Sin yan (The Stool Pigeon) (2010)

Marco, we have spies. Get rid of the stuff
Flush the stuff!
Shun, flush the stuff!
Deal is off. We have spies
What? Freeze!
- Freeze!
- You freeze!
Sir, if they flush all their stuff,
we won't have a case
Bring me the gun!
The gun!
Can you hear me?
Get down! Police!
Hands on your head!
Down! Don't move!
Sir, Marco is gone
I've arranged a hideout
for you and your family
What's the use?
What did you tell me yesterday?
You promised!
I did it because you said there would be no raid
and you would look out for me
If they flushed it all, I'd have no case
The department won't collapse
if you miss this case
But I could die!
Marco is crazy!
Screw it. Where's my money?
It used to be a million, but now just $100,000
And a lifetime of hiding
Is that enough for me?
- 10 grand...
- Hey...
Let me drop you off; it's safer
Be honest...
Did you order the move?
It's just work
You can't trust cops!
You two, guard the door!
He's here!
Help! H...
Help me...
Help... Help...
Still running?
I'll teach you to be a spy!
- Put down your knife!
- Put it down now!
Move and I'll shoot!
Dispatch, someone is hurt
Don, for that drug bust
you'll be promoted; the memo's been issued
Don't mope. Your team wants to celebrate with you.
Here's to our...
new Senior lnspector! Cheers!
- Cheers!
- Cheers!
Each department faces different pressures
These are what we must face
Sir, the rookies are all here
Next week, you'll each find your first informant
Treat each one like your girlfriend
They live by betraying others,
they trust no one
Treat them like friends, but know when to back out
But if I treat them like friends...
it can be hard to back out
You must be clear on this
I said to treat them like friends,
not to be friends
We want information, they want profit
Everyone is clear; the books are straight
I know we all have feelings
But don't think you are exploiting him
He exploits you, too
You mustn't let them control you
Nor can you keep threatening them
Keep your leash 70% tight, 30% loose
Learn as you go
Sir, if there is a very risky case
Should we let them take it?
It is their life
They have already assessed the risk
It's not that we don't care
We do what is in our power
We don't want anything to happen to them
What's happening?
The Taiwan Police called
Barbarian is back in Hong Kong
The '06 and '08 jewelry shop robberies
He got away both times
He's spent the money, and is back for more
Find men who had worked with him
Put in an informant; I must get him this time
Here's the informant money, $1.5 million
Tell your men to be less generous
Budget cuts next year
All the informants are screaming for more money
Neither you nor I will get a raise. How can they?
Tommy, this is Don Lee
Get me the files on a prisoner serving at Pik Uk
His name is...
Sai-fui Ho
His nickname is Ghost, Jr.
I also want information on his family
Sai-fui Ho
I'm Senior lnspector Don Lee
of Criminal lntelligence Bureau
You'll be out in two days; what are your plans?
No plans
You started racing with your dad "Ghost" at 14
Drove without a license at 1 6
Illegal street racing at 1 8
First prison sentence at 20
After that, assault, theft, drug trafficking
You've spent 25% of your life in jail
Another charge and you're finished
What do you want?
I have a job for you
while you're still clean
to work with the police
Me? A stool pigeon?
No way
You dad borrowed $800,000 before he died
Wing is pimping out your sister
You must think about...
how to pay the debt
Stay out of my family affairs
I've put my card in your bag
Call me if you have problems
Sir, this is Don Lee
I have a target leaving Pik Uk in two days
Arrange a tracking team on him
I'll give you the files later
Heels down; keep your back straight
Hi, what are you doing here?
You called to tell me my shoes are ready
What shoes?
The heel of my shoe...
Sorry, bad memory. Please wait
Take your time
It's hard to find a decent cobbler now
Your shoes are in bad shape. Buy a new pair.
We have a new shipment. Care to look?.
No, I'm in a hurry; I must go
- We'll talk next time
- Sure
- Goodbye
- Goodbye
Your sister is working at Wing Sing Hotel
Move! Look lively
Let's go!
Kill him.
Stop it...
Don't hit me
I'll take over my dad's debts
You can take over nothing!
Don't hurt my sister...
Your dad owed my boss $800,000
That's $1 million with interest
You Bastard!
Let's go
He is getting worse
He may have to go to a mental hospital soon
What do his wife and son say?
