Shree 420 (1955)

Damn it!
One, two, three cars...
Absolutely useless.
What's wrong? What happened, driver?
Why stop?
Sir, a vagrant is lying
unconscious on the ground
He must be a miserable
fellow with no money
Driver, put him in the car
You know it's my duty to
serve humanity
He is unconscious. It looks
as if he hasn't eaten a thing.
He may be love sick
He looks like a...
- Driver fast to the hospital
O God! Save my soul.
Doctors want only to operate
So you were faking it,
pretending, eh?
I was completely worn out.
I didn't have train fare
Driver, stop the car!
Blasphemy! Fake!
Get out of the car!
As you please.
You were kind a minute ago
Does he suffer from fits?
How dare you! Do you know
who you're talking to?
Seth Dharamanand
I don't have any sympathy
for your sort
If you want to reform, swear
that you won't lie or cheat
And you'll speak only
the truth
On the contrary, if you lie,
you drive in a huge car
Soft hands apply eau-de-cologne
Speaking the truth you suffer
Driver, let's go.
He looks like a crook
Seth Sonachand, if I'm
a crook, a 420...
Bombay 420.
Let's go, old pal
My shoes are Japanese.
My trousers are English.
The cap on my head is Russian
but my heart is Indian.
I venture into
the big, wide world
I walk with my head held high
Where does my destination lie,
where will I ever settle?
The Creator up above us
only knows
Like true soldiers,
we forge ahead
Up and down,
round and round...
...flow the eternal
waves of life
Foolish are those
who sit on the side lines
With little care
for their country's fate
To forge ahead is like life,
To stop still is like death
There may be many a prince,
many a ruler
I am like a prince,
just as spoilt
I sit on the mighty throne
Whenever I feel in the mood
Cry the crowds in amazement:
He looks very familar
The cap on my head is Russian
but my heart is Indian.
Is Bombay filled
with only deaf people?
Only the deaf live here.
- And the blind
People in Bombay
hear the jingle of coins
This is Bombay, Bombay
High buildings are made of cement.
People have hearts of stone
Only one thing is sacred,
that's money
Move aside.
It's time for business
Business? You mean work?
That's what I'm looking for.
What can I do to earn my keep?
Do what I do... beg!
Tell me, what kind
of work can I find?
Let me think it over.
Are you educated?
B.A. passed. Look at my
degree. I have it here.
I have a medal for honesty,
a gold medal
Can you work hard?
- 24 hours a day.
No jobs here
No jobs? No work even for
someone educated? Why?
Because this is Bombay.
It's a big city
If you look for work,
you'll never find it
If you live by lying and
cheating there are 420 ways
Thank you, boss.
I've learnt a lot today
How much are these?
- Don't touch
8 annas a dozen,
2 annas for 3
Eight annas a dozen
or two annas for three
Two annas for three.
No, three annas for two.
3 annas for 2. It isn't free.
How will I survive?
Take them at 2 annas for 3,
or get lost.
Why do you insist?
3 annas for 2
No way! 2 annas for 3
Think it over
Two annas for three
Three annas for two
He must be nuts
Come over here
You want 2 for 3 annas?
Now we're talking
Oh yes, the money...
I don't have any
Some other time, but remember
3 annas for two
Here, pay me later
What if I never pay?
I'll think my son ate them
How old is your son?
- He's of your age.
Thank you.
You won't misunderstand?
You don't have bananas
but a heart of gold
I'll pay
He really is nuts, so naive
Like a banana?
Don't throw the skin anywhere.
Some don't care about others
They peel the banana and
they fling... anywhere
Uncouth people eating bananas
and throwing the peal anywhere.
What nonsense!
- This is Bombay
Everyone laughs at others
When they slip themselves,
they stop laughing
You're right, brother
Tell me. Is there a pawn shop
in the area?
It's over there.
Everything is sold and bought
Vidya, you've come
to collect your earrings?
No, I've come to sell
these bangles as well
The school isn't running well?
Get the money from the cashier.
Keep them. When you
have the money, return it
Who knows? Maybe I won't
ever see that day
Why talk like that?
It saddens me
One day, a prince will come
into your life
He'll be handsome and rich.
When he sees you, he'll be yours
And then he'll marry you.
He'll shower you with jewellery
Then you can return
all you owe me in one go
Take the money. Greet your
father. I'll visit on Friday
What is it?
What can I show you?
Nothing to buy,
something to sell
That's exactly
what they all say
What is it?
- Honesty
- I'll sell honesty
Here it is
Rashtriya Orphanage
Honesty Medal
How much will I get?
If honesty is sold,
what's left in life?
Did you say something?
- No, nothing
Uncle, I'll be off
You pawning it or selling it?
I thought I'd sell it
It's always been with me.
I'll sell it and be done with it
Maybe someday...
Forty rupees.
To get it back, pay 50
Now you watch! With these
40 rupees, I'll buy Bombay
That's what everyone thinks.
But no one can buy Bombay.
Bombay buys everyone.
Everyone ends up right here
I've got money
Here's a 2 rupees
I'll pay 5 rupees.
I have it here.
My money!
Who's taken it?
You scoundrels!
420's! Crooks!
Thieves! You play cards
and you rob decent people
Aren't you ashamed?
Where do you think
you're going?
Can't you see this is reserved?
Go away!
Would you mind
if I slept here tonight?
Pay a shirt.
- No shirt
I've a Russian cap instead.
- Don't you get it?
A deposit!
I mean money, cash
I paid 3 rupees.
Pay half and stay
Rs. 1.50?
That much just to sleep here?
- Yes, 1.50
What do you think? Even a dog
has to pay to sleep here
This footpath is specially
very soft
Next door to Seth Dharmanand
When he sits to dinner
and the air blows here...
