Simon Konianski (2009)

To my father who wanted me
to mary a ''nice pianist''
To my grandfather
and his recycIed teabags
To my grandmother
and her deIightfuI insinceity
Watch the walls and the paper.
He touched it...
This is great!
You'll be fine here.
lt's cosy, welcoming,
nicely decorated...
And your dad's delighted
to have you to stay!
Three weeks later
Awake at last.
l've found a good ad for you.
They need a science teacher.
You can do science, nu?
Dad, l studied philosophy.
Philosophy, ok!
l didn't do physics,
science, mathematics...
So? Aiob's a iob.
You can't stay on the dole here
l iust woke.
Wait until 10 to bust my balls.
lt is 10, you layabout!
Put the talisman
as close as possible to your son.
Under his bed,
in his jacket's lining,
or in his briefcase.
He doesn't have a briefcase, Rebbe.
He doesn't even have a iob.
Never mind. Just make sure
he doesn't find it.
Just give it three weeks.
He'll find work,
he'll meet a nice girl
and, above all, he'll move out.
May God hear you, Rebbe.
But she has to be
a nice Jewish girl, Rebbe.
Not a shikse like that dancer
who dumped him.
Of course, Elias ben Moshe,
it only works for nice Jewish girls.
Maurice, is that you?
You'll be here in two minutes?
Yes, stop shouting!
l'll check the street.
No, l don't see anyone.
No one, ok. Not even you, l see.
Where are you?
l see you now. l see you!
Relax, Moishe.
You're safe here.
No one sawyou come in.
Want some tea?
Just a drop then.
l'm getting those belly pains again.
The BeIgian govemment
is pressing both sides
for a truce in Gaza...
A truce now? They're crazy on TV!
Those Hamas Nazis want a truce?
Why is that thing
still round your neck, son?
You're better now, aren't you?
lt stays until the pain goes.
You could keep it on
for a year then?
Where's the remote?
Hundreds of people
took shelter here...
Dad, turn it down.
They thought they would be safe
inside a school.
But four Israeli rockets
Ianded in the compound,
injuing 40 peopIe.
Hi, Uncle Maurice.
Great hiding place.
Earlier, in Gaza,
another UN gchool wag attacked.
Simon, did anyone follow you here
when you came up?
The street's always empty.
So whose black car is that?
lt's Mr Hirsh's.
And the van next to it?
That's the Stasi.
They've been waiting for you.
Listen here, Simon,
don't you make fun of me!
l fought in Spain, Simon,
and l'm still on their list!
So tell me whose van it is!
l don't know.
There's no one out there, ok!
Don't get Uncle's blood pressure up!
Listen, Ernest, l'm going now.
See? He's leaving because ofyou!
You unworthy son!
Well? Looked at those ads?
Nothing for me.
Move, you're not see-through.
And that teaching post?
lt's in Liege, in mathematics.
Take the train.
The train's not so bad.
l do a degree in mathematics first?
Ty to make an effort.
Your cousin Isaac never studied
and look at him now.
A nice wife, three children
and owner of a ''four-sided'' home.
- Lucky guy!
- Exactly.
But my son won't take the train
or get up at 7
to go to work.
He's too good for mathematics.
My son's been to university!
Knowwhen l started work?
Back then, you did anyiob going
and didn't live at home
until you were 36!
Dad, l've told you a thousand times:
this is temporay!
- Quiet! l'm not deaf.
- You are.
Hard of hearing,
Professor Berkenbaum said.
Doctor Berkenbaum is as deaf as you.
Professor, not doctor!
You keep the sound up
for Berkenbaum and the neighbours?
Shut up! Berkenbaum told me
not to let you wind me up!
lt's you, Corazon.
How are you, my dear?
How's my grandson?
Is school ok too?
Yes, he's right here.
l'll put him on.
Your goy.
Don't call her that!
Hello, Cori?
Just a second,
l'll go to another room.
Sory, Corazon, l totally forgot.
l was at the hospital
and l had to keep my phone off.
Don't get mad, l'm going.
Excuse me,
but why is he wrapped up
when it's so hot here?
