Sin City (2005)

She shivers in the wind like the last leaf on a dying tree
I let her hear my footsteps
She only goes stiff for a moment
Care for a smoke?
Sure. I'll take one
Are you as bored by that crowd as I am?
I didn't come here for the party
I came here for you
I've watched you for days
You're everything a man could ever want
It's just not your face
Your... figure
Or your voice
It's your eyes
All the things I see in your eyes
What is it you see in my eyes?
I see a crazy calm
You're sick of running
You're ready to face what you have to face
But you don't want to face it alone
I don't want to face it alone
The wind rises electric
She's soft and warm and almost weightless
Her perfume is sweet promise that brings tears to my eyes
I tell her that everything will be alright
That I'll save her from whatever she's scared of and take her far far away
I tell her... I love her
The silencer makes a whisper of the gunshot
I hold her close until she's gone
I'll never know what she's running from
I'll cash her check in the morning
Just 1 hour to go. My last day on the job
Early retirement. Not my idea
Doctor's orders. Heart condition
"Angina", he calls it
I'm polishing my badge and getting myself used to the idea of saying "Goodbye" to it
It and the 35 years of protecting and serving and tears and...
blood and terror, triumph that represents
I'm thinking of Aileen's slow smile
about the thick fat steak she picked up at the butcher's today
I'm thinking about the one loose end I haven't tied up
A young girl who's out there somewhere
helpless in the hands of a drooling lunatic
Damnit, Hartigan
I won't let you do this, you're going to get yourself killed
You're going to get us both killed
I won't let you. I'm warning you
Let go of my coat, Bob
You're draggin me down with you. I'm your partner
They can kill me too. I ain't putting up with that
I'm getting on the horn and calling for backup
Sure, Bob. We'll just wait
Sit on our ass while that sick Rourk brat gets his sick thrills with victim number 4
Victim number 4
Nancy Callahan, age 11
And she'll be raped and slashed to ribbons
and that backup that we're waiting on
will just so happen to show up just late enough
for Rourk to get back to his U.S. Senator daddy
Take a deep breath, Hartigan
Settle down and think straight
You're pushing 60 and you got a bum ticker
You ain't saving anyone
Got a great attitude, Bob
Real credit to the force, you are
Aileen's home waiting for you. Think about Aileen
Heck, Bob
Maybe you are right
I'm glad to hear you're finally talking sense
Hell of way to end a partnership
Hell of a way to start my retirement
Nancy Callahan, age 11
For all I know, she's dead already
You've been a very good, Nancy
You've been very quiet
Don't be scared
We're going to be taking you home really soon
But first, we're going to introduce you to somebody
He's a very nice man
Half way to the warehouse where Weevil said they took her and it hits
Wicked spot of indegestion
At least that's what I pray it is
I seek only the most lighthearted and momentary degression
The briefest indulgement in automotive pleasure
...for cheap thrills. Such shortlived durability, Mr. Shlubb
You would risk engendering an ill will on the part of our employers
Burt Shlubb and Douglass Klump
This Jaguar you so pinheadedly covet
temporarily remanded to our customer, though it may be
remains the property of the son of Senator Rourk
Got to keep this quiet
Take them down fast
A single dent, the mearest scratch, thereupon on the before
mentioned consequences of which I so recently made mention
shall surely be afford us
Catch your breath. Give your heart time to slow down
But it won't slow down
Get over it
She needs you
We're all done here, Benny
Let's give them some time together
Give them some privacy
Be with you in a minute, Lenny
I'm just making sure they get along really well
What kind of beast couldn't get along with a precious little girl like this
You must be awfully scared now
But you got nothing to be scared of
All we're going to do is have a nice little talk
That's all. Just a nice talk, just you and me
Don't you cry now
Doctor said it'd be like this
Just take the pill he gave you
No need to play it quiet. Not anymore
Breath steady old man. Prove you're not completely useless
What the hell. Go out with a bang
He likes to hear them scream
I've seen his victims and their twisted little faces
all wide-mouthed and bug-eyed
frozen in their last horrible moment of living
No screams. Either I'm just in time or I'm way too late
It's nothing. Barely a flesh wound
On your feet, old man
Give it up
Let the girl go
You can't do a goddamn thing to me, Hartigan
You know who I am
You know who my father is
You can't touch me, you piece-of-shit cop
Look at you. You can't even lift that cannon you're carrying
Sure I can
Cover your eyes, Nancy
I don't want you watching this
I mean it baby. Cover your eyes right now
I take his weapons away
Both of them
Hell of a way to end a partnership
For God's sakes, don't make it any worse
Don't make me kill you
I'm doing fine, Bob
Never better
Ready to kick your ass
Keep it talking
By time, just a few more minutes. Just until backup gets here
Sit down and stay down
I'll kill you if I have to
Keep his mind off the girl
Skinny little Nancy
Can't kill her once the backup gets here
Run home, Nancy. Run for your life
Hey. Don't listen to him, he's a crazy man
A tough man you are, huh?
You stay right where you're at
You shoot your partner in the back
then you try to scare a little girl
Later, I'll pull my spare rod. Plug you a couple times. Show you how it's done
We could've worked something out, but you've blown that
Sit down or I'll blast you in half
You're so slow, you'll never stop me
Sit down
You'll never be able to stop me
I finally sit down, just like you told me to
The sirens are close now. She'll be safe
Things go dark. I don't mind much
Getting sleepy. It's OK
She'll be safe
An old man dies. Little girl lives
Fair trade
The night is hot as hell
It's a lousy room in a lousy part of a lousy town
I'm staring at a goddess
She's telling me she wants me
I'm not going to waste one more second wondering how I've gotten so lucky
I want you
She smells like angels ought to smell
The perfect woman
The goddess
I need you
She says her name is Goldie
and that cold thing happens to my stomach
and I realize Goldie is dead
Not a mark on her
You'd have to check her pulse to notice those perfect breasts
of hers aren't moving like they would if she was breathing
She was murdered and I was right here when it happened
Lying next to her
stone drunk, just like she was
Damnit Goldie. Who are you and who wanted you dead?
Who are you besides an angel of mercy giving a 2-time loser like me the night of his life
It sure wasn't my looks
So why the sleazy salloon
Why the kindest Goldie
The cops
They're telling me too much
Showing up before anybody but me and the killer could know there's been a murder
Somebody paid good money for this frame
No reason at all to play it quiet
No reason to play it any way but my way
Whoever killed you is going to pay, Goldie
Open up. Police
I'll be right out
I don't know why you died, Goldie
I don't know why and I don't know how. I never even met you before tonight
But you were a friend and more when I needed one
And when I found out who did it
it won't be quick and quiet like it was with you
It'll be loud and nasty. My kind of kill
And when his eyes go dead, the Hell I send him to will seem like Heaven after what I've done to him
I love you Goldie
Don't worry, Lucille. I was just grazed
Got any beers around this place?
