Sinbad of the Seven Seas (1989)

I'm not sleepy.
Please tell me a story, Mommy.
All right, sweetie. I'll read you a story.
It's a very strange story.
But you'll have to promise me
you'll go to sleep afterwards.
I promise.
I hope you like it, Jane.
It's an Arabian Nights tale...
about a sailor named Sinbad.
- Sinbad?
- Yes.
It all happened many years ago...
when our Earth was such a very little,
lonely grain of sand...
lost in a myriad of stars.
It was in those early days of mankind...
that a great hero was born.
The bravest man ever born...
and, naturally, he was a prince...
the greatest prince of the seas.
His name was Sinbad...
conqueror of the seven oceans.
And he had traveled so far...
to the most strange
and mysterious countries...
together with his brave friends:
the young Ali, son of a great king...
the Viking warrior...
Poochi the dwarf...
the bald cook,
and the Chinese soldier of fortune.
And now, our story begins...
as they were returning home
to their beautifuI city of Basra.
The people of Basra
were the happiest in all the world...
because they were ruled
by a kind and wise calif named PaI.
The good Calif was loved
by all the people in his happy country...
all except a cunning and eviI wizard
named Jaffar.
I hope there's a princess, Mommy.
Yes. Of course there was a princess, Jane.
What kind of fairytale would it be
without a princess?
She was a wonderful princess...
the loveliest and sweetest princess
that ever lived.
Her name was Alina...
and she was fresh as the dew...
and beautiful as a blushing rose.
But now the princess
is sad and disheartened...
because the hero, whom she loves...
hasn't come back yet.
- Sinbad?
- No.
Not Sinbad,
but someone who sails with Sinbad.
I know. Prince Ali.
Yes, the handsome Prince Ali...
will soon be united
with his beloved Alina once more.
The townspeople of Basra
were preparing a great feast...
to honor the return
of their valiant hero, Sinbad.
They were also preparing a celebration...
for the joyous marriage of noble Prince Ali...
to their own beloved Princess Alina.
Meanwhile, high in the darkest corner
of the royaI palace...
Jaffar, the eviI wizard, planned an end
to the happy times of Basra, forever.
I, Jaffar...
your most devoted massif...
beseech that you grant...
this humble prayer.
The city of Basra...
center of the universe...
is a great ripe plum...
waiting to be plucked.
that it is my hand...
that plucks it.
With that, dark clouds began to form
in the skies over Basra...
and the people, who had known nothing
but sunshine all their happy lives...
felt the first icy chill of Jaffar's crueI spell.
And thus, in your service...
may I bring hate, war,
poverty, and pestilence...
to this rich and powerful realm...
subjugate its people
to oppressin and torture...
and thus insure
through terror and tyranny...
that the kingdom of evil is born.
The black winds of pure eviI
blew through the town...
bringing with them destruction and misery.
The people of Basra cried out
in such pain and fear...
that their cries rose
to the very palace of the great Calif.
Where is my vizier?
There you are. What's happening, Jaffar?
My people are a happy people.
They love their neighbors.
Only an evil spell
could have transformed them into beasts.
Go and fetch the sacred gems,
and we'll carry them in processin...
and everything will be all right again.
The gems no longer exist.
You'll give no more orders,
you silly old fool.
But it was too late.
Jaffar's power had grown too strong.
The sacred gems of Basra had been
the source of the great Calif's strength...
and now, they belonged to Jaffar.
Well done.
Well done, my faithful vizier.
Father, what's wrong?
The people are in a panic.
The city is in turmoil.
What's going on?
Father, I'm talking to you.
Can't you hear me?
These are not problems
for a pretty little head like yours.
You must think about how to
make a man who loves you happy.
Any news about Ali?
When is he going to be here?
A fine one, Ali.
Always running around with that other
good-for-nothing, Sinbad the Sailor.
Running around?
But he's coming here for our wedding.
Now that's quite enough
of this nonsense, Daughter.
You must find a mature, sensible man...
a man with a head on his shoulders.
And who, may I ask, might that be?
- Him.
- Jaffar? Never.
I wouldn't want him even if he were
the only man on this Earth.
My dear Alina, my darling little Alina...
- don't you want to make your father happy?
