Silmido (2003)

Produced and presented by Cinema
Service Co-produced by Hanmac Films
State your mission.
Team 1, Blue House
main building!
Team 2, guard room!
Team 3, secretary's office!
Team 4, take out guards,
Seoul, night landscape
and capture vehicles.
For the South's liberation,
our unit 124 shall
kill the South's leader,
on our Great Leader's order...
What the hell?
Stop! We'll shoot!
Freeze, you bastard!
You bastard!
Don't move, or we'll shoot!
Throw down the knife!
Throw it down, you bastard!
I am KANG In-chan.
I am special agent
KIM Shin-jo,
from unit 124 of the
People's Republic of Korea.
No home address.
What was your mission?
To rip out
Park Chung-hee's throat.
Then what kind of soldiers
were the deceased
members of the unit?
Gang work was all I could do.
Specialists in murder, arson,
kidnapping, military explosives...
Even though the victim lived,
it was a grisly crime,
planned carefully in advance.
As such, this court's
judgement is as follows.
Defendant KANG In-chan,
sentenced to death.
January 1968
Leave us.
Sit down.
KANG Min-ho
was a fencing master.
Arrested as a resident spy,
he escaped during trial,
and was never found.
Assumed to have
escaped to the North.
You, KANG In-chan, were
his only son. You were 15.
After middle school,
you tried to find work.
You applied 12 times
in 2 years without success.
At 17, you were recruited
by the Jindo gang.
Now, convicted to death
for attempted murder.
This knife, latched onto a life
ruined by your father.
If not for your father,
you wouldn't be
sentenced to death.
Who the hell are you?
Guilt by association.
If you could escape
your father's crimes,
If you could completely
start over again...
...would you wield this
knife for your country?
Over here!
Proceed with the execution!
What the fuck?
Stupid moron.
You think you're
a big shit, huh?
Hey soldier, if you
got a smoke, give it here.
I'll earn some cash
and buy you a full carton.
Fuck you!
Drop the gun and your badges,
and let's fight man to man!
Thinking you're hot shit
in that uniform.
What are you
looking at, asshole?
You shithead!
Little punk never shuts up.
That's enough.
Damned moron.
What's your problem, huh?
Son of a bitch.
Everyone in the water,
before I count to three.
Why don't you jump in?
It's goddamned freezing!
Two what?
So what?
It's okay. If you
stay calm, you float.
Don't panic.
Pull out only the ones
who are drowning.
Yes, sir!
Soldiers, in formation!
Soldiers, in formation!
In formation!
As you can see,
I am a soldier.
You are death row convicts,
or men from society's gutter...
...human trash.
But if you
put on this uniform,
our goals become one.
To safeguard our nation,
and to unify our homeland,
we will unite under a single task.
These soldiers and I,
to protect your lives
and our nation's bidding,
will train you.
The training will be
much harsher
than the real task
awaiting you.
We will make no effort
to ensure your safety.
However on the day
you achieve your goal,
you'll be able to
face the world
as Korea's proudest soldiers.
Those who are prepared,
put on these uniforms.
Nowhere else to go.
And no clue how to
get out of here.
Shit, we're dead either way.
Damn right!
I spent each day risking
my life back home, too.
From now, you are
members of Korean
special unit 684.
Our unit's mission is... go to Pyongyang and
slit the throat of Kim Il-sung.
Run, you bastards!
Heads down!
Kim Shin-jo's unit 124,
in order to slit our
president's throat,
sent 31 men across the border.
They failed.
But the 31 men in our unit 684,
must be one second faster,
and move one step farther,
then we will surely slit
Kim Il-sung's throat!
Climb faster!
Faster, you bastards!
Faster, I said!
Faster, you bastards!
Gimme a real target...
What are you doing, bastard?!
Yes, sir!
No, sir.
No, sir!
No, sir!
To the right!
On your hands!
Did you waste enough
bullets, you bastards?
Are you training these men?
You're wasting your
country's money.
On your backs.
You think we can send
those babies to Pyongyang?
They'll all be killed before
reaching the border.
If you are captured,
your best option is suicide.
We will provide
you with tools
for a quick and
precise suicide.
You must learn the
methods thoroughly.
But if you fail in suicide,
you will face
continuous torture.
If you scream
during these drills,
it is the same as revealing
secrets to your enemies.
Revealing this information...
...puts the lives of the whole
unit in your enemies' hands.
I burn easily, you know?
Shut up!
Oh that hurts!
Down! Get up!
On your back! Get up!
It can't have been easy.
What did you think to endure it?
