Si Puo Fare (We Can Do That) (2008)

MILAN, 1983
Nello, no!
You can't say the market is Leftist
in our book.
I said we have to stay in the market
but with our values.
If the Left goes against the market,
we'll be cut out.
- Fashion isn't Rightist.
- But Padella is.
He hires three, fires two,
so the third earns triple.
I like designing clothes,
what can I do?
You can do it at home.
Nello, you sold yourself out!
- I earn less than you!
- You defend the market!
I don't attack the market,
just its moral decay.
You want a woman
to keep the home fires burning.
You can't be living with me
and working for Padella.
Then I'll leave you,
you're too ancient.
You're too modern,
you can't stay in the Union,
but we won't abandon you,
a co-operative asked us for a manager
and we thought of you.
Is this Co-operative 180?
Much better.
I'm Del Vecchio, the president.
Sorry I'm late.
The new manager's here.
Luca is very good
but today he can't paste stamps.
Let's swap, you two stuff envelopes,
Ossi and Robby paste stamps.
Right in here.
We call ourselves Co-operative 180,
in honor of the Basaglia Law,
which frees the crazy.
If their families take them back,
they go crazy too
but if they don't take them back,
where do they go?
- I don't know.
- No one does.
I've kept some busy
with the Co-operative,
but I have no time,
I have 150 more
in the mental hospital.
- What does the Co-operative do?
- What can it do?
It begs.
We paste stamps,
put prices on olives,
one week with nuts, one without
or they get confused.
- What should I do?
- Get new contracts.
It's not hard, they listen to you.
- Why do they move so slowly?
- They're sedated.
Madness doesn't heal by law.
He's bad.
You're not eating the lasagna?
There's poison in homemade stuff.
I like poison.
We'll be working together,
we should get to know each other.
Nice, did you do that?
What's your name?
Don't want to tell me?
His name's Robby,
but he doesn't talk, he's autistic.
I'll introduce myself, I'm Fabio,
ex-patient, soccer fan and believer.
My father is a pilot, he's been
to Hamburg, Barcelona and Paris.
My expertise is at your disposal.
We're colleagues,
we can cut formalities.
- As you prefer, Mr. Manager.
- Call me Nello.
Thank you, Mr. Nello.
I thank you too, Mr. Fabio.
I'm Luisa,
I want to be called Ms. too.
Of course, Ms. Luisa.
Then I'm Mr. Goffredo.
- Want to introduce yourself?
- It's my turn?
I'm Ossi,
I have no preferences,
don't know anything,
I don't need anything,
it wasn't my turn, it was Gigio's.
Now he'll introduce himself too.
He's Luca, he's excellent,
he should get three salaries.
But who are you?
I'm Gigio, like the mouse,
I have the jitters because
I'm not getting the right medicine.
The right medicine is in America.
What can Mr. Luca tell us?
They call me Nicky Lauda
because I worked at the speedway.
I worked there for seven years,
it's very dangerous,
the cars zoom by you like this.
Seven years of that, it was fun.
I'm Miriam, I'm a lyricist,
I like all forbidden things,
but my life is simple.
Why do you look at me like that?
I'm engaged to a Spanish man,
Julio, he's very jealous.
I had a love affair too once.
He was in the can
and I was in the can,
then I got out and he got out,
we met, we hugged,
and loved.
We made a baby girl.
What a lovely story!
What's the girl's name?
I don't know,
they took her away from me.
I never saw her,
also because he ran off
with another woman
and my father whipped me
because I'm a filthy girl.
Okay, now back to work.
Good morning.
I'm Carlo and I was better off
with the UFOs.
We did introductions yesterday,
today let's hold a members' assembly.
What's that?
We'll talk together about
how we can work better.
Even the Japanese
have discovered that co-operatives
are the best way
to manage human resources.
Our problem is how to paste stamps
in the right place.
I mean you too, you can't leave,
it's work time.
Sudden violence,
now they'll give him Serenase,
he'll sleep 15 days.
Want to bet 15 cigarettes?
You can't have
a members' assembly here.
Mental illness isolates you
from the world,
even talking is tiring for them.
- I followed my instinct.
- This is your result.
- Who did it?
- No one, I fell.
I have to know who did it.
In factories problems
get resolved face-to-face,
you don't snitch.
You don't get it, know who Luca is?
I'll tell you.
His older brother
used to beat his mother
and one day he broke her arm
with a bat.
That day, Luca
slit his brother's throat
and put him on the rabbit cage
to bleed to death,
he was 16 years old.
hospital taught him all the rest.
