Showbiz (2007)

Give me the cotton.
There's a huge loss of blood!
Right now, we are standing
at Lloyd Memorial Hospital.
...where the loved singer of millions
Rohan Arya has been admitted.
Rohan Arya met with an accident
few minutes earlier.
His condition is said to be
very critical at the moment.
Doctors aren't sure whether they
could save Rohan Arya or not.
Sharad Baldev Singh Rajput.
Do you know the meaning of Journalist?
Or shall I say it in Hindi?
You are telling us to leave from here.
Sorry, Sir. I'll arrange right now.
Listen, if you take more that 2 minutes...
then your boss will come
to put the table for us.
Mr. Qureshi.
How come our names are not here?
Mr. Qureshi, it seems you have come
to the wrong address.
Here, a showbiz party is going on.
I think Annual Journalist program
is going on somewhere else.
How are you, Sharad?
Leave us. You tell about yourself.
How is your journalism going on?
Has it expired or still alive?
It's your misconception, Sharaad.
In fact, we have not kept journalism alive
but journalism has kept us alive!!
And may be you too.
The only difference is that in spite
of knowing the power of press.
You are not able to shoulder
it's responsibility.
Sir, when we will understand this...
We will surely come in your shelter!
Sir, your table is ready.
Okay, Mr. Qureshi. We will continue this
discussion some other day. Sure!
How are you, Shikha?
Many congratulations!!
In fact, I should thank you.
You call me to such places...
Where we have to try to write
the things that are in demand
Or else you very well know
that in our newspaper
Page 3, 4, 5... are altogether similar.
But, now you have to write about our Rohan.
Come, I'll introduce you with Rohan.
Meet Mr. Shakeel Ahmed Qureshi.
Editor of Hindi Dally Awaaz.
Mr. Qureshi, how are you?
Rohan son, meet Mr. D.K. Shroff.
A.C.P. Crime Branch.
He is an amazing human being!
Myself, Rohan Arya.
Many Congratulations!!
Thank you.
There's style in this superstar!
Hey, Gary. Just recently he got stardom...
Everybody likes to enjoy stardom initially.
Wow! I got a very good story!!
Do you know that Rekha...
She was telling that yesterday somebody
took her smooch in Ahuja's party.
It's of no use.
Look there...
Fresh food is being cooked there.
Really? Of a superstar!!
Shikha, you gave me so much training
during the contest.
How to present oneself at the party...
How one should walk...
When he should sit and when to stand...
What one should speak...
And when one should keep his mouth shut.
But, one thing you didn't teach me.
When one feels solitude in such crowd...
What should he do?
Sharad Rajput.
You sing very well.
So, how do you feel?
Affection of fans?
Attention from the press??
It's clear, I'm liking it.
So, do you intend to continue this?
Sorry, I didn't understand it.
Look, Rohan...
I speak very straightly.
Even, I've come here leaving my house.
I'm one from your well wisher.
The thing is that a Circus looks good
till the events keep on changing...
Public get bored if there's no change.
You didn't understand? Let me explaln...
Now that you've become a star!
The drama is over!!
Now, we have to do a new drama.
If you wish, we can do this drama for you.
Like the love story of you and Shikha...
Look, there's nothing like it.
So, when did we say it is so...
We are telling that we feel so...
And our shop runs on
the basis of this only.
And what we print...the whole
nation prints the same.
Hey, you seem to get angry...
Okay, let's have a small
personal interview.
Come on.
So, you want my personal interview?
The office of Showbiz opens
at 10 in the morning.
Take an appointment from
the P.R. department...
and then call me for confirmation.
If I get time, interview will take place.
Friends, Rohan has achieved that which...
no singer in the industry
hasn't achieved yet.
We will hear it all from Rohan.
But, before that let me introduce
our business partners...
Our international business partners...
Showbiz channel's creative head...
Ms. Shikha Verma.
Give a hand once more for Rohan Arya.
Ms. Shikha come this side.
Sir, please say her.
Yeah! Come here.
These journalists write whatever they like.
They should be thrashed!
They publish anything.
You must have liked the article too.
After all, it's you who said all this.
I didn't say anything to anybody.
You seem to think I'm blind!
That journalist must have praised you...
And you got carried away, don't you?
Look, I'm in this profession
for the last 3 years.
And I very well know how these
media people operates.
You must have said 2 things and he added
more spice to it and published the same.
Shikha, you are not even ready to hear me.
I don't know what you
are going on imagining?
And by the way, what's the point
in getting angry on such articles?
The matter isn't of the picture
but your cheap game!
What was the necessity
for this filthy publicity?
