Shrine, The (2010)

- I read your article.
- Article? More a failure in my opinion.
It was well written.
- Spare me your sympathy Marcus.
Come on Carmen. How long you
stay still bitter about your work.
Nonsense. I wrote one article...
...and controversial stand
directly below the food chain.
You had better not begin, you
knew you would get trouble.
Can you tell me, please stop?
Where do you want to talk about?
You always have your phone doing?
Whether you agree about that fails,
I find both subjects best.
Why is this suddenly?
Never mind. I better go.
Seriously, what's this about?
You think I like this?
Every time we're together, you seem
in your mind somewhere else.
I am swamped with work,
you know Marcus.
Yeah, me too, but I put that out
of my mind when I'm with you.
Give more of yourself.
- Am I egostisch?
Yeah, whatever.
- That's enough.
Yeah, I guess so. I'm leaving.
- Yes, bees.
A farmer in Omaha says that the bees
do not return to the cabinets...
and only 20% of the
crop is pollinated.
Why do not we try
something else?
I want working on the
case of Eric Taylor.
A young man travels through Europe and
is missing, it happens regularly.
There's no story.
- No, there's more going on.
He was last seen when he left
a motel in Kozki in Poland.
Sara and I have researched and there
are five missing tourists...
during the last 50 years, all of
which have been in that spot.
Carmen, how often
do I have to say?
Listen, the strange thing is that shortly
after their disappearance...
baggage shows up at random locations
in Eastern Europe.
I talked with Laura Taylor,
Eric's mother...
They recently received a call from
the airport of Prague...
stating that Eric's baggage.
It is nowhere recorded that he
went to the Czech Republic.
That seems no conclusive
Have you ever been
to an airport?
Luggage gets there constantly searching.
Not interested.
And Carmen...
I do not want you wasting time with Sarah
and the missing persons stuff.
Is that clear?
- Hello mrs. Taylor.
I'm Carmen Berk.
- Carmen, nice to meet you, say Laura.
This is Sara Titasal, she
is an intern with us.
Hi Laura.
- Nice, please come inside.
Eric has been preparing
his trip one year.
He had little time for school.
He always wanted to travel.
How far is the police?
That's a joke.
Koski said the police
had found nothing.
I contacted the police here...
and after I have waited days
for a phone call...
they called to say that Eric is now
officially on the list of missing persons is.
and that his case was transferred
to another department.
You said there had been contact about Eric's
baggage, you have already received?
Yes, it's up in his room.
All his clothes are there, his books,
his journal, his hotel bills.
Have you passed to the police?
There is evidence among them.
Of course, I immediately
called them.
They said they were
too busy to come.
That they would come,
when they had time.
May I look at Eric's baggage?
Maybe there's something that helps us.
Yeah, sure, go ahead.
You find it very, if I
did not go upstairs?
I find it quite difficult in that room.
- I understand.
It's right above.
I'll make tea.
- Let me help you.
These are Eric and his cousin, when
they decided to take tattoos.
I told them they were
crazy, but...
Eric decided it wanted one.
Is this your husband?
- Yes, that's my Jim.
He died five years ago.
I'm sorry.
- Eric had suffered from.
Laura Eric's diary can I borrow?
I want to look better.
I do not see why not.
I do not think the police
will come soon to ask.
Thanks for your time.
The last diary entry, Alvainia.
Leave me alone.
I hate to fight with you.
There is a reason.
- I know. And I agree with you.
I was somewhat absent in
our relationship lately.
But I want to do something.
And why should you travel with me.
I appreciate that. But why not a
Cayman Islands or something?
Because there is no story can be
found in the Cayman Islands.
- Come on Marcus.
I find a great photographer and
I want you to take photos.
You know what, I leave my
BlackBerry in the hotel.
I do not know Carmen, it seems
a little dangerous.
That is possible.
- I'm not kidding.
It amazes me that Dale permits, it
seems more like a police matter.
Yes, but the police do
absolutely nothing.
I'm going anyway. That must be,
because we have the tickets already.
Think about it.
I must get back.
This is the contact
information on Carl Pierson,
the farmer with the dying crops.
East of him is a farm with apparently
the same problems.
Those bees just die off.
He looks forward to meeting you.
It will be a nice experience for you Sarah.
Do you find it exciting?
Yes, I find it very exciting.
Well. Keep your best girls. Rock and Roll.
- Rock and Roll.
Yes? Okay, great.
Oh no, everything has to
be quickly prepared.
No, the details come later.
I'm glad that you join.
Talk to you soon. Day.
Okay, let's go.
Marcus is pictures for us.
Listen, I want you to inform
motels in Poland...
beginning with the motel
where Eric was Kozki.
I can not believe we do.
- We must do something about our Polish.
- I'm already one step ahead of you.
And what else we know
of that place.
Not much. They make their own
clothes and grow their own food.
The region seems to be known
for its mushroom production.
Eric was apparently not long in Alvainia,
it says little about in his diary.
H, you hear this.
There is something strange about this town,
the people seem cold and dismissive.
There are no motels and hostels, so
I bivouac once in an old barn.
I saw a kind of smoke above the trees
at the edge of the village.
Unlike a fire, but it's more
like a mist that hangs.
He would have eaten mushrooms?
That in turn should be.
Now, I think we're there.
Put the car here but
down, we walk.
Eric had to be right
about this place.
Oh my God, disgusting.
Come on, that's a farmer, I must remember
where you come from Hot Dogs?
You said they are teaching English at school?
- Yes, I read.
Hello. They are beautiful.
Do you speak English?
Yes, a little.
My name is Carmen, which
are Mark and Sara.