You can't follow your instinct,
these people have hell inside.
I fell.
Tomorrow, nice and fresh!
I want the drawing, alright?
Go have fun.
- What'll we do?
- Let's have dinner.
Hi, Padella!
Who the fuck is it? Nello?
What happened to you?
I bumped into a door.
Hi, Sara.
Is it true you work with loonies?
- They're good workers.
- You wanted bad ones?
I hope you pay them under the table.
See you at the restaurant.
Nello, watch those doors!
Don't you see?
You can't work with Padella,
after what went on between you.
I kissed him when I was 18,
I'm 34 now.
- Since when are you jealous?
- Since always.
There's reflux now, I can tell you.
If I see a man looking at you,
I'd head-butt him.
Come back, I feel awful without you,
I miss everything,
even the occupied bathroom.
Do the job you want
but don't leave me,
a free bathroom is horrible.
It was fifteen?
Why didn't he get walloped?
I have the procedure here for...
Procedure for sudden violence:
ten milligrams of Serenase
three times a day.
Why didn't they give him anything?
It's written here: sudden violence.
Got a cigarette?
Mr. Nello,
I'll take this.
Hello, Mr. Gigio.
You do it wrong on purpose!
Know what I say?
Well done, it's not easy
to make designs like this,
this is artistry.
But we're not a co-operative of art,
we're a co-operative of work.
Why does the City
have us paste stamps?
Because we're mentally ill.
Okay, but the customer
must be satisfied,
the work has to be done well.
They pay us anyway.
Why do you stare at us like that?
We're crazy, not stupid!
Wouldn't you like
to have a normal job?
I get worked-up,
like my father,
he got so worked-up he died,
I don't know how to do a normal job.
Learn, you have the qualities,
doing designs like this isn't easy.
How much does a normal job pay?
Pretty well.
Let's review,
who remembers the two choices?
Welfare work: it's not tiring,
but it serves no purpose.
Enter the market:
you bust your butt, but you're useful
to others and make money.
- Excellent.
- I wanted to say it.
Let's vote.
Who votes for welfare?
I think the market
is a very vulgar thing.
Three votes.
Who votes for the market?
- No welfare!
- We won.
Now let's decide what work to do,
anyone have an idea?
- Mr. Ossi.
- I have no ideas.
Not one idea, total void.
Thank you, this also contributes
to the discussion.
Let's write "no ideas",
thank you.
- Other proposals?
- I have an idea.
As a good professional,
anything is alright with me,
but I'd like to be the manager,
if possible.
Manager, of course it's possible.
Other proposals? Mr. Goffredo.
- A co-operative of sheriffs.
- What bullshit!
It can be done.
A co-operative of sheriffs, why not?
- What is it?
- Let's buy a truck.
- I drive and they change the tires.
- It can be done.
Mr. Robby.
Thank you for your intervention,
we'll write "Robby's proposal".
Other ideas? Ms. Luisa.
My grandpa had a sawmill,
it had a nice wood smell.
Work with wood? It can be done,
I laid parquet floors as a kid.
My boss says no one's willing
to sweat in sawdust anymore,
are you?
- We are.
- I am!
- Good.
- Not me.
It's not one of my interests.
- In life, we all have to work.
- I work miracles.
The UFOs pay me
as an invalid retiree,
it comes on the 27.
Lucky you.
Who wants to work with parquet?
Hold it, that's not the way,
we can't decide by voting,
we have to ask Dr. Del Vecchio.
No, in a co-operative, the doctor
doesn't decide, the members do.
- And who are they?
- The heads of the co-operative.
All of you.
Hi member, how are you?
Members, this is our first job.
I know you'll do your best
to face this challenge.
Come on, Miriam.
- It's their first job?
- Nello will pay any damage.
- Don't you trust your sister?
- It's Nello I don't trust.
Give him a hand,
are you or aren't you a Leftist?
A parquet master will guide us,
Mr. Cicconi.
An applause.
- You're not offended, are you?
- No.
- How's he driving?
- In second gear.
He says he saw too many accidents
at the speedway.
Do I walk on this side
or that side of this machine?
Do as you like.
You've been bullshitting with me
for 14 years.
They're smarter than they look.
Rule number one: stay on the piece.
Take the drill out,
but first turn it off!
Mr. Goffredo, we have to get clean.
- What's he doing?
- Ossi, go left.
Rule number two: your work tool
is like your mother,
if you lose it, you're orphaned.
The laying requires delicate
gestures, like with your girlfriend.
- Aren't you working?
