Show Boat (1951)

Cotton Blossom
Cotton Blossom
Captain Andy's floating show
Cotton Blossom
Cotton Blossom
Hey, the show boat's coming.
Come on, mule. Git!
Show boat. Show boat.
Here comes the show boat.
Show boat.
See the show boat
It's old Captain Andy's Cotton Blossom
Will you go?
Are you coming to the show?
'Twill be delightful
And quite rightfully we say
There's not a better show
From New Orleans to St. Jo
Captain Andy has gathered a troupe
In the greatest of dramas
And jolly comedies
Stephen Baker
The handsomest leading man
And beautiful Julie LaVerne as well
Cotton Blossom, Cotton Blossom
Captain Andy's floating show
Thrills and laughter, concert after
Everybody's sure to go
Leave the lumber in the sawmills
Leave the cotton on the stalks
Come and meet him
Come and greet him
Captain Andy Hawks
Ladies and gentlemen,
it is with exhilarating gratification...
...that I bring once again
my theatrical offering... your fair community.
I want you to meet
some of the greatest artists...
...that ever played the river towns.
Miss Ellie May Shipley!
The toast of Cairo, Illinois.
Next, I want y'all
to meet Frank Schultz!
Mr. Schultz is the villain in our play.
But off-stage he wouldn't hurt a fly.
And he's stuck on Ellie.
That's the way they always are, folks.
Just one big happy family.
And I'm their father.
And Parthy here is their mother.
I worked in a new one, didn't I? We're
the parents of one big happy family.
You're a big bellowing catfish.
Now get these handbills started.
Now I want you to meet the
little sweetheart of the South.
Our songstress and leading lady...
...Miss Julie LaVerne!
Hiya, Miss Julie!
She gets prettier every year.
Just to know her
is to love her, folks.
Here, I want you to know
the handsomest leading man... the Middle West.
The famous Mr. Stephen Baker!
A sample of
soul-stirring emotion, folks.
No, Hamilton, I cannot accept you,
for I am not worthy of your noble desires.
On my mother's name, tell me why.
Look into this room and
view the secret of my downfall.
Have to see the play tonight,
folks, to learn her secret.
Tempest and Sunshine.
Beautiful drama of tears and laughter.
And then after that,
the grand concert.
Songs and dances beyond description.
Frank and Ellie, just a sample.
Just a sample, folks.
More! More!
Frank and Ellie. Frank and Ellie.
Just a little bit more.
Are you in business for your health?
Get finished and
get these things started.
Go on. Take them. Go on.
Stephen, my boy. Pass those out
among the adoring young ladies.
All right, captain.
Hey, where'd you get that?
Stole it, huh?
I ain't stole nothing.
Miss Julie give it to me
out of the kindness of her big heart.
- What's the idea of giving my present...?
- Get away.
Something you don't understand,
zebra gal.
I told you. Stay away from my wife.
She's nothing but a...
Here. Frank, take him aboard.
Well, folks, I guess
we fooled you that time.
The boys just played you another
little scene from one of our shows.
Well, folks, don't forget tonight.
Lucky puncher.
Yes, sir, get your tickets now.
Beautiful songs, beautiful people.
Come along, everybody.
Please, Mr. Pete, don't get
yourself all riled up over it.
Mr. Steve and Miss Julie,
they got to play performances here.
Yeah? I know a thing or two.
We'll see how many performances
they play in this town.
Hey, where's the sheriff?
Down there.
That's over $2000 you've lost.
You're unlucky.
Only a temporary condition,
I assure you.
Here's a boat ticket to
New Orleans. Playable?
Suits me. Leave you sort
of stranded, won't it?
You are presupposing
a calamity, sir?
- I'll stand.
- Say 18.
You presupposed perfectly.
- Sorry.
- Good day.
A lot of water down there, eh, boy?
Yes, sir. From where he all come?
Same place it's going, son.
'Tis, huh?
Who cares if my boat goes upstream?
Or if the gale bids me go
With the river's flow
I drift along with my fancy
Sometimes I thank my lucky stars
My heart is free
And other times I wonder
Where's the mate for me?
Ticket for tonight, mister?
Possibly. Does this boat
go to New Orleans?
Yep. Winds up there.
I'd like to speak to the owner.
They're all in town
giving the street concert.
I'll wait for them.
The driftwood floating over the sea
Someday finds a sheltering lea
So somewhere there surely must be
A harbor meant for me
I drift along with my fancy
Sometimes I thank my lucky stars
My heart is free
And other times I wonder
Where's the mate...?
Is there no mercy in your evil soul?
No kindness in your ugly heart?
Oh, sir, what manner
of foul jackal are you?
Coming into our humble home,
rich as you are...
...yet reeking of the carrion
of the fleshpots?
Oh, sir, I plead with you
on bended knee...
...from the torn and wretched heart
of a mother.
Stop giving my little daughter
diamonds and go home to your wife.
Bravo. Bravo. Now that's just
what the scoundrel needs.
Yes. Is there anything
I can do for you?
More of the same. Magnificent.