Ah, the aroma!
I don't have money even
to buy poison.
Let me sleep here tonight.
- You are not home.
Why involve my family?
Well, what will you do
if I sleep here?
What are you doing?
Picking on him as he's alone
May I ask if this pavement
is yours?
No one owns this footpath,
this is a side-walk
It belongs to the State
Hello, lady banana seller
- How come you're here?
What's going on?
- Nothing, really...
I was walking and felt
tired so I sat down
These brothers were
looking after me.
Were they beating you?
What were they up to?
Bravo! Hitting the poor boy.
Did they hurt you?
Where do you live?
Where do you sleep?
Nowhere. Where do people
who live nowhere, live?
Right here. Stay with us
on the government's pavement.
Listen everyone,
regard him as our son
Take good care of him.
Treat him well. Help him.
You'll stay here.
- This footpath is our domain
Sit comfortably
Bring tea and snacks.
Don't forget the chillies
Forgive me if I hurt you.
- It happens, you know
Don't worry. Ganga Ma's
children are like brothers
I'm like your brother,
what's your name?
I told you all once,
our day would come
Our Raj is here
What do you do for a living?
I'm looking for work.
What a job that is!
You seem to be new here,
that's why you look for work
Or else you'd have fun
like us
What do you do?
Our stories can be told
in a single word: jobless.
Tell us your story.
Where are you from?
If we're to be as one,
tell your story.
Tell us something exciting,
I feel sad today
O gently people,
hear this story
A simple story with no frills,
aimed to give many thrills
I was once a boy
of a poor family...
...who inherited
his mother's destiny
Grief and suffering
were my childhood friends
Pain and breath did blend
Alas! With a face such as mine
A thief and I
look one of a kind'
On the street, one day,
for no rhyme or reason
An officer took me away
An officer
Peered over his spectacles
He looked me over
barring no obstacles
Said he: Can you see no more
He's the warden's brother-in-law
I'm still bound by misery
I'm happy but not in ecstasy
My destination lies before me.
My feet are tied for all to see
Rich folk hinder the fun
Heed me but tell none
Don't walk with head down
Don't sing without rhyme.
Don't shout without reason
Or you will end up in prison!
Why were you sleeping here?
- Sir?
The problem is,
I had a row with my wife
She threw me out of the house
You know the women
of today are like men
Get lost.
Is this a place to sleep?
Get lost.
Go on! He must be a newcomer.
He's nuts
What are you doing?
Can't you see?
Why are you doing that?
To see this wretched world
you have to look at it upside down
All the leaders of the
country do the same thing
Then, they see it right
Behave yourself
or I'll straighten you out
Constable, is this a crime?
Get along
You broke the castle
Some people are like that,
they can destroy, not build
They sell honest and sin
What must they do?
I agree
Hey you! Wait, Stop!
Were you trying
to commit suicide?
What? Me? Committing suicide?
Yes, suicide
- You mean suicide?
You said that people
like me should drown
That was...
I mean, I'm sorry
You're right, people
like me should drown.
It's a sin
to commit suicide
You won't will you?
- Of course, I will
It's the last sin.
So what if you saved me?
Listen, I won't
let you commit suicide.
Can you stop me, if I
want to take my life?
I'll call the police
to stop you
- What are you up to?
I'm up to something,
but will she agree?
- Let me tell you, come this way
She's the one
- Your wife?
She's pretty
Don't get taken in by her face,
she's poison
She jumped into the sea,
I had to get her out
She says: I'll drown and
take you with me
She refuses to go home
So that's it? I'll fix her
You'll save a mariage
from breaking up
What is it?
- Go home
- Home
You, too
- As you say, Constable
Come, let's go
Don't be cross
What are you saying?
Who are you to order me?
Hear that? She says who
am I to order me?
Tell her who I am
Go home or else
to the police station
Why? What have I done?
- Committing suicide
But I was...
She says she dived in
save me
Not another word from you.
Go home
Why bicker like children?
Wives should not leave
their homes like that
You're of the modern generation.
A woman is a home's goddess.
Each Indian woman should
regard her husband as a god.
That's enough!
This is my home. Now go
Have you started again?
Get inside.
You're still following me?
I see you home, and you
say I've no manners
What is it?
- I've had it! Father
I will tell him
You can't go inside
- Why not?
Let me meet him
Who are you arguing with?
- She is arguing with me, father.
Who are you?
- He's...
Shri. Ranbir Raj
- My father, Pandit Omkarnath Shastri
He dived into the sea
- Into the sea
Tell her not
to jump into such deep waters
Don't interrupt, I'm talking.
...I was there
Or else, she would have been
I didn't jump in
- Don't play with life
That's what I said too,
our life is given by God
To misuse it is ungrateful
He jumped in...
- Change your clothes
I'll sit for a while. Be careful
or you might catch pneumonia
He's right. Go and
change your clothes
Serve some tea to
our guest
Sit down.
Thank you, my son.
You've done me a favour
She's all I have in the world
It was my duty.
- Who helps anyone these days?
You risked your life for her.
To jump in the sea is simple.
I can swim for miles
It's a pity that
my expensive suit got wet
Hurry with tea,
he might catch a cold
You're cheerful
You put yourself
to such bother
The tea is hot, be careful
Liars burn tongues
Did you burn yours?
Not my tongue, but my heart
You're a very funny fellow.
Hurry, Vidya
The kids are waiting
- She has fifty
Fifty, my God!
Father, I'd better go
We have a small school
- A school?
I see!
Since I've been paralysed,
Vidya has run the school
We live on little.
The poor live here
We are poor, too.
We have nothing better to offer you.
We don't have even a comfortable
chair for you to sit.
It's first class.
