Silent Running (1972)

How are you today, hmm?
Feeling good?
I bet you'd like something
to eat, wouldn't ya? Hmm?
Here, I got something
in my pocket here.
Some goodies.
I'll set the table
for you here. Okay?
That's good.
Do I have to put signs up here
to keep you guys off my grass?
Hey, I'm sorry.
Hey, get out
of the way!
What do you think
you're doing?
Watch it!
Get out of the way, you mother!
Look out!
Did you see the way Lowell
threw that rake at me?
Why don't you guys lay off
Lowell for a while?
We're just having a little fun.
Oh, yeah!
Now, what is this?
Really a nice catch.
You guys are outrageous.
Hey, listen, Wolf,
we've been here for six months.
We got six months more to go.
Now doesn't that
mean anything to you?
You know, he told me
a whole story this morning,
about how they're gonna
refoliate the Earth.
Let's set this thing up
the way it was before.
Oh, it missed.
It failed.
First time.
Hey, let's not play
with this thing, okay?
I'll tell you this
for old flower-face,
he sure knows
how to play this thing.
Plenty of time to practice.
Hey, Lowell.
- How about a little of the old poker?
- Yeah. Later.
On this first day of a new century,
we humbly beg forgiveness...
and dedicate
these last forests...
of our once beautiful nation,
in the hope that
they will one day return...
and grace our foul Earth.
Until that day,
may God bless these gardens...
and the brave men
who care for them.
Dealer takes one.
Deck's still open.
Your bet, Barker.
And 100.
Come on, son.
Throw it on in.
I fold.
You bet $50, and then
you're folding?
Well, boys,
here's a three.
And there's
another three.
And there are
three big bullets.
Now I'll just reach in
and gather up the teleports.
Beats me.
You bet it does.
I wish they'd hurry up
with that transmission.
I want to go to bed.
I suggest that you reach deep
down inside yourself there...
and try and find something
that will keep you awake
a little while longer...
because this transmission
coming up may just...
- rekindle your will to live.
- Think it'll be a recall?
Well, let's
just say that I feel
my communications...
may finally bear
some fruit.
Cantaloupes maybe.
I'll let that witticism
slide by...
because it's my feeling
that they're about
to reestablish...
the parks
and forest system.
With you as director?
You can think
of anybody better?
More qualified? Huh?
It's more likely that--
Wait a second now.
Let me just ask him
a question here.
I've spent my entire
last eight years up here
dedicated to this project.
Now, can you think
of anybody more qualified?
It's more likely
that they're gonna
announce cutbacks.
There's no way they're
gonna announce cutbacks,
not after this amount of time.
Hey, Lowell, you're dreaming.
And you don't think it's time
somebody had a dream again?
You don't think that it's time
that somebody cared enough
to have a dream?
What about the forests?
You don't think anyone should
care about these forests?
What's gonna happen if these
forests and all this incredible
beauty is lost for all time?
It's been too long.
People got other things to do now.
This is for Valley Forge,
Berkshire, Sequoia.
Valley Forge,
Berkshire, Sequoia,
this is Con Central.
Channel open
for executive order
A.U.C. 3423.
Listen to this, boys.
This is Anderson speaking.
Boys, I have to make an announcement.
We have just received orders...
to abandon, then nuclear
destruct all the forests...
and return our ships
to commercial service.
I have received
no explanation,
and we must begin
at 0900 in the morning.
May God have mercy on us all.
This is it!
We're going home!
I can't believe it.
I told you, I told you.
What'd I say?
We can pack up those
domes and go home.
of all forest units.
Kiss 'em good-bye, boys.
Hey, Lowell,
I'm sorry.
Makes sense, you know?
It's insane.
Let's go.
[Joan Baez]
# Fields of children #
# Running wild #
# In the sun #
# Like a forest #
# Is your child #
# Growing wild #
# In the sun #
# Doomed #
# In his innocence #
# In the sun #
# Gatheryour children #
# To your side #
# In the sun #
# Tell them #
# All they love will die #
# Tell them why #
# In the sun #
# Tell them #
# It's not too late #
# Cultivate #
# One by one #
# Tell them to harvest #
# And rejoice #
# In the sun ##
How far out do they go
before they blow up?
About six miles.
We should feel a hefty jolt.
I want a front-row seat
when these babies go.
I'll bet you do.
Lowell, do you have
to eat that stuff?
It stinks!
You never let up,
do you?
