Shozo (1948)

- Here it is, sir.
- Alright.
I'm tired carrying this.
- Let's stop here.
- Yes, sir.
Well, well! You here!
The pursuer has taken the pursued.
Look who's talking!
I agree.
Have you bought it?
No way!
I wouldn't take it even for free.
- But, the price's good, isn't it?
- I don't know what to say.
But, that's how it seems...
It's not this one.
How could it have been that big?!
This is the administrator's house.
The house to sell it's right
This is a studio.
Does the painter also live here?
It's a third rate painter.
I've seen thousands of houses,
but none had so many
It's a mixture of Japanese
and Western styles.
There are two rooms on the ground floor,
a small one and a big one.
This painter lives here with
his family.
The caretaker doesn't know what
to do with them.
- I'll take it.
- What?
It's a good deal.
200,000 yen is a good price.
If I split the big room in three
smaller ones,
I'll sell it for 400,000 yen.
But, there's a family living in here.
In this branch you can't start thinking
about the lodgers. I'll throw them out.
Hey, hey, Tamai, wait!
- What's the matter?
- I was here first!
- You said you weren't interested.
- Well, I've changed my mind.
You're acting like a child.
Listen, Tamai, wait.
Let's make a deal.
- Let's us both buy this house.
- I'm not interested.
- An auction, then?
- No!
I want it.
Where're your manners?
Behave like a gentleman.
You'll not deny that our jobs
are a little dirty.
- Alright, you win.
- We'll split the profit.
Another one.
For me also.
How slow you are! Damn you!
What? I'm coming.
I wasn't talking to you.
Tamai, a month has gone by.
You know that, don't you?
- Of course I do.
- And?
I'm telling you must be patient.
But he's making no trouble,
and doesn't ask for anything!
That's exactly why.
It's difficult to provoke decent
people into committing an error.
It's impossible.
I don't buy that.
If we don't solve that,
we won't be able to sell it.
You must throw him out,
and start the improvements.
- What?
- There's no other way.
We must force him out.
I presume you warned him.
- Of course.
- And what did he say?
- That he'll give us a room.
- Did he seem frightened?
- No. He was very grateful.
- What? Grateful?
He said that if we'll take care of it,
he'll live more peacefully.
He looked very pleased.
He wants to do my portrait.
He says I've got a very interesting face.
Yes. You have an interesting face.
Will you stop laughing?
Don't forget our deal.
It's not funny, you looking at me
as if I were a clown,
while you're drinking sake.
What's more,
I'm already bored.
Now it's your turn.
I have seven children, did you know that?
And although I need to solve this,
I won't live there.
- I even less.
- Don't be so sensitive.
But... my girlfriend...
Let's move here.
It isn't that easy. She won't content
herself with only one room.
Even better.
If she feels uncomfortable,
she'll raise a scandal.
Has anything happened?
You look really down.
This moving business,
makes me feel a little anxious.
You pretend to be very cunning,
but you don't dare do anything.
What happened to your cheek?
The cat scratched me.
True. Cats can be very dangerous.
Even so if they don't have a fur,
and they do their manicure, isn't it?
She looked very angry.
A tempest's coming by.
Some discovery!
She's been like this since I told
her about moving.
I already went through two
stormy nights.
Well, you should try to make peace.
I'll settle this with money.
This time, a handbag should do it.
- I think you should leave us alone.
- What?
Everything will be fine.
Are you tired?
D'you want us to have something to eat?
- Get away from me!
- What is it?
Keep your distance!
What a face you're pulling!
You're ridicule.
- What is this?
- This? A house.
- Is this a joke?
- No... It's a very nice house.
Don't play stupid.
- Looks like a fish tank.
- What do you think?
What you heard! It's horrible!
I'm leaving.
What are you doing? Please!
- Let me go! I'm leaving!
- Calm yourself! What a shame!
I'm leaving!
It's that... You fret so much...
Mother! Mother, mother!
Kaneko-san has arrived.
He has come with his daughter.
Wait! Where're you going?
- I'm going to look for the cat.
- Now? No, you're not leaving me alone.
Welcome. Hi.