No way I'm giving you any alcohol
Besides, it's not what you came here for anyway, is it
Go ahead. It work's without them
Thanks. You're the best
Lucille's my parole officer. She's a dyke, but God knows why
With that body of her's, she could have any man she wants
The pills come from a girlfriend who's a shrink
She tried to analyze me once, but she got too scared
Haven't seen you like this in awhile
Had a fight with some cops
Didn't happen to kill any of them, did you?
Not that I know of
But they know they've been in a fight, that's for damn sure
How the hell do you suppose I'm going to square this with the board
There ain't no squaring it, not this time
This isn't some bar room brawl
or some creep with a gas can trying to torch someone
Hey hey, this is big
Settle down, Marv. Take another pill
Hey, there isn't no settling down
This is blood for blood and by the gallons
This is the old day, and the bad days, the all or nothing days. They're back
There's no choices left
And I'm ready for war
Prison was hell for you Marv. It's going to be life this time
How's waking up every goddamn day and not even knowing why you're here
But I'm out now
It took somebody who was kind to me. Getting killed to do it
But I'm out
I know exactly what I got to do
So you were scared, weren't you Goldie
Somebody wanted you dead and you knew it
So you hit the salloons, the bad places
Looking for the biggest meanest lug around, and finding me
Well I'm going to find that son of a bitch that killed you
and I'm going to give him the hard good-bye
Walk down the right back alley in sin city
and you can find anything
That coat looks like ???
serves your face
Take off
He's new here, Marv. He didn't know
Katie's my kind of joint
Nancy's just getting started with her gig, but already the crowd's breathing hard
Plenty of nights I've drooled over Nancy
shoulder to shoulder with all the other losers like me
But that's not what I'm looking for tonight
What'll it be, Marv?
A shot and a brew, Shellie, and keep it coming
Sure, honey. You take it slow now
Most people think Marv is crazy
He just had the rotten luck of being born in the wrong century
He'd be right at home on some ancient battlefield, swinging an axe into somebody's face
Or in a Roman arena taking a sword to other Gladiators like him
They'd have tossed him girls like Nancy back then
Show's over, dickwad
Drink up
Now that's one fine-looking coat you're wearing there
You're killing days are over, you over-the-hill do-gooder son of a bitch
I love hitmen. No matter what you do to them, you don't feel bad
Take it off
Fine coat like that, and you're bleeding all over it
Alright, it's all yours
Who was it you loosers who killed Goldie?
The guy who did that ... he knew what he was doing
So tell me, man, who sent you?
I don't hear you giving me any names
So I guess when I shot you in the belly, I aimed a little too high
You keep holding out on me like this, and I'm going to have to get really nasty
It's Telly. Telly Stern... passed me the order
He runs the tables over at the Triple Ace Club
Thanks again
Now the damnedest thing happens
For a second I smell the angel's smell that belonged to my Goldie
Just need my medicing is all
You're going to pay for what you did to me
You like talking, Louie? How many got paid off for the frame, Louie?
How many for the kill?
It was Connely. He set me up
He'll never talk
I don't know about you, but I'm having a ball
Connely talks. They all talk
And what have been your sins, my son?
Well, Padre. I don't want to keep you up all night, so I'll just fill you in on the latest batch
These here hands of mine, they got blood all over them
You're speaking... figuratively
I need to find something out, I just go out and
look for somebody that knows more than me and I go and I ask them
Sometimes, I ask pretty hard
That way, for instance, in fact, I killed 3 men tonight
totured them first
you might say I've been working my way up the food chain
First 2 are minnows, small time messengers
But it was Connely. They money man who fingered you, Padre
Dear Lord, Marv. This is a House of God
Just give me a damn name
You really are pushing your luck, Padre, feeding me garbage like that
It can't be that big
There's a farm out North Cross and Lennox
It's all there
Find out for yourself. While you're at it, ask yourself...
If that corpse of a slut is worth dying for
Worth dying for. Worth killing for. Worth going to hell for
These keys say the Padre drove a Mercedes
Or at least that's what they're passing off as a Mercedes these days
Modern cars. They all look like electric shavers
That couldn't be Goldie
It's my own fault, and nobody elses, that I got confused
I've been having so much fun I forgot to take my medicine
That wasn't Goldie back there. Goldie's dead
And that's the whole reason I've been doing what I've been doing
When you got a condition, it's bad to forget your medicine
The cold thing, it creeps into my gut and tells me one more time it won't let go
This is a bad place, this farm. People have died here
The wrong way
I don't want to fight, pooch
I got no gripe with you
Easy boy
No way I was going to use my gun on you, buddy
It's whoever owns you, I'm curious about
Because there's blood on your breath, and I think I know what kind
So I sniff around to see what's burried
Here we go
Impossible. Nobody can sneak up on me
I go blind. Not a sound. Nobody's that quiet
Nobody except the one who snuck in that hotel room 2 nights ago
It was you, you bastard. You killed her. You killed Goldie. It was...
I blew it, Goldie. I found your killer, but he was better than me
Too quiet. Too quick. A killer born
Why didn't he finish the job?
He keeps the heads
He eats the rest
It's not just that wolf of his
The wolfs just get scraps
Bones. It's him
He eats... people
He cooks them like they were steaks
Let's get you warm
Just like they were steaks
Now he's got both of us
It's alright. Take a nice slow breath
Just look at the heads on the wall
Heads on the wall. The heads on the...
Son of a bitch. He kept smiling that damn smile
made me watch him... suck the meat off my fingers
He made me watch. He made me watch!
Christ, I could use a cigarette
Dames. Sometimes all they got to do is let it out
and a few buckets later, there's no way you'd know
You brought us some big trouble this time, Marv
Whoever's behind this little thing, has his connections right in the department
Any leads?
Whoever it is, he knew I was checking out that hooker almost before I did
What hooker?
The one you've been obsessing over. The dead one. Goldie
I didn't know she was a hooker
It doesn't make any difference about anything
But I didn't know that
She was high class stuff
She must've shown you quite a time
Wait. There's a car coming
All I've got is a face... and a name
I'll see you later, Kevin
Let's go
They've done checking the house. They're coming this way
Bastards, I'll show them
You're not going to get any of us killed, Marv
No, don't shoot. Please, listen to me. I'm his parole officer
He's unconscious and unarmed. So there's no need to kill him
Captain. The target. There's no sign of him
Here's a sign
That there is one damn fine coat you're wearing
I keep coming back to that cop I just killed and what he told me
I was pretty steamed about what he'd done to Lucille
So I took my time with that son of a bitch
It wasn't until I showed him all those pieces of himself that he said... just a name
Patrick Henry Roark. Man of the cloth
He could've become President, but he chose to serve God
And along the way, he just happen to become the most powerful man of the State
He's brought down mayors and governors like they were nothing
He even made his rotten brother a U.S. Senator without breaking a sweat
And here he's going to get killed in the name of a dead hooker
I'm getting used to the idea. More and more, I'm liking the sound of it
Then it hits me like a kick in the nuts
What if I'm wrong?
