Sin retorno (2010)

-Stop it, you jerk.
-"Stop it, you jerk. "
-"Here. "
Please use a glass, Matias.
Do you need your car?
I don't think so. Why?
Where are you going?
A party.
-In the city.
Whose party is it?
Mum, can I use your car?
-Have you cut yourself?
-It's okay.
-How about a kiss?
Why are you eating like that?
What was that mask?
My dad sent it.
Yes, he asked if you'd got the parcel.
I'll ring him later.
He sent an inflatable dinghy too.
And I got a new suitcase.
We have to take
an inflatable dinghy?
Ask Malena that.
Why are you having supper so late?
I had to stand in for Gordo,
and I still have one more.
-What time will you finish?
-Late. Don't wait up.
I'd better be going.
One last drink?
No, I'm off.
I'm tired out.
There were a lot of papers
in the closet. Mostly yours.
I left them out for you.
See if you want them
or I'll throw them out.
I don't know...
Throw them all away.
It was among all that stuff.
I'll get something to put them in.
Don't throw anything away.
I'll look through them some time.
So it's question and answer time:
for instance, mathematics.
Hi, sweetie.
What are you doing?
- Questions and answers?
How much do you charge?
To win a woman's heart, Rogelio,
you have to say things to dazzle her.
-No! Things to knock her out.
Say something with love.
- Clove!
That guy there is
the girl's boyfriend.
Watch out for him after the show.
- You fucked up, man.
I get to hide in the case.
It's you who did the talking!
Not cold enough...
or it's too sweet, I don't know.
Just leave it to me.
"Structure 2", right?
I have a serious problem...
I just ruined the party.
I need to go home for the mixer.
Okay. I'll wait here.
They'll kill me. I broke the mixer
and the party only just began.
You can drive me home
or give me the keys? Choose.
Hi, sweetie.
Have you finished?
How long will you be?
Why are you talking like that?
Malena's in bed.
Why aren't you back yet?
How long will you be?
five breaths away.
Five breaths and some chocolate.
Then that's ten breaths.
-It's Pollo.
-What does he say?
"Buy ice, urgent. "
Must have more mixers to break.
You're a real scream!
That's right!
That girl was really pretty.
-From school, right?
I think she did "Structure 2" with us.
How is it working out?
Well, considering I'm going to
your place right now to get a mixer...
What do you think?
Somebody recommended
a beach near Floripa.
"Morro de... " something or another.
Praia do Morro.
I told you I'd found it
on the Internet, remember?
There are some great pictures of
Hey, man! Fuck you!
How come you don't know
the girl's name yet?
You've got a nerve.
-Dragging me away...
-You ought to know her name.
You cheeky bastard.
She better still be there.
Women love mystery.
We'll get back to the party,
she'll wonder where we've been...
-She'll be intrigued.
-What are you talking about?
You were behind the bar.
I downloaded this drink recipe.
If you both try it,
she'll be yours.
-What's the matter?
-I dropped it.
You dropped the cigarette?
No... lift up the carpet.
I'm so tired, my love.
Hold on, I'm only
two breaths away.
Love you.
Love you too.
It's my Mum's car, dammit!
Look for the smoke! Was it lit?
-It was probably out.
-There, there!
For fuck's sake!
You are so stupid!
Always the same!
It wasn't that serious.
Are you okay?
You fucked it up!
But are you okay?
Yes, but you've really
fucked up my bike.
Oh, God!
There's road work. I had to swerve
and suddenly your bike was there.
You haven't even said
sorry for fucking it up.
You son of a bitch.
Look what you've done!
But it was your fault.
You were in the middle of the road!
My fault? Fuck you!
And you go fuck yourself!
-You're crazy.
-Fuck that!
Get out of the fucking car!
Go fuck yourself!
Get out, you sissy!
Fuck you! Motherfucker!
Don't touch him.
I'm shattered.
The last performance
really took it out of me.
Shitty audience too.
You took a long time.
Let me sleep, Fede.
This isn't what I was promised.
What about the chocolate?
There isn't any.
There was this idiot with a bike.
I'll tell you all about it tomorrow.
What are you doing like that?
Another Sunday
you'll be sleeping all day.
