Silent Warnings (2003)

Cousin, I'm home.
Any calls?
Soldier, where is your weapon?
Did you hear me?
I said where is that weapon, soldier?
You are puke.
You are a maggot.
You are the lowest form of life.
...if I ever catch you again without that
weapon strapped firmly to your chest,
I will snatch you up by your
stacking Swivel,
and commence field stripping.
Do I make myself clear?
Oh, you quit drinking,
that's right, I forgot.
It's August...
...and I've been making some
...about what's going on out there... the corn...
...and I think that...
Dammit. Who turned the video
camera on again?
how many times do I have to tell you...
not to play with the expensive
video equipment.
You want reality. I am reality.
What reality needs right about now
there, Cousin,
is some more rounds.
That's what I need: More rounds.
When I was outside there if I...
...had more rounds...
...and ten more divisions of these men...
...our troubles would be over here
very quickly.
Damn it!
Cover me, cousin. I'm going in.
You little bastard.
Cousin, he's broken out of the attic.
Padre, go flank him around back.
What are you looking at?
Dummy? Next time wear your seat belt.
Get it? Crash test dummy.
I got you now, you son of a...
- So...
- What's up, man?
- So?
- So, I am now officially...
...a degreed electrical engineer.
- Whatever that means.
- Hey, man, we all made it.
- Four years of this shit.
- Yeah, it's just I don't know.
I thought I would feel different,
you know.
- So, where's Stephen?
- He should be here.
Well you know how he is.
Hey, what's wrong?
Nothing, you know.
Are you still upset about
missing graduation?
Nah. You know me with all of that
ceremonial crap...
I mean, I wanted to be there
with you, but...
...with the funeral and all...
- Yeah.
I'm sorry about your cousin.
Yeah. Just, you know, it was somebody
I really wanted you to meet.
Macy, what, did you pack to
go to the Andes or something?
That's Maurice's crap, smartass.
I have one bag.
Smooth. Very smooth.
Y'all need a lift?
Hey man!
- Hey, what's up!
- How're you doing?
- It's good to see you.
- You too.
- This is Iris.
- Hey, how are ya?
- You know Layne. This is Macy.
- Hi!
You all know Katrina...
- Hi Stephen!
- Hey, ladies!
This is... Maurice.
- Maurice Hall.
- Hi.
Have I seen you around
campus before?
No. I'm taking some time off,
figuring some stuff out.
Yeah, yeah, been there.
Sorry, I know I've seen
you somewhere.
I doubt it.
Smooth. Real smooth...
I already called it, hotshot.
Other side.
Hey, guys, thank you for helping
me out. I really appreciate it.
It's gonna be kind of tough going
back there and stuff but...
- Hey, no problem. I love the country.
Yeah. We're glad to help.
Are there gonna be cows?
- What?
- No, there's not gonna be cows.
- Not on this farm.
- I've never seen a cow...
Hey, it's Highway six, right?
Yeah, you're gonna be coming up
to a split off in the road pretty soon.
Take that and then we just need to stop
in town real quick.
Which town?
Yes, that is my hometown.
You still have relatives there?
No. The sheriff and my
cousin were close.
He's actually been the guy
who's taking care of...
...the estate since the accident and stuff.
So, what are you going to do
with the place after we fix it up?
Sell it. Buy a new place in the city,
or something.
So, what happened?
With your cousin, I mean?
I am not too sure, the sheriff said
something about... accident with his truck or something.
Sounds awful.
- He didn't have any family?
- He was... you know...
...Ioner type of guy. Kinda
kept to himself.
I can't even imagine that. Dying alone...
Tell me about it.
What? Huh!
Oh, ok.
- God...
- Hey man, how much longer?
- We're close to Porterville.
- You don't have to shout. I can hear you.
We're close to Porterville, but we're
about twenty miles away from the farm.
When was the last time
you were up here?
Oh Jesus,
it's been a few years, you know. We used
to always come up here when I was a kid.
My dad, I don't know, thought
it "built character" or something.
Yeah, you're dad was wrong.
You ain't got no character.
You aint got no character.
- You don't got character,
- It's funny.
I'm just saying you aint got no
character man, I'm serious!
This country is cool, right man?
Wow, this place is amazing!
What do they do for fun in this place?
