Side Street (1950)

New York City.
An architectural jungle | where fabulous wealth...
...and the deepest squalor | live side by side.
New York, the busiest, the loneliest, | the kindest and the cruelest of cities.
I live here and work here.
My name is Walter Anderson.
I'm one of an army of 20,000...
...whose job is to protect the citizens | in this city of 8 million.
So 24 hours a day, | you'll find our men on Park Avenue...
...Times Square...
...Central Park...
...Fulton Market...
...the subway.
Three hundred and eighty new citizens | are being born today... the city of New York.
One hundred and sixty-four couples | are being married.
One hundred and ninety-two persons | will die.
Twelve persons will die violent deaths...
...and at least one of them | will be a victim of murder.
A murder a day, every day of the year.
And each murder | will wind up on my desk.
Which of these people | will be the victims?
Which will be the killers?
New York is all things and all places | gathered into one community.
Every problem | that troubled a man's heart...
...every dream | that ever stirred his blood is here.
For this city, like any other, | is the sum of its people...
...with their frailties, | hopes, fears, dreams.
This one, does he secretly long | to recapture his vanished youth?
And this one, a part-time letter carrier, | dreaming of the unattainable:
A fur coat for his wife.
These, are they tragedy or comedy?
This man looks troubled. | He has a problem.
Might be helpful to a policeman | to know the details...
...of some of the problems | that walk the streets of New York.
Beautiful day, Mr. Lorrison.
Thirty thousand. | That's quite a sizeable sum.
- But you came to the right place. | - All in hundred-dollar bills.
Yes, sir. | I'll have them for you in a moment.
There's a story in each of them.
This is New York...
...where two persons living 20 feet apart | may never meet.
Where the passing of a casual stranger...
...may start a drama | that irretrievably alters a life.
- Hello, Joe. | - Hi.
They act like they got nothing else to do.
Like they never saw a street | dug up before.
You know, Charlie, | maybe they got too much to do.
That's why they stop.
Takes your mind off things.
Gives you a breather.
Five more years, | I'm gonna take a real breather.
Thirty years, one job, too long.
The missus and me gonna go down | to Florida when the pension's due.
Kids all grown up, we ought to | be able to get by on half pay.
No Florida for me.
First stop's gonna be Paris.
Then I wanna show Ellen around | Rome, Naples. The museums, the works.
You know what I'm gonna do, Charlie?
I'm gonna get Ellen one of those | mink coats. Not the short kind.
One of those long, fluffy models.
Long enough | to sweep the Paris sidewalks.
- That's powerful whiskey you drink. | - Ha-ha.
Ah. So long, Charlie. | Gotta get through early.
Go see if my yacht's finished.
Everything's gonna be all right, baby. | Hold it.
Good morning.
Let it lay.
We just had a visitor. | No, no, no, just the mailman.
Now, don't worry, baby. | Just do what I told you...
...and our friend Lorrison | won't give you trouble.
I am worried.
I'm scared to death.
What would happen if Lorrison...?
But of course I do, honey.
Why do you think | I'm going through with this?
All right.
How soon are you sending George over?
All right, Vic.
But when this is over, | let's get away from here.
Wherever you say, Lucky. | Havana, Miami, anyplace.
You name it and we'll do it.
I'll, uh, catch up with you later.
Havana, Miami, by way of the East River.
Come on, September.
He's right on time.
Come on.
Come right in, honey. Come right in.
I couldn't raise the whole amount. | Only half.
- That's all I'll be able to raise. | - Oh, come on, now, sweetie.
That isn't what Dun and Bradstreet says. | They give you a double-A rating.
Those ratings mean nothing. | Fifteen thousand was all I could manage.
The entire affair was a filthy frame-up.
Take a look at yourself, Grandpa.
First you sell yourself | I'm nuts about you.
Crazy for your manly charms.
And now you think this is bargain day.
Well, go on down | to Gimbels bargain basement.
You're in the wrong department.
Take that other 15 grand | out of your pants or get out.
I've got a dinner date.
I can do business with your wife.
I want both the photographs | and the negative...
...before I turn over | the rest of the money.
That's the way to talk.
That's the way I like to do business.
I got myself some solid insurance too.
Right here in the apartment.
Show Grandpa what I mean.
Just drop your money | on the counter, Grandpa.
Now, pick up your pretty picture.
And beat it.
Hey, look.
Hey, there's a body down here.
Driftmaster calling WZBT. Harbor Patrol.
Two hundred dollars in the filing cabinet.
Great deal of money | to a part-time letter carrier...
...with 50 cents in his pocket.
He's only human, | and no stronger than most of us.
In, Feathers. Come on, Dusty. In, boy, in.
Come on, Feathers. Come on, Dusty.
Hello, Joe.
- You home long, Dad? | - A couple of hours.
