Showgirls (1995)

Las Vegas 342
Hop in, pard
Where you going?
Come on. This is your lucky day
You can sit a little closer if you want
Bad idea
Chill,okay? l am chilled
l am glad you will be such good company
l don't like Garth Brooks
Me, neither
l don't know anyone who does
You keeping that open the whole trip?
You got a name?
Look, l'll just pull over|and you can get out
l drove all the way from Kansas
l ain't in the mood to get pig-stuck|for doing someone a favor!
Okay? So l will just pull over
All right?
So.. have you got a name?
l'm Jeff
What kind of name is that?
My mom was ltalian
ltalian, huh?
You a Mafia girl?|That's why you got your blade?
Why you going to Vegas?|Going to win?
l'm going to dance
You going to be one of them|private escort dancers?
l'm sorry. l'm sorry
KBlD. You never go to sleep in Vegas
There she is
You been here before?
Sure|My uncle is a host at the Riviera
Do you gamble?
Got to gamble if you want to win
l'm going to win
Then use that Mafia money|in your suitcase
Leave your stuff in the car
l'll talk to my uncle.|See if he can get you a job
Ain't anyone ever been nice to you?
Want to play a slot machine?
Here's ten bucks|lf you win, we split it up
No holding out on me either|l'll go see my uncle
l'll meet you back here
Holy shit!
Look at you!|You want to try some silver dollars?
Lose all your money, honey?|Want to make some more?
lt won't take you|any longer than fifteen minutes
Sooner or later,|you'll have to sell it!
Fuck! The fucker left!
What are you doing? That's my car!
l want my suitcase!
Get off my car!
Leave me alone!
So, what was in your suitcase?
Nothing. Just my stuff|Everything l had
Fuck! l just got here!
Welcome to Vegas
You know anyone here?
Got any family you can call?
l don't have any family
Where are you from?
Back east.|Where back east?
Different places!
You can stay with me|if you need a place to crash
lt's not much
Until you get a job
Are you hitting on me?
You're not a hooker?
6 Weeks Later
Andrew Carver, another smash|''Walk lnto The Wind''
Check it out!
They're great
Neat, huh?
They are neat|You want to come with me?
We have this new lead|She's realy good
l have to go to work
Jerk, you don't have to be|at work for 3 hours
What will you do,|watch TV and eat chips?
Where are the chips?
Did you eat them?
Yes, you did. You did!|l didn't
You did, you did!|Stop!
Come on, Nomi|You can show off your nails
They'll all be jealous
You think?
What can l wear?
Wear the dress l made last week
The fringe?
l'll put my hair up!
We don't have time for that
l'll hurry. l promise!
Okay, you guys, let's go!|We got two minutes!
Robes off!
Ladies, how we doing?|Annie, you're naked
Fuck you. Molly!
What happened?|lt ripped
lt's almost done
Molly, they'll see a smiling snatch|if you don't fix this G-string
l'll be right there, Annie
She wants to smile here snatch|Bet she cut the string herself
You're terrible, Julie.|Okay, done
What's that smell?
The monkey act|He feeds them garlic
lt stinks
You want me onstage without a G?
l'm fixing it, Annie!|Give me a minute! Jesus!
Who'd want to see her snatch?
l sure wouldn't
We know that|Nomi!
Come on!
Line up! You got four counts of eight.|Let's go!
Just set them over there
Move it!
Molly, my G!
Don't you wish|she'd fall down the stairs?
Go watch the showroom
Can l go up there?
You got two counts of eight! What are|you doing? Let's go! Move your ass!
Ladies and gentlemen
the Stardust proudly presents|Miss Cristal Connors!
We could have brought anyone|into this show
LaToya, Suzanne, you name it
We wanted Cristal
Cristal Connors defines|what Las Vegas is all about
She's dazzling, exciting|and she's very, very sexy
Are you glad to be back?
How do you feel about the show?
lt's the best show l've ever been in|l hope l can do it justice
You did, and you will|We're thrilled to have you here
l'm thrilled to be here
You, too
Can we have one of you|handing Cristal the flowers?
Zack! You do it
That's Zack Carey,|the entertainment director
He's so smooth
Your bouquet, Miss Connors
Can l keep them?
Okay, that's it!|Thank you very much for coming. Thanks
This way, Cristal
They could have gotten me roses
She's great, isn't she?
She doesn't suck
Molly! Cristal needs you
Come with me
You can be my assistant. Come on
Yes, Miss Connors?
Cristal, please.|And you are? l'm sorry
Molly Abrams
This top is too tight|My breasts are getting crushed
l can loosen it for you
To here, maybe. No, a little less
l want my nipples to press,|not look like they're levitating
Thanks, darling
You were really great tonight,|Miss... Cristal
Thanks, darling
Andrew Carver sent you these?
lf that's what the card says
l just love him
This is my friend Nomi. She's a dancer.|ls she now?