- Play checkers?
- Hey, I think it's kind of cute, alright?
You guys are funny.
Quick little tour, alright?
The hardware store is right down
that street...
...and the one and only
Dors Grocery's is right over here.
- Knock yourself out.
- Alrighty!
This is great
I got my hopes all high...
Goodness Gracious... Who is this guy?
- Hey!
- Yo!
- So, this is where you grew up.
- Yes, this is Porterville.
- Oh, the Pumpkin Festival!
- Oh, yeah, Pumpkin Festival.
Oh, my gosh!
I actually got my hand stuck
in a pumpkin once.
Did you really?
Yeah. I actually was the reigning
champion before I left.
- Oh, you were.
- I was.
- I expect nothing less...
- Come on, man!
Things move a little slower up
here in Porterville.
Got ya!
- Thank you
- Welcome
I'm Sheriff Barney Fife.
Welcome to Mayberry.
That's not funny.
Barney was the deputy, and not
the sheriff, you know?
- Layne!
- Sheriff!
Yeah, I know. Takes a little
getting used to, don't it?
- Hi. Macy Reed.
- Pleasure. Please, sit down.
I tried calling you yesterday, but I
couldn't get through for some reason.
Yeah, the utility poles north of town
have been going down lately.
Listen Layne, I'm really sorry about Joe.
Thanks. You guys were pretty close too.
Yes, we were.
Is that the young lady your mom
was telling me about?
Yeah, probably.
- Moms are like that, huh?
- Yeah
Alright, you've got keys.
- Oh, thanks.
- And the security code.
Security code?
Yeah, Joe had a system put in
not too long ago.
I don't know how many times
that damn thing went off!
I had to go out there all the time.
I'm sure he was just setting it off himself,
hates to drink alone.
Sounds like Joe.
So, what, I just... um?
You hit the "pound" sign and the
five digit code.
Well, listen, I think we are all pretty
beat, hungry...
- Yeah.
- Yeah, sure., we're gonna head off to the house.
Hey, take them to Lillie's.
They do good burgers.
- Have fun. Be careful out there.
- Nice to meet you.
You all come back now, you hear?
Oh, shit...
What was that?
Did you see the way they looked
at us in there?
- Yeah.
- I thought it was because I was... know, sexy, handsome...
Come on, man, that's a small town
mentality, you know?
You just got to roll with the punches up here.
Nah. Everybody was all smiles
until we mentioned your cousin.
Yeah. I don't think he was a
popular guy.
Well, he was a bit of a boozer,
a bit of a wild man.
- Oh, so I guess that runs in the family.
- Oh, yeah...
- Oh, man...
- What's up with the corn?
- Looks bad...
- He died before the harvest.
What a busted ass piece of sh...
What was that?
That's wind.
It got cold, all of the sudden...
Ouch! Shit!
Damn! It's not funny.
Must be a hundred volts running
through that.
It's not the volts, man, it's the amps.
What's up with the fence?
And all that crap?
I don't know. It wasrt here before.
- Oh my gosh!
- Oh my god!
Oh! Goodness!
- Oh no!
- This house needs a pot pourri.
This is nasty!
Yeah, he needed an alarm and an
electrical fence for this shit!
Guys, I don't know how he
let it get like this.
I mean... I'm really sorry.
There's two big windows upstairs,
you guys can go open up.
You guys can open the one
in the kitchen.
- Yeah!
...and I'll start this up.
Oh, god!
Oh, my god.
I'm gonna regret this.
I'm not touching that.
I don't get it.
Jesus Christ!
I don't get it.
Doesrt make any sense?
Why don't I go unload the car?
I don't get it.
This is not funny.
- I give up. I give up.
- You know, someday... someday,
- I am going to teach you how to cook.
- I can cook.
- No, you can't.
- Yes, I can.
Yeah, you can do it in the microwave...
You know what? Fine. I will
just have to become a tremendously...
...successful archaeologist,
and have a cook.
Oh, yeah?
The words, "tremendously successful"
and "archaeologist" are sort of...
mutually exclusive, aren't they?
So, you aint gonna be able
to afford a cook...
Yes, I will. I also intend on
having maids...
...because I will never clean
a mess like this...
...ever again.
- I'm sorry.
- I didn't want you to spend your last month...
