Sien nui yau wan (A Chinese Ghost Story) (2011)

We have to choose for
everything in the world.
Like love, if it's meant
to be fading away.
The only thing you can do
is to forget about her.
Or to make her forget about you.
I am a demon hunter.
One day, my master told me
to catch a demon in the mountain.
Then I know...
my master wanted to train my heart,
instead of my skill.
'Cos the most horrible thing
for a demon is not killing,
but one would be,
losing himself.
My name is Siu Sin, and you?
Yin Chek Ha.
It's yummy, what's this?
I wanna have it for the rest of my life.
I just can't afford that.
I would love the one who gives me this.
Human and demon can't be together?
Then you'd better kill me,
come on!
From now on,
you won't get pain.
Because you won't remember me.
Yin Chek Ha, use your last mighty
weapon to stab her to death!
Chop off my hand to suppress
her as mighty weapon.
The day I break through the charm
would be the end of the demon hunters!
It's all right for losing one hand.
I lost 3 buddies...
Yin Chek Ha...
don't call yourself a demon hunter.
I finally understand human
and demon can't be together.
I decided to use the only weapon
to seal up her memory about me.
Then she would forget the love between us
and she would forget about me forever.
as that young man went up to Black Mountain,
everything about Siu Sin
and I would restart again.
What the hell are you doing? Stealing water?
Take him back!
And his stuff too!
Chyun Cheung,
these tools are so weird,
dunno what they are for.
With so many weird tools,
he's coming for our water.
Chop off his hands.
What do think you are doing?
You guys are absolutely lawless!
I am an officer...
Chyun Cheung...
Chyun Cheung... he...
Ti Nga, why are you here?
No... he...
What's your name?
My name is Ning Choi San
Ning Choi San?
Our Black Mountain Village is famous,
for making pottery.
But we don't have water now,
and you could only
see those left over.
Those kilns have fallen
into disuse for long.
We couldn't raise our livestock here.
Now, the most important thing
is to find the water source.
Yes, we did send many letters
to the county officer
and begging them for our rescue.
As you are here now,
you are our savior.
Don't say that... Don't say that...
I'm just a craftsman.
Just call me Ning Choi San.
You are from the government office,
you must be the officer.
Yeas, Mr. Ning.
It's been hung all over,
what for?
It's charm, to drive away demons.
We use it in begging for rain.
Begging for rain.
Come on, everybody...
- Mr. Ning is our savior.
- Don't say that
Everybody, I, Ning Choi San, promised that
I will find the water source
in the mountain later.
Otherwise, I will never come back.
Sir, everyone in this village
would like to thank you.
But I do need your help.
Go ahead!
In finding water source, I couldn't do it alone.
I need some strong guys...
to come with me to the mountain.
What's the problem?
As long as you go, that would be all right.
No need, just go back.
Mr. Ning, wait...
My name is Ti Nga.
I go with you.
That's good.
Why are they being shackled?
They are all criminals.
Chyun Cheung gave them chance
to make up for their sins.
Mr. Ning,
when I was small...
I used to go up to the mountain
with my father and brother.
I take this path very often.
But if we don't make any marks...
we would get lost easily.
You... wait.
If you don't lead the way,
I will get lost for sure.
Don't panic, as I am here...
we won't get lost.
- Let's go...
- Go...
Be careful...
Don't fall off...
My leg...
As we go on like this,
we would be crippled...
before we find the water source.
How could you go up to the mountain
for being so fussy?
We'd better unshackle them.
It'd be better for them to walk.
No way.
They just committed small crime,
they shouldn't be punished like this.
What do you mean?
They are all murderers.
If they are not,
who would go with you?
It's fine, just be careful.
In fact, you'd better watch out for
those on the mountain...
Nothing... be careful.
Watch out.
Mr. Ning,
Keep digging.
Go ahead.
Look, there have been dead branches
all over as we go along.
But there are fresh plants and flowers here.
We'd have water here.
We will find the water source very soon.
That's good.