You should have been here
to pick him up an hour ago.
We kept calling you.
Without your wife,
l'd have called the cops.
You should have hit him first
and given him a cold shower, sadist!
Screwyou, sir!
You haven't been stuck here an hour!
l don't think you get it.
Screwyou, you Nazi!
Are you ok?
Are you ok, Dad?
Do you need an ambulance?
Does it hurt a lot?
l'm ok.
Sory, l shouldn't have hit you.
l know, not after 8.
You told me 100 times.
No Coke, no crisps.
You think l'm stupid?
Of course he'll do his teeth!
Come on, Corazon,
it only happened once.
l have my ticket for your ballet.
l'm coming anyway.
It's a fucking free county!
Ok, Schmuli?
Knowwhat we'll do this weekend?
We'll do some great stuff.
We'll go to McDonald's
and to the movies.
Mum says l can't drink Coke.
We'll have Fanta.
Can we buy me a rabbit?
Forget the rabbit. Your mum said no.
She's stubborn.
lt's not fair.
Stop it, you're being a pain!
l'll ask Karl
to buy me a rabbit then.
Who's Karl?
He sleeps in Mum's bed.
Who is this Nazi bastard?
l don't know.
l think he's in Mum's show.
She doesn't waste time!
You ok, Dad?
What's this Karl like?
ls he tall?
Tougher than Dad?
Yes, he's stronger than Dad.
But he's not as funny.
He asks about you.
He wants to be your friend.
Ok, cut it out now.
Dad doesn't like Karl
and he's heard enough!
Look, this is for you, sweetheart.
No presents. It's not his birthday,
Easter or Christmas.
lt's Sukkoth, you goy,
in case you forgot.
l'm allowed to spoil
my only grandson.
Know what we're going to do?
We'll have a big chocolate sundae.
You know my chocolate sundae recipe?
Yes, Grandpa, ice cream
and tons of chocolate sauce!
lt's bad for your cholesterol too.
Screw my cholesterol!
l've told you 100 times
not to smoke in your room!
You only smoke on the balcony.
You'll asphyxiate us!
Don't burn that, you fool!
You'll jinx the lot of us.
Give me that!
What have you done?
Thank you, Rebbe.
Tell me,
do you keep the TV on full blast?
And you won't let him smoke?
And he still won't leave?
No, Rebbe.
So piss in the washbasin now.
- Out ofthe way!
- Shoot, Grandpa!
Pass to Fabregas.
Fabregas to Deco.
Deco to Ronaldinho
who heads for the goal.
Ronaldinho about to shoot...
And he scores!
Goal! What do you say to Grandpa?
Grandpa scored!
Already tired, my son?
You know, sport's important
for your health.
Even at Maidanek, l worked out.
Even when it was minus 20
and l hadn't eaten for days,
with my lungs full of pus...
l don't want to hear any more!
l'm not listening.
l'm not interested, ok!
Just think, Schmuli...
No one wants to hear
about what they did to us in Poland.
The shame of it!
l'll listen to you, Grandpa.
You're sweet,
my little Schmuli-yngele.
Dad, that's disgusting!
Use the toilet!
lf l want to piss
in my kitchen sink,
l'll piss in my kitchen sink!
Why aren't you asleep?
lt's my pills.
The leaflet says insomnia,
troubles and urticaria.
Show me. Where is it?
What for? You're a doctor now?
Maybe you took mine instead.
Stop that. It took me hours
to get evemhing sorted.
Here are my pills, Mr Doctor!
Brilliant doctor,
in a surgical collar all his life!
Where does it say, ''lnsomnia,
sleep troubles and urticaria''?
On the leaflet l threw out.
- Water costs money!
- And the stink of piss?
l lost my sense of smell
when my nose froze at Maidanek.
Enough! You've told me that stoy
l think he'll move out now.
l gave half of my bread
to Dan Salesmann
because he was thinner than me.
A real skeleton.
And that was when Kapo Michal...
You remember him,
the fat Polack slob?
He came into our hut
and saw Salesmann eating bread.
He shouted so loud!
