Silence (2016)

Praise to you,
Lord Jesus Christ
1633. Pax Christi.
Praised be God.
Although for us.
There is little peace in this land now.
I never knew Japan,
when it was a country of light.
But I have never known it
to be as dark as it is now.
All our progress has
ended in new persecution...
New repression,
new suffering.
They use ladles
filled with holes,
So the drops would
come out slowly,
And the pain would
be prolonged.
Each small splash of the water,
Was like a burning coal.
The Governor of Nagasaki
took four friars,
and one of our own
society to Un-sen.
There are hotsprings there.
The Japanese call them hells
Partly, I think, in mockery.
and partly,
I must tell you, in truth.
The officials told our Padres to
abandon God and the gospel of his love.
But they not only
refused to apostatize.
They asked to be tortured.
So they could demonstrate
the strength of their faith
and the presence
of God within them.
Some remained on the mountain,
for 33 days.
The story of their courage gives
hope to those of us priests
who remain here in secret.
We will not abandon
our hidden Christians.
Who live in fear.
We only grow stronger in his love.
Ferreira is lost to us.
This was his last letter.
Why lost?
This letter came to us,
when you were traveling from Portugal.
It took years to reach us,
it was hidden, smuggled, ransomed.
And finally put into my
hand by a Dutch trader,
Who had other news as well.
He is alive?
That he apostatized.
That he denounced God in
public and abandoned his faith.
And is now living as a Japanese.
That's not possible.
Father Ferreira risked his life to
spread our faith all over Japan.
We're here today because of him.
Yes, he was...
he is the strongest of us.
He wrote those words during the
most sweeping persecution of all.
Now things are even worse.
Thousands are dead.
Because of what
we brought them.
Thousands more have
given up their faith.
You said this trader brought news,
but it's not proven, is it?
It could be a slander created
to further discredit our faith.
Given the extent of the
persecution in that country.
Respectfully, there must
multitudes there who need us too.
And the fact,
there has been no other word of him.
- And the news brought by the Dutch...
- Rumors, Father, only.
I must conclude, it is true.
If it is true, Father.
What would it mean?
For the Jesuits.
For the whole of Catholic Europe?
I seems to me that our mission here,
is more urgent than ever.
We must go find Father Ferreira.
I can not allow that.
How. How can we
abandon our mission?
Your mission,
Father Garupe,
was to find news Ferreira,
you have found it.
Excuse me Father,
but this letter
Relates the most
terrible story,
but it says nothing
of Ferreira himself.
Whatever happened to
him is still unknown.
All that we know of his fate,
is this one slander.
Permit me,
Father Valignano, but
I believe our mission still stands.
Do you know how many Christians,
the authorities executed in Shinaba?
Thousands, tens of thousands.
Most of them beheaded.
No, it's far too dangerous for you.
Yes, but Father,
how can we neglect the man
who nurtured us in faith?
He shapes the world for us.
And even if the
slander should be true
- Father Ferreira is damned.
- Yes.
We have no choice but to save his soul.
- This is in your hearts in both of you?
- Yes.
It is.
Like our first fervor.
Then I must trust God has put it there.
He calls you to a great trial.
The moment you set
foot in that country,
you step into high danger.
You will be the last two priests to go.
An army of two.
May 25th, 1640.
Pax Christi, God be praised.
Father Valignano,
as I begin these lines.
I can not be sure that once they
are done, they will ever reach you.
But I want to maintain your
confidence in our mission.
And vindicate your faith in us.
Today, there was wonderful news.
Your Mr. Chun has found
us a Chinese boat.
It will smuggle us into Japan.
And he claims he's found
the only Japanese in Macau.
To be our most valued
guide in that country.
Finally, we meet our first Japanese.
He is not much, you will see.
But after almost two months,
he is the only one.
Wake up!
Come on, get up!
He was drifting on sea.
Portuguese bring him.
He's stuck here. Wants to go home.
Is he? Are you really Japanese?
They will take you home.
Where is your home?
What's your work?
He will do what you say.
You know our language?
Yes. Little.
You learned from the Jesuit Padres,
you must have, so...
You're Christian.
No Christian.
Good guide for you, he's Christian too.
I am not Christian!
Christians die!
They die in Nagasaki.
Listen to me.
We have money.
If you can help us, we can take you home
We can take you
home to Japan,
would you like to
go home to Japan?
I want.
I want to go home.
Japan is the country of my family!
I beg you,
don't abandon me here, Father.
He will be good guide.
Promise me. They take me home.
Promise me.
Our guide.
He can't be Christian.
He says he's not,
but can you believe anything he says?
I don't even want to
believe he is Japanese.
And he said to them,
go thee into the whole world
And preach the gospel to
every living creature,
Even to one such as this.
So our Lord commanded.
And as I prepare to do his work,
I see his face before me.
He looks as he must have
when he commanded Peter.
Feed my lambs,
Feed my lambs, feed my sheep.
It fascinates me.
I feel such great love for him.
Garupe and I had absolutely
no luggage to bring to Japan.
Except our own hearts.
And during the calm and
storm of the voyage.
I reflected upon the 20
years which has passed
since the persecution
has broken out.
The black soil of Japan is filled
with the wailing of so many Christians.
The red blood of priests
has float profusely.
The walls of churches have fallen down.
We have committed our lives to this man.
Jesus entrusted more.
Come on.
- Here, here!
- Kichijiro!
He is going to betray us.