His son doesn't want to know him
Doesn't want to get stabbed
Social Services has many of these cases
Thank goodness for volunteers like you
Bring it to him
You will move to a new place soon
It's nice, just like home
Can't go home
Chop up my family
Don't talk about my family...
Get close to Tai Ping,
tell me what he is dealing
He is looking for a driver
He still comes, which means he hasn't found one
You drive well, and worked for him;
he'll use you
If you agree, I'll give you a car
And money to join the race
If I don't?
You just stole a car
Every minute you dawdle, your sister suffers
Who's the bald guy?
Racer Ghost's son
Just got out of jail
Ghost, Jr.
Tai Ping
When did you get out?
Give me your number
Anti-Street Racing is on the move tonight
- Which district?
- South New Territories
Sir, this is Don Lee
Anti-Racing is in South NT,
where my informant is working
Can you talk to them?
Have they started?
Timing is tight.
I 'll try my best
If you win, Tai Ping will want you
It's up to you to save your sister
Every minute you dawdle, your sister suffers
Tunnel Exit, 8 coming your way
High speed, careful
Tunnel Entrance, get in position
Chan, spot a car for me
License plate MN5592
Let it go
This is a Police Roadblock
All cars ahead, stop now!
This is a Police Roadblock
All cars ahead, stop now!
This is a Police Roadblock
All cars ahead, stop now!
This is a Police Roadblock
All cars ahead, stop now!
- Stop! Freeze!
- Stop!
- Freeze!
- Okay, okay...
Did you get away?
What do you think?.
Just call me when Tai Ping calls you
I'll help you with your sister
Stop the mounting interest
The girl... is your family?
Don, you know Loan Shark Shum
Wing works for him
Shum has a huge ego
He won't talk
You are second-in-command there
Of course you can negotiate
I'm just your stoolie; it's not my job
When we make an arrest with your information
I announce it's because of a mole
Do this,
or I'll announce it's because of an informant
I've stopped the interest on your loan
Pay it off, then they'll let your sister go
You can see her now
Tai Ping wants to see me tomorrow
We'll try to meet here from now on
I chose it because it is full of old people
Our targets don't come here
There are many entrances and exits
Don't use the same ones every time
Incense at Earth God's altar
means I'm here
Let's talk money
You've heard of Barbarian?
Tai Ping wants you to drive
Tell me if he wants to work with Barbarian
Your monthly pay is $20,000
with rewards when on a case
How can I repay my debt with $20,000?
You'd get a raise...
if you arrested Barbarian
I don't decide your pay
How much for finding firearms,
breaking up a gambling outfit,
arresting a gambler,
All these have guidelines
Every penny I give you and you get from me
are documented by signed reports
All costs are recorded, all prices set
But if you get on a case
and are at a crucial stage
we can talk about rewards
Once you've signed
you'll be an official police informant
Call me as soon as they put you to work
I will give you guidelines
Stay away from fights
My immediate superior also
knows about your identity
In case anything happens to me
he can vouch for you
The Department of Justice
will hold this letter, which will
prove your participation is to help the police
Sit inside
Our driver, Ghost, Jr.
Fairing, Blast, Zipper
You sure can eat
Crap! You're too slow
You Mother! How can you say that?
Bastard! Don't say "mother"
"Mother", "mother"...
No fighting during meals
Come, Tai Ping
It's our first job, so here are the terms
You three carry guns, and get $3.5 million each
Is that okay?
Yes, $3.5 million is good
Thank you, Barbarian
It's fine with me
Ghost, Jr. drives, and gets $1 million
Tai Ping and I are known faces
We will stay hidden until it is time
Dee will contact you meanwhile
Dee's words are my words
Drink to everyone
What's wrong?
I can't drink
I'm pregnant
Congratulations, Barbarian!
Congratulations, Barbarian!
- Congratulations!
- Congratulations!
How many people were there?
and Barbarian's girl
This nose, these eyes, this mouth
Are you sure?
You seem so sloppy
He looks sloppy; don't look at me
Go ask his mother
And the girl?
She must look less sloppy, right?
Did they say when they would call you?
Barbarian said, to avoid you,
his girl will contact us
Find a way to copy her phonebook for me
Change into these
"Now is not the time, get an abortion"
The number you have dialed cannot be reached
What are you shopping for?
