Shutter (2008)

Um, so, anyway...
thank you all so much
for being here and...
- uh, let's eat some cake.
- [Cheering]
[Shutter Clicking]
[Laughing Shriek]
- ##[Dance]
- [Laughing] Careful!
[Shrieks, Chuckles]
- Ben, you're gonna drop me.
- I am gonna drop you.
- [Shrieks, Laughs] God.
- [Chuckles]
[Woman Moaning]
- Mmm, stay just like that.
- Ben...
- Enough with the pictures! [Chuckles]
- Come on!
You look beautiful!
They should be preserved for all of time.
This is what I get
for marrying a photographer.
What are you doing
so far away from me?
The most beautiful blushing bride
in all of Brooklyn.
You have been wonderful
about this whole thing.
- Yes, I have been wonderful.
- Yes, you have.
I promise you, I will make it fun.
Just think, the first stamp
in your new passport is gonna beJapan.
- How cool is that?
- That is cool. That is really cool.
Well, the car will
be here in an hour.
You better hurry up if you're gonna
get this thing consummated.
God, look at that.
- Mmm, it's beautiful, huh?
- It's gorgeous!
Real quick. Get in the picture.
- Uh-oh.
- [Clicks, Beeps]
Baby, I'm sorry.
Can you check the map?
- [Groans]
- I am so lost. I think...
- Sorry to wake you up.
- Mmm, it's okay.
Did you cross a bridge?
- What was the last thing that you passed?
- Uh, this intersection about...
[Brakes Squealing, Tires Screeching]
Jane. Jane?
Jane, honey, are you okay?
There was a girl.
We hit a girl.
- There was a girl on the road.
- Okay. Okay.
- I think she might be dead.
- [Groans]
- Jesus Christ.
- There's nothing here, Jane.
- Oh, I might've killed someone.
- Janie, there's nothin' here.
She could be covered in the snow.
Ben, we have to find her.
- Janie, there's no blood. There's nothing here.
- We have to find her.
Let me get you back in the car.
It is freezing out here.
I'm gonna call the police.
I'll get us some help.
[Man Speaking japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
- They can't just leave.
- Honey...
They searched the woods.
They called the hospitals. There's nothing.
They think we hit an animal.
You're absolutely positive that it was a girl?
Ben, she was standing right here.
Okay. Look, there's nothing else
we can do tonight.
So can we please, please just go?
Oh, man.
Oh, man.
I think I tweaked somethin'
back there.
We did everything we could, Jane.
Look, we've only got a couple of days
before I start work. Let's try and enjoy it.
What do you say
I make us some green tea?
And then we can sleep for a year.
Maybe two.
Janie, I forgot how beautiful
the light is out here.
We have got... [Shutter Clicks]
To start taking some pictures.
What would a girl have been doing in the
middle of the road wearing a dress like that?
Jane, honey,
we have talked about this.
If there was a girl... If...
Then somebody must have stopped
and got her some help.
- I know. I just... I can't...
- Jane, please.
Stop being so dramatic about this.
If there was a girl,
I promise you...
she is somewhere right now sitting in bed,
eating ice cream and having her cast signed.
- [Chuckles]
- Come with me, and let's take some photographs.
- Baby, do they even have ice cream in Japan?
- Yes, they do.
- But... it's fish flavored.
- Oh, okay.
Right... No, no. Right...
Perfect. One second.
- Ben, it's really cold.
- I know. I'm comin'.
Okay, okay.
First, one for Mom.
- A family portrait.
- [Shutter Clicks]
- [Chuckles]
- Can I press the button?
- You wanna press the button?
- I wanna press the button.
- [Shutter Clicks]
- [jane Chuckles]
- [Ben] That's why they pay me the big bucks.
- [jane]jane is cold.
- [jane]jane's cold.
- [Ben] We should definitely,
definitely warm jane up.
[Chattering In japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
- Oh.
- Hi.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- And congratulations on the job.
- Thank you.
- Ben-san!
- [Japanese]
- See ya.
- Bruno! Look at you!
- Oh!
- Two years!
- Like you never left.
- Maybe I shouldn't have.
Oh, come on. Come on.
This must beJane.
Uh, yes. Bruno, Jane.
Jane, Bruno.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
- Sorry I couldn't make it, but...
- Oh, Ben's told me so much about you.
- Oh, hopefully the good stuff.
- [Chuckles]
And I'm sorry we cut short
your honeymoon.