What's your name?
- Lidia.
Lidia, which is a very
beautiful name.
Thank you.
We are journalists from America.
Do you know America?
Yes, cheeseburgers.
Yes, cheeseburgers.
Have you ever been outside
Alvainia, Lidia?
No it should not.
That is unfortunate.
Do you like it here?
No? Why not?
Lidia Listen, we're looking for a young
man, Eric Taylor, have you seen him?
You must leave.
- Have you seen this man Lidia?
Let's go.
Is this a Christian city?
I do not know, it
seems rather odd.
They treat them like royalty.
My God, when you talk
about your weird.
That's it, that must be what
Eric was talking about.
Why? It's still there.
What the hell is that?
I do not know, but that was the last
thing he wrote in his diary.
Let's investigate.
How can there now hover over
that one part of the woods?
I can see why Eric found
this intriguing.
I'm sorry, you speak English?
- You must go.
We are looking for someone,
maybe you can help us.
Do not touch me.
English h? You are English?
Go to England.
Okay, let's go.
There is nothing for
you, English.
Put the car on the side Marcus.
- What? Why?
Stop the car now
but on the side.
We have to.
- Do you kidding me?
Those guys looked as if they
wanted to murder us.
They hide something
in the woods.
No, they wanted us left, from
the moment we got there.
No, the guy followed us
through the village...
He only came to us as we
walked towards the fog.
They did not think we were going, for perhaps
the last place where Eric was.
Is not that special happen?
Carmen can not.
We have to.
- Why?
If we do not, it's
over my career.
Dale does not even know we're here,
he thinks we are in Omaha...
a stupid story. When I come back
with empty hands...
it happened to me.
Are you serious?
You had no permission?
Did you tell him anything?
Did you here from?
Listen, they just hide in the trees and
I want to find out what that is.
We have come this far,
we can not give up.
Please Mark, I need this.
We are investigating
it and that's all.
You should have known better,
here in its making.
They wanted here.
- She is still a child.
It should be straight on here somewhere,
I think the church is there.
Yes, I think you're right.
This is so strange.
How come it does not move?
It's so close.
It's too close.
- What do you mean.
I can here a picture of it...
but I can not miss those
great pictures.
Let's walk into the fog and researching.
- What's the point of Carmen?
We can not take pictures
of what we can not see.
We are not quite come to go to a bank
of fog in the woods to photograph...
I'm not looking for
such a story.
The story you are searching for,
is that we will be caught.
Oh God, stop it with your worry,
nobody knows we're here.
Yes, nobody in the whole damn
world knows we're here.
Jesus's sake Carmen.
Ok damn, where is she?
I have no idea, but we
have this damn road.
We let her not behind Marcus.
That said, I do not.
Okay, wait here, I see
what's going on.
Wait, I'll go look.
- No Marcus...
we're here because of me, I go.
Be careful.
What happened?
Where is Carmen?
- She is looking for you.
Carmen, she's here.
Everything good?
Are you hurt?
Are you hurt?
No, everything is good.
We better go.
What did you see?
I saw a statue.
Yeah, me too.
We'll talk about is
the way to the car.
Let it rest, we gotta go.
Lidia, what are you doing here?
I know where your friend.
Do you know where Eric Taylor?
I point you the way.
Come, follow me.
I really think that
we should go away.
We go along, come.
Oh my God.
Ok guys, Eric should
be one of these.
Here. Help me.
This is Eric.
It will not let go, it seems
stuck in the middle.
This symbol, which we also
saw at the church.
Lidia, what have they done
to him, why he wears a...
She's gone.
She has us trapped.
- What? Why would she do that?
Probably because that part
of the damn plan Carmen.
Can you get us out?
There's somebody down here.
It worked, come.
- Let's go.
We gotta go.
- Kidding, but where is the car?
Let's walk through.
H, is it?
There's a sort of path,
we must find him.
Wait, stop.
Damn, get out, come on.
- Mark, wait.
We can not stand.
- Where are we going?
No idea, but away from here.
- Can you run?
Yeah, that'll work.
- We can not stay here.
We go to the barn.
- Come on Sarah, run.
Come on, inside.
You see them?
Shut up.
We'd never have to go Carmen.
This was a mistake.
I'm sorry.
This is all my fault, I did
not egostisch should be...
I wanted a good story, I...
Please Mark...
all I'm so sorry.
Oh my God.
We have to leave.
Sarah Spring, quickly.
Come on.
Wait here.
Sara, I'm here with you.
What have you done?
Mark Wait.
No, we must continue.
Do not touch me.
We need a car.
We go to that farm,
provide a car
and get out of here, you
do not have to run.
Come on.
Come on.
We must have the keys, I go
inside and you wait here.
No, I'm with you.
Stay behind me.
I do not.
I need your car, I need
the keys to the car.
Calm down, we just
want the keys.
I wish anyone harm.
Give us the keys, then we go.
Where are the keys?
Do not move.
Who else is in this house?
Shut up.
To another room, now, hurry up.
English, you speak English?
He says you should leave.
Where are the keys to the car?
- I do not know.
Ask your father what they are,
otherwise I get the trigger.
He must now tell you,
I'm not kidding.
The kitchen, they are in the kitchen.
Come, I'll let you see.
Okay, let's go.
I'm sorry, but this must be.
Please, the woman is poor, she
has seen the statue, please.
Is everything okay?
I have tasted the flesh
of fallen angels.
There is no escape.
Your men are weak.
Help me Marcus.
He takes you where you want.
What's going on, in
between the trees.
It's a curse...
here long ago left the country.
It can not be undone.