I'm afraid I just can't.
You see, I'm...
I really should be airing these
clothes. Brushed and aired.
Isn't that menial work
for a leading lady?
Oh, but I'm not the leading lady.
You're not? That's hard to believe.
You certainly look it.
I'm not even a member
of the company.
- No?
- No. Well, I mean, not professionally.
I'd say that's a desire
that your heart is set on.
At least you're right there.
- Why do you want to be an actress?
- Why?
Well, the ordinary person
wouldn't understand.
I mean... That is, a person
outside the profession.
No? Well...
You want to be an actress
because it makes everything come true.
Every exciting thing
you've ever dreamed about.
Even if it's make-believe.
Isn't that it?
Yes, that is it. How did you know?
For instance, right now,
we could be Romeo and Juliet...
...or Elizabeth and Essex, or...
Or Lady Southwaite
and Hamilton Barsdale.
Or Lady Southwaite... Who?
Oh, they're in the
Tempest and Sunshine.
Oh, yes, of course.
As a matter of fact, we couldn't be
anybody talking like this.
We haven't been properly introduced.
Well, that makes no difference
in make-believe.
Well, I suppose that's true.
So we could make-believe that
we've just fallen in love at first sight.
Only make-believe I love you
Only make-believe that you love me
Others find peace of mind
In pretending
Couldn't you, couldn't I, couldn't we?
Make-believe our lips
Are blending
In a phantom kiss
Or two or three
Might as well make-believe
I love you
For to tell the truth
I do
The game of just supposing
Is the sweetest game I know
Our dreams are more romantic
Than the world we see
And if the things we dream about
Don't happen to be so
That's just an unimportant technicality
Though the cold and brutal fact is
You and I have never met
We need not mind conventions
P's and Q's
If we put our thoughts in practice
We can banish all regrets
Imagining most anything
We choose
We could make-believe
I love you
Only make-believe
That you love me
Others find peace of mind
In pretending
Couldn't you?
Couldn't I?
Couldn't we?
Make-believe our lips
Are blending
In a phantom kiss
Or two or three
- Might as well make-believe
- Might as well make-believe
- I love you
- I love you
- For to tell the truth
- For to tell the truth
- I do
- I do
All right, everybody,
hang up your costumes.
There's my father and mother.
Just the parties I wish to see.
To our next meeting.
And soon.
Captain and Mrs. Hawks, allow me.
Ravenal. Gaylord Ravenal
of the Tennessee Ravenals.
You're heading
for New Orleans?
- That's right, sir.
- We don't carry passengers, young man.
Naturally. But I'm an actor.
And I thought possibly there might be... opening in your company
for my services.
I don't have my notices here...
Sorry, Mr. Ravenal, we're full up.
Troupe's been with me
all season, just doing fine.
I'm sorry, because I guess you cut
quite a figure before the footlights.
It doesn't seem to be my day.
My thanks just the same, sir.
Magnolia? Magnolia.
Come help Queenie with these stores.
- Yes, Mama.
- Hawks.
Yes, Parthenia.
I've got to do it, Julie.
I've got to split his thick skull.
No, darling. It's all over now.
Let it lie.
- We can't risk any trouble in this town.
- But the scurvy, slimy...
There's still not enough room
on this boat for the two of us.
Come in.
I stole a banana for him and l...
- I'm sorry.
- It's all right, give it to him.
You can't spoil him any more
than you have already.
- Where to, Sir Lancelot?
- Get a cup of coffee.
Gonna be a good boy?
Sure. If that's what you want.
That rattle-brained mule.
Oh, golly, but he loves you.
Of course he does.
I'm the belle of the ball.
You know, I think it's wonderful.
Well, tell me about
your handsome stranger.
I saw you talking to him.
That's what you came in for, isn't it?
I asked Papa about him.
He said he's an actor looking for work.
- An actor? Your ma would love that.
- But, Julie, he's so different.
River dandies are
thick as locusts, angel.
Oh, I know. Oh, I know about men.
I've had them look at me,
and, you know, flirt and all.
But when he stood there
by the window and smiled...
Pulses began to pound
right here, huh?
Why do you love Steve so much?
The way you were just now, for instance.
Oh, Steve. I love him because...
Well, I don't know.
He's not a very good actor on-stage.
You know, he's not a very good actor
off-stage either.
But he's all mine.
And sometimes,
his eyes are like a little boy's.
There. Could you ever think
of loving anyone else?
Oh, listen, sister
I love my own Mister Man
And I can't tell you why
There ain't no reason
For me to love that man
It must be something
That the angels done plan
Fish gotta swim
Birds gotta fly
I gotta love one man till I die
Can't help
Lovin' that man of mine
Tell me he's lazy
Tell me he's slow
Tell me I'm crazy
Maybe I know
Can't help
Lovin' that man of mine
When he goes away
That's a rainy day
But when he comes back
That day is fine
The sun will shine
He can come home
As late as can be
Home without him
Ain't no home to me
Can't help
Lovin' that man of mine
Oh, Julie, that's wonderful.