- I'm kidding.
You know there's nothing I'd
rather be doing...
...or anyone I'd rather be with.
- I mean...
- What?
We've talked about this, ok? I can't.
- I have to concentrate on school right now.
- I know.
- I'm leaving!
- Macy, Macy, Macy...
The distance, it doesn't bother me.
I already told you that.
I love you.
Guys, you have to come see this!
Right now.
- What?
- You have to check this out.
Guys, guys, come on, I don't think
we should go in there.
- Come on!
- You've gotta see this.
Come on, come on, come on.
See? I told you.
Have you ever seen one
of these before?
I wonder what this looks like
from the air.
Pretty weird, huh?
- Smells funny. Like rain.
- Yeah, like... like electricity.
Yeah, it's actually ozone.
After a big electrical storm... the country,
that's what it smells like out here.
Hey, this thing is surrounded
with police tape, isn't it?
Yeah, what's up with that?
Well, it's obviously where Joe... died,
...except the Sheriff never mentioned
anything about this.
It gives me the creeps.
Can we go in now?
Stop it! No!
Ok, ok, ok...
Just massage me!
Ok, I'll massage you.
I'm gonna massage you and be serious.
I'm serious. Just massage.
I had no idea cleaning could be so hard.
That's because you've
never done it before.
Oh, you're so full of it.
You know, This would be a lot easier
if you took this off.
I'm so sure!
If I take my shirt off, there's no way
you are gonna finish my massage.
I will. I promise.
I don't like it when it's
so bright in here.
You know why.
Katrina, you are a beautiful girl.
You have a beautiful body.
I just don't know why you are not
with a cheerleader type.
That's bullshit!
Why are you with me?
Katrina, I love you.
I love your body.
That's the truth.
Hey, hey, come here...
What the hell was that?
Hi hot stuff!
- You guys are having fun down there.
- What's up? Are you having any problems?
- We thought that was you guys.
- No, that wasrt us.
- I'm serious!
- Right!
- What is that?
- That!
Nah, it's just rats. Just rats up there,
knocking stuff over.
No, no, no, that sounds like
somebody on the roof.
That's not a rat.
Guys, listen, I set the alarm, if anyone
was out there, we...
Oh, god!
- What is it?
- I don't see anything.
I'm telling you guys, it's probably
just an animal,
- a raccoon or a possum or something.
- Oh my god!
- It's another one.
- Another what?
Another circle in the corn.
Smartass pieces of shit!
You country people need to get a life!
Really funny prank,
I'm so not impressed.
Guys, I don't think this is a prank.
How long do you think it would take
someone to do this?
I don't know. I mean, this is a pretty damn
good crop circle right here.
Obviously, depends on how many
people in the group...
Who said anything about people?
Well, someone had to say it,
sooner or later.
Guys, crop circle do not just
appear out of anywhere.
- Baby...
- I'm serious.
No! Listen to me, guys.
Do you know how long it would
take to do this?
- It just appeared over night.
- Baby, come on baby.
This is the country, alright?
People have a lot of spare time up here.
- Hey, wait up!
- Yo, Maurice, you wanna take a walk?
- Yeah.
- Alright.
Excuse me!
You're not leaving me in the middle
of this crop circle by myself.
Break it down, it's all about the nuggets.
I'm just gonna put these up in the attic.
I'll meet you on the roof in a few.
Damn it!!
What's this?
- Oh, Jesus!
- Hey, man, you okay?
Oh, man!
- You scared the crap out of me.
- Sorry.
You should've seen
the look on your face though.
Hey, what's those tapes?
I don't know.
I just found them up here.
We finished doing some stuff
in the backyard.
We were wondering if we could get
a little down time.
- Definitely. That's fine.
- Thanks, man.
Yeah, well he's cousin Joe.
It was then when I began
to suspect that...
...something was going on
out there in the corn.
I'll tell you, they are not
from this world.
First, I thought them circles
out there in the corn...
...was just them creatures trying
to have some fun.
But now I realize it's some kind
of portal system.
See I got it figured out.
They're planning some kind of invasion.
Guess what?
I figured something out.
I started putting
iron around the house...
...keeps those little bastards at bay.
Ho, ho, ho... ho, ho.
Guess what? I got one of them.
With my shotgun.
