Simple Plan, A (1998)

Hey, Tom.
Remember we talked about
me getting off early today?
Family obligation
Man: Hey, Hank!
Hey, Happy New Year,
Hey, Linda,
happy New Year.
Happy New Year.
Hey, where you
guys going?
Sledding! Sledding!
Hey, can I come?
No! No!
Ohh... please!
Hey, Carl.
Hey, happy
new year, Hank.
You gotta start charging
people for that.
Ha ha ha!
Yeah, it'd pay better
than the county does.
Honey, it's me.
How you feelin'
Hey. Good.
Oh, my gosh.
He was sure kickin'
a lot today.
Looks like it's gonna be
a long afternoon for you.
He brought Lou along.
Oh, great.
Yeah. I'll just be
lyin' here, relaxing.
Ha ha ha!
Hey, Jacob!
What's he
doing here?
He needed
a ride home.
Little out of
the way, isn't it?
We can drop him off
when we're done.
You know? It's
no big deal, Hank.
What's the big deal,
Hey, you know, you need
to shovel this shit
Off of your, uh...
Whatchacallit deal there.
I'll pay you
a quarter to do it.
I could use it.
Ha ha!
Look at Lou.
Here, hold this,
will you?
Wanna put it
back there?
No, no,
it's gonna wilt.
say hi to-
You didn't say hi
to Mary Beth.
Oh, yeah.
Hi, Mary Beth.
He said hi,
Mary Beth.
Hank said hi.
Hi, Lou.
Come here.
Somebody else
was here.
Oh, I brought those.
Well... what the hell
do you think, Hank?
This is the only day
we can come here?
What the hell's
wrong with you?
Hey, Jacob!
I'm writing
my name!
Hang on a second!
Let me get mrs. Johnson
out here!
I'll help you out.
Lou: You know what
the guy says?
Jacob: Says it's
the crock pot-
Or, uh, crock box?
No, no.
Pay attention now-
Oh, no, that's
the preacher, see?
This is the cowboy.
He says "moo. "
No, no. It's the guy
standing by the road.
He says, "Why, officer,
it's just a pineapple."
Ha ha ha!
Ha ha!
You get it?
Well, Mr. Accountant
doesn't get it.
Ha ha ha ha...
Look out!
You OK, baby?
Go on, get out!
Look at that,
My truck.
Come on, get out.
Mary Beth!
She's gonna
come back.
Hey, what
are you doing?
It's a nature preserve.
You know that.
So what?
So you can't
hunt here.
Come on, put
the gun back.
But it-but it
messed up my truck.
So what?
Come on.
Hey, hey, Hank...
It's not like
we're huntin' here.
Uh-uh. We're
collectin' the dead.
That's right.
We're collecting
the dead.
Just look
at him...
He runs like
my wife.
Hey, come on,
wait up!
Come on, I'm not dressed
for this shit!
Mary Beth!
Jesus! Look at
all them birds.
Those things are always
waitin' on something to die
So they can eat it,
What a weird job.
Wish we had
something to drink.
be prepared.
Oh, that's
a good idea.
Let's all start
drinking now.
See there?
See how he is?
Wonk! Dit-dit...
Like that guy, huh?
Wonk! Dit-dit.
You want some?
I'm not thirsty.
What, you
don't drink
Till after 5:00?
After 5:00,
heh heh.
Or maybe you just
don't wanna share.
You're afraid you'll
catch something
From us, huh?
Hey, Hank.
Hey! Come on,
what are you doing?
Quit jackin' around.
Now, you see...
That's what
you might call
An insinuating
throw. Remember?
You said that to me
last time I saw you.
Coulda just said
"hint," but no.
You had
to put on airs,
Show us all them
fancy words you know.
What, do you sit around,
you think about this stuff?
When was that,
2 months ago?
Kiss my ass.
What the hell
is it?
Jesus Christ.
that's a airplane.
you know what,
It's probably one of
those drunk doctors.
They're always crashing
their plane, you know?
Lou: Yeah, it must've
come down right there.
See all them
broken trees, Jake?
It's too dark.
I can't see.
Scrape some of that snow
off the windshield.
Lou:... can't see
a damn thing.
Door's stuck.
Jacob: Probably
a singer or something.
Lou: Still can't see
nothin' here.
Still can't see
Can't see
a damn thing.
I see the pilot!
What's he
talking about?
Said somebody's
in there.
Are you OK?
Hey. Hey, buddy...
Aah! Whoaaa...
Ah! Aah! Aah!
Hey, get-get off!
Lou: What the hell
is going on..?
Aah! Ohh!
Oh, God!
Hey, lemme
outta here.
Good grief, Hank.
Let me get this
off of him. Here...
Hank, did you-
did you-
Did you see-did you
see all them birds?
Did I see the birds?
Come on, help me
get outta here.
Hank, put that
on your eye.
You tore your coat,
you know.
Oh, my God...
Oh, my God!
Look at this!
Oh, my God!
How much you think
is in here?
God almighty!
These are $100 bills!
The whole bag's
full of 'em!
Is this-is it
ha ha! Real money, Lou?
Oh, hell, yes,
it's real.
Don't be stupid.
Why would somebody
be flying around
With this kind
of cash?
You know what? I bet
it's drug money.
That's probably
I bet you're what it is. Right.
This guy's
a dope dealer
Because that's
what they do.
They fly around in
these little planes.
I guaran-damn- tee you.
This is dirty money.
That's right.
I saw it
on 20/20.
"dirty money"?
What do you mean?
Are you telling me
it's counterfeit?
Oh, no.
No, no, no.
No, this
is real.
Whatever it is,
it's a police matter now.
What do you think
we should do?
Somebody should
stay here,
Somebody should go
after the cops?
How you wanna
what? Work it?
Let's think
this through.
Hold on!
What if we didn't
turn it in?
You wanna keep it?
Ha ha ha!
He wants to keep it.
that's a hot one.
Why wouldn't we?
Why wouldn't we?
Because we'd go
to prison. Why?
Why? Because
it's stealing.
Stealing from who?
From him? Hell,
he won't mind.
Heh heh...
Oh, 'cause he's
dead, right? Ha ha ha!
Ha ha! That's
pretty funny-
He's dead.
He won't mind.
I say we take this bag
back to the truck,
And we pretend like
we were never here.
Fuck yeah.
Why not?
Why not? Because
we'd get caught.
Aw, hell! I'll
tell you what.
Stay the hell
out of it then.
You know, we
don't need you.
It'd just be more
money for us.
Hey, I don't wanna stump you
another fancy word, Lou,
But does the term "accomplice"
mean anything to you?
Come on. That's stupid.
But, Hank, why
would we get caught?
Because it's a lot
of money.
Somebody's bound
to be looking for it.
When they find
that plane
And the money's
not in it,
They'll come
bullshit! Looking for us. Bullshit!
This is
dirty money!
And as far as that
guy's concerned,
The cops don't even
know he exists.
Nobody knows
about this...
But us.
See there?
Nobody knows
but us.
It's like we came
out here on a hike,
And found lost treasure.
It's the American dream
in a goddamn gym bag.
He-he just wants
to walk away from it.
You work for
the American dream.
You don't steal it.
Then this is
even better.
If this guy's
a dope dealer,
Then-like we're
talkin' about-
Then that means we're
like Robin Hood.
Oh, yeah, and I'll
tell you what.
You got a beautiful
wife at home.
You're about
to have a baby.
I know you ain't
pullin' down that much
At the feed mill.
Wouldn't you love to
have a piece of this?
Hell, yes, I would,
but we can't just take it.
Hey, what if
there's a reward?
Maybe there's a reward,
and they'll give-
Maybe there's not!
How about this.
I tell you what.
I'll bet you
Just one of
these packets-
That when they
find this plane,
There's no mention
of this money.
Hank, why-
why turn it in
Until we know
whether or not
lookin' for it?
That's right.
If you scratch,
then don't-don't itch.
If you-if it's-
If it's broken,
don't fix it. Right?
Or if you-if-if-
if the-if-if-if-
And I know
what you mean.