Don't let it worry you
Be careful! Are you hurt?
Don't worry
It isn't your fault.
I've put on a little weight.
One little seed, two seeds
Seed on seed
On the roof the girl dances,
The crazy boy takes his chances
There lived
a little girl called Lalbai
She wears a red skirt
that a pie
She burns your mouth
and she makes your cry
Have a guess!
A chilli!
It's green and
It's surrounded with pearls
Deep in the garden
of the king it sways and whirls
Its hair is quite wild
and filled with curls
It's a creature
with money spread on its tail'
It wears
a crown on its head like a sail
It dances full of glee,
Full of joy in a gale.
A peacock!
One little seed, two seeds
Seed on seed
Though it's quite out of sight,
It stays close and near
It eats, it drinks,
have little or no fear
Don't fall into its snare,
Be careful, be wise, beware
No! It's me!
Did you see?
She lost her own game.
Teacher lost the game
She lost!
Celebrate with a holiday.
Go home
Sit down all of you!
Come back!
Or you will be in for it
Uncouth, illiterate!
Letting them go
Why get so cross?
Let them have some fun
Fun and game, eh?
To be useless like you?
True, I don't have
any work but...
...I'm not. That's the tragedy
If I were, I would be a labourer
What can I do? I am a graduate
That's an even bigger lie!
Look at you.
Do you look educated?
My appearance fools you
If I were dressed
grandly and had a car...
...You wouldn't have called
me illiterate
I don't blame you.
The world is not compassionate
Clothes make a man
Fine clothes are more imporatant
than human sentiments
That isn't true.
We aren't rich.
You see, poor people live here
It's shameful that
the poor forget the poor
Seeing how scruffy I look,
one may assume I'm uneducated.
So I carry my diploma with me
Look... I am a graduate.
B.A. passed
I am very sorry
I don't understand why you
dress and behave like a clown
You've got to stand on your
head to see the world straight.
The mask of a clown
is just the thing you need
If you ask me, the best way to
hide one's suffering is to don...
...the mask of a clown.
It's very useful
Stay longer.
- Is Panditji in?
Can I help you?
- Thank you, Vidya
If I need help, I'll come to you.
Right now I want to help myself
My destiny beckons me
What does your fate have
in store for you?
Whatever I do,
whichever path I tread...'ll see,
I'll become famous and rich
No one will look down on me
I shall command respect
and admiration.
Long live Dharamanand
Bombayities, accept my greetings
Hindus: Ram Ram, Muslims: Salam
Morning to Christians and
Sat Sri Akal to Sikhs
You all know the importance
given to religion and culture
Friends, look at my clothes
From head to foot I am dressed
in clothes made in India
Gentlemen, look at me!
My shoes are Japanese,
my trousers are British
My cap is Russian, but
my heart is Indian
Let me repeat, the one thing
that's Indian is my heart
Our greatest problem is...
Bread! Chapatis, nan,
idli, dosa
Whatever you call it,
bread is most essential.
Do I lie?
- No, It's the truth
The problem of bread is one of
the soul and peace of mind
You cannot find peace of mind
if you go hungry
That's right!
Many cloud over real issues
like history and religion
Putting emphasis on...
Brothers who want to eat
real bread, come to me
To swallow air, go over there
Brothers and Sisters! Heed the
call of time, the call of truth
Come to me, lovers of bread
No one is better equipped
to solve this
I will ask you one thing...
What is required to eat bread?
- That's it. Bravo!
One thing's more important
than money. You can deceive others
You can beg, borrow or steal
for bread
But you can never
eat bread without...
TEETH! Yes, brothers, teeth!
Is that clear to everyone?
If your teeth are not strong,
how can you chew properly?
It will lead to indigestion...
weakness and disease
This will end up by weakening
the entire nation
Then enemies can invade
and conquer us, making us slaves
If you want to keep India free
and the nation stronger...
Preserve your teeth!
Brush them with my invention:
Teeth will sparkle
like the moon, the sun
Four annas each!
- A bottle for me
Let's get in line
Someone's selling Tooth Powder.
I see... a 420
Your teeth may be hurting, too.
Why not try that powder?
Tell us something,
what's the powder made of?
Does it contain crushed bones?
There's only coal and sand
from Chowpatty in this
Did you hear that?
He's been cheating us
Instead of powder,
he's selling sand. Hit him!
Where did they hit you?
Well, what do you
think you are doing?
It hurts.
- You deserved what you got
Stop it or you'll singe him
Tell me what the problem is
He was selling sand as
tooth-powder, he asked for it
He won't easily forget
the thrashing he got
Why laugh?
Tell me son, since when have
you started racketeering?
What else can I do, Ganga Ma?
- Drink it up while it's hot
Rest for a few days.
This is your home
Call it a footpath, not a home
He's crazy. If we have
a footpath, we'll have a home
Raj, you're educated.
Tell us it can be possible
One day, our government
will build us homes
Fine homes
It's possible that
like us will have homes
How shall we pay the rent?
For anything one must have a job
A worthwhile job
- Listen!
I was working in a laundry.
I was paid 45 rupees a month
The owner cut 20 rupees because
I burnt a cloth. Is that fair?
I spit at honest work
You left the job? But why?
I was fed up. I quit
You won't go back?
I'll find work
Where did you work?
- At the Jai Bharat Laundry
Have you worked in one?
I worked at the Sunlight Soap
factory, I mean laundry
I can't tell you
how well I wash clothes
Do you have an iron?
A wife? How can I? I don't
have a job or a house.
I didn't say a 'wife',
but an iron!
I thought you said a 'Wife'.
About the ironing, sir...
I'm from a line of washermen
You look a clown.
Can you work hard?
Yes, Sir!
Will you be honest?