Didrt hardly stop him though,
'till he ran into my electrical fence.
I cut his freaking arm off.
Damn it! Who turned on this
video camera?
- Two guys up in Alaska, right?
- Yeah.
- Fishing. Bored out of their...
- This, this, this, this.
- I'm sorry.
- Go ahead.
- Bored out of their minds.
- Yeah.
One guy says to the other guy:
"Let's play a game."
And he says: "What kind of game do
you wanna play?"
- He says: "Well, you know..."
- Here grab the...
- Hey, Layne...
What is that?
- What the hell is that?
- Damn, what is that?
Hey, guys! Come check this out!
What's up?
- Is that a plane?
- It's to low for a plane.
Holy crap!
It's coming right toward us!
It's coming right through the corn field!
- Oh my god!
- I don't like this.
It's okay... It's one of them.
Hey! Y'all seen any aliens?
You motherf...
Stupid rednecks!
What a wonderful hometown
you have, Layne.
Yeah, they gonna come burn
a cross for an encore?
Not while I'm around...
At least we know who's
making the damned crop circles.
Yeah? I wouldn't be so sure...
I'll talk to the Sheriff tomorrow.
Not too many people have
a truck like that.
Hell, Layne, I thought they all
had trucks like that...
Yes, it is.
It's a tragedy, Mrs. Sanders.
I know. I have...
I have dogs, too.
I will. I...
As soon as I can.
Yes, ma'am.
Missing dogs.
I'd hate to keep them chained up too,
but what can you do?
What can I do for you?
Ah, yesterday evening, some guys
in a monster truck were...
...tearing-ass through my corn field.
- Craig Burton.
Did he have a longhaired
kid with him?
- Yeah, he did actually.
- Lance Wallace.
You want to file a complaint?
You know what, he didn't really
hurt anything,
just more or less pissed me off.
Almost had some police work there.
I'll have a talk with them.
Anything else I can do?
Yes, something else is
bothering me, sherriff.
The other night, my friends and I
were in the field and...
...we found something.
- The circle.
But there was a new one
the night before last.
- New one?
- Bigger than the old one.
Look, I know it's probably just the guys
messing around in the truck and all, but...
No. It's not their style.
They are not creative types.
They probably failed geometry too.
Well, whatever it is, it's just freaking
some of my friends out.
Tell them to relax.
You know, I mean.
Look, local kids they like to
blow off some steam,
you know tip cows, climb water towers,
you know better than anybody.
Like a circle in the corn
don't mean jack.
Then why did you tape it off?
The night Joe died,
he came into town.
He started going off about strange
things, you know, about...
...the lights in the sky
and aliens, crop circles.
He came down to the local
and started threatening people,
so they called me in.
I came down, I calmed him down and
I followed him home...
and at the turn off, I let him go.
Now, I know, I should've run him in,
I should've let him sleep it off, but...
...I didn't and I'm sorry about that.
- Listen, it's not your fault.
- I'm still sorry.
Mrs... Mrs. Sanders.
Hold on... one second.
Layne, just cause he lost it
there at the end, doesn't mean...
...he wasrt the same person.
I'll talk to you later.
Yes, Ma'am.
God, it's a beautiful night!
So, what are you thinking about?
Joe and I used to do all these things
up here together, you know.
It's strange when you have a memory
of somebody, an idea.
You haven't seen them in a while
and when you revisit it,
you know? It's tainted by what people
say or how the person has acted...
...and it changes things
on how you viewed that person.
I don't know.
You know what I mean?
Yeah, I do.
My grandma.
When my parents split up,
she moved in with us.
She was in her late sixties, I think.
I don't know, out of nowhere, just,
she started dressing up
in the middle of the day...
...and she'd sit on the couch,
with her purse in her lap.
I asked her what she
was waiting for.
And she said she was waiting
for her sister... come pick her up and take her
to the "picture show."
Her sister died back in the forties.
I don't know. After that,
it just got worse...
...and worse, and she never
came back.
God! It was like she found...
...some warm incredible memory to
escape into,
and she just never came back.
And there was nothing we could do... my mom put her in a home.
And she died there.
- I'm sorry.
- Thank you.
I'm sorry about Joe.
God, I miss her!
Oh, come on!
Just cut those ducks.