In fact, I got the client
upstairs waiting.
- Oh, don't worry about me. Go.
- Okay.
- Good luck.
- [Ben] I'm sorry I'm late, man.
The traffc was a killer.
[Bruno] Don't worry about it.
You're the genius photographer.
That's why I brought you out here.
We finalized the last of the models.
Did you get the Polaroids we sent over?
I did get the Polaroids. There's a couple
I'd like to meet in person.
- Yeah, I bet there is.
- Oh, come on.
Talk to Adam about that tomorrow.
Now, the clients are eager to get going.
And I think I should mention they are
very pleased with our choice of photographer.
- You ready?
- Ready.
[All Speaking Japanese]
So, it's a loft conversion, but it's much nicer
on the inside. No, no. Let me get that.
All the comforts of home.
Right this way.
- ##[Background: Techno]
- Ah. Here is the photo studio.
Come on in.
Hi! Pleasure to meet you.
Yes, this is your assistant.
Ben Shaw, Seiko Nakamura.
And this is Ben's wife, Jane.
- Hi, it's nice to meet you.
- Nice to meet you.
- Does this work?
- [Chuckles] Yeah.
Let me show you
the darkroom over here...
for the black-and-white prints.
Yeah? Will it work?
- It's good?
- Yeah, yeah. Better than good.
Good. All right. Well, let's head upstairs,
and we'll check out the rest.
- [Ben] People live here?
- Well, yours is the only actual completed unit.
So, you guys'll have
the whole place to yourselves.
Be good for a couple
of newlyweds, huh?
[Voice Whispering]
[Sighs] We had, uh, most of this stuff
from another shoot.
- Figured they wouldn't miss it.
- You always were a sneaky bastard.
I had, uh, Seiko rent the rest.
- [Bruno] Not so bad, right?
- Are you kidding? It's great.
Look at this place.
- Our stuff.
- [Bruno] I gotta get back to the offce.
Man, you set us up here.
I want you to know
I really appreciate this job.
Come on. You make me look good,
you being here.
- Besides, it'll just be like old times.
- [Whispers, Indistinct]
- [Bruno] Don't forget. Dinner with Adam.
- Sounds good to me.
All right. Good night.
- [Door Closes]
- It's huge!
- My God!
- And it's all ours!
I mean, Janie,
did you see this view ofTokyo?
I wish I'd brought up my camera.
Well, too bad there is nothing else
that we could do...
up here.
##[Woman Vocalizing]
Mr. Ben Shaw.
[Jane Chuckles]
#All these things I say #
# The way you make me feel #
#All these things I say #
# You are #
- # Good to me #
- [Laughs]
# You are #
# Good to me #
# You are #
# Good to me ##
[Object Clatters]
[Voice Whispering]
[Voice Whispering]
You gotta get that looked at, honey.
What's this?
Just a little surprise.
It's the honeymoon photographs.
I gave Bruno the film last night.
Seiko just dropped them off.
Oh, God, I look hideous.
What's this?
I don't know.
Reflection, maybe?
Or it could just be
a bad frame on the roll.
- No, it's in a couple of'em.
- Really? Hmm.
Maybe I misloaded the film.
Well, if that's the case,
then we'll just have to reshoot.
Enjoy your first day in Tokyo.
- [Footsteps]
- [Voice Whispering]
[Squeaking, Clattering At Window]
[Clattering Continues]
- ##[Background: Man Rapping, Indistinct]
- Open your eyes. Just like that.
Hold that. Hold it.
Just like that.
Eyes to me.
Just like that.
Eyes to me.
Can you drop your hand off the bottle
just a little... Right there. Perfect.
Hold that. Last couple.
Lovely. Uh, perfect.
Okay. Can you bring your hand down
just a little bit on the bottle?
A little more, more, more.
Okay. Right there, perfect.
Hold that.
Last couple frames.
I'm sorry. Excuse me.
Can you show me how to get to...
I'm looking for, uh...
[Chattering In japanese]
- ##[Fanfare]
- Super Lucky!
- ##[Continues]
- [Pachinko Balls Clattering]
[Shouting In Japanese]
Sorry. Sorry.
- [Seiko] Hey.
- [Jane] Hi.
- Hey, baby.
- Hey.
- How was your first day in Tokyo?
- Uh, it was, um...
- Mmm.
- Good. Rainy.
Yeah, you're soaked.
Let's get you out of this.