What did fat Kapo Michal do?
He hit him with his stick,
hit him over and over,
so hard that the stick broke in two.
After, Salesmann walked hunched up
like an old mole.
- An old mole skeleton?
- Yes.
Remember my pal Salesmann?
l hid with him in the caca pit
when the Germans fled the Russians.
We stank of caca
for two weeks after that!
That saved me from Auschwitz.
Enough, you old madman!
After me,
you have to subject him to this?
l'm doing no harm!
He has to knowthe truth,
doesn't he?
That damn non-Jewish school
won't teach him about the camps!
He's only six!
Stop talking
about the camps and the Germans!
lt drove your son crazy
and killed your wife!
Watch your mouth, you unworthy son!
Cancer killed your mother.
Not all that!
And what caused the cancer?
l want the end ofthe stoy
about fat Kapo Michal.
l want the end ofthe stoy
about fat Kapo Michal.
Sory, Dad.
l didn't mean to hurt you.
But he's my son.
l have a right to decide
what's good for him or not.
lfyou need to talk,
you can see a shrink.
Some charlatan
who only studied four years
and costs more than a specialist?
l'm not made of money!
You have to be meshuge
to see someone like that.
Ask Dr Berkenbaum about it then.
Hello, doctor.
How's it going on the BX?
Well, insomnia...
And itchy arms and ankles.
Shouldn't that have cleared up?
We'll cut back on the dosage.
Don't keep that collar on too long.
lt will make your neck rigid.
Didn't you have it last month?
l'm still in a bit of pain.
Tell me, is it possible
for my father to be on these pills?
We have similar pills
with similar side effects.
Maybe he took yours by mistake.
No way.
You don't know my father.
He's total maniac about his pills.
lt's not possible.
The BX isn't on sale yet.
Not for a year after the tests end.
What are your father's pills?
There's no name. His sister
buys them over in Florida.
Could you check
if it's on sale there?
l could bring one for you
to analyse.
Yes, ifyou want.
Sign here.
Mr Konianski
are you busy next week?
l told you l was quitting.
How much?
A painkiller, few side effects.
Ok, l'll quit after that.
For good!
How about this one?
''Seeking young man or woman
to represent service company.''
That's my margarine for
my cholesterol! Use real butter.
l'm fighting cholesterol too.
l have your flat feet,
l could turn senile too...
l don't want cholesterol.
Know what my margarine costs?
No, l don't know what it costs.
But my heart's weak
so l'm eating it.
Two and a halftimes
the price of butter it costs!
You're worse than any caricature
of a stingy old Kike.
You don't say Kike, you shmok!
Nazis and Polacks say Kike.
Not my son!
Cut it out.
You talk about Schwane...
PoIak, Boshe, Goy...
Mala, l can't take it.
Simon's driving me mad.
He's driving me mad.
Can't you adopt this shmendriM
Listen to this...
You hear him?
Maurice? What's up?
Nice suit. Who died?
Simon, where were you?
We've been waiting ages.
Look at the way you're dressed!
What were you up to, shmendriM
Hold on...
You promised to be back by 7.
We nearly stopped waiting for you.
Where were you?
At a peep show, Auntie.
Simon, do you know Sonia?
My granddaughter.
She's a pianist, a great pianist.
You like the piano?
No, Mrs Hirschfeld.
l prefer the bagpipes.
Your hair's lovely.
l'm not talking about my hair.
l'm talking about Sonia.
She's given concerts
all over the world.
Even as a soloist.
ln Moscow,
You know, Sonia,
Simon is an artist too.
He loves to draw.
You like to drawtoo.
Don't you?
Simon, apparently you and Sonia
were together
in the same youth club.
That's incredible!
Yes, incredible.
So incredible l don't remember.
What do you play?
Rachmaninov mostly.
But l like Scriabin and Janacek too.
And what about
the situation in Gaza?
ln Gaza? What situation in Gaza?
The blockade,
the power and gas cuts,
the air raids, civilians murdered...
Do you condone it?
Stop talking nonsense!
Do you think
we should boycott Israel
until it respects UN resolutions?