- Don't I always get this card?
- Yeah, but that's a good one.
- Oh, I see.
- Wait until I finish.
What's that?
We have to start in the center first.
Forget that. What's that?
What does this mean?
You know what I don't... I don't think
I did it right. I cut the cards wrong.
- Yeah.
- Are you sure?
Yeah. I did something wrong. I don't know.
- It's not your fault.
- Are you sure?
- How about I just do your nails?
- Alright.
- Ok?
- Sounds good.
God, this guy sucks!
- Stephen!
- Yeah?
- You coming to bed?
- No, I'm watching the game, sweetie.
- Ok, I'm gonna do Iris' nails.
- Ok.
So, what color?
What do you think about orange with
green highlights?
I promise you, orange is gonna...
...go perfectwith your hair.
- Orange! Great!
- I'll go get it.
- Sure?
- Yeah, don't worry about it!
- Ok!
- Hi.
- Hi.
- How are you doing?
- Good!
- What was that?
- What was what?
- That!
- Aah! Maurice!
He's... kind of yummy, isn't he?
Are you checking him out?
Well, I think he's checking me out too.
I mean, every time I look at him,
he's looking at me.
- And?
- And, well,
he's got a body on him, doesn't he?
You know? I don't really look
at him like that.
There's not enough orange.
Ok, so we'll do it blue for your eyes.
You know what? I'm not really
up for it tonight, I'm kind of tired.
- You sure?
- Yeah. Maybe tomorrow?
- Ok! No problem!
- Thanks!
Well, then, you just have
sweet dreams about Maurice.
Well, have fun with Stephen,
but don't make too much noise,
cause I'd like to sleep this evening.
- Sleep tight!
- You too, babe.
I'll see you in the morning.
Take it off, take it off...
Damn, girl, you...
Ok! Damn, girl!
Look at that ass!
Oh, yeah! Ok, come on!
No you didn't, girl?
Oh, shit!
- What? What the hell are you doing?
- Come one! Come on! Get away!
- Get out! Get the hell away from me!
- Come on! Sshh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!
Look, man!
You've got five seconds to tell me what
the hell you're doing.
Hey, Jesus, guys!
There was something at the window.
Ok, there was something
at the window.
How do you know if you
werert in here? Huh? Huh?
You were watching me?
- You sick creep, you were watching me?
- That's okay...
- Stop!
- Calm down!
Maurice, you wanna tell me
what's going on here?
- Is there anything out there?
- No!
We're on the second floor, how could
there been something in the window?
There wasrt anything outside
the window, was there?!
Ok, I saw something, I promise
you I saw something.
I know I busted through the room
door and I'm sorry.
I did not mean to scare you, ok?
I did not mean to scare you but there
was something outside the door.
- What, an owl?
- I, I don't know... It was something...
it was like... it was like a person, ok?
It had different shapes and a weird body,
a weird body. It was like a person.
Why the hell were you even
looking in her room?
He was watching me undress.
No... Ok, yes!
Yeah, I was watching you undress.
I heard you saying my name, ok,
you were saying...
- Please, please, please!
- I said I was sorry!
- Ok, man, I said I was sorry!
- It's ok.
- Jesus!
- I said I was sorry, man!
- Iris, I'm sorry!
- What is wrong with you?
Hey, stop, stop! This is not
helping the situation, ok? Calm down!
You were spying?
Ok, if that's what you want to call it,
yes, I was spying, ok?
But I heard you say my name,
and I wanted... know what you were saying
about me, ok?
And I looked through the door
and I saw you.
Iris, I apologize for my friend
peeping on you, ok?
And if there's anything that I
can do to make you...
- Why don't you get rid of him.
- You wanna shut up, please?
- Can I say something...?
- Please, shut up, both of you!
Please, go outside!
- I'm sorry Iris, I'm sorry!
- Maurice, can you go outside!
- Iris, I'm so sorry!
- Go outside! Go outside! Go outside!
I promise you this is not like him.
- I'm so sorry.
- What the hell were you thinking, man!
It's ok, it'ok... you all right?
Hey, look, I'm sorry about going
off like that.
Look, you bust in, you see that...
I understand.
Alright, then.
- She still won't talk to me.
- You did mess up, didn't you?
But, damn, she's acting
like I shot her dog or something.