- Yes, Sir.
You've got the job.
You'll be paid 45 rupees.
Start now.
Ram, how is it spelt?
- R... A... M
Raj, how is it spelt?
- R... A... J
Once, again, children!
I am sorry,
I can't understand you
Why do you dress like this
and act like a clown?
Who is it?
Oh, it's you!
How are you?
I came to give you this
Why did you take the trouble?
- It was my duty.
How is Panditji?
How are you?
I've some news.
I have bought a laundry
It's in Parsi bazaar.
To get there walk...
...just left of Kharsi Parsi
If you feel like it, come visit
I got a new suit
I couldn't visit earlier,
I'm so busy at work
At last, I found
a spare moment today
I am very busy.
It's late. I'll go now.
I thought I just saw you
putting on a coat
Fooled by appearance
Clothes are tailored for human
beings and not vice-versa
I don't understand.
- Look
The dress...
The man. What do you say?
I came to see how
your laundry is doing
Very well.
15 or 20 people work here
I'm the boss
We eat and drink well
I didn't wear the suit.
It may get spoilt in the rain.
What will you have?
Where will you have tea?
At the Taj or at the Greens?
They're too far away
I'm very tired as well
The local footpath Palace Hotel.
It isn't very far
Here's the footpath restaurant.
Limited furntiture
Make yourself comfortable,
I'll be back
Two special teas, with milk and
sugar... double the tea
And the unpaid bills?
You don't seem to see
the delicate predicament I'm in
Please wait until I get paid.
Look who's here with me.
Why should I care? You already
owe me 6 rupees 10 annas
Please understand
Let me have some tea,
my honour's at stake
At least, Pay for today's order
Taste Uncle's tea,
you won't go else where
Have you got two annas?
- You mean some change?
I've no change for a hundred
and uncle never has any either
Right, Uncle?
Can I ask something?
If two decent young people
fall in love...
They should marry, right?
When they marry,
they must have children
They will need a home and
clothes to dress the children
Later, the children must
be sent to school
I earn only rupees 45
at the laundry
How can I dream of a marriage
life on 45 rupees, tell me?
A man alone cannot do it, but
if both of them work together
You mean... Vidya, you and I?
I'll come to talk
to your father tomorrow
We're in love,
We know it's passion
Why are our hearts
filled with apprehension?
My heart warns me
the path ahead isn't easy
Little do we know where we go
Our destination is hazy.
Assure me no change
will enter our love's rhyme.
Assure me you'll
not change with passing time
One day,
if you're no longer mine
The moon will no longer shine
Each night will be
filled with our story
The youth of tomorrow
will sing our melody
Neither you nor I will remain
But the tokens
of our love will reign.
Constable! It's you.
Is your wife still angry?
Wife? The iron!
Oh Lord! Fire! Water!
Fetch some water!
Hurry up, bring the water!
What's going on?
What's the matter?
What's this nonsense?
Stop this nonsense!
Who did it?
Whose iron is this?
It was my mistake,
I left my iron here
Well done! You spoke the truth,
you will be fined
You'll work tomorrow as well.
- But tomorrow's Sunday!
I must see someone.
- Shut Up!
Three jacks
Three queens
What about you?
Three kings
Let me see
Three aces
Excuse me Madam,
here are the clothes
I'm only here
delivering clothes
Must be John's
That's right
I'm from Sunlight Laundry,
I mean the Bharat Laundry
Sit down
It was my mistake...
Please forgive me
Don't report it
or else I'll be fired
Sit down!
Madam, please,
I don't know anything
Don't misunderstand me,
I was only passing time
Deal now.
Look at your cards, 3 aces
It's the truth,
I'm not a crook, I'm not a 420
I'd better be off
I'm not a cardshark.
Don't report me to the police.
I can't afford to lose my job.
Here's the bill. Please sign it.
Sit down. I'll be back
Come here, Johnny
Meet a true magician
He deals and three aces appear
Always drinking!
I wish you were alert
We've to rush to the party
What party?
You mean for a game of cards?
I've specially set it up.
You lie here drunk
I've found a Master
at Cards. He'll teach you
So what! Why don't you take him
instead? I'm not going anywhere
I'll call it off!
Please don't tell the police.
I have done you no wrong.
I'll inform the police right
away unless you obey me
What must I do?
I am a gentleman
Sign the receipts, Madam
and let me go
I'll do that
Change the clothes
People call me Maya.
- I'm Raj
I work at the Bharat Laundry.
I earn Rs.45 and get fined...
if I burn any clothes. If my boss
sees me in this suit, I'll be fired
Forget that you work
in a laundry
Forget that you earn 45 rupees
I'm giving you a new life,
do you understand?
You are no longer the same Raj
of the laundry
But a prince, a real Raj
A rich man
In these clothes...
...You will be respected
wherever you go.
Rich and important people will
be proud to have you as a friend
I shall take you to a dreamland;
the world of wealth.
Today, I shall open the gates
of a bright new world
What Sir? I am only the waiter
I am only a washerman
Why behave so idiotically?
Your face should have
the grace of the royalty.
You should act and be royal,
like a prince
I will remove one mask and
replace it with another
Maya, you are
a splendid sight
Hello, Philachand.
Meet Raj Kumar of...
Very suddenly,
the game will be great
Meet my friends
Mr. Raj Kumar is indeed great
I hope you're fond
of playing cards. We play flush
I produce three aces!
Today the party
will be in great joy.
We've anxiously awaited you
Meet Raj Kumar of...
Sonachand Dharamanand,
the King of Cotton
Glad to meet you
I think
I've met you somewhere before
On the road?
We're in the same business
Raj Kumar is indeed
a great fellow
Let's not waste time.
Let's start now.
Not a bad idea.