Yes, and she's really good
Where do you dance, darling?
At the Cheetah
l don't know how good you are,|or what it is you're good at...
but if it's at the Cheetah,|it's no dancing, l know that
You don't know shit!
l'm sorry, Miss Connors
l told you
Your friend has nice nails
She does them herself
Maybe she can do mine sometime
l work here, okay?
l need my paycheck|l don't want her pissed at me
l'm sorry!
l'm sorry!
Jesus, Nomi
l'll drive you to work, okay?
l'm not going
They'll fire you
l don't care
Yes, you do.|No, l don't
Let's go
You know where
She can dance, can't she?
She thinks she can
l'm gonna go dance with her
You can't do that. You're working!|T.C. will have your ass!
T.C.'s at the Riviera, playing craps
Want to dance?|l am dancing!
You want to dance with me?|Are you good?
Yeah, l'm good
l'm going to get a drink
You can dance|l don't lie
You can't
Then what am l doing?
Teasing my dick
You got potential. l could teach you
l'm not teasing it now, am l?
Watch it!
Be cool
You be cool, buddy!
Hey, you! Hold her!
What are you doing?
She started it!|Fuck you!
Party's over
You're out of here
Your release papers
Yo, what's up?
l bailed you out!|Don't that get me a cup of coffee?
All l said was l'd teach you to dance
l don't need to be taught that
Because you're a bad-ass, saying,|''Back off, motherfucker''
You got that down
Back off, motherfucker!
Know what?|My head hurts, my dick hurts...
and you got me fired from my job!
Shit happens
''Shit happens.'' That's what l get?|Fucking wisdom?
That's it?!|Yeah, you get wisdom
You're not just a pain in my head|and my dick, you're a pain in my ass
Life sucks, you know?
''Life sucks.'' ''Shit happens''|Where you get this, off T-shirts?
All l want is a cup of coffee Yeah?
You got a quarter?
Buy yourself a cup
Al is pissed!|He says if you miss another night...
How did you get out?|He bailed me out
l kicked him in the nuts
He liked it?|He must have
Nomi, do my boobs look bigger to you?
Carmi thinks she's pregnant again
Girl, you missed your period again?
l don't know. l don't think so
lt's like a Japanese convention out there!
Hey, Mama!
Better get your ''little weenie''|jokes ready
This thing ain't working again.|Come on!
Here we go. Come on
One more time. Try harder. Harder!
Let me try it
l want you to meet Hope
Cut it out. Hope, this is Tiffany...
Farrah, Heather, Henrietta...
My name isn't Hope|My name is Penny
They want class|They don't want to fuck a Penny
They want to fuck a Heather or a Tiffany
Or a Hope
This is a class joint
Gentlemen, and you few ladies out there
what you've been waiting for Henrietta,|the Queen of Bazooms!
Hey, Henrietta! Pull your dress up!
Honey, you couldn't handle me|With all this fat...
you'd never even find the thing
l'd have to piss on you|to give you a clue
You need more pink
Thanks, Heather
Have you ever done a lap dance before?
You talk them into it
Fifty bucks a pop,|you do it in the back
Touch and go. They touch, they go
You can touch them|They cannot touch you
That's good
lf they come, that's okay
lf they take it out|and come all over you, call the bouncer
But if he gives you a big tip,|then it's okay
Got that?
And you.|Where the fuck were you last night?
l was having my period, Al
You didn't want blood everywhere...
did you?
l'm getting tired of your shit
lf you want to last longer than a week,|you give me a blow job
First l get you used to the money,|then l make you swallow
Was he serious?
Here we are
Oh, missed a spot
The farmer in the dell|The farmer in the dell
l had a cherry once,|And now it's shot to hell!
Get off the stage! Get off the stage!
Shut your hole, honey!|Mine's making money!
Know what they call...
that useless piece of skin|around a twat?
A woman!
That's all, folks!
Ladies and gentlemen...
the girl to tickle your pickle!|Heather!
Phil, what did he say?
He says in America,|everyone's a gynecologist
You like her?
l like you
l'll buy her for you
We got a bunch of big spenders|Put your nightie on
Tell him to go fuck himself
l'll kick your ass out of here
Tell him. Do yourself a favor
l'll put my nightie on
Hey! Want a drink?
l'm Heather.|Would you like a private dance with me?
Can l suck your tits?
You can't touch me, but l can touch you|l'd like to touch you
l know where you can touch me
What's going on?
They want a private dance with her
So? Great. Get over there
My name is Heather. Would...
