Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014)

Metal screams.
Something hits me
square in the chest.
There's no up or down.
I don't weigh a thing.
I don't remember a thing.
This doesn't look good at all.
I've gone and done
something again.
Wish I could remember what.
How did I get here?
What have I done?
And why?
I must've forgotten my medicine.
I've got a condition.
It's bad to forget your medicine
when you've got a condition.
Caught myself a bullet.
The wound's fresh,
maybe an hour old.
I can't remember how I got it.
For the life of me,
I can't remember.
The projects.
Ugly as ever.
What the hell am I doing here?
Put the pieces together.
It's Saturday,
so I must've started the night
at Kadie's joint.
Just another Saturday night.
Me and all the other losers
like me
sucking back the sauce and
drooling like fools over Nancy.
I was in a mood.
Even watching Nancy
couldn't cheer me up.
I get that way sometimes.
Empty in the gut,
hollow in that lonely place,
and wishing I had an excuse
to break somebody's face.
It was just another
Saturday night.
I was wondering
what I was gonna do with myself
when I smelled something awful.
Burning hair.
Burning meat.
Like these poor old winos didn't
have it bad enough already.
Damn frat boys.
Damn rich, spoiled brats.
Leave him be.
Crawl back into your bottle,
Bernini boy.
Why did he call me Bernie?
At least I know
they're bad guys.
Nothing wrong with
killing the bunch of them.
Hell, it's practically
my civic duty.
Oh, these wormy little twits.
I hate these guys.
God, this really hurts.
They made a run for it.
I did what any good citizen
would do.
Go to hell.
What the hell?
What the hell?
What the hell!
That's when I got my idea.
If they got back to their
university out in Sacred Oaks,
I'd never catch them.
I banged them around
like a hockey puck.
Cut them off at every turn.
I left them no choice
but to head over the hill
to the projects.
I could just turn my back
and leave them here.
My old neighbors would
take care of them but good.
But hell, why should
they have all the fun?
The projects.
I was born here.
My old neighborhood.
He's a dead man.
I'm telling you,
I'm one bitch of a good shot,
and he's a dead man.
My old neighbors.
They let me know
they're watching.
I remind them who I am.
I tell them what to do.
No! No, please!
Please, I...
I've got money.
I've got a trust fund.
I can pa)'-
You'll pa)'-
Before, when you shot me,
you called me Bernie.
Why did you call me Bernie?
It's a brand name.
That coat
you're wearing.
It's a Bernini.
Really? Oh.
Thanks for clearing
that up, kid.
Bernini, huh?
And one fine coat it is.
Somebody must've spent
a fortune on it.
I wonder who.
And while I'm at it,
where the heck
did I get these gloves?
I can't remember
for the life of me.
Savage power
in gentlemen's hands.
It's a good game.
Now, who wants to play?
Sin City's
where you go in with your eyes open...
Or you don't come out at all.
But a city's like a woman
or a casino.
Somebody's gonna win,
and it's gonna be me.
It's the kind of place
your father doesn't want
to talk about.
But where I come from,
a father is a thing
no one seems to be able to find.
I was feeling lucky.
I'd won money
in joints all over town,
and I finally
made it to Kadie's...
...where the real score is.
What happened
to the show?
How's tricks, stranger?
Heads or tails?
That's a trick.
That won't get you anywhere.
Follow the shiny object.
Where'd you come from, handsome?
Do me a favor
and blow on this.
Does Lady Luck have a name?
- Lucky man.
- Every time, ma'am.
Now where's the real action?
Baby, you don't want to know.
I do want to know.
Whatever you say, boss.
Back of the bar.
It's your funeral.
They'll eat you alive
- back there.
- I'm a pretty tough chew.
Come on.
Would you kiss it
this time?
Oh, my God!
- Hey there, Marcie.
- Yeah?
You want to go make
some real money?
I'll check.
I'll bet $100.
Good night.
I'll play-
I'll fold.
Who's the slicker?
I busted this one for craps
over at Josie's once.
He paid up.
He's okay.
Whatever you do, kid,
don't win too much.
I never lose.
What's with bringing
a frail in here?
This is my good luck charm.
Besides, I'm heading to make
a pretty nice dime tonight.
Got to have someone
to spend it on, right?
Sylvio, let our young friend
here do the honors.
This boy's good.
Nancy! Nancy!
Nancy! Nancy! Nancy! Nancy!
And the dealer will take two.
One hand in.
I'll play-
I'm out.
Yeah, me, too.
I ma.
I'm done.
How dumb are you
feeling now, boy?
Pretty dumb.
Well, Senator,
I'm ready for your worst.
Boy, you don't even want
to dream about my worst.
No, I don't imagine I do.
So why don't I just
flatten your ass right now
and we can call it a night.
Sure. This is a fair game,
played by honorable men.
I'm gonna raise you $300.
Easy, kid.