Just give her few of days.
She's been through a lot.
How big do you think this place is?
I don't know.
About forty acres or so?
That figures.
He doesn't look too happy.
What did she say?
- Sixty six-five, all in.
- What? That's bullshit!
The acreage alone is won'th
more than that.
That's what I thought but...
...the area is depressed, over-farmed.
You know...
It's better than nothing, right?
It's gonna look good, too,
when we're done with it.
Yeah, on that note,
you boys gonna help me with the side?
- Yeah.
- Yeah.
Looking good, ladies! Looking good!
Oh shit!
- Jesus!
- Are you killing a cow over there?
- Are you sure you guys don't want some?
- No, I'm good, thanks.
You know what I really feel like?
Is a burger from that place, Lillie's.
- All up in the grizzly.
- Let's go there today.
Hey, have you guys seen Iris?
No, not this morning.
She's not in her room, and her
bed is still made.
Hey, Maurice? Maurice?
- Are you there?
- Yeah? I'm right here.
- What you knocking on the door for?
- Have you seen Iris?
- No.
- Did you hear her come in last night?
I was up late, but I had the
headphones on.
I don't think I would have
noticed anyway... Why?
Here, let's try calling her.
What's her number?
We can't! Our cell phones
don't work out here.
Have you got any ideas?
- Shit!
- For all I know she could be anywhere.
- She sometimes went out for a smoke.
- Where?
I don't know. She didn't want you guys
to know that she was doing it.
I think, the pack in the back
of your truck.
That's her bag.
What the...
They took her.
In there.
Katrina, Macy, go inside
and call the sheriff, alright?
You two come with me.
Oh, Jeez, she's fine. Come on!
- Iris!
- Iris!
Hey guys, hold on!
- What is it?
- Can you smell that?
- What? Is that ozone again?
- Shit!
Damn it!
This wasrt here yesterday.
No, we would have seen it from the roof.
What is that?
That's her... that's her bracelet?
- Oh, my god...
- Oh, fuck...
What is that?
It looks like...
- Like what? Like what?
- Like surgical pins.
- Surgical pins?
- Yeah, I have a couple in my wrist...
- Iris had a few.
- What are you talking about?
Remember that accident last year?
The one by Bitter Creek?
A couple of guys on your team were killed.
It was all over the news.
- Yeah.
- Iris was in the back-seat.
Killed a couple of her best friends,
and she...
...was really messed up for
about eight months.
What are you saying?
She had her hip
pinned back together.
With about six pins.
Jesus Christ!
So, she never did anything
like this before?
No. Not at all.
I mean,
she was really depressed for a few
months after the accident, but...
...this just isn't like her.
I'll do what I can, but we gotta wait.
I can't inform the state until tomorrow,
twenty four hours and all that crap.
Sheriff, what about all that
stuff in the field?
Well, the bracelet was hers, right?
As far as those needles are concerned,
I don't know what they were.
I'm telling you they were surgical pins.
Are you a medical student?
- No, but I have a couple...
- Stephen!
Come on, man, he's right.
We're all jumping to conclusions here.
What about the footprints?
What about the circles?
I wish I had answers for you, but I don't.
Well, if you don't, then who does?
It's ridiculous.
Hey, sorry. Everybody is just a little
on edge right now, you know?
Sure, I completely understand, I mean...
Layne, my hands are tied here, ok?
I'm short of manpower,
I've got miles to cover, you know?
I know what you're saying.
I have to ask you something
you might not like.
Do you think your friends have
anything to do with this?
- No.
- You sure?
- Yeah, I'm positive.
- Alright.
Why don't you all come stay at the
motel or just come to town...
...until we figure out what's
going on around here.
I mean, I appreciate that but I think
we'd all just like to stay here,
just in case she wanders back
or something, you know?
It's a good idea.
Alright, thanks. Really.
Layne, it's not your fault either, right?
What time is it?
It's like... eight o'clock.
I don't even know the date.
- Sunday.
- No, the date.
September twenty second.
We've been here for like a week.
It's the equinox tonight.
- What?
- It's the first day of Fall.
A witches Sabbath...
- Come on, Katrina, don't start that shit.
- It was just an observation, Stephen.
Yeah, but we don't need to hear
that crap right now. Okay?
