Silent Retreat (2016)

I need you in here!
Doctor, I need you to see this.
God dammit. What? What is it?
There's been an incident.
I need your help.
Get Mr. Warren.
He'll take care of it.
But doctor...
I'm in the middle
of a surgery, nurse.
I'll get there as soon as I can.
Yes, doctor.
Where was I?
That's him.
Come on.
Come on!
Stop making things difficult.
Let me go!
Get me out of here!
Let me go. Let me out of here.
Scream all you want.
No one can hear you.
Let me out of here!
Are we there yet?
Yeah, Megan, we're here.
Smart ass.
Where is everyone?
Shouldn't they be here by now?
As far as I know.
Oh, look, there's Dale.
Hey, Dale.
Welcome to Tearlon.
Not bad.
Yeah, they're still in the
process of remodeling,
but the whole
interior's brand new.
- Hey, Megan.
- Hey.
You get a look around?
Uh, no, still trying
to get to my room.
It gets more beautiful
every time I come up here.
If you'll excuse me, Rita,
we should probably show
these two to their room.
Our room?
Yeah. Come on.
Come on in.
So everyone else called dibs.
You two are the last ones here.
So you're going
to have to share.
Hope there aren't
any objections.
Cute double beds.
Yeah. Great.
I'm okay with it if you are.
It works for me.
Well, you two are
the only ones not to complain.
It seems our little group
has a talent
for finding flaws
in a free trip.
Don't worry, Dale.
I'm sure we'll
think of something.
All right.
I'll be downstairs
if you need anything.
- Thanks, Dale.
- Sure.
Look at that view.
Oh, shit.
- Hey!
- - Jesus, Tedi.
Jesus? Where?
- Did you see him?
- - See who?
- The kid.
- - What kid?
The little kid.
What? I didn't see any kid.
I saw Joel.
Who the fuck is Joel?
Joel is lira's special
delivery from her
douche of the month club.
Wait, what?
Lira brought some guy.
She brought her boyfriend?
Yeah, if you want
to call him that.
But I thought this trip
was just for our department.
Yeah, I thought so too, but I
guess she found a loophole.
Which was?
She just showed up with him.
And if I'd known
you could do that,
I would have brought myself a
little something to poke on.
Come on. It could happen.
Fyi, you've got to share
a wall with them,
so I hope you weren't planning
on getting any sleep
this weekend.
Are you kidding me?
Oh, what's this is
I hear about you
and, uh, forest sharing a room?
It's no big deal.
It's not like we're in
the same bed or anything.
Yeah, not with that
attitude you're not.
We're just friends.
Oh, so then it's cool if
we switch rooms, right?
You touch her and I'll kill you.
Don't move.
She can't see us
if we don't move.
Hey, Zac.
What's up, fellas?
What was that all about?
Shut up, Tedi.
Zac, I'll see you at dinner.
Who was that?
No one.
I can't get a signal.
You know the first
rule of vacationing.
Leave everything behind.
I know.
But this isn't a vacation, Zac.
It's a retreat.
All right, smart ass.
Attention please..
Back to work.
Could I get everyone's attention
down in the living room, please?
You guys seen Tedi?
He's in the bathroom.
Probably beating off.
I tugged one out before we left.
I am good.
All right.
Looks like everyone's here.
I just wanted to
let you guys know
you need to be
extra careful, okay?
Especially if you wander
out in the woods at night.
The caretaker said
there's a lot of bears
around this time of year.
Wouldn't look really good
on my review if one of you
come back dead or with a
huge bite out of your ass.
Don't even think about it.
All right?
Tonight's fair game, guys. Okay.
Have fun, whatever, but let's
not forget why we're up here.
We have our first
meeting tomorrow.
Yeah, why are we here?
Ah, good question.
Uh, we're up here because it's
a simultaneous pat on the back
and kick in the
pants, to be honest.
The head honchos love
what we're doing, okay?
That's why we're here.
But they're worried that
our shareholders
are going to get a little
bit antsy and jump ship
if our little growth
stock doesn't somehow
exceed next quarter's forecast.
We'd like to start by
getting everyone together
to help inspire team unity.
Oh, and they want
to pick our brains
to see if we can figure out
ways to increase productivity.
Of course, with the same
amount of resources,
which is always nice.