They transferred me starting tomorrow.
- Anyone here asking for me? | Is that you, Ellen?
They put me on an East Avenue line. | It's Joe.
It's one of those two-in-one jobs, | motorman and conductor.
Either I had to take it or retire.
Retire? On what?
The pension isn't big enough | to feed a family of squirrels.
You don't look so good, son.
I'm okay.
What's done is done.
What's the use of worrying? | Other people have lost their business.
Just stop thinking about it | and try and get something steady.
With an extra mouth to feed soon, | you got to think about a steady job.
- Ellen's at the store? | - She's at the city clinic.
Just a regular checkup.
Joe Norson doesn't have the | cold toughness it takes to be a criminal.
He thought he was stealing | a couple of hundred dollars.
But this is 30,000. | More than he bargained for.
More than he knows how to handle.
What to do? Where to hide?
Fear, confusion and panic are setting in.
Reason and judgment are going.
Joe, it's me.
Right away, honey.
Joe, look.
It's the one you've been looking at | in the hardware store.
They marked it down to 89 cents.
You wanted it, didn't you?
How could you tell?
Let's go to Sheepshead Bay tomorrow. | You can fish off the pier.
We'll take lunch.
Honey, you're through with clinics.
Reserve a private room | and get a doctor, your own doctor.
We're gonna have our baby in style.
I got a new job, a steady one, | upstate in Schenectady.
Remember my telling you | about my staff sergeant, Ben?
Well, I ran into him today.
He's been doing swell | the last couple of years in Schenectady.
And he gave me a job. | It looks like a good one too.
- Well, that's wonderful, dear, but 200... | - Well, he made me take it.
He said he'd take it out of my pay | a few dollars at a time.
Joe, you didn't do anything foolish?
You didn't borrow from some loan shark?
You're just not used to prosperity.
Ben wants me | to take the train with him tonight.
Well, he wants to show me around. | Set me up.
I gotta get moving, honey.
What did the doctor say?
About the middle | or the end of next week, he thinks.
- What kind of work is it, Joe? | - Well, it's selling.
Ben's in the electrical-supply business. | You know, bulbs, switches, machinery.
It's wholesale.
Everything's packed. I need this.
Ben's a great little businessman.
We used to kid him | about making money during the war.
In Sicily, he started to trade with a pack | of gum. After three different trades...
...he wound up | with a case of champagne and a cow.
Joe, I'm so happy for you.
I wish you didn't have to go tonight.
I'll write tomorrow. | Next day at the latest.
I'm sure to be back | before you go to the hospital.
I'll write you, honey.
I'll be back in time.
Beer, Nick.
You coming from someplace or going?
Well, I got a job out of town.
- Through with the post office? | - Yeah.
Better to get hold of something steady. | Especially with the kid on the way.
- When you expecting? | - Pretty soon.
What'd you do, rob the mails?
- Hello, Mickey. | - Say, Nick, you forgot to turn on your neon.
Won't help business anyhow.
That's why I never got married.
Raising a family makes a guy jumpy.
- I bought a nightgown for Ellen. | - Yeah?
- A present for when the baby comes. | - Uh-huh.
Can you hold it for me for a few days, | maybe a week?
I didn't wanna leave it around the house. | She might find it.
Well, don't leave it too long. | I don't like to be responsible for valuables.
Well, it set me back 3.98.
- I'll pick it up next week. | - Okay.
- Hi, captain. | Any new leads, Walter?
- What about boyfriends? | - We need some pictures.
- You fellas sure decorated this hallway. | - Any...?
- Nothing yet. | Give us a break, will you?
Give us a break, will you, Walter?
Who's your friend?
Oh, why, he was here when we got in. | He howls if you don't hold him.
What have we got so far?
Nothing much. | He takes care of the building.
I'm the superintendent. | In charge of the building management.
She moved in last October. | Quiet tenant, he says.
He took her down last evening | in the elevator about 6, alone.
She wore...?
- Same clothes found on the body. | - Who's she?
Cleaning woman. | - I'm the housekeeper.
Thank you. | We'll talk to you again. You can go now.
Captain, I wish you could do something | about those people outside there.
- It's very bad for the building. | - Just tell them to get out.
- I did. They told me to sweep the floor. | - Tell them who you are.
I will.
- Hey, give us a break. | - Here comes the janitor, fellas.
What else, Stan? | - We're gonna need a lot of precinct men.
- Looks like she knew everyone in New York. | - Find out anything?
Only her character.
Hardly any of this stuff | has even been laundered.
She couldn't wear it all in one lifetime.
- This dame sure got around, captain. | - Gottschalk.
Looks like a miniature who's who.
Take this for Inspector Ferrara, | Fifth District.
I'll need as many detectives | as he can spare.
Maybe he can get them | from the Bronx and Brooklyn, about 50.