You got any idea what
you're up against?
Looks to me
like I'm up against a man.
You're up against a Roark.
Yeah, I was born here, Senator.
I know who you are.
We all die here sooner or later.
I'm gonna raise you
another $500.
I like this kid.
I like him a lot.
I'm gonna call you.
You won't be needing anything
for cab fare, will you?
Now that's as fine a hand
as you'll ever have, friend.
You just keep in mind what
hands are made out of.
Will do.
Get your ass out of here.
Run like hell,
you might still have a chance.
Oh, I can't miss
tomorrow night's game.
Not any more than
you can, Officer.
Besides, I already promised
Marcie a night on the town.
I can't protect you.
Then why are you a cop?
Where we going, Johnny?
One of these days
she'll pull the trigger,
and then there's nothing
I can do.
There's nothing I can do now.
And all I can do is ask...
ls don't.
Don't avenge me, Nancy.
It'll be the death of you.
I can't help.
I can't watch.
Death is just like life
in Sin City.
There's nothing you can do.
And love doesn't conquer
anything at all.
Good luck, Nancy.
Live while you're alive.
Just try, sweetheart.
We make Sin City history.
Hit every hot spot in town.
I blow through almost as much
cash as I make at the tables.
The trouble starts when
I try to use my credit cards.
I'm sure there
must be some mistake.
We'd be happy to extend
a line of credit.
How can all of them
go bad on the same night?
It's not like you don't have cash.
That's not the point.
Come on.
We got to get you home.
Something comes up
behind us.
Smells all wrong.
This will slow us down.
You get to the side, Marcie.
I got to break some bones.
What are you talking
about, you silly?
You just stay right there.
Gentlemen, listen, I think
I know what this is about,
and I want you to know
you'll have no resistance from me.
That blackjack you got in your hand
could split somebody's skull open.
What the hell was
that all about?
You stay out of sight, now.
You'll be safe in Old Town.
Meet me at
the Three Sheets Hotel.
Room 166.
One-six... Wait.
Let's get this over with.
Don't enjoy it too much, fellas.
You made a fool of me, boy,
right in front of
the wrong people.
You took your chances
like we all did, and you lost.
You have any idea how easy
I kill little snots like you?
let's see about
that winning hand.
Powerful men watch what happens
at that table.
I need them to know
the price of defiance.
Power is a fragile thing.
It tolerates no threat.
Defiance must be met with an example
of the wages of defiance.
You'd be smart to kill me now.
I'll do far worse
than kill you, boy.
What you have encountered, boy,
is power.
Every time the wind blows
cold and wet,
that thing that was your hand
will clutch at your leg
in arthritic agony.
Whenever it rains,
you'll remember me.
You'll remember me
all the time...
My son.
Oh, yeah.
I know who you are.
I knew you were one of mine the minute
I saw you, family resemblance,
my boy.
I don't give a damn.
I only had one real son,
Ethan, may he rest in peace,
and he could've been president.
Did you really think
that I was gonna claim you?
You beat me, Roark.
But when I get back
it'll be a whole different game.
It's another hot night.
dry and windless.
The kind that makes people
do sweaty, secret things.
Things worth money to me.
This is the last time, Sally.
This has got to be
the last time.
You always say that.
I mean it this time.
She glides
out of her coat
like it was Christmas wrapping,
playing it for all it's worth.
And it's worth plenty.
- This is the end for us.
- The end for us?
It's my wife.
She's asking all
kinds of questions.
She suspects something.
She'll sue and she'll get
everything. Everything!
Everything you've
worked so hard for.
I work my butt off.
I built my business up from
out of nothing. Nothing.
Nobody appreciates you,
do they, Joey?
Not the way you deserve.
Nobody. Not the employees,
who would be out on the street
if it wasn't for me.
Not my wife,
- who I found on the street.
- And she lives in that mansion
- you bought her.
- Wearing all those clothes
that I got her. With my money,
my hard-earned money!
I think you're so strong.
You're damn right
about that.
Do I get any credit?
They just take
and take and take.
One of these days, I'm gonna
fire the whole pack of 'em.
I'm gonna show them
who's boss.
Show me, Joey.
Show me who's boss.
I'll show you.
I'm gonna show you.
Then she's moaning
and saying "boss"
- in time with his movements.
- Boss! Bossy!
Bossy! Bossy!
It's all over pretty quickly.
I get everything I need.
The sad thing is,
some of the compositions
are pretty good.
You made me
feel like a woman.
I know that sounds corny,
but it's true.
I love you, baby.
You know I love you.
Even when you lie to me.
My wrist hurts, Joey.
You think you can get the key?
It's just in my purse.
You don't have any idea
how much I've sacrificed.
What are you doing, Joey?
It's tearing me up
how much I love you,
and what I got to do.
But I've worked too hard.
And Gloria
will get everything.
And I can't let that happen.
I don't have a choice.
