Sid and Nancy (1986)

[Man #1] We've got a domestic
violence report on 21st street,
between sixth and central
at the chelsea hotel.
Domestic violence
at Chelsea Hotel.
[Man #2]
We got a 911 report coming in.
Nearest unit,
please respond.
D.v. Report.
Domestic violence, Chelsea Hotel.
[Radio chatter, indistinct]
[Radio chatter continues]
Who called 911?
Did you call 911?
Did you call 911?
Get sal in here.
Keep the fuckin' press back,
will you?
[Woman crying]
No! Let's go, kid.
Sid didn't do this.
He didn't do this.
She was nice. She was.
You know the type. She's a camp
follower. She was a camp follower.
She would go to bed with anyone,
as long as they were part of a group.
Now, officer, please,
we try to check everybody.
Sid and Nancy, they were heroin addicts?
[Man #2]
No, man, they didn't do any drugs.
- [Man #3] we don't allow junkies in here,
ever. - Yeah, man. Listen, come here.
Listen, I'm on my way downtown.
You got a couple bucks?
I don't have any money,
all right? Come on, man.
I make it a policy.
I never... Hey, Sid.
There he is. That's sid.
Hey, that's Sid Vicious!
[All clamoring]
Hey, what happened, Sid?
[Clamoring continues]
Why don't you smile for us, Sid?
Send him away.
Yeah, smile.
Give us a big smile.
Why did you do it, kid? I thought the
register said you were married.
Who was the chick,
your groupie?
Get out, Billy. Goddamn it!
He bit my hand!
That fucker bit
my goddamn hand!
I said get out! What the hell you
people think this is, a fuckin' mets game?
Get out!
You made him mad, kid.
You're in big trouble.
I'll see you later,
punk. Big trouble.
Why you so tense, kid?
Look, we just wanna know
who the girl was.
Where did you meet her?
I met her at Linda's.
Who's Linda?
[Man shouting]
Linda! Lin! [Sid] Linda!
- Lindy!
[Dog barking]
[Continues barking]
Go on.
Go on, Sidney.
Spray the beast.
Come on.
That's a really good dog. Boring!
Piss off,
dog meat! Linda!
Linda! Lin! Linda!
- [Whistles] Oi, linda!
- Linda!
[Shouting continues]
It's a real waste
to smoke that shit.
Don't you
have any needles?
[Glass breaking]
I wonder who that is.
Naughty boys.
We're vacant we don't fucking care
no. No "fucking".
Not "we don't fucking care."
How many times
do I have to tell you? I don't care.
Hey, linda, guess what.
You two got married?
No, I'm the bass player...
in the Osmonds!
- What happened to the other bloke?
- He washed his feet too much.
Sidney never
washes his feet.
What's for tea?
Baked beans or champagne.
You fucker.
Nancy, this is Sid and John.
And they are... the Sex Pistols.
I love the Sex Pistols.
I have all your albums
back in New York.
Oh, yeah?
Well, where's that then?
[Record scratching]
Hi, Johnny .
I'm Sid.
He's Johnny .
So, playing
a gig tonight?
"Playing a gig tonight?" Yeah, we're
playing a gig tonight. So what?
So I can come and check you out
and see if you're as shit as people say.
[Sarcastic laughter]
Fuckin' great we are.
The sex pistols.
Do yourself a favor.
Boring, Sidney.
Boring, boring.
Boring, boring, boring.
Exterminate. Exterminate.
Boring, boring, boring. Exterminate.
Exterminate! Exterminate!
Exterminate! Exterminate!
Lovely girls and different girls.
All nude all the time.
Step inside and have
the time of your life.
Come on, sir. Take your clothes
off and have your dinkle tinkled.
Here we go.
Good evening, boys.
Would you like to step inside?
These bints, they ain't foreign,
is they?
No, of course not, sir.
Every one an English rose.
They grow on you.
Oh, fuck.
The doorway to the seedy
underbelly of London.
Step right up.
Is it fucking worth it?
Yes, it is!
Bind me, tie me chain me
to the wall what a scumbag.
I wanna be a slave
for you all come on.
Oh, bondage up yours
oh, bondage no more
oh, bondage up yours
oh, bondage no more
chain gang, chain smoke
I consume you all
chain gang, chain mail
I don't care at all
oh, bondage
up yours
Thanks for tellin' me.
Did you see me
knock that hippie?
Good, eh?
Get up there and fulfill our contractual
obligations, all right?
Good god,
what's this?
A bass guitar.
Hey, sid. There's dick dent.
Who's dick dent?
He's just some wankin' journalist...
who don't appreciate
the Sex Pistols.
Go get him, Sidney.
Hey, Sidney.
Come on when you're ready.
- All right.
- One, two...
one, two, three, four.
I, I, I, I
I'm not your steppin' stone
I, I, I, I
I'm not your steppin' stone
where's the fuckin' bass?
I try to make a mark
in society
you're using all the tricks
that you used on me
I know you got your baby
in the magazines
fuck it!
The clothes you're wearing
are causing a scene
I, I, I, I
I ain't your steppin' stone?
Fat bastards!
I, I, I, I
I'm not your steppin' stone
I, I, I, I
I'm not your steppin' stone
I, I, I, I
I ain't your steppin' stone?
Ah, steppin' stone
[shouting, cheering]
You know, I was so...
I was so bored once...
that I fucked a dog.
Why, Sidney, how low can you get?
I'm cold.
Is it in yet?
Well, maybe.
Shut the fuck up! [Man] shut up!
Fuck off!
Shut up.
Take me fuckin' eye out.
I'm starving.
I'm so hungry.
I want a pizza.
You smell like
a fuckin' pizza.
Shut up.
Fuckin' jesus christ.
You're not
getting anything.
You heard.
Fucking americans. That's
all you ever think about... sex.
None of us fucks, see?
Sex is ugly.
None of your
free hippie love shit here.
You're insane.
Give me me blanket.
Fuck off!
Fuckin' asshole.
How vile.
Sex is boring.
Ugly hippie shit.
Fuckin' insane too.
Fuckin' insane.
[Hard rock on stereo]
Get the darts, Paul.
Show me your hands.
Keep 'em where I can see 'em.
I'm watchin' you,
you bastards.
Hey, Paul.
You fuck off! Fuck off!
Steady on, boys.
It's not funny.
You could stick me in the eye.
Put it in me brain.
I couldn't play the drums then.
You can't play the fucking drums anyway.
And speaking of cunts
who can't play.
Hello, girls.
