Signal, The (2007)

Oh, my...
- I can see the...
- What?
I can see the keys.
The... The... The keys.
Here, I can see 'em. Okay?
- I can see 'em outside.
- Okay. Okay.
- It's okay.
- Okay.
I'm gonna come back
and I'm gonna bring the keys,
and we're gonna be okay. Okay?
- Okay.
- We're gonna be okay.
I'm gonna come back.
What was that?
That was strange.
TV turned itself on.
Come back.
What time is it?
You're kidding.
Are you serious?
Oh, God.
I'm sorry, I have to call him.
My phone's out.
Thank you.
Your phone's out too.
I have to go.
Just... Just sit down
and relax.
I can't relax, Ben.
I've never done this before.
I don't know what I'm doing.
I don't know how to do this.
I don't know
how to do this.
First you just breathe
and then...
realize that it's okay.
It's okay? What we're doing?
Do you love
your husband?
It doesn't matter.
All right.
I'm just gonna tell him
that I went and had drinks
with the girls
and my phone didn't work.
Makes sense, right?
Don't even have time
to shower here.
Wouldn't want him
to smell you on me.
You know, you could
just leave him.
It's not that simple, Ben.
I mean, I can't possibly just walk...
Anything's possible,
come on.
You can just drop your stuff
right now
and stay here tonight
and never go back there again.
Or we could...
go up to the rooftop
and build an exotic
flower garden,
or we could...
take one of my cameras
and dress up
like homeless people
and infiltrate their community
and take pictures
of their lives.
Or we could take my TV
and throw it off the balcony
and replace it
with coloring books.
Or we could
leave Terminus tomorrow.
New Year's fucking Eve.
We could.
We'll go down to the station,
we'll walk up to Terminal 13
and we'll get on a train
and we'll get in
our own private compartment.
Rip each other's clothes off
and fuck our way to freedom.
We'll go to the country
and start a life.
A real life.
Mya and Ben.
New Year's Eve, Terminal 13,
Mya and Ben.
And you don't look back.
That's beautiful.
It's possible.
Leave him.
Leave him.
I have to go.
Heh. What's this?
It's a present.
It's a mix CD.
I made it for you.
Because I'm an awesome guy.
And I like you.
In silence
Don't walk away
In silence
Oh, Jesus.
I need some help.
Okay, I...
Look, I don't have
any money, all right?
I don't any need money.
I am hurt.
If you could come here a minute.
Please, I need some help.
If you could just come here
a minute. Okay?
Please, for fuck's sake,
you know?
I'm just walking around,
going to my car...
Are you okay?
...and now I'm bleeding.
Bleeding everywhere.
This guy comes up and cuts me
and he runs away,
and I think I...
- Look, okay, all right.
You need to go
to a hospital. Okay?
Oh! Whoa!
Please, just help me
right now. Please.
- Please, help me.
- No.
Don't listen to him.
He's crazy.
You're out of your mind.
And just because you came back early,
doesn't mean I will.
When I leave here, I'm...
I'm not coming back
into your life.
Did you?
Did you have any money?
Bullshit. I am tired of it.
I am a woman.
I cook, I clean, I wash.
That's it. It's your deal.
Now, I'm leaving here.
I'm out of here.
Do you hear me? Fuck off.
Shut the fuck up!
Hey, Janice.
Lewis is looking for you.
I know, thank you.
He's got his friends in there.
You look rough.
You've got blood on your shirt.
Would you guys
shut the hell up already?
It's 1:00 in the morning!
Thank you, Janice.
I'm going in.
It's not gonna work.
Would you shut up
for two seconds?
Damn it, man,
give me a hand here.
- What's going on?
- Cable's out.
No, outside in the hallway.
This sucks.
It was the best game,
probably there ever was.
Where's Lewis?
He's in the bathroom.
Jerry? Jerry, put
the bat down and help me.
First, the bat doesn't
get put down, okay?
