Sign of the Cross, The (1932)

Burn, Rome! Burn!
"If in the melancholy
shades below
"The flames of friends and
lovers cease to glow
"Yet mine shall sacred last
"mine, undecay'd
"Burn on through death
"and animate my shade
"Lo, the blaze aspires!"
Go away, Tigellinus.
The fire is spreading.
Look at this.
I was in excellent voice, too.
The fire,
I dare remind you...
the fire is growing.
The fire?
I'd hoped it would.
Rome will be destroyed
when I die.
Why not while I live
and can see it...
And enjoy it?
But the palace is threatened.
It will fall.
I will build another.
A fabulous one...
so that Nero can be housed
like an emperor.
And like a god, immortal Caesar.
Yes, now go away.
there are angry rumors
that you set fire to the city.
Caesar might do well
to avoid the blame.
What are you jabbering about?
Who blames the master of the world?
Caesar, when thousands
are perishing...
Let us hope that most
of the dead are Christians.
They're increasing.
Did you know that?
We've hunted and killed
them like rats.
Yet the empire
swarms with them.
A dangerous superstition,
that teaches that the meek shall inherit
that which belongs to the mighty...
that accepts another god
in place of myself.
It shall not live, Caesar.
Yes, divine Caesar.
These rumors about my setting fire
to the city.
Couldn't we shift
the blame to...
The Christians?
If the populace could learn
to fear and hate them...
they might destroy them...
where my own minister
has failed.
Now go away.
"Lo, the blaze aspires!
"The glowing ocean reddens
with the fires
"Confessing Jove
"Then swift from
all sides pour
"The hissing brands
"The curling volumes rise
"And sheets of rolling smoke
"involve the skies"
Devil's luck.
How much now, Strabo?
A couple of pig's eyes.
All I got.
Well, trap a Christian.
They hide in their holes
like rats.
I got a nose for them.
Nero's reward.
Two hundred pieces.
Who are you?
Titus, a stranger in Rome.
How do you know me?
You were described to me.
Where do you come from?
I was sent by Paul,
apostle of...
Not here.
Since the great fire,
we have lived in terror.
If they killed out all the Christian lice,
me and you would have to go back to work.
Are you meeting tonight?
Yes, near the Cestian Bridge.
I'll tell them Paul's message
and how...
Devil take them! You put
a Christian curse on them!
Hey, those are mine.
Hey, look out where you're throwing
those sheep knuckles, will you?
Get your skinny shins
out of here.
Hey, Strabo!
The sign of the cross.
Flowers. Roses.
Flowers. Roses. Flowers.
You ought to close up shop
on a day like this, Tybul.
Why today?
Well, the rains are over and everybody's out.
You ought to give yourself a holiday.
If I played,
I'd bring the rains back.
You would.
Look, Christians!
Down there.
I know. There was a sign in the dust.
Come on, there are Christians!
Down there. Come on.
Down there. Look.
Come on.
Who are they?
Does anybody know?
Look, they caught
some Christians!
They got some Christians
down here. Come on.
Come on.
Hurry! Hurry!
What's that?
I don't know.
Sounds like a street fight.
Good. Let's go and see.
Come on.
Come on, Philodemus.
Come on! Come on! Look!
Nero's lions are going to eat.
Vile killers,
that's what they are!
The dirty Christian dogs!
They ought to kill all of them.
Come on, come on,
let's stone them.
Keep them back. If they kill them,
we won't get our money.
Hang on to them!
Christians! Stone them!
Look, it's Marcus.
You dirty Christians!
I'll kill you.
Marcus Superbus!
Stand away!
What have these old men done?
We found them.
There's a reward coming to us.
What did they do?
I tell you, there was no...
Me and Strabo saw what they did.
Quiet, you!
Well, go on.
Why did you stop?
I didn't know.
That it was
the Prefect of Rome.
Well, all the better.
You have the highest authority in Rome,
next to the Emperor, to judge this case.
Aren't you pleased?
Now watch justice go blind.
What's your name?
And you?
Favius Fontellus.
This man is Titus,
my friend.
Is this girl your daughter?
Then why... She was trying
to protect me.
Well, I... I envy you.
What is this old man to you?
She can talk.
He's my teacher.
Who are your father and mother?
They're dead.
You live with him?
May they go now?
What's your faith?
My friend and I
are philosophers.
He's lying.
They're Christians.
Viturius, clear the street!
There's a reward on them, Excellence.
They made the sign of the...
I said, clear the street.
Out of the way!
Clear the way! Begone!
Clear the way!
Get out! Get out!
Begone, there! Begone!
Out! Out!
Get out! Get out there!
Well, you...
You are free to go.
We thank you.
Is there anything more
I can do?
Nothing, Excellence.
We are grateful.
Come, Mercia.
Still, I...
I wish there were...
something more.
Follow them.
Find out where they live...
and find out which fountain
she goes to.
Yes, Excellence.
my illustrious friend...
will you leave your trance
for a moment?
Dacia! Glabrio!
She was a rare
specimen, I needn't tell you.
Your eyesight
gets better with age.
A tasty dish for
your banquet tomorrow evening.
Yes. Yes, I'll tell the cook.
Oh, Marcus?
Someone expects you
this afternoon.
Yes, yes.
Why, I never saw a man
so distracted.
I never saw a man
with better reason to be.
You mean that girl, of course.
And you said Rome was dull.
Did I?
Well, I know exactly how
to stir up some excitement.
Which perfume, Empress?
The jasmine and the acacia.
