Shutter Island (2010)

Pull yourself together, Teddy.
Pull yourself together.
It's just water.
It's a lot of water.
A lot of...
Come on.
-You okay, boss?
-Yeah, I'm fine, I just...
I just can't... Can't stomach the water.
-You're my new partner.
-That's right.
Not the best way to meet,
with my head halfway down the toilet.
Doesn't exactly square with
"Teddy Daniels, the man, the legend,"
-I'll give you that.
-The legend?
What the hell you boys smoking
over there in Portland, anyway?
Seattle. I came from
the office in Seattle.
How long you been with the Marshals?
Four years.
So you know how small it is.
What about you?
You got a girl? Married?
I was.
She died.
-Jesus. I don't...
-Don't worry about it.
There was a fire at the apartment
building while I was at work.
Four people died.
It was the smoke that got her,
not the fire. See, that's important.
I'm sorry, boss.
Where are my goddamn cigarettes?
Oh, here, have one of mine.
I could've sworn they were
in my jacket before I got on.
Government employees
will rob you blind.
They give you a briefing about
the institution before you left?
All I know is it's a mental hospital.
For the criminally insane.
Well, if it's just folks running
around hearing voices
and chasing after butterflies,
they wouldn't need us.
-Is that where we're headed?
The other side of the island
is rock bluffs
all the way down
to the edge of the water.
The dock, it's the only way on or off.
We'll be casting off
as soon as you two are ashore.
I'd appreciate it if you'd hurry up about it.
-Storm's coming.
Never seen a Marshals badge before.
I'm Deputy Warden McPherson,
Welcome to Shutter Island.
I'll be the one taking you
up to Ashecliffe.
Your boys seem a little on edge,
Mr. McPherson.
Right now, Marshal, we all are.
Electrified perimeter.
How can you tell?
I've seen something like it before.
All right. You gentlemen will be accorded
all the help we can give,
but during your stay,
you will obey protocol.
Is that understood?
The red brick building on your right
is Ward A, the male ward.
Ward B, the female ward,
is the one on your left.
Ward C is that building on the bluffs.
An old Civil War fort.
The most dangerous patients
are housed there.
Admittance to Ward C is forbidden
without the written consent
and physical presence
of both myself and Dr. Cawley.
Is that understood?
You act like insanity is catching.
You are hereby required
to surrender your firearms.
Mr. McPherson, we are duly appointed
federal marshals.
We are required to carry our firearms
with us at all times.
Executive order 31 9
of the Federal Code of Penitentiaries
states that when inside a penitentiary,
the officers of that institution
have final authority.
Gentlemen, you will not get through
this gate with your firearms.
Okay. Now that the official stuff's done,
come on, boys,
what do you say we go find Dr. Cawley?
When did she escape? This prisoner?
I'm afraid Dr. Cawley will have
to fill you in on the situation. Protocol.
Correctional officers
at a mental institution,
that's a weird sight,
if you don't mind me saying.
McPHERSON: It's the only facility
of its kind in the U.S., even the world.
We take only the most dangerous,
damaged patients,
ones no other hospital can manage.
And it's all due to Dr. Cawley.
He's created something
really unique here.
It's a hospital for people our society
normally considers beyond treatment.
Top of his class
at Johns Hopkins, then Harvard...
IDs, gentlemen.
Show your badges, gentlemen.
Dr. Cawley's been consulted
numerous times by Scotland Yard,
-MI5, the OSS...
What do you mean?
What do intelligence agencies
want to consult a psychiatrist about?
I guess you'll have to ask him.
-Marshal Daniels.
Marshal Aule.
Thank you, Deputy Warden.
That will be all.
Yes, sir. Pleasure, gentlemen.
He had a lot to say about you.
McPherson's a good man.
He believes in the work we do here.
And what would that be, exactly?
A moral fusion between law and order
and clinical care.
CHUCK: Pardon me, Doc.
A what between what and what?
Those paintings are quite accurate.
Used to be the kind of patients
we deal with here
were shackled and left in their own filth.
They were beaten,
as if whipping them bloody
would drive the psychosis out.
We drove screws into their brains,
we submerged them in icy water
until they lost consciousness
or even drowned.
-And now?
-We treat them.
Try to heal, try to cure.
And if that fails,
at least we provide them
with a measure of comfort
in their lives. Calm.
These are all violent offenders, right?
I mean, they've hurt people.
-Murdered them in some cases.
-In almost all cases, yes.
Then, personally, Doctor,
I'd have to say,
screw their sense of calm.
It's my job to treat my patients,
not their victims. I'm not here to judge.
-So this female prisoner...
Excuse me. Patient,
one Rachel Solando,
escaped sometime in the last 24 hours.
-Last night between 10:00 and midnight.
-Is she considered dangerous?
You could say that.
She killed all three of her children.
She drowned them in the lake
behind her house.
She took them out one by one,
held their heads under till they died,
then she brought them back inside and
arranged them around the kitchen table.
She ate a meal there
before a neighbor dropped by.
And what about the husband?
He died on the beaches of Normandy.
She's a war widow.
She starved herself
when she first came here.
She insisted the children weren't dead.
Sorry, Doctor. You don't happen
to have an aspirin, do you?
-Prone to headaches, Marshal?
-Sometimes. But today,
-I'm a little more prone to seasickness.
-Ah, dehydration.
-You all right, boss?
In that case, you're quite right.
The simpler the better.
Thanks so much.
Rachel still believes
the children are alive.
She also believes
this place is her home in the Berkshires.
-You're kidding me.
-She's never once in two years
acknowledged that she's
in an institution.
She believes we're all deliverymen,
milkmen, postal workers.
To sustain the delusion
that her children never died,
she's created
an elaborate fictional structure,
and she gives us all
parts to play in that fiction.
So have you searched the grounds yet?
The warden and his men
scoured the island.
Not a trace.
And what's more disturbing is we don't
know how she got out of her room.
It was locked from the outside,
and the only window is barred.
It's as if she evaporated
straight through the walls.
I brought her right back here
after group therapy, locked her in,
came back for midnight rounds,
she was gone.
Seriously, Doctor, how is it possible
that the truth never gets through to her?
I mean,
she's in a mental institution, right?
Seems like something you'd notice
from time to time.
How many pairs of shoes
are the patients given?
Two pairs.
Sanity's not a choice, Marshal.
You can't just choose to get over it.
So, she left here barefoot?
Come on, Doc,
she couldn't get 10 yards in that terrain.
CAWLEY: Marshal?
This is definitely Rachel's handwriting.
I have no idea
what the law of four is, though.
-It's not a psychiatric term?
-I'm afraid not.
"Who is 67?"
Fuck if I know.
I have to say that's quite close
to my clinical conclusion.
Think it's just random scribblings?
Oh, no, not at all. Rachel's smart.
Brilliant, in fact.
This paper could be important.
Excuse me, Doctor,
but we're gonna have to hold on to this.
Of course.
CHUCK: And you say
she had to come through here?
After lights out,
the orderlies play cards in here.
Last night, there were seven men
sitting at the base of those stairs
playing stud poker.