I could feel that way too.
I'll bet you will some day.
- Fish gotta swim
- Birds gotta fly.
- Birds gotta fly
- I gotta love.
I gotta love
One man till I die
Can't help
Lovin' that man of mine
Down on the levee
the gals put a little shuffle in it.
Tell me he's lazy, tell me he's slow
Tell me I'm crazy, maybe I know
Can't help
Lovin' that man of mine
Now watch this one, honey.
- That's a rainy day
- Yeah, that's right.
But when he comes back
That day is fine
The sun will shine
He can come home
As late as can be
Home without him
Ain't no home to me
Can't help
Lovin' that man of...
I thought you were gonna
help Queenie with supper.
I will, Mama, I will.
Well, that's how it is, angel.
From now on, you have
nothing to do with her.
- But, Ma, Julie's my friend.
- That stops right now.
But she's sweet and kind...
It's plain to me what's happening
onboard this boat.
And I'll not have my daughter mixed up
with any hussy who allows herself...
Mama, I'll not listen
to another word against Julie!
Little girl, you are safe with me
I can protect what's mine
I am a sturdy maple tree
And you're my clinging vine
Woods are just full of maple trees
Cedar and oak and pine
Let me look them over, please
And then I'll let you know
If you have a show
After I have looked around the world
For a mate
Then, perhaps
I might fall back on you
When I am convinced that there is
No better fate
Then I might decide that you will do
I am just an average lad
Though no gift to womanhood
Some girls say I'm not so bad
Others say you're not so good
But if you are patient, dear
And willing to wait
There's a chance
I might fall back on you
Hawks. Come here.
Hawks. Come here.
What is it?
I knew there'd be trouble with her.
Trouble? With who? With Julie?
Steve. Steve, wait a minute.
What happened?
- Well, what is it?
- It's Pete, with the sheriff, captain.
The sheriff?
But our license is paid for.
We heard them talking
something about Miss Julie.
The sheriff's gonna arrest Miss Julie.
Arrest Julie? But, Papa,
Julie's done nothing wrong.
Here, honey.
It won't hurt much.
Right in here, sheriff.
Hi, Windy.
Captain Hawks, I got some
unpleasant news for you.
You got a miscegenation case aboard.
Why, why... I don't know what...
You know what I mean. A case of a
Negro woman married to a white man.
Criminal offense in this state.
Name of the white man is Steve Baker.
Name of the Negress, Julie LaVerne,
born Julie Dozier.
- Julie!
- Julie, the record says you were born... this county. Your pa was white
and your ma black? That right?
Yes, that's right.
You two better get your things.
You wouldn't call a man white
that's got Negro blood in him?
No. One drop of black blood
makes you black in these parts.
Well, I got more than a drop in me.
Hear that.
You'll swear to that in a court of law?
Anyplace. Ask any one
of these folks here.
Every one can swear that I've got
Negro blood in me this minute.
But how come this man who's been
traveling with you comes and tells me...?
I'll tell you why. Because
he's a no-account river rat...
...who's bothering Julie,
and she had nothing to do with him.
- He's mean and he's ugly, that's why.
- Magnolia!
She's right, sheriff.
My daughter's telling the truth.
We all can swear to it.
You're fired.
Get on the wharf and wait for your pay.
- I was only doing my duty.
- Get off this vessel.
Take over, Julie, we're tuckered.
- We want Julie. Julie LaVerne.
- Julie.
Look, sheriff.
Can't she go on, just once more?
- Look, it's the last number.
- No, captain. I can't be responsible...
...for the safety of this community
if word gets out.
Now, you better close
the show, right now.
We'll pack up and get out
of here first thing in the morning.
- Come on, Julie.
- Julie.
- Where's our Julie LaVerne?
- We want Julie LaVerne.
Be sailing soon?
Yes. Just as soon as...
Julie, I...
- Your ma wouldn't like this.
- She's asleep.
Julie, I had to.
I didn't have any wrapping.
I made it into a pincushion.
It was for Christmas.
Julie, nothing's changed.
Nolie, Nolie, always true.
You'll write to me.
Let me know how things go.
I'll never forget my Nolie.
Stay happy, now.
- Need any money?
- No, thanks.
Goodbye, Steve.
No, I said we didn't.
Pride is smaller than kindness.
Thanks, Julie.
Captain Andy.
- Mr. Steve, I wants to say l...
- Goodbye.
Well, ride the river, Joe.
- Miss Julie.
- Keep riding the old river, Joe, boy.
Miss Julie, I wish I could...
There's an ol' man called the Mississippi
That's the ol' man that I wants to be
What does he care
If the world's got troubles?
What does he care
If the land ain't free?
OI' man river
That ol' man river
He must know something
But don't say nothing
He just keeps rollin'
He keeps on rollin' along
He don't plant 'taters
He don't plant cotton
And them that plants them
Is soon forgotten
But ol' man river
He just keeps rollin' along
You and me, we sweat and strain
Body all achin' and racked with pain
Tote that barge
And lift that bale
Get a little drunk
And you lands in jail
I get weary
And sick of tryin'
I'm tired of livin'
And scared of dyin'
But ol' man river
He just keeps rollin'
Joe, cast off.
