Silent Hill: Revelation 3d (2012)

You cannot defeat me.
Do not go to Silent Hill.
Honey, it's okay. I'm here.
It was burning.
Hey come on, kiddo.
It was just a dream.
It's always like this
when we move.
This feels different.
Hey look...
...once we've unpacked, given
this place, a lick of paint...'ll be our home.
And the dreams will fade.
They're calling me.
Don't listen.
Do you hear?
I want you to promise me
that whatever happens...
- you'll never go there.
- Okay.
Rough night?
I don't want to do this again.
I know, honey.
Yeah, spoons.
Heather. Why Heather?
It was my grandmother's name.
You can change it
if you don't like it.
Heather's fine.
I was Sharon, then Mary...
...then Cathy, now Heather.
You were Christopher
and now you're Harry.
Names don't matter.
I'm still me.
Happy birthday, you.
Oh, Dad. Thank you.
But you're early.
Just a little.
Can't a dad indulge his soon-to-be
What's wrong?
Nothing. I love it.
- Yeah?
- Yeah.
It is the one I saw you
looking at in the mall?
Yeah, yes.
Thank you. I love it so much.
You're welcome, honey.
You're getting
a little bit grey, dad.
Your fault.
Your roots are showing.
Yeah, I know. I'll fix it.
I think this place is going
to be good for us.
- What do you think?
- Yeah.
Hey, come on.
Once I've unpacked...
...give this place a lick
of paint, it will...
Don't, Dad.
It's just what you said
in my dreams. Don't.
I've got to go.
Don't want to be late
for the first day of school.
Remember the rules,
in town and school.
I've done this before.
I know you have.
I'm just... you know I worry.
Don't worry.
I'm careful. I'll be fine.
I love you.
I love you too, honey.
Hey, Rose.
I wish you were still here.
It's been so hard since
you brought Shannon back to me.
Christopher, my love.
...I tried to find you.
I searched for so long.
My love,
I don't have a lot of time.
I'm trapped here. There's
nothing you can do for me.
Protect her. She's the one
that matters now.
Why can't you come back?
I found a seal.
Pad of it is missing.
Only one of us
can come through.
I made a choice.
- Where's our daughter?
- They'll come looking for her.
They'll come looking
because they need her.
Never let them take her... matter what happens.
No matter what you have to do.
Swear to me you will never
let them take her.
I swear.
I brought her back to you.
She's yours to care for now.
Don't go.
Goodbye, my love.
Oh my God, Sharon.
You're here.
It's okay.
You're safe now.
What happened?
I don't remember anything.
It's okay.
You were in an accident.
Where's Mommy?
Mommy saved you.
Where's mommy?
She's gone, honey.
Hurry up, it's leaving.
I didn't mean to scare you.
Sorry, what?
Are you okay?
Yes. I'm fine.
You don't want to be messing
with the vagrants, Miss.
I was seeing
if he needed some help.
Some people are beyond our help.
Have we met?
- No, I don't think so.
- No?
I'm sure we have.
What's your name?
I have to catch my bus.
Welcome back, everyone.
I hope you had
a good Christmas vacation.
I'd like to welcome
new students...
...who will be joining us
this semester.
Heather Mason. Could you
say hello to the class?
Hi. I'm Heather.
I'm new.
I just moved to town so...
Come on. Share a little bit
of yourself.
Everyone has a story.
Tell us yours.
What is this, third grade?
What do you want to know?
Do you get all of your clothes
from Goodwill?
Okay, you know what? Let me
make this easier for you.
This is the fifth school
I've been to since I was 11.
Me and my dad, we move around.
So I do this a lot.
Don't bother trying
to remember my name...
...because I'm sure
not going to remember yours.
Don't talk to me.
We won't be friends.
I won't IM you or Facebook you
or tweet you, read your blog.
And whatever you're thinking
of saying or doing...
...don't bother because
I've seen it before...
...and I'm just guessing here...
...but I don't think there are
many original thinkers.
And by the time
you have found out...
...anything about me
that's worth knowing...
...I'll have moved on.
How's that?
Very impressive.
Now the next addition
to our class, Vincent Cooper.
Are you kidding me?
I can't follow that.
Burn the Witch!
Burn the Witch!
I'm not a witch.
Please, I'm not.
Are you all right?
- What?
- Are you okay?
What are you doing out of class?
You know what, I'm lost.
I can't find math.
- Any ideas?