That I must go to Pyongyang!
Well... that bastard
did it, so...
After leading my gang
members all those years,
is there anything
I can't endure?
Divide them into teams.
Yes, sir!
Crouch down!
Down, you bastard!
Shit, are you telling
me what to do?
That's enough.
I can fight!
Open your mouth.
I can fight, sergeant!
- Open your mouth!
- I can fight!
Go on.
I'm going to tear you apart!
Winner, captain of team 3!
Team 1, gather your full gear.
Run faster!
Crouch down, huh?
What the hell?!
Yes, sir!
You see me later.
Out of the way!
Yes, sir!
Come on and fight, asshole.
I'm gonna tear you apart.
What the hell?
Fuck this! Fighting
with gloves like girls.
Quitting at the first sign
of blood, let's fight!
I can finish you
off in a second.
You're gonna be pissing
your pants, you coward.
Who's the coward?
Who's picking fights
after losing in the ring?
Shut up, you!
Your captain
just kept punching
the same bruise,
didn't you see?
That's called strategy.
Shut your mouth!
Because of you,
we keep getting extra drills!
That's because
you got a lousy captain.
Let's finish this
once and for all!
Stop showing off,
let's fight!
Swear now that the loser will
slit his throat with this.
Then start fighting.
That's better, ain't it?
Or else you'll fight,
and the barracks
sergeant'll nab us,
and we'll be out
all night getting flogged.
Then later you'll
want to fight again...
If you swear that one
of you will end it,
then we'll put up
with it this once.
Got it?
If you won't fight to kill,
then don't bother.
Fucking bastard!
What the hell?
We'll take the same route
those commie bastards used.
After killing Kim Il-sung,
they will take out the defense dept,
and the dept of armed forces.
Going by land will take
a week, that's too long.
Kim Shin-jo's group
failed because of time.
Our 684 can surely outperform
those Unit 124 bastards.
I'll make sure they do.
If they go by sea,
they can go up Daedong River,
and take Yanggak Rd.
To Mt. Moran.
Then they could reach
Kim's residence in an hour.
They must do more than
just kill Kim Il-sung.
There are only 30 of them.
Just concentrating on Kim
won't improve their chances.
Sergeant Park!
By sea they can reach
Imjin River in 22 hours.
They can attack and
leave Daedong River
by 5am next day.
Two days will be enough
for the whole operation.
It's not possible.
- Swimming that far will be...
- Possible.
It's a course I've often taken.
42 seconds!
End it at 65 seconds.
Not yet...
Yes, sir!
Each group has 65 seconds
to complete the task.
One second over,
and you'll be riddled with bullets.
- Soldiers, take position!
- In position!
What are you doing?
Are you gonna
kill us all?
Shut up!
What the fuck?
You see me later!
Hurry up, you bastards!
Shit, they're fast.
We're gonna be running
laps because of them.
Shut your trap!
What's wrong?
Kim Ji-yong!
Hang from below!
Hurry up!
Soldiers, at ease!
It was a splendid decision.
If you had paused
to save one life,
all of you would've died.
If the same situation occurs
in the future, remember today.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir.
Yes, sir!
- Loyalty!
- Loyalty!
PARK Chan-seok, get up.
Please let me stay!
It's not possible to
treat you here. Get up!
If you put me back in jail,
I don't want
to live each day
wondering if I'll be hanged.
You told us
if we go to Pyongyang
and kill Kim Il-sung,
we could live,
we'd get money,
we could even
become officers.
Stop it!
What can you do
with that body?
Get up.
I'll cook or clean,
I'll clean out
the toilet.
I'll do whatever you ask!
Why don't you just kill me?
If someone does all this,
we can concentrate
on training.
It's more efficient,
is it not?
What do you all think?
What is there to think?
Look of it
from his position.
What crazy fool would
ever want to go back?
Can you prepare decent
meals for your colleagues?
Yes! I raised three younger
brothers on my own.
Kimchi stew, bean paste stew,
whatever you want.
Can you do grilled squid?
You wash your hands
after taking a crap,
or you're dead!
So we don't have
to peel potatoes?
Hey, that punk's
going to live?
I can't believe it.
It's a good opportunity.
It'll strengthen their mindset.
Covering up their
hard feelings
after a man was killed?
What do you want to say?
If we'd stopped the drill,
we could have saved him.
If it were just
a drill, yes.
But we don't do drills here.
Didn't you know?
You're always thinking.
This is right,
that's wrong...
- Is thinking wrong?
- It is.
This isn't a unit
where you get
commended for running laps.