(Praying in Latin)
(Praying in Latin)
What you will do too quickly.
Hurry, we have no time. No time!
What is this place?
Please be quick.
So dangers can not see you.
I'm sorry, Padre.
Too dangerous,
there are more executions than ever.
If they know we are Christians.
We will be killed.
The Lord hears you.
Yes. He sent you to us.
Please. Enter, enter.
Thank you.
We have little food. If you would like.
You will be safe here till morning.
Sit, sit, please.
I'm sorry.
How do you live like this?
I mean, how do you live as Christians.
When the danger is so great.
You understand?
We pray in secret,
but we have some Jiisama.
Who is the Jiisama?
You lead them? You lead the village?
In prayer, in devotions?
The only sacrament he
can perform is baptism.
We worship with the Jiisama,
we hide the Christian images.
God still sees us?
- Yes?
- Yes.
Even though we don't have a priest,
until now.
Please eat!
Please eat!
Thank you.
Every Christian here is
part of our secret church.
This faith, this faith,
this faith you have, is so strong.
You have such courage.
It is only here that
there is such faith or... other villages too?
We do not know about other villages.
We never go there.
You don't go?
Other villages are so dangerous.
You do not know who to trust.
Everyone fears the Inquisitor,
Inoue Sama.
Inform on Christian,
and they give you 100 pieces of silver.
200 for a Christian brother
and for priest. 300.
We must go to the other villages.
You must let them know that
priests are here again.
And we are here in Japan again.
It would be good.
There was a Padre, who was here,
called Ferreira.
Father Ferreira.
Have you heard of him? Like us.
- No.
- No?
You do not eat?
It is you who feed us.
They do not dare
take us anywhere by the main road.
To hide like this
must be a terrible burden.
I was overwhelmed by the love
I felt from these people.
Even though their
faces couldn't show it.
Long years of secrecy,
have made their faces into masks.
Why do they have to suffer so much?
Why did God make them
to bear such a burden?
This is the safest here.
This hut for making charcoal.
When you hear this sound.
It will be us.
If you hear anything else.
During the day we keep the
door of our hut tightly closed.
And refrain from
the slightest noise,
lest anyone passing
outside may hear it.
Only the dark makes it safe for us
to go down into the village.
And administer to the faithful.
they had priests to forgive their sins.
Bless me Padre, for I have sinned.
- Confession.
- I have sinned!
One more time?
What? From the beginning?
One more time.
We heard their confessions all night.
Even though we could not always
be sure what was being confessed
And now Christianity brought love.
The dignity for the first time of being
treated like God's creatures, not animals
And the promise that all their suffering
would not end in nothingness.
But in salvation.
We offer mass in the dead of night.
Just as they did in the catacombs.
We now are with God in Paraiso?
- Paraiso? Paradise?
- Yes, paradise.
- Now?
- Yes.
No, no.
But God is there now and forever.
He prepares a place for us all,
even now.
Sorry Sebastian for my impatience.
I'm ashamed of my frustration.
The child is safe in the grace of God
now, and that is what is important.
And you're a bad Jesuit.
I'm sick of being
trapped in here all day!
We don't even know if Father
Ferreira is alive or dead.
The villagers never even heard of him.
These people are so frightened.
There's fear over their heads and lice.
They have us, we comfort them.
How much longer can we do that?
We asked for this mission, Francisco.
We prayed for this in the exercises.
God heard us then.
And he hears us now!
Then may he guide us to Ferreira,
so we can know the truth.
You think it's possible
that his strength gave up
And he groveled to this Inquisitor
anyway, went on his knees like a dog?
That so is the rumor.
Even if Inoue is the devil everyone
claims, Ferreira would stand up to him.
One of us must go to
Nagasaki and find him.
It's too dangerous!
For us, for the people who shelter us.
We sent Kichijiro and he
brings back word we can act on.
Are you mad?
Where is he?
He's never here.
He's always drunk,
you know he can't be trusted.
What do we do? We must do
something to find Father Ferreira!
Let's go out. Let's risk it.
Just for a moment.
That's God's sign.
Don't move.
Someone's here watching us.
That is not the signal.
Do not be afraid. It's alright.
We won't hurt you. We're Christians,
Padre. Christian! Christian.
We need you.
No, no.
Sebastian! No! Sebastian!
We frightened you, we are sorry.
We want to ask you to come
to our village. To Goto.
People miss our faith there.
Our children need you.
We have no mass, no confession.
All we can do is pray.
How did you know we were here?
Who told you?
Did one of the faithful?
It was a Christian of our village,
Our, our, our Kichijiro?
He said he came here with you.
Yes, but he's not a Christian.
Yes, he is.
It's true, he spoke against
God to the Inquisitor in old Vesana.
But that was eight years ago.
His whole family was put to test.
He spoke against God.
But he still believes.
- They need priests on Goto.
- No, no Padre.
But Mokichi we will return here.
- No, no, Padre!
- We will return here.
I do not know the
people of Goto,
So I do not know they can be trusted.
These are Christians. Like us.
Kichijiro told them to come here.
I am not sure why.
- Why does he do anything?
- Kichijiro brought us here to Tomogi.
It will only be for a few days.
But one will stay here? Please.
We're losing them.
The fear I felt on the journey
faded away
Because the joy which greeted me
was almost as great as my own.
Even the sight of Kichijiro
was somehow welcome.
I thanked God for bringing me here.
On that day,
the faithful received fresh hope.
And I was renewed.
And they came to me.
