Silent Hill (2006)

She's not here.
Oh, God.
Christopher, can you see anything?
- Sharon!
- She's there.
Wait for Mommy!
Sharon! Honey!
Oh, my God. Sharon!
- Home! Home!
- We're going home.
Silent Hill!
- Silent Hill!
- Rose!
- Wake up.
- Hey.
- It's okay, sweetie. We're here now.
- It's okay. It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay, baby.
We're going right home.
- What are we gonna do?
- We'll get there.
We'll find a way through this.
We'll find a way.
- She said it again.
- I know.
- Come on, baby. It's okay.
- Calm down, baby. It's okay.
- It's okay, baby.
- We're right here.
It's okay.
It's okay.
It's okay, baby.
- Wanna see?
- Sure.
What are you doing there, pumpkin?
This is an amazing lion.
Did you do that all by yourself?
I'm so impressed with you, honey.
Hey, you know we're going
on a special trip, don't you?
Do you know where we're going?
Honey, sometimes when you go
to sleep, you go on a little walk.
And sometimes
you talk about a place...
...called Silent Hill.
I don't remember.
Oh, that's okay, sweetie.
That's why we're gonna go there,
so you can remember.
Daddy's not coming?
No, sweetie.
It's gonna be just you and me.
Break's over, sweetie.
You awake?
You wanna go?
Damn it, Rose. What's going on?
Hi, this is Rose Da Silva.
Please leave a message,
and I'll call you back.
Oh, no, Rose.
Honey, you're awake?
Long drive.
Can I ask you something, sweetie?
Why did you change your pictures?
I didn't.
- Mommy?
- You can't remember?
No. I don't like that, Mommy.
- Baby, you can't remember doing this?
- Who did that?
- Hey, hey, baby, it's okay.
- Mommy, who did that?
It's okay, honey. Mommy's here.
Can you wait in the car for me?
Can I sit in front?
- Of course you can sit in the front.
- Okay.
Jimmy, we need
a ham and cheese on white.
I just wanna pay for the gas.
And can you tell me the best way
to get to Silent Hill?
I can't seem to find it on the map.
- Why do you wanna go there?
- L... I read about it.
Road don't go through no more.
Your card was declined.
Hey there.
- Is everything all right?
- Don't talk to strangers.
Good girl.
All right. Well, thanks for your help.
Why did you cut off the cards?
That's not gonna stop me
from taking her there.
Listen, honey,
we gotta put Sharon in a hospital.
She needs constant care,
and she needs medication.
The medication doesn't work.
She's getting worse every day.
Honey, the adoption people said
Sharon came from West Virginia...
... and Silent Hill is in West Virginia.
I'm not giving up on her, Chris.
I'm not.
Have you actually read
the websites, Rose?
Yes, Chris, I read them.
Just trust me on this, please?
Just trust me on this.
Listen, honey...
- I love Sharon every bit as much as l...
- Chris, I gotta go.
- I love you.
- Need any help, ma'am?
- No, we're... We're fine, thanks.
We're fine.
Are we there?
Not yet, honey.
Keep your seatbelt fastened.
It's okay. It's just the radio.
- I'm turning it off.
- Mommy!
Somebody! Help!
We've had an accident!
Sharon. Honey.
What's happening?
Help me!
Help me. Help.
Someone! Shit!
Get off me! Get off!
Get off! Get off!
Get off me!
No! Get off me!
No! Get off me! Get off me!
Get off...!
Only the dark one opens
and closes the door to Silent Hill.
I don't know what's happening.
Do you know what's going on here?
My daughter.
I'm looking for my daughter.
I'm afraid that she's been hurt.
We've all lost our children.
Our light.
They deceived me.
Their evil.
Their hate.
They hurt my child.
They did terrible things to her.
This is my daughter, Sharon.
She sleepwalks,
so you have to be careful...
...but if you see her,
please, tell her to wait for me.