Where'd you get your perms?
You old Rod Stewart
You fuckin' tick. Any chance
of running your mascara?
I don't mean to be
mundane or anything,
but I either need
the drugs or the money.
I'm broke. I need it.
It's 50 quid.
Fuck you!
[John laughing]
Shit. You get
the fuck out!
Mr. Rotten, I'm so pleased...
four more pints, sid.
What do you think of Northern Ireland?
It's all right where it is.
What's the matter?
Are you all right?
Why, do I look
all right?
That fucker in there
ripped me off for 50 quid.
The fuckin' scumbag.
What, he stole it
from your purse?
Yeah, almost.
I mean, I gave it to him
the first night I was here.
Fuck. It's embarrassing.
Never trust a junkie.
Are they junkies,
are they?
Isn't everyone?
You think you can
get me some?
That looks like it hurts.
It does!
So does this.
You really want some?
Give me all your money.
There. Yeah, yeah, yeah, great.
I'll be back in an hour.
See you here.
At the pub.
Sid, you coming
for a pint? Eh?
Oi, you fuckin' wally,
shut the door. Fuck off, tosser.
No, I'm waitin'
for this bird.
Fuckin' "a," man.
What's her name?
You mean that American bird,
the junkie?
What? She ain't a junkie.
That friend of Linda's. Yeah, Nancy.
She's a junkie. Fuckin' wanker.
Yeah, well, anyway,
I'm waiting for her.
Come on,
I'm buying.
You fucking tosser.
Come on.
What's the matter?
[Thunderclap continues]
That's one thing you can't
say about me is I'm tight, you know.
I am wet.
Come on.
Fuckin' girl.
I want me money
back, right?
I'm thinkin' of startin' up this club.
Oh, yeah?
What you gonna call it?
Wally's gaff.
God, that's really good. That must have
taken you ages to think that up.
Well, it's got a certain ring
of street cred about it.
Oh, let's all go to wally's
gaff and have a lager.
Seven pounds,
Water... 12.50.
Where you gonna get all the
money for this? Get a mortgage.
Rod Stewart
at 2:00.
[Imitating machine guns]
Oi, you wankers!
Go through that door.
Climb to the top of the stairs.
Don't speak to anyone.
Ask for Ashraf.
And don't let her keep you waiting.
Why do I have to go?
I got a broken heel.
And don't get burned.
I hate to wait.
- [Siren approaching]
- [Horns honking]
- Get me out of here!
- What about that chick's gear?
All right, rod?
What's in this?
Here, they're your mum's.
Who are these for?
Motherfuckers, my clothes!
Hey, you, where's my money?
Shit! Goddamn!
Look, I gave you some money the other day.
Help me. Shit.
What about my money?
Listen, I'm talking to you...
shut up and help me!
I tought to smash your face in.
All my fucking stuff is all wet!
What about my drugs?
Sorry about the mess.
It's these skinheads, see?
We've seen them off, though.
You can't run drugs on the sidewalk, Johnny .
What are you, an idiot?
Do you wanna use my gaff?
What's a gaff?
Me house.
Me apartment.
He's a club owner.
Where's the fish and chips?
What fish and chips?
The fish and chips
that you promised to buy us.
Why don't we just go in?
[Children shouting, cheering]
No, see, he lets us in
and then we do the drugs,
and then he goes and gets
the fish and chips.
But I wanna do
some of the drugs.
Yeah, you will.
We'll save you some.
This is where the bouncers
are gonna stand.
[Rock, unamplified]
Like, I was at Cbgb's
at this audition, right?
So this guy says,
"can you sing like Debbie Harry?"
It's a bad deal looking like
an established star, let me tell you that.
I mean, I like debbie.
We're really good friends, actually.
- You've done this before,
right? - Oh, yeah, yeah.
Good veins.
[Train passing]
Where you going?
You know.
Know what?
Don't you want me to?
[Electric guitar]
We don't fucking care
no, no "fucking."
It's just, "we don't care."
Ow. Be careful.
Pizza time!
Pizza, my favorite food.
So what are you waiting for, a playback?
Oh, I like pizza.
How many tracks have you laid?
None. We ain't done
no songs either.
Why not? Sid's still
learning it.
Sid, what are you doing?
I'm eating.
No, you can't have any pizza
till you finish...
at least one song.
Yes, I can.
No, I'm serious.
What are you doing here?
You're in the studio.
These places cost, like, 50 grand a minute.
You could be
really shining out.
But what? You're
just "wonkin"' off.
What happened toyou?
Did you try and kiss
your mother?
None of your business.
John got beaten up
by fascists.
Five minutes to last orders.
I'm gonna get pissed. Fuck off.
Want some pizza, Johnny ?
"Want some pizza, Johnny ?"
He doesn't like
to be called Johnny . He likes to be called john.
See ya, Johnny .
Fuckin' cabbies,
that's what we should be.
Make 200 quid a night
being a cabbie.
Why don't you fuck off
and be one then?
'Cause it would take
You need
a driving license too.
And a set of golf clubs.
See ya.
[Tape rewinding]
I don't think
Johnny likes me.
He doesn't like anyone.
He's a fool.
You like me,
don't you?
[Both chuckling]
Kiss my toes.
You want me to?
God save the queen
the fascist regime
they make you a moron
pizza time!
[Burping] Hey, Johnny , I'm gonna
have a tattoo on my head...
"brain damage."
Sidney, get ahold of that.
[Laughing] [Laughing]
Funny sights, you fuckin'...
why can't he puke
over the side?
That's why we have
photographers. We need an explosion.
Where are you going, Sidney?
Oh, Malcy Walcy.
Give me some money.
Sidney, as a Sex Pistol,
all your human needs are seen to...
food, beer,
designer wardrobe.
Why do you need money? Oh, I don't know.
Little things 'round the house.
What sort of little things?
What are those bruises on your arms?
I fell over.
Leave him alone.
Yes, leave me alone.
This man is violent!
That's my boy.
Talk to our camera there,
number two.
I give you complete
full, free reign.
You dirty fucking bastard.
You dirty fucker.
Good heavens!
What a fucking rotter.
What a naughty,
naughty boy.
Is this your girlfriend, Sid?
We both are. You gonna
give us any money for this?
Fucking villain.
Think of a name
for my baby. Bastard.
Good, huh?
Sid, look. Look!
Hey, that's really cool.
Hey, where's the key?
What key?
Your mum says you're a nice boy.
Any comment?
Nancy! Not my hair!