A ring
Here are our latest diamond rings
Looking for a wedding ring?
Let me see this
Remember it
Next time you come, take it for me
Merry Christmas
Let's take a picture
Come, take a picture
Come on, come on
Take a picture h ere
Say ch eese
I th ou ght you can 't drink
- Two dozen!
- Coming!
Why were the police chasing you?
I can 't remember
They always chase me
Why were the gangsters chasing you?
I stabbed a gang leader...
...three times
If not for you
I would have died that night
If not for you, I'd be arrested
Why did you come to Hong Kong?
It hurts most... be betrayed by...?
We were poor
Everything my siblings and I had...
...I won on the gambling tables
I couldn't lose
If I did, we'd go hungry
For $400,000, Mother sold me to...
...a gang leader in Hong Kong
The night I met you...
...I stabbed him 3 times
Barbarian rescued me, and said...
...he would always take care of me
I thought he meant it
The data on her SlM card
You said there's a reward
We've even scouted locations; how much?
When we make an arrest, you'll get a bonus
How much?
I'll talk to my superiors
I want $1 million
You can't get it, I quit
You're in place; Barbarian won't let you go
You mean you can't get it
I'll talk to another officer
We signed the agreement; no one else can use you
Trust me
Trust you?
How long have I known you?
I'll trust cops when hell freezes over
Continue to help me
Or go with Barbarian
And I'll arrest you
Or do neither
I will capture Barbarian
And you'll be running the rest of your life
Sir, We've tracked Barbarian's phone
He's on Nathan Rd,
near Nanking and Cheong Lok Streets
Status of the signal?
Target has disconnected
Signal has stayed in one position
and hasn't moved in an hour
Tracking Team, target is extremely dangerous
...and may be armed
Tell me when you locate him;
let Hit Team take over
Wai, drive
Sir, target is active
Now turning to receiving station on Nathan,
Parkes and Nanking Streets
Attention, target is walking
Go to Nathan Rd, Parkes an d Nankin g Streets, n ow
Wai, let me off up ah ead
Attention, I h ave visu al contact
He ju st passed Ma Wan g
Glasses an d a moustache
Wearing brown jacket, black pants
Target returning to roost, Ku, take the boys in
Tracking Team, guard all entrances and exits
This is Ku, my cover is blown
Target is at Yaumatei Car Park
Everyone hold, do not enter
Guard all entrances and exits
Auto Team, to Yaumatei Car Park now
Don't worry, I won't hurt you
Sir, the signal is still in the car park
Tai Ping, cops were tailing me
Check on our new boys
Your turn
I'm just the driver
You'll be rich after this. Any plans?
Let my sister live well
What a good brother
Do something to make myself happy
We'll always have sad times...
What do you mean?
Who do we miss the most?
It will be Christmas soon
That's when we think of people
most important to us
Have you gotten him a gift?
Now, I will give a gift to you all
I haven't received a gift in a long time
I'm numb about festivals
Long ago, my sister gave me some gifts
Then she stopped
Now that you'll be rich
Get her something nice
Girls like to receive gifts
She will be happy
Sir, license and registration
Please turn off the engine
Sir, please cooperate
Turn off your engine, engage your hand brake
Engine off, handbrake on, license
What are you doing?
He bypassed the roadblock
Call for backup
Hold on!
Search over there
Have you searched there?
We've looked everywhere; nothing
There's nowhere to run here
Impossible, we saw them go there
Go back and look again
You're lucky no one got hurt in the gun run
I told you
Call me as soon as anything happens
How can I call you when I didn't know anything?
Where are the guns now?
I don't know
How many?
One AK, five pistols
You're ex.cluded?
I told him I'm driving, not shooting
What if he makes me carry a gun?
Don't shoot it
Ghost, Jr.
Tai Ping?
Where are you?
At home
I'm at the door, open up
It's Tai Ping
Close the door
You said you lived at the base;
whose place is this?
My grandmother's
I found out yesterday...
she left me this place
So I'm staying here for now
Who lit the incense?
The granny next door
Friend of my grandmother
It's fresh
This one?
Granny, did you light the incense?
What is it?
What's happening?
Did you light incense next door?
My sister often lights incense for you, so what?
What is she saying?
Old people...
Don't get mad, it's all right, let's go back in
Is that all?
Yes, don't get mad...