- No, I work miracles.
We'll need them.
Up with morale!
We made mistakes because we tried,
if you don't try, you don't make
mistakes, we learn from errors.
I don't have to learn anything,
those two made the mistakes.
In a co-operative, blame is shared.
- Why?
- Because earnings are shared too.
That's 200 thousand lire each.
- It's all ours?
- No.
One is mine.
One more room and we're done.
- You paid them yourself?
- Sure, they worked.
Wring it well, or it'll happen again.
Do you think they can ever make it?
It's worth a try, it's a nice thing.
- You'll learn a craft, you yacker.
- The coal miner has spoken.
Problem is, when they hear
the word "crazy", they hang up.
- Our living room...
- No, Nello.
I think parquet wouldn't look bad.
We found two layers anyway.
So, do we put that baseboard on?
I want the gun
with the sheriff's belt!
- In the bathroom too?
- That's what we decided.
- Sure, but not on the walls.
- They need to practice.
Mr. Ossi, how are things?
Bad, we're off the market.
It takes us 3 times longer
to lay parquet than normal workers,
if you add expenses and taxes,
we're off the market.
Good, but redoing the figuring,
you'll see it's not quite right.
He didn't do it, Del Vecchio did.
He says we can't do real work.
Why are you discouraging them?
I do all I can to motivate.
You aren't motivating them,
you're deceiving them.
They're mentally ill,
they can't even paste stamps.
But they can fool doctors,
these aren't done wrong,
they're designs,
you weren't even aware of it.
This means that
schizophrenics need symmetry?
They have capabilities,
why not make use of them?
Because as a physician I know
they can't withstand
the pressure of real work.
I manage a co-operative of work
not a hospital
and I'll treat them as workers.
You're frustrated because
the Union kicked you out,
you want to get even by deceiving
these poor mentally ill.
This thing will never work.
Then why do I have a job contract
in the center of Milan?
We have a job contract,
in the center, in Milan!
Congratulations, from my father too.
To work!
I'll fill the truck tank.
When do we start on Monday?
I have to organize.
You have lots of stores,
why can't we have one?
Are you zonkers?
Give a store to the mentally ill?
You called me "dirty bourgeois" when
I wouldn't burn designer shops.
Keep your voice down.
I'm not ashamed of a thing, are you?
- What do you want?
- A job contract.
We've known each other 20 years,
what do I have to do,
lick your shoes?
Give me this store
and get it over with.
What do you think?
They're good, they did
a great job at our house.
- But I'll give them my art director.
- Padellari, can you come?
And they do everything he says,
translate to Trotzky.
What did I say?
Just so it looks like his victory.
What are you doing, member?
I'm on the piece.
Hi, members.
What's happened?
- Berlinguer died.
- Who's he?
I'm going to the funeral,
continue on your own.
You're responsible for the work site,
the laying is to be done by Thursday.
Get moving,
delivery is Thursday,
get to work
or I'll fire you all, workers.
Why are you stopping?
"Work finished 12/16/84."
What do we do?
We wait till they finish.
- We're out of wood.
- What?
- Where are Nicky Lauda and Ossi?
- I don't know.
She doesn't know.
This guy's sleeping.
You can't sleep,
you're a layer so you have to lay.
What the fuck do I lay
if there's no wood?
I need my wood, understand?
I'm the foreman and I want my wood.
If we jump
to page 26, up Tinti Street,
then we enter
at page 23B, then...
- I know the way.
- You do?
I do.
- Then, go.
- I'm off.
I want to know
where those two jerks went.
In co-operatives wrongs are shared,
we're all jerks.
- Jerk!
- You jerk!
You've left "City Streets",
these streets don't exist,
you must go back to "City Streets".
It's best to ask someone.
- I'm embarrassed, you ask.
- I can't, I'm the driver.
Let's wait till they ask us.
Good moments,
bad moments.
With no delivery, there's a fine.
My father got put in jail for a fine,
they gave him electric shock
and made sick dogs bite him.
Why did Nello's friend
have to die just now?
A meeting!
Out with ideas.
We ring all the doorbells
and ask if they have wood.
- That's bullshit.
- Don't say that.
You mustn't say that,
you say "it can be done".
He's right,
let's use the discarded wood.
Who can place all those pieces?
It would take a UFO
with 7,000 years of experience.
Delivery time met,
What the fuck did you do?
The Red Brigades symbol
in Padella's store?
You want to paste stamps
all your lives?
They did it, I told them not to.
Okay, we'll work it out.
What ever came over you?
- Where did you see the star?