Okay! You've already decided
that I'm the culprit.
Fine! Go on...
I'll not say anything.
I want to clear one thing with you.
From today onwards, you consider me
as your manager only and not your friend!
Hey, what are you doing?
What are you doing??
Why are you touching the camera?
What's your problem?
Did I stop you from singing?
Or did I stop you from making merriment
with your girl friend?
Since, we are not putting
hurdle in your work...
then, why are you doing it to us?
Look, you are a star!
And our job is to click pictures of star!!
Go and carry on...
Give me the camera.
You are indeed very smart!!
You could share the bed with the girl
to win the contest.
And you aren't ready to
click a photo either...
with her after getting your work done?
You are fighting in the premises...
Hey, we are media person.
Come on get away!
"When a star's photograph
was clicked with...
his girl friend, he beat
the innocent journalist"
You'll deserve to be a journalist.
Hey, boys! This is just a beginning.
You'll get more of it ahead!
When you will see this simple story in the
breaking news segment of our channel.
Then, you'll come to know that the audience
likes to see such things only.
You are great!
He is right!!
But, what shall we do next?
It's simple.
This boy Rohan Arya will become a big star
after this breaking news!
Those people who don't know about him...
will be eager to know.
And will be restless waiting
to know more about it.
Public loves these stars very much!
They worship them but, are even
jealous of them too.
When this stars fall to the ground,
public enjoys the most!
To make stars and to make them fall.
There's no other paying business
for media other than this.
Guys! Follow Rohan Arya.
If you don't have story then make one.
I need that material which could make
the audience switch to our channel.
Story! Rumor! Fake
story!! Private moments!!
Ranjeet, it's your responsibility.
Whatever news we will
setup on Uncle's channel.
We should have complete details with us.
Can't say when could we require what?
He is a strange man!
He was with his girl friend.
I move forward to take the picture.
Now, he is a star and our
job is to take picture.
You tell me, where did I go wrong?
If someone would raise hand
on poor journalist like me then...
If the freedom of press is
muffled this way then...
It's up to the government
to decide upon it.
Then, they'll get fights
and kicks from all the...
Who is Rohan? I don't know any Rohan??
No, I don't know?
He beat that reporter.
He did very right.
If it was my boy friend in his place then,
he would have run away!
See Rohan, it isn't such that
I don't want to do anything.
The fact is that I couldn't do anything!
You are seeing this for the first time.
Isn't it?
But, I've seen such thing many times.
This is what we call show business!
Look Rohan, their job is not to
make moral judgment.
Their job is just to sell the product.
Now, either the product
sells from your songs...
or from the program which is going against
If it is so, then I couldn't
associate myself...
with such company.
...which couldn't differentiate
between truth and lies.
Then, you could not work in any company.
Because every company does the same thing.
Look Rohan, you don't
worry of these things.
You concentrate on music.
Rest you leave on me.
Till I'm here, no one could harm you.
Such time will not come.
So much lies...
So much cackling...
I'll go forever leaving all this!
Look son, why don't you understand...
Okay, then book his tickets.
If he wishes to go back home then,
Let him go!
As it is there's no one to stop him.
Who was it?
Nobody... it was Rajan's phone.
He was telling that Rohan wants to go home.
It's sales paper, do sign it.
If he wishes to go, let him go!
As it is he wasn't happy
surrounded by scandals.
Where are you going, Rohan?
I don't have any reason to wait either.
And if you get a reason then?
For the past few days, you'll
were worried whether...
there's something going
between both of us or not.
Today, I want to finish all these rumors.
By saying that I fall in
completely in love with him!
Taara, I have the booty!
You pick pocketed?
Show me whose it is?
Show me.
It's Rohan's...
I took it from that crowd.
I felt that he did see me while
I was taking it out.
You bitch! Give me this wallet.
Consider our job of 15 days is done!
Look, how much money is there.
You bitch! If you do it again.
I'll kill you!
Pray good fortune for
the owner of this money!
I haven't thought that this album will get
such an overwhelming response.
I could see it clearly
what Mr. Behl is thinking.
He seem to be thinking when
I'll stop my chattering,
so that he could start his!!
Today, I have much more to say.
Therefore, you have to listen
to my chatter for sometime.
Friends, today is a very big day for us.
Because Rohan's album has become
number #1 in music chart!
Not only this but there's
another good news!!
Germany's company Granada
has decided that they...
will sponsor the 1st
international trip of Rohan Arya.
It's indeed a pleasure that
Rohan being a winner of a...
talent contest is going to
become a music icon today!
And our creative head Ms. Shikha Verma
is going to Delhi to finalize this tour.