Where is your father?
- Is it you, miss?
- Yes, I'm home.
Welcome home.
- Miss.
- Yes?
A letter for you.
Do you manage with such
a small kitchen?
- Yes.
- I'm glad.
But I'm very sorry for all the
Stay calm,
nothing happened.
Kaneko, Kaneko!
I'm glad to see you!
I was thinking to come and visit you.
It's been days since I've known
anything about you.
Listen, how's our business doing?
The price of houses is on the rise.
Wouldn't it be better to wait?
I was afraid of that...
You being there,
doesn't it help at all?
How's your girlfriend?
Last time I saw her, she was very angry.
Well, you see,
everybody there calls her "miss",
and now she's very happy.
Can this be possible?!
Of course, if you think, at her age,
it's only normal.
I'm also very pleased.
I'm spending much less now.
- Listen, Tamai.
- What is it?
Mixing with these people
has changed her a lot.
She doesn't even smoke
in front of them.
- Can I come in for a moment?
- Yes.
Were you studying?
No. It's alright. Come in.
Don't bother because of me.
It must be very cold with
the ventilator.
- Yes.
- That's fine!
You don't have to move it.
This is for you.
It's from my husband.
It's from his orchard.
His very proud of it.
Do you want me to tell you a secret?
Sometimes, he behaves like a child.
- Hello?
- Yes.
You want to come up,
don't you?
Come up. Miss we'll be able
to say hello to you this way.
- Please.
- Thank you.
You'll get it dirty with paint.
How changed it looks!
It seems a different room.
- Are you comfortable?
- Yes.
What would you like her to tell you?
Can't you see they live in one room?
We don't have any money,
and that's why we can't move.
My husband is very stubborn.
He does paintings nobody wants.
- Could you make some tea?
- I've already made it.
Don't bother.
He doesn't like tea, but he didn't dare
to ask me to leave.
Don't bother her,
and get back to work.
I go through a lot of pain. Our son went
to war and he hasn't come back yet.
And I, I can hardly make ends meet
by painting.
The paintings I pour my heart in...
nobody buys them.
The ones I paint with my eyes closed...
those I can sell.
But I enjoy illustrating children
stories as an extra.
Children stories?!
Yes. A illustrated one about
a train.
Why do children like trains that much?
Koichi has a lot of fun if a draw him
a train, he likes it very much.
The way children see the world
differs from how adults see it.
- Sit here.
- Thank you.
I like planting pumpkins.
But, I don't like eating them.
What I like,
it's their form and colour.
Look what a nice colour.
Look. It reminds me of the
Akaraku pottery.
It's as beautiful.
Don't you think so?
The word "pumpkin" seems
disparaging to me.
But, if you grow them yourself,
I presume you must be fond of them.
They remind him of the Akaraku pottery.
What kind of pottery is that?
They are world wide famous.
- I think they are very expensive.
- O, yes?
What's the matter? Did he only come
to talk to you about pumpkins?
Didn't he say if he was going
to move soon out of here?
No. But he was a little nervous.
He asked me to model for him.
It doesn't surprise me, because
you've been looking very beautiful lately.
You have a lot of spare time,
haven't you?
Why don't you agree?
You could wear the night gown I bought
you. I'm sure he'd like it.
A portrait must be pretty.
I'm tired of waiting for them
to get out.
At least, we'll draw a profit
out of this.
D'you think so?
I'm a little scared.
Of what?
They say that you can't
hide anything,
from a painter's gaze...
I'm sure he'll figure out
I'm not your daughter.
He won't figure out anything!
I don't know what to do.
You can go on feigning,
for as long as you want.
It's not what I want.
But I don't dare telling
him the truth.
I'd die of shame.
Nothing will happen.
If it were about a famous painter...
But he only is an amateur painter.
Miss! Miss! Look!
Look, miss,
is this your cat?
- I'm Nakajima, I live next door.
- It's name is Gorito.
Very kind of you,
but it isn't my cat.
Mine is very special,
it has a woodcutter's face.
Woodcutter's face.
- I'll go on looking.
- Thank you.
Don't mention it.
It's not like hunting a tiger,
but it still is fun.