Not only from Goto,
for the Christians made their way
through the mountains,
from other villages.
I felt God himself was so near.
Their lives here were so hard.
They live like beasts
and die like beasts.
But Christ did not die
for the good and beautiful
That is easy enough.
The hard thing is to die for
the miserable and corrupt.
But here I knew
I was one of them
and I shared the
hunger of their spirit.
Another prayer was answered on Goto.
It was there I learned
the first real news
of someone who might
know Father Ferreira.
Padre Ferreira?
- Yes, do you know him?
- Yes.
- You've seen him?
- Yes.
He made a praise for infant.
- Baby.
- Infant.
And sick.
But was before that problem.
Where is this?
Near Nagasaki. Nagasaki.
I don't know, I don't know.
They are desperate for
tangible signs of faith.
So I provided what I could.
I worry they value these
poor signs of faith
more than faith itself.
But how could we deny them?
And finally,
I had to part with my rosary.
In Goto, I was completely overwhelmed.
I baptized over a hundred
adults and children.
Heard confessions without number.
But it was from Kichijiro
that I felt the greatest need.
- You did not take the rosary.
- I did not deserve it.
Because you denied God?
But only to live.
My whole family, the Inquisitor
wanted us to give up our faith.
Stomp on Jesus with our foot.
Just once, just rest.
But they would not.
But... I did.
But I could not abandon them.
Even if I had abandoned God.
So I watched them die.
Wherever I go,
I see the fire and smell the flesh.
When I saw you and Padre
Garupe for the first time,
I started to believe...
...that God might take me back.
Because in my dreams...
...the fire was no longer so bright.
You want me to hear your confession?
Bless me, Padre.
For I have sinned.
Those six days at Goto
and Kichijiro's renewal of faith
Made me feel that my life was of value
And that I could really be of use
to the people in this country.
The ends of the earth.
Men from the Inquisitor,
they are in the village.
They took Ichizo.
No, we are not afraid to die, Padres.
And we will never surrender you.
- No one should die.
- No, but we will be in danger.
Whether you go or stay.
Stay. Stay. We will never surrender you.
But they'll keep coming if we stay.
They could destroy the entire village
and kill you all while we hide.
Yes, we have no choice, Mokichi,
it's the only thing to do.
This would draw the
danger away from you.
We can hide on Kichijiro's island.
My island?
No, there is no difference
between there and here.
They will come to Goto,
they will search.
Same thing will happen to Goto.
They should leave.
The Padres should leave.
That way, we will be saved!
You can't say that!
They came to spread Deusu's teachings!
We can't just give them up... Inoue-sama's tortures
after all they have done for us.
They've put us all in danger!
We wouldn't be in such trouble
had the Padres not come!
Be quiet! Be quiet!
We will protect...
...the Padres.
You will stay.
Now we must pick two more to join us.
Me, Mokichi and two more hostages.
Who will join me and Mokichi...
...and become a hostage to honor Deusu?
Kichijiro's not from here.
Why not him?
For all our sakes, would you go?
The officials won't be so hard on you.
It's the people of Tomogi they want.
He's not from here.
He could be the one who informed on us.
I'm not an informer!
Padre, tell them!
I'm not an informer!
I confessed all my sins!
Then if you've received
the Lord's blessing...
...act like it.
Honor Him with your life.
Honor? What are you talking about?
A real Kirishitan would know!
I'm going to smash your head!
Go in our place.
But Padre?
If we are forced to tremble on the Lord,
I want that for me.
You must pray for courage, Mokichi.
But if we do not do what they want,
There can be danger for
everyone in the village.
They can put in prison.
They can wait forever.
What should we do?
It's alright to tremble.
What are you saying?
You can't!
Mokichi. You can't.
I made this for the Jiisama.
It was all we had, until you came.
Take this, please.
In Jesus' name.
Your faith gives me strength, Mokichi.
I wish, I could give as much to you.
My love for God is strong.
Could that be the same as faith?
These people are the most devoted
of God's creatures on Earth.
Father Valignano I confess,
I began to wonder.
God sends us trials to test us
and everything he does is good.
And I prayed to undergo
trials like his son.
But why must their trial be so terrible?
And why, when I look in my own heart.
Do the answers I give them seem so weak.
All of them did as they were commanded.
But it was not enough.
You think we're fooled so easily?
We noticed... your breathing...
...turned heavy just now.
That can't be!
Because we are Buddhists.
Let's try this another way.
Spit on this...
...and then say...
...your so-called
Blessed Blessed Virgin... a whore.
You are a Christian.
You are also a Christian.
Old Ichizo would not do it.
Mokichi could not.
But Kichijiro succeeded
where the rest failed.
I must believe he suffered
along with the others.
You are a Christian, too.
They are all...Christians.
Seize them!
They were given sake.
As the Roman soldier offered
vinegar to the dying Christ.
I prayed,
they remembered our Lord's suffering.
And took courage and comfort from it.
Please receive Jiisama's spirit.
Jiisama's suffering has ended.
Receive him, Lord.
In Your glory.
Please... Jesus!
It took Mokichi four days to die.
At the end he sang a hymn.
His voice was the only sound.
The people of the village, who would
gather on the beach, were always silent.
The people were watched closly,
so the bodies could not be given
a Christian burial.
Mokichi's body was so heavy with water
it turned the flames to smoke.
Before it finally caught fire.
Any bones that remained were scattered in
the ocean, so they could not be venerated.
