Siege, The (1998)

The US military presence abroad
was rocked today when a bomb exploded...
A bomb exploded in the army barracks
in Dharhan, Saudi Arabia.
It ripped the front off the military dorm,
exposing just how vulnerable US troops are.
Marines on duty
seemed numbed by the horror...
Primary indications suggest this
to be the work of Sheik Ahmed Bin Talal,
a radical fundamentalist cleric...
The explosion
appears to be the work of terrorists.
And if that is the case,
like all Americans, I am outraged by it.
The cowards who committed
this murderous act must not go unpunished.
Sand Leader, this is Eagle Eye.
We have a fix on the package.
It is in a Mercedes sedan travelling south.
Comsat One, your coordinates are as
follows: one, eight, zero, five, zero.
Package is approaching target area.
Estimated time of contact
is approximately 14 seconds.
Let me say again.
America takes care of our own.
Those who did it must not go unpunished.
Eagle Eye, this is Sand Leader.
The Sheik is in our custody.
He is alive and well and will be
delivered intact by 0800 tomorrow.
FBI. Good morning.
FBI. Good morning, sir.
FBI. Counter-Terrorism Task Force.
Hub, that was NYPD.
Brooklyn South just issued a code blue.
They think hostages are involved.
- Business or residence?
- A bus.
We just got word
there's some kind of bomb on the bus.
- They set up a perimeter?
- Working on it.
- Got our negotiators on the way out there?
- Got it.
- And the bomb squad?
- They're going in now.
- How soon can we get there?
- This time of day? Maybe tomorrow.
Oh, fuck!
And nobody's hurt?
This is our first and last warning.
We expect our demand to be met.
There will be no negotiation.
No more communication of any kind.
That is all.
Demand for what? You hear any demand?
- Maybe it's a prank.
- Some sense of humour.
Here's what I know.
BP as in blue paint.
Voice-altering technology. What d'you think?
Available from the Sharper Image catalogue.
They don't have exploding paint bombs.
- The rhetoric sounds political. Militia?
- No, not their style.
- Frank?
- Islamic Jihad have no sense of humour.
And Hamas is raising so much money -
why queer their deal?
Good point.
And green is the colour of Islam, not blue.
Another good point. Tina,
get me a composite of the suspects
by the end of business today.
- Anita?
- Yeah.
- Run that against the mainframe.
- Got it.
Mike, lab analysis on the paint.
Not in yet. We're seeing
if any blue paint's been sold in quantity.
- Good. Danny, interviews with the victims?
- Not great.
Check the bus stops.
Maybe somebody saw them get on.
Hub, we're eager to give up
our weekends on this. I know I am.
It just occurs to me,
has anyone committed a crime here?
I mean, assault with a deadly colour?
Here's what I don't like.
They know explosives. That's not a big deal,
everybody on the Internet does,
but they know our response time.
They put in a call, then walk. I don't like
Sir, you should see this.
It just came in on the fax.
"Release him. "
Release who? Who do we got?
- Bill Clinton!
- He didn't do it!
Charlie Manson?
The mosque guy was let go in April.
- Why be so coy?
- You think it's a phoney?
Hub, it's Floyd Rose.
Somebody's flashing a government badge
where they're working on the bus.
Our tech guys wanna know if we're
cooperating with any other agencies.
She's looking for
the wiring signatures of the device
and asking for copies of any fingerprints
we've managed to lift.
- She CIA?
- Smells like it.
Turns out she's also been talking
to some of the passengers.
- Which one is she?
- That's her over there by the table.
How you doin'?
Oh, hi there.
Anthony Hubbard,
assistant Special Agent in Charge.
Oh, shit. I've tried to liaise with you all
- I'm Elise Kraft, National
Security Council.
- Pleasure. Tried to liaise with me all day?
Have you checked the phone book? We got
Hi. I'm Elise Kraft, National Security
How you doin'? I'm Colin Powell.
- What do you people want with my bus?
- We're on the same team, Agent Hubbard.
Who exactly is "we" on this team?
It's never the question that's indiscreet,
it's only the answer.
Tell you what. Send me an official
inter-agency request for cooperation,
then I'll give you copies
of everything we come up with.
Other than that, I gotta ask you to leave
before you contaminate my crime scene.
CIA has no charter to operate domestically,
which puts you in violation of federal law.
- Hey! There's no reason to be nasty.
- You think I'm being nasty?
If you got something
you wanna share with me...
- Well, not yet. But as soon as I do...
- You'll let me know?
I tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna ask some of my team-mates
to escort you outta here. Is that all right?
- Swell.
- Peachy.
Thank you.
Is that Elise with an A or an E?
Nice meeting you, too,
assistant-Special-Agent-in-Charge Hubbard.
Pin a tail on her.
I'm on it.
You sleep here?
Immigration called.
Underneath the false bottom we found this.
All in small bills, so we figured smurf,
And considering yesterday's terrorist alert
and where he's been, we called Frank.
Who's trying to score points with his boss!
- Has he broken any laws? - No, sir. He is
$20 under the $10,000 limit.
Not any more.
So, Khalil,
you're saying this is an inheritance.
Somebody died
and you're bringing them the money.
No, no, no. Dhouri.
He means "dowry".
- You expect me to believe...
- Check out his neck.
you brought in $10,000 for a wedding?
The tabac.
- Put him in play.
- Where does a guy like you get that money?
He's heading north
on the Belt Parkway.
Back home the security services would be up
this guy's ass with a poker. We let him go.
- Stay back a little.
- It's not my first date.
- He's taking the BQE. Looks like Brooklyn.
- BQE, probably Brooklyn.
He's all yours, Ray.
Ray, go softer on him. Pass him off to
Patsy. Patsy, watch out for reflections.
OK, you got him.
- Ah, here. Got the judge.
- Morning, Judge. How are you?
Yeah, how're things in Second Circuit?
Listen, we got a situation here.
Who's he talking to? One second, Judge.
Who's he talking to?
- We filming this? Who's
he talking to, Frank?
- Don't know. If we had sound, we'd know.
Yeah. Yeah, Judge.
No, sir.
No, not yet.
No, not yet, sir, but...
We got reason to b...
Damn it! Mike, back off!
Ah, shit. He's making him.
- Shit! Fuck!
- All units, go.
I gotta get back to you, Judge.
Go round, go round, Frank!
I got him. I got him.
- There he is.
- We got him. Stuyvesant and Throop.
Cut him off!
There he is.
- Cut him off!
- Khalil!
All units, we got a red van going east
on Stuyvesant, off of Vernon. Red van.
- You get plates on that, Frank?
- Plates? No. But you gotta love that move.
No plates.
They found the van, but no prints so far.
- Vehicle ID?
- Reported stolen.
- What about hair or fibre?
- On its way to the lab.
