Sinbad and the Minotaur (2011)

Where are the others?
- Dead.
All dead. Your son...
- That thing is not my son.
Forgive me.
My King, I did not mean...
But... but the Royal Chronicles.
A war lost.
A kingdom destroyed.
My line cursed by the gods.
Burn it.
My King!
My King! My King!
Don't! I beg you!
There is only death!
- I said burn them!
But the Chronicles!
All the secrets are...
Burn the Chronicles and you
will destroy the curse!
King Minos?
I'll give you three
camels for the dancer.
How does it look, Sinbad?
- Dangerous.
I couldn't agree more.
Back to the ship it is.
Not exactly.
Sinbad! A key that can
unlock a great fortune.
Did it ever occur to you
that the old witch may have
had another 10 keys,
each with its own tall tale
to hike up the price?
- Of course it did.
But then again,
what if she didn't?
Why is it always the
long shot with you?
She dances better
than all of our wives!
This is a bad idea.
These men are slavers,
not antique-collectors.
- Rumors would suggest that
their master is otherwise.
When she shakes like that,
I'm not thinking about her belly.
I told you it would be easy.
Well, trouble always is
with you, Sinbad.
It's the getting out
that concerns me. -Details.
So, what exactly are
we looking for, anyway?
The bull-headed
seal of King Minos.
King who?
- Minos.
A long-dead Greek who stole
the head of the Colossus.
Colossus of Rhodes' Colossus?
As in 'one of the Seven Wonders
of the World' Colossus?
- That Colossus.
Sinbad, you've dragged us
here in search of legends.
The Colossus stood
a thousand years ago,
and this Minos, King Minos,
is nothing but a myth.
It's booby-trapped.
A myth, you say?
Now, the enchanted key
should disarm it.
Are you sure?
What is it?
The Chronicles of King Minos.
Within these pages is the location
of the greatest treasure
the world has ever known.
- The head of the Colossus.
A giant thing. Made
of pure gold. -Pure gold?
I like the sound of that.
To arms! To arms!
Bring round the weapons!
Who's that?
- Where? -Company?
Over there in the
tent! Come on.
Stick to the shadows.
I'll buy us some time.
I'll meet you on
the dunes. -Quickly!
There he is!
- Here I am.
Catch me if you can!
- Let's get him! Move!
You go around the back!
Around that way!
Over here!
Don't let him escape.
We can't let him escape.
The master will kill us.
Where did he go?
- I lost him.
Look over there.
- Hurry.
I can't see them anywhere.
I'm just passing through.
They can't hear you.
They're gone.
What do you mean, "gone"?
Al-Jibar, the master
of the house.
He's a sorcerer. He
steals people's minds.
I hate sorcerers.
Wait! Please, you have
to take me with you.
- I'll scream.
No, you won't.
You idiot.
If you've allowed some filthy
desert pig to plunder my harem,
I'll have my eagle pluck out your
eyes and feed them to my dogs.
Up, whores.
Where's my prize?
I'm here.
Forgive me.
I screamed because I
thought I saw a rat.
I was just indecent.
You'll have to lose that.
Master! Master.
They've got one
of your treasures.
Oh, how is this possible?
The thieves subdued the guard.
- No, the case, you fool. The case.
The whereabouts of
the head of the Colossus,
a thousand years sealed.
Only the enchanted key
can disarm it.
No-one, no-one in all that time, not I,
not I, even the great Al-Jibar,
has been able to force
open the enchanted seal.
Perhaps you should ask
the thief yourself.
I am Seif the Undying.
And you are?
I'm impressed.
- Seize him!
Kneel. Kneel.
Get up!
Get up!
- Guards! Guards!
Stop them! Surround them!
Don't let them escape!
You have something
that belongs to me.
The girl sees it differently.
- Don't test me, thief!
The Chronicles of King Minos
give them to me.
Well, the case may
belong to you,
but as for the secrets
discovered inside
The enchanted key.
It's no good to me now.
Where did you find this? -It's just
something I found along my way.
Much like this,
the magic cloak of mist.
Where did they go?
Find them! Find them!
Good dancing, Luna.
- Where is Sinbad?
He should be back by now.
- Trust me. If he's late, it's only
because he's stirring up trouble.
- Could it be treasure, you think?
Coins of silver? Jewelry?
Come on.
The man just can't help himself.