Father Valignano, you will say that
their death is not meaningless.
God heard their prayers as they died.
But did he hear their screams?
How can I explain his silence to these
people, who have endured so much?
I need all my strength
to understand it myself.
This may be my last report to you,
Today we hear the guards,
are in the mountains looking for us.
So we have decided it
would be safer to separate.
So you were right?
If we left, they might still be alive.
Don't say that, that is not true! And we
can not doubt. That will be our death.
Are we giving up? Is that what we're doing?
Are we running away?
After the people have died for us?
They did not die for us!
Garupe, they did not die for us!
I feel like a coward.
- My love is always with you.
- I pray to be as strong as you.
Father Garupe will make for
Hirado to continue the mission,
and I will return to Goto.
Francisco! Stay alive.
Stay alive!
Father, I ask forgiveness for
my weakness and my doubt.
And I ask you to remember
Father Garupe and me in your
masses and in your prayers.
Your obedient son.
I imagine your son.
Nailed to the cross.
My mouth tastes like vinegar.
Is that Goto?
Is that Goto?
Father in Heaven praised be thy name.
I'm just a foreigner
who brought disaster.
That's what they think of me now.
I dream of now Saint Francis.
What happened to all the
glorious possibility he found here?
What have I done for Christ?
What am I doing for Christ?
What will I do for Christ?
I feel so tempted.
I feel so tempted to despair.
I'm afraid.
The wait of your silence is terrible.
I pray but I'm lost.
Or am I just praying to nothing?
Because you're not there.
I pray for your forgiveness.
If my report now comes
to an abrupt end,
do not think
that we are dead.
For if Garupe and I die,
the Japanese Church dies with us.
I thought I was being followed.
Are you alright, Padre?
Why did you come back here, Padre?
This place is dangerous.
We must be careful.
There is a prize of 300
pieces of silver for you.
Judas got only 30.
There are Christians
in the villages not far.
We can hide there.
I will take care of you.
Take it. Please.
You must be so hungry.
Mokichi and my family stayed strong.
I am so weak.
Are you?
You can certainly look after yourself.
Not to be selfish.
I am like you.
I have nowhere else to go.
Where is the place for a weak man?
In a world like this.
You want to confess
for Mokichi and Ichizo?
What you will do, do quickly. Your
son's words to Judas at the Last Supper.
Was he angry, when he said them?
Or did they come from love?
Are you alright, Padre?
- You seem so tired.
- I'm alright.
That fish you gave me was so salty.
I'm thirsty!
- What?
- Thirst!
Our Lord said that.
I get some water.
I get water!
Sorry, I dropped the water, Padre.
I thought something was wrong.
But never mind,
there is a stream nearby.
You can drink as much as you like.
Padre! Forgive me!
I pray for God's forgiveness!
Will he forgive? Even me?
Blessed be God.
What is...what is your name?
Ah, like the mother of Augustine?
My Baptismal name. This man is Juan.
He wanted his name to be like
our priest, Juan, who died.
There will be many more joining him.
You understand?
Why you are looking at me like that?
Why are you so calm?
We are all about to die!
Like that.
I'm sorry.
Thank you. Thank you for the food.
But Padre? Our Father, Padre Juan,
said if we die, we will go to Paraiso?
Yes, that's right.
Isn't it good to die?
Paraiso is so much better than here.
No one hungry. Never sick.
No taxes, no hard work.
Yes, of course.
Padre Juan was right,
there is no hard work in Paraiso.
No work at all. There is no taxes.
There is no suffering.
We all will be united with God.
There will be no pain.
P s a g m e n o . c o m
I wish you would stop
causing me so much trouble.
At our age...
...we shouldn't be traveling
so far in this heat.
And the dust...
Especially bad this year.
And it's all so unnecessary.
Just make a little effort... understand our point of view.
We don't hate you.
You've brought it on yourselves.
And you can...
...rid yourselves of it too.
No need to feel lost.
I'll give you time to think it over.
Then you can give me
a reasonable answer.
No, not you. You stay!
You understood,
what I was saying to them?
Your Japanese is good enough?
I saw your eyes.
What? And what did
you think you saw there?
They are fools, the peasants.
Lord, spare them suffering and
keep them safe in your hand.
They can talk a man down south
without end and decide nothing!
But you understand, don't you?
Just say what you mean.
That it all depends on you.
Whether they are set free.
If you say just one single word.
Show them. Deny your faith.
So what if I refuse, you kill me?
The blood of martyrs is the seed of
the Church. Just like the priests.
- You slaughtered in Omora, Nagasaki.
- We learned from our mistake.
Killing the priests and killing
the peasants makes it worse.
If they can die for their God,
they think it only makes them stronger.
If you feel you must punish someone,
punish me alone!
You! Do not speak like a good priest.
If you are a real man,
a truly good priest.
You should feel pity for the Christian.
Isn't that so, Padre, isn't that so?
The price for your glory
is their suffering.
Padre? Praise be to God our Father.
Praise be to Him.
The Portuguese language was a gift
of your Father Cabral.
I've been asked to
interpret on your behalf.
There was concern that we might need
certain subtleties in your testimony
if you were told to
speak only in Japanese.
The testimony, I?
We want it to be fair and
we'd have a better grasp of
your language than you do of ours.
Father Cabral never managed
much more than "arriga diet".
All the time he lived here.
He taught, but would not learn.
He despised our language,
our food, our customs.
I'm not like him, I'm not like Cabral.
- Really?