He's right. We need to focus
on the issue here.
Ok, then, let's focus on the situation
and let's actually talk about it, guys, ok?
Iris disappeared, vanished into thin air.
Crop circles don't just appear out of
nowhere, guys...
...and there are no logical
explanations for any of this.
I don't think she just wandered
off into the crops.
Well, there are other possibilities...
Why don't you just say it?
Maybe I will.
- What you, got, what you got?
- Stop it! Stop it!
I didn't do shit to that girl!
You watched her take her
fucking clothes off!
Guys, alright!
- Yeah, but I didn't kidnap her.
- Guys, just knock it off!
Jesus Christ! Be rational here
and think this through.
Rational? What about that thing
that was at her window?
Oh, don't start that shit again
or I will keep talking!
What about those pins?
What pins?
- What, you didn't tell them?
- Tell us what?
Nothing! We were in the field
and we found these pins...
...and Stephen thinks they're
surgical pins.
I know they're surgical pins.
Iris had six pins in her hip.
Come on, you guys,
that doesn't make any sense.
- I mean, you found pins in a field?
- What are those pins made from?
Surgical steel.
And what is surgical steel made from?
- Oh, my god!
- What?
Guys, iron!
This entire place is surrounded
with iron!
- What's hanging over the door?
- It's a horseshoe, baby!
- Everybody's got one out here.
- Every single door in town.
- Yeah, but why?
- Horseshoes are for good luck.
No, it's not the horseshoe,
it's the iron. It wards off bad spirits.
Guys, just come with me to the attic
for a second.
I have something to show you.
Go, Maureen.
In response to your ten-sixty five, I have
confirmation of the address for one...
...Iris Doyle, parents William and Rose Doyle.
Hold on a minute.
Oh my god!
Why didn't you say something
about this?
I don't know.
I just kind of thought
that Joe lost his mind, you know?
Didrt want to freak you guys out.
Look, Katrina, this is iron.
What were you saying about that?
In mythology, iron is the bane of demons.
Ok, so... what does that mean?
- It kills them.
- Wait,
these are pictures of aliens.
Some people believe that our
concept of aliens...
...stems from ancient legends
about demons.
It's the same creature,
just a different name.
Look at these eyes.
That's what I saw outside Iris' window!
- Shit...
- Jesus!
Is that some sort of hand or something?
- No, it's too long...
- Is that from an animal?
Jesus! Look at those claws!
No, I don't think so...
Is that thing even real?
It looks like it got twin thumbs.
Wait, there's some kind of band
on the bottom of it.
It looks metal...
It's like...
...some kind of...
pattern or...
What do you think it is?
I think this is from
like another planet.
Guys, this is amazing!
- It just moved!
- Hell no, hell no!
What the hell was that?
I don't know, but whatever it is,
I ain't sticking around to find out.
Let's get the hell outta here.
Okay, you guys can talk science
fiction all you want.
- I'm calling the sheriff.
- Dude, screw the sheriff...
Let's get the hell out of here, ok?
Let's go!
- Come on!
- Did you guys see that?
- Oh no, you're not staying. Go. Come on!
- Oh my, that was...
- You ready to go?
- No!
Dude, talk to your girl.
- No way, baby, let's go!
- No, I don't wanna go.
- What's going on?
- She wants to stay.
She thinks they're friendly.
- Trina!
- Why wouldn't they be?
Baby, you saw the claws on that thing.
It didn't look friendly to me.
Just think of how advanced
they are, ok?
- And all the things...
- Listen to me.
History's full of advanced civilizations...
...coming in and wiping out
developing ones.
Ok, all we can do right now is
get out of here.
So, let's let somebody else
figure it out, ok?
- Ok?
- Iris is still missing.
- Oh my god!
- Shit!
- Get some water, get some water!
- Am I glad to see you, guys...
Son of a bitch blind-sided me in the
corn field; tore me up pretty good.
What the hell are those things?
I clocked him one.
Knocked him flat on his ass.
Oh, god! Something's happening...
- Let's get out of here.
- Jesus Christ!
- I just got here!
- Oh my god!
Get in the car, Mace!
Open the door! Open the door!
It won't start, it won't start.
Katrina! Katrina!
Go in the house!
Oh shit! Get off! Get off!
Oh, shit!