- Not under these conditions.
If you've been had by him,
it's your problem, not mine.
I'm in love with Ali...
and he's the only one I want.
Father. Guards!
You're to be mine.
How dare you? Leave me alone. Unhand me!
The high towers and minarets
of the fair city rose before them...
as the mighty Sinbad,
sailor of the seven seas...
and his loyaI companions...
drew close to the coast of Basra.
But when they finally arrived at the dock...
after being away for so very long...
only an eerie silence greeted them.
What dreadfuI fate caused the entire city
to look so deserted?
Here. Give me a hand with this.
Wait a minute.
Where is everybody? There's nobody here.
There's nobody here.
I just said that. That's the point.
I thought the whole town would turn out.
You know,
there's something here I don't like.
Do you want us to look around?
No, I'll do that.
You stay here and guard the ship.
So Sinbad made his way to the palace
to see his old and wise friend, the Calif.
What's going on here?
Greetings, Lord of the Faithful.
I've returned to a town
where the people have changed.
They're unhappy.
Can you tell me what happened?
Calif, I'm talking to you.
Why don't you talk to me?
Don't you remember me?
But the kind old man's mind
was clouded by Jaffar's wicked spell.
You're wasting your breath
on that tired old man.
I should have known from the beginning
you were behind all this.
You can't fool me anymore
with your dirty tricks.
Now it's time to put you in your place.
The extraordinary powers that I possess
make me top of the heap around here.
It's me you've got to pay homage to now.
Step forward and kneel.
I said kneel.
You'll pay for this, you filthy rat.
You're so softhearted, Sinbad.
It will be your ruination.
I'm going to kill you, Jaffar!
And then?
Sweetheart, Sinbad had great,
brave friends, remember?
And when he did not return
from the Calif's palace after a long time...
they became very worried.
And so they went ashore to search for him.
Kantu, the soldier of fortune...
could sense the danger
was very great and very near.
For though the dock
was completely deserted...
the cook fires were still warm.
He warned the others...
that whatever terrible deed
had befallen their true friend, Sinbad...
the entire town of Basra was in grave periI.
I really wish I knew what was going on.
- Let's get out of here.
- Shut up.
Let's do this.
You go that way, I'll go this way.
- And I am not alone?
- Yes, but you are bigger.
When they came to the palace,
the handsome and brave young Prince Ali...
could no longer controI his heart.
Fearing that some awfuI fate
had come to his beloved Princess Alina...
he rushed up the stairs
and hoped that he was not too late.
- Did they kiss?
- Not at first.
Why not?
They wanted to.
They had been apart for so very long.
But Alina was afraid.
She knew that Jaffar would stop at nothing
to get his way.
His power was so great that he had turned
her own father against her...
and imprisoned the mighty Sinbad.
She was afraid to trust her heart...
lest this may be some trick
of the eviI wizard.
But this was her Ali...
her own dear, sweet Ali.
Surely, even the fiendish powers of Jaffar
could not turn him against her.
Welcome, Prince. Guards!
- Alina!
- My love.
Take him away.
You won't get away with this.
You're beautiful when you're angry.
Let go. No!
The sound of the princess's heart breaking
reached great Sinbad in his cell...
and he knew he must think
of a way to rescue her...
and her beloved Prince Ali.
I need your help. Come here.
Nervous, huh?
I know where you're coming from.
People hating you and all that.
As far as I'm concerned,
it all began with that story of Eve.
And when they want dirty work done...
they really take advantage of you...
like that evil, slimy wizard up there.
No one can resist my will...
and no one, not Prince Ali...
not even his friend, Sinbad...
a man who I hate more than hate itself...
will stand between me
and my heart's desire!
Fill it up again.
Hey, you.
Jaffar, Vizier of the Lord of the Faithful,
wants you all, at once, at the palace...
and as early as possible.
Can I stand you a drink? I'm buying.
- I said get moving. Come on. Move.
- No!
You see?
Where's the power you pretend to have?
Your evil will can never touch
Sinbad and Ali.
Even as the fair Princess Alina spoke...
the mighty Sinbad had discovered a way...
to enlist the aid of his friends, the snakes...
to help him escape his tomb-like dungeon.
They say you have a terrible temper.