Keep an eye on them.
Don't worry.
Hey... do not slacken.
Candy for you.
Mr. Ning!
Why is the sky so weird?
Let's go down. It's getting dark,
why should we stay here?
Don't be silly,
it would be worse for going down.
Any where we can stay?
There's a temple right ahead.
Let's pack them up, let's go, hurry.
You go ahead, I will pack.
Move it.
There's water ahead...
Help me.
It's water...
Can we drink?
What's this?
I'd like to check the depth.
Maybe it's the water source
we are looking for.
You are doing well today.
Where are they?
I will look for them... don't let them run.
What are you afraid of? Am I ugly?
Miss, what are you doing?
I am doing what you guys love to do.
Miss, stop that, you can't do that...
Lou Lou told us we have to
be passionate to our guests.
Don't you like it?
No... I haven't...
I got it.
You haven't done that and it doesn't mean
that you don't like it.
You will like it.
Miss, no... no...
You are so naughty.
What's this?
It's old jade, it can drive away the demon.
Let me see that.
Take it off.
No matter how much you eat,
I will beat you up!
You scare the hell us out.
Just an old jade,
do you have to do that?
You look so miserable, it's from your lover?
It's the only thing that mom
left me before she died.
Hey, look at me.
You don't wanna look at me
that means you are blaming me
for breaking your jade?
I didn't.
Mr. Ning, it's awful...
They all got killed by the demon...
Ti Nga!
Murder! Run! Miss!
Hocus Pocus!
I will get you next time.
That Taoist is so powerful.
I'm not afraid of him.
Don't go that way.
This way.
Why are you back?
I just told you.
Beard is around.
Follow me.
He will be back.
Sit down.
Black Mountain is such a weird place.
Are we gonna sit here and do nothing?
Why is it no smell?
What smell?
He's also a nice guy.
Forget it.
That psychotic killer
might still be around.
Don't bump into him.
Let's wait for a bit, it's safe here.
You really scare of dying.
What's your name?
Ning Choi San
My name is Siu Sin
What's this?
Candy, it's nice.
You like it?
It's all yours.
Well... Am I gonna have the chance
to treat you candy again?
It's exhausted for running all night.
Wake me up at dawn.
Mighty eyes!
Yin Chek Ha, men and demons
would have their own ways.
Why are you always after me?
You think you will be
able to feed yourself?
Go to hell!
As I am out of here...
You are not gonna come out, geek!
Why are you always
scaring me on my back?
You are brave enough to go back
to Lan York Tze alone,
will you be scared by me?
What did you put in the water?
Don't pull!
Or it will explode!
If I guess it right,
water will be emerged from the leak.
Then the water will go to
Black Mountain Village.
Ning Choi San, no matter what happens,
don't make a sound.
Just pretend you see nothing, okay?
If you wan to leave Lan York Tze alive,
just do as I said.
Why are we getting along so well?
Of course.
'Cos we both hate the same person...
Siu Sin!
No wonder Lou Lou likes Siu Sin so much.
Look, she already got her prey.
Siu Sin, what should we do later on?
You are late,
he's mine.
Why is he still alive?
Dare you mess with me?
What are you laughing at?
Lou Lou is complaining about you
for not finding good stuff for her.
She told me to punish you.
Why are you still standing here?
Move it!
Bring some good stuff for her.
Ning Choi San, run!
They will kill you!
Lied to us?
Siu Sin
Siu Sin
Siu Sin
Siu Sin...
Why you came here?
Let go... let go of me.
I don't wanna know who you are,
I don't care whether you would die or not.
You just can't stay at Black Mountain...
If that old demon eats you,
she will be so powerful...
then I will be in trouble.
- Let go of me...
- Run
Don't move if you want to live.
Where is he?
His name is Ning Choi San.
He got eaten by you.
Did you forget?
Why you have to save me?
I am gonna kill you if
you try to harm anyone.
I know you are a demon hunter,
you won't let me go.
Thanks for saving me...
Thank you so much,
I won't forget about you.