We must hurry, Zona.
No, not yet.
Another minute,
and then we'll hurry.
Empress, a visitor.
Marcus already?
No, lady.
My dear Poppaea.
Why, Dacia,
you're perspiring with news.
I was famished for a chat.
I have a great deal of news.
Well, I haven't time
for a chat.
Did you deliver the message?
Dear lady, of course I did.
Of course you would.
Such things are the breath of your
vicious little nostrils.
Did he say anything?
Nothing at all.
And what does "nothing" mean?
Perhaps all sorts of things, but...
But you haven't time for a chat.
I'll tell you when to go,
dear Dacia.
Zona, all of you, go away.
Will Marcus be here or not?
I told you, Majesty,
he said nothing.
Did he smile, or did he frown?
Well, he didn't smile.
It must be some other woman.
And I told him the Empress wished
to see him alone, and immediately.
Stop drooling, Dacia.
Is it serious?
I hope not...
but you know Marcus.
And there are so many
beautiful women in Rome.
Dacia, you're a butterfly
with the sting of a wasp.
Take off your clothes.
Get in here
and tell me all about it.
Can't you think of a single reason
why he let them go?
No, Excellence.
Very competent spies.
If your brains were as good
as your smell for money...
Go back to that bake shop.
Ask for her.
If you can't find out
anything, watch for her.
Get out!
Marcus letting
Christians go free.
I don't know, yet.
But this is what
I've been waiting for...
to break his favor
with the Emperor...
and restore mine.
I like that cup of yours.
Would you sell it?
It's gold.
Would you mind?
Thank you.
I'm very thirsty.
In fact, I don't know when
I've ever been so thirsty.
In that case, you'd better
drink it, hadn't you?
Yeah, that's right.
Thanks. Thanks very much.
Don't you remember me?
Of course.
Well, then why run away?
You're not afraid of me,
are you?
You're harmless enough.
In fact, quite different...
Different? From what?
What do you mean by that?
I mean...
many times I've seen you
riding through the streets...
the Prefect of Rome...
in your armor, with your guard,
and now you're so human.
Didn't you know I was?
Well, yes, I've heard of
your reputation. What do you...
You mean...
You mean, that I'm wicked?
Well, yes,
something like that.
Well, not all of it's true.
Perhaps not...
because your face doesn't
look like that. It's...
It's what?
Oh, I don't know.
It's just different. No, wait.
Is that a command?
I wouldn't do that.
You could,
being Prefect of Rome.
But I don't want to be Prefect
with you unless you try to leave me.
You were too hard to find.
Do you imagine you're just going
to walk away from me like this?
But I will, eventually.
But that would be a sin.
Didn't you know
you'd see me again...
and that I wouldn't
let you go?
I see your reputation
isn't altogether false.
Do you...
Do you dislike me?
Well, you shouldn't.
You must like me.
In such things,
I always have my way.
The Emperor commanded me to find you
and deliver this myself.
What is it?
Who is this girl?
I'm going.
No, wait.
You met her for the first time
today, didn't you?
What is this message?
I'll read it.
"To my well-beloved Marcus.
"The extermination of
Christians must continue.
"None may escape.
"Those who are dangerous
are instantly to be killed.
"The others are to be held
for death in the arena.
"This duty has long been
entrusted to you.
"I charge you to be faithful."
And the Emperor's seal.
I'm going.
I'll go with you.
I'd rather go alone.
By this order, Marcus,
any person even suspected...
I heard the order.
Then that is all.
Don't rush off like that.
One would say you wanted to
follow that girl.
At your age, too.
Why was this order given
me in the street?
Why were you so anxious
to find me?
The Emperor was anxious.
Did you make him that way?
I don't know what you mean.
She's out of sight.
Don't let me keep you.
And she's been
in here many times...
and you don't know
where she lives.
You're lying.
No. No, I'm not.
You know that it means death
to hide a Christian?
I'm not hiding her.
I've told you all I know.
Are you sure she
paid for the bread?
And then...
Then she ran out...
and didn't take it with her.
Wait here.
She may come back.
Mercia, Bucco says he wonders
when he can have his soup bone.
Tell Bucco,
as soon as the soup's ready.
Bucco, aren't you ashamed
to hurry Mercia like that?
You know, Bucco, you and I
get hungry about the same time.
I wish you could stay
longer with us.
There's no time.
I must take this letter
of Paul's to Spain and Africa.
It's an inspiration...
to copy Paul's own word
and keep it.
Mercia! Mercia!
If you'll wait until I have finished
writing, I'll help you chop the carrots.
Mercia, water's dripping
from that jug.
Is it leaking?
I dropped it.
But I didn't know that...
It was surprising today,
wasn't it...
to see what Marcus Superbus
was really like?
In what way?
I mean...
as generous as that...
and likeable.
Yes, and he
used the whip.
He was taught to use that.
He should be untaught.
Do they all know about
the meeting tonight?
All except a few.
I'll send Stephan
to tell them.
Come on, come on.
Why send a child
on such an errand?
He's less likely
to be suspected.
You saw today what can happen.
Are they brother and sister?
Their parents were
coated with pitch...
and burned as torches
to light up one of Nero's orgies.
They died like hundreds
of others lately...
holding to the truth.
Come here, Stephan.
Yes, Father.
Oh, I forgot the bread.
You know we meet tonight, don't you?
In the ruins, at the grove?
I know, Father.
Well, go and tell
Melos and Caius.
Keep to the narrowest streets
and be careful you are not watched.
