Signora senza camelie, La (The Lady Without Camelias) (1953)

- Yes, signorina?
- I would like to go inside.
- It's nearly finished.
- Let her in.
- Go on in.
- Thank you.
They're still not lost
and you will feel them
I still think I can have you
but I have deluded myself
But if one day you'll return
I wont come back to you
Your lies...
I could kick myself.
It's useless,
I have to do everything myself.
Imagine if we had put Clara
in the first half too.
Sit down!
But for the one we're making now,
don't screw me!
The protagonist has to be Clara.
I know how to fix the script.
Melli told me your ideas.
He doesn't think they'll work.
He's right, we're too far
into the film now.
Listen to the script writer,
Itll be great!
What do you want me to say?
I love films full of passion.
- Of course.
- Who's the brunette?
It's Clara Manni.
- She's great, really great.
- Which one?
- Not great, but that girl...
- The main scene...
Was she from a beauty pageant?
No, I discovered her in Milan.
She was a shop assistant.
You guys are out of it. In America
they know how to launch a girl like that!
Listen to him - "in America", thanks!
We're doing another film with her -
The Man without Destiny.
Which from tomorrow will be
The Woman without Destiny.
Where do you find them?
There are no beautiful women around...
- Is la Manni not here?
- No, she's not well.
Ha, it rained! You need to tell Maria
to get her wool dress out.
Ask Melli where that other intellectual is,
they've got a big night tonight.
For tomorrow they have to
rewrite the first scenes.
- I can't stop work to let them sleep!
- Yes... Melli!
Think it went well?
It couldn't have gone worse!
Go get Sivieri
and we'll go to my house.
I'll get the car and catch up with you.
I'm sleepy! Where can I find
Sivieri at this hour?
- You'll find him.
- Here he is! Sivieri!
Let's not joke around,
because I'm not writing a line!
- We'll have a nice coffee.
- The money has to turn up too.
- It will! Goodnight.
- Goodnight.
- Albonetti!
- I'm coming! Goodbye.
I was going to call you.
What are you doing here?
Were you at the screening?
I came at the end to hear what
people were saying about me.
What did you think they'd say?
That you're ugly and shouldn't work?
Come here. Don't be silly.
Everybody is over there.
You'll be treated like a star,
you're the protagonist after all.
Shall we have a drink alone?
Sorry, not tonight, sir.
- You still don't call me tu?
- I tried, I can't!
The whole of Rome thinks we're lovers.
- Would it be that strange?
- Don't you think?
Well... I think I deserve a kiss tonight.
In all modesty,
you've had a great success.
Thanks to you and signor Ercolino,
I should kiss him too then.
If that's the way you see it,
let's drop it.
- It went well, they liked it?
- Yes, they even applauded.
Will you do me a favor?
Pick me up later than usual tomorrow?
I know I won't be able to sleep.
- So why go home? Stay with me.
- I need to be alone.
No, I doubt it.
Signorina Clara, please come.
Wait for me, we're not shooting much.
We'll have breakfast together.
- Do we have petrol?
- A little.
But I got loads this morning!
- Good day.
- Good day.
- Dr Renzi!
- Yes.
What's happening this morning?
Albonetti hasn't shown up,
and everybody's on edge.
- Apart from you, sir.
- It's all your fault, Clara.
My fault?
They're changing the script.
They say my part is too long
and there's not enough time to do it.
They cut your part and you're this calm?
Why are they making these changes?
You've had a great success
and they're betting on you.
They want to develop your role,
and I'm willing to give way.
- Poor Lodi.
- Why?
The world of cinema
doesn't end here!
I take it you're not eating today.
I suppose you have to pay for success
one way or another.
I would have paid more for it.
- Good day, Clara.
- Good day.
- Good day, Lodi.
- How's it going?
One moment please - Clara, Lodi!
- I wanted to tell you something...
- Dr Franchi!
- What do you want?
- I waited until ten for your call.
I was busy.
- What about tonight?
- No, I can't.
I'll call tomorrow or the day after,
or I'll come directly.
- Like this morning?
- So?
After tomorrow then.
Wait, let's see what fate decides.
What time can I have breakfast?
- Well...
- I'm busy, we'll do it another day.
We'll have breakfast together,
we need to talk.
We need to hurry today,
we need to dismantle the set.
We're doing the scene of Sergio's return.
More or less as it was.
- As it was...?
- Easy. No line. No one will be bored.
We don't need dialogue!
Lovers need to do one thing,
and that's all.
- The less they talk, the better.
- Of course.
That's great for me.
I know we're supposed to be lovers,
but as we were married...
Not married! You're lovers now.
The storyline works,
and everything becomes more...
- Just "more"!
- Exactly.
And the scene we already shot?
We can change anything
during the dubbing process.
But I repeat, nothing has changed.
No married couples, lovers!
- See?
- It changes nothing.
- How have they dressed her?
- They've just dressed her!
- It's the dress from the first meal.
- And the braids?
Wear your hair down, it's so lovely.
- Why is she dressed like this?
- I just did what I was told.
Are you blind?
If they told you I was a shoe,
you'd polish me!
- Be quick now and change her look.
- That's fine with me.
Listen, Lodi...
What can I say?
This film is what it is.
I had to do it because,
frankly, I need the money.
So I try to do what I can.
Honestly, I do what the others want.
It will be a fast success, trust me!
Come with me and we'll try the scene.
Leave me some light in here!
- And be quiet!
- Sure.
You go into the girl's house,
who's your lover,
not your wife any more.
- I know.
- You take your coat off because it's hot.
- It's summer.
- Where's my lover?
She's by the window. Signorina Manni!
- She's getting dressed.
- Wasn't she supposed to be undressed?
- He will undress her.
- What about the censors?
Don't worry.
- Where's the camera?
- It's there.
Well done, signorina Manni, very good.
When he enters, you will be here.
Follow me to the window.
- In the meantime... Renzi, the peasants!
- Ready!
She's supposed to be a peasant
from Calabria?
If the public asked
those kind of questions
we might as well shoot ourselves.
To think I'm losing sleep because
she's earning millions showing...
Don't I do films for you?
I'd like to see how you'd earn a living!
Let's see if we agree on this.
Off the set please!
- Silence!
- Yes, come here.
Let's try the kissing scene,
you know what you're doing.
Let's see how it turns out.
- But...
- Go ahead.
Excuse me, Clara, but I have to.
Sit down...
The blouse...
That's it.
Down like I explained before.
- What about the censors?
- What about it? Keep quiet!
- Was that good?
- That was great!
Great, perfect.
- It's very hot.
- Right, now...