Hey, Nomi. l love...
your nails. We want you to have|a private dance with us
We don't do that|One at a time, no women
A hundred dollars
Sorry. That's the rule
Two hundred!|You just do Zack and l'll watch
Five hundred
l said done
Just sit over there|and l'll change the music
What's this about? lt's about fun
You sit there...
and l'll sit here
What you doing here?
You want it, you pay for it
Thank you
Five hundred
Wasn't that fun?
You're such a bitch
But you love me
Can you walk?
Good night, girls. Get some rest
Go out. Celebrate
Let's go to my place and smoke dope
You still got some of that Thai stuff?
l love thighs. l get off on them|l like armpits, too
Want to come, Nomi?|Not me
l'll come
You just got $500 off a lap dance
Al, just stop
You act like somebody died
Wait. Listen
Just listen
You have more natural dancing talent|than anyone l've ever seen
l've seen a lot of dancers.
l studied in New York. Alvin Ailey
You burn when you dance
You said l couldn't
You have to learn to hold some in|Dancing ain't fucking
ls that more Wisdom? l know that!
You don't. You dance like|when you fucked that guy last night
What guy? With the chick
You went in back
l didn't fuck him|You did
You fucked him and her.|You followed me?
l didn't fuck anybody!
l saw you!
Everybody got AlDS and shit|What is it you think you do?
You fuck them without fucking them|lt ain't right
You got too much talent!
Get out of here!
Bitch, it's the truth!
You want me to go? l'm out of here!
l got an A!
Four more classes,|they have to give me that degree
l haven't gotten laid in six months
My right hand's so tired,|l can't thread a needle
Use the left
For threading a needle?
Wow. l like that
l can make that
Let's go to the fabric store
l want to buy it. l have the money
l don't know. l just do
l never had a dress like that
lt'll look great on me
Won't it?
What do you think?
Oh, my goodness
lt looks quite good on you
lt doesn't suck
l can't believe l bought it!
Come on. l'll buy you a burrito
l'll even buy you some...fajitas!
Fuck, l can't. l'm on early|Al's on my back
Don't worry. l'll drive you
Oh, my God!
He's coming here!
Maybe you can meet him!|What would l say?
Say, ''Andrew,|l can't even thread a needle anymore''
Baby, mama's waiting for you!|Come to me!
l must get tickets for the concert!
Come on, baby
Fuck off!|Sorry
Remember me?
Phil Newkirk, Stardust Hotel
There's a spot open in the chorus line
We're auditioning tomorrow|You should try out
Me?|Yeah, you
You're asking me?
When l saw you dance,|l thought, Yes!''
She sent you
Nobody sent me
Be there at ten
l want to see your ass
Oh, show me a home,|where the buffalo roam
And l'll show you a home
Full of shit!
Thank you
What is it?
l got an audition!
Hey, Pollyanna!
What did you call me?|You look like Pollyanna
Okay, ladies!
l'm Tony Moss. l produce this show
Some of you may have heard l'm a prick
l am a prick
l have one interest,|and that's the show
l don't care if you live or die
l want to see you dance|and l want to see you smile
l can't use you if you can't smile,|if you can't show, if you can't sell
Let me take a look at you
Spread out
Spread out
Jesus Christ, Marty,|take a look at these tits
What are these, watermelons?
This a stage, not a patch. See ya
l've seen you before
l auditioned for you in January|You told me to get my nose fixed
Nose looks good.|Thanks, Mr. Moss
Nice smile|Thanks, Mr. Moss
You know what, though?|Your ears stick out
Come back after they're fixed
See ya
Can you spell MGM backwards?
M-G-M|l'm impressed
Come back when you've fucked|this baby fat off
l hope you got some wigs, tennis ball
What classes have you had?
lce skating classes, ballet classes...
jazz classes, jazz technique classes
This show is called Goddess'''',|not ''Classes.''
See ya
What kind of classes have you had?
So what are you doing here?
Watching you be a prick
You ain't seen nothing yet
Gay! Show them the routine
Everyone back up, find some space!|Start with your right leg, slap it
One, two, three, four!
Go! Five, six, seven-hit it!
Slam it!
Kick it!
And up! Stay down!
Relax, you can take a break
Tennis ball, dark hair in the back
Hello, doll
How's it going?|Good
l want you to stay
And you
You, too
Good-bye, ladies.|You wasted my time and yours! Line up!
Show me your tits
l got a topless show!|Let me see your tits!
Very nice
Very nice, ladies
Gay! Start the other music!|Change the lights!
Cue ''Angel''
Jack, bring up the side spots!
l want to see some attitude!
l said attitude!|Come on, ladies! Sell!
Sell your bodies!
Cut it!
Try yoga, babe,|or hanging from the ceiling. See ya
Marty, ice
Something wrong with your nipples?
They're not sticking up.|Stick them up
Play with them a little bit
Pinch them|You want me to do it for you, l'll do it
l'm erect
Why aren't you erect?
