Sing Street (2016)

I'm tired of
this constant nagging.
It's like you're turning into
one of your sisters.
And I'm tired of your drinking
and feeling sorry for yourself.
Feeling sorry for myself?
I'll be the mechanic
of your heart...
Half the bloody country
is out of work.
You're not that special.
Oh, let me out of here.
And with a wrench,
I'll take you apart...
It's my bloody house.
Your bloody house? Brilliant.
I've been paying the mortgage
on it for the last 15 years.
If we didn't share
a mortgage, I would leave you.
If we didn't
share a mortgage
I would leave you...
I've had enough of it.
Go on and leave
any time you like.
Go on and leave
any time you like...
Go on then, you stupid bitch.
You stupid bitch...
Though there are
still no accurate figures
for the number of young
lrish people coming to London
in search of work, the crude
indications that do exist
show an enormous increase.
Many take the boat
with barely enough money
to survive a few days in
London, but still they emigrate
because they see hope
across the sea,
hope they cannot see in lreland.
This meeting has been called
to order.
Pray proceed.
Well, as some of you
may have noticed,
your mother and I really are
under a lot of pressure
at the moment.
Like the rest of the country.
I haven't had a single
commission this year.
Your mother is down
to a three-day week.
It doesn't look like it's going
to get much brighter.
So we had a look
at our accounts,
and... well, we-we see we
could make a significant saving
if we altered
the education situation.
What education situation?
- Well...
- She means your school.
They're taking you
out of school.
- What?
- No, no.
We're not taking you
out of school.
We're transferring you
from one school
- to another school.
- Why?
Because we need to make some
cuts in the budget somewhere.
I'd suggest taking
your brother out of college,
but he's already dropped out
of his own volition.
Thank you, Robert.
The Christian Brothers have
a fine history of education.
Who are the Christian Brothers?
The Christian Brothers
are an educational institution
- formed by...
- The Christian Brothers, Conor,
are an order
of the Catholic Church
in their education formation
and systematic beating
of their young charges.
Oh, shut up, Brendan.
Six years in the hands
of the Jesuits,
and look what they did for you.
You're just gonna have
to face up to this, Conor.
Do you know what the
Christian Brothers' motto is?
"Viriliter Age."
Do you know what that means?
"Let's rape our students"?
No, Brendan, it doesn't.
It means "act manly."
What are you doing?
Get out of the bleedin' way.
Morning, Brother Baxter.
Sit down.
- French, Brother Barnabas.
- Huh?
You're teaching French,
not Latin.
Oh, how modern.
Mind you, I'd be surprised
if any of you knew
where France is,
not to mind speaking
the language.
Oh, go on.
It's on the continent.
Above Spain.
You'll be the new lad, then,
from the Jesuits.
What's your name?
Conor Lawlor.
- Ooh! -Conor Lawlor?
- Shut up!
Right, Conor. Morning prayers
are at quarter to 9:00.
The canteen is located
just below the PE hall.
They serve chips and bars.
We have a strict black-shoe
policy here, Mr. Lawlor.
Your parents should have
read it in the introductory
rule book, page 142.
I don't have black shoes, sir.
Well, you're just going to have
to get a pair then, aren't you?
And report to me first thing
in the morning with them.
Good man.
As you were.
Where did he say
the restaurant was again?
Do you mean the canteen?
Of course,
the can-canteen, yeah.
"The restaurant."
You're not in France now,
you bleedin' spanner.
Do you smoke?
- Do you?
- Occasionally.
I'm not really a smoker.
My brother is.
Uh, sometimes steal
a bit of his tobacco
when my friends are over.
So do you want to have
a smoke then or...?
- Here?
- Come on, we'll have a smoke. Come on, follow me.
Come on.
Here, do you want one?
Nah, I'm okay.
I already had two this morning.
Actually, look at this yoke.
It's a Black Widow.
- Now, I hear you're a queer.
- What?
Yeah, I hear
you're a little queer.
No, you must have me mixed up
with someone else.
Nah, I don't think so.
- Dance?
- Dance!
Dance, like a little queer, go.
Are you joking?
Move it.
No, more arms.
Uh, yeah, disco, kind of.
Now dance with your pants down.
Hmm. Get into that cubicle,
dance with your pants down.
What did you just say?
Uh, I'm not, I'm not doing that.
It's Thursday.
It's 7:00.
It's Top of the Pops.
Conor, Brendan,
come on, it's 7:00!
They can't be here tonight,
as they are in the USA,
so instead we have to go to Rio.
It's Duran Duran.
Hey, we're working here.
So are we.
This is my homework, Brendan.
I have a really important essay
due in the morning.
Just because you've given up
on your dreams
doesn't mean we have to,
all right?
Can we put the fire on?
You're gonna love this, man.
Yes! Beautiful.
The jury's still out
on which way these guys'll go,
but they're a lot of fun,
and John Taylor
is one of the most proficient
bass players
in the UK at the moment.
Gives them a really funky edge,
which I hope
they're gonna go for.
Hey, it's not exactly
the Beatles, is it?
Oh, you know, will you go
outside and start up
the time machine there
so we can all go back in time
- for Dad, Conor.
- Well, if this is the future,
we're all screwed, aren't we?
I mean, look at this guy.
He's not even singing live.
It's a video, Robert.
It's art.
Everybody's making them
these days. Look at it.
He's very attractive, though,
isn't he?
You're welcome to him.
Who's that guitarist?
John Taylor.
All the girls love him.
Cute, isn't he, Ann?
And he's not a guitarist.
- He's a bassist.
- Yeah, Ann.
I mean, why can't they
get them to play live?
What are they trying to hide?
It's because they're in the USA.
Did you not hear him?
And this lasts forever.
It's the perfect mixture
of music and visuals.
It's short, to the point.