- Assunta, the dressing gown please.
- Yes.
Get ready and we'll try with the lights.
Go on.
Well done.
- And you said nothing's changed?
- What? It works better this way.
Why would you need to talk in a scene
like that? Words are useless.
On the top.
Was I good as the femme fatale?
It's an obsession.
Hello, Renata.
Why didn't you call me?
You risked coming over for nothing.
I'm off today anyway,
they're rewriting some scenes.
I brought you these flowers,
aren't they wonderful?
- That crazy man sent me a big bunch!
- Who?
- He asked me to marry him.
- Really?
He wants an answer now
and he wants to get married now!
I need to go to the office and meet him.
- What will you say?
- I don't know, I haven't thought about it.
I bet you haven't even kissed.
Yes, once. Three days ago
at the theatre.
- Do you like Gianni?
- Yes, I like him.
What do you think I should do?
The idea of getting married
is very strange for me.
There once was a guy
who wanted to marry me
but he was so shy!
- Not this one.
- He wants it now, he always does that.
He came to the shop, I was serving a lady
a black and grey textile print.
I told you about it, I think.
Gianni came in and said:
"Do you want to do cinema?
You have to decide now, we cannot wait."
- It worked out well for you.
- Yes, it did.
It will for you too.
Tell him to wait.
Do you remember what that actress did
with her boyfriend - Jean Simmons?
A trial year. He in America,
she in England, without seeing each other.
Gianni would go crazy.
Signorina, if somebody comes,
shall I have them wait?
No one should be coming,
I'm eating out.
Come with me.
We'll go to Gianni,
and I'll tell him about Jean Simmons!
No, I need to take
some photos to the agent.
Good day, signorina.
They're waiting for you.
- Good day.
- There's a surprise for you!
- Mother!
- Clara!
- My dear...
- Father! You didn't tell me!
But you've done everything
without telling us either!
Our daughter is getting married
and we know nothing about it.
It's nice you're famous, and
stand on your own, but...
- I told them. You mind?
- But nothing's settled yet.
On the contrary, I came to tell you that...
Isn't she lovely? A little thin though.
But she's well!
He's the one who's not well.
He's been in bed for a month.
- Why didn't you write to me?
- He didn't want to.
He couldn't even get out of bed.
The doctor said he shouldn't go
back to work for at least two months.
Thank goodness your cheque came.
It was really providential.
Oh, let her be, Olga.
Why are you saying these things?
- Are you well now, father?
- Yes, I'm fine.
- She exaggerates, you know how she is.
- No, I don't exaggerate. The doctor said it.
I'm happy you're marrying.
Because cinema may be great, but...
It's like any job, no different.
Maybe! But I'm happier
to know you're settled.
I told your parents also
to have their approval.
- Excuse me.
- Do you remember Clara's parents?
- From Milan...
- Of course! Welcome.
- Thank you.
- Good day.
- What's wrong with her?
- She should be happy.
In a year this little face
will be famous all over the world!
She'll be worth a minimum of 80 million.
- She should be really happy!
- Yes.
Look here. Telegrams, newspapers,
they're all talking about her.
- What's wrong with you today?
- We're getting married.
We live far away, it's nice to know
she's with somebody and not alone.
Mama, please.
Do you want us all to start crying?
I've never had much luck in life.
At least you're very lucky.
- Good evening, signori.
- Good evening, Remo.
Are the ladies home?
Signor Consul, the mother is upstairs
and signorina Simonetta is in the studio.
Good evening.
Good evening, Simonetta.
- Are they not filming here?
- We didn't want to get in the way.
- No! I want to see.
- It's over there.
As soon as he found out we were shooting
a film with Clara Manni in your house
he made such a fuss to come here!
- I understand, if I was a man...
- La Manni doesn't do it for me.
Nobody has seen her,
there has been a lot of chaos.
The director came with lots of people
and didn't introduce us to anybody.
Mama's nearly regretted
letting them film here.
She's locked herself upstairs!
- Why did you allow it?
- Well, it's 100,000 a day!
Keep quiet, it might be 150,000!
We deserve it,
it's going to be a disaster.
Do you really think
it's going to be such a success? I do.
Yes, it's me.
She's not here, I told you.
We're doing what we can
with the body double.
What do you want me to do about it
if those two have lost their minds?
- Come now.
- Isn't this Manni coming?
Signor Borra is here, he can tell you.
We're working
with a body double for now.
What's a body double?
- It's...
- Signor Borra, excuse me.
One moment.
Production secretary?
- Notariacomo?
- Call Notariacomo.
So, what's a body double?
When the actress isn't available,
you have to work with a lookalike.
But what's la Manni doing?
She didn't come?
You didn't read the paper?
She married Gianni Franchi.
She's on her honeymoon!
But she's coming, she has to!
- Can I pass the cable through here?
- You don't need to ask.
- Are they working in here now?
- Excuse me.
Are they working in here too?
- We can't give more than 5,000.
- The cold air is getting in!
It's a union tariff,
you'll make me lose my job!
How are you going to get close ups
if the actress is missing?
- We'll shoot from behind.
- Call Borra for me!
They're shouting, let's go upstairs
and calm down mama.
Let's go.
Now with neorealism
they shoot everywhere.
- Good evening!
- Good evening.
I came here for a short visit
but I might have to leave right away.
Hello, Nardo.
I thought you were in Greece.
I don't know how they can work
with all this noise.
And with all that chaos.
It's a disgrace. How can a director
work in these conditions?
Alboretti, what can I do about it?
- And I, how can I work like this?
- Try to be reasonable.
Don't you think
I've been reasonable enough?
I've worked miracles!
I agreed to do this film in 40 days,
I adapted to impossible conditions,
you wanted to do the big scene here,
and you wanted it to be focused
on la Manni, and la Manni isn't here!
- What do you expect?
- Expect?
I asked you to do what you can
with the body double!
Right, the body double.
Look at the body double!
Signorina! Come forward please.
Move please.
See? It's all completely different.
Maybe in exteriors, but not here.
I did what you asked.
Have you worked in cinema?
- I've done photo comics.
- You see?
Don't keep looking at me!
I haven't slept in three days!
I've sent telegrams everywhere.
We need to call the police
or the mentaI hospital!
I begged Gianni on my knees to wait
and marry her at the end of the film!
No, sir! He was dying!
He swore he'd be back in a week.
Just in time to do the scenes
without Clara, but he hasn't come.
Where are they? Ischia?
- Dr Franchi is back.
- He's back?
- What were you waiting for?
- I thought you knew.
- If you don't know...
- Who is this guy?
- The driver.