It's only a couple
of meetings, people, okay?
You pretty much have
the rest of the weekend
to do whatever you want.
Like get eaten by bears?
Fine, if it makes you happy.
If there aren't any
other smart Aleck remarks,
does anyone have any
questions or comments?
What if we see a ghost?
Meigan, ghosts aren't real.
Thank you.
Uh, what about the holy ghost?
That's not the same thing.
But you believe in Jesus, right?
Of course.
Well, isn't that kind of
like believing in Santa Claus,
but not the Easter bunny?
Tedi, you don't
believe in Christ?
Um, no, but I do believe
in the antichrist.
How come?
Because she works in marketing.
Knock it off. Knock it off.
Let's not start a holy war.
See what you started?
At some point during the
weekend I expect
each of to thank Rita,
for talking to Penny Pinchers
into even letting
us come up here.
Thank you so much, Rita.
Thank you, Rita.
Yeah, thanks, Rita.
You're the best.
Meigan, if I could
offer a piece of advice?
Don't worry about dead.
Fear the living,
especially with this group.
All righty.
I'll bear that in mind.
Hey, Dale, can I
talk to you for a sec?
Sure, Zach. What's up?
Who was that old man with Rita?
That was Earl ray,
the caretaker.
He greeted us when we got here.
Is he staying here?
No, he said he has a
cabin nearby somewhere.
Only living soul
around for miles.
Okay, thanks.
No problem.
Good meeting.
Nature sucks.
Oh, come on.
I kind of like it here.
I'm probably going to get,
like, a million mosquito bites.
Can you blame them?
What the hell are we going to do
up here for three days?
Well, there's a hot
tub on the porch.
Um, you trying to
get me into a bikini?
trying to get you out of one.
The blue one or the black?
Hmm, I don't know.
I'm going to have
to see them on.
I don't know. Turn around.
It's kind of revealing,
don't you think?
That's the point.
Don't worry I have a wrap
to keep Tedi from
checking out my ass.
Let me see the other one.
Are you serious?
Yeah, I'm dead serious.
And then some.
Mm, what do you
think you're doing?
You wanted to go in the hot tub.
Changed my mind.
Too bad.
I'm ready.
Put your fucking suit on.
All right, already.
See you later.
What's up, player?
Good morning.
I thought iTunes was
against your religion.
The lord loves music.
So what do you got on that?
Like, motorhead or?
Book of psalms.
Oh, seriously?
I find it very inspiring
when I go for a nature hike.
All right then.
Carry on.
Peace be with you, Tedi.
You too, kiddo.
What's up, dude?
Looks like someone got
some ass last night.
That's kind of a personal
matter, don't you think?
Not if you have ears, it's not.
Hey, you ever play that
game ass, Cooter, mouth?
Ass, Cooter, mouth, uh, no.
I can't say that I have.
How do you play?
Well, you give me a
number one through three,
and I try and guess which hole
you stuck it in last night.
What if I say all three?
What if I say high five?
Not necessarily in
that order though.
You're all right, man.
You're a fucking douchebag.
Heard that.
Good morning, lira.
I said, good morning, lira.
Good morning, Tedi.
Hey, you know that expression,
'that girl's got spunk'?
Well, when they say it about you
I think they mean
it quite literally.
It's called toothpaste, dipshit.
You should try it.
Yeah, I will.
I do that after
I have my coffee.
That way I get that clean
mouth feeling all day.
Do you know where they
keep the toothpicks?
Joel's got one between his legs.
Hey, buddy.
Can I kill him, Dale,
Not unless you find
me a new programmer.
Tedi's kind of like that
fat guy in Jurassic park.
We loose him and all
hell breaks loose.
If it wasn't for me, you'd
be up to your dick sucker
in dinosaurs.
Let me know if you
change your mind.
I'm making omelets.
Who wants one?
No thanks.
Oh, god, Dale. No.
What's wrong with my omelets.
They're made with love.
What happened to you?
Psalm 23,
the lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want.
He makes me to lie
down in green pastures.
He leads me beside
the still waters.
He restoreth my soul.
He leads me in paths of
righteousness for his namesake.
Yea, though I walk through the
valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil,
for thou art with me.
Thy rod and thy staff,
they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table for me in
the presence of mine enemies.