Stephan, you're not too hungry
to go before supper?
No, it won't take me long.
Do you know why
you must be careful?
Yes. Because there is danger.
Of what?
I saw the Master.
Did you?
I was in Jerusalem by the Damascus
Gate when he passed.
I saw him carrying the cross.
You know what he did for us?
He gave his life.
If you had seen him, you would
love him as much as I.
I would gladly die for him.
Would you?
You would not betray
any of us?
You would be faithful
even unto death?
Stephan, wait!
I forgot the bread. Will you stop for it?
Yes. I'll need money.
No, I paid for it.
Just tell him, he'll remember.
He'll give it to me.
Tybul knows me.
Tybul! Tybul!
Mercia, told me to get...
Well, you're late today.
But we...
And you're lucky.
There's a loaf of bread left.
But Mercia forgot.
In a few minutes,
I'd have gone home...
and you'd have gone hungry,
young man.
Money first.
But Mercia paid for it.
Well... Don't you remember?
Of course you do.
She laid the money
right here and ran out.
Give it to me. We'll need it
for supper, please.
Come on.
I'm not certain
of these words.
"According to his mercy,
he saved us."
No, that isn't the knock we use.
Who's there?
Who are you?
Marcus Superbus.
Better let him in. But, without
any evidence he may...
Oh, why distrust him?
Mercia, go into
the other room.
Good evening.
A bolted door
isn't very friendly.
We never mean to bolt it
against a friend.
We are honored, Excellence.
Is there something you want?
Yes, but I don't see
what I want.
You were very kind today,
Excellence. We thank you again.
Never mind that.
Where is Mercia?
May I ask what
you want with her?
You're too old to understand.
It's only a letter.
Yes. So, I see.
I don't want to know what sort
of letter it is. At least, not tonight.
If you are Christians, it won't
matter much to you, of course.
You're old. You haven't long to live anyway.
Mercia has most of her life before her.
Why haven't you sent her away,
out of danger?
Is that what you've come
to tell me?
I'll save you the trouble of
sending her away.
I have come to
take her myself.
What do you mean?
Just what I say.
Is it her safety
you're concerned about?
Well, that first, yes.
Is she here, or shall I
find out for myself?
We didn't say goodbye
at the fountain.
Yes, I remember.
Just as well we didn't.
Strange for you to come here.
Why? You might have
known I would.
Only because
we didn't say goodbye?
Perhaps so we'd
never have to say it.
You know, this jug broke
when we dropped it.
Good. Good,
I'll buy you a better one.
The old man is alarmed,
I think.
You see,
I told him the real reason
why I came.
He doesn't understand,
but you will.
I want you to leave
this place, come with me.
Because you're in
great danger here.
Why? As long as you
continue to live...
with these Christians,
if they are, of course.
Perhaps you don't know
what Christians really are.
I know enough.
They're so dissatisfied with the world
that they'd like to destroy it.
I've heard they want to save it
by making men spiritually free.
And would even kill
Caesar to do it.
I've heard they wouldn't kill
even such a monster as Nero.
Either you must die
for treason...
or I must forget
what you've said.
Maybe you're not Christians,
but you're suspected...
so Mercia cannot remain here.
That's all I care about
at the moment.
She has a right to happiness.
Your kind of happiness...
We're not discussing that now.
Oh, wait, Favius.
I'm glad you came,
that you cared enough to come.
But you don't understand.
I belong here with Favius.
Because he wants you to stay?
Because I want to stay.
Even if these men really...
I belong here.
You have strong convictions.
Try to understand.
Don't you value your life
any more than that?
I hold my life more dearly now
than ever before.
But I don't know danger.
Oh, but it's not only danger
I want to take you away from.
It's this poverty, this...
Favius, Stephan's arrested!
Who is Stephan?
A boy living with us.
Why was he arrested?
I don't know.
Who arrested him?
Licinius, his men.
And where did they take him?
To the district prison.
If that boy knows anything,
they'll make him talk.
Help him.
Why, of course.
Because if he talks, they might
take you away before I could.
Can't anything be done?
If one of us falls by the wayside,
the others must go on.
Hadn't you better change
the meeting place?
It's too late.
But Stephan won't talk.
Oh, poor Stephan!
Do you follow this Christ?
Are you a Christian?
There's a meeting tonight.
Where is it to be?
For the last time,
will you tell me?
I'll make you talk.
No. No.
No. No.
I didn't do anything.
No. Let me go! Leave me.
What are you
going to do with me?
Will you tell me
where they meet tonight?
Will you answer?
Will you answer now?
Please! Please,
I can't stand it.
Then answer.
I won't.
Yes! Yes, I'll tell!
I'll tell!
Well, where's the meeting?
The grove. The grove.
The Cestian Bridge.
And who are the others? This Mercia,
is she one of them?
I'm... I...
He's fainted.
Bring him up.
Well, we've heard enough.
Get your men.
We'll destroy this
band of Christians...
and then let Marcus
explain to Nero why he didn't.
What have you been doing
with that boy?
There's evidence he's a Christian.
What did he say?
Nothing. Unfortunately,
he fainted.
If he hadn't, you would have
torn a lie out of him.
It all comes from my zeal
in Nero's behalf.
You'll forgive me.
Is it true that this boy
said nothing?
Tell me. What did he say?
Answer me when I tell you to!
What did this boy say?
Pardon, Excellence.
He cannot speak.
He has no tongue.
Get some water.
Why don't they sing loud?
We can't.
Why not?
Titus has come
from the shores of Galilee.