Yet somehow,
Rachel managed to slip past them.
How? She turns invisible?
Doctor, we're gonna need access
to the personnel files
of all the medical staff.
The nurses, the guards, the orderlies,
anyone who was working then.
We'll take your request
under consideration.
-This is not a request, Doctor.
This is a federal facility,
and a dangerous prisoner...
has escaped. Now, you will comply or...
All I can say is I'll see what I can do.
Doctor, we're gonna need to speak
with the staff. Do you understand?
I'll assemble them in the common room
after dinner.
If you have any further questions,
feel free to join the deputy warden
in the search.
McPHERSON: It's 11 miles
to the nearest land
and the water's freezing.
Current was strong last night,
tide pushing in.
She'd have drowned
or been crushed on the rocks,
and her body would have
washed back up on shore.
TEDDY: What about those caves
down there? Have you checked them?
No way she could get there.
The bases of those cliffs
are covered in poison ivy,
live oak, sumac, a thousand plants
with thorns as big as my dick.
You said yourself, Marshal,
she's got no shoes.
All right, let's check the other side.
-What's that tower?
-It's an old lighthouse.
The guards already searched inside it.
What's in there? More patients?
Sewage treatment facility.
It's getting dark soon.
I'm calling this off for tonight.
Let's go, boys!
TEDDY: You were on watch
on the landing, huh?
Yeah. Couldn't nobody get in or out
of their room on that corridor
without me seeing.
Okay, Rachel Solando, who else
does she have to pass to get down here?
Me. Glen Miga.
Sir, I didn't see nothing.
And you were at your post all night?
Yeah, but I didn't see a thing.
Tell me the truth.
I maybe went to the bathroom.
What? You breached protocol. Christ...
I wasn't gone more than a minute.
All right, look. Let's back up here.
Let's all just back up.
Miss Solando was put in her room
for lights out.
Does anyone here know
what she did before that?
-Come on, anyone, anyone,
anyone, anyone.
She was in a group therapy session.
Huh. Anything unusual occur?
Define "unusual."
Excuse me?
This is a mental institution, Marshal,
for the criminally insane.
Usual isn't a big part of our day.
I will rephrase.
Did anything happen last night
during group therapy that was more,
let's say, I don't know,
memorable than...
No. Sorry.
Did Miss Solando say anything
during group therapy?
She was worried about the rain.
And she hated the food here.
-Complained constantly,
last night included.
So you were there.
Was there a doctor present?
Yes, Dr. Sheehan led the discussion.
Dr. Sheehan?
Yes, he was running the session.
He's Rachel's primary, the psychiatrist
who directly oversees her care.
TEDDY: We're gonna need
to speak with Dr. Sheehan.
I'm afraid that won't be possible.
He left on the ferry this morning.
His vacation was already planned.
He'd been putting it off too long.
You're in a state of lockdown,
a dangerous patient has escaped,
and you let her primary doctor
leave on vacation?
Well, of course. He's a doctor.
Do you have the phone number
for where he's gone?
Hello? Hello?
Hello? Anybody there?
I'm sorry, sir, but it's all down.
All the lines.
The storm's hitting the mainland
like a hammer.
If you get it working,
come find me immediately.
The marshals need to make
an important call.
Yes, sir.
Hello? Hello?
CAWLEY: I'm afraid I have
evening rounds in the wards,
but I'll be having drinks and a cigar
at my house around 9:00,
if you'd care to drop by.
Good. We can talk then, right?
We have been talking, Marshal.
Gotta say, I'm thinking
I got in the wrong line of public service.
It is a little overwhelming.
It was constructed during the Civil War,
the same time as the military fort
housing Ward C.
This is the original
commander's quarters.
When Uncle Sam got the bill,
the commander was court-martialed.
I can see why.
Nice music. Who is that? Brahms?
-It's Mahler.
-NAEHRING: Quite right, Marshal.
CAWLEY: Forgive me, gentlemen.
My colleague, Dr Jeremiah Naehring.
Quartet for Piano and Strings
in A minor.
Your poison, gentlemen?
-Rye, if you got it.
-Soda and ice, please. Thanks.
Oh? You don't indulge in alcohol?
I'm surprised.
Isn't it common
for men in your profession to imbibe?
Common enough. And yours?
I'm sorry?
-Your profession, Doctor. Psychiatry.
I always heard it was overrun
with boozers and drunks.
Not that I've noticed.
What's that?
Iced tea in your glass, there?
Excellent, Marshal. You have
outstanding defense mechanisms.
You must be quite adept
at interrogations, hmm?
Men like you are my specialty,
you know?
Men of violence.
Now that's a hell of an assumption
to make.
No assumption. No, not at all.
You misunderstand me.
I said you are men of violence.
I'm not accusing you
of being violent men.
That's quite different.
No, please. Please. Edify us, Doctor.
You both served overseas, huh?
It's not much of a stretch, Doc.
For all you know,
we were both paper pushers over there.
No, you were not.
Since the schoolyard,
neither of you has ever walked away
from a physical conflict.
No, no, not because you enjoy it,
but because retreat isn't something
you consider an option.
We weren't raised to run, Doc.
Ah! Yes. "Raised."
And who raised you, Marshal?
Very impressive defense mechanisms.
NAEHRING: Do you believe
in God, Marshal?
No, I'm quite serious.
You ever seen a death camp, Doctor?
His English really is very good.
You hit the consonants
a tad hard, though.
You're a German?
Is legal immigration a crime, Marshal?
Oh, I don't know, Doctor. You tell us.
Now, listen. We're gonna need
those files on Sheehan
and the rest of the staff as well.
No personnel files will
be released to you. Period.
-(FIRMLY) We're gonna need those files.
-Out of the question.
-Bullshit, out of the question! Bullshit!
Just who the hell's in charge here,
anyway, huh?
Dr. Naehring acts as liaison
to our Board of Overseers.
He relayed your request,
and it's been refused.
Refused? They don't have the authority
to refuse, and neither do you, sir.
Marshal, continue your investigation
and we'll do all we can to help.
This investigation is over.
We're gonna file our reports
and we're gonna hand it over to...
-CHUCK: Hoover's boys.
-Hoover's boys. That's right.
We'll be taking the ferry back
in the morning. Come on, Chuck.
McPHERSON: Nice night.
You'll be bunking
in the orderlies' quarters.
Hey, boss. We really packing it in?
I guess... I don't know,
I just never really quit anything before.
We haven't heard the truth
once yet, Chuck.
Listen, Rachel Solando didn't slip out
of a locked cell, barefoot,
without any help.
I think she had a lot of help.
Maybe Cawley's sitting up
in his mansion right now
rethinking his whole attitude.
-Maybe, in the morning, we'll be...
-You're bluffing?
I didn't say that.
(EARLY 1950s
I found a whole stack of these, Teddy.
Jesus, are you ever sober anymore?
I killed a lot of people in the war.
Is that why you drink?
Are you real?
She's still here.
She never left.
Remember when we stayed in the cabin
in the summer, Teddy?
We were so happy.
She's here.
You can't leave.
I'm not gonna leave.
I love you so much.
