Shovel Buddies (2016)

When I was seven,
I met my best friends.
They were idiots,
and I loved them for it.
We did everything together.
No matter what,
we had each other's backs.
Nothing could change that,
even when this jackass
got cancer.
It wasn't supposed
to be a big deal.
We thought it would go away,
but it didn't.
It got worse.
Somewhere along the way
I realized
that the guy
that kept us all together
wasn't gonna be around forever.
We gonna make it?
Get your bike.
Better to go out with
a bang than a whimper.
It was a dump anyway.
They already poured
the concrete for the new school.
You never answered my text.
Figured I'd see you
at the party.
Better late than never.
This room's full of posers.
They're not all bad.
Eh, you're one of them.
Popping the lid.
Fuck are you doing?
When's the last time
you saw Sammy?
It's probably empty.
They're cremating him tomorrow.
What's "cremating?"
It's where they burn the body
and put the ashes in a can.
You're gonna scare him.
I'm not scared.
Then they dump the ashes,
and Sammy's gone forever.
It's not like that, okay?
Then what's it like?
Fuck cancer, man.
Fuck cancer.
Sure you don't want
to say "bye" face to face?
- If I had known, I would...
- Ooh, a titty alert.
I'd like to cheer her up
and down for that matter.
Know what I mean?
I do.
Don't worry, lump.
I heard from
a very reliable source
that your brother knows a
little bit more than he lets on.
- I didn't mean to.
- No big deal.
How you doing, baby?
Choke on a cock.
I like your dress.
Couldn't find something
that said, "sad, not broken."
You okay?
Half the school
texted me, Jimmy.
I wasn't sure what to say.
Fuck you.
It's nice of you
to finally show.
By the time I got here,
your dad said it was too late.
Where are your parents?
I'm watching lump here
for a few days.
Anyway, the old man needs me.
Talk to you later.
So desperate.
So desperate.
Did you get
a shovel list from Sammy?
Mm, he covered his ass
when you decided
to spend his last days
putting it in his sister.
This pasta sucks.
Don't you think we ought
to take care of it?
What's a "shovel list?"
Think about all the shit
you have in your bedroom
that you wouldn't want your
parents to find if you died.
Like dirty dishes?
No, lump, like two girls
and one cup.
I don't know what that is.
It's two girls shitting
in a cup, and they eat it.
It's surprisingly arousing.
I'm going.
Don't you ever talk
to your brother?
Go on the count of three.
They're mourning a dead kid.
All right,
no one's gonna miss us.
Remember what I told you, lump.
Open it, pussy.
Look under the mattress
and sock drawer.
I'll take the closet.
I know what I'm fucking doing.
Did you give him this?
Yeah. He was dying anyway.
Dude, his dad's a cop.
Dude, he has weed in his closet,
and his dad couldn't find it?
Shitty cop.
Only what's on the list.
Sammy's not
gonna miss this shit.
That's the last of it.
I figured we'd
take the edge off.
Look at this.
Is that Mary Keller?
Holy shit.
She's in college.
Sammy said he didn't want
to die without seeing her naked.
Let me see.
You know, is it weird
that I kind of want cancer now?
Is it bad that I kind
of hope you get it?
Ugh! Oh, my god.
It reeks in here.
We just wanted to come in before
your parents found
anything incriminating.
Mm, getting all your shit
together, huh?
Yep. Somebody has to.
Did you guys
find two girls one cup?
It's gonna be okay.
How do you know?
People keep saying it.
Uh-uh, that one's already
spoken for, champ.
You know, I thought there'd
be a lot more drugs in here.
More what?
Let's have it.
Come on.
- It's mine.
- Kate...
Your mom needs you downstairs.
Yeah, of course.
Did you get everything?
- Mr. Hanes...
- Jimmy...
I'm needed downstairs.
We got it all, Sammy.
Fucking lump.
You told me to take her to you.
Want to hit the hole later?
Like old times?
I got a ton of shit from
the drawer before Ted came in.
Figured you'd want some.
I can't believe it's over.
Welcome to the rest
of your life.
Slow down.
Keep up.
Now that Sammy's dead,
is Dan your new best friend?
You brought the lump?
I'm not supposed
to leave him alone.
He's hitting
the big leagues early.
Danny, stop.
Don't tell mom.
You can have his porn mags.