- Hurry up, let's make a move
Why worry, madam?
A spot of luck and
all this is yours
It reminds me of Monte Carlo
Deal Raj Kumar
I will see my hand first
I stake 200 rupees.
- The same for me
Why are you getting worked up?
Very suddenly, the game
has turned spectacular
400 for me
I wish only you both
were playing
Blind. 200 rupees
Why don't you see your cards?
Four hundred, this time
No one can compete
with Raj Kumar
What do you say?
400 or 500 is nothing.
A thousand
I hope it isn't a false move
Here. I stake a thousand
My play.
- Why waste your money?
I have no money left.
Let's see your hand.
I have three kings
You can't beat that
Why rush?
Three aces!
Have a look.
- Yes, I have
Three aces against three kings.
That's what you call a hand!
He's a prince, after all.
They say money begets money
No, it's pure luck
There's no such thing as luck.
Everything lies in your fingers.
Aren't you tired of winning?
It's late. Let's go
You have a plane
to catch to Piplinagar.
Cash it at the counter
I'll leave now.
- Play a round with me
Very suddenly, it's grand
Please sit down
Very interesting.
Just like Monte Carlo
Pay cash
Excellent. It's been
a good game
Good! My boss believes
in the cash principle
Just a moment, Sahib.
I'll shuffle the cards
No, I won't
You suspect me.
It's insulting
You deal. It's a
question of honour
100 rupees blind.
- 200 rupees blind
Same here.
- It will take far too long
Let's finish it in one go
Blind, 1000
Two thousand!
Had you played partly blind
it would have been interesting.
I stake 4000
I'll move
The game is serious. May I consult
my brother on the telephone?
Go ahead... but your cards?
You met your match.
- Raj Kumar is big-hearted
Where is Piplinagar?
Is it in Uttar Pradesh?
It is in Madhya Pradesh.
That's it, brother,
the very same hand
Fifty thousand! All right
I'll come home soon
My brother will back me up to
50,000 if the cards are good
My 10,000
What did you do?
Why not see the hand?
No, Sir... it looks like
you have three aces again.
Seth, I'll take your leave I'll...
Since you are leaving,
show me your cards.
Two, three and five. Total bluff!
Sorry that you lost so much
It's nothing. Meeting you means
profit, only profit.
19,800 rupees
Madam... here's the suit
Put it there
How much dirty money is there?
- About 20,000. And so?
Twenty thousand?
That much money?
My playing made so much
Let's see how quickly you
can leave the room
Madam, I have earned this money.
We could divide it between us
Equal share?
You think you're my equal?
Who are you?
What is your status? A taste of
the good life has turned your head
You? My equal?
Don't forget you work
in a laundry
Look at your clothes, your face!
Return to the gutter you're from
Here's the bill for
the clothes you borrowed
Take this
10 rupees... your tip
Who are you?
And your status?
A taste of the good life has turned
your head. You? My equal?
Don't forget you work
in a laundry
Look at your clothes, your face!
Return to the gutter you're from
Well, Mr. Raj Kumar!
Piplinagar specialises
in washing lines, I see
Such a pity that a man of
your kind of talent...
...should be rotting in a laundry
What can I do?
Maya cheated you.
She was wrong
Honesty should be
a policy in business
20,000 is a mere trifle
for a man like you
The Creator has given
you a fine brain
It's within your reach
to earn thousands, millions
You mean it isn't difficult
to become a millionaire?
Take this and keep it.
- What is it?
Advance for a partnership
Didn't I tell you when
we met that meeting you...
...means profit, only profit?
See you
Father, change your clothes
- Crazy girl!
Not a word. It's the Festival
of Lights
And you must be properly dressed
It's you.
I thought...
- Some gentleman, right?
My appearance
has fooled you once again
Don't take it seriously,
they're hired
They're hired?
In this world clothes, honour,
everything's for hire
I wasn't sure you'd...
...have the time
to visit the goddess
Why did I come, then?
Take this.
- What is it?- Open it
Accept my Diwali greetings, too
Where's father?
- He's in
Such an expensive sari.
That's if I'm not mistaken...
It isn't hired. It's the first
gift I've bought
Get ready soon.
- Where to?
The temple.
- In such an expensive sari?
Hurry up!
- Father
Don't refuse his gift,
it is an offering of love
Try it on
Sit down, son
Which temple are you going to?
The temple of the Goddess of Wealth
It's Diwali today. I thought
I'd take Vidya to enjoy it all
Of course, my son.
You're looking smart today
You look as though
you've found a treasure
Found a treasure?
No, not exactly
I have only the key. Very shortly,
Panditji, Bombay will be all mine
Stay happy, my child.
God bless you both
Won't you come
to see the festival?
You both go and have a good time
Where are we? We were to go to
the temple of Goddess Laxmi.
This is the temple
and these are her devotees
You cleaned me out the other
day and you're back
From Pilpilinagar?
- No, Piplinagar
Very suddenly,
Where did you find this moon?
Introduce her to me.
A Princess of...?
She is the Princess
of Vidya Nagar
Vidya Devi does not like
being called a princess
I get it! A democratic princess.
How do you do?
Please join us
Raj, why do you avoid me?
Been to the races?
Have a cigarette.
- Isn't she beautiful?
Some soda?
- Tell us how old are you?
How charming you look.
Won't you play a round with us?
For a ten rupee tip?
Excuse me, I am busy
It feels like we're in Monte Carlo.
Look at her hand
Very suddenly,
everyone will be rich
Meet the Princess
of Vidya Nagar
The Prince and the Princess
are on the same level
You're wearing a lovely sari!
Where is it from?
From Leelaram's?