Jesus Christ.
Where have you been?
I went to have a drink
with the girls.
I tried calling you,
but my phone's dead.
And then I tried calling you
from the bar,
but the phone
was dead there too, so...
Jerry, what are you doing?
Give me the duct...
I decided I was ready to leave,
so I just finally left.
- Duct tape.
- But I don't...
Reach your hand out
and give me the tape.
This was to be used
in case of a chemical attack.
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry,
Jerry, Jerry.
What's going on?
Why isn't anything working?
Everybody's out in the hallway.
Is your phone working?
No. I tried calling you.
I didn't know where you were.
I'm sorry.
I should have called you
before I left
the restaurant.
- That was stupid.
- Give me the duct...
Who'd you have drinks with?
Donna and Emily.
Where'd you go?
Who's Donna?
Starbar. Donna's new,
she just started yesterday.
- She's a waitress?
- Hostess.
What did you have?
What'd I have?
What did you have to drink?
Gin and tonic
and a shot of tequila.
You got something
on your shirt.
What is it?
Heh. It's barbecue sauce.
Or something, I don't know.
You reek of perfume.
I don't want to smell
like a restaurant.
I feel gross.
You know how much
I love you.
You know how much
I love you.
You can look at me
when you say that.
Did you pay
the cable bill, man?
I'm having a moment
with my wife.
Excuse me.
Why don't you go wash up?
Get rid of that perfume.
I like the way
you sweat.
It's really odd, man.
It's the same sound
that's coming from the phone.
Go on, take a shower, Mya.
Hey, put the fucking bat down.
You almost clocked Mya
in the head.
Put the fucking bat down now.
Dude, it's not
hurting anybody.
Oh, just put the bat down.
No. I can't watch the game,
I'm gonna swing the bat,
all right?
I told you,
put it down. Sit.
What's the matter
with you?
You could hurt somebody.
Why are you looking at me
like that? Stop it.
You almost fucking
killed my wife. Sit down.
Dude, what is wrong
with you?
You almost fucked my wife.
What did you just say?
You almost fucking hit her
in the head.
Okay, okay, okay, boys.
Just relax.
L-Lewis, take a seat.
I'm not sitting down.
This is my house.
You guys are my guests.
You're watching my TV.
You're drinking my beer.
This is my baseball bat.
That's my wife
you almost hit.
Lewis, I think maybe we...
Take a shower, baby.
I... Okay. I understand that.
You... You're a little aggressive
right now, man.
Why is he staring at me like that?
Shut up.
I'm not even looking at you.
You're doing it right now.
Look, look at him.
He's doing it now.
Okay, fellas, look,
just take a deep breath
and sit down, please.
Lewis, God...
Lewis! What have you done?
What's wrong with you?
Lewis, calm down!
Let go!
- Get off me.
- Let go.
Take a shower, baby.
Lewis, what's the matter with you?
Lewis, what have you done?
Janice. Janice! Janice!
Janice! Janice!
Janice! Janice, the door!
Come inside. Come inside.
Close the door.
Look, you gotta close the door.
No, no, you're safe.
Janice, there's a...
There's a man...
Stay in here.
Just stay in here.
Just stay in here.
Honey, I'll... Shh. Shh.
You're gonna be okay.
You're with me.
You're gonna be okay.
Steven, come out here now!
Steven, come over here!
Did you hear me?
Steven, help me!
Come here, come here.
Come here.
Did you get crazy in your head?
How am I supposed to know?
Tell me.
Look me in the eyes.
Are you looking?
Look, I'm gonna pull
this duct tape off.
You make any unnecessary noises,
I... I'm gonna whack you,
do you understand?
Did you kill anybody
last night?
How am I supposed to know?
Tell me, I'm...
Where... Where did you go?
Where were you?
I hid in the apartment
across the hall.
I'm sorry, I'm sorry,
I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
I-I-I couldn't trust anybody,
I went looking for you,
I couldn't find shit.