Don't forget where you are.
This is Silmido.
I've been to
Pyongyang over 20 times,
but I never dreamed
of killing Kim
or blowing up his palace.
There was no way
I could have.
I never had
colleagues like you.
You depart tomorrow night.
To the strongest 31 men,
including the deceased!
To the 31!
Stay within the grounds,
and enjoy yourself tonight.
Yes, sir!
Supervising soldiers
will eat separately.
- In position!
- In position!
This just melts in the mouth.
What's it made of?
- It's made from snakes!
- Snakes?
They're all over the place.
This is great,
but we need women!
If you drink this,
you stay hard all night, huh?
Give me another cup.
Give me one too.
Me too!
Drink slower, assholes!
Just give me
the whole kettle.
Don't you worry, guys.
Drink it slowly.
I've been stowing this
away for months.
What are you doing?
You're reviewing now?
Our work is done.
It's true.
It's all in their hands now.
Turn, turn!
Turn? What the hell?
Ah, yes sir.
Don't turn, don't turn!
You bastards!
You've got to come back!
You need to
come back alive!
You have to live,
I'm 684 too, so we can shout
that we re-unified the nation!
We'll take the money...
Shut up, you bastard!
Shut your mouth!
You've got to live!
Don't die!
That son of a bitch.
Let me go!
He's drunk.
You stop it, too!
No matter how drunk he is,
the moron shouldn't say that!
Just come back alive, huh?
We've done our best,
what more can we do?
We can't die after all this...
Who said we'll die?
Stop talking about dying,
for Christ's sake!
Who do you think we are?
We're unit 684!
We're not gonna die!
Who's gonna kill us?
Nobody can touch us!
That's right!
We're invincible.
Until the East Sea dries up
and Mt. Baektu crumbles,
God will protect us...
Try to understand them,
they're scared inside.
Are you...?
What? Is something wrong?
Aren't you scared, sir?
Lighten up, don't call me sir.
I'm just 21 years old.
All this time, it's really
pained me to yell at you so.
You softie, how do
you manage it here?
They'll all get back
safely, won't they?
Of course.
That's why we suffered
through all these hardships.
Fight tooth and nail!
Courage! There is
no second place!
The historic re-unification
of Korea begins now.
You will be writing the
first page of this history.
For this day, you have staked
your lives and youth.
The last thing Kim Il-sung will
see as he leaves this world...
are the guns and knives
of the glorious unit 684!
Pierce his throat with the
Korean flag and return home.
Your bravery and sacrifice
will be remembered always.
Those who return to
an undivided peninsula
will live as the nation's
greatest heroes.
Long live the
Republic of Korea!
Long live the
Republic of Korea!
Long live our
reunified nation!
Long live our
reunified nation!
Long live unit 684!
Long live unit 684!
Yes, drill captain speaking.
Yes, I understand.
Sergeant Jo.
The operation is cancelled.
Turn back!
Don't pay attention,
just row!
Bastards. Turn back!
Keep going!
Stop! We got an order
from above to turn back.
If we go back, we'll
receive the order soon.
Can't we just go on
and slit his throat?
You need to get permission
from those bastards first!
What are you doing?
Keep rowing!
I don't want to
do this, either!
Pull them out one at a time.
I won't go!
Please let us go!
We can do it!
We will do it!
We will succeed!
You assholes! Let us go!
At ease.
Please at least give us
a date for the operation.
It's not for me
to decide that.
They were at the sharpest state
of readiness, right on schedule.
Excellent work.
Keeping them
at this state is
like ignoring a ticking bomb.
Whether this unit is
a ticking time bomb,
or crack soldiers,
is a question of
your ability, isn't it?
Can you at least tell us
the reason for the cancellation?
The chief of intelligence who
created the unit was replaced,
so there isn't even
anyone to ask, is there?
You're knocking at the
wrong address here.
Give me some more.
Other people have
to eat, too.
Okay, but give me more.
I won't eat next time.
Give it to him.
Shit, this is embarrassing.
Team 1, in position.
In position.
Team 2, in position.
In position.
Begin shooting!
Where are you
shooting, asshole?
Our drill captain taught us
to kill with a single shot.
For that, you must hit
the head, the heart, or...
his thing.
You little shit!
But if it just hangs
there too long,
you feel dead anyway.
Just quit it, alright?
What are you gonna do?
That bastard has stood
there for 2 years, too.
For two years he keeps getting
hit in the head and heart.
So I'm blasting away
that useless part.
Are you okay, Lt. Kim?
My penis is also okay.
You must look after
your penis well.