You'd better forget about me.
I told you not to move.
You won't kill me.
Are you sure?
Your situation is more
dangerous than mine.
I won't kill you though.
Why you tied him up with one leg only?
Don't you think he
looks cute like this?
Well, I used to say you
are afraid of death.
In fact, you are not.
Otherwise, you won't come for my rescue.
In fact... I really do.
Why did you come back then?
What are you gonna do?
I decided to go downhill.
You still have candy?
Siu Sin, you come with me.
I already found the water source,
I could show you.
- Are you sure?
- Yes
You know it's huge outside.
Much bigger than Black Mountain.
And there are different candies
and interesting things.
Do you wanna come with me?
Siu Sin.
Siu Sin...
I am hungry,
bring me that chap.
What is it?
It's getting dark soon.
Follow me, come on.
Why are you running so fast?
Siu Sin...
I am hungry...
Bring me that chap.
Siu Sin...
Come on
Going downhill, why are you running so fast?
Come with me!
Where are you going?
Siu Sin... Siu Sin... I am hugry...
Siu Sin, why are you running so fast?
- It's so windy.
- Don't ask.
I am hungry...
Bring me that chap.
What are you doing?
I just wanna give you candy.
Just candy?
Who do you think I am?
Please believe me.
Run! Hurry up!
Didn't we get along so well just now?
You'd better go!
- You...
- What the hell!
Why you keep changing your mind?
So I am.
- You go away.
- I won't
You go away.
I am hungry!
Bring me that chap!
Siu Sin...
Dare you disobey what Lou Lou said.
Hey... Chyun Cheung! Mr. Ning is back!
I told you, Mr. Ning won't die so soon.
Mr. Ning
Thank you, we finally got
water for the village.
They should be happy about that.
But they shouldn't waste too much water.
Don't waste water...
And those who go with me...
are still missing.
They deserve to die.
Sacrifice can't be avoided sometimes.
Forget about those unpleasant things.
Ti Nga?
Ti Nga, are you all right?
Sir... he and that demon...
Demon the hell!
Look at you, you are so dirty, go have a shower.
There is water in Black Mountain Village, go...
No... he and that demon...
Mr. Ning is right.
We have to be considerate.
We shouldn't waste.
Today, the celebration should end at dawn.
Come on, splash him.
Say it!
Why did you let him go?
Lou Lou...
I will find you a better one.
You like him?
I just don't want to hurt him.
Lou Lou, you told me that the main
difference between men and demons is
demons can do whatever they want to.
Did I say that?
I did.
For what I said here,
just listen to it and don't try to use it.
Here, in Lan York Tze,
In Lan York Tze there's only one boss
that's me.
You will never get reincarnated.
Just serve me well.
Cheer up! Let's drink!
Sir, I... want to have a drink with you.
Chyun Cheung, I have drunk too much.
Right, she's my niece.
- Hello.
- Have a seat.
Say hello to Mr. Ning.
Drink with our savior, Mr. Ning.
- Mr. Ning, cheers.
- No need...
I can't drink anymore.
Bottoms up.
Very good.
Mr. Ning, it's good stuff.
- No... I can do it.
- Let me do it.
Enjoy it.
Do serve master well.
Mr. Ning, what are you looking at?
Have some.
Do you know what I want to eat now?
Alright, I will get some for you.
No need.
I go...
I go by myself.
Where are you going?
Go to washroom for candy?
Siu Sin
Siu Sin
Siu Sin
You've misunderstood me.
In fact, I'm a nice person.
I saw you killed in Lan York Tze.
they are not human.
You are inhuman for slaughtering
the innocent people.
You misunderstood me due to my look.
Listen, I am a demon hunter.
Those I killed are all demons.
You liar.
Why should I lie to you?
You mean Siu Sin is a demon too?
Yes, of course.
She's not a demon.
She is.
- She's not.
- She is!
Maybe you untie me
and I will show it to you with my magic mirror.
Give it to me.
Let me help you.
You know how to use it?