Oh, now you hurt
his feelings.
I'd like to know what any one
of you knows about real food.
What do you mean "real food"?
What, out of the dirt?
That's real food?
That's right.
This happens to be
nature's greatest gift.
- To a celibate, maybe.
Come on, you guys.
Maybe he knows something
we don't. Hmm?
Lowell, give me a slice
of that cantaloupe.
Don't ask Lowell.
I'd be delighted to give you
a slice of that cantaloupe.
Just sit down and shut up.
Sit down, sit down, sit down!
Shut up and leave me alone,
all of you! Let me eat!
What's the big deal?
I can't see the difference
between that and this.
You don't see the difference?
The difference is I grew it!
That's what the difference is.
That I picked it and I fixed it.
It has a taste,
and it has some color!
And it has a smell!
It calls back a time when there
were flowers all over the Earth!
And there were valleys!
And there were plains
of tall, green grass that
you could lie down in,
that you could
go to sleep in!
And there were blue skies,
and there was fresh air!
And there were things
growing all over the place,
not just in domed enclosures
blasted some millions
of miles out into space!
Look at that stuff.
How can you guys sit there
and really say anything
to me about this.
Look at this crap!
Look at that!
Dried, synthetic crap!
And you've become
so dependent on it that I bet
you can't live without it.
Why do we want to,
Don't you realize
how pitiful that is,
what you just asked me?
On Earth, everywhere you go,
the temperature is 75 degrees.
Everything is the same.
All the people
are exactly the same.
What kind of life is that?
If it's so rotten,
why do you want to go back?
Because it's not too late
to change it.
What do you want,
I mean, there's
hardly any more disease.
There's no more poverty.
Nobody's out of a job.
That's right. Every time
we have the argument,
you give me the same three
answers all the time.
The same thing.
"Well, everybody has a job."
That's always the last one.
But you know what else
there's no more of, my friend?
There is no more beauty,
and there's no more imagination.
And there are no frontiers
left to conquer.
And you know why?
Only one reason why!
One reason why!
The same attitude that
you three guys are giving me
right here in this room today,
and that is: nobody cares.
Look on the wall behind you.
Look at that little girl's face.
I know you've seen it.
But do you know what she's
never gonna be able to see?
She's never gonna be able
to see the simple wonder
of a leaf in her hand...
because there's
not gonna be any trees.
Now you think about that.
If people were interested,
something would have been
done a long time ago.
You ready?
Yeah, I'm ready.
Hey, wait, wait.
Wait a minute.
Wait a minute.
I don't think you guys
understand what this means.
Please don't blow up
the domes.
Which one first?
High forest.
Let's do it first.
Let's hit Six.
But they're
not disposable.
Ain't got any choice, Lowell.
But they're not replaceable.
Where's that tube?
My hand.
Hey, you all right?
Get Lowell to fix
that for you.
Will you help me?
Oh, yeah.
What are you doing?
Get on in here now.
Come on.
Valley Forge, Valley Forge,
safe distancing maneuver
in five minutes.
Valley Forge, Valley Forge,
please stand by for 1000 hours.
Safe distancing maneuver
in five minutes.
I'm gonna need your help
for that, you know, Lowell?
Okay, there you go.
Thank you.
Set gyro to 4406.
Set gyro to 4406.
Valley Forge, this is Berkshire.
Are you there, Marty?
I'm on it, Neal.
Okay, we're counting now
for your 4406 distancing.
About 20 seconds.
Set for distancing.
Eight, seven, six,
five, four, three, two, one.
That's a go.
Thanks, Marty, we're clear.
Stand by for updates.
Hey, Andy.
The bomb, please.
All right.
Loaded and ready to go.
plus eight.
Okay, lookin'real good.
That's a go.
Hey, we're ready
for some real fireworks here.
We're looking forward
to it too, Neal.
Keep a steady hand. We don't
want you boys getting hurt.
Right. Will do.
Hey, where the hell
is Lowell now?
I think I saw him near One
with some empty flower pots.
Oh, oh.
That must be Berkshire.
Do we need this?
Hey, Andy, easy with that.
No, we'll use the panel.
It's safer.
John, wouldyou get
those lights?
Nothing on the board.
We'll set Six.
Okay. Arm Six.
Hit it.
We're standing by
for a go for--
You're not
comin' in here.
What are you
doin', Lowell?
You're not
comin' in here.
Look, I know how you feel.
You don't know how I feel!