And tell them to clear their assignments | through Stanley Simon.
- Give him your shield number to fill in. | - Two-six-one-three-four.
Get started on these right away.
Maybe we can pick up | something from the stoolies.
Right. | - You got anything yet?
No good prints, only smudges.
- How about those photographs? | - Here you are, captain.
Hey, doc.
Doc, give us some dope. Come on.
- You get anything, doc? | - You bet.
You know, she died | pretty soon after dinner.
And a darn good dinner too.
Lamb, eggplant, tomatoes, | onions and garlic.
- So what? | - It's called kebab.
I'll come around and play chef | one of these nights.
The girl had a dessert | of heavily sugared syrup...
...fine starch, almonds, | hazel and pistachio nuts.
That limits it, Walter. Only Greek, | Syrian and Turkish restaurants...
...serve that concoction. | - Thanks. That helps.
Spread the reserve men as thin as you can | and cover all places serving that junk.
Get rid of your friend | and give Stan a hand.
Hold it, Sam. | I want a shot of you and the mutt.
A little higher, Sammy, thank you.
Got anything new for us, Walter?
No. After this, disappear. | Give the building superintendent a break.
Something to freshen up the story with?
Well, all we know is she had a Syrian | or Turkish dinner last night.
Kebab, the doc calls it. | We wanna know who was with her.
- Are you throwing out a dragnet? | - Sorry, no dragnet, Charlie.
We've got a bookful of names, addresses | and phone numbers to check.
And remember, Dave, | I didn't say love diary.
They find the love diary. | The Colner love diary.
Read all about it. | They find the love diary.
Let me have them all.
The Colner love diary!
Who won the sixth at Belmont, friend?
You call him a money jockey? | He can't even sit on a horse.
Uh, who's your handicapper pick | in the fourth today, friend?
You must understand our position, sir. | This is a murder case.
We must follow every possible lead | for information.
Well, how would I know | anyone of that type?
- A woman who gets herself murdered. | - Your name was in her address book.
My name must be | in many address books.
Hundreds of them. Light up, officer.
You know, I'm a broker. Businessman.
Why shouldn't my name | be in address books?
I do business with thousands.
With Lucille Colner?
Not that I know about, that is. | You can check with my head bookkeeper.
Thank you, sir. | I'll talk to your bookkeeper now.
I defended her on a misdemeanor | a couple years ago.
Got an acquittal. | She paid me and that was the end of it.
She seemed like a nice girl. Pretty too.
Too busy to see you now. | Come back later.
Well, I'm due in court.
Sorry I couldn't be of more help to you.
Mr. Norson, congratulations.
Who does he resemble?
My son Harry looked just like his father | from the very first day he was born.
Why, honestly, I just...
Oh, Joe.
Joe, I've been so worried, so frightened.
Oh, no more.
I'm here now.
It's only been a few days.
I'm behaving as if it was a million years.
Every time that door opened, | I held my breath before I looked.
I wasn't even gonna turn around just now | when you opened it.
I didn't know it'd be so soon. | I thought another day or...
Is the baby all right?
The biggest, healthiest, | hungriest in the hospital.
Oh, Joe, he's so wonderful. | He's even prettier than I hoped he'd be.
Boys aren't pretty.
Our son is.
Just wait till you see him.
It'll be his feeding time soon.
Joe, was it all right for you | to leave your job?
But didn't you promise me | you were gonna have a private room?
That would have been silly.
They charge $8 more a day | for a private room...
...and the food's exactly the same.
We're so lucky.
I knew the baby would bring us luck, Joe. | I prayed for that.
And it all came true.
Now we won't have to watch him | grow up in the streets.
He's gonna have the chance | we always promised each other.
- Well, it isn't that big a job, you know, I... | - It's a job, Joe, a paycheck once a week.
I don't care how much.
It's just so wonderful... know that you can plan ahead | a little ways.
That your home is your own.
Mom and Dad are fine...
...but it's their home, not ours.
Honey, about the job...
Visiting is over, folks.
Nurse Carter, this is my husband.
All right. | Just one quick peek, Mr. Norson.
Now, this is his first visit.
You do your looking tomorrow | through the nursery windows.
Can't you recognize | your own flesh and blood?
It's this one here.
That's all. | Kiss your wife goodbye and get out.
- Isn't he wonderful, darling? | - Uh-huh.
- He has your eyes and smile, hasn't he? | Don't they all?
Did you find a decent place to live | in Schenectady?
- I'll see you tomorrow. | - You get back to your job.
Ben may think you're | taking advantage of his friendship.
Go on, now. Fathers breathe germs.
We don't want little Mr. Norson | to get off at a bad start here, do we?
Don't forget, Joe. Get back to your job.
- Where's Nick? | - Retired.
Sold out to me and my brother-in-law.
I left a package here with Nick, | about this big.