- No, no.
I... I'm lost too.
Hey, look,
you want to get a coffee?
Now? We have class.
I mean later.
- No.
- Why not?
We're both new.
We don't know anyone else.
That speech I gave in class,
I gave it for a reason.
I really don't want to know
anyone here.
Hey, honey. How was your day?
Someone following me.
What do I do?
Don't come back here, not yet.
I'll meet you somewhere...
Central Square Mall.
Then we can be sure.
I'll meet you
at the Happy Burger place.
I'll be there as soon as I can.
You think someone knows?
No. No one knows.
I'll see you soon.
- I love you, Dad.
- I love you too.
Please, sir.
Dad. Dad, I...
Sharon, wait!
Keep away from me!
Keep away from me!
It's okay.
No, it's not okay!
Nothing is okay.
Who are you?
My name is Douglas Cartland.
I'm a private investigator.
- What do you want from me?
- I'm paid to find people.
Someone wanted you found,
- That's not my name!
- You're Sharon DaSilva.
I tracked you down
after you left Portland.
You and Harry got away,
but I found you.
What my dad did there,
that was self defense.
I don't care who Harry killed.
I'm trying to help you.
Keep back! Why?
I didn't know who I was working
for then, but I do now.
They call themselves
The Order of Valtiel.
And they want you.
You're lying.
You don't understand.
They know where you are.
I told them where you are.
They're coming.
- You've got to get away.
- Don't worry, I will.
Keep away from me!
Everything your dad told you
was a lie.
He told me the truth!
Do you know why
you don't remember anything?
I was in a car crash.
My mother died.
I lost my memory.
There was never any accident.
You were trapped
in a place called Silent Hill.
But your mother saved you.
She got you out.
But they want you back.
Ask your dad, he knows that...
Tell me who I am.
Please tell me.
It's gone. It's gone.
I'll help you. Come on.
You two, move back now!
Hey, miss,
you can't be back here.
Come on,
back behind the tape, please.
Come on. Everybody get back
behind the line.
Whoa, one second.
There's a wallet in his pocket.
Sir! Sir, please stand back.
Douglas Cartland.
Some Pl from out of town.
What do you got, Cable?
The boys found this jacket.
There's blood on it.
Hand it over to forensics. Let's
find out whose blood it is.
Heather Mason. Sharon DaSilva.
- This girl? Maybe this is her.
- Let's find her and ask her.
See what we got
on this Cartland.
Pull the security tapes.
- Hey.
- Vincent.
Yeah, they found
a guy dead in there.
- Did you see?
- Yeah, I...
What's wrong?
- I can't tell you.
- It's okay. You can tell me.
No, I can't because
I've no idea...
...what's going on
in my head right now.
It's me. Leave a message.
Dad, call me
when you get this please.
Look, you're cold.
Where's your coat?
Come here.
What's the matter?
Do you see them?
- Who, the runner?
- No.
Never mind.
It's just another thing to prove
that I'm going crazy.
So... where's home?
A couple of blocks away.
No, I mean, before.
Where'd you come from?
Nowhere, really. I travel
a lot with my dad.
Do you think there's a difference
between dreams and reality?
What happened to the small talk?
No, "What's your favourite
band? Do you Facebook?"
Fuck Facebook! Do you?
I never think about it.
Everybody thinks about it.
Not me. Look, my life's
complicated enough.
Talk to my grandfather,
it's all he ever thinks about.
It drove him crazy.
It's driving me crazy.
No, I mean, he's insane.
Bat shit nuts.
Back in my sweet
little home town...
...old man Leonard
drools in a padded cell.
He'll tell you
there are no dreams.
Just endless realities all piled
on top of each other.
Some people see monsters,
other people just see people.
They locked him up for that?
My mother had him committed.
Yeah, she's kind of intimidating,
my mother.
No difference between
fantasy and reality.
I don't think I like my reality.
Do you think anyone does?
But at least I'm real
or I think I am.
And you, yeah, pretty real.
Or just pretty.
That was a lousy pick-up line.
Does it every work?
I never tried it before.
How'd it go down?
It's a crime
against pick-up lines.
You're kind of funny, Heather.
You're pretty fucked up...
...but I don't know, I...
you're goofy fun inside.
Goofy fun.
That'd be nice for a change.
Anyway, this is my street.
Thanks for walking me back.
I'd like to do it
again some time.
Vincent, you're nice, but I don't
think you want to know me.