Windy, set your helm.
All right, boys, stand by
with the plank. Cast off!
Don't plant 'taters
He don't plant cotton
And them...
Captain Andy. I just heard the news.
May I be of service to you, sir?
Yes. Yes, come aboard, young fellow.
Step lively.
Thank you.
But ol' man river
He just keeps rollin' along
You and me, we sweat and strain
Body all achin' and racked with pain
Tote that barge
Lift that bale
You get a little drunk
And you lands in jail
I gets weary
And sick of tryin'
I'm tired of livin'
And scared of dyin'
But ol' man river
He just keeps rollin'
- Good morning, all.
- Good morning, Captain Andy.
Good to see everybody
so chipper this morning.
That's the spirit.
High wind or high water...
...the show must go on.
- Good morning, darling.
- Good morning, Papa.
Fine talk. But with capacity business
waiting at Boonville tonight...
...who are we gonna get
for a leading man? Answer me that.
Patience, Parthy, patience. Didn't know
I used to have a magic act, did you?
Ladies and gentlemen,
Mr. Gaylord Ravenal.
The new leading man
of the Cotton Blossom Troupe...
...and coming idol of the river,
or I don't know my business. Which I do.
Thank you, Captain Andy.
Ladies and gentlemen... is an honor.
- You've met my wife, I believe.
- A repeated pleasure, Mrs. Hawks.
- And my daughter, Magnolia?
Only in make-believe.
All right, magician. Who are we
gonna get for a leading lady?
Your daughter.
- What are you talk...?
- Papa.
Listen, we can't get
no leading lady till New Orleans.
Don't wanna give up
all that box office, like you said.
Yes, Mama. All that cotton-crop money
just fresh from being counted.
That's a lot to turn down.
Well, I still mean to say, I don't
wanna go against principle. But...
- Just until New Orleans, at least.
- Oh, please, Mama.
Well, go on.
How wonderful.
Miss Hawks.
I see. And then I embrace her.
Is that correct?
That's right. Now, let's take
it again, clean through.
Yes, Lady Southwaite,
even though I know...
Nolie, remember your smile,
your sweet smile here.
- That'll always get them.
- Yes, Papa.
Yes, Lady Southwaite,
even though I know your secret...
...the child is one to which I should
like to give my name.
Will you marry me?
Oh, Hamilton, my own.
Just a minute, young man.
We won't have that.
We'll have none of your tricks
on or off the stage.
But, Parthy, I thought
that was kind of natural.
Nature isn't necessary in play-acting,
Hawks. Especially that kind.
Play-acting is just make-believe.
Now. Now, hold her for a split second.
- I see.
- With no kissing.
- No kissing.
- And then, stand apart.
- Then I stand apart.
- At arm's length.
- Oh, at arm's length.
- Yes. You understand?
- Yes, ma'am.
- Very well, then.
Well, maybe.
Still don't make no difference.
Take it from me, I got a sixth sense
about these things.
- You two are going over like floodwater.
- Sure are.
Magnolia Hawks and Gaylord Ravenal
are gonna be the hit of the river!
But hit or not, remember now,
no nonsense. It's just make-believe.
What's the meaning of this?
- Mama, Gay and l...
- Get yourself ashore, Mr. Ravenal.
Sir. Ma'am, I'm asking
Nolie to be my wife.
You? A no-account river gambler?
How dare you.
Gambler, yes, but hardly no account.
You know, Captain Andy...'s dead waste to stay cooped up
here in this penny-ante existence.
Nolie's meant for the life
and happiness of the world.
I love her.
And by heavens,
I'm gonna see that she gets them.
And you, standing there...
...are you proud and happy, looking
forward to a life with such as him?
Yes, Mama, I am.
Then that's a sight
I never want to see again.
Oh, Mama.
Bless you, darling.
I love you always,
no matter what you decide.
Son, I hope it's not just Saturday night
with a cold Monday morning to follow.
Whatever happens, Nolie,
always remember to smile.
Are you still sure?
Still sure this is what you want?
Maybe you are taking a 100-1 chance.
I want you more than
anything in the world.
Mrs. Gaylord Ravenal.
You are love
Here in my arms
Where you belong
And here you will stay
I'll not let you away
I want day after day with you
You are spring
Bud of romance unfurled
You taught me to see
One truth forever true
- You are love
- You are love
- Wonder of all the world
- Wonder of all the world
- Where you go with me
- Where you go with me
- Heaven will always be
- Heaven will always be
- Mr. Ravenal. Is your team laid up?
- Yes?
- Well...
- No, had to sell them. Doctor's orders.
Mr. Ravenal will have to do a lot more
walking from now on.
- Key, please.
- Mr. Ravenal.
- Yes?
- Your account is six weeks overdue.
I'd like to have immediate payment.
Well, isn't that rather
a brusque way to inform us...
That's right.