You're dripping water
everywhere, Matias.
Somebody stole the car.
-It was nothing...
-Are you okay?
They opened the door, pulled me out
and drove off, that's all.
-Did they hurt you?
-No, I'm okay.
I'd just dropped Chaucha off
and I stopped at a red light.
There were two of them,
one on each side.
They pointed a gun at me
and pulled me out of the car...
-Don't worry.
-It's okay.
The main thing is you're okay.
- Yes, it was nothing.
-The car's insured anyway.
I'm going to bed.
No, no, Mati.
Go and put some clothes on.
-We'd better go to the police.
To report it.
But the car's in Mum's name...
-Quiet, she's asleep.
-Can't you go?
I need to get some sleep, Dad.
Matias, it'll only take five minutes.
Then you can come back and sleep.
So... "At the intersection,
the victim stopped
at a red traffic light. "
Then two men appeared,
one on each side,
pointed a gun at me,
opened the door, pulled me out...
and drove off.
Time of the incident?
Half past two.
Did they take anything else?
Yes, my wallet.
Describe the thieves,
it was very dark.
And fast, I didn't get
to see their faces.
"Unable to describe
facial features... "
One more thing.
What colour is the vehicle?
-I asked you a question before.
-Had you been drinking or not?
And you asked me if I'd had
a lot to drink. I hadn't.
And what's the fucking difference?
Don't take that tone with me!
You come home in
the middle of the night,
half-naked, carrying your clothes...
No wonder I ask questions
and worry about you.
I've been calling you
for the last half hour.
Come on or we'll be late.
-You're going?
-I can't miss it.
Thanks for looking at it.
I'll come back after the holidays...
What happened?
An idiot with a bike
in the middle of the road.
It'll be some time.
I've got a backlog of work.
Everybody seems
to need something doing...
-This time of year.
-It's okay.
We're taking a coach
in a few hours' time.
I'll be back in a fortnight.
I'll see what we can do.
We won 2-1.
I had to report it in the end.
My dad took me in.
What did you say?
What we agreed to say.
Did you tell your dad?
No, I said I wouldn't.
It's better this way.
Come on, the taxi's ready
and so am I! Hurry up!
This can go in there.
That's it.
How many bags are we taking?
The bus won't move...
We haven't forgotten anything, have we?
I'll have to carry all that later.
Bye, house!
- Come on.
-I'm coming.
Off we go.
-Right then...
-Let's go.
Hurry up!
Get a move on!
You've been in there
for two hours already!
Hurry, up! I want to go to bed!
Talk to him!
Will you be long?
Just finishing.
Move them to the afternoon
and the rest tomorrow.
Yes. Who's left?
A root canal?
Tell her tomorrow if she can.
Ah, yes, tomorrow.
Fit him in too.
Pass me the leisure pages, Dad?
I'll finish and give you all of it.
Did you ring about the insurance?
No but I downloaded some forms
I'll have to fill in.
can you take
the envelope downtown?
I'll give you the address.
-How long till they pay up?
-A month, I suppose.
Can't they make it sooner?
-We'll have to ask.
-Do that, please.
-Why does it always have to be me?
-Let's not go on
about who has to do what
all the time, please.
I'm not going on, Laura.
Why do I always have
to do all the paperwork?
Shall I list all the things
I do every day?
But it's always me!
That's not true.
-The one time I ask you!
-The one time?
Like the bank... one time.
-He's alive.
-I know.
Let's go to the stairs.
-What shall we do?
-I don't know.
We did it all wrong.
They'll find the car.
-No, they won't.
-What if they do?
They won't find it.
-What if he saw me?
"No"? What if he saw me?
He'll recognise me.
Stop it. Anyway,
there's nothing we can do.
If you want to talk to me,
call me on my mobile.
We have to sit tight and wait now.
And keep a low profile.
I have to go back now.
My mobile...
-I called and got the answering service.
-I can't find it.
-When did you last use it?
-I don't know.
-At the match or after?
Last Saturday,
I texted you about the ice.
Last Saturday...
Shit, Chaucha!
When I got out of the car,
I must have dropped it.
Sure you didn't use it after?
No, I didn't. I must have
dropped it in the road or in the car!
