Side Effects (2013)

FEMALE GUARD: Front door!
I can't let it in unless I see it.
I know what the rules are. I'm just
asking if you can make an exception.
There are no exceptions.
That's why we have rules.
I know what a rule is.
I'm just telling you...
You don't have an X-ray
machine back there?
You don't have
an X-ray machine?
No. I've got to see it.
MARTIN: I bet you're not
going to miss that drive.
Or the ambiance.
I would've gone a lot further.
You know, they gave me a
brochure on reintegrating.
A social worker came by.
What did he say?
Go slow.
We can go slow.
I just wanted to remind you that
I won't be coming in tomorrow.
(GASPS) That's right.
It's the big day!
You must be thrilled...
...and excited
and nervous and...
And I wanted to thank you,
just for everything.
You've been so understanding.
Oh, I'm sure there's more to it
than what's on the news, so...
I know, but to a lot of people
you say "insider trading,"
and it may as well be murder.
You just stop existing.
So, thank you for everything.
I wasn't sure what I should wear.
I tried to find something new to buy,
but I couldn't find
anything that looked good.
Honey, you look beautiful.
And I can only imagine how
you're gonna look to him.
Oh, Mama.
Come on. Let's get out of here
before they change their mind.
(CHUCKLES) I'm sorry.
MARTIN: Babe, you remember that
hedge fund manager I met inside?
Marshall Hellman?
EMILY: The Stanford guy?
Super smart. He was in for some
tax thing, but he'll be out soon.
He's got money in Dubai
and a lot of connections.
I can get us back
to where we were, Em.
I promise. I can
make that happen.
Okay, baby.
Thank you.
OFFICER: I don't understand
what you're saying! Just relax!
BANKS: Hello.
I'm Dr. Banks.
This guy's on something, okay?
Listen, just relax!
This guy's on something.
He came swinging at me.
Stand back and let me talk to him.
He was trying to hold up a taxi.
You understand?
He came at me!
Augustin? Augustin.
He's fine.
What is it?
What's going on?
BANKS: He saw his dead
father driving the taxi.
He saw the ghost of his father.
He was a cabbie.
So I was right.
He's nuts.
No. It's grief.
Just grief painting
pictures in his brain.
He sees ghosts.
He's Haitian. It's not
unusual for Haitians
to see their loved ones
shortly after they die.
Weird for me and you, but it's
perfectly normal for him.
Right, what do you have next?
MVA in bed eight, with minor head
trauma, in need of a consult.
Double shift today?
Better living through chemistry.
Miss Taylor.
I'm Dr. Banks.
Oh, they said I might
have a concussion,
but I don't have to stay
here for that, right?
Uh, we have to wait for the
CT scan results to know that.
I have a couple of questions for you.
How's your head?
It hurts.
How was it before you hit the wall?
What do you mean?
How have things been going with you?
Generally speaking.
Why are you here?
I'm a psychiatrist, Miss Taylor.
when people hit things with their car,
there are skid marks on the pavement.
A brick Wall's a pretty good
reason to use the brakes,
turn the wheel.
You didn't do that.
You went straight in.
It says here the attendant
told the police
you were pretty upset
before you got in the car.
Now, the insurance company
are gonna check the brakes,
but I prefer to just ask you.
Did you try to hurt
yourself this morning?
Do you still want to
try and hurt yourself?
How do you feel about staying
here for a few days?
No, I can't stay here.
Martin just got home and I
have to be there for him.
Is that your husband, Martin?
Yes, and he just got out of prison.
I have to be there, and I have a job.
I have to go into work.
He doesn't make any money yet.
Are you married?
Okay, what if you got out of jail
or you were away for a long
time and you come home
and your wife is in
the mental hospital?
We waited for four years.
I can't stay here.
I think you may have tried to hurt
yourself this morning, and...
It was a mistake.
I lost it for a minute.
I promise, that's not
going to happen again.
Do you have an office?
Well, I could come
see you at your office.
I could come as often as you want.
I could come two
or three times a week.
I was in therapy once before,
and I remember that structure
really helps with hopelessness.
I promise. I just
really want to go home.
Okay. So we'll
release her to you,
um, but I want to see her in my office
this week. That's the deal we made.
I just had no idea this
was still going on.
Oh, honey, I think she must have
been putting on a brave face.
She was afraid to tell you.
She was afraid to tell me.
I want to start her on this.
It's called an SSRI.
It affects the neurotransmitter
in the brain called serotonin.
MARTIN: What does
that do exactly?
BANKS: Basically, it helps stop the
brain from telling you you're sad.
In a few weeks, she should
start to feel better.
WOMAN: No, of course.
Of course.
It was soft. Absolutely,
it was soft in that first...
But we are going to tighten it up.
Sure, that's what we do.
Yeah. I think it'll be interesting
to regroup after the Dallas groups.
JOAN: Emily?
Are you okay?
What happened?
These made me sick, too.
I had better luck with Celexa.
EMILY: I used to draw when I was a kid.
Mostly people, though.
Teachers and kids from my class.
Boys that I liked.
Sometimes cats.
I used to try and get
their faces perfect.
That's why I came to New York, I
wanted to get into graphic design.
I was taking classes
when I met Martin.
How did that happen?
I was working at this, uh, bar
downtown to help pay for school,
and he kept coming in after work.
And he would just order the
most complicated drinks.
Things that I had no idea how to make.
One night, he climbed over the bar
and offered to teach
me how to make them.
And he ended up staying until we closed.
Then he asked me out.
And you went.
I didn't know who he was or what he did.
He was just...
He was just this guy in a suit.
And watched me while I made drinks,
and that made me really nervous.
Then he stared at me
like I was a painting.
He had this beautiful sailboat,
and he took me out on it.
Taught me how to ski.
He swept me off my feet.
Proposed to me in Maui that winter
and we were married by spring.
How old were you?
That was five years ago, so I was 23.
Time goes by so fast.
Is this ever going to go away?
You said you felt depressed before.
Did you see anyone about it last time?
Yeah. In Greenwich, Connecticut.
Victoria Siebert.
I had to stop seeing her when
they took our house away
and I had to move back to the city.
Do you mind if I contact
Dr. Siebert about your history?
No, of course not.
SIEBERT: I saw her four years ago.
SIEBERT: For a little
over nine months.
She didn't just have the
rug pulled from under her,
she had the rug,
the home, the husband.