- On the wall.
It's all done,
they made just one small error,
we'll redo it all at our expense.
Saturday's the inauguration,
I have just two days to set up,
I'll ruin you.
You'll never work again!
Is it a mosaic?
They ran out of wood,
so they used the discard.
Nice, nouvelle dada.
Object trouv,
we're into the conceptual.
I want the whole atelier like this,
can you do another seven?
Sure, but not at this price.
It's specialist stuff
and specialists cost.
I'll show you how we work.
Did he tell us off or not?
We're into the conceptual,
my father was conceptual.
Our company is in the forefront,
If it's at the atelier, it's the top
and I want the top, take the card.
Co-operative 180.
We have another job.
When you have discards,
we'll take them,
we do everything with discards,
this is a co-operative of discards.
We pay a fifth of the price
for discards,
but then we sell
the mosaic for double,
it's the ideal business.
- Wasn't your father an accountant?
- Certainly.
I name you responsible for invoices,
expiration dates and other hassles.
We lifted this off him.
I need a specialist to divide
the discards by color.
- It's mortal boredom.
- I'm ready.
Would you like to be
the specialist in telephones?
or that guy crazy in love
will call me all the time.
He won't, I'll speak to him.
Antique Co-operative 180,
may I help you?
He did that.
He has to be a specialist
in something too.
Yes, but he doesn't talk, or work,
he's a loafer, a dead weight.
With your curriculum vitae
you can be the president.
But you need the right clothes.
We don't give discounts.
We're talking 20 squash courts,
give us a 20% discount at least.
The most I can do is 10%,
what do you say, President, sir?
They are prestige clients.
We can't lower the price,
but if you accept,
we'll give you our best work.
President, you didn't give your name.
You should re-think this.
Learn, he's younger than you,
did you see what a shark?
Ossi, come get your pills.
And a pay check's here too.
This is better pay than the UFO's!
Mom, I got one million
three hundred lire.
It's not my imagination,
it's my pay check.
They'll give me a fine
and make me drink infected blood.
You have to do something.
I'll be the one
who has to drink the blood.
What is it?
Luca's missing,
Gigio doesn't work alone
and if I don't meet the deadline,
there's a fine.
- Why aren't you working?
- Luca's sick.
He's not sick, he's a loafer.
That's not true, Luca's sick.
Stop, we'll resolve this.
Where's Luca?
He's been in bed for two days.
Mr. Luca!
Fuck off, I'm not working anymore.
Why not?
I'm sleepy.
- I won't let you sleep anymore.
- Stop!
Okay, I want to sleep too.
Don't you want to sleep too?
What's going on?
I can't take it,
the medicine eats my strength.
A specialist can't fall asleep
on his work.
They're on medication too.
He's dangerous,
they give him eight milligrams a day,
we get just two.
How does it make you feel?
I go to bed at 7
or I'd never get up.
I haven't had a jerk-off
in three years,
I used to have
wonderful jerk-offs before.
I write the deadlines 10 times
or I'd forget them.
Why can't you cut down the dosage?
They're young, they have
a right to go to bed later.
- You left out discos.
- Working makes them better.
You think you've healed them,
you've a problem with omnipotence.
You're a jinx,
why can't they have a normal life?
- Because it's a risk for them.
- It is for everybody.
I'm going, I have things to do.
Basagliano Method?
You did all this and
don't know the new psychiatry?
I thought what was good for me,
was good for them too.
- What about a beer?
- Wasn't it coffee?
Parquet is good for them.
For Basagliano,
you start from the tangible
to work on the emotions.
If a guy talks to me about his mom,
I say: "I don't give a shit,
can you do a wash, cook?"
These are the important things.
Mental illness
was invented by psychiatrists,
because you start
with some small thing
that would go away on its own,
and you end up with a Del Vecchio,
who stuffs you with pills.
- So...
- He doesn't care at all.
You're the one sleeping all day,
and not jerking-off.
Could the medication be decreased?
At least by half, but don't try it,
or instead of cutting medication,
he'll cut you.
A union leader would say:
"We go for the clash."
It has to be cleaned up.
There are another two big rooms.
The sawing could be done here.
What do you say?
That's animal blood,
they used to have dog fights here.
Gentlemen, here's my proposal.
One: the Co-operative leaves the
tutelage of the psychiatric center
and moves into these premises,
which cost very little.
A great place!
Two: the Co-operative
chooses Dr. Furlan's approach
which holds that the medication
can be lowered by 50%,
therefore the members
are seen as workers
and not as mentally ill.