-Have you looked at home?
-Didn't you hear what I just said?
I've looked everywhere!
And I have to find it!
How is Pablo doing?
They're following his progress.
Actually they need to operate
but they said they have to wait.
Thank you, Victor.
Thank you.
The doctors say he's in criticaI
condition but they haven't lost hope.
We'Il let you know
if there's any news.
Thank you, Maria Julia.
Fucking shit!
-Hi, Victor.
-Hi, guys.
Thanks. See you later.
The... toilet?
There's a men's toilet along
the corridor and down the stairs.
Hello, dear. I've come
to see Matias Fustiniano.
Your brother, right?
As I was saying,
this is just routine procedure.
A couple of questions the insurance
company always asks after robberies.
Perhaps you can tell us
what happened, Matias.
I'd stopped at...
I told the police all this.
I'd stopped at a red light
when two men appeared,
one on each side, armed...
Before I knew it, they opened the door,
pulled me out, got in and drove off.
You did well not to put up a fight.
That's where
-insurance companies come in.
-That's what I always say.
Things can be replaced.
People can't.
Right, were you wearing
your seat belt at the time?
- Yes.
two men came up, from the left?
No, one on each side.
They tapped the window with
the gun barrel.
Each one tapped a different window?
No, the window on my side.
The one who opened the door?
And pulled me out.
But weren't the doors locked?
Strange because it says
here that the Atos
has an automatic locking system
that works just after
the engine's started.
Hadn't you taken Chaucha home?
So you unlocked the doors then?
-He's a friend.
I took him home before
I came home myself.
Did they steal anything else?
My wallet was in the car.
And my mobile.
It was there too.
I forgot to tell the police.
So you were saying...
-the one opened the door.
-They pulled me out.
How did they pull you out?
They grabbed hold of me, pulled me out
and threw me to the ground.
So easily when you had
your seat belt fastened?
Actually, he doesn't usually use it.
But is that really so important?
Not really but as I said,
it's routine procedure
required by the insurance company
before they pay compensation.
Anything else you need to know?
No. Not for now.
I may have to bother you again
at some time in the future.
Meanwhile, thank you for your time.
You didn't say they took your mobile.
No... it was in the car and I forgot.
You'd better tell the phone company.
I already did.
What about this?
Weren't you going to take it in?
We want your mum's car back
I told you they were
expecting this, Matias.
Why didn't you give it
to that guy from the company?
First because you said
you'd taken it in. And second
that "guy" is the insurance adjuster
and has nothing
to do with the papers.
Are you listening to me?
Yes. I'll take them
in now. No problem.
Look what I found.
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
What's the matter?
It wasn't my fault.
It wasn't my fault.
Matias... what's the matter?
I killed him.
I didn't see him.
I don't understand.
What do you mean?
What are you trying to say?
What are you trying to say, Matias?
The car... wasn't stolen.
The guy was in the middle of the road.
Almost lying on the ground,
I didn't see him
and I hit him.
I looked for a phone
to call an ambulance...
I wanted to go back but I couldn't...
Why didn't you tell me
all this before?
Why didn't you tell me before?
And I left the car and came home.
Then that man from the insurance came
and he realised everything.
So we filed a false report.
I'm scared!
I didn't know what to do
and I'm scared!
I know...
-I want this to be over.
-There, there...
Let's go to...
to the police station and tell them...
I want this to be over.
I can't go on.
Let's go and tell them what happened.
I want this to be over.
Make it be over.
Make it be over.
Have you told anyone else?
Are you sure? Chaucha?
I'll ring Carmona, see if
I can get him at this time.
Just trust us.
Now try and get some sleep.
Which one? Four.
Landivar, right?
I'll be there in an hour.
Well, at the moment there are
no real clues or witnesses.
And they don't think there will be.
But the police
are still investigating?
Now that it's homicide, maybe.
In cases like this, any evidence not
found immediately is usually lost.
The first 24 hours
the police look
for witnesses.
-What do they do after that?
-Not much.
Without witnesses
they usually file the case.
In cases involving road accidents,
when the culprit gives himself up,
the result is usually
a suspended sentence.
Or a driving ban in the worst case.