Thou anointest my head with oil.
My cup runeth over.
Surely goodness and
mercy shall follow
me all the days of my life.
And I shall dwell in the
house of the lord forever.
All right. Who's missing?
Not me.
Anybody seen Rita?
Uh, yeah.
She went for a jog this morning.
Did she say where she was going?
Fuck if I know.
She probably went to
find Jesus or something.
Should we wait for her?
Uh, no.
We've covered most
of this already.
I'll just fill her in
when she gets back.
Let's get this
party started, huh?
Let's get down to business.
I'd like to start off
by saying thank you
to all of you for the
past quarter's extra work.
I really appreciate
all your effort.
You're welcome.
My design team, you're
going to be happy to know,
your prayers are
finally being answered.
You're transferring Tedi?
Oh, forest, you break my heart.
Oh, we still love you,
Tedi, just from far away.
Like a fine work of art.
Yeah, something like that.
I'm upgrading your
workstations with the new Imacs.
Retina display, flash
drives, the whole deal.
I thought you'd like that.
What about storage?
Um, I'll have to look
into it, but storage is cheap.
It shouldn't be a problem
getting it authorized.
Hey, uh, what about
loosening up Websense?
I mean, it's not like I
can't hack through that shit
if I wanted to.
You know I could.
I just... why waste
my time, you know?
You only want them
to take down Websense,
so you can look at porn.
Whoa, it is not my fault the
server crashes every time
I try and download
your sex tape.
You're going to die.
Children, could you
come back to the table?
All of a sudden came the thunder
of hooves rushing up the path.
A dark figure in a black cloak
rode it's horse
toward the porch.
The old man walked
down the front stairs.
And the cloaked figure stopped
his horse just outside
the pool of light
that was being cast
by the lanterns
hung above the porch.
The old man staggered back.
Shot twice, once in the neck
and the other in his chest.
The dark figure rose
up onto his horse
and fled down the Lane
disappearing into the night.
Friends rushed to
the old man's aid,
but it was already too late.
The first shot had bored
a quarter sized hole.
Now's your chance.
To a chamber...
What the hell are
you talking about?
Chicks get super turned
on when they're scared.
Like you would know.
Trust me.
Both times I scored the chick
was either drunk or scared.
I think one of the
times she was both.
Hey, hey, Zac?
Just in case.
Thanks, Tedi.
Do you guys mind?
Sorry. It was just getting
really good, Dale.
Please continue.
Now as I was saying,
so much blood
poured from the old man's
wounds that a thick pool
formed underneath his head.
He coughed once.
And then again,
the second being
a hideous gurgling
sound as though
two invisible hands
were choking the old
man to death,
squeezing the very
life out of him.
The sound sent a shiver
up the spines of everyone
who heard the old man's
last dying breath.
Dale's ghost story
getting to you?
Oh yeah.
I'm going to have
nightmares for weeks.
I brought you some Pinot.
Trying to get me liquored up?
Is it working?
This is really good.
Compliments of Mr. sau.
You know, I was a little
taken back by him joining us
on our little retreat
here, but, um,
now I'm starting to think it
might have its benefits.
Having a rich boyfriend
does have its advantages.
Are you sure?
I wouldn't know.
I'm a 'two buck
Chuck' type of girl.
You okay?
I'm all right.
There's something wrong.
I see it in your eyes.
You can read my
eyes now, can you?
Yeah. I can.
I bet you can't even tell
me what color they are.
They are brown.
I know. I'm just
messing with you.
And you stole that
from AXL rose.
How do you know he
didn't steal that from me?
Because you're
not that sensitive.
I am sensitive, dammit.
As if AXL rose is
Mr. sensitivity.
Hey, I'm sure he's a nice
guy once you get to know him.
That's like saying
he's an asshole,
but you'll get to used to it.
No it's not.
He once threw a girl
down a flight of stairs.
Well, I'm sure he
had good reason to.
Yeah, he did.
Because she wouldn't
sleep with him.
That will do it.
That is not funny.
That is...
Why, why are you laughing?
I am not laughing.
I see that.
Damn you, Zac.
Why do you always have
this messed up way
of making me feel better?
I don't know how you do it.
Are you going to tell me
what's wrong?
Rita's not back yet.