I've got a condition
I get confused sometimes
And with Lucille dead, I can't get my medicine
What if I've imagined all of this
What if finally turn into what they've always said I was going to turn into
A maniac
A psychokiller
Can't kill a man without knowing for sure you ought to
I've got to know for sure
The merchandise is on display, by the time I make my way to Old Town
For an hour or so, I ask around about Goldie
I don't get any answers, but I know I'm bound to
Lucille said Goldie was a hooker
And if she was, she has roots here. Friends, maybe even family
You can't be Goldie. Goldie's dead
Goldie. Yeah, sure, right.
I haven't eaten anything or taken my medicine for days now
No wonder I'm seeing things
He's crazy
Hit him again, Wendy... harder
Wait a minute. Why did she call you Wendie?
Because that's my name, you ape
Goldie was my sister
My twin sister
I guess she was the nice one
Goldie and the other 6. Where are they? What did you do to them?
You crazy goddamn broad. Just take a look at this mug.
Would any of you dames let me get close enough to you to kill you?
None of you would. But Goldie...
And only she did because she thought I could protect her
And I'll bet those cops didn't do a damn thing about those other girls tonight
But as soon as they hit me for a fall guy, they showed up, guns blazing
But they didn't get me
And I've been killing my way to the truth ever since
So go ahead doll... shoot me now. Or get the hell out my way
OK, I better be getting all that sorted out
What the hell?
I tied those knots. That's my specialty
You sat there and took it, when you could've taken my gun away from me anytime you wanted to
Well, sure. I thought I might be able to talk some sense into you
And I probably would've had to paste you one
And I don't hurt girls
We need a pair of handcuffs
What style you want? I got a collection
Just give him the ones you got with you, Gail
It was a farmboy named Kevin who killed Goldie
But it was Cardinal Roark who was behind him and I don't know why
I know that sounds crazy
No it doesn't
Goldie worked the Clergy
Just like that, a whopper of a puzzle piece falls smack in my lap
I'm too dumb to put the whole picture together yet, but...
she fires up 2 cigarettes and hands me one and i taste her lipstick on it
and suddenly my heart's pounding so loud I can't hear anything else
I wanna reach over and touch her and taste Goldie's sweat 1 more time
but she isn't Goldie
Yeah, yeah, this'll do
I'm also going to be needing a dozen 2-foot lengths of
This rubber tubing
And a spool of razor wire
A pair of those special gloves that'll... let me handle the wire
Beefing up the old home security, huh?
You bet your ass
She was my sister
So I'm in this one to the end
But why are you willing to go up against Roark for someone you barely know
She was nice to me. Gave me something I didn't even know existed
I wasn't never even able to... buy a woman. Yeah, the way I look
I take my mind off her and I crawl back inside myself
It's almost killing time, and I better get sharp
I check the list
Rubber tubing
Razor wire
And my mits
We're close enough. Pull over
Yes, Marv
Keep the engine running
If I'm not back in 20 minutes, you get the hell out of here. Don't look back
Kill him for me, Marv
Kill him good
I won't let you down
Heading downstairs to the kitchen. Getting himself a midnight snack
And I can guess what kind
Come on, you son of a bitch
Damn, he's slick
Is that the best you can do, creep?
That's right. Get personal, get close. I can take it
I got you, you little bastard. Let's see you hop around now
I try to slow my heart down and breath the fire out of my lungs
My muscles make me a 1,000 promises of pain to come
Let me do it, Marv
She was my sister, let me finish him
You wasn't supposed to come down here, Wendy
Oh, but I wanted to ki...
I'm sorry kid, but I haven't even started with this creep
and I don't want you watching the rest
it'll give you nightmares
God, I got to tell you, I'm good and bushed
It's not that fight of our that did me in either
It's all that sawing and tying
It's not as easy as it looks
It could've been a real mess around here if I didn't have that tubing for... turniquettes
I got to admit... there was a spurt or 2
You get the scent in the air. To get that friend of yours to come running
Well, what do you know. Look who's here
Here he comes
That's a good dog
He doesn't scream. Not even when the mutt's had its fill
and Kevin's guts are lying all over the place
but somehow the bastard is still alive, still staring at me
Not even when I grab the saw and finish the job
He never screams
I put in a call to Katie's and ask Nancy to get her clothes on and meet me at her place
She say's "Yes" like always
Hey, Nancy. You got any beers?
Sure, Marv. Who's the babe?
There isn't much of anything Nancy wouldn't do for me
not since a year back when her frat boy roughed her up and I straightened him out but good
it really gets my goat when guys rough up dames
So what do you want me to do with her?
Well, your best bet is... drive her all the way up to Sacred Oaks
What about you? Are you leaving town?
Hell no. I like it here
I hotwire a parked cab and stay under the speed limit so as not to get any attention
My head starts to clear, and things start to make sense
I owe you, Goldie. I owe you 1, and I'm going to pay up
So going after Roark means dying, win, or lose?
Hell, I'll die laughing if I know I've done this one thing right
Quiet as a grave out here. No sign of target
Alright, keep a lookout
What's left of him, anyways
The dog ate the rest
Oh, my God
You monster
You... demon
Don't scream of I'll plug you
He had the voice... of an angel
Yet he spoke only to me
And he's dead now because of 1 stupid whore
It's not a real good idea for you to talk about Goldie that way... while I'm around
When he came to me
He was a tormented boy
Tormented by guilt
I tried to council him
But the eating. It filled him with white light
tearful, he swore to me that he felt the touch of God almighty
What the hell do you know?
I know it's pretty damn weird to eat people
He didn't just eat their bodies. He ate their souls
And I joined in
They were all whores
Nobody cared for them
Nobody'd miss them
And then your... Goldie almost ruined everything
She stayed in public places. And then with you...
You were so convenient. You'd broken man's jaw that very night
Who would believe a thug like you?
Kevin killed her
I ordered the police in for you. But you wouldn't be caught
You wouldn't stop. And now he's dead and you're here too
Eliminate me
Will that give you satisfaction, my son?
Killing a helpless, old fart
The killing, no. No satisfaction
Everything up until the killing... will be a gas
Kevin. We're going home
You could scream now if you want to
It's beautiful, Goldie. It's just like I promised, only better
And when his eyes go dead, the Hell I send him to must seem like Heaven after what I've done to him
Freeze! Oh my God
Jerks. They should've shot me in the head, and enough times to make sure
It's so stupid. Everybody knows what's coming
but they go through the motions anyway, what a waste of time
Month's fall off the calandar while I breath and eat through tubes
Night after night I wait for someone to come and finish me off
After awhile I realize it's not going to be so easy as that
I'm on my feet for about 10 minutes before the cops kick them out from under me
They don't ask me any questions
They just keep knocking the crap out of me and waving a confession in my face
and I keep spitting blood all over it and laughing at how many fresh copies they come up with
then along comes this worm assitant district attorney who turns the recorder off and says
if I don't sign their confession, they'll kill my mom
I break his arm in 3 places and I sign it
From then on, it's the circus everybody wants it to be
They nail me for the works. Not just the people I did kill
but even Lucille and the girls that Roark and Kevin ate
and even Goldie
the judge is all fire and brimstone when she hands down the sentence
midnight and my death are only a few hours away, when I get my first surprise in 18 months
My only visitor
I'm ready for anything but that scent
I got him for you good, didn't I, Goldie
I'm sorry, Wendy. I got confused again
seeing you like this
You can call me Goldie
She smells like angels ought to smell
The perfect woman. The goddess
Goldie. She says her name is Goldie
They fix fix me a pretty decent steak for my last meal
They even throw in a brew. It's the first I've had since back at Nancy's
Then they shave my head and fix me with a rubber diaper. And get to it
And it's about damn time, if you ask me
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death
Would you get a move on, I haven't got all night
You heard the man. Hit it
That the best you can do, you pansies?