Every... Everybody's either dead,
dying or completely flipped.
Mad, crazy.
Why did Lewis hurt Jerry?
Hurt? Jerry's dead, lady.
Lewis got him.
Fucking snapped.
I couldn't get any sense into him.
I got his bat and knocked him out.
I taped him up
so he couldn't hurt anybody else.
I had no choice.
Then I saw the hallway.
I've never seen
anything like that.
One out of two people just
started killing each other.
They just decided to kill people.
I mean, what... I've never killed
anybody before. What do I do?
I'm not gonna fuck around.
But, you know, what do I do?
So anybody who comes at me,
I take 'em out.
No questions asked.
Got to. Anybody.
Anybody else,
I secure and I put in a safe place.
No telling
who's gonna go crazy next.
You got to put 'em up.
I pulled the fire alarm.
I don't know why.
Maybe somebody'll come.
Maybe they won't.
Maybe they're screwed up too.
So I fight my way to the roof.
Got to see the big picture.
One's got to know,
I have to know, right?
Then I see it, in the streets.
All of Terminus,
it's happening everywhere.
People are going crazy
in their head all over.
But first it's just murder,
the crazy
kill anybody, everybody, each other.
it looks like chaos.
But then I realized,
they're thinking.
Then I really get scared
because it's rational.
They know what they're doing.
I mean, they think it makes sense.
But it doesn't make any sense.
It's different for everybody.
Let me tell you,
they are gonna
fucking murder the world.
And I'm thinking
they all got to die.
You know,
but I can't kill 'em all.
I'm thinking that...
That there's too many.
Maybe I'll run.
But run where?
I'm thinking...
then I get hit in the head.
Is it so bad?
You'll be fine.
Fucker has a hammer.
I have a hammer go
into my head.
So I smash his face.
And I realize he's not crazy.
He thinks I'm crazy.
I'm not crazy.
He's hurt really bad,
so I finish him.
I taped up 12 people
last night.
All of them had been killed
by morning.
All but Lewis.
What do I do?
Yeah, we go. We go.
We walk out that door
and we start walking,
and we don't stop.
We don't stop.
We don't talk to anybody.
We don't draw attention
to ourselves.
We just keep walking.
And we go to my car...
We go to my car, and we get in
and we drive.
We do this right now.
We drive?
Where we gonna go?
Is it safe?
Come on, Rod, keep walking.
Walk, Rod!
Hey! Roger?
Is that you?
Keep walking, Rod.
Wait. Wait, wait, wait.
Maybe... Maybe she's
just confused.
Um, do you, uh...?
- Rod!
- Do you have the crazy?
You fucking bitch.
You fucking bitch,
you fucking bitch!
Wait. Wait.
Wait. Wait.
Wait! Wait!
What are you...? Wait!
I got a gun.
I got shot.
I got shot, and you were gonna
leave me back there.
Put your seat belt on.
You were gonna leave me, and...
Fuck! Yeah, fuck right,
you were gonna leave me.
Can't trust anyone.
Fuck, the radio too.
Turn it off.
Rod, turn the fucking radio off.
Do you hear that?
Do you think I wanted to kill
those people? I had to!
I'm sorry.
Goddamn it. Goddamn it!
Now I'm gonna fucking bleed to death.
You're gonna be okay.
Fuck, fuck, fuck!
I don't wanna die like this.
You're gonna be okay, Rod.
You're lying.
You're lying to me.
We should not be out here.
We should have stayed.
I trusted you.
Please be quiet, Rod.
Look at me, you fucking crazy bitch.
I'm bleeding to death!
Please be quiet. Shut up!
You shot me in the stomach.
You left me to bleed
in the street.
Shut up, shut up, shut up!
I'm not saying anything.
What are you doing?
Don't leave me.
You're crazy, Rod.
Just like all those
other people.
I don't have the crazy.