A present for my wife.
No packages here. | There was nothing left but the fixtures.
Well, Nick must've left it here.
- Maybe it's in one of those lockers. | - I didn't see anything.
Will you take a look?
Hey, Gus, | I saw a package in the back there.
That's it.
- Thanks. | Okay.
- Drop in and see us some time. | - I will.
A friend of mine sent me.
Asked me to come and see you.
I used to deliver your mail, Mr. Backett.
- Maybe you remember. | - Yes?
Well, it was only for a couple of weeks.
The delivering, I mean.
- A part-time job at the post office. | - I'm sorry, I haven't any jobs open.
Oh, no. No, it isn't that.
I'm acting as a kind of go-between | for a friend.
He thought if I explained, | maybe you'd agree not to prosecute.
- Who sent you here? | - Well, he wanted me to explain, we...
He thought maybe | if you knew how it happened... could see your way clear | to giving him another chance.
He never got off base before. | You can check his record.
- I'm not trying to excuse what he did... | - Skip this friend routine.
Who are you | and what are you doing here?
My name's Norson.
Joe Norson, Mr. Backett.
I live over on Third Avenue, 850.
I'm the one who stole your money.
Now, I wanna return it.
I have it all except $236.
And I can return that 10 or $ 12 a week.
You, uh... You say you have money | belonging to me?
- Yeah. | - You have this money with you?
Well, no, but I can get it right away. | That is, if you promise not to...
As much as it hurts to say it, | that money isn't mine.
I wasn't robbed.
I broke open your filing cabinet. | Last Friday, after you went to court.
Filing cabinet? Mine?
It's right over...
I don't know what your racket is | or who sent you here...
...but I want no part of this.
And I don't like crackpots | spoiling my morning.
Maybe the police can accommodate you.
But I don't get it, I...
What was all that, Joe?
He says he's got our 30,000. | Sit down, George.
You nuts? You said he's got our money.
I said he said so.
You didn't take it? | That's my dough, I'm after it.
Right into the electric chair.
That's where you're going.
How do we know who sent him here? | The police? Emil Lorrison?
There's a murder conviction goes | with possession of that money.
If he's a legitimate case | of a conscience-stricken thief...
...I know where to get him.
After we check.
He says he waited on her the other night.
She was with a man.
A great big fellow. | They had dinner together.
Would he recognize the man again?
He thinks so. | He's pretty sure he remembers him...
...because the man didn't leave a tip.
Tell him I want him to come down | to the station with me.
- He hasn't showed yet. | - Maybe he ain't coming.
Then we'll pick him up at his house.
They've only got about | a half hour more for visitors.
- What did he get, a boy or a girl? | - What's the difference?
A big difference.
I'm glad Mabel and me had a girl first. | They're easier to bring up.
A mailman taking 30 grand.
Watch it. Here comes Poppa.
Hiya, Joe. How's the baby?
Climb in, Poppa.
This is all nice and friendly.
You can give me the dough now.
What's this all about?
Don't you want to be friendly?
Or you want us to drop by the hospital | and see your wife and kid?
Here it is.
Don't make it messy, Georgie.
- Where is it? Where's the dough? | - I don't know, I don't know.
Get back to the hospital. | We'll talk to his wife.
No, please, let me tell you.
I left the money in this package | at Nick's Place on 3rd Avenue.
- Nick was holding it for me. | - You give a guy 30 grand and say:
"Hold it for me, will you, pal?" Is that it?
That's what happened.
My wife doesn't know anything about it, | I swear.
Look, I'm telling you the truth.
I left it with Nick Drumman. | He took the money out of the package.
Sounds dopey enough to be on the level. | This guy don't know the right time.
Take it easy till the light changes. | I got legitimate plates on the cab.
Don't touch him. You're not supposed to, | in case something's broken.
- I'll call you an ambulance. | - Take it easy. We'll get you to a hospital.
I'm okay.
- What street is this? | - Thirty-second and First Avenue.
Hello, young fellow.
Say, you been in an accident?
Yeah, I'll have a beer.
What you need's a pick-me-up.
Hundred-proof on the house.
You can pay for the chaser.
I meant to ask you this morning. | Do you know where I can reach Nick?
I don't know exactly. | He's around, I guess.
- You live in the neighborhood? | - Yeah.
Might as well get acquainted. | Gus Heldon's my name.
Norson's mine. Joe Norson.
- I owe Nick 10 bucks. | - You can mail it to him.
But don't be in any hurry. | Nick's real healthy.
He's still got the first beer money | he made.
I'd like to get square. Where do I mail it?
I got the address | around here somewhere.
It's where I'm supposed to send | the mortgage payments.
- How'd your missus like the present? | - Present?
Oh, fine. Fine.
Here it is. 76 Cherry Street.
Care of Thomas Drumman. | That's his brother.