However, with the coverage
this case has had in the media,
it's important to bear in mind
that if Matias were found guilty,
he might be sentenced.
To jail?
We're talking about three years
and a half, maybe more.
Even five.
Is there no other way?
I've seen cases
where no witnessed turned up
and where the main evidence...
the vehicle...
If the case isn't solved in 5 years, a
statute of limitations comes into play.
Hello. Excuse me.
I just wanted to ask...
-Did you see anything last Saturday?
-Who is this?
I'm Victor Marchetti, the father
of the boy who was run over.
I'm trying to find out if
anybody saw anything or can help.
No, sorry.
We were asleep and didn't see
or hear anything.
Well, thanks anyway.
Er, excuse me...
Do all the "A" flats face the street?
Yes, and the "B"s too.
Good luck.
Thanks very much.
Stay close to me.
What shall I do?
Pour some on the front
where the dent is.
I wish you luck.
It's such a shame.
-Thank you very much.
-A pleasure.
You're the father of
the kid with the bike?
Someone at the news stand said
you were asking questions.
I've been wanting to talk to you
but I didn't know where you were.
Did you see something?
No, but that night I was crossing
the road and there was a car...
that almost ran me over.
They were racing down the street.
I don't know if it helps.
But it could have been
around that time.
-Did you see the number plate?
-Part of it.
The times we've reported things
like that but they never do anything.
-What about the make or the colour?
-The make, yes.
Go to your room.
Go to your room, Matias.
How can I help?
I'm Matias's mother.
-Laura Brukman?
Mauricio Marzotta, from
the insurance company.
As I said downstairs, we have
to ask Matias some questions.
Matias has had a very bad time with all
this and you already have his statement.
please don't bother him
any more about the insurance.
Any questions you can ask me
or my husband or our lawyer.
The last thing I want
is to bother you.
It's just a formality really.
But if you prefer,
I'll find another way.
Yes, I would prefer that.
Now excuse me, I'm cooking...
What do you think he wanted?
I don't know.
But don't talk to him.
And wait a bit
before you go out.
They've done nothing
to find the culprit.
The police
and the court have the resources yet
they say they can't find any witnesses.
But just by knocking on a few doors
I've found someone who may
be able to identify my son's killer.
I want that man and his witness
in here today. See to it.
I'll bet that's the attorney.
Good afternoon, sir.
Yes, I'll put her on.
Sir? How are you?
Yes, I saw it.
Why haven't you told them I was there?
I don't know.
What can I do?
Nothing. What could you do?
You haven't told anybody,
-have you?
-No. I said I hadn't.
I keep thinking about the ice.
Don't you?
Without the ice, the mixer
wouldn't have broken
and we'd have stayed at the party.
If we'd taken another street,
nothing would've happened. See?
Like a fool I think
of all the possibilities.
I know it's stupid but I can't
think of anything else. You?
How did you find it?
The garage owner rang us
when he saw the news.
Yes, I can be there
in half an hour, 45 minutes.
Yes? Fine, goodbye.
The public prosecutor.
-Good morning.
-Good morning.
Do you recognise the car?
I think it's the one
that almost hit me.
Are you sure?
You need to be sure.
Yes, this is the one.
- Get it checked in less than an hour.
-Yes, madam.
What do you think, chief?
Can your people be
a bit more professional
for a change?
Can I go to the toilet?
-I'm peeing myself.
-Hold on a bit.
-I really need to go, Mum.
-Hold on.
Why did you drink so much juice?
- You only just went.
-I'll do it here!
-After we've filled in these papers.
- Over there.
You two go and I'll wait here.
Here. You go in.
Federico Samaniego?
Yes, my wife and daughter
have just gone to the toilet.
Perez, take over.
Follow me, please. We need
to ask you some questions.
-Trouble with our papers?
-No, it's...
It won't take a moment.
This way.
After you.
-In there?
- Yes.
Is there some way
I can let my wife know I'm here?
She doesn't know.
Mr Samaniego, by order of
Judge Landivar, you're under arrest.
What do you mean under arrest?
This must be some kind of mistake.
You don't need to put handcuffs on me.
What's the charge?
We've only been told to arrest you.
My wife will be getting on the bus.