It's like masturbating
in the stone age.
This other shit
we're gonna have to split.
The pages are stuck together.
Shit. There's a Snapchat
addressed to me.
Shit's from beyond the grave.
All right, I sent it to you.
- We were deleting.
- I decided against it.
Hey, dick hole.
I'm not sure I can
trust you with this
since I couldn't with my sister,
but I want to be buried...
In my eagles Jersey.
Don't mess it up...
Fuck. It's gone.
That was depressing.
His Jersey was on the wall.
What are you gonna do about it?
I need to talk to your parents.
- Can this wait?
- No.
What's this all about?
I... well, we wanted to...
We found a will.
He left you a note?
It was a text.
It was a Snapchat to be exact.
Don't worry.
He wasn't naked.
We knew you were cremating him,
but we just wanted to make sure
that Sammy would...
We didn't get a note.
He wanted to be buried
in his Jersey.
Can I see it?
The texts disappear
after you send them,
and it's what he said.
Look, Mcginnis already
has him at the funeral home.
What about the Jersey?
Guys, he didn't
send the message.
Then can you cremate him
wearing it?
All right. Give me a minute.
Jimmy, I know you
didn't get to be here...
And I don't know what happened
between you boys.
No answer.
Let's get the car.
Open your ears, son.
He's gone.
We appreciate
everything you did.
We really do.
We appreciate it,
but we didn't get a note,
and I was there.
I was there at the end,
and he was happy.
Look, if you guys
are gonna toast him,
at least
do it the way he wanted.
Excuse me?
What did you say?
Let me handle this.
We can get the Jersey.
I'll get someone
to drive us over
if you're not up to do it, okay?
Jimmy, we're tired.
- Right, but...
- Jimmy, just go.
I just think that if...
Don't you think if he wanted
it he would've told us?
- So that's it?
- I'm not giving up.
I'm waiting till dark.
Why are we here?
The funeral home
is 30 miles away from here.
- We can't bike it.
- So we're...
My old man keeps his car keys
in his nightstand. Shit.
Your parents
lock their own bedroom?
They like privacy.
So trusting.
Are you helping or what?
Mom and dad are gonna kill us.
It's fine. We'll get
a new one at home depot.
They'll never know.
Gonna have to do this together.
Don't get all metaphorical.
Can't we just get
a different Jersey
from one of the other
players on the team?
Sammy wanted his Jersey.
If he wanted to be
in someone else's shit,
he would've sent
the will to them.
Yeah, well, fuck Sammy.
We're already going out
of our way...
Do it, pussy.
Hey. Are we gonna
do this or what?
- You're staying.
- I want to go.
- It's too dangerous.
- If you leave him here,
he's gonna blow our cover again.
- You're gonna get in our way.
- I promise I won't.
You're not coming.
Just let him come.
Just get in the back.
Why do I have a feeling that
this is gonna be fucking epic?
You piece of shit!
Sorry, man, I'm new at this.
We'll be out late.
Will your parents mind?
I make my own rules, bitch.
I was gonna eat that.
It's time.
Wake the fucking
neighborhood while you're at it.
So how do we do it?
She threw me her sheets.
Are you fucking serious?
It worked.
I bet you only
got through missionary
before you blew your load.
Shut up and give me boost.
Come on.
Pull yourself up.
Usually I like to be
the one on top.
I have an idea.
It's fucking stuck.
You jammed it earlier.
Suck my dick.
Where are you going?
Well, we'll fit now.
It has to be here.
Just be careful.
You broke the fucking window?
No, it was like that
when we found it.
Honestly, what do you
have against texting me?
I could've just opened
the front door.
We're just looking
for the Jersey.
Someone else already has it.
Of course.
Do you know who?
Get off!
So what, you're just gonna
put him in the Jersey?
It'll be really quick.
We'll put it on him
before anybody notices.
Come on, Jimmy. This bitch
doesn't have anything for us.
- We need to bail. -Don't
call her a bitch, asshole.
I told you we should've
snagged someone else's Jersey.
What's the fucking
point of that?
Figured some
asshole's gonna take it.
Guess I was right.
Give it.
Fuck off.
We need the Jersey.
You're... you're
asking me to give up
the last piece
of my dead brother?
I'm not asking you
to give up anything.
Sammy is.
He didn't leave me
anything else.