Her entire life, gone.
Even her health insurance. She
moved into the city to find work
and I never heard from her again.
I'm glad she's seeing a man this time.
I think that will help.
Why is that?
Never felt seen by her father.
Then her husband ends up in
jail and she's abandoned again.
I'd be happy to see her have a
different kind of experience.
She says you tried her on medication.
Oh, yes. Wellbutrin.
Prozac. Effexor.
Really struggled.
I remember she had problems with
sleep and nausea. Chills...
I'm putting her on Zoloft, see
if she can tolerate that.
Oh. Well, maybe she's a candidate
for one of these newer meds.
Sometimes the newest thing
gives them confidence.
They see the ads on TV, they believe.
I have a patient with
some similar issues.
I put her on Ablixa.
WOMAN: Welcome, everyone!
Thank you for coming.
We'll be starting
the presentations soon,
so if everyone can come
in and take a seat.
You know, I may have some samples here.
Let me see.
No. I must have
given them all away.
Here! Have an Ablixa pen.
Had it been available back then,
I would have prescribed it for
Emily after she miscarried.
After he went to jail.
She, uh, hasn't mentioned that.
Has he been released yet?
A week ago.
Well, maybe that will
help turn things around.
MARTIN: Look, don't mention
anything to Carl or Kayla
about Hellman. It'll
just make things easier.
I still think Carl's the
one who went to the Feds.
He probably gave us these tickets
because he feels shitty
about everything.
I hope these things work.
Look, if you don't feel up
to this, I can go by myself.
I understand if you don't
want to see those people.
All right?
But I got to get back out
there at some point.
EMILY: If I just sit here by
myself, I'm just gonna feel worse.
I have to at least try.
Dr. Banks would want me to try.
Martin! Welcome back.
MARTIN: How are you, sir?
CARL: Emily, good to see you.
Hi. Good to see you.
Kayla, you remember
this beautiful lady here.
Thank you so much for having us.
Oh, my, your dress is beautiful!
I love it. It's gorgeous.
Thank you. We're so glad
you guys could come.
It's our pleasure.
Thanks again.
I'm going to go to the bar and get a drink.
Does anyone want anything?
(WHISPERING) Is that such a good idea?
Yeah, it's fine.
I'll be right back.
She looks amazing!
She's doing well.
But going away is hard, and so
is coming back, for everyone.
Martin, I just want to
say I wish I had done
a better job of reaching out.
I really do.
No. That's fine. It's the culture.
It's over now.
MALE BARTENDER: Good evening, ma'am.
Can I get you something?
Yes, a vodka seltzer, please.
There you go. Enjoy.
Thank you.
Em. So, Martin
was just telling...
Honey, what's wrong?
I can't do this.
You know, I went through a
very bad time last year.
I found a lump.
I just fell apart.
I was so depressed,
and, uh, my doctor prescribed
something called Effexor.
It really helped.
Can you get Martin for me?
EMILY: I'm sorry.
I'm sorry!
I can't, I'm sorry.
It's okay, it's okay.
Come here.
Not so close, ma'am!
Thank you.
DIERDRE: Oh, the advantages of having a
husband who can write prescriptions.
What are they called again?
It's a beta blocker.
Is it bad that I'm doing this?
Everyone takes them.
Lawyers, musicians.
People going to
interviews for big jobs.
It doesn't make you
anything you're not.
It just makes it easier for
you to be who you are.
It's between me and two other people.
A woman from Merrill and a guy from Citicorp.
But Hazlitt says
I have the inside track.
Sorry, D. I've got to return this.
It's an emergency.
This girl is really struggling.
Dr. Banks, I really
need to talk to you.
Yeah. I just
got your message.
I'm with my wife.
I went to your office, but you
weren't there. So I came here.
Could we just go talk?
If it's an emergency, I can admit you.
No. I just, um...
I was getting on the subway and...
And I was like when I was in the car.
I have to go to work.
I just need five minutes.
You're going to go to work after?
Okay, five minutes.
I'm sorry.
Call me after the interview.
BANKS'. Emily,
I know this is hard.
But the hopelessness you're
feeling is a symptom.
We have to leave that in the past.
A psychologist once said,
"Depression is an inability
to construct a future. "
But you have a future.
At home with Martin.
He's trying to start a new business.
With this guy Hellman
that he met in jail.
How does that make you feel?
I don't know.
I mean, he's trying.
He's really trying
to make things better
and I'm just not helping at all.
I mean, I'm trying, too.
I went...
I went shopping to try and make
things more exciting for him.
You are trying.
I can't take the Zoloft anymore.
I can't. I'm dizzy.
I can't sleep.
I have no sex drive.
I understand that.
This woman I work with, Julia, she...
...she said she's on this other, new
medication, and it's really helping her.
I thought maybe I could try that.
Have you taken Ablixa before?
Some of the side effects may include
nausea, muscle weakness,
insomnia, change in appetite,
dry mouth, irritation.
Do you want to pay cash?
MAN: There were court seats at
Knicks games, fishing trips
to Cape Cod.
It was crazy.
WOMAN 1: One year, Warner-Lambert
took us to Hawaii.
I gave a talk for five
minutes and played 36 holes.
(CHUCKLES) What did Pfizer have to pay
to make their whole thing go away?
Two billion?
Lilly paid over a billion to
settle the Zyprexa thing.
Do we have to talk about this?
You're ruining my lunch.
A certain rep,
who will remain nameless,
gave me tickets to the World Series.
Got my son an autographed ball!
If only I'd known you liked baseball.
BANKS: Where was I
for all this?
WOMAN 1: Some British
boarding school, probably.
Well, it's not a violation of the
pharma code to buy you doctors lunch
as long as we talk about business
for at least five minutes.
MAN: Ready? Go!
We're starting a trial for our
new anti-anxiety drug, Delatrex.
We're looking for a couple
of docs to consult.
It's probably going to run for about a year.
Any interest?
I'm out. I'm doing something for
the competition. Signed an NDA.
MAN: You should cancel
her filet for that.
I'm teaching next semester and
feeling a little overextended.
WOMAN 2: How about you,
Dr. Banks? Too busy?
Not as busy as my partners.
What do you need?
BANKS: Getting warmer, but, no.
Thirty thousand?
Fifty thousand.
Really? Wow.
What do you have to do?