He's done
Forget it, man. You can bang on that door all night if you want to. There is no way in Hell I'm letting you in
I can't believe you're doing this to me, Shellie
Everything we've shared. It has to mean something to you
It meant plenty. Plenty of lost pay on account on how nobody wants to
flirt with a waitress whose face is all purple and swollen up with bruises
I know you're angry, baby. And I forgive you for that without you even asking me to
There's a difference between getting honked off at a guy who's generally not so bad
and... finding out that you've been sweet talked by a total jerk loser
who skips out on a wife he doesn't even tell you about every time
he gets drunk, which is way too often
especially... the kind of total jerk loser who has to beat up on a girl to make himself feel like a man
That hurts, Shellie. It's one thing for you to play hard to get
but don't go trying to cut my nuts off
I... am impossible to get. Do yourself a favor, Jackie Boy, and get help
like... a shrink. Get help and... get lost
Just open the door
Go ahead and open the door, Shellie. I'll take care of this
Just open the door. You'll see how wrong you've been about me
Oblige him, Shellie. I'm ready for him
No. If he knew that you were here with me, you don't know how bad this can get
This clown's got a big mean drunk on
And he's got 4 friends out there in the hall, breathing had and just as drunk as he is
I could swear I heard somebody in there with you just now
Somebody?! Jackie Boy, it's a regular African lovefest in here
- Let me know who races (???)
- I mean, I got me, I got me all 5 starters...
and half the bench of the Basin City Blues keeping me company
You feel like taking them on?
You are teasing me, baby. Some of my best friends...
but you are really pushing my buttons
and the whole time you've been doing me like this
I've been too polite to point out that at any time I want to
I could kick this damn door to splinters
OK, baby. You know what I can do. You know what I can do
- Alright, Jack
- 1...
- Alright
- 2...
Alright, alright
Troops, make yourself at home
You brought your whole pack with you?
None of these bozos got lives, they got to hang out with you
You're going to love this baby. You're going to call up some of your friends
who work in the salloon. With you and the bunch of us, we're going to
hit every joint in town. It's just going to be great
I ain't calling up nobody
That's a man's shirt, and I sure as Hell it ain't one of mine
You got somebody's slow stink all over you
You've been with another man. You've been with him tonight
He's Superman. He flew out the window just as soon as he heard you were coming
because you scared him so bad
You think I have no feelings at all
If you're going to slug me, just go ahead and get it over with, you sick bastard
There you go, lying about me again, right in front of my friends
I have never hit a woman in my life
You goddamn bastard. You goddamn coward
Baby, we're all here to have a good time
Got to take a leak
Wish you dropped by earlier, Jackie Boy. Then you could've met my boyfriend. Could've seen what a real man looks like
There you go. After my nuts again
But I forgive you. I'm a generous guy
He is generous. With temper of his, you never should've picked on him like you did
You don't have to. You don't have to worry about it
Shut up and keep your hands to yourself or I'll cut your little pecker off
I've been told
Hey, baby. I don't hear you making those calls
Answer me
Oh, I don't need this grief
Hi, I'm Shellie's new boyfriend and I'm out of my mind
You ever so much as talk to Shellie again, you even think her name, and I'll cut you in ways that'll make you useless to a woman
You're making a big mistake, man. A big mistake
Yeah? You already made a big mistake, yourself
You didn't flush
Troops. Get out of here. No questions, damnit, no questions. Now!
Dwight, what in the Devil did you do to him?
I just gave him a taste of his own medicine
I don't think he'll be bothering you again. How's your jaw?
I've been slapped around worse
Dwight? He was from awhile back
before you showed up again with that new face of yours
and... it was only because I felt sorry for him. It was only once
I've done some dumb things
Seeing as how I'm one of those dumb things, I can't give you too hard a time about that, Shellie
But this guy. He's a menace. He might kill somebody if I don't stop him
I'll call you later
No, don't go!
Shellie shouts something I can't quite make out over the racket of a passing police copter
It sounds like "Stop". But I can't be sure
It's a chance I shouldn't be taking. But I can't just go home and forget about it and let Jackie Boy and his pals have their fun
They're a pack of predators, and they're out for blood tonight
A woman's blood
Damnit, Dwight, damnit. You fool. You damn fool
I cut Caddy across the car to pick up Jackie Boy heading like a bat out of hell up the hill
I'm speeding
That's a good way to get yourself noticed
and if you're a murderer with a new face whose 1 fingerprint check away to the fast track to the gas chamber, like I am...
the last thing you want is to get noticed
I don't have nearly enough cash on me to bribe this cop
and even if I did, there's always the outside chance he's 1 of the honest ones
Do I try to talk my way out of this?
Or do I take this cop down and risk it all?
Then Jackie Boy saves me a great big streaming pile of trouble
Watch it Jack!
Cops. They're right on our ass
Not for long
Not where we're headed
My gut tightens up
Jackie Boy's leading us straight to Old Town
The cop shuts off his siren
He knows he's not the law. Not in Old Town
The ladies are the law here
Beautiful and merciless
If you got the cash and play by the rules, they'll make all your dreams come true
But if you cross them, you're a corpse
Hop in, sugar. We'll get you there
Aww, sweetheart. I work the dayshift, and it's been a long day. Besides, I don't do group jobs
Get in the car, baby. We'll just talk. It'll be nice
I don't do talk jobs, either
Baby doll, I've had me 1 hell of a bad day
I've been beat up every time I turn around
But then day when I get turned down by a hooker
When I got good hard earned cash to pay with
Well? There's only so much a man can take
Go try the Alamo over on Dillan Street. That's the Alamo, not the Amigo
The Amigo's a fag joint
Are you having a good time? Humiliating me like this for no damn reason at all?
That's far enough, Dwight
We've been on top of these peckerwoods since they first showed up with that cop behind them
Everything's under control. Enjoy the show
There's no use arguing with her
The ladies are their own enforcers
So how's the barmaid? You know, the one that never shuts up
Not right now, Gail
Oooh, wound up a little tight, aren't we?
That's your whole problem, Dwight
You worry too much
That and your lousy taste in women
These days, anyway
Damnit, Gail. Not right now
Those clowns, down the way. They some of the barmaids' boyfriends?