I'm just bones in a box, Teddy.
I am.
You have to wake up.
I won't go.
You're here.
I'm not. You have to face that.
But she is.
So is he.
-I have to go.
No, please. Please.
I need to hold on to you.
-Just a little bit longer, please.
-(GROANING) Oh, God, Teddy.
You have to let me go.
I can't.
Ain't gonna be no ferry in this shit.
Doctor, Doctor.
We need to interview the patients who
were in Rachel's group therapy session.
I thought your investigation was finished.
Well, it's not like we could take the ferry.
Now, was Rachel receiving
any other treatments for her illnesses?
Do you know the state of the mental
health field these days, gentlemen?
No, not a clue, Doctor.
The old school believes
in surgical intervention.
Procedures like
the transorbital lobotomy.
Some say the patients
become reasonable, docile.
Others say they become zombies.
-And the new school?
A new drug has just been approved
called Thorazine,
which relaxes psychotic patients,
you could say tames them.
And which school are you, Doctor?
Me? I have this radical idea that
if you treat a patient with respect,
listen to him, try and understand,
you just might reach him.
Come on, Marge. It's okay.
-These patients, huh?
-Even these.
What should be a last resort
is becoming a first response.
Give them a pill, put them in a corner,
it all goes away.
Rachel Solando was
on a combination of drugs
meant to keep her
from becoming violent,
but it was only intermittently effective.
The greatest obstacle to her recovery
was her refusal
to face what she had done.
Is there a reason you keep referring
to your patient in the past tense, Doctor?
Look outside, Marshal.
Why do you think?
Next up is Peter Breene.
Assaulted his father's nurse
with broken glass.
Nurse survived,
but her face is permanently disfigured.
I can't wait.
She'd smile at me. She was so sweet,
but you could see it in her eyes.
She liked to be naked, to suck cock.
Okay, Mr. Breene.
And then she asked me
if she can have a glass of water?
Alone, in the kitchen,
like that's no big deal?
-Well, why was that a big deal?
-It was obvious.
She wanted me to pull out my thing
so that she could laugh at it.
Mr. Breene.
We need to ask you
some questions, okay?
When I cut her, she screamed.
But (SNORTS) she scared me.
-What did she expect?
-TEDDY: Interesting.
But we're here
to talk about Rachel Solando, okay?
Rachel Solando. Do you...
Do you know that
she drowned her own kids?
She drowned her kids!
This is... This is a sick fucking world
we live in, I'll tell you that.
But you know what?
They should be gassed.
All of them.
The retards, the killers, the niggers.
You kill your own kid, gas the bitch.
Could you stop that?
-That nurse...
-Please, stop that.
That nurse, maybe she had kids, huh?
A husband.
Just trying to make ends meet,
lead a normal life.
It says in your file that
you tore her face off. Didn't you?
No more normal for her,
not ever again. No.
Do you know what she was afraid of?
(LOUDLY) Could you stop that? Please?
Stop that!
Please! Stop!
Do you know a patient
named Andrew Laeddis? Do you?
No! No.
-Boss. What's up?
-I wanna go back. I wanna go.
Come on! I got him. Peter! Peter!
Hey, Peter!
PETER: Go back. I wanna go back.
TREY: Come on, Peter.
-I don't wanna see him.
-Easy now.
-I don't wanna see him anymore.
-It's okay. It's all right.
Oh, I'll never get out of here.
I'm not sure that I should.
Excuse me for saying this,
Miss Kearns...
-Mrs. Kearns.
But you seem quite normal.
I mean, in comparison
to the other patients here.
Well, I have my dark days.
I suppose everybody does.
The difference is most people
don't kill their husbands with an ax.
Although, personally,
I think if a man beats you
and fucks half the women he sees,
and no one will help you,
axing him isn't the least
understandable thing you could do.
Maybe you shouldn't get out.
What would I do if I did?
I don't know the world anymore.
They say there are bombs
that can reduce whole cities to ash.
And what do you call them, televisions,
voices and faces coming from a box.
I hear enough voices already.
What can you tell us about Rachel?
Not much. She keeps to herself.
She believed her kids were alive.
She thought she was still living
in the Berkshires,
and we were all her neighbors,
the milkmen, postmen...
And Dr. Sheehan was there that night?
Yes. He talked about anger.
Tell me about him. What's he like?
Uh, he's, uh...
Okay. Nice.
Not hard on the eyes,
as my mother would say.
-Did he ever make a pass at you?
No, Dr. Sheehan's a good doctor,
he would never...
(STAMMERING) Could I have
a glass of water, please?
No problem.
-Thank you, Marshal.
-CHUCK: Sure.
TEDDY: I just have one more question
for you, Mrs. Kearns.
Did you ever meet a patient
named Andrew Laeddis?
(VOICE BREAKING) Never heard of him.
TEDDY: She was coached.
She used practically the same words
as Cawley and the nurse,
-like she'd been told exactly what to say.
-Who's Andrew Laeddis?
You asked every one of those patients
back there about him. Who is he?
What the hell, boss?
I'm your partner, for Christ's sake.
We just met, Chuck.
You've been on the beat for a long time.
You've got a duty. You've got a career.
What I'm doing,
it's not exactly by the book.
I don't give a damn
about by-the-book, boss.
I just wanna know
what the hell's going on.
When this case came over the wires,
I requested it specifically,
you understand?
Andrew Laeddis,
he was the maintenance man
in the apartment building
where my wife and I lived.
He was also a firebug.
Andrew Laeddis lit the match
that caused the fire that killed my wife.
GUARD: Let them out!
CHUCK: What happened to Laeddis?
TEDDY: He got away with it.
Laeddis got away with it
and then he disappeared.
About a year ago, I open up the paper
and there he is.
Ugly-looking son of a bitch. Huge scar
from his right temple down to his left lip.
Eyes different colors.
Not the type of face you'd forget.
He burned down a schoolhouse,
killed two people,
said voices told him to do it.
First he went to prison,
then he got transferred here.
-Then what?
-Then nothing.
He vanished like he never existed.
No record whatsoever.
Pretty sure he's not in Ward B.
That leaves Ward C.
Or he could be dead.
So could Rachel Solando,
for that matter.
Lot of places to hide a body here.
Only one place
no one would really notice.
That patient, Bridget Kearns,
when she sent me for water,
she said something to you back there,
didn't she?
Come on, boss.
She wrote it.
Boss! We gotta get indoors. It's turning
into a fucking Kansas out here.
-Hold on.
-No, let's go!
Watch out!
-Come on! Up there!
-Let's go!
CHUCK: Get in there! Let's go!
-Jesus Christ!
Damn it. God!
-You okay, boss?
-Yeah, I'm all right.
So if Laeddis is here,
-what are you gonna do about it?
I'm not here to kill Laeddis.
If it was my wife, I'd kill him. Twice.
TEDDY: When we got through the gates
at Dachau, the SS guards surrendered.
The Kommandant tried to kill himself
before we got there, but he...
He botched it.
Took him an hour to die.
When I went outside,
I saw all the bodies on the ground.
Too many to count.
Too many to imagine.