You just wanna fool me to untie you.
Damn! You dare not face the reality.
Hey, what are you doing?
I told you to untie it not to chop it.
Forget it, you can't
even hold the sword tight.
Liar, where are you going?
Dare you say you are not fooling me!
Grant me the power, go!
No... go!
Lan York Tze is just made up by
a 1000-year-old tree demon.
You are lucky for getting
out from it alive.
Come on. The path going
downhill is over there.
Where are you going?
I just won't believe your trick.
I will look for Siu Sin myself.
Are you insane?
I told you they are demons.
You are not falling for her though?
None of your business.
No way!
You can't afford that,
just forget about her.
I can't.
You will be doomed if you don't retreat.
How could I get to Lan York Tze?
He's obsessed!
Okay, I just wouldn't stop you
from killing yourself.
The path going to Lan York Tze is over there.
God bless you! Dying young!
Siu Sin
Siu Sin
Ning Choi San
I am a demon...
I know.
Want it?
I will get you out of here.
- I can't walk.
- I carry you on my back.
Siu Sin, why are you so cold?
Old demon casted black magic on me...
Don't look at me!
If you look, we will never get out.
Ning Choi San, put me down and I will walk myself.
I'd rather die in Black Mountain
than putting you down.
Got hit.
Hocus pocus
Boundless tides
Yin Chek Ha, you can't land.
Stay here for tonight
and get moving at dawn.
Don't worry, they wouldn't know you are a demon.
Siu Sin, it's a bit messy, hope you don't mind.
Get a better inn tomorrow.
As the fire is lighted, it will be warm.
Feeling better?
I will get some stuff to keep warm.
How about this?
Ning Choi San
Are you bringing me with you?
Don't you scare that... I am a demon?
I am so poor, used to be.
I hate being bored but I have no choice.
Maybe that's my life.
I always bump into those I scare most.
I'm still worrying that
do you eat men like other demon?
We don't.
But that day... your friends...
ate the villagers...
at Lan York Tze...
They were not eating them.
They were sucking up their energy.
I know they are innocent.
If they didn't have evil thoughts,
they wouldn't have that smell.
And Lou Lou couldn't smell that.
Then they wouldn't caught by us.
Do I have that smell?
Ning Choi San, you are a good guy.
We have no choice.
Years ago, Lou Lou got sealed up and badly hurt.
She then used her black magic to control us.
To suck up men's energy for her to break the seal.
If we didn't obey, we will be beaten up.
Or even beaten to death.
Don't worry, I will get you out of here.
From now on, you won't live like that anymore.
Siu Sin, how are you doing?
Hurt badly?
I will find a doctor and herbs.
It's been casted by Lou Lou. It's useless
I got it, you suck my energy.
Then you will be better.
Come on.
Feeling better?
If you still want more, be my guest.
Come on.
What are you laughing at?
I smelled that.
You have that smell too.
What smell?
You bastard!
Reversing the heaven and earth.
That's the Old monster.
I am gonna break your magic.
Feeling dizzy.
Old monster, do you think
you can lock me up forever?
You wake up?
I will fetch something to eat.
Ning Choi San,
Nip Siu Sin,
Let me... take some dog's blood...
o break your magic.
You will come to your true form.
Siu Sin.
You afraid of me?
I won't eat you though.
You are not human.
Lou Lou,
please let us off.
Do you think I will harm you?
What you said really hurt me a lot.
Although you left without saying anything,
I am not that cruel as you thought.
I am here to see you off.
For all these years,
you have been fooling countless guys,
you finally find your Mr. Right.
I really envy you.
I am really happy for you.
But you forgot one thing.
Your body is still at Lan York Tze.
Without it,
you can go no where.
You are still alive? That's great
Bullshit! Where's Siu Sin?
You ate so much by yourself?
I am starving.
Why are there 2 pairs of chopsticks?
You lied to me, you were with her the whole night.
What did you do with her?
How dare you!
Demon is here.
Except Siu Sin, who is here?
No others.