- We have to get back to the ship.
Wait, you used the cloak of mist. But
there was only three buttons left.
And now there's only two.
- Who's the stray?
Mount up, ladies. -We have
a long travel ahead of us
before dawn.
Stay here. Yah!
Come on.
The coast is clear.
If we hurry, we can
reach Daresh by nightfall.
Daresh? Is that your home?
It's where my ship is moored.
The sea is my home.
More like your wife.
One of three, in fact their
names being the sea,
adventure and selfish glory.
You'd do well to
remember that, girl.
His heart's taken by much
grander things than you or I.
You don't have to tag along.
- You sought my help.
And I played my part. It's time for
you to pay me what you owe me.
Once we find the head
of the Colossus,
you will get what you are
owed. Trust me. -Trust you?
Take your wench.
I'm keeping the horse.
It's all just chicken
scratches to me.
Are you sure Nestor
can decipher it?
Well, the Chronicles are in Old
Greek. Nestor is an old Greek.
Well, he's old but
he's not ancient. -Details.
What about Luna?
Daresh is a place of
opportunity. She'll be fine.
Sinbad, do... do you...?
Watch the horses.
Can I help you? -We're
looking for this man.
Oh, shifty-looking
fellow, isn't he?
Can't say I've
seen him, though.
I thought you
killed him. -I did.
In case you do, be sure to leave
word at the gates of Daresh.
I can assure you our
master is beyond generous
when it comes to this matter.
Who is he?
- A dead man.
Where's your companion?
- Companion?
Oh. Uh... they're both mine.
I'm a courier.
My master is quite
the man with letters.
Keeps me so busy,
I practically live in the saddle.
Move out, men.
This is bad. With the
amount of coin that
Al-Jibar's dogs are throwing around
the whole of Daresh would have
turned spy by nightfall. -I want you
to go to Daresh, rouse the crew.
Tell Boz to sail to
Prophet's Cove.
I'm going to cut across inland
and meet you there. -Yes, sir.
Excuse me! Al-Jibar's after
me too in case you forgot.
He's not after you.
He's after this.
Well, I don't see him
making that distinction.
Besides, I helped you get that.
And I saved your life.
So you owe me.
I'm a part of this now,
whether you like it or not.
I'm beginning to like this one.
- Speak for yourself.
Is that your ship?
- Beautiful, isn't she?
Looks like hunting is good.
- This? It's only a snack.
So, it's another voyage
again? -Certainly.
Do we get to fight?
- Possibly.
What about wenches?
Definitely not.
And gold? -There'll be
mountains of it.
I'm in! -I thought
you would be.
We'll see you back at
camp for the feast. -Feast?
What feast?
Get your own dinner!
- Get her!
Now, my little dancer.
It's all about the belly,
isn't it? -What do you want?
I've got no money and
you can have my horse.
Take my horse.
- Where is he?
Who is he? -I don't know
what you're talking about.
He paid you to dance.
- No.
I dance all around the region.
The people who watch me pay me.
- I swear!
No, please don't! No!
On your feet, you miserable pack
of bow-legged whoresons!
Can't you see your
captain's approaching?
Stop sunning your bellies
pink and move your asses.
Look! It's Sinbad!
She looks good,
but can she cook, Sinbad?
Boz? How's the crew?
- Well enough, Captain.
Though, I dare say, most be bitter
and blue-balled over all the time.
That is to say, the men
be all frustrated like,
over their shore
leave being cut.
Maybe this will lift
their spirits.
The Chronicles of King Minos!
- By the gods, Sinbad!
Of course, you know
what this means.
It means we know the very location of
the golden head of the Colossus.
As long as you can figure out
these chicken scratches.
Of course, of course. It'll just
take a little time to translate this...
Well, there's no time.
We set sail today.
But, Sinbad, we don't know where
we're going or how far. -Details.
We need to plan for
provisions. -Details. Details.
We'll all find out
along the way.
So, who'd you
piss off this time?
Now I want his name!
Go to hell.
- Hell?
What do you know about hell?
I want his name.
Ready the men.
I want this Sinbad's head
and the Colossus both.
The island of Minos.
Boz! We're rowing in.
I can't believe we spent
eight weeks at sea for this.
Minos wasn't
looking for paradise.
He was looking for
somewhere to hide.