It's name is Tama.
Youth, that divine treasure...
Anything makes them laugh...
Why don't you make friends
with them?
Relax, please.
If not, the face looks like a mask,
and reflects the tension.
Let me know when you're tired,
and we'll stop.
- No. I'm not tired.
- I'm sorry.
When I'm enjoying myself painting,
I lose track of time.
- Why did you want to paint me?
- I don't know what...
You have a strange shadow.
Yes, it's true.
A shadow?
Yes. My daughter, Youko,
doesn't have your shadow.
I see you're tired.
Let's stop for a while.
It's not ready yet,
I only painted your features.
There's no draft in this room.
- You've started at last.
- Yes.
I don't understand.
You've put on a very sober kimono.
I like it.
You should have put on something
more joyful.
I told you I like it.
- Take this, miss.
- Thank you.
I also like this kimono.
She showed me a few.
And I thought this was the best.
I also do.
Girls without a mother
usually dress colourfully.
My father thinks exactly like you.
Fathers would like their daughters
to dress like dolls.
I'm very comfortable like this.
And now, please, help yourself.
Help yourself, miss.
Thank you.
Come on, don't be so dull!
You're so stupid!
I don't get it why you yourself
like this, I wouldn't be able to do it.
Aren't you tired?
It's strange. Know what?
It's a difficult situation,
and still...
I've never felt better.
- I can't understand you. You're terrible.
- D'you think so?
When I sit modelling for him,
and he watches me with his pure,
painter's eyes,
I feel like diving in a lake
of clear water.
Like if it washed the dirt away,
like purifying me.
I think you've fallen for this painter.
Why are you laughing?
It's that I'm thinking about
how he looks,
so old and dirty.
I like him.
And I found him so clumsy at
the beginning.
Be careful.
You are in a delicate situation.
Because, how much longer will you
be able to hide the truth from him?
And I'm not talking about hiding
it from the painter.
Although, to you.
This painter is like a god.
The problem is he's married.
And the one you'll not be able to fool
is his wife.
I'll write them a letter.
They're very kind.
Yes, but even so...
The bells are ringing,
ding, dang, dong.
And the little sheep is dancing,
be, be, be.
The wind gently blows and
caresses us
while we climb the hill.
Snow white are
the windows of my little cottage.
Kumiko, what d'you think about the
girl living with you?
- Well...
- Does she behave respectfully?
- I think so.
- Hope so!
Hi, Youko.
I'll take it.
Come on, give it to me.
I was asking your sister-in-law... is your new lodger.
I like her.
And I find her very beautiful.
I see something strange in her.
O, yes?
The Moon is beautiful.
Ichiro must also be looking at it,
in some far away place.
Come on...
You'd say a young girl in love.
Be very careful, mother.
He's very sensitive.
Don't you know anything about Ichiro?
We never got his letters.
He didn't like writing letters
too much.
If one day he does it,
then we'll have to worry.
A splendid Moon.
Nakajima, you like literature,
d'you know anything about haiku?
Recite us something.
"The beautiful Moon, shadowed
the tatami on the floor..."
What a cheater!
This is Kikaku.
And we got no tatami
on the floors here.
It isn't that bad having
power cuts once in a while.
Thank to this one,
we've remembered the Moon.
The smoke of a fuse reminds me
of the Moon.
What was that?
I'd call it
"black humour verse".
This family is very strange.
Don't you think so?
The sure thing is they're the only
ones enjoying a power cut.
Dear listeners,
we're going to delight you
with a song...
Look. There's light on the other
side of the street.
- Youko, shall we dance?
- Yes.
But don't make any noise.
- Koichi fell asleep.
- I'm still awake!
Don't step on my feet,
In a warm and starry summer night,
I took your beautiful hand,
and, together,
we started singing,
la, la, la, la, la, la.
In a warm and starry summer night,
I took your beautiful hand,
and, together,
we started singing,
la, la, la, la, la, la.
If you dance and sing,
you can make this night
Take my hand,
And let's go together.
Together, we'll share the same dream
and we'll fly...
- D'you want to dance with me?
- No. Nor talk.