All these jokers like
Mr. Behl have the same tendency...
To become the owner of channel!
As if the ownership of channel
is distributed free gift!
He is willing to make his own news channel
for the last 3 years! 3 years!!
And what you all are doing?
And what you all are doing?
You were out to make a
love story of Rohan Arya?
What happen?
Rohan Arya's album got hit and his
love story turned to be a hit!
Also Mr. Behl's T.R.P. has rise.
I don't like the smile on Mr. Behl's face!
We are already behind him...
But, the one in whose life
there's no botheration...
How could we create one?
What you can do?
Try to understand the power of camera.
There's something or the other hidden
in everyone's life.
Follow him for 24 hours.
Now, get out!
Hey listen, where could I find Taara?
Over there.
Go away from here!!
Listen to me.
Why aren't you understanding?
Listen to me.
I don't want to listen anything.
Listen to me.
Please listen to me...
You come with me.
I'm there with you.
Do you have a matchstick?
Who are these people?
Rohan, who are these people?
Taara, I know them.
Let us shoot you both...
we'll show it in prime time!
Get away from here!!
Stop the car, Rohan!
I'll not allow anything happen to you.
Stop the car, Rohan!
Don't pay attention there.
Hey Gary, follow them.
Isn't it a good shot?
Brother, what next?
It's very bad to drive the
car after drinking liquor.
Make him bath in it.
What super star?
Will you drink it?
Why are you showing fingers at me?
Drink it!
Go and lower the zip of that girl.
Come on, go...
Brother, she is still alive!
She could be saved if we call an ambulance.
Hey,just listen and understand.
We are not social workers but journalists!
And right now we will gain from her death!
We have to cover this incident without
doing anything. Is it okay? Come on.
It's been reported that a taxi
driver and a call girl...
is involved in this accident as well.
This call girl was present with Rohan Arya
in the car at the time of accident.
Please say without any hesitation.
You don't worry!
Your son will get justice!!
Look at this camera.
Please say...
We only want that whatever happened...
should not be forgotten easily.
I've lost my son!
He is our family...
Now, whoever is responsible for this
should be punished.
He will surely be punished!
Rohan was seen with a call girl.
What relation does he have with her?
There was a call girl in Rohan's car.
What is the relation between them?
Who is that girl?
What is her name?
Why aren't you answering our questions?
Enough! Get everybody put from here.
Relax! Mr. Rohan.
All of your reports are normal.
You'll be discharged very soon.
And I feel that you could do a show
within a week.
What happen to that girl who was with me?
Yeah, that girl is in comma.
Nothing could be said right now.
But, we are trying.
Kamble, get these reporters back...
Our channel showed you the grievance
of the mother of that taxi driver.
What is your comment on it.
We want to know it from you.
That where do you post Rohan Arya?
You could send your suggestion through SMS.
If you feel Rohan Arya is
innocent then you pick up...
the phone and type ROHY
and send it to us on 3131
Look Rohan, you yourself
are increasing your trouble.
According to the blood report it s known
that you weren't drunk that night.
Even this news was broke by NNN News.
Just like your previous
stories, your accident's...
footage reached them first.
Even before the police reached there.
Was someone following
you before the accident?
Or did you see anybody after the accident?
Or this accident took place
because of somebody else?
Tell me.
There's nothing you could
achieve by remaining silent.
Who was that girl?
What's the relation between you and her?
Look Rohan, if you are hiding it because
of any fear then...
Your ball is done.
Rohan, do you know what
really your problem is?
You are unable to make sure who is with you
and who is against you.
Now, this doesn't make any difference.
Yes, Sir.
Keep an eye on him.
Yes, Sir.
You don't bother, Rohan.
I'll muffle this case anyway.
As it is the memory of people is very weak!
They'll remember today
but will forget tomorrow.
Even you forget it!
And the business loss I've incurred...
I'll forget it as well.
Shikha had called up.
She is hurt for sure!
Look son, everybody commits mistake.
But, one who doesn't learn
from mistakes is a fool!
I'm talking with you just to make sure
that you don't call me henceforth.
I'm not used to defamation like you.
It would be better if you
live your life accordingly.
And leave on my condition.
For what have you come here?
For smashing?
For murder?
Get out from here, Shikha.
How would you perform
without the audience?
Go and kill him...
I haven't come here to stop you.
I just wanted to see, till what extent
you could go further.
You want to kill that reporter because he
has exposed your merriment before public?
Due to which you've lost your stardom!
But, how could you hide this truth
which you are about to do?
That too for a small time prostitute!
If somebody else other than you
have said this then...
Whom you are calling a prostitute...