Go to a few meetings, recruit
some patients, track some data.
So you'll be even busier.
(SIGHING) But the flip side is
that if, for instance,
the buttons on this shirt
suddenly fell off,
I would be able to buy a new one.
Oh, I see.
EZRA: Mom?
BOTH: Mmm.
DIERDRE: Yes, honey! In here, sweetie.
Just unpacking.
I was having a bad dream.
Oh, love.
Honey, you're in luck. Jon
is very good with dreams.
Yes, I am.
So, he's gonna help you.
Back to bed, sweetie.
Do I have to dream when I sleep?
Yeah, I'm pretty much sure we all do.
They don't all have to be bad.
Albert Einstein, remember him?
EZRA: Yeah.
He figured out relativity in a dream.
And Paul McCartney wrote entire songs.
And I dreamt of your mom before
I even met her. (EZRA LAUGHING)
So what are you going to dream about?
Whoever makes this drug is
going to be fucking rich.
Em! It's the middle of the night.
Turn down the music!
Are we expecting someone?
Em, can you hear me?
What are you doing?
MARTIN: Can't she
stop taking drugs?
Isn't there an alternative
approach... No!
God, no.
I can finally sleep.
I have some energy.
We had sex.
It was like we were actually together.
MARTIN: Maybe something else
would do the same thing.
Absolutely. There are
still other SSRIs, SNRIs.
I've tried everything else.
You don't know, Martin.
You've never had this. You
don't know what it's like.
Okay? Every afternoon
it's like...
It's like there's this
poisonous fog bank
rolling in on my mind,
and I'm paralyzed.
If I have to start over, I think
I should see a different doctor.
I'm sorry you feel that way.
I understand your frustration.
(SIGHS) What do we do?
BANKS: There are things we
can do to make this work.
Other medications
we add to the Ablixa,
one is designed to
deal with sleepwalking
while the Ablixa helps you get
a handle on your depression.
MARTIN: I'm going
to Otisville today.
They finally approved
me to see Hellman.
He's thinking we might want
to set up shop in Houston.
He's got a lot of
connections down there.
I thought we were going to
move back to Greenwich.
I'm sure that we can find
great people in Houston, too.
I want to be totally clear that I am
being paid to participate in this study.
If you don't want to take
part, I totally understand.
There are other meds besides
Delatrex I can prescribe.
So, my medication is free.
I don't have to report it to my
insurance company or anything?
For as long as you choose to be a part
of the study, your meds are free.
Oh, that's great.
We'll start today.
WOMAN: Emily, I don't understand.
It's almost 4:00.
What happened?
I got on the train, and I
just forgot to get off.
Martin is thinking about moving us,
and I'm just
Go home, Emily.
But you have to know
this can't happen again.
It's not working for me.
Hey. Hey...
What's happening?
They gave it to the guy from Citicorp.
Oh, I'm sorry, D.
(SIGHS) It's fucking hopeless.
Hellman says you are
going to love Houston.
What'd you get me?
God damn it. Em?
These fucking pills.
You sleeping again?
Em, call somebody.
Help me.
Call somebody.
Help me.
Did he hit you?
Did he threaten you?
Was anyone else here? Who
else was coming for dinner?
I was asleep and I...
I woke up and I saw him.
He wasn't...
He wasn't moving.
And that's all...
That's all I remember.
BANKS'. Dr. Siebert.
Hello, there. I'm sorry to bother you.
It's Jon Banks.
It's about Emily.
Uh, there's been an incident.
No sign of forced entry,
nobody else on the
building security camera.
The prints on the knife are hers.
Where is her lawyer?
She doesn't have one.
Just kept talking about you.
No sign of struggle
on either one of them.
She made the 911 call herself.
We had an appointment last night
that she didn't show up for.
When was the last time you saw her?
Four days ago.
And what was she like?
Any idea why the dinner table
was set for three, Dr. Banks?
She doesn't remember anything
about a guest. Kids?
BANKS: No, she didn't
have children.
She was taking these.
For depression, right?
I've seen the ads.
She ever talk to you
about something like this?
I'd like to speak to her,
if that's possible.
You can talk to her at Rikers.
It's possible, you see,
that she was asleep.
She walks in her sleep.
That's maybe why she
doesn't remember anything.
It's a side effect of this medication.
She's had other episodes.
She kills people in her sleep, too.
Stand up, please.
And turn around.
ASSISTANT D.A.: She ever
tell you anything to
make you believe she could
be violent, or that he was?
And before you answer that
or tell me about some kind of
patient-doctor confidentiality thing,
let's just think
about the future here.
The future?
Well, this goes one of
two ways, doesn't it?
See, either she's a murderer or
she's a victim of
her medical treatment.
In which case, you're the
target of a big civil suit.
Either way, someone gets punished.
Her or you.
The state's enjoyed working with
you in the past, Dr. Banks.
I'd like to see you consulting
with us on this one.
This is different.
Is it?
I never want to see
another pill again.
They want me to take something else.
Another pill to help me sleep.
I don't understand
why this is happening.
Is there any way that
somebody else did it,
and made it look like me?
I don't think so.
That's not what the police are saying.
I killed the wrong person.
BANKS: I don't know what else I could
have done. She wanted to stay on it.
Jon. You can't
follow them around
taking things out of their hands
they might use to hurt themselves.
We see them for an hour a day,
maybe a couple of times a week.
I think they're going to charge her.
With what?
You said she has no memory.
No criminal intent.
They can't do that.
A man in Arizona.
He killed his wife,
threw her in the pool,
took off his bloody clothes, put
them in the trunk of his car.
Woke up the next morning,
no memory of it.
Didn't even know she was dead until
they charged him with the crime.
Neighbors even saw him
throw the body into the pool.
He was acquitted last year.
A woman bludgeoned her husband while
on vacation in Sanibel Island.
They were both asleep at the time.
Another acquittal.
I have to tell you, I have
been approached by the state
to consult for them as well.
I assumed as much.
I am in a rather difficult spot here.
I hope you appreciate that.
I know you are, but if she goes away,
this does not look good for you.
It just makes the whole
system look bad.
She ever talk about
killing her husband?
No. If she had, I would
have reported it.
You spoken to any of the family?
Martin's mother. She's
the one who hired me.
We need your help.
You want to talk about it?
A patient of mine was arrested.
For something bad?
Yeah. Pretty bad.
Did the person do it?