- Thank you.
- Megan called. She's sending over
the photos from the wedding.
Oh, that's nice.
I should give her a call.
[Chuckles] You could,
but it's 3:00 a.m. In New York.
- Yesterday.
- Oh. Mmm.
- How was your day?
- It's... the office.
This'll only take a second.
Thank you.
- Moshi moshi.
- So, where'd you go?
- Uh, mostly I just walked around.
- Can I see your pictures?
Sure. They're just tourist shots.
- [Beeps]
- [Giggles]
- Oh, God.
- [Chuckles]
- [Speaking Japanese]
- What?
Spirit photos.
Hold on.
You know wh... what these are?
Yeah. My ex-boyfriend works
at a spirit photography magazine.
- There are whole magazines?
- Yeah.
- [Beeps]
- Any in English?
Um, I can introduce you tomorrow, uh,
after the photo shoot.
- Come on. It'll be fun.
- Um...
That's cute.
You girls have a date.
- Uh... Well, I guess so. [Chuckles]
- Great.
Hey. Ah!
- Jane.
- Long time.
- [Ben] Adam, this is myjane. Jane, Adam.
- Hello. I'm Adam.
- Lovely to meet you.
- It's a pleasure to meet you.
[Speaking Japanese]
- [Bruno] Look at you. You look like an old man.
- Bite me.
- Yeah, a cane or something there, buddy?
- I got your cane right here.
- Um, sake?
- Sounds great. Sure.
So, what do you do when you're not
traveling the world with this guy?
Actually, I just became certified
to teach sixth-grade English.
Well, that must be pretty fulfilling.
- No, l...
- [Speaking Japanese]
So, hey, Bru, you remember that Russian
hostess from the other night?
- No.
- Yeah, I called her.
She's comin' in
for an audition on Wednesday.
- Unbelievable, this guy.
- Some things never change.
- Hey, it's my job.
- [Men Chuckling]
- Arigato.
- Thank you.
- What is it exactly that you do, Adam?
- Um...
- [Laughs]
- I, um, I rep models.
Um, and I got this guy all the girls
he's workin' with the next two weeks.
Ah. You guys make quite the team,
don't you?
- [Adam] Certainly did.
- [Bruno] Three amigos
of the international department.
- To good friends.
- [Others] Kanpai.
Just perfect.
- Eyes right to lens. Perfect.
- ##[Woman Singing Pop]
- Right there. Hold that.
- [Shutter Clicks]
Perfect. Okay. Hold that.
Emi, can you bring that pipejust...
six inches out from your mouth.
No, out. Right.
Okay. That's enough color.
Let's shoot some black-and-white.
See, uh, right up there? That's my office,
right up there in the corner.
- That's your office?
- [Ben] Clear frame, please. Bruno!
- Yeah?
- Be plenty of time for that later.
All right.
Clear the frame, please.
[Voice Whispering]
[Woman's Voice]
You left me here.
- What did you say?
- What?
What did you just say to me?
[Clears Throat]
Okay. Here we go.
Uh, Sandra, can you
bring your leg out a little bit?
- Thank you.
- [Shutter Clicking]
[Voice Whispering]
TheJapanese love
paranormal phenomena.
- And your boyfriend works here.
- No.
- Ritsuo is my ex-boyfriend.
- Oh.
- He's dating Yukiko now.
- Oh.
[People Chattering]
[Chattering Stops]
- Seiko?
- Ritsuo?
- [Giggling]
- [Speaking Japanese]
[Seiko Giggles]
[Quietly Speaking Japanese]
Sorry. L... I was wondering if you could
tell me where you get your photos from.
- Oh, he's a fake.
- Oh. Shh.
Look. Our readers want to see scary photos.
And real ones are hard to find.
So, it's not a big deal.
Right, so none of this is real.
I didn't say that. Look, I started
this magazine three years ago.
And this is the first photo
we ever published.
That's me in the photo.
It was taken after my mother
had passed away.
It's real.
But that's just one picture.
Come on.
I want to show you something.
[Voice Whispering]
We didn't fake these.
You know, spirit photography
has been around since the 1800s...
as long as photography itself.
All across the world,
these images have always appeared...
connecting us with the unseen.
And I think they're trying
to tell us something.
Like what?
Well, depends on the people
and the pictures.
Unrequited love.
Maybe you've had an unfinished business
with a dead relative.
Could be your father,
mother, children.