It's all her fault.
Joey, please. I...
I won't tell anyone, I swear to God.
I know you won't want to talk.
I know that,
- but you're only human.
- Oh, my aching back.
Gloria's gonna
find out about you,
if she doesn't know already,
and she's gonna
offer you
a lot of money,
my money!
And she's gonna
give it to you
to bring me down!
- Then I'll go away.
- Who's gonna pay for the ticket?
The ticket
and God knows what else!
Then the apartment!
The clothes!
The car!
You're gonna suck me dry,
and you'll never
ever stop!
No. Please, no!
Kill him!
Kill him!
Kill him!
Nobody's killing anybody.
Not while I'm around.
Then can I have a ride?
I grab the key
and uncuff her.
She gives him a good-bye
that'll still hurt
like hell when he comes to.
I leave the slob
handcuffed to the bed
for housekeeping to find.
I take Redondo over the hill
toward Old Town.
Thanks for
my life, man.
Sally blends into the
sea of flesh that is Old Town.
They all come back...
The damn Old Town memories.
Drunken mornings and sweaty sex
and stupid, bloody brawls.
And that thing I did.
You can't just pick and choose.
You can't take the good
without the bad.
Not once you let
the monster out.
I can't let it out.
Never again.
I drive ten blocks out of my way
and stop for gas I don't need,
avoiding the worst of this job.
MY employer...
The wife.
This one's got a lawyer
to pay the tab, so it's easier.
Please leave by the servants' exit.
The Mustang shudders,
begging to cut loose
and show what it can do.
It wants to take me all the way.
I don't let it.
I think about all the ways I've
screwed up and what I'd give
for one clear chance
to wipe the slate clean.
I'd give anything
just to cut loose,
just to feel the fire...
One more time.
Never lose control,
not for a second.
Never let the monster out.
Remember when you did.
Remember what you did.
Dwight, is that you?
I'm sorry to call.
I know I've got no right.
But I need to see you.
Please, Dwight,
don't hang up. Please.
She keeps talking.
Like an idiot, I keep listening.
I should tell her to go to hell.
Instead, I show up
20 minutes early.
What the hell could
she want with me now?
You can't drive two blocks
in Sin City
without coming across a saloon.
The bad kind.
Why here, Ava?
With you, everything
always had to be first-class.
And when I couldn't
foot the bill,
you sure as hell
found somebody who could.
I order up a ginger ale
and stare at it
for the better part of an hour.
She's late, like she always was.
And like always...
...she's worth the wait.
How long has it been?
Four years?
Yeah, that sounds
about right.
Have a seat.
So many times
I've wanted to call you.
I found myself thinking
about you, constantly.
I've got places to go,
how about you just
- tell me what you want.
- Don't be cold.
I don't think I could
stand that right now.
I must still mean
something to you.
You came here.
You must still care.
Sure. You called
and I came running.
You still got that much
of a hold on me.
Maybe you always will.
But I got no reason at
all to be nice to you.
I guess I deserve that.
Let's not screw around.
I'm here. I'm listening.
Just tell me what the
hell it is you want.
There's only one thing
I want from you,
and I want it so desperately
I could scream.
I want you to forgive me.
So you've got a
conscience after all.
Fine. I forgive you.
You got your wish.
Now go home. Sleep tight.
You're right about me.
I'm a selfish slut
who threw away
the only man
she ever loved.
But I was wrong.
Good one.
I was born at night,
but it wasn't last night.
I'm in hell, Dwight.
It's worse than
you can imagine.
You made your bed,
sleep in it.
Forgive me, darling, I beg you.
I love you.
You do that again,
I swear to hell I'll kill you.
If you can't forgive me...
...then please remember me.
They say you really never die
as long as somebody remembers you.
What the devil are
you talking about?
Mrs. Lord.
The weather's inclement,
the neighborhood is bad,
and your present company
is low.
You're due at home,
Mrs. Lord.
I'd say that's up to Mrs. Lord.
This is none of
your concern, sir.
Any physical contest
between us
would have one outcome.
Hey, buddy,
is that dickhead
giving you a hard time?
You want me to break
him down for you?
I got nothing going on tonight.
That would be
an interesting contest.
It's not his fight.
Never mind, Dwight.
It is too late.
I'll go with him.
Too late for what, Ava?
For everything.
Just remember me, my love.
Remember me.
You have business tonight,
Mrs. Lord.
Unpleasant business.
I don't care any more.
The night air
hasn't gotten any colder.
It just feels that way.
Buddy, I don't mean
to poke my nose
where it don't belong, but...
That there is
a dame to kill for.
Night turns to day
and then it's night again,
and there's nowhere to hide.
She isn't worth
a moment's thought,
and I can't get her
out of my head.
What am I doing smoking?
Where did I get
these cigarettes?
It's Ava making you crazy
all over again.
Never let the monster out.
Shake her off.