Are you sure?
I thought she was just avoiding
Dale's tale of the occult in there.
I'm pretty sure, Zac.
She's been gone all day.
Have you told Dale?
I didn't want to spoil his fun.
A whole hell of a lot of fun.
Should we go back in?
If we have to.
From that day on the servants
couldn't keep the porch clean.
Every few weeks a
damp pool of blood
would appear in the same spot
where the old man had died.
They tried repainting
the porch several times,
but the blood stain would
always bleed through.
One night one of the
servants saw something
that caused him to go mad.
Folks said that the
house was haunted
by the angry spirit
of the old man.
The house was sold
several times,
but each time the
residents were driven out
by the horrible gasping
breaths of the old man's ghost
and the hideous blood stain
that could never be removed.
The house was eventually
abandoned until just last year.
One year ago today, in fact.
When it was completely remodeled
and turned into Tearlon lodge.
You're so full of it, Dale.
I had you going.
I don't know. I thought
the story was pretty good.
Up until the end because I
think I heard that one before.
Good one, d, although I think
you've got to give
partial credit to Joel.
The wine definitely helped.
Yeah, it's something else.
You have any more?
I got a whole case of it.
I'll go get you some some more.
Let him get it himself.
Don't be a bitch, babe.
Excuse me?
He said don't be a bitch, bitch.
Did you want any more?
- Sure.
- Okay.
You missed my finale.
I'm sure you didn't disappoint.
Yeah, but every
great storyteller
saves his best for last.
I'm worried about Rita.
She hasn't come back yet
and she's been gone all day.
Did you try her cell?
No, I can't get a signal.
Yeah, me either.
Has anybody seen Rita?
Yeah, I did.
She got eaten by a bear.
Can you be serious
for one fucking minute?
Which one's Rita again?
She's a dark hair, skinny
chick, huge bug in her ass.
Oh, yeah.
I remember her.
Yo, money bags, pass the hammer.
Thank you.
I really think we
should look for her.
Wait a second.
She comes up here all the time.
She might have just gone to
visit with the caretaker.
Well, is there any
way we can contact him?
I don't think he
even has a phone.
I kind of get the impression he
prefers to live off the grid.
Well, what if Zac and
I go and look for her?
I can't have you two traipsing
off in the middle of the night.
You could get lost, or
fall in a bear trap,
or god knows what else.
If she's not back by the
morning we'll go look for her.
- Okay?
- Alright.
That goes for everybody.
Even Joel?
Yes, even Joel.
With that, I'm going to
get some sleep.
This wine's done a number on me.
I need to hit the hay.
Try to keep it down
to a dull roar.
Good night, Dale.
Night, bud.
Good night. I'm glad
you liked the wine.
Well, can I refreshen
your glass, your majesty?
Whoa, that's good. Thank you.
You're welcome.
Here, babe.
Seriously, Joel, enough.
You're no good to me
when you're like this.
Oh, come on.
It's better when you're drunk.
Not for me it's not.
Tough woman to please, huh?
Buddy, you ain't kidding.
I'm going to my room.
Are you coming?
Joel, the heart wants
what the heart wants.
Not you, mongoloid.
I'll be up in a minute, babe.
Yeah. Fuck you.
I'd get up there if I were you.
The longer you wait.
The bitchier she gets.
Too much to drink, Tedi boy.
All right.
Well, on that note.
All right. I'll see
you guys later.
Adios, amigos and, uh, feel free
to drink the rest of the wine.
- Thank you.
- It's all yours.
Good night.
No. Wait, oh god.
I'm going to join you.
Oh, oh.
I got you.
I got you, big boy.
There we go.
Up the stairs.
Hey, do you and lira
have any plans tonight?
I'm going to bury my sword so
deep in that stone-cold bitch,
the first person who pulls it
out's going to get declared
the king of England.
What are you two
jibber jabbering about?
Just, just guy talk.
Got you, buddy. Careful.
Someone's going to break
their neck on those things.
Yeah, watch out.
Tedi, isn't your
room downstairs?
I thought we were going to tag
team like the Hardy boys?
No three way for you tonight,
bud. Sorry.
I wouldn't be so
sure about that.
He's got two hands.
Lira makes a joke.
All right.
