Sightings (2017)

- Sheriff's Department.
- Hello, Donna,
you gotta get somebody
out here to see this.
- Rickey?
- I got somethin' big
out here.
- This better be for real.
- I just finished
tending to the bees
and the yard lights got
triggered and, and--
- Well, where are your dogs?
- There it was.
It was just walkin'
across my yard.
- Okay, now calm down, Rickey.
What was it?
- Oh,
this thing's big, hairy.
- Well, you're far enough
out there to get bears.
- It ain't a bear.
Oh man. Oh, gracious.
Oh, oh, oh.
- Rickey, what's happening?
- Oh, this thing's
a big old boy.
- Is it a man?
- Oh man. Oh man.
Get somebody out here
to see this.
- Rickey, what's going on?
- He's starin' at me.
I didn't expect to see you.
- What do you got this
time, Rickey?
- Well, it's done gone now.
Steered clear of the garden.
Ran out that way.
Your way, towards the ranch.
- Well,
I don't see any tracks.
- I think they might
be light on their feet.
I found both my dogs
in the field yesterday
and they'd been skinned,
like a doctor with a scalpel.
I figured it was
extraterrestrials comin' down
to do their experiments on the
dogs' fur,
but after what I seen
tonight, explains it.
- It was probably
just a wild animal got 'em.
- I'd tell ya exactly
what it was,
but you wouldn't wanna hear it.
- You'll be all right.
Oh, you don't have to worry
about 'em
sending me out anymore.
Tonight was my last night.
Waste of a call.
- Often
times it takes tragedy
to bring out the best in people.
Chris Fox, KRLB News.
- With Alfred
the subject of this
Is it chance that your
first film
was about murder most foul and?
- I was interested in
the macabre
but I think that was an--
- What?
- House is a mess, dishes
go in the dishwasher,
and apparently you've
forgotten the ice tray rule.
- Happy last day.
- I saw this.
Another rejection?
- It's fine.
I guess I'm just crazy for
wanting to be a writer.
- Hannah, your...
What was it your mom used to
Crazy ones are usually right,
- Don't quote her.
- Well, there doesn't
seem to be a sign of blood
or a struggle or nothin'.
- Yeah, they musta been
dead before they got here.
- Well, no signs of the body
bein' dragged down here.
- Dead bodies just don't
up and move themselves.
- That's true.
- Well, it's a tough first case
for you.
- Hell of a first day off
for you.
- Uh,
Sheriff Mayfield?
- Yeah, I think I
wanna work with cattle
instead of people from now on.
- Ooh, real dream
come true for ya, huh?
- It's just Tom now.
This is Deputy LeMoine.
He's gonna be your lead officer.
- Howdy.
- We'll examine further,
but I thought I'd go ahead and
show ya.
The bones have
some simple fractures,
but the internal organs have
been completely removed.
- Mm-hm.
You ain't gotta show me
everything, now.
- I'm wondering how long
they've been here like this.
- We should know
from the autopsy.
- There's Hannah.
- You might wanna
take her outta here.
- The cuts
are very clean and precise.
- Clearly, mm-hm.
- I'm tryin'
to figure out what...
- You don't need to be
seein' this.
- Dad, cut it out.
- And Hannah, I'm goin'
into town to talk to a guy
about a security system for
the perimeter of the property.
Why don't you come with me?
- Used to you woulda
just told Mom
we could handle ourselves.
- You're just gonna have
to turn those pictures
over to the investigation.
- They're public record.
I need visuals for my article.
- You're not gonna
write about this, Hannah.
- The Thorndale Champion
rejected my last article
because they said it
wasn't personal enough.
Well, Dad, three dead bodies on
our ranch
is pretty personal.
- I wanna come out to
your ranch
and inspect the fence line
to calculate
how many alarm censors we'll
need to secure the area.
- When can you come?
- First thing tomorrow?
- All right.
- Thank you for choosing
Nagi Security, Mr. Mayfield.
- Yeah.
- Sheriff, can I ask you a few
Do you have any comments
about what's happened here
on your property?
Is there any reason to
believe we are in danger?
- All right look, I am no longer
the sheriff of Thorndale
so if you're worried
about your safety or bein'
from whoever did this, that
just ain't my job no more.
- Dude, you guys have
got some serious crazy
doggie doo-doo goin' on
out here.