Whatever she's in for,
she deserves it.
But I have to know what's wrong.
It's a couple hours' drive
out to Sacred Oaks.
It shouldn't take
too much effort
to get to the bottom of this.
Just a simple job
of breaking and entering,
punishable by up to five years
in the slammer,
even if I don't kill anybody.
I wind up seeing a lot more
of Ava than I bargained for.
And she seems perfectly
goddamn fine.
Not roughed up.
Just the rich man's wife
she always intended to be.
I'm a damned fool.
Freeze, pervert.
Let me through, Manute.
I'm sorry, Dwight.
An atom bomb goes off
between my legs.
A freight train
barrels into my jaw.
I've taken a beating before,
but never like this.
Never like this.
The sounds go wet.
Maybe he keeps hitting me.
I don't know.
I'm gone.
Gone to that place where
there's no pain or thought.
I wake up in midair.
The pavement rushes up
to give me a big sloppy kiss.
I'll be damned.
Door-to-door service.
Then I spot my Mustang,
which makes no sense.
Why would they return my car?
Get out of here.
Put your clothes back on
and get out of here now.
You had your chance.
I would have stayed away,
but you came for me.
You still want me.
And I'm yours. Now.
Get out of my life
once and for all,
or I'll bash your teeth in.
If you can't love me...
...hate me.
If you can't forgive me,
punish me.
Make me hurt
like I've hurt you.
I call her
every foul name there is.
She makes my name
sound like music.
Like a chant to some dark god.
She's slippery with sweat.
Before long, my hatred is spent,
but she won't let go.
She kisses me
and coaxes me
and the fire grows again.
I say all the things
I swore I'd never say again.
She owns me.
Body and soul.
Tell me everything.
Manute, the man who beat you...
He's a specialist
in inflicting pain.
Hideous pain, in all the places
you just gave me joy.
That's sick.
That's crazy.
Damien, my husband,
he talks and talks
and watches.
It's worse each time.
He's getting closer
to his final, sick climax.
He says I'll be very ugly
before I die.
Ava, you're not
gonna die.
You're coming with me.
It's hopeless.
He lets me run away.
Even laughs about it.
Doesn't care where I go,
what I do.
He knows Manute
will always find me.
Isn't that right, Manute?
Madam, Mr. Lord will require
that you be disciplined.
No, Dwight!
Don't fight him!
He'll kill you!
He's not human.
I punch a vault door.
It doesn't fall down,
so I punch it again.
A wrecking ball hits me
square in the chest.
Mrs. Lord, your coat.
We have an appointment.
They can't take her
away from me.
Not this time.
I know exactly what to do.
I know exactly where to go.
Now here's a girl with protection.
She may be showing off
everything she's got
in a ratty dive
full of horny drunks,
but Nancy's the safest gal
in the world.
Make a grab for Nancy and you're
up against 300 pounds of iron
that goes by the name of Marv.
I didn't even see you there.
What can I do you for?
I need your help.
It's bad.
It means going up against
a lot of guns.
Count me in.
I could use a change of pace.
We finish off the bottle,
letting its liquid darkness
fill us both.
When I'm sure he's had enough
to make him good and dangerous,
I tell him about Ava,
and his eyes go killer red.
I know he's willing
to die for me,
if that's what it takes.
So I'm using him.
So what?
So he breaks the faces
I want him to break
instead of somebody else 's.
So he helps me get Ava
back in my arms again
instead of sleeping it off
in a flophouse or gutter.
His life isn't
worth a damn, anyway.
If I don't get him killed,
the world will,
one way or another.
I want you to leave
that thing in the car.
Nobody's getting killed tonight.
Come on, Dwight.
You ain't no fun at all.
We split up at the gate.
It doesn't take Marv long
to get their attention.
You've trespassed
on hallowed ground.
You're the slug
that hurt my friend, huh?
Shall we?
Haven't had my hand around
one of these in days.
I'll find the truth about Ava
and what's happening to her now.
He'll tell me.
I'll get it out of him.
Damien Lord.
Where is she?
What have you done with her?
Have you come to take her away
from all this?
And what is "all this,"
in her present stories?
I haven't the slightest
notion what
nonsense my wife has told you.
Nor do I care.
It's all lies.
Stay away from the desk.
The woman is pathological.
You've been deceived.
What did it feel like?
Murdering an innocent man.
I just want to know
what it felt like.
Must have been beautiful.
What are you
talking about, innocence?
I knew I could count on you.
Sex always
made you stupid,
ready to believe anything.
You've just made me
a very rich woman.
Do me one
last favor, lover.
Stay still long enough
for me to blow your brains out.
I'm not much of a shot.
- But I do my best.
- Ava...
I planned it
and you fell for it.
This is the last time I'm ever
gonna need anything from a man.
The last time
I make my living on my back.
Manute never hurt you?
He wouldn't dare.
You're insane.
No, Dwight.