Are they guilty?
In this case,
those are two very different things.
I was afraid you would never
want to see me again.
I hope you know that if I could
trade places with Martin, I would.
I would give anything if there were
someone who could make that deal.
I just don't understand
how it happened. How?
I don't know.
I don't know. It doesn't fit for me.
It's like...
It's like it never happened.
But I don't understand it.
You watch the commercials on
TV, people are getting better!
I was getting better. Dr. Banks
was really helping me.
But, he just got out
and now he's gone.
I know.
Can I give you something?
I want to make a statement.
People need to know what can happen.
For Martin's sake.
"We go to doctors
"with our sadness
"and our faith in the hope they
will guide us toward health.
"But instead I have gone
down a path toward a misery
"I never could have imagined.
"And I have taken
my loved ones with me.
"My only hope is that no one
else follows me to this place. "
ELLIOTT: And again, this is a
note from your daughter-in-la w.
Who may face murder charges.
For what a drug made her do.
We invited a representative from
Sadler-Benelux, the makers of Ablixa,
to come here this morning
and discuss this very tragic
story, but they declined.
However, our Dr. Peter Joubert,
in fact, a Manhattan psychiatrist
who specializes in anti-depression
drugs like Ablixa,
is here to discuss
the dangers of these side effects.
Peter, if nothing else, this seems
a very troubling gray area.
Josh, it is. And that is
why the FDA, in 2004,
asked that anti-depressants come
with a black box warning...
DIERDRE: Which one,
zucchini or asparagus?
...because their use was
associated with an increased risk
of suicidality in
children and adolescents.
Zucchini or asparagus?
I don't know. Both.
That warning was expanded to
include young adults in their 20s.
ELLIOTT: Peter, where's
the doctor in all this?
What's his or her responsibility?
JOUBERT: I'm sure people have
a lot of questions for him.
DIERDRE: What about the permission
slip for the field trip?
Do you have that?
Did you remember?
Are you excited? What?
There he is! Dr. Banks!
DIERDRE: Did someone famous...
How long have you been
seeing Emily Taylor?
Seeing who?
Did you know that your husband
was treating Emily Taylor?
Take him out of here.
What is happening?
BANKS: Go that way!
What about this picture?
Have you seen the front
page of the Post today?
You have no comment about any of this?
No, not at the moment.
Do you have any comment
at all about this?
BANKS: I have no comment. She's my patient.
That's all I can say.
What's your relationship?
I saw some press people downstairs.
I think they had cameras.
Is that for you?
There's a back stairway,
if you'd be more comfortable
leaving that way.
My wife never liked me coming here.
I'm worried she's
going to see something.
It's going
to be a "thing. "
Was she the one with the blonde hair?
I think I saw her in the elevator.
She seemed totally normal.
I'd really like to focus more
on what's going on with you.
What was she taking? It's
not what I'm taking, is it?
No. You're taking
something else.
You'd tell me, right?
CHILDS: As part of the Office's
medical conduct review,
we'll need to have access
to your charts and records.
Current and past patients.
Whatever you need.
You went to school
in the UK, at Durham.
What made you decide to
practice here in the States?
Where I come from, if anyone
goes to see a psychiatrist
or takes medication, the
assumption is they're sick.
Here, the assumption
is they're getting better.
I see.
You first came in contact with Miss
Taylor after a suicide attempt.
She drove her car into a wall.
You decided not to hospitalize her?
She described her suicide
attempt as a mistake.
And expressed a desire to get better.
Her husband wanted her home as well.
In addition, she had no
history of violent behavior.
Driving a car into
a wall isn't violent?
I didn't think she posed
a risk to others.
I saw her regularly,
here in my office,
and consulted with her
previous doctor as well.
Dr. Siebert.
I've spoken to her.
You also do work at the
hospital, a number of shifts.
Sometimes nights.
And you said you're doing
pharmaceutical consulting.
That's a pretty large workload.
My wife lost her job.
And we have a boy, my
stepson, in private school.
I bought a new place downtown, too.
So, longer hours, higher volume
of patients, more stress.
Anything else?
I'll need to ask your
partners some questions.
Of course.
DIERDRE: They can't come after
you for any of this, right?
BANKS: No, that's
not going to happen.
They don't blame me.
I'm just an expert witness.
Like I was on that case
with the kid from Uganda
who couldn't stop stealing stuff.
They just need me to explain
things to the jury. That's all.
So after the trial, it's over.
MAN: She was sad.
Very sad.
Every day.
Did she say why?
No. It is just
how she was.
Some people slip.
Some jump.
We keep an eye out.
I remember her.
Right on the edge.
She worried me.
What makes us human?
What differentiates us
from, let's say, insects,
is that we have consciousness.
An awareness of what we're
thinking and what we're doing.
If, for example, I'm hungry,
lam consciously aware of that.
And so, I go to the fridge
and I make myself a sandwich.
So you intend to make a sandwich.
So, what you are saying
is that to have intent,
we must also have consciousness.
Objection, Your Honor.
The question calls for a legal
conclusion, not a medical one.
JUDGE: Overruled.
You may continue.
Consciousness provides a context,
or meaning, for our actions.
If that part of you
doesn't exist, then,
basically, we are functioning
much like an insect,
where you just respond instinctively
without a thought to
what your actions mean.
And that part...
That part that provides
meaning to action,
does that exist when we're asleep?
ATTORNEY: So, without consciousness,
how do we prove intent?
BANKS: I don't
believe you can.
she'll take it.
But she does not walk out of the
hospital next week, or next month.
She goes away for a while.
That's part of the deal.
She'll have to agree to that.
You think that'll work?
I can get Dr. Banks to
help explain it to her.
Here's what we're
prepared to live with.
State agrees to an NGRI.
We make a side agreement about
how long she's institutionalized
before there's any sort of
hearing on her release.
So I'm not guilty,
but I'm still going away?
NGRI means Not Guilty for
Reasons of Insanity.
You're not guilty of murder.
You'll be moved to the Wards
Island Forensic Psychiatry Center
for a period of time.
But I can't leave.
No, not for a while.
You'll be under observation.
I'm not crazy.
You know I'm not crazy.
In my opinion, you are a victim
of circumstance and biology.
Isn't your opinion
the one that counts?
No, I'm just one doctor.
It may help to have you examined
by another psychiatrist.
We should get Dr. Siebert.