- Did you tell Gianni we're here?
He told me he was going
to the screening
and had an appointment
with you here, at five.
With me? How am I supposed to know?
Who has he gone to the screening with?
I don't know anything.
What are you all doing here
doing nothing?
Move! Go and call him again!
Tell him to come here
with his signora consort!
- Excuse me.
- No, no! It's so entertaining!
Financially, overseas would be better,
but you need to stay and
establish your career here.
Tell me the truth,
apart from your career
you love staying in Rome.
Don't get me wrong, I understand.
I understand your bachelor life.
I saw the Cardona family
the other night.
They seem to be doing well
in Australia.
The little one is already four years old.
You should see the baby that was born
down there, he's a dream.
My happiest colleagues got married
while they were vice consuls
and I've been a consul for a while now.
My next post, we'll do it together.
My mother doesn't believe it.
What about you?
Me? I know how to wait.
- Where would you prefer to go?
- I don't mind.
Here she is.
We were waiting for you,
I'm Simonetta Rota.
- Consul Rusconi.
- Pleased to meet you.
- Emanuele Fano.
- Pleased to meet you.
Are they here?
- Well done.
- Hello, Ercolino.
- How are you?
- Good.
You're doing great.
The honeymoon is over now though!
Go and get ready.
Make-up please!
- Listen, we need to talk.
- What's the matter?
- I imagined her differently.
- It's always the way.
- I saw it all in the screening.
- It's high class stuff.
The photography is amazing,
don't you think?
Speak then! The kissing scene
is a masterpiece.
- Of course, listen...
- What's the matter?
I wanted to ask you a question.
If instead of Clara in that scene
and all the others of that nature,
it was your wife...
What does Eugenia have to do with it?
I get it, you're jealous!
Those scenes are fine as they are.
Get the idea of doing them again
out of your head!
It's not about specific scenes,
it's a bigger problem.
That is?
- Clara is my wife.
- And?
For example...
It's a great picture, she looks lovely.
It cost me a lot of money.
I will not accept this anymore!
That's why I've decided to cut short!
What are you saying?
Clara won't make any more movies.
Have you gone mad?
She plays a girl from Calabria
who's seduced by a fellow countryman.
She comes to this house as a maid,
then he arrives and she runs away.
- Then what becomes of her?
- It ends badly.
I'd say I'm an admirer,
but honestly, I've never seen
any of your films.
I never miss one!
I've seen Goodbye Lady three times.
- The film's not great...
- But she's not bad in it, eh?
You should hear how she sings.
It's to die for!
I rarely go to the cinema
and I don't see many Italian films.
- Why is that?
- I'm often abroad.
- What do you do?
- He's our consul!
I'm working here for the ministry.
- You're a diplomat?
- Yes.
I wonder what it's like to travel a lot.
Maybe it's not for me.
It's a personal thing!
It depends on the place.
I've just been to Greece.
- Where to next?
- I'm not sure, here for now.
And you, signora Manni,
what are you drinking?
Nothing, the others are waiting.
- Can I do as I please, yes or no?
- No, sir.
If you're crazy I'll get you detained,
but you won't ruin me!
It's nothing to do with you, I'll buy it back!
You can sell me your half.
Tell me how much you want.
I want to keep the film and finish it.
- I'll withdraw my 50% then.
- I'll go to a lawyer!
Tell me how much
and we can forget about it.
- Can I listen?
- Of course, let's see what you think.
- Clara agrees with me!
- Look, this is...
- Clara, let's go.
- What's happening?
- Gianni, listen!
- That's enough!
Can you tell me what we're going to do?
He's crazy,
he's not reasoning anymore.
Turn it all off and dismantle it!
If I do another film,
I authorize you to slap me!
I should allow my wife to be involved
in these games?
I told him not to change anything.
He took advantage of my absence
to turn it into a museum of indecencies.
- But can't it be fixed?
- No, it's clear cut!
- When will I start working again?
- Clara...
Do you realise how much
you have to do?
A villa to put in order,
new people, friends.
And Clara, today, before being
an actress, you're a lady.
Do you understand? A lady.
Let me decide.
- Good day, sir.
- Good day.
Good evening, Clara.
Welcome back.
- How are you?
- Good evening?
Did you have a good trip?
Sorry I'm late, I'm already dressed
and can start in five minutes.
This role as seducer is starting
to embarrass me a little!
Lodi, I need to explain...
- Are they leaving?
- Yes, mama. Without filming anything.
That's called a "dolly".
Who's this girl?
What is she doing?
This is appalling!
Signora! What have you decided?
You need to ask my husband.
I told him you were in a hurry.
This house will never be finished.
It's been three months.
Your husband said you would decide.
I asked him this morning.
I don't know. How are these things
usually done?
There are many ways,
it depends on what you like.
Last night I went to the Romolo cinema
behind your house,
to see Goodbye Lady.
When people find out I'm working here
they ask me:
"Do you see her? How is she? "
I tell them, "She's very natural,
like one of us."
- Did you enjoy the film?
- Very much, signora!
When are you doing another one?
- I don't know, maybe never.
- Why?
- What cinema was it?
- The Romolo.
Look, it's la Manni!
The one from the films?
She's prettier!
Signorina Manni!
Will you let me in?
Are you leaving, Signorina?
- Signor Borra?
- Good day.
Excuse me, he's in the dressing room.
Come in.
- Sorry I'm not presentable!
- Relax, you look very handsome!
The office told me you were here,
I wanted to see you.
- Good!
- Ercolino, what's happened?
Damn it!
You've caused me a lot of trouble,
now you're pricking me!
Excuse me, dear. You've become a lady?
So go away.
A lady doesn't watch
a gentleman changing.
Explain to me clearly.
Did you need to go to Ercolino
for explanations?
I did indeed.
I finally found out what's on your mind -
that I should make no more films!
Tell me clearly - you don't want me
to finish this film
or no more films at all?
You admit The Woman without Destiny
didn't benefit your career
or your reputation?
If that's the question, here's a film
that's ready to shoot.
How can you like being an actress
so much?
I think I've given you everything
a young woman could desire.
- I'm bored, completely.
- Have you seen the sleeping pills?
Rich people don't get bored because
they know how to do things.
I don't know anybody
and I can't do anything.
I'm only good at buying fabric, and
only because I worked in a store.
What nonsense.
Do you want me to call your parents?
No, then three of us won't know what to do.
What do you want me to say?
I'm used to working, since always.
That's why I went to Ercolino.
- And he gave me this, he's enthusiastic.
- Oh, we know Ercolino's enthusiasm!
- Have you read it?