The people who boycott Israel
are killers,
anti-Semites and Nazis!
You can't blame the Nazis for once!
You want to do the Arabs' work?
We have a right to that land.
We were there first!
We're ready to give them a bit of it
but they want it all!
Look where university gets you.
Those terrorists in the Hezbollah,
in Gaza, in Ramallah...
Who do you mean?
The Palestinians?
They don't even care about you!
Just go and live with the Arabs...
Gaza and 30% ofthe West Bank?
Great offer!
The Palestinians need a homeland
like any other people.
Ifthey don't get it
a new Saladin will rise up...
Those terrorists launch the attacks!
Listen, shmendrik, if Israel
were to disappear with its A-bomb
and ifthe Nazis came back,
you'd act a lot less proud then,
you pro-Palestinian!
- Cut it out, Maurice!
- Who said that?
Colonization engenders terrorism,
not the opposite!
l'll find myself
a nice little Palestinian girl
and shag her!
l'll shag her!
Allah wakhbar!.
No way!
Why don't theyiust
strip completely?
Give me a break!
- My sister has lovely knockers.
- Pervert!
No, it sucks. l hated it.
It's totally useless.
Was the nude part planned?
lt's pathetic.
How could you agree to do it?
l mean,
it does nothing for the show.
l loved it!
Belt up, you pervert!
They pay you more
to get your tits out?
What's wrong? You're not on stage.
But anyierk can ogle
my son's mother's tits!
l found it poetic and original.
Too bad you kept your panties.
Shut the hell up, Jorge!
The headmistress wants to see us.
Your son has a bad influence
on the other kids.
They play Nazis and Jews at break.
At least they're acting out.
l hope the headmistress
will find that funny too.
Maybe she can ''act out'' too.
You see her.
l'm not seeing that cow.
She hasn't even read Dolto.
lt's youriob.
Nazis and Kapos are
your dad's stories. You see to it.
Even if she hasn't read Dolto!
When will you grow up?
Karl, a friend.
You don't know Karl?
He's really cool.
A law degree, a swimming champ
and he skates like a god.
Yeah? Wild.
l'll leave you to it.
For you...
The Bamboo Whistle.
The Chinese Barrow.
Sucking the Mango.
Coitus of a Cow.
Coito de un toro.
Pia Colada.
Tudo bom.
Weaving a Creeper...
All right, Mr Konianski?
Sory, doctor, l dozed off.
l have insomnia
because ofthese damn tests.
My heart's broken too,
but it's not your crap pills.
We've had other complaints.
We'll probably halt the tests.
Are my father's pills, BX 012,
on sale in America?
Yes. The molecule
is already being used
experimentally in the USA.
What does experimentally mean?
Doctors can prescribe it
in certain conditions.
To treat what?
To treat rare lung conditions.
As a last resort.
Has your father...
ever suffered from the cold?
l'm sory, Mr Konianski.
We don't want to make Gaza
a gatellite of lran.
Most weapons in Gaza
come from lran.
Humanitaian groups can't woh
foriust three houn a day.
The inhabitantg are temfied.
to meet the most urgent needs.
You should be in bed.
Simon, you unworthy son!
Did you call
Mrs Hirschfeld's granddaughter
to apologize for the other evening?
l was ashamed ofyou.
For you my son.
Keep this in yourwaIIet
and you'II succeed.
We thought you'd need company.
Hello, Mala.
Hello, Maurice.
l'm sory your brother passed away.
My condolences.
Hadrien, say hello.
l don't want them.
l want Grandpa and his pistol.
lll-mannered little boy...
Let's get an ice cream together.
It's wiser.
- Fancy one?
- Yes!
What about us?
Let's go.
Where's Grandpa?
lt's good being together.
lt makes you wonder
why Mum left Dad.
What's so great
about her Brazilian faiy?
He's mad! Help, Hadrien!
Help, Hadrien!
Stop it!
Why Ostrof?
Ostrow. Where is this dump?
ln Ukraine,
He wants to be buried
among those anti-Semites?
We were born there.
And his first wife died there too.
What first wife?
She died young.