Look at it.
I mean, what tyranny
could stand up to that?
Good morning, Mr. Lawlor.
Well, I brought it up
with my mum, but she said
we can't afford another pair
at the moment.
I bought these before I knew
about the shoe color policy
here at Synge Street.
But it's not as if
they're runners or something.
They're... they're brown.
They're-they're quite sensible.
They're not black.
I'm-I'm not sure
what you want me to do.
Take them off.
You can leave them
at the door there.
Seeing as you're so fond
of them,
you can pick them up here
at 4:00 every day
until you comply with the rules
of the school.
See you.
Could I have a Mars bar, please?
Thank you.
You should've just danced.
Who is that psycho?
That's Barry Bray.
- He'll be out for your blood for the year.
- Why?
'Cause you've shown
signs of weakness.
So how do you know him?
He lives in the same flat as me.
His ma and da are drugs addicts.
But don't worry.
You just need to come up
with a plan for the year.
A solution.
Check it out.
"Darren Mulvey
Business Solutions."
Call me anytime.
There's no number on it.
Oh, no, we don't have a phone.
Just call around, yeah?
Who's she?
I don't know.
She's always there.
She's beautiful.
Yeah, good luck.
She doesn't speak to anyone.
Stuck-up cow.
She said her boyfriend's
a drug dealer.
She's not interested
in any of the boys in school.
Then why is she standing
over there every morning, then?
Need a light?
No. I'm trying to give up.
I don't have any matches anyway.
So, how come
you're not in school?
I don't go to school.
I'm a model.
Cool, like, for magazines?
I'm going to London soon.
Just waiting
for my portfolio shots.
There's no real work
for models in Dublin, you know?
Yeah, tell me about it.
Do you want to be in a video?
It's for my band.
You're in a band?
Yes, and we need a girl for it.
Have you ever been
in a video before?
Is that a problem?
I hope not.
I'll ask the producer.
Who's the producer?
That kid behind me.
I could call you
with the details,
if I had your digits.
So, if you're in a band,
sing me a song.
I can't sing out here.
You're gonna have to sing for,
like, thousands of people.
I'm just one.
Don't make me sing.
Sing that song off the radio.
You know, the one by A-ha.
Sing it.
Sing it.
Take... Sorry.
No, it's too low.
Take on me
Take me on.
That's all I know.
Cool, bye.
- We need to form a band.
- What?
How are you, Darren?
- Is Eamon there?
- Eamon?
Hey, Eamon.
What are you doing?
Nothing really.
Just feeding me new bunny.
Conor, this is Eamon.
Eamon, this is Conor.
Conor's new in school, and
he's putting a band together.
Oh, good Jesus.
Where'd you get all this gear?
Me da's in a covers band.
Weddings, parties, pubs.
Eamon can play every instrument
known to mankind.
Can't you, Eamon?
Show him.
Check it.
So what do you think...
So, what do you play yourself?
I'm more of a singer.
I write songs, words, lyrics.
But I haven't put them
to music yet.
What kind of music
are yous gonna be doing?
Well, I-I don't know yet.
What d'you mean you don't know?
You have to know
what you're gonna be playing.
What are you into?
I'm a futurist.
What does that mean?
Like, uh, no nostalgia.
Not like your da's band.
Not looking backwards,
just forwards.
Oh, cool. Like Depeche Mode?
- Okay.
- Or Joy Division?
Or Duran Duran?
What do you think of them?
Jury is out on which way
those guys'll go.
They're a lot of fun,
and James Taylor
is one of the most
proficient bass players
in the UK at the moment,
giving them a funky edge.
John Taylor.
Yeah, John. Of course.
I'll be in your band.
I'll play guitar.
And I'll help write songs.
We could rehearse here
'cause my da's
in Saint John of Gods.
- Is that a pub?
- No, Darren.
It's a place where alcoholics
go to get off the drink,
stop beating up
their wives and kids.
And neighbors.
Who's gonna be the manager?
Have you managed bands before?
No, I'm just breaking
into the market.
Got to get everything straight.
Get everything down
on paper first.
the major record labels
can rip you off
when they come hunting.
That's what me da says.
When'd you want to rehearse?
Not at the weekends.
He's got a job packing shelves
in Quinnsworth on Saturdays.
You're not giving that up
for any band, d'you hear me?
What about Mondays
and Wednesdays after school?
That's fine.
Sounds good.
Now all we need
is other musicians.
Do yous know any?
- No.
- Eamon?
He usually just plays
on his own.
Don't you, love?
Right, well,
we can't get any peace in here.
Let's continue
this meeting outside.
No smoking now.
Ma, how many times
do I have to tell you?
I don't smoke.
There's a black guy in 3B.
- Be cool if he was in the band.
- Why?
He's probably the one black guy
in the whole school.
Probably in Dublin.
Having a golliwog in the band
give us a real edge.
You can't say "golliwog."
Why not?
Trust me, you just can't.
And anyway, what if
he can't play anything?
He'll be able
to play something; he's black.
- Wow.
- Can I help you?
Is this the house
where the colored lad lives?
Four doors down.
What do you think?
How many black people
do you think
that lives
on this shitty estate?
- Do you know Ngig?
- What's that?
Ngig. My son.
We're putting a band together.
Does he play any instruments?
Why don't you ask him yourself?
We are putting
a band together.
I am the manager.
What the hell is wrong with him?
Oh, you, um,
sound different from your mam.
Course I do; been here
half me bleedin' life.
What'd you think?
Would you have any interest
in playing in a band?
What kind of music
are yous playing?
We're not
a hundred percent sure yet,
but do you play any instruments?
"Futurist band forming.
Looking for
a bass player, drummer."
That's us.
"Influences include
Depeche Mode,
Duran Duran and many more."
- Faggots.