Yeah, thanks.
I'll send him the 10.
Fine. Don't be a stranger.
Bring the missus in some night. | We're putting television in next week.
What'd he want?
He owed Nick a sawbuck. | Wanted to know where to send it.
Nick must have had | a side racket lending dough.
There was a big guy came in an hour ago | and asked me where to reach him.
Anybody here?
Can I show you something, mister?
My old man's down at the cemetery | or someplace.
This is a nice job, mister. Only 90 bucks.
Or we can get anything listed | in the catalogue here.
No, I'm not buying anything.
Is Mr. Drumman, Nick Drumman, here?
No. No, he ain't.
- Did Nick give you that pasting? | - I'm a friend of your uncle.
Who is it, Tommy? | It ain't no one, Ma.
I'm going out and play kickball.
- You got a half a dollar? | - Yeah.
- Okay, give me. | - What for?
That's what I charge for Nick's address.
- You know the address? | - Pay me first.
Listen, Nick's hiding out.
I followed my old man the other night. | He keeps in touch.
It's the third floor back, | 226 Vanguard Street.
Nick's calling himself Stevenson.
Thanks, junior.
Come on, let's play ball.
Oh, the heck with the game.
I'm gonna buy myself a banana split.
Maybe even two.
That Uncle Nick of mine has turned out | to be a gold mine. Well, I'll see you later.
Stevenson, telephone.
Maybe nobody's home.
I just heard someone go in.
Mr. Stevenson, telephone.
Thank you.
Oh, it's me, darling.
- Oh, Joe. | - Yes, honey.
Somebody may come in. | I got in through the fire escape.
You've got to hold on and listen.
I've done something horrible.
I tried to tell you yesterday, | but when I saw the baby...
What is it, Joe? What is it?
Oh, I'd give anything, | anything at all not to hurt you.
You gotta believe that.
That money I gave you.
I didn't borrow it, I stole it.
Oh, Joe.
That and a lot more, $30,000.
I don't know why I did it, | I knew it was crazy wrong.
I must have known that.
I had this stupid notion that a couple | hundred dollars could cure everything.
You wouldn't have to have the baby | in a charity ward. I...
I'd built up a feeling of shame...
...because everywhere I turn, | people had things I wanted you to have.
Oh, Joe. Joe.
You were all right. | You were doing your best.
Oh, I hated to admit I was a flop, | a complete bust.
Even after I lost the gas station, | I kidded myself I'd bounce back.
- Living with your folks was only temporary. | - Please, don't.
We'll go to the police.
They'll give us another chance. | We'll take back the money.
- I still have almost... | - I haven't got the money.
Don't know where it is. | I was afraid to keep it.
- I left it with Nick Drumman, the bartender. | Right after my checkup.
Is something falling here? | I heard a glass breaking.
No, nothing.
Would you like something | to help you sleep?
No, thank you. The light woke me.
Carter. Here it is.
Somebody smashed the window | to get in.
Don't step on the glass.
Well, let's phone and get help. | We'll check the rooms.
I've gotta get away, honey, | as far away as I can.
Don't you see, Joe? | How long can you keep on running?
- How long...? | - But you don't understand.
It's not just stealing. It's a murder.
People know I was looking for Nick. | I was seen going into his apartment.
Hiding and running. | What good will that do?
We're going to the police, Joe. We must.
No. I've got to get away.
At least it's a chance, my only chance.
Maybe if the police find out about Backett | and find the two men...
...or find where the money came from | originally, why Backett said it wasn't his.
This was on the floor | of Nick's apartment.
The packets of money | were wrapped in these bands.
Maybe the banks keep a record.
You've got to listen, Joe. | We'll get a lawyer...
Search the ward. | Howard, you help them.
They're looking for me. Goodbye, darling.
Excuse me, who do I see | for information on withdrawals?
- Your account? | - No, ma'am.
One of your depositors.
I don't think we give that out.
But try the chief teller. He'd know.
Thank you.
Yes, sir?
Could you tell me about a withdrawal? | It was for $30,000 sometime last week.
- Your account? | - Oh, no, a friend's.
Well, that would be against the rules. | I'm sorry.
But please, it's very important.
I'm sorry. | I didn't make our rules and regulations.
Well, you can make this one exception. | They were all hundred dollar bills.
Anything wrong, Mr. Simpsen? | - Nothing, Phillip.
I was just explaining to this young man | why we must adhere to our rules.
I'm sorry.
Find anything, Frank? | - Yes, sir.
Both of these were cut | from the same length of clothesline.
- Yes, sir? | - Send in the other bartender.
- Okay, Frank, thanks. | - All right.
All right, Heldon. | Where did Norson say he lives?
Well, all he said | was in the neighborhood.
You know, captain, he wasn't definite. | Just around the corner, he said.
And they wanted to locate Drumman, | is that right?