A crazy person would be
anyone who believes me.
And that would be you.
If I kissed you now, Dwight,
would you still
believe it was...
Hey, I handled that
big slug just like I promised.
I didn't kill him,
I didn't even cripple him.
Six months in traction,
that's all, tops.
I took an eye
out of him, though.
Listen, before you say anything,
I know I was supposed to take
the 'Stang to make my getaway,
but when I saw this beauty here
sitting there, you know,
the keys in the ignition
and everything,
I couldn't pass up
a chance to take a drive
in an honest-to-God Tucker.
Pull over!
You know, they only made
a couple dozen of these beauties.
I saw a movie about it once.
Oh, here I am jabbering,
and you're leaking
all over the place.
I'll get you to a guy I know.
He's good with bullets and
he don't ask questions.
Get me to Old Town.
Let me level with you, pal.
You ain't gonna
make it to Old Town.
I'll make it.
I've got too much I've got to do
to let myself die.
Old Town.
He left a lot of blood,
Mrs. Lord.
He won't get far.
You said you knew him.
The killer's name
is Dwight.
Dwight McCarthy.
You knew him in what sense?
Why, the biblical one.
I'm sorry, Lieutenant.
You've been
so very patient with me.
Here we've barely met,
and already I...
I feel I can trust you.
You can trust me.
We were together for
a while a few years ago.
It went badly.
He went insane.
He started imagining things,
accusing me of things.
He followed me wherever I went.
Recently, he broke into
this very property.
He beat you?
When he drank,
he drank a lot.
You stay with this nutcase?
Never mind that.
You'd be surprised how
much a woman can take.
You were terrified.
It was Damien
who took me away.
He was so gentle and sure.
I suppose I'm a woman
who needs protection.
He made me feel safe.
But then, Dwight,
he found me somehow.
He started calling
me late at night,
making awful threats.
And now Damien's dead
and I'm alone.
Oh, please, Lieutenant!
Call me Mort.
Nothing like a widow
in need of comfort.
I got a stiff y just watching.
Man, she is primed.
Just drop it, Bob.
You don't pass up
a chance like that.
What's the point of
being a Sin City cop,
if you don't get the perks?
I'm a married man, Bob.
I don't care what you are.
I mean, just take
a look at that babe.
That's enough, Bob.
This doesn't look good.
One squad car still chases us.
Must be a rookie driving.
His buddies
should have told him
the girls of Old Town
have laws all their own.
And they don't
take kindly to cops.
Old Town!
Oh, you're a genius, kid!
Here we are, pal.
All of a sudden,
this doesn't look like
the brightest idea
you ever had.
You have ten seconds to tell us
what you're doing bringing cops
to Old Town.
We got us a problem.
I don't fight girls.
It's me.
What have they done to you?
A corkscrew
stabs me square in the chest...
...and twists.
Get Molly!
Get everybody.
It's about time.
Mrs. Lord.
You're so kind to call.
I hope I didn't wake you.
No, I wasn't sleeping.
I haven't slept at all.
I'm jumping at every sound,
just knowing
he's still out there.
I guess I'm not
a very strong person.
And me in this house,
all alone.
You shouldn't be so hard
on yourself, Mrs. Lord.
You're having a very
understandable reaction.
If there's anything
at all I can do for you...
I know it's a bad thing
to think of you the way I do.
It's inconvenient.
"But who ever loved,
loved not at first sight?"
I've thought about you
since I saw you.
I'm thinking about you now.
Are you thinking
about me?
I hate myself
for saying this, but...
I just don't know if I could
bear to be alone tonight.
My heart beats.
I take in the rich,
burnt smell of coffee.
She's reason enough to open my eyes.
Can you hear me, Dwight?
Cops want you bad, Dwight.
Really bad.
But don't worry.
We'll fix you up.
And when we do,
when you're all better,
I'll deck you for leaving
in the first place.
I told you you'd be back.
I told you... belong here.
I thought there was
another world out there.
I thought I could be
a part of it.
There's only Sin City.
Molly said
you're ready to leave.
- No, I'm staying.
- Wrong answer.
Deadly little Miho.
If she recognizes me,
she doesn't let it show.
Oh, you picked
the wrong neighborhood
for your hideout.
Alive or dead, you're leaving.
I'm staying.
I don't think
he can feel it, Miho.
Give it a twist.
You won't give with any more
lip about staying here
or Miho will have to exhale.
And that heart Molly worked so hard
to fix will just pop like a grape.
He's staying.
And if you're going to kill him,
you better kill me, too.
Even though he doesn't feel
the same way about me,
he's the only man
I'll ever love.
They all seemed to be waiting
for the other shoe to drop.
Gail drops it.
It was dark in that alley, Miho,
when you were 15.
You killed three of the Tong.
But the last two
had the drop on you.
You were dead,
Until someone appeared.
You never got a good look
at the man who saved you.