See, when Minos started his reign,
he was already a powerful man,
King of the Minoans,
ruler of the island of Crete.
But it wasn't enough.
He wanted more.
Casting his eye
across the Aegean Sea,
he set his sights on conquering
the island kingdom of Rhodes.
OK, Nestor. Let's go.
- This way, Nestor. Come on.
After his defeat at Xanthos,
Minos's cause was well and truly lost.
Thus it was decided that in
celebration of their great victory,
they would use however,
soon after its completion,
Minos stole the head
and brought it here.
Enough of the histrionics, Nestor.
We are here for the treasure.
Help me with the bucket.
I thought you said this
island was uninhabited.
It was.
Back when Minos and his handful of
surviving Minoans first arrived here,
but a lot can change
in a thousand years.
Funny-looking bunch,
aren't they?
Bring the children here. Now!
I'm Timos, son of Talos,
first among hunters.
I speak for my village. -Well, I am
Sinbad, and I speak for myself.
Trading season's over.
Outsiders are not welcome here.
- Yes, move on. You're not welcome.
Well, Timos, son of Talos,
maybe we'll welcome ourselves!
- Sinbad, stop!
Captain! If I may.
Good sir, I am
Princess Tara of Lycia,
betrothed to the mighty
Sultan of Temsaman.
I am sure you've heard of him.
A storm drove
my ship off course
and I was subsequently held captive
by a sorcerer named Al-Jibar.
Having escaped, I happened
upon these good men,
who have offered their services
to escort me to my wedding.
If you could just see it
within your heart
to grant us a
few days hospitality,
I assure you your generosity
would be royally rewarded.
You can lodge at
the feasting hall.
The Sultan of Temsaman?
Trading season's over.
Our Royal Highness here has been
given welcome by your man Timos.
Ah. Be seated.
What do you think?
This hall? No question.
These people? Who can say?
Well, I say the sooner we're out
of this den of yokels, the better.
Hello, blue eyes.
Tell me, aside from
your beautiful self,
what else does this
island have to offer?
Say, in the way of temples
or old ruins. Maybe statues.
There's nothing like
that around here.
Except, I suppose the view from the
top of the Colossus. -Colossus?
The mountain overlooking
the village.
That's a strange name
for a mountain.
Strange, but that's exactly
where we're going.
Spread out, you slugs
and stay sharp.
Ruins, markings, anything
old that isnt a tree,
the captain wants
to know about it.
What exactly are
we looking for?
Some great work of appeasement
to Helios, I imagine.
Halt! Captain,
we've found something.
It's a tunnel, boss.
It smells like a pig-farmer's ass
in there and twice as...
That is to say, 'pungent'.
Stay close. -Why?
Are you scared?
Everybody follow me.
King Minos's great appeasement
to the gods, I take it.
Most likely a temple
dedicated to Helios.
Someone's been here before us.
A caretaker or priest.
- Perhaps looters.
Maybe you're not
the only one with a map.
Only one way to find out.
Which way?
Let me see.
By the prophets,
it's hot down here.
We are inside a volcano.
- What's the hold-up?
Well, they've all
got to lead somewhere.
Wait there.
What kind of shrine is this?
- There are no rooms, only corridors.
Corridors that
don't lead anywhere.
It's by design. We're in a
labyrinth. -Labyrinth?
Well, obviously King Minos
didn't want to make it so easy
for us to find the golden
head of the Colossus.
We're probably just
walking around in circles.
I'm pretty sure we have
been this way before.
I've got you, boss!
Thank the gods! -It wasn't
the gods that saved you.
Stand firm, you maggots.
What was that?
- Stand firm.
Quick! Volcanic ash!
Sinbad! Stay where you are!
Boz! Where are you?
I don't know!
Are you with
the others? -No.
It hit us like a storm, Sinbad.
The others were...
The others were what?
- Sinbad!
This way!
Your death will not go
unavenged, my friend.
You're alive!
This way!
What are you doing?
- No time to explain.
Get behind the wall.
Come on.
I've found them!
Over here!
The beast?
It's gone.
I can't believe how big
that beast was.
I need more wine
and better-looking women.
To Sinbad! The monster-slayer.
- The monster-slayer!
To our brothers,
who we lost today.
May the gods grant them favor
on their final voyage.
Again. Again.
Fill your cups.
Come. Come, come, come.
Come join us.