So, yeah, the...
The guards surrendered,
we took their guns,
and we lined them up.
It wasn't warfare. It was...
It was murder.
Yeah, I've had enough of killing.
That's not why I'm here.
-So what is this all about?
After Laeddis vanished, I started doing
some checking on Ashecliffe.
A lot of people know about this place,
but no one wants to talk.
You know, it's like it...
It's like they're scared or something.
You know, this place is funded
by a special grant
from The House
Un-American Activities Committee?
HUAC? And how exactly
are we fighting the communists
from an island in Boston Harbor?
By conducting experiments on the mind.
At least that's my guess.
And you think that's going on here?
Like I said, no one would talk, right?
Till I found somebody
who used to be a patient here.
Guy's name is George Noyce.
Nice college kid. Socialist.
He gets offered some money
to do a psych study.
Guess what they were testing?
So, he starts
seeing dragons everywhere.
He almost beats his professor to death.
Ends up here in Ashecliffe, Ward C.
They release him after one year, right?
And what does he do?
Two weeks on the mainland, he walks
into a bar, stabs three men to death.
His lawyer pleads insanity, but Noyce,
he stands up in the courtroom and he...
He begs the judge for the electric chair.
Anywhere but a mental hospital.
Judge gives him life in Dedham Prison.
-And you found him.
-Yeah, I found him.
Well, he's a mess.
But it's pretty clear
from what he tells me.
They're experimenting on people here.
I don't know, boss.
-How do you believe a crazy guy?
-That's the beauty of it, isn't it?
Crazy people, they're the perfect
subjects. They talk, nobody listens.
I stood at Dachau.
We saw what human beings are capable
of doing to each other, right?
For Christ's sakes, we fought
a goddamn war to stop them,
and now... Now I find out it may be
happening here? On our soil? No.
So what are you really here to do, Ted?
I'm gonna get the proof,
I'm gonna go back,
and I'm gonna blow the lid off this place.
That's it.
Wait a minute.
You started asking around
about Ashecliffe,
waiting for a chance to get out here,
and then suddenly
they need a U.S. Marshal?
Yeah, I got lucky. There was a patient
escape. It was the perfect excuse.
No, no, no, boss.
Luck doesn't work that way.
The world doesn't work that way.
They got an electrified fence
around a septic facility.
Ward C is inside a Civil War fort?
A Chief of Staff with ties to the OSS?
Funding from HUAC?
I mean, Jesus Christ, everything about
this place stinks of government ops.
-What if they wanted you here?
-You were asking questions.
-Bullshit! Bullshit!
Bullshit. We came here
for Rachel Solando.
Where's one shred of evidence
she even existed?
There's no way they could've known
I'd be assigned to this case.
There's no way.
What if while you were looking into
them, they were looking into you?
All they had to do was fake an escape
to get you here, and now they have you.
Now they have us both. Here! Now!
Marshals, are you out here?
This is Deputy Warden McPherson.
How about that? They found us, huh?
It's an island, boss.
They're always gonna find us.
I know you're in there.
We're getting off this goddamn island.
You and me. Come on.
-Come on!
-Go, go!
McPHERSON: Get dried off.
Dr. Cawley wants to talk to you now.
And hurry up! This thing is turning
into a goddamn hurricane!
I dropped those suits off to be cleaned.
Should be ready by tomorrow.
That is, if we all don't wash away first.
You know, speaking of which, I'm afraid
your smokes are pretty much done for.
This is our only choice, huh?
Got something really nice in
a prison gray if that don't work for you.
Now that you mention it,
these are just fine.
That's why I must repeat my insistence
that all Ward C patients
be placed in manual restraints.
If the facility floods, they'll drown.
You know that.
NAEHRING: That would take
a lot of flooding.
CAWLEY: We're on an island
in the middle of the ocean
during a hurricane.
A lot of flooding seems
like a distinct possibility.
DOCTOR 1: It's a gamble, Stephen.
Say the power fails.
There's a backup generator.
And if that goes,
the cell doors will open.
Where are they going to go? Mmm?
They can't just hop a ferry, scoot over
to the mainland and wreak havoc.
NAEHRING: Oh, you're quite right.
They're far more likely
to wreak havoc right here on us.
If they're manacled to the floor,
they'll die.
This is 24 human beings.
And you can live with that, can you?
Well, frankly, if it were up to me,
I'd put all 42 in Wards A and B
in manual restraints as well.
-Excuse me! Excuse me.
-CAWLEY: Marshal.
I'm sorry, Doctor.
I just have one quick question.
Yes, I'll be with you in a moment.
When we spoke this morning
about Rachel Solando's note...
"The law of four." I love that. said you had no idea what that
second line could refer to, correct?
"Who is 67?" Yes, I'm afraid I still don't.
None of us do.
Uh-huh. Nothing comes to mind?
Because I believe I just heard you say
there are 24 patients in Ward C
and 42 patients in Wards A and B,
which means there's a total of,
what, 66 patients at this facility?
That is correct, yes.
Well, it seems to me
Rachel Solando was suggesting
that you have a 67th patient, Doctor.
But I'm afraid we don't.
(CHUCKLING) This is ridiculous.
What are they doing here?
We're doing our goddamn job.
Didn't McPherson tell you
the good news?
What's the good news, Doctor?
Rachel's been found.
She's here.
Safe and sound.
(SOFTLY) There's not a mark on her.
Who are these men?
Why are they in my house?
Police officers, Rachel.
They have a few questions.
There has been a sighting of a known
communist subversive in this area,
passing out literature.
In this neighborhood?
Yes, I'm afraid so.
Now if you could tell us what you did
yesterday, where you were,
it would really help us
narrow down our search.
Yes, um...
Well, I, um...
I made breakfast
for Jim and the children,
and then I
packed Jim's lunch and he left.
Then I sent the children off to school.
And then
I decided to take a long swim
in the lake.
I see.
And after that?
(SNIFFS) Um...
After that,
I thought of you.
(STAMMERING) I'm sorry, ma'am,
I don't know what you're talking about.
Don't you know
how lonely I've been, Jim?
You're gone.
You're dead.
I cry every night.
How am I supposed to survive?
Rachel, it'll be all right.
I'm so sorry, but every...
Everything's gonna be all right. Okay?
I buried you.
I buried an empty casket.
Your body rained down,
lumps of flesh splashing into the sea,
eaten by sharks.
My Jim's dead, so who the fuck are you?
(SCREAMING) Who the fuck are you?
-Who are you?
-Hey, hey, hey, hey.
-Who are you?
-It's okay. Rachel. Rachel, it's all right.
(SHRIEKING) Let me go! No!
-TREY: Rachel, it's okay.
-Look at me, look at me.
I'm sorry about that.
I didn't want to interrupt.
I thought she might tell you something.
We found her down by the lighthouse,
skipping stones.
We've no idea how she got out, but...
I'm gonna have to ask you
to go down into the basement.
There's food, water and cots.
It's the safest place to be
when the hurricane hits.
Are you all right? You look pale.
I'm fine. It's just...
CHUCK: Boss, are you okay?
It's just so goddamn bright, isn't it?