- I'm halfway through.
- Are you enthusiastic too?
- I don't know the ending, but...
- Let's read it now, together.
- Now?
It's not the right time
to be reading a script.
I'll read it tomorrow morning,
before you get up, I promise.
I've never failed you.
- Good day.
- Good day.
Thank you.
- Hello!
- Hello.
What a house!
So this is how your husband thinks
he can keep you from working?
- Hello there.
- Hello.
Have you already found
a famous director for this?
Yes, I've spoken to various people.
- Big names?
- Well...
- Why do you ask?
- No reason. You like it, right?
Can you describe it to me in two words?
It's a story about a woman.
A story about a girl.
- Who...
- Good day.
Hello, dear.
Through a series of events...
What's he want?
What's with him today?
A series of obscene events.
You don't dare tell me what she becomes?
A prostitute, naturally.
We're dealing with actual problems,
the Merlin law!
So the law's an excuse
for her being a prostitute?
And you think she's right for it?
If we want Clara to do serious cinema
then I'm behind her.
But on a serious level.
For example?
A big film! An art film!
A film that would go abroad.
Clara, I've thought about
our discussion last night,
and we've hundreds of scripts
in the drawer.
But I've thought of something
really serious. Really important.
What's the subject?
- Joan of Arc!
- What?
Don't tell me it's a new idea,
there's about three versions.
How many Othellos and
Juliet and Romeos have there been?
They're always good, they're classics.
It depends how you do it.
If you said The Lady of the Camellias
it would be better, it's romantic.
Don't talk to me about prostitutes,
Joan of Arc is an enormous figure!
What do you want me to say?
I can't see it, we need another subject!
We need a love story.
For me the formula is: sex, politics,
and religion. All together!
Religion's in there and politics too...
Do you know if
in Joan of Arc's life, well...
she was a woman too?
You're a butcher! How can you speak
of Joan of Arc like that?
She's such a noble character!
Who also died very young,
and we'll do the first part of her youth.
So no battles, no trials and no...
I've already got a director,
the film will get to Venice, understand?
I may be a butcher, but know what I say?
You're both crazy!
To do a story like that you need a brain
that neither I, nor you, nor she has!
Sorry, Clara, but it's the truth.
I know my limits.
You just speculate, you just want Clara
to work without doing anything for her.
I'll make her an actress
who'll make people tremble! Tremble!
Right! Tremble! So make your film
and I'll come and applaud.
But I won't give you my money for it.
- But can't we find something else?
- Leave it, I'll do it all on my own!
- I'll find the finance!
- Good luck.
- No, wait! Why can't we ever...
- Clara!
Do you want to make films
or pornography? We'll stop now.
Why do you say such things?
Because you make me say them.
I offer you a unique opportunity.
One no other actress has.
A film made for you! Made by me!
With my own blood!
That's what I fear. I don't want you
to get into a mess because of me.
Don't want what? Don't you trust me?
I'll do it all on my own,
I'm even tempted to direct it.
With you I feel I could.
If there's something better to do,
what do you suggest?
Let's go to the movies,
if we get bored we can go for a swim.
- In this rain?
- It's great.
I'd rather go to the movies.
Whoever loves me will follow me!
Who's making you go to the Lido?
They've got good films
in the afternoon too.
Sure. Small film sometimes
can have notable actors.
Michele, we made Nardo
come over for the festival
and now it seem she's obsessed
with cinema.
I know! You must be if you want to see
la Manni in Joan of Arc.
I've never seen her on the screen and
this is her first serious film, I'm going!
I'm going to the projection room
To check on the screening, I'm nervous.
I won't wish anything for your husband.
But for you, Clara, I hope for the best.
Thank you.
- Seltzer, sir?
- Yes.
Here you are.
Don't tell me to be quiet.
Go, Joan...
- What a bore!
- Let's go for a swim.
- Yes.
- Come, Marisa.
Et voila!
Well done.
You will leave with three soldiers...
... free Orleans from the English siege.
The Dolphin will be King...
Shall we go? Its no good.
I want to see it all, there's always
somebody who'll say the end was...
What end?
Now you've left too,
there's no point my continuing to hide.
- Where are you going?
- To the hotel!
- She was a shop assistant in Milan.
- You can't tell.
- Talk to her and you can tell.
- It's not true, I knew her.
After Falconetti and Bergman,
how can she?
The presumption! The presumption!
I didn't like it.
- Good evening. Have you seen Clara?
- She left during the film.
- That was a while ago.
- Thank you.
San Marco!
No! It was a brave attempt.
Not good, but brave.
- You think the same as the others.
- If you'd listened to my advice.
- Your advice? I would be in a mess.
- No, you wouldn't.
I'd already seen it,
but seeing it again it was worse.
Thank you for not talking about the film.
I started crying like that,
in front of you who I hardly know.
I didn't say anything
because I didn't know what to say.
I'm not from your world and
don't know what this means for you.
Now there'll be the reviews,
the discussions...
- You left halfway through too, eh?
- That means nothing.
You can go to a movie even if
you're not interested in cinema.
I went to the film just for you.
Actually I'm in Venice
exclusively for you.
At least I've made you smile.
- When can I see you again?
- I leave immediately, tonight.
In Rome then?
I don't know. I'm in such despair.
I don't understand anything.
Thanks anyway.
Excuse me.
What pigs! All of them!
If I get my hands on them...!
You were wrong,
we should have stayed in Venice!
I don't understand. I'm going crazy.
Why do you take it so hard?
Why can't you see beyond
a single projection?
- I've seen more than beyond.
- Ah, yes! Who knows what you saw!
We got it all wrong, Gianni.
Your fault, my fault, I don't know...
Certainly more mine than yours.
For months we've been working
on this adventure.
You hurled me into it
without giving me time to reflect.
That's how you work!
So... so, here we are.
Like two strangers.
Worse! Because one's often
more sincere with a stranger.
I've always let you persuade me.
When you told me to come to Rome,
when you married me,
when you made me do this film.
I've always done everything you wanted.
What are you saying?
Maybe I never thought about
the consequences.
Or I ignored them, to avoid being scared.
As I'm scared every time
I see myself on screen.
I have to repeat to myself ten times
a minute, "It's me, me"!
Come on...
You know we're talking
about us, Gianni!
Also when I think of you, I have
to repeat to myself, "It's me, me!"
Why did you marry me?
You knew I didn't love you, even if
I never had the courage to tell you.
Why are you saying these things?
I wish they weren't true, but they are!
You've always known it.
And I don't know how you can
be happy about it.
Like you're happy about the film
which went badly!