Are you okay?
Don't come near me.
I'm just trying to help.
Hey, it's not safe
out here.
I've got a place here.
You should come inside.
Where are you going?
I'm going to Terminal 13
to meet somebody
and we're gonna leave
this fucking town
and never look back.
Do you understand?
Don't fucking follow me.
Well, what about
the guy in the car?
I know what you're thinking.
You don't have to say it.
No need to tell me,
'cause I already know.
You think this party is
a bad idea.
I just don't think we can have
people over right now.
I'll just tell them that
the party's been canceled.
You look chapped.
This is a dress-up party
here tonight.
Anna, I need a couple of things
that Ken borrowed,
namely my hatchet.
And some garbage bags.
Ken, I'm gonna need
that hatchet you borrowed.
I also need to borrow
a couple of, um...
He's dead.
I'm going to turn
our program on.
Sounds glorious.
How many more balloons
do you think we need?
At least seven.
That's how many
I was thinking.
Well, that's why
you married me.
What is it?
people are coming over.
You're hurting me.
Stop, honey,
you're hurting me!
Honey, stop!
Oh, my God.
I know.
He's kind of gross now.
Anna, I'm sorry.
Are you mad at me
for killing your friend?
I know he's your friend
and all.
We weren't that close.
Well, you always
helped him fix stuff.
I'm your landlord.
I know,
but are you mad at me?
You did what you had to do.
We all do what
we have to do sometimes.
Oh, shit.
What are you doing?
So I guess we're
in this together.
What should we do now?
I'm still trying
to figure out that one.
What if my party guests
show up?
Anna, I don't know
if you know this,
but there is some
seriously insane shit
going on out there
right now.
People are losing
their minds.
There's a bad sector
in the electromagnetic spectrum,
which is causing the rift
in logical thinking.
Rational behavior has given way
to pri... Primordial action.
We've reached
a critical juncture
in the consistency
of everyday living.
Societal norms are being
completely abandoned.
Anarchy has replaced etiquette.
Chaos is the ruling class
of this civilization.
So I think coming to
a goddamn New Year's Eve party
is the last thing
on people's minds!
All right.
You get rid of them,
I'm gonna move Ken
into the bedroom.
Well, what...
What should I say?
Just don't let them in,
no matter what.
Pest control.
There's no party, thanks.
Somebody here call
an exterminator?
We don't have bugs!
Think they were rats, ma'am.
Your husband
must have called it in.
- Ken?
- Yeah.
- Ken.
- Hey, we're fine.
Thank God it's you.
You're alive.
Wait, do you have it?
Are you crazy?
I know you left me
in the chair
because you'd thought
I lost it.
But I didn't.
I saw your car outside,
and I thought
the worst had happened.
I thought that one of the...
One of those people
had gotten you
and taken you away from me.
They can't get to you.
No one can get
to you.
What's this, now?
Stop, what are you doing?
Don't do that to him.
He was coming at you, I thought
he might be one of them.
He's my friend,
he's helping me.
You can't do that
to friends.
Looked like he was going
to try and hurt you.
He's Clark, you idiot.
He's not gonna hurt me.
You can't trust anybody
right now.
Oh, his poor eyes
are burning.
Mya, I'm sorry.
Who's Mya?
I'll... check in the bathroom
to see if there's anything
to flush the poison with.
Don't go in there!
Don't go in there!
What do you have here?
It's, you know, Ken.
He's napping.
He looks dead.
- He is.
- I see.
- Who did this?
- I did.
But I didn't want to.
You killed him?
And Clark killed somebody too.
I didn't... I did.
It was self-defense.
You chopped
his head off.
He had it coming.
These are wild times.
Everybody's being driven
to desperate measures.
I guess this happens
to everybody.
I've got something
to show you too.
You just don't know
who to trust right now.
Where's Mya?
Untie me.
You're him.
The TV must have gotten
into his head
and told him to kill you.