Photosensitivity, headaches sometimes.
Marshal, are you having a migraine?
I'll be all right.
Come on, I got you.
-CHUCK: What's wrong with him?
Take these, Marshal. Couple of hours,
you'll be as clear as a bell.
-What's wrong with him?
-He's having a migraine.
Imagine someone sawed open
your head, filled it with razors,
and shook it as hard as they could.
Take the pills, Marshal.
-I don't... I don't want the pills.
-It'll stop the pain.
Marshal, take the pills.
He's going to need to lie down.
Oh, my God!
NURSE 1: There's broken glass
all over the floor.
-Make sure all the meds are locked up.
-Watch your back.
NURSE 2: Make sure everything's okay
in Ward B.
DOCTOR: Go down
to the infirmary and see
-if there's any more...
-NURSE 3: All right, Doctor.
Give him a bed. This one here.
-Over here. All right, boss.
-Yeah, that's it.
-You have him?
-TREY: Yes.
Careful. All right.
Could be worse right now.
He'll be all right.
Who is that?
TREY: Him? That's the warden.
Don't you worry about him, all right?
Come on. Lay back. Lay back.
He looks like an ex-military prick, huh?
Well, you know what?
I ain't gonna argue with you on that one.
You should have saved me.
You should have saved all of us.
(CHUCKLES) Hey, buddy.
My buddy.
No hard feelings, right?
No hard feelings.
A little something for later,
'cause I know how much you need it.
The clock's ticking, my friend.
We're running out of time.
Give me a hand here.
I could get into trouble.
I'm dead.
I'm so sorry.
Why didn't you save me?
I tried. I wanted to, but by the time
I got there, it was too late.
Aren't they beautiful?
Why are you all wet, baby?
Laeddis isn't dead.
He isn't gone.
He's still here.
I know.
You need to find him, Teddy.
You need to find him
and you kill him dead.
-It's okay.
MARINO: Security to Ward A. Okay.
ORDERLY 1: Ward A. I got it.
NURSE 1: The generator room's flooded.
-ORDERLY 2: Ward A. Ward A.
-See what we need in Ward B.
NURSE 2: Let's go.
You okay, boss?
This goddamn migraine.
The backup generator's failed.
The whole place has gone crazy.
What do you want to do?
-Dan? Relax. Nope, nope, nope.
You don't wanna do that. Put it down.
Now. Put it down.
Grab him, grab him, grab him, grab him!
Get him, get him!
ORDERLY 1: You need to go find him
'cause he needs to be here.
You think the whole electrical system
is fried?
I'd say it's a good possibility, yeah.
-All the electronic security, the fences...
-Why are you always running?
-...the gates, the doors.
-Why is it you every time? Come on.
Nice day for a stroll, don't you think?
To Ward C, for example.
-Come on.
-Maybe we'll run into Andrew Laeddis.
TEDDY: The guy I told you about,
George Noyce?
He told me this is where
they keep the worst ones.
Guys even the other inmates
are scared of.
Did Noyce give you anything
on the layout?
Not really. All he remembered was
people screaming day and night,
no windows and iron bars everywhere.
MAN: Watch your head!
-Oh, Jesus Christ!
First time on Ward C, huh?
-Yeah. Yeah.
We heard stories, but...
Trust me, son, you haven't heard shit.
We got most of the bugsies
locked down now,
but some of them are still loose.
And if you see one,
don't try to restrain him yourselves.
These fuckers will kill you. Clear?
All right, get your asses moving then.
Go on.
He's here.
Laeddis. I can feel him.
Tag! You're it!
Wait! Boss! Ted!
Hey! Hey!
Listen to me.
Listen, I don't wanna leave here,
all right?
I mean, why would anybody want to?
We hear things here
about the outside world.
-About atolls, about H-bomb tests.
-CHUCK: Teddy, where are you?
You know how a hydrogen bomb works?
-I know. With hydrogen! With hydrogen.
-Ah, that's funny.
-Other bombs explode, right?
But not the hydrogen bomb.
It implodes, creating an explosion
to the thousandth, the millionth degree!
-Do you get it?
-Yeah! Yeah.
-Do you?
-I get it, I get it!
CHUCK: Let him go!
No! No!
What are you doing?
Jesus Christ, Teddy. Jesus!
Oh, you got Billings.
What the fuck's
the matter with you guys?
Catch them, not kill them!
-He jumped us.
-GUARD: You, give me a hand with him.
We've gotta get him to the infirmary.
God damn it.
No, no! Not you, not you. Take a walk.
Come on. Cawley's gonna have
my goddamn balls for this.
INMATE: (SOFTLY) Stop me, please,
(SOBBING) before I kill more.
Stop me before I kill more.
INMATE: Please, please.
MAN: (WHISPERING) I see you all.
You told me I'd be free of this place.
You promised.
You lied.
(CHUCKLES) That's pretty damn funny.
-Your voice.
-Don't you recognize it?
After all the talks we had?
After all the lies you told me?
Let me see your face.
They say I'm theirs now.
They say I'll never leave here.
Your match is about to go out.
-Let me see your goddamn face! Now!
So you can lie to me more?
-This isn't about the truth.
-Yes, it is.
-It's about exposing the truth.
-It's about you!
And Laeddis.
That's all it's ever been about.
I was incidental. A way in.
George... George Noyce.
No. It's not possible. You can't be here.
You like it?
Who did this to you, George?
You did.
What the hell do you mean?
All your talk. All your fucking talk,
and I'm back in here because of you.
George, how did they get you
out of Dedham, huh?
However this happened, I...
I'm gonna find a way to fix this,
you understand me?
I'll never get out now. I got out once.
Not twice, never twice.
Just tell me how they got you here.
They knew! Don't you get it?
Everything you were up to.
Your whole plan.
This is a game. All of this is for you.
You're not investigating anything.
You're a fucking rat in a maze.
-George, you're wrong. You're wrong.
-Oh, really?
Been alone much since you got here?
I've been with my partner.
You never worked with him before,
have you?
He's a U.S. Marshal. He's...
(INSISTENTLY) You never worked
with him before, have you?
George, look, I know people.
I trust this man.
Then they've already won.
And they're gonna take me
to the lighthouse.
They're gonna cut into my brain.
And I'm only here
(SHOUTING) because of you!
George, I'm gonna get you out of here.
You're not going to the lighthouse.
You're not.
You can't dig out the truth
and kill Laeddis at the same time.
You gotta make a choice.
You understand that, don't you?
-I'm not here to kill anyone.
I'm not gonna kill him, I swear to you!
I swear.
She's dead.
She... Let her go.
Let her go.
DOLORES: Tell him, Teddy.
Tell him why.
GEORGE: You gotta do it.
There's no other way.
-Let her go.
-Tell him about the day
-you brought me my locket.
-You gotta do it!
How I told you my heart was breaking
and you asked me why.
She's fucking with your head.
And I told you it was from happiness.
She's gonna kill you.
She's gonna kill you.
You wanna uncover the truth?
You gotta let her go.
-I can't.
-You have to let her go!
I can't! I can't.
Then you'll never leave this island.