- Piss off, Ryan.
"Contact Management Solutions,
361 at St. Theresa's Gardens.
No telephone, just call in."
Sounds like a gig for us.
Let's go.
So what are we called, then?
All right, what about...
The Rabbits?
What's the story
with you and rabbits?
I don't know, I just love them.
What about La Vie?
What's that mean?
It's French for "The Life."
What's French for, uh,
"That's not gonna be
the name of the band"?
C'est nes pas le nom du groupe.
There you go.
What about... Sing Street?
Do you actually not
get that like?
Sing Street.
- Oh!
- I like that.
- Gobshites.
- Yeah, I like it.
Moving on the floor now,
You're a bird of paradise
Cherry ice-cream smile
I suppose it's very nice
Her name is Rio
And she dances on the sand
Just like that river
Twisting through
a dusty land
And when she smiles
She really shows you
all she can
Oh, Rio, Rio
Dance across
the Rio Grande.
- Sped up a bit there at the end.
- Really?
- That sounded great.
- Yeah, we sound deadly.
Oh, lads, we're gonna be amazing.
What are you doing?
I'm just letting
the stink of that out, man.
That was bad, bad music.
And there is nothing as bad
in this world as bad music.
- You know you can record over tapes?
- No.
That was a novelty act.
You want to have actual
sexual intercourse, right?
- Yeah. What, what?
- The girl.
It's all about the girl,
isn't it?
- Yeah, the girl, yeah.
- And you're gonna use
somebody else's art to get her?
Are you kidding?
We're just starting.
We need to learn how to play.
Did the Sex Pistols
know how to play?
You don't need to know
how to play. Who are you?
Steely Dan? You need to learn
how not to play, Conor.
That's the trick.
That's rock and roll.
And that takes practice.
And you're not a covers band,
by the way.
- Really?
- No.
Every school has a covers band.
Every pub has a covers band.
Every wedding has a covers band.
And every covers band
has a middle-aged member
who'll never know
whether they could've made it
in the music industry or not
because they never had the balls
to write a song
for someone else.
Rock and roll is a risk.
You risk being ridiculed.
But I don't know
how to write a song.
Close that door and sit down.
- Really?
- It's gonna be a long night.
I've school in the morning.
This is school.
"She's standing on the corner
"like an angel in disguise.
"I want to try and warn her.
She's got dangerous eyes."
"Dangerous eyes."
I like that.
What does it mean?
I don't know.
What's the song about, Conor?
It's like
when you don't know someone,
they're more interesting.
They can be
anything you want them to be.
But when you know them,
there's limits to them.
No, that doesn't make any sense.
What's it called?
"The Riddle of the Model."
So what about a rhythm
like this?
Slow it down a little.
Yeah, that's cool, that's it.
Standing on the corner
Like an angel in disguise
I wanna try and warn her
She's got dangerous eyes.
I've an idea.
Maybe for the chorus, like, a...
Yeah. There you can do a stop.
- Yeah.
- And I come in and sing.
The riddle of the model.
Like, would everybody stop?
- Yeah. Yeah, everyone.
- Like, the drums
- will do a...
- Yeah.
No, yeah. We-we all stop.
- Fireworks and lights and shit. I don't know.
- Yeah.
- Everyone.
- And they all...
- Everyone stops, yeah.
- Crazy shit, that'd be cool.
- I like that.
- Yeah, yeah.
So maybe like a...
Oh, oh, oh
The riddle of the model.
- Yeah.
- Yeah, I like that. That's good.
- Yeah, that's cool.
- Yeah.
Do you, do you have a hoover?
Check out this effect.
It's like "Video Killed
the Radio Star."
Standing in the corner
Like an angel
in disguise...
How's it going?
Uh, here's the tape.
What's this?
Oh, that's the song;
I mentioned it to you.
Oh, you're the kid in the band.
Yeah, you should probably
learn the lyrics.
So you can lip-sync
to them properly.
We're shooting at the lane
at the back of Quinnsworth.
- You know Quinnsworth?
- Yeah.
This Saturday at 12:00.
Cool. Well, I'll try
and make it.
What would I wear?
I don't know.
It's kind of like
a Chinese theme.
So, like, a kimono?
Well, it's more like a riff
than a song.
More of an Eastern bit
in the song.
It's called
"The Riddle of the Model."
That's really sweet.
No, it's not about you.
It's about another model I know.
Right, well,
I'll give it a listen,
but I'm, like, really,
really busy at the moment.
You know, so I'll try.
Yeah, you should.
It's a, it's a good song.
We've got a great team.
It's a really good opportunity.
So this Saturday
at 12:00, then?
12:00. Sounds good.
- Thanks.
- Cool.
Looks like loads of gear
back home, doesn't it?
And yet, strangely,
it just looks like shit here.
Ah, hey, where is this chick?
I don't know.
Who the hell
brought a cowboy costume?
Me. It's all I could find.
No one wears
a cowboy costume in a band.
There's a cowboy
in the Village People.
And Adam Ant.
Adam Ant is a highwayman.
So we can have a highwayman,
but we can't have a cowboy?
Are you mentally ill?
I got fangs in the joke shop.
What are you gonna do with them?
It's a music video,
- not a bleedin' horror film.
- Spanner.
So what did yous bring?
It's me da's show band outfit.
So it's a gay band?
Coming from the one who wants
to look like the Village People.
What's gay about
the Village People?
Hello, all. Sorry I'm late.
I was out last night.
At a nightclub.
Jesus Christ,
what are you all wearing?
Yeah, we're just
working that out.
Um, maybe you can help.
Well, who's your costume person?
We don't really have
a costume person.
Well, who's your cameraman?
Maybe he can make
some of this work.
Well, we don't really have...
I'm the cameraman.
Thought you were the producer.