Yes, she's mine.
- It was mine.
- It's mine.
- It's mine.
- It's mine!
- It's mine!
- Get off me!
Into the fire
she swallowed their hate.
- Hi there.
- Yeah.
Listen, my wife,
she came through here last night.
- Maybe you saw her?
- Daughter worked night shift.
Actually, she was heading
for this place, Silent Hill.
- How do I get there?
- You don't.
Town's closed down
because of the coal fire...
...still burning underground,
you know?
Breathe enough of them fumes,
oh, bound to kill you.
...where's the turnoff?
Come on.
Hi, this is Chris.
Please leave a message.
Christopher, it's me.
I'm in Silent Hill.
I'm sorry, I made a mistake.
Sharon's lost,
but I think I know where she is... I'm going to the school
to look for her.
I'm not okay, all right?
I need your help.
Please, please, hurry.
Fuck. Come on!
Ma'am, I want you to put
both hands on the wheel.
Put both hands on the wheel.
Where's the little girl, ma'am?
Please, my daughter, she's gone.
I need your help.
- Get out of the car.
- What?
Move it.
Jesus, what are you doing?
- You're under arrest.
- What?
Anything you say can and will be
used against you in a court of law.
I don't think you understand.
There's something weird going on.
My daughter, she's in danger.
If you really cared,
you wouldn't have sped off.
Listen to me, she 's ill.
She sleepwalks.
Just calm right down.
I'm gonna find the little girl.
Officer Bennett to base, over.
Base, do you copy, over?
- Shit.
- You're bleeding.
Cracked my head on the road
pretty good...
...when my bike went down.
I must have been out for a while.
- You all right to walk?
- Sure.
Then it looks like we'll be
hiking back to Brahams.
You're going back to the station.
- Are you kidding?
- Nope.
Have you heard
a single word I've said?
- Yeah, I hear you.
- Have you heard...
...a single word I've said?
I'm sure she's at the school,
we just need to turn around...
- Silent Hill...
- sorry...
- Sharon...
- lost...
- think I know where...
- going to the school to look for her...
I'm not okay...
I need your... Your help.
Please, hurry!
Sorry, sir, this road is closed.
You'll have to turn around.
I'm looking for my wife.
She may have come through here.
She drives a Jeep Liberty.
Silver, Ohio plates.
Sir, this man's wife
was driving the Jeep.
Bring him down.
- Come on.
- You've seen her?
Where is she?
Inspector Thomas Gucci.
Enjoying the weather, are you?
For God's sake,
I'm trying to find my wife.
I know. Hang on a second.
Now, that vehicle you were
talking about, we found it.
It's at the end of the bridge here,
but it's empty.
We've got no indication
anyone's come under any harm.
- Good Christ.
- Now, you mind telling me...
...what your wife's doing
up here, Mr?
- Da Silva, Chris Da Silva.
- My pleasure, Chris...
The faster we start looking,
the faster we're gonna find her.
All right, hold your horses,
hold your horses, Chris.
I've also got a missing deputy.
And knowing Officer Cybil Bennett
the way I do...
...she's probably out there looking
for your wife and daughter.
Bobby, make sure no one
comes through that barricade.
We're gonna get our asses up
to Silent Hill.
- Let's take a look around.
- Yes, sir.
While Chris here tells me
what's going on.
She disappeared yesterday.
I spoke to her...
...when she stopped for gas
in Brahams.
Why were you coming up here
in the middle of the night?
- I thought it would help her.
- You people. You get off the highway...
...from whatever big city, bringing
all your sick problems with you.
Why aren't you listening to me?
We had a guy come up here
two years ago...
...snatched a little boy from a rest stop,
dropped him into a mine vent.
I never wanna see
anything like that again.
Look, I don't know what
you're thinking, but you're not helping.
There is no way I would ever
harm my own daughter.
How do I even know
she is your daughter?
Come on.
What the hell?