He's not in this ward.
He was transferred out of here.
If he's not in Ward A,
there's only one place he can be.
The lighthouse.
God help you.
CHUCK: Boss, we got problems.
McPherson and Cawley
are in the building.
They heard an orderly went batshit
on a patient.
They're looking all over the place for
him and they're on their way to the roof.
Let's get the hell out of here. This way.
Just keep going. We belong here.
What happened to you?
-What do you mean?
-I mean,
where were you?
After we got that guy to the infirmary,
I took a little detour to patient records.
Did you ever find Laeddis?
No. No, I never found him.
Well, I got the next best thing.
His intake form.
It was the only thing in his files.
There's no session notes,
no incident reports, no photographs,
just this. It was weird.
Here. Take a look.
I'll look at it later.
What's the matter, boss?
I'll look it over later, that's all.
-Ashecliffe's that way.
-I'm not going to Ashecliffe.
I'm going to that lighthouse.
I'm gonna find out what the fuck
is happening on this island.
TEDDY: There it is.
Damn. We're too far south.
We're gonna have to double back.
There's no way we could cross
those rocks.
There could be a way
behind those trees.
Maybe a path that goes around the
rocks and leads over to the lighthouse.
-Come on.
Wait, wait, what are we doing?
We got the intake form.
It's proof there's a 67th patient,
which they said, repeatedly,
doesn't exist.
I'm getting to that lighthouse.
You understand?
What the hell can I say to you
to stop you?
Why would you want to, Chuck? Why?
Because climbing down there
when it's dark
is a thin step short of suicide,
that's why.
Okay, maybe you better
sit this one out then.
You brought me into this, boss,
and now we're trapped here on this rock,
on this island,
with no one to rely on but each other,
-and now you're acting like...
-Like what? Like what?
How am I acting?
What the hell happened back there
in those cells, Ted?
What do you think the weather's like
in Portland, Chuck?
I'm from Seattle.
I'm going on
-I'm going with you, boss.
-I said alone.
Damn it!
Damn it.
I knew it wouldn't take long,
but I couldn't get to it.
The tide was up.
Come on!
Where are you, Chuck?
Who are you?
I'm Teddy Daniels. I'm a cop.
You're the marshal.
That's right.
Would you mind taking your hand
from behind your back, please?
Why? Why?
I wanna make sure that
what you're holding won't hurt me.
I'm gonna keep this
if you don't mind.
Fine by me.
You're Rachel Solando.
The real one.
Did you kill your children?
I never had children.
I was never married.
And before I was a patient at Ashecliffe,
I worked here.
You... You were a nurse?
I was a doctor, Marshal.
You think I'm crazy.
-No. No, no, I never...
-And if I say I'm not crazy?
Well, that hardly helps, does it?
That's the Kafkaesque genius of it.
People tell the world you're crazy,
and all your protests to the contrary
just confirm what they're saying.
I'm not following you. I'm sorry.
Once you're declared insane,
then anything you do is called
part of that insanity.
Reasonable protests are denial.
Valid fears, paranoia.
Survival instincts are
defense mechanisms.
You're smarter than you look, Marshal.
That's probably not a good thing.
-Tell me something.
What happened to you?
I started asking about these
large shipments of sodium amytal
and opium-based hallucinogens.
Psychotropic drugs.
I asked about the surgeries, too.
You ever heard of
a transorbital lobotomy?
They zap the patient with electroshock,
then go through the eye with an ice pick,
pull out some nerve fibers.
Makes the patients much more obedient.
It's barbaric,
Do you know how pain
enters the body, Marshal? Do you?
Depends on where you're hurt?
No, it has nothing to do with the flesh.
The brain controls pain.
The brain controls fear, empathy, sleep,
hunger, anger. Everything.
What if you could control it?
-You mean the brain?
-Recreate a man
so he doesn't feel pain or love
or sympathy.
A man who can't be interrogated,
because he has no memories
to confess.
You can never take away
all a man's memories. Never.
Marshal, the North Koreans
used American POWs
during their brainwashing experiments.
They turned soldiers into traitors.
That's what they're doing here.
They're creating ghosts
to go out in the world
and do things sane men...
Sane men never would.
To have that kind of ability,
that kind of knowledge,
-that would take years.
-Years. Years of research.
Hundreds of patients to experiment on.
Fifty years from now, people will
look back and say, here, this place,
is where it all began.
The Nazis used the Jews, Soviets used
prisoners in their own Gulags, and we,
we tested patients on Shutter Island.
No, they won't.
You do understand
that they can't let you leave.
I am a federal marshal.
They can't stop me.
I was an esteemed psychiatrist
from a respected family.
Didn't matter.
Let me ask you.
Any past traumas in your life?
But why would that matter?
Because they're gonna point
to some event in your past
and say it's the reason
you lost your sanity.
So that when they commit you here,
your friends and colleagues will say,
"Of course he cracked.
"Who wouldn't
after what he'd been through?"
They can say that about anyone,
anyone at all.
The point is
they're gonna say it about you.
-How's your head?
-My head?
Any funny dreams lately?
Trouble sleeping?
-I am prone to migraines, yes.
You haven't taken any pills, have you?
I mean, even aspirin?
-The aspirin?
And you ate the food in the cafeteria
and drank the coffee they gave you?
You tell me, at least, that you've
been smoking your own cigarettes.
No, I haven't.
It takes 36 to 48 hours
for neuroleptic narcotics
to reach workable levels
in the bloodstream.
Palsy comes first,
first the fingertips,
then eventually the whole hand.
Seen any walking nightmares
lately, Marshal? Huh?
Tell me what goes on in that lighthouse.
Tell me.
Brain surgery.
The let's-open-the-skull-and-see-
what-happens-if-we-pull-on-this kind.
The learned-it-from-the-Nazis kind.
That's where they create the ghosts.
Who knows about this?
On the island, I mean. Who?
Come on. The nurses? The orderlies?
-They couldn't possibly know...
-(FIRMLY) Everyone.
You can't stay here.
They think I'm dead, that I drowned.
I'm afraid if they come looking for you,
they might find me.
I'm sorry, but you have to go.
I'm gonna come back for you.
I won't be here. I move during the day.
New places every night.
But I could come get you,
get you off this island.
Haven't you heard a word I've said?
The only way off the island is the ferry,
and they control it.
You'll never leave here.
I had a friend.
I was with him yesterday,
but we got separated.
Have you seen him?
you have no friends.
There you are.
We were wondering
when you'd show up.
Have a seat.
Come on.
Taking a leisurely stroll, were we?
I was just looking around.
Did you enjoy God's latest gift?
-God's gift.
The violence.
When I came downstairs in my home
and I saw that tree in my living room,
it reached out for me like a divine hand.
God loves violence.
-I hadn't noticed.
-(CHUCKLES) Sure you have.
Why else would there be so much of it?
It's in us.
It's what we are.
We wage war, we burn sacrifices,
and pillage and plunder
and tear at the flesh of our brothers.
And why? Because God gave us
violence to wage in his honor.
I thought God gave us moral order.
There's no moral order
as pure as this storm.