Three: the members
give up all welfare work
and face the market with their work,
their sacrifice, their expertise.
It's not a debate, we'll talk later.
Four: the Council thanks Del Vecchio
and elects a new president
from among the members.
- Mr. Fabio.
- What if Del Vecchio gets mad?
He'll get over it.
He won't, I vote no.
Me too.
Two 'no's.
The assembly has decided...
If he gets mad, will you tell him
I was the last to sign?
The assembly votes unanimously.
The first to sign was Mr. Fabio.
Oh, sure.
- What's this farce?
- It's the assembly minutes.
You want to send me away and
make the autistic Robby president?
They decided.
You unduly influenced them,
they're unable to make decisions.
In a co-operative,
the members decide,
it's the law.
Thank you for what you've done.
It's irresponsible
to reduce their medication.
Do you know what Luca does,
feeling the shark in his belly?
Do you know that Gigio locked
himself inside for four years?
- Do you know what Nicky Lauda...
- Stop.
Thank you.
This isn't the end, unfortunately.
Hello, President, sir.
Go ask them.
What company are you?
A co-operative of craftsmen,
wood artifacts,
Tax identifier number 08360491865.
I'm Fabio, specialist in deadlines.
Pleased to meet you.
- What did he say?
- Who knows!
There are more rooms upstairs,
what do we do with them?
We rent them to members.
Let's go see.
What's that trolley good for?
There's a tub!
I don't have one,
I'm going to take a bath.
There's even a door to this room.
Who'll pay for the repairs?
We'll go bankrupt.
Shut up, asshole!
Don't worry,
Dr. Furlan made a...
The European Community
has given us 80 million lire
for being an innovative enterprise.
Not like that.
If we live here,
can we bring our friends?
Of course, it's your home.
- Who'll give us furniture?
- You buy it with your salary.
I want this.
Mr. Fabio.
What's this per month?
- How much per month for that?
- One at a time.
If you make a mistake, it's a mess.
This isn't bad.
How much is it per month?
It's 850 thousand lire,
but there's a discount.
Mr. Fabio!
Excuse me,
do you work with clothes?
I'd love a dress like yours,
even ripped, I can mend it.
It's out of production,
it will take time.
- What's your size?
- I don't know.
May I look?
- Convenient instalments.
- What?
- Mr. Goffredo, what are you doing?
- Taking a bath.
Why can't they do monthly payments?
They all have pay checks.
I want to pay
in convenient monthly instalments.
I'm sorry, I can't,
we have rules.
I have a pay check,
why look at me like that?
Let's go to the snack bar,
I'll offer you all cappuccinos.
- A cappuccino from the snack bar?
- Sure.
Your head doesn't help you
nor does that nerdy face.
Give them those instalments
or I'll bust your face
and when I get out of jail,
I'll do it again.
I'm training them, my father
is the coach for the Inter team.
Pass the ball.
By chance, would you like
to make love with me?
No, I'm sorry.
- Thanks anyway, you?
- Stop please.
It's not about competition,
we've just reduced medication.
if our products have problems let's
talk it over at the conference.
- Where?
- In Ibiza.
It's my break now,
maybe we could speak in Ibiza.
- What the fuck are you doing?
- Nothing.
You pervert.
I'm glad you're more lively
without medication,
but you can't bother
the women workers,
don't speak to a client
eight at a time
and don't stress our women members.
Poor things, they have yearnings.
I have an idea,
let's go to a disco one evening,
you meet someone
and one thing leads to another.
There are drugs in discos
and you get into accidents.
At the door, there's someone
who looks bad at you
and says: "Go home, jerk!"
The Co-operative
has to find women for us.
Hey, hold on,
the Co-operative finds work,
you find your own women.
- And not like that.
- At least if he was kind like Drupi.
Be like Drupi... who's he?
Excuse me,
the doctor says it's good for us
to cook spaghetti,
good for us to do a wash,
to load a truck,
then it's also good for us
to make love.
Let's hear Carlo.
Let's ask the European Community
to send us women.
Great idea, good.
I'll write "EU women".
Hurrah for the new guards!
- You have a social security number?
- Are you joking?
No, I'll explain,
we're a co-operative
of mental disorders,
we have to do a course
on emotional growth.
- That means?
- Screw.
That's a word I understand.
But you need a social security
number, we have to account for it.
I'm working, get out of here.
We have 600 hours
financed at 50 thousand lire each.
Where do I get this social number?
- Comb.
- I'm done.
What are you doing?
Fabio told me
double knots are in style.
Will you lend me your aftershave?