- [Voices Whispering]
- I've seen pictures where
living people have appeared.
I think it's a case of strong emotions
making themselves heard.
- Like a message.
- Yes.
Think about it. Why all that effort
if you don't have something to say?
[Voices Whispering]
You know, if you're interested,
wejust did a big story on a local medium.
He's a powerful spiritualist.
We had him take a look
at a bunch of photos. Here.
Does this mean that you can't tell
which ones are real or which ones are fakes?
I know that you can't fake a Polaroid.
There's no negative.
You load the film,
you push a shutter.
And out comes a photo.
How are you gonna fake that?
Maybe you should take a picture of your girlfriend.
My spirit doesn't really like her.
Well, then maybe I should
take pictures of you.
- [Seiko] Hey, where are you going with that?
- [Ritsuo Laughs]
[Voices Whispering]
[Voice Whispering]
[Whispering Grows Louder]
[Voice Screams]
- [Knocking]
- [Seiko] Hello.
- Is everything okay?
- Uh...
Uh, yeah.
Uh, yeah, yeah, yeah.
Everything's fine. I just... I, um...
I got some chemicals in my eyes.
[Girls Chattering In japanese]
[Man On P.A. Speaking japanese]
I'm sorry.
I'm so sorry.
Please, can somebody make it stop?
Does anyone know how to...
I need to get back.
Please, somebody help!
[Ben] Tell me it's not my fault.
Tell me that they damaged it at the lab.
They looked. It's on the negatives.
[Ben] Then why didn't we
see anything in the Polaroids?
Then they must have damaged it
at the lab!
- [Ben Groans]
- [Seiko Speaking japanese]
- Just tell me this is not my fault.
- Hey.
What's going on?
The film from today's shoot
is ruined.
Okay, I'm gonna go.
- Bye, Jane.
- Bye.
How bad is it?
Can you reshoot?
No. Not without blowing the budget
and the schedule.
- That's if they'd even let me.
- It was a mistake.
- These things happen.
- Yes, it was.
A very embarrassing,
very expensive mistake.
We've seen this before.
Like the pictures from the cabin.
Well, it makes sense.
It's the same camera.
It must've got
banged up in the crash.
And, uh, somethin' got in the body,
or there's a light leak.
I don't know. But I'm lucky
I didn't get fired today.
- If it wasn't for Bruno...
- I saw her.
The girl from the road.
- [Sighs]
- She followed us to Tokyo.
Well, great, great.
That means she's okay.
No, she's... She's not...
She's not okay, Ben. Christ, she...
I think she's dead.
Janie, look. I know that this
has been difficult for you.
- And it's completely understandable given...
- I know. I know. I know.
I know what it sounds like.
I know it sounds crazy. But just think about it.
Ben, have you seen
or felt anything strange?
Anything at all.
Anything since the crash.
Jane, I haven't seen any ghosts.
- Don't be like that.
- But that's what this is about, right?
I mean, that's what you're saying.
Listen to yourself.
Do you hear what
you're saying, Jane? Ghosts?
I mean, look. I wish I could
quit my job. I do.
I wish I could spend every moment
of every day with you, but I can't.
- I have to work.
- I've never asked you to hold my hand.
- I've never asked you...
- But, Jane, that's what this is about!
Now, come on!
Today is just not the day. I'm sorry.
I'm sorry, Jane, but, Jesus,
I'm just not your fucking father.
[Footsteps Departing]
[Thunder Rumbling]
[Voice Whispering]
[Voice Whispering]
[Thunder Rumbling]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
I see no sign of serious injury.
I can give you something for the pain.
## [Girl Singing In Japanese]
##[Singing Continues]
[Voice Whispering]
##[Woman Humming]
##[Humming Continues]
Honey, I'm really sorry about last night.
[Phone Ringing]
That's probably the agency.
- I'll be right back.
- [Ringing Continues]
- Moshi moshi.
- Hi. It's me.
Hey, let's not fight anymore.
I'm sorry about the whole thing.
Well, I was thinking
I'd make you dinner.
##[Humming Continues]
Ben? Are you there?
##[Humming Continues]
## [Humming]
No! God!
[Wind Blowing]
[Both Gasp]
I'm so sorry.
Honey, I'm so sorry.
You saw her.
I think maybe the stress is gettin' to me.
But you saw the girl.
Seiko took me
to meet her ex-boyfriend.
He told me that emotional energy
can be communicated on film.