Well, about time for
you to be hitting
the old dusty trail, right?
Yeah. I'm going to go.
Good choice.
You, uh, slay that
fire-breathing cocksucker.
Are you, you okay?
Hey, Zac.
Looking good.
I think everyone's going
to get some action tonight.
Good night, Tedi.
Good night. Go.
But long live the
king of Arthur.
Long live the... long live king Arthur.
Long live the king.
He is nuts.
Fucking loon.
You know you worry too much.
You're probably right.
There's no probably to it.
I'm always right.
How could I forget?
It happens.
Um, you gonna come upstairs?
Not yet.
I'm going to wait
here for a while.
See if Rita straggles in.
All right.
Don't stay up all night.
I won't.
Good night, Zac.
Good night, Meigan.
Are you in here?
What was that?
Shut up, Joel.
It was probably nothing.
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
I fucking hate you!
Tessa, calm down.
Shut up! Shut
up! Leave me alone!
You know
what happens if you don't
calm down, right?
We'll have to sedate you.
I'm going to kill you!
I'm going to kill you.
Relax. It's just me.
What are you trying to do?
Scare me to death?
Scare you?
You're the one creeping
around in the fucking attic.
I thought Hugo had gotten loose.
I was halfway down
to the bait shop
to pick up a bucket
of fish heads.
Hey, are you going
to come to bed?
Think the fuck-a-thon
next door is over,
so you and I actually
might get some sleep.
Finally, some good news.
What the hell are you
doing in the attic anyway?
I don't know.
All right, weirdo.
Come on.
Kill her.
She lies.
You all right, Zac?
You sure?
Uh huh.
Is Meigan in there with you?
She's not into you, you know.
Excuse me?
I know you've got
this huge crush on her.
It's totally obvious.
But she's not over her ex.
Girls just kind of a sixth
sense about this sort of thing.
You know, I'll bet she
even tried to call him
while she was up here.
I don't know about you,
but that sure as hell
would bug the shit out of me.
Being all alone at night
next to the one you ache for.
Being so close, yet so far.
I bet that's got
you all pent up.
What are you doing?
What does it look
like I'm doing?
What about your boyfriend?
He's not my boyfriend.
But we can sport fuck at best.
You'd still be cheating on Joel.
You know, I never really
liked the term cheating.
Makes it sound like I'm
playing some sort of game.
Aren't you?
Playing a game.
If I win the game,
do I get a prize?
Have you seen the Excedrin?
Get your fucking
hands off of me!
You okay?
I don't want to talk about it.
Meigan, please calm down.
Well, she still
isn't back yet, Dale.
It's time someone worry.
Hey, I wasn't
disagreeing with you, okay?
Just don't get all panicky.
We'll find her.
It's been 24 hours.
Obviously something's wrong.
Rita never came back?
We have to go look for her.
Where's Tedi?
Stop yelling, Dale.
I'm right here.
Okay. There you are.
Get your shoes on.
You've got to come with me
and find the caretaker.
Let's see if maybe
seen Rita around.
I'm in no condition
to go for a hike.
Get your shoes on now or
spend the rest of the trip
prying my foot out of your ass.
Aye aye, captain.
Zac, I need you to check
around the lake for me.
You got it, boss.
Lira, I want you to check
the local hiking trails.
There's a map in my room.
You can use that.
You want to go tramping
through the woods?
Yes, I do.
And take Joel with you.
You'll cover more
ground that way.
All right.
Meigan, I need you to stay here
just in case she comes back.
I'm not staying here.
I want to help you guys.
I know you do.
That's why I want
you here, okay?
If she's hurt or needs anything,
or something happens to us,
I need someone here
I can count on. Okay?
You want me to leave
that to lira, or Tedi?
Guess not.
And keep your phone on
just in the off chance
you get a signal.
- Okay.
- Okay.
Tedi, let's go.
I'm coming.
No, not... move it, now, buddy.
Good luck.
What was that back there?
With what?
With that guy, Zac.
Fucking Christ, Joel, not now.
Oh, what?
You going to have a conniption
fit or something?
Or something.
What's your problem?
What was that back there?
We were just talking.
Bull shit.
- Joel.
- I saw you.
What are you saying?
You know what I'm saying.
He tried to kiss me.
He came out onto the porch.