- What do you want?
- I wanna talk to you
and Hannah.
Somehow what I saw the
other night's got something
to do with what's in your woods.
- Rickey, I don't wanna hear
any ideas
about all this, all right?
- Lily always heard me out.
She was always listened.
- Yeah, well last I looked
Lily ain't around here
anymore now is she?
- And now whose fault is that?
- She left us, Rickey.
- Listen, I don't care what
you think about my theories,
but don't you think bad
about her.
- You know what, you
need to get outta here.
- Hey, Hannah.
- Hey.
Grandma's on the phone for you.
- I'll call her later.
- Hey, so listen, there's
something I brought for ya.
I been growin' these.
They help protect ya.
- A plant?
- Now, the truth here is plain.
The Canadians,
they call it windego.
Them Aussies,
they call it a yowie.
Around these parts, pretty
much just call it Bigfoot
and I think we got ourselves
a big old hairy mean one.
Now that there's the reality,
all right?
In India they got them villages
and they're usin' this plant
to repel Rhesus monkeys
so I figured it'd work on the
old North American ape, too.
Now listen, Hannah here is
the only piece of Lilian
that we got left,
so why don't you
protect your daughter better
than you did your wife.
- You kidding me?
- I don't want it.
- What's this?
- Me being productive.
- I told you not
to write about this.
- Dad, I might get published.
- Yeah, that's
what I'm worried about.
- I suspect every
third post'll do.
You want us to include
the feature
that alerts the authorities?
- No, I just want a warning.
I can take care of myself
from there.
- Okay.
I'll get my brothers out here
and we'll start installing
the perimeter.
200 acres?
All right, that's like a post
That's like 3,331 square feet.
- Hi.
- Can I help you, ma'am?
- Yes, is this the
Haggard ranch?
- Who's asking?
- I'm sorry, my apologies.
My name is Rebecca Otis.
- Yeah, I'm sorry,
I'm not talkin' to reporters,
- No, I'm actually more of a
- Well, even moreso.
I can't help you, ma'am.
- Look, I have a theory of where
those three women came from.
Look, please forgive me
for my unwelcome arrival.
It's just in my line of work I
don't have
the luxury of giving
advance notice.
I just learned of these
events late yesterday
and I came here all through
the night from Kansas.
So, by researcher what I
specifically mean
is I'm a cryptozoologist
and a conspirologist
so I travel the world studying
a variety of phenomenon
and it just so happens that
right now
I'm exploring a theory on alien
You see, the origins of the Rh
blood type
are entirely unknown, right?
Where did it come from?
I believe that there's
a connection between--
- Ma'am, this is of no interest
to me.
- Pardon me,
are you the Rebecca Otis?
- Yeah.
- I've read all your work.
I followed your research on
Loch Ness.
I'm a Akiro Nagi.
I'm a local member
of the Bigfoot Field
Researchers Organization.
- Oh, that's great.
Yeah, I have a lot of
respect for the BFRO.
- Thank you.
- Mr. Nagi, what about
our security system?
- Yeah, oh yeah, yeah yeah.
- All right, I can not help you,
I'm sorry.
- Do you not wish to know
my theory?
Look, if I could just go
on your property
and take a look at the place
where the women were found.
That's all I'm asking.
- Why don't you go and
talk to my brother-in-law
over here, all right?
He believes this sci-fi crap.
He even had my wife believin'
it, too.
- Are you not a believer in
the paranormal, Mr. Mayfield?
I can see that you do
believe despite your attempts
to convince yourself otherwise.
I see it in people all the time.
They know deep down that these
extraordinary occurrences
are real,
but they're afraid of what
it might mean for their life.
You should know that I'm
attempting to contact the
to uncover the blood types of
the victims.
Good day.
- So, you a hunter?
- Uh, yes I am but that's
not mine.
- I've never really been.
Never even wanted to hunt.
I mean, not for animals.
Yeah, I been hunting criminals
over the last decade.
So whose is this?
- My wife's parents.
They lived here until they
We moved onto the property
about two and a half years ago.
- I bet you're good at hunting.
You just stalk your prey,
quiet, stealth like.
- Are we gonna talk about
the case?
- Native Americans used signs
and symbols
to communicate their
ideas in their history
down through their
tribes, all the way down
through their generations.