But by tomorrow night, or...
We'll have our bill ready at that time.
Come, darling.
Sorry. Next car, please.
I suppose this sounds
very dramatic...
...but they are all yours.
Very dramatic.
Stop giving me your diamonds, madam,
and go home to your husband's arms.
- Will you listen to me?
- Even though I reek of the fleshpots...
...even though I cannot
kiss the hem of your gown.
- I won't have you...
- Though I am unworthy as they say...
...I still have my pride,
madam, me pride.
Gay, will you be sensible for once?
Come here, you.
- You love me?
- Yes, but I still...
I don't want your pretties, angel.
I don't need them.
Now, you wait. I'm a lucky boy.
Having you is proof enough, isn't it?
I'll get another stake,
and we'll be walking on tall air again.
- You trust me?
- Always.
Just don't stop loving me, huh?
If I ever catch you batting your eyes
at another fellow, I will...
I'm walking on the air, dear
For life is fair, dear, to lovers
I'm in the seventh heaven
There's more than seven
My heart discovered
In this sweet, improbable
And unreal world
Finding you has given me
My ideal world
Why do I love you?
Why do you love me?
Why should there be two
Happy as we?
Can you see the why or wherefore
I should be the one you care for
You're a lucky boy
I am lucky too
- All our dreams of joy
- All our dreams of joy
- Seem to come true
- Seem to come true
- Maybe that's because you love me
- Maybe that's because you love me
- Maybe that's why I love you
- Maybe that's why I love you
Sorry. That's too much money.
I'd like the cash.
Very well.
Tonight, Ravenal.
I'll be back in a half an hour.
Don't worry, darling.
It's only temporary.
I'll get them back for you.
Everything could be temporary,
except us.
Get your things packed, honey.
I'll be right back.
Get me a cup of coffee, please.
Yes, sir.
- Get the coffee. I'll get the elevator.
- Okay, sir.
Hello, you.
You know, I've missed you.
Hot coffee. Now, that's a good bet.
- How were your others?
- How's that, honey?
Your other bets.
Yesterday's and last night's...
...and all of them "one last round
before we break it up" bets.
Were they just as good?
You got a crystal ball, darling?
My luck's sure been
running shallow lately.
That Loop crowd's tough,
but I'll get to them.
A lot of money goes through there.
Listen, Nolie.
I nearly hit the bonanza last night.
Now, we're in jacks or better,
and it goes to aces.
Now, I got two of them back to back.
Everybody drops out but Kirby.
My next two cards are queens.
I knew he was going into a flush,
but I had to stay in. Only l...
I felt that third queen coming out
of there just as sure as...
...well, just as sure...
- What does she look like?
- What, darling?
- The queen.
Does she look like
Cameo McQueen, for instance?
Nolie, if you think there's anything going
on with Cameo or any other woman...
I know there's no other woman.
No flesh and blood woman.
I almost wish there were.
I'd know how to fight then.
But I can't fight
this lady luck of yours.
This fancy queen
in her green-felt dress.
When you talked about it just now...
...I can't put that look in your eyes.
She's whipped me.
For days and nights now, weeks
and months, she's whipped me.
- I won't be whipped anymore. I won't!
- Nolie, hush, darling.
Nolie, look, tomorrow's Christmas...
...and I've still got a little bit left.
We could go...
Tomorrow isn't Christmas.
No, it isn't.
It's just like Papa said.
It's going to be Monday.
- It's all just like Papa said.
- Nolie.
You're a weak man, Gay.
You're weak. You're weak.
- You're weak...
- Nolie, I've stood enough of this.
Take your hands off me.
...we'll have to do something
about this, won't we?
Thank you.
Frank, we can afford better than this.
Sorry, I thought you were out and l...
- Nolie!
- Ellie!
- Look at her. How are you?
- I don't know two people...
- Doesn't she look wonderful?
...l'd rather see.
- How have you been? What's happened?
- We're booked into the Trocadero.
- The Trocadero?
- We open New Year's Eve.
- Wonderful. I'm so happy for you.
- We haven't been over there yet.
Don't know who's on the bill.
But just as soon as we could, we were
going to drop in on you over at the...
Andy said that you were living
at the Sherman House.
Are you living here?
- Just temporarily. Leaving?
- But you'll be leaving today, won't you?
These folks are looking for a place.
- Your husband told me a little while...
- There must be some mistake.
Oh, Gay. Gay, darling, get up
and come and see who's here.
Well, seeing as you
all know each other...
...l'll drop back later.
Oh, no.
What is it, Nolie?
"My darling... the time you read this...
...I will be on a train heading west.
What you said was true
from the beginning.
This money will help you
get back home to those who love you.
Not as I will always love you...
...but surely and safely.
Remember our good times
and forget all the rest... that at least
you will never hate me.
Oh, Nolie.
See? Look.
"Hooray," said Tiny Tim,
"and a Merry Christmas to you all."
Oh, Gay. Oh, Gay.
All right, come on. Take it back.
Now, look. Lift it just as high as it
will go, so it's flush up against there.