Stay calm. Nobody's watching us.
In a warm and starry summer night,
we started dancing,
la, la, la, la, la, la.
In a warm and starry summer night,
we started dancing,
la, la, la, la, la, la.
I also want to dance, mother.
All hearts with happiness burst,
People are partying in the houses.
From the sky above,
Stars and Moon,
Sing the sweetness of love,
la, la, la, la, la, la.
They can cope with anything.
I don't only mean the young ones.
The thing is they don't have
any money.
You can't have fun,
if you don't drink sake.
50 pairs of socks...
...and we've got place...
Youko. It's time to go to bed.
Not yet, please.
I'm not sleepy.
Come on, Youko.
- Alright, I'm going.
- No. Stay a little longer.
It's very late.
Such a beautiful Moon must be
admired... good company.
One doesn't come across
nights like this very often.
Youko. Youko, come on.
Let her stay a little more.
But, it's midnight!
It's very late. She must sleep.
Time is not that important.
Sometimes, it's better to forget about it.
How wise!
Don't you know me yet?
28 years have gone by.
Yes. You watch time go by.
I feel fine.
It's like we were immersed
in the Moon's light,
like we were inside
a blue crystal.
Well, I...
I feel like being on
the bottom of the sea.
I think that you and me,
we are very much alike.
Right now, I'm very happy.
So happy, I could fly.
Isn't the light back yet?
I'm bitten allover.
What are they doing?
D'you want a cigarette?
- Good night.
- Good night.
What happened to you?
Tell me.
Nothing happened to me.
- You're strange.
- Nothing happened to me!
- Let's go to bed.
- I don't feel like it.
- Why?
- Because I feel fine right here.
But, it's...
it's getting cold.
Let's go. You'll catch a cold here.
Being father's,
it's a masterpiece.
- Painters are so lucky.
- Why?
...because they can paint people
as they want.
If I could paint myself,
I'd make myself more beautiful.
You'd find that difficult,
you are very beautiful.
I wasn't referring to my face,
or body.
You mean to start anew.
Here you can start anew.
A splendid Sunday.
- You came to invite me to go out?
- You've guessed.
Well, I might say yes.
- D'you want to go out with us?
- Where're you going?
Well, I think we'll go to the cinema,
and, then, buy some sweets.
Go for a walk
while we get ready.
Why are you leaving?
We have a guest.
Doesn't matter.
I don't understand.
No. It's not that.
She's been treating me very badly,
She puts on lady's airs.
We have to sell this house.
What are you saying?
I thought it didn't bother you.
That you didn't spend
that much here.
Don't laugh.
It's alright she fakes it with them.
But, she also does it with me.
I got tired!
That's a good one!
- I'm leaving.
- What? She's ready.
It'll be better.
Thanks for all this.
What happened?
Tamai-san has fallen!
- Is he alright?
- Yes, he's alive!
Where're you going?
Where am I going?
To the cinema,
and have some tea, also.
I don't mind you go out with them.
But, have fun with me also.
Let's go to a spa.
I'm sorry, miss.
Are you ready?
Come, get in.
She is finishing getting ready.
How nice!
How lucky you are, miss Midori!
You have a lot of clothes.
I'd love having a kimono.
What kind of kimono?
Any kind,
less the ones my mother wears.
They are second-hand.
- What?
- Shall we go?
How impatient you are!
She's putting on her make-up.
- Shall we play with the ball?
- Yes.
we'll wait for you downstairs.
She's like a little child,
isn't she?
But she's your age,
isn't she?
Fujimoto pitching!
Be careful!
Why are you throwing so fast?
- You're a beast.
- I'm sorry!
You'll see now!
What are you doing? Poor shot!
- Shall I throw again?
- Yes, let's go.
My turn, now!
What a shot!
You're a disaster.
- I'm sorry. I'll go look for it.
- I'll go.
What's the matter?
I don't want to go out.
But they're waiting for you!
Hi! What a surprise!
How's miss doing today?
Don't call me "miss".
I've been feeling guilty, lately.
Come on, come on...
Let me sweeten your life with
some cookies.
If you want to treat me with something,
then, I want sake.
