Sin, The (2004)

I often ask myself...
if in love you can be both wrong...
...and right...
...regardless if you walk to it...
...or allow it to come to you...
...but one thing I surely face is how will I...
...ever overcome the pain.
Ream! Ream!
Sae, did you see Ream?
Over there,
she's on the boat, going to shore.
I'll take those two cups, right there.
Hurry up, the rain is coming!
Lay island, please.
Let me help.
Don't just stand there, Jong!
Release the rear rudder!
Show me what you got!
Kalae is overboard!
There is a heavy downdraft!
There he is.
No storm is too tough for you, Chief.
Listen, I hired you to maintain my boat,
not light my cigarettes.
We're really fortunate to have you.
You're the greatest!
Hurry, ice the fish before they rot.
Well, well, well... you finally show up.
Taep... my son.
And this is Ream... my wife.
Where have you been?
Depends on where they send me.
I'm a photographer.
What's to shoot here?
This place looks ugly.
Nothing but ugly islands.
Nothing interesting!
But I'm not here to work.
Join us, please.
Sit, he's no stranger here.
How long are you staying?
Not long, Dad.
What's the hurry?
You vanished for 10 years!
What are you doing?
Looking for bed sheets. How about these?
It's a wedding gift we haven't touched.
Who's going to touch your stuff?
You're overly possessive,
even of your coffee cups.
You buy everything at the market,
but never use a thing.
Here, give this to him before he freezes.
I brought you blankets and sheets.
I can do it for you.
That's okay, I'll help.
You're going blind. Get eyeglasses.
Why don't you ever talk about
Taep's mother, Chief.
Finished? I'm going to bed.
Did you make these yourself?
I make them for people in town.
They sell them to tourists.
That's a messed up sheet. I over-dyed it.
I like it. Very nice.
You only photograph women.
I saw your pictures.
I don't just photograph women,
I photograph beauty.
Let down your hair. It looks nice.
Go photograph single women.
Married women don't photograph well.
That's outdated.
This is better. Flowers, colors, you know.
It's okay to display yourself
at the annual festival.
You can still look good even though
you have a husband.
Ream, is he cute?
What kind of question is that?
If he looks like a younger version
of his father,
you missed out.
Are you crazy?
She's married. What a filthy thoughts!
If you want a man,
Yoha is waiting for you over there, right?
Forget him!
I'm not marrying him.
Marriage is a big deal.
You can only have one husband.
Stop talking already
and pick out something.
Ream, why don't you choose a garment
for Chief Chaung's son.
Is he staying for the annual boat festival?
Hey, Jawa, Wapi,
I forgot to buy cigarettes for Chief.
You guys go ahead.
It's okay, let's go together.
Yeah, go together!
It's okay!
I have to buy a few more things, okay?
Chief, please! Not now. Not now!
Chief, why don't you take a bath first?
Is my father awake?
He went ashore this morning.
I noticed you collected coffee cups.
I was afraid your set would be incomplete.
Broken and chipped things bring bad luck.
Here's the deal! I charge 5,000 baht net.
You don't want it?
Fine! But 5,000 baht is nothing for you,
Chief Chaung.
Two measly boat trips and you have it.
Thanks, see you later.
Hey, Chief Chaung,
that small boat you were building.
What happened?
And that stuff you ordered almost
a year ago is still here.
When I finish is my business!
Jong, take this to the boat.
I'll be right there.
See you later, man.
Stop! Don't turn around.
One move and you're dead!
Hey, you son of a bitch.
Still smoking un-filtered cigarettes?
It's what I like!
How the hell did you show up here?
I shot some mother fucker dead.
I was forced to escape.
If I stayed, they would definitely shoot me.
That's because you got a temper problem.
Around here, I have no fear.
Got big friends.
You'd back me up, right?
I get nothing for backing you up.
If you want something from me, just ask.
Drink up! Cheers!
Not up to it anymore?
Is he here for good or just passing through?
I got you noodles.
I was worried you couldn't eat the local food.
Taep wanted to take pictures.
Where's your bracelet?
I was washing clothes and it broke off.
Taep, come with me.
These guys are trash but tough.