We won't talk about it now.
Dad had a first wife?
How come l don't know?
Did they have kids?
l iust asked you something.
No, they didn't have kids.
We can't talk about it now.
Sammy is a busy man.
Who was she? What was her name?
Why be buried with her?
How should l know?
Your father was always a bit odd.
How come no one told me?
Shut up, Simon!
We'll tell you some other time.
ln Ukraine...
Getting a body
all that way isn't easy.
We'll need an air ambulance.
Danny? Rebenski here.
What have we got for Kiev?
El Al...
No, not Lufthansa.
Air Austria...
And Lot?
That much?
Thanks, Danny.
lt's not cheap.
You'll need an ambulance
for at least two days
with the roads there,
the customs papers,
of course.
The burial plot...
The taxes, you can't avoid them...
And all the kickbacks.
People there won't go
out oftheir way to help.
Why don't you buy him here?
Or in Israel?
Someone iust dropped out.
A really lovely spot.
A plot on the Mount of Olives.
Nice and quiet. In Jerusalem.
l can give you a good price.
Call it a last-minute offer.
These are a dead man's last wishes,
Mr Sammy.
lt'll cost you 30,000 euros.
That's way too much!
Ostrof isn't cheap.
l never met or even know about!
What do you want to know?
l want to know evemhing.
All right.
Your father had
a first wife in Poland.
But it didn't last long.
We can go to Ostrow by car.
lt'll be easier
and a lot cheaper too.
l'm not going
to Ukraine with you two!
Think for a second.
We can share the fuel costs
between the three of us.
Plus we speak Russian and Polish.
Can you even take a body to Ukraine?
Don't wory, Simon.
Sammy's a friend ofthe family.
He'll sort the paperwork out.
Ok, but l want to know
all about Dad and Sarah.
We'll tell you all about it
on the way, ok?
What an idea,
bringing your son
on a trip like this.
lf it's a problem,
l can take you back to Brussels.
Did his mother agree
to let him come with us?
Of course.
Who do you think l am?
l don't think it's right
for a child.
All right, Mala.
Back to our stoy.
We're in Ostrof.
Ok, we're in Ostrow,
iust before the war, Dad's young,
he meets this Sarah...
What year was it again?
Know what?
We won't talk about this now.
You need to concentrate on the road.
Look, it's dark out there.
Let me get some sleep.
lt's a diesel engine.
lt's a vintage car
and not easy to drive.
l can drive anything, Simon.
l even drove a tank once.
Watch the gears.
l changed the box two weeks ago.
It cost 700 euros.
Cut it out.
l was driving
before your father could walk.
Hury up, we can't stay here,
they're going to notice us.
Calm down, Maurice! Calm down!
That's a great disguise.
No one will ever spot you.
Ok, Mala,
now l'm not driving, tell me.
This Sarah...
l'm too tired now.
l'll tell you tomorrow, l promise.
l'm going to sleep now.
You tell me. You were there too.
Look, l have to concentrate
on the road.
l can't do two things at once.
You're a damn drag
with this shim secret.
Watch your mouth, Simon!
What happened?
That idiot in his SS boots
said l was doing
You were doing 140?
l can't see your speedometer,
it's too small.
He wanted my papers, that shmok!
He wanted my licence
but l have nothing on me.
All l have on me is my Beretta.
Think l want them to know who l am?
So they can hand me over
to the Stasi or the Poles?
You have a gun on you?
l always cary a loaded gun.
Put that away!
Put it away right now!
l still have my gun, see.
Put it away!
They should give me money,
those damn bastards!
Maurice, slow down!
Your brother and sister piss me off.
How did you put up with them?
Hear this racket?
Hadien swimming tomomow
What's going on?
Hello, son.
Am l dreaming?
l'm really touched
you've come all the way to Poland
with my little Schmuli.
But there's one thing
l'd like more than anything.
Get yourself a real iob.
After good health, that's
the most important thing in life.
A good iob.
lncredible, even dead
he's pissing me off.
Dad, you're dead.
What the hell do you care now?
Listen, my son,
l'm sick of worying about you.