- What's the matter with you? You're
very strange. - Each time I feel worse.
What are you looking at?
Poor fellow.
- Who are you talking about?
- A cat. A wet cat.
It's only a cat.
You shouldn't get that sad.
I was thinking about my cat.
I'm sure it's soaking wet,
Don't worry,
cats can hide pretty much anywhere.
Let's move somewhere nicer,
where it doesn't rain.
It's not only here that's raining,
rain's falling everywhere.
I'm tired of living here.
Let's go,
this is an abandoned house.
Don't you like it here?
I don't like anything! I hate it!
I can't stay here even a day longer.
You got tired playing the miss.
Yes, I got tired.
Please, I beg of you.
Please! Say yes!
Where're you going?
I won't go on modelling for him.
- I'll go tell him this.
- It's a pity.
I can't stand doing things
I don't like!
I'd like tearing up
this painting!
Don't give me that!
These drawings are for children,
aren't they?
I've worked conscientiously.
The children will know that!
I did what I could so they'd be
suitable and they'd like them,
and now they want them more provocative,
so they can sell more.
You must understand we all
live on this.
Do you care more about business
than about what kids learn?
Calm down.
- Yes, calm down.
- I don't like this, d'you get me?
I won't tempt innocent children
with poisoned cakes.
Listen to me carefully,
I won't allow such an atrocity.
Give me the drawings.
Kumiko, give them to Koichi,
he'll have fun.
Fine, but there's a problem
you must settle.
The money,
we already gave to your wife
as an advance payment.
Please, return it.
But... it's that...
You don't have it?
I'll come some other day.
I'm sorry. I'll pay it very soon.
I give you my word.
Excuse the intrusion, ladies.
I'm leaving. Farewell.
What's the matter, Koichi?
These are beautiful drawings.
Why are you crying?
Come on, don't cry.
There's no need for you
to get so upset.
Don't mind what he said.
You have to go on working.
You'll soon finish the portrait,
and you'll be able to exhibit it.
Get a grip on yourself,
our neighbour we'll soon come down.
I didn't know you also
had a little heart.
It's not about that.
- Confounded scoundrels! I hate them!
- Don't get angry.
We're celebrating.
What are you talking about?
My father's coming back!
Yes, it's a sure thing.
They've received a cable.
He arrives tomorrow.
Hi, Kumiko!
Hi, Youko!
Thank you, Youko.
Such good news!
Yes. I'm very happy.
He hasn't written to us since Maizuru.
- Like always, he does it his way.
- Why d'you say that?
Because he didn't care how
worried we were.
Yes. I'm happy.
Since the cable came,
he only says:
"Yes. I'm happy, I'm happy."
There'll be a great party tonight.
We'll all celebrate him.
Mr. Kaneko and his daughter
have arrived.
I couldn't tell him.
It doesn't matter.
I'm happy, I'm happy.
So, will you clear off?
Kaneko's dealing with everything.
Someone else will take
care of this house,
and we'll find an apartment.
You can't imagine how tired I am.
You look so bad!
Did you see yourself?
You've let yourself be defeated
by this painter!
You can call him anyway you want,
because he's a third-rate painter.
He doesn't have a good job
and leads a miserable life.
Still, you are ashamed.
I don't know, if I think about it,
I feel the same way you do.
But, I also think the contrary.
What did you say?
You are very complicated.
If I'm talking to you,
I think the way you do.
But, when I'm with this family,
I see that, all these years,
I've led a wrong life.
I didn't hear not even a single word.
The girl from the portrait is...
But, after all,
how is this damned portrait?
I put on a kimono
my mother bought.
And I feel very strange.
Every time I put it on,
I can feel her kindness.
And, know what? It's strange,
but I've been dreaming
her a lot lately.
Do you dream your mother?
No, never!
I can't even remember
her face anymore.
I think you drink too much.
I drink how much I want.
I'm overwhelmed with problems.
That's why I'm depressed.
Turn on the light.
I'm very sad.
Darkness falls after day dreaming.
I want to deal with it,
but I can't anymore.
Flying with the wind,
finding the way to the West,
and leaving this spring night.