They are willing to die working.
You got to give some slack.
You know, be a man!
In life, you got to face tough situations.
Hurricanes, storms, rough waves...
these things will toughen you.
And the ten years that we didn't talk,
how do you think I survived?
A storm front is approaching.
Please do not leave
the shore for any reason.
Tell them to stabilize the boat.
I'm going to their rescue now.
What should we do?
The water is encircling and sucking
everything down. If we go, we'll go down.
Go. I'm going now.
If we don't, they are dead.
Chief, it's risky.
If you go closer and rope the boat,
I will go help them myself.
No, I'll take care of it myself.
Hey, Taep! Don't bother. Just hang tight.
Hey, Taep!!!
Had enough fun?
Come up.
Ream, I'm hungry. Let's go home.
You son of a bitch! Trying to be a hero!
You're lucky you're not fucking dead.
Goddamn, Yoha, get out of here.
You're nothing but trouble.
You should saw what happened.
I can't let him die that easily.
That showoff still needs
to learn a few things.
We all have to put up with him.
If he wasn't great,
he wouldn't be the owner of all those boats.
How about that boat?
It's mine.
Chief Chaung said he would finish it,
but probably forgot.
Hey Yoha, stop following!
Get away from me.
If you don't want people to follow,
stop seducing them.
Listen, Yoha, you son of a bitch!
Who I seduce is none of you business!
So fuck off!!!
What are you complaining about, Jawa?
It's Yoha, being an asshole again.
Hey, here comes the cutie! Look.
Jawa, hush up a bit.
Everybody can hear you.
Hey, man, this is a pretty big event.
I expected something smaller.
I'm jealous!
Old as hell but still strutting a beautiful wife.
Wow, he's so handsome.
No wonder Ream has staked a claim.
Watch your mouth!
He's Chief Chaung's son!
He's only the step-son.
It's not like he's Ream's son, you know.
You're unbelievable, Jawa!!!
Alright, it's time for the boat ceremony!
Please, can we have you up here?
What are you doing?
I'm sorry!
Can you please stay?
Let the boat go.
What did they say?
May all misfortune and evil go out
to sea on this boat.
Where are they going?
They're going to go after that boat.
If it doesn't coming back,
the sea will be fruitful
and blessed... endlessly.
Let's go.
What are you doing here by yourself?
I told you, bitch!
What I do is my business!
Stop! What are you doing?
Mind your own business!
Stop hurting her.
Hey, mother fucker, you feeling tough?
Hey, careful, that's Chief Chaung's son!
I don't give a fuck! Touch me and you die!
My gun doesn't give a fuck too!
Touch him and you die!
And I don't care where any of you are from.
Cross my line and it's trouble!
Taep, you fucking shot me!
You son of a bitch!!!
Taep shot Yoha! Look!
You have no idea how important
this event is...
but don't ruin it. Get out!
Ream, where are you going? Ream!
I should have died at the boat accident!
But he saved my life.
The others disappeared in the ocean.
People who are married are suppose
to love each other, right?
But if one doesn't love,
is it wrong... is it a sin?
If it's wrong,
that person is probably not you.
Here is the emerald cove.
There's only one way in or out.
We must wait for the low tide
before we can go through the tunnel.
We probably have to wait
if you can't swim through it.
Chief Chaung, it's fixed.
Tell your wife to be careful...
and look after the wedding
jewelry more better.
Hey Ream, why is it so dark?
Today I...
I don't feel well.
Why are you eating plain rice?
Is something wrong?
How are you going to know
the flavor of food?
Here. Eat it up!
I don't want to be accused
of not feeding you.
You said you weren't here to work.
So what are you here for?
Just passing through!
I was glad that you came back.
I thought you returned to apologize!
But that's alright.
Some wrongs don't deserve forgiveness.
Ream, why do you have to be like this?
Let's stop making trouble!
Wow, such beautiful designs.
We have here 65 sheets, okay?
What's wrong?
You look like you just saw a ghost.
Where have you been? I haven't seen you.
What about Chief Chaung's son?
Is he gone?
Yoha is still the same. They say
he's going to walk with a limp forever.