If you knew how I felt, you
wouldn't be in here with that.
Listen, I'm on a tight
schedule, and I don't want
to have to fight with you.
I don't care
about your schedule.
You are not using
those things in my forest.
I ain't got time to argue!
Now, move!
You're not gonna do it.
You can't blow up this forest.
Come in, Valley Forge.
Reading 4040.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Come in, Valley Forge.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Valley Forge.
Come in, Valley Forge.
Reading 4040.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Come in, Valley Forge.
Valley Forge to Berkshire.
You still there, Neal?
Yes, Barker.
No, it's Lowell.
Oh, what's the trouble,
Well, we seem
to be experiencing...
some kind of problem
with the main coupling.
Oh, it might be one of your pins.
Right. That's what
we figured it probably was.
So we're setting that
right now.
We'll be gettin' back to you
just as soon as we can.
Uh, Lowell.
Everything okay
over there?
Oh, yeah, okay.
Everything's okay.
We'll wait to hear, buddy.
Drone One,
Drone Two,
Drone Three,
please report immediately
to the main cargo area.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Yeah, yeah.
Come in, Valley Forge.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Come in, Valley Forge.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Come in, Valley Forge.
Come in.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Valley Forge to Berkshire.
Come in, Berkshire.
How's it goin', Lowell?
It's not goin' too well, Neal.
I'm afraid we're gonna have
to torch those pins.
Better move on it, buddy.
Darkness coming up on you.
We'll try our best.
Boys here are getting
anxious for home.
Yeah, I understand.
Coming into darkness
at 33201.
Blow it any old way
you can, Lowell.
Big Billy wants to go.
We're tryin'.
reports final jettison.
Arcadia, Blue Ridge, Glacier, Mojave
report final jettisons.
We got a hold on Valley Forge.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
You're entering darkness.
Lowell, do you read?
Right, Neal.
We hear you.
Big Billy says
blow it any way, Lowell.
Screw Big Billy.
Didn't catch that, buddy.
Nothing. I just said
we're right on it, Neal.
We're tryin'.
Valley Forge, what's wrong?
You're accelerating!
Berkshire to Valley Forge!
I have an emergency ignition
on Valley Forge!
Reading Red-990!
I get a 2-4 on Valley Forge
reading red!
Valley Forge to Berkshire.
I've got an emergency!
Neal? Can you read me, Neal?
I read you.
I got a main bus blowout
on numbers three, eight
and ten panels,
I've got a premature detonation
on Dome Number Two...
and I've got an explosion
in the main cargo deck!
Please advise me immediately!
I read you.
Put on Wolf, Lowell.
No, no, change that.
Give me Barker.
I can't find Barker!
I can't find Wolf or Keenan either!
I'm afraid, Neal, that they might
have been in Dome Number Two!
God, Dome Two just blew up.
Stand by.
Report Wolf, Keenan and Barker
accidentally jettisoned from Valley Forge.
Wolf, Keenan and Barker missing.
What the hell is taking so long?
Coming up now, Valley Forge.
Lowell, this is Anderson.
How are you, boy?
I'm okay.
Listen, Lowell,
if you continue as is,
we figure you'll hit the northeastern
quadrant of Saturn's outer rings...
at 0302 tomorrow morning.
What does that mean?
Well, we don't think
you'll make it through.
It's a very bad angle.
These ships weren't built
to shoot the rapids.
The plan is to find where the explosion
chopped the main bus and reroute it.
You'll have to do some cutting.
Where do I start?
Uh, we tracked a bunch of cargo modules, probably off your starboard side.
So we figure maybe one of the cryotanks
under the floor cut loose.
It may have exposed the main bus duct,
if we're lucky.
I'll take a look at it.
Drone Number One.
This will stop 'em.
I need you guys
to help me fix my leg.
From now on,
you guys are working for me.
Here's a little
medical program.
Drone One, Drone Two,
Drone Three,
please report immediately
to surgery.
Drone Number Two...
you'll perform the operation.
And Drone Number Three,
you'll handle the oxygen anesthesia.
Drone Number One--
Number One...
you'll assist.
Commander Anderson?
I can't get anywhere near
that main bus duct.
Everything is just
all torn up down there.
Uh, listen, Freeman--
That's your first name, right?
Any family, Freeman?
No, sir.
Well, listen, Freeman, you've been with
this project since the start,
and you've known the risks.
Yes, sir.
I-- I don't really know
how to say this, Freeman.