He left us a mission,
what he wants us to do together.
That's why I'm here.
That's why Dan's here.
So let's go.
I... I don't know if I can...
- We got to have the Jersey.
- Come on, take it off, baby.
Okay, turn around.
You know, I was fine
with you in your bra.
Come on. Come on.
We're doing the right thing.
- Quick in and out.
- Yeah, my specialty.
The lights are on.
Somebody's inside.
Hey, relax, champ.
Give me a boost.
I don't see anyone.
All right, well, this
is a waste of fucking time.
Jesus Christ.
- Yeah, that hurt.
- Okay, so what's the plan?
We're gonna
have to break a window.
Lump, what are you doing?
Holy shit.
You're still a pussy to me.
Yeah, he's dead.
Not the rack I wanted
to see tonight.
I came to slip a Jersey
on my best friend,
not to see his penis.
Grow up.
He's fucking naked.
He's fucking naked.
They're cremating
our friend in the nude?
That's harsh.
If you have such
a problem with it,
why don't you
give him your pants?
I'm six inches taller
than Sammy, all right?
He's gonna look like
a fucking clown in heaven.
Give him lump's pants.
He looks dead-kid sized.
He'll wear mine.
We shouldn't have
seen him like this.
No one should.
So much for everyone wanting
to remember him alive.
You know, we should take
a picture for his Facebook.
Fuck off.
It's a fucking idea, Kate.
Lump, give me the Jersey.
Here you go.
Try slipping it over his head.
It'd be easier
with him standing.
- This is too fucking weird.
- Just help me out.
Lift him up.
Get his legs.
One, two, three.
- Get him up.
- Yeah.
Put his arms up.
All right, let's go.
We're fucking going.
Hide. Come on. Come on.
We got your message.
Still not talking to me?
We have to get him out of here.
Give me a hand?
Whoa. What the fuck
are you guys doing?
Sammy didn't
want to be cremated.
- Are you serious?
- They just burned the coffin.
They think he's in there.
This is our chance.
No. No, this isn't
supposed to happen.
Sammy wasn't supposed
to die, Kate.
The least we can do
is give him one last wish,
one last shot to give him
what he wanted.
Sammy was my best friend.
- Our best friend.
- We can't let him down, okay?
Especially after he found out
you were fucking Jimmy.
Sammy knew?
Yes, Kate.
Your bedroom
was right next door.
"Oh, Jimmy."
He never s-said anything.
No wonder he didn't
write you into the will.
Never talk to her
like that again.
Why the fuck are you mad at me?
Maybe if you weren't too busy
putting your dick in your dead
best friend's sister,
none of this would be happening.
Goddamn it!
This is fucking crazy.
We can't do this.
We have to. We screwed up.
We can fix it.
We can make this right, Kate.
We got to make this right.
He won't fit back there.
It's full of my dad's shit.
Fine. Fuck it.
Put him in the backseat then.
No, no, no. No. What?
No, guys, I sit back there.
- And?
- Shut the fuck up, Kate.
Stop being such a pussy.
Hey, guys, there's no way
I'm sitting back here.
There is no fucking way
I'm sitting back here.
Then we're leaving you.
Fuck. Watch out.
Fuck you guys, all right?
Fuck you guys so much.
I don't know who they are, but...
Well, I'd really appreciate it
if you would look out for them.
- No problem.
- Yeah, we can do that.
- Thank you.
- Sure.
Officer Hughes.
So what do you got?
What are we...
Your brother wanted to be
buried, and we'll need shovels.
Is there a way in?
We're on a roll
with the windows.
Step aside.
Gonna need a bigger block.
Holy shit.
I feel like
a fucking action movie star.
All units, we have reports of
a 459 at Parktown hardware.
Witnesses say kids responsible.
Two shovels, a pickax,
it's hard to tell what else.
And you got no security camera?
We can barely afford
the alarm system.
Who saw the kids?
She did.
Kind of looks like
he's sleeping.
So peaceful.
Sucks we couldn't
keep him around, you know,
like, stuff him,
trade him every weekend.
Should we say something?
Sammy was alive.
Now Sammy is dead.
We took his body,
and now we're gonna bury it
on the side of a hill.
Thank you, captain obvious.
How about, uh,
"life's not fair?"
Forget it.
Six feet down?
We didn't think this through.
I said this was a bad idea.