Take a look now.
I get more time...
...and more surgery.
Listen, there-there's only
one person
that has anything to gain
from snuffing Damien Lord,
and you're too busy
banging the broad
- to bring her in for questioning.
- You don't know her.
You don't know anything about her,
and I'll be damned if I let you use
that kind of language
when you talk about her.
You're in love with her.
You stupid schmuck.
It's one thing to poke
a babe on the side,
but you can't even
think straight.
Shut the hell up!
I know what I'm doing.
I guess I should've
told you everything.
Damn right you should have.
He raped me.
He almost killed me.
That son of a bitch.
I thought
I could reason with him,
but he was worse than ever.
His hands at my throat,
strangling me
while he did what
he needed to do.
Not while I'm around.
He'll kill me.
Kill me! Kill me!
I have only you.
I love you, Mort.
Keep me safe.
Keep me! Keep me!
Keep me!
Ava Lord.
For once, you missed my heart.
I'm healing quickly, Ava.
I'll be coming for you soon.
You know where he is,
and you won't do
a damn thing about it.
You don't know
what you're asking.
We have to wait for
Old Town to give him up.
It's the only way.
You're a Sin City cop.
You've got a badge and a gun.
You've got power.
Use it.
If you ever want to have
this woman again,
be a man.
If you're a man,
kill him.
Don't move.
You never tortured her.
You two cooked that up.
You were her lover.
You're a fool.
The Goddess takes no lover.
The Goddess makes slaves of men.
In an instant, she can
see to the heart of you
and transform
to your deepest desire.
To Damien Lord,
she was the princess bride.
To you, a damsel in distress.
She devoured all of you.
You cannot defeat the Goddess.
She cannot die.
You're as crazy as she is.
If you were as rotten as her,
I would blow
your brains out right now,
but I'm trying to be careful
about who I kill,
and all you did was
pound the crap out of me.
You've already paid
an eye for that.
I'm letting you go
with a warning.
Stay in bed.
Don't go back to work.
And don't get in my way.
No, Ava, you're no goddess.
You're a witch.
A predator.
Maybe I only got
what I deserved,
but what about the others?
Good men driven mad.
You really lost it.
Bad enough you leave your wife
for that skank.
You watch what you call her,
you son of a bitch.
You're throwing away
your career.
Hell, you're committing suicide,
you stupid shit.
I know what I'm doing.
I'm going to Old Town.
I'm gonna nail this
guy once and for all.
If I have to go it alone,
I Will.
Do me a favor,
turn the car around
and you go back to the station.
You got to come clean
with the captain.
I'm a cop. I'm doing my job.
I'm hunting down a murderer.
Look, you got to ditch
that dame.
That's enough!
We won't talk about Ava.
Somebody has got
to set you straight.
You've got to forget
about that stupid whore.
Turn the car around
or I'm turning you in.
I warned you.
Every day,
I warned you!
But you keep asking for it!
And asking for it!
Well, here it is, pal.
Mort, no.
A witch, a predator.
Destroying lives.
Sometimes for power.
Sometimes for profit.
Sometimes for sport.
But now you're locked away
in your mansion.
A bird of prey in a gilded cage.
Are you ready to do
something stupid?
I'm so happy you chose
to attend my little party,
Herr Wallenquist.
Your invitation
surprised me, Mrs. Lord.
Your husband had
no criminal associations.
Believe me, I tried.
May I speak truthfully,
Mr. Wallenquist?
Old Town is a thorn
in your side.
Indeed, it is.
All those profits
in the hands of whores.
Surely you've wanted
to put them in their place.
Make some adjustment
to the balance of power.
Show them who rules Sin City.
You have limited influence
on me, Mrs. Lord.
I haven't been doing
so very badly.
But those two policemen,
that was an
embarrassing blunder.
I'm out of my league.
I need a stronger,
more experienced hand.
I need Lord Enterprises
joined in matrimony
with the expertise
and iron fist
of Alarich Wallenquist.
What you need
is the corpse of
Dwight McCarthy
and a suicide note in which
he confesses to the murder
of Damien Lord.
And you need to show
those Old Town bitches
who's boss.
There's a specialist
in Texas.
I could have him
on a train tomorrow.
I'll brief him myself.
He'll be
on your doorstep at midnight.
And I'll be yours forever.
Pray for your soul, Ava.
This won't be its last visit
to Sin City.
Good evening,
Mr. Campbell.
I'll take your bag.
Nobody touches my gear.
And I got somebody
picking me up
whose one hell
of a lot cuter than you.
It was our understanding
that you would travel alone.
I'm full of surprises.
Shuffle that booty over
to the shotgun side, doll.
I'm driving.
We'll follow you.
Mrs. Lord may not be pleased.
She's the one with the problem.
I can always get back
on the train.
Wait here.
Hurry back.
You know I get impatient.
And you know I get
a little crazy
when I get impatient.