I've an identical sari,
I wanted to wear it
But it's at the cleaners
It didn't return
from the dry cleaners
Don't pay attention
to what Maya says
She is a wicked person
Wait, Vidya!
I will explain, later.
Let's go elsewhere.
Thanks a lot.
I know the way out
Wait, Vidya!
- Who is she?
Where are you going?
- Vidya's gone
If one goes, you'll find others
Now you'll enter your new world
It is the Festival of Lights.
We have planned a big game
You've had an advance
for the new trade
But... Vidya
You don't need
the wisdom of Vidya
Today, you need
the wealth of Maya
Don't look back,
don't think of the past
As you journey through life,
you are not alone
I stand right beside you
Our destination
is clearly before us
The clouds are like waves,
rolling past us
The caravan
of life never stops
Don't look back,
don't think of the past
As you journey through life,
you are not alone
I stand right beside you
Look everyone
straight in the eye
Smile with each passing season
The world is his
who looks ahead
The world is his
who adapts to the times
The world is his
who fits the mould
The world is his
who forges on
Come outside!
Stop being a child
Leave this world of morality
and piety
See the world as it really is
Do you know who I am?
I'm but a slave
You're drunk
The world thinks that
I am drunk
Laugh! It's such
a happy occasion
Laugh at the humiliation
I suffered
I have never been humiliated before.
What'll they think?
Whatever they want to
What good has the world
done for me? Why care?
This world did not care
when I was starving
This world did not provide
work when I was jobless
When I was homeless
it gave me no shelter.
Vidya, you'll see.
They will respect me
They will respect me well
All because of this...
Money! Respect!
Fame! Luxury!
A life of luxury.
A new life for you and for me
For both of us
You have stolen,
you have robbed
A sleight of hand.
One card moves from here to there
You cheated at cards.
Its fruit is bad.
- See the bad fruits, then
You are chasing paper
One day, a storm of fate
will blow it all away
You'll grovel
in a pool of corruption
Raj, don't fall into this
trap. Don't be corrupted
Tell the others who build
empires on fraud
Through fraud they
make millions
They rule the world
Sermons and advice about
honesty are given to the poor
Keep working hard,
slog away
Eat the dry bread of honesty
and thank God for your lot
How you have changed!
You came in ragged clothes and
I took you for a prince
Forget that old Raj.
Forget him
What's past is past.
Don't look back
We're entering a new world.
Will you stand by me?
You live in a new world now
where everyone is for sale.
But I'm not for sale,
do you understand?
Very well, then I'll leave
Remember, you and others like
you who laud honesty...
...will perish with hunger
I won't starve.
I have money, I have wealth
O beloved
for my sake
Don't break my heart this way
I implore you
Look back once before you leave
If you must leave,
look back once before you go
You've left me with
a broken heart. Don't forget me
Although I remain silent,
my eyes implore you
Don't let me fall away
let a tear from your eye
Welcome, Raj Kumar Sahib
of Piplinagar
Why do you hesitate?
Come inside
Are you ready to start work?
Thank you.
What do I have to do?
If you had to deliver
a thousand tons of rice?
Only 800 tons?
There's no need to panic.
If you can't find rice...
...then you can find
200 tons of bricks
Get it?
I'm starting to understand
I shall have
to find work for you
It must be something that
is of interest to people
What do people
want most in life?
People want to get rich overnight
Win at the races or at
cards or in gold mining
Can you turn dirt into money?
I told you when we first met.
It meant profit, only profit
Is this the Tibet Gold Company?
Whom do you want?
- This is Raj, Raj, Raj and Co
All three Rajs are inside?
- Yes
Hello, a long distance call?
Yes, this is Raj, Raj, Raj, Ltd.
Managing agents for Tibet Gold
Twenty thousand? No, I can sell
you 10,000 shares only.
Welcome Seth.
- Mr. Raj?
The other Mr. Raj?
- That's me, too
I'm three Rajs rolled in one
What can I do for you?
- It's about the Tibet Gold
Gold in Tibet. Everyone
talks of gold in Tibet
This gold business
is a real headache.
From each and every
corner of the world
I keep getting phone calls
He must be a big shot
Shall I book a call
to Japan?
Oh no! A call from Japan
Where do I get them from?
We mustn't lose him
I'm trying to beat him down
to a 100
I finally persuaded him
Seth, who started this
gold mining business in India?
You did.
- No, we Indians did.
Everyone wants shares.
Tell me what can I do?
Let's start business,
I'm in the same trade
Give me 50 shares
- I'll buy more later
The demand for shares is rising.
You can have 20
How can you do this?
As this company is Indian,
you should give us priority
Who am I doing this for, anyway?
Not more than 20 shares
Have 5000 and give me
the fifty shares
It feels like we've known
each other for years
You're forcing me into this
Get the certificates from Cashier
May I give you some advice?
Start mining in Tibet
With your blessings, I already have
No, learning and knowledge
cannot be sold
Uncle, you can't keep helping us.
- Why do you say that?
I heard you're getting married soon.
Then your luck will turn
Uncle, that isn't it
- What is it, then?
Panditji told me you liked
a young man, what happended?
Did he turn out to be bad?
- No, it's my luck that's bad.
You're lucky. Remember
what I've always said:
One day, a prince will come
into your life...
Come in, it's been ages
since you last visited
Only goddesses are visited
What brings you here?
- To sell knowledge
You're here to sell knowledge
I'm here to buy honesty
Here's 50 rupees, please
can I have my medal back?
I'll fetch it, please wait
How is the school where you
raise little saints?
The school is closed. My little
saints have turned to crime
They're preparing to be 420s
The school's closed.
It's terrible. Can I help?
Thank you. Open a school
with your own money
And teach them how to buy honesty
Mister, your honesty!
Take your honesty with you
It's you?
- Me?
What is it?