The fellow gave you nothing. | Didn't say where he came from?
All he wanted was Nick's address.
Okay. You can go back to your saloon.
Have men keep them company at the saloon | in case the big fellow or Norson show up.
I can't have cops hanging around my place. | It'll kill business.
- Yes, sir? | - Let's have young Drumman.
I'm sorry. The officers will try | to be inconspicuous.
- Turkish waiter come up with anything? | - He's still looking over rogues' gallery.
- I'm taking the saloon detail with Casey. | - Right.
Hey, did you get to the killers yet?
You ought to stop reading | that junk, Tommy.
You know, captain, it's a cinch | the same man did both jobs.
Maybe a partnership, two men.
The big fellow and this Norson.
It couldn't have been a partnership. | The guys didn't even know each other.
Why would each of them give me | a half a buck if they was partners?
Remind me to talk | to this kid's father, Stan.
I want an alarm out for Norson.
Locate his home, pick up pictures, | anything you can find.
- You want me to go with him? | - Sit down, Tommy.
- Maybe the War Department can help us. | - All right, captain.
Yes, yes, oh, you've been a good boy?
Ohh. You missed me, didn't you? | Sure, sure, you did.
Why, I'm glad you looked me up | at my home. Very glad.
As long as I'm not at the bank, I don't have | to follow those rules and regulations, do I?
A Mr. Lorrison cashed the check. | Mr. Emil Lorrison, the broker.
He's a very nice man. | All hundred dollar bills.
Where does this Lorrison live?
Why, yes, of course.
Central Park West.
Number 170 Central Park West. | He's a very nice man.
You stay right here. And don't move.
Thank you. Thank you very much.
Mr. Daniels.
Mr. Daniels.
Mr. Daniels, call the police.
So you think it's coincidence, counselor?
- Certainly a bad week for my ex-clients. | - I would say so.
One gets herself murdered | and another wanted on a murder charge.
A witness just picked this one | out of rogues' gallery.
Any idea where we can locate him?
The only way I know where to find Garsell | is when you people have him in jail.
And that happens pretty often.
I thought you might give us a lead.
You arranged his parole, didn't you?
His and quite a few others. | That's my business, you know.
I like to help you, captain, | but you know as much about Garsell...
...and his whereabouts as I do.
How about this fellow, Joe Norson?
Ever see him before?
To the best of my recollection, | I would say I've never met this man.
That's a lawyer's answer, | isn't it, counselor?
Would you say | it was another coincidence...
...that Norson here delivered mail | to your office for a couple of weeks?
I guess I never bother to look at mailmen, | only what they bring.
Here's one through headquarters, captain.
Man named Simpsen. | Doesn't sound like a crackpot.
Captain Anderson, Homicide.
Just a minute, Mr. Simpsen.
Now, try and calm yourself | and speak more coherently.
Fine, Mr. Simpsen.
No, no, you'll be perfectly safe.
Stay exactly where you are.
A radio car is on its way to you now.
One full squad and three cars | downstairs right away.
And have a radio cover | 170 Central Park West...
...on a signal 30 for Joe Norson.
- And Lester, send in a uniformed man. | Yes, sir?
Ever hear of Emil Lorrison, counselor?
Why, no, I don't think so.
All set downstairs.
You will find me in my office | if there's anything I can do.
Wait around, counselor.
You can't hold me.
We'll talk about it later.
You, me, Emil Lorrison, and Joe Norson.
And maybe that big ape.
I want this man here when I get back.
Mr. Lorrison, Emil Lorrison.
Lorrison? Just a minute, I'll see.
Who shall I say is calling?
Oh, Mr. Backett, Victor Backett.
Mr. Backett, for Mr. Lorrison.
Radio City Music Hall.
Joe is no murderer.
He wouldn't hurt anyone, anything.
If he is innocent, Mrs. Norson, | we'll help him.
But we wanna locate him now.
I told you, I don't know where he is. | I haven't seen him.
If you want your husband alive, | keep him on this line.
Answer it.
You're tracing this call?
Remember, we want him alive | as much as you do.
Run, Joe, run! | The police are tracing this call!
Norson, this is the sheriff. Hello, Norson?
Open up.
May I come in?
- Come back tomorrow. | Sorry to bother you.
- But we're closed. | - Do you know this girl?
- No. | - Let me see it.
Oh, sure.
She was an occasional customer, | and cute too.
She moved away | a couple of months ago.
If only he'd pay that much attention | to his books.
Do you know where she moved? | It's very important to locate her right away.
Well, I'm sorry, I wouldn't know.
Wait. She used to be a singer here | in the village around Christopher Street.
Thanks, thanks very much.
Give her my regards.