It takes rhythm, three easy thrusts
and one strong one.
Asking her if she liked it is 'out'.
Will you lend me your aftershave?
But talking about emotions is 'in'.
Hurry up.
You start smoking today of all days?
Mr. Ossi, what are you doing?
I'm not interested in sex,
I'm going just for the company.
You've been combing your hair
for 6 hours.
Come on, Federico's waiting for us.
Will you lend me your aftershave?
Relax, you're not going to war.
Could you use third gear,
just to try it?
Do we want an accident
today of all days?
Let's sing!
Come on, some high spirits!
Who are the first two?
Are you all crazy?
Ivana is beautiful.
If you fall in love, I'll kick you.
Don't worry,
my father is a whoremonger.
Excuse me, I forgot our anniversary,
but I ordered your gift.
The gift is for Luisa,
our anniversary is in a month.
It was a surprise dinner,
tell me when you're going to be late.
You're right, but this time
I have a solid excuse,
I went whoring.
Mr. Carlo wouldn't stop,
he's 48 and had never done it,
I'd go crazy too.
- Do you know what Ossi did?
- I don't give a fuck.
You play the hero,
all you talk about is you.
You didn't even ask
what we're celebrating.
Don't ask me now, please.
You're not interested if I have
my own line of sweaters,
if they're giving me an award.
It's all bullshit to you.
You save the world,
what do you care about sweaters?
May I?
You're right,
I don't understand fashion,
I don't like it,
but it's a shortcoming of mine.
- I...
- Leave me alone.
I'm happy for your successes.
I'll come to the awards, I swear it.
I'm going to marry Berta,
we'll have a son and I'll call him
Gilles, like Villeneuve.
Who marries hookers?
Who are you?
We're the parquet guys.
I'd forgotten.
Can I sit on the terrace
with my girlfriends?
I'll bring coffee and you let me by,
what do you say?
See you at seven.
- Did I do any damage?
- No.
It's over!
Was that him? Who else?
Want some?
- I'm Caterina.
- Chiara.
What are your names?
He's Luca, I'm Sergio.
We're going out, see you tomorrow.
- I have to tell you something.
- What?
I'm in love with you.
We have to go,
they're waiting for us for drinks.
Listen carefully, this is our bible.
The most trendy drinks are:
Negroni, Bloody Mary and Cuba Libre,
but you have to use a slice of lime,
if you use lemon, you're nothing.
What's this girl like? Pretty?
she's tall, blonde
and has a tattoo here.
You made a mistake, you don't say
"I love you" on the first day.
First you have to make her laugh,
then invite her to dinner,
you give her a ring and only then
can you declare your love.
If she says yes,
you make love tenderly,
that way, she understands
you love her.
You did well,
when a woman
hears "I love you", she melts.
I love you.
Excuse me for yesterday,
I shouldn't have said it right away,
but it just came out.
It doesn't matter, it happens,
even though not too often.
In fact, it's my first time in love.
- Would you like some milk?
- Sure.
Gigio's leaving?
His mother told him to come home
and he's packed his bags.
Do something, I can't lose a layer.
thank you for what you've done,
but Gigio getting a big head.
In what way?
Some things are
confided only to a mother.
He wants to go out with a girl
who just wants a good time.
- How do you know? Do you know her?
- He's ill.
He's stayed a child,
my little Gigio mouse is so fragile.
- My name is Sergio, understand?
- Why are you like this?
I don't want to go home,
I want a girlfriend like Mr. Nello.
- He gets worked-up with no medicine.
- You get me worked-up.
This is my home, go away.
Go away!
Good, you're a responsible member.
But I'm not doing any more overtime,
I want to go have drinks
in the evenings.
Me too.
No, he has to do three hours
of overtime per day.
Don't violate union rights.
I don't fucking care,
I have a company to tend to,
I have five work sites,
a baseboard to finish
and only two layers,
I can't meet the deadlines.
I'm doing only eight hours.
- Then, I'll kill myself.
- You're both right.
Two layers are not enough,
we need another two.
They love fitting discards,
where can you get
another two like them?
- We'll go head-hunting.
- But where?
This is Gino Vagelli,
called "the crabby".
I'm not crabby,
the others are all jerks.
Come on, let's go.
We can't take you all,
we're a small co-operative.
Let's go.
I think I might go out with him.
Are you nuts?
It's a co-operative of loonies.
Who isn't today!
At least he knows what he wants,
he might even be
healthier than lots of others.
When I had a restaurant,
I had six waiters at my disposal,
all six were assholes.