The arrow carried
many different meanings.
Two arrows
facing the opposite direction?
Well that symbolized war.
Broken arrows,
that symbolized peace.
But crossed arrows...
Crossed arrows
represented friendship.
Now I wear the charm to
remember that even though
arrows can be used to be
deadly and destructive,
they can also be used
as a form of friendship.
I know I'm just some
old city boy detective,
but I hope that we
can all be friends
or at least friendly
during this investigation.
- Well, we're not standin' in
your way.
- All right.
Why don't you start by
tellin' me what you remember
from the night before
your dad found the bodies.
- Well, we were in the kitchen
and we heard some noises
so we went outside,
but we didn't see anything.
- Any minor details?
- Well, my dad was mad at me
because I didn't fill up the
ice trays.
- That's good.
Details are important in an
- Right.
Uh, Hannah, take me to the next
- You know I already reported on
all this.
- Oh come on, Sheriff,
you know how this goes.
- I'm not the sheriff.
- Hey, Tom, we just gotta
do our due diligence.
- Oh, excuse me.
- You okay?
- Uh-huh.
- She's got thin blood,
nosebleeds are common.
- Right.
Let me fill you in on this, Tom,
Those women were found
dead on your property
the day after your resignation.
And the worst of it all is your
were the only ones found
near the scene of the crime.
Those truths don't hold too
well for you, my friend.
- Now detective, I've
known Tom since forever.
- I'm not here to arrest
but as of right now Tom
here is our only suspect
and he will be until I find
out otherwise, all right?
- Well, he's worked for
the law longer than I have,
you know, and he could help us
in the investigation, right?
- Nah. No.
Well you know what, Tom, I
do have one more question.
What happened with your wife?
Your brother-in-law said that
she was taken?
You never filed a missing
persons report
and you never opened up an
to go try to find her.
- My wife's not missing.
She wasn't taken.
She left us.
- Let's go take a look at
that crime scene, shall we?
Nice piece of property you have
here, Tom.
It's a nice piece of property.
How many acres did ya say
ya have?
- 200.
- Woo!
That's a lot.
- I can get ya those other
and photographs down at the
- Yeah, I still wanna
see the exact positions
those bodies would be layin' in.
- All right, sure.
- Well, thanks for makin'
yourself available, Tom.
This case might just
give me that FBI spot.
I do not know how anybody
can live out here.
- It's not so bad
once you get used to it.
- You got me?
Am I here? Okay.
- Oh my gosh, I got ya.
- Bold as ever.
But I'm glad to do it.
- I know.
- I'm gonna pat myself
on the back.
- I think you should.
I'm gonna pat you, too.
You did a great job, hm?
- I like my new camera.
- I know.
- All right, so,
we have done it.
Welcome to our home.
- Mom and Dad,
I'll always miss you,
but we are honored to
now live on this property
that you took such
great care of.
- Yeah, thank you.
Now my wife's gonna unpack
and I'm goin' to bed.
Lily, look over here.
Don't be shy.
- Would you come out
from behind that camera?
- No.
- Yeah, come hold
my hand.
- I'm changin' jobs.
- Pick flowers with me.
- I'm gonna become
a cameraman.
- This is our place.
- I own some nice new
Look at this place, it's
- She's happy here,
- Yeah,
she seems happy here.
You seem happy here.
- Hannah!
Hannah, come back
inside the gate.
- Don't worry,
your Mom's just paranoid.
- For real.
Rickey would agree.
It's not safe.
- Goodbye, Mom.
- Hannah I'm goin' into
town to get some things.
- Okay.
- You wanna ride with me.
- No.
And we'll be covering
more of that later tonight.
But now we wanna update you--
- So, Sheriff, what do ya think?
We gonna catch this murderer?
- It's just Tom now, Caroline.
- Well, it turns out serial
killers are good for business.
- Our very
own Cynthia Rodriguez
is in the field with the latest.
- Could you, uh, turn that up?
- We're discovering that
now multiple homicides
have emerged that are
similar to the events
that have affected the town
of Thorndale.
So far, these cases have
been discovered in Oregon,
Idaho, Nevada, Montana,
Colorado, Wyoming,
and the Carolinas.
I'm here with Detective Sydney.
Detective, what is the current
status of your investigation?