This way I can't work anymore and
have to stay home all day waiting for you!
But my love, why do we have to say
stupid, degrading things to each other?
You've had a big disappointment
and suddenly everything seems a failure.
Our love too. You've been happy with me...
No, Gianni, no!
Come in.
Mineral water, sir.
Is the director here?
- He's in the hall. Should I call him?
- No, I'll go.
What's this story about you changing
the programme tomorrow?
I can't afford to ruin myself
with your film in high season.
- Sorry, signor Franchi, I'm not cheating you!
- You're not changing the film.
I have to,
I'd be better off paying a fine.
I'd be better off showing anything else,
don't you see?
We'll see, I'm going to the ministry.
Remember bills worth
- And another 12 million on the 25th.
- Don't worry, renew them.
I'm not worried at all.
I'm just telling you I won't renew them.
- Why not?
- I was happy to help you
and I'd be happy to stay in the affair,
if there was an affair.
But it doesn't seem a question of
recuperating the money with delay.
The question now is that the money
won't be recuperated at all.
You must understand that I can't continue.
- Wait, why worry? There's the second run.
- What second run?
You've got a curious way of thinking.
Why? It's only two hours to Monte Carlo,
we can eat there.
I need to go home for lunch.
You think those who work in cinema
live a completely different life.
Maybe all together in Cinecitta!
Maybe I'm ruining all your plans.
A single man, always travelling,
going to Rome for a while.
What's better than an adventure
with a film person?
- You can't think much of me.
- Quite the opposite.
If I asked you to stop,
it's because it's a place I like a lot.
A place where if two people
were talking here,
they'd end up
understanding each other.
And instead...
Since Venice,
I've thought only of you.
But you haven't thought about me.
That's exactly why I said
you have a curious idea.
Do you think a situation like this
is easy for me?
I've never been
in this situation before.
And now we're both in it,
why hide it?
Remember the day we met in Venice?
Just a touch of hands,
in the middle of a crowd,
and between us something happened.
Don't deny it, Clara.
Can you deny it?
Don't ruin everything.
I told you you don't understand.
Let go of me.
So let's go back to the city.
- Where do you want me to take you?
- I don't know. Anywhere.
- The centre.
- Fine.
- Did you send those flowers?
- We're sending them now.
- Forget it, please.
- As you wish, Consul.
Umbrellas! Umbrellas!
Don't ask me anything, please.
Ercolino, are you eating with us?
Did Gianni call you?
Gianni didn't call but this is about him.
Has something happened?
Nothing serious, I hope. They called
from your house, but they didn't say much.
Don't worry.
Signora, you have no idea
what's just happened.
I found him in the studio,
he looked dead.
- Is he upstairs?
- Yes.
You stay here.
I'm going back to the kitchen, signora.
The doctor's upstairs.
If you need me...
Does signor Franchi
usually take sleeping pills?
He's been very stressed lately.
A lot on his mind.
Okay, okay.
But I want to know how many pills
were missing before today.
- Well?
- Well, it wasn't full.
Instead of discussing pills, wouldn't it be
more practical to take him to the clinic?
No, we've done the lavage.
Even if we suspected something,
he's out of danger now.
But I'd like to know
how full the tube was.
Who knows.
Nothing to fear.
Things are calm now.
He's just sleeping normally.
Let's leave him to sleep in peace.
He won't be waking up
for at least 12 hours, right, doctor?
Anyway, Clara,
we'll take care of the rest.
Listen, Clara, you heard the doctor,
Gianni is out of danger.
Let's not think about it anymore.
Let's just say it's opened our eyes.
One thing is certain, he's in trouble.
No point discussing how he got into it,
what's important is to get him out.
And this, Clara, only you and I can do.
We have to finish Woman without Destiny.
It's the only thing we can do.
You understand, don't you?
- What is it?
- A telephone call.
- Shall I pass it here?
- Yes.
Come, Doctor.
So did you decide
how many pills there were?
- Hello?
- Clara!
Clara, it's me, Nardo.
If he was used to barbiturates,
I don't see how he could think
he'd kill himself with this amount.
Maybe it's a gesture...
- Signora Manni's car?
- It's ready.
- Be here at 7:00 sharp tomorrow.
- I know.
I wanted to talk to you about
Sunday's dubbing session.
- Can you move it?
- No, the film must be out in a month!
Clara can rest when it's finished.
- No, she said...
- Don't tell me stories now! Clara!
Your husband says
you want to rest Sunday.
No, I prefer to rest at the end.
Sunday I want to dub.
Why? Isn't it possible?
Yes, yes, we can, we can.
The schedule's fine as it is!
Will you tell me why?
We could have gone to Fregene, relaxed,
and spent Sunday together, alone.
Gianni, please.
- There's a gentleman asking for you.
- Where? Who?
Tell him... No, I'll come.
- Shall I wait in the dressing room?
- What?
- Shall I wait in the dressing room?
- No. I mean, yes.
She used to be so nice,
now she's always upset.
Don't worry.
If you think it's amusing.
I don't think they get along.
- Who?
- Her husband, they're always arguing.
What do you care?
I'm here.
I heard about your husband.
I tried to reach you,
I was hoping you'd call me.
- Or that you'd come.
- Yes.
- He's better, no? Nothing serious?
- Nothing serious.
Just that... What shall I do?
I'm even more tied to him now.
I understand.
He was in a disastrous financial mess
and I didn't know.
Now we're trying to resolve everything
by finishing a film
that my husband wanted
to shut down months ago.
It was a horrible shock.
On the very day I came to you.
- Like a punishment.
- Clara...
I don't have a moment free
and I'm deadly tired.
What should I have done?
I couldn't have done differently.
If my husband's ruined himself,
it was for me.
Yes, I know.
- I know you did all you could.
- I didn't, I didn't have the courage.
Maybe if you'd been near me.
I've thought only of you.
I needed to see you.
I wrote to you a hundred times
and tore up the letters.
I called you, and as soon as
I heard the maid's voice I hung up.
Like a boy.
Careful of the greasepaint,
you'll get dirty.
- I told you, you're dirty.
- When will you come? I'll wait for you.
I don't know.
What should I do? You tell me.
Do what you want.
You decide.
So... when?
Tell me when.
When we can be together day and night
without subterfuge.
So, never.
Is that what you want?
Are you asking me?
I wanted to hear you say it.
I'll have the courage.
I've made too many mistakes in life.
I don't want to make any more.
Let me pay my debts.
My marriage has become a business,
let me pay my debts.
Ready? Action!
It wasn't my son,
why are you accusing him?
What do you know about him?
You have a debt also to me.