He came with the Master's blessing,
and to talk to you.
Oh, give us the message.
Give us the word.
He brings us Paul's word.
He comes from afar.
Quiet, quiet.
I am not a teacher,
but one of you.
I saw Jesus.
You saw him?
He saw him.
I heard him speak.
Here. Here, drink this.
I couldn't stand the pain,
I couldn't.
Here, you're all right now.
I told Father Titus
I'd never betray them.
I don't want to live.
I don't want to live.
The men are ready, Excellence.
What did you say to them?
I don't want to live.
Now listen to me. Did you say
anything about Mercia?
Come on now, tell me.
Don't be afraid.
I want to help her.
I don't believe you.
Do you want her killed?
No, no.
Well, then what did you tell them?
The meeting place tonight.
Will Mercia be there?
Yes, everybody!
Oh, I shouldn't have told.
I should have died first.
I can save her if you'll tell me.
Where is the meeting?
At the grove...
by the Cestian Bridge
in the temple ruins.
Take care of that boy.
Nothing I want so much
will get away so quickly.
I shouldn't have told.
I shouldn't have told.
"We are to become
as children," Jesus said...
"with a child's
simple loving vision."
If we have
the simplicity...
the faith,
the trust of a child...
we accept that which we do not
fully understand.
Keep your men quiet.
Quiet, men, quiet.
For me, for all men...
he lifted the black mist
from the face of God.
And there was no longer
the God of wrath...
but only a loving father.
All that we had been taught before
about the great Spirit...
became suddenly
a new understanding...
a compassionate God
to whom we could turn.
The blood of these martyred
followers of Jesus...
is not yet dry
on the stones of Jerusalem.
Another Helen of Troy,
only more beautiful.
Good night, Empress.
Morpheus give you deep slumber.
Thank you.
I'd rather have
exciting dreams.
I'd love to share them.
Look out!
Get back! Get back!
Careless, drunken dog!
Arrest him!
Why, Marcus.
What an impetuous young man.
Is this your carriage?
It was.
And I might have been in it.
Oh, the gods forbid.
I shall beg your pardon
properly tomorrow.
Why not tonight?
Because I'm in great haste tonight,
on the Emperor's most urgent business.
Come here.
I'm the Emperor's
most urgent business.
Do as I tell you!
Your wishes are sacred
to everyone, Empress.
I doubt that.
Where have you been for days?
I expected you here
at Dacia's house tonight.
Must I sacrifice a carriage in order
to catch a glimpse of you?
Tomorrow you shall have a very
colorful account of everything.
Where are you
rushing to tonight?
Is it a love affair?
I hope it may end in one.
I thought it was
something of the sort.
Where are you
really going, Marcus?
The Empress is romantic
and must understand that I...
No, I don't.
You must explain.
I will. I will, tomorrow.
Tonight, Marcus.
And you will be amused.
And so, Empress... Marcus.
Good night.
Marcus, I insist.
Follow them.
Find out who she is.
Since knowing him and since
following the truth...
old habits have slipped
from my body.
There are no longer any earthly bonds
confining my spirit.
All is at peace within me.
If every living man knew
what I know...
if I could be sure that the message
is in every heart...
I could be wholly at peace.
As Jesus loved God,
so he loved his brothers...
who are also
the children of God.
With understanding,
with faith...
he held power over all things,
even death.
He proved there is no death...
only a crossing over
to the Father...
and life everlasting.
Jesus knew it. He lived it.
He walked the earth
in goodness...
telling that we're all
of his blood, his spirit.
Work for one another,
comfort one another...
that was his cry.
Love your neighbor
as yourself.
That is what he came
to teach mankind.
That message is heard.
It will be carried
to all men...
to the farthest corners
of the earth.
And God will walk among us...
and you will go
out into the world...
and you will carry
to your brothers a new life...
and that new life is freedom.
Freedom as vast and beautiful
as heaven is. And...
Why, look!
It's an arrow.
He's hit. Titus is shot.
Where did it come from?
The Emperor's
Flank out.
We are betrayed.
Oh, merciful Father!
Titus! Titus!
Put out the brands!
Death is nothing to fear.
Father, no! Father!
Thy kingdom come,
thy will be done...
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread...
and forgive us
our trespasses...
as we forgive those...
who trespass against us.
Blessed are they
who are persecuted for...
Mercia, my dear. I...
It's Marcus!
Marcus Superbus!
Hark, the Prefect.
Stop firing!
He's dying.
Come with me. Quick.
Isn't that the girl you were
talking to at the fountain, Marcus?
You couldn't have known
that she was a Christian...
or you wouldn't have let her go
after hearing the Emperor's orders.
Why was this
execution stopped?
Your apparent concern for these
Christians is traitorous.
Withdraw that.
If I was too hasty,
I'm sorry.
Help him.
Can't you do something?
Peace be with you.
With you both.
Go and find them! If you
find them, make them talk!
Well, what are
the Prefect's orders?
What's to be done
with the Christians?
Say you
will lean on me.
I can't hold on
much longer.
I'm dying.
Iook after the wounded...
and take the others
to the Martian prison.
Why to the Martian prison?
Why not to the arena dungeon?
Let it stand as I said.
To the Martian prison!
In God's name,
be merciful to us!
God is mercy.
Come on.
Here, Excellence.
At the change of watch tonight,
take the girl from prison.
Bring her to my house.
Put a woman servant with her.
that's dangerous sport.
Do it.
Yes, Excellence.
Daughter. Oh, Lord.