Hub, we're checking this guy out
in the red book right now.
Good job, Mike.
It's Floyd Rose.
Go, Floyd.
You're not gonna believe this.
Guess who just showed up?
How's she living, Floyd?
She's got two in the Plymouth,
at least three inside,
and see that dog? He did his business
an hour ago and they're still walking.
I had a dog like that once.
- It's not his dog, wet wick. They're spies.
- The dog works for the CIA?
- All units report.
- This is unit one.
- We're good to go.
- Two, roll out.
- Unit three ready.
- All right. Let's roll. Let's roll.
Federal agents! Against the fence!
Hands behind your head!
Hi, guys. I expect you know the drill.
Hold it right there!
- I never touched him.
- Really?
We'll have to take him into custody anyway.
Mike! Frank!
What're you gonna
charge him with? Jaywalking?
- I don't suppose I could chat with him
first? - I don't think so, Elise.
You know, Hub, uh...
- May I call you Hub?
- Yes, you may.
If you guys hadn't blown the surveillance,
we'd have been able to follow the money.
- Khalil, you'd have led us to your friends.
- What friends?
Take him out.
What friends, Elise?
What have you got for me, huh?
Wanna share something with me, Elise?
Enlighten me. You can tell me now
or you can tell me downtown.
You know, one phone call and he's mine.
You know the number.
I have about, uh...
You have the right to remain silent
and the right to an attorney.
Oh, come on!
Hey! Do you know what you're starting here?
What kind of shitstorm...
Kidnapping, obstruction of justice, assault.
Get her outta here.
I love what you've done with this place.
So, Elise, you OK back there?
You don't get carsick or anything?
Those handcuffs too tight?
Shouf Mountains, right?
- Shiite or Sunni?
- Wow! You're really good.
She's really good.
So what's goin' on here, Elise?
- Paint bomb... Was that a warning?
- American University of Beirut?
- I was there from '79 to '82.
- No shit.
Yeah. My father taught economics.
Henry Kraft.
Is there a terrorist cell operating in the
You know, such a tragedy.
Growing up there was like paradise.
Like an exotic Paris. Right, Frank?
Yeah, it's real exotic at Rikers Island,
You know what they do to women in there?
Frank here.
Three men, definitely armed,
and this time they're still on the bus.
- So no communication of any kind? - No,
it's weird. They're just... just in there.
See if you can get the frequency
of the bus driver's radio and call him.
- Frank?
- Yeah.
Get two DAT phones.
Make sure they're secure portables.
OK. The negotiator's on his way.
Couple of techies, too, Frank. We want
Sir, there's children on that bus.
We count about six.
That gives us something to work with,
doesn't it?
Let's go.
What's happening out there?
Take her outside the perimeter, will you?
They've taken another bus, haven't they?
- Hey, talk to me.
- Oh, you wanna talk now!
- Listen, these guys are the real deal.
- How do you know?
Is there a terrorist cell operating in
- Was the blue bus a warning?
- Yes, and I'm afraid they'll blow this one.
How d'you know,
if they haven't blown it already?
- I don't know.
- You don't know.
They haven't asked for anything, have they?
The driver's name is Larry Kaiser.
He says they've got explosives
strapped to their chests
and he thinks they're speaking Arabic.
- Where the hell is the negotiator?
- The tunnel's got 20-minute delays.
OK, did he say anything else about the
device? Did he talk about cords or buttons?
Uh, no, he didn't say.
Oh, God.
They're not here to negotiate.
They were waiting for the cameras.
They want everybody watching.
You've got the shooters in place?
- Yeah. So?
- Use them.
Kill them now!
it's lose-lose any way you play it.
You wanna lose little or lose big?
I got the marksmen on the com.
They're waiting for a clean shot.
Let me have the phone.
Hello, Larry. It's Agent Hubbard, FBI.
I'm gonna be negotiating our way out of
Yes, we got somebody who can translate,
but you gotta remain calm.
All right, put them on the phone.
Hello, sir?
My name is Anthony.
Now, I want you to know right from the
start, I'm not the boss.
I don't have the authority to negotiate
any deals or to respond to any demands.
Do you need anything in there?
Any, uh, medical supplies?
Anybody need any help?
I don't even know if they understand.
Look, I know you may not wanna talk
to me, but are you willing to listen to me?
Whatever grievances you have,
whatever quarrels,
surely it doesn't involve these children.
I'm asking you, please,
would you please let the children go?
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
I appreciate your gesture.
The best way to get what you want is to show
yourself to be reasonable,
which you've done.
I appreciate that, I really do.
All the way back.
Keep going.
Now we got some more to talk about.
As you can see, I'm unarmed.
I have no weapons.
And what I propose
is that you let these people go
and I'll take their place.
This way you don't have to worry about
pizza deliveries
or people running back and forth
to the bathroom.
And I guarantee you that
the police department, FBl, everybody,
they'll disappear.
You look out your window, you'll see the
helicopters already moving out.
I'm gonna take your silence to mean
that you're considering my offer.
I tell you what,
why not just let the elderly people go?
These old people have been
standing up there for a long time.
Thank you very much. Now, we just...
The worst terrorist bombing
in the United States in the past five years
took place on this site earlier today.
Beirut came to Brooklyn today,
when the worst terrorist bombing in the US
since Oklahoma City killed over 25 people.
- Authorities are withholding names...
- No group has yet taken responsibility.
Authorities are refusing to comment, other
than to say the investigation is under way.
All right, everybody take a seat.
ASCACs, supervisors.
Just got off the phone
with leaders of the Arab community.
We have their complete support
and cooperation.
They love this country as much as we do.
They want these criminals brought to justice
as badly as we do.
Having said that, let me say this.
I wanna rumble every trap, hole,
market, community centre,
every organisation that has said a bad word
about this country, I wanna know about it.
I want you
to turn the heat up
under every one of your resources.
Every one!
Every snitch, twist him inside out.
Every source, turn him upside down,
see what falls out of his pocket,
shake the trees, throw money at him,
whatever it takes.
I want results!
Call your families, find a sleeping bag,
because nobody is leaving
until we find a strand to pull on.
I don't wanna see anybody walkin'!
- Hub.
- You better be running! What!?
- Uh, Mike.
- Yeah?
- You got positive ID?
- We don't have positive ID on anyone.
All right, all right.
Oklahoma City.
First 24 hours are the only 24 hours.
Do what you do best.
Tell me about the money.
He says he loves America. He wanted
to get away from the security services...
Sure. Tell me about the money.
He didn't know he was doing anything bad.
Tell me about the money!
His cousin introduced him to a man
who promised him $200 for his dowry
if he took the suitcase
to an address in Brooklyn.
He's a mule.
I wanna run down every rental agreement
from every landlord in Brooklyn.