So, please, make me happy.
Find yourself a proper job.
At your age, l had my own store.
l designed a fabric...
Please, l know
the alpaca stoy by heart.
Find something, Simon.
lf not for yourself or for me,
do it for your son.
Dad, when l was a boy,
Mum and you weren't exactly rich.
But we were happy.
Your mother
was a wonderful woman, Simon.
Not like that dancer
you dream of going back to.
You can talk,
with your dumb secrets.
Who is this Sarah anyway?
Because ofthat dancer,
my grandson isn't circumcised.
That was my decision.
It's far too barbaric.
Answer my question. Who's Sarah?
Barbaric! Barbaric, he says!
has been around 5,000 years
but my son the genius
has decided it's barbaric!
l had the guts to stop it.
My son's complete.
Enough ofthis nonsense.
No, Dad, wait...
Wake up!
No way...
Get up, you idler, it's 8:30.
How long will you sleep?
- Get up, Dad.
- Too much sleep is bad for you!
l want to sleep.
lch will ghlufent
We were driving all day
and you two snored like walruses.
Mala and l will drive then.
Fucking hell!
You really got me! 8:30...
Ty that again
and you'll hitchhike back.
Don't phone and drive, Simon.
lt's too dangerous.
Who are you?
lt's Mrs Hirschfeld.
Give me the phone.
Hello, Gitla? How are you?
That old bat has my number?
l never take my mobile
with me abroad. It costs too much.
So, tell me...
Have you seen Dr Goldbeter?
Two minutes, Mala.
Good, isn't he?
Know what the Poles
gave us for dinner yesterday?
Stuffed cabbage.
Yes, and they put lard in it.
lt wasn't at all bad, you know.
Enough! Give me the phone!
l have to go.
Give me the phone!
l'll call you back.
My nephew's a bit on edge.
Give me the phone!
Yes, the pro-Palestinian one.
l didn't tell her to take vitamins.
You're incredible!
Let me tell you a stoy, Simon,
about what happened
after the Krauts occupied our town.
l was caught
in a round-up with a pal.
They took us to this fancy house
where some rich fellow used to live.
The Gestapo had moved in there.
You should have seen them.
Strapping men.
The others gave us boots to clean.
They were gone by morning
and only one was left.
At one point, he said,
''Come here.''
l went but l couldn't look at him.
He was a superior race, see.
After the war...
Are you listening?
l met pals who weren't with me.
They had been in Russia
as partisans.
Those fellows knew howto drink.
What did they do to a guy?
They got a ierycan full of petrol,
they bought rotten hooch,
put it in there, made us drink it...
The state l was in, Simon.
You've no idea.
For a week, l couldn't comb my hair
because ofthe electricity in it.
Where's Hadrien? He isn't at school.
Is he sick?
ln Poland?
With Mala and Maurice?
You've lost your mind!
You kidnap my son and go to Poland?
l haven't kidnapped him.
Don't overreact.
We'll be back after we buy Grandpa.
Buy Grandpa?
You realize what you're saying?
You're crazy! Hadrien's only six!
Calm down. He wanted to come.
l knewyou wouldn't agree.
Talk to your mother.
Hello, Mum?
Are you ok, sweetheart?
Don't wory,
Mum will get you home soon.
Don't wory.
l don't want to come home!
l want to send Grandpa
on his journey.
l want to stay with Dad, Mala,
Maurice and Grandpa.
He wants to stay with us.
l need him to be here with us.
l want him to stay. Please.
Get my son back here fast.
Or l'll cut your custody rights,
call the cops,
cut off your balls and feed
them to you
to stop you pissing me off!
- Hey, l respect you.
- She agreed, you said?
Cut it out!
Of course l'm not talking to you!
l think you're fabulous,
divine, magnificent...
Sexy and all that, fantastic,
and not a ball-buster.
l don't want to go home!
And you said she agreed!
You kidnapped Hadrien
and now we're accomplices
to kidnapping.
Exactly, Auntie.
Add illegal transport of a corpse.
That's a capital offence in Ukraine.
You can hang for it.
Ty to be reasonable.