There's fine wine.
Good Persian wine
worthy of toasting heroes.
To heroes. -Hear, hear.
- To heroes!
Aren't any of you the
least bit curious about
what we witnessed this
morning? -'Witnessed'?
Don't you mean 'vanquished'?
The labyrinth's
now unguarded.
Come tomorrow, the head of the
Colossus is ours for the taking.
We still need to find it. -We all
know it's in there. It has to be.
It's in there, alright.
But what of its guardian?
It's dead.
True enough. But what was it?
And where did it come from?
So it came to pass...
...the seed of the sun god
bore terrible fruit.
Minos was cursed by the gods
for stealing the golden head.
I tell you, as soon as we find
this big old golden head,
I'm going to live like a king.
Who'd want to be ruled by you?
- Well, I said live like a king,
not be a king. I want
servants, not subjects.
And a lot of them. -Tired of
wiping your own ass, are we?
Well, maybe I am.
We're not looking to
trade with outsiders.
Trust me, if I can
think of it, I'll have..
No, not one, ten servants on hand
around my sumptuous palace to do it.
You know, back-scratchers,
window-openers and cat-fanners...
- Wait, wait. Cat-fanners?
Yeah. What? It's all
the rage in Egypt.
You know, Karim, you should be
careful what you wish for.
The life you speak of isn't
always what it seems.
I'm sorry about your men.
It wasn't your fault.
Tomorrow. The Colossus.
Your share in the bounty
will make quite the dowry
for the Sultan of Temsaman.
To be a prisoner in
an ivory tower?
To be married off
without any love?
That's not for me.
I'm free of all chains.
And I intend to stay that way.
How would you live
if not as a princess?
To be honest,
I haven't really
thought that far.
Being captured by the slavers,
escaping the harem,
voyaging with you
these past few months.
Places we've been and people
we've met along the way.
It's all been so...
- Perfect?
Perhaps I'll buy a ship.
If any of them move,
kill them.
Hello again, thief.
Or is it Sinbad?
It is Sinbad, isn't it?
At least that's what your
pretty little dancer friend told me,
right before she died.
- Luna!
I will kill you for that.
Oh, spare me your
pointless oaths!
Now, give me the cloak
or I'll kill the rest
of your companions.
Why not? I don't plan
to hide from you anymore.
That's good.
Now, give me the
King Minos Chronicles.
By the blood of Pythagoras
The child.
The child is the beast.
First, a toast.
To Luna!
Oh, enough of the theatrics.
Where are the Chronicles?
I lost them.
Kill them all! -Yes, sir.
- Search that one's body.
What the...?
- Shoot him! Now!
Shoot that thing!
What are they?
- I'm not sure.
This one's mine.
I thought I'd killed you
already. -Not so easy.
Remember this?
Master, help me!
Stop, stop! He's
awake! Sinbad!
What happened?
- Sorcery.
Where's the girl?
- Sinbad, she...
She what?
- Sinbad, wait!
Stop, Sinbad!
- Get out of my way!
You saw it for yourself.
These people are monsters!
It's more than that. The Chronicles
speak of royal sacrifices
to the Minotaur, delivered
to him by a high priestess
and those of his bloodline.
Don't you see, Sinbad?
The princess, the beast down in
the labyrinth they're all connected!
I killed the beast. -Oh, fancy
yourself a god-slayer now, do you?
- Remember what I told you.
Minos's queen gave birth
to a deformed son.
Minos isn't the father! The Sun
God is! -What do you mean?
I tell you, this beast is god
spawn. You didn't kill it.
All you did was make it angry.
All the more reason to
find Tara. -Al-Jibar took her.
I'm sorry, my friend.
She's gone.
Listen to me now. We need to
get back to the boat, and fast,
before these creatures return.
- He's right, boss. I say we go.
Sinbad, please. We are but four
men against an island of monsters.
The ship is yours.
- Well, hello, blue eyes.
Wait. Don't hurt me.
Arianna. My
name's Arianna.
Are you one of them? -Yes.
I mean, no! I mean... Wait. Wait.
By the gods!
What's happening?
What were those things?
Answer me, woman!
I told you.
I don't know!
At first, they were just people.
And then the beast
from the labyrinth called.
Master, please. I beg...
- Shut up!
What labyrinth?
Within the volcano.