You guys are fucking idiots.
We got him in the Jersey.
That was supposed
to be the hard part.
- We have to bury him.
- Jimmy, the ground's fucked.
You couldn't just let him be?
There you go, Sammy.
Pick a place.
Where do you want to be
for the rest of your...
Why didn't he tell your parents
what he wanted?
Because Sammy knew
you were the only one
that would give him
anything he wanted.
He wanted him
to keep his hands off you,
but that really didn't do much.
Shut the fuck up.
I've done a pretty good job
of fucking up so far.
The skyline's
really beautiful at night.
It's a hell of a lot better
without that shithole
of a school.
All Sammy talked
about was wanting to play there.
What about the new stadium,
There's plenty of loose dirt.
It won't be too hard to dig.
He'll have the best seats
in the fucking house.
Hell, yeah.
Let's do it.
Knock it off.
I'm trying to make his
last hours fun, all right?
This is it for Sammy.
I don't get why he can't just
stick it out the window to pee.
- Maybe he gets stage fright.
- Get out and go.
Do you need someone
to go with you?
All right, come on.
I'll go with you.
We don't all need to go.
You're not gonna
leave me out here with him.
Why not?
He's your brother.
- Not who I was talking about.
- Come on.
Could we use your bathroom?
It's over in the back.
Hey, you think Sammy
wants a lottery ticket?
You've been really nice up
until the last 24 hours...
Staying in Sammy's room,
taking care of him,
taking care of me.
I really didn't mind
the change at all.
You told me to choke on
a cock this morning, so...
You were talking about my tits
at my brother's funeral.
I would take that
as a compliment.
Did you ever think that maybe
if you were less of a dick 24-7
that you might have
some other friends?
I mean, Sammy's gone.
You obviously hate
Jimmy and me, so...
Who do you have left?
Guess you're gonna have to go
play with yourself then.
This never would've happened
if she went for me.
But she likes Jimmy.
Jimmy likes her,
so I guess that's that.
I miss you, man.
I didn't eat at the funeral.
We got burgers earlier.
Couldn't have waited until
after you broke into my house?
Poor planning on my part.
Thanks for bringing me along.
I appreciate it.
- I know I wasn't in the will, but...
- I meant what I said earlier.
You're supposed to be here.
- 'Cause of the Jersey?
- Because I want you here.
Whoa. Wait, what?
Are you trying to kiss me?
I mean, it's cute, sort of.
Kind of a really
fucked up time to try,
but at least
you're making the effort.
So what does lump like to eat?
I don't know.
You don't know what
your brother likes to eat?
Lump, what's your
favorite candy?
- Milky ways.
- Milky ways. It's milky ways.
It's so weird you guys don't
know anything about each other.
You should just go
bond or whatever.
- I also like Reese's.
- Shut up.
You're not gonna impress me
by being mean to lump.
- It's how we communicate.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Do I sense some tension
over here or what?
Dude, you should be at the car.
Sammy wanted a slushy.
Do you think
he'll get a brain freeze?
Hey, if you guys aren't gonna buy
something, you need to leave.
Don't be a downer.
I'll be in the car
keeping an eye on Sammy.
Hey, she's got to pay for those.
Relax. I got it.
I know they're your favorite.
Can't believe you left me
here with these idiots.
How could you
even be mad at him?
How many of my friends did you
try to hit on all the time?
Remember in sixth grade
when I had that
big birthday sleepover,
and you stole Allison Polsol's
Ooh, the poor thing had to
free-beaver it all weekend.
But I covered for you,
and I didn't hold a grudge.
Oh, fuck.
Yeah, fuck you, pig!
We are so dead.
You wanted to come.
Man the fuck up.
Hey, take it easy.
A little help here.
Turn right.
Turn right.
Turn left here.
Kill the fucking lights.
You really fucked us, Dan.
You fucked us by dragging
Sammy out of his coffin.
Leave Sammy out of this.
- Please stop saying his name.
- Guys...
You're just jealous
'cause he left us a mission
and you a fucking key
to something he didn't
even want you to have.
- Shut the fuck up.
- Fuck you, Dan.
You're the one who
brought us on this quest
to put a Jersey on somebody
you call your best friend.
But you didn't know
his last wish,
'cuz you were too busy
fucking his sister!
I just want to do
what Sammy wants.