And now, who are you?
You are Midori
with your mother's kimono,
crying, nobody knows why.
Enough with your suffering.
Drown it in sake,
forget it, lose your senses.
When you don't have money,
you must find your way.
Although this means falling
into an immoral life.
Think about it as of a job
like any other,
you shouldn't feel dirty.
But, so that you have what to eat,
you mustn't...
A girl doesn't live on pumpkins only,
I don't think it is a good diet.
You don't have an alternative
from now on.
In this world,
everything is solved with money.
Yes, this is sure.
When I'm going to town,
there are a lot of beautiful things
I can't buy.
You see?
No, no, please!
Stay calm!
I'll take care of this.
What are you saying?
Don't talk nonsense!
What a mess!
Stop looking at those morons.
Thank you.
It's incredible how
stupid this painter can be.
Does he still believe Midori is your
daughter? That's what being naive means.
Yes, yes he is.
But, thanks to him,
has turned into a puppy.
So I did a perfect deal,
because, from now on,
I'll be spending much less.
I think it was a good buy.
that we are talking about the house,
we should make clear something
very important:
How much did you ask for it?
We bought it for 400,000 yen.
You only have to pay this much.
But, throwing this painter out,
seems to be very difficult.
He's just a poor bastard,
the best'd be threatening him.
If I send my boys over,
they'll deal with him in no time.
Your problem is that you're too soft.
And you also are swindlers,
because you wanted to get
400,000 yen out of me,
and I know you only paid 200,000.
But, if the girl is included,
then that's another matter.
Miss, do you feel alright?
Don't call me "miss".
I don't want any more lies.
Come on, if it's you...
I'm not his daughter,
d'you know?
The truth is...
...I'm his lover.
Hi, good night.
- Haven't you seen my parents?
- No, I haven't.
I don't know what to do.
Where could they have gone?
Enough with your suffering!
Forget everything!
Lose your senses!
I have to end this suffering,
forget everything, and lose my senses.
What's the matter with her?
I want to tear up the painting.
Why does she want to do that?
What madness!
You know how much my father-in-law
put into it.
He made a big effort with this
It doesn't matter if he did.
The portrait isn't worth anything.
- Why do you say that?
- Why?
Because this portrait is a lie.
It is not my portrait.
It's a bad taste joke.
The truth is I am...
Maybe you don't see me?
The woman I'm looking at now,
doesn't really exist.
You don't know anything.
I don't think so.
I'm not like my father-in-law,
who knows nothing of the world.
Nor am I like Youko.
But, my father-in-law
isn't wrong.
I don't know what circumstances
brought you in this situation.
I'm sure you have suffered a lot.
Desperation makes us do
terrible things.
But, know what?
You surely are the woman
he painted.
Enough with it!
I don't want to listen to no sermons!
I don't believe you...
I don't believe what you're saying.
Otherwise, why accept modelling?
I know why they like this painting.
So that...
I can't live in fear,
always lying.
I want to be strong,
much stronger.
I hate this portrait.
I can't stand it.
No, don't tear it!
You say you want to be strong,
because you're afraid of feelings,
you can only feel hate.
If I were you,
I wouldn't stick the knife
in the portrait,
but in my chest.
What are you doing here?
Are you going somewhere?
No way.
Why don't we go back together?
There's something I want to tell you.
No, we'll be staying a little more.
But it's very late!
Our son's back.
Come on, what a good news!
Then, you're waiting for him.
- No. He has already...
- I'll explain it.
- Did anything happen to your son?
- No, my son's fine.
Then, what happened?
You see,
its a little embarrassing.
We only have one room,
and he's going to see his wife
after three years.
My wife and I thought
they'd like being alone.
Youko has gone to a friend's house.
We don't have where to go,
and, as the temperature is pleasant,
we'll stay here.
What a thing!
We were also young.
And, well... it'll be fun,
a different night.
We have a lot of time,
what did you want to tell us?
What do you want?
- Can I talk to you now?
- Yes.
- I have to go. Good night.
- What? You leave again?
Mr. Nomura,
all this is very bad.
Let's see.
Tell Midori
something unexpected happened.