I won't let you hurt Siu Sin.
Tree demon?
Go back to Black Mountain, don't stay here!
None of your business!
You have no choice, go!
None of your business!
Ning Choi San...
Ning Choi San...
Come on, let's go!
Damn! Dog's blood is useless!
You will feel painful as you struggle, go.
Ha Suet Fung Lui, what do you want?
I am thinking.
Demon! Wanna run?
I will fix you up!
Yin Chek Ha! Look at you.
You screw up your whole life.
Cos you can't tell from right to wrong,
you always hang around with demons.
You are hopeless.
So what? Wannna fight?
You think you can beat me?
I can't beat you?
Go to hell!
Why did you come here?
I came for your rescue.
Are you that nice?
I will come to you after fixing the demon.
I can beat you with one hand.
Damn! Dare you chop it off.
Ha Bing, go!
Siu Sin, I am coming for your rescue!
Demon! Demon...
Chyun Cheung, I told you...
she's a demon...
It's fine now... everything is settled.
- Don't worry, I will...
- Chyun Cheung
look at your hand!
Ha Bing, they are poisoned.
Chyun Cheung, gather everyone,
we will have a way.
Chyun Cheung, What happened?
Are we turning into demons?
Chyun Cheung... do something.
Be quiet.
Be quiet! I have something to say.
This thing is connected to the blood.
As we get excited, it will grow faster.
So, we have to stay calm.
You... What don't you have that?
Come on,
I got 2 broccoli down there.
It's killing me...
Stop crying!
It's not antidote, it can't clarify
your poison in your body.
But it can suppress the growth
of those plants.
The water you are drinking is poisonous.
It's the essence of a
Once the tree demon is killed,
your poison will be gone.
Who will deal with that tree demon?
My brother, Ha Suet Fung Lui.
He's the best demon hunter!
Ha Suet Fung Lui,
I will pay you for what I owe you.
What can you pay me?
Chop off my hand. Or you want both.
I know you will go to Black Mountain.
I will be your pioneer.
I would even die for you.
Look at yourself.
You're begging for mercy for a demon.
Yin Chek Ha, you are so stubborn.
How stubborn I am?
I have been protecting Black Mountain.
You are protecting that demon though!
Yin Chek Ha,
who are you?
Do I have anything to do with you?
I am a human and you are a demon.
You have nothing to do with me.
Don't you recognize him?
For you, he's not been himself.
You are now telling me that
you don't recognize him?
Let me tell you...
he's your lover!
Are you done?
You scum,
that's bullshit.
Dare you lie to me...
I will bite you!
Get lost!
You let me out.
I will bite you to death.
What are you looking at?
You are next.
Heard that? That's demon.
In fact you do know that.
Merciless, ungrateful, unfaithful.
Just like you,
betraying your master and fellows...
You are good for nothing!
Yin Chek Ha,
what did you get at last?
I do want to use your blood
to offer to my chopper.
Then I will deal with the tree demon.
But I changed my mind though.
But scum like you, even demon would dump you.
To kill you, it would ruin my chopper.
Don't you like her?
I want you to see her vanishing.
I am gonna eat for the rest of my life.
Bro, I go with you.
- No need.
- I can help you.
To collect my body?
In fact, there's none.
I will burn this Lan York Tze
and die with the tree demon.
That would be the best ending.
I first told you that
blood and sweat can be shed...
but no tears.
As a demon hunter, one
can't think about love.
Otherwise, one will
make mistake easily.
Like Yin Chek Ha,
he's harming everyone.
I know, bro...
Siu Sin!
Siu Sin!
Ti Nga, is Siu Sin here?
Siu Sin is not here, let's go!
- Siu Sin...
- Go...
Let go of me...
I'm warning you, don't talk like me.
I am here looking for Siu Sin...
Not a chance!
You know that she's a demon,
and you still save her.
No matter she's human or demon,
I must save her.
No way!
Siu Sin!
Siu Sin!
Untie me.
Siu Sin...
Ning Choi San...