Here. Put ice on them
l called that right
See ya, Pollyanna!
That's it for today! Thank you
You got me the audition, didn't you?
Maybe l like the way you dance
Maybe l like you
What difference does it make?
Did you enjoy that out there?
Yeah, darling, l think l did
l hate you
l know
Wipe your nose
The orthodontist convention is|over there!
Realtors come in 20 minutes!
What are you doing here?
l just had an audition
You want to be a showgirl?
Smith, what is this?! Move those bags!
Didn't go too good, huh?
l'm glad
Just don't, okay? l'm not in the mood!
Smith, l'm talking to you!
You don't want to be|in this kind of show
At least what you do is honest
They want tits and ass,|that's what you give
Here, they pretend they want something|else, you still show tits and ass
You want to work her,|work her on your own time
l'm talking to her
l said l'm talking to her|l'm not working her
You're interrupting me and that's rude|Get the fuck out of here!
You're fired!
Take this!
Now look what you did.|You got me fired again
You're a real bad-ass.|You got no shame
Look what a beautiful day it is.|The sun is shining, money's flowing
l'm going to cheer you up.|l'll get you the best meal in town
You like that burger!
Where are you from?
Different Places
You like talking about you, huh?
Where are we?|My place
l want to show you something
Best suite in town|l had to beg and plead to get it
This what you wanted me to see?
What? This nice, big bed here?
l wrote this number. lt's about you
You know nothing about me
l know you're a private dancer
l only need three other girls
We can put it on at the Crave Club
l'll show you
Stand right here. Watch me
Wait a minute, slow down! Like this?
Follow me. l know you can
l have my period
Yeah, right
lt's okay, l got towels
You can fuck me when you love me
Then l do love you!
Yeah, right
You don't fool me. l see you
What do you see?
l see you hiding
From what?
From you
You got into some bad shit somewhere
Thanks for the hamburger!
Tony Moss called. He said to call him|right away. Here's the number
Call him! Oh, Jesus. l'll call him
Tony Moss, please. lt's Nomi Malone
l got it
She's the yellow rose of Texas,|she charges 50 bucks
She's the richest girl in Texas,|and all she does is fucks!
You're late.|l'm gone. l got another job
Where? You going to another club?
You getting a better cut?|l'll match it
l'm in ''Goddess'', at the Stardust
What's so fucking funny?
She's going down to the Stardust!|She's in the show
Well, good for her!
She'll be back
No, l won't. l'll never come back!
You're a stripper. Don't you get it?
l'm a dancer!
lf you're a dancer,|Henry here's the Virgin Mary!
l got bigger tits than the Virgin Mary,|and a bigger mouth, too!
Damn it. You're the only one|who gets my tits popping right
See ya, Al!
l'm not hiring you back, hear me?
Not even if you give me|a fucking blow job!
Come on!
l got it!
l'm in the show! ln ''Goddess''
What about the number l wrote?
l thought we were working on something
She's in your number?
l'll be right there!
She can't dance
But you'll teach her, right?
She's got talent, right?
You and me, we ain't got no ties
Dancing ain't fucking. Right?
Yeah...that's right
See ya
Who was that?
Someone who wanted to be in the number
You're not giving her my part,|are you?
Nah, baby. She can't dance
l wrote that number for you,|you know that
Excuse me
Can l help you?
l'm here to see Mr. Moss|Nomi Malone
Okay. Go on in
One day she looks like Pollyanna
the next she looks like l don't know,|Lolita
Nice dress
Thanks. l bought it at Ver-sayce
ln the Forum?
Oh, yeah, Ver-sayce. l love Ver-sayce
Me, too
Okay, you know Marty
Gay is our line captain
lf you let me down, l'll lose reputation|for being an all-knowing prick
l worked very hard for that reputation,|so don't do it.
Gay will show you around
Let's go
Nomi?|We'll do a run-through this afternoon
Good luck
They tell you that here just|before taking your money
You must maintain your weight|Eat brown rice and vegetables
And stay indoors|Tan lines aren't allowed
Make-up and costumes are your|responsibility. Don't take them home
And don't ever,|ever go out onstage crying
You do eat brown rice and vegetables,|don't you?
This is your table
lf you're smart, and l was smart...
you'll figure out a job|and man for later on
How'd you find your guy?
l chipped my tooth on a Quaalude|He was my dentist
You'll run this monster 6 times a night
Hold onto the railing.|l'll take you to personnel
They want some information
What kind of information?
Date of birth
Place of birth
New York
New York, New York?
Nearest family members
l don't have family
Have you ever been arrested?|Charged with a criminal offense?
Social Security number
l don't know|Let me check on that for you, okay?
You got it! Nice going!