Eternal heroism...
Let's stop it for once.
What you ask is impossible,
sons want to get away from parents,
life goes on.
Signora Manni!
It's a pleasure to see you again.
- Thank you for coming, you're so kind.
- How are you?
- Were you buying a ticket?
- Of course.
- No, wait!
- It's no bother!
Wait, sir, my son-in-law is here.
- It's no bother for us.
- Clara didn't come?
She wanted to stay in Rome,
she's so shy. You know that.
It's a shame as it's a real success.
I'm excited, I've been here since 3:00!
I've seen the film three times
and I cry every time.
- Let's go, sir.
- Did you ask your son-in-law?
No, I haven't.
I'd like Clara to come back
to the shop for one day.
You never know.
Signor Borra!
One moment.
Signora Borra,
have you an invite for Sir Rinaldi,
who owns the shop
where my Clara worked?
- Ah... Borra.
- Rinaldi, nice to meet you.
I can't find Gianni,
we're waiting for that call from Rome.
- There's still time.
- No, it's late.
Do you want to take
the gentleman through?
Thank you, signor...
I always forget your name...
Ercoles! Could you take him?
You're more practical.
Have you seen our Milanese?
She's the prettiest of them all!
- I discovered her.
- Did you?
I got her to do what I could.
I sell fabric, so I couldn't get her
to do more than sell fabric.
If you make films then obviously...
It's Saturday, but even so
this is magnificent box office!
- Excuse me, have you spoken to her?
- No, I'm waiting.
Good, I was afraid you had.
I'd have called again.
You know, the mama's always the mama!
- Of course.
- And after a joy like this tonight...
- Make yourself comfortable.
- Thank you.
Go get her father, poor thing!
He's still in the front row balcony.
- I'm here!
- Oh yes.
- Telephone!
- Hello, Rome?
Give it to me, I'm the mama,
me first, excuse me!
Hello? Rome?
Yes! It's really Rome!
Go get her father!
Oh yes, he's here.
Hello? Yes, I'm ready.
Oh, Stella, hi!
Oh, it's not her? Sorry...
Listen. A success!
Not even at the fair...
Just a moment.
I'm telling you it was,
Sir Rinaldi was also there.
Is Ercolino happy? Let me talk to him.
No, mama, I'm not coming.
I'll write to you.
When's Gianni coming back?
I'll write to him too.
Clara, I don't understand.
I don't know.
They said they've already sold it abroad
and covered the costs.
Do you have a cold?
It sounds like she's crying.
Maybe she regrets
not being in Milan.
What's wrong?
You're so stubborn!
- I'll pass you to Gianni.
- Give it to me.
- What?
- No, mama.
I don't want to talk to Gianni.
Yes, bye.
I'll write to you,
I said I don't want to talk!
Nardo, come now.
Don't ask, I'll explain in person.
Come now.
Here I am.
- Where shall we go?
- Wherever you want.
I'm running away forever.
I'm coming with you.
Explain it to me.
The film went well. They've already
covered costs with sales abroad.
You want me to explain these things?
I don't know the details.
The essential is Gianni's back on his feet
and I don't have remorse
for ruining him..
Everything else I'd told him.
I left him a letter...
- When does your husband return?
- I'm not sure. In two or three days.
- I left him a letter, I tell you.
- A letter? What letter?
I'm just asking if you really want
to do something so sensational.
You're in the spotlight and your names
are always in the newspapers.
Your husband's not here now,
when he's back you'll talk,
but to leave a letter so...
- But you...
- You know how I feel about you.
Do you understand what that means?
If I advise you to reconsider,
I'm only doing it for your good.
For months I've been reconsidering
and I've decided.
I told you - I'll come with you
when it can be forever.
You spoke of a letter.
If I were you, I'd go get it back.
We'll be back tomorrow, or the day after.
Before your husband is.
Then you will do everything properly,
take my advice.
"For Gianni"
- She's asleep, signor Franchi!
- I'll wake her!
Wait! She worked all night. Wait!
- Who is it?
- Where's Clara?
- Close the window! Are you crazy?
- Don't pretend. Where's Clara?
What do I know, if you don't?
I haven't seen her for months.
Since you got married.
Which seems pretty normal to me.
She's left me!
She's gone I don't know where!
She said she wants a new life.
I thought you might know something.
You were her best friend, no?
No, you were my best friend.
Poor Gianni.
Signorina, is there much work
at this hour?
Yes, make it very urgent.
- Yes, very urgent.
- Pardon?
That's fine.
What has my Clara done?
I don't understand what's happened
between those two.
You tell me.
Oh signora, I wasn't living with them.
All I know is Clara called me,
made me swear not to tell anyone
where she is, but I'll tell you anyway,
and phone her urgently, a flash call.
What more can I do?
- Your daughter will tell you everything.
- Yes, you're right.
It's just a misunderstanding.
My Clara's a baby.
Just what I need.
- And?
- And what? I ask you!
We found her,
Signor Ercolino made a flash!
- A flash? What flash?
- Calm down. We found her.
- Where is she?
- Don't worry. A hotel. So not unreachable.
- Tell me where, I'll go now!
- No, you stay here.
Stay here! And please
don't make a scene!
Hello? Yes.
Ah, it's you, Ercolino? What?
And mama's there too?
What need was there
to have her come from Milan?
Yes. What?
No, mama, no.
It's not a misunderstanding. Please.
It's not that simple.
How can I explain?
Gianni and I will talk calmly.
Yes dear, but you can set things right.
You and Gianni need to talk.
You hear? She wants to talk to me.
I'm calm, I'm not a baby, you know!
Sort it out yourselves then!
- Clara!
- Gianni! I didn't know you were there.
Yes, it's true, but not like this
on the telephone.
You also know it's impossible!
You're right,
but I couldn't act differently.
For months I've tried
to make you understand
what you don't want to understand.
No, Gianni. It's not that.
I repeat, between us everything's finished.
I wrote it all in the letter.
I think I've been loyal.
Right, we can't talk
about these things by phone. I agree!
When can I see you again?
This we can decide now!
No, get off the line, signorina! Get off!
But look, to have me find two lines,
that's inhuman!
What do you think, despite the blow
of that letter, the way you...
You have to think things over.
You can't just decide, all of a sudden,
that our life together is impossible!
What are you saying?
You have your whole lives in front of you.
- Let's see each other, then decide.
- Let me talk to her.
Hello, Clara?
Darling, what has happened
that's so terrible?
You must try to understand
each other a bit.
Then you can put it right.
Mama, don't complicate matters.
Gianni and I will see each other,
but only for the separation.