She's known me for a lot
longer, and she could testify.
Dr. Siebert's records have already
been submitted to the D.A.
And you weren't in her care
at the time of the murder.
But if I'm just a victim of
circumstance and biology...
it was the Ablixa.
You told me I should stay
on the Ablixa. I would never be
here if it weren't for that.
Emily, if you take this plea, as soon
as a psychiatrist says you're ready,
we'll apply for your release.
What if I say no?
Then we keep going.
But they have a body, they have
your prints on the murder weapon,
and they have you at the crime scene.
We can't argue that you
didn't do any of that, so,
one day, it goes to the
jury and maybe they acquit,
you walk out of here on your own.
Or maybe it goes the other way.
EMILY: Well,
what do you think?
I will tell you what I know.
An NGRI defense is only
successful 1% of the time,
and they are giving you that today.
BANKS: You're
fucking kidding me.
Nobody here has ever had a bad result?
Nobody here has had
a client react to a side effect?
Your arrogance here is breathtaking.
You take no responsibility?
For her body's reaction to a medicine?
It only just came on the market!
She has come up in a number
of my sessions as well.
It's become a part of
the environment here.
I have clients who are afraid
to take their medications.
We had the state board here.
It's on the nightly news.
Look, I spoke with her lawyer and the D.A.
We worked it out.
She's taking an NGRI.
She's going to hospital for observation.
It's behind us.
It's all gonna go away.
Bullshit, Jon! It is
splashed all over you!
It's going to follow
you around forever.
And us, too, if we're
standing next to you.
What does that mean? If
she's not guilty, why am I?
Rational people may
look at it like that,
but we don't see a great
many rational people here.
You can see what I'm saying?
We shouldn't even have to ask.
You should see what's happening.
But that seems hard for you!
Do you think I screwed up?
I don't know.
I noticed the Taylor woman
in the waiting room.
She was very attractive.
A wounded bird. Fragile.
Would you have treated her
differently if she was a man?
That's not what happened.
Maybe it's time for you to slow down.
Your client load is down.
Get some cheaper space.
Focus on what's going on with you.
I received a letter, Jon.
I haven't shared it with anyone,
but I think it will likely surface.
What kind of letter?
It's about Alison Finn.
BANKS: It was during
my residency.
There was a walk-in clinic
at the university.
I saw her maybe three times.
She saw other people there as well,
called the suicide
line every other night.
She was a paranoid schizophrenic
and a drug addict.
Very sick girl.
She knew where you lived.
She stalked me.
The letter says you
took her to London.
Why are they writing this?
Their daughter committed suicide
and left a very
graphic note, naming me.
It never happened. Look.
It's not unusual for there to be
emotional transference between
a patient and a therapist.
Had her perform oral sex in your car?
Never! It was a fantasy!
NARRATOR: Depression can
take away your energy.
It can steal away your time.
SIEBERT: A number
of years ago,
I had a patient who
was having an affair.
Came in here every week like
he was going to confession.
Cried, repented.
Didn't stop.
Then one day, he comes
in and says it's over.
He's finally got a handle on his
issues, like some great epiphany.
It was about six or seven months later
his wife turns up and says he has a
whole other family in another state.
He'd been lying to her.
And he was lying to me.
The kids blamed me. The wife blamed me.
Even the patient blamed me.
At times, I blamed me.
The point is the cardiologist can
see it coming, the heart attack,
from the tests.
It's in the blood.
But who can see the lies?
Or the past, or the sadness?
You didn't tell me
you wrote the article.
We were consulting on a
patient, not comparing rsums.
It would have been
a little self-involved
for me to mention it, don't you think?
It wasn't about me,
it was about Emily.
Why didn't you tell me
about the sleepwalking?
Me tell you?
She told you about them.
And you kept her on the Ablixa.
It was a decision you made, Jon.
How did you know that?
Know what?
That she had more than one episode.
How would you know that?
Did she have them when
she was your patient?
I know because it's in the news.
That's how I know.
Everyone knows.
Everyone knows everything, Jon.
Like that?
At that speed?
No, faster than that.
Oh, faster than that.
Yeah, and she was
carrying the seat belt.
She was wearing the seat belt?
Are you sure?
Yeah, I saw it!
WOMAN: One moment, you're living high
on the hog, and the next moment,
you're visiting your hubby
in jail, eating ramen?
Who wouldn't be depressed?
And then what happened...
Oh, God, it's just so tragic.
I've suffered from my own
depression, so I understand.
I'm sorry to hear that.
"Every afternoon, around 3:00, like
a poisonous fog bank rolling in
"on my mind,
and I'm paralyzed. "
"A poisonous fog"?
That's not me. It's William Styron.
Yes. William Styron.
Darkness Visible.
Darkness Visible.
There are times when I feel I
could have written it, but...
So is she
doing any better?
I'm keeping an eye on her.
Excuse me.
Are you Julia?
Julia? Are you Julia?
Sorry to disturb you.
Are you Julia? No.
Julia? Are you Julia?
No, I'm Joan.
Is there a... Are you Julia?
No, I'm Susan.
WOMAN: Is there
something else?
I wanted to speak
to her friend, Julia.
Julia? I don't think we have
a Julia that works here.
Look at this.
She knew all about airbags and seat belts.
Fucking commercial runs
on a loop in the lobby
where she works.
DIERDRE: Where were you? What?
You forgot me at school.
I was here.
I was doing this.
Honey, go to your room. Start your homework.
I'll be there in a minute.
I'm sorry.
What is all this?
The Delatrex thing?
No, look, I went to her office.
There is no Julia at
work who takes Ablixa.
What are you talking about?
Why did she make up Julia?
I don't know.
Isn't she sick?
I thought sick people
sometimes make things up.
BANKS". So you're
feeling better.
EMILY: Yeah, much better.
I've been doing a lot of, um,
running on the treadmill here to try and
get in shape and stimulate serotonin.
You're not feeling like
you're in a "poisonous fog"?
No, not so much anymore.
That phrase really stuck with me.
How did you come by it?
I don't know, really. Um...
I guess it's just...
I guess that's how I felt back then.
You know, maybe I heard it
or read it somewhere.
Back on the boat with Martin, we used
to always see the fog rolling in.
I'm sure a lot of depressed
people have felt that way before.
The important thing is that I
think the fog is finally lifting.