Boogaard, watch this woman.
If this man moves,
kill him.
I thought this was business.
My compliments to your surgeon,
Mr. McCarthy.
Remarkable transformation,
but you still have the eyes.
The eyes of a dead man.
I hate being left alone.
When I'm alone,
it makes me want to do all kinds
of crazy things.
No woman should be left alone
with a man like you.
Do you want me
to do something
we shouldn't?
My lips are sealed.
There's something I
need in the trunk.
Bear witness.
Mrs. Lord,
the specialist has arrived.
The bathing thing with her
was never about bathing.
It was always theater.
Or maybe it was retail.
You can't make a sale
without showing the goods.
It's McCarthy.
Do you mind if I say
that you're twice the man
I thought you were.
You're a warrior.
A killer.
You're everything I want
out of a man,
but I could never get
the honesty out of you.
You could've been
everything I needed.
You still could be.
You're a new man.
Remember what she did.
Remember what she is.
Wait for your opening.
Wait for Gail to do her bit.
When you're immune to me,
I'll let you know.
Step back, mistress.
Let me kill him.
Six shots
without a single head wound.
Then it all
gets down to speed and luck.
Her eyes are wet
and full of love.
I never dreamed.
You're everything
I've ever wanted.
Everything I need.
You and me, forever.
It's over.
Pain has set you free.
You're no good any more, Dwight.
You're more like me.
Be like me.
Let the old Dwight go.
Let it go with his old face.
She pulls close,
and I've got to look.
And all I want is to be lost
in the sight
and sound and smell of her.
I can't think straight.
We can be free.
We can be happy.
Together forever.
Her kiss is a promise
of paradise.
The gun barks
and bucks in my hand.
Life leaves Ava with a sigh.
Sirens climb the hill.
We'll take the back roads.
The old bootlegger roads.
They'll never catch us.
I'm going home.
Walk down the right
back alley in Sin City,
and you can find anything.
I was told I could find a man here
by the name of Mr. Kroenig.
That's Dr. Kroenig
to you.
Yes, sir.
License or no license,
these hands still got
what it takes.
Once I'm prepped.
How much you got?
4O bucks you got,
4O bucks worth you get.
Steady as a rock...
...once I'm prepped.
4O bucks got you the bullet.
But that hand of yours,
that's a lot of bones
need setting.
I'll give you an hour
for your shoes.
Take them.
I do my best
to think about winning...
The old man must like popsicles.
He uses the sticks for splints.
He licks them first.
Not so much
as a goddamn thank you.
Generosity don't count
for shit, this... and age.
Quite a job you did on me, Roark.
Even my shoes.
There's nothing more
you could take,
The girl.
Oh, my Christ.
Oh, Marcie, you weren't
a part of this.
You were just there
to throw them off their game.
What have I dragged you into?
This has turned
into a long, bad night.
The window's not locked.
Never a good sign.
Not in Sin City.
Look who decided to show up.
Give the man a hand.
Give the man another hand.
Ruined, penniless,
friendless and forgotten.
You'd really be
better off dead, Johnny.
But I like you
just the way you are.
I got cocky.
I got cocky,
and I got Marcie dead.
Damn it, Johnny.
Hate yourself
when you got the time.
Think about tonight's game.
That's all that matters now.
And all you need is money.
Just one lousy buck would be
enough to get you started.
Hello, ma'am.
I don't have
the money to pay,
but could I ask you
for a glass of water?
Times are tough all over.
Thank you.
What's with the hand?
I beat the wrong guy
at cards.
Tough break.
Thank you very much.
Just a second, you.
You don't stink of anything
and you kind of remind me
of an old boyfriend, okay?
This won't take you
very far.
it's gonna take me to the moon.
Sin City, you never know.
Just don't spend it all
in one place.
Hey, handsome.
What you gonna do with all that?
I'm gonna kill Roark.
The Roarks,
they don't die that easy.
I just might surprise you.
Looks like something happened
to your game hand, son.
I fold.
What's wrong, hotshot?
You're no good
without that lady luck
you brought the last time?
I'll be fine.
I'm done.
I'm out.
I need three.
Dealer takes two.
- Check.
- Check.
I bet 100.
Just not the same
without your game hand, is it?
I'm ambidextrous.
- Check.
- Check.
I'm in.
I'll raise you...
...500 more.
I fold.
I'm done.
I'll raise you five more,
pretty boy.
You favor your mother.
She was a whore.
Not a very good one.
She was an angel.
I'm all in.
For the works.
That's four aces.
See, I told you I never lose.
That means I'm better
than you are,
and everybody knows it,
'cause I beat you again
every time somebody
tells that story,
and they'll all say
that they won't tell it,
but they will.
That's a story
that'll be told
again and again
until you're dead,
and long after you're dead.
I beat you forever.
Now they'll all know
what happens when you do.
Say hello to your mama.