Come, little sister.
I'll take care of you.
Come on, come on.
Here's one you forgot.
You sent for me, Empress?
Having to send for you hurt my vanity
a bit. Oh, I'm sorry, Empress.
Leave us.
You don't need to
call me Empress.
I should have been here earlier
to apologize for my rudeness last night.
Oh, don't bother.
I've since learned
why you had to be so abrupt.
And you have these enemies
of Nero safely in prison.
It's true, isn't it?
All of them?
Even this baby-faced
Christian girl?
Tell me.
Even this girl who parades
as innocence and purity...
and is the scum of Rome?
Why, you're angry.
You misunderstand.
I have no serious
interest in the girl.
Oh, don't be stupid.
All Rome knows that
she's in your house...
and Rome is laughing about it.
Sit close to me, Marcus.
I've loved you.
You've never returned
that love.
You've hardly been friendly.
Oh, I know.
You haven't wanted
a vile court intrigue with me.
I haven't either,
But what else is there?
So I've waited...
thinking you've kept away
out of loyalty to Nero...
and that finally you would...
comfort me in spite of it.
So I've waited...
being jealous and hurt...
while you played with a dozen
less admirable women.
But this is different.
Knowing I cared for you...
you've preferred to make a fool
of yourself over this Christian outcast.
Yes, you are right.
I am loyal to the Emperor.
Too loyal to aspire to an intrigue
with the Empress.
Is that evasion?
No, it's the truth.
Then I shall go on hoping
to make you forget that loyalty.
If I can't, someday...
to my shame...
I may command you to forget.
Your pardon, Empress.
Marcus. Do you love this girl?
Answer me!
Well, then I...
I don't know.
That says you perhaps do.
I could laugh with Rome about it
if I didn't care so much.
Marcus Superbus...
caught at last by
a Christian wanton.
You've no right
to call her that.
Oh, very much in love.
Well, why not? It's not
so impossible, so laughable.
She's young,
beautiful, virtuous.
I find I'm sick of
patrician women...
who haven't heard of virtue.
That's a direct enough insult.
I couldn't avoid it.
I never saw a man
who held his life so cheaply.
That sounds like a threat.
I've never threatened
with you.
I shan't,
unless you drive me to it.
The game is dangerous enough
without my threats.
Tigellinus knows
what you've done.
No citizen can protect
a Christian from the law.
Well, in this case, I...
I can't stop
to remember the law.
Then I shall make you stop
to remember me.
You'll give up
this girl, Marcus.
Will I?
You'll forget
about her entirely.
I've stayed too long.
They were meeting openly,conspiring
openly against your life...
and Marcus wouldn't
permit them to be killed.
Do I make myself understood, Caesar?
My head is splitting. The wine
last night, the music...
the delicious debauchery.
Caesar, will Marcus go so far
as your overthrow...
and your death?
Why are you always
frightening me like that?
Plots against my life.
Death rides in the street
with me, he eats out of my plate.
Marcus took them to prison and there
released the most dangerous of them.
That can't be true.
How much further will he go?
I'll stop him right here.
I've been too lenient.
I'll make an example
of Marcus.
I order him to be seized.
I shan't rest until he's dead.
Until who is dead?
Do you know what Marcus has done?
I think it's very amusing.
I'm telling you
he's turned traitor.
He's released some
dangerous Christians.
Oh, just one.
A pretty little Christian girl,
not dangerous to anyone...
except Marcus himself.
But, beloved...
Marcus is just a man
with a thrilling weakness.
He took this girl
to his house.
He's such a willful,
energetic boy.
Rome is amused, and you're alarmed.
Shame on you.
Caesar, the edict
was not obeyed.
Yes. Can you be amused
at that, Poppaea?
I can, because
it was the girl's fault.
Destroy the girl...
not your most devoted,
reliable officer.
Simply give Tigellinus an order
to take her out of Marcus' hands.
Nero, beloved...
don't listen to everyone
when you have me.
You'll make a blunder someday
that will make people laugh at you...
the same as they're laughing
at Marcus now.
I'm not at all well, Poppaea.
I know. You had such an exciting night.
There now, relax.
Caesar, if I...
How can you disturb our beloved Emperor
when he's feeling so badly?
If it's the order for the girl
you're concerned about...
I'll dictate that myself.
Beloved, there.
Marcus! Marcus,
where are you going?
Be careful, Marcus.
Ancaria won't let her go.
What ails you, Marcus? Is it
your heart or your stomach?
By Jupiter's
thunderbolt, Marcus...
you haven't finished your cup!
Something needs my attention,
something very personal.
Keep it going!
Bring her here.
What's all
this about?
Why have you left the table?
Why eat stale bread when there's
luscious food in the house?
You go on back. Go on back and
make my apologies.
Luscious food?
Oh! I see.
I hear Christians
aren't digestible.
Never mind, never mind.
Go on, go on.
I intended to see you sooner.
Oh, Marcus. I couldn't understand
why you didn't.
I was called to the palace.
And then this banquet's
been raging since noon.
Marcus, I told you
last night...
my life means more now than...
I haven't forgotten that.
Suddenly everything changed.
I wanted to live.
You will, Mercia.
How can I now?
Some way, it will be done.
You belong here with me,
and you'll stay.
Oh, you don't know what I'm saying.
I can't live if the others are killed.
Something must be done for them.
No, it's impossible.
Not to you.
Isn't there something?
No. No, you'll have to
forget them.
I couldn't.
There'd be no happiness
for the rest of my life.