It's huge. Nestor said that
it was built by an ancient king.
King Minos hid the head
of the Colossus
in the labyrinth.
Up! Both of you!
The labyrinth lies to the west.
Master, please.
The girl has no
more use for us.
I beg you, let me feed...
No, no. No!
I still have a use for her.
At some point, that fool Sinbad
is going to come and get her.
And when he does
he won't see me.
Master, no!
I'm dying.
No good. Looks like
we'll have to swim.
Wait. Listen.
They've seen us.
For the All-Father!
To the sea!
- No! Head for the trees! Come on!
Which way?
They're everywhere!
Just keep moving!
- Hold!
There you perch,
the all-seeing Helios,
heralding the dawn,
sitting astride your chariot,
drawn by soulless steeds.
Sun god.
Come. I smell blood.
This way!
King Minos was right.
You have to take power, not beg
for it from above, on your knees!
Oh-ho! Mighty Minotaur!
'Tis but the praise of an orphan
freak and nothing more!
Your dominion... Your dominion
over this world is long past.
Gods of Olympus are but dust
in the memories of men!
Their minds are ripe
for a new god to take its place.
The whole world will
kneel before me!
No! Stop!
You animal!
Get a move on! The entrance
must be just ahead. -Move!
Don't test me, woman.
Get up!
You first!
Get her, you fool!
She's got the cloak of mists!
Come on!
What are you?
He is my greatest creation.
Body and soul of a man
merged with that of an AL ghoul
demon flesh-eater.
Kill him as many times
as you wish, Sinbad.
He need only kill you once.
Quick, untie me!
- Sacrifice!
Forget the girl.
Your fight is with me!
So, tell me, Sinbad,
how does it feel to know
you're about to die?
You tell me!
Kneel! Seif!
You stay put.
- Sinbad, this isn't over.
It's never over!
Sinbad! Help!
Where are you?
Sinbad, help!
Clever girl.
Where are you taking me?
- All-Father.
All-Father" is not an answer.
Temple, then.
Hurry! Try losing them
in the tunnels!
Hurry. Hurry! -I'm
hurrying, I'm hurrying!
Why do they hesitate?
Let them come.
There's no need. They've been
herding us here all along.
For a sacrifice.
Thank you, master.
I knew you would return.
Such power!
Bring me the knife.
The knife, the knife!
Sinbad! Help!
Where are you?
Sinbad, help!
Sinbad, help!
- Sinbad, help!
All-Father, great Minotaur,
god of the mountain,
I call to you.
Come, Father.
I am here for you now.
Come, that I may
bring you my offering.
Are you okay?
- Yeah. You?
He comes.
The great Minotaur.
God of the mountain, come!
Come to me,
father of fathers.
I worship you and bring you
your sacrifice of royal blood!
She's one of them.
Look at her horns.
She's a descendant
of the bastard son of Helios.
The one they turned
into a Minotaur.
The All-Father,
the god of the mountain,
great Minotaur comes
and there will be no mercy.
No mercy! No mercy!
Great Minotaur,
it is as you command.
Behold! Your faithful
brings sacrifice.
Before the sacred head,
take her royal blood.
I'll give you royal blood.
The blood of your
mighty ancestor compels you.
- My child.
Can you not tell?
Yes! That's right, my
children. That's right.
You've always known me.
I am your god.
You are my army.
You, Captain!
Captain! -Sinbad,
can you hear me?
Great Minotaur, I swear,
I did just as you commanded.
Sinbad, the one who grieved you
he's here, right here in the temple.
All-Father, please,
I beg you, come.
You, Captain!
- Sinbad!
I thought I told you
to stay at the ship.
This one said he
smelled gold.
Nestor was right.
We can't kill a god!
Get back!
Get back!
She's one of yours,
isn't she? Get back!
Who will collect your blood,
if your high
priestess is dead?
You're a fool, Sinbad.
We're cornered.
Quick! Everybody,
behind the cloak!
Those fools!
Stay alert. The Minotaur
is still nearby.
Are we going back
for the golden head?
You'll never get
that thing out of here.
Tara, the cloak of mists can transport
anything from one place to another.
All we have to do is get
back past the Minotaur.
Well, you only have
one button left.
And it's all we'll need.
Stay close.
Your temple lies
this way, master.
Lead us to my temple.
We have to get him
out of here.
To the door!