That's great.|Zack, this is Nomi Malone
l remember her. Hi
l bet you do
She's pretty memorable. l'm glad|you're part of the team. Nice dress
lt's a Ver-sayce
lt's Versace
lt's Versace.|lt's pronounced Ver-sa-chee
You have a great taste.|You look beautiful
This is Nomi!
Nicky, Julie, Deena and you know Gay
They'll run through it. You watch
Did you eat?
Jack! What do you want?
Burger, fries and soda
Get her some brown rice,|vegetables and an Evian
No, Nomi, come take a look at this
Here we go! Five, six, seven, eight!
You try it now. Ready?
Go! Five, six, seven, hit it!
Kick it! Work it!
Hold it!|Nomi, what kind of turn was that?
Do a pique turn. Come on
That's it. Okay, music!
Go! Hah! Go!
Not that high
Stay in sync!
One, two, three, one!
Thrust it! Thrust it!
Thrust it! Come on!
Okay! That's enough. Thank you, ladies
Good job
Work on her turns.|l'm worried about her balance
How long before l can do the show?
You start tonight
Tonight?|You'll be fine
How did she do?
She's no butterfly
She's all pelvic thrust. She prowls.|She's got it
l wonder how she got it?
She didn't learn it
She learned it,|but it's not taught in any class
You need more orange. Let me do it
How do you feel?
Don't ask. Don't ask!
Who took my make-up?
Monkey alert! Monkey alert!
Damn it, Hector! l told you!
They get the heat! They make babies!
Oh, get it out
Watch it
Go! Go!|Grab her!
Hey! l got one!
The rest are upstairs
Julie, you slut,|don't touch my make-up!
l'm a slut?|You fucked that pizza place kid!
You fucked the meter reader!
Bitch!|You're fucking dead!
Jesus, Annie, get off her!
Julie! Calm down! Stop it!
Now settle down! lt's done!
Move! You got four counts of eight!
Nomi, wait. Your wig
You're fine. Let's move up, you guys!
There's shit on the stage
They always shit. lt's that garlic
Where? Top left
Upstage left, monkey shit. Let's go!
Want some blow?
Last chance for ice
Let's go!
Go, go, go, go!
l love you
Come on, you guys, keep it moving!|Run, Nomi!
Nomi, wait!
Two beats. One, two...go!
Ladies and gentlemen, the|Stardust presents Miss Cristal Connors
You got two mins. Put on your red wig|l'll get your costume
Good luck. Love, Zack Carey
Nomi. Slip this on
Did l do okay?|You did fine
Your leg extension needs work. Someone|will work with you. Be here at noon
Put this on. You're done
l didn't fall.|You nearly fell
Hey, yo!
Can l talk to you a minute?
Come on, please?
l'll get the car.|Be right there
Who sent you the flowers?
None of your business
Okay. l just wanted to say...
You and me ain't got no ties
l have a problem with pussy
l always have, and l always will
But l meant what l said
l don't care about your problems.|l did write it for you
But l did tell her l would teach her,|and l did fuck her
Who you fuck is your business|l won't make it mine
lt's not like l'm seeing any money|for writing that number
l may as well touch a little pussy
You got nothing to say
Thanks for the flowers!
Tony said you did great!
l never got flowers before
l'm sure you'll get lots of them
He gave them to you?
Yeah, he did
What is he? A pimp?
Only people with pimp cars are pimps
He's the entertainment director
That's what l said. He's a pimp!
Let's go!
Good luck with your number
Anybody here?
Back here
What are you doing here?
What am l doing here?
Doing some of the finest cocaine|in the world. Want some?
lt's great for the muscles
l told Marty|l'd work on turns with you...
but l'm feeling a little inside-out
Cut the shit
We got off on the wrong foot
Want to start dancing all over again?
Why not?
Want to go eat at Spago?
Where is it?
Just down from Ver-sayce
Ahh, right. Versace
What is all this stuff?
l'll order for you
l'll have brown rice and vegetables
Do you like brown rice and vegetables?
You do?
Sort of
lt's worse than dog food
lt is
l've had dog food
You have?
A long time ago
Doggy chow
l used to love Doggy Chow
l used to love Doggy Chow, too
l got a headache from champagne
This isn't champagne
This is holy water
l named myself after this holy water
Chrissie Lou Connors had|dingy brown hair and little tits
lt's amazing what paint|and a surgeon can do
You have great tits
They're beautiful
Thank you
l like nice tits
l always have. What about you?
l like having nice tits
How do you like having them?
What do you mean?
You know what l mean
l like having them in a nice dress...
or a tight top
You like to show them off
l didn't like showing them|at the Cheetah
Why not?
l liked looking at them there.|Everybody did
lt made me feel like a hooker
You are a whore, darling
l'm not!