And I really think I'm going to
be ready to get out of here soon.
I have to go, I'm sorry. I
have a meeting in the city.
Do you think maybe, uh, next time
you could stay a little longer?
It's just I don't have
any other visitors
and this is really all I
have to look forward to.
What about your friend, Julia?
Yes. From the ad agency.
Oh, Julia. No, I worked
with Julia at the bar.
I haven't heard from her
since everything happened.
I haven't heard from most people.
Are you okay?
I know what it's like to have your
entire life change out from under you.
The only difference is, you didn't
do anything wrong and Martin did.
the reason I called.
I mean, with all the attention
in the paper on the Taylor case,
and with the ethics probe and such,
I wanted to tell you that, um...
We need to ask you to
step off the study.
I'm sure it's all blown
out of proportion,
but we can't have you
on the payroll now.
I could be anonymous.
Still do the work.
I'm real sorry.
I feel horrible about this.
Maybe you can be part of another
study when this is over.
All right, then.
The funny thing is, with
Sadler-Benelux in the toilet,
we're up like 30%.
The guys down on Wall Street are cashing
in because of what happened with Ablixa.
Worked out super well for us.
BANKS: You can bet
on a stock to go down,
just like you can bet on it to go up.
A few days before 9/11,
there was a huge surge in the
purchase of options of airline stock.
No one knows why.
It's a complete mystery.
But United fell 40%
after the planes crashed
and people made a lot of money.
And it isn't illegal.
Thinking something's going
to happen isn't illegal
Breaking the law to make it
happen is a different story.
Jon, I know what insider trading is.
I used to work in finance.
Sure, you do,
but, look. See!
Hey. See what happened
at Sadler-Benelux
right after Martin Taylor died.
Down. Way down.
AziLyle, on the other
hand... up. Way up.
She did it. She made
it happen, do you see?
Do you see?
Ablixa was her idea!
But you prescribed it.
You did that.
I got a job today.
Huh? They offered me full time.
I left you a message this morning.
I didn't hear. (STAMMERS) My phone was
off 'cause I was at the hospital.
Hopefully with this and the consulting
money we can finally get back...
No, the Delatrex thing is over.
It's gone.
They fired me.
That's why I have to make
this thing with Emily work.
I'm not letting another
Alison Finn happen,
so I'm fucking fighting this time!
I don't want to hear
about Emily or Alison.
But this is starting
to make sense now!
No, it's not making sense!
It doesn't make sense that you're
sitting here doing this all day long!
The case is over.
The photographers are gone,
your partners are gone,
the Delatrex thing is now gone.
You're the only one that's still here.
I just want to know what happened.
A woman you were treating
killed her husband.
That's what happened.
EMILY: But I already
told the truth.
BANKS: That's what this
test will help to prove.
How does it do that?
It helps to show your
true state of mind.
Sodium amytal gives us a
window into someone's psyche.
It lowers inhibitions.
We make a video of the test
and we show it to the judge.
It's just you know
how I feel about drugs.
Emily, this is the
fastest way out of here.
What does it do to me?
Initially, you'll
feel light-headed.
And then you will get a
sense of well-being. Calm.
After a few minutes, you'll probably
get drowsy and fall asleep.
What do you do while that's happening?
I ask questions.
You answer. You say whatever
you feel about what happened.
What motivated you to come and
see me in the first place?
My motivation was to
get over my depression
and to have a life with my husband.
Then that's what this will show.
What if I say something else?
What do you mean?
I just mean, what if I say something
that makes my situation worse?
You say anything you're not happy
with, I'll destroy the video.
How old are you, Emily?
Where are we?
Wards Island
Psychiatric Forensic Center.
What is the capital of New York?
Do you know why you're here?
Because my husband is dead.
HOW did he die?
They said I stabbed him,
but I can't remember.
Did you want him dead? Did
you kill Martin on purpose?
I wanted us to sail away together
on the boat, all three of us.
The three of you?
What happened to Madeleine?
I lost her because I was sad
and she didn't want to stay
inside a sad person anymore.
He gave me so much and
then they took him away.
I wanted to give him a daughter.
But you killed him.
Were you angry with him?
Did you hate him?
No. I never would have hurt him.
I loved everything about him.
The way he smelled, (INHALES DEEPLY)
his hands. Everything
about him, I loved.
Did you do it for the money?
Like he did?
I loved everything about him.
Emily, can you hear me?
I can't remember.
ASSISTANT D.A.: That's what she said in
her statement. She doesn't remember.
BANKS: She's lying.
What does her falling asleep prove?
You have to destroy this. You're
torturing the poor woman.
It's saline.
I gave her saltwater.
There was no drug.
So, why did she pass out?
You don't put in a performance
like that on saltwater.
Call the hospital.
Order a blood test.
You won't find any
amytal in her system.
She's been lying this whole time.
Destroy that.
No. Call the hospital.
Order a blood test.
Not a chance.
We have her. Arrest her.
Dr. Banks...
I want my life back!
Destroy it before it destroys you.
She knew the safety
features of the car...
You don't want to say
that to me or to anyone.
Another thing. Sadler-Benelux is down.
Stop talking, Dr. Banks.
Stop! It's too late! Millions
of dollars were made!
No! You could have
worked with us! I asked.
The verdict's in. It's too fucking
late for whatever that circus is
that you just showed me.
You see, we can't just start over.
We have double jeopardy
laws in this country.
Check her bank account.
We did. We always do. Nothing.
No insurance policy, no stock
holdings, no inheritance from Martin.
She's not depressed.
And you didn't catch it
and someone died.
And I didn't catch it and
someone didn't go to jail.
We failed.
See, that's what your little stunt proves.
If it proves anything,
it proves we got beat.
And that you lied to a woman
who's not guilty about what
you were putting in her arm.
Now, I don't know how
you feel about that,
but I would rather it
stay between you and me.
You were never here.
BANKS: Just come out there
and see her once. Please.
She wasn't depressed.
I actually can prove it.
Why would I examine her now?
Is that what you wanted to see me about?
Shit, Jon!
I solved it finally, on my own.
Just come see her.
You're stuck in some old place, Jon.
I think you need someone
to help pull you out.
I can refer someone good.
Are you still seeing her?
I'm consulting. I'm her
expert on this case.
Well, that has to stop!
You want to make it go away, you go out
to Wards Island and resign from the case.
Step off.