I know. I know.
- But all of your ruined photos?
- [Window Creaking]
Everything that's happened...
I think it's that girl from the road.
She's angry at me
for what I did to her.
There's a man that people go to...
to... cleanse their spirits.
- [Sighs]
- I think he should take a look at our pictures.
- Jane, a fortuneteller?
- Please. I need you.
What can it hurt?
[Baby Crying In Distance]
[Sighs, Speaking Japanese]
We can go in.
- We saw your article.
- [Speaking Japanese]
Well, we wanted to know.
What are these?
[Ben Speaking japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
What are you?
- [Japanese]
- Not the skin.
- [Japanese]
- This is not us.
- [Japanese]
- We are spirit.
Just alive.
The spirit is energy.
When the body dies, the flesh rots.
The spirit leaves,
but the energy remains.
Light is energy.
The camera catches light.
That's how this works.
- But what makes them appear?
- [Speaking Japanese]
Passion twists the spirit.
Too much desire...
or love... or hate.
The spirit becomes...
Iocked to the body.
Trapped in death.
Mr. Murase, we had an accident.
[Speaking Japanese]
[Speaking Japanese]
[Shouting In Japanese]
- He's talkin' crazy.
- Wait, what is he saying?
- He's saying we're on our own.
- I think he's trying to help us.
We're leaving. Come on!
He said there's nothin' he can do.
But why? Did he say anything
that can help us?
The guy's a fake, a scam artist, okay?
We're wasting our time here.
- [Phone Beeps]
- Seiko. Hey, it's me.
Hey, everybody.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I cannot talk about this right now.
Can we talk about it later?
Okay? Later.
Sorry, everybody.
Do you guys have a-a Polaroid camera
that I could borrow?
[Speaking Japanese]
[Female Electronic Voice
Speaking japanese]
- [Voice Whispering]
- [Electricity Buzzing]
[Voice Whispering]
[Voice Whispering]
[Speaking Japanese]
Where are you?
[Door Creaking]
[Voice Whispering]
[Whispering In japanese]
[Chattering, Laughing]
## [Humming]
[Saying Good-byes In Japanese]
- [Japanese]
- See you tomorrow at 8:00.
- See you tomorrow. Thanks for your help today.
- My pleasure.
[Beeping Continues]
[Generator Recharging]
[Power Shuts Down]
Hey, I'm still in here!
[Generator Recharging]
Jane? Is that you?
Look, this isn't funny anymore!
Turn on the lights.
[Objects Clattering]
[Gasping, Grunting]
Who's there?
Who's there?
- [Gasps]
- [Out Of Breath]
- [Exhales]
- You know who she is.
Megumi was a translator.
Good. Excuse me, miss.
Could you come forward a little bit
andjust tuck in? All right.
[Ben] I don't think she'd ever
had a serious relationship before.
[Chattering, Laughing]
Me, us, herjob-
they meant freedom
from her home life.
- Her father was very traditional.
He didn't approve.
- [Crying]
- This is for you.
- She wanted to spend more
and more time at my place.
Oh, my God.
You really shouldn't have done this.
Her father died suddenly.
He'd been sick for a while.
- After that, she was different. Needy.
- Ben.
I knew she was suffering,
but there was nothing I could do.
I just wasn't falling in love with her.
She sensed it.
- It only made her more intense, obsessive.
- Ben.
Maybe I didn't understand
what our relationship meant to her...
how much it cost her.
She was dangerous, Jane.
She was going to hurt someone... herself.
- Don't leave me!
- Put that... Put it down!
- This has got to stop. It has to stop.
- No!
I can't do this anymore.
- [Sobbing]
- She wouldn't listen to me.
She wouldn't leave me alone.
She followed me everywhere.
- Bruno and Adam said they'd talk to her.
- And?
And they told her to stop,
that it was over.
That it was over,
that she was making a fool of herself.
After that, I never saw her again.
You just pushed her away.
- Janie, look, I know I didn't handle this well.
- But what was she doing there?
- Why was she on that road?
- I don't know.
I don't know.
She must have been following me.
I know I should've told you...
but that's just not the easiest thing
to tell your new wife.
But now,
Christ, this whole thing...
It's just so crazy.
Maybe we should get out of here.
Just go back to New York.
What do you think?
Really? Well, what about the shoot?
Screw the job.
I can get another job.
But I will not risk you.
[Phone Line Ringing]
[Ringing Continues]
- [Bruno] Hello?