He looked like
something was wrong.
So I went over to
see if he was okay.
And one thing led to another.
I guess he took that as me
coming onto him or something.
And it's not the first
time it's happened either.
He does this all
the time at work.
It's disgusting.
Why don't you tell Dale?
I did the first
time it happened.
It's just my word against his.
And Dale likes him.
Everybody in the office does.
Including you?
What the hell kind of a
person do you think I am?
There's something seriously
wrong with that guy.
He's on all kinds of medication.
He literally scares me.
I just didn't want to because
any trouble or anything.
Don't you trust me?
I don't feel safe around him.
Hey, I'm sorry. Okay?
Don't touch me.
Why don't you be a man
and do something about it
instead of tearing me down
with your bullshit accusations?
Bad joke, Tedi.
Worth a shot, right?
You looking for birds?
Come on.
Hey, I'm hungry, Dale.
Yeah. We'll eat later.
Should probably knock first.
Why? The door's open.
Anybody home?
Earl ray?
I don't think he's home.
Door's locked.
Why would the door be
locked if no one was here?
You in there?
If anybody's in
there, can you open up?
We're missing one of our group.
We need help.
She can't hear us.
I'm breaking it down.
Easy, Tedi. This
isn't our house.
You can't just go breaking
people's doors down.
She's probably bound and gagged.
There's blood and shit
all over the place.
We can't just
leave her in there.
We don't even know she's here.
Quit fucking around.
Just find this Earl ray guy.
It's probably just a
big misunderstanding.
"Investigators baffled by
brutal crime at a private"
psychiatric hospital in the
mountains near Tearlon lake
a female patient age nine, whose
name cannot be disclosed
was allegedly attacked and brutally
mutilated by a male patient
of the same age.
According to the police report
most of the girl's tongue
had been cut out
with a pair of
surgical scissors.
Registered sex offender
Earl ray Warren,
who had been working as an
orderly at the Tearlon lake
psychiatric hospital
was brought in
for questioning after
investigators discovered
shocking evidence of torture,
deprivation, and child abuse.
Renowned psychiatrist
Dr. Herman Rexif
has resigned as head
physician of the hospital
and has refused to
answer any questions.
"No charges have been
filed at this time."
"Earl ray Warren was
released from police custody"
yesterday after the conclusion
of the month-long investigation.
Authorities could not produce
any evidence of wrongdoing,
although Warren, age 46,
admitted to many bizarre
and cruel methods of negative
reinforcement in the care
and treatment of children,
including a chamber
known only as the box,
a tiny metal cell where children
were placed in isolation
sometimes for days at a time.
"It was done only on the direct
orders of the trained medical staff."
So what'd you do today?
Is this what you drew?
You drew this?
It's very good.
Thank you.
Is this your family?
Why are they on the ground?
They're dead.
How did they die?
I don't know.
Are you lying to me, Ned?
I never lie.
Then how did they die?
God punished them.
He hates liars.
Did you color anything else?
The other kids came in, so
we went back to our room.
So you weren't coloring alone.
I'm never alone.
Who was with you?
The one the others
are afraid of.
Does he have a name?
I can't tell you.
He'll hurt me.
Like he hurt Sarah?
Not like that.
I don't know what he'll do.
Did you see Sarah today?
She came into my room.
What for?
To wish me a happy birthday.
I didn't realize it
was your birthday.
Happy birthday, Ned.
Thank you.
Did she say anything else?
She said my mommy was
downstairs with presents
and a birthday cake.
Well, would she say that?
Nobody came to see you today.
She lies.
How long has it been
since you saw your parents?
A long time ago.
17 months since...
I don't want to talk about this.
Why not?
It makes him angry.
Dale, I really had a
feeling about that room.
I think we should've gone in.
We need more than a
feeling, Tedi, all right?
Nothing. No sign of her.
I was hoping she was back here.
Did you find the caretaker?
No. We found his cabin,
but nobody was home.
It was strange.
Didn't you say his
name was Warren?
Earl ray Warren?
Yeah, why?
- I think you need to see this.
- Later.
We just came back to see
if she'd come back here.
With her family connections,
if anything happens to her,
I might as well kiss
this job goodbye.
We're going to split up
until we find her.
Or the old man.
Okay. Well, be careful.