I'd like to see them living in the dark...
crawling around all day.
Here, come here.
Be nice.
That a boy.
Sinbad's friends had fought bravely
against great odds...
but now they faced terrible punishment
in Jaffar's torture chamber.
These prisoners are very dear
to our lord Jaffar.
They need special treatment.
Very special treatment.
A pleasure, Capt. Rashid.
All right, take him.
Put him on the rack, now.
Be sure to make him comfortable.
He'll be there for quite a stretch.
Put slant-eyes in the hot seat
and warm up the branding irons...
so we can toast his health.
The bald one will do nicely for the piranhas.
They don't like hair. It sticks in their teeth.
- Lift him up.
- But I have a beard.
Let me out of here.
Will Sinbad save them, Mommy?
You must be patient...
and wait and see what Sinbad
and his friends, the snakes, will do.
Don't worry. I'm not gonna hurt you.
What are you waiting for?
Lower him into the tank.
There's nothing my babies enjoy more
than Turkish delight.
Come on.
While Sinbad was rescuing his friends...
Poochi the dwarf decided
to look for Alina in the palace.
The wicked Jaffar, wizard of Basra...
used his eviI powers
to fashion a terrible machine...
that would weaken the fair Alina's will...
and allow him to controI her mind.
For Jaffar could never be content
to merely possess the beautifuI Alina...
princess of all that is good...
unless she would also give him her heart.
I intend to become master...
of Alina's mind and body.
Because only then...
will all five sacred gems simply melt away...
leaving me lord of the worid.
After searching the entire palace...
little Poochi discovered Jaffar's lair
in the highest tower...
and so only he knew
of the wizard's eviI plan...
to rob the princess of her goodness...
and controI the powerfuI magic
of the town's sacred gems...
for his own terrible purposes.
As long as Alina withstood
Jaffar's machine...
and held onto her goodness...
he could not destroy the gems.
Instead, he used his power...
to banish them from the town.
The wicked wizard of Basra
cast his spell on the gems...
that had brought peace, happiness,
and prosperity to the town...
for as long as time could remember.
Four of these he sent to the darkest,
most eviI places on Earth...
where even the powerfuI Sinbad...
might fear to go and retrieve them.
Little Poochi ran to find Sinbad...
and tell him everything he had seen/
how the sacred gems of Basra...
must be recovered within seven moons...
or all that is good and pure
about their beloved city, including Alina...
would be lost to the hideous eviI of Jaffar.
And so, Sinbad and his brave friends...
left the great city...
and set out once more
on a long and dangerous journey.
- But, Mommy, where are the sacred gems?
- Sinbad didn't know.
- But, Mommy-
- Now you must be patient, sweetie.
Sinbad had heard of a great oracle...
who lived in a faraway land
across many seas.
What's an oracle?
A wise man who knows many things.
It was there that Sinbad sailed...
in hopes of discovering
where Jaffar had hidden the sacred gems.
When Jaffar learned
that Sinbad had escaped his dungeon...
and set saiI with his men
to find the sacred gems of Basra...
he called forth the black source
of his eviI strength...
and prayed to the Lord of the Underworld.
lllustrious Prince of Darkness,
do not forsake me.
Grant me the power to crush him forever.
And a terrible cloud covered the sun...
and blackened the skies
over Sinbad's ship...
turning the day into night.
And out of that awfuI darkness...
rose up the legions of Death.
The brave crew of the mighty Sinbad
prepared to battle for their very souls.
Now, disappear.
Go back where you came from...
you evil, filthy spirit.
Dinner's ready.
What's with you guys?
You look like a bunch of weirdoes.
- You missed one hell of a party.
- Darn!
But thank God for that.
I'm hungry. Let's eat.
They sailed for many more days...
coming finally to a land where
the great and wise oracle appeared to them.
One sacred gem will be found
on the Island of the Warrior Women...
worn around the neck
of the enchanted Amazon Queen...
whose charm no man can resist.
Two more are on the Isle of the Dead.
One is hidden inside
the ungodly form of the ghost king...
and the other is guarded
by a horrible and foul beast.
To find the fourth sacred gem of Basra...
follow the first swallow that you see...
and it will lead you
to a place of great peril...
where you must begin
your quest alone, Sinbad.