Upon examination
of your car, traces of paint were found
from Pablo Marchetti's bicycle.
You just admitted
you ran over the bicycle
but in circumstances for which
there are neither proof nor witnesses.
The next day you took
your car to a garage
and a few hours later
left the country.
Mr Samaniego, at the request
of the public prosecutor's office
I am obliged to evaluate
your prosecution
on the charge of manslaughter.
This is all a mistake.
Yes, I did hit the bicycle
but I didn't touch the boy at all.
However, I refuse the prosecutor's
request to remand you in custody,
so you are free to go.
In the next ten days this court
will decide what action to take
and if the decision is taken
to prosecute, your case
will be referred to
a tribunal. Thank you.
There's a Mauricio Marzotta here
at the office. He says he's from
the insurance company.
Take him to the board room. If he hasn't
left after 10 minutes, interrupt us.
- Good afternoon.
-How are you, Mr Fustiniano?
Please sit down.
Sorry to turn up unannounced,
but your wife said...
Yes, yes.
She said you'd been around.
I want to be completely honest with you.
We've been investigating you.
You may not know but...
a large number of customers
their cars have been stolen.
Don't get me wrong... it's a financial
investigation we've been doing.
And we do so in every case of theft.
-And you found nothing?
-No, nothing.
Your financial situation
and your wife's are fine.
Then the case is closed,
-I wish it was.
But you will agree that your son's
account of things is rather...
I can't say that.
Yes, Mr Fustiniano.
The seat belt, the locks,
the wooden, mechanical way
he tells the story...
Your son's hiding something from us.
Isn't he?
That's a very serious allegation.
Have you any proof?
Your car was covered against
theft but not negligence.
I understand your situation.
I have kids too
and I know how mixed-up
kids are today.
What with alcohol,
night life and drugs...
Imagine he got out of the car
to say goodbye to a friend
and left the key in,
even the engine running.
And someone passing by stole it.
We wouldn't crucify him
for that, would we?
-So, as I say...
I'd just like to get this
sorted out as quickly as possible.
But it isn't that simple because...
My report may get
passed on to other people...
even a supervisor...
but I really do think we can find
a solution to this.
It depends on how much
you're ready to cooperate.
What kind of cooperation?
I think we could work it out
here and now for 20 per cent.
"Did you say aliens?"
"Yes, aliens. "
"They took you to your grandparents'?"
"No, not there. "
-"But to a planet, Jupiter. "
Mum said they mixed you up
with somebody else.
-She told you?
- Yes.
Let's go to sleep, shall we?
Leave the door open tonight?
Yes, sweetie, don't you worry.
...Pablo Marchetti's father,
at the scene of the accident.
Judge Landivar let my son's killer,
Federico Samaniego, go free.
Thanks to the judge we're all here
and there's been
no justice for my son.
All we're asking for
is an exemplary jaiI sentence
so that no more people will die.
Victor was clear and to the point...
When are we eating, Mum?
Soon. I'll call you.
All right.
I'll be in my room.
What are we going to do?
They arrested that man.
But they let him go later.
That's right.
They accused him for lack of a suspect.
To look like they're investigating.
Nobody likes what's going on, Matias.
But I'm sure it'll all come to nothing.
Everyone will soon forget.
-They said he'd been accused.
-For how long?
They've no proof, Chaucha.
They've got nothing.
-Maybe, but something...
-What are you going to do?
Me? Nothing.
we just have to sit back and wait.
Wait and see what happens.
See you around.
The case isn't overwhelming but
with the pressure from the prosecutor,
the media and the boy's family,
Landivar will probably
call you to trial.
Which doesn't mean
you've been found guilty.
Once things have calmed down
a little, we'll get the judge
to take another look
at the evidence.
Can't we do anything to keep the boy's
father quiet? Yesterday he called Fede
-a murderer.
-That's a delicate matter.
The media are on his side and we should
avoid confrontation with the family
and indeed any kind of response.
That'll be our strategy.
We have to prove that there's
no basis for the accusations.
If we manage that, we have
everything under control.
What about the car that ran the kid
over? Aren't the police looking for it?
I suspect they're not.
From experience,
when they have "enough" evidence
to request a trial,
they don't look for another suspect.