Yeah, that's
what happened to Ken.
He was watching TV
and it made him go bad.
This is, without a doubt,
the most fucked up day
in the history
of mankind.
We should get back inside.
Who wants cocktails?
Party guests.
Act natural.
You've got to help me.
My mom was trying to kill me and
so I ran over her with the car
and my dad was in the house
and he made the dog die
because it tried to bite me
and I left in the car,
and I didn't know where to go
and I remembered
that Anna and Ken lived here,
and I'm Laura.
What the fuck?
You killed Laura.
She was coming at you.
Stay away from me.
You killed Laura!
She was heading for you
with that knife.
She doesn't have a knife!
That's a key chain.
I was trying
to protect you.
It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
It's all right.
He beat her face in.
I know.
I know, and I'm gonna
find out what happened,
but I... I need you
to be strong for me.
Laura might have
actually wanted to hurt you.
Her puppy's name
was Charlie Man.
We don't know where Laura
was at in her head.
We don't, okay?
For all we know, she might have
received this cancerous signal.
This hypnotic frequency
that's all around. All right?
She might have transmitted it,
from her car radio.
Or the television, or...
Or s... Stereo, or...
We don't know. Everybody's
a suspect right now. Everyone.
Turn that off!
Why'd you turn that on?
I didn't. She did.
When the TV went on,
she came back to life.
She's trying to get me.
Get back at me
for what I did to her.
God, this is getting
to be ridiculous.
God in heaven!
Just open the door
and then I'll take them down.
That's not the way
to play this.
We can't be sure.
We have to exterminate
with extreme prejudice.
It might be somebody
who could help us.
We don't know.
We can't risk it.
I'm killing whoever walks
through that door.
It's Jim.
It's Jim Parsons.
Trust no one.
You were the one watching TV.
I told you,
I wasn't watching the TV.
Listen, if I had it, I would
have killed you by now, right?
I guess.
I'm fine, and you're fine,
and she's fine.
This we know.
But he may not be
and probably isn't.
You might be right.
He might be infected.
Then we'd have to kill Jim.
Jim Parsons.
Maybe if we're quiet,
he'll go away.
He wants in... to get us!
He's gone.
Clark, is that you?
I have to let the poor guy in,
he might be in trouble.
Please, let me handle this.
If he's not okay,
I'll kill him myself.
Don't leave me out here, man.
Clark, come on, let me in.
Jim? Yeah, it's me, Clark.
Hey, Clark. Let me in.
Okay, just give me a second.
Come on, buddy.
I ain't got any...
Anywhere else to go tonight.
You've just got
to turn the handle. Heh.
Where is everybody?
Oh, I'm early.
The shindig.
The fiesta?
It's tonight, right?
It better be.
When that ball drops,
I'm gonna grab a slut
and I'm just gonna pee
in her butt.
Jim, are you aware that...?
Oh, no, I'm so sorry.
Uh, Jim. Jim Parsons.
Jim Parsons, this is, um...
Lewis and Clark.
Where's Sacajawea?
I would totally fuck
an Indian girl. I would.
Uh, those kind,
if I ever saw one.
I would just take her back
to the tepee,
"Oh, nice little squaw.
Oh, peel my corn," you know?
Seriously, is there gonna be
some pussy here tonight?
'Cause I really don't
want to, um,
make out with
my two brave explorers here.
So you're...
You're here for the party?
You know this, yeah.
Are Ken and Anna around?
Anna's, uh, getting ready.
And Ken is just laying down
for a second.
He's dead tired.
Can I get you
a cocktail, Jim?
Oh, yeah, please.
Put that in the fridge.
I'll get that later.
It says Lewis on your shirt.
That's funny.
I didn't even see it.
Place looks good.
I knew you'd get better.
She's got nice boobs
in there.
I hope she has
some cute friends.
That'd be nice.
I went
to a party last year.
Everybody started kissing
each other, you know,
at midnight,
like the tradition, or...