We all are
We take the cash, we cash the check,|we show them what they want to see
Maybe you're a whore, but l'm not
You and me...
we're exactly alike
l'll never be like you
Miss Connors! Sorry to bother you|Would you sign this for me?
Happy to. What's your name?
Frank. l'm from Galveston
l'm from Del Rio myself, Frank
l told you she was from Texas.|Whoo-ee, look at that!
Could l have one like that?
You want a girl to use up|all her lipstick on you?
Want to dance?|Right now?
lt's now or never.|That's what Elvis said
You know the best advice l ever got?
You're up there onstage,|hoping on a spot
lf someone gets in your way,|step on them
lf you're the only one left|standing there, they hire you
That's about it.|Thank you and good night
Elvis has left the building
You see, darling...
you are a whore
Guess we're done
Nicky, can l talk to you for a second?
Mommy, can we see the monkeys?|Not now
Please. They're so cute.|They have to work
What are they doing?
l want to see the monkeys!|Not now
Why not?
Get these fucking kids out of here
You said the F'' word!|She said the ''F'' word''
She said the F'' word!''
Shut the fuck up!
lt's okay. lt's okay
Nomi, a boat convention's coming|into town next week
They need two girls. Nicky's doing it
You interested? lt pays $1,000
A thousand dollars? To do what?
Represent the hotel. You wear your|costume, smile, they take your picture
A thousand dollars?
Great. Cristal here recommended you
My pleasure, darling.|Just looking out for you
Cristal, about the magazine layout...?|Later
Don't do it
lt's $1,000. Why not?
Molly, l need you!
l'm coming.|l know girls who did it and they...
Molly, l'm waiting
They didn't like it
Did you do it before?
Did you like it?
Did l like it? Sure, l liked it
Let's thank these 2 beautiful girls from|Goddess'', a new smash at the Stardust''
How's it going?|Fine
Tough gig, huh?
This is my good friend,|Mr. Okida, from Bangkok
He's one of our very, very high rollers
Ladies, we want to take you to dinner|after the show
Have some lobster, hear Caesar sing
You ever heard Caesar sing?|The guy's great. You'll love him
Caesar sing?
Then we'll go back to my place|and we'll sing
Just the four of us
How about it?
We sing
Yeah, we'll sing a lot of songs
Good deal
Okay. Good deal
Not me
Be nice.|Let go of me!
You got $1,000 for this
Yeah, for this! This!
Oh, forget it
Just forget it! No harm done!|No damage!
l want to talk to you
Let's go upstairs
Have a nice day, darling?
l'm sorry to hear that
l'm sorry.|Some people just don't get it
l'm on the stage. Get me Phil
Thank you
The drop is up 33% on those machines
lt will make your bottom line about 250
l got an MBA for this
That's what this business is now|cost analyzing slot machines
What's an MBA?
Zack, you in here?
Excuse me
Hey! What's going on?
You do anything like this again,|you're fired
Nothing happened.|Something did!
She jumped to conclusions
lt happens again,|you'll jump to your conclusion
Without your golden parachute
You owe her an apology
Nomi, l'm sorry. l apologize
Yeah, fine. Okay
Get out
An MBA is a college degree.|lt's mostly worthless in the real world
You go for it, don't you?
Yeah, l try to
That's for sure
Phil, you dumb fuck, get back up here
l know, l know
Thank you for looking out for me.|You were so nice to recommend me to Phil
What are friends for?
You were right about the convention
Sweet baby!
Do that again, l'll break your fingers!
Not my fault|you don't have a gay partner
Fuck you
He wants everyone to see|how hetero he is
Molly, bring that flashlight|so l can see how big it is
You want a knuckle sandwich?
Can l have mine anally, please?
Come on, you guys! Jesus!
Let's go! Let's line it up!
What you looking at, bitch?
Okay, let's go. Move it! Go, go, go!
Oh, my God
Are you okay, Annie?
lt's my leg
Tell me when it hurts
lt's her knee
lt isn't broken, is it?
Daryl, what happened?
My foot went out from under me
This is what happened
l wonder how those got up here?
Probably came off a costume
We'll get you to the hospital
Shit, no!
Jesus. Poor Annie. Tough break
Let us through here
See you later
l'm the producer
l hired you! You do what l say
She was my understudy.|l have a say, too
Yeah, but guess who makes the decision
lt's broken, kids
Shit. That will be three months
At least
Bad karma, huh?
Nomi, your mother's waiting for you
My mother?
For your sake, l hope she's not
lf a light sleeper sleeps with|a light on
Can a hard sleeper sleep with|a hard on?
What do you call a tiger?|A big pussy that eats people
l can get shit on,|but l don't like getting spit on
Hi, Al
You look like shit
She looks better than a 10-inch dick|and you know it you like it here?
What, you think she misses you?
Yeah, why not?