Gianni knows it.
We can't put things right.
Nardo, just a moment please.
Who's there with you?
Who are you talking to?
I beg your pardon?
Clara! Is somebody there with you?
What do you want to explain?
There's little to explain!
And you have the gall to talk of loyalty!
You wanted an easy separation, easy,
and you're already there with another man!
Traitor! Liar!
I'll give you more than a separation!
I'll kill you! I'll kill you!
- It was a call from Rome.
- Ah! Someone knows you're here?
- My husband.
- What did you tell him?
The truth -
that I'm not going back to him.
That I've started afresh.
I'm not sure you're really weighing
what you're doing.
These aren't decisions
one can make so lightly.
It will also affect my life.
Not only in terms of my career,
but also my relationship with others.
For me that's very important.
It's extremely important!
Don't be afraid,
I've said nothing to Gianni.
You think I don't understand
these things?
I was joking.
Now I have to go back to Rome
That's what I'd have advised too.
What's wrong, love?
Nothing, I'm upset our holiday is over.
It's best you leave,
I wouldn't want to compromise you.
- See you, Clara.
- Farewell.
- Anything new?
- A lady came. Should still be here.
Thank you.
Good evening.
Sorry for coming at this time.
I needed to talk to someone,
not be alone
and you're the only person.
What's happened?
This morning I was the happiest
woman in the world, and now...
I finally had the courage to leave that house
where I never found myself.
Where everything felt false,
where I felt false.
Gianni and I got married
like in the movies.
It was all a mistake.
But with Nardo,
for the first time in a long time,
I fooled myself into feeling alive...
in flesh and bone.
I kidded myself.
When he realized for me it was serious -
you can't imagine, Lodi -
I saw in his face a fear
that was tender.
If it hadn't been so horrible,
it would've been ridiculous,
I, who thought of eternal love,
and he, who only wanted
an adventure with an actress.
And he had it.
So here I am.
I thought about leaving for Milan
with my mother.
But I'll tell her to go alone,
I'm not myself anymore with my family.
Last time I went home,
it was a disaster.
- Whens that merchandise arriving?
- It left on the 18th.
- Post-paid?
- Of course.
- I already have too many expenses...
- Isn't that the actress? In the movies?
- What's her name?
- I don't know. I don't know her.
- The packaging can't be like last time.
- Of course.
Lodi, I'm desperate.
I've nothing now, at 22.
At times like this you need courage
to throw yourself into work, Clara.
Have you some project,
some film in view?
It's about this
that I wanted to talk to you.
Are you sure cinema
is the work for me?
Frankly, I wouldn't know.
- Would you like anything?
- Thank you.
This will sound strange,
but you've had things too easy.
You succeeded almost without working.
Probably it's not your fault.
You had mediocre directors,
unsuitable stories,
you learned nothing.
You've never seen the better aspects
of Italian cinema.
Clara, you're beautiful
and till now they've done nothing
but photograph your beauty.
Maybe you can't do more than that
or maybe you can discover as an actress
the meaning of your life,
but you haven't tried yet,
neither for others or yourself.
How does one try?
Have you ever thought about
what being a serious actress means?
Have you ever asked yourself
what makes great actors successful?
Do you know all the suffering
they've had to overcome?
Long years of study, often obscure,
the hopes and disappointments?
Up until now cinema has given you
a superficial fame.
It's put you in a false world,
where you say you feel empty.
One can say you haven't even
started becoming an actress.
So you advise me to begin studying
to become an actress, a serious actress?
It's worth a try for somebody like me?
It's always worth a try.
- What took you so long?
- The under-secretary kept me.
So you're going to Paris
with the Commission?
- Any news?
- Nothing's been decided yet.
Isn't that la Manni?
Listen, didn't you tell me she left?
- Did you know?
- What?
That she was back.
If you want, drop me off here.
I'll get out and walk.
- Come on...
- It's no bother.
Aren't you repeating yourself?
In two months I've not seen her and
know nothing about her. No one has.
I think Emanuele told me
she's abandoned cinema.
She cut her hair.
I almost didn't recognize her. It's not bad.
I don't want to make a jealous scene,
it's not my style.
But if they don't send you to Paris,
you'll be happy to stay here,
now that la Manni's rediscovered.
- Clara Manni?
- She has to be here.
No, you're mistaken, she's not here.
She must be in another hotel.
- Signorina Manni, please.
- Right away, signor Borra.
Room 122, please.
I've started shooting with no actress.
Send him up.
Come on, Clara, you can't keep
refusing to do films.
- Isn't this the seventh?
- Exactly, Boschi.
And I'm refusing yours too
because I don't like it.
- But this is something big!
- Yes. Big.
Above all with lots of sex, no?
Paramours in scanty costumes,
double entendres,
a story that doesn't make sense...
just a pretext...
- I read the script, you know.
- And?
I'm interested in working.
Bring me something serious
and we'll talk about it.
- But this is serious.
- No more stuff like this.
Come in!
- Excuse me.
- Good day, Borra.
Hi, Claretta. Dear Boschi.
- Do you need to talk?
- No, I'm just leaving.
I need to confirm the role
to la Garofali.
I'm off to Cinecitta. See you, guys.
- Bye, Clara.
- Goodbye.
- Bye, signor Borra.
- Goodbye.
Did you refuse another film?
How are the acting lessons going?
- I've stopped them.
- Why?
- I'm broke.
- How silly!
You should have called me before.
We're friends, I'd be happy to help.
- You've disappeared!
- I didn't call to ask you for money.
- I'd like a favor.
- Fancy that!
I want to talk to Gianni, where is he?
He called me two minutes ago
from Cinecitta.
What do you want from him?
He's preparing a film, a good one.
The main part's a woman.
Know anything about it?
Has he the actress yet? Are you involved?
No, we're not partners anymore.
He does things in a big way now.
He may be right, who knows?
This thing's organised rather well.
But you and Gianni?
Maybe only he can still
understand me.
- Will you come with me?
- Of course, as you wish.
- Signorina Manni, we'd like...
- No!
- It'll only take a moment...
- Leave her alone.
Don't insist.
- Good day, Clara.
- Excuse me, please.
Look what you make me do.
Wait like a student.
I hear you've been here for months.
You don't think I deserve an explanation?
- I don't think you do.
- Why do you treat me like this?
What've I done to you?
- I never understood.
- I know you've never understood me.
Have you thought what all this was for me?
What I was willing to give up?
Remember that letter to my husband
you advised me not to leave?
I left it, without telling you.
I thought you behaved thoughtlessly
and I still do.
Certainly it's ridiculous to talk to you
like this. It was all ridiculous.