This doesn't fit anywhere.
You idiot, it goes here.
It's beautiful.
- You're artists really.
- Specialists.
I'm sorry it's finished,
it was fun.
Me too.
Maybe we could all go out
together some night,
- What do you say?
- Yes.
I can't forget that institution.
The ten of us is a nice fairy tale,
but if there were 200 of us,
we'd be an example for others.
If other co-operatives opened,
we'd empty mental hospitals.
They're inaugurating
a new subway line in Paris.
You want to build a subway?
The floors of the new stations
would be enough.
With your mosaics?
If you win a work contract like that
you'll make history,
it's a great idea.
The deadline's up in just a few days.
You can do it,
just come to the awards ceremony.
- It's beautiful.
- I think so too.
- Want a sandwich?
- Sure, to heck with the diet.
I'd like to go back too
and change my parents.
I understand.
Your parquet is beautiful,
we get compliments from everyone,
you're very good.
It's easy to be good with parquet,
it's all the rest that...
The rest of what?
I don't know how to act with girls.
No one does.
I have to tell you something,
I have an illness.
We started from nothing,
everyone made fun of us,
they said we were incapable
instead, look here,
the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and
in two years we'll be there too.
We have a work contract in Paris.
We'll grow and be an example
for all the other co-operatives.
Obviously we have to get organized,
get industrialized.
We'll prepare the mosaics here
and assemble them there.
We'll need investments,
materials, people, machines.
The banks will help us.
We'll put in the rest,
giving up some salaries.
I don't want to go without my salary.
It's a small sacrifice,
you'll earn a lot more later.
But I have a girlfriend now,
in the future I don't know.
I vote no.
Me too, Gigio has to buy
a bracelet for his girlfriend
and I want to be a blond.
Love is wonderful,
but there are more important things,
if we grow, we'll get others
out of mental institutions.
I vote yes, because I'm no asshole.
I vote no.
We give up a job in Paris
for a bracelet?
We need our salary too,
we want to buy a car.
I want to buy bonds and get rich.
Even Carlo has become a yuppy.
Don't you think about the ones
that are suffering?
I feel fine and want a vacation,
I've a reservation at Gatteo Mare,
I have a third-row umbrella.
Can I come too?
Of course.
I vote no.
I'll just light up a cigarette
and we'll discuss this calmly.
I'm not giving in
just because they're crazy,
if they get me sore, I'm sore.
Their 'no' vote is
your greatest victory.
Do I give it to her right away?
Later, so she'll have a surprise.
- Hi, how's it going?
- Fine.
I'm sorry,
my plan got voted down.
After all, it was just an award...
- How was the party?
- It's over.
- I just wanted your esteem.
- You have it.
You think everything I do is shit,
you're only interested
in your enterprises,
you don't see people anymore.
I'm off to Japan.
Why don't you have a showing
to get your work known?
Is anyone interested
in a vacation in the Galapagos?
- I'm going to Paris.
- Me, to Porto Cervo.
And where are you going?
To Gatteo Mare.
- Nice, any room for me?
- I have to ask.
This cake is delicious,
where did you buy it?
It's homemade.
What's wrong?
There's poison in homemade stuff.
What's to look at? Go dance.
Let's go home.
What's happening this summer?
Fiery nights at Gatteo Mare?
Knock it off!
Who put poison in the rum?
If they send me back to Benevento,
I'll kill myself.
They won't send you back
to Benevento, stop it.
Do you hear me?
Should I put it in writing?
Your report will send him back
to criminal hospital.
That's where he belongs.
It's his first violent act
in 2 years.
The crazy shouldn't go
to kids' parties.
It's all my fault,
I didn't think they were so odd
and I did a foolish thing.
I gave him a kiss,
nothing important, I didn't think
it would create such a mess.
Please, don't report him,
they're just two
poor mentally ill guys,
it's not right to ruin them.
You should never deceive people,
especially those like that.
Have you been to the bathroom?
Go sit down.
You won't go back to Benevento.
- Where does this come from?
- From his salary.
The next fist
and it's Benevento for real.
What do you say,
do we increase the Serenase?
Want to?
- Just a little.
- Very little.
You gave Nicola Ricciola
just two milligrams?
Nicky Lauda with just two milligrams
three times a day?
No, once a day.
Did you read the case-history?
He could have raped someone.
Instead, he fell in love.
Maybe we were lucky.
Come with me.
How much per month do you get?
- Nine hundred.
- I got a million and three hundred.
What did you give this one?
Nothing, that's the point.
