Showa onnamichi: Rashomon (Naked Rashomon) (1972)

A Nikkatsu Production
Naked Rashomon
Directed by Chusei Sone
Taisho Period (1912-1926)
The Hill of Destiny
by Hogetsu Shimamura
It is your destiny, Your Majesty!
Yes, indeed
I was destined
to come to this castle
Moscow is my lover
We are meant to be together
When first I laid eyes on her,
I knew it was meant to be
I can't believe it took me
so long to realize it
- Good evening
- Madame
- Greetings
- Hello
Thank you for inviting us here
this evening
I'm excited about this new piece
by Shimamura
That's pretty
I'll see you later
The civilization
of the 18th century...
...has forced Your Majesty... act against it
And where do I get
the power to do that?
Because it is my destiny.
That's how it all began
Quite a performance
- You will reward him later
- Taking a walk?
Your Majesty!
So tonight she gets Napoleon
I'm worried that he left
before the end
Don't worry
But I am worried
What if he stops supporting us?
What will I do then?
I won't let that happen
It's fine
He knows all about us
I never thought that
she would be barren
He's arrived
Do you like making love to me
while the one you love waits outside?
Tell me...
Does that noise turn you on?
Stop it
I haven't seen you for months
How can we go on like this?
It's getting serious
We were wrong to start this
I'm leaving you
But then...
What's going to happen to me?
We will be ruined if we carry on
Who do you think got you
a job as his bodyguard?
I think you want to be ruined
But I don't care about that
I am what I am
And I'm just a whore
How can I become somebody
when I have nothing?
I don't want to get
trapped with you
And I don't want to be poor
for the rest of my life either
I see
You will always be a nobody
Say that again
I'll say it. You're a coward...
Hitting women
is about your level
You bitch.
Damn you
If you hate me that much...
...I would be happy
to ruin everything for you
You whore!
I shall never see you again
Hey, Todo
- You walk ahead of me
- Yes, Sir
I'm sending Shino to my
summer house tomorrow
She's pregnant.
Mine, of course
I'm bored
Please be patient
You will have a healthy child
You think so?
I'm sure you will
We had so many visitors
when we were in town
It was so exhausting there
It's so quiet here and
nice to be away
Is it three o'clock yet?
There he is
What a grand view you have here
You're wonderful
I really like the dialogues
in this scene
It's so well written.
I feel really inspired by it
- Shall I continue?
- That's enough
Come over here
But Madam...
Just be quiet
It's not right
in your condition
Now you know
Not a word to anybody
It's a secret
She's going into labor
Please come at once
She's having twins.
There's no doubt about it
Are they both boys?
I can't be sure
They could both be the same sex
or one of each
You must ensure it is a boy
I can't do that
Must you scream so?
It gets on my nerves
It is rather noisy in here
Push harder
It's coming
I'm coming!
Shino's has given birth
Her baby boy is the heir
to our household
She gave birth also to a girl.
And that's why you're here
This must be kept a secret.
Shino has sworn to keep it so
But we want to be sure
So Master has asked you
to take care of the situation
A family heirloom
by Kanemitsu of Bizen
You must see
how serious this is
Kill her if you must
I thought he had promised me
a position in the police force
Be assured that your sacrifice
will be greatly appreciated
Todo, you know the saying...
Those who dare to be ambitious,
are also slaves to ambition
Shino and the baby girl
are here
They must never set foot
in this house again
I understand
Nineteen years later
Right wing terrorism
is on the increase
Katsuragawa is appointed
as Home Secretary
Sir, we've had a letter
from Shanghai
The time has come for us
to go abroad
Japan is too small
They told me
I could go to Shanghai
They must take me for a fool
Going to China...
...remains a dream
We shall see
When the war begins
the situation will change
We'll have a better chance then
- From whom?
- I meant, get me cash
Go to the bank now
Take it all out
- Get me a train ticket
- Sir!
So this is where you are
If you still care for me
even a little bit...
...will you also care
for my daughter Kyoko?
I must carry my own burden
of unhappiness
And I will take Kyoko's with me
I have no strength left in me
Will you meet Kyoko?
I humbly beg you
Shino Toda
Shino, it's me.
You poor thing
For God's sake,
why didn't you tell me sooner?
Say something
You can't even talk?
You have no idea how hard
I searched for you
We were both to blame.
Weren't we?
You were whoring in a coalmine
Then you had that shop
But every time I found you,
you ran away
Did you hate me so much?
Say something
I don't care
if you curse me to death
I can't rest easy until
I hear your voice
Your daughter?
You don't have to
worry about her now
You can rest in peace
Did you say goodbye to her?
Just now
It's Mr Todo, isn't it?
That's right.
And you're Kyoko
What will you call me?
Mr. Todo
You could call me dad or uncle
Dad should pull his chin in
Mr. Todo...
Where's the whorehouse?
Here we go!
- The whore house
- What!?
Hello Sir!
So, you want to come inside?
- What are you doing?
- Don't just stand there!
You know what goes on here?
- You're going to spend the night?
- Yes, I am
Have you done this before?
You've slept with a man?