Good! I can use that as an excuse
to not marry him.
If he was handsome like Chief Chaung's son,
that would be different.
I could probably tolerate him.
I want to know who's going get him.
Ream, are you listening to me?
I got to buy something.
I'll see you later.
We should not do this.
I know.
I'm going out to sea for 3 days.
If the storm comes,
I won't be able to go out for a month.
So you coming?
I'd rather take pictures here.
Are you ready in the back. Hurry up.
Chief, Chief! You forgot your cigarettes!
After this final coat of paint,
I think this boat will be ready.
I plan to take you to the other island
to take more beautiful pictures.
He gave me life, but you give me this.
It must be the wind.
The rain must be coming.
Hey, what are you buying?
Buying clothes.
I'm coming. I'm here.
There you are! Let's go, let's go together.
Seems like the boat needs fixing.
What fucking luck.
Let's go before dark.
Taep, help me steer the boat.
I'm going to bring up the fishing net
so we can go faster.
Chief, It looks like the storm is...
It's stuck!
Chief! Chief!
Go away!
Dad, don't hurt mom! Let her go!
Taep, your mother has a lover, understand?
I've been here for 10 years.
I was told there was a piece
of real estate for sale.
I decided to quit the police force.
I withdrew my entire pension to invest here.
At first, I didn't know anybody.
I hired people to build boats.
I hired them to fish for me.
The first time out I encountered a huge storm
but I came back alive.
The boat was destroyed,
and I got everybody home safely.
I lost my first boat and gained
the respect of everybody.
I didn't think you would find me.
And Dad,
you don't want to know why I came?
I knew. I knew ever since you
stepped foot on this island.
The storm is coming.
If you are going to go, go now.
It's been 3 years since you stayed here.
I once told you that I would build
a boat for your convenience.
Today, you still go to the harbor
to take the ferry.
If I didn't save your life that day,
you wouldn't have to tolerate living
with me to this day.
I am what I am. It's all I can be.
I'm sorry.
It's been 10 years. Forget it. I forgot it all.
Chief, Chief! You forgot you cigarettes!
I'm going out to sea for 3 days.
Before the storm comes.
Seems like the boat needs fixing.
Let's go before dark.
He gave me life, but you give me this.
It must be the wind.
The rain must be coming.
Hey! He's going to fucking die
in your hands.
What's the rush?
I'm taking the sheets to shore.
There had someone tell me yesterday.
Wait! The rain might fall on the way back.
Take this handkerchief with you.
Let me go, I'm going to kill him.
What the fuck are you mother
fuckers afraid of?
Hey Yoha, the Chief ordered it.
I don't care! I'm going to kill him!
I can't do it!
Fuck, I knew it!
Hey man, I beg you to let her go.
You don't love her anyway, do you?
Get out of here!
Taep. Where have you been?!
Don't be afraid, Ream.
I promised that I would stay
with you forever!
Lets get out of here.
The high tide is coming.
Get up here now!!!
I let you go but you don't leave.
You show off and never change.
Why did you come back to apologize
when you don't even feel guilty?
Ream, I saved your life,
gave you everything,
and this is how you pay me back?
The exalted Chief Chaung commands
respect and honesty from everybody...
except his wife and son!
Let me and Ream go.
You dare ask me after what you've done.
Taep, how could you,
how could you do this to me?
You don't love Ream, Dad.
You hurt her like you hurt my mother.
Your mother! Your mother had an affair!!!
I know. I know everything.
Mother had an affair
because of men like you.
I didn't relent before.
I won't relent now. Ream!
Stop! That's my Goddamn wife!
My damn fucking wife!
Shoot, Dad! Shoot!
So there will be no one left in your life.
You want freedom!
I will give you your freedom!!!
Dad! No!!!
You want to stay here? Go ahead!
Come out and I'll kill you!
You love each other!
You fucking love each other!!!
No, you don't even know what love is!!!
It's pure fucking lust!!!
It's adultery! ADULTERY!!!
If we really had another chance
to choose the outcome of life...
...I wouldn't be surprised...
...if I choose to repeat...
...what I did that day, that day I met him.
I want to be with you.
I promise. We'll be together forever.