- Hey, man, am I waking you?
No, no. I'm just watching TV.
- What's goin' on?
- I've been thinking about Megumi.
- You know what ever happened to her?
- [TVPlaying]
You know, it's funny.
I saw her the other day.
What? Are you sure?
- Yeah.
- What did she say?
Nothing. She was just on the street.
She was pointing at me,
and I just went the other way.
She kind of creeps me out, man.
- But you were absolutely certain it was her.
- Yeah.
Who are you talking to?
Uh, it's nobody, hon.
I'll be right there.
Bruno, I'm sorry, man.
Can I call you in the morning?
##[Background: Pop]
If I'd have known
this was necessary...
I would've worn something
a little nicer.
That's gonna be just fine.
I'm a little bit nervous.
Oh, just pretend I'm a customer
at your restaurant.
Ha. I don't usually wait tables
in my underwear.
There's always a first time
for everything.
You've gotta be kidding me.
You wanna be a fashion model.
Your test photos need a little bit of fashion.
- Giddyap, cowboy.
- I will.
Look, I'm not gonna keep posing
if you're not gonna take the picture.
Um, I'm gonna keep
taking the pictures.
Um, let's move to the stairs, yeah?
Come on.
All right.
You are seriously beautiful.
[Phone Ringing]
It's Bruno.
- Hey, man. Uh...
- There's been an accident.
- It's, uh, Adam.
- Oh, God. What kind of accident?
They don't know. Um...
They don't know.
Where are they keeping him?
We'll come right now.
- He's in a hospital in Shinjuku.
- Okay. See you there.
[Voice Whispering]
[Muffled Sobbing]
[Woman On P.A. Speaking japanese]
- Bruno should've been here.
- Try him again.
Bruno. Look, man,
we really need you down here.
Adam didn't make it.
- [Knocking]
- [TVPlaying]
[Sound Mutes]
[Object Clatters]
- Bruno. Stop.
- [Gasps]
- Bruno! Bruno!
- No! No!
Bruno! Bruno!
- [Thunder Rumbling]
- [People Chattering]
He was cutting up photos.
It's not a coincidence.
I know.
She killed them.
She killed my friends.
- Why them? We're the ones who hit her.
- I don't know.
And we can't stay here.
It must be from Megan.
[Voice Whispering]
Okay. I got the tickets.
We can change them at the counter.
We're not going anywhere.
These pictures were taken
before the crash.
- How can she possibly...
- This isn't about the crash.
She was with us before we got here.
She's been with us all along.
The medium said that spirits
are tied to the flesh.
Even in death.
Ben, we have to find her.
[Ben] Megumi had a house a few hours
outside of Tokyo. We can start there.
[Wind Chimes Tinkling]
[Floorboards Creaking]
[Ben Speaking japanese]
Is anyone there?
[Voice Whispering]
Come on. She's not here.
Let's go.
- [Object Clattering]
- Wait.
Did you hear that?
[Clattering Continues]
- [Clattering Continues]
- Ben.
[Rattles Doorknob]
Come on.
[Clattering Continues]
[Bottles Clink]
[Fly Buzzing]
[Thunder Rumbling]
Police said Megumi's funeral will be tomorrow.
She'll be cremated.
And then we can go home.
[Voice Whispering]
[Whispering Continues]
[Bedsprings Creaking]
Jane! Jane.
What's the matter?
- [Out Of Breath]
- Ben?
[Rain Pattering]
Ben, what is it, baby?
- I had a dream. I had a dream.
- Oh.
- Was it a bad dream?
- Just a dream.
[Soft Scraping]
[Scraping Continues]
[Flies Buzzing]
- [Coughing, Gagging]
- Ben? Ben!
Ben, it's... Ben!
- [Gasps]
- [Flies Buzzing]
Ben! Ben! Stop! No!
Please! Ben! Ben!
Oh, my God! Oh!
- Ben?
- [Gasps]
Get out! Leave us alone!
Do you hear me?
- [Wind Howling]
- [Gasping, Groaning]
Aaah! Help me!
Oh, God! He left you
because he never loved you!
[Muffled Screams]
[Hushed Laughing]
[Gasps, Coughing]
Oh! I got you.
[Jane Crying]
- Have a safe flight.
- Thank you.
- Bye.
- Take care.
[Key Turns In Lock]
[Vehicles Passing]
[People Chattering In Distance]
[Tapping, Clattering]
[Voice Whispering]
[Muffled Sob]
Hey. I'm back.