Bloody hell!
I am an antichrist
I am an anarchist
don't know what I want
but I know how to get it
I wanna destroy
'cause I
wanna be
no dog's body
[siren wailing]
Anarchy for the uk
it's coming sometime, maybe?
I'll give the wrong time
stop a traffic line
your future dream
is a shopping
[music stops]
I didn't know pigs could swim.
[People clamoring]
[No audio]
Mom, guess what.
We got married.
Me and Sid.
Sid Vicious, you remember,
from the Sex Pistols.
Hello, mom.
What? No.
You'll love him too.
so, anyway,
why don't you send us a wedding
present for our honeymoon?
No, we don't
need any sheets.
Why don't you
send us some money?
Well, it's early there, right?
So you could go to american express, like,
right now before it closes...
and send us $200,
and then Sid could
pick it up here tomorrow,
like, first thing
when they open.
Why not?
I am so married.
I am!
What do you mean?
He loves me
more than you do!
Yes, I am!
No! Shut up!
Listen to me!
If you don't send us
the money right now,
we're both gonna
fucking die!
You'd like that,
wouldn't you?
Fuck you!
I fuckin' hate them!
I fucking hate them!
Fucking motherfuckers!
They wouldn't
send us any money!
They said we'd
spend it on drugs!
We would.
my beautiful self
no feelings
no feelings
no feelings
for anybody else
hello and good-bye
and runaway sue
follow me around
like a pretty pot of glue
I kick you in the head
you've got nothing to say
get out of my way
'cause I gotta get away
you never realize
I take the piss out of you
you come up and see me and I beat
you black and blue I'm bored!
I could be standing over at lions
and, like, pulling.
Punks don't go out pulling.
They go to fucking boring gigs like this.
That's what
it's all about.
I ain't gonna be
a punk no more.
What you gonna be then,
clive, a skinhead?
I'm gonna be a rude boy,
like my dad.
There ain't no moonlight
after midnight
I see you silly people
out looking for delight
well, I'm so happy
and feeling so fine
I'm watching all the rubbish
you're wasting my time
I look around your house
you've got nothing to steal
I kick you in the brains
when you get down and kneel
and pray
how would you like to supervise
our Sidney for a month or two?
No way. Go on. You'd be a god
influence on the boy.
Why not? Infectious hepatitis,
loony girlfriend, drugs.
Boys will be boys.
It's time he went back
to his mum's.
Your Daddy's gone away
be back another day
see his picture
hangin' on your wall
fuck. Fuck, fuck,
fuck, fuck, fuck it!
What? What's the matter?
Fuck it!
I can't find it,
my action man.
You mean G.I. Joe.
I had it in me hands five minutes ago.
I've had it since I was a kid.
It's very valuable.
I want to kill.
Wait, flying in,
telly Savalas.
Oh, no.
Oh, no!
He's drowning!
We tried to save him,
but it was too late.
[Gunshots on TV]
I used to have
a special hair barbie.
You mean Sindy, Nancy.
No, I mean barbie, Sidney.
I'll never look like barbie.
Barbie doesn't have bruises.
Sid, look at this.
I look disgusting.
Look, Nancy.
Why don't you do
these dishes please, eh?
What did you say to me?
Oh, fuck it.
I'll do 'em meself.
What's the matter, sid?
Did you do a little speed
or something?
I was bored.
I'm bored now.
Where's the bloody soap?
Up your ass.
[Blowing rasberry]
Sh... oh, I better
cover this up.
Somebody could see it.
Shit. Christ.
[Vacuum whirring]
My mum's gonna be home,
so stop mucking about.
Oh, what's the difference?
Yeah, but it's the least I can do...
what, with her risking her life every day
as a motorcycle messenger.
Oh, god, if you were earning half
of what you were worth,
you'd buy your mom
a fucking army.
Well, why don't you shut
your fucking mouth?
If it weren't
for me mum's kindness,
we'd be on
the fucking streets!
Yeah? And if it weren't
for your own stupidity,
we'd be living in our own
apartment in Paris, France.
Get off the fucking bed!
Look at this shit!
Can you believe this?
Okay, look. Stop it now.
Come on, we've both had fun now.
Take that off. It's my mummy's.
Look, it will tear.
Oh, I thought it was yours. Ow!
Fuck you! Just piss off when
the going gets tough?
Fuck you!
Insult me only fucking mother!
Fuck you both.
You love her more than me!
Yeah, I fucking do and all!
You mama's boy,
you asshole!
[screams] [Laughing]
Sid! Sid!
Look at me! I look like fucking
Stevie Nicks in hippie clothes.
No, you look nice.
You look nice. [Shouting]
No, yuck!
Ew! Help me!
[Nancy screaming]
[Linda] hello, John. What are you doing
up so early in the afternoon?
I've come to see my best mate.
He's in his boudoir.
Is he out of it?
Hey, Linda.
You know you've got a man
hangin' from your ceiling?
Don't mind him. He's one of
my customers, Edward.
Just abuse him now and again,
and he'll be as good as gold.
Don't hurt me,
for god's sake. Don't hurt me.
I'll do anything you want,
but I implore you not to hurt me, please.
- [Gasps]
- [Laughing]
Sidney, wakey, wakey.
Sid, wake up, dear.
Sidney, wake up.
Fuck off, John.
Oh, I'm sorry I kicked you,
Sidney. It was an accident.
Leave us alone.
Look, I've got two tickets
for rock head at the rainbow.
It'll do you good
to go and see him.
I hear he's
cleaned up his act.
He don't do any drugs
or drink... hardly.
And he's all
the better for it.
I know rock head.
I bet you do.
Rock head's
got the best drugs.
Let's go see rock head.
Hey, John, mate,
make us a cup of tea.
You're funny.
I don't even want to be here.
[Pistols firing]
Yes, madam.
The Sex Pistols
for mr. Head.
What a fuckin' palace.
I wish I lived here.
Mr. Head's room, please.
[Classical piano]
Rock, you big head.
Hi, uh...
Peggy, ain't it?
And this is Sid Vicious
and Johnny .
from the Sex Pistols.
Impress them with your drugs.
[Glass breaking]
Do we have any drugs, boys?
Rock head
does not do drugs.
Don't be so fucking stingy.
Pull out the drawer.
We'll have a bible reading.
Give me five pounds.
Fuck off.
Uh, look,
you want some water?
I got some
with bubbles in it.
How about some room service, Mr. Head?
Fuck off.
Uh, Jennifer,
ring for the cart.