And the cameraman.
Saving money at all costs, yeah.
What'd you think of the song?
I really liked it.
It's the only reason I'm here.
Did you write it?
Eamon wrote most of the music.
So you wrote the lyrics?
You've got
really good cheekbones.
- What?
- Yeah.
Yeah, you should let me
do your makeup.
- Really?
- Yeah. Now this light's gonna be
really harsh on camera.
It'll take the edge off.
I'm actually
wearing some right now.
In fact,
you should all
be wearing makeup.
I'm not wearing any makeup.
you're not even in the band.
Yeah, thank God.
I'm in the band, and I will not
be wearing any makeup.
Thank you.
Why? You've got great lips.
No, piss off.
I'm not wearing makeup.
Those of you who actually
care about the band
and want to do this half
properly, queue over there.
Okay, so we're playing
over here,
and Raphina's standing
over there against the wall.
I go up to you
and start singing to you.
Make sure to pan up to her eyes
when I sing the line,
"She's got dangerous eyes."
I think a zoom would be better.
Okay, a zoom, whatever.
Do you think I should have,
like, lightning flashes
on my eyelids when I close 'em?
Can you do that?
I can do anything.
So then for the chorus,
you walk off and I follow,
circling you like
when he's following her
in the "Thriller" video.
- Have you seen the "Thriller" video?
- Yeah.
Cool. So then I follow you
up the laneway,
keeping behind you,
and then we'll swing around
and get the angle in front.
- Let's shoot it.
- Right, let's shoot.
It's just some kids
filming something.
What are yous filming, lads?
A video for a band.
Hi, Barry.
Are these in your school, Barry?
Yeah, they are, yeah.
But they're wearing
bleedin' makeup.
I know.
Oh, yous making a movie,
lads, is it?
Nah, it's just
a video for a band.
You should get in a band, Barry.
Put on lipstick,
dance around and all.
- You'd be bleedin' great.
- Piss off.
- What did you say?
- Nothin'.
See yous, lads.
See yous at the Oscars.
Right, lads,
lots of energy in this.
And, Ngig, I want to see you
really pressing those keys.
Here's some playback.
She's standing
on the corner
Like an angel in disguise
And as I look
a little closer
She's got dangerous eyes
- She tells me she's a model
- I'm a model.
Of international reputation
She's lightning in a bottle
But there's a stipulation
She's so indecipherable
She holds the key
to the missing code
Just the thought
of her touch
My mind explodes
So desirable
Time never will unfold
Oh, oh, oh
The riddle of the model
The odds are against her
In this little city
She's got a taste
for adventure
And she knows she's pretty
She's the face of an angel
And the heart of a sinner
And if you play with danger
How you gonna win her?
She's so indecipherable
She holds the key
to the missing code
Just the thought
of her touch
My mind explodes
So desirable
Time never will unfold
I'll never unravel
The riddle of the model.
Why don't we go eat these
in the park?
There you go.
- Thank you.
- No problem.
Can I spin you home?
I didn't know you had a car.
So where d'you live?
Not far from the school.
Harcourt Terrace.
Ah, by the canal.
Did you grow up there?
Yeah. Though we're
probably moving.
My parents are broke.
That's why they sent me
to that school.
Yeah, I was wondering
about that.
You're a bit posh
for around there.
Speak for yourself.
Your house is massive.
Is it?
My parents
are probably splitting up.
That's sad.
Are you doing okay with it?
Oh, yeah.
It's a bit intense
being around them.
Jesus, all that drama.
I'm glad I don't have parents.
Haven't we been down
this square already?
Uh, no.
You are the slowest cyclist
I have ever met.
- That was great fun.
- Yeah, it was really fun.
Hey, baby!
- This is Evan Adams.
- Word.
- How do you do?
- This is the singer
in the band
I was telling you about.
Oh, yeah,
she played me your song.
Good vibes.
Little bit of Duran Duran
in there,
bit of New Romance.
What style would you say
you were?
I'm a futurist.
See you in the future, then.
- Ready, baby?
- Yeah.
- Okay.
- I'll see you soon.
See you.
Let's make
another video sometime.
Nice blouse!
Aw, shit.
You have to imagine
it's not as...
This will be good.
- Really?
- Yeah.
You just need some proper
cameras and a good director.
But as long as it's in
your head, that's what counts.
It's an exercise in imagination.
Think big, Conor.
This is just a means to an end.
And she looks amazing.
She's got to be
in all the videos.
- Yeah?
- Oh, yeah.
She's world-class.
Without her, you're just
a bunch of gay-looking kids
down an alleyway.
Have you kissed her yet?
- No way.
- Why not?
She's a year older than me.
And, anyway,
she's got a boyfriend.
- Ah. Who?
- Evan Adams.
He's, like, a full-grown man.
He's got a car and all
and stubble.
What's he doing
hanging out with a kid?
She's not really like a kid.
- What's this?
- Homework.
You're good. Get better.
How d'you know
he's her boyfriend anyway?
It seemed like it.
Pulled off in his car,
music blaring.
He's pretty cool.
What was he listening to?
He will not be a problem.
- Really?
- Trust me.
No woman can truly love a man
who listens to Phil Collins.
I think she's having an affair.
What? Why?
She gets a lift home from her
boss a couple of times a week.
She doesn't drive.
What's wrong with that?
She gets out of the car about
100 yards away from the house.
It's a nervous thing.
She's overcompensating.
Good night, then.
Hey, Conor, what's going on?
I don't know.
What are you doing?
Just, just rabbit stuff.
D'you want to write a new song?
Yes, I do.
Really good records.
My brother loves this.
He says it's homework.
You see how bass guitar
and the bass pedal
are playing the same rhythm?
You'll hear it now, wait.
I told all of yous,
you especially,
shitting on the bed
all the time.