Now do you see
what I'm talking about?
Will you take these handcuffs
off me?
No. Get walking.
There's a fire-lookout tower
on the far side of Toluca Lake.
- It should have a radio.
- Fuck you, you stupid cop.
This place is completely cut off.
- You have no idea what's going on.
- Hey!
Hey, you up there!
I'm a police officer!
What's going on?
What is that?
Stand back.
Jesus Christ, shoot it.
Stay where you are!
Mrs. Da Silva,
I am an officer of the law...
... and I will take you to safety.
Mrs. Da Silva,
I am an officer of the law...
... and I will take you to safety.
- Why don't you let me do that?
- Ninety percent of the time...
...when a wife takes a run...
...she takes the daughter
to a place like this...
...l'd say she's damn mad
at her husband.
You like hauling skeletons
out of your family closet?
No, not all the time, but we're
driving on top of them right now.
Coal fire's still burning
You see the barbershop over there?
- Used to be my father's.
- Your father?
He's dead.
November '74,
when the fire caught.
They tried to evacuate this place
as quick as they could...
...but it was hellish, people were
dying and disappearing.
Hell, they couldn't even find
half the bodies.
That was the end of Silent Hill.
These were good people,
most of them.
Some, you might say deserved it.
A little bit.
Where are you hiding?
Burn the witch! Burn the witch!
Burn the witch!
Alessa Gillespie.
It's okay.
It's gonna be okay.
I promise I'm gonna help you.
Come on.
Oh, God.
Come on.
Help me. Oh, God.
Please, please, help me. Help...
Help me. Please, help me.
Help me. Help me, please.
It's happening again.
Help me! Please! Please!
Come on! Come on!
- Rose!
- Put your mask on.
Rose, where are you?
- I felt her.
- You what?
Her perfume.
- She was here.
- Who was?
- My wife.
- She wasn't here. Put this mask on.
- Perfume.
- Breathe. Through that mask.
Come on, let's go.
We're gonna go this way.
Chris, come on.
- She was here.
- No, no, she wasn't here.
I know it.
Come on.
Come on. Let's keep looking.
Get off! Get off! Get off!
Get me that pipe.
Rose, the pipe!
Okay. Okay.
- I got it. I got it.
- Quick, come on!
Can we get out of here?
We're trapped.
Last mag.
- That's all the bullets you got?
- Yeah.
You hear that?
That's him.
Stay down! Stay down!
Jesus Christ.
Get down!
What the fuck?
What the fuck?
You saw that, right?
That was real?
What the fuck is going on?
All right, I know this is crazy. I know.
We gotta calm right down,
because my kid is not here...
...and I've gotta find her
before this happens again.
I don't even know where to start.
I found this.
It's from a hotel.
I don't know where it is,
but she is in this hotel.
It's gonna be okay.
We're gonna be okay.
Now, don't be trying
anything, all right?
We got men up here
all night long.
We're gonna find your wife,
we're gonna find your daughter.
Can't have civilians
wandering around on their own.
You're not telling me everything.
What really happened up here?
Just let it rest in peace.
- Directory assistance.
- Toluca County Archives, please.
One moment.
- Archives?
- Yeah, listen.
Do you have the records there
from Silent Hill?
- Which records, sir?
- The police records.
Sorry, sir,
those records are confidential.
No, no, I can't...
No, listen, l...
Sorry, sir,
I can't access that information.
- Listen, goddamn it.
- Sir.
- This is an emergency.
- I can't...
I can't help you.
They used to say
this place was haunted.
I think they were right.
Help! No!
- Stay away.
- Come on.
Stay away, sinner.
Get back!
It's here.
Faith is our destroyer.
Faith has brought us doom.
- Get back!
- Hey, hey!
- Get back!
- Hey, stop.
Think you of thee
who cast the first stone.
Lambs without a shepherd,
shepherd without a flock.
It's your sins which hold you here.