Hotels, motels, flophouses.
It's cash.
They're the only ones in America using cash.
- We got a positive ID on five victims so
far. - Six-man team on him...
I put a lot of money in this joker.
It's time he started earning it.
I don't care about any convention...
I want to see all security-cam videos
from every nearby ATM, store, bank...
- Time difference between here and Amman?
- Seven hours.
This is a plasmogram
of the Semtex used in bus 87.
The signature's identical
to that used in the army barracks.
- What kind of ident do we have?
- Still checking all the latents.
I'm looking for real-time video.
I need faces, not voices.
If it's international, it's a $2m reward.
I want a list of the next 10 targets.
Call Interpol.
- Foreign matter?
- We got some shrapnel.
- We got to run it to the
lab, see if it matches.
- Does the lab stay open till we find out?
- 24 hours. You busy?
- What a fuckin' mess!
Excuse me.
Sir, I got a hit.
I found him.
This is the list of probables.
And that's the hit.
Ali Waziri.
Ladies and gentlemen,
meet the late, uh, Ali Waziri.
One of the bombers of bus 87.
We were able to trace this sucker
to a, uh, group in Ramallah.
That's West Bank, not West Side,
for you people just joining us
from Nebraska. Tina.
We pulled his landing card and his I-94.
So now we know he came in three days ago
out of Frankfurt.
What we need now is to fill in the time
between his arrival and the incident.
We need all known associations
and, most of all, we need an address.
Here's the kicker, guys.
Ali Waziri was on the terrorist watch list.
How'd he get into the country?
Here it is! Student visa. J-1.
- Where's the original?
- In his passport.
- Where's that?
- In a million pieces.
Where's the copy?
Point of issuance. Could be US Consulate
of Tel Aviv, Amman, Cairo.
Every legal attach we have and
every consulate in every city Frank said,
phone them. I want the visa.
- Sir, they need you in the lab.
- I want the visa, Danny!
It's cotton.
Pure, unadulterated, Egyptian cotton.
- So you're saying they're Egyptian?
- No, this is just...
What they use in funerals.
Guy was wearing a shroud.
- The real deal.
- Right.
I'm gonna go have a little chat
with our new friend.
I thought one phone call
and you were outta here.
Well, I didn't make the call.
Why not?
Are you all right?
Yeah, yeah.
Yeah, a little tinnitus in the ear.
I need to know what I don't know.
Yeah, life's too short.
You hungry?
Are we ordering in?
The funeral shroud is the final step
in the ritual of self-purification.
First a fast, then there's the...
The washing of the body and the shroud,
right. I saw it - 60 Minutes.
Tell me something I don't know.
In March we identified the man who we
believe bombed the army barracks last year.
In August he went to Lebanon,
where he was extracted.
Extracted? Extracted by whom?
I see.
His name is Sheik Ahmed Bin Talal.
He's Iraqi. Something of a religious leader.
With something of a devoted following?
OK, I can understand why we wouldn't
want to advertise the fact that, uh,
our government's in the kidnapping
business, but why not let us know?
He's still being debriefed.
They can't go public.
- What about his followers?
- Well, clearly they're committed.
- Meaning?
- In this game, the most committed wins.
Excuse me.
We made the guy in the picture.
My people...
The last of the unambivalent smokers.
His name is Samir Nazhde.
Teaches Arab Studies at Brooklyn College.
He sponsored Ali Waziri's student visa.
And dig this. His brother blew up
a movie theatre in Tel Aviv.
You might consider leaving him alone.
Why would we consider that?
Well, you can play him like a cop
and haul him in now and get your arrest,
or you can tag him
and let him lead you to the big fish.
You're fishing and he gets visas for
- Ever heard of catch and release? - Mm-hm.
And he's on the first plane to Tunis.
Hub, now's the time.
- Take him down.
- Go.
- FBl, freeze!
- Hey, hey, hey. Ow!
Samir Nazhde.
My name is Frank Haddad.
I'm a federal agent.
We believe you are an accessory
in the bombing of bus 87.
Are you crazy?
- You were an associate of Ali Waziri.
- Sorry, I know nobody of that name.
You sponsored his student visa.
I sign applications as a matter of course.
Hundred of them. Everybody wants to come...
You spent two years in Israeli jails
during the intifada.
Yeah, but the only ones who didn't
were women like you.
Sorry. Family matter.
You're going downtown, my friend.
Fuck you! You cannot hold me.
Defrauding the INS is a federal offence.
Reservation for one, please.
- We need a search warrant on Samir.
- Samir.
Frank, let me talk to you for a second.
You ever hit a prisoner again,
I'll have your badge.
Some day I'll tell you
what his people did to my village in '75.
All right. You're preaching to the choir.
Just don't do it again.
Now act like I'm capable of saying
something funny. Some people are watching.
Hey, Danny. Find me a judge
who'll play ball with me this time
and set up a polygraph for Samir.
- Why are we still tipping our hand with
him? - What's there to tip?
Yeah, what's there to tip?
You're protecting your asset, aren't you?
He's your asset, he's working for you.
You're his case officer, right?
Sometimes, in addition
to being a nationality,
being a Palestinian
is a very lucrative profession.
Meaning he's your Joe, right?
Mine, yours, the Israelis', the Saudis'.
Everybody in the Middle East
is sleeping with everybody else.
So you're saying... you sleep around?
Only professionally.
- So we share him.
- No.
No? Call INS. Check Samir's status.
Start deportation proceedings.
I can't let you do that.
You can't? What precisely
is your involvement with these people?
Samir has been an important project
of mine for some time.
I'm the only one he'll deal with.
He's well-connected and high-strung.
- Call INS, Frank.
- How easy is it to get inside, Frank?
How many people you got in Hamas, huh?
- No surveillance. I've seen your deft
touch. - Daily reports. We tap his phone.
- I see the transcripts.
- No problem.
- I run him.
- We share him.
- No. He can't know we're talking.
- I won't tell him.
- And no poly?
- Never.
Let him fly, Frank. But I wanna see
some food on my plate, understand?
Any more surprises from you, Elise?
Not tonight.
I'm gonna get some sleep.
You let him hit me!
How can you let them hit me?!
- Next time don't be such a smartass!
- Don't tell me what to do!
Do we have to have this conversation again?
Do we!
I need you to help me.
I need you to be strong,
like you've always been strong,
for both of us.
Samir, look at me.
Look at me.
Yeah, Frank?
You know, some people
just cannot live in the camps.
For my brother, it was already like dying.
The only thing he lives for is movies.
And then some sheik came
and tell him that
to die for Allah is beautiful.
And if he does this thing,
our parents will be taken care of
and he will live on in paradise
with 70 virgins.
I mean,
And my brother,
he need to believe it very much.
So he straps 10 sticks of dynamite
to his chest
and he went to the movie.