Do you want to know who she is?
She was my 'Sister'
What happen?
We need to speak to you, Sir.
I want to say one thing to you, Rohan.
In this war, justice means to
present them before the law.
To undress their truth!
For this you need to gather each and every
evidence that could prove them guilty.
I am with you.
Where is the tape, Gary?
Hey, why have you come here?
I said, where are the tapes?
Hey, why have you come here?
Don't come forward.
Don't come forward.
Where is the tape, Gary?
Rohan, help me!
I don't want to die!!
Where is the tape?
Which tape??
Where is that tape?
Araam Nagar, bungalow
#14, in our editing room.
We do all our editing at Ranjeet's place.
Whatever you want, you'll get it there.
Please save me!
I don't want to die!!
Were you going to really kill me?
Shall I tell you one thing, super star?
Will you feel bad for it?
How did you feel when we
published your photo with...
that item girl thereby
ruining your entire career!
How did this happen?
Head injury!
He used to work with you all.
Now, you only tell whether this
was an accident or something else...
We think this is an accident case.
Mr. Sharaad, you tell me...
Did he have rivalry with somebody?
No. I don't think so...
And why there should be?
Why not, Mr. Rajput?
You people do work with such courage.
You present news honestly
before the public.
You people must have less friends...
More enemies!!
Take my card. Don't hesitate to contact me
if you have something to say.
Yes, Sir. I want to finalize
the deal immediately.
Hey, Sharad...
Why are you sitting there?
Come on, get up!
What is this hurry for which you requested
me to come here late in the night?
To show you this only...
The chair is yours and I'm sitting on it!
And he says that it
suits me rather than you.
Now tell me, what's your opinion?
I think you've drunk too much.
Go home. We'll talk tomorrow.
I did not drink but,
I'm intoxicated for sure!!
I had come in this business with
the dream of sitting on this chair.
Today, I'm seated on it...
So how could I remain in my senses?
Stop wasting my time.
What exactly you want?
Sir, you are getting angry...
We have come here to fulfill our promise.
Didn't I tell you that we will give
you a sizzling breaking news?
Why didn't you tell me before?
My channel has made you stars!!
There's no other paying business
for media other than this.
If you don't have story then make one.
Story! Rumor! Fake
story!! Private moments!!
This Rohan Arya has bought
our T.R.P. so high!
Shikha, call Mr. Qureshi.
How much money do you want?
Money? No, Sir.
I don't want money.
I want the power of that chair!
The power of making and destroying lives!
The power of changing
the thought of people.
And the power to let loose
this T.V. on anybody.
Means we have decided to buy this channel.
And if you don't want to
become breaking news...
before the rest of the channel...
Then, you better listen to us.
This NNN channel is really
a very huge network!
You need a lot of money to take over.
From where will you bring the money?
We have the buyer. The
paper is being ready.
And a new office too.
Only your signatures and
official announcement is left.
Tomorrow our new owner of NNN channel
will meet you in our new office.
Who is he?
We will let you know but after this break!
Where are you?
I just reached home.
Come here quickly with the master.
Brother, I'll just transfer
the master and come.
If you want to stay
alive then, do as I say...
Sharaad Rajput and Chandrakant Jain... are
the small fishes in this ocean of crime!
They have their father, who very quietly
is using both of them.
One such person who doesn't
have any stain on him!
Who launched his 1st T.V. channel
on rented broadband.
Whose slogan was 'from common people,
to common people and for the common people'
Even today, he is about to take over
a new channel by means of fraud!
Whose name is 'SHOWBIZ PLUS'
How are you Mr. Jain?
You scoundrel!
So, you are behind this game!
price of your NNN news?
Mr. Qureshi, how much time do I have?
Only 1 minute, Rohan.
By the way, will you read
it before signing it...
or will you trust us?
I'll never sell my network to
a stupid press on like him!
Sign it!
Or else tomorrow
morning merger will be announced.
Or else your tapes will be public!
I want the masters of
all the tapes and CD's...
that are against me.
Along with it, I need a
written undertaking that...
you will never show such
things to the public!
You know what you have to do...
Did you get it.
Now, come on go...
Mr. Jain, after this deal is finalized...
We will not make this tape public.
If we will do then, will the public
not throw their shoes at us?
Our creditability will
be zero in the market.
Ours will be an image
of black mailer then...
Mr. Jain, even your stars are against you.
Therefore,just sign it.
Brother, take this.
Sorry for being late, brother.
I had gone for your work only.
Don't spoil my braln...
Which work are you talking about?
So, you are going to Hong Kong Sharad?
What? Where am I going?