Suppose I was
the one to keep it?
For how long?
Just till spring,
till they find the plane.
Then what?
Then, if you're right and
nobody mentions the money,
We split it up,
and we all leave town.
Why should you
get to hold it?
That's the only way
I'll do it.
Otherwise we can just
turn it in right now.
So, what, you mean-
You don't trust us?
Is that what you mean?
That's a lot of money.
I guess I don't.
Look, no-no promises.
If somebody comes searching
For the money,
I'll burn it.
I'll burn it,
listen, and that's it. Hank...
No. That's the only way
I'll do this!
Look, we gotta be
agreed on this.
That's the deal.
That's the deal.
I hold onto it, we wait
till they find the plane.
If nobody mentions it,
We split it up,
and we move away.
I'm in.
We count it
That's probably
a good idea.
I mean, you know...
Heh heh heh...
Heh heh...
Heh heh...
This is nuts.
Oh, my God...
Hey, what you gonna
buy, Jakey boy?
I'm gonna buy me
a truck.
No. Fuck that.
Get something
Oh, yeah, in my wildest
fuckin' dreams, a Trans-am.
You could buy a fleet
of Trans-ams.
Mary Beth!
Mary Beth!
Where the hell
have you been?
Where you
been, huh?
There's shoes
for baby, ha ha!
Lou:... 4,350,000,
Isn't that great?
Listen to that.
Look at that shit, man.
Look how square it is.
That is cool, huh?
How much is that
About a million
and a...
A million
and what? Shh!
A million and
a half? What?
Shh! You
hear that?
Oh, shit.
Get in the truck.
I'll handle this.
Go on!
Hank: Let's go!
Come on, cover up
the money!
Jake, get
in the truck!
Dummy up.
Let's go!
Come on!
Hey, Carl.
Engine trouble,
Oh, I wish.
Dog trouble.
Jacob's mutt chased
a fox into the woods.
She tree it?
We thought so, but just
when we went after it,
She came running back.
What'd you do
to your head there?
Oh. God, uh...
Heh. Ran into
a tree branch.
Your brother
still out of work?
Yeah, him, too.
That's a shame,
ain't it?
Well, we probably better
be heading back-
Hey, hello, Jacob!
Hey, Carl,
how you doin'?
Good, good.
I was beginning
to think
You were trying
to avoid me.
I'm sorry?
Well, you sittin'
over there in that truck.
I thought you was
trying to avoid me.
No. Just sittin'
in the truck.
It's a little cold
out here, you know.
Just keepin' warm.
Well, we probably
better be-
Did you tell him
about the plane?
It sou-sounded
like a plane.
What plane?
What, you heard
a plane?
Uh... I don't know
what he heard.
You know he's always
hearing shit.
Maybe you better
tell me, Jacob.
No, that's OK.
We're gonna
get on home.
All right.
All right.
Come on, man.
It's new year's!
Let's get outta here.
call me, Carl.
Happy new year.
Sure you don't
need any help?
No, we're all set.
All right.
goddamn it!
I've seen you do some
pretty stupid things, Jacob,
But that pretty much
takes the cake!
It was my idea.
Oh, well, that's
brilliant, Lou.
Now when they find
the plane,
And they realize
the money's gone,
They'll know right off
who took it.
Well, that's-
That's what's cool
about it, though.
I mean, we wouldn't
tell somebody
If we were the ones
that did it.
It's not like he said
That you actually saw
a plane going down.
Just you thought you
might've heard one
With engine trouble.
You want me to
burn the money?!
I am not going
to prison over this!
If it looks like there's
even the slightest chance
Of us getting caught,
I swear to God,
it's all gonna vanish!
You understand?
"it was a pineapple."
Hee hee hee hee hee...
Oh, God...
This is gonna be fun.
Woman: Where the hell
have you been?!
You come when
I'm always finished.
I'm finished,
you asshole!
Hey, Nancy!
Don't hit-
Don't hit
Mary Beth.
nobody knows about this.
That includes Nancy.
She'll have to find out
about it sooner or later.
She'll wonder where all
the money's coming from.
2 hours late!
Ow! Stop it!
Tell her when we decide
it's safe to keep it,
But not before then.
Then the same goes
for Sarah.
Of course.
Damn it!
Nancy: Come on!
You promised to
shovel the walk,
You lazy son
of a bitch!
Calm down, baby.
I got a good reason
for being late. What?
See you, Lou!
You know, I bet
he's telling her.
That guy can't
keep a secret.
Hey, honey.
Where you been?
I was starting to get
worried about you.
Sorry I'm late.
Oh, that's all right.
What happened to your head?
It's OK. It's
just a scratch.
It's all bloody.
Can I ask you something?
Yeah, sure.
What if you were
walking in the woods-
It's not deep.
And you found
a bag full of money,
Let's say $4 million...
Would you keep it?
Of course not.
Here, hold that.
How come?
Well, for starters,
it'd be stealing.
We were talking about
lost money here,
Nobody's looking for it.
$4 million
of lost money...
That nobody's
yeah. Looking for?
Well, so then
whose money is it?
It's my money?
But whose money
was it before?
A bank robber's.
So then it's
the bank's money.
All right, it's, uh,
A drug dealer's.
It was-
I mean, this is
really silly.
Obviously you want me to say
something in particular.
I don't know what it is,
But you want me
to agree with you
Or say that you're right
or something.
But I wouldn't take it.
That's just me. I wouldn't.
It's real.
If we keep it,
we never have to worry
About money again.
But we don't have to worry
about money now, Hank.
You've got a good job.
We don't need it.
Yeah, but nobody gets
hurt by us keeping it.
I mean, that's
what makes it a crime,
Doesn't it?
Somebody getting hurt?
What makes it
a crime
Is that it's
against the law.
It doesn't matter if
somebody gets hurt
Or if they don't.
If you get caught,
you go to jail.
gonna get caught.
The money's the only evidence
That we've done anything wrong.
We sit on it,
we see what happens.
If somebody comes
searching for it,
Then we just burn it
and that will be that.
There's no risk.
We'll always be
in control.
What about
Jacob and Lou?
As long as we're
handling the money
They have to let us
call the shots.
It seems... crazy
Just to give it up.
I mean, before we know if
anybody's searching for it.
TV: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6,
This is it.
It ain't champagne,
But Happy New Year.
You have to go back and
return some of the money.
A lot. Like 500,000.
You see, that way
when they find the plane
They'll assume nobody's
been there yet.
It'll put us beyond
No one would walk away
from that much money-
Wait a second.
We're gonna keep
the rest?
You'll have to go
in the morning
So when it storms later
it'll cover your tracks.
You can't tell Jacob
What, do you think he'd
go back and take it?
It's-it's just
being careful.
That's what we have
to be from now on.
We have to be careful.
We have to be thinking ahead
all the time.
Jacob, come on,
open up.
Hey, I screwed up,
I moved the pilot.
Come on, we gotta go put
him back like he was.
Come on,
I need a lookout.
If somebody comes by,
You pretend you're
changing the tire.
You know,
that's not gonna work.
What do you mean
it's not gonna work?
Nobody's gonna believe
that. It's not flat.
You're kinda crafty.
I observe things.
Observe and learn,
my friend.
Observe and learn.
That's cool.
Jacob, what happened,
she die on you?
No, we had a flat.
We had a flat tire.
I fixed it. See? The
new one's on there now.
I took the other one,
the bad one,
And put it in the trunk.
It's back there now,
flat as a pancake.
But it's cool now.
Everything's all right.
You see that God damned fox
come by here about 5 minutes ago
Heading right on down
to the woods?
No, I didn't see a fox.
I didn't see any fox.
Well, if you'd been
standing where I'm sitting
He'd have bit you
on the ass.
Jacob: Why don't
you stay here?
Hey, Hank.
Don't do anything
Don't do it.
No. Don't do it.
Oh, God...
Jesus, Jacob,
What the fuck?!
I- I-I-I hit-
I hit the farmer.
He was tracking
a fox. I-I- Dwight.