I can't do that.
Well, then it's not going to go away.
Okay, you won't come and
see her with me? No.
Can I ask you something else?
Some Adderall. Just a short
term, 20 milligrams.
That's why you called, isn't it?
I'm struggling
to hold focus here, Gene. That's
what it's for, to help people focus.
You want to focus on something,
focus on never seeing her again.
BANKS: D, I've been thinking
about what you said.
Look, you're right.
It's time to move on.
I'm heading over to
Wards Island right now.
I'm not gonna see her again.
You went to see Emily.
Damn right, I did.
You could have called me first.
She called me.
She was very upset.
It was kind of a dramatic
stunt to pull on a woman
who's already in a great
deal of emotional pain.
I don't understand your thinking.
I'm trying to determine
her state of mind
so I can chart the best
course of treatment.
You gave an amytal
interview to a woman
who's been declared not guilty.
I hope you learned something.
Oh, I did.
Quite a lot, actually.
I think she requires more observation.
And she'll need more
medication as well.
SIEBERT: This is Dr. Siebert
on Bridge Street.
I'd like an envelope
delivered to Manhattan.
Where's the little guy?
I'm not going to go to the police,
or whomever one goes
to in this situation.
I'm just going to go away.
What? Wait! Hey, wait!
Wait for this to happen again?
Another Alison or Emily?
Oh, wow. See?
Okay, these prove everything.
She took these.
These were sent by a
friend of the husband's.
No, that's not true.
Stay away from us.
Wait! Dierdre!
Dierdre. Dierdre,
wait a minute.
No, Jon. Wait a minute.
Hello, love.
have two unheard messages.
First unheard message.
CHILDS: Yes, Dr. Banks?
This is Jeffrey Childs
from the Office of
Medical Conduct Review.
I have some questions about Alison Finn.
Can you call me at...
This is Dr. Siebert.
I'm sure you've received
my latest notes
concerning the Emily
Taylor case by now.
There is, I think you'll agree,
a different course
of treatment to pursue
that is in everyone's best interest.
Maybe we can meet
for a coffee? Thanks.
End of new messages.
Check erased messages.
Press 1-9.
SIEBERT: You could get
national coverage on this.
"Shrinks fucking patients
"and manipulating them
into killing their spouses. "
(WHISPERING) Hot stuff.
I would say this would
ruin your practice.
But wait.
You don't have a practice anymore
or a wife or a kid, I'm betting.
So what else can you lose?
Martha can certainly use those
in a wrongful death suit.
State revoke your license, yet?
I always tell my patients,
"You know what the best predictor
of future behavior is?
"Past behavior. "
Well, you don't have
any more patients.
The only problem with having
a crazy person for a partner
"vs they tend to stay crazy.
You should know how difficult it is
to cure a pretty girl
with daddy issues.
Nice try, Jon.
I'm not buying it.
Spend the fucking money now.
Because they're
coming to take it back.
What are you talking about?
You could go and ask her.
Only she asked me to keep
you from seeing her.
She told me everything.
Everything? No, I'll
tell you everything.
You wouldn't be here if
you had nothing to lose.
She already got a "not guilty" verdict.
You, on the other hand...
Fuck you! You get her out of
there right now, you hear me?
You do that and you won't hear
from either one of us again.
Yeah, you can go back to chatting with
rich white people
about their problems.
She's cured, as of right now, Jon.
You're a fucking genius!
BANKS". She's been
very agitated lately.
I think it best we
restrict her visitors.
And no phone calls, either,
without notifying me first.
WOMAN: She's been resisting
her medication as well.
Very confrontational with the staff.
She seems to be getting worse.
Mmm. I was afraid of that.
BANKS: That's a mouth guard.
It stops her smashing her
teeth, biting her tongue off.
The current lasts
for about five seconds.
They'll have administered
a paralytic agent,
but they put a tourniquet
on the ankle, you see?
To make sure she is having a seizure.
Keep your eye on that foot.
It's actually been shown
to be remarkably effective
for treating severe depression.
None of the side effects
you get with pills.
No idea what it might
do to a normal person.
I also wanted to
give you another test.
A personality inventory. Just a
series of true-or-false questions.
First saved voice message.
This is Dr. Siebert.
I'm sure you've received
my latest notes
concerning the Emily
Taylor case by now.
Not a very subtle tool,
but the results will be
of interest to the board.
...a different course
of treatment to pursue
that is in everyone's best interest.
They like hard data to look at.
Wait. What is she saying?
I don't think you should
be my doctor anymore.
I think you should resign my case.
Victoria's paying me
way too much for that.
Out of your share, I assume.
The shock treatment was her idea.
It damages the memory.
It's in our best interest
that you start forgetting.
Are you ready for your
treatment, Ms. Taylor?
Oh, no, I scheduled it for tomorrow.
I need to use the phone.
You can be next.
I need to call my lawyer now.
Are you going to be long?
You going to be long?
I need to use the phone.
Are you going to be long?
Isn't there a time limit?
I need to call someone. My
shrink is fucking with me.
Can you get off now?
I'm sorry, Mrs. Taylor.
You've been restricted.
By who?
By Dr. Banks?
He's not my doctor anymore.
He attacked me. He's sick.
MAN: Miss Taylor,
you need to step back.
EMILY: Get off the phone.
Get off the phone!
Miss Taylor, you need to relax.
Get me Dr. Siebert!
This is bullshit!
I shouldn't even be here! I'm not sick!
Get me Dr. Siebert! No! No!
Relax! Relax!
No, I don't want it!
I don't want it!
Yes. Dr. Siebert?
Dr. Banks.
I've been thinking about our last conversation.
An idea occurred to me.
Maybe I am a genius.
Hello there! Best we don't
talk inside, right?
Talk about what?
Uh, she wants to go before
the judge this week.
And what is she going to say?
(SIGHS) Well, it depends.
She could tell a long, sordid
story about her former shrink.
Suggest the SEC investigate.
The whole story.
That would make national
coverage, wouldn't it?
And what do you get out of it?
Oh, I don't know.
Peace of mind. Like
I said, it depends.
(SOFTLY) No, no.
This will be the last time we speak.
You get her released, and we
go back to being strangers.
Unless, of course, you want
to consult on other patients.
The staff told me you were
having a difficult time.
So, I've added medication
that will help.
If I tell you the truth,
do I have to take the pills?