- Stop your lies!
- Calm down.
Calm down, it's okay.
- We're not gonna hurt you.
- She's gone.
What's your name?
Anna. My name is Anna.
What's going on here, Anna?
Who was that?
- I've seen her before.
- Dahlia was cast out.
Not even the darkness wants her.
- She's lost her daughter too.
- What?
- Sinners deserve to lose their spawn.
- What are you doing here, Anna?
Mother needs more food.
You mean there are
other people here?
Christabella keeps us safe.
- Anna.
- We take refuge in the church.
Anna, listen to me.
I've lost my daughter.
She's all alone.
Can you imagine how frightened
she must feel?
Tell me, have you seen her?
Do you know where she is?
If she has faith, she might survive.
If not...
I'm taking this.
Have you seen this?
I've seen it at the school.
It's on all the buildings
the elders of my elders built.
It's a symbol of our unity,
a symbol of our faith.
Rose, look at this.
- What is it?
- Just like yours.
- Where did you find it?
- They're all over the floor.
Check this out.
- What number did you take this from?
- 111.
We gotta go to room 111.
- Directory assistance.
- Yeah.
Toluca County Orphanage, please.
One moment, please.
- Yes, I have that information for you.
- Yeah.
Can you give me that address?
We are wandering far
from refuge here.
Let's keep her with us.
She's all we got.
There's no room 111.
The first burning.
- What is it, Anna?
- The first burning.
Before the town had a name.
The elders of my elders
kept us pure.
The founders of this town
were witch-hunters.
Burning the witch
held back the darkness.
It stopped the apocalypse.
It's here.
There's a room in here.
Look at this.
What is this place?
I don't know.
We're in the next building.
Some factory, maybe?
Looks like there was a fire.
Who are you?
It's okay.
Don't be scared.
I promise I'm not gonna hurt you.
Okay. Come on.
Come on.
It's okay. Hey.
It's okay.
It's okay.
I'm not gonna hurt you.
Oh, my God.
You could be her twin.
Are you Alessa?
Where's my Sharon?
Look at me.
I'm burning.
Rose? My God.
- How did you get over there?
- Where is she?
Grab onto it.
- Now swing back around.
- Okay.
- Are you all right?
- Yeah.
What the hell
were you doing over there?
You're gonna get yourself killed.
I think I just saw Dahlia's daughter.
She was the one
that brought us here.
What are you talking about?
She was the one
that made me crash my car.
We don't say her name.
That's the seal, isn't it, Anna?
The symbol of your faith?
Something terrible happened here.
We have to leave.
We have to leave!
- The darkness is coming!
- Let's go.
Let's go!
The church isn't far.
- Run. Run!
- Rose, come on!
- Come!
- We gotta go.
- Rose, come on.
- I've seen this.
Rose, let's go!
- Cybil!
- Rose, come on.
You run not towards sanctuary
but from your fears.
Do not join the others.
They are deceivers. They are damned.
- We gotta get inside.
- No!
They are wolves
in the skin of sheep.
They brought about their own hell.
They'll take you with them.
- Filth and lies!
- Hey!
Stop it!
Please. I've seen your daughter.
I've seen Alessa.
- It's coming!
- She's dead, isn't she?
Fire doesn't cleanse, it blackens.
- Listen to me.
- Rose, hurry!
She looks exactly like Sharon.
She brought us here, didn't she?
Why? What does she want?
Evil wakes in vengeance.
Be careful what you choose.
Oh, God, no.
- Witches!
- She's evil.
Keep away the witches!
- No.
- Send them back!
We're lost.
This is a sanctuary.
Please, Christabella,
they lured my Anna.
They gave her to the fiend.
Eleanor, you must remember
that Anna went against our laws.
She went alone outside
into the devil's playground.
She was not the responsibility
of these two strangers.
We'll deal with them later.
Now we must pray.
And then I saw them...
...from whose presence
earth and heaven fled away.