He was gonna go right
by the plane.
I had to do something.
I was just trying to
help us out.
Just listen-listen
to his-to his heart
Or something like that.
Come on, man, listen.
You gotta do it-you-
He's-he's gonna be OK.
Oh, God, Jacob,
I think you killed him.
I'm pretty sure
he's gonna be OK.
What else was I gonna do?
Oh, God. He's dead.
Oh, Hank,
that's not right.
No, we could probably-
we could probably do-
We could probably do-
We can probably do
that cpr deal.
And you know,
you could do that, uh,
Cardiac arrest thing,
couldn't you?
We could do something.
God damn it!
Jacob, what
the hell you doing?
God damn it!
Stop it!
Come on!
I'm working cpr.
God damn it,
stop it!
Come on! Come on!
Be still.
Let me think.
OK, we can't panic.
Have any cars gone by?
Uh, cars?
Cars, cars,
come on, think.
While I was in the woods,
you see any cars go by?
Why, Hank?
Oh, God. Oh.
All right.
We gotta make this look
like it was an accident.
Come on.
Come on. An accident?
Grab his legs.
Wait, wait, wait.
We can't-
We can't do that.
Come on.
We can't do that.
What do you mean
we can't do it?
Because we're gonna
make tracks
And they're gonna see
them and follow 'em. OK.
It's gonna be like
a crime scene or something.
We're gonna drive the
car back to the bridge.
I'll put him
on the snowmobile
And take him
through the park.
You gotta get there
ahead of me.
So whatever you do, I
don't want you to stop.
I want you to just drive
on by then circle back.
I don't want people to
see you sitting there.
Circle back?
That's right.
That's right.
Come on,
come on now.
They're not gonna
take me away, are they?
You gotta promise me-
Nobody's gonna take
you away, I promise.
But we gotta hurry.
It's gonna be OK,
right, Hank?
Come on. We gotta go.
You gonna be there,
I'm gonna be there.
Now just go.
Your brother.
He hit me.
You call the police.
Get the police.
Jacob, what
are you doing?
Come on before
anybody sees.
I'm not gonna
what? Do this.
Well, it's
just stupid.
I mean, if-
See, if we cover it up
It's just gonna be
worse anyhow.
So, you know,
I'm-I'm just-
Get in the car.
I'm just gonna go and
pull him out, you know?
We're just gonna tell
everybody the truth.
Just gonna tell 'em
about the money
And everything and just
say that I-that I-
You're gonna
leave tracks.
Wait a minute.
This is
my decision.
Not yours.
You didn't kill him.
We both did.
What are you
talking about, Hank?
He was alive when you left.
I smothered him.
I guess that makes it
my decision.
It's gonna be OK.
I mean, it looked real.
And even if-I mean,
let's say it didn't
Look like an accident.
Whatever. I mean...
Why would anyone
think of us?
Your tracks lead
right to the plane.
But it's gonna snow.
Any minute now, it's
gonna start snowing.
Was there any blood?
Jacob hit him. Was
there blood anywhere?
Did he get blood
on anything?
Was there blood
on the road or-or-
I don't remember.
Did you look?
I looked,
But I-I just don't-
It was all hap-
Honey, it's gonna snow.
It's gonna snow
And everything's gonna
be covered up.
All the tracks-
TV: He was apparently
trying to cross
Along this bank of snow
When his snowmobile
slipped over the edge
Throwing him into the icy
waters of Anders creek.
Wright county deputies
recovered the body
Shortly before
4:00 this afternoon.
A tragic beginning
to this new year
For one local family.
Back to you, Paul.
Thanks, Tracy.
I wish you hadn't
told Jacob.
I wish he still thought
that he did it.
Does it scare you?
Yeah, it scares me.
What if he tells somebody?
I mean, what I did.
What you did?
Well, I know that
you only did it
Because you felt trapped.
That you couldn't
find any other way.
Would you have done
the same thing?
I mean, if you'd been
there instead of me?
I- I-I just need to
know if it's possible.
Oh, honey.
You listening to me,
Every Monday I come down
here, buy 2 bags of feed
Regular as clock work.
2 bags of wheat
4 times a month.
That's 8 bags I'm supposed
to be billed for.
I don't know how else
to get through to you.
December started
on a Monday, Mr. Schmitt.
So there were 5 Mondays
in the month.
So you came in here 5-
Are you telling me there
were 5 weeks last month?
No, sir, I'm telling you
there were 5 Mondays.
Excuse me.
I got it.
Jacob: Hey, Hank,
it's me.
Hang on a second.
Listen, check that
calendar over there
If you don't believe me,
I need to talk to you.
Well, I'm a little busy
right now, Jacob.
What is it?
OK, listen, can you
meet me at the farm?
What farm?
Our farm.
Look, uh,
what is it?
On your lunch break.
12:30, OK?
Hey, are we straight
on this, Mr. Schmitt?
Thanks for coming in.
Look, I can't drive
out there right-
Hey, what are you
doing here?
Look out!
Ha ha ha ha ha.
What the hell'd you
drag me out here for?
Listen to this.
I'm gonna buy it back.
I'm gonna fix it up.
I'm gonna rebuild it
Just like it was
before mom and dad died.
Whoa, whoa. Come on, wait, wait.
We've been through all this.
We've been over this.
Once we split up the money,
we've gotta leave.
We have to go.
What do you-what do
you want me to do,
Just like that, just
drive off by myself?
Well, I mean,
suppose you stay.
Where are you gonna tell
people you got the money?
Oh, that's easy.
We just tell people
that Sarah
Inherited some money.
It's easy.
Nobody around here knows
anything about her family.
You guys coulda just
bought the farm, you know,
And then left me to run it.
It's not gonna work.
I thought this was
gonna make you happy.
Farming? Come on.
You don't just buy a farm.
You gotta-you gotta work it.
You gotta know
about machinery and seed.
I know that.
No, you don't.
Fertilizers, pesticides,
Drainage, irrigation,
the weather?
Come on, you don't know
about any of that stuff.
You're gonna end up
just like dad.
Why do you think he
ended up like that?
I'll tell you how he
ended up like that.
He had 2 mortgages riding
on the place.
He couldn't make the payments.
Where do you think
the money went?
He was a bad businessman.
Where do you think
the money went?
No, you think he spent
it all on the farm?
I'll tell you exactly
where the money went.
4 years of college, bud.
Yeah, didn't you ever think
about how he paid for that?
Didn't that ever
occur to you?
No, my tuition was-
Listen, I'm supposed
to get the farm!
What do I get?!
I'm supposed
to get the farm.
You got-you got
the whole world. You can...
I don't wanna hear that.
You can go anywhere
you want.
This is what I want.
This is-this is where
I wanna be.
It's my home, Hank.
Hey, honey.
I wanna show you
What is it?
I got this.
I had it sent over
from the other branch.
Look. Here it is.
"heiress's body ID'd by feds. "
$4.4 million ransom.
You see? This person
nobody knows
Has just disappeared
right into thin air.
Do you recognize one
of them from the plane?
I can't tell.
His face was...
This changes it.
Why is that?
We can't say it isn't
stealing anymore.
Well, Hank, it's
always been stealing.
We just didn't know who
we were stealing from.
We thought it was drug money.
We thought it was money
that we could find-
No, you thought that.
This is good.
I'm glad-
It's good?
Yes, it's good we know
where it's from,
Because I was starting
to get worried.
I thought that it might
be counterfeit or marked.
It might still be marked.
No, it says right here.
Look. Denomination
in unmarked bills.
You see?
You're just being
paranoid, Hank.
It's over. It's good.
Man: Sarah?
Would you
come here, please?
Sure. OK. Just a second.
I'll see you tonight.
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Hey, come on, Hank.
Open up.
What the hell
are you doing?
Hey, Mr. Accountant.
Well, I've come to make
a tiny withdrawal.
Go home. Turn around
and go home right now.
Oh, come on, it's
freezing out here, Hank.
Shh! Keep it down.
Invite me in.
All right,
just for a second.