Take the boy home to his mother.
The poor woman will go mad.
She's already mad!
Why defend her? You can't stand her.
l don't hate her. Not at all.
All the same, l'm glad
you're not together anymore.
What if she really
does call the police?
Shit, he's not going to start now!
Dad, was Mum really angy?
Mum is a bit angy, yes.
Dad's a bit angy too. Eveyone is.
Being angy can be good.
When you're not angy anymore,
you're less angy and feel better.
Why Lublin? You're hungy again?
We have family here.
Could you be a little more positive?
Stop moaning
and complicating things.
We're fetching the stone.
What stone?
Your father's gravestone.
You can't buy him without a stone!
What is this Jewish nuthouse?
Simon, don't be so negative.
Tevi, my cousin,
has invited us here.
We'll pick up the stone tomorrow.
l knewyour father well.
We fought together
against the Germans
with the Russians.
We were young.
l wasn't 16.
We were members of a youth brigade
of Jewish Communists.
What year was that?
l don't remember exactly.
Did you know
my father's first wife, Sarah?
Oh, yes!
And? What?
Did you know my father's first wife?
Who on earth is Martha Feiermann?
Do you know
what a stone like this costs?
He'll flip it over
and engrave another name on it.
Where's it from? Did you steal it?
Certainly not.
The Feiermanns changed their minds.
They want pink marble.
Those people are such snobs.
Orchestra conductors
for generations...
Two tons of stone in my car...
It'll wreck my suspension.
Over my dead body!
Simon, that car was in Lublin.
Don't start again, Maurice.
lt's already bad enough
without the Stasi.
What's the Stasi?
Friends of Maurice's, sweetheart.
You're using the phone again?
lt's dangerous!
Especially with the stone.
Where are you?
l knew it!
l knew you wouldn't turn back!
l iust saw my brother's lawyer,
Lopez Garcia.
He's calling the police.
Don't lie.
Evey border will have your photo.
Turn back
or you'll end up in a Polish jail.
Fine... Hadrien will have
a father in jail.
Did you think of him
before bringing that Garcia guy in.
Hadrien's my son too.
l can make decisions without you.
No, l won't put him on!
Screwyour Garcia lawyer guy.
Yeah, Interpol,
the Stasi, the FBl...
Screwthem all!
l'm an immature kid?
Yeah, l'm immature.
You're a fucking
self-centred egotist!
The world has to revolve around you!
Go to Brazil with Karl,
l don't give a shit!
What? That's brilliant!
Get married! Go ahead!
No way will you take Hadrien.
He's my son, he's staying!
Yeah, fuck you!
Fuck you and the Brazilian
dancing fool!
Fucking hell!
There, that's the way
to speak to that goy.
She'll realize now
she's not right for you.
You spoke well, Simon.
Don't let yourself be ruled
by some goy
who cheated on you with a darkie.
After the war ended,
once we were able
to start eating again...
That's enough!
Get out ofthis car, both ofyou!
l'm sick of it!
Get the hell out!
l don't want to get out...
Fucking hell!
You're 5km from Lublin.
Hitch a ride, get a train,
l'll cary on alone.
- What's that? Shall we go in?
- No, wiser not to.
But what is it?
lt's where Grandpa was a prisoner.
lt's not a good idea.
Fat Kapo Michal was here?
That's right.
Come on, it's not for children.
But l want to go in!
Hadrien! Come back here right now!
- Schmuli!
- Fat Kapo Michal!
You don't run in a camp!
Where are you? This isn't funny!
What are you so frightened of, son?
- Dad...
- l wanted to say l'm proud ofyou.
Proud you brought my grandson here.
l know how hard it was.
lt's good that you see for yourself.
Why are you here?
This is where we hid
when the Germans wanted
to transfer us to Auschwitz.
This is Dan Salesmann,
my old friend.
Remember, l told you about him
and his crooked back.
He didn't make it,
like the others.
Just think!
Your son's a fine man.
Does he have a girlfriend?
ls he married? Any children?
Spare me... An uncircumsised son
with a goy dancer!
And before they even married,
they split up!