- Yes.
We have our own religion, Padre.
Pity you did not notice it.
No, no. We just think a different way.
True. You believe our Buddhas
are only men. Just human beings.
Even a Buddha dies. Like all men, he is
- not the creator.
- You are ignorant!
Padre, only a Christian would
see Buddha simply as a man.
Our Buddha is a being,
which men can become.
Something greater than himself.
If he can overcome all his illusions.
But you cling to your illusions
and call them faith.
No, you don't understand.
If any man follows God's commandments.
Then he can live a
peaceful and joyous life!
I do! I do understand.
Padre, it is perfectly simple!
Have you heard that word?
It means fall down. Surrender.
Give up the faith,
apostatize, as you say.
Do it.
If you don't apostatize.
The prisoners will be hang over the pit.
Until you do, your life's bleeding away,
drop by drop.
Some last for days, some do not.
They die.
They tortured Father Sporo in Kasora.
Over the pit, have you heard of him?
There was one called Pedro Tomb.
And Ferreira, of course.
Did you knew him?
I've heard of him.
No doubt,
he's well-known all over Japan now.
The Priest with a Japanese
name and a Japanese wife.
- I don't believe.
- You can ask anyone.
People in Nagasaki point
him out and marvel.
He is helding by the steam now.
Which is why, I believe
he came here in the first place.
Arrogant man. Like all of them.
Which means he'll eventually fall.
I thought that martyrdom
would be my salvation.
Please God. Do not let it be my shame.
Look! He's so big!
Why are you following me?
Stop following me!
Thank you Lord for the gentle days here.
Jesus taught me to love everyone.
But I can not feel love to those who
torture our friends to death.
I am angry. I can not love them.
Even the guards have been
touched by your hand, Lord.
I feel guilty.
I wonder if this unbroken
peace is proof...
- That my death is not far away.
- Shall never be shaken.
I see the life of your son so clearly,
almost like my own. And his face...
it takes all fear from me.
It is the face that I
remember from childhood.
Speaking to me.
I'm sure of it.
Promising I will not abandon you.
I will not abandon you.
I will not abandon you.
Put them on.
You should be honored,
it is what our priests wear.
Padre Rodriguez from Portugal, yes?
I am sorry, Padre, for my speaking.
My language is not so
good, but His Lordship,
the governor of Chikuwo
is anxious about
- Your comfort. Comfort.
- Perhaps discomfort.
Discomfort, yes.
About why you are here, and if you
are not at ease, please say so.
Your trip was long.
There were many dangers.
The power of your determination
touches us greatly.
We know you have already
suffered greatly.
We do not wish to add to your suffering.
And the thought that we might do so,
is painful for us too.
Thank you.
The doctrine you bring with you,
may be true in Spain and Portugal.
But we have studied it carefully.
So devotedly over much time.
We find it is of no use
and no value in Japan.
We have concluded that it is a danger.
But we believe,
we have brought you the truth.
And the truth is universal.
It's common to all countries, at all
times. That's why we call it the truth.
If a doctrine weren't as true here
in Japan, as it is in Portugal.
Then we couldn't call it the truth.
I see that you do not work
with your hands, Father.
But everyone knows a tree
which flourishes in one kind of earth.
May decay and die in another.
It is the same with the tree of
Christianity. The leaves decay here.
The buds die.
It is not the soil that
has killed the buds.
There were 300.000 Christians here
in Japan, before the soil was...
Was poisoned.
You have no reply.
Why should you?
You're never going to change my heart.
And it seems like,
I'm not going to change yours.
You want to test my faith?
Give me a real challenge!
Bring me to the Inquisitor!
Bring me to Inoue Sama!
Why are they laughing? I didn't say
anything funny, why are they laughing?
Because Padre...
I am the governor of Chikuwo.
I am the Inquisitor.
I am, you know it?
How long. How long will they have
to work like this in the rain?
Until finished.
Padre! Padre! Padre!
Please listen to me!
They threatened me.
I never took their money!
I did not betray you for money!
Be careful with him, Padre. Maybe
Inoue Sama pays him to make us tremble.
No, he did not!
Please Padre, let me confess.
I know, I smell. I smell of sin.
I want to confess again,
so the Lord can wash me clean.
Why did you come here?
Is it for absolution?
Do you have any understanding
what absolution is?
Do you understand
what I've been saying?
Years ago, I could have died a good
Christian, there was no persecution.
Why was I born now?
This is so unfair?
I am sorry.
Do you still believe?
Bless me Padre. For I have sinned.
I am sorry for being so weak.
I am sorry, this has happened.
I am sorry for what I did to you!
Help me, Padre.
Take away the sin.
I will try again to be strong.
how could Jesus love a wretch like this?
There is evil all around in this place,
I sense its strength even its beauty.
But there is none of that in this man.
He is not worthy to be called evil.
Go in peace.
I feel.. I, I fear.. Jesus, forgive me,
I may not be worthy of you.
This is just a formality.
Just one step will do.
We're not asking you to do it sincerely.
Just putting your foot on the thing
won't betray your faith.
I don't really care.
The sooner you do it...
...the sooner we get out of the sun.
Just touch it with your
foot lightly if you like.
However you like...
...and you'll be free immediately.
It's only a picture.
Put your foot on it.
How about you?
It is pointless.
You can do it lightly.
Then you will be free.
Just step on it.
Go ahead.
Only one step.
You must want to be free.
Be free!
Put your foot on it!
Take them all back.