I followed you from the MTR station
Don't let the police tail you
Stay put, we're working soon
Thank you
Don't kill me!
Chopped to death...
Marco, don't kill me...
Chopped to death...
Chopped to death
What's wrong?
Let go
Are you all right?
Marco... chopped me to death!
Marco is not here
Marco is back... I saw him
I can't escape now
You saw him? Where?
I saw... Marco kill
I' a stoolie, can't escape
My wife...
He will kill her
Tell my wife to run away...!
Tell her to run...
Chopped to death
Chopped to death
They've scouted ten jewelry shops
Which do you think may be the target?
I'm still analyzing
Let me get this
Speak, Chi
We found Marco, OSCB will arrest him tonight
I called the police to arrest Marco for you
Can't trust rotten cops
Don't trust...
Don't trust them...
Can't trust rotten cops...
Marco is back, don't let him see me...
Marco! Kills people
Be brave, it's all right...
Look at him...
Police! Get out of the car!
Get out slowly!
Come out with both hands up!
Marco has been arrested
Marco has been arrested
I can go home...
I want to see my wife...
Go home! Go home...
I can go home!
I want to go home... see my wife...
I can go home...
I can go home!
I want to go home...
I want to go home...
I want to see my wife...
Class dismissed
Okay, goodbye
- Goodbye
- Goodbye
It's all right
Take him to the doctor
No need to come over. I can close up
All right
- Hi!
- Hi!
You're still here?
How am I doing?
When you are in class...
I sometimes look at you
To be honest, dance is not... of your talents
Do your shoes
...have any sentimental value?
They're so worn out
My wife gave me these
I promised I would dance with her
But I never did
Now I want to, but I cannot
You're separated?
You've kept her shoes
Why not think about getting her back?.
I made a mistake...
I can never have her back
Your wife's report is out
She has syphilis
Even if you kept the child would be born handicapped
I thought I saw Don a few days ago
Don't let Cher go to the dance school
Yes, Uncle
Cher is doing well
Doctor said she might remember again
I'd rather she never remembered
We know where they are,
we can arrest them any time
No, wait till they take action
My informant is in danger, then
I've waited for Barbarian all this time
I must charge him...
for more than weapons concealment
Your stoolie is just driving, not carrying
We arrive, he surrenders, he's fine
I'll see if he will do it
No, tell him he must do it
His $1 million has been granted
We make an arrest, he will be paid
When we have stool pigeons, we must be prepared
When they provide information,
there will be danger
My son will be married in February
Hot off the press, you get the first one
We stool pigeons don't have friends
We've worked together 4 years
I'll watch over you
Relax., new Father-in-law
It is their life
They have already assessed the risk
Trust me
When we make an arrest, you'll be rewarded
Trust you? How long have I known you?
I'll trust cops when hell freezes over
Cops can't be trusted
We want information. They want money
Everyone is clear, the books are straight
The $1 million you want is fine
But I must tell you
No one knows...
what will happen from now
It's your life. Think it over
Just pay me when you get your guy
Did Cher come today?
I don't know if she's coming
Bastard! You're still after her?
Haven't you hurt my daughter enough?
Don't ever come see her again!
There's been a bad traffic accident
Where is this?
Granville Circuit, Tsimshatsui
Hang in there
Hang on, the police are coming...
I'm sorry...
I'm sorry, dear
I promise I'll never let you see me again
I will disappear...
I'm sorry, dear
I'm sorry
Targets 1 and 2 have arrived
Cougar, Sparrow, follow them
Go inside, Elephant
Monkey, call dispatch to check on the car
KH425, see if it's wanted
Stay on them. They're changing cars,
things may be wrong
We have to lose the cops today
Remove their cell phone batteries,
put them in here
Yours, too
Ghost, Jr., go on the bridge
Get out!
Get out!
This is Car A.
They ran across the divider and jacked a car
They're all gone
Did you see the plates?
Where were you? We're melting the gold tomorrow
Having an abortion, like you wanted
I asked you, but not now
Have you cared about me?
What? I've never cared about you?
You're just worried I can't handle tomorrow
I'm not in your heart;
why keep me here?
Answer it
Yes, I have another woman
After this deal, take an extra share
We'll go our separate ways
Barbarian, are you two all right?
We've scouted ten places, which do we hit?