How did that start? Heh.
Everybody starts kissing
each other,
and I had no one else
to kiss, so I,
just as a joke,
kissed the dog.
But then I realized
when I got home
I made out with the dog
for my New Year's.
It's wrong.
Tonight I really wouldn't mind
just cleaning out my pipes,
you know?
Maybe a mnage three
in there.
Clark's been
in there a long time.
You know...
she's with everybody,
I guess.
The milkman.
She's damaged goods.
Somebody should just...
put her out of her misery.
That's my wife.
That's not your wife,
that's Ken's wife.
Your wife's not here.
Your wife has gone
far away...
out of your sight
where you can't
help her anymore.
You don't know
what you're saying.
You don't know
what you're saying.
That TV got in your brain
and has, uh, distorted
your perception.
I'm not crazy
like those others.
No, man.
You're much worse off
'cause you don't even realize
what's happening to you.
Heh. You don't even know.
Your wife left you, alone,
tied to a chair,
helpless so the world could
take your life
and the savages could feast
on your bloody remains.
No. She's here.
She's fine.
But that's just not true.
I love you, Ken.
But I know where she is,
and I'm going to find her
and free her of the burden
of being the used up,
adulterous whore
that she is.
I'm going to get to her.
I'm gonna get to her
before you
and there's nothing
you can do about it.
My wife's in there,
and she's upset
because I accidentally
killed her friend.
But she's safe now
and you can't get to her.
I won't let you get to her.
That was kind of odd.
What are you saying?
Where is she?
My wife.
How the hell do I know?
I just met you.
I didn't know
you were married.
That's kind of...
Kind of cool.
I wish I was married.
What'd you do that for?
Where's my wife?
Where's Mya?
She's fine.
She didn't leave me.
She loves me and only me.
And everything is going
to be safe and quiet.
Don't touch her.
She was just upset,
and I was consoling her.
Please leave us alone,
we don't want you here.
I'm trying to have
an intimate moment
with my husband
before the end of the world.
But I'm your husband.
You're not my husband.
You're a homicidal maniac.
But I killed him
for you.
I didn't want that,
and I didn't ask for it.
And the last person
I want to die with is you.
I think he's gonna kill us.
I'm not Ken.
Okay? Look, that's Ken!
Shit, o... Okay.
No, I... I'm Ken.
I can be Ken.
You're not Ken.
She's not Mya.
Look, I'll be whoever you guys
want me to be.
If she's not Mya,
that means you did something
to Mya.
No, no, no, no.
She can be Mya.
Right? Right.
Mya, Mya... Ah!
Look at me. Look at me.
So I was admittedly
a little fucked up earlier.
It's been
a crazy day for me
as I'm sure it has been
for you as well.
But I get it now.
You're not Mya.
You never were Mya.
You're just some other woman
that doesn't matter.
So, what I need you
to tell me...
so that we don't have
to stretch this out
any longer than either
of us wants to...
where is Mya?
Where is my wife?
Answer me or you get
the spray again.
Where is Mya?
I can't see.
She has to be here somewhere.
Her car is outside.
I know she's been here.
I can smell her perfume
all over this place.
We were having a party.
I need to know
where she is.
I have to find her.
I love her.
I have to save her.
I gotta see
so I can have a party.
Look, I know
my wife came in here,
so tell me where you're
hiding her or where she went,
so I can kill you
and get it over with,
and then I'll know
where she is.
Where's Ken?
I want to see Ken.
Ken's enjoying the party.
Ken. I...
I want to see you.
Ken? Ken?
What are you doing to her?
It's time
to go home now.
Ken, I am home, silly.
Oh, my God.
You. You know.
You know
where she went.
You're wrong.
You're wrong, man.
You're seeing things wrong.
The stuff that's in your head
is not real.
You'll see things
the way I'm seeing them.
You just
gotta understand.
Understand the message
coming through.