Fuck him, Sidney. His drugs were
garbage anyway. They were not.
Lend us five pounds.
Hello, room service.
[Pistol fires]
So, it appears
we are related.
The press, they're calling me
the big daddy of punk.
Your role model.
Lovely couple.
Fuck you, rock head.
What the fuck are you doing here anyway?
[Pistol fires]
I'm gonna fucking puke.
[Glass breaking]
[Paul] For christ's sake, malcolm.
I know we're not great shakes,
but the bass player
has to keep the beat.
We have to turn his amp off
half the time.
He'll be playing one thing,
we'll be playing a-fucking-nother.
Lads, I sympathize.
But Sidney's more than
a mere bass player.
He's a fabulous disaster.
He's a symbol,
a metaphor.
[Ringing] He embodies the dementia
of a nihilistic generation.
He's a fucking star.
[Continues ringing]
[John] He's a fucking head case.
Shut up.
[Malcom] Phoebe!
You know, I've talked some shit.
[Malcom muttering]
Sidney's not the problem.
The problem, as you are all aware...
it's "spunkin."
She wants you
to book them a suite at...
Uh, where?
[Paul] I want a suite as well.
Rock Head's hotel.
They can't stay here
much longer.
The police were
around here yesterday.
Arrests were made,
substances confiscated.
They've even been hanging
out of the windows! What rubbish.
This is a respectable hotel, madam.
Lillie Langtry has stayed here.
[Nancy] Baby!
Sid. Sid,
we've got company.
We gotta go.
Let me up. Whoa!
Sid! Nancy!
Stay where you are!
Stay where you are. I'm loaded.
[Both giggling]
Are you all right, Nancy?
Oh, yeah. We're just having fun.
It's lurch.
You want a cup of tea?
Get us a cup of tea!
[Sid] More sugar, if you can.
We have no roof service.
You're dead.
Look, we ain't got time for tea.
He's got to practice.
He's got a tour coming up.
No, I don't wanna go.
I wanna stay here and have really good
screwing bye-byes. Sid. Sid.
Four words...
no women on the tour.
That's five words.
No way, Malcolm.
No fucking way.
Yeah, right.
There's no way.
[Phoebe] Look, it's purely financial.
We can't afford... an entourage.
I'm not an entourage.
I know what you're feeling.
I know how important your relationship is.
But if you two
wanna stay together,
we'll just have to find
another bass player.
Sid Vicious is the Sex Pistols.
Oh, yeah,
that's right.
You can't leave me behind.
Paul wouldn't stand for it.
We're the rhythm section.
Look, it's only a month.
You can live that long
without each other, can't you?
And if you do survive,
I have been talking
to the record company.
They're going to buy you
a little house.
How lovely for you.
You think I'm an asshole,
don't you? Yes, I do.
You really think
you can buy Sid off of me?
Fuck you.
Take him.
I only want
what's best for Sidney.
I don't wanna go
on your fucking tour anyhow.
I got my own stuff to do.
[Sid coughing]
What are you doing?
Stay awake.
These are our last
two hours together.
Stay awake.
What for?
So I can talk to you,
so we can fuck some more,
so we can be together.
Yeah, but wearetogether.
Come on, give me a break, eh?
You give me a break.
I'm the one that's
getting left behind.
Kiss my toes.
Fuck off.
Fuck you.
Fuck this!
Fuck this!
Sid, what are you doing?
What are you doing?
Stop this.
Sid, come back.
I'm going to the airport.
No, come back.
I'm gonna be early for once, do you
know what I mean? Sid, stop this.
I'm sorry. Stop.
come back.
What are you doing?
Sid. Sid, don't be a jerk.
Fuck it, sid.
Don't leave!
What about
the farewell drugs?
Oi, how do you
spell holiday?
"Dear mum,
having a lovely..."
you cunt.
I don't want
a holiday in the sun
I want to go
to the new belsen
I wanna see some history
'cause I got
a reasonable economy
now I got a reason
now I got a reason
now I got a reason
and I'm still waiting
now I got a reason
now I got a reason
[continues on radio]
And I'm still waiting
It's a great tour, John.
Great tour.
Great country.
[John] Yeah, it's lovely.
It's a pity it's America.
Did you know that I was a bit
of a songster myself?
- I'll bet you didn't know that, did you?
- No, I didn't.
And I've written one lately
that you might like...
'cause it has a punky... A punky sort of feel,
you know what I mean?
I want a job
I want a job
I want a good job
I want a job
I want a job that pay
I want a job
I want a job
I want a real job
one that satisfies
my artistic needs
that's just the chorus.
What's it called again?
It's called,
"I want a job." Oh, lovely.
Hey, Sid.
I want a job I want a job
I want a good job I want a job
I want a job.
I want a job. I want a real job.
one that satisfies
my artistic needs
hey, you like it?
It's lovely.
You like it, Sid?
Stupid cunt.
[Electric guitar]
Drinks for all
my Texas friends.
Don't you have
any imported beers?
I got no reason
it's all too much
you'll always find us
out to lunch
we're so
get off! Get out of there,
you asshole!
Get out,
you fucking bastard!
I'll fucking kill you!
You fucking...
we're vacant
don't ask us to attend
'cause we're not all there
I don't pretend
'cause I don't care
fuck off!
Hey, Sid.
He sure can't fight
for shit. Delighted.
You motherfucker.
[Weapon cocking]
Sid, you all right?
You all right?
Ow! You've been a naughty,
naughty newsreader.
And now you're
gonna have to pay.
Hello, Nancy.
It's sid.
Where are you?
I'm in America.
Oh, god,
I can't believe you called.
I thought you'd
hate me forever.
I've really been
going crazy for you.
I miss you so much.
I miss you too.
Well, how's America?
Fucking boring.
Listen, I'm sorry about the fight.
Me too.
I never wanna fight with you again.
- I love you.
- I love you too.
- Did you buy me any presents yet?
- Yeah, I bought you loads.
Oh, yeah? What?
I bought you a six-pack and a bra
in the same shop.
Listen, I wish
you were here.
I wish I was there too.
I really do. I love you.
- I love you too.
- I love you. Nancy.
Look, I gotta go. I can't really
talk right now. Linda's got a customer.
- Sidney, I gotta go. We're working.
- Nancy!
I wish we could have a bang.
I wish we could too.
- But I'm here and you're there.
- Nancy!
Yeah, I know I'm here,
but I want it off with you.
Look, Sidney,
what am I supposed to do,
put it in a box
and send it?