- I do.
- No, you don't.
I'm going to call you later.
I didn't give you my number.
I'll see you around.
Dad! Dad!
Heather, it's Vincent.
I heard you yell.
Is everything all right?
I need your help. Look.
Is that blood?
Have you called the police?
- I can't.
- Why not?
I just can't!
- Okay?
- Okay.
Do you know where
this Silent Hill is?
No, it's... it's something
that I've dreamt about.
My dad, he warned me
never to go there.
But I know that symbol.
This is it.
He kept it all in here.
Is this your mum?
My adopted mum, Rose.
- You were adopted?
- Yeah.
I never knew my real parents.
- Do you write all of these?
- Yeah.
- Do you know what that is?
- No.
Looks like there's another side
that fits in here.
A gun? Why do you need a gun?
Miss Mason! It's the police.
- You said you didn't call them.
- I didn't.
Then why are they here?
What's going on, Heather?
I have to go. If they catch me
I'll never find my dad.
Why would they?
What have you done?
Nothing! I haven't done
anything. I swear. Help me.
What do you want me to do?
- Can you drive?
- What?
I can't drive. Can you?
Santini, come here.
You want a probable cause?
This is it.
What the hell happened here?
That look
like a gang tag to you?
I don't think so. But I've never
seen anything like it.
Call crime scene,
get them down here.
- What about the girl?
- She's a murder suspect.
My Dearest Sharon.
If you're reading this,
something has happened to me.
You're on your own now.
Don't try to find me-
And, whatever you do,
don't go to Silent Hill.
I promised your mother
I'd keep you safe but! failed.
You think we're running
from the police...
because of the man
I killed in Portland.
Can't protect her forever!
But the truth is he wasn't
just a random thief.
He was sent to take you back
to Silent Hill.
He was a member of the Order.
These people want you.
They need you. I don't know why?
But they'll do everything
to draw you back.
You must resist it.
I tried to keep you safe and
I never meant to lie to you...
but I had to.
You'll find the truth
in my notebooks.
As much as I could find out.
I hope that when you read
what I've learned...
you can finally begin to
understand who you really are.
Please forgive me for
not telling you the truth.
I did it to protect you.
I love you, Sharon.
You okay?
Do you want to stop?
What's it say?
So much.
I knew he was frightened
but this is crazy.
It says Silent Hill was
originally a prison colony...
...built on ground taken
from the native Indians.
They called it, "The Place
of the Silent Spirits."
Never build on ancient
Indian burial grounds.
I thought everyone knew that.
It says here, "Religious zealots
called The Order of Valtiel...
...secretly ran the town
for the last hundred years."
They were waiting
for a child to be born... be a vessel for their god.
Who would then be resurrected
and make the world anew.
It sounds like one of those
crazy doomsday cults.
Yeah. Sounds like it.
There's a newspaper article.
Fire in the coal mines
got out of control.
The whole place is still
burning deep underground.
Everyone had to leave.
My dad doesn't
believe that though.
He says the town was cursed... the power
of a demon child.
Her name's Alessa.
This Order tried
to cleanse her with fire...
...but they failed.
And Alessa's revenge was to
summon a world of darkness...
...filled with
terrifying creatures.
This one, it says is
her guardian and executioner.
- We should stop.
- No. I want to keep going.
I'm tired. I need rest.
You need rest.
You think they'll find us?
Someone will, eventually.
- Do you think we're far?
- No.
No, I think we're really close.
And I don't think you should go.
- What?
- I think your dad's right.
- You shouldn't go to Silent Hill.
- I need to find him.
He wants you to run.
- Vincent!
- No, listen to me.
The Order, they want you.
I think that's why
they took Harry.
To make you come back.
I don't have a choice.
Don't you understand that?
I understand. I just...
I just don't want
anything to happen to you.
You didn't sleep?
We can't go any further.
We already talked about this.
I have to.
Why can't you just trust me?
It's for my dad.
You don't understand.
I do!
No, you don't! How could you?
Because I am a child
of the Order!
I was born
and raised in Silent Hill.
I was chosen
to come into this world... make sure that you return.
No. No, that's not possible.
The Order are trapped in Silent
Hill. The notebook says so.
It is possible for a few
to escape just for awhile.
But it requires sacrifice and...
...and suffering.
You have been chosen for this!
How could you do this to me?
My whole life,
all I've been taught...
...all that we are taught... that Alessa
is the great evil.