My son,
you've no idea how happy l am
that you came here
with my little Schmuli.
Schmuli! Where were you?
Come on, let's go.
Friendly guys...
lt's all in Russian.
Shit, my car...
They'll turn it into a Lada
at this rate.
What do you think
they're looking for?
No idea.
Stay right here, ok.
Where's that rabbit from?
From the camp where Grandpa
was a prisoner during the war.
Why didn't you tell Dad?
We'll catch a duck
and eat it for supper.
To think he abandoned us
at the side ofthe road,
the meshuge!
You know,
l think he has a broken heart.
That's why he's a meshuge.
Believe me.
Damn rabbit!
Honestly, Schmuli...
Dad's had enough ofyour rabbit.
lt's making him sneeze a lot.
Dad must be allergic.
Open your windowthen.
lt's raining!
l don't believe this road.
We'll keep it a bit, then let it go.
No way. Michal is staying with us.
Why call it Michal?
Like Kapo Michal.
Give me a break with Kapo Michal.
Find another name.
Michal is a dumb name.
l'll call it Karl then!
All right, stick to Michal.
Ok, Schmuli?
Are you ok?
Give me your hand.
Are you ok?
Yes, sweetheart, l'm fine.
Shit, my car! l don't believe it.
Fucking hell!
Dad, we forgot my rabbit.
Never mind.
l'll buy you another in Belgium.
You look really smart like that.
l hope those dumb Lubavitchers
weren't wrong.
ls it far, Dad?
Are you keeping...
- Are you keeping the yarmulke?
- Yes!
Grandpa's fallen off!
ls Grandpa's honey in there?
And so he's travelling with her
forever now?
Why put them in a hole
ifthey're travelling forever?
lt's so we can remember them.
This is a place
where we can think about them.
lt's too far to come here often.
Dad, is E.T. buried here?
l don't think he's Jewish.
He must be buried on his planet.
They don't have burials
on his planet.
What do they do then?
l don't now.
Maybe they let them rot away.
Not a bad idea.
Hi, son.
You made it here at last. Mazel rov!
l'm proud ofyou.
Stop sneaking up on me.
l can't help it. l'm a ghost.
Vey funny.
ls it true about Sarah?
She's why you wanted to come here?
Who is she? Were you really married?
She was the prettiest woman
around here.
She had a lovely pair of breasts...
They all wanted to mary her
but l'm the one who got her.
l loved her so much.
But she died too young,
just after the war ended.
She fell in the river.
She caught a chill and died.
lt broke my heart.
For a vey long time.
That's why l wory about you,
my son.
l know you.
Your heart's fragile like mine
and l'm worried that dancer
will break your heart.
lt's a terrible thing.
But enough ofthat.
l'll be seeing Sarah tomorrow.
She won't believe it when l turn up.
What about Mum?
l loved your mother vey much too.
Thanks to her, l had you.
But she wasn't prem, poor thing,
and she really got on my nerves!
Now l'm dead,
l'm going to be with Sarah.
l really have to go now.
Don't wory, son.
Bye, Dad.
Who is it now? Who is it?
Hold on, l can't hear you.
Shit, my battey's dead.
Pick up that talisman, Simon.
lt contains
the Great Solomon's psalms.
Hello, Corazon?
lt's over, we're at Lvov airport,
heading back.
Call off Interpol
and your Garcia lawyer guy.
l know it's not funny.
l'm a bastard?
Ok, fine, l am a bastard.
About shared custody...
We'll talk about it later.
l want to take him to the sea
this weekend. Can l keep him?
You want to come too? What for?
What about Karl?
You don't care? Great...
You bet, you threatened me
with prison, remember?
Sure l'm pissed off.
Ok, l'll take back what l said.
Stop yelling in Spanish, please.
lt's a really good idea.
l should have asked you.
So don't come.
You'd have ruined the day anyway.
Ok, l'll take that back. l'm sory.
Yes, l'm sory.
Coming anyway?
Yes, l'd like that.
l'd really like that.
Shit! l have to go! Take care.
l don't believe it!
Sir... Please, sir...