I followed them here to make sure he didn't hurt any of the girls
Us helpless, little girls
All kinds of death is about to hit less than 20 yards ahead of us
And still it's hard to take my eyes off her
Us girls are as safe as can be, Lancelot
Those boys in that Chrystler are 1 mistake away
from seeing what Miho can do
And she's been aching for some practice
She guards my glance upward to the pixie perched on the roofs edge
Deadly Little Miho
You're running out of valley, cowboy
Turn around. Safe yourself and your buddies a ton of grief
You're a sassy little thing
You ain't hardly in any kind of position to be making threats
The trap is set. Locked and ready to spring
So what? They're scum. They deserve what's coming
So why this rotten feeling in my gut that something is awfully wrong?
They haven't killed anybody I don't know about
They got pretty bad at Shellie's place
but they didn't kill anybody
And they won't
Why this rotten feeling?
Something Shellie said
I can't place it
OK, OK, OK, I sounded off a little more than I should've
I'm a little edge
Over the edge
It's not a woman you need, it's a good night sleep
You couldn't handle a woman in the state you're in
She saying you don't got what it takes, Jack
You want to see it?
You want to see what I got? Huh?
I've seen all shapes, all sizes
Have you seen this one?
Get in the car
Oh, sugar. You just gone and done the dumbest thing in your whole life
Oh, God, no
This is crazy
I don't know where... for no reason at all
Go ahead... go ahead
He's got the drop on her
He's got squat
He's dead, he's just too dumb to know it
I got you... right where I want you
This is a carreer ending wound for...
There's going to be hell to pay
Watch your step, Jackie Boy
This isn't funny
Don't anyone laugh. I got friends you can't imagine
Everyone in here is going to (???)
Hang it up, she's just playing with you
You're only making it worse
You shut the hell up
Don't pull the trigger, she blocked the barrell. It'll backfire
I told you to shut up
Can't see
I can't see
I can't hear anything
For God sake, Miho, finish him
Make it quick, will you
She doesn't quite chop his head off
She makes a Pez Dispenser out of him
Then it's straight to business
stretching the corpses on the alley floor and checking their pockets
digging up cash when they find it
I'm fishing around in Jackie Boy's pants. His wallet is packed
Master Card, Discover, Platinum American Express
And nearly 300 bucks worth of 20s that I'm not too proud to stuff into my own pockets
Then I find an atom bomb
Jackie Boy. You son of a bitch
There was a helicopter that kicked up such a racket I couldn't quite make out what she said
I thought Shellie said "Stop"
She said "Cop"
Detective Lieutenant Jack Rafferty
"Iron Jack", the papers call him
A goddamn hero cop
It's hell for years, the shaky truce
The cops get a slice of the profits and free entertainment when they throw a party
The girls get to administer their own brand of justice
They get to defend their own turf
If a cop blunders into the neighborhood and he's not shopping for what the girls are selling
They send him packing
But they send him back alive
That's the rules
That's the truce
The cops stay out
That keeps the girls free to keep the pimps and the mob out
Old Town will be left wide open
It'll be war
The streets will run red with blood
women's blood
The cops
The mob. Things are going to go back to the way they used to be
The hell they will
We got guns
We'll fight the cops and the and mob and anybody else who tries to move in on us
We'll go to war
Don't be stupid, Gail. You wouldn't stand a chance
Get me a car
Make sure it's a hard top with a decent engine
I'll hide the bodies
Did you forget that cop car that trailed them here?
The cops know Rafferty came here
They'll check the river, they'll check the sewer
They'll find him and come gunning for us
I'll hall the bodies to the pits. The cops won't check the pits. Get that gun out of my face or I'll smack you
Who do you think you are, giving orders?
-You got what you wanted out of us
-Shut up, Gail
You got what you wanted out of me
And you were gone, off playing with that barmaid. Gone until you brought this unholy mess on us
Miho moves to my back
They'll be watching the roads
They'll catch you
It'll be the bad old days, all over again
The pimps, the beatings, the drugs, the raps
They won't be watching the roads, not yet, they won't. Get me a damn hard top
If I don't make it, you can have your war
Get that gun out of my face, now
I forgot how quick you are
My warrior woman
She almost yanks my head clean off
Shoving my mouth into hers, it hurts
An explosion that blasts away the dull gray years between the now and that 1 firey night when she was mine
A hard top, with a decent engine, and make sure it's got a big trunk
I'll always love you, baby
And never
Where'd you find that heap?
Just look at that trunk
-We'll never fit them all in
Unless there's something else you want me to do, do you think maybe I could go home?
All this blood and stuff's got me feeling like maybe I got to hurl
Sure, Becky, go home. But don't you talk to anybody
Not even your mom
They'll never fit in that trunk
Not like this, they won't
Dry your hair as soon as you get home
You'll catch cold if you don't
Hey, Becky. Gail said no calls
I just want to hear my mom's voice. I won't tell her nothing
Please, don't say nothing to Gail
Hey, mama?
Dizzy dames
What were they thinking sticking me up with a bucket of bolts like this?
We were barely able to get the trunk to stay closed as it was, we packed it so tight
There wasn't anything we could do but pile Jackie Boy in right next to me
Now where anybody who cares to look will see him
Go ahead. Take 1 of his cigarettes
It'll help
It's got you smoking there, bud
You shut the hell up, Jackie Boy
You're dead
I'm just imagining this, so shut the hell up
That tells you something about your state of mind, don't it
It's got you hearing things. It's got your nerves shot
It's got you smoking
You know it's true... Nobody ever really quits
A smoker's a smoker when the chips are down
-And your chips are down... much
-I'm fine, you shut the hell up
Will you look at that
Those hookers let you down
What are you going to do when you run out of gas? Call Triple A?
You sucker for the babes
You ain't even going to make it to the pits
You shut the hell up. I'll make it
Not unless you keep your eyes on the road, sugar pie
Watch it!
Ah, this is great. Just like being in a body movie
Shut up!
Oh, you're screwed
It's over. You're flushed
This time I can't bring myself to tell him to shut up
Sure he's an asshole. Sure he's dead
Sure that I'm just imagining that he's talking
None of that stops the bastard from being absolutely right
I don't have a chance in hell of outrunning this cop
Not in this heap
Pull over!
The only question left is whether I'm going to kill him or not
Tough call
For all I know, he's an honest cop, regular guy
working stiff with a mortgage, a wife, and a pile of kids
My hand moves on its own, sliding 1 of my guns to my lap and thumbing back the hammer
I don't know what to do
You better stop. You're making him mad
Whatever you say
You're friend here. Party a little too hard tonight?
I'm the designated driver
Well, you're driving with a busted tail light
I'll let you off with a warning
What next?
The tank goes dry a quarter mile from the pits
I shove the T-Bird the rest of the way
A few minutes more work and it'll all be over
Jackie Boy will go into the damn tar pits
I'll catch a train out of Sacred Oaks
Go home and call it a...
No more questions, Dallas. Do what I say. Clear the streets
We're on lockdown. We're not selling any tail in Old Town
Not tonight
Don't struggle. You'll only hurt yourself
Your cause is lost
We know everything
Soon the corpse of Detective Rafferty will be in our possession
And the truce between your prostitutes and the police will be shattered
There'll be arrests. There'll be deaths
My employer will sieze what remains of this neighborhood
You will all be slaves. Nothing can stop this
But it is within your power to save many lives
by facilitating the process of transition
by negotiating the terms of the surrender
of Old Town
Son of a bitch. I knew you...