It could be dangerous.
You, too.
God dammit, Zac.
You've got to stop
doing that to me.
Doing what?
Scaring the shit out of me.
You just backed into me.
Any word on Rita?
I was going to ask
you the same thing.
Where the hell could should be?
I don't know, Zac, but I'm
really starting to worry.
I think the caretaker
might be a child molester.
I found this article and
the guy's a sex offender.
Did, did you tell Dale?
I, I tried to, but he's
gone back to keep looking.
That's not even the worst of it.
Look at this.
Where did you get this?
In the attic.
This place used to be some
kind of mental hospital.
Guess that explains why
they got the place so cheap.
It's not funny.
The authorities
shut this place down.
They were torturing children.
Fucking kids, Zac.
Yeah, I get it.
Young people.
I... it's terrible.
Are you okay?
I wasn't going to tell you this,
but I've been seeing
some pretty weird
stuff around here myself.
Why didn't you tell me?
I didn't think that
you'd believe me.
As soon as Rita gets back we're
getting the hell out of here.
There's something not
right about this place.
Great. I'm going to go back out
and see if I can't find her.
Be safe.
I will.
Here, um, take this just in
case that pervert comes back,
or wherever.
I want you to be safe.
Please come back in one piece?
I will.
Please extend me
the same courtesy.
I'll be back.
Hey, Joel.
Did they find Rita?
I'm not looking for Rita.
I'm looking for you.
What the fuck?
What the hell is your problem?
You're my fucking problem.
You stay the fuck away from her.
I didn't touch her.
She's the one that kissed me.
You calling my girl a liar?
No, Joel.
I'm not.
I'm calling her a slut.
And a liar.
You fucker.
It's not worth it, man.
Joel, stop.
Joel, stop!
Help! Help!
Mr. Warren?
Come on, guys.
I fucking hate hiking.
Mr. Warren?
Oh, shit.
What the fuck?
You guys?
Anyone down here?
Someone there?
You're in a lot of trouble.
I didn't do anything.
Yes, you did.
Please don't put
me back in the box.
I didn't do it.
I tried to stop him,
but he doesn't listen.
I couldn't make him stop.
Just tell me what happened.
No what?
Ned's not here right now.
Then where is he?
That's not important.
I see.
Then can you tell me
what happened to Sarah?
I don't think so.
Can't or won't?
What the hell?
Hey, Maigen?
Who are you?
Tell me.
It's not important.
Oh, I think it is.
I don't care what you think.
Then may I speak with Ned?
Is he still here?
You're speaking with me now.
Anybody down here?
So tell me what happened.
You know what happened.
But do you?
Of course I do.
So it was you.
Who else could it be?
Ned wouldn't hurt a fly.
He's too much of a sissy.
Is somebody down here?
Rita, is that you?
You took something from her.
Uh huh.
What did you take?
You know what it was.
Why would you do that?
Liars must be punished.
What do you do with it?
With what?
Her tongue.
Oh god. Up you go.
Come on.
What the fuck?
Come on.
Come on.
What the hell happened to her?
Come on.
Dude, she needs help.
Yeah, no shit, Zac.
She's going to fucking
bleed to death.
Well, um, I'll start a fire.
You heat metal,
cauterize the wound.
We don't have
time for that shit.
Well, I'm not a
fucking doctor, Zac.
Where's Dale?
I don't know. He's probably
still looking for Rita.
Um, speaking
of Rita, I found her.
In the basement.
She's dead.
Are you sure?
Are you sure?
Yeah, I'm pretty sure.
Fuck, she's getting
blood all over the place.
Just go and find Dale and
I'll stay here with her.
I don't know where Dale is. I...
Just fucking go find him! Go!
Come on.
What did you do with it?
With what?
Her tongue.
It's in the box.
Nurses already looked in there.
Not that box.
My box.
Music box.
Where's Tedi?
How the hell should I know?
He just went out
looking for you.
What happened to her?
We got to get her to a hospital.
I'm on it. I'm on it.
Give her to me.
Where's everyone else?
They went out looking for Rita.
Dale, there's something
I got to tell you.
If I don't leave right now,
she's going to fucking
bleed to death.
You find everyone else.
You get to a signal.
And you fucking call me.