Your penis does not belong
only to you, understand?
Do not worry.
I shall remain hard,
and return home.
As you must.
Return home safe and hard
to plug Young-sook.
It's not Young-sook,
it's Sook-ja!
Can you not plug both Young-sook
and Sook-ja, my friend?
Young-sook, Sook-ja or
Hee-ja... just bring her over.
I'll keep her going for
4 days and 3 nights.
On their way over,
tell them to bring
soup, rice and kimchi.
I'm so damned hungry
I can't even get it up.
What is it?
I need to go to the bathroom.
My stomach...
Go on.
I need to go, too.
Give me a break!
We were so hungry earlier,
and there was a tree with...
Hurry up!
Loyalty my ass, you idiots!
I warned you especially.
Be careful of the low tide,
when the islands are connected!
Assemble on the grounds!
Hurry up!
Let me do it.
Stop, will you?
I can't believe you.
I wasn't done yet!
You've gone limp!
We're not this way usually.
We really didn't
want to do this.
You bastard, we're dead!
Hey you pigs!
Do you think you
can escape from me?
Not before you die.
Run your asses
out here now!
Come out before we
tear you to pieces!
Keep away!
I'll kill this doctor.
Go ahead. You think I'm
scared to kill one broad?
I can toss a grenade
and kill you all.
End it quickly.
Why get her killed too?
Let her go and come out.
If we free her,
will you let us live?
Wake up!
After 2 years, don't you
know them by now?
You think I don't?
We'll give you three minutes.
When they're scared, it's
no use trying to talk to them.
First, let them calm down.
Sergeants 1,2,3!
Say something, huh?
You know what?
The officers' pistols
are to use for suicide.
Stop thinking
and just come out!
When you're born again,
be the son of a rich family.
You too, bastard.
Don't do it!
Jae-yong! Jae-yong!
Shut up, you!
Rape of a civilian.
Disobeying orders.
An unthinkable incident has
threatened the honor of 684.
We will re-educate you
in place of punishment.
So that this
never happens again.
Physical training will
restore your weakened mind.
With each blow,
remember that one person's
betrayal endangers all of unit 684.
It's okay.
Let's receive it from you,
rather than the drill captain.
Don't lie down, your back
will get injured. Get up!
What are you
looking at, assholes?
Now I can die.
I did it with a woman!
I did it!
I sucked her breasts too.
Hey, Chang-shik!
I'm not jerking off
with my hand like you.
Duk-young! Other guys rape you,
but you never get any yourself.
Stop hitting me!
Shut up!
Soldiers' corpses are wrapped
in a bloody people's flag.
Before the bodies
turn cold and stiff,
the blood stains the flag red.
Raise it to the sky,
the red-stained bloody flag
and beneath it,
make a solemn vow.
Cowards can leave,
if they wish to go.
We will remain
to protect our flag.
Our red-stained company...
... military service...
Don't move!
What's the meaning of this?
I did as I was taught.
You said to remove anything
that hinders our unit.
This crazy fool is
no longer useful to unit 684.
So I killed him.
Line up the soldiers.
Move to the platform.
Line up in groups!
Please send us to Pyongyang.
Beat us or kill us,
I don't care. Just send us.
Soldiers' corpses are wrapped
in a bloody people's flag.
Before the bodies
turn cold and stiff,
the blood stains the flag red.
- Raise it to the sky...
- Hey!
Let him be.
...and beneath it,
make a solemn vow.
Cowards can leave,
if they wish to go.
We will remain
to protect our flag.
You! Get up.
Get up!
He was mine.
I should have done him in.
Don't hang your shoulders.
You did nothing wrong.
Smarten up, will you?
Get up!
Why is he getting more
and more out of control?
What have you
been doing, huh?
I'll do better, sir!
If I see one more spark
of life in that commie's eyes,
I'll kill you. Got it?
Yes, sir!
I will wait.
I will wait.
I understand.
Drill captain, unit 684.
North-South relations
keep changing all the time,
When unit 684 was created,
people in the streets
would burn pictures of
Kim Il-sung, that was the mood.
This is a unit created to
fulfill the nation's aims.
If those aims vanish, the nation
must take responsibility.
What sort of responsibility?
Recognize unit 684 as a
formal unit of the air force.
There's no reason why the
air force should be responsible.
The instructors and soldiers
under me are from the air force.
Look here, don't you
understand what I'm saying?
We provided the training
and transportation,
but central intelligence
was in charge from the start.
The people who established the
unit have all been discharged,
you know the situation
better than I do!
The members of unit 684...
are being treated
worse than prisoners.