I have suffered your kind before
The dregs of Sin City. I serve a new master now
And soon, you and all your retched kind will serve him as well
Now get dressed and shed a tear for Dwight McCarthy if you must
because by now, he is surely dead
You don't know him
My man will find a way
He always finds a way
I find these Americans always whine and going on about how they got it so bad
This is a fine, grand country. Guiding light of the modern world, it is
Low taxes, land of of opportunity
Where else would 1 bullet boy's defortune that we're getting for this (???)
Sure beats a living hell out of blowing off airports and churches without shit to show for it
You find something, Murphy?
Look to be our poor dead cop's badge
It's all bent up
Bent and stock in it
Oh, bloody he... It's the bullet
You son of a bitch!
They weren't cops, these 4
They were mercenaries
And if they were hired by who I think they were, the bad times haven't even started yet
And everything seemed to be going so well
Remember, we don't have to deliver every last inch of the man, Brian
You got a good point there, Ronnie
Hand me a knife
Should take a nap while I'm doing all this waiting
I'm at the bone, alright?
Here we go
Have you ever seen anything so pretty in your whole life?
We're a back to 3 of you. And if anyone happens by, use your imagination. OK?
Silence now
No air to breath
Only the horrid oily tar taste creeping up my nostrils
Let it in. Let it fill your lungs
They were counting on you, and you blew it
Skinny, stealy fingers at my wrist
Miho, you're an angel. You're a saint
You're Mother Theresa. You're Elvis
You're a god
And if you've shown up 10 minutes earlier, we'd still have Jackie Boy's head
Dwight, they got Gail
It's a sinch. You got yourself a spy in Old Town
A stooly who sold you out to the mob
We got to find out who it is and rescue Gail
But first we got to get our hands on Jackie Boy's head before it gets to wherever it's going and then this whole situation blows wide open
Miho. I hope to hell you left 1 of them alive enough to talk
I let him know I'm not fooling around
We talk
Stay smart, stay cool
It's time to prove to your friends that you're worth a damn
Sometimes that means dying
Sometimes it means killing a whole lot of people
There they are. What do we do?
We stop them, Dallas
Jackie Boy's head so close to me, I could almost reach out and grab it right then and there
Get the head, get the head
I got it, I got it
Suck on this, you stupid slag
I can't tell if Miho is alive or dead
but I'm on my feet and every ounce of me wants to get some killing done
Want the head now, sweetheart. So come down and get it!
Brave lad
I could've put a bullet straight down your ear just now
if I haven't gotten my revolver all wet and useless
you got the drop on my, love
I'm as helpless as a baby
Better come clean with you, sweetheart
It was an old trade lie I was giving you about my revolver being wet
You see, I'm not too fond of shooting
It's my preference to blow things off
I should blast the roof off a pulp
I've seen all the parts flying off people
Little bang-bang's never going to match the size of that
And here's me with all these fine grenades, such a sweet beauty of a remote
But it's my knife I'll be doing you with
You killed my mates
Someone should've told you
Never give an Irishman a good cause for revenge
Deadly little Miho
You won't feel a thing unless she wants you to
She twists the blade
He feels it
I tell Miho what we're going to do and how we're going to do it
I grab poor Dallas's car phone and make the most important call of my life
First we got to rescue Gail
Then comes the kill
The big fat kill
You just going to stand there and watch this?
You kidding me man?
Like watching old Manute do his thing all night long, and not get tired of it. I mean, the man's an artist
Only an artist should be allowed to touch such a beautiful subject
Your skin is perfect
Your nerves... responsive
Just give them what they want, Gail
It's over, Gail. There's no fighting them
Dwight's dead. They got's what's left of that cop we killed
The mob's going to turn it over to the police chief, the cops are going to mow us down. We got to cut a deal
You little bitch. You sold us out
I didn't have no choice
They was going to hurt my mom
It selfish, you holding out like this. You're going to get a lot of girls killed for no good reason
It wasn't your mom. We could've protected her, and you know it
It was the money, you stupid little bitch
Sure there is money. Sure you could've moved my mom into Old Town and let her know that her own goddamn daughter is a whore
-Break's your heart
-Doesn't it
They offered me what you couldn't never offer me
I had to watch out for my own neck
You're neck. You're precious, scrawny, little neck
You're crazy. You could've ripped my throat out, you crazy whore
Schutz, fetch my blades
Stuka, kill this one
No, I was promised
Stupid little bitch. You deserve worse
I knew there was a reason I got out of bed this morning
Hey... hey
Nobody, I don't see nobody
Could we look at that? It's right through me. Guys, look
There's somethign wrapped around it
Some kind of note
Give it to me
The fuck we're doing?
Out back, everyone, and bring the women
You think, somebody should call me a doctor or something?
McCarthy, you fool
Hey. Guys? Ohh
Dozens of them
Armed to the teeth
I'm outnumbered, outgunned
But the alley is crooked, dark, and very narrow
They can't surround me
Sometimes you can beat the odds with a careful choice of where to fight
You can have Old Town. I don't care. Just give me the woman
Shut up
Dwight. Don't do this
Hey, wait a minute. Something's not right
Shut up. Or I'll plug you
Of course, Mr. McCarthy. A fair trade. She's all yours
Now if you'll explain why we shouldn't blow both of you to pieces
Dwight, what have you done?
Exactly what I had to... every step of the way
No, it isn't right. There wasn't no tape over his mouth. How come there's tape over his mouth
Where the fight counts for a lot
You trick, McCarthy, but it will do you no good
But there's nothing like having your friends show up with lots of guns
No, McCarthy, you shan't!
The girls all know the score
No escape
No surrender
No mercy
We got to kill every last rat bastard one of them
Every last one
Not for revenge. Not because they deserve it. not because it'll make the world a better place
We need a heap of bloody bodies so when mob boss, Wallenquist, looks over his charts of profits and losses, he'll see what it cost him to mess with the girls of Old Town
The valkyrie at my side is shouting and laughing with the pure hate for blood-thirsty joy of the slaughter
And so am I
The fire, baby. It'll burn us both
There's no place in this world for our kind of fire
My warrior woman. My valkyrie
You'll always be mine. Always. And never
Evening officer
I don't... have to introduce myself, do I?
You read the papers?
This being an election year, you've seen plenty of my picture
You know who I am and what I can do
I'm doing you, Hartigan
Cold and hard, I'm doing you
You blew my son's ear off
Blew his arm off, you even blew his nuts and his pecker off
He's in a coma right now, they say he may never come out of it
My boy. He could've been the first Rourk to become the president of the United States, but you had turned him into a brain damaged dickless freak
Pulling that trigger make you feel powerful?