It's all right, sir.
We've got some trouble.
I figured.
Yes, um--
I'm really sorry, Freeman.
Sorry, sir?
About what?
We'll never be able to stop you
before you hit the rings.
I see.
Freeman, you might want to consider--
Suicide, sir?
I just don't think that I'd ever be
able to do anything like that.
The best we can do then is send out a search party the long way around,
but it's kind of like a needle in a
hay stack, ifyou know what I mean.
Yes, sir?
God bless you, Freeman.
You're a hell of an American.
Thank you, sir.
I think I am.
Drone Number Three!
Drone Number Three, keep moving!
Follow One and Two!
Follow One and Two!
Why didn't you follow them?
Now dig a hole for him.
Make it seven feet long
and three feet wide.
Okay, now put him--
Put him down in it.
And then remain there 'cause
I would like to say something...
before you cover him over.
I would like to be able
to say a... a prayer...
but I-I don't...
really know how to say it.
Wolf and Barker and Keenan.
They weren't exactly my friends,
but I did like them.
And, uh--
I don't-- I don't think...
that I'll ever be able to...
excuse what it is that I did,
but I had to do it.
I guess that's all
that I have to say.
You can cover him over now.
I'd like to make an announcement.
from now on...
Drone Number Two,
you will answer to the name of Huey.
And Drone Number One...
you will answer to the name of Dewey.
Little Louie, God bless him, he's--
He's not with us anymore.
Huey... you take one step forward.
That's super.
Now, Dewey, you also
take one step forward.
Hey, that's really excellent.
Now, um...
you see, what I've done is...
I've reprogrammed both ofyou...
so that now you'll
respond directly to me.
Now that meansyou'll still run
the same maintenance checks...
and perform the same duties that
you've been doing on the ship,
but you'll also be spending
more time with me in the forest.
You shouldn't have much
ofa problem then...
making the necessary readjustments.
And I realize that...
we've really had a rough journey...
and we sure got our work
cut out for us,
but I think that
the three of us together,
as a team, we can manage okay.
Is that all right with you guys?
The three of us together
are gonna plant a tree.
We got a shovel, watering can and a tree.
this is the mulch.
That's what makes
the tree grow.
Now, Huey, you're gonna
plant the tree,
and, Dewey,
you're gonna dig the ditch.
Now, we're gonna do it right here
in the side of the hill.
That's a real good hole, Dewey.
Here's the tree.
Put a little mulch...
Iike that.
Okay, now plant the tree.
Well, that's pitiful.
That's exactly the opposite
ofwhat it's supposed to be.
# Earth between my toes #
# And a flower in my hair #
# That's what I was wearing when we lay #
# Among the ferns #
# Earth between my toes
and a flower I will wear #
# When he returns #
# Wind upon his face #
# And my fingers in his hair #
# That's what he was wearing
when we lay #
# Beneath the sky #
# Wind upon his face
and my love he will wear #
# When swallows fly #
# Tears ofsorrow running deep #
# Running silent #
# In my sleep #
# Running silent #
# In my sleep ##
What's the matter?
I know you're sad about Louie.
But he got careless. See what happens
when you get careless?
Okay, now, you guys go back
to your work.
Hey, how are you today?
Ow. You bit my hand. Don't you ever bite
my hand again.
# You can take a tip from Smokey
that there's nothing like a tree #
# Oh, they're great for kids to climb in
and they're beautiful to see ##
Huey... and Dewey,
I want you two guys to report right away...
to the recreation room.
Well, I see you're already here.
I'll bet you wonder why I gathered
you here, haven't you? Huh?
Well, I want to beg your indulgence.
Got some new programs
here for you. Here you go.
Huey, come over and sit down here.
Dewey, you come right here
and sit down.
You can come a little closer
if you want to, Dewey.
That a boy. There's for you.
There's for you.
And there's for me.
Okay, boys.
I'm about to take you two guys...
for every dime you got.
Here we go.
Two. Three.
Five, five, five.
Now, boys, let's play cards.
Now... Dewey.
Okay. How many cards you want, Dewey?
What are you doing?
You just threw down three kings.
You're nuts, you know that?
Your hand is obviously dead.
Let's see what you got here.
He's got trash, so obviously
I'm the winner with three sevens.
Thank you, boys. I'm sorry.
You gotta be quicker than that.
You gotta get up in the morning to beat
ol'Freeman, let me tellya.
Early in the morning.