I don't have time
for this shit.
I gotta get up
and go to work.
I want my share.
I do. I want my share.
I don't have the money here,
And even if I did,
I wouldn't give you any.
Oh, come on, now.
Look, just because
you have it
Doesn't mean it's yours.
Part of that is my money.
Part of it might be
your money...
If we decide to keep it.
The plan was to sit
on the money
Till we decide that
it's safe to keep it.
Why are you coming over here
with this shit?
All right, look.
I'll tell you what.
Just give me
one packet, OK?
Just one packet.
And I'll come back
later for the rest.
Ask me again, and I'll go
burn it tomorrow morning.
Is that clear?
It's a bluff.
Oh, then why don't you
call it then
And just see what happens?
All right. OK.
See, Jacob told me
A little secret,
mister accountant.
I know what happened
to Dwight Stephanson.
You drank too much.
I want one
of those packets.
Well, I told you,
I don't have the money here,
And I hid it away
from the house.
Mm-hmm. Well,
you know what?
It'd be a shame
if somebody
Was to drop a note
to Carl Jenkins
Saying there
might just be
A little something
suspicious about
Dwight Stephanson's
He just drove off
that bridge?
Do you believe that?
Do you?!
Come on. Jesus, Lou.
Remember, you're a thief, too.
We're all in this together.
If one of us goes to jail,
we all do.
Oh, God.
I need my share, Hank.
I do.
I'm broke...
And I owe people money.
Christ, Lou,
I mean wh-wh...
I need some
help here, man.
OK, just wait here.
Here, here.
That's all I got.
Maybe I can go to the bank
And get you a loan out
of our savings.
Look, look, look.
The money's a day's drive
from here.
Even if I wanted go get it,
I can't go get it,
Not till Sarah
has the baby.
A day's drive?!
Yeah, that's right.
I put it in a storage locker
above the interstate.
What the hell is it
doing in a storage-
Shh! It's safe.
Don't worry, all right?
I didn't want it near us
In case we come under
any suspicion.
How the hell's
that gonna happen?
How's that gonna happen?
How about Carl knowing
about the plane, huh?
Who's idea was that?
All right.
But we go get it as
soon as she's done,
Split it up
right there... right?
Hey. I said whoa.
I'm looking
for Hank and Sarah.
I'm sorry.
Oh, God,
look at this.
Jacob: Hello.
Do you have a car seat
In the car you'll be
traveling home in?
Is it currently
Hello, look who's here
Bearing tidings and gifts
and great joy.
Would you sign here?
What do you mean
"gambling"? Where?
At the casino.
He lost some money.
How much?
I don't know
how much.
Shh. Hey,
Woman: Thank you.
Did you see that
little baby?
It looked like
a little tomato.
How could you have
told him that, huh?
I put myself out for you.
What do you do,
you betray me?
What are you
talking about?
What am I talking about?
It's like
there's 2 sides now.
Why are you both always
talking about sides?
There's no sides.
Who's talking about sides?
I'm on both of your sides.
We're all in this
together, man.
If you had to pick right now,
who'd it be?
No, I don't-why would
I wanna pick?
No, I wanna know-
me or Lou?
Good grief, man. I...
I'd pick you.
You're my brother.
I bou-I bought
a present for the baby.
OK-ok, I-I brought it
from the house.
I didn't buy it, but, look,
it's-it's kinda cool.
Just trust me on this one.
You're gonna
like it, I think,
When you see what it is.
God, it's used.
Let me see that.
Oh, my gosh, this was his
when we were kids.
Oh, I guess it's sweet
of him then, isn't it?
Buddy the bear.
Here's your little girl.
Oh, good,
good, good.
Got her?
She's just about ready
for her feeding.
Would you grab
that thing?
Thank you so much.
Thank you.
Hello, little girl.
She's hungry.
I want you to buy
One of those little
tape recorders,
You know, the little
dictating kind,
The kind you can
hide in your pocket?
Why do you want
a tape recorder?
You're gonna tape
Lou confessing
To Stephanson's murder.
What? What are you
talking about?
You and Jacob invite
him out for drinks.
Get him drunk.
You take him back
to his place,
Then you start
joking around,
Kidding about confessing
to the police.
Each of you take a turn
pretending how you'd do it.
You go first, Jacob
second, and Lou last,
And when Lou goes,
you tape him.
Come on,
that's not gonna work.
Jacob helps you.
That's the key.
If Jacob eggs him on,
he'll do it.
Yeah, but even
if he, you know,
Even if he talks on the tape,
it won't mean anything.
I mean, who's ever
gonna believe it?
Well, it doesn't matter
as long as Lou believes it,
As long as he sees that
Jacob's taking your side.
That's all you want.
We should at least try,
shouldn't we?
We can't lose anything
by trying... right?
Hank: Come on,
it's not like
I'm asking you
to do that much.
Here, just pick up the phone
and give him a call
And say, "Hey,
Lou, Hank suggested
We go out drinking
tomorrow night. "
Hank suggested
we go out drinking?
What are talking about?
Will you let me finish?
We suggest we
go out drinking.
You don't ever suggest
we go out drinking.
I'm getting to that.
Let me finish.
I'm saying, tell him I've
agreed to split up the money.
I thought it'd be
a good idea for us
To-to go out and
celebrate first.
So you want me
to trick him?
You want me
to trick Lou?
You want me to
trick my friend?
Do you get what's
happening here?
Do you understand
the seriousness
Of the situation
we're in?
He can put us both
in jail, Jacob.
He's not gonna
send us to jail.
Well, I can't take
that chance,
Not now,
not with the baby.
I can't afford to
go to prison, Jacob.
I mean, wh-what
about Sarah, huh?
Wh-what are
they gonna do?
I'm gonna
have to get rid
Of that christmas tree
out of here.
It's too dry. It's
gonna start a fire-
Would you-would you
pay attention here?
Pay attention.
I'll think about it.
What would dad do?
Don't do that,
please, Hank.
Don't you think he'd
want us to stick together?
Don't-don't say that.
I mean,
you don't know
What the hell
dad would do.
That's fucked up.
Don't bring him up.
What if I was to say
I'd help you get
the farm back, huh?
All right,
I'll help you
buy back the farm.
But you got
to help me first.
You know, all I meant by
that about the tree is
It's just dried out,
And it could start
a fucking fire.
You know how
that stuff goes.
It wasn't like I was
trying to ignore you
Or something like that.
I was just, you know,
I was talking about
practical shit to you
Is all it was.
Hank: Yeah, we got
that white carpet.
Oh. Oh, hey.
Hey, Sarah.
Hey, Jacob.
I take my shoes off
for you there, see?
Thank you.
Oh, uh...
It's a nice shirt.
Ta-da! Ha ha.
Here, let me do that.
Hey, I gotta pee.
Yeah, go ahead.
Hi, baby.
Hey. You brought
him here?
Well, yeah. I invited
him for dinner.
Oh. Oh! Oh, good.
Good, good.
So he's gonna do it?
I had to promise him
the farm.
You what? Wait,
I thought you said-
We agreed that you
were gonna say something.
Where's he supposed
to go, Sarah, huh?
I mean, what's
he gonna do,
Drive away?
I don't know, honey.
I don't know,
But if he stays,
we get caught.
I know, I know.
It's just-
It's just a matter of
time before he screws up.
I know. That's
not what I'm saying.
I just...
I just wish he could,
that's all.
No, no, you remember
what she did?
She was so freaked out
that she called
The volunteer
fire department,
And then, remember,
they came out...
Oh, yeah, there was
all of dad's buddies-
All his drinkin'
Yeah, yeah.
That's-that's all the volunteer
fire department was,
Was guys he knew,
you know?
So they show up-
And he's sitting
there in the kitchen
With that ice pack
on his face.
That's ridicuLous.
He felt like an idiot,
'Cause they're
all gathered in there
Like there's some huge
murder going down, you know?
Shh, shh.
Well, back on call.
Hey, how about
some more wine?
You got a full
glass here.