And then I become a VIP.
It's very confusing.
So, who are you afraid of betraying?
We know these people.
They bomb, they maim.
They represent the Palestine
you wanna build? They're using you.
You are using me, too!
Everybody uses the Palestinians.
Hey, you make reports about our little
And what about fucking me?
I had to get special permission for that.
Beats the shit out of cable.
He asked to wait inside.
- Bill Devereaux.
- I know who you are.
- I was with the 82nd...
- Airborne. Yeah, I know.
I was in the 173rd at the time.
"God, duty, honour, country. " Remember?
On Capitol Hill or Wall Street,
have you heard anyone say that
phrase in the last 10 years?
- What brings you to New York, General?
- The President's concerned.
He's worried that...
- Have you met the President?
- No. I know he's concerned about terrorism.
Well, with all due affection for the man,
he doesn't know fuck all about the Mid East
or terrorism that I don't write for him.
He is an expert in covering his own ass,
if you catch my meaning.
Yes, I do.
I guess you didn't come up here
just for coffee.
With all due respect,
I think we're on the right track.
That's exactly what I told the President.
"Stick with the man on the ground"
is what I advised the President.
- I appreciate your support.
- As long as you're not chasing your tail.
So what can you tell me
about this Sheik Ahmed Bin Talal?
Just that he's old news.
We received two communications
from the bombers to release him.
Can't release him.
I know our policy is to never negotiate.
We don't have him.
We never did.
Our latest intel says that he's dead.
The Agency says no.
The CIA didn't know the Berlin Wall
was coming down until bricks hit them.
- Who's your source?
- Elise Kraft.
Ah... That woman
will never understand the Middle East.
Between you and me, she wouldn't know a
sheik from a prophylactic by the same name.
Well, I, uh... appreciate the heads-up.
Hub. We followed up that tip on...
Why, Elise, what a nice surprise.
- How are you?
- Hello, General.
Nice to see you again.
Please, don't let me interrupt.
Uh, sorry. The tip on the landlord looks
I should get out of your way
and let you get back to work.
Agent Hubbard, a pleasure.
- You need anything, you know where we are.
- Thank you.
Making new friends?
Not two judges from now,
not two hours from now! These guys
will split and you've lost...
- Frank's working another warrant.
- These guys are pros!
From the age of 12,
they've been dodging people better than you.
- You mean people like you? - This isn't
about your sparkling record, OK?
OK. It's against the law, Elise.
Just because you got a law degree from night
school doesn't make you Sir Thomas More!
- And just because you checked my files...
- You'll lose them!
doesn't make you an expert on me!
You think I wanna lose them?
If I don't take them down properly,
they're out in two hours.
I don't care if I find
Semtex, plutonium, dynamite,
self-lighting charcoal briquettes.
Without the right warrant, they walk.
They've also got a warrant.
A warrant from God! They're ready to die!
- Your quaint laws don't mean shit to them!
- My quaint laws!
Last I checked, you were a US citizen.
I saw your file, too.
And I'm sorry the Cold War's over
and all you little CIA types got no work
in Afghanistan, Russia,
Iran or whatever the hell it is,
but this ain't the Middle East.
Oh, really?
We're in.
It's the same guys as the bus.
I know it. What are they saying?
They're discussing how difficult it is
to find a decent cup of coffee over here.
- I make out three voices. What have you
got? - Seems like three.
If we had microwave, we'd know.
The CIA's got microwave.
How come we don't have it?
There are three of them.
All day long they watch TV
and eat pizza. Nothing but pizza.
Pizza, pizza, pizza.
You want change or what?
No. Put it on floor.
Haven't you heard?
Crime is down 7% in this city.
FBI! Hands in the air! Put your gun down!
FBI! Freeze!
- Port!
- One up!
- Two up!
- Three up! We're clear. We're clear!
- Everybody OK?
- We're good.
You all right?
How we doin' over here? Fred?
It's terminal.
He's dead.
Hub, take a look.
It's all here, every component.
Detcord, Semtex. Just like the bus.
We got them.
Three men were reported killed today
after a shoot-out with the FBI
in a quiet neighbourhood in Brooklyn.
There are reports of a link
between the victims,
who were reported to be Arab-speaking,
and the bombers of bus 87.
FBI spokesman Anthony Hubbard:
Uh, we are following up on as many leads
and are confident we're on the right track.
We're all happy that these criminals are off
the streets and we can
get on with our lives.
I think the FBI deserves special recognition
for the speed with which
they handled this current crisis.
I would especially like to single out
Special Agent Tony Hubbard
and the men and women of the NYPDFBI
joint counter-terrorism task force...
Drink up, everyone.
My first boyfriend was Palestinian.
My father used to say
"They seduce you with their suffering. "
- Have you been over there, seen the camps?
- No, never been.
Oh, there's these warm, hospitable people
living in this horrible place.
- But yet you work against them.
- Only the crazies.
I tend to be suspicious of all true
present company included.
Are you saying I'm a fanatic?
- Why are you a Fed?
- You read my file. You tell me.
OK, all right. I'll tell you.
- Catholic school.
- St Raymond's in the Bronx.
President of this, captain of that.
Hard work. Make a difference. Fair play.
Change the system from within.
- What?
- What about you? What do you believe?
- Like what?
- Like right and wrong.
It's easy to tell the difference
between right and wrong.
- Is it?
- Yes.
What's hard
is choosing the wrong that's more right.
- I just...
- OK.
I just wanna make things a little better.
Ignore me, I'm shit-faced.
- Elise.
- Frank, hi!
Tell us about being a spook.
Come on. It's the Bay of Pigs.
You're there, on the beach,
with the Girl Scouts.
I love how you guys predicted
the fall of the Soviet Union.
- Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, right...
- Genius. That was good.
And J Edgar Hoover wore a dress, right?
- I love Lebanese men.
- Mm. Well, see...
Come on, let's dance.
Come on, Hub, dance with me.
It's your wife.
Oh, dear!
- This feels like high school.
- Yeah. But my prom date didn't wear a gun.
So, what's the latest on Samir?
I want a list of every visa he sponsored.
- I'm not sure he'll do it.
- No?
You know, I once knew this undercover guy
who cared so much for his source...
Yeah. He's a source, period.
You ever consider that
he might be in bed with the other side?
Samir in bed with them?
That would be too much to wish for.
You're so confident.
Only in bed.
It's a Broadway theatre. It went off
as people were getting up for intermission.
He says there are bodies everywhere.
Oh, please help me! Oh...
It's gonna be OK, ma'am.
I just don't want to die.
Sir, help me! They're trapped inside!
No group has taken responsibility
for the bombing yet...
Scores of the wealthiest of New York society
were killed last night
when a bomb ripped through
a crowded theatre.