It's all mine. Now, this time we'll play
another hand, and I don't want any mistakes.
It's up to you. We're not playing for
oil here, we're playing for money.
Okay, now.
Dewey, you took two.
No, I wasn't looking.
What have I said about talking
between you guys?
Now, come on.
That's not fair.
I'm here by myself, and you guys
are talking between yourselves.
Now that's not fair. That's a house rule;
no more talking. How many cards you want?
You don't want any cards?
You just saw what the man did last hand,
and you don't want any cards?
All right. Dealer's taking two.
All right, Huey.
What have you got?
The man has a full house, and he knew it!
Now, how about that? The man had
a full house, and he knew it!
Huey and Dewey beat me
at my own card game.
I know. I've actually
been eating that crap.
Let's go to the forest
and get some real food.
What has happened to the forest?
Huey, go get me the gray book.
I don't know.
I just cannot figure out what's wrong.
Okay, now listen to me.
I want you to make a slow, complete,
Okay. Yeah, that a boy.
Now, hold it. Stop right there.
That's good.
Take a sample there. Oh, no.
We're coming to the dome.
Wait right there, Huey.
Huey, I thought I told you
to stay in the forest.
You're braced.
You can't fall back.
It's okay, Huey.
I got it, I got it.
That will make you rest
a little easier now.
Your little light--
No, no, I know where it is.
Oh, no. That's okay, Huey.
Just hold steady now.
I won't hit that again.
Now, that should be better.
Dewey, go get me that
L-arm circuit wrench.
I understand.
I think I can manage here without it.
Now, I'm screwing you in tight.
I'm sorry, Huey.
Th-That's the best that I can do.
I tried, but that--
That's all I can do for him, Dewey.
I don't know, Huey.
It's just not... working.
The forest is dying.
I have tried... everything.
And I just don't know
what the hell it is.
Come in, Valley Forge.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Do you read me?
Valley Forge.
Come in, Valley Forge.
This is Berkshire. Can you read?
Valley Forge. Come in, Valley Forge.
This is Berkshire. Can you read?
We got a plot on you, Lowell.
We're looking forward to seeing you, buddy.
We made it.
Transmit, will ya?
Please acknowledge immediately.
Come in, Valley Forge.
Can you read?
Please transmit immediately.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
How about a word, Lowell, huh?
I'm mighty glad to see you, boy.
Who is this?
This is Anderson, Lowell.
My God, we've looked
high and low for you.
How did you find me?
W-Why did you even try?
Hey, you must be kidding.
We couldn't just let you go
without at least trying to find you.
We said we'd send out a search party.
I guess I forgot.
It wasn't easy finding you either,
even with our deep-space tracking.
I don't suppose it was. Freeman, you have
to find some way to jettison the dome.
It's awfully dark out here, so it would be safer...
if you don't blow it up.
The sun. The sun.
That's what it is.
The sun!
Did you hear what he said?
It's the sun.
Uh, nothing.
I was just saying that
everything is all right.
Where was your big explosion?
We can't see it.
Oh, the explosion's on the other side, the far side of the ship.
Other side? Okay.
We'll be instrument docking on your port side in six hours.
Right. Six hours.
Huey and Dewey, come on.
We can still save the forest!
It's gonna work.
I've taught you everything that I know
about taking care of the forest here.
And, uh...
that's all that you have
to do from now on,
just maintain the forest.
Now, these lights here will do the job
that the sun would do.
They'll help revive everything.
I, uh...
I just can't do it anymore.
You see, things, uh...
things just haven't worked out for me.
Take care of yourself, Dewey.
Huey, you have to come with me...
because you're just not working
well enough to help Dewey.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
Berkshire to Valley Forge.
We'll be docking
on your port side in two hours.
Stand by for updates.
Take good care of the forest, Dewey.
You know, when I was a kid,
I put a note into a bottle,
and it had my name and address on it.
And then I threw the bottle
into the ocean.
And I never knew...
if anybody ever found it.
# Fields ofchildren #
# Running wild#
# In the sun #
# Like a forest #
# Isyour child#
# Growing wild#
# In the sun #
# Doomed #
# In his innocence #
# In the sun #
# Gather your children #
# To your side #
# In the sun #
# Tell them #
# All they love will die #
# Tell them why #
# In the sun #
# Tell them #
# It's not too late #
# Cultivate #
# One by one #
# Tell them #
# To harvest #
# And rejoice #
# In the sun ##