What's it like,
a walkie-talkie, Sarah,
Kind of like a baby
Yeah, yeah.
It's kinda cool.
Remember, we had
that thing we did
With them little
Oh, yeah.
You got that kit
for christmas.
Remember that?
You know, it's weird.
I think-I think
about that stuff.
I think it's kinda weird-
You remember everything,
too, don't you?
Well, yeah.
I was always-
I was always
talking to dad.
I know you were.
I was always figuring out
what's going on, you know?
I was always nervous about
shit, you know, I guess.
But I tell you what,
he's a...
If he-if
he had the still
Like we got goin' on
right now, you know?
He would-he would-he
would have done the same thing.
I don't know,
I don't know.
I guess so.
I mean, 'cause
that's what he-
He always wanted to get
everything set up, you know.
I mean, he always
wanted to have enough
To just take care of things
and relax, you know.
He never quite had that,
So I think
he'd a done it.
But, uh, I tell you what,
he'd still-
I guarantee you,
if he'd had this,
He'd still be here.
He'd never have done that.
Done what?
Killed hisself,
you know.
It just wouldn't
have happened.
What are you
talking about?
Hank, dad killed himself,
you know that?
What? What are you
talking about?
Come on, what are
you talking about?
They were drunk,
they had a wreck.
That's out on
jack's spur road.
That's like
that ramp is-
Where he went every day?
You ain't gonna roll
away on a ramp like that.
He'd be on that thing
8,000 times a year, you know.
You think all of a sudden
he forgot his way?
Good grief!
He figured that, you know,
all that insurance money,
It'd be, you know, it'd
take care of the whole-
The whole deal that
he wanted to, you know-
What? No, no.
What? What? Wait-
You know that, Hank.
I mean, think about it.
Lou: I guess what
I'm trying to say is,
Well, maybe I
misjudged you, Hank.
'Cause, I mean,
you're a bit more,
Well, I don't know,
Let's-let's say...
Serious-ha ha ha-
than a guy like me,
And, you know,
maybe sometimes
You can come across
Like you sort of got
a stick up your ass.
I- I-I mean to-
To someone who doesn't
really know you,
To-to someone who-
Who can't get beneath
that first impression.
And, OK, OK, maybe...
Maybe sometimes,
I can come off a little bit
like an asshole.
You think?
No, come on.
Yeah. Oh, no, no, no! No.
I know what
I'm talking about.
But fuck it. Ha ha.
It's all in
the past, right?
What do you say?
Come on.
Sounds good
to me.
Hell, yes.
Live and let live.
Live and
let live.
I gotta take a leak.
Don't look at me
like that.
What, you think
that's funny?
Ahh, what, huh?
I'm asking you,
You think it's
funny tripping a guy
On the way to
the fucking can?
Look, buddy-
Oh, don't buddy me!
What the-
See, that right here
is my buddy.
This guy right
here is my buddy.
You're not my fucking
buddy, huh, you got it?
Come on up here.
Come on up here.
I'll kill-come on!
Come on.
Come on.
It's not
worth it.
Come on out here,
right out in front.
I'll paint you up and down
the fucking sidewalk,
Yeah, yeah.
Oh, shut
the fuck up, Ray!
Get out, asshole!
You know what? You-
you shit in one hand.
You better get
the fuck out of here!
Lou: So, listen,
if you got to pee,
Pee out here.
Lou: So-so anyway,
This one guy, see,
he steps forward
And he says, uh,
He says,
"you know what?
"the guy was OK
"until we twisted
his head back around,
And then he just
fucking died on us. "
You get it?
Get it?
I got one.
Ah, shit.
This old drunk
was telling jokes
To his 2 drunk friends,
And he was
keeping up his wife,
Who, unlike him, had a job
to go to in the morning.
So, see, she gets
so fucking fed up,
She comes downstairs
and she says,
"if he doesn't shut up,
"he's gonna have to find
some other place
To live rent-free. "
Do you get that one?
No, listen, babe-
Get it, guys?
Hey, baby,
come on, now.
We're just drinking.
Come on, what
are you waiting for?
I don't want to
be here all night?
Let's get this over with.
I won't do it, Hank.
It's not fair.
We had a deal.
It's not right.
It's not right.
Ah, dummy up.
Better just keep it
down a little bit.
Don't say anything.
Oh, shit, oh, shit,
oh, shit.
What the fuck's wrong
with you, Hank?
Do you see this?
You see the way
this boy drinks?
You see Hank take a
drink of that whiskey?
It's like-it's like...
Ha ha ha ha.
Like-like in,
you know, like-
What is it like-
Like some kind
of commercial-
Ha ha ha ha.
For preparation h
of the mouth?
Like he lives
on primrose lane?
You look like
Some goddamn bird
or something.
You gonna start
playing big brother now,
Teach me how to
drink my whiskey?
Ha ha ha ha.
Did you ever see anybody
drink like that before?
No, to tell you
the truth,
I don't believe
I've ever seen
Anybody drink
like that before.
I don't-I don't
drink like that,
My dad didn't
drink like that.
You know, we don't have
one thing in common,
Me and him,
Except maybe
our last name.
You're more
like a brother to me
Than he is.
Oh! Ha ha ha.
Do-do him
crossing the field.
Ha ha ha ha.
Do it.
He won't care.
Come on,
You don't care,
do you, Hank, huh?
Crossing the field?
Uh, crossing the field.
get up, get up!
Do like you
did that night,
The snow,
he had...
It's just like, uh,
say, what was it?
And-and-the way
it starts out
Like he's walking across, like,
that fucking, like, uh,
Like he's a quail
or some shit.
Hey! Ha ha ha ha.
Ha ha ha ha.
Hey, guys, come on,
you know-
Hey, wait up,
wait up.
Wait for me.
I- I-I'm
not dressed right.
You're only wearing
your pissy little loafers.
You know?
Ha ha ha ha ha.
Do him when-
do him when
The crow
flies out
And-and pecks
him in the head.
That's good.
No, that's fucked up.
It's like-
that was like...
Ha ha ha ha.
You know...
The fucking thing
wasn't electric, shit.
Ha ha ha ha.
You know,
We shouldn't-
we shouldn't ever
Let him keep that money.
Ha ha ha ha.
No, I'm not shitting.
We shouldn't-we shouldn't
have done that.
We should have never
let him keep that money.
Look how he's
looking at us,
Like he's fucking better
and everything.
you own us or something.
I think we've all
had too much to drink.
Let's call it a night.
You're gonna keep the
money and shit, you know.
Let's all go home.
That's what-that's what you
wanted, wasn't it, Hank?
You wanted me
to pick sides.
Isn't that
what you said?
What are you
talking about?
Yeah, you know-you know-
you know what-
You know what
he's going to do?
He's gonna-he's gonna
crawl into Carl's office
Like-like, on his belly
like a fucking snake.
He's gonna
end up confessing.
You know what,
you're right.
I bet you would rat on us
just to get off the hook,
Now, wouldn't ya?
Take-take me home,
man. Let's go.
I don't want
to stay here.
I gotta get home.
No, huh,
you know what? Wait.
Come on, take home.
Uh, no! We got-we got
something else for you, Hank.
I tell you what?
Let's do this.
Let's do-let's do
more playacting,
And let's do it where he-
Where Hank confesses, OK,
To Carl, all right?
This is gonna be cool.
You be-and you be Hank
and I'll be Carl. No.
No, you do-you do it.
You go out and be Hank,
Like you'd knock
on Carl's door.
I can't do
anything like him.
But when you're fucked up,
you're funny as shit.
Come on, do it.
And you're knocking
on the door-
And I'm, like, sitting
here doing paperwork
And dumb ass comes in, OK?
Dumb ass comes in with his
tail between his legs, OK?
OK, here,
I'm coming in.
You ready?
Jacob: OK.
It's Hank Mitchell.
Well, hey, Hank,
how you doing?
Hey, how you doing?
sit-sit down.
I need to
talk to you.
Yeah, OK, what about?
It's about
Dwight Stephanson.
He didn't die
in an accident.