He's been like this
since the day it happened.
Do something,
there are a load offines,
get the truck, the discards.
- Calm down.
- I'm not calming down!
I'm not paying the fines.
He's right, if the work stops,
there are fines.
Fabio is my patient as of today.
But the money's theirs.
They don't need any money.
Why are you up here?
Getting some air.
Why be like this?
Want to punish yourself?
I want to be alone.
It's not your fault.
- Talk to me.
- Yes, it is my fault!
In my conceit
I thought I could heal them,
but Gigio couldn't handle a normal
life, so he killed himself.
- You all told me, even you.
- Me?
You said all I cared about
were my great enterprises
and I'd stopped looking at people,
that's why Gigio is dead.
When people break up,
they exaggerate.
I hope you're better
at lying to your clients.
You never listened to me and
you start with that fucking phrase?
I'm taking all this shit off of you,
take off that damn T-shirt.
I'm not leaving you, understand?
I love you, you idiot.
You're leaving this house,
and you'll listen to me this time.
I'm going to ask Padella
for that job.
You can't work for him,
it's a form of self-punishment.
You have to go to the Co-operative.
I can't,
there's an investigation
and Del Vecchio's making the report,
they'll sentence me for sure.
Why Padella exactly?
I need money,
I don't want to leave them
with fines to pay.
I don't know,
maybe for a couple of months.
It's all yours, even the map.
You always fall for it.
The work done by Mr. Trebbi
with Co-operative 180 is positive.
The activity of the Co-operative
helped all its members
and cannot be linked to
the suicide of Mr. Sergio Bordoletto.
- Why did you write this?
- It's what I think.
I found improvement
I never thought possible,
what you do works
and so, you should continue.
You made a mistake with Gigio,
but we all make mistakes.
If I'd worked with you,
maybe it wouldn't have happened
and so it's my fault too.
It's Dr. Furlan's fault,
Luca's fault for fighting,
the girls' fault for kissing him.
Guilty feelings are useless.
Learn the lesson
and roll up your sleeves,
we need you here.
The farmstead is still unrented.
I can't,
this thing was too big for me,
I'd become like Ossi,
I'd balk at every move.
Working with hardship cases,
you know some won't make it.
I'm sorry,
I need to do a job
where if I cock-up, it's best.
Thank you.
Hi members, how's it going?
Coming back?
I can't, I have another job.
If you leave me, it's not fair.
So, you're healed?
I'm not ill, I'm fine,
I have a nice job,
some plants.
I'm happy.
I'm off, take care!
These will make you laugh.
You assholes!
When a guy's asleep,
you should wake him up.
- Where are you going?
- To talk with Mr. Nello.
- You can't.
- Yes, he's our friend.
Mr. Nello!
What are you doing here?
Luca, you're up? How are you?
I'm fine.
- How does it look on me?
- Lovely.
We voted for the parquet in Paris,
we'll do it with no salary.
I voted first.
Who the fuck let you all in?
I give you charity
and you bring me these mental cases.
- Watch your words.
- Go take a shit!
- Everyone out!
- They're leaving now.
- May I point out...
- You've busted my balls, lunatic.
This is just for starters,
if you get up, you get another,
get up, show me.
You're crazy.
I know.
Come on guys, let's go.
Hey, we've booked the restaurant.
It's Saturday and
we're the only two working.
We have to deliver twenty tables,
three chairs and 216 panels,
do you see the panels?
There are 215, you can go.
I'm not coming, I can't decide
on the first course.
Get the triple, it delicious.
Do we have to leave
a tip at the restaurant?
- Yes.
- I'm not leaving anything.
If you don't leave a tip,
you're a nobody.
Ossi, I need six bags of maple
for Thursday.
Luisa, there's a shift change...
Stop, it's a holiday.
You have a meeting
with the French on Tuesday.
- I'll go wash up.
- On Tuesday I have dinner with Sara.
You can't stand up the French...
It can't be done, read my lips.
Guys, come take a look.
Please get out, members.
You weren't coming today,
but on the 1st at 11.
No, they were to come
on the 11th at 1.
We need a speech.
The president wants to speak to you.
Great speech, President, sir.
This film was inspired
by many real events:
among which,
the social cooperatives of the 1980s,
founded to provide work for those
released from insane asylums.
Among which was the Cooperative
"Noncello" in Pordenone,
where they laid parquet
and the directors told their members
"it can be done".
In Italy today there are
more than 2.500 social cooperatives,
giving work
to nearly 30.000 disabled members.
This film is dedicated to them.
Charlotte Lantery