She trapped us.
She brings the darkness.
And you are pad of that evil.
But I know that's not true.
After seeing you,
spending this time with you...
...I know you're not evil.
If you are pan of Alessa,
you're the innocent pan.
- Every step of the way you lied.
- I had to.
They were watching.
Projecting their spirits.
- You saw them.
- You took my dad.
Please believe me, I had nothing
to do with that. I'm sorry.
Why take him?
Why not just take me?
You have to return
of your own free will.
They knew you'd follow.
Why would it matter so much?
The Order can't be free
until Alessa is gone.
Her power keeps them trapped.
She can't be destroyed
until she is whole again.
- You'll make that happen.
- What about my dad?
- Is he still alive?
- Not for long.
My mother, Claudia,
won't keep him alive...
...after she has what she wants.
- Where is he?
- In the sanctuary beneath the town.
- Wait, Heather, stop!
- No!
You need this.
You have to find the other half.
It's the only way
you'll be able to save your dad.
My grandfather has it.
The one in the asylum?
Yes. Leonard Wolf.
He's dangerous. Let me help you.
No. Get off me.
- Please.
- Don't!
- Listen to me!
- What's happened?
The darkness is coming.
It's coming.
What's going on?
Stop! Make it stop.
- You did this.
- No, it's not me.
How can it be me?
Because you're pad of Alessa.
We're so close.
You allow the darkness
to break through.
Vincent, what is going on?
I don't know.
You should not be here.
They will use you.
We will all suffer now.
I know who you are.
You're her mother...
...Alessa's mother.
How could you let them burn her?
No! I loved her.
It's all right, sweetheart
It's okay.
It's all right
It's all right.
I was deceived.
I never wanted this for her.
Where are you taking me?
Mummy! Mummy!
But Alessa was special.
She was the only one
who could survive the fire.
That's why she was chosen.
But it only led
to our damnation.
You all got what you deserved.
And I became
the mother of the demon.
But you are her daughter.
What are you talking about?
Alessa didn't die in the fire.
And she suffered so much.
The pain was only matched
by her rage.
And with that rage her power
grew beyond all comprehension.
Alessa knew there was
a pad of her...
...that could still be free
from pain.
So she took the best
innocent pan of her soul...
...placed it into
a newborn orphan child.
You were secretly
taken from here...
to be raised by loving,
but unaware parents.
You're the only pad of Alessa
that feels love.
You balance her hate.
But you should
never have come back...
...because now you've given the
Order what they could never have.
A way to destroy
Alessa and you.
Where is my father?
There is nothing you can do to
save him without damning yourself.
I don't care!
Just tell me what you know.
I know the darkness is coming.
It's safer to be inside.
Help me.
Let me help you.
- What happened?
- The monster is coming.
What's coming?
Come on. Run!
Where did you come from?
We took a wrong turn.
Got lost in the fog.
There. Come on.
This way.
Come on. Come on.
My own son...
Mother, please?
...betrayed us.
She is not evil.
Her mind is corrupted
by her darkness.
You were young
to be given this task.
I understand.
You created Alessa.
The darkness is your evil
reflected back at us.
- She is innocent.
- She is innocent?
You are insane!
Just as your grandfather
is insane.
- Make him suffer!
- Let the gods judge him.
You succeeded. Even in your
madness you guided her back to us.
What my sister Christabelle
could not achieve, I shall.
Salvation is at hand.
And a broken mind
can be mended.
No. Mother, please don't.
- Take him to the asylum.
- No.
- Cure him.
- No. Please.
Do you think someone knows?
No. No one knows. See you soon.
- I love you, dad.
- I love you too.
Leonard Wolf. Okay.
S 12.
S 12.
Hello, child.
Please come closer
so I can touch you.
I don't think so.
- Did Claudia send you?
- Claudia?
- Yeah.
- No. She put you here?
My own daughter says
I'm corrupted by darkness.
She says that I'm a monster.
She's far worse than I am.
She's also corrupted
by the same darkness.
I'm looking for my father.
Is he lost?
He's in Silent Hill.
There are many Silent Hills.
Are you sure it's this one?
Vincent said you'd know...
That little traitor.
My own flesh and blood
turned against me.
You may be able to hear
the cries of his torment.
He's here?
Where else would you go
to mend your mind?
Like yours is?
Well, I'm just... ongoing project.
I have half of this.
Will it help me?
Please, I am blind, child.
I cannot see
what you have there.