Sammy wanted to be
- Stop!
- Guys!
- What?
- Red light!
Hey, you okay?
My door is jammed.
Where's Sammy?
Hey. Hey, you okay?
I think he broke his arm.
Please. Please.
- Please what?
- My arm is...
Just don't use it
unless you have to.
- Jimmy.
- He's fine. He wanted to come.
He wanted to join
the big leagues.
Here he is.
Where the fuck is Sammy?
Dan. I got him.
What does it look like
I'm doing?
- I can carry him.
- Fuck you!
Jimmy, his arm, it's serious.
He's fine.
He's not fine.
Hey, stop.
Fucking stop!
Goddamn it!
That's it.
That's it.
I'm fucking done.
I'm out.
We're almost there.
It's, like, two miles away.
He needs to be seen by a doctor.
Lump, look at me.
- You're fine, right?
- Fuck you.
- What'd you say?
- Fuck you. Fuck you.
You're not my brother.
He's your brother.
- He needs me.
- He's dead!
You're never around.
You're always with him.
I hate Sammy.
He threw batteries at my head.
He stole money from
my sock drawer for weed.
He spit on me.
And when you were with him,
you did the same things.
My best friend's dead, lump.
Look, nobody cares how
hard it is for you, okay?
Do you think I liked
having a bunch of assholes
break in to my house?
Do you think
I liked being blackmailed
into giving you my Jersey?
Do you think I like spending
the night with his body?
Don't fucking touch me.
I'm just trying my best
to do what he wanted.
News flash:
Sammy's dead.
My brother is dead.
Your brother's alive,
okay, so fuck you.
I went to him, and I told him
that I liked you.
And he said "no."
He said I wasn't allowed,
and then his dumb ass died
without ever talking
to me again.
He would've come around.
But you didn't even wait.
The next thing I know,
you're whoring it up in school.
I know I'm not one of the
popular kids, but I hear things.
Oh, what did you hear, huh?
That there was always
gonna be some before you,
that there was always
gonna be some after you?
You didn't even call.
You fucked me and left me.
Even when my brother died,
you didn't even send me a text.
Goddamn it!
You are such an asshole!
Your brother made me this way.
Sammy always wanted
everyone to know
what he wasn't gonna get to do.
So he made everyone else feel
bad for not having a disease.
It's why he left
a fucking message even
after your parents told him
the way it had to go down.
If it's such a fucking burden,
then why? Why do you do it?
Because he left it to me.
Because he didn't trust me
with his sister,
but he did with this.
Well, you better hurry up then,
'cause he's slipping away.
The school is the other way.
Fuck the school, Jimmy!
We're almost there.
I'm taking him back
to the funeral home.
We don't have time.
The sun's about to come up.
- Come on.
- Don't fucking touch him!
- Are we really gonna do this?
- Yes, Jimmy!
You've been bossing me around
for the last 12 hours!
You can go, just leave Sammy.
I'm taking him back
to where he fucking belongs.
He wanted to be
buried, remember?
Sammy's dead, motherfucker!
What he wants
doesn't matter anymore.
It doesn't fucking matter!
Don't you get that?
Where the fuck is Kate and lump?
Where are they, Jimmy?
They leave you too, huh?
Well, fuck, man, you spend
half the fucking time
worrying about
the alive motherfuckers
instead of the dead ones,
you'd probably have
a lot more friends.
You'd probably get a lot
more pussy too.
Remember when me, you,
and Sammy were friends?
Well, guess what.
I barely fucking can anymore.
So choke on that, dick.
You take care of the dead kid.
I'll go find the alive ones,
all right?
I'm gonna put my arm
around your girl.
I'll take care of
your fucking brother too,
just like I took care of Sammy
when he was alive!
I wanted to be there for you.
We've got to stay out of sight.
Hey, homey, you lost?
What's wrong with
your friend over here?
- Don't fucking touch him!
- Hey, hey.
Hey, calm down. Relax.
Just let me go.
You need some help, homey?
Fuck off.
This kid's definitely lost.
What's a little white boy
like you and his dah-dah-dahs
doing downtown anyway, huh?
None of your fucking business.
You gonna let this bitch
talk to you like that?
Who the fuck does
he think he is?
Dude, look at this
crazy-ass white boy
talking to his drunk-ass friend.
Don't fucking talk
to him like that.