What are you
talking about?
No, no, I killed him.
Jacob: You killed
Dwight Stephanson?
That's right.
I suffocated him
with his own scarf,
And then I just shoved
him off the bridge
Into anders creek.
I made it look
like an accident.
Well, why would you
do something like that?
That-that's OK. We don't
really want to hear that.
$4 1/2 million...
is worth a hell of
a lot more to me
than some
old man's life.
All right,
that's enough.
I'm up to the part
where you're gonna agree
To testify
against us, OK?
Can I just do that?
Come on-
Lou's voice: I killed him.
Jacob's voice: You
killed Dwight Stephanson?
Lou's voice: That's right.
I suffocated him
with his own scarf,
And then I just shoved
him off the bridge
Into Anders Creek.
You taped this?
Lou's voice: I made it
look like an accident.
Well, why would you
do that, Hank?
It's your confession.
It's you saying how you
killed Dwight Stephanson.
Nobody's going
to believe that.
I mean-I mean,
it's obvious
I'm just kidding
around on there,
Isn't it, Jacob?
Why-why would
anybody believe it?
I mean, let's just
think about this.
If-if you and I
Both go into Carl's office
tomorrow afternoon
And we both claim the other
killed Dwight Stephanson,
Who-who do you think he's
gonna believe, huh? You?
A 40-year-old unemployed
high school dropout,
Who's proud when people call
him the town drunk, or me?
I've got a job.
I don't get drunk
Scream obscenities
at my wife in public.
I don't pass out on
other people's doorways.
I wonder who
he's gonna believe?
Now we're all back
in the same boat again,
Isn't that right, Jacob?
Hank: You seem
to have forgot
We're all in this together.
Yeah, that's right.
Yeah, that's all-
That's all it is, Lou.
that's all it is.
You know, it's
not to hurt you.
what Hank said.
It's just so
you don't hurt him.
Hank: That's right.
Jacob: And-and-and
it's like-
It's just in case
you confess or-
Wait a minute.
Are you-are you
telling me
You knew about
this, Jacob?
Take it easy.
Lou: You saying you
knew about this?
He isn't going to
use it, unless, uh-
Is that what-
Is that what you're
saying here, Jacob?
you two worked together?
I- he said he'd help me
buy back the farm, Lou.
Oh! Ha ha ha.
So that's cool, right?
Come on, let's go.
Hey, Lou, Lou, please
don't be pissed off.
You know, he was-
we were just gonna-
He'll cool down, Hank.
Move, move, move!
Let's go.
Don't move!
What the hell
are you doing?
You give me that tape!
put down the gun!
No! No, you're
not leaving here
Until I get
that fucking tape!
just settle down.
Hey, Lou, leave
him alone.
Lou: Or what?
What, are you gonna
shoot me, Jake, huh?
Just leave-just
leave him alone.
No, you stabbed me
in the back,
Right here
in my own house!
Nancy: Lou?
What's going on?
Jacob: Come on,
Lou, please!
You know I
need that money.
Please, Lou,
leave him alone.
No, let me do it!
I need it tomorrow.
You know, they're gonna-
they're gonna take my truck.
Put the gun-put
the gun down, Lou!
You said he's got a job.
It's you and me, buddy.
We're the ones-
We're the ones
who needs it.
He just wants it!
Jacob: Oh, Lou,
put it down.
No! Now, shut up!
please, Lou.
Shut up!
Please, Lou,
come on, man,
Lou, please,
don't do that.
Do you think he's
your friend, huh?
Lou, put it down!
He doesn't give
a fuck about you, do ya?
Come on, Lou, let's
all settle down.
We'll talk it
Come on-aah!
That was
an insinuation.
Lou, for
god's sakes.
Put the gun down, baby.
This is the real thing.
Lou, no!
No, Lou,
don't it!
Put it down!
Oh, God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my baby!
Oh, my baby!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my God!
Oh, my baby!
Oh, my baby!
Oh, my baby!
Hank, please stay
out here and talk to me.
Tell me what's
going on, Hank?
Oh, my God!
It's OK, Nancy.
Call 911!
Call-call the cops!
Call 911.
We got to decide-
We got to decide-
We got to decide
what we're gonna say.
You saw what happened.
It was an accident.
It was an accident.
You killed him.
He got drunk,
he went crazy.
You killed him
for the money.
No, no!
You killed him for the money.
You can have
his share.
You can have it.
You fucking think
I like just money?!
You stay out!
Settle down.
Get out!
Stop it!
What are you doing?
Stop it!
Stop it!
Take it easy.
Oh, my God!
No. No,
I wasn't going to.
No, no, no, no, I'm not
gonna-I wasn't gonna-
No, you saw what happened.
It was self-defense.
No, wait!
Let's just talk, OK?
Figure this out?
Come on,
we gotta, OK?
Hello, yes. There-
there's been a shooting.
H- Hank Mitchell.
I'm at Lou Chambers' place,
County road 27,
just past the burnt road.
They're both...
They're both dead!
Oh... Oh, God!
Oh, God, please hurry!
Hey, what
are you doing?
What, are you
going to be OK?
Come on, we
can make this work.
We don't have much time.
Now, listen
to what I have to say
Very carefully, OK?
They were fighting, OK?
They were both drunk.
And Lou started pushing
Nancy around.
When we tried to stop him,
he got really pissed off,
And-and he
grabbed his shotgun.
And she ran in the kitchen
and got her pistol.
You ran out to your truck
and got your rifle,
But by the time
we got back to the house,
It was too late.
He'd already shot her.
H- he...
He was shooting up
the whole place.
The ceilings,
the walls, everything.
When we stepped
in the doorway,
He shot at me,
but he missed.
So he aimed
the shotgun at my chest,
And just before
he pulled the trigger...
You killed him.
You saved my life.
It was self-defense.
Come on, Jacob.
I need to hear you
say it.
They were fighting.
Lou got really mad.
He shot the walls,
he shot the ceiling.
Then what did we do?
We ran out to the truck.
You ran outside
with Jacob,
'Cause, uh...
Jacob said, uh...
He ran out to get
his rifle on his own.
He said, uh...
See, he said, uh,
"Lou ran you
out of the house
he shot Nancy. "
Jacob said that?
Well, I suppose...
I can see
How it might've seemed
that way to him.
He did... he did go out
to the truck alone.
I followed him, but...
Then, when
I heard the shot...
And Nancy got killed...
I turned back
toward the house...
I was on the porch.
Wh-when Lou
started outside...
And that's when I turned
to run out into the yard.
I guess...
I- I can see
How it might've seemed
that way to Jacob,
That I was running outside.
Go home, Hank.
We'll, uh...
I think we got
What we need
for right now.
"may they rest in peace. "
Group, together:
may they rest in peace.
"and may their souls
"and the souls of all
the faithful departed,
"through the mercy of God,
Rest in peace. "
Amen. Amen.
In the name of the Father,
the Son,
And the Holy Spirit...
Oh, I think the little
baby's ready to come out.
Maybe she's getting
a little cold.
Who could that be?
Tom: It's Carl.
Hey, Carl.
I hope I didn't
wake you, Hank.
I saw a light
was still on.
Oh, no, no.
Just, you know,
getting ready for bed.
I hate like hell to have
to do this to you, Hank.
I was, uh...
Driving out by Lou chambers'
place, and, uh,
I saw
your brother's truck
Parked out in the
middle of the road.
I could barely
squeeze around it.
I found him
inside the house
Passed out
in an armchair.
Oh. No, well, I appreciate
you bringing him here.
I- I mean, I hope
it wasn't too much...
I know you guys
had a real rough time.
Just... have a talk
with him, OK?
And I'll try to keep
an eye on him, too.
Come on, what the hell
were you thinking about?
That's the last place
in the world
You oughta be.
God, I just about
had a heart attack
When Carl knocked
on the door.
We gotta be careful.
Can't take any chances.
Get yourself over.
There we go.
Only I don't think
I should be here
In the baby's room.
It's-it's clean
in here.
What? It's OK. The baby
sleeps with us.