The list of victims is a veritable Who's Who
of the city's cultural leaders.
You can be sure that all of our resources
are being brought to bear
on the situation.
New York City has been brought
to its knees this past week.
Retail sales are down 72%%.
Hate crimes have skyrocketed
and the FBI seems, at least for the moment,
incapable of stopping the terror.
Once-busy streets are eerily silent,
as many have fled.
Why do they let those people
in the country?
If you think I'll let my kids out
with this going on, you've got to be crazy.
The Senate Intelligence Committee
authorised a panel to investigate
the problem.
Tonight at 10: terrorism in the United
The worst kind of reaction
is a reaction based on fear.
He says if you're on the State Department
watch list, you cannot get in.
So I say Ali Waziri was on the watch list
and he got in!
- What did the State Department say?
- To call INS.
- What did INS say?
- To call State.
- The purpose of this meeting...
- Is to keep our city safe.
- Your department's responsibility is to...
- What, asshole?!
Look, we're gonna have to raise our hands
before we ask a question.
- Yes, sir?
- Howard Kaplan, INS.
- How you doin'?
- Good.
We've pulled every ethnic visa in the city
and traced them to the source.
- Danny?
- We bring them in and we talk to them.
And translators?
- How many we talkin' about?
- 1,600, maybe more.
- 1,600!
- That's right.
- Where we gonna put...
- Danny, Danny, slow down. Yes, sir?
What about a military presence at airports?
I don't think we're there yet.
It won't stop these criminals. Sir?
What about protecting the Arab population?
I represent the Arab Anti-Defamation League.
Whatever injustices my people may be
suffering at this very difficult moment,
we will still show our commitment
to this country.
I appreciate that. Thank you, sir.
I wanna thank everybody.
This has been a difficult
London, Paris, Athens, Rome,
Belfast, Beirut.
We're not the first city
to have to deal with terrorism.
And Tel Aviv...
And Tel Aviv. The day after they bombed
the market in Tel Aviv, the market was open.
This is New York City.
We can take it.
- God! It's the Watley School.
- Not kids!
One of the moms was carrying a gun.
Wounds the guy as he's planting the device.
He kills her,
then he locks them all in the room.
- Any kids get hurt?
- I don't know. I don't know.
It's over there on the table.
I don't know if it's a radio or a timer or
Whoa, hold right there.
See if you can move in closer on the device.
Right there. Focus that.
Radio device. He's got a radio control.
- What the fuck's the media doing?
- They must be monitoring our frequency.
Danny, your boys were supposed to call
the FAA to clear the airspace. Do it now!
This is NYPD.
Get those fuckin' birds outta here!
- Everybody out.
- Need some help here.
It's all right, come on. Hurry down the
Either we answer this threat
quickly and convincingly,
or next week there'll be a hundred more
all over the world.
Sounds great, General. Except why can't we
find out who's behind it?
It seems to me conventional law enforcement
isn't up to the task.
How about who's behind who's behind this?
Uh, Libya, Iran, Iraq. Possibly Syria.
Ask a question, get an atlas.
- All is I know is that we must respond. -
Excellent idea, Senator. How do we do that?
Find out who they are
and bomb the shit out of them.
And if we can't find out?
Look, I hate to be the voice of doom,
but it keeps escalating.
A bus, then a theatre. What's next?
How about sending in the National Guard?
The National Guard is for riot control,
not for counter-terrorism.
The Army then.
I've read the contingency plans.
It's established legal doctrine that the
Army may not be turned
against our own people.
Even if that's what our own people
are asking for, three to one?
- If the President declares a state of...
- Lincoln declared martial law in 1862!
- He suspended habeas corpus.
- Which was later found unconstitutional.
Ex parte Milligan.
I've got an election in November.
Ex-United States Congressman.
Let's save the quips for the talk shows.
The President's plane lands in two hours.
We owe it to him to have a consensus.
You don't fight a junkyard dog
with ASPCA rules.
What you do is you take the leash
off your own bigger, meaner dog.
The Army's a broadsword, not a scalpel.
Trust me, Senator, you do not want
the Army in an American city.
But how long would it take to deploy?
We can't go in until the President
invokes the War Powers Act.
I understand that, General.
Let's assume the order has been given.
order, we can be on the ground.
One light infantry division of 10,700 men.
Elements of the Rapid Deployment Force,
Special Forces,
Delta, APCs, helicopters, tanks,
and, of course,
the ubiquitous M-16 A-1 assault rifle.
A humble enough weapon until you see it
held by a man outside your local 7-Eleven.
It will be noisy,
it will be scary.
It will not be mistaken for a VFW parade.
I remind you, General Devereaux
does not speak for official Army policy.
A police function has become accepted
as our role in Haiti and Somalia.
Make no mistake.
We will hunt down the enemy,
we will find the enemy
and we will kill the enemy.
And no card-carrying member of the ACLU
is more dead set against it than I am.
Which is why I urge you,
I implore you,
do not consider this as an option.
I know just what the President's going to
"That's exactly why
you're the only man for the job. "
I'd like to introduce Anthony Hubbard,
my ASCAC on the ground in Brooklyn.
His team was able to take out the first cell
within 36 hours of the attack on the 87 bus.
He's also the man who took out the terrorist
in that schoolhouse. Hub?
The job of the FBI is to...
to respond.
The job of the Army is to defend.
With the presence of the Army, our ability
to investigate will be inhibited.
It will push these criminals
further underground.
You can't fight an enemy you can't see.
I think if we exercise patience, restraint,
allow our men and women
up in New York to do their job,
I think we'll be effective.
Thank you. I, too, think
we should proceed with caution.
Some of you may not know Sharon Bridger.
Sharon was posted in Iraq as part of
our covert operations during the Gulf War.
Sir, if I may?
Thank you.
I'm sure everyone here knows the
traditional model of the terrorist network.
One cell controls all others.
Cut off the head, the body will wither.
the old wisdom no longer applies.
The new paradigm is
each cell operates independent of the other.
Cut off one head, another rises up in its
Bus 87 was the work of the first cell,
whose remaining elements, we believe,
the FBI took down.
This then activated the work of cell two.
The theatre gala.
At most, we believe
there are three, possibly four, cells.
Then how much longer
before we can take out the last cell?
We don't know.
This is a tragedy of staggering proportion.
One Federal Plaza was the headquarters
of the FBI Counter-Terrorism Task Force
as well as other federal agencies.
Authorities are withholding the names
of those who died.
Letters of condolence have been received
from leaders around the world.
Boris Yeltsin forwarded a message
condemning terrorism...
Body count's a little over 200 so far.
What about our people?
Mike, Tina,
they were all in there working.
This is Colonel Hardwick, Army Intelligence.
I'm here as an adviser only.
I intend to keep a low profile.
Appreciate your concern.