Oh, that's absurd.
Even with you.
Try to help them.
What do they mean to us?
I'm one of them.
Not anymore.
I don't understand you.
There's nothing to understand.
You're here, that's all.
They don't exist anymore.
Oh, wait, Marcus.
An entirely new life
begins for you.
With me. Tonight.
I see.
Oh, Mercia.
I was very simple.
I thought there'd be something
better for you and me.
It doesn't matter to you what I think
or feel, so long as I'm here.
It never did matter.
Oh, Marcus...
you never meant anything but
to make me one of your slaves.
Don't think of it that way.
I want you here.
You want to be with me, you'll have
everything with me.
No, I'd rather go back to them.
We have a right to this.
I can't see it like that,
I can't.
Well, then something has twisted
you out of all natural feeling.
Your kind of life,
your faith has done it.
I've always believed Christianity
was merely stupid...
but it's vicious
if it can do this to you.
Where is this luscious food?
Careful, Marcus.
Ancaria has blood in her eye.
If the host deserts his guests,
the guests shall find the host.
And here we are.
I hope never to rise again.
Look out, Marcus.
Here she comes.
Without you, there's no
flavor to the feast.
you and I are
wasting the evening.
By the back of Venus, look!
A Christian girl!
I've heard of her.
Marcus plays host
all over the house.
A beauty, Marcus.
Why hide her, Marcus?
So this was the enchantment.
Present us, Marcus.
Or aren't we virtuous enough?
It would, perhaps, help you both
to know each other.
The lady Mercia,
this is Ancaria...
the most wicked and
talented woman in Rome.
And my friends,
who are content with life.
Come and join us.
Bring her out.
No. Leave her alone.
Let's look at
this model of purity.
She looks ripe enough
for any party.
Tell us, Marcus,
was she pleasant?
Superior to me?
Why, she's frozen with virtue.
Couldn't you warm her
into life?
No. No, I tried,
but I couldn't.
See what you can do, Ancaria.
Try one of your songs.
Yes. A song, Ancaria.
If that doesn't do it,
she's dead.
A love song, Ancaria...
with the pantomime.
Can you melt snow, Ancaria?
Sing. Try it.
Dance, Ancaria.
Dance the Naked Moon!
Start the music!
The last time she danced that...
Don't tell!
The moon would blush
at Ancaria's dancing.
I must have
missed that.
Play! Play the Naked Moon.
She's only got two.
Under the naked moon
I found you
We meet
I've seen you in my dreams
In dreams indiscreet
With torture so sweet
I've loved you
in dreams
Breathe upon me
Draw me
Gently touch my heart
What's that singing?
The Christians, on their way to
the arena dungeon.
I've danced to dirges,
but I couldn't dance to that.
Go on, Ancaria. Go on. Why, you haven't
even started to undress the moon.
I can't go on when
they are singing like that.
Drown them out!
A love song is stronger
than a fanatical dirge.
Keep on! Play!
Love will be warm
In the gold of your hair
Feed from your lips
Atremble with mysteries old
Persuasive, then bold
Until his madness outstrips
I breathe upon you
Draw unto you
And let love spread his wings
We have been two
We shall be one
Both throb
They're coming closer!
They're louder.
Why don't you stop them, Marcus?
Then sing louder yourself!
Oh! We have been two
We shall be one
What are you smiling at?
Why, you...
I told you to stop them!
Get out!
I told you I couldn't stand...
All of you, get out!
And leave me alone with her.
You, take her out.
Good luck, Marcus.
You'll be back with me!
Well, right now I've got better sport.
Go on, get out!
Get out!
I've heard of worse.
Stop that, Ancaria!
Remove the lights.
Close the room.
Ancaria was frightened
by the Christians' singing...
but I'm not impressed.
Please send me back to them.
Not yet, at least.
Not until you live
as you were meant to live.
Marcus, listen to me.
I don't want to live like this.
I want to die with them.
You mean you'd give up
life with me...
and would rather die
for a belief, for some vague...
It isn't vague. It's certain.
One man proved it.
He changed men with it.
It's an illusion.
It's madness, I tell you.
Rome and mankind will go on
as they are forever.
Your Christianity will be stamped out
and dead within a year.
I know better.
Mercia, don't you see what
this thing has done to you?
It hasn't let you live. It's deformed you.
It's made love impossible to...
As you look at love, yes,
not as I look at it.
I've no use for your kind of happiness.
Send me back to them.
No, you're not going to die with them.
You're going to live with me.
Did you think I'd share you
with this Christ?
Let me go.
Mercia, be honest. You want
to be with me. You love me.
I want to be with them.
But with me first.
Marcus, let me go!
Excellence! Excellence!
What is it?
From the Emperor.
What do you want?
That girl is a
condemned Christian.
That's my concern.
Get out!
Not without her.
She goes to the arena dungeon to die
with the rest of the Christians tomorrow.
Take her.
I tell you, she's not leaving here.
No, Marcus.
It's a pity she stopped you.
I like you so little...
I wish you had called your men
and prevented my taking her.
It would have cost your life.
I hold the Emperor's order.
Caesar, I pledge my honor...
that she shall never
menace the people of Rome...
nor your own most sacred life.
Only let her live.
It must be love that has made Marcus
so lenient of Christians.
I do love her.
If this one Christian life
will make our Marcus happy...
Is Nero justice in the Roman world,
or merely a puppet Emperor?
If he is justice...
then not even one
Christian can be spared...
if Christians are
to be killed.
Empress, have mercy.