Hey, you remember this?
Everything goes to sleep.
Your head goes to sleep.
Remember when dad
used to do that?
Your head goes to sleep.
Your shoulders
go to sleep.
Your arms go to sleep.
Your back goes to sleep.
Hank, do you ever
feel evil?
I do.
I feel evil.
You know, maybe I can get
a family of my own now.
I mean, with
the money and all.
Why? Don't you think
somebody would marry me
If I'm rich?
You don't need
money for that.
Hey, come on.
What about...
What was her name?
Carrie Richards?
She liked you
Even though
you were broke-dick.
Oh, her. Yeah.
That was a whole
different deal.
That was...
Her-her friends,
They pitched in
100 bucks altogether
And betted her
That she wouldn't go steady
with me for a month.
Jesus, Jacob.
I thought you guys
had a thing.
I don't know. It...
It weren't that bad.
I mean, actually,
it was kind of cool.
We used to walk around
together a lot, you know.
Take walks, you know?
And, uh, we talked about
all kinda cool stuff.
I held hands with her
one time.
We were walking around,
But my hand sweated so much
she kinda had to let it go.
I was nervous, I guess.
But it was cool.
When the month was over,
she, uh...
You know, kinda would
say hi to me sometimes
In the hallway
when I'd see her.
She didn't have
to do that.
That was cool of her.
God, Hank, you know,
I've never-
I've never even
kissed a girl before.
And you know what?
If being rich
will change that,
I'm all for it.
I don't care.
I just wanna
feel it, you know?
I just wanna know what
people do, you know?
I don't care if it's
'Cause of the money.
I'm gonna be happy
now, right?
Sure you are.
We all are.
Yeah, that's right.
We all are.
You know what?
I'm gonna, you know,
buy back the farm,
You know?
And have, uh...
And have a lot of kids,
'Cause I'll meet
this nice girl
And she'll be
really cool to me
And be really nice.
Just normal, a normal
woman, you know.
And, uh...
And then you and Sarah
will come over
And bring amanda,
And we'll all sit around
and tell stories and stuff.
We'll drink on the porch
Like dad and uncle ted
used to do.
You know?
He nod off
on you, jack?
Hey, Carl.
Gettin' a bit thin
up top there, Hank.
Don't you have
any crimes to solve?
Think you could
track down Jacob,
Bring him by my office
tomorrow afternoon?
Sure. What for?
Man from the FBI's gonna
be driving through.
Thought you two might
be able to help him out.
Seems they're looking
for a lost plane.
See ya about 3:00.
You bet.
Hank: Maybe we
should just leave.
Take the money
and the baby
And just leave
the country.
Stop it, Hank.
You'll go in there
And you'll see
what he knows.
If anything looks bad,
We can always
move the money.
It's still the only thing
tying us to anything.
The connections are just
under the surface.
Sarah, I mean,
think about it.
It wouldn't be
that hard
For somebody to just
put it all together.
There's the plane
And Stephanson.
There's Lou
and Nancy.
You've gotta remember
how people see you.
You're just
a normal guy,
A nice, sweet,
normal guy.
They're gonna know.
No, they won't.
Nobody would
ever believe
That you'd be capable
of doing what you've done.
Hank: Well, it was
snowin' pretty hard,
So we're not
really sure,
But it sounded
kinda like
An engine cuttin'
on and off.
But that was it.
We didn't hear
anything more.
No... no crash.
No engine.
Anything you want
to add to that, Jacob?
I can't think
of anything.
That's about it.
It was probably
a snowmobile or something.
You know?
Well, guess
that's it, guys.
Thanks for comin'.
My pleasure, Carl.
Good to see you,
Nice to have met you.
I'll talk to you later.
Do you think you could
take us out there?
To the nature preserve?
Have to go
in the morning, I guess,
After the storm passes.
C- can you tell us what
this is all about?
Lookin' for a plane.
Sarah: There's no way
It's from the armored
car robbery.
This isn't a guess,
The guy from the FBI
told me.
It doesn't
make sense.
The kidnapping
made sense.
He's looking for a plane
full of money.
I mean, how many of those
can there be around here?
It was hundred-dollar
bills, Hank.
If it was an armored
car robbery,
There'd be other
There'd be 50s
and 20s and 10s.
Well, congratulations,
I guess you know more
than the FBI.
Did he show you
his badge?
Why would he show me
his badge?
It's him, isn't it?
It's the older one-
He's looking
for his brother.
I guy I met today
was skinner.
He didn't have
a beard.
Well, maybe he lost weight.
Maybe he shaved.
Well, that doesn't make
a difference, does it?
I mean, no matter
who he is,
I still have to take him
to the plane.
Well, if we think it's him,
you shouldn't go.
Why not?
Because he's gonna shoot
all 3 of you, Hank.
As soon as he
sees the plane.
That's why
he wants you to go,
So he can get rid
of the witnesses.
But if he's really
from the FBI,
And I don't show up,
It's gonna look
suspicious as hell.
I'll call the FBI
in the morning.
I'll ask for
an Agent Baxter.
That won't work.
I'm meeting him at 9:00.
They won't be open
before that.
You can stall them
for a bit.
And, uh, I'll call
from here,
And then I'll call you
at Carl's office.
And what if there's
no agent Baxter?
Then what?
Well, then you
won't go.
You can tell Carl
that the baby's sick
And... and that you
have to come home.
What about Jacob?
Say he's hung over.
Carl would believe that.
Whoever the guy is,
You don't
want Jacob there.
It sounds like
a b. s. Excuse.
Hank, what do
you want?
what do you want?
Do you want to just
walk out there
And get shot
by this guy?
No, I don't wanna
walk out there
And get shot!
Well, I'm trying
to come up with a plan.
A plan? Like the one
To take the money
back to the plane,
And we end up
killing Stephanson?
Or maybe the one
where we tape Lou,
And 2 more people
end up dead.
Is that the sort of plan
you're thinking of?
Well, I've got a plan!
I'm taking the money
back right now-
All of it.
I'm gonna
put it back,
And everything's
gonna be
Just like
it used to be.
Hank: That money,
god damn it!
Fuckin' money!
Is that what
you think?
Is that what you
think you want?
Walking off to
the feed store every morning
For the next 30 years,
Waiting for Tom Butler
to retire or die
So you can finally
get a raise?
And what about Amanda?
Do you think she's
gonna like growing up
in somebody else's
hand-me-down clothes?
Playing with
some kid's old toys
because we can never afford
to buy her anything new?
Don't say any more.
And me.
What about me?
Spending the rest of my life,
8 hours a day,
With a fake smile
plastered on my face
Checking out books.
And then coming home
to cook dinner for you-
The same meals
over and over again,
Whatever the week's
coupons will allow.
Only going out
to restaurants
For special occasions-
or anniversaries.
And even then having
to watch what we order-
Skipping the appetizer,
Coming home for dessert.
You think that's gonna
make me happy?
That's enough.
No, no. I haven't
done Jacob yet.
It's back to the welfare
office for Jacob.
The occasional odd job.
But with Lou gone now...
Just himself
and his dog
All alone in that
filthy apartment.
How long do you
give him, Hank?
Stop it!
Sounds wonderful,
doesn't it?
Everything just like
it used to be.
Man: Federal Bureau
of Investigation.
I would like
to speak to...
Is there an Agent
Neil Baxter there?
Well, if Jacob
can't make it,
That just leaves
more of Linda's
homemade breakfast treats
to go around.
Hank, go ahead.
Have one of those.
Help yourself.
That's her own special
creation there-
dietetic donuts...
And so inedible,
You won't be able
to get enough of it down
To be bad for you.
Hey, this guy, uh...
You know,
this guy Baxter,
He showed you his badge
or anything?
Yeah. This
is kinda stupid,
But, you know,
I always wondered
If they look like
they do in the movies.
Yeah? How's that?
Well, you know,
Kinda bright and silver
with a big "FBI"
Stamped across
the center.
Not really.
He showed you his?
Well, no, but I've
seen them before.
I wonder
where he is.