Nancy! Look, you'll just have
to have sex with somebody else.
Hello? What?
Fuckin' hell!
Fuck it!
[Phone clangs]
[Glass breaking]
Fuck this place.
I'm not an animal
I ain't no animal
I ain't no animal
I ain't an animal
I ain't no animal
mommy, mommy
right. Who's gonna
fuck me then?
I've got two bullets
and a gun
one shot for him
one for his woman
before they make love
in his car
Is this Johnny rotten?
No, I've only used him twice.
Yes, yes.
Very funny.
The naive wit of imbeciles
has always enchanted me.
Why don't you shut up
and fucking sing, you twat?
Now, one last time, Sid.
Bollocks, you wanker.
Fucking play the song, will you?
You get the feeling
you're being cheated?
[Audience shouting]
One, two, three, four.
Too many problems
oh, why am i here
I don't need to be me
'cause you're all too clear
and I can see there's
something wrong with you
[continues, indistinct]
The problem is you
yeah, that's what they said. On stage they
were so terrible they only did five songs.
"Welcome Sex Pistols."
Are you coming
to the party then?
No, I don't think so.
I don't feel too good.
Fucking typical.
Hey, Sid.
All right.
Rio is so lovely at this time of year.
Will you be staying
for carnival?
Tell that fuckin' woman to shut up!
Tell her yourself,
you twerp! No, you shut up!
Shut the fuck up,
all of you!
It's about time
somebody came out into the open.
- I wanna leave the band.
- Yeah, I do as well.
Fine, fine.
The sidemen split.
Yeah, well, why don't
you take him with you, cunts?
- You're not leaving me with useless, are you?
- He's your friend, John.
Oh, thank you, Steve.
You fuck off! Fuck off.
I wish we wasn't breaking up.
Well, it's a bit late for that, isn't it?
Malcolm's in London.
Paul and Steve are flying to Rio.
- John's in New York.
- Yeah, great. What am I gonna do?
Anything you like.
You're a free agent now.
I'm going...
to see Nancy.
Yeah, we'll do that.
Master kung fu.
Well, try and get off
of heroin, eh?
Come on, promise.
And cut down on the drinking as well.
All right, I promise.
Cross me heart
and hope to die.
Your double brandy, sir.
That evil, big-city doctor
when he walked by
I get the burn
yeah, that evil
big-city doctor
he give me the burn
[Mman on TV] Pop star Sid Vicious landed
unexpectedly today at la guardia airport...
and was rushed
to a nearby hospital.
A spokesman
for his record company said...
Vicious was suffering
from nervous exhaustion.
A hippie! Sid,
it's a french hippie.
[Sid's voice] Dear mum, guess where
your Simon's turned up?
- Since you can't guess, I will tell you.
- Personal life, man.
[Nancy's voice]
Paris, in the spring. Oh, and the Eiffel Tower!
Sid's recording here,
and he's brilliant.
We go shopping every day.
Sid bought me lots of underwear,
and it's all French. You'd love it here.
Lots of love, from Nancy and Sid.
Nancy! Sid!
Sidney, long time no see.
Hugh Kares. [Coughing]
We met at trumps.
You remember. Huh?
No, he doesn't.
this is
my girlfriend, Nancy.
Hi, Nancy.
Let's go.
Let's take lunch,
you know, go to...
get yourself a chair
and sit down, shut up.
Everything's crazy for me right now, but
I've always got time for you, babe.
Oh! Ooh! Oh, Jesus Christ. Get it out.
Get it out, Sidney.
That's all right. That's all right.
Oh, dude! Get it all out.
Come on. Oh, Jeez. [Sid coughing]
When you're feeling better...
he's feeling fine.
You're making him sick.
Sid, let's go. When you're feeling better...
fuck him. We'll leave him
with the check.
You're gonna make somebody
a lot of money, Sidney! [Horn honking]
[Orchestral ballad]
And now
the end is near
and so I face
the final curtain
You cunt
I'm not a queer
I'll state my case
of which I'm certain
I've lived
a life that's full
and each
and every highway
and more
much more than this
I did it my way
I've had a few
but then again
too few to mention
I did
what I had to do
I saw it through
without exemption
I planned
each charted course
each careful step
along the highway
and more
much more than this
I did it my way
there were times
I'm sure you knew
when there was fuck?
Fuck, fuck-all else to do
but through it all
when there was doubt
I shot it up
or kicked it out
I faced 'em all
and the world
and did it my way
I've loved
and then a snide
I've had my fill
My share of losing
and now
the tears subside
I find it all
so amusing
to think
[audience screaming]
I killed a cat
[gunfire continues]
And may I say
out in the driveway
and no
no, no, not me
I did it my way
it seems like
all my friends are dead.
When I'm dead,
will you be sad?
I couldn't live
without you.
- You couldn't?
- No.
We better
go together then.
How should we do it?
We could...
jump off a building.
Throw ourselves
under a subway.
If I asked you to kill me,
would you?
what would i do?
I couldn't live
without you.
You'd kill yourself
too, then?
Yeah. Yeah.
I hate this fucking life.
No, this is...
this is just a rough patch.
Things will be much better when
we get to America, I promise.
We're in America.
We've been here
a week.
New York is in America,
you fuck.
What? Couldn't be.
A week?
What day is it?
Oh, shit.
Is it tuesday or wednesday?
We're supposed to be at grandma
and grandpa's on wednesday.
Where's my fuckin' book?
[Papers rustling]
[Siren wailing]
[Horns honking]
[Sirens, horns continue]
No! Look!
There's the rollerama!
Sid, I won a roller skating trophy there
when I was six years old.
Nancy, don't fib.
Fuck you, grandma.
- Oh, no!
- [Horns honking]
[Sid laughing]
This place is a fucking paradise.
You guys gotta come see us in New York
when I get Sid some gigs.
Can't he cut his own meat?
They really want him at Max's.
They're too fuckin' cheap.
They only wanna pay him three grand.
I mean,
he's worth five at least.
Sid's a really big star
in New York. We both are.
Yeah, yeah.
God, we barely have
any time to ourselves.
We don't even have time
to get to the methadone clinic.
We've only got enough
for two days.
Grandma, can I borrow the car?
I wanna teach Sid how to drive American.
Mom, how come Nancy gets to
borrow grandma's car and I don't?
She's the one who got fucked up
and wrecked it.
Shut up.
What do you know, crater face?
Fuckin' twerp. Too bad
about your brothers, Mary Jane.
Still taking idiot lessons?