There's no moral order at all.
There's just this,
can my violence conquer yours?
-I'm not violent.
-Yes, you are.
You're as violent as they come.
I know this
because I'm as violent as they come.
If the constraints of society were lifted,
and I was all that stood
between you and a meal,
you would crack my skull with a rock
and eat my meaty parts.
Wouldn't you?
Cawley thinks you're harmless,
that you can be controlled,
but I know different.
-You don't know me.
-Oh, but I do.
-No, you don't. You don't know me at all.
-Oh, I know you.
We've known each other for centuries.
If I was to sink my teeth
into your eye right now,
would you be able to stop me
before I blinded you?
Give it a try.
That's the spirit.
Don't worry, because we're going
to get you back to your room.
-Not really.
-Something I've seen.
Where have you been?
Oh, just wandering.
Just looking at your island.
Oh, I forgot you're leaving
now that Rachel's been found.
-GLEN: Stop looking at him.
-For sure. Yeah.
Stop looking at him. Stop looking at him.
-Big meeting?
-Oh, yes.
-It's okay. I'm...
-I don't like that.
Apparently there was
an unidentified man
in Ward C yesterday.
He subdued a highly dangerous patient
quite handily.
Is that so?
It seems he had a long conversation
with a paranoid schizophrenic,
George Noyce.
BRIDGET: Well, I don't remember
what I'm supposed to remember.
We're gated down. We're fine.
This Noyce, you said his name was,
he's delusional?
Oh, extremely.
He can be quite upsetting.
As a matter of fact, two weeks ago,
a patient got so wound up by one
of Noyce's stories that he beat him up.
No, thanks. I quit.
-So you're taking the ferry?
-Yes, absolutely.
I think we've gotten
all we came here for, so...
"We," Marshal?
Speaking of which,
have you seen him, Doctor?
My partner, Chuck.
You don't have a partner, Marshal.
You came here alone.
You know, I've built
something valuable here,
and valuable things have a way of
being misunderstood in their own time.
Everyone wants a quick fix.
They always have.
I'm trying to do something that people,
yourself included, don't understand.
And I'm not going to give up
without a fight.
I can see that.
So, tell me again about your partner.
What partner?
It's fine.
ORDERLY: She made a mess.
I cleaned it up. She made a mess again.
going somewhere?
heading out to the ferry, so...
Ah! Oh, well, I'm afraid it's the other way.
If you'll wait a moment, I'll find you
someone who can take you to the dock.
-What's this, Doctor? Huh? What's this?
-It's just a sedative.
-A precaution.
-Oh! A precaution.
What are you going to do? Kill me?
-You think you deserve it?
For what, hmm? Provoking you?
Well, forgive me.
What doesn't provoke you?
-Remarks? Words?
Well, that, too.
And, of course, memories, dreams.
Did you know that the word "trauma"
comes from the Greek for "wound"?
And what is the German word
for "dream"?
Traum. Ein Traum.
Wounds can create monsters,
and you...
You are wounded, Marshal.
And wouldn't you agree,
when you see a monster,
you must stop it?
-I agree.
ORDERLY 1: I told him that we'd take
about an hour to do it.
ORDERLY 2: Yeah. Did they say
we're going to do the first floor?
ORDERLY 1: How long
you been the clock?
ORDERLY 2: I've been on
for 18 hours straight.
ORDERLY 1: Nice paycheck.
DOLORES: What are you doing, baby?
-You gotta get to the ferry.
No, no.
If the world thinks that Chuck is dead,
then he's perfect for their experiments.
There's only one place they'd take him.
-You go there and you'll die.
-He's my partner.
If they are hurting him,
if they're holding him against his will,
I've gotta bring him out.
I can't lose anyone else.
Don't go, Teddy, please.
-Please, don't do this. Don't go.
-I'm sorry, honey.
I'm sorry, honey.
I love this thing
because you gave it to me,
but the truth is
it is one fucking ugly tie.
Don't move. Stay where you are.
Are you gonna kill me?
No, I'm not gonna kill you.
Why are you all wet, baby?
-What did you say?
-You know exactly what I said.
The rifle's empty, by the way.
Have a seat.
For God's sake, dry off.
You'll catch cold.
All right.
How badly did you hurt the guard?
(STAMMERING) I don't know
what you're talking about.
Yes, he's here.
Have Dr. Sheehan take a look
at your man before you send him up.
So Dr. Sheehan came in on the ferry
this morning, huh?
Not exactly.
You blew up my car.
I really loved that car.
Sorry to hear about that.
Tremors are getting pretty bad.
How are the hallucinations?
DOLORES: Get out of here, Teddy.
This place is gonna be the end of you.
Not bad.
-They'll get worse.
-TEDDY: I know.
Dr. Solando,
she told me about the neuroleptics.
Did she, now? And when was this?
I found her, Doctor,
in a cave out by the cliffs.
-But you'll never get to her.
-I don't doubt it,
considering she's not real.
Your delusions are more severe
than I thought.
You're not on neuroleptics.
You're not on anything,
as a matter of fact.
Then what the fuck is this? Huh?
What the fuck is this?
Withdrawal? From what?
I haven't had a goddamn drink
since I've been on this island.
I'm not a fan of pharmacology,
but I have to say, in your case...
-(STAMMERING) Chloraproma-what?
The same thing we've been giving you
for the past 24 months.
Oh, so for the past two years, you...
You've had somebody slipping me drugs
in Boston. Is that it?
Not Boston.
You've been here for two years.
A patient of this institution.
After everything I've seen here, Doctor,
you really think you're gonna
convince me I'm crazy, huh?
Do you know the kind of people
that I deal with every day?
I'm a U.S. Marshal, for God's sakes.
You were a U.S. Marshal.
Here's a copy of the intake form
you broke into Ward C for.
Proof of the 67th patient.
If you'd gotten it to the mainland,
you could have blown the lid
off this place.
-Wait. Where did... Where did you...
-Yet somehow,
you couldn't find time to look at it.
Well, read it now.
Go ahead.
"Patient is highly intelligent, highly
delusional decorated Army veteran.
for the liberation of Dachau.
"Former U.S. Marshal.
Known proclivity for violence.
"Shows no remorse for his crime
because he denies the crime ever...
"Ever took place.
"Highly developed
and fantastical narratives,
"which preclude
facing the truth of his actions."
I've had enough of this bullshit!
Where's my partner, huh?
Where's Chuck? Where is he?
Let's try this another way.
Your wife's maiden name was Chanal,
am I correct?
Don't you even talk about her.
Don't you...
I'm afraid I have to.
Notice anything
these four names have in common?
It's your rule of four.
Andrew, what do you see?
If you've done anything to my partner,
Doctor, that is a violation of...
Focus, Andrew! What do you see?
The names have the same letters.
Edward Daniels has exactly
the same 13 letters as Andrew Laeddis.
The same as Rachel Solando
and Dolores Chanal.
The names are anagrams
for each other.
Your tactics,
they're not gonna work on me.
You came here for the truth. Here it is.
Your name is Andrew Laeddis.
The 67th patient at Ashecliffe
is you, Andrew.