Sinbad had to swim many leagues...
to the rocky shore
where no ship could land.
The strange and barren place
described by the oracle was Skull Island.
From there, courageous Sinbad,
who knew no fear...
went alone to face unknown dangers.
Deep within the caves of Skull Island...
he soon found what he was looking for/
the first sacred gem of Basra.
And now Sinbad can save
the Princess Alina.
Things are not always so simple
in fairytales.
Sinbad did not know there was more danger
than there first appeared.
As he held the first of the precious gems...
that would save the city of Basra...
a great feeling of joy
came to Sinbad's heart.
But what perilous battles lie ahead...
before Sinbad will retrieve
the three remaining gems?
Boy, that was a close call.
- Where could they have taken her?
- Who knows?
- What if it's another place like this last one?
- What do you mean?
I wouldn't count on the same kind of luck
a second time.
Confucius say, "Luck is like a crystal glass.
"Though it sparkles, it's fragile. ' '
- And so?
- And so, let's not rush into anything.
- Are you speaking about Alina?
- No.
It's you who always speaks about Alina.
I must-
Relax. We still have to find the other gems.
Remember, every gem we get back
makes us stronger and Jaffar weaker.
Very good. But where do we find them?
Hold everything. I got it!
- I was thinking-
- That's unusual.
By the way, what were you thinking?
I forgot.
Anyway, Jaffar must have found himself
some other allies than Soukra.
But who?
I can offer a list of possibilities.
So could I.
Sinbad, you choose one, we'll go look.
We could pay a visit
to the enchanted isle of the Amazons...
which is where the oracle said
we would find the second gem.
Do you believe those stories
we heard about the queen?
- Are we ready?
- Yeah.
I have a feeling.
Something tells me
Alina's not been brought to this island.
If she isn't here,
we'll keep looking until we find her.
What's important is that
Jaffar must never destroy your love.
Thank you, my friend. He'll never do that.
Cheropolis, Poochi.
Hey, Greek. Poochi.
- Did you call us, Sinbad?
- I sure did.
Listen, we're going ashore.
I mean, the four of us.
Will you two stay here and keep guard?
I want to warn you all that this is a big risk.
The Amazon Queen is a mind vampire...
and she can suck any man's will away,
if you're not careful.
Even the Viking's.
Listen, if we're not back
in three hours' time...
then you and Poochi come and look for us.
If we fall under her spell, you can free us.
How do we do that?
How do I know? There's got to be
something in the medical kit.
For example, the ointment we bought
from the magician in Egypt.
Yes, of course.
There is also
the rheumatism potion I made...
that even took the rust off
the helm's hinges...
- and then there is the powder.
- Yeah. Bring the whole lot.
The island of the Amazons was a place
of lush forests and great beauty.
Though the oracle had warned them...
they could not believe that such beauty
could conceaI such danger.
The first to discover the truth
of the oracle's warning was the Viking.
Then, young Prince Ali.
Even Kantu, who was wise
in the ways of deception.
Confucius say,
"When the worid is upside down...
"chin up. ' '
And finally, Sinbad, whose heart was pure...
encountered the siren beauty
of the Amazon Queen.
Even the great Sinbad
was no match for her magicaI charms...
and she began to weave
her enchanted web around his will...
as she had with so many brave men before.
The beautifuI queen
caused Sinbad to forget...
the oracle's warning.
She danced and spun
round and round the mighty Sinbad.
The great sailor fell into a trance,
a waking dream...
in which he forgot all about the danger
to his loyaI crew.
He forgot the purpose of their journey...
to find the sacred gems
and save Princess Alina...
and their home, beautifuI Basra.
Only he and the ebony beauty before him
existed in a state of sheer bliss.
And as if things were not bleak enough
for noble Sinbad...
Jaffar was joined by another sinister ally...
skilled in the arts of black magic/
a wicked sorceress named Soukra.
So this is your famous
brainwashing machine?
Rashid, do your stuff.
Brainwash or no brainwash...
with Ali still around...
you're never going to get control of her.
I know that.
I sometimes wonder whose side you're on.
I'm on my side. I'm always on my side.
Beware of your ambitions, Soukra.
You must be second to someone.
Why not me?
Have you taken your medication
this morning?