I don't mean to be insensitive, but what
are your capabilities at this point?
Your infrastructure?
You're standing on our infrastructure.
Excuse me.
Hey, Hub, they managed to get
a partial VIN number off the van.
- DMV says it was stolen the day before
near... - Brooklyn?
You got it.
Hub, the final body count just came in.
Very sorry about your friends.
Frank, it's uh... Sharon.
I didn't catch your last name.
- How you doin'?
- Been better.
the Agency came up with another list
of probables. We should circulate them.
This stuff might be good.
- Why was there no warning from Samir?
- He didn't know anything.
- Says Samir.
- Says me!
- Maybe I'll ask him.
- Yeah, over my dead body.
Over 600 dead bodies.
- He's one of the good guys.
- How can you be sure?
Because he was part of the operation
to destabilise Saddam Hussein with me, OK?
He's a go-between. He risked his life for
Go-between who, Sharon?
I need names, OK? I need... photographs
or something. I don't need a history lesson.
I can't give you pictures,
I don't know what they look like.
- So you got nothing?
- I've got Samir.
- Does Samir have any contact with them?
- Minimal.
- So how does he do it?
- He can't. They initiate.
And otherwise?
- He's waiting.
- He's waiting?!
What the hell is he waiting for?
More bodies, more buildings!
- Maybe he's waiting to blow up a few more!
- I know how you must feel.
You don't know how I feel.
I lost friends of mine tonight.
They'll make contact soon.
When?! That's what I wanna know. When?
Why soon? Why not now?
What is the tradecraft?
What are the visuals, the iron sites?
You know, all that CIA spy shit!
I tell you what I'm gonna do.
I'm gonna take your boy Samir downtown,
strap his ass to a polygraph machine,
and I'm gonna ask him questions about you.
Then I'm gonna take those transcripts
to a friend of mine at the New York Times,
who writes about the link
between the CIA and political horror shows.
- If you burn him, you lose your one chance!
- So what?!
- It's lose or lose, you said.
- I'm not fucking with you!
How could you remember
who you're fucking?
- 24 hours.
- For what? 24 hours for what, Sharon?
- Have anything for me?
- Nothing new.
We've got three bombings
in New York City, we've got 600 people dead.
Uh, the NYPD, the FBl, they don't seem
up to it. Do we need to bring the Army in?
Absolutely. How many have to die
before we do bring the Army in?
Troops are not trained
to police their own population.
That's why we have an FBI and a police
force. We don't want an army in Brooklyn.
You would have to speak to the Army
to verify those rumours.
And here we have the FBl,
having failed to do their job...
This is an attack, a time of war.
The fact it's inside our borders
means it's a new kind of war.
This is what these towel-heads do in their
country. Now they're bringing it here!
People must understand the word Arab
is not synonymous with the word terrorist.
Islam is a religion of peace. These people
defile the Koran when they use its words.
A merchant, Abdul Hassam,
was beaten today...
The President said today:
"One of our greatest freedoms
is the freedom from fear. "
He pledged to protect that freedom.
- The FBI's received another fax.
- Ahmed Bin Talal.
Apparently, they still believe
that we have him.
Do we... "have him"?
Let me give you a little advice, Steve.
Do not come between me and the President.
I am speaking for the President.
As far as the President is concerned,
no, we do not have him.
General, did you know
that after yesterday's attack,
half the parents in this country
kept their kids out of school.
They're attacking our way of life.
It ends now!
Are you saying the President
is prepared to take the necessary steps?
I am saying the President
is prepared to be presidential.
- Hello?
- It's me. Turn on the TV.
Hang on.
The Senate was in session
late into the night,
debating the President's
call for martial law.
- We have a tradition of invoking martial
law... - I got it.
only when the most dire of circumstances
require it, but at what cost?
All eyes now turn to New York City to see
if martial law will bring
the terror to an end.
Move out!
Good morning. Today with the invocation
of the War Powers Act
by the President, I am declaring
a state of martial law in this city.
To the best of our knowledge, we are
opposed by no more than 20 of the enemy.
He is hiding among a population
of roughly two million.
Intelligence tells us that he is most likely
Arab-speaking, between 14 and 30,
narrowing the target to 15,000 suspects.
We can further reduce that number down to
those that have been here under six months.
Now you have 20 hiding among 2,000.
If you are one of these 20 young men,
you can hide among a population
of similar ethnic background.
Unfortunately, you can only hide there.
And that population, in the classic
immigration pattern, is concentrated.
Right here, in Brooklyn.
We intend to seal off this borough.
Then we will squeeze it.
This is the land of opportunity, gentlemen.
The opportunity to turn yourselves in.
After sundown tonight, any young man
fitting the profile I described,
who has not cooperated,
will be arrested and detained.
There is nothing more corrosive to the
morale of a population than
policing its citizens,
but the enemy would be mistaken
if they were to doubt our resolve.
They are face to face with the most fearsome
military machine, and I intend to use it
and be back on base
in time for the play-offs.
Thank you.
- Good to see you again.
- Can't say the same about you.
Not in that uniform.
- I thought you were against it.
- I am. This was not my call.
So the President made you put tanks
on the Brooklyn bridge?
- You questioning my patriotism?
- I'm questioning your judgment.
I'm serving my president. Possibly
not in the best interests of our nation,
but my job does not let me
make that distinction.
I won't question your patriotism, but don't
ever question my command, understand?
- I'm not under your command.
- You really believe that?
Take a look around.
Tell me if you really think that's true.
Arrogant prick. You ever met anybody
so in love with the sound of his own voice?
- We're putting Samir in play.
- Now? He'll freak.
- Yeah, he'll freak. I'm already freaked. -
Oh, fuck it! One more lamb to the slaughter.
Hey, hey, hey! It's fine. He's cool.
What he fucking doing here?!
You know they're killing Arabs out there!
You can stop it, Samir.
What do you mean? The Army's here.
They're setting up interrogation centres
and torturing people!
Calm down, all right?
I got to get out of here
and you have to help me!
We'll help you!
- I just need more money.
- OK.
- You got a student visa for Ali Waziri.
- I told you. I know nobody of that name.
- Tell him what he wants to know! He knows!
- This woman's crazy!
I think you just don't know who they are.
They'd never trust me!
Look, I've got a picture
of the two of us, Samir. Remember it?
I'm gonna post it in every shop in Brooklyn
and send copies to friends in the West Bank.
Your mother's still there, isn't she?
- Fuckin' let go of me!
- Get outta here! Get out!
I'm sorry.
Hey, nobody's gonna burn you. OK, Samir?
Nobody's gonna call anybody.
Who asked you to get the visa?
- Oh, come on.
- Hey, hey, Samir. Just calm down, OK?
- There's nothing to be afraid of.
- I'm afraid of going to hell.