You can't put rabbits on the bed
and not expect them
to shit on your bed.
A chord like...
Somewhere in the...
Da, da, da, da, da, miles
Miles below me
Up to the stars
she shows me
Dame Street,
George's Street
Miles below me...
- That's good. I like that.
- Yeah.
I love that middle A.
Yeah, go get the guitar;
let's try it out.
It-it'll sound better
on the acoustic.
It's gonna sound great
with the lads.
It's 2:00
on the edge of the morning
She's running magical circles
around my head
I hitch a ride on a dream
she's driving
She turns to kiss me,
I crash back into bed
Across the street
on a grayed out Monday
I see the girl with the eyes
I can't describe
And suddenly
it's a perfect Sunday
And everything
is more real than life
I think
I'm back in the dream
I think I'm back
on the ceiling
It's such
a beautiful feeling
Going up
She lights me up
She breaks me up
She lifts me up
You find a mystery
bound in perfection
You've got to read, but
you don't wanna reach the end
'Cause what if everything
beautiful's fiction
And this reality's
just pretend?
And then
I'm back in the dream
Looking up at the ceiling
It's such
a beautiful feeling
Going up
She lights me up
She breaks me up
She lifts me up
Up to the stars
she shows me
Dame Street,
George's Street
Miles below me
Up where the world
won't let us down
Na, na, na, na
Going up
She lights me up
She breaks me up
She lifts me up.
Boys, look at David Bowie.
Oh, I like this.
- What is it?
- My band.
- You're in a band? Cool.
- Yeah.
What are they called?
Sing Street.
Who's this now?
Your girlfriend?
She's a friend of mine.
- She's a model.
- Hmm.
But she's got a boyfriend.
An older guy.
All the complicated boys
and girls.
Good work.
Brother Baxter would like
to see, uh, Conor Lawlor.
Okay. Conor.
Conor Lawlor.
What's going on?
With what?
Oh, well.
I checked the rule book...
the-the one you mentioned
about brown shoes...
and I couldn't find anything
about makeup
or altering hair color.
Oh, and look.
I painted these
with paint from the art room.
Head down to the toilet
and remove the makeup right now.
- Why?
- Because I told you to.
But I'm in a band.
It's a school band,
and I think it's important
that we have a look.
You're a man.
Men don't wear makeup.
But why not?
People in the 18th century
wore makeup.
That means people
like Mozart wore makeup,
and he was a man.
So you're Mozart now, are you?
That makes me Salieri, is it?
Who's Salieri?
You've a fine face.
Pretty enough without makeup.
Take it off.
You can use my bathroom,
if you like.
Come on in here.
I'm gonna go to class now.
You can't do this!
Do you want to bet?
I'll get you clean, don't worry.
Clean you all up.
Get all that shite off you.
Take pride
in your God-given features.
No more Ziggy Stardust.
- Hey, Cosmo.
- Who?
Cosmo. That's what
I'm calling you now.
You're gonna need a catchy name
if you're gonna be in a band.
What happened?
Come on.
I really liked your song.
It made me cry.
I'm really sorry.
No, that's a good thing.
So who's the guy with the car?
Is he your boyfriend?
We're on and off.
It's complicated.
We're actually on
a little break at the moment.
Good idea.
Take a break for a year or so.
Get some perspective.
He's actually a really nice guy.
Shit taste in music, though.
We're going to London soon.
I'm too young to go on my own,
so he's organized everything.
What's in it for Evan?
Are you jealous, Cosmo?
Why would I be jealous?
Will you write me
a happy song sometime?
I need a laugh.
But what if I don't feel happy?
Your problem is that you're
not happy being sad.
But that's what love is, Cosmo.
Shit, I've got to go soon.
We only have a half hour
dinner window in our house.
So, what's the house like,
where you live?
It's nice.
Nicer than some of the dumps
I've lived in.
So where are your parents?
My dad's brown bread.
He got hit by a car.
Oh, my God. Sorry.
Really don't be.
He was a drunk.
He deserved it.
And me ma's in and out
of hospital.
She's a nurse.
Oh, right.
No, she's manic-depressive.
So, like, happy-sad.
You're funny, I like that.
Well, let me know if you need me
for any more videos before I go.
When are you going?
What did she mean by that?
Well, I think
what she means is that
you need to reach
a place in your life
where you're okay
with your sadness.
It's pretty high concept stuff.
How old d'you say she was again?
It's monastic.
She's like a monk.
She sounds really pretentious.
Why, 'cause she wants to leave
school and follow her vocation?
You call wanting
to be a model a vocation?
Anything can be a vocation, Ann.
Being a taxi driver,
being a bin man, being a poet,
being a singer, being an artist.
Brendan, I never wanted
to be an artist.
We couldn't get the brush
out of your hand
when you were a kid.
What is wrong
with being an architect?
It's not a vocation.
I thought
everything was a vocation.
Don't be playing
word games with me, Ann.
I don't do "words," all right?
Come on, Conor.
Turn out the lights
before you go to bed, Ann.
So her dad's dead
and her mam is a lunatic.
And you thought
you had problems.
I see now what the older
boyfriend thing is about.
Daddy issues.
I used to know chicks like this.
They're tricky, and they need
a lot of protecting.
Are you up to that, Conor?
I don't know.
So what's it all about?
I think she's just
an amazing human being.
I've never seen anyone like her.
The way she talks and looks.
She wears these sunglasses,
and when she takes them off,
her eyes
are like the clouds
clearing past the moon.
Sometimes I just
want to cry looking at her.
They're happy-sad.
So how do you mean
you're "happy-sad"?
Yeah, how am I supposed
to market that?
It means we're not pop anymore.
We were pop?
I'm happy being anything.
I just want to play music.
That's fine.
Be who you are, Eamon.