- Mr. Green.
- Yeah, that's fine, kids.
- Is that the height you want it?
- Don't bother me now, Joe.
Julie, Julie.
Julie, come on. Let's get over there and
hear the new song, will you?
Would you do that in her dressing room?
I'm trying to put on a show.
But, Jake, this is a holiday season.
It's over for you, kiddo. Work.
You promised, remember?
That's a good girl.
What's the matter with her?
- She starting in on a bust again?
- She better not.
These fool one-man girls.
Their fellow walks out, and they tear
themselves apart till they hit bottom.
And I gotta suffer for it.
Along came Bill
Who's not the type at all
You'd meet him on the street
And never notice him
His form and face
His manly grace
Is not the kind that you
Would find in a statue
Oh, I can't explain
It's surely not his brain
That makes me thrill
I love him because he's wonderful
Because he's just my Bill
I used to dream that I would discover
The perfect lover, some day
I knew I'd recognize him
If ever he came round my way
I always used to fancy that
He'd be one of the God-like kind of men
With a giant brain and a noble head
Like the heroes bold
In the books I've read
But along came Bill
An ordinary guy
He hasn't got a thing
That I can brag about
And yet to be
Upon his knee
So comfy and roomy
Feels natural to me
Oh, I can't explain
It's surely not his brain
That makes me thrill
I love him
Because he's
I don't know
Because he's just my Bill
Yeah, but can you keep her
off a bottle?
I'll try.
- Will that do, Simon Legree?
- Fine, Julie.
Now let's see the costume
for the finale, huh?
- Yes, massah.
- Attagirl.
- Yes, massah.
- That's right.
Yes, massah.
Come on, Julie. Come on,
come on, you kept us waiting for you.
- Mr. Green, can we do our number now?
- Yeah?
- A little later.
- We hope you like it.
- I will. Yeah?
- Mr. Green?
Would you sign for these, please?
- Hello, Schultz.
- How are you? Say, is that Mr. Green?
- Yeah, that's him. Right there.
- Thank you.
- Say, Mr. Green?
- Yeah.
Hi, Mr. Green. I'm Frank Schultz.
Schultz and Schultz.
Schultz and... Oh, the dance act.
Fine, yeah.
I'll be with you in a minute.
- We got great new routines for you.
- Fine. Fine.
We brought somebody
with us who we think has real talent.
- We'd like you to hear her.
- Yeah?
Nolie Ravenal. Nolie Hawks, that is.
- She sings. Like a nightingale.
- I already got a singer. Besides, l...
Take off your hat.
Yeah, I guess I got a few minutes.
What kind of songs do you sing?
Well, negro songs mostly,
and spirituals.
- Jazzbo singer, huh?
- Well, no, l...
- Yes, yes.
- It won't do any harm... listen to her, Joe.
All right, go ahead.
I wrote it out myself.
I hope you'll be able to read it.
I'll make out, sister.
Fish gotta swim
Birds gotta fly
I've gotta love
One man till I die
Go hurry her nibs with that costume,
will you, Joe?
Can't help
Lovin' that man of mine
- Come on, Julie.
- I've been trying to get her to...
Yeah, Jake's getting all riled up
about everything.
- Just a minute.
- Maybe I know
- Who's that singing?
- Some gal the dance act brought in.
Look, Julie,
Jake wants to see this dress...
She's a pretty good looker,
but she needs the job bad, I guess.
- Needs a job? Why?
- Schultz said she was married... some two-bit gambler
and he walked off and left her flat.
Us boys are all no good, you know that.
Come on, Julie. Bring the dress.
That's a rainy day
Julie, dear,
you've got to try this dress on.
But when he comes back
The day is fine
Come on, Julie.
Let's have the drink.
Shut up.
The sun will shine
He can come home
As late as can be
Home without him
Ain't no home to me
Can't help loving that man of mine
Well, how about it, Mr. Green?
Oh, not bad. Leave word
where we can reach you, honey.
Something may show up later, see?
- Charlie.
- Keep trying, sister. You'll make it.
- Thank you.
- You were super.
Well, you two certainly did your best.
Mr. Green, Julie's gone.
- What?
- I ran after her, all the way to the street.
She just laughed at me, right over
the top of a bottle. She's quitting.
- Well, what about my opening?
- She said if you don't hire...
...the little girl who just sang,
you're crazy.
- Why, that trampy little...
- I'll go get her, boss.
Let her go, the dirty worthless...
Hey, you with the hat.
Take it off.
Let's hear that number again.
Happy New Year!
Yes, sir, that's what
I said to Parthy.
I said, "I'm going to Chicago to see
Nolie and Gay for New Year's...
...whether you come or not."
You wear the trousers, eh, buster?
I wouldn't look good in skirts,
would I?
Happy New Year!
- Right this way, please.
- Right this way, he said.
Yes, sir, right this way.
Come on, ladies. Right here. Right now.
There we are.
- Champagne, sir?
- Champagne? Right.
Thank you. Fill the scuppers.
Happy New Year!