As there's no proof
of any other car being involved,
unfortunately we can't rely
on anything like that.
We need the judge
to dismiss the evidence
and for that we need
to concentrate on their evidence.
If we manage that, you'll be acquitted.
So it's important you remember
exactly what happened that night.
Any fact could be relevant.
The car braked where the line is.
Right here?
Yeah, here.
Did you brake and get out
and go to him...? What happened?
No, no, no.
I braked and got out.
Then the kid started on at me
because his bike was fucked.
Then what happened?
I drove away.
-Are you sure this was the man?
I'm sure.
What were you doing at the time?
I was in the kitchen
giving the dog some water
when I heard a screech
of brakes. I went to
the window and saw this man
in a public telephone box
below the house.
He made a very short call,
ran to his car and drove off.
Could you recognize
the make of the car?
There was a tree in the way
but I saw the lights.
Check the phone records they sent us
to see if that phone box was
the one used to call the ambulance.
May I ask why you came in today?
It didn't seem important that night.
And I didn't connect it
with the boy who'd been run over.
But when I played it back in my mind,
I realised it was the same man.
My head's splitting.
Take something for it.
Have you heard anything else?
All I saw was what was on the Internet.
No, nothing much.
He's still accused
and they're looking into
whether he was racing.
What if they find the car?
They won't.
If they do, we'll have
to go on saying it was stolen.
Do you really think
nothing'll happen to that guy?
I don't know.
He has a little girl.
Did you see?
When I think of Matias half-naked
saying they'd stolen the car,
I could kill him.
I was watching TV with Lu before
and the boy's father was on again.
Lu had the remote control
and saw it all.
I didn't know what to do.
I tried changing the subject,
to get her away from the TV.
I stood in front of it
and in the end
I grabbed the remote control off her.
Then I burst into tears.
I couldn't stand it.
We'd better talk to Matias
and take another look at things.
Another look?
The options we have.
We have more than one?
Haven't we?
Or do we tell Matias he'll go to jail?
No way!
I'm not saying that but things
are getting complicated.
Exactly. The more difficult
things are, the surer we have to be.
We must show Matias a firm front.
We're talking about prison!
You say it like I'm telling you
the only way out is to confess.
What other options do we have?
Go on like this, confess...?
What else is there?
Just a minute...
Nine's okay.
Yes, perfect.
Bye. See you tomorrow.
-It was the lawyer.
He said not to worry about
the lady and the telephone box
as the judge will probably
dismiss it as evidence.
And that we'll have
to make an advance payment.
I talked to my dad.
He can lend us
We need it, Fede.
There's no other way so...
You know what I think.
How many shows have you had cancelled?
Have you got any this month?
My salary's hardly enough, Fede.
You'll have to accept it.
We'll find a way
to pay it back later.
Everything will be okay.
I don't get it, I really don't.
Here, sweetie.
Everything will be okay.
Will you stop saying that
all the time, Fede!
Things won't be
any different tomorrow.
-Okay, stop...
-Like magic, everything's fine!
Please, Fede!
Let's not argue.
It makes things worse.
Come on.
We have an acceptable body of evidence.
Haven't we?
The best thing would be a direct witness
or more forensic evidence.
Yes. In an ideal world,
but we haven't got that.
We can only use what we've got.
Let the tribunal sort it out.
Write the indictment and send
the papers for trial tomorrow.
What have you brought?
A notification
and an arrest warrant.
Leave the Samaniego file here.
I'll write the indictment myself.
All right.
Tell me which tribunal
it ends up with.
All rise.
Please be seated.
Having deliberated on the evidence
given in this trial,
this tribunal finds
Federico Samaniego,
case number 686, guilty
of the circumstances
judged in this case,
considering him
criminally responsible
for the crime
of involuntary manslaughter,
and sentences him
to 5 years' imprisonment
with a special ban on driving
for 10 years.
He will also pay
court costs.
The recorder will make a copy
for the register of sentences
so that it may be certified
and subsequently filed.
This is an outrage.
We'll appeal.
This has been a truly historic day
on which people feel
that justice has truly been done.
Pablo's father has repeated
again and again.:
"Now my son can rest
in peace with his mother. "
Back to you, Rodolfo, at the studio...