Leave that one behind.
Thank you Lord for hearing my prayer!
This is what happens to Christians!
...I will show you an example
of how to avoid that fate.
Bring him here.
Go ahead.
Just put your foot there.
See how easy it is?
I admit he's had practice.
But look how simple the movement is.
It is not even as hard as bowing.
Is it not?
Or running.
Now go!
Get out of here!
You see?
He lived up to his obligation.
That is all.
I'm sorry I've neglected you
for some days now, Padre.
But I had business in Hyrada.
I hope you get to go
there yourself sometime.
Sure it's very beautiful.
There lays an interesting story
about the Dimeov who ruled there
He had four concubines.
They were all beautiful, but they.
I'm sorry.
Maybe this is not a story
for a celibate priest.
It's alright, please go on.
In that case,
the Dimeov's concubines were all jealous.
And they fought and
fought without end,
so the Dimeov Hirado drove
them away from his castle.
And peace came into his life again.
Do you think this story has a lesson?
That this was a very wise man.
I'm glad. That means you
understand the Dimeov is like Japan.
And these concubines are Spain,
Portugal, Holland, England.
Each trying to gain
advantage against the other
and destroy the house
in the process.
Since you said this man is wise,
you will understand why
we must outlaw the Christians.
Well. Our Church teaches monogamy.
One wife.
What if Japan were to choose
one lawful wife from the four?
You mean Portugal?
I mean the Holy Church.
Don't you think it would be better for
the man to forget about foreign women?
And choose one of his own?
Nationality is not so important
when it comes to a marriage,
what matters is love. Love and fidelity.
Padre, there are men who are plagued
by the persistent
love of an ugly woman.
Is that what missionary work is to you?
An ugly woman?
Well. Yes.
How do you call a woman
who cannot bear children?
A barren woman can not be a true wife.
If the gospel has lost its way here,
it is not the fault of the Church.
It is the fault of those who tearaway
the faithful from their faith,
like a husband from a wife.
You mean...Me?
Padre, your missionaries
do not seem to know Japan!
And you, Honorable Inquisitor,
do not seem to know Christianity.
There are those who think
of your religion as a curse.
I do not.
I see it.
In another way, but still dangerous.
I'd like for you to think about the
persistent love of an ugly woman.
And how a barren woman
should never be a wife.
Padre! Padre!
Help me! Padre!
Where are you taking them?
Where are you taking them?
Padre! Padre!
You are traveling today.
Sit down. It's better for you, I think.
How are you feeling today?
I'm sure the air must feel good.
Even though you were
in our newest prison.
The old prison was very
tough on the Padres.
Rain, wind and every sort.
Sorry, excuse me.
When will Inoue Sama be here?
Oh! He's not coming today.
Do you miss him?
He treats me kindly. Three meals a day.
So that my body will betray my heart.
It's your plan, isn't it?
- That's what you're waiting for.
- Not at all!
But we are waiting for someone today.
Inoue Sama wants you to meet him.
He will be here any moment.
He's Portuguese, like yourself.
You should have a lot to talk about.
Is it who you expected?
Is it who you expected?
- I want to talk to him.
- There's no hurry.
It is early. Plenty of time.
Tell me. Does he know I'm here?
I can not tell you. I must not speak about
the business of the Inquisitor's office.
But, I can tell you,
he knows you are alive.
Because we told him you apostatized.
do you know what they use those mats for?
Look, the guard. What could
he be saying to Father Garupe?
Remember this, if you are truly a Christian,
you will apostatize and not let them die.
You know. The Inquisitor promises
that if Father Garupe apostatizes.
The four will be free.
I hope Father Garupe agrees.
I should tell you. These Christians
already trembled and denied their faith.
At the Inquisitor's office.
If they did what you wanted,
then let them go!
Let them go! They did what you wanted!
So let them go! Please! Please! Please!
We don't want them. Four farmers? There
are still hundreds of Christian peasants
on the islands off the coast.
We want the Padre to deny
and be an example to them.
God please!
Apostatize. Apostatize for their sake,
Lord. Do not leave this to us.
No, no Garupe, no!
No, no, no, no, no.
No! Please! Please!
Terrible business. Terrible.
No matter how many times you see it.
Think about the suffering.
You have inflicted
on these people!
Just because of your
selfish dream of
a Christian Japan.
Your Deus punishes Japan through you!
At least Garupe was clean, but you!
You have no will.
You do not deserve to
be called a priest.
Dear God, dear God,
why have you forsaken me?
Why have you forsaken me?
I was your son.
Your son who went up to the cross.
The silent given to him.
Is this island cold? Silent?
Oh, no, no.
Ludicrous. Ludicrous.
Stupid. Stupid.
He's not going to answer.
He's not going to answer.
Do you want me to let you in?
In time.
Padre. Padre.
Come along, Padre.
Our priests do not
like your priests,
but you will still find
much of value here.
What is it, Padre?
The incense?
The smell of meat?
Have you had any meat,
since you came to Japan?
I don't much like the smell myself.
Have you guessed yet?
Have you guessed who's coming?
This is Inoue Sama's command.
And the others wish.
The other?
Padre, think of the souls you can save.
Hold there!
Fa.. Father.
Father Ferreira.
I've given up.
So long since we have met.
Would you say something?
Can I say to you on such an occasion?
If you have any pity for me,
say something.
Have you, have you...
have you been living here for long?
About a year, I suppose.
- What is this place?
- A temple. Where I study.