Me, too.
His name is Tariq Husseini.
He runs an auto shop
on Commerce Street in Red Hook.
Commerce Street. Red Hook.
Anybody bothers you,
you call me.
- You're good.
- You're not so bad yourself.
Hey, Floyd. Yeah. Hub.
Listen, we gotta put something together
in a hurry, all right?
Yeah, where's Frank?
All right, well, give him a 911.
OK, get a beat-up car for me.
Beat it up yourself if you have to.
It's a garage in Red Hook. Yeah.
Oh, shit!
They're going house to house.
You know, Tariq'll go underground.
- We're gonna hit him in less than an hour.
- Well, hit him hard.
- Where you going?
- I'm gonna go stash Samir someplace safe.
Right, I make out three inside.
The two guys by the trash barrel are ours.
They'll wait till we're set,
then come in after us.
All right, let's roll.
Yo, Joaqun.
I'm looking for Tariq. Anybody know Tariq?
Supposed to be fixin' my shit here.
Huh? I got the card somewhere.
He gave me this paper.
- Tariq Hassiny or something like that.
- Yeah, he's back there.
Back there? All right, man. Thanks.
Hey, Tariq.
Are you Tariq Husseini?
- He's not here.
- He's not here?
- Can I leave a message for him?
- Of course.
- Tell him the FBI is after him.
- You're joking!
I'm not joking. Put the phone down,
put your hands up.
Hands in the air!
Put them behind your head.
Yeah, to you too.
Everything's gonna be all right.
Tariq Husseini, this is the US Army.
You are surrounded.
You have 30 seconds to throw out
any weapons and exit the premises
with your hands on top of your head.
- I repeat: this is the US Army...
- Freeze! Goddamn it!
Goddamn it! Code Red! Code Red!
Bravo One to Alpha Leader.
Request permission to fire.
Yes! Now!
- Freeze! Put the gun down! Drop it!
- Hold it! I'm FBI!
- Put the gun down!
- Drop it!
All right. I'm F... I'm FBI. Just relax.
Down! Down on your knees!
All right. I'm F...
I'm FBI!
Who was that man?
Ladies and gentlemen, there'll be a pool
briefing for all accredited journalists...
Do not be alarmed. The perimeter...
Frankie! Frankie Haddad!
Frank Haddad!
- Frank!
- Hub! Hub, they got Frankie.
- What?!
- My kid's in here someplace. He's only 13!
- All right, we'll get him out. We'll find
him. - Frank Haddad! Ow!
They came into my house!
My wife told them who I was!
- Frank!
- How many times did I put it on the line?
How many times!?
- 10 in the Bureau!
- All right.
They knocked her down,
they took him out of my house!
Frank Haddad!
Listen to me! Listen to me.
It's wrong.
W- we'll find him.
All right? We'll find him.
- Come on, come on.
- No. No!
I'll find him.
Besides... this is where I belong.
Tell them I'm not their sand nigger any
- You say his name is Haddad?
- No, Had -dad.
Frank Haddad. H-A-D-D-A-D. Junior.
- His father's a Shiite.
We're checking him out.
- His father is a federal agent-my partner!
Don't get in my face.
I might decide you're an Ethiopian.
- You're stupid to think that's an insult.
- If there's a mistake, we'll fix it.
There's no mistake.
I'm vouching for the kid. I want him out!
Get your priorities straight. We'll look
into it.
Yeah, you'll look into it,
just like you been looking into me, right?
You think I don't know what's goin' on?
I'm doin' your job for you
and I damn near get my head blown off!
Now I want Frank Junior out and
I wanna see my prisoner - Tariq Husseini!
Let's go see your prisoner.
- How long have you been at it?
- Not long enough, apparently.
How much longer
before he gives up the other cells?
- He can't, if he doesn't know where they
are. - He knows.
He doesn't. You said it yourself, Sharon,
in the strategy meeting.
One cell doesn't know where the other one
How long before he breaks, Sharon?
Too long. The theatre was hit nine hours
after we took down the first cell.
So, what other models do we have?
- Won't work.
- Works for the Israelis.
Only in conjunction with sleep deprivation.
It takes 36 hours.
We don't have 36 hours.
Electric shock?
- The neurotransmitters just shut down.
- Water?
Palestinian authorities produce good intel
with water. There's cutting.
It's extremely messy.
Are you people insane?
What are you talking about?
The time has come for one man to suffer
to save hundreds of lives.
One man!
What about two or six?
How about public executions?
Feel free to leave whenever you like.
Come on, General. You lost men, I lost men,
but you, you, you can't do this.
What if what they want...
What if they don't want the Sheik?
Have you considered that? Huh?
What if what they want is for us to herd
children into stadiums like we're doing?
And put soldiers on the street and have
Americans looking over their shoulders?
Bend the law, shred the constitution.
Because if we torture him, General...
We do that, and everything that we have
bled and fought and died for is over.
And they've won.
They've already won!
Escort him out.
He knew nothing.
- Call off the dogs.
- We can't call off the Army
- Until the threat is gone.
- The Army is the threat.
Devereaux's killing innocent people. You
took the leash off him. Just put it back on.
You wearing a wire?
Are you?
It was Devereaux who took the Sheik
in the first place.
So we do have him.
What d'you think, Hub? Our government
operates as one coherent entity?
Everybody, you and me,
we all wanted that sheik's head.
Devereaux didn't start this agenda about
hunting terrorists, he just pushed it a bit.
Hang on a second.
So, now, what do we do?
There is this feeling in certain circles
that we should let the
Sheik go, set him free.
After all, we kidnapped him,
kept him in isolation.
- Judge might let him walk.
- You don't free a murderer, any murderer.
Any murderer!
Sharon thinks we can get to the last cell,
if they believe we're gonna
release the Sheik.
Why should they trust her?
Why should I trust her?
Ask her.
I ran the network in Iraq for two years.
Samir recruited them from among
the Sheik's followers and I,
uh, trained them in the North.
The Sheik was gonna help us
overthrow Saddam.
I mean, he was our ally.
We were financing him.
Then, uh... then there was a policy shift.
It's not like we sold them out exactly.
We just stopped helping them.
They were slaughtered.
So I, uh, quit the operation.
- I took another assignment.
- But you helped them first.
What d'you mean?
You said they needed to get help.
They were on the terrorist watch list,
so you got them visas, you and Samir.
I promised them we would take care of them.
They were working for us.
Doing what... exactly?
- I told you!
- No, you didn't.
You told me that you trained them.
Tradecraft, subversion.
That's what you said, wasn't it?
You're leaving something out,
aren't you, Sharon?
You taught them... how to make bombs.
That's why you were looking for
the wiring signatures on that blue bus.
And now they're here
doing what you taught them how to do.
You've gotta let me make this right.