Well, I don't know who I am.
Maybe I'm happy-sad, too.
I don't know.
What does happy-sad even mean?
How can we be both things?
It makes no sense.
It means that I'm stuck
in this shithole
full of morons and rapists
and bullies,
and I'm gonna deal with it,
It's just how life is.
I'm gonna try and accept it
and get on with it
and make some art.
So how does that
affect our music?
- Positively.
- All right.
So the idea of this video
is about a guy
standing halfway down a pier,
and a beautiful woman
walks past him
towards the lighthouse.
Half an hour later,
she hasn't come back.
So he investigates,
but she's gone.
She killed herself.
No, she's a mermaid,
and she's jumped
back into the sea.
You see, she got washed up
in a fishing net
so she's been in the city,
and she's been dying
to get back to the water,
to her friends.
Back to where she belongs.
That's much better.
I know.
Okay, so we're playing here
and Raphina walks by.
- So where do I jump from?
- Here.
- Aah!
- Yeah.
How'd that look, lads?
Yeah, it looked all right.
It's a bit shit.
That supposed to look like
they're jumping in or something?
It doesn't.
Trust me. It'll work.
Fake deals
in the supermarket
TVs selling
what you can't get
She laughs, "Nowhere is
as pretty as this"
Gray cars
crawlin' in the slow lane
Lost stars
waiting for the DART train
She smiles, turns and blows
the city a kiss
Under the waves I feel her
Pull my body down...
- Shit.
- Under the waves
- What the hell, Raphina?
- She takes me...
Keep bloody filming!
Save me!
I can't swim!
I can be miles away
She calls to me
This girl
is a beautiful sea
The girl is
a beautiful sea.
- What were you thinking?
- Did you get it?
Yeah, it was great!
Ah! Fantastic!
Can you really not swim?
So why'd you do that, then?
For our art, Cosmo.
You can never
do anything by half.
Do you understand that?
I'm... I'm sorry.
Look, I was...
Great is what it was.
Fair play.
What about Evan?
Yeah, you ruined it.
You know, on a clear day,
you can actually see
the mainland of Britain.
Island's only 30 miles
from the coast of Wales.
Bet you didn't know that.
It has to have just rained,
no dust in the air.
You can just about see it.
No way.
How do you know stuff like that?
My granddad worked
on the ships to Holyhead.
He used to take me out here.
We used to go out
in his little boat, fishing.
So I can wave back to you
when I'm in London.
My brother says
all the great artists
had to get off this island.
The ones who stayed
got depressed
and turned into alcoholics.
Makes sense.
You talk about
your brother a lot.
Do you really love him?
He was gonna go to Germany
when he was younger.
But my parents
would never let him go
without finishing school.
He was gonna run away;
he had the whole thing planned,
so he says.
So what happened?
My mum found out.
She closed it down.
She didn't want him to go.
Maybe she loved him too much.
Actually, I think you're right.
That's what my dad
always used to say.
When my ma would be
in hospital, in a spell,
and it was just the two of us.
So I'd get all dressed up
to go out with my friends,
then he'd make me stay in.
And afterwards, he'd say,
"I love you too much,
is all."
And the thing is, me ma's
much better-looking than I am,
so I don't really know
why he'd bother with me.
It's a strange
kind of love, isn't it?
I would've saved her.
And I could've.
- No, you couldn't have.
- I could've.
- You're too small.
- I'm not too small.
You're way too small.
I've a good joke for you guys.
Vagina. Do you get it?
- No.
- Exactly.
All right, uh...
why did the pink...
Look at her.
She races home every evening
just to catch that
last little bit of sun...
...have a cigarette
and read her papers.
She's always talking about
going on a holiday to Spain.
But he never takes her.
That's all she gets.
Then that tall tree blocks it,
and she comes in.
I often wonder
what she's thinking about.
That's amazing.
Ah, how's the band
getting along?
What are they called again?
"The Queers"?
Good one, Barry.
Is, uh, anyone
getting these down?
You know who you're
a bit like, Barry?
Uh, Oscar Wilde.
What class is he in, then?
He's not in school,
Barry, you spanner.
You know I am gonna kill you
one of these days.
No, you're not.
- 'Cause you don't even exist.
- What?
Maybe you're living in my world;
I'm not living in yours.
You're just material
for my songs.
Man, I'd be very careful about
what you say to me next.
Floor him, Barry.
I don't want to have
to batter you again.
Go ahead, Barry.
Go on.
You only have the power
to stop things.
But not to create.
"End of term disco
at the school hall.
DJ and lights." So?
I say we ask if we can
play there. First gig.
- We're not ready.
- We could be.
We need a deadline,
something to prepare for.
We have exams.
We need to prepare for them.
Yeah, they're midterm exams.
They don't mean anything.
Yeah, well, they do to my ma.
She wants me to go to college.
Get qualifications and all.
Will there be girls
at the disco?
I say we do it.
We have five songs.
We'd need a half-hour set,
so three more.
Who the hell are you
To tell me what to do
You wear a dress
And tell me
not to wear brown shoes
Do you think you...
Come on, where are you going?
It's half-9:00 at night.
Why are you acting,
all of a sudden,
- as if it matters?
- Come on,
- this is bullshit.
- As if you care?
You're gonna go down the street.
You're gonna be back
in ten minutes.
- Not this time.
- That's what you always say.
It is not what I always say!
It's 9:00 at night!
It's dark!
I've got somewhere to go to.
You're not taking the car.
I suppose Mr. What's-His-Name
will come around in his.
- His name's Tony.
- Tony can come around with his.
Look here,
what about this dress?
This dress is lovely.
Do you want to take that one?
Don't touch my things!
You'd look pretty sexy
in that one.
When was the last time
you noticed anything I wore,
any way that I looked?