Get out of there!
Maurice! Maurice!
Oh, shit!
Let go of me! Where is he?
No, wait, wait! Where is Maurice?
Where is Maurice?
How could you leave him out there?
You call yourself a Sheriff?
I can't believe this is happening!
Maybe he is gone.
We need some weapons.
Take it!
I was hoping for something a little
bigger than this!
- Yeah, but it's iron...
- You guys, iron!
This entire house was covered
in iron when we got here.
And we took it all away...
- What the hell are you all talking about?
- It's a theory.
What is?
That iron is the only thing that would kill
these things!
- How do you know that?
I was up in the attic,
I found these tapes belonging to Joe
He talked about these aliens...
...and how iron was the only thing
that affected them.
They're here.
They're moving!
- Oh my god! Oh my god!
- Why aren't they doing anything?
- Maybe they can't.
- What do you mean, "they can't"?
I don't know.
What do I look like a Trekkie?
What is that?
Get away from the window!
- Come on!
- They are coming!
Oh, god! Get back here!
Get back, get back!
You know this won't do anything,
don't you?
Yeah, Joe put iron filings in
some of the shells.
The problem is I don't which ones.
Use all of them.
Holy shit!
I guess you were right.
You son of a bitch!
Oh my god!
I can't believe that just happened.
Let's board up these windows.
Come on!
I love you. I love you.
Oh yeah, I think you need
a little iron in your diet.
Stephen, no!
Oh my god, no!
No! Oh my god!
- Oh my God.
- No, no!
Please, please! No, noooo!
No, nothing.
Sheriff, we gotta do something, ok?
We are sitting ducks here.
Our options are limited,
and we know they can get in the house.
See that doesn't make any sense.
Why, why now?
They never tried to do it before.
We are missing something.
I mean, what do we know?
What are the...
What do you remember?
What are the facts?
What are the certainties?
Every time we found this crop circle,
there was this smell of... of ozone,
and it seemed like they were using the
circles as a way to get around, but...
they never used it to get in the house.
Until the transformer blew.
- Electricity?
- Yeah, it all makes sense.
Joe had obviously created some sort of
electromagnetic field around the house.
That's it! That's it!
Electricity obviously jams their signal,
so they can't transport back and forth,
you know, that's why they appear
in places like this...
- Whatever! We need the power on?
- Yes!
- Okay, fine.
- That's our only chance.
But we don't have a transformer.
Yes we do. We have a back-up
generator in the shed.
Here, well, take the shotgun.
Keep it.
We can hold these bastards off.
Come on!
Hey... wow
What's wrong?
I love you!
I love you too.
I'm so sorry I've never said it.
Oh, god!
- Get this thing going!
- I'm trying!
- I think they're coming!
- Why? What's wrong?
Just trust me!
- Oh God, what's wrong?
- It's too late...
- Katrina.
- Katrina
Get her out of here!
- Don't leave her, please!
- Come on! Come on!
Here! Take this!
Let's go!
- Meet me at the van!
- No!
Go! Go!
- What are you doing?
- Trying to give them a fighting chance.
- We've gotta get out of here!
- Come on! Come on!
Get out of here!
Move! Get out of here!
- Oh, shit!
- Something's happening?
There'll be hundreds of them...
Come on... Come on! Fuck!
- What did you do?
- I just jammed their signal.
- Go!
- I'm going!
- Come on, go!
- I'm going!
Oh my god!
Come on!
Oh my god!
Babe, you ok?
Let's get out of here! Let's go.
- Jesus Christ.
- Oh my god! Katrina!
Get in the car!
Get in the car!
Oh my god! Go!
Go, go, go!
I love you. official word on the cause
of the blackout,
but state officials have assured
the public...
...that they are doing everything in their
power to resolve the situation.
Again, our top news story this hour.
Five western states are without
power this morning,
as a massive blackout struck Arizona,
California, Nevada,
Oregon, Washington and possibly
parts of Idaho and western Canada.
There have also been scattered reports
of odd electrical discharges...
...excuse me. As well as reports of attacks
on several people by,
and I'm quoting: "strange creatures".
For more on this story, we're going live now
to George Wells in downtown Portland.
George, what's the latest?
Well Jack, as of two minutes ago, the governor
put out the call to the National Guard...