Thank you, Javier.
The strength of a father shattered
by the loss of his son is moving.
Let us hope that
this sentence will serve
to increase public awareness of
traffic accidents and bring the death toll down
And now...
-He'll appeal and go free.
They'll free him
in the end, you'll see.
I can't take any more.
It's nearly over now.
If you want to tell
the police what happened,
we'll be there to back you up.
We won't leave you on your own.
But you must give it serious thought.
Is it what you want?
I understand, Mati,
but remember, he'll go free because he
never did anything in the first place.
Not us, though.
We're talking about going to jail.
Sit down.
They really fucked you up.
Five years was too much.
If you keep your nose clean,
you'll be out in three and a half.
If you don't get out before.
Going to appeal?
Yes, the lawyer said we would.
-What's his name?
-Carlos Brauer.
-What does he charge?
How much are you paying him?
I don't know.
My wife looks after all that.
Your wife.
Where did you work?
-I was a comedian.
-A comedian.
With a dummy, yes.
What's this?
The guy on TV, right?
Another celebrity?
I hope he's not like the other.
Remember? Poor guy.
His name's Dummy.
Dummy. Like it?
I do.
Know who I am?
I'm Kempes to most.
But not to you, okay?
To you I'm...
Any ice cream left?
I was thinking...
one weekend we could go
to the seaside.
Somewhere with...
trees and beaches.
What do you say?
Yes, I don't know...
We can do whatever you like.
The delta of the Tiger or...
We don't need to do anything special.
After we've finished
why don't you show Dad
how you fixed your room?
Would you mind
not smoking at the table?
No problem.
This is delicious.
Something different about it...
Some spices I got in Chinatown.
Don't you like it, Lu?
I'm not hungry,
I have to study.
Stay at table
till we've all finished.
I have to study.
We've almost finished.
I'll bring dessert.
-I don't want any.
-Bugging her isn't going to work.
But she always ends up
having her own way.
How's work?
Did you get it?
Didn't I say I would?
Ask for Quiroz at 23.
Say I sent you.
Try during the afternoon.
-Hold on a second.
-Who are you talking to?
-A friend.
Coming to the supermarket with us?
I can't. I'll wait here.
Then you don't get
to choose dessert.
I'm still here, Dummy.
-You said Quiroz?
- And he knows what I need?
Says it has to be at least 50 a day.
That's not too bad.
Up to you.
What about the other thing?
Give me a few more days.
Automobile stolen in 2006.
What date?
Here it is.
All the reports
that day. You can look
all you want and copy things
but you can't print.
Kempes is a friend but there's a limit.
-Andres Biscione?
Know who I am?
Take a good look.
Remember me?
I haven't changed
that much in 4 years.
Sure you don't remember me?
From the club?
Yes, from the club.
The Sports Club.
What was your name?
Must go.
Nice to see you.
Carry on there
and leave this to the end.
Why didn't they use props?
It's against a wall.
We'll start there and then go on.
it says here
to leave it to the end.
It's supported by two pillars,
it'll be okay.
It'll hold.
-I may be back tomorrow.
- Okay.
They're not wearing helmets.
It's Kempes, dummy.
It's open.
Go to your room for a while.
-I'm chatting with Coti.
-Do as I say.
Why do I have to go?
Please go to your room!
Hi, Dummy.
How are you?
- Okay?
Nice place.
We could go to the bar...
No, I'm in a bit of a rush.
I'll have some mate, though.
Did you see Sergeant Quiroz?
Yes. Thanks.
-Have you done it yet?
-With some, I have.
Nothing yet.
But I've only just begun.
Right... patience.
I've got what you wanted.
I had to call in somewhere
nearby so I picked it up.
Good service, huh, Dummy?
It's clean.
Know how to use it?
Flip open the chamber...
Then close it.
And that's it.
No need to...
cock it like they do in the films.
I'll ring one of these days.
That's how it works.
You scratch my back
and I'll scratch yours...
Mariela Fraga?
-Yes. Did the architect send you?
-No, no.
Do I know you?
-Do you?
-A customer?
-Who was that?
-Some lunatic.
Andrea rang not long ago.
Malena's with Coti.
She's sleeping over.
