Am I?
Why don't I think so?
Let's go
Boss Wing
Fat-head should not get into trouble
Bribery & assaulting charges.
It's nothing
There're no witness, what can they do?
Don't you know you're now in deep shit
Your woman id turning against you
She betrays me? I'm going to kill her
I've paid two Thai Killers
to do it
Leave the 2 cops to me
You're not in the same street
as them
Have the killers come?
You ok
Ok, let's go
Sir, breakfast is ready
you want it now?
I'll get it myself
See! Chang
I discover it first, don't take it all
Save one for me OK
What time is it?
Take this
This's left by another officer
please give it back to him
Why isn't Baldy on duty any more?
He's quit, he & Fatty are going to
start a Karaole business in Singapore
Send my congratulation to them
Are you full
No more breakfast?
Come here! Do I have a share
Take it out
The girls in Singapore are beautiful...
They're really...
Fatty, you look so happy
you have had romance in Singapore
Is she beautiful?
She's ok
How about Baldy's
Not bad
Never mind, Baldy's told me all
He said his girl was better than yours
But shit
His girl is lousy
She's go money
for Karaoke, that's all
Girls in Singapore are beautiful
Don't tell Tall-girl anything
about out plan in Singapore
I've not told her anything yet
Come & eat
I cook this meal especially for you
Try this...
Don't just eat rice
Come on Fatty
Damn you Baldy, come with me
Come in
You, come with me
Sit down
Why Singapore
I don't treat you well?
Haven't I got enough money for your
Get the hell out of here
Go now
Out with your tooth-brush & shaver
Don't ever come back!
Go become kept man!
You want to dump me?
Over my dead body!
What're you staring at?
You damn bald head
Don't move. What're you doing?
Fatty, we've known each other
for 3 years, right
Almost 10 years
I've been treating you
like my brother
Tell me honestly
If I stay with Tall-girl
will you go by yourself?
Sure I will
You don't know loyalty! Shame on you
You're talking two things
at once
I'm just kidding
It's the fact
Tall-girl is calling me
Make it up to her, say something nice
What's the hurry
Go! Waiter, the bill please
Ok, you get the bill, I am going over
to see Tall-girl
Me again?
Don't shout, or Tall-girl will be dead
Don't go upstairs
or you'll be dead too
Are you OK
What're you saying?
You're lovely
Baldy, you still going to Singapore?
Let's take about it some other time
I don't care, answer me
I'm not going
When are you going to meet my mom
Let me fix a date first
Oh, no...
Be careful
forget about me, go yourself, hurry up
Go to hell
We're safe now
Damn you Baldy
It is dangerous, why hit me
Don't hit me
Tall girl, you beat her, I don't beat girls
Arrest him, he is the killer
What's the matter?
Baldy, It's you!
Sure! No...
the killers are upstairs
Hurry up
they've got guns, be careful
Call the ambulance
Hi Hi
Don't hold me
Be careful
Dad, are you ok?
I'm fine, chase them
Beating up woman
Shame on you
He is a man...
Get lost, nothing to see
Let's co-operate...
Fatty, it's you?
He is my dad
Get in
Doctor, how is my dad?
He's passed the critical phase
but still requires attention
So is he in danger or not?
There could be some repercussion
What do you mean
That means ok
after he'd finished the operation
He said the same thing about tall-girl
Don't worry, your father is a kind man
Heaven will help him
You're right
He's got much rough time
further ahead, come on
Don't worry
He'll last
Mom. Bye
Mom has decided on the 15th
of next month for our wedding
Come on, have one
Something wrong with you?
Why are you do nice to me today?
We've known each other for 3 years
To take a good look, You're really
We have been together since I was 17
It's been 7 years
You expect me to remember
all the details
What about my surname then?
Tall-girl Hi, Fatty
How's your dad?
Fine, he can come home next week
You crazy? You bought me
so much stuff
I always go to your place for dinner
just help yourself
Biscuits, & chocolates too
Have you caught the bad guys
who chopped you up?
Be careful
Not yet, Baldy, I'd like to talk to you
Me too
Take a rest
You first
Prince Tak wants to kill us
To hell with them
I'm going to demolish him & his am
Please keep this letter
Open it if I'm not back in 2 days
There're $80,000 for taking care
of my dad
Are you kidding
$80,000 to take care of your father
for the rest of his life?
I've a letter too
It's got $100,000
I've more money than you, take care
of tall-girl for me
I saved it
We were on the same pay scale
How come you save so much
than I?
You've not thrifty enough
Bull shit. I always pay for your share
Not you, Tall-girl is
And my dad pays for my share
Ok, I'm sorry
Tall-girl & I are not married by name
So she can easily find another man
if I am not around
But you've got a father to take care
You better stay, leave Tak to me
At least, take a last look at your girl
Damn you bastard
Wait for me
Where are you going?
It's so early
You two bastards
What are you doing? Are you crazy
Let go of me
What are you doing?
Burn him
Do you want to die together?
You're policeman
you're breaking the law
How dare you?
We're no longer in the police
We have become hooligans, like you
What do you want
We kidnap threaten & interrogate
If it doesn't work, we'll kill you
mutilate your body and then run away
Get out of my way
Don't... don't be mad
Save your breathe
Give him a chance,
Maybe he's innocent
Bald Head, you're much more
You bastard, who idea was it?