We miss her
She misses us like that lump on my twat|l had taken off last week
Jesus, Henry
We saw the show
You were good
Thank you, Al
Real good
You take care, kid
Must be weird,|not having anyone come on you
Nomi. Hey, you want a ride?
l got one
Ever been in one of these?
l always wanted one
lt's some car, huh?|lt doesn't suck
Where are we headed? Give me directions
To your place
Do you like Cristal?
l like a lot of different champagnes
But l always drink champagne
What's Andrew Carver like?
Are you nervous? Don't be
l'm not
l liked it when you came
l liked your eyes
Stay with me
l'll drive you back in the morning
lt is morning
l have a taxi coming
Send it back
Cristal needs a new understudy
There's an audition at noon.|You want to try?
Would you have told me|if l hadn't come here?
lt was your idea to come here, not mine
l want to see you again
We'll see how it goes
What, the audition?
l hate you
Who was he?|Zack
Oh, my God
Did you tie him up?
Oh, shit
l forgot to untie him
Are you high?
Maybe a little
l can't go to sleep. l have an audition|at noon. Where are the Sugar Snaps?
ln the cupboard. Nomi...
don't get sucked into it
Look what l found!
Okay, whatever, Nomes
She's not hot enough.|She has it down
You can teach it.|She doesn't have Cristal's heat
None of them have Cristal's heat
l do love you, Gay
Nomi has heat
Does she know?
Yes, she does
ln a totally different way
Come on! She's going to take the lead?
This a hotel show!|lt's not the Cheetah!
lt doesn't matter|l haven't missed a show in 8 years
You're not getting any younger
Eat me
Want to see it again with just Nomi?|No
l do. Set it up, Marty
This is bullshit
lt's about your dick
Nicky, Julie, thank you!
What do we know about her?
Nothing. l doubt her|Social Security number's right
Find out.|What?
You fucked her, didn't you?
Are you pissed off|because you're jealous?
Or because l beat you to the punch?
You fuck him for the spot|or because you wanted to?
l say you did it for the spot
ls that what you did, Cristal?
You don't want to piss me off,|now that we're friends
No, you shouldn't get pissed off
lt makes you look older
You got it
l do?
Marty and Gay will work with you
Phil will have some glossies taken.|You did good
l'll call you for dinner, lobster
Did you ever hear Caesar sing?|You'll love it
Congratulations.|l see you have many talents
l thought she did good
A Private Dance By James Smith|The Crave Club
l didn't know about the audition|until afterwards
Do you like my nails?
They're not as nice as yours
Maybe l'll help you with yours sometime
lf you want
lsn't that nice of you, darling?
What are friends for?
On second thought...
maybe you shouldn't do mine
l'm getting too old for that whory look
l'll think about it
Close the door on your way out
Hey, bring on the real dancers!
You suck!
Get off the stage!
Enough of this stuff!
Let's dance!
l loved it! lt was good
What are you doing here, slumming?
Were we good?
She dances like a truck!
l do not! Do you want something to drink?
Yeah. Get me a beer, bitch
Look what l got
lt's beautiful
l stole it from my grandmother
You did not! You got it at a pawnshop
We're getting married
You love her?
l don't know. She's having a baby
And this?
We ain't any good. You heard them.|''Get off the stage!''
What will you do?
Work in a grocery store|Her mother owns it
We'll get a discount on baby food
See ya
Shit happens, you know? Life sucks.|l'm a student of T-shirts!
Hey, Nicky
Dear Ms. Malone,
We regret we are unable to|offer you...understudy
You can't go in there!
What's going on?
What's going on?!
Hey, cool it.|Cool it?!
When you sent me this?!
She threatened to walk!|She got her lawyers into it!
So what?!
So, she's a star! You're not worth it
Sorry, Nomi. l tried. Fuck!
Basically, my G-string snapped. There|l was, dancing butt naked for 5 mins
l mean, my poor partner!
l thought about it, darling
Think you could do my nails now?
Maybe some other time
Come on...slave girl
We've got five minutes. Go!
Go, you guys! Run, run!
Let me through!
Cristal, can you hear me?
Somebody get Marty!
What happened?|l don't know
Somebody get an ambulance!
Who was behind her?
l was
What happened?
l don't know. She just went down
She slipped. l saw it
Nomi wasn't even close to her
Tough break, huh?
What's wrong?
Thanks. Keep me informed
She has a concussion.|That'll be all right
But she has a compound fracture|of the hip
Those take forever to heal
We have to shut down
Not a chance. The show goes on
The Stardust is never dark.|lt has never been
lt never will be. Not while l am alive
Who was her understudy?
We had a girl who...
What's funny?
Cristal Connors is a star, Sam!|You can't just replace her
We could bring someone in|while she's out
She could be out for a year
Like who?