I guess your daughter has plenty of lucre
to be staying at the Sherman Hotel.
As a matter of fact,
they're not living there anymore.
Got a place of their own now.
Nolie never wrote me.
Figured she wanted to surprise me.
But I'm gonna surprise Nolie,
because Ellie and Frank...
...they're the top liners
on the bill here.
They'll know where she is, all right.
With the finish.
Happy New Year!
So you have a good excuse
for a night out on the town, buster?
Don't need any excuse.
This is New Year's Eve.
Happy New Year!
And now, the new sensational
dance duo, Schultz and Schultz.
That's Ellie. That's Ellie and Frank.
Wait'll you catch them.
I taught them everything
they know myself. Yes, sir.
There they are.
Life upon the wicked stage
Ain't ever what a girl supposes
Stage-door Johnnies
Aren't raging over you
With gems and roses
When you let a feller hold your hand
Which means an extra beer or sandwich
Everybody whispers
"Ain't her life a whirl"
Though you're warned against a rou
Ruining your reputation
When you've played around
The one-night trade
Around this great big nation
Wild old men
Who give you jewels and sables
Only live in Aesop's fables
Life upon the wicked stage
Ain't nothing for a girl
Though I've listened to you
Moan and grieve
You must pardon me
If I do not believe you
There is no doubt
You're crazy about
Your awful stage
I admit it's fun
To smear my face with paint
Causing everyone
To think I'm what I ain't
And I like to play
A demimonde role
With soul
Ask the hero does he
Like the way I lure
When I play a hussy
Or a paramour
But when once the curtain's down
My life is pure
And how I dread it
Life upon the wicked stage
Ain't never what a girl supposes
Stage-door Johnnies
Aren't raging over you
With gems and roses
I've got talent
But it ain't been tested
No one's even interested
Life upon the wicked stage
Ain't nothing for a girl
Hey, what did I tell you?
That's Ellie and Frank. More!
We want more of that, don't we?
Come on, boy.
Excuse me, girls.
If you don't mind, ladies...
...l'm going back and say hello to them.
Now, wait right here. Don't go away.
- But who will now charm you
with a popular new ballad.
First time on a Chicago stage.
That sweetheart of the Mississippi,
Miss Magnolia Ravenal.
A little maiden
Climbed an old man's knee
- Can't hear you.
- Begged for a story
- Do, uncle, please
- Nolie.
- Why are you single?
- My baby.
Why live alone?
- I had a sweetheart
- Nolie.
- Years and years ago
- Here.
- Nolie, here.
- Where she is now
Take it back to the river.
Quiet! Quiet!
I'll tell it all
I believed her faithless
Nolie, remember what I told you.
After the ball is over
After the break of dawn
After the dancers leaving
After the stars are gone
Many a heart is aching
- lf you could read them all
- Smile.
Many the hopes that have vanished
After the ball
- Oh, Papa.
- After the ball is over
After the break of dawn
After the dancers leaving
After the stars are gone
Many a heart is aching
If you could read them all
Many the hopes that have vanished
After the ball
Happy New Year!
Should old acquaintance be forgot
And never brought to mind
Should old acquaintance be forgot
And days of auld lang syne
And that's the way it is, Papa.
Just like you said. It's Monday.
Well, you'll just wanna forget him,
Nolie, darling.
- He's a scoundrel. A no-account.
- No, Papa, no, he isn't.
He was only trying to think of me.
Well, from now on, you can
just be thinking of yourself.
Why, after tonight, you're a big star.
You can go to New York.
No, I can't. No, I can't.
I can't just think of myself either.
I'm gonna have a baby.
You say he was thinking of you,
and he knew about this?
No, Papa. No, Gay never knew.
You see I was...
He was so worried
and so down that...
Well, I was waiting for things
to get better before I told him.
But I...
Don't worry, Papa.
I wanna come home.
If you'll have me.
If we'll have you?
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Let's celebrate, everybody.
Here's to a happy new year.
It will be a happy new year, won't it?
It will be.
And what name do we put down
for the little lady?
Kim. That's her name. K-l-M.
Kim Hawks.
Kim Ravenal.
Kim Ravenal.
There she is.
That will be all of that.
- It seems to me, Hawks.
- Got a kiss for Grandpa?
Come to Grandma. Come on.
Your supper's ready.
You poor starved darling.
My goodness.
I think I'm gonna sing.
- Sit down. Sit down.
- Oh, quit it. Quit it.
Hey, lookit. You know this one?
Fish gotta swim
Birds gotta fly
I gotta love
One man till I die
- Can't...
- Hey, Julie. Come on.
- Let's get out of here.
- Oh, leave me alone, Dan.
Say, listen. Who bought your ticket?
That's rather untidy conduct,
my friend.
Oh, it is, huh?
Say, who do you think you're...?
No cause for worry, folks.
Just a little misunderstanding.
- You know what cabin he has?
- Two-eighteen.
- Thanks, mister.
- That's all right.
I don't know why... I mean, I don't
know why it should matter to you.
Somebody used to sing that song.