Poppaea is right, Marcus.
I'm afraid it's impossible.
It must be possible, Caesar.
This must be made
possible to me.
No faithful subject
would ask it.
I do ask it.
And Nero has no more
loyal subject than I.
You, Empress...
who knows better than you that I
have been faithful to the Emperor?
I have the right to ask.
I have obeyed and honored you.
I have risked my life
in your service.
And all that I shall ever ask for it,
a small thing to you...
is that you give me the life of
this one girl whom I love, Caesar.
With my whole heart,
I plead with you to spare her.
No, Marcus.
We do not want barbarians
laughing at Roman justice.
This thing I ask is justice.
To achieve it, I will take steps
to move the world of Caesar.
I demand that you
spare this girl!
You've gone too far.
Seize him!
Nero. Nero beloved.
Love has made him insane.
Caesar, forgive me...
but spare this girl
if you have any compassion.
Caesar is compassionate...
but he is also justice.
I must remain justice, Marcus.
If only
she weren't a Christian.
if she would publicly
renounce her faith...
Not even then.
If she renounced,
then justice can be merciful.
I can't stay
any longer, Marcus.
But Caesar, she will not renounce.
Then she dies.
Hear me.
Have a little consideration.
Would you have me late for the games?
You harlot.
I love you.
We can't see a thing
up this high.
I couldn't get anything better.
The Maiuses got better ones.
Honey! Figs!
They're in the second tier.
We won't see half what they see.
We won't smell half as much
Christian blood either.
I'll wager 500 on Merius, the Gaul.
He's unbeaten.
Well, I'll take
the Greek for 200.
Come along. You
would, of all the times!
Will they let the Christians defend
themselves this time, does anybody know?
I've got
two extra seats.
Would you like to
sit beside me?
How many chariot colors?
Blue, green and red.
Green is the favorite!
As much as I've got
on the green!
Blue to beat him.
Honey, figs.
I saw at least a thousand coffins
waiting on the other side for the dead.
Do you know, I generally sink
with the gladiators...
and revive for the Christians.
You'll miss some wonderful
things this time.
Three programs.
You needn't get one for me.
I've changed my mind.
The only red liquid
that appeals to me is wine.
Oh, let him go.
He has a heart of cheese.
Come on.
I've lost my tickets.
Well, don't you remember
the number of your seats?
I heard the lions all morning.
They're starved. All they've had
for days is the smell of bleeding meat.
Honey, figs.
It's a fine program today.
The last two were pretty tame.
Nero's said this is going to be
the best that Rome ever saw.
It's about time.
The magnificent tradition of life
and death combat is going to the dogs.
Last time they had 40 pairs of
gladiators and only seven killings.
It's warm inside.
Get a fan.
One hundred Christians.
Honey, figs.
It doesn't say how they're
to be killed, just "execution."
We'll leave that to Nero.
It will be some interesting way.
And bloody enough.
Thank you.
Blessed are
the poor in sprit...
for theirs is
the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are they that mourn,
for they shall be comforted.
I believe, I believe.
But come down and save me now.
Soon we'll stand before God
to be judged...
to answer for our sin,
to stand before his wrath.
His mercy, Tyros.
There is none.
Not anymore.
Mercy has only begun.
I tell you all...
Blessed are the meek, for they
shall inherit the earth.
Daughter. Daughter.
I wonder where Bucco is.
Where will he get his dinner?
Oh, Stephan, does that mean
you're so hungry?
I shall fear no evil,
for thou art with me.
No, I'll take it to him.
Blessed are ye...
when men shall revile you,
persecute you...
and shall say all manner
of evil against you falsely...
for my sake.
We've called upon him to spare us.
To protect us.
Where, where is he?
He is closer to us now
than he has ever been.
Blessed are the merciful,
for they shall obtain mercy.
Walk out upon the sand
without fear, singing.
We have sinned.
Death is not the escape.
When even the thief
upon the cross beside him...
asked him to remember,
Jesus said...
"This day shalt thou
be with me."
Blessed are we.
He threw him over his head, didn't he?
Oh, God.
They are beginning.
Hail, Caesar!
We who are about to die
salute thee.
I'll wager 50 pieces
on the Gaul.
I'll wager that on my Grecian.
I told you we couldn't see
anything up this high.
If it wasn't your wife you
were taking to the racecourse...
if it were some charming friend,
you'd sit down in the box seats.
But of course, anything is good
enough for your wife and child.
Well, the gallery was good enough
before we were married.
We were interested
in each other then.
The Gaul has got him!
I'll wager 300 silver...
on Demos, the Thracian.
On the Thracian?
Thracian there.
Done. I'll take the Gaul.
If I win, I'll give a feast.
You'll lose.
Mercy! Have mercy!
Mercy, Caesar.
Death! Death! Death!
Three hundred silver.
Hail, Caesar!
Hail, Caesar!
Hail, Caesar!
Hail, Caesar!
Hail, Caesar!
Come on! Come on!
Look! Look!
He's got him.
Look, he's got him.
No, please.
Empress, she will enter alone.
Christ also was raised from the dead
through the glory of the Father...
so that we also might walk
in the newness of life.
Hallowed be thy name.
In the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done...
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day
our daily bread.
Christ also was raised from the dead
through the glory of the Father.
Forgive us our trespasses.
So that we also might walk...
in the newness of life.
In the name of the Father and
the Son and the Holy Ghost.
It's our time. It's our time.
Lord! Lord!
Yes, Tyros,
but we're not afraid.