That's a pretty
sexy one, isn't it?
He'll love that one, won't he?
What about knickers?
Have you got knickers?
You probably don't... you don't
need any knickers, do you?
Just put them away!
This is life, Conor.
Drive it like you stole it.
Come on!
- Come on, get her up.
- Let's get her up!
What do you think you're doing?
That's great!
Try a bit of hi-hat, Larry.
You just
can't stand the way
That I walked out
from the wreckage
Can't understand the way
that I turned myself around
I tried to terminate
this war
With you
But you won't let it go
You keep
coming back for more...
And begin.
What does this even mean?
Suck my balls.
- Quiet!
- Night now.
- Hey.
- Hi.
Do you want to go
on an adventure?
Oh. Okay.
Do you see the pole there,
the yellow one?
That's where we're heading.
If my parents found out
I took this out,
they'd kill me.
Have you taken it out before?
Every few weeks.
A boat's like
a musical instrument...
it doesn't like it
if you don't use it.
That's what
my granddad said, you know,
so I like to
look after it for him.
Look, there's the ferry
heading to England.
Full of lrish people.
Okay, so go.
"You just can't stand the way
that we walked out
from the wreckage."
What wreckage?
Maybe the wreckage of family.
That's what I was
thinking about.
Okay, next.
"You just can't stand the way
that I turned my life around."
That's about you.
What do you mean?
Well, I was thinking
about my parents
and how I thought
I had problems.
And the way you've turned
your life around.
How have I turned
my life around?
Well, look at you.
You're going to a new country.
You've got a vocation.
You look amazing.
Stop what?
Just get on with the song.
What's the video gonna be about?
So... I think it's set
at a school prom,
like in an American high school.
I've always wanted to go
to an American school.
With girls and hair gel.
Have you seen
"Back to the Future"?
I see all the films.
Imagine the band, all in suits.
I have all the shots
planned in my head.
My brother told me to think big.
And what if I come
in a big '50s dress?
And the whole crowd parts
and everyone disappears.
And then we all break out
into this big dance routine,
and everyone is there.
And then you and I
just run off into the night
with the twinkling lights
of the city behind us.
You were a bit attractive
back there.
Back where?
On the boat.
Thank you.
Just a little bit.
Bit like a captain.
I like that.
You're always very attractive.
I know.
And very conceited.
Just stop talking.
For once.
I've just...
- Now, is it...?
- Oh, yeah.
So when are
we shooting this video?
Saturday next.
Good. You're up.
If this is about
my exam results...
I can explain, see...
It's not about
your exams, Conor.
We need to talk
to all of you. Sit down.
Well, so, firstly,
we don't want to make a big
deal about this, you know.
It's something we've
thought about a lot.
A lot of married couples...
Your father and I
are splitting up.
Thank you. That's great.
It was just a matter of time.
I'll go get the bags packed.
Let me know when
we're ready to go.
Why don't you sit down,
Brendan, for a second?
We'll tell you
what we're thinking.
You see if you agree.
A consensus?
That's novel. Okay.
Your mother has
fallen in love with Tony.
They're gonna be moving into
his apartment for awhile and...
We've had an offer
on this house.
It's half what it's worth,
but we're gonna take it.
I can't afford
to live here on my own.
So you're getting a divorce?
Can't get divorced in lreland,
so we'll be legally separated.
I'm gonna be
getting an apartment,
and you three will live
between there and...
I'm not gonna be
staying at Tony's.
Let's get that crystal clear.
I'd rather sleep on the street.
I understand this is upsetting
for you, Brendan.
You don't understand anything!
For all of you.
This is bullshit.
So you were right.
They're just
human beings. I told you that.
I was sort of hoping they'd come
to my gig
at the end of the month.
What, you thought they'd just
become different people
and start noticing
what you were doing
and what you wanted?
They've got
their own shit going on.
They're not going
to your stupid gig.
So why is it stupid now?
It's not that it's stupid,
it's just annoying.
What's wrong with you?
I don't know.
I'm in withdrawal!
- From what?
- I haven't smoked hash
- in two days, Conor.
- Why?
So I can do something
with my life.
Like what?
Do you see that guitar?
I used to be able
to play that guitar... well.
I used to ride hot girls.
I could run 200 meters faster
than anybody in my school.
You're the youngest.
You get to follow the path
that I macheted
through the jungle
that is our mad family.
I was alone with them
for six years.
You think they're crazy now?
Think about what they were like
when they were
in their late 20s.
Two Catholics in a rented flat
with a screaming baby,
who just got married because
they wanted to have sex.
They didn't even
love each other.
I was in the middle
of that, alone.
And then you came along.
Thank God!
And you followed...
the path that I cut for us.
You just moved in my jet stream.
And people laugh at me, Conor.
The stoner, the college dropout.
And they praise you,
which is fine!
But once...
I was a fucking jet engine!
Back in a second.
Need to go to the bathroom.
Can you move that mic stand over
- a bit more, all right?
- Are you expecting her soon?
I thought she was coming,
but I don't know where she is.
Right, so you better
get something filmed.
Yous have an hour.
Come on, Conor.
She's not coming.
Let's just do whatever.
Come over, guys.
Okay, so this is like
a school video,
except not like an lrish school,
more like an American school,
and it's prom night.
Have you seen
"Back to the Future"?
Okay, well, it's just kind of
like '50s dancing, and...
Like what?
It's... like dancing
from the '50s, you know,
clicking fingers and...
Can we try some now, actually?
Yeah. Yeah.
That's it. Yeah.
Yeah, maybe do
a few twirls and stuff.
Just do what's natural.
Make it as natural as possible.
Let's get some playback.