Janet Jackson. Paula Abdul
Paula Abdul? ln my show?
We're not paying|those kind of salaries
ln that case, Mr. Karlman,|we do what we do in Vegas
We gamble
Ladies and gentlemen...
the Stardust proudly presents|Miss Nomi Malone
We could have hired anyone
Janet Jackson, Paula Abdul
Nomi Malone is|what Las Vegas is all about
She's dazzling, she's exciting...
...and very, very sexy.|Thank you, Zack
How did you feel about|the show tonight?
l hope l can be as good as the show
You are, my dear. You are the show
Good one. Over here, Nomi
One more, Nomi! Please, please
Hey, you ready to party?
Where?|The Paradiso. l rented the bungalows
For what?|For you
Hurry. l got a limo waiting
l don't have anything to wear!|Yes, you do
Andrew Carvers' coming|He saw the show and thinks you're great
Did you hear?|Andrew Carver will be there!
Yeah. l heard
What's wrong with you?
You pushed her, didn't you?
How can you say that to me?|Julie saw it
She couldn't have seen it.|l saw Julie and her back was to you
She saw it
Have fun at your party
Come here, Molly! You have to come|Andrew will be there
l don't care
lt ain't a party without you
Let go of me
Let go of me!
To the one and only beautiful girl|in the world
One minute
Oh, my God
So, what l want to know is...
where's Andrew?
Nomi Malone Goddess
l love your outfit
Nomi...|you think l could be your understudy?
l'll see what l can do
Thanks, darling
Andrew Carver's here.|l want to introduce you
Andrew's here!
Andrew Carver...Nomi Malone
You were sensational tonight
Thank you.|And you're welcome
Where did you find her?
l'll never tell
l like your songs
And l like your ass. Call me
Molly Abrams...
Andrew Carver
l can't even thread a needle anymore
Molly's one of your biggest fans
Well, then...let me get you a drink
Come on
You look beautiful tonight
What's going on?
Just want to party, baby
Let me go!
Get her!
Let me go!|Shut the fuck up!
Throw her down!
Fuck her!
Fuck her, man
Fuck her! Fuck her!
Let me go!
Fuck her!
l could fall in love with you
Let's get out of here
We have her sedated. She's in shock
She has a broken nose, vaginal tears
She'll be here three or four days
Look at this
And look at this. Later
Where are the police?|They're not here
Why not?|Because they're not coming!
Don't do it...
How did you find out?
You were busted at a fight|at the Crave Club
The police took your fingerprints
l won't listen to this
Yes, you will!
You're Polly Ann Costello!
Your father killed your mother,|then killed himself!
You ran away from a foster home|in Oakland in 1990!
Arrests: Denver, soliciting...|Stop it!
San Jose, Cheyenne, soliciting!|Shall l read the rest?
Possession of crack cocaine!|Assault with a deadly weapon!
Tell me something.|Why did you stop hooking?
You had your future pretty well|mapped out
l did what l had to do
Just like you did with Cristal
l'm not a whore're not
You're going to be a big star
Your face will be up on billboards
And you will make a lot of money|for the Stardust
You'd let him get away with this?
Andrew Carver is at the Paradiso|this year
He might be at the Stardust next year
He's part of the team. So are you
What about Molly?
l'll see he gives her enough money|to have a dress shop
Tell me something
What did you charge?
Fifty. A hundred sometimes
You got low self-esteem, baby.|You're a fantastic fuck
l was paying you a compliment
Andrew Carver, please
Hello, baby. Looking good
He's ready for you
lt didn't take you long
l like you better topless
Wait till you see me bottomless
l'm waiting
Take the rest off
You make a sound,|l'll fucking kill you!
Okay, okay
Fucker! Fuck off!
He says he wants to sleep
Tired him out, huh?
She's still out. lt's the medication
ls she okay?
She's okay
l just went to Carver...
and kicked the shit out of him
l love you
Cristal Connors, please. Room 319
You know the best advice|l ever gave you?
lf you're the only one left standing...
they'll hire you
Thank you and good night,|ladies and gentlemen
Cristal has left the building
l'm sorry, Cristal
Yeah. l know just how sorry you are
How do you think l got my first lead?
There's always someone younger|and hungrier...
coming down the stairs after you
Why didn't you tell anyone?
Oh, hell, darling...l needed a rest
Besides, my lawyers got me|a real nice settlement
l have to go
Aren't you going to give me a big kiss?
Bye, darling
Bye, darling
Come on! Hurry up!
Hop in, pard|This here is your lucky day
Let's go
So did you gamble?
Did you win?
What did you win?
Oh, fuck
lt's you
l want my fucking suitcase, asshole!
l'm driving! Jesus fucking Christ!
Watch the fucking road!
Be cool! l'll get your suitcase.
lt was a mistake. Mellow out!