Janie? I got the cheesecake.
What's goin' on?
Where did you get those?
- I said stop, Jane.
- What happened?
What did you do to that girl?
- Honey, it's not what you...
- What did you do to her?
Baby, you don't know
what it was like.
She was crazy.
Janie, I didn't know what to do.
She wouldn't stop.
Adam said he had some pills.
Uh, like sleeping pills.
Just a little bit stronger.
One drink.
I just wanted to say that I'm sorry.
- Kanpai.
- Kanpai.
All we were gonna do
is take pictures.
Then, if she wouldn't stop,
I could use them against her.
I could show them to people at work,
show them to her mother.
It sounded okay
when we talked about it.
- [Megumi] Ben.
- [Bruno] Come on.
- Just let me get a light.
- Come on. What are you waiting for?
- [Megumi] Ben?
- [Bruno] Come on, man! Take the picture.
- Don't leave us hangin'here.
- Ben?
- Ben?
- [Adam] Hey, hey, hey. Easy.
- It's all right.
- It's fun. Don't worry about it.
Hey, it's okay.
Yeah, don't worry about it. It's fine.
- [Shutter Clicking]
- [Bruno] You kiss a cheek too.
- Ben.
- That look good?
[Bruno] No, no, no, no. We're good.
We're good right here.
- [Adam] Great pills.
- [Adam, Bruno Laughing]
Did you get this?
Come on.
Where you goin'?
- [Sobbing] Ben. Ben!
- [Bruno] Where you goin', man? Come on.
Let's do it on the floor.
- [Bruno] Yeah, you got her?
- [Adam] Yeah, yeah, yeah.
She's strong.
- [Adam] Aah! That's a girl.
- [Bruno] Adam, hold her down.
- [Sobbing] Ben!
- [Dress Ripping]
- [Bruno] Don't struggle!
- [Megumi Screams]
Janie, I know it was wrong.
I know I should've done something.
But I didn't touch that girl.
- What?
- I didn't touch her. I just took the pictures.
- It was Adam and Bruno who
took that thing way too far.
- That's why she killed them!
But not me.
It was a warning.
She wanted me to see
the man that she knew.
She was trying to help me.
- Jane, I'm a different person.
- How?
How does forgetting something like that
make you a different man?
- Jane.
- And the sick thing is, you could.
You could live with this.
Janie. Jane!
You don't understand.
The woman was crazy.
Let's just take a deep breath here.
Let's just take a moment. Wait.
- I said wait, goddamn it!
- Wait for what?
What can you say
that will change anything?
I gotta go. I need...
I need time to think.
No, I don't.
I won't spend my life with you.
Jane. Jane, don't leave me.
Don't leave me!
Jane! Don't leave me with her!
[Object Clatters]
This is what you wanted, right?
You and me.
Together forever.
Where are you?
Where are you?
She's gone.
This is what you wanted, isn't it?
Isn't it?
Honey, you gotta get that looked at.
I think I tweaked
something back there.
- [Bruno] Look at you. You look like an old man.
- [Ben] I know, I know.
[Nurse Speaking japanese]
She's been with us all along.
Get off! Get off of me!
[Gasping, Whimpering]
[Beeping, Charging]
- [Screaming]
- [Flesh Searing]
You'll never win.
[Electricity Sparking]
[Current Surging]
##[Woman Vocalizing]
# Oh, oh #
#All these things I say #
# The way you make me feel #
#I can't believe you're real #
# You are good to me #
# You are #
# Good to me #
# You are #
# Good to me #
# Oh, oh #
- [Woman #2, Vocalizing]
- #I never thought I'd find #
#A heart that ft with mine #
#Sometimes the world is kind #
# You are good to me #
- # You are #
- # You are #
# Good to me #
- # You are #
- # You are #
# Good to me #
# We'll know wonder
and the open world #
#Makes me smile to know
that you're my own #
#In the darkness
when I toss and turn #
# Gives me peace of mind
when you hold me #
# Uh-huh #
#All these things I say #
[Woman #2]
#All these things I say #
# The way you make me feel #
[Woman #2]
# The way you make me feel #
#I can't believe you're real #
# You are #
# Good to me #
# You are #
# Good to me #
# You are #
# Good to me #
# You are #
# Good to me #
# You are #
# Good to me #
##[Vocalizing Softly]