You'll be
So easy to love
So easy to idolize
All others above
So worth
The yearning for
So swell to keep every home fire
Burning for
We'd be so grand
At the game
So carefree together
That it does seem a shame
That you can't see
Your future with me
'Cause you'd be
Oh, so easy
To love
Check your hat?
- How do you want those eggs tonight? | - A couple of more appetizers first, Louie.
Uh-uh. No more.
Not me, Harriet. Herzog's orders.
He don't want the help drinking their | dinners. Just eats, one drink apiece.
Tell him I don't have to take that | from him or anybody.
You tell him. It ain't my problem.
Make the eggs sunny-side.
And you, what's your trouble?
Two more for the lady.
I, uh... I didn't mean to stare.
I was hoping you'd talk to me.
Sometimes, I just get mad at the world.
You were handiest.
I'm glad I was.
Why don't you get comfortable?
Excuse me.
Do this again.
A dollar 20. Pay now.
Pay as you go. It's a house rule.
The help here is crude, very uncouth.
An entertainer has to put up with a lot | for the sake of her profession.
You'll come out much better | by the bottle, mister.
- Save yourself about three bucks. | - I don't mind.
As long as I'm gonna eat my dinner, | it won't affect me at all.
- Will it, Louie? | - Not a bit.
That ate up the change, | and there's still 2.10 owing.
You want those eggs now, Harriet?
I'm not one of the help. | You call me Ms. Sinton.
Okay, okay. Ms. Sinton, | you want your eggs now?
Later, Louie. There's no hurry.
Hey, you said you hoped I'd talk to you.
I recognized you out on the floor. | That was a nice song you sang.
Oh, it's just a little something.
I had it arranged special for myself.
So you saw me here before?
No, not here. But almost everyday.
Oh, you're kidding, honey.
No, it's no lie. Absolutely straight, | when you lived on Eighth Street.
Hey, that's funny. | Both of us from Eighth Street, huh?
I was one of your silent admirers.
What's your name, honey?
Joe. Joe Wilson.
Hello, Joe.
Hello, Harriet.
What happened to your poor face?
Just a little accident.
Are you married, Joe?
Oh, you're sweet.
Real sweet.
I used to be engaged.
- To that fellow I used to see you with? | - Can you imagine, one drink apiece?
But I guess, in a way, | you can't blame Herzog.
Business is real bad. | Look at this place for a Saturday night.
He's got to cut overhead someplace, | might as well be with the help.
No sense kidding myself, Joe.
That's me, just one of the help.
It was real sweet of you | to buy that bottle, hon.
You got nice manners, Joe.
I like nice manners.
I like you, hon.
I like you a lot.
My Luve is like a red, red rose,
That's newly sprung in June:
My love is like a melodie,
That's sweetly play'd in tune.
You like poetry, hon?
That's Robert Burns, | "The Red Red Rose. "
George hated poetry.
He hit me once | when I recited Robert Burns.
He hit me right in the eye.
George was no good.
- George? | - My fianc, ex-fianc.
George had no manners at all.
George Garsell?
You know Georgie?
Sure, long time.
I haven't seen him | since he got out on parole.
- You're not a cop? | - Me?
Do I look like a cop?
I didn't know you were Georgie's girl.
Big hunk out of my life. | Three and a half years next month.
It's funny he never mentioned you.
I'm not bragging about him either.
Well, it's better not to have | any hard feelings.
How is he? Where does he live now?
I wanted to keep it friendly.
Even phoned him last week, his birthday.
Dirty crumb hung up.
Why do we want | to talk about that big gorilla?
He used to be headman.
But no more.
Let's get out of here, | just you and me, huh?
We'll go to my place.
I'll fix my face and we'll leave.
I can't freshen up | without the wherewithal.
Just another minute or two, honey.
- What was that address, lady? | - Rose Street, 307, near Christopher.
Next time I see George, I think | I'll burn him up about you and me, okay?
- Got his address? | - Up at the house.
Hey, I fit, don't I?
Like a motorman's glove.
- Thank you. | - Seventy-five.
Here's my mansion.
What some people won't do | to save a dollar.
You'd think one little light | costs a fortune.
Well, come on, Joe.
And just hold on to me.
Some night, somebody's gonna get killed | on these steps.
And then it will cost them plenty.
You wait here, Joe, it's just ahead.
I'll go put on some lights.
Come on, honey.
Nice work, baby.
You run along now. | Give George a ring tomorrow.
We got work to do.
Hey, don't be chasing my girl.
Come here, baby.
Sweetie, you're not mixed up | in anything real bad, are you?
- Are you, Georgie? | - Nothing at all.
He was just trying | to make some trouble for me.
How about getting us coffee? | On the stove.
Sure, sure, Georgie.
We're all right again, you and me, | aren't we, honey?
You're gonna be making my coffee | from now on.
When I saw him going through my bag, | I thought sure he was a cop...
...till you told me different.
You got any cream in here, honey?