So, are you gonna make an honest
woman out of our Nancy, Sid?
Well, she's always
been honest to me.
Grandpa, sir.
She's never lied to me.
But what are your,
uh, intentions?
Well, first off,
we're gonna go down to
the methadone clinic on monday,
and then Nancy's
gonna get me some gigs.
And then we're gonna go off
and, like, live in Paris...
and just sort of go out
in a blaze of glory.
But don't worry.
You'll be proud of us.
So why don't we go down
to the rec room?
Fuck this and fuck that
fuck it all, you fuckin'
fuckin' brat
I don't want a baby
who looks like that
she don't want a baby
that looks like that
a fucking animal
Oh, that's...
that's an old one.
So, what else
should we do, huh?
Oh, no more.
I'm tired.
I wanna go noddy-blinkums.
Whose bedroom
are we sleepin' in?
Actually, dear,
you're not staying here.
We thought it would be more fun for you to
stay downtown at the Sunshine Inn.
No. What about
French toast and blintzes?
You don't want to
come back here for breakfast.
Your bus leaves at 9: 17.
I thought we're staying
another day.
Grandpa and I
must have misunderstood.
See, we're, uh...
we're going out of town tomorrow.
The whole family
is going out of town.
I didn't know we were going anywhere.
[Grandma] be quiet.
That's all right.
Can we come?
No, Nancy,
you just can't.
- Well, will you at least drive us
to the motel? - Of course.
And we'll give you money for
a taxi for tomorrow morning.
You'll get to the bus
in plenty of time.
Here. Darling, it was lovely
to see you. Here.
Here, take it.
What? I can't just
leave him there.
[Sid's voice]
These people, they're really lovely.
Best fuckin' food
I ever ate. [Tv, indistinct]
So why'd
they throw us out?
'Cause they know me.
[Sirens blaring]
Can you move your foot?
Know about the golden triangle?
That's where
the heroin comes from.
Heard about it
when I was in the 'nam.
You heard of vietnam, right?
Yeah, uh-huh.
Yeah, and while us guys
was fightin', dyin'...
and gettin' all fucked up,
the CIA was flyin' the shit
out of there and into here...
with our planes.
You know who
paid for that shit?
We did.
That is, the government.
You know why?
'Cause smack
is the great controller.
Keeps the people stupid...
when they could be smart.
What's he on about?
Some bullshit politics.
You guys got no right
to be strung out on that stuff.
You could be selling
healthy anarchy.
But long as you're addicts,
you'll be full of shit.
Come on, Vito. Don't be such a jerk.
I just don't know how many people want
to see Vicious on his own.
Are you kidding? Sid Vicious is a major...
he's not gonna be on his own.
He's gonna have a great fuckin'
backup band behind him. Yeah. Yeah?
Who? "Who?"
Iggy, Dee Dee, Chrissie, Debbie.
Debbie harry singing backup.
It's true!
Johnny Thunders, Joe Strummer...
I love you, Nancy. You're a fuckin' nutcase.
Stiv Bators, Jerry nolan.
I'm running a business here.
You really think he can pull this off?
Can he play?
He can! Shit, he practices
all the time, right?
Vito, come on, please.
Give us a gig.
You want me to fuck you?
No. And you shouldn't offer.
It's not professional.
[Phone ringing]
[Ringing continues]
[Dial tone]
All right. I'll give you
three grand for three gigs.
All right! Okay.
[Strumming guitars]
Sid! Sid!
Hey, Max. Sid!
Sid, guess what!
Sid, i did it!
I got you three gigs at Max's!
At least three, maybe more!
Are you excited? Yeah.
What? Sid?
What's goin' on?
We were just jamming,
you know? And watching trigger.
What is...
what is this?
Did you give him this?
Fuckin', come on.
No way. - Sid.
I just came here to jam, all right?
Just be cool.
Don't tell me to be cool.
Sid! Sid, we had a deal.
We said we weren't gonna
do any more smack until after the gig,
you asshole,
you fucking jerk!
Shit! I can't fucking decide
where to fucking throw you!
We had a deal. We said we weren't
gonna do any smack till after the gig!
And you don't even save me any,
you fuckhead!
Shit, you asshole,
motherfucking jerk...
Ow! Sid!
Sid, you're the fuckhead!
Hey, what the fuck
is going on?
Oh, shit.
Is he all right?
No, he's a fucking
asshole junkie.
Don't kick him.
You're really gonnalove this place.
A lot of great artists stay here.
I want you
to stay a long time.
Let's take him to my room.
It's a couple of my
foreign exchange students.
Why don't we just get to the elevator?
We'll take the elevator.
This next number...
is for all you sensitive
people out there,
all you young lovers.
Ein, zwei.
Ein, zwei, drei.
[Crowd cheering]
Look a-here
here she comes
there comes that girl again?
One of the cutest
since I don't know when
but she don't notice me
when I pass
she goes with all the guys
from outta my class
but that didn't stop me
from a-thinkin' to myself
she's sure fine-looking, man
she's somethin' else
look a-here
across the street
there's a car
built just for me
to own that car
would be a luxury
but right now
I can't afford the gas
a brand-new convertible
is outta my class
but that can't stop me
from a-thinkin' to myself
that car's fine-lookin', man
that's somethin' else
all right!
Look a-here
just wait and see
Hey, Nancy! What?
You want a kitty?
She is the girl
we go ridin' around
we're lookin' real good
with the white top down
I keep around a-creepin'
and i'm thinkin' to myself
whenever it comes through, ma
wow, that's somethin' else
He likes me.
Never thought
I'd do this before
but here I am
a-knocking on her door
the car's out front
and it's all mine
it was a '41 job
not a '59
I got that girl
and i'm thinkin' to myself
she's sure fine-lookin', man
wow, she's somethin' else
[crowd cheering]
[Applause, cheering]
You like that one?
You wanna hear "my way,"
I forgot it.
You were fucking great, Sid.
You were so fucking good.
[Sid] I don't know about that.
Most of the people there
were screaming for John,
throwing drugs
and shit at me.
That's 'cause they love you.
They're your fans.
Yeah, we'd sound a lot better
if we rehearsed.
[Nancy] Sid doesn't need to rehearse.
He's a natural.
[Sid] yeah a natural fuckup.
If you'd get it together, sid.
You gotta learn the words.
It's not words.
It's just those bridge and tunnel geeks
don't appreciate his style.
"My way." Hey, Sid, don't go
gettin' down on yourself.
If we just worked a little harder, you know.