Now leave me alone.
Know where I'm going?
To ask my husband for work.
We have to see each other soon, Clara.
To begin again like before?
- Goodbye, Nardo.
- No, I want to see you today.
Call me. I'll be home all day.
- Have you seen Dr Franchi?
- He's at the transformer.
Ah, okay.
Heavens, so many extras!
It must be the film shooting
in Theatre 14.
There's a film to please you,
an artistic film.
Who knows if I'll ever get to do
a role like I say.
A dramatic one.
If only Gianni -
Listen, you haven't seen Gianni in so long,
maybe it's better I leave you two alone.
Please, come too.
I'll join you in two minutes.
Here it is - go.
- Hi, Renata.
- Hi. What're you doing here?
I have to talk to Gianni.
Don't you think he's suffered enough?
Leave him alone!
- He can't do anything for you.
- He makes films.
This time I got there first.
How you've changed, Renata.
Clara, what a surprise!
I wanted to call you.
- I'll be right back.
- Sure.
- Hey, your lawyer, he's never around.
- His office is on via Nazionale.
Yes, via Nazionale,
but he's never there.
What're you doing? Excuse us.
Want to chat?
I know you're starting an important film.
Yes. So look, first of all
I wanted to tell you...
I didn't want to disturb,
just to ask one thing.
About the separation?
Yes, I've already talked to my lawyer.
I'm happy to see you
now that we're calm.
To have wanted to kill!
Think what you reduced me to!
You were not to give in. It was madness,
it would have ended anyway.
I didn't come just to talk about
the separation.
You know, you're prettier. Let me see.
You look good with short hair.
Shall we talk business a bit?
I came to talk about
this famous film of yours.
I know there's a part.
I thought maybe you...
- or have you already given it to Renata?
- Renata? I don't think so!
- So, it's still available?
- For you?
Among others, I'm in talks with an American.
Oh, when people find out who she is!
But I do have something for you.
That's why I wanted to call.
The Thousand and One Woman.
Great title, full of appeal.
It'll have a good comic,
and a wonderful part for you!
Thanks, Gianni, I'll think about it.
Of course, think about it.
But, listen, some advice, eh?
You have a name
that's still good for certain things.
But Clara, well...
youth's not eternal. So...
Clara, let me know, eh?
What do you want me to do?
If she'd been a gentleman
I'd have tried to extract something.
It would have been a good fortune,
now that I think of it.
I'm so tired.
Imagine, to be able to stay some
days at home, not a lot, just a few.
Maybe in bed, with everything paid for.
Don't be afraid,
I'm just talking.
I wonder why it's never
crossed my mind.
I thought I thought of everything.
Last year for example,
I was two months out of work.
I'm not alone, I have a baby.
If I were alone
I could look after myself better.
- I don't mince words...
- Look, la Manni!
It's Clara Manni!
- With that face, if only she could act.
- What can you do?
Look at her.
The next day I fainted.
More from weakness than fear...
- Rebecchi!
- Here.
- Del Brocco!
- Present.
- Conto!
- Present.
- Di Vete!
- Present.
- Marinelli!
- Present.
- Domboloni!
- Present.
- Gilberti!
- Here.
- Gabbioli!
- Present.
- Montalvi!
- Present.
- Somma!
- Here.
- Lande!
- Present.
- Pagliari!
- Here.
- Ventura!
- Present.
- Nardini!
- Present.
- Aloisi!
- Present.
- Bordoni!
- Present.
- Chimi!
- Present.
- Did you talk to Gianni?
- Yes.
What did he say?
I didn't want to say anything,
but I knew that for this role he needed...
A serious actress!
And I won't ever be one.
I realized it two minutes ago.
How stupid, eh?
- I realized it only now, when I heard...
- Clara, be practical.
- You can still earn all you want.
- Yes, making the films that you say.
Three months I've been studying, working,
living in hope of doing something better!
Come on, you're great for certain things.
Why discourage yourself?
It would be a shame to...
Relax, nothing will happen.
What do you want me to do?
Go back to being a shop assistant?
Maybe I should have stayed there,
but now...
Can't you see that I've changed too,
that I'm stuck in the middle?
Sorry, but it sounds like
you're blaming me?
- Ferranti!
- Present.
- Oddi! Is Oddi here?
- Present.
- Secca!
- Present.
It's a different scene. It can't be done,
the architect says so too.
Done deal!
- What?
- It's a deal!
Are you joking or serious?
I've never said anything more serious
in my life.
Come, Clara, come!
- It's a matter of principles.
- What do you care?
Look, we have to start right away!
Here! Here's your film.
Look, this is your kingdom
and these are your slaves.
Come forward, girls.
I'll get you the script.
Luisa, the script for the signorina.
There aren't any left,
we need to get more copies made.
Do it now. Run. Hurry!
The script's what it is,
I don't even want to reread it.
- This isn't a joke, eh? I warn you!
- Get in touch with my lawyer.
Wait, I won't let you go
until you've signed the contract.
- Listen!
- Yes.
Tell Giorgini to come here now.
Actually, tell him to meet me in the bar.
You come too, Luisa.
We'll go and have a drink.
It's crazy to think how much
it's going to cost to get rid of Garofalo.
I bet he's managed it.
- How lovely and warm.
- We'll warm ourselves up a bit!
- Girls, let's go!
- Let us warm up a bit!
Come on!
- Come right away, I need you.
- I'm coming!
What did I say? Here she is!
She's ours! This is your director.
I never even hoped for this!
- Clara, we'll have dinner tonight.
- Not tonight.
We'll celebrate here then!
Martini and Champagne for everybody!
Excuse me, one moment.
- Where are you going?
- To make a call.
Just the man I was looking for!
I need to talk about Clara's contract.
For what?
Her contract with you is over.
There aren't going to be complications?
It depends on Clara. A coffee.
Good. I'm doing The Slave
of the Pyramids with her!
If you want to see me tonight then...
I said some stupid things before.
It happens sometimes.
I'm fine now.
Yes, I'm over it now.
Gianni also helped me.
A very good film. I'm happy.
It's just what I wanted.
Gianni, accept the contract.
There we are, it's all arranged.
Yes, I'm happy.
See you tonight.
We're giving a press conference now...
- Here I am!
- Let's have a nice picture done.
- Great.
- Come, everybody!
- Grab the script.
- Everybody over here!
- Hello, how are you?
- Good.
Over here. Come on, let's go.
Excuse me.
This will be great publicity.
- Keep still.
- Ready?
Lift your head up, signora.
Wait, another one please.
Smile, signora, please...
That's the way!