And no home was left to them.
And then I saw them...
...from whose presence
earth and heaven fled away.
And no home was left to them.
And I saw the dead,
the great and the small...
...and they were judged
according to their deeds.
And I saw the dead,
the great and the small...
...and they were judged
according to their deeds.
And anyone's name not found
written in the book of life...
...they will be thrown
into the lake of fire.
And now I lay me down to sleep...
...I pray the Lord my soul to keep.
If I should die before I wake...
...I pray the Lord my soul to take.
All right, girls, into bed.
Quickly, now.
No better place to be
on a rainy night.
In you go, Lindsey, thattagirl.
You've got your bear, that's a girl.
No. No talking
after lights are out.
Good night, children.
And God bless.
I'm sorry, Sister Margaret,
this really can't wait.
I can't imagine why.
Nine years ago...
...a baby was left
outside this orphanage.
My wife and I were the ones
who adopted her.
I'm very happy for you,
Mr. Da Silva...
...but I can't give out
information on our children.
That girl, she looks
exactly like my daughter.
I can't help you, I'm sorry.
- It's late.
- She must be 40 now.
Where can I find her?
This story isn't hers alone...
...but all of ours!
- You people.
You got yourself something.
You know what you got now, Chris?
How about breaking and entering?
By the looks of this,
a little assault as well.
Thank you, Thomas.
- This can't go any farther.
- It won't, Sister.
You know,
I have some 12-year-olds...
...who cover their tracks
better than you do.
What's this?
Look, Gucci, do you know her?
Is that my daughter's birth mother?
- Look, turn around.
- What are you doing?
I knew that girl. I did.
I was told she didn't make it
through the night.
The night of the fire.
The night of the big fire
in Silent Hill.
There were these people...
...these fanatics.
What they did
to that child was terrible.
That was 30 years ago,
and it's over now.
Not as far as I'm concerned.
What's it gonna be, city boy?
I can put you in jail...
...or you can go home.
And that's your definition of justice?
Many different forms
of justice, Chris.
See, you've got man's, God's...
...and even the devil's.
Certain forms you just can't control.
So I want you to go home now... your nice warm bed...
...and let me deal with this town...
...and what has happened
over the last 30 years.
Okay? End of story.
Tell me first how you got here.
Honestly, I don't know
how I got here.
Right now, I've lost my little girl...
...and all I know is that
I'm supposed to be in this church.
Are you a person of faith?
- I love my daughter.
- That's not what I asked.
Who are you to judge?
We judge because the souls of history
hang in the balance.
Because our faith
has never failed us.
Our faith keeps the darkness
of hell at bay.
Then use your faith
to help me find my little girl.
Only the demon knows where she is.
Then tell me,
where do I find this demon?
No one has ever returned
from the core of the darkness...
...where the demon lies in wait.
She's not gonna help us.
Let's go.
If you wish to face the demon
to find your daughter...
...I won't stop you.
- Christabella, they can't go down...
- Silence, Adam.
Perhaps your faith will protect you.
Perhaps not.
If you don't wanna do this...
...l'll understand.
Sharon's adopted...
...but I'm her mother.
I knew that from the moment
I first laid eyes on her.
She's lucky to have you.
Mother is God in the eyes of a child.
We're in his domain now.
Look at this map. Memorize it.
Your memory may save your life.
- Do you see this room?
- Yeah.
That is where the darkness lies.
The demon is in the bowels
of this building.
It hides behind the face
of an innocent.
You mean a child?
Don't believe your eyes.
Your eyes will lie to you.
Faith is the only truth.
I will pray for you, Rose...
...but I won't expect you
and your friend to return.
Left. Right.
Left. Left.
- Right. Right. Left.
- Take them to the lower level.
- In the basement?
- Do it, then return.
- Left. 3A.
- But...
- Right. 4A.
- I said, do it.
- Left. Left. Right.