Somebody who mattered
to me very much.
Excuse me.
Thank you.
- Who is that fella?
- A fair-sized gambler.
He travels with us now and then.
- Say, he's got a fair-sized punch too.
- A gambler, huh?
- Name ain't Ravenal, is it?
- Yes. Gaylord Ravenal.
- So that's the no-good...
- Excuse me, ma'am?
- Give me a neat rye.
- Yes.
That's to get my courage up.
Natchez, 10 minutes.
Landing in Natchez in 10 minutes.
Ten minutes. Landing in Natchez.
Ten minutes. Natchez.
Nice place, Natchez.
- You getting off there?
- No. All the way to New Orleans.
Thought maybe Natchez, seeing
as there's a show boat tied up there.
No, still New Orleans.
I thought maybe
because you look like an actor.
Once I was. I admit to that.
I'm sorry.
- Is that all you're sorry about?
- You'd better turn in.
Maybe you're sorry
because you're some kind of rat.
All right, all right, so I'm a rat.
Now, go to bed.
Oh, no. Please, mister.
I was talking about myself maybe.
Lots of rats come off show boats.
On-stage, under stage,
sneaking off, kicked off.
Kicked off.
Taking things with them,
taking nothing.
Me, mister, I was on one once too.
Forget about it, honey.
Get some sleep.
She was so pretty and sweet.
So open-out trusting sweet.
Who? What are you talking about?
And you know something, mister?
Some big, soft-talking card player...
...came along and took her right off the
Cotton Blossom, where she belonged.
Then left her broke and alone in Chicago
when she was gonna have a baby.
What are you talking about?
Who are you?
Hey, Julie. For the love of...
Cut it, will you?
We gotta get off here.
So you're...
- Look, what's that you said...?
- You wanna see what you left?
You wanna see them, mister?
I've kept track of them
ever since she was born.
Kim Ravenal.
- Oh, Nolie.
- Now you see why I wish...'d never been nice to me?
You see why, mister?
Please, Julie. Take my oath.
I never knew.
Hey, Julie!
- You mean, honestly...?
- Please, Julie. Take my oath.
Last call, kid.
Look, I gotta go now.
I hope I did right.
I know there's always
two sides to everything.
It's the whiskey maybe.
Look, mister,
if you ever do get to see Nolie...
...not get together with her, I mean,
but if you ever do get to talk to her...
...don't ever tell her you saw me.
I mean, don't ever tell her
you saw me like this.
I won't, Julie.
We get away from these noisy people.
We go to sleep in the woods.
They're going to sleep now.
She always goes to sleep first.
Is your name Kim?
That's a very pretty name.
- How did they call you Kim?
- It's a geographical name.
The stork dropped me
plop in the middle of the river.
Right in the middle of the river?
Right between Kentucky,
Illinois and Missouri.
Oh, I see.
K-l-M. That's very pretty.
And did your mommy fish you out?
No. My grandpa did.
He swims more better.
Well, is your mommy here?
Of course.
And where's your daddy?
- Right here.
- Here?
- You mean...
- No, here.
That's Nolie and this is Gay.
Of course, he isn't my real daddy.
He's far away someplace, so I just
play make-believe this is my daddy.
Could you make-believe
that I was your daddy?
You know how to play
- Oh, sure.
- All right. You start.
...let's see.
First of all, I'd put you up
on my knee like this.
And then
I'd put my arms around you.
And then I'd say:
Only make-believe
I'm near you
Only make-believe
That you're with me
Girls and boys
Find it fun in pretending
Couldn't you?
Couldn't I?
Couldn't we?
Darling, look.
If your daddy really did come back...
...could you make-believe that...?
Look, could you pretend
that he'd never been away?
- Could you, sweetheart?
- Of course.
Best of all
Make-believe I love you
For to tell...
We were playing
make-believe, Mommy.
This is my mommy.
Kim, your grandpa's
getting ready to leave.
You'd better go back onboard now.
He plays it real wonderful.
- Bye.
- Goodbye.
She's lovely.
Yes. Yes, she is, isn't she?
You look fine too, Nolie.
Thank you, Gay.
- Have things gone well for you?
- Yes, yes.
I just happened to see
the picture and I...
- Picture?
- Well, in the paper.
And the article. I...
Nolie, there's so much
that I want to say to you.
- Nolie.
- Gay.
OI' man river
That ol' man river
He must know something
Parthy. Partheny.
Look! Look there.
- I still have my eyesight.
- He's back.
It's Saturday night again.
It's Wednesday night,
and don't you strike me.
It's Saturday night forever.
Yes, and Fourth of July,
and Christmas...
...and Happy New Year.
- Get the boat started. The people.
- Roll the wheel, Windy.
But ol' man river
Cast off the bow line.
All right, Joe. On the stern there.
You and me, we sweat and strain
Body all achin' and racked with pain
Tote that barge and lift that bale
You get a little drunk
And you lands in jail
I get weary
And sick of tryin'
I'm tired of livin'
And scared of dyin'
But ol' man river
He just keeps rollin'