In the ice box.
Vic still don't answer. | I should've been home two hours ago.
I told Mabel I'd be right home | right after I finished my shift.
Poppa was carrying this.
Got it out of the files.
Well, as long as he won't be around to talk, | nobody can tie us into anything.
That's what Vic said.
Let her scram, George.
If this guy found her, | it's a cinch the cops will.
She could tie us to this job.
Here's your coffee, Georgie.
Just the way you like it.
Are you glad it's like old times, Georgie?
As soon as we have time, | I'm going to show you how much.
We've got some work to do.
- I suppose I'd take you home. | - I'll drive her home.
Making a play for my girl?
You want me to take you home, | don't you, baby?
From now on, Georgie, from now on.
Keep Poppa company.
I won't be long.
You don't have to come right back, | do you, honey, huh?
Pretty soon, but I'll see you again | in a couple of hours.
And we'll have a big time.
And we'll sit around my place, | just like we used to, huh?
Yeah, that's for me all right, baby. | Just like old times.
- Home, my good man. | - One for the road, baby.
The old one-two, Larry.
Old shoe-polish Georgie.
- Let's get moving. I can handle this. | We ought to wait to hear from Vic.
Got a nice, big river big enough | for the both of them.
What's Mabel gonna do with all that | cabbage? Buy a mink coat?
Not Mabel. She'll bank it.
Or maybe buy one of them | paid-up policies for the kid.
It's a good way to make sure | about a college education.
Hold it.
We'll walk him down the stairs.
And George, hold everything | till we get to the river.
There's nobody around.
Never is this early Sunday morning.
You never can tell.
He'll keep in the cab.
Get up.
Get up.
She had to go home.
Not yet, Poppa. On the floor.
Stay away from that door.
Let them out at this house. | I don't think the guy's here before.
- Dame gave me the address. | - Sure it's Norson with the girl?
Look, you showed me a picture, | I said it looks like the guy, not positively.
Keep him company.
If there's a rear exit to this place, | I want it covered.
All right, stop pounding, | I'm coming. Who is it?
Police officers.
Which apartment is Harriet Sinton's?
Don't live here. I know everybody | living in my house.
You know him?
Does he live here?
That's Mr. Howard. Left here minutes ago | with two other men.
They went away in a yellow... | No, it was an orange taxi cab.
Squad 16 calling Center. | Squad 16 calling Center.
Come in, please.
A signal 31, orange or yellow taxi cab... or yellow taxi cab.
At least three men. At least three men.
This taxi cab | is at the vicinity of Washington Market...
...and heading east | toward Wall Street area.
All cars south of 14th Street | cordon off this area.
Cordon off this area.
Occupants of this taxi cab are believed | to be Joseph Norson and George Garsell.
Both wanted for murder.
Cars 191 and 317.
The corner of 87th Street | and Lexington Avenue.
A signal 32. These men are armed.
- Clear through this operator. | - Sitting here won't help, dear.
You're just worrying yourself sick.
They won't hurt Joe.
I shouldn't have told him to run away.
I shouldn't have.
They'll listen to Joe's story.
You're just out of the hospital.
- You mustn't... | - They are hunting him, mother.
- They won't give him a chance. | Please, dear.
The captain may not be back all day.
Maybe you better go home | and get some rest.
- Please, I don't mind waiting. | - Well, it's up to you, miss.
If anything happens, | you will hear about it, won't you?
- Sure, I will. | - Broadway and 56th.
Signal 32. Proceed quietly.
Come on, get out.
Hey, most of these docks got watchmen.
- Go around the horn over to the East River. | - Help...
Georgie. Hey, Georgie.
It's us. They're looking for us.
We better get out and run for it.
The cab's listed in your name, isn't it? | Keep driving.
Take one of the alleys.
They're all around.
We can always walk out | with our hands up.
- Listen, Georgie, maybe we better. | - Keep driving.
Listen, Georgie, you don't understand.
I got a family.
I got the right to let them see me again.
Ain't that right, Poppa?
You gotta understand | a thing like that, Georgie.
Yeah. Yeah, it'll take months | before a trial, maybe a year.
Sure, maybe even a year.
And while you're in the county jail, | they let you see your family every day.
It's okay by me, Larry.
Pull up and get out if you want to.
Get out.
Keep on moving.
Bust through them!
Who do you got in there, Stan?
It's the singer, Sinton.
Looks like she's been dead quite a while.
That's evidence, you know.
No souvenirs.
That one's DO A, doc. | There's your customer.
Everything else is for the meat wagon.
Joe! Joe!
Oh, Joe.
Please. Please.
This is the story of Joe Norson.
No hero, no criminal.
Just human, like all of us.
Weak, like some of us.
A bit foolish, like most of us.
Now that we know some of the facts, | we can help him.
He's gonna be all right.