What do you know?
Hey, Nancy, be cool.
I'm just trying to help Sid out.
Everybody likes Sid.
Nobody likes the shit you do.
Nancy, be cool.
Don't worry about it.
People'll be into my stuff
around '85, '86. Yeah?
Well, you're lucky
to be in Sid's band. You all are.
Nancy, be cool.
Fuck you!
Shut the fuck up! Everything
was fine. It was going really well.
We don't fucking
deserve this, asshole!
I'll see you
at rehearsal, gang.
Hey, Sid. We saw
your show at Max's.
All right.
What'd you think of it?
You suck!
Sid, those guys are full of shit.
What do they know?
I know what's best for you.
That's why I'm your manager.
"Learn the fucking words."
You don't need the fucking words.
He doesn't need words. Just make 'em
up like you did on "my way." Huh?
I wish we had some more coke.
Haunted by the ghost
I want to be haunted by the ghost
I want to be haunted by the ghost
I want to be haunted
by the ghost
of your precious love
of your precious love
I must have
been dreaming.
I thought we had
this little dog.
It was really little,
and we loved it.
But then it got sick,
and it was dead.
Yeah, it was dead,
and we loved it.
We didn't know whether
to bury it in New York...
or to keep it,
so we ate it.
[Knock at door]
Hey, Sid!
Sid, get up, man. We got a gig.
Come on, let's go.
You're seriously fuckin' up, man.
Come on, get up!
[Knocking continues]
Sid Vicious, get your ass up! Come on!
Sid, get your ass up, man.
We got an important gig.
Let's go! Sid!
Sid, get your ass up.
Come on!
Vicious, let's go!
[Sid singing, indistinct]
Now I'm gonna be
I lie right down
in my favorite place
now I wanna be a joke
and now I wanna
be a joke
[fades, stops]
[Man on TV] Is public image, Ltd.
A company or is it a band?
They're all empty. [John on TV]
It's not a band. It's a company.
Just little paper squares.
Where are you going?
To get some more.
How do you facilitate
this communication, Johnny ?
By whatever we think
is relevant at the time.
And what is relevant
to you right now?
Not very much really,
Gretchen, girl.
What? Hey.
It's under that building.
That building?
[Children shouting]
[Man] Yeah? Fuck you, you asshole!
Where is it?
The money! Give us the money!
Where is the money?
Give us the money!
I want that money, kid.
I want it. Oi.
Cut it out.
Let him go.
He owes us three bucks, man!
I don't care. Leave him alone.
Who the hell
do you think you are? Sid Vicious.
Hey, that was good.
[Gunfire, horses neighing on TV]
When was the last time
we fucked?
I can't remember.
You miss it?
We can if you want to.
Just give me a kiss.
[Coughing continues]
Fuck. This is
fucking bullshit.
Fuck you, man.
Look at these guys, man.
Alex. Hey, Nance.
What's going on?
Excuse me, man.
This is Sid Vicious here.
Very nice. What do we have?
Put it in there.
Give me that. Yeah.
It's none
of my business, man,
but I don't know why
you hang with this chick.
Fuckin' junk hog,
let's face it.
On top of that, she's always
getting down on you,
bitchin' at you,
Shit, man.
She's all right.
She don't mean it.
She ought to have
more respect for you.
If I had a girlfriend, she'd show me
some respect. Believe it.
What are you talkin' about,
respect? You don't know her.
She's gotten me these gigs at Max's.
We're both gettin' off the "h."
Smart move.
Smart move.
Is it my turn?
Yeah, maybe.
Don't get me wrong, Sid.
Nancy's great.
I love her.
You know what I'm saying.
Did I leave a lot of money
around here?
I left a fuckin' lot of money someplace.
I thought I might have left it here.
Can I have a little bit
of this for later?
All right, Sid?
Just that much.
[Siren wailing]
Do you have any idea who
has stayed here before you?
Dylan Thomas.
Excuse me. Watch the cat.
Thomas Wolfe.
Arthur Miller. Tennessee Williams.
This is not a place where
people set fire to their rooms.
I want shopping!
The Chelsea Hotel is a landmark.
It's a historic part of the
city of New York. I want shopping!
Do you know who has stayed here before?
I want shopping!
This is a historic landmark.
I want shopping!
I'm putting you in room 100.
It's on the first floor.
You won't even have to
wait for the elevator. You'll like it.
Look at that.
The door's open. [Chuckling]
Wait a second. Wait a second.
Excuse me.
Where are you going
with that lamp? This is our lamp.
You cannot move furniture
from room to room.
I forget where the fixtures are.
This is our lamp. We bought it.
Where's the tv?
There's no tv?
There's no tv!
Would you do me a favor? Go up to your
old room, take the television, bring it down.
He wants you
to like this room.
Bob Dylan was born here.
I haven't got anything.
Just my wake-up shot.
Nobody's holding downtown.
Bowery said he'd
meet us here.
Are you still
buying off bowery?
I heard he sold someone a paper
and, like, died.
That's fucking bullshit.
Are you guys
still fighting, Nance?
He's real depressed.
Yeah. Jimmy's
real depressed too.
He broke three of my ribs.
[Shouts, indistinct]
[Banging on window]
We're being so stupid.
We should just leave 'em.
Yeah, sure. Love kills.
See ya.
Hey, Sid.
Hey, man. How are you doing?
Got any beer for me?
I got some tickets to see Bruce Springsteen.
Fuck your tickets for fucking
Bruce Springsteen! Man!
Fuck off
and get me some smack.
Just for that,
you ain't goin'! Sid.
Sid, look at these.
We need these.
But I don't have any money.
Sid, where did you put it?
I can't remember.
You did it without me.
Oh, come on.
If I had only enough
for one of us, I'd give it all to you.
Fuck! Fuck!
Flopsy fucking thing!
Fuck it!
You hate me.
I don't.
I don't.
Oh, god.
I wish I was fuckin' dead.
Oh, shut up, please.
Quit goin' on about it. [Sniffling]
I've got more reasons
to be depressed than you.
You're much better off
than I am.
At least youused
to be something.
I've never been anything.
[Footsteps approaching]
[Keys jingling]
Is that bowery?
It's that Dwarf.
He's not a Dwarf, Sid.
He's a little boy.
What would you know?
Little kids don't dress like that.
Oh, fuck you.
Oh, fuck you too!
I'm sorry.
I'm sorry.
I wish we had something
to hit as well.
I wish we could get out of here.
Sid, Nance,
pull up your pants!