- Well, it's an evil crime
that's taken place here,
I just want the citizens of
to know that this is my
top priority.
Once we have the
identification of these ladies
I'll give you more.
- And what about
the rumors that Mr. Mayfield
is being investigated?
- Well, unfortunately there's
more work
that needs to be done,
but I can guarantee this.
We're gonna follow the
lead wherever it takes us.
- That it?
- Yeah, that's it.
- Hey, look.
The news lady's
talking to Rickey.
- Hi, Mr. Haggard.
- Howdy.
You can just call me Rickey Hag.
- And have you contacted
the local authorities
about what you think is going on
at your brother-in-law's ranch?
- Uh, that's my sister's ranch,
but him and my niece, Hannah,
still livin' there now, though.
I know exactly what's
goin' on, but I don't think
the authorities are willin'
to open their minds enough
to consider the truth.
- And would you like to
give your opinion now?
- Well...
As a matter of fact,
yes I would.
- Dadgummit.
- So, what we're
dealin' with right now...
- Rickey, get over here.
What is the matter with you?
It's okay for you to have
your own conspiracy theories,
but don't go around
projectin' your crazy disease
on everybody else.
- Hey man, I don't know
what it is about my theories
that makes you so dagnab angry.
Tom, this is Miss Rebecca Otis.
- Yeah, we've met.
Look, I was just discussing
with Rickey the origins
of the Rh negative strand and
the purity
of the O blood type.
It's not like--
- Mayfield,
what's happening here?
- Tom, me and Miss Otis,
we gotta talk to you.
- We're all stocked up on aloe
vera, thank you very much.
- Look, my research has
Tom, you and your daughter
should take precautions.
- Does that mean your
daughter's in danger?
- Cynthia, turn that camera off.
- Tom. Tom!
Man, I know you think I'm all
crazy talk
but it's like Lily said.
Often times the crazy ones
are right.
- I am under investigation for
all this
and the last thing I wanna do
is draw attention to me
and my family
and unfortunately
that includes you.
- Dad!
Something's out there!
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, calm down.
Now, put this on and
hold it tight, all right?
- Okay.
- I told you not to go out
- I need an injection.
- What happened?
- I had to go to crime
scene for my article!
- What?
- Dad.
- I told you not to write
about this!
- That's not the point!
- What do I have to do to
get you to listen to me?
- If I listened to you
we'd never do anything.
- I just asked you to go to town
with me.
- Riding into town with you in
the car?
That doesn't count as us doing
- You know what?
You could've gone with your
mother wherever she is.
Don't let me hold you back!
- I'm sorry that I stuck
around to help you out!
- Big help you are!
Big help you are.
- You know you're nothing
but a lonely
middle-aged redneck and you
can't just cut yourself off
from the entire world to get
over Mom.
- What?
- Something attacked me.
This thing was huge.
- Yeah, I've hunted
big animals before.
- I wish you would quit law
enforcement like I asked ya.
And then you'd be out here
when stuff like this happens.
Who's gonna protect me if
something happens to you, huh?
- Protect you from what?
- Put the camera away.
- I rushed here
as quick as I could.
Ya all right?
Well, you're prettier
than a glob of butter
meltin' on a stack of wheat
- She's fine, she's
just lettin' herself
get all freaked out
about nothin'.
- No, I told you there
were noises in the woods.
And whatever is out there,
it was throwin' stones
at the house.
- And I went huntin' for
it and I didn't see a thing.
- But, guys, I brought these.
You gotta take a look at these.
All right, now what you're
describing is common,
but these creatures, they
tend to be very territorial
so maybe they're threatened
by y'all bein' here.
- Come on,
I'm gonna play this back
for you two
so you can see how silly
you are.
- Tom, for the
sake of your wife and child,
you gotta take this seriously,
- Tom, please.
Babe, I'm actually scared, okay?
You don't know what it's like
out here by myself all day.
And now this?
I feel like I'm losing my mind.
- Everyone's fine.
- Woof.
Holy cow, partner.
- Yeah, it had to have been
really big to have done this.
- I reckon so.
So, what are we doin'?
- We gotta find this thing.
- One second.
This is Deputy LeMoine.
Oh hi, Detective, how ya doin'?
Oh, Detective, can ya hear me?
I'm losin' ya.
Y'all got a better signal
at the house?