Can puppy love for Prince Ali...
be feeding such fierce resistance?
Her love for anyone but me
must be suffocated.
Most powerful Lord of Darkness...
And Jaffar's diabolic prayers
were answered...
for the mighty Sinbad
had fallen to the seductress's charms...
and he did not recognize
the dire periI to himself...
and his brave companions.
One by one, they called out
to their great leader for help.
But so much in the enchantress' spell
was the valiant Sinbad...
that all he could see was the magicaI beauty
of this goddess queen...
of the Amazon warriors.
Come along, my dear.
Why don't we relax for a while?
Okay, Poochi. Time's up.
Let's go and look for them.
Are you sure that's a good idea?
I'm scared to death.
Do you think I'm not scared, too?
We've got to help them if they're in trouble.
So let's go.
Okay. But you first.
While the dwarf and the cook
sought to rescue their comrades...
the Amazon Queen's hold
on Sinbad and his shipmates...
grew ever more powerfuI.
BeautifuI Princess Alina
fell ever deeper into despair...
as she watched each of Sinbad's crew...
succumb to the eviI charms
of the Amazon enchantress.
Finally, her beloved Ali stood alone...
against the wickedness
of the queen's beauty.
Ali, honey, please don't give in.
Don't give in.
I won't.
Magnificent, Farida...
my beautiful black pawn.
I'm winning!
Remember what your heart
is made of, Jaffar.
You could crack that fingernail.
With bravery many times his size...
Poochi searched hard for his friend
and brave leader, Sinbad.
When he finally found him,
he feared he was too late...
for Sinbad was wrapped in the arms
of Temptation herself.
Gosh, you're sure beautiful.
The clever dwarf took the powerfuI potion
that the cook had given him...
and prayed that it was strong enough
to uncloud Sinbad's mind.
What's wrong, Sinbad?
You chose the wrong side.
Just think,
we could have had a lot of fun together.
He's got the second gem.
I gave her youth and beauty...
and she's let them all off with their lives.
She disobeyed me!
But she's got what she deserves,
the old hag.
Jaffar, that's two down and three to go.
I can trust no one...
let alone a woman.
No, Jaffar...
I'm different and you know it.
With me, you are invincible.
I don't need you, Soukra!
Sinbad's men knew
they had escaped great danger...
and yet they were sad
to depart this enchanted island.
What are you thinking?
About the Island of Charms.
I don't remember a thing, but...
from the perfume...
I have a feeling
that it must have been somewhat pleasant.
Me, too.
In the name of all that is evil...
I call upon the winds of utter destruction.
The terrible power of Jaffar,
satanic sorcerer of Basra...
blew with such fury that even Sinbad,
the greatest sailor of all the seas...
could not prevaiI.
His ship was cast on the dark shores
of the Isle of the Dead...
from which no earthly being
had ever escaped alive.
All around the ship, the fallen warriors lay.
Once brave men from another time,
another land...
whose souls had been brought
to this terrible place...
to do the bidding of eviI.
Their earthly remains had turned to dust...
but their valiant spirits
had been taken from them...
to await this dreadfuI moment.
Wow! What is it this time?
- Whatever it is, Poochi, it means trouble.
- You're right.
I wonder where we are now.
It looks like the afterworid, Viking.
Maybe we are even dead.
Better dead than to never see Alina again.
You'll see her again, Prince. We're not dead.
This is just another one of Jaffar's tricks...
but now we have two gems we can use
to fight him.
The ghost warriors must now obey
their satanic destiny...
and do battle
with the great and mighty Sinbad.
Damn it.
- Get them. Poochi, get my sword, quick.
- Yes.
- Here.
- You two, take cover.
On ghostly steeds
came the warriors of the dead king...
wielding ungodly steeI against mortaI flesh.
And brave Sinbad
matched his heroic strength...
against the power of supernaturaI eviI.
The army of ghost warriors
was nearly defeated...
but Jaffar had a plan to rob brave Sinbad
of one of his greatest strengths/
his loyaI companions.
The wizard's eviI magic
cast them far out to sea.
It's magic.
- It's incredible.
- We're back at sea again.
But what about Sinbad, Mommy?