I will get you out of here.
What are you doning?
If you cut the wrong thread,
Siu Sin will be vanished right away.
Let me down.
No way, you are here to catch Siu Sin
I can't let you down.
Idiot, you can't deal with this.
Don't waste time.
When all the coins are gone,
Siu Sin will vanish right away.
Let me down. Don't watch,
Hurry up!
Siu Sin...
Why are you guys fighting
with your own fellows so hard?
Why don't you fight
the tree demon instead?
The disaster is coming.
If we don't get rid of the tree demon,
everyone in this village would be dead.
I could let an innocent demon go.
Yin Chek Ha,
will you save those innocent people?
We have to get to Lan York Tze before
it's getting dark, hurry.
You have to go?
You know what you will see at Lan York Tze?
A 1000-year-old tree demon
and 2 poisonous snake demons
and other countless monsters too.
Scare me no more, I'm so scared.
But Siu Sin's body is there.
I have to save her.
Ning Choi San...
Don't worry about me.
As long as I could get your body
then you could leave that tree demon
and not to be under her control,
I would even die for that.
When I first got seal up...
you are the last one I saw.
I am free today.
The first one I saw...
is you also!
I even thought it's the same old day.
you are getting old.
Not older than you.
Don't you remember? I am Muk Kee.
I have been hoping that
I could dig your heart
and drink your blood.
I can't believe that you
are so nice to me that
you would come to my door.
I really want to see
the way you are dying.
So stinky, what's that?
Virgin's piss, my distinctive move.
Are you?
I have been keeping
that for years, good?
No wonder Lou Lou loves you so much.
You have brought all your lovers here.
You traitor, you can never
leave Lan York Tze.
Ning Choi San, go down and open the stick... look for Siu Sin's body.
Mighty eyes!
Fighters are ready to fight!
Ning Choi San, hurry!
Come on, I can't hold it anymore!
Hurry! Ning Choi San!
So cold?
Feel sorry? Yin Chek Ha.
Remember, Siu Sin is inside my body.
If I die, she will die too.
How to use this stick?
Fighters are
ready to fight!
Aren't you guys very fast?
Siu... Sin...
in front...
Old hag!
Yin Chek Ha...
Siu Sin!
Siu Sin?
Siu Sin...
Come here, I'll bring you out.
Come on...
I will bring you out.
Beating on her body
but you do feel the pain.
Is it feeling bad?
Damn! Old demon!
Are you saying that I am old?
Better than you don't have that chance.
You wanna leave?
I will let your man see you off, okay?
Yin Chek Ha...
You have to kill your loved one.
Old demon...
Siu Sin...
Fighters are all ready!
Right in the front!
Mighty weapon?
Yin Chek Ha
Just kill me then
Old demon, I'll perish with you.
Yin Chek Ha!
To let you think of me.
Are you gonna choose for
My forgetting about you again?
I know.
Lan York Tze is just an illusion
made by the tree demon.
As the tree demon is gone,
everything here will be gone too.
Ning Choi San
Leave Lan York Tze with Siu Sin.
Siu Sin... go!
Go or it will be too late...
Siu Sin, go.
Ning Choi San
I won't.
Yin Chek Ha is right.
We can't be together.
No. I found your body.
After leaving Lan York Tze,
I am still a demon.
Put my body down,
let me vanish with Lan York Tze.
Maybe we will have the chance to meet again.
And I won't be a demon anymore.
Put it down.
I am not leaving.
I will stay with you and I'd rather die with you.
Get going, Lan York Tze is almost gone.
I can't do it...
I can't...
You would even die for me.
I know that.
Siu Sin!
Siu Sin!
What's it? So yummy?
I will love the one who gives me this.
Men and demon can't be together.
Don't fancy about that.
It's all illusion.
Siu Sin!
thank you so much.
- Thanks...
- Thanks...
Is it gonna get worse again?
You could check the trees.
Right, it's been a while
for not having green trees here.
Do drop by if you have time.
Ning Choi San