Power don't come from a badge, or a gun
Power comes from lying
Lying big and getting the whole damn world to play along with you
Once you got everybody agreeing with what they know in their hearts ain't true, you get them by the balls
There's what, maybe 500 people in this hospital
I could pump you full of bullets right now and I wouldn't be arrested
Everyone would lie for me, everyone who counts
Otherwise all their own lies, everything that runs Sin City, it all comes tumbling down like a pack of cards
But I want you firm, fit, and healthy
I'm even putting up cash of my own to get you more surgery. Fix that... heart condition of yours
You're going to keep living a long time, I'm going to make sure of that
You're going to be convicted of raping that little brat
And shooting my boy
Your wife. You tell her the truth, and she's dead
You tell anybody the truth, and they're dead
They won't let testify
I told the cops that you saved my life and they just (???) like I was crazy
They talked my parents into keeping me away
They said that you done things that you didn't do
I told them that you saved me from that Rourk creep
But they won't even check me out to see if I'm still a virgin
Still a virgin, still alive
Thanks to you
They got it all backwards
Sometimes the truth doesn't matter like it ought
But you'll always remember things, right?
That's going to mean a lot to me
Stay away, Nancy
They'll kill you if you don't stay away
Don't visit me, don't write me, don't even say my name
If you won't let me visit, but I'll still write to you, Hartigan
I'll sign my letters "Cordelia"
It's a name of a really cool detective in books I read
I'll write to you every week
For forever
Sure kid
Now run on home
It's not safe for you hear
Bye, Nancy
I love you
John Hartigan
Mr. "Law and Order"
Mr. "By-The-Book"
Mr. High and Mighty
I got to give you credit. Being such a straight arrow for so damn many years without it catching up with you
It's catching up with you now, friend of mine
It's catching up with you but good
Maybe I had a look at him. He doesn't look too good
He's hailing hard, Tammy. See?
He's a picture of hell
That Tammy there. She's fine, isn't she?
I rented her out of Old Town
I want to show you what you won't be getting of
Not in prison
You hear me, Hartigan? You stop being stupid
Start playing along with us, you just might get some of Tammy
You see that? She flinched
You make her sick
She heard about you and that little girl
This is nothing but a price I promised myself I'd pay, and I'm paying it
You don't save a little girl's life, and turn around and throw her to the dogs
Not in my book, you don't
They want a confession. They won't get i
There's a letter from Nancy when they put me in solitary
She calls herself "Cordelia"
She makes no mention of anything that would give her away
At first I figure she'll send another note or 2 before her young mind moves on to better things
But every thursday, another 1 arrives
What a sweet kid
I do my best to keep my hand from shaking when I reach for it
She's the only friend I got
The daughter I never had
My sweet Cordelia
Skinny little Nancy Callahan
Then comes a Thursday when I bound from my cot, excited as a kid at Christmas
Only to find myself staring at the damn floor of my damn cell
Looking for a letter from Nancy that isn't there
Then another Thursday with no letter
Is she alright?
Did something happen to her?
Did they find her? Did they get to her?
Of course. Stupid old man
Do your math. Nancy's 19 years old. How long did you expect her to keep writing?
She was a saint to give it up as long as she did
She's forgotten you, old man
You're alone. You're all alone
This guy smells awful, like bad food
Like a corpse left in a garbage dumpster in the middle of summer
He stinks so bad, I want to throw up
Practically knocked my head off, the bastard
When I come to, I see it
The same kind of envelope Nancy always uses
But there's no letter inside of it
Something soft. Something that ought to be alive
A hunk of meat and bone that ought to be the index finger of the right hand of a 19 year old girl
How the hell did they find her?
She was so careful. She never gave away where she lives or where she works
I've got to get out. I've got to help. Nothing else matters
Not my life, and not my pride either
It's only 1 final surrender they want
You got me Rourk, you beat me
I say everything they want to hear, just the way they want to hear it
I tell them I'm a twisted, retched child molester
I agree to everything they want from me
I love you, Nancy
It's a lot of miles into town, Hartigan
You care for a ride?
As long as you stay in front of me
Prison's made you paranoid
Talk about water under the bridge. Christ
Yeah, 8 years
Well, if it's any consolation for you...
You made me hate myself
Any word from Aileen?
Yeah. She got remarried... 4 years ago
She had 2 kids
I'm sorry, John
Don't be
I'm glad
Aileen always wanted kids
She'll make a good mother
Like you said, Bob. "Water under the bridge"
Bob and I get along with our fond farewells to eachother
And I go looking for the only human being on the planet that means a damn to me
How could they have found out it was you writing all those letters to me
How did they find out who you are?
And what have they dont to you, baby?
Not a sound
No sign of life
Has Rourk gone through all this trouble to torture an old man?
Like a kid poking at fly when he's already torn its wings off?
What has he done to Nancy?
It's like all she does is read and study and write
No diary. No phone numbers or addresses written down anywhere
Closest thing to a clue is a pack of matches from a louzy salloon
It's a long shot, but maybe she's got some friends there
A dead end
Nancy wouldn't have anything to do with a pack of drunks and losers like this
But if there's anything to be found here, the faintest lead to wherever Nancy is or whoever kidnapped her or mutilated her
this is the place
Excuse me, miss. I'm wondering if you could help me
I'm looking for somebody
Well, a night like this, everybody's looking for somebody, stranger
It's not like that. Her name is Nancy
Eyes to the stage, pilgrim
She's just warming up
Skinny little Nancy Callahan
She grew up
She filled out
Nancy Callahan, 19 year old
And here I was expecting a skinny little bookworm
maybe a bit too shy for her own good
how little she told me about herself in all her letters
for all those years
How the hell did they find her?
Then it hits me
They were bluffing
I've led them straight to her
She hasn't spotted you yet
Turn around and walk out the door
Lead the creep outside
Get that berretta away from him somehow, and kill him
I'm just a horny ex-con watching an exotic dancer
Just a few seconds and she'll be safe
No, Nancy. Don't notice me
Don't recognize me
There's no time to explain. I've made a terrible mistake
I put you in terrible danger. We need to get out of here. Right this second
Whatever you say, Hartigan. Let me throw some clothes on
And here I'd figured you'd forget all abotu me. Me and my dumb letters
Kept me going
Kept me from killing myself
Hurry up, will you?
-Maybe I should drive
-Not a chance
Nobody but me can keep this heap running
Besides from the sounds of things, you might have to shoot somebody
I don't have a gun
Under the seat
It's loaded and it works
This'll do
Taken it to the range a couple times
Kicks like a mule
Hartigan? There's so much I've wanted to say to you. You never go far from my thoughts
I've lain awake nights, thinking of you
What are you talking about?
Keep driving, Nancy. Keep driving and keep the car on the road
She's counting on you, old man
What are you doing?
Prove you're still worth a damn
Try to keep it on the road, Nancy
He's a decent shot
But he's in too much of a hurry
Throwing away bullets like they were candy
He doesn't know how to take his time
Aim carefull and look the devil in the eye
Stop the car, Nancy. I've got to confirm the kill
-Stop the car, now!
Right. Stop the car. Confirm the kill
Sorry, I got a little rattled
It's OK. You did great. Sit tight. I'll be right back
No. Let me stay close
Nothing can happen to me when I'm with you
Please? Let me stay close?