I'm also in a prison. Somewhere in Nagasaki,
I don't know precisely where.
I know.
You are my teacher.
- You were my confessor, my teacher.
- I'm much the same.
Do a thing, a simple thing.
Tell me, Padre. Tell me you agreed.
Do I? Do I really seem so different?
The honorable Sawan spends his
days writing about astronomy.
Inoue Sama's order.
There is great knowledge here,
but in Medicine and Astronomy much
remains to be taught. I'm happy to help.
It is fulfilling to
finally be of use in this country.
And you're happy, Father?
I said so.
Mention the other book you are writing.
It is called King Giroc.
It shows the eras of Christianity
and refutes the teachings of those.
Do you understand the title?
Tell him.
It means deceit, disclosed or unmasked,
if you prefer a more florid reading.
There's also the Inquisitor,
he praises it, he says it is well done.
- It's the truth.
- You use the truth like poison.
What a funny thing for a priest to say.
This is cruel. Cruel! Worse than
any torture to twist a man's soul
in this way.
I think you must speaking of yourself,
not of Sawan Ochuan.
He is Ferreira only to you.
He is Sawan Ochuan now.
A man who has found peace.
Let him guide you along his path.
The path of mercy.
That means only your abandoned self,
no one should
interfere with another man's spirit. To
help others, is the way of the Buddha.
And your way too,
the two religions are the same in this.
It is not necessary to win anyone
over to one side or another,
when there is so much to share.
Go on.
I've been told to get
you to abandon the faith.
This... This is from the pit.
You're tied, so you can't move.
And hung upside down.
An incision is made.
You feel the blood dripping down.
Drop by drop.
So it doesn't run to your head,
and you won't die too soon.
Step on your Jesus.
You are the last priest
left here now, Padre.
I'm sure Inoue Sama
will be pleased to put
an heir to the pit. He is a practical
man, Padre. Not a cruel one.
I have labored in this country for
15 years, I know it better than you.
Our religion does not
take root in this country.
- Because the roots have been torn up.
- No. Because this country is a swamp.
Nothing grows here.
Plant is sapling here and the roots rot.
There was a time when Christianity
here grew and flourished here.
When? In your time, Father.
In your time, before you became like...
Like who, like them?
Rodriguez, please listen. The Japanese
only believe in their distortion.
Of our gospel. So they did not
believe at all. They never believed.
How can you say that? From the time of
St. Francis Xavier through your own time.
There were hundreds of
thousands of converts here.
Converts, yes!
Francis Xavier came here to teach
the Japanese about the son of God,
but first he had to ask how to refer
to God. Dai Ni Chi, he was told.
Shall I show you their Dai Ni Chi?
There is the son of God.
God's only begotten son.
In the scriptures, Jesus rose on the
third day. In Japan the son of God
rises daily.
The Japanese can not think of an
existence beyond the realm of nature.
For them nothing
transcends to human.
They can't conceive of our
idea of the Christian God!
No, you're wrong.
You're wrong.
They worship God! God! Our Lord!
They praise the name of Deus!
That's just another name for a God,
they never knew.
I saw men die!
I did too.
For Deus! On fire with their faith.
Your martyrs might have been on fire,
But it was not of the Christian faith.
I saw them die. I saw them die.
They did not die for nothing.
They did not.
They're dying for you, Rodriguez.
How many did you save? When you
trembled on the face of our Lord?
How many beside yourself?
I don't know.
Certainly not as many as you may help.
You're trying to justify
your own weakness.
- God have mercy on you!
- Which God? Which one?
We say. I'm sorry, you haven't learned
the language though really, have you?
There is a saying here,
mountains and rivers can be moved.
But man's nature can not be moved.
It's very wise, like so much here.
We find our original nature in Japan,
Perhaps this was meant by finding God.
You're a disgrace.
You're a disgrace, Father.
I can't.
I can't even call you that anymore.
I have a Japanese name now.
A wife and children.
I inherited them all
from an executed man.
How do you feel?
He has shown you the path of mercy.
I hope you take it.
Why don't you just hang me in the pit?
You are called to the
Inquisitor's office.
Padre, you came here for
them and they all hate you.
Insult me all you like,
it just give me more courage.
You will need it tonight.
You are a good man, Padre. You can not
stand suffering. You're wrong, for others.
Inoue Sama says you will
be a apostatize tonight.
He was right about Ferreira
and he's right about you.
God help me. Jesus help me.
In the garden, you said:
"Thy soul is sorrowful even unto death."
I would bleed for you...
I would die for you. If I knew you.
Are you here with me?
Padre. Forgive me.
Padre. I came to make confession!
Padre! Forgive me, Padre!
Stop it! Stop it!
Stop it! Stop the noise!
Stop it! Someone help him!
What do you need?
Not me, down there,
there is a man in agony!
And the guard is sound asleep
and snoring like a wild dog!
You think that noise is the guard?
San! Tell him, say what it is.
It is not the guard and it's not snoring.
It's Christians.
Five of them in fact.
All hanging in the pit.
Have you found the words on the wall?
Praise him.
I cut them there with a stone
when I was in this cell.
Like you
Be quiet.
Don't, don't speak to me,
you have no right to speak to me.
Oh, I do,
because you were just like me.
You see Jesus and Gethsemine believe
that your trial is the same as his.
That's far from the pit of
suffering too just like Jesus,
but they don't
have your pride.
They would never compare
themselves to Jesus.
Do you have the right?