Place it in my hand
and I will try to help you.
Don't be afraid. Come on.
You know what it is.
I was the Master of the Order.
How could I not know
the Seal of Medatron?
It was stolen from me...
...and used by her
to escape with the child.
Without it
we cannot summon the god.
It is a key.
What does it unlock?
The true nature of things.
I need to find the other half.
Oh, but you've already found it.
The other half is in me.
What are you doing? No!
And now I see the truth of you.
You're a demon!
You must be destroyed.
Not today.
Two halves coming together.
It's complete.
...can you feel me?
You know I'm here, don't you?
You know I've got
the Seal of Medatron.
Somebody help me.
Get back! Get back!
And you!
Get back!
- Look out!
- Get back!
Get back. Get away!
How can I find my dad?
- Heather, help me.
- Tell me where he is.
In the sanctuary beneath
the amusement park.
I can help you.
- Hurry!
- That's what I'm doing!
- It's stuck!
- Okay, we need a knife.
How can you live like this?
This darkness, those creatures?
It's all I've ever known.
My reality.
The darkness
should have faded by now.
Why hasn't it?
So close to Alessa, two halves
coming together again.
It's changing the world.
- What's going to happen?
- I think that's up to you.
Lakeside Amusement Park's
over there...
...and the entrance
to the sanctuary.
You think you can save him?
I have to try. My dad gave up
his life to protect me...
Then I think
he'd want you to leave.
You don't know that.
If he loved you he wouldn't
want you to be in any danger.
And if you loved someone you'd
know that you never give up.
No, wait.
Get down.
Are they soldiers?
Not really.
We call them the Brethren...
...the most devout servants
of The Order.
See the masks? They won't
breathe the air of the darkness.
They think it corrupts them.
I hope you find him.
I hope you live free and happy.
It's more than I ever did.
What are you talking about?
Vincent, no!
- Self!
- No.
I gave you life so you
could live my dream.
You're the pad of me
that could be free of this pain!
That could live and feel love.
- Do you feel nothing?
- Nothing but hate!
- They say you are a demon.
- They are right.
You created this nightmare.
Everyone has a different
nightmare in Silent Hill.
I am theirs.
- I have to save my father.
- He's not my father or yours.
And sacrifices have to be made.
Go to hell!
Can't you see?
We're already here.
And you are not welcome!
Do you think
I won't destroy you!
How can you?
I am you.
Time to take back
what I gave you!
We are one again.
You don't hurl her.
What do you want from me?
Look around you.
This was our sanctuary.
Our last safe place
from the darkness.
And now even here
has fallen to her evil.
But we praise the god
that you are here, finally.
You have delivered us.
I have done nothing for you.
You have done everything.
Defeated Alessa,
rejoined the seal.
You are the saviour.
If I've done so much
then let my father go.
He cannot go.
His blood will feed
the newborn god...
...just as your body
will be its incubator.
Why me?
It is your destiny.
You have been chosen
many years ago to be the vessel.
The god can only be born
through your flesh.
And then we will be free
from this prison... cleanse the world
of its sins.
And all we need is...
...your body.
You leave her alone!
You have the Seal of Medatron.
With it I can summon the god.
Give it to me.
Take it.
I want to see the truth
of what you are.
- Dad!
- Sharon.
The ash... stopped...
...because of you?
No, it's not me.
I think things are going to be
different around here from now on.
The Order's power is broken.
Alessa's nightmare is over.
She's gone.
Another one will come.
This is a place of lost souls.
What's wrong?
I can't leave.
What? Why?
I'm going to stay here.
But, dad, we're free.
- We're safe for the first time.
- I'm going to find your mother.
You save my life
and I can never repay you.
Rose is still trapped
here somewhere.
I'm going to find her.
- Let me help you find her.
- No.
I promised her once you were
safe, I'd come back.
This is my task.
You've done what you had to do.
Now I want you to be free,
You understand
why I have to do this?
You are everything
I could have ever wished for.
I love you, baby.
I love you too, dad.
Vincent, look after
my little girl, you hear.
I don't think
she needs me for that.
Come on.
Come on in. Watch your step.
- Thanks.
- No problem.
You're lucky I came by.
I haven't been this way
in a longtime.
- Travis Grady.
- Vincent.
- Sharon.
- Nice to meet you.
Where are you two
lovebirds heading?
Just take us as far away
from here as you can.
- Amen to that.
- You got it.