Weren't they all
prisoners to begin with?
Good afternoon!
I heard you had
an esteemed guest.
Excellent work.
My name is Oh.
Have a seat.
Let's talk while sitting.
So, will we be able to put
Silmido in order?
We were just discussing that.
One must discard
the relics of
past ages to
open a new age.
Is unit 684 a relic?
The nation is moving
towards peaceful reunification.
The murder unit made by the
dismissed chief of intelligence... a relic, is it not?
Ordering death row convicts
to slit Kim Il-sungs throat,
indulging in
dehumanizing training...
If the foreign press hears,
they'll think we're savages.
It's shameful, yes.
Our drill captain still has
good years ahead of him.
With his wide training and 20
secret missions into the North,
he was placed
in charge at Silmido.
If this situation is cleaned up,
his career will be looking up.
Won't it, General?
Yes, of course.
I put my trust in you.
It's all for the good
of the country, isn't it?
What's with you?
Politicians practice politics,
soldiers do military work,
and if each side takes full
responsibility for their duties,
then the nation will
surely prosper, won't it?
I see our Silmido captain
is a romanticist.
Or does he prefer a murderous
reunification of his own hand,
as revenge for the wartime
massacre of his family?
As a soldier, I have
neither learned nor taught
to let personal feelings
affect one's mission.
That is a relief.
I'll believe in you.
So you keep throwing fits
in order to see your father?
- When you go to Pyongyang...
- No!
I should have guessed earlier,
but I thought, "No way. "
Our mission is
to kill a commie,
who would have thought
we'd have a commie among us?
That's not true.
Or on the other hand,
this commie...
I'm not a communist!
Really? You're not communist?
Of course you are!
Someone who abandons
his wife and brat
and goes up North is
a commie to the bone.
If a kid raised
by that bastard isn't
a commie, then who is?
I know you're a commie
just by looking in your eyes.
For 3 years I've been
through hell because of you.
In my final year,
I keep getting beaten
for your crazy glare!
I'm not a commie!
You're a commie, asshole.
If he weren't a commie,
he couldn't leave
his wife and brat,
knowing how they
would end up living here.
I'll find that bastard,
put a bullet in his skull,
and see what commie
blood looks like.
Until then, I can't die and
I can't back off. Understand?
Vicious bastard.
That's why I can't even die.
He should have killed
me before leaving.
I'll take the head of
his beloved Dear Leader
and thrust it in his face.
That's why I gotta go.
Got it?
You goddamned fool...
You goddamned fool...
Forgive me!
Bastard doesn't know fear!
If you overlook this,
I'll do whatever you ask.
I can't let it fall apart now.
Please, save me!
The captain told me
about your past and said,
even if everyone else gives up,
you'll remain to the end.
As long as my mother's alive,
I can't be free of this.
Ever since he left, she
hasn't slept comfortably once.
She doesn't heat the room.
I was in middle school,
so it's been over ten years,
she'll probably
sleep that way tonight.
Curled up like a bug.
She says a parent who failed
her son can't lie comfortably.
If you succeed, they'll free
you of your father's crimes?
The drill captain said that?
I'll say I beat you,
and then I fell over
and hit a rock.
You asked us to send
unit 684 to Viet Nam?
Send them anywhere
in the world
and they will excel.
They'll be a great help to our
troops in the Vietnam War.
As soon as those
boys leave Silmido,
the world will know
of our plans
to kill Kim Il-sung.
For 30 men,
do we sacrifice 30 million
citizens' hopes for peace?
I will ensure that everything
concerning Silmido remains secret.
The surest way to keep
secrets is to bury them.
But we promised them...
Isn't it a soldier's highest
moral duty to be obedient?
The order given to you is to
completely erase unit 684.
Where was this order given?
It is the nation's order.
Is central intelligence
the nation?
Those with authority make
decisions and pass down orders.
Those are the nation's orders.
Now the Republic is ordering
that unit 684 be terminated.
Chief, are you all right?
Lead out our guest.
How can I kill them
with my own hands?
Sergeant Jo, Sergeant Park,
Staff Sergeants Ko and Han,
and 35. young soldiers...
do you wish
to sacrifice them?
- What do you mean?
- I'll give you a week.
After one week, we will
storm unit 684 ourselves.
Everyone will be shot,
you and the soldiers included.
Look at those idiots.
Did they let in another goal?
Winning here doesn't get you
anything, why bother?
But they run well for
people with no food.
There's no beating these days,
so they've got extra energy.
It's so quiet,
aren't you nervous?