Christ also was raised from
the dead through the glory of the Father.
So that we also might walk
in the newness of life.
Stand up there!
I want to be near you, Mercia.
Come on, the rest of you.
Onto the sand!
I'm not afraid. I'm not afraid.
Come on, get off there.
Get out! Get out!
Where are we going?
We're going to your mother.
Go proudly, singing!
I can't.
I can't go on, I can't.
Titus said,
"There is no death...
"only a crossing over
to the Father."
Save us.
Are you Mercia?
You are to wait
and go in alone.
But I want to be with them.
The order of the Empress.
Whip the vermin out!
Our sorrow shall be
turned to joy.
I believe!
I believe!
I'm not afraid.
I'm not afraid.
I shall fear no evil.
Not death,
but victory, victory.
Go on! Go on!
Come unto me, all ye that travel
and are heavy laden...
and I will give you rest.
Thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory.
Get on! Get on!
Blessing to man,
our Father's love
Glory to Christ
Glory and praise
to the Father's Son
Dear God is living on earth
Giving us the word
Giving us the faith
Telling us of life
Calling us to love
Glory over the earth and peace
Glory and peace of God
O Lord my God,
why hast thou forsaken me?
Mercy over the earth
and life
Joy for the faithful son
Blessing to man,
our Father's love
Glory to Christ
Glory and praise
to the Father's Son
Dear God is living on earth
I want to live.
I can't help it, Mercia.
I wanna stay in the world.
But try to remember...
I betrayed them all.
I'm sending them all to die...
and I don't wanna go.
I'm afraid to go.
I'm a coward.
The Lord would hate me.
It was only your body
that was weak, not you.
Yes, it was my body,
wasn't it?
I tried, but I couldn't.
Get that boy out.
Try to remember his courage.
Look up, trust him.
I do trust him.
I will trust him.
I'm ready.
Stephan, look at me.
You said you loved me.
Don't you want to be
with me always?
Yes, but I...
Then go without being afraid,
believing in him.
I'll be out there in
a little while to go with you.
Yes, Mercia.
Come on,
get that boy out of here.
I'll be killed first...
but I'll wait for you
if I can...
so we can go to him together.
I'll stand by the door.
And we'll sing.
And then you'll walk on
by yourself...
still singing.
Glory over the earth
and peace
Glory and peace of God
Mercy over the earth and light
Joy for the faithful son
Blessing to man,
our Father's love
Glory to Christ
Glory and praise
to the Father's Son
Dear Christ, why?
Mercia, you can't go
out into that.
Mercia, we must act quickly.
I've brought the way to freedom.
I can save you.
I knelt before Nero.
There's only one way
to escape this horrible death.
He'll spare your life on one condition,
if you'll renounce this faith.
Mercia, do you hear me?
Poor Marcus,
your eyes are tortured.
Oh, come, Mercia, a thousand gods
have been called the true god...
but there is none.
Each one is only a fantasy.
Yours is just a mistaken belief.
Renounce it.
No. No, not this one.
Mercia, if you don't want to live
for yourself, then for me.
I love you. Can't you see it?
I know I told you so before,
and then tried to kill your soul.
I didn't know, I was confused.
I still am, except for one thing.
I know I love you...
beyond all doubt,
beyond all living without you.
Mercia, I...
I prayed last night...
as I imagined you always pray.
I called out to your God
to save you, to give you to me.
He wouldn't hear me because I can't
accept him in my heart.
I tried, but I can't.
So then I prayed to you.
I do now. Oh, Mercia, live.
Renounce your faith.
Live and be my wife.
Live and be your wife.
If you love me, Mercia.
I do, Marcus.
Then don't leave me. Don't leave me.
I love you, Marcus.
Do you know how much?
And yet I can't stay.
Marcia, listen to me. Renounce
your God in name only.
Even though I can't believe in him,
I will respect him.
You'll not lose him, I swear it,
if you'll live as my wife.
No, Marcus, to know that
you love me is all I can have.
Mercia, how can you do this
to both of us?
This is stronger than we are,
much greater than our love.
Mercia, live.
Didn't you see Stephan go out there?
Yes, yes. It was horrible.
I couldn't believe it.
But why should you go, too?
Didn't you hear my promise
that I would follow him?
You must live, Mercia.
No, Marcus,
I must follow them.
Then if you die, I shan't live either.
You must live.
If only because someday
you may know what I know now.
I never will, not without you.
You could teach me to know.
Teach me to...
Come on. You're next.
Oh, Mercia.
Marcus, beloved, someday you'll know.
I can't, I tell you. I can't.
I believe in you,
not this Christ.
Excellence, they're waiting.
Oh, Mercia, tell me.
This is all true, isn't it?
An afterlife and happiness?
For me, too? Even I could have it?
Yes, Marcus.
I believe you.
I believe what you tell me.
There, with this Christ,
we could always be together?
Promise me that?
It's true.
Then I want to go with you.
Yes, with you, now.
But it isn't fair to you.
Yes it is, it's merciful to me.
It's some hope. It keeps you
with me, maybe always.
Excellence, the Emperor...
Yes, yes, we're ready.
Come, Mercia.
Why, you're pitying me,
and I'm happy.
I can't believe it.
I'm full of strange hope.
Much happier.
You want me to go with you, don't you?
I love you.
Well, come, then.
You'll have to go on
teaching me, leading me.
Sometime I'll know.
But stay close. Give me your hand.
I can't sing the hymn.
I shan't look up either.
I'll be looking at you...
and believing you're my wife.