- You! You look splendid!
Your white collar, your bow-tie,
your suit, very handsome
You've found the way to become
a big man. Now, you're happy
What is the matter?
Aren't you happy?
No. Raj, I'm very sad
What's happened?
You know I'm not a big man
Raj, where have you
disappeared to?
Raj! Raju!
Vidya, you're very late today
Take this
No uncle, I don't want any tea
Why not?
You're my regular customer
I don't even have two annas.
- So what?
Many 420s drink their tea
here and never show up again
You haven't been here for ages
Don't you look grand?
Sit down, I'll bring tea
Wait, Vidya.
I want to tell you something
But I don't want to listen
- You have to listen. Sit down
Special tea for you
Do you remember...
...the day we had tea together?
We made promises to each other.
We dreamt a dream
I told you we'd have a home
We would send our children to school.
I'm trying to make it come true
Do you have to do it dishonestly,
through fraud?
Try and understand.
I'm not as bad as you think.
I cheat those who cheat others
Don't pity them
If I pity anyone, it's you
Do you know where this
path will lead you to?
You wanted me as your wife
You'll end up in jail,
whose wife will I be then?
You wanted your children
to go to school
You know what they'll say?
Their father is a crook
Think about it. How can people
like us manage without money?
One can't breathe without it
Money! Money! Money!
Raj, what have you done?
Why did you do it? You have
shattered our dreams of a home
Tell me if I have harmed you.
Why did you do it?
You've been tempted by all false
world, by clothes, by cars
Tell me, Raj
You've lost everything
for a sham world
You've sold yourself
to a tinsel world. Go back
And buy the love you need.
I've given my heart to you.
Only to you
Your eyes sparkled
with the light of passion
Your eyes never glinted
with greed nor treason
You were another,
you were not the same
Your spirit was pure
your heart inflicted no pain
Little does it matter
if I regret or suffer in vain
In your new world, in
your universe...
in exchange of gold
hearts are bought, hearts are sold
In our world,
under the tree of sorrow
Hearts skip a beat
at the mention of love
Under the moon and starts
the night in song flows
I've given my heart to you,
only to you.
I've given my heart to you,
only to you.
Memories haunt me,
with a sweet pain
I never learnt how to console
my grieving heart
Little does it matter,
if you don't return, if you forget
I have not learnt how to love
and then to forget
Even from that faraway place,
just tell me once:
I've given my heart to you,
only to you.
I've given my heart to you,
only to you
The path is the same,
the traveller is the same
But I wonder where a shining
star has disappeared to?
The world is the same,
people are the same
Little do they know
a life has been plundered
Who will stay in my heart?
Who will say to me:
I've given my heart to you,
only you
Long live Raj!
Didn't I tell you,
one day Raj will be back?
Then we'll have our own homes.
- My son is back
We thought you forgot us
One who lived on the footpath,
won't forget friends made there
Tell us when our homes
will be ready
- Your advertisement created a stir
Yes brother, look here
A home for a hundred rupees
Long live Raj!
Seth Sonachand, who placed
this advertisement?
Why did you leave the hotel?
Maya was most upset
You shouldn't have
let Maya down
A home for 100 rupees?
You did this. Who'll believe it?
How can you build one?
Which idiot told you
we intend to build homes?
I am not selling houses.
I am auctioning a dream
You know how many people sleep
on the footpath in this city?
All of them hope for one thing:
A home of their own
So even the poorest...
...among them will manage
to collect 100 rupees
So that we can build them a home
Seth Sonachand, I did everything
under the sun to help you
I cheated at the futures market,
sold bogus shares
You want me to cheat the poor
to make you rich
In this world we should not
make any distinction...
...between the poor and
the rich. No preferences
Do you think I'll do this?
What choice do you have?
Who was the one who agreed
to cheat in the first place?
You did
Who floated the Raj, Raj, Raj,
Company? You did
Take back your money.
Take everything
I want peace of mind
I don't want to work with you,
do you hear?
Do I build castles
in the air?
I can do away with you,
like that
Do you realise that each share
has been signed by you?
Do you remember I was
the first man to buy 50 shares?
I'll be the first to sue you.
Under Section 420
No Raj, you cannot get out easily
Whatever Vidya said was right
On that path you don't
need Vidya, but Maya
Have you become scared?
You're running away now
Running where?
To that worthless school teacher
I don't understand
what you see in that girl
I've seen dozens like her
A dime a dozen
What rubbish you talk!
- Don't get angry
Witch! Aren't you ashamed to speak
of her like that? I'll kill you
Hit me as much a you like
Remember, you will never
have the ideal wife
Such women are not for you
I'm the only one who will
accept you. Why are you sad?
You once worked in a laundry,
now you have everything
Money, fine clothes, a car,
a house to live in
Wealth? Home? Name? Luxury?
Everywhere I go,
I'm called 420
Remember something Raj,
those who remain petty thieves...
...are called crooks.
They are treated with disdain
To be a crook,
join the big time
Be like Sonachand,
play with millions
No one will dare to call you 420
You will be called a
philanthropist, a pious man
A big shot
A young man like you
can do many things
Today, Sonachand exploits
you for his ends
If you want, you can
double-cross him
You're right, that's exactly
how it's going to be
How many houses?
Around 114,557 people
have been registered
Over twenty million
Bravo, Raj! You are a genius
I am nothing before you.
Your genius works through me
What's this racket?
Who are they?
They are all partners who have
contributed to the construction
They are anxious
that we start work
We shall make
an announcement today
To see people so enthusiastic
frightens me
Frightened? Shall I return
their money?
Some men are here
to register their names
Tell them to return tomorrow
Have they cash? Let them in
I do not know how to refuse money
Go to your room. See you later
Come back soon.