Yes, sir.
I'm headin' in now.
Yes, sir.
I'm sorry, I know I came
all the way out here,
but Pitney's got something big
for me,
so I gotta get back.
- Brian.
This thing attacked Hannah.
- You okay?
- I'm fine.
- Brian, you gotta send
me some guys or somethin'.
- Look, we can't just
go help every citizen
with their wild animal problem.
- What?
- Dad, forget it.
- I'm sorry.
All right, look.
I'll come back and check
in on you guys, okay?
Hey, Tom?
Have you visited Idaho, Montana,
or Oregon
any time in the last 20 years?
- No.
- We've identified the three
and now that we're
coordinating with officers
in their jurisdiction,
it'll be announced soon.
Made copies for ya.
Thought you might have
some input.
Anyway, it's a good thing you
haven't been in those places.
- It now seems that local
have been able to
identify the three victims
that were found dead just a few
days ago.
Kelly Belgrave went missing
in 1993 in Salmon, Idaho.
Christina Killeen
has not been seen
since October of 1994
in Chiloquin, Oregon.
Elizabeth Hopkins was
last seen in her hometown
of Sydney, Montana on
April 20, 2003.
- Hm, our
hearts certainly go out
to the families
of these victims.
We hope they are able to find
some peace
during this difficult time.
- What's all this?
- They're Mom's.
- Hannah, I'm sorry.
I'm sorry The Champion
rejected your article.
- It's fine.
Guess writing's just not
in my blood.
- What's your blood type?
- It's O negative
just like Mom's.
- We're goin'.
- Because it wants my blood?
- I don't know.
- Hey there, Tom.
- Now is not the time,
- Where ya headin'?
- We're goin' to Louisiana
to see my family.
- Hm.
Lead suspect in a
murder investigation
heading outta town?
That don't look too good.
- Are you gonna stop us?
- No, I just have somethin'
you might wanna hear.
I thought maybe we could go
back up to the house and talk.
- Nope,
right here's just fine.
- All right.
I guess you've heard of the
matching cases
that have emerged.
More have been discovered, Tom,
and just like ours, the women,
they've been reported missing
in a different state to
where they've been found.
I got a call out of Greenview,
the authorities this morning.
They said they found
three bodies, cut, gutted,
out by Klamath National Forest.
And one of those bodies have
ties right here to Thorndale,
reported missing two years
ago by Rickey Haggard.
That woman seems to be your
wife, Lillian.
I'm sorry to give you that news,
I'd stick around here
if I were y'all.
- Tom?
Tom, come on, baby.
We gotta go, all of us, okay?
We've all gotta go.
Come on.
Thank you.
Baby, come on.
You have to come, okay?
Your Dad'll come if you come.
- Why?
Because you heard some
voices or the static
of the TV telling you that
they're comin' to get ya?
- You know me.
Why can't you believe
that this is real, huh?
- There ain't nobody
goin' anywhere.
This is ridiculous.
Give me my stuff.
- Now, the rest'll have
to come with y'all.
Hey, what's shakin'?
- They won't listen.
- Now, now I don't know the
reasons why,
but this thing is real
and it's targeted Lily
and we gotta get her outta here.
- No, you're not doin' anything.
- Hey, how can you protect
your family
from something you
refuse to believe exists?
- I shoulda protected my family
from you
and your crazy ideas.
- Stop!
- Stop it.
Come on, come on both.
- Uncle Rickey, stop.
- I want you to go
and I'm gonna meet ya, okay?
I'm gonna meet ya in
just a minute.
- I'm so sorry, Rickey.
I do believe that whatever's
in our woods
had something to do
with Lily's death.
And it deserves to die for it.
- Mr. Mayfield, came as
promptly as possible.
- What I wanna do is
shrink the perimeter,
so installing the security
system on this fence
all the way around the house.
Did you bring the surveillance
- Indeed, sir.
You see, it compresses
files while it records
so we can maximize space
for the hard drive,
so we can see a particular
area longer.
But what I'm actually
excited to use is this.
Thermal scanner.
It senses heat rays,
also infrared rays.
We're gonna set up surveillance
throughout the night,
hopefully capture this thing,
see exactly
what we're dealing with.
- Oh, I could tell ya exactly
what we're dealin' with.
I say we go get this thing
right now.