Twinkle, twinkle in their eyes
cut out tongues
that tell me lies.
Why do you keep calling me that?
That's your name.
Everyone calls you Ned.
I hate that name.
You're the one Ned warned
me about, aren't you?
The one he tried to stop?
Ned can't stop me.
But he does know
what you did to Sarah.
Everyone knows that.
And he's afraid of you.
They're all afraid of me.
So why don't you
tell me who you are?
Or at least who
you think you are?
Why do you want to know?
It's my job to
know what's going on
inside that head of yours.
I guess you could
call it curiosity.
Ask the cat what
curiosity can do.
Hey, Zac?
Hey, Zac?
Where is she?
Don't play games with me, boy.
She's got to be here.
Are you talking about Rita?
Where is she?
She's here.
Is she okay?
She's not.
Son of a bitch.
I know who you are.
I know what you do.
You just stay back.
Stay back!
Tell me, grandpa, did she
scream when you fucked her?
I never touched her.
Pretty little thing like that?
I'm sure you wanted to.
Never touched her.
Is it because you loved her?
Or because she wasn't a boy?
How dare you.
What do you think
about that, huh?
How you like it,
you son of a bitch.
See how you like it.
Are you okay?
I'm sure glad
I gave you that knife.
Can you stand?
- No, no. Don't look.
- Oh god.
Don't look.
It's okay.
It's okay.
Let's get out of here.
Oh shit.
I don't have the keys.
My wallet, clothes,
everything, it's inside.
I'll go in. I'll be quick.
Where the hell did you get that?
It doesn't matter. I just
want you to take it.
I need to know that you're safe.
A gun, Zac. Please, you take it.
Just get the keys
and get the fuck out.
I'll be okay.
I'll be right back.
Did you forget something?
I did.
Be careful.
I will.
I'll be right back.
Anybody home?
Rita, wait.
Is he dead?
You don't understand.
What don't I understand?
You don't understand what he is.
I don't know my own grandfather?
What did you do to him?
Pap pap, are you okay?
Stay back!
Maigen, no.
Let go, Rita.
Son of a bitch.
You didn't really think you'd
get away with it, did you?
Tell me who you are.
You didn't say please.
Perhaps you'd like to
think it over in the box?
I'm waiting.
Come in.
Hi, I believe you
were looking for this.
Set it on my desk.
Take the patient
back to his room.
Yes, sir.
And see to it he doesn't
get in any more trouble.
You can count on me.
You don't have to do that.
If you didn't want my help, Ned,
you shouldn't have asked for it.
He's still alive, you know.
Not for long.
Such a naughty little boy.
And you know what
happens to naughty
little boys here, right?
I'll see you again real soon.
And you better not scream.
You don't want to get in
trouble again, do you?
Such a good boy.
Stop being so difficult.
Scream all you want.
Nobody will hear you.
Oh god!
Son of a bitch.
Zac, I'm at the hospital.
Yeah, lira's going to make it.
She's getting a transfusion now.
But she lost a lot of blood.
But she got lucky.
Believe me, I, I know.
They're at the hospital.
Lira, she's going to make it.
Is that Maigen with you?
Yeah, it is.
Hey, Dale.
Who else is with you?
It's just us.
What do you mean?
I mean it's just us.
There isn't anybody else.
Please tell me you're joking.
He's not joking, Dale.
We wouldn't even
have got out ourselves
if it wasn't for Maigen.
Do you want us to
come to the hospital?
Uh, get your butts home.
I should check on lira.
Hey, wait.
By any chance did lira
say who did this to her?
She, uh, she said it was dark.
She didn't really
remember anything,
it was the old man.
Mr. Warren.
All right.
All right.
Uh, just let me
take care of things.
You get some rest.
I'll call the police and get
this whole thing squared away.
Okay, Dale.
You take care.
You too, Zac.
You brought that
awful thing with you?
Yeah, I did.
I don't know.
Used to have one as a kid.
I guess you can call it
me being sentimental.
Oh my god.
Oh my god.
Rita's still out there.
We can't just leave her there.
Maigen, um, Tedi found Rita.
Well, where is she then?
Where is she?
Is anybody here?
I guess you can say that
she's in a better place.
I don't know what
I would've done
if you hadn't been there today.
Don't stick your
tongue out at me.