We have to distribute the loot
Yes, Sir!
What a place he lives in!
Come in. Sit down
Remember friends, this is
Bombay... Bombay
Not the same Bombay
I've heard you're building
homes for the poor
Here's a beggar's treasure
I have 97 rupees, 6 annas
and two counterfeit coins
I am short of 2 annas
don't add a bolt
I want a house
Don't worry, brother,
I'll pay the difference
We're here to bless you
In jest, you called me a goddess.
You turned out to be a saint.
Take this
Here's 225 rupees
It's their savings,
make them a home
Make up the difference
with her wedding ornaments
Add all this up and
make them a home
Don't you want a house
for yourself?
You worry about all
Why bother about myself?
I'll stay with one of them
Are the homes
relly being built?
Whatever you want
will really happen
You must be busy, we'll go
Give us a house!
- God bless you!
Be ready Raj, I have made
all the arrangements
I am going away, far away
Take out the money from
the safe, here is the bag
They must be anxious
to collect their share
Seth Dharamanand and his friends
have everything set for you
You will get only 20,000
and the air-ticket
He'll announce
that Raj has run with the money
I have arranged everything
Give me the bag
- Can I come in?
I came here...
Vidya, you?
I hear you are building homes
Do you want one?
What use is it to me?
It's up to a man to make
a house into a home
Why are you here?
Can't you see we are busy?
I have a present for you
The medal for honesty you pawned
It may come in use
A gold medal? Honesty?
It is sold at Rs. 80 a gram
What you get is not honesty
What are you looking at?
Give me the bag, hurry
This money is not yours.
- It is yours
It's not mine, either.
- Then whose it is? Nonsense!
Here's the passport, the
air-tickets, a taxi's waiting
We'll soon be far away from India
Far from the police and Sonachand
I can escape from the police
and Sonachand...
...but I cannot
escape from myself
So you plan to run away
with the money
All the doors are closed
You want this money?
We must distribute it
All this money, every cent,
including a counterfeit coin
And the jewels of a lady
who dreamt of marrying
How will you distribute it?
If you can, then here it is
Is this place a maze?
Where are you taking it to?
It is my money
Traitors! I raised you from
the gutter and made you rich
And you defy me?
My money!
The bag!
- Let go!
You are a cheap dancer
I am Sonachand speaking.
There are thieves in my house
You can't escape Raj,
we have got you
You have had it.
- Stop talking rubbish!
Hand me the money.
- Give it to me
You bicker for a mere trifle
You want it?
Take it!
Men descended from the apes but
money has turned them into dogs
These are only papers.
The money?
- Treachery!
Only waste paper
The notes you were fighting
for are only made of paper, too
For this paper you are capable
of nothing.
To get it, you cheat people.
Collect bogus insurance claims
I am taking the proof of your
crimes. It's the end for 420s
Today, I will expose you all
The world will...
...know your benevolence
and Seth's true colours
Someone's shot Raju
They have shot him!
Who shot my son?
Who fired? What happened?
I shot him for the sake of
each and every one of you
He was running away
with your money
You don't know Raj,
he was a real 420
All lies! You are lying
Raj was not a crook,
you made him into one
When he first came to Bombay
he was so good, so cheerful
He wanted to work and
you didn't give him work
He had to live on the footpath
and sell his honesty
You taught him your evil ways
If you want wealth,
name and honour...
...then lie, play cards, dupe
others and be a 420
You are the real criminals
- Do you know who I am?
Yes, she is absolutely right
Raj was not a crook.
You made him into one
You old hag, if only you knew
what kind of person Raj was
Let the police get here
Who fired?
- I did
Do you know who I am?
- Yes, Seth Sonachand
You all know that my
first duty is to serve humanity
He was absconding
with the money of the poor
For their sake, I shot him
If that makes me a criminal,
they hang me
For the sake of the people
I'll give my life
Don't tell such a lie!
I am still alive
You did not die?
No, Seth Sahib.
Life itself is a 420
You perhaps forgot that
I put the pistol in the bag
And I loaded it
What is this?
Why this masquerade?
In this nonsensical world one
has to live by faking death
Everything is ready
To stop me, he fired 6 bullets.
To stop a thief, one suffices
Why six bullets?
For the sake of the people?
Or for the million?
- What is this talk of money?
That is exactly what I want to know.
- Where is the money?
Their money is where they put it
Inspector, take this key.
The money is upstairs in the safe
Ask them why the people's
money interests them?
Fetch the money from upstairs
and take Raj
Sethji, all of you had better
follow me
Take a close look at these
people. They are respectable
They are rich
They cannot be counted in one
hand, they are 420s
Not just a simple 420,
but Mister 420
Look at yourselves
Who will say you are poor,
unemployed and homeless?
Each of you has over
a million rupees
I have kept all your money safely
I did not intend to cheat you.
I wanted all of you to unite
If you want,
take back your money
Don't waste such a vast fortune,
don't disperse your strength
How can you build a home with
a 100? But with a million, yes
Go to the government
with this million
Say we are a million people,
we will build our own homes
Look carefully at me
I was one of you
When I came to Bombay,
I had everything
I was honest and hopeful
I hoped that I had be
a big man
And children whom I had
to send to school
I have lost everything
May God bless the noble person
who stopped me
She showed me that the cure
to poverty is not deceit
The cure is hard work. That's
the prosperity of the nation
May God bless her.
That is all I have to say
May none of you make the
same mistake
Come on Mr Raj
Let us go, old pal
I venture into the
big wide world,
I walk with my head held high
Where does my destination lie,
where will I ever settle?
The Creator up above us
only knows
Like true soldiers...
- We forge ahead
The cap on my head is Russian
but my heart is Indian
My heart is Indian