None of them
I have another in mind
"Please notify..."
Here, you'll feel better
You dare to bet with me?
Talk inside
Tai Ping, which do we rob tomorrow?
You'll know tomorrow
Just remember the layout
The shop opens at 10:30 a.m.
If we wait till it opens, there will be traffic
So we hit it at 9:30
while they are setting up the windows
Ghost, Jr., crash the door with the car
Zipper, you and I will supervise
Barbarian, let's discuss the price
Take him out and take his share
Throw him down the well
Don't get his kind again
Ghost, Jr.
Carry a gun tomorrow, you'll get extra
We're one short now, don't blow it
"Tell Officer Lee, 66820693,
robbery at King Sang Gold on Chatham Rd"
Sir, someone asked me to call you
There's a robbery at King Sang Gold on Chatham Rd
Freeze, all of you!
What are you doing!
You two, over there. Get down!
Get up! Over there!
Put the gold in here!
Ku, it's at King Sang Gold on Chatham
Leung! Next street!
Hurry! Move
Open it, now!
Bring it all out! Hurry!
Hey, come help us
Danger! Inside!
Go inside!
Control, Officer Ku is shot
Call an ambulance immediately!
Burn the clothes you wore today
And the guns you used
Blast, Ghost, Jr.
Give me your unused guns
Fairing, Blast, prepare to melt the gold
Tai Ping, ask when the boat is coming
Track a cell phone for me
Barbarian, the boat is here
- Fairing
- Yes
Help load the gold onto the boat
Tai Ping
Take ten bars
Thank you, Barbarian
These six. are yours
Here's one more
Ghost, Jr., drive for me!
Fairing, drive, run over them!
Run, Barbarian
Burn it
Hold on, Ghost, Jr.
Let's go
They all wore masks
All clothing and guns are burned
We have Barbarian, but he melted the gold
We have no evidence
We can't even prove that's the gold they took
Your informant bought the guns,
did the job and melted the gold
To charge Barbarian, he must give a statement
Get him to turn witness
Some of the men have escaped
Do you want my informant to die?
A policeman died on this case
I won't spare Barbarian, no matter what
If your informant refuses
he won't get his $1 million
Whether he's willing is something else
I promised him money upon arrest
No one expected this to happen
We can't make the charges stick
I don't want to get another stoolie killed
And I don't want Barbarian to walk free
Your informant must give his statement, no buts
I'll do my best to protect him afterwards
No deal, you must do this
Let her be all right...
Let her be all right...
This is Ghost, Jr.
Did you get them?
Where's my money?
Where are you?
Are you all right?
Lay down
I've found a doctor
I've called the police
I'm a stool pigeon
I called the cops to arrest them
If I don't,
I won't get $1 million for my sister
Take the gold and run
I have money; go to Taiwan with me
Let's go
I can't hide forever
I promised I wouldn't leave my sister
She's my only family
You go on
We will go...
Lay down
Take the money, go
The doctor will come soon
I've called all day; where are you?
Almost there
Main Street, 23A
Thank you, Tai Ping
Ghost, Jr.!
They went through the window
Out that window!
I've brought your money...
I've brought your money...
The King Sang Gold robbery...
...we did it
- Call an ambulance
- Yes, sir.
Call Dispatch
Tell them we found the King Sang Gold robbers
Here is $1.5 million, repay the girl's debt
Give her the rest
Don, you're nicer to her than to me
This is yours
Don't take hers
...or I'll make the rest of your life miserable
He thinks I'm his wife
He gave me this money that night
...and kept apologizing...
...for leaving me and my son for so long
Keep the money
Please look after him for me
He just wants to see you, hear you sing
I'll put money in your account every month
Is that all right?
"l reminisce about memories gone by"
"Some are happy, some make me cry"
"Dreams are like life,"
"Happy thoughts never fade"
"While sadness is in your bones inlaid"
"Youth hovers"
"l perpetually silently chase"
"But it is gone without a trace"
"l see the moon up in the sky"
"When it wanes, time has passed me by"
"l reminisce about the times gone by"
"Memories make me smile though I cry"
"Dreams are like life,"
"Expectations never made"
"That a rock would become jade"
"Like lovers"
"We mean to give romantic chase"
"But give up at the problems we face"
"l see the sun rise in the sky"
"When it sets, time has passed me by"