No, it's making people think
the wrong things.
Everything is not what it seems.
I was misunderstanding it
before, but I get it now.
It's telling me
what I should do.
What I should want.
I want my wife,
and I want my home.
And I want all of you people
to stop bothering us.
So tell me
where she is.
You can't just kill...
What's in your head
to tell you...
It's not what...
It's a... It's a poisonous,
You had to kill
those people, didn't you?
That's right.
They were keeping you
from happiness.
Now you understand.
I wanna be happy.
You will.
You will if you let go
and tell me.
Tell me where she went.
Terminal 13.
She said she was going
to Terminal 13 to get out.
Get out of, uh, Terminus.
See how easy that was?
You're him.
Come on.
Stand up. Come on.
Oh, don't do that.
Get up.
See how easy that was?
Please stop.
Please stop, Lewis.
I'm not Lewis.
I really need your help, Okay?
The girl in the car outside.
Did you see her?
Did you see where she went?
Look, everything's going to be fine. Okay?
But I need you to listen to me, okay?
Just listen. If you listen to me,
I can help you make it go away.
Who are you? What's your name?
- Na...
- Just tell me your name.
It's... Clark...
- I'm Clark.
- Hi, Clark.
- Um... I'm Ben.
- Ben.
We need to get out of here right now.
All right?
No, no.
- You just hold on.
- No, no, no!
It's all right. Alright?
It might hurt, just a little bit.
No, no, no, no!
Wait! Wait! Wait!
Clark. I need your help.
Clark? Open the door!
Right now?
Lewis Denton.
Open the door!
Listen to me.
Open the fucking door!
The car. The one that's wrecked.
The one that's outside...
the girl inside there...
where... where did she go?
- I told you already!
- Not me, that wasn't me.
We've got to find her.
- I don't know. I don't know.
- I need you to do me a favor.
- Maybe he knows.
- Open the door, all right?
He was with her.
Man, he's not going to be able
to talk to us.
I killed him.
Didn't I?
Think back. Okay?
Did he say anything before... he died?
Oh God!
He's going to help us, all right?
We just gotta get the brains fired.
If we stimulate the pre-motor cortex...
we can...
we can definitely restore
some limited speech patterns.
Okay. Sure, do it.
- Oh God! Oh God!
- Just relax. Relax.
Just hold on. I got this, okay?
You just finish jump starting your head.
All right then!
Fuck you want...?
Can you hear me?
Got a smoke?
I don't smoke.
Ask him about the girl.
Want to know about the girl,
give me a cig...
- He wants a cigarette.
You gotta be fucking kidding me.
What's he saying?
Where'd she go?
She told you she went to Terminal 13.
Terminal 13.
She said she was going to terminal 13.
Terminal 13.
- She was going to find you.
- Nobody leaves Terminus.
Hey, he also says
that no one can leave Terminus.
Because it's an impossibility, so...
That's what's there.
- Is that right?
- Ya.
Good work.
You're aware you're having a conversation
with a decapitated head. Right?
Listen to me. Listen.
Listen to me.
Do you hear that... listen...
It's past the noise in your head.
That is the natural world...
that has been here a long time before us.
It's going to be here
a long time after we are gone.
That is real.
And that... is what we focus on.
Past the noise.
This calls for a radical reassessment
of all the facts.
Lewis Denton again...
Look man, ahh... I think I found
that your sledge hammer out here so
I'm going to borrow it for a second,
if that's okay.
I'm going to knock this door
off its fucking hinges.
I thought we had an understanding.
Apparently, I was wrong.
Fuck! What the...!
Breathe! Breathe man.
You're... breathe.
What's I say about breathe?
Do you have a car?
- Sorry...
- Ow! Fuck!
Okay. You got it?
Are you sure you're okay to drive?
- It's that generator...
- What?
It's supposed to be self-sustaining...
The only way to get the system
out of the local minimum is...