My brother's
You're liar
I'm at your back
You liar I'll kill you first before I deal
with your brother
Don't... Bald Head, help, he's going to
kill me
It's not going to help if he's dead
He's right, I can pay you well
How much?
No, $100,000 each
Ok, let's kill him
A million
A million
A million each
I don't want your dirty money
Give it a second thought
Get lost
We can never earn that much
the rest of our lives
Baldy, he almost killed your girl?
But she's alive
What about my father
He is alive too
Baldy, you disappoint me
US or HK dollars?
US dollars
Help me, Baldy
Get out of my way
One million Get lost
I'll chop you up
We'll lose $1,000,000 if you kill him
One million
You Fatty, you mean it?
You want to throw away $1,000,000
I kill you
Louder please
Cry Go outside
Oh my god...
Fatty... don't
How dare you?
Bald head, it's not your fault
he crashed against the bar
He deserved it
I didn't mean it
It's going to be okay. Give me the phone
I'll call my brother to arrange the money
Money would not help. I'll have to go
to jail
No, My brother will take care of you
Look, I am a murderer myself
but I never got jailed
My brother will help you
Don't worry, it'll be ok
Trust me. Hurry up
Give me the phone
Come on. Quick
I warn you, No tricks
There're explosives everywhere
if you want to die together
Fatty... why do you leave me... Fatty...
I'm Tak, Brother Wing
Fatty & Baldy kidnapped me
They want US$1,000,000
What? US$1,000,000. They know
their price
Also, Bald head had killed Fatty
He's now turning to us for help
Yes, I saw it
Fatty is lying dead right in front of me
I'll be there with the gang
Don't bring any guy
The place is full of explosives
There's only Bald Head, He is on our
side now
OK, where are you?
I don't know
Bald head, where are we?
Yuen Long, Ngau Tau Village
Ka Po Chemical Factory
Bring only the money
There are explosives around
No guns
He is trapped, Fatty
We've made it
You set me up?
I won't let me go
Boss, what's the matter?
Round up some boys & follow me
to Yuen Long
Bring Ah Mak & his idiots as well
should we bring guns?
There is only Baldy. No guns needed
We can easily wipe him out
Ah Ho, Get us $1,000,000
from the account
See you in the car
Fatty, don't leave out the clock
We don't want people think
it's an edited tape. It'll be useless
for court
Don't look so dramatic
Crazy! How can a gentlemen like me
get all dramatic
Call inspector Wu now
Hello, is this inspector Wu?
It's all set up
The gang is coming
Baldy, where are you now?
Didn't Fatty tell you? Damn
Inspector Wu, we're in Ngau Tau Village
Out of battery
Any spare ones?
I have none
Stupid! Go & find a phone
They're coming... what'd we do?
What to do now? Ok, let's have fun
Stop, Don't move, how many people
are there?
Any gun
Relax, we come to help you
Did you call the police?
Close the door
Where is the money?
Here, where is my brother
He is kept in a secret place
Follow me
Don't play any tricks on me! Otherwise
we will die together
Of course not
We come to help you
Don't move.
A little bit this way
Why do you want to kill us?
Don't blame me. You forced me to do it
You killed Tak's woman
& the 2 CIDs?
We break even
You've killed Fatty
No, he is different, he...
He stopped you from getting rich! Right
Like wise, the three were bad for us
What are you afraid of?
Don't move, stay back...
Easy... Ah Ho
US$1,000,000 is ready
Higher, higher... I can't see it
Do you want to bribe me?
Money is meant to spend, Also
I've arranged your hide-out
Do you like US?
What can I do in Thailand
I'm the Drugs King
I can make you rich
It sounds easy! Rich
You like that too?
Take it if you like it
I don't think so
It would be smart of you to work for me
Fatty, you're alive
Get the tape
Leave the old man for me
The rest is yours
Old man you're not bad
I got it
My god
Where is my brother
Her! Here is my leg
I don't know where he is
Ah Tak...
Tak... Damn you
Got it
Got it
I've missed
The old man is yours now
I'll get help
Cuff them
His men
Kill them
Come on
I've got it
Stop, Hands up
Fatty, his legs are strong
Damn you
hit his head
Does it powerful?
Give me my brother
or you die
Have you finished?
Fatty, what do you think
No idea
Don't let them go
What're you doing? I want to kill these
No just 2.
The whole lot
I don't know how to use it
Kill them
I won't regret. Come on
Give me the knife
Give the knife to me
I'm finished
Baldy, are you Ok
Prince Tak hit me
What? Prince Tak
It's me
You look after the old man
I go release Prince Tak
I'll charge you
Auntie? Do you know any godown
What are you talking about
I know nothing
What are you saying. I don't know
Fatty, I'll charge you
Do you want to charge me? Hurry then
You still alive? Come
You'll be jailed
Brother He's gun
Don't move Don't shot
Baldy, go
Over there, Hurry up Go
Good! It's all gone
Fatty, I think you've go to Singapore
This is my family watch
For you as a keepsake
I've never seen it before
I seldom use it
How to open?
Let me see... I don't know either
Shouln't rely on any woman
to help start the business
people would make fun of you
Take the money
How about you?
I'm not leaving
I don't want to hurt Tall-girl
I mean how much did you hid in your
You don't trust me?
No one does
You are mean
Damn you fatty! You meant it?
So thoroughly
It's better to be seriously
Finish? Damn you Fatty
Why do you beat me?
You suspect my good intention
I'm going to kill you
Ok you kill me Kill you
Buddies should not fight each other
Get lost