The President is in conference
with the Mayor, the Governor
and the Attorney General of New York.
...putting them in a stadium,
as we did with the Japanese.
This is the time for all of us to proclaim
our brotherhood with these people.
...the military to take back,
in a peaceful fashion,
our democracy from the people...
The people of Brooklyn
will not be held hostage!
Join community and religious leaders
in a march to protest the mass...
Well, what if it was black people?
Huh? What if it was Italians?
American Arabs are a vulnerable,
visible population, and they have no power.
- Farouk?
- Critics say this is racist
and the government would not do this...
Samir has made contact, Frank.
It's the last cell.
He set up a meeting,
but we gotta get the Army off our tail.
I need your help, Frank.
Frank, it's still our watch.
I don't wanna see another dead body
and I know you don't.
And when this is over,
I promise you we'll get your boy back.
March on City Hall today. No fear!
- What time you got, Frank?
- Just 10.15.
How's he doing?
Tell me the message and I will pass it on.
I need to deliver it myself. Believe me,
they're gonna wanna hear what I have to say.
No fear! Tell them we're not afraid!
Sure he'll go through with this?
Well, if he doesn't,
he knows I'll give him to Devereaux.
You know, this is the endgame,
you understand? If this goes wrong...
Nothing's gonna go wrong.
We're the CIA.
Something always goes wrong!
If things get hairy, uh...
just remember the most committed wins.
Let's go.
The three of you
really do make a lovely couple.
Sharon, I beg you. Do not make me do this.
They... I mean, if they even dr...
If they even dream we've been followed,
they will kill us.
- South on Cadman Plaza.
- Relax, all right?
General, the feds are in motion.
Do you copy?
Right, just stay with Hubbard.
The man is not on our team.
Roger that.
Airborne, he's all yours.
This is Airborne. We got him.
Sound garden's ready.
This is not the way to the bathhouse.
He said to get a key from my uncle.
Stop whining,
you'll feel the surveillance.
I had a bad feeling, you know?
Just relax. Keep your head down.
- We ready?
- We're all set.
We got to hurry, Sharon. We can't be late.
Here we go.
All units! All units! Subject is on foot!
He's running to Front and Pearl.
This is the US Army.
Stop, or we will open fire!
We're all clear.
Right, let's do it.
- Why we still here? We got to go.
- Calm down. It's gonna be fine.
Look, we'll have to sit tight for three
minutes. Can you just do that much for me?
I can't believe it. Look at this.
Arab and Jew, side by side.
Black and white, Christian and Muslim.
- It's so tragic.
- Wh-what's tragic? What do you mean?
Are they gonna hit the march?
Can you imagine a better target?
...because our government has no right
to declare martial law!
No fear! No fear! No fear!
- We got to hurry, Sharon.
- OK. Here, put this on.
- Shit, it's 11 o' clock. We gotta go.
- They're getting ready to move.
Units 1 and 2, on my signal.
Units 3 and 4, stand by.
Units 5 and 6...
Oh... Microwave!
This is an unlawful disturbance.
You must disperse.
I repeat, these soldiers carry live
This is your final warning.
we missed him.
The bathhouse.
So what's going on? Why aren't they here?
They'll be here. Don't worry.
What are you doing?
What message do you have for them?
There's no-one else coming, is there?
what message
do you have for me, Sharon?
You're the last cell.
There will never be a last cell!
It's just the beginning.
No fear! No fear!
How could I have missed the play?
It's because of the money.
You believe money is power.
Belief is power.
Just don't tell me
we financed your operation.
The world is a wheel, Sharon.
Samir, the Koran preaches...
Do not speak to me of the Koran, woman!
First, you left me there in Iraq
like a piece of shit!
And then you take our leader, a holy man.
You put him in prison
for preaching the word of God.
So now you have to learn the consequences
of trying to tell the world how to live.
It's over.
Your point's been made.
Why shed more blood?
Those poor people out there...
They're fucking marching for your cause.
And they, too, will become its martyrs.
Let her go.
- Away from the door!
- He's got a bomb!
Get up. Get up.
Get up!
- No!
- Samir, let her go and you'll live.
- Move away from this fuckin' door!
- Don't!
- Samir...
- Hub, I'm here.
No shots, Frank.
- Do you wanna die?
- Do you?
- Look, I blow it!
- Then we all die. Nobody's leaving here.
- Move away from this door!
- Shoot.
- Shut up.
- Shoot!
- Shut up!
- Shoot me!
- I'm coming!
- Shut up!
- Shoot!
- I'm coming!
Do it!
One of ours down. Stomach wound.
Get here now.
Is he dead?
- Hub...
- Sh! I'm right here. I'm right here.
- Hub? Uh...
- I'm right here. Sh-sh-sh.
- I'm sorry.
- It's OK.
- Are you OK?
- I'm cold.
Forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us...
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
- For Thine is the kingdom...
- Inshallah.
No fear! No fear!
Agent Hubbard, would you explain to me
why you detained Colonel Hardwick
and six of my staff?
The last cell was taken down. It was Samir.
We took him out.
- How can you be sure it's the last cell?
- Sharon.
- Sharon's been compromised.
- Sharon is dead.
She gave her life.
Sorry, Hub.
- It's all over with, General.
- What is?
- The Sheik.
- Is that so?
Clear violation of international law. Hm?
Congressional oversights,
couple of statutes, treaties?
Kidnapping, perjury, Logan Act?
Conducting your own foreign policy?
- I know the whole story.
- You don't know shit.
Poor suffering Sharon
and her poor suffering people.
I did what was necessary
and I won't apologise for it.
Go fuck yourself, Bureau.
I serve my country. Try serving yours.
You have anything else, Agent Hubbard?
Yeah, one more thing.
This is a writ from the
US District Court for
the release of all persons
held in the stadium.
- My authority overrules the courts.
- Your authority ends now, General!
William Devereaux, you are under arrest
for the torture and murder
of Tariq Husseini, an American citizen.
FBI! Freeze! Freeze!
Freeze! Freeze!
- Is this some kind of a joke?
- Do you see me laughing, General?
Order your men to lower their weapons.
- Can't do that.
- Do it now.
The law states...
I am the law!
Right here, right now, I am the law!
- You have the right to remain silent...
- Lower your weapons!
You have the right to a fair trial.
You have the right
not to be tortured, not to be murdered.
Rights you took away from Tariq Husseini.
You have those rights because of the men
that came before you who wore that uniform.
Because of these men and women waiting for
you to give them the order to fire.
Do you think that I would
hesitate to kill you,
if it was in the best interests
of my country?
No, no, you wouldn't hesitate,
but they might.
Give the order. Make murderers
out of these young kids. Give the order.
Give them the order, General!
Stand down, Sergeant.
General Devereaux,
would you care to comment on the charges?
For the record.