- It's an intelligent creature.
We gotta be more strategic.
- All right, so let me
ask you something, Akiro.
If you guys have been huntin'
these things
for decades with all this fancy
equipment surveillance gear,
why don't you have a carcass
or a skeleton or somethin'?
- Because Bigfoot is an alien.
Think about, guys.
He's dropped off in
remote areas of the planet
to scout it out and then
taken away, never to be found.
- Great, we're dealin'
with Chewbacca.
- Hope you
don't mind I let myself in.
- I say we walk straight up to
this guy
and we blow a shotgun shell
right up its rear end.
- No, I suggest we attempt to
lure it out.
I have a supply of deer urine
we could place in the yard.
They're known to track deer.
- Excuse me, gentlemen.
Let me see one of those.
Newton's First Law of
Motion states an object
at rest will remain at rest
unless acted on by an
outside force.
If we go to that thing and lure
it out,
it will be on the offensive
and therefore aggressive,
but if we go to it
and come upon it
when it's at rest, it
won't have time to react
and it will drop.
- I'm with her.
- You guys know this
thing could be out there
waitin' for us, right?
- Heck yeah.
- Hannah!
- Hey.
- Hey.
I thought you said
she was in danger.
- Okay look, I don't know
what Pitney's sayin',
and I don't know
what you're thinkin',
but I'm convinced
that something,
not someone, killed those women.
And I need you to stay here
and watch out for Hannah.
- No.
- You're stayin' here, Hannah.
It's Hannah's backpack.
- Was Hannah's.
- We'll just wait 'til
- Hope we don't die.
- We're all gonna die.
- See, I told you you could see
real good
in the dark, right?
- Right on.
- Right there.
Right there.
- And what are we lookin' at
here, though?
- Well, that's a tree.
- It's kinda hard to get
my bearings with that.
- Watch, you can see better
like that.
- So, you writing your
next book?
- No, journaling.
You know how many famous people
in history kept journals?
My favorite was Lewis and Clark.
They wrote about all
the interesting things
that they encountered in their
exploration of the Northwest.
So, I don't know.
I just love the idea of
people reading my journal
about all the incredible things
I've seen.
- And Tinkerbell?
- To me she symbolizes
imagination and belief.
But mostly I got her because
my mom told me not to.
- Well, I know somebody
like that.
- You know, I was surprised
when you called me.
What is it that changed
your mind about all of this?
- Well, I'm still not
sure what all this is.
- You know there's those who
believe that this creature
is what remains of an
ancient alien civilization
and the blood type with no
Rhesus strand
is said to date back to a time
when there was crossbreeding
between extraterrestrials
and humans.
- What?
- I know.
But there's also these
ancient Hebrew manuscripts
that talk about beings
coming down from heaven
and reproducing with
the women of the earth.
Think about this, this
all those photos and maps
you have pinned to your wall.
In the exact same areas there
were reported UFO sightings
within days of those women
going missing.
Including your wife.
- Dad.
- Oh, don't be alarmed.
- Hannah!
- Shh.
- I thought I told
you to stay at home.
- You filmin'?
- I was using night vision.
- Hey, Tom, look.
I'm sorry, I know you
told me to keep her there,
but when she started
explainin' everything to me
about Miss Otis's theory
of this thing
being some sort of
vampire alien Bigfoot?
Well, I got spooked.
- And so ya came out here?
- Well, I just thought that,
you know--
- Dad, look.
If Rebecca's right and
it's really after my blood
then it's not gonna be
out here if I'm in there.
And I'm probably less safe with
just Brian
than out here with all of you.
I mean, no offense.
- Safety in numbers.
- Hannah, that's not
entirely accurate.
I'm also O negative so
it could come after me.
- Akiro.
- Stay here, stay here.
Hey. Hey, buddy.
You okay?
Easy, here, come here.
- Hannah!
Hold onto her!
Hold onto her!
We gotta get her back
to the house.
- Dad, we have to stop.
We have to stop
the bleeding now.
We have to stop
the bleeding now.
- All right.
I'm gonna put ya down
right here.
- Okay.
- Okay?
- Okay.
- Against the tree.
- Okay, okay.
- It won't clot.
I can't get it to clot!
Oh shit.
- I want Mom.
- I do, too, Hannah.
I'm so sorry.