You just
can't stand the way
That I walked out
from the wreckage
Can't understand the way
That I turned myself around
I tried to terminate
this war
With you
But you won't let it go
You keep coming back
for more
Freedom, I'm takin' it back
I'm outta here,
no turnin' back
In a baby blue Cadillac
Just when I was stallin'
I heard an angel callin'
This is your life
You can go anywhere
You gotta grab the wheel
and own it
And drive it
like you stole it
Roll it, this is your life
You can be anything
You gotta learn
to rock and roll it
You gotta put
the pedal down
And drive it
like you stole it
And drive it
like you stole it
We get stuck in the dirt
And we can't see
where we're goin'
We face all kinds of hurt
And the friction
slows us down
But I won't be waiting here
For the world
to win me gold
I'll leave
your dust behind me
Stranded in the road
I'm takin' it back
I'm givin' it back
In a baby blue Cadillac
Just when I was stallin'
I heard an angel callin'
This is your life
You can go anywhere
You gotta grab the wheel
and own it
You gotta
put the pedal down
And drive it
like you stole it
This is your life
You can go anywhere
You gotta grab the wheel
and own it
And drive it
like you stole it
Roll it,
this is your life
You can be anything
You gotta learn
to rock and roll it
You gotta put
the pedal down
And drive it
like you stole it
Hoo, hoo, hoo-ooh-ooh
And drive it
like you stole it
Hoo, hoo, hoo-ooh-ooh
And drive it
like you stole it
Hoo, hoo, hoo-ooh-ooh
And drive it
like you stole it
Hoo, hoo, hoo-ooh-ooh.
All right, let's shoot it.
- Oh.
- Yeah?
Hi. Is Raphina there?
She doesn't live here anymore.
- Wh-Where is she?
- I don't know.
Are you the bloke in the band?
I lost money on you.
Yeah, we all...
had bets going.
Thought you were gonna win.
Look, she was always gonna
do her own thing, wasn't she?
She's mad like that, determined.
Where is she?
She's gone to London
with her fella. Last night.
Wow, um...
Did she leave any message
for me or anything?
All right. No, uh...
That's cool, yeah.
Your songs are good.
Hold on to that
nice and tight there.
That's... 71 inches.
And I'm back in the dream
Think I'm back
on the ceiling
Goin' up
She lights me up
She breaks me up
She lifts me
Goin' up
She lights me up...
No, sorry.
Hey, wait.
Oh, no, I'm Raphina's
younger sister.
No, you're not.
What are you doing?
I thought you were in London.
I mean, it was
a mad idea, anyway.
Don't even know
anyone in London.
I thought he had booked tickets.
No, that was just an act
to get a ride.
He doesn't even have a flat
or friends or any of that.
So where is he now?
I don't know.
He left me in a B and B in town.
We had this big row.
He said I wasn't
pretty enough to be a model,
and that I was too small.
Kinda true. I'm pretty short.
What happened to your cheek?
Did he hit you?
Yeah, but I totally deserved it.
So what are you gonna do now?
I don't know.
I was gonna print some CVs,
but I haven't
really done anything,
except your videos.
McDonald's have an ad
in their window.
Would you still fancy me
if I did that?
"D'you want chips with that?"
As long as you're happy.
So that's my life now.
Working at McDonald's,
hanging out with
a 15-year-old schoolboy.
I'm exactly like my ma.
I'm mad.
I have to go now.
I have a gig to rehearse for.
Oh, tell me about that.
Will you help me write a song?
I gotta find out...
- F sharp minor.
- Who I'm meant...
- And E.
- To be...
Just keep doing that.
Don't believe in destiny.
Why doesn't
she believe in destiny?
she was always going on
about London.
It was so important to her,
almost like
part of her identity.
But maybe it was just
in her head.
And it wasn't really
her destiny at all.
Why don't you
take her to London?
How much is
a plane ticket to London?
Anyway, what about the band?
The band will be fine.
Just go to London
and get a record deal.
Come back and just
get us out of this shithole.
That's not a bad idea, actually.
You were racin'
like a cannonball...
Make a nice piano bit.
Take him down!
I'm sorry
that I didn't know about
you playing guitar
and everything.
It's cool.
There's a lot of stuff
you don't know about me.
You should come play a solo,
at the gig.
Okay, I probably will.
You know, it's been a,
it's been a while
since you've been
out of the house.
Well, I'm here now, aren't I?
So I'll see you there, then.
Yeah. Cool.
Sounds like it could be fun.
Cool. All right.
See you later.
Cool, she's not here.
Do you know
where the photocopier is?
- Yeah.
- Photocopy 200 of these.
You'll see.
Come on, Darren.
We've got one more thing to do.
Now leave this to me.
Who's that, Barry?
If it's the TV license man,
tell him to piss off.
What do yous want?
- We want to talk to you.
- Shut up, you stupid bitch!
You know what, Barry,
you think you're different
from us, and you are.
You're bleedin' nuts.
We all have one thing
in common... me, you and him.
We're all shit at school.
We're bleedin' useless.
- So?
- What are you gonna do
when you get kicked out
of school?
Stay at home with your ma and da
watching day-time telly,
getting wasted?
Yeah, okay.
Well, we're gonna be in a band.
Gigging, on the road.
Different venues each night,
different women.
And d'you know what bands need?
What do bands need?
Someone who is strong.
Someone who can fight.
Get in here, Barry,
and get us another beer!
You worthless shite!
I'm a worthless shite.
I mean, what would you want
with me in a fag band?
Being in a band
is like being in the army.
Everyone has everyone's back.
D'you think you're up for it?
Get in here
and get us another can, Barry,
or do you want another smack?!
Where do you think
you're going?!
Get back here, you little prick!
Okay, that was good,
but now it's time
for some live music.
Hello, Dublin.
We're Sing Street from Dublin.
Dad, you shouldn't have
come here
if you're just gonna slag us.