I'm leaving, sleep upstairs.
Stay calm, it doesn't matter.
Tell her not to wait for me,
and, please, go to sleep
I can't let you stay here.
Do it.
Make sure the pair on the bench goes back
into the house.
Come on, calm yourself,
don't cry anymore.
If anyone hears us,
you'll feel worse.
Let me go. I can't take it anymore!
I can't remain here.
But, why?
Nothing bad happened!
We were alone,
nobody will ever know it.
Stay calm. It was like a nightmare.
So, you don't...
Of course not.
You'll go on being the young lady
from the flat upstairs.
I can't... I can't.
Of course you can.
We'll start by looking at this painting.
The portrait of a young beauty.
Have you seen them?
No. Where can they be?
In the best of cases they
saw Youko
to her friend's house
and were kept there.
They're always roaming around.
let me introduce you to miss Midori.
My husband.
Glad to know you.
She's the daughter of the
gentleman living upstairs.
Excuse me. Good night.
Is it her?
- Yes. Who does she look like? - I don't
know, she has something strange...
Fly, fly, fly.
Fly, fly, fly.
I've got her.
She's very smart.
She was in the fishmonger's,
near the station.
Come on, come on...
He does have a woodcutter's face.
That's fine. And thank you
for last night's gift.
It doesn't matter.
Good afternoon.
You are the son...
I can't greet you as I should
with the cat in my arms.
Mr. Kaneko.
Your daughter's not at home.
She went out very early.
- Where could she have gone?
- Stay calm, she'll be back.
She was wearing the kimono she
dresses in when modelling for my husband.
I knew this would happen.
I knew you'll feel this way until you'll
break it off
with men like him.
D'you want a glass?
I can't hear you.
It wasn't a good idea...
...running away only with this kimono.
If I was you...
You're still young and beautiful.
Explain this. If you don't have anything,
what d'you think you'll live from?
- I'll try.
- What is it that you want to try?
I want to begin a new life.
D'you really think that everything
has already been decided,
and that we can't change our destiny?
If we resist, we'll go forward,
even if we have to eat pumpkins.
A lot of people manage it.
Sure! I don't thank, you.
- Is it worth living like this?
- Why not?
People live like this,
and they are happier than we are.
You are talking about
the painter's family, aren't you?
They are cowards.
Don't say that.
I know them, and they're very strong.
They're cowards!
No. We are the coward ones!
- You're making me nervous!
- Why are you getting upset?
Because you don't want to reason.
You'll be back crying.
Get lost!
Kaneko-san! Kaneko-san!
What's the matter, mate?
You disappeared from the house,
and I knew nothing about you anymore.
- Pay my share, have you forgotten?
- Be sure I haven't forgotten.
I'm ashamed of what I've done,
and I can't go on.
And your girlfriend?
Where's she?
the cat had kittens.
When it rains, it pours.
I went to buy food.
Four miserable fishes cost me 120 yen.
Listen, I don't know if you knew,
the portrait will be exhibited
in an art gallery.
And they say they want to give it to me.
It was well received.
They write about it in
Monday's paper.
Look, here.
"The portrait painted by Mr. Nomura is,
in everyone's opinion, a masterpiece."
It is acclaimed by the biggest experts.
And it goes on:
"The author's sensitive eyes,"
"have captured the model's inner beauty"
"as well as her outward beauty."
"And both virtues have been figured
on the canvas,"
"with a master's craftsmanship
and profound emotion."
Did you hear? I don't understand it,
but it seems a good review.
would you like to go see it with me?
I was there yesterday,
but I'll go with you.
What's the matter, Youko?
I saw a girl who looked very much like
miss. Midori.
- The alleged miss?
- She is. I'm sure.
I'm sure she's kind.
I don't believe anything you're saying.
- Look...
- Enough already.
See? Kumiko thinks the same way.
Look closely at the painting,
an you'll understand? Isn't it so, dad?
Ichiro, I wasn't inspired by a lie.
Even if you don't believe it,
you'll see a honest girl in the painting.
Kindness itself.
I assure you.
Her expression makes me think that...
I don't know how to explain it.