You were committed here by court order
24 months ago.
Your crime is terrible,
one you can't forgive yourself for,
so you invented another self.
All right.
(STAMMERING) Let's get down
to the facts, all right?
You've created a story
in which you're not a murderer.
You're a hero, still a U.S. Marshal, only
here at Ashecliffe because of a case,
and you've uncovered a conspiracy
so that anything we tell you
about who you are, what you've done,
you can dismiss as lies, Andrew.
My name is Edward Daniels.
I've been hearing this fantasy
for two years now. I know every detail.
Patient 67, the storm,
Rachel Solando, your missing partner,
the dreams you have every night.
You were at Dachau,
but you may not have killed any guards.
I wish I could let you
just live in your fantasy world.
I really do.
But you're violent, trained, dangerous.
You're the most dangerous patient
we have.
You've injured orderlies, guards,
other patients.
Two weeks ago,
you attacked George Noyce.
No, no. I am fucking on to you, Doctor.
-You had Noyce beaten.
-Of course I didn't!
Give me one reason
why I would even touch him!
Because he called you Laeddis,
and you'd do anything not to be him.
I have a transcript of the conversation
you had with Noyce yesterday.
"This is about you, and, Laeddis,
that's all it's ever been about."
No, no. He's saying
this is about me and Laeddis.
When you asked him
what happened to his face,
he said, now here I'm quoting again,
"You did this."
No, no, he meant that it was my fault.
You almost killed him.
The warden and the Board of Overseers
are determined something be done.
It's been decided
that unless we can bring you
back to sanity now,
right now,
permanent measures will be taken to
ensure you can't hurt anyone ever again.
They'll lobotomize you, Andrew.
Do you understand?
Yeah, I understand.
I understand just fine.
If I don't play along
with your little game here,
Dr. Naehring's gonna turn me
into one of his ghosts.
But what about my partner?
You gonna tell the U.S. Marshal's office
that he's a defense mechanism?
Hello, boss.
(SOFTLY) What the fuck
is going on here? Hmm?
You working for him?
I'm sorry. There wasn't any other way.
Someone had to stick with you,
keep you safe.
You been watching me, huh?
Watching me every minute.
Who are you?
Who are you? Tell me.
Don't you recognize me, Andrew?
I've been your primary psychiatrist
for the last two years.
I'm Lester Sheehan.
-I told you... I told you about my wife, I...
-I know.
I climbed down a cliff to get you.
I trusted you.
I risked everything to come in here
after you. Everything!
-I know, boss.
-We're running out of time here, Andrew.
I swore before the Board of Overseers
that I could construct the most radical,
cutting-edge role-play
ever attempted in psychiatry,
and it would bring you back.
I thought that if we let you play this out
we could get you to see how untrue,
how impossible it is.
You've had the run of the place
for two days.
Tell me, where are
the Nazi experiments?
The satanic ORs?
Andrew, listen to me.
If we fail with you,
then everything that we've tried to do
here will be discredited. Everything.
We're on the front lines of a war
here, old boy.
And right now, it all comes down to you.
-Don't move! Don't move!
-Andrew! Andrew! No. No.
is Edward Daniels!
This one's loaded.
I can tell by the weight.
I see. And that's your firearm, Marshal?
You're sure?
My initials are on the side.
There's a dent in the barrel
from when Philip Stacks shot at me.
You're not gonna fuck with my mind
on this one, Doctor!
CAWLEY: Then blast away.
Because that's the only way
you're ever getting off this island.
Andrew, please don't.
My gun.
What did you do to my goddamn gun?
It's a toy, Andrew.
We're telling you the truth.
Dolores was insane,
manic-depressive, suicidal.
You drank, stayed away,
ignored what everyone told you.
You moved to that lake house
after she purposely set
your city apartment on fire.
-You were...
-(SCREAMING) You're lying!
-Andrew! Andrew, stop. No.
-You drugged the cigarettes!
-All you've done is lie!
-Andrew. Andrew.
Your children. Andrew, your children.
Simon. Henry.
I never had any children.
Your wife drowned them
at the cabin by the lake.
And here, the little girl,
the one you dream of
every night.
I never had a little girl.
The one who tells you over and over
that you should have saved her,
saved them all.
Your daughter, her name was Rachel.
Are you going to deny
that she ever lived?
Andrew, are you?
I'm so sorry, baby.
I told you not to come in here.
I told you this would be the end of you.
I'm back!
We got him just outside of Oklahoma.
Must've stopped 10 places
in between here and Tulsa.
I could sleep for a week.
PREACHER: And he said, "Take up
your bed and walk." But God?
PREACHER: Then he said, "Take up
your bed and walk."
Forgive sins, but God?
why are you all wet?
I missed you.
I wanna go home.
You are home.
Where are the kids?
They're in school.
It's Saturday, honey.
School's not in on Saturday.
My school is.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God. Oh, my God.
Oh, my God, no.
Come on, come on.
No. No. Please, God.
Please, God, no!
Let's put them at the table, Andrew.
We'll dry them off.
We'll change their clothes.
They'll be our living dolls. Huh?
Tomorrow we can take them on a picnic.
If you ever loved me, Dolores,
please stop talking.
I love you.
Set me free.
Oh, baby.
We'll give them baths.
-I love you, baby.
-I love you, too.
-I love you so much.
-I love you so much.
I love you. I...
(SOBBING) Oh, baby.
Andrew, can you hear me?
Rachel. Rachel, Rachel.
Rachel who?
Rachel. Rachel Laeddis.
My daughter.
Why are you here?
Because I killed my wife.
And why did you do that?
Because she murdered our children,
and she told me to let her go.
-Who's Teddy Daniels?
-He doesn't exist.
Neither does Rachel Solando.
I made them up.
-CAWLEY: We need to hear you say it.
After she tried to kill herself
the first time,
Dolores told me she...
She had an insect living
inside her brain.
She could feel it
clicking across her skull,
just pulling the wires just for fun.
She told me that.
She told me that, but I didn't listen.
I loved her so much, you know.
CAWLEY: Why did you make them up?
Because I can't take knowing
that Dolores killed our children.
And I...
I killed them 'cause I didn't get her help,
you know.
I killed them.
Here's my fear, Andrew.
We broke through once before,
nine months ago,
and then you regressed.
-I don't remember that.
-I know.
You reset, Andrew.
Like a tape playing over and over
on an endless loop.
I hope that what we've done here
will be enough
to stop it from ever happening again,
but I need to know
you've accepted reality.
You came after me, huh, Doctor?
You tried to help me
when no one else would.
My name's Andrew Laeddis,
and I murdered my wife
in the spring of '52.
How we doing this morning?
-Good. And you?
-Can't complain.
So what's our next move?
You tell me.
We gotta get off this rock, Chuck.
Get back to the mainland.
Whatever the hell's going on here,
it's bad.
(WHISPERING) Don't worry, partner,
they're not gonna catch us.
That's right. We're too smart for them.
Yeah, we are, aren't we?
You know,
this place makes me wonder...
Yeah, what's that, boss?
Which would be worse,
to live as a monster
or to die as a good man?