She always was a stupid bitch.
Power is as power does.
If I could give any young man advice,
it'd be this:
wear a rubber.
Now take out that trash.
Let's get back to the game.
I can't lose you.
Not again.
You'll never lose me, Nancy.
All this time,
she was right there.
Dancing in the club
where you play poker.
You've got to have been
looking for a chance
to put this one
through the wringer, Senator.
Nancy Callahan.
My son Ethan
was killed because of her.
It's been four years now,
and still she's planting flowers
at Hartigan's grave.
She's showing gratitude,
from the looks of it,
to the cop.
Gratitude to the cop
who ripped your son to pieces.
Hartigan turned
my son into a freak.
...completed him as a freak.
But I can hardly blame
the young lady for...
Just let the little fluff drown
in her sorrow.
It might not be that simple.
Somehow she got her hands
on Hartigan's old pistol.
She hits the range every night
just before work.
She's become quite a good shot.
And I can only imagine
whose face she sees
on that target.
I'm listening.
She's been acting
kind of crazy sometimes
at work.
She's drinking.
Just in the past few weeks.
She never drank before.
It's all like
she's building up to something.
Maybe building her nerve.
That'll be all, Lieutenant.
This little bitch
is turning me on.
This place stinks.
I never used to notice.
Not when I danced.
Now I smell everything.
I see it all.
Every damn thing.
I know exactly where I am.
I know exactly what I am.
I don't use
the stripper logic any more,
that they're losers and I'm not.
It was when I couldn't shoot him
that I realized I was dead.
That I wasn't a woman
with a plan.
I was just a drunk.
I give them what they want.
Then I get the hell
out of there.
Are you still there, Sam?
He shot me in the gut.
It wasn't me, Sam.
It was the babe.
Rotten town.
It soils everybody it touches.
This rotten town.
Those it can't corrupt,
it soils.
It's soiled you, John Hartigan.
Put that bottle down, Nancy.
You've had enough.
It made you lie to me.
You're not even here right now.
You said you'd never leave me.
I never left you.
I never will.
You're not even here right now.
You're dead.
You blew your brains out.
Stuck your gun in your mouth
and you blew your brains out.
I had my reasons.
There was no way out.
I hate you!
You swore you'd always love me.
And I always will.
No one has
ever really guessed what hell is.
It's watching
the people you love... pain.
You're the only man
I ever loved.
And you left me alone.
You never thought
we'd stand a chance
against goddamn
Senator Roark.
You didn't believe in me.
You didn't think
a little piece of ass like me
could take down the most
powerful man in the state.
Maybe I'll prove
both of you wrong.
Maybe I'll go crazy.
Crazy's sounding
pretty good right now.
I love you, Nancy.
You little slut.
You're gonna scream
before you die.
You're out of your mind.
I appreciate the obsession,
but you got nothing.
You could've killed me 50 times
if you had the nerve,
but you don't.
You are nothing.
You'll scream,
just like my boy wanted you to.
Darling, where have
you been and...
What have you done to
your beautiful hair?
Don't worry, those bastards
will get what they want.
They always get what they want.
This is great. This...
What's up with you?
Something's wrong.
I'm out of here.
Don't like watching my sister
do the nasty.
I'm taking a hike.
You're beautiful, Nancy.
Don't do this to yourself.
Pretty, pretty, pretty.
If a man did that to you,
I'd tear him to pieces.
Lieutenant Hartigan,
you just gave me a great idea.
No, baby.
Just give me a damn name.
We're up against a lot.
We'll need tools.
Looks like trouble.
Looks like Christmas.
Well, you missed last call, boys.
We're ripping this place
a new asshole.
Move or die.
I hope you don't mind
me saying this, but... look hot.
There's no reason
to leave anybody alive.
Nobody's innocent.
And we can't leave anybody
able to talk.
Don't go soft on me, kid.
Don't leave
anybody breathing.
I won't.
I'll work the perimeter
and nail the guards.
Baby, you're a natural.
I'll work the inside.
How will I know
when you're in?
You'll have a pretty good idea.
Damn thing
misfired on me.
I nearly got them all,
but this piece of shit,
it was jammed up on me.
Piece of crap Uzi
had to get all stuck.
Take a seat.
You're a peach.
I got this.
You clever,
clever little whore.
I can't believe
you made it this far.
You know, Hartigan
blew my son's pecker off.
...where shall I shoot you next?
That tight little belly of yours?
I'm holding a gun on you,
young lady.
The rules are, you pretend there's
a chance that I won't shoot you.
I told you you would scream
before you die.
I owe it to my son.
Frankly, between you and me,
I've finally accepted that Ethan
was not presidential material.
I'd have had a hard time
buying him an election
in an insane asylum.
But he was my son, honey.
He was my son.
And now...
...he's gonna hear you scream.
This is for
John Hartigan, fucker.
This rotten town.
It soils everybody.