I'm relieved to hear it
Let's get out of here
- I shall work here
- You idiot
This is no place for you
You must sleep with strangers
every day
You might get sick, too
I'm supposed to be your guardian
Your mother's ghost
will curse me
Get up!
Sorry for the bother
- Wait...
- Shut up!
Or I will attack
After my mother was gone...
...I wanted to do
whatever I wanted
Sell your body?
I'm a prostitute's daughter.
I will become a prostitute
You're good with swords
But not good enough to beat me
Shino, what are you doing here?
Let me go
Kyoko is gone
He could be one of them
I never knew my father
So what?
He could be one of my customers
Who cares about that!
I'd even sleep with a pig
so long as they paid me
- Is there a new girl here?
- A new girl?
You mean Shino?
Who are you?
Are you a detective?
How about me?
Fuck you
Shino is busy right now
I don't care. Take me
I can't
Shino. Where is she?
Hey, old man...
You bastard!
Love is just a fancy word
for sex
Master Clark told us:
"Boys, be ambitious"
My real ambition lies here,
between her legs
- You've got a wandering eye
- So what!
Road to Innocence
My kind of place
A nice young student!
Just what I was waiting for
Why don't you drop in?
We have nice girls
You don't have to
if you don't want to
Stop insulting me
I'm here to work
Your first time?
It's a rule here
to carry your own shoes
Hey, Katsuragawa
How are you doing?
I'm going in for round two
By round four
I get my money's worth
Why do you want us to
stop the support?
I no longer need it
Katsuragawa took away
everything you had
We will make up for your loss,
whatever you say
If only you could bring back
the nineteen years I've lost
You want love?
I'm going to buy the freedom
of a prostitute
You are willing to sacrifice
tangible things in your life... obtain the intangibles?
I have nothing to lose
Absolutely nothing
You bitch!
I'll kill you
You thieving cat!
You stole my customer!
Settle down...
I told you...
I came up here of my own accord
- Shut up!
- I said stop!
Not true. That bitch forced you
to come upstairs
One of my regulars.
I'll kill you
Kikue, are you alright?
Give me that now, Shino
Go get a doctor
Whores should fight in the street
with bare hands
Carry on
Let her down
You can wait outside
Is this what you wanted?
Now Shino...
everything is as it was before
I'm nineteen and you're nineteen
You're a born bitch
And I love you for it
I forced my Lord on you
It was my fault
you became his lover
A whore became
a lover of Royalty
Who was that?
You think I will beg
for forgiveness?
I won't. You are a bitch
Tell me now...
Do you hate your mother?
Keep your eyes open and watch
Walk This Way
It's you
I was waiting for you
I was waiting for you
- I'll be back
- You're no fun
Come on, big boy.
How about it then?
We're off to the battlefield
It's all over
- I can't buy you out
- No...!
I won't let you go
I won't let you go
Can you leave this place?
- Whenever I want
- Then let's go now
She left last night
Take this upstairs
I don't know who she left with
I do
He was a student
A student?
Love is just a fancy word
for sex
Take those mats away.
They'll all need to be replaced
This is bad.
We're in big trouble
I didn't notice she was gone
until this morning
It's terrible
I became a prostitute because
I didn't want to love a man
I didn't want to be like my mother
I don't care if you slept
with a thousand men
Why do you cry?
You were my first
That's why I'm crying
He's becoming a man
What do you see?
Hiroyoshi is playing with fire
Is he smoking cigarettes?
Something like that
I'm so bored
Can't you do something
about those men?
We need protection,
it's the times we live in
But you've done nothing wrong
You're just a member
of the government
You sound really fed up
- You've read the newspapers?
- Every single word
Only come
when I ring three times
It can't be...
This is quite a show
There's nothing more beautiful
I'll introduce you someday
A pitiful old man,
hated by the nation
I don't want to see him
Why not?
We've been sending you money...
...for the sacrifice I thought
you had made for us
Do you realize
how serious this is?
She works at a place called
Lion in Ginza
Wait until she leaves
I can't take that money
You always have wrong priorities
Excuse the sudden visit
What do you want?
Please tell me
You were born
in the Taisho period
On August 21, 1913
Hiroyoshi was also born on the
same day, the exact same time
You two are brother and sister
Now you understand
why you can't exist
I was only a watchdog
I want to see Lord Katsuragawa
I was hired to kill you
My mother and I were always
running away from something
Now I understand why
Mr Todo...
...You are a horrible man
You know...
Mr Todo...
I became a prostitute
to understand the rage inside me
- That's a lot of money
- Yes
I'm not saying you can't have it
- The police were here
- Police?
left wing activists
You're not involved with that,
are you?
Hey, you there!
- Hello
- Greetings
It's been along time
Look! Look!
You see the smoke over there!
What's going on?
It might be dangerous
to stay here much longer
If only we knew what was going on
Why hasn't a messenger arrived?
Step back!
Don't move!
Hold him!
Where's Katsuragawa?
Shoot! Shoot!
Lord Katsuragawa Attacked!
Assailant Shot to Death
He's dead...
Keep moving
The End