You are going to Hong Kong.
Ranjeet, come here.
From where did you get this ticket?
Who gave you this?
Who gave you the ticket?
That Jaadugar Network...
They have given this ticket.
No, Mr. Behl.
There's a game being played here...
He will disclose everything now.
Who send you here?
Give me the gun.
You are not understanding.
Mr. Behl, he has come
here on instruction of someone.
He hasn't come this way...
Tell me the truth.
Don't you know me, Mr. Behl?
In fact, I want to know you!
And I want to know what deal have
you finalize with Jaadugar network?
I'll tell you what deal he has done
with Jaadugar network.
Before you could begin
this new entertainment
Channel. He planned to
close this right away.
You only gave him the power to deal.
By making him CEO.
He is speaking nonsense, Mr. Behl.
Don't listen to him.
Okay, if I'm speaking
rubbish then, would you...
clarify why you've put hidden cameras here?
Hidden cameras!!
No! I haven't...
Have you gone mad?
There is no hidden camera here.
Why are you looking this way?
He is making you infuriated.
Can't you understand?
Where it is?
I can't see it.
Will I put hidden camera to make
myself visible to the camera?
Have you consider me to be an ass?
I haven't but it's you
who have consider this.
What does this 3rd deal means?
I'll tell you, what's happening.
Behl you are indeed an ass!
Can't you understand?
This Sharaad is double crossing you.
He is playing games with you.
What did he do with an innocent
media man like me?
He is black malling me
by making fake tapes...
By recording all this from these cameras,
he will black mail, you as well.
Rohan is right. There is definitely
hidden cameras here. No, it is not.
There are no hidden cameras here.
You think I've put hidden cameras here
to defame you all.
Then, listen to this...
Myself, Sharad Baldev
Singh Rajput, a journalist.
In all my senses confess that...
I've done black malling on
the pretext of being a...
journalist. I have done extortion.
Will I tell all these?
Further, to give breaking
news continuously...
On the gesture of Mr. Jain,
I planned the accident...
of Rohan in which 1 man was killed.
Why are you telling lies!
When did I say you to do the accident?
You are lying, Mr. Jain.
You even said that thing...
What line was it brother...
Just for the sake of one news
you ruined a life of this boy!
And you... What are you?
I'm better than you.
And you, Mr. Behl?
When Sharad gave you Mr. Jain's tape...
What did you do?
If you had so much affection
for me then, you must...
have given that tape to the police.
You could have arrested them.
But, you used that tape to blackmail him.
To expand your business.
Mr. Behl, in whose talking
are you indulging yourself??
I've already told you there's
no hidden cameras here.
There's no need for white collar drama!
Take this and sign it.
Don't tell me what I shall do.
First tell me what is this 3rd deal?
I told you whosoever will
give him more money,
he will be slave to him.
I don't want any money.
I want to become a CEO.
You have not done this right.
I knew Jain from early days itself.
I never expect you would go to such extent.
Nobody could escape alive from here.
Even this is a face which
represents our media.
Media works to pull the
filthiness in the society.
But who will do the work of pulling
the filthiness of the media?
Who will take the news
of the media persons?
He is disloyal person!
People like you have spoiled media's image.
There are no hidden cameras here.
How strange it is?
First time, Sharad is speaking the truth.
And nobody trust him!
Sharad has not put any camera here.
Did you hear.
There's indeed one hidden camera.
And your complete discussion
has been broadcast live!
I'll kill him!!
I'll kill him!!
Leave me! Will you handcuff
me in single hand?
No one will come forward.
Don't move!
Hey, don't move!
Or else I'll kill everyone.
Do you want to know
who was the girl in the accident?
She was my sister!
She was my sister!
Rohan, stop!
Rohan, stop!
Sharad Rajput, Chandrakant Jain
and Inder Raj Behl has been arrested!
They are the same people whose...
live sting operation we
just now saw on the T.V.
In regard to this, police has already
arrested Sharad's associate Nakul Waghmare.
This is that ugly face of the media that
each journalist would be ashamed of...
Time has come for us to
peep in our inner side...
and judge how much filth
is present amongst us.
Let's talk to Rohan Arya.
Today, I've come to know one thing...
Whatever happened today...
I'm responsible for it!
When we achieve stardom, we start
hiding from the media.
Even I committed this mistake!
But, to hide my personal secret...
I have to pay this price!
I never thought of it.
My sister Taara...
Got lost in the dark nights of this city,
just to save me from getting defame!
This was our biggest mistakes!
If we hadn't hide this
from the media then...
Even media wouldn't have
dig this much either.
Now, I'll not hide my sister from anybody.