You feel uneasy if they don't
beat you? Want me to do it?
What the hell?
You think we're friends now?
Hey, are they
printed in America?
- What?
- I know it all, you bastard.
I thought I'd tell
Sergeant Dick
and watch you get killed,
but then they'd probably rip
it up, so I controlled myself.
Let's look at it together.
What are you talking about?
This bastard's reading the
classics alone each night.
Are they white girls
or black girls?
- Really?
- No.
Come on!
I'm telling you the truth!
Sang-pil, are you sure?
They didn't let us
bring anything here.
Anything's possible.
In jail,
I saw a guy who lived
with 20 cigarettes up his ass.
Want to see?
Why didn't you say earlier?
What's this?
That girl isn't black or white.
- That's yutdong. Pink color.
- Yutdong?
The name of the clothes.
My mom had one just the same.
When I entered middle school,
she made one and wore it.
The word yutdong was so funny,
we made jokes about it.
My brother and I kept laughing...
Hand it over
Come on, hand it over!
It's the last
photo of my mother.
I won't take it out again.
Hurry up, asshole!
Stop it.
Give it!
It's his mother's photo.
Unit 684 needs only
orders and obedience.
His mother?
Who needs shit like that?
What's with you? You have a
photo of your mother too.
They have to
go to Pyongyang.
If one of them
gets distracted,
our 3 years
work will unravel.
Especially him,
thinking the captain
will protect him...
What's going on?
I'm disciplining team 3 captain
for carrying personal items.
It's his mother's photo.
He'll hand it over.
Come on, man.
- In-chan!
- No!
Control yourself!
If you shoot me, you can
go see your mother in person.
First, I'll go to Pyongyang.
KANG In-chan!
24 hours solitary confinement.
At ease.
Do you regret it?
Taking my offer,
three years ago.
No, sir.
A lot of time you spent here
must've been worse than death.
I'm paying a price to get
what I want, so no regrets.
- Bring some water.
- Yes?
Bring some drinking water.
Yes, sir.
An order has come
to terminate the unit.
It says for us to
kill the boys ourselves.
- Captain!
- It's an order from above.
This is ridiculous!
What are you doing?
Say something!
What if we don't
carry out the order?
Someone will come here
to do it themselves.
What will happen to us?
If we leave first,
then they'll terminate...
What are you saying?
What do you mean,
You should be saying
this can't happen,
not ask who!
Wait a minute!
What the hell
are you thinking?
If the order is irreversible,
we should obviously
ensure our safety.
Obviously? What's obvious?
Will there be consequences
if we disobey?
Then we'll be eliminated too.
If we don't
carry out the order,
they'll assume we
sympathize with the soldiers,
and concluding that we can't
be trusted to keep this secret,
they'll kill us as well.
This is absurd.
None of this makes sense!
Why just kill such
competent men?
- Does that make sense?
- Because they're competent.
Killing them is safer.
You asshole!
Why do you keep taking
the higher-ups' side?
How much time do we have?
- Hey!
- Five days remain.
Can we use any method?
You son of a bitch!
Sergeant Jo!
Do you really have to...
Those pathetic bastards...
We can't die with them
just because they're pathetic.
Would you choose them
over your mother?
You want me to die,
a month before
my kid is born?
Even still, you bastard...
Even still, you bastard!
You dirty bastard.
Forgive me.
About the methods...
I'm leaving it up
to the two of you.
Whether you follow
the order or disobey it...
Yes, sir.
What are you doing?
What? Is something wrong?
These days, I almost feel
like settling down here.
Sergeant Jo!
Don't be like this.
It's an order, after all.
An order?
Were you
so nice to them
all this time
only to do this?
You coward.
Then what can
you do about it?
If you're so brave,
what will you do?
Don't say another word.
If you challenge me
again, I'll kill you.
Our creed
Can you do it
without Sergeant Jo?
At this stage,
it's better without him.
I'll take responsibility.
Just send Sergeant Jo
to the mainland, please.
If I send him under
these circumstances
will he just go?
Send him to argue once more
on the soldiers' behalf.
He won't refuse such an order.
Did you see a ghost?
you'll hurt someone!
What's wrong, are you sick?
It looks like
the heat got to him.
Last night he saw spirits.
He screamed out so loud,
woke us all up.
Go take a rest.
Thank you.
Let's go. Come on.
Have a good trip.
What does it mean
if Sergeant Jo's leaving?
That tonight they'll
wipe us all out?
Sergeant Jo!
Going on vacation?
You think I'm so fortunate?
I'm on business.
You'll be back today?