Poor Sinbad was left alone
on the Isle of the Dead...
with no means to escape...
and he had yet to confront the Ghost King.
- I'm scared.
- It's all right, Jane.
At first, the King did not move...
but the power of Jaffar's wizardry
was still great.
As the ghostly knight came to life,
Sinbad felt himself weakening.
He did not think
he would have the strength...
to defend himself against
the unearthly sword of the Ghost King.
You're losing your power, Jaffar...
and you know that.
Without their valiant leader...
Sinbad's men had barely the heart
to continue the journey.
But Poochi, the loyaI little dwarf,
said they must...
or they would bring shame
upon themselves and their noble Sinbad.
And without his men...
Sinbad knew he would pass
the rest of his days...
on the Isle of the Dead completely alone.
Or so he thought.
- Hi.
- Daddy.
You're right.
Just imagine if they see him. Some meat.
Meat? Who's going to eat meat?
- Come on, let's go.
- Okay.
While Sinbad's men
searched for their leader...
Kyra and her father took noble Sinbad
to a secret part of the island.
What does he want?
He's preparing a fish couscous,
which he says is finger-licking good.
Although he's an incredibly good cook...
he is actually...
Nadir, the famous wizard.
He's been a member
of the Baghdad Fraternity since '82.
Baghdad? So you're not from here?
We came here in a flying machine.
Daddy invented it.
But with the first gust of wind,
down we came.
And since then,
we've been living hidden in here...
because those monsters eat anything
they come across.
- By the way, are you hungry?
- Yes, sure.
Thank you.
You should see them.
They're slimy and squishy,
and all full of sores...
and they smell real bad.
It makes you sick just to see them.
- So you're the only two people living here?
- Yes.
The surviving inhabitants ran away.
To think it was such a beautiful place.
It used to be fabulous living here...
until Jaffar, the most evil wizard of all...
- You know him, don't you?
- Yes, I sure do.
He came to the island
and he hid something...
leaving those monsters to guard it.
That's when all this trouble began.
- Now you'll straighten things up, won't you?
- Don't you worry, I'll give it a shot.
Will Sinbad's friends ever find him?
I don't know.
I only know that they continued to search
wherever the wind would take them.
Working the ship
like the true sailors they were...
confident that their leader
would one day return.
With this, it's safer.
Daddy, I know it's dangerous...
but with Sinbad, I can face anything.
Okay, show me the way.
Don't worry.
To me?
The oracle had foretold
the fourth and last sacred gem of Basra...
was hidden in the body
of a fouI and horrible beast.
And that is where Kyra now took Sinbad.
- Sinbad!
- Kyra!
Good work, Jaffar.
This time, you've triumphed...
and Sinbad is heading for the tunnel.
Of course. Just as planned. It's a trap.
Yes, my dear Soukra...
he's heading straight
for the Cavern of Nothingness.
What a meal for the Lord of Darkness.
I'm not so sure...
especially since he has made pulp
of everyone we have set against him.
There are times when you do
the most dreadful things to my biorhythm.
Again I ask, whose side are you on?
The one who wins.
Push him away. Come on.
That's right.
- You called me?
- Yes.
And now, the mighty Sinbad
had to face his greatest challenge/
the awfuI monster
prophesized by the oracle.
For unless Sinbad could win back
the fourth sacred gem...
the wicked Jaffar, wizard of all that is eviI...
would prevaiI.
Princess Alina
and the beautifuI city of Basra...
would be lost forever.
Sinbad had three
of the sacred gems of Basra.
He could only hope that their strength
was powerfuI enough...
to help him defeat this fouI monster
that shot bolts of fire.
Now, Jaffar...
you're next.
I am losing my strength.
This magic ointment
is made from desert cactus.
It's one of my father's
successful experiments.
As you can see, it works miracles.
Nadir, do something.
The evil spell is over. We won.
Your father should be back to normal
by now.
You're talking about
his so-called magic powers.
He says, "Stricki mani, stricki pi,
catch the wind and fly. ' '
No dice, huh? So what's the problem?
He says the bags have to be filled
with hot air first and then...
away we go.
I'm no magician,
but I think a nice twig fire would do the job.
He says, "Right. How stupid of him.
"Twig fires happen to be his specialty. ' '
Okay, Nadir. I got the message.