She said to ring her brother again.
He should be able to get you a job.
Don't worry,
I'm looking after that.
Come here.
Breathe close to me.
Hi. Are you at the studio?
No, in the street.
I'm between patients...
I've got your pills.
They were about to run out.
How did you know?
The rep always comes
at the end of the month.
-Coming home for supper?
-Yes, I suppose so.
Okay, love you. Bye.
Give him next week.
How many are there?
I'll look.
Next one's Federico Sanchez.
First time and private.
-Fine. Send him in.
Go in, please.
Sit down.
There are five more, doctor.
This gentleman has tooth decay.
No, I don't know if it is.
Then let's take a look.
Just here.
Open your mouth.
Does that hurt?
No, I can't see anything wrong.
If it's bothering you,
it must be the gum.
You'll need to use mouthwash
and dental floss.
So it's nothing then?
No, nothing.
It doesn't feel like
anything in the gum.
We can do an X-ray
if it'll put your mind at rest.
No, that's not necessary.
Mouthwash then.
And dental floss.
Don't forget.
Good hygiene is very important.
Nice photos.
You've got two kids?
I've got a girl.
How old are they?
They're your kids, right?
It's been much easier than I expected.
The tooth decay.
It was just my imagination.
Wasn't it?
We must call the police, Ricardo.
What do you mean?
What would we say?
That there's a guy looking for us?
No, I need to call Carmona
and he can tell us
what to do if the guy
goes to the police.
-He won't go to the police.
-How do you know?
Because he hasn't got any evidence.
And why would he go?
He's after something else.
That's right.
Why else did he come to the clinic?
What if he followed me back here?
We must go, Ricardo.
I don't know.
I don't know...
-We'll go to a hotel.
-A hotel?
What do you want me to say?
I'll ask Carmona
to give us some protection...
I don't know.
We'll go to my sister's house
at the country club.
The country club? What for?
He's already found us once. What
difference does that or a hotel make?
Why don't you fucking listen to me!
We can't go and hide
in the country club, it's ridiculous!
I'm not saying we're going to live at
the country club. Just stay a fewdays.
I need to think what to do. I don't know
what that guy wants. Calm down, dammit!
-Did you ring?
-I'm going to now!
Carmona, this is Ricardo Fustiniano.
Call me urgently please.
Hello, Graciela. Look,
I need a favour. It's urgent.
Just get in?
I expected you later.
Pour me a drop of wine?
I'm exhausted.
That's too much.
Everything okay?
-What did your sister say?
-She's sending the keys by taxi.
Carmona? This is Ricardo. Still trying.
Please call when you hear this.
-The kids?
-I'll see if Lu's okay.
I'll carry on here.
I'll explain, Lu, I promise but there's
no time now. Matias, help your father.
Stop treating me like
I'm stupid. What's going on?
-Luciana, please!
-Why the country club?
Don't answer that!
It's the taxi with the keys.
Grab all the cash you can.
I'm not going anywhere
if you don't tell me why.
Stop it, girl! Stop it!
-No, I won't...!
-Luciana, go and get your things!
Go and get your things! That's enough!
I'll wait in the car.
Keep the change.
Get in.
Let's go.
Give it to me.
Take the first to the right.
What are you going to do to me?
-He's not answering.
-What's wrong?
-Answering service.
-Mum, what is it?
-Shut up!
For fuck's sake!
What's going on?
Call the police.
Now, Ricardo!
-Please don't hurt me.
-Don't even breathe.
Get out.
Get out.
Say you're a friend
of Pablo's and want to talk.
Who is it?
I'm... a friend of Pablo's...
I wanted to tell you something.
Help him up.
Get off!
What the fuck are you doing here?
You wretch!
Out or I'll kill you.
Matias Fustiniano.
That's this bastard's name.
Matias Fustiniano.
He's the one.
The bastard who killed your son.
He was driving the car
that killed Pablo.
Then he got rid of it.
He told the police it had been stolen
and then walked away.
They fucked up my life.
You fucked up my life.
He fucked up my life.
And this bastard...
nobody did a thing to him.
Not you...
the police...
or anybody.
When I grabbed him just now
he was running away.
If he doesn't talk,
there's no evidence.