What's with you guys?
The boys were hoping you'd
bring back something sweet.
Don't worry about it.
All right.
I'll bring you back
something by tomorrow night.
You know these soldiers'
abilities better than anyone.
In order to avoid
a terrible slaughter,
not one of them
should be left by daybreak.
Go out quietly, in one line.
Do we wipe them all out?
Once it starts, it's
a fight for our lives.
They started this.
We can't afford to
feel guilty.
If we can't finish in 20 min.
Our chances are slim.
Switch with me.
I can't do the
communication barracks.
Park was going on holiday
in a week, he was so excited.
Don't pretend you're the
only one feeling bad.
Does anyone here want
to kill their superior?
But your guy is new, you
can't be that close to him.
You bastards!
It's time.
We're supposed to take
our counterpart?
That seems a bit risky.
Is this the only way?
What if someone else...
- Control yourself, Sergeant!
- Stop it!
What are you doing?
This isn't like you!
What isn't like me?
You shitheads!
Kill them...
If you don't,
then we're all dead.
Got it?
Don't make that face, huh?
Go quickly now and contact
the soldiers on guard duty,
so they are informed
of our plans.
The operation begins
in 30 minutes.
In position, all of you!
In position!
You assholes!
You could have just sent us.
My mission was to
kill you, not send you.
Your mission was to
send us to Pyongyang.
My mission was
not only to make
unit 684 the greatest unit,
but to respond at once
to the nation's call.
The nation has ordered me
to dissolve unit 684.
Now, my mission is to kill you.
Then you should've
done it properly.
Why did you set me up
to listen outside the door?
Knowing all this
would happen!
Now all your
subordinates will die.
As soldiers, they may die
in carrying out their mission.
But my sense of duty won't
let me break
my promise to you.
That's a cowardly excuse!
Yes, so I let my
subordinates choose.
I'm an incompetent coward.
Shoot me before leaving.
Or I'll have no choice
but to kill you.
I'm sorry. Shit!
Over there!
Don't shoot!
Don't come any closer!
And you were the
first one to betray us!
Even that mean bastard
Sergeant Dick was against it.
You were all doomed anyway!
You were gonna
die either way,
why should we die too?
Why were we gonna die anyway?
After you came, they
destroyed your national IDs.
You know what that means?
You're just ghosts,
roped in on this island.
Whether successful or not,
you were as good as buried...
Don't lie, you asshole!
He's not lying.
But if you tell us
there was no other way,
then it's no different
when we take aim at you.
If you'd tried to find another
way, if you'd thought...
even once that
our cursed lives
are worth as much as yours...
What do you mean, the same?
You're all convicted criminals!
How can a bunch of nameless...
What I mean is...
Why am I nameless?
I'm HAN Sang-pil!
HAN Sang-pil,
you fuckers!
Was that their plan
from the beginning?
Was it?
To use us and then get rid
of us with nobody knowing?
Even if we killed
Kim Il-sung now,
we'd still end up dead men.
We're better off dying.
But I won't even get my
name on my gravestone.
I thought they'd bury us
in the National Cemetery.
I was going to be the
first success in my family.
If you're in Korea's best
special unit, you're a success.
Best? Who will ever know?
Those sons of bitches who
kill us and erase our past?
We can go and
make sure that people know.
Beak 501, Beak 501.
DPS 351 confirm training, over.
What? There's no training!
- They're moving, report.
- How many of them?
About 20. All armed.
Even without all of you,
I can tell them
all we want to say,
so go wherever you like.
We won't stop you.
Go if you want.
If I don't see the bastards
who did this to us,
it'll drive me crazy inside.
If Geun-je had lived,
what would he say?
"Nowhere to go,
and nothing to do
once I get there. "
It's time.
The Blue House,
don't take any detours.
We need to talk to
the president, okay?
Don't cry, baby. Please!
Lady, all kids cry.
That's how they grow up.
Yes, sir.
There's no need
to be scared of us.
We're just on our way
to the President's House,
and we had no money,
so we borrowed this bus.
So you'll let us live?
Don't worry. Why kill
someone for no reason?
Here is some breaking news...
20 armed Northern guerillas
have landed via Incheon
and are traveling
along Kyung-in Road.
Heavily armed, they could
be a threat to bystanders.
Citizens are advised to take
extra-special precautions.
If those traveling on Kyung-in
Road see suspicious soldiers...
Armed communists?
They're calling us
armed communists?
Do they order armed
communists to kill Kim Il-sung?
Those bastards!
There's nothing behind us.
Drive straight ahead.