[Nancy] Bowery.
What've you got? Not much.
You guys got
any soda around here?
[Nancy] Come on. Don't fuck around.
We got the cash.
Everybody's got the cash,
but nobody's holding.
I've been up and down
this island twice today.
Been all the way to Brooklyn.
Hate that fuckin' town.
I've been reading this book.
Have you ever seen it?
[Nancy] Aw, come on. Just get us
straight, you shithole!
I'm sorry. I can't hear you.
What is it you're saying?
I said you were
a fuckin' slime hole!
Don't fuckin' talk to me,
you stupid little slut! [Shouting]
I don't need to hear your fucking crap!
Give us what you've got or piss off!
Hey, all right.
Easy, easy. Fucking books!
You wanna know what I got?
Hold on. Yeah.
Here we go. Something for you.
You fucking toad!
Don't get up.
I was just leaving. Wait!
Fuck you, Nancy!
You people are rude!
I'm sorry. What's that?
I'm sorry.
You two gotta watch your step, you know.
The buzz is out on you.
What's this?
Yeah, what's this?
Sulfate? You want some of this?
You want this?
Yeah. I never touch that stuff.
I'm too paranoid.
You guys are outside, man.
You shoot that stuff,
it's gonna make you sick.
What about the dilaudid?
Tried. I couldn't get ahold of the guy.
You got a phone?
I'll try again.
It's in the lobby.
The phone is in the lobby.
No promises.
But for
my famous friends...
I go the extra mile.
You guys aren't going anywhere, are you?
[Tv, indistinct]
My eyes hurt.
The TV's so bright
it hurts my eyes.
[Amplifier off]
Oh, fuck it.
Just broke, sort of blinking
at them, you know.
A dolly, I suppose.
It's something I can't remember.
Shut up.
I can't hear nothing.
Listen to me.
I don't want to.
Why not?
I don't know.
I just don't.
What are you
waiting for?
Bowery doesn't fucking matter.
What does?
I'm just not going to, okay?
You have to. You promised.
Yeah, well,
I changed me mind.
You can't!
You can't change your mind.
We said we'd go out together. You
can't change your mind. Of course I can.
I just did. I did.
Blaze of glory!
You promised!
You promised!
I'm getting out of this place.
I'm going back to England. No! Why?
'Cause I wanna get straight,
you know?
I'm sick and tired of all these
fucking people that kiss ass! Fuck you!
I want to get back with my friends
and people who care. Okay. Okay.
Go on!
Just leave me!
You're always putting fucking words
in my mouth! Friends?
They don't even care about you!
I am fucking leaving!
I'm your best friend, Sid.
So you keep fucking telling me!
And you'll never get straight.
You'll never
get straight, Sid.
You say that
every fucking day.
It's the same.
I can't get up tomorrow
to the same thing.
I can't do it anymore.
Oh, god, please help me.
Please, you promised.
You're so full of shit.
You're so fuckin' blind!
No, I'm not.
I'm not blind.
I see everything.
Where are you going?
No! Going out for...
no, it's 5:00 in the morning. There's
nothing out there! Get out of my fucking way!
Fuck you, sid.
You're so stupid!
Get out of the fucking way!
You're so fucking weak!
Help me! Please, you're
so fucking weak and stupid.
Help me. Help me.
Fuck off! Fuck off!
Fucking hell!
Will you get off?
- You wanna fucking die?
- Yeah!
Then fucking die!
Fuck you!
[Sobbing continues]
[Coughing continues]
Oh, shit.
Oh, Sid.
Help me.
Oh, Sid.
I don't feel so good.
You guys awake? I got something
here for you. Check it out.
Oh, Sid, this is
a serious fuckup, man.
[No audio]
I gotta take off.
It's a bad scene.
Whoa. [Departing footsteps]
Who called 911?
Did you call 911?
- Sid Vicious, can I have a picture?
- Fuck off!
I'll smash your fucking cameras!
[All clamoring]
There he is!
Why'd you do it?
Get the punker!
One word:
Did you do it?
Oh, god!
[Gasping, grunting]
[Panting, coughing]
[Door opens]
Is that him?
[Guard #2] Yeah, that's him.
Sid Vicious.
One candy bar.
One pack of cigarettes.
Look, kid, you're out on bail, right?
One safety pin.
Why don't you give yourself a break?
One stick of gum. I know you think
you're kinda tough, Ritchie.
There's a lot of guys out there
a lot tougher. One leather-studded arm band.
You can walk out that door,
and you can stay out for good,
sixty-seven cents. Or you can turn around
and walk back in here again.
Five hundred
forty dollars cash.
Sign here, please.
It's all up to you, Ritchie.
I don't see any braces
on your legs.
Oh, yeah.
One more thing.
Sure, kid.
What is it?
Where can I
get a pizza?
[Inmate] Let me out, man!
I didn't do anything!
[Disco, faint]
Same place, same time
where we can all
get together
and ease up our minds
oh, do a little dance
make a little love
get down tonight
get down tonight
do a little dance
make a little love
get down tonight
get down tonight, baby
Yo, Sid, you want
to dance with us?
I don't dance
with no little kids.
Why don't you stop bein'
stuck up? Yeah, man.
Come on.
Stop bein' so stuck up.
Yeah! Whoo!
That's it!
Yo, Sid, you don't even know her!
What you doin'?
You need some help
with that?
Walking out of England
thinking you were the king
taking on this world
on that bus that goes
through Mexico
where killer love finds
a sweet Mexican girl
but in Mississippi
we rushed into the room
Down in dixie
you were cryin' for dope
down in Alabama
they like home-cooked fare
so we're gonna strap you
to the fryin' chair
but I don't know
what love is
is there something else
giving me the chills
but if my hands
are the color of blood
then I can tell
sure I can tell ya
love kills
love kills
love kills
love kills
do you want
to hear the sirens
all sirens in the city
drown out arguing
we were Riker's Island
on a population board
they don't care
about your fame
but I don't know
what love is
is there something else
giving me the chills
but if my hands
are the color of blood
then I can tell ya
sure I can tell ya
love kills
love kills
love kills
love kills
love kills
love kills
On the rio grande
people tie you to a tree
and you can't
call the lawyers
'cause the whorehouse
is asleep
people end up weak
they'll throw you in a cell?
Where you can barely breathe
but I don't know
what love is
is there something else
giving me the chills
but if my hands
are the color of blood
then I can tell ya
sure I can tell ya
love kills
love kills
love kills
love kills
love kills
love kills