To make them suffer?
I heard the cries of
suffering in this same cell.
And I acted. You excuse yourself, you excuse
yourself, that is the spirit of darkness!
What would you do for them? Pray? And
get what in return? Only more suffering.
- A suffering only you can end, not God!
- Go away from from me.
I pray too, Rodriguez. It doesn't help.
Go on. Pray.
But pray with your eyes open.
You can spare them. They call out
for help, just as you call to God.
He is silent and you do not have to be.
They should apostatize! Apostatize!
God help me, apostatize!
But they have apostatized.
Many times over.
They're here for you, Rodriguez!
As long as you don't apostatize,
they can not be saved.
A priest should act in
imitation of Christ.
If Christ were here.
Christ were here.
He would have acted.
Apostatized for their sake.
No. No, he's here, Christ is here.
I just can't hear him.
Show God, you love him!
Save the lives of the people he loves!
There is something more important
than the judgement of the Church.
You are now going to
fulfill the most painful
act of love that has
ever been performed.
It's only a formality.
Just a formality.
Come ahead now. It's alright.
Step on me.
I understand your pain.
I was born into this world
to share men's pain.
I carried this cross for your pain.
Your life is with me now.
"Apostate Paul!"
"Apostate Paul!"
It was in the year 1641,
during the first of
my voyages to Japan.
That I, Dieter Albritch, came upon the
most extraordinary story in these pages.
As a physician in a great Dutch
trading company, I traveled widely.
But none of the wonders,
I have recounted in this journal,
has been so commented on.
As the curious matter of
the apostatized priests.
I came closer than any European
chronicler to the enigma of this country.
And to learning of the
lives of the lost priests.
In a way, the Inquisitor, would raid
homes and search for any objects
with hidden Christian images.
The two priests were required to examine
these things, and verify their use.
I even on occasion,
observed them myself.
The Dutch were the only Europeans
allowed to trade in Japan.
All ships were searched to
warrant they were not smuggling
religious objects.
Nothing bearing the images of the cross,
the saint or rosary could pass.
Despite every attempt, a few
things inevitably were smuggled in.
And then it was as distressing to the
Japanese, as if blood had been spilled.
We were taught to love
those who escond us.
I feel nothing for them.
Only our Lord can judge your heart.
You said our Lord.
I doubt it.
When Sawan Ochuan died,
the other priests assumed his duties.
And performed them with distinction.
But this time, I observed yet a quite
considerable skill with the language.
And seemed to be at
peace with his situation.
I have good news. A man has died in Edo.
Okada Sanyemon.
You will take his name.
Just as he did.
He had a household
and wife and son.
You can take her as your wife.
A man works best when he's not alone.
You should know that on the
islands of Itky and Goto.
There are still many farmers
who think themselves as Christian.
You like that?
They can continue to be Christian.
You may take some satisfaction in that.
Because the roots are cut.
Nothing grows in a swamp.
Yes, Japan is that kind of country. The
religion, the Christian you brought us
has became a strange thing.
It's changed.
You were not defeated by me. You
were defeated by this swamp of Japan.
Okada Sanyemon lived in Edo,
for the remaining years of his life.
Some 10 years later,
I was allowed to visit Edo.
The Japanese gossiped
freely about Okada Sanyemon.
The Inquisitor Inoue demanded
repeated vows of apostasy from him.
And they say, the fallen priest applied
them all quickly and vigorously.
I heard the Inquisitor
sent his men for you.
- Was there trouble?
- No.
They only wanted to make sure
I wrote that corroboration.
My letters of denunciation.
Thank you.
You have nothing to thank me for.
For being here with me.
No, no. I'm not.
- I'm not anymore. I'm a fallen priest
- But you are the last priest left.
- You could still hear my confession.
- No, I can't!
No! I can't!
I still suffer for what I did, Padre.
I betrayed you.
I betrayed my family.
I betrayed our Lord.
Hear my confession.
I fought against your silence.
I suffered beside you.
I was never silent.
I know.
But even...
if God had been
silent my whole life.
To this very day.
Everything I do,
everything I've done.
Speaks of him.
It was in the silence
that I heard your voice.
The Inquisitor continued to
insist on periodic examinations.
Of all suspected Christians.
Okada Sanyemon,
was not exempt from this.
In a way, it was determined to
never let his example be forgotten.
Perhaps most particularly,
by the priest himself.
In the year 1667. A religious image
was discovered inside an amulet.
Belonging to a servant called Kichijiro.
The servant said he had won at gambling.
Had never looked inside.
And could never have gotten
the amulet from Okada Sanyemon.
Since he was always under guard.
The servant, Kichijiro, was taken away.
After that, Okada Sanyemon himself,
was carefully watched.
During my last voyage, in 1682,
I asked about him.
And the Japanese were eager to reply.
The last priest never acknowledged the
Christian God, not by word or symbol.
He never spoke of him.
And never prayed.
Not even when he died.
The business of his faith,
was long ended.
Three guards stood
watch over the coffin.
Until it could be taken away,
just to be certain.
Only his wife was briefly
allowed to view the body.
And placed there a humble memory gatana.
To ward off evil spirits.
There was no indication that she wept.
The body was treated
in the Buddhist manner.
And he was given a
posthumous Buddhist name.
The man who was once Rodriguez.
Ended as they wanted.
And as I first saw him.
Lost to God.
But as to that, in deed.
Only God can answer.
For the Japanese Christians
and their pastors.
For the greater glory of God.