You want hot air? Here's your hot air.
And so, Sinbad filled his powerfuI lungs...
and inflated the great balloons
of Nadir's flying machine.
A wondrous sight that would bring joy
to all but the wicked Jaffar.
Soukra, I am not well.
But all I need is time.
My brainwashing machine
has never failed me before.
So with its help, I'll break her resistance yet.
Why don't you just give up?
May I remind you...
that your lot is tied to mine.
My defeat would be yours as well.
Yes, but I fear if Sinbad should get here...
he'll make this your tomb.
So, give me your soldiers...
and put me in command.
No need for that.
No need at all.
When I have mastered Alina, why...
the power of the sacred gems
will simply melt away.
There you go again,
basking in your bubbles of fiction.
I'll keep my faith in my sword, thank you.
And besides, the young prince and I
have a duel to finish.
You're so competitive.
Not happy until you've found out
which of the two is stronger.
You call this a flying machine?
It looks like balloons...
and it's losing altitude.
He says to throw down everything
and anything that is not indispensable.
Indispensable, you say?
I see.
He says to continue. We'll make it.
Really? It means we're almost there.
And it better be damn close.
Finally, on the horizon...
Sinbad spotted what he had longed to find.
There's my ship.
My friends.
Sinbad! It's Sinbad. He's alive.
I'm back!
- What did he say?
- He said, "Here I come, Jaffar...
"and I'll make sure
that your name is canceled...
"from the list of accredited magicians. ' '
You're absolutely right.
With the help of Nadir, the good wizard,
and his daughter, Kyra...
Sinbad rejoined his brave friends
and returned to Basra...
where time was running out.
- My lord.
- What is it now?
- Sinbad and his men are in the palace.
- He mustn't get in here.
- I only need 10 more minutes.
- Yes, my lord.
- I'm crazy about you.
- Don't forget Jaffar.
They'll take care of the soldiers...
you take care of the monster...
and I'll take care of Jaffar.
We'll take care of the soldiers.
We'll take care of Jaffar.
We take care of the monster.
Sinbad entered the palace...
knowing that Jaffar was at last
within his grasp.
And now, he would let nothing
stand in his way.
For the last time...
I command you
in the name of all that is evil...
Don't be so imbecilic, Princess,
that's an old trick.
Here I am, Jaffar.
Now we face each other...
man to man.
Man to man?
You are a man, Sinbad...
but I am a supernatural being...
against whom you are powerless.
Stay back.
Don't come any closer.
You heard me, Sinbad.
I'm warning you.
You are forcing me...
to carry out my most devastating act...
of magical madness.
How does it feel to face yourself, Sinbad?
After I defeat you...
I'll be the most powerful force
in the universe!
Sinbad now faced the one force on Earth...
that was his equaI in battle...
for he faced himself.
Jaffar had reproduced every muscle...
every sinew, every powerfuI limb.
Sinbad's enemy was his own strength...
turned to the eviI will of Jaffar.
Each powerfuI combatant
knew every thought...
every strength and every weakness
of the other.
For the first time in his life...
Sinbad felt his fierce confidence erode...
and this was enough
to give the advantage...
to his demonic twin.
And now,
the fearsome power of Jaffar was gone...
for the sacred gems of Basra
lay in the hands of goodness.
And it only remained for Sinbad
to return them to their rightfuI setting...
for Alina to be freed
and the beauty of Basra reawakened.
and peace.
And so the power of
the sacred gems of Basra was restored...
and all the eviI that Jaffar had done...
was undone.
- Kyra!
- Daddy!
My King. My friends.
Sinbad, my dear fellow.
Our hero.
My dear fellow, welcome back.
Jaffar, my vizier. Where have you been?
You know there's still a lot of
unfinished state business to be done.
I forgot to tell you.
He decided to resign.
Decided to resign?
And then?
And then, our story ends here.
The precious gems were found...
the wrong was righted...
and beautiful Princess Alina...
married wonderful Prince Ali...
and they lived happily, forever and ever.
And Sinbad married his new love, Kyra...
and they also lived happily ever after.
Sweet dreams, my little princess.
Here they are,
Princess Alina and Prince Ali...
married this morning.
And now, to our wonderful honeymoon.