Straight ahead?
Step on it!
Step on it!
Prepare to fire.
They're not communists!
Why are you saying that?
They're unit 684 of
the Republic of Korea!
How can they
call us communists?
Stay awake!
If we learn tactics
on a deserted island,
and suddenly appear
in stolen uniforms,
we must look like
communist guerrilas.
Open your eyes!
I can't even remember
the national anthem.
Soldiers' corpses are wrapped
in a bloody people's flag.
Before the bodies
turn cold and stiff,
the blood
stains the flag red.
Raise it to the sky,
the red-stained bloody flag
and beneath it,
make a solemn vow.
Cowards can leave,
if they wish to go.
We will remain
to protect our flag.
It's nothing to cry about!
He's just going
a little sooner.
The same will
happen to all us.
Young men!
You sing strange songs,
and fight with our soldiers.
If you aren't communists,
then what are you?
Risk your lives for
our nation and people,
to kill Kim Il-sung.
That is your mission.
We can't hold up
any longer, chief.
Each region's
soldiers and policemen
have installed barricades,
but each one has fallen.
Now they have
just entered Seoul.
Gunfights are occurring, and
the President is very uneasy.
Just give the order.
The army is prepared
and standing by.
Now even you are in a panic.
If the situation blows up,
it will be a huge problem.
You need to let the fire burn
to get the hidden mice.
Now that it's
reached this stage,
the air force won't be able
to deny responsibility.
All those people who
praised Chief Kim's policy...
They'll have to
run and hide, no?
Now you can start.
Go ahead.
One, two, one...
What do we do?
Step on it.
Stop the bus.
Step on it!
But there are still civilians...
Yes, sir.
Determine the civilians'
location and ready the snipers.
Yes, sir.
What's wrong?
Are you scared?
Take everyone out.
If you say the
crazy son of a commie
was threatening to blow up
everyone with a grenade,
so you couldn't help
but come along...
Shithead, there you go again.
Won-sang, lead everyone out.
You want us to leave?
Those bastards
have brains, too.
Think they'll believe
we got dragged here
by one lunatic?
You need two lunatics.
- Sang-pil!
- Shut up!
I'm not going to watch you
be some damned hero.
You couldn't drag me here.
I came myself.
You shut up too.
What did we come here for?
Other people can leave,
but I'm staying!
Three lunatics
seem better than two.
You think you're still
team captain here?
Once a captain,
always a captain, bastard.
Once an underling,
always an underling.
Think you can toss us out
and play heroes yourself?
What would we do if we
hadn't met those bastards?
They're up to something
behind us!
Are you okay?
I'm okay!
Stop, you bastards!
There are civilians...
Hold your fire!
That's enough. The civilians
are by the window.
Yes, sir. In 5 minutes,
we open full fire.
The civilians...
Forget them!
Bystanders are watching us.
That's an order!
Loyalty! I'll go talk to them.
Who the hell are you?
The men in the bus
are my subordinates.
Take him away!
They're not communists!
I can persuade them.
Get out!
Let go!
- Get out!
- Let go of me, bastards!
Are you okay?
Hell, yeah. This is nothing.
I forgot to give this to you...
I couldn't find
a few pieces. Shit.
But the skirt is all there.
The yutdong!
Sgt. Dick, the mean bastard,
ripped it into such tiny pieces.
But I'm relieved
that at least one
mean bastard got out.
Sergeant Ko probably lived too!
I probably saved one too.
He was a bit beat up, though.
Why can't you obey orders, huh?
We're all going to die anyway.
The newspapers will write
about 19 dead communists.
That'll be funny.
Fat communist 1.
Short-legged communist 2.
Constantly-eating communist 3.
Hairless left armpit
communist 4.
CHOl Jang-su, whose
name means "long life".
KIM Deok-young
CHOl Soo-young
KIM Ki-hwan
YOO Jae-seung
LEE Sung-min
LEE Min-ho.
Your name's missing.
Will this do?
Hurry up and get out!
Hurry, if you
don't want to die!
Yes, ready!
Are you ready?
Yes, we're ready!
Daylight Terror in Seoul
Civilian Convicts Lead
Armed Revolt
survivors of blast sentenced
to death by military tribunal.
True Account of
Silmido Incident
Removal of
7th US Army Division
Analysis of Rodong Newspaper
True Account
of Silmido Incident
Preparations for North-South
Red Cross Meeting
To the soldiers who risked death
to answer their nation's call,
and to the 31 trainees,
abandoned by a divided nation,
who cried out in search of their
identities at their place of death,
we dedicate this film.