The stink. I almost gag
His blood smells even worse than he does
And it's all over the place
But the creep, himself... he's gone
We're out of time
Sirens. I used to welcome the sound
There's nothing to do now but find a place to huddle up for the night
Get Nancy to calm down and figure out what on Earth I'm going to do next
The stink. Somehow it stays with us all the way to the hotel
Nancy, I went to your apartment. Your windows thrown wide open
The rooms looks almost empty. That's why I'm sure you'd been kidnapped
My window? Robbed again? That's the 3rd time this year
I swore if I ever saw you again, I'd show you I grew up strong
There I was just like before, scared and helpless
-I'm such an asshole
-You should sit down. You'll feel a little bit better if you sit down
I've never been all that good with people
When it comes to reassuring a traumatized 19 year old...
I'm as expert as a Paulsy victim doing brain surgery with a pipe wrench
It's always been you, Hartigan
All these years
It's just nerves making you say that
I'm just exhausted. I need to sleep
-Sleep with me
-Stop it, Nancy
It wasn't just gratitude
I tried to fall in love with boys
I thought I did once or twice
But I was already in love... with you
That's enough. Jesus Christ. I'm old enough to be your grandfather
-You're just scared
-I'm not scared
There's wrong and there's wrong and then there's this
For God's sakes, you're just a kid
I love you
I love you, too
with all my heart
Cold shower. It helps
No, Nancy
Recognize my voice, Hartigan?
Recognize my voice, you piece of shit cop?
I look different, but I bet you can recognize my voice
Sure, I recognize your voice, Junior
Everything's going straight to hell
I've been suckered into betraying the only friend I got
And put her in the hands of a murdering rapist I thought I put down for good
Suckered by a spoiled brat, son of a senator
It's all gone to hell
Klump. It's me
I got a dead man needs to be fetched
I want you to set me up for a party
I've already got the girl, you dumb shit
It better be perfect or I'm calling my dad
My tools better be clean and sharp
Better be ready. It better be perfect
I get to do whatever I want
However I want, whenever I want it
My dad. I'd love him if I didn't hate him
He spent a fortune hiring every expert on the planet to grow back that equipment you blew off from between my legs
Just so the old fart can hold out some kind of hope of having a grandkid
Although, as you can see, there were some... side effects
I'm not complaining though. Since you've been gone, I've been having the time of my life
Now you've led me back to your darling Cordelia
We all wondered who wrote all those letters. She left not a clue
Clever girl. So pretty, so pretty
Little old for my taste, but I can forgive that just this once
Nancy, don't scream. Whatever he does to you, don't scream
She'll scream. I'm going to take all night doing dear old Nancy. And you're going to die knowing it's all your fault
They've all screamed, Hartigan
Dozens of them. Maybe a hundred
And if there weren't so many people hear about, I would show you how to make dear old Nancy scream
It's going to be 1 hell of a show
This is it. No way to fight it now
No hope left
No chance
This is it
This is the end
Give it a shot, old man. Keep your neck tight
Move. The window. Maybe there's an alarm
The window. Keep your neck tight, God dammit. Stay conscious
Stay conscious
No alarm
The glass. Cut the rope. You can do it
You can do it
It is inclement upon me to comment with mark displeasure on your rash impulsiveness
in selecting such an eye-catching and impracticle car to heist, Mr. Shlubb
Irrelevent to said mission, is the following queary which I now put forth to you
Where in this most streamlined and trunkless of transports, boner inspiring
though it may be, where in, are we to reposit our recently deceased cargo?
I can only express puzzlement that borders on alarm
Show me where Roark takes the girls, or I'll cut your damn head off
In plain english, creep
He had to (???)
Even agrarian (???)... The Farm
That's all I need to hear
Every cop on the force knows about the Roark Family's farm and to stay away from it
Shlubb and Klump were packing an arsenal
Once things get loud, I'll probably have use for the cannons
But at first, I'll have to play it quiet
Quiet and nasty
Nancy's car. 6 miles from the Farm
"Nobody but me can keep this heap running" she told me
Good girl
The car stalled out on that yellow bastard
you kept your mouth shut. I'll bet Junior was serious
I bet he slapped you around something fierce
But you stayed strong. You bought a few extra minutes
There's still a chance, Nancy
Don't scream
I ditch the car a mile or so from the Farm and make my way through the woods
I'm not half way there when it hits
My heart
It can't be my heart. I was cured
Bad cough
Blood in it. Doesn't matter now
I don't have to stay alive that much longer anyway
Rotten way to kill a man
But it's quiet
Hate yourself later
You're only making it worse for yourself, you stupid cow!
Don't you think I'm tired? Is that it? You think I'm getting tired?
You're the one who's going to crack. You'll crack!
You'll cry and beg
You'll scream
Oh yeah, you'll scream, you big fat ugly cow. You'll scream
You thinking the whip is the best I could do?
That was foreplay
Hartigan was right about you. You can't get it up unless I scream
You're pathetic
That's not wise at all to make fun of me like that
It brings out the worst in me
Stupid old man
In too much of a hurry
Damn. It can't be!
Charging in like Gallahad, just like I told myself I wouldn't
Stupid old man
-Attacked him good
-Don't take no chances. Perferate the fool
Good advice
Give it up, Junior
It's over. Let her go
You're dreaming Hartigan
I get to see your eyes while I fillet the woman of your dreams right in front of you
Look at you. You're about to keel over, you can't even lift that cannon
Sure I can
You gave me the scare there for a second, old man
Nancy, I'm sorry
I'm taking no chances with you
First I soften you up, and then it's showtime
Here it comes
It's going to hurt
You're right about that
I take away his weapon
Both of them
After awhile, all I'm doing is pounding wet chunks of bone into the floor boards
So I stop
So long, Junior
Been a pleasure
I didn't scream, Hartigan
Not once
I didn't scream
I know it, baby
You grew up strong
By the time I get her to the car, Nancy stops shaking
Her skin is warm again
She's herself again
Thanks for remembering my coat
And for all the little things
Like saving my life... twice
You better get rolling
You're not coming along?
No. I have friends on their way
To collect evidence. I'm going to blow this whole sick mess wide open
I'm going to clear my name. I'm going to put Senator Roark behind bars, where he belongs
Can't lose you. Not again
You'll never lose me, Nancy
Nancy Callahan. The love of my life
Shame to lie to her. I hope she forgives me for it
Get Senator Roark behind bars? Sure. And maybe after I've pulled off that miracle, I'll go and punch out God
There isn't a prosecutor in the state who'll go after Senator Roark
I killed his only son. The bloodline is cut
Roark's lost his goddamn legacy
He'll use all his power to get revenge on me
He'll go after me through Nancy
He'll find her again. There'll be no end to it
She'll never be safe. Not as long as I'm alive
There's only one way to beat him
And old man dies. A young woman lives
Fair trade
I love you, Nancy
Uh-huh... yes
Oh mom. Don't go on like that
It's not the city. I could've gotten in a car accident anywhere
Yeah, just a fracture
The doctor said, it's a clean break. Should be right as rain in no time
Turn the right corner in Sin City
and you can find... anything
Care for a smoke?
I love you too, mom