The fuck you gonna do?
- Ah!
- Five-o! Bounce!
Get in the car.
I'm sorry.
Do you have any idea how
much trouble you're in, huh?
What a fucking mess this is?
How does something
like this happen?
- I don't know.
- You don't know.
Jesus Christ, Jimmy.
I have known
you your entire life,
and this is the dumbest,
most dangerous thing
you've ever done,
so you cannot sit here
and tell me
that you do not know.
I should've been there
at the end.
That's why he sent me
the message.
I owed him.
Now that he's gone, there's...
There's nothing I can do
to make it up to him.
Jimmy, this message that
you're killing yourselves over,
maybe he didn't send it,
because in the end,
he knew that you
didn't owe him anything.
What were you planning
on doing with his body?
We were gonna take him
to the new stadium.
We thought that's where
he'd want to be,
in his Jersey,
finally in the game.
That is so...
We did so much crazy stuff
when Sammy was alive.
I didn't think this was
gonna be any different.
Yeah, I don't even want to know.
Sammy came up
with most of the ideas.
Yeah, that kid made me laugh.
I think you're wrong
about Sammy's message.
Sammy wanted to send
the message,
but he never got a chance.
He knew something like this
would bring us all together.
And I can't think
of a better way for him
to go out than getting us
all in trouble again.
This whole time
we were trying to figure out
what to do for Sammy, but...
This is really about Sammy
doing something for us.
- No intoxication?
- As of right now, no.
- And how many were there?
- Two.
- Hey, guys.
- Hold on.
- Hey, come here.
- Sir?
All right, over here.
I want tape
along the perimeter here.
See that corner over there?
- Got it.
- I want that covered.
- Down here as well.
- Got it.
Are you serious?
My dad's standing right there.
Your dad's the one
who brought me.
Come on. Let's go.
Should we follow them?
Let them go.
We're almost there.
Keep your eyes peeled.
For what?
For that.
You want a ride?
Fuck you.
I can't do this without you.
Then why'd you
fucking try, Jimmy?
I'm an idiot.
No shit.
All right, you're also
a huge piece of shit
who made us each commit,
like, a dozen fucking crimes.
You crashed your dad's car,
and you broke
your brother's arm.
Sammy wanted you here.
I know.
It's just good to know
that you know.
Plus, I've always wanted
to ride in an ambulance.
I'm sorry I fucked up so much.
If you want to bail,
this is the time.
We've already followed
your dumb ass this far.
Yeah, how much worse can it get?
You should all hate me.
We kind of do.
Yeah, you're a fucking tool.
And a bad brother.
But it all boils down to Sammy.
The kid was an idiot, you know,
telling us what to do,
making us bring him things.
The motherfucker basically
wrote a list of shit
we had to do even
after he fucking died.
We're alive,
even if you almost got us
killed, like, a thousand times.
We kind of like you.
Some more than others.
You'd do anything
for a dead kid.
I don't know what to say.
For once, shut the fuck up.
It's all locked up.
Buckle up.
I can do it myself.
Way to man up.
Okay, so where
are we gonna do this?
50-yard line.
It's wet.
Best seats in the house.
Best seats in the house.
- Whoa!
- Lump!
Oh, please.
Come on, Jimmy. Help me!
Help me. Help me.
Oh, I almost got him.
- Jimmy!
- Jimmy!
Fuck. Fuck.
Oh, my god.
Ohh, ohh.
You're okay.
Ow. Ow.
Close your eyes.
It's okay.
You're good.
Oh, my god.
You're okay.
Quit being such a pussy.
Hey, where's Sammy?
- You okay, little man?
- Yeah.
This is it.
This is his place.
Let's grab an arm and a leg.
We have to weigh him down.
You should say it.
Say what?
Yeah, you brought us
this far, man.
Sammy liked his drinks
to be like his dick.
He knew the inherent
beauty of a naked woman.
Sammy wasn't afraid of anything.
He let me hang out,
even though I was younger.
He only spit on me once,
but he never treated me
any different.
Sammy was always
really good to me.
He always had my back,
and he always kept me laughing,
even when he was at his worst.
Sammy was my brother.
Our brother.
He was here tonight with us
every step of the way.
Now it's time for him to go.
You were my best friend.
I'm so sorry for everything.
Why did you have to die?
How do you guys
want to get home?