- to add a degree of a determin...
- Watch the road! the dynamic.
To give the system the possibility
to make transitions to smarter states.
At least you're making complete sentences.
I guess that's good.
But... but the filter must have failed.
So now it's broadcasting that frequency.
What the hell are you talking about?
It disrupts synaptic neural networks
causing extreme behavioural shifts.
- ...panic.
- I got it.
Paranoia, rage, enhanced suggestibility...
There go your calcium ions...
snap, crackle, pop...
What the hell are you talking about, man?
- right out of your brain cells...
- What are you trying to tell me, Clark?
Psychotron resonance.
A broadcast on that scale
could cause mass psychosis.
Clark, I don't know who
or what started it...
but we don't sure as shit signed up for it.
We made ourselves vulnerable.
When Mya left last night.
I turned the TV back on and there it was.
It was replacing my thoughts.
But the sun came up and I think I...
I see it...
It's a lie. The signal... it's a trick.
We changed the way we look at things.
The things we look at will change.
We're out of gas.
Why did you...
Why did you bring me here?
I'm going to fucking kill you.
I'm going to fucking kill you.
Breathe, Ben... breathe for me.
There's nothing there.
- It's not Mya?
- No, it's not Mya.
If she's here, we're going to find her.
Is there any water around here?
She needs water.
- Sure.
- Mya. Mya.
Mya, it's all right. It's me.
Mya, look at me.
Look at me.
Here you go.
You want to fuck around?
All I gotta to do is tighten my grip.
Just let him go.
And leave... just let him go?
You fucking people.
Never quit.
Where are you going?
You don't need that.
Let's take a walk for a second.
Your fucking lies have poisoned her brain.
She doesn't even know who she is any more.
It's amazing...
but even now...
even with that far away stare...
She looks just like she did
in our wedding video.
It's so strange.
Two people... hardly know each other...
and 'till death do us part' and all that.
I love it.
We've got a good life here.
A home...
that... is precious...
and you will never know the beauty of that.
- You're killing her...
- I'm saving her.
No you're not.
You can't see it.
It's a trick. The signal...
You have to trust me.
You want me to trust you...
with my wife.
I don't think so.
Look at her. Go ahead!
Take a good fucking look!
Look at how pretty she is.
She's gorgeous, ya?
How long do you think you can possibly
hold on to that image?
For a few months?
A year? Before it fades?
She doesn't deserve that.
And you are never
going to look upon my wife again.
Mya. Don't...
Not now, Mya.
I need you to be quiet now.
Let me handle this.
Not now, Mya.
Mya, shut up!
What did I tell you?
Why can't you just keep your
fucking mouth shut and watch TV?
You know I want to love you.
I'm sorry, baby.
But you don't understand the situation here.
What are you trying to say?
No, but you're implying it.
That it's my fault.
I don't know what you expect of me.
Maybe I'm not the man
you thought you married.
Did you think of that?
Do you have any idea how hard I worked
to be the person you wanted me to be?
Where did you go?
You keep putting on thee masks
and I get really confused.
You keep putting on thee masks
and I get really confused.
Okay! Now it's not funny.
Take it off.
Take that mask off or I'll whip it off!
Who do you think you're talking to?
I'm talking to my wife. Do you mind?
That's not your wife... that's my wife.
- What did you just say?
- What did you just say?
You do not look at her
You do not speak to her.
I am speaking to you!
This man try to hurt you?
- Mya?
- Shut the fuck up!
What have you done to my wife?
You will not speak to my wife again!
Who are you?
Say your fucking name!
Is this a game?
Or do you actually think you're me?
- I am.
- Okay.
Look at me!
I'm Lewis.
Who are you?
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
You're him.
You're the one.
You actually think she loves you?
Can't you see?
She is using you.
She's using you.
She doesn't love you.
She never has...
and she never will.
It's a trick.
For real.
- Ben.
- I'm here baby.
It's okay.