- Rose. Rose.
- Left. Right. Left. Left.
- Rose, she's killing you.
- Rose!
- Let me do this.
I need to do this.
Take this.
They'll be drawn to the light,
but you won't be able to see without it.
Thank you.
- So this thing actually works?
- It will.
If the demon wants you, it will.
Forgive me.
We've lived too long as scavengers.
I believe this is yours.
Witch! Her child's
the likeness of Alessa.
Her child's the next vessel.
Stop her!
Don't let the witches go down!
Come on!
Get off her!
Find her.
No! Wait! Cybil!
Cybil! Open the door!
Right. 6A.
Left, left. Right, right.
Left, left.
Okay. I can do this.
Congratulations, Rose.
You're here.
You did it.
Your reward is the truth.
Did you see that Alessa
was a good little girl?
Even though nobody
looked at her that way.
- Burn the witch! Burn the witch!
- Their parents told them she was bad.
She didn't have a father
like they did.
Alessa was alone in the world.
You know what can happen
to little girls when they're left alone.
It's okay, it's me, come on.
Even her mother couldn't help.
Even though she loved her baby.
But the rest of the family
didn't love Alessa.
They were just like the others
and made her scared.
We know.
Even the children know it.
Your daughter...
Why you won't
just name the father...
You've brought sin amongst us.
The faithful must gather
in judgment...
...for we are called to purify this filth.
What does she mean, Mommy?
You're weak, my dear sister.
You always were.
Trust us, Dahlia.
Have faith in our virtue.
We will restore innocence.
They had met many times
since the town was built...
... to restore innocence and purity.
They had a special place for that.
Do you remember the hotel?
I led you to all these places...
... and you were very good
at following my clues.
You may leave, Dahlia.
We fight the sin, not the sinner.
Mommy! Mommy!
You know how that feels,
don't you, Rose?
To lose your little girl?
What have I done?
- Oh, God.
- Weep not for the demon.
Once again
we are locked in mortal battle.
They thought they knew
how to cast out evil.
- Praise God for our clarity.
- Amen.
Praise the innocent
for their sacrifice.
But you should be careful
how you fight evil.
- They give us back our purity.
- Purity.
- And our unity.
- Unity.
Your weapons
can turn back on you.
Now you know
why Dahlia is broken.
She tried to get help...
... but she went too late.
Get her up, boys.
Get her up now!
There were good people
in the town...
... people like you, Rose.
People who like to help.
Alessa was so lonely
and hurt and scared.
They should have known better
than to hurt her so badly.
When you're hurt
and scared for so long...
... your fear and pain turn to hate...
... and the hate
starts to change the world.
Alessa's hate grew and grew,
burning inside her.
Her hate got so strong...
... she even hurt someone
who was only curious.
That's when I came.
I told her it was their turn.
I promised they would all
fall into her darkest dream.
Now, Rose, we must talk.
Don't be afraid.
She won't hurt you.
She needs your help.
Who is she?
- She is Alessa.
- Then who are you?
I have many names.
Right now,
I'm the dark part of Alessa.
Where's my child?
She's not your child.
She's hers.
The little girl is
what's left of her goodness.
We hid her in safety... the world outside this hell.
Now the dream
of this life must end...
...and so, too,
must the dreamers within it.
For over 30 years...
...they've lied to their own souls.
For 30 years they've denied
their own fate.
But now is the end of days...
...and I am the reaper.
What do you want?
All we ask for is satisfaction.
Why me?
You chose.
You chose Sharon.
Christabella will find Sharon.
She plans to purify her.
Oh, God, no.
Their blind conviction
repels me from their church.
I cannot enter
while they deny their fate...
...but you can.
- Just tell me what I need to do.
- Tell them the truth.
The child is mine!
She's mine.
She's mine!
The truth is clear to those who see.
Just as I could see
you had this child.
Let's go.
Out of the car. Turn around.
Just a friendly warning...