I'm so sorry.
I shoulda protected Lily.
I shoulda protected 'em both.
- It'll slow down.
It'll slow.
- Baby, it's not safe.
- Mom, no.
- Please.
Please come.
- Please stay.
- Tom.
Hey, hey.
Hey, Tom.
You fellas okay?
- It's okay, it's all right.
Put your arm around me.
- Think this thing'll
still see in the dark?
- Miss Otis!
Miss Otis!
- Shh.
I don't think we're alone.
All right, I'm gonna get
Hannah back to the house.
You guys go and find Rebecca.
Come on, keep goin', keep goin'.
- Let's go.
I can see it, come on!
- Hey, hey, hey,
what's goin' on?
- There's somethin'
out there.
- All right, can someone please
tell me what is goin' on?
- Now what?
- Hate to be the one
that was right,
but we shoulda lured it out.
- Lured what?
- I say we kill it.
- Yes, sir.
- Wait, what do we lure
it with?
- With me.
- No.
- You may recall me mentioning I
got jars
of deer urine in my vehicle.
- Okay, but how do we
keep it
from gettin' in the house?
- So you really think
this thing is responsible?
- I'm convinced.
- Yeah, well you're not off my
list yet.
All right, so how dumb does
this intelligent creature
have to be to fall for this,
- Intelligent creature
doesn't mean smart creature.
Lots of examples of
that in the human race.
- Hannah?
- No!
- No, what are you
doin', Hannah?
- Uncle Rickey!
- Hannah!
- You better
have that gun ready!
- Rickey, shoot it!
- Oh, I got you, baby.
- Hannah, stop.
Shoot it!
- Oh, he really is a
big old boy.
- It's dead, right?
- I say we shoot it in the head.
- No, no, no.
No, we need it's brain.
- What?
- This is much too important.
I need to file some reports,
get some hair samples,
call my brothers out here.
One's a doctor.
We'll get some blood samples.
Oh, I gotta call the BFRO
chapter leader.
- Okay, hey.
I don't care.
- So, I guess we'll
have to put out
a search party for Miss Otis.
And listen, Tom,
I'm not sure how
any of this will affect the
or heck if
any of it will, but...
We'll talk.
See ya later, Rickey.
- You play purty now.
- Always do.
- Hoo!
- Yesiree,
this is gonna get me that
FBI spot.
- Hey,
help me out a second.
- No, he's got me, no!
- Hannah.
- Dad!
- Hey.
Hoo! Hoo!
- What's happening?
It's gonna be okay, Hannah.
It's all right, it's all right!
- Dad!
- It's okay, Hannah, it's okay.
- Tom.
I'll always love you.
- What's happening?
- I don't know.
- It's okay!
- What was that?
- What in the dagblast?
- It's all gone.
- No.
- They took Pitney and Akiro.
They're gone.
They're all gone.
- I miss my mom.
She disappeared two years ago
and was found dead over
a thousand miles away.
What happened to her
during that time
I may never really know, but I
do know
what happened on my ranch.
So, in writing this
I've done my best
to tell you all the truth.
There are around 500 UFO
sightings reported monthly
just in the United States.
33% of adults believe
intelligent beings
from beyond our planet have
visited Earth.
There are currently
thousands of recorded
Bigfoot sightings all throughout
the world
and 22% of the population
truly believes
Sasquatch is real.
Yet the rest, they're convinced
there's no real evidence
to support any of this.
- Thank you for taking
your time
and give us this interview.
What is the status of
the missing Mrs. Otis,
Akiro Nagi,
and Detective Pitney?
- Well, I've already told
everybody exactly what happened
or you can read my daughter's
article in The Champion.
It's important to know
that the investigation
is still ongoing.
- And the most important
question, are we safe?
- None of us are safe.
There are dangers all around us.
So, we can live in fear of it
or we can ignore it
or we can prepare for it.
- Thank you, Mr.
- Sheriff Mayfield.
- Thank you.
- As you finish
reading this article
you'll have to make a choice.
Either my family and I are
completely out of our minds
or, as my mom used to say,
the crazy ones are right.
- Robert!
Come here!
- What's the matter?
- Hurry!
- What happened?
- Hurry!
- Are you okay?
What's the matter?
Yes, we have an emergency.
We found a dead body
on the beach.