I won't be able to tell the
truth if I take any more pills.
EMILY: Imagine everything
you ever wanted
shows up one day and
calls itself your life.
And then, just when you
start to believe in it...
Gone. And suddenly,
it gets
very hard to imagine a future.
That's depression, right?
So I went to
see Dr. Siebert.
We talked about my childhood.
About disappointment
and Mommy and Daddy.
And I told her about Martin.
And she told me that her
marriage with her husband
had never been anything
but a meeting of minds.
And minds start to
wander after a while.
He had traded her in for a
younger model, so she was
alone and lonely.
It didn't take much.
I think she always liked girls,
she just never found one
she liked as much as me.
She taught me how to be depressed.
What drugs had which side effects.
What symptoms went
with what diagnosis.
And I taught her everything Martin
ever told me about
derivatives and deals.
The trades were in her name.
So I forgave Martin.
I went to visit on the weekends
and told him that
I would wait for him.
What do you doctors call faking?
Such a funny word.
Girls learn to fake things
at a very early age.
Probably around the same time
that boys are learning to lie.
We needed everyone to see how much
I wanted it to work out with us.
How much I loved my husband.
And how terribly depressed I was.
BANKS'. When did you
decide to kill him?
EMILY: It's not a decision
you make just once.
You make it over and over again,
every time you look at your life
and you see the position you're
in and who put you there.
And it all leads back to him.
Each and every fucking
problem, every disappointment.
And you think to yourself,
"Maybe if he just goes away,
it'll all get better. "
Everything would have
worked out perfectly
if you had just disappeared
after the trial
like you were supposed to.
BANKS". Why me?
Was it because of Alison Finn?
That was just a happy coincidence.
A convenient distraction.
It didn't have to be you.
It could have been you or anyone else
who walked into my room
with a prescription pad.
We didn't go looking for you,
we just looked at the world.
I read somewhere that
there's a difference
between tears of joy
and tears of rage.
Is that true?
It's in the chemistry, but
you can't tell by looking
they all just look like tears.
Hello? Hello, I think I need help!
I think my...
My husband's bleeding and I think he's...
I think he's been stabbed
and he's dead. He's dead,
I think he's dead.
I think he's dead!
You need to send someone!
You never did take the Paxil, did you?
Or the Zoloft.
Only the Ablixa.
Didn't really do anything for me.
So, when did she start paying you?
She always knew you'd
turn on her someday
like you did with Martin.
Past behavior is the best
predictor of future behavior.
That's what she said about you.
And how long do you two
plan on keeping me here?
Why would we ever let you leave?
maybe there's a better deal.
BANKS". Over the course of her
confinement, I've come to the conclusion
with a reasonable degree
of medical certainty
that Emily Taylor is neither
mentally ill or dangerous
at this time. I believe
with the proper treatment
she is not a threat
to herself or others.
In my opinion,
she's ready to move onto
the next phase of rehabilitation
with ongoing supervision, as outlined
in the outpatient order of conditions.
The risk of relapse back into a
dangerous mental state is low.
I've submitted to the court the
conditions under which I believe
the order of confinement
may be rescinded.
And do you, Ms. Taylor,
that if you violate the
terms of your release,
I will have to issue a new
order of confinement?
Yes, Your Honor.
MAN: I text her
like 20 times a day.
SIEBERT: Zach, you're beginning
to see a pattern, right?
Everyone leaves. It's not
a pattern, it's a fact.
And how does this connect
to you being adopted?
I think it started there.
And now I'm making it happen.
You know, I get scared that
people will leave and then
end up making them leave.
Excuse me, Dr. Siebert,
I think someone wants you.
Uh, I'm sorry, Zach,
this is an emergency.
We're gonna have to
pick this up next time.
You didn't tell Banks
anything, did you?
Of course not.
How much did you have to
pay him to get me out?
It doesn't matter. You're out.
It's taken care of.
You didn't leave me much choice.
What did you do with
the rest of the money?
Two accounts.
Mine's in Dubai,
yours is in Grand Cayman.
Are you sure you didn't
tell him anything else?
Yes, I'm sure.
Because there are SEC violations.
Conspiracy to commit murder.
I'm exposed here.
Yes, you are.
And I'm vulnerable.
Oh, God, I missed you.
You taught me to be
such a sad, sad girl.
Do I look sad now?
Do you remember the first time?
Do you remember how wet I made you?
Oh, yeah.
Do you want to do that again?
What the fuck is that?
You didn't leave me much choice.
Oh, my God.
Dr. Siebert,
you're under arrest.
You're being charged
with conspiracy to
commit murder and securities fraud.
BANKS:... within the next 10 minutes.
I think she's just arrived.
Yeah, she's here.
And thank you.
Here I am.
Cured at last.
You're late.
How long do I have to stay?
I'm going to put you
on some medication.
This is for Thorazine.
It's a tranquilizer,
been around for years.
You know the people shuffling around
like zombies with vacant
eyes in the prison ward?
They were on Thorazine.
So this is for Depakote.
It'll settle your mood,
but hair loss
is a side effect.
What is this?
As part of our arrangement,
I'll also be sending you
to the Gramercy for urine tests
to make certain you take your meds.
And I'm seeing you again
tomorrow, all right?
Try not to be late.
Angry people are frequently late.
This is bullshit!
You sound angry. Have you
read the court order?
You have to obey the
terms of your release.
Yeah, I'm here.
Those terms mandate that if I
believe you are a danger in any way
I need to send you back
to hospital immediately.
If I don't, I'm in
violation of the law.
I got Siebert for you.
I'm a cooperating witness.
"Very noncompliant... " The
deal was I testify against her
and I get out. "... with
a history of violence. "
This isn't out, this is fucked!
I think this needs a new diagnosis.
Based on what?
What did I do?
To the question,
"There are objects and creatures
all around us only I can see,"
you answered, "True".
You filled that out!
Schizoaffective disorder.
I think I need to send you back.
Mrs. Taylor!
OFFICER: Emily Taylor!
Miss Taylor, stop!
we have a 330-20.
No, he's lying!
He's lying!
I'm not sick, I'm not sick!
I promise I'm not sick!
He's the sick one! He
just wants the money!
No, I'm not sick, I promise!
Don't bring me back,
I don't want to go back!
I don't want to go back!
I don't want to go back!
MAN: How are you
doing today, Emily?
Much better.