...l'll be back with people
who know what they're doing.
Before you do that, Chris,
I wanna tell you about Officer Bennett.
Few years back, some wacko,
he abducted a kid...
...threw him down a mine vent
up there in Silent Hill.
Cybil Bennett, she found that boy.
She spent three days
holding onto him...
...keeping him alive
until they were rescued.
We know what we're doing.
I need to do everything I can.
Let's go.
Christabella, let her live.
Your weakness
led these souls to judgment.
- This time you will bear witness.
- She is innocent.
Look at her.
She's the whelp of your daughter.
The demon!
The demon fathered this disgusting
abomination from her child!
No, she's mine!
Sharon. Sharon, look at me.
Look at me. Don't be afraid.
It's okay, it's okay.
Your mama's coming.
Once again we are called upon
to restore innocence.
We burn this witch.
We vanquish evil.
No. You can't. You can't.
- Don't let her say this! No!
- We burn the child!
We fight the demon!
She's just a child!
What the fuck is wrong
with you people?
Let her go!
Leave her alone!
Leave her alone!
Those who aid the demon...
...they must be cleansed
by the fire from whence they came.
That's crazy. You're crazy.
Why are you listening to this?
Burn the witch! Burn her!
Burn the witch! Burn her!
Burn the witch!
Evil witch!
Burn the witch! Burn her!
Burn the witch! Burn her!
Oh, my God.
Burn the witch! Burn her!
Burn the witch! Burn her!
Burn the witch! Burn her!
Burn the witch! Burn her!
Burn her!
You're in your own hell.
Mama, be with me.
Here is where the apocalypse began.
This is where we stopped
the annihilation of the world.
We drew a line in the sand
and said:
"Demon, you will not cross!"
But the demon is wicked,
full of treachery.
Yet again he comes to tempt us
in the guise of an innocent.
To rid the world of this demon...
...we must burn this child!
That's not gonna happen!
It's okay, baby.
Everything's gonna be okay.
Oh, my God.
Oh, my God.
What have you people done?
- You have returned.
- Yes, I have.
The witch has returned.
Do not believe her lies.
I come from a world
outside this place.
I come from a world full of life!
Why don't you tell them the truth.
Tell them the truth that you deny,
even to yourself.
There was no apocalypse!
You burned in the fire
that you started...
...and nothing can save you
because you're already damned!
- Mommy!
- Take her.
Burn her. Burn her as a witch.
Burn her! Burn her!
Demon witch!
- Burn me?
- Demon witch.
That's your answer.
Burn anything you're afraid of.
Burn anything you can't control.
This woman uses your fear
to control you.
She led you to burn
Alessa Gillespie.
She led you to burn
an innocent child.
But you will not deny your guilt...
...and you cannot deny her pain!
That child was sin incarnate.
No, it's you who have sinned.
You darkened the heart
of an innocent...
...and now you cower in the face
of Alessa's revenge.
- Sinner.
- Heresy.
Burn her. Burn her!
Your faith brings death!
You are alone in this limbo...
...and God is not here.
She was a blasphemer.
What have you done?
You've brought the darkness in
with you.
Do you know what you've done?
For Sharon.
Mommy. Mommy.
Oh, Lord, give me the strength
to stay pure.
No! No!
Alessa, what have you become?
Sharon! Sharon, honey, it's me.
It's Mommy.
Down! We're getting down.
Shut your eyes.
Shut your eyes, baby.
Shut your eyes. Shut your eyes.
Shut your eyes. Shut your eyes.
It's just a bad dream.
It's just a bad dream.
Why did she not take me
with the others?
Because you're her mother.
Mother is God in the eyes of a child.
I love you.
- Hi, this is Chris.
- And this is Rose.
And I'm Sharon Da Silva.
Please leave a message!
Christopher, it's me.
I'm with Sharon.
Hello? Hello? Rose?
Yeah. We're coming home.