Well, you know, I bet
he'd show it to you
If you just
ask him that.
Hell, he might even
let you hold his gun
If you ask him
real nice.
You know what,
Later on, I could take you
for a ride in my truck
And make the lights
flash for you.
It's Sarah. Hi.
I'm looking for Hank.
Is he there?
Yes, ma'am.
You found him.
He's standing
right here.
He's trying
to avoid eating
One of my wife's
homemade donuts.
How's the baby?
Well, she's not
doing so good.
That's part of what I'm
calling to tell him about.
I'm sorry to hear-
Well, you probably better
tell him that yourself, OK?
All right. You take care.
That's your wife.
Hi, honey.
It's him.
It's him, Hank.
Come home.
You gotta
get out of there.
I gotta stay.
What do you mean
you gotta stay?
We agreed that
if I called you,
That you were
gonna come home.
What about Carl?
I don't know.
Tell Carl...
Tell him to give the guy
the directions
And that you two will
meet him there later-
Everybody ready to roll?
Hank, he's gonna-
He's gonna
shoot you both.
Carl: Ready to roll.
Huh. Yeah. Well, they're
waiting for me, baby.
I gotta go.
Baxter: Carl,
how you doin'?
Good morning.
How'd you sleep?
You come home, OK?
Please, baby.
Wait, Hank.
Yeah, I'll see you then.
OK. Yeah. Yeah,
I'll see you then.
God damn it!
I love you, too.
Wait. Hank?
Everything OK?
Oh, yeah. You know,
just, uh...
Some confusion about
this evening's plans.
Where's your brother?
Oh, uh, Jacob won't be
joining us this morning
It seems he tied one on
again last night.
Ready when
you are, Hank.
Good. Let's go.
Oh, no. You
should've asked me.
Oh, hey.
I forgot my hat.
I'll catch up
with you guys.
Well, go get it.
It's cold out there.
You saw that truck right
around the corner,
Didn't you?
Carl: Oh, this
is the place, Hank.
I'm pretty sure
of it.
Look. Right there
is that, uh,
Nature preserve
That's where
you guys were.
I guess you're right,
But I thought it was
a little further down,
Just, you know...
And, you know, if it was
off over on that side,
That's farmland over there.
Those farmers probably
would have found it by now.
The best bet's gotta be over
here in the nature preserve.
So I think the best idea
is each of us take
A different section
of the woods-
Oh, good for Jacob.
This will make things
go faster.
Carl: Bring your rifle.
We'll take a different
section of the woods.
If you or I find it,
We'll just fire a couple
of shots into the air.
And, uh, Hank, here,
you take that whistle.
And if you find it, just
blow it Loud as you can.
We'll all come running.
I thought you weren't
up for this.
I talked to Sarah.
Well, I got up,
and I felt better.
You're right.
You don't look good.
Something wrong?
Oh, I just-
I had a rough night.
Carl: Well,
let's go, guys.
I'll take the center.
All right.
Carl: Hey! Hey!
Wait, Carl!
Get outta there!
Hey! Hey!
I found it.
It's right
down here.
Pull your gun on him.
Make him show you
his badge.
He's got a gun!
He's got a gun!
He's not FBI.
He's lying.
He's got a gun.
What are you
talking about?
Just do it!
I guess you might as well
just show him your badge.
All right, all right.
It's OK, Hank. He's gonna
show you his badge.
Don't turn your back!
Where's my money?
Where is it?
It's in the plane.
Then go get it.
Come on!
You waiting for
something, genius?
Do it!
Baxter: Come on! Today!
OK. I've got it.
Where the fuck
is the rest-
So you had a piece,
But you're not
the cold-blooded type,
Are you, Mr. Mitchell?
Looks like we're
both gonna have
An awful lot
of explaining to do.
Just me.
It's OK.
Don't. Don't.
You're gonna
mess it up.
Mess it-mess it up?
Just leave him be.
You understand
what we gotta say?
We're gonna tell them
That Carl lent me
the gun to signal
If I found the plane.
Then when I saw
Baxter shoot him...
We can't do this,
What do you mean
we can't?
We're gonna have
to tell on ourselves.
No, we don't.
We-we can't.
No. No.
No. This is
gonna work.
Not anymore.
Yeah, it's gonna work.
It's perfect.
Come on, Jacob.
We just gotta get through
the next couple of hours,
And then we're home.
We're home-free.
You wanna be happy?
You want
a wife and kids?
Me and you sitting
around on the porch
Drinking late at night?
Well, God damn it,
This is what it costs-
Right here, right now.
Come on.
Let's go over this again,
Make sure we haven't
overlooked anything.
I wish somebody else
had found that money.
Well, they didn't.
Now quit.
OK. Baxter
came down here.
He came up
behind Carl.
I was over there.
Yeah, and you were
in the woods.
Yeah. Yeah.
Yeah. It's gonna work.
It's gonna work.
W- what are you doing?
Now put this back.
Make it look like
the bad guy did it, Hank.
W- we're almost home.
I'm tired, Hank.
A- a-and I don't care.
It's OK with me.
I'm not-I'm not afraid.
No, Jacob.
I'm not afraid.
It's perfect.
Stop that, Jacob.
It's-it's perfect.
No. No.
Come on, Hank.
Let me do something.
This is-
this is the only thing.
See, I don't wanna sit around
the rest of my life
Thinking about this shit.
I can't do it-
Sit on the porch
and drink.
I can't do it,
so you're gonna have to do it.
Couple more hours,
we'll be home.
You can do this, and it's
gonna be perfect for you.
And you got something-
You got something to go on for,
Hank, and you know it.
I don't wanna be here.
No. Please, no.
Come on, Hank.
Let me do something.
You just tell
the little girl that I-
That, you know, that bear-
bear is from me.
You know?
If you love me, Hank,
you'll do it.
I'll give you a chance.
I won't look at you.
I won't look at you, Hank,
but if you don't do it...
Then I'm gonna do it,
And then we're gonna both
gonna be fucked, aren't we?
We don't need
to both be fucked.
I'll-I'll do it, Hank,
if you don't. No!
I'm telling you I will.
Boy, it's-it's funny
About f-finding
this fucking plane, wasn't it?
Oh, Jacob!
To someone who's
been properly trained,
There are many ways
to detect a liar.
The shifty eyes
of detective novels
Have a certain
basis in fact.
A wooden
or stilted tone.
Gestures that seem
either slightly robotic
Or else
unnecessarily expansive.
Details tend to be
vague, slippery.
Sometimes the suspect
will cover his mouth
With his hand
when he speaks.
Did you notice
anything like that
In the guy
you shot today?
He was lying to you,
Mr. Mitchell.
He wasn't
from the FBI.
His name was
Vernon Bokovsky.
His brother was in
that crashed plane
You found
out there today.
and his brother
Were the guys
who kidnapped
That McMartin girl
last November.
Remember the one they shot
and dumped in the lake?
$4.4 million in ransom money.
Want to touch it?
Go ahead.
Go ahead.
Pretty hefty,
That's only part of it.
We're still
tracking down the rest.
Yeah. It's just
a matter of time.
A matter of time?
Well-well, we had
the money for 2 hours
Before the kidnappers
picked it up.
Couldn't mark it.
We were afraid they'd
detect the markings
And kill the girl,
so, um...
We put together
a task force of 20 agents,
And they wrote down
As many of the serial
numbers as they could.
We managed to record
That's 1 out of 10 of the bills.
Now it's simply a matter
of waiting for
the numbers to turn up.
Can't go around
passing $100 bills
Without eventually sticking
in someone's memory.
Sarah: No. No.
No, Hank. Hank!
Oh, Hank!
Hank, we can
run with it.
We could leave
the country.
We could go
to South America
Or to Australia
or someplace far away.
Please, Hank!
Aah! Aah.
There are days
When I manage not to think
of anything at all...
Not the money...
Or the murders...
Or Jacob...
Days when Sarah and I
Try to pretend that we're
just like everyone else...
As if none of it
had ever happened.
But those days
are few and far between.