- It's closing! Hurry!
Nestor! Hold the door.
We're not going to make it.
I can't! I can't hold it! Move!
Come on, Tara!
- Hurry!
Wait. No, this is all wrong.
We didn't come way before.
We have to go back. -Get a hold
of yourself, Nestor. Keep moving.
Careful, careful!
The gold, you mutants.
No, no, not that way!
You lot, come with me!
Trust me, my child.
They say the great sorcerer,
kings of yore.
I'd sacrifice a thousand slaves
to perform their dark rituals.
I say they lacked vision!
With you to fund my armies I'll
sacrifice whole cities at a time.
I'll drown entire nations in
blood again and again,
until I have discovered every
secret and mastered every mystery
of this infernal abyss.
It's coming.
- Now, this looks familiar.
Quickly, all of you. It's
this way, I'm sure of it.
It's coming!
You'll be joining us back
on the ship, friend. -Sinbad.
You must stop the Minotaur.
You're right. It's
time to fight. -Sinbad, no.
Please don't.
I'll take Akoom.
You lead the way.
What is it?
Only that of a god
can kill god.
The horn? Do you
mean the horn?
Take it.
If we take it,
it'll kill him.
Kill me?
Look at me! I'm already
dead! -Akoom, no.
Take it!
Take it! Let me die
a warrior's death!
Sinbad! Sinbad!
Sinbad, where are you?
- You!
No! Stay with the head.
You three, the girl, go!
You call yourself an immortal?
You can't even catch me!
Sinbad! The horn, use it!
- For what?
Only that of a god can kill a god.
Sinbad, what now?
- Revenge.
Pain! The pain!
The All-Father needs us!
What? What's happening?
I'M the All-Father!
I command you! Stop!
- We can't.
Stop! Stop!
- All-Father! -Do something!
With the Minoans in the tunnel,
this could be our last chance
to make it to the ship.
- We're still taking
the Colossus's head?
- Damn the Colossus!
I would give 10 such treasures
for the lives of my men.
Well, so, what, then?
You're just going to give up?
Have us turn tail and sail away?
- When are you two going to realize
that treasure doesn't always
come in the form of gold?
All-Father, great Minotaur,
god of the mountain, I call to you.
I am the All-Father,
god of the mountain.
I am Minotaur!
All-Father, we failed you.
You dare show your face
within these sacred walls?
No, All-Father, it was the blood.
It commanded... -Silence!
You stand before your god
and you dare speak of excuses?
The great head, my sacred birthright
for over a thousand years,
taken from the holy temple
and defiled by unclean hands,
aided by unfaithful children.
Forgive us, All-Father.
- Forgiveness?
You dare ask for forgiveness?
For mercy?
I am the All-Father,
god of the mountain!
I am Minotaur and
I know nothing but rage.
What now?
You know, I've been thinking,
a trophy like this has to be
worth something, right?
I mean, who wouldn't want
to hang this up on their mantel?
This thing is best to
forgotten. -Look out!
Let them go.
- Or what?
You lost, Sinbad.
Your comrades are all dead.
But your woman, well,
she never really was your woman
in the first place, was she?
Well, how can I compete
against an old, bald eunuch?
I'll have your tongue for that.
Seif! -Prepare yourself!
I no longer fear you.
- That's why I'll succeed.
Just how long do
you think you can go?
I've conquered death already!
Conquer this.
Now, there is change.
- No, no. Nothing has changed.
I am still st...
I hate sorcerers. -I bring a
message for you from the mountain.
He comes. He comes.
The All-Father approaches.
The Minotaur. We've got
to get out of here.
Such rage. Such powerful,
beautiful rage.
Come on. Let's go.
No. I'll handle this. -We need to be
running from it! No more running.
He comes. He comes.
He is here!
Sinbad, what are you doing?
- Well, he's just a bull, isn't he?
Come on! I'm the one
who took your eye!
It's me you want,
beast! Come on!
Come and get me!
Come on!
Lucky last.
No, Sinbad!
That's for my crew.
- Sinbad!
Leave her. She's lost
enough already.
We all have.
The head! The head! The golden
head. The mountain gave it up.
So what now, Sinbad?
Back to the ship
with all your gold?
Off on another adventure?
Not all treasure
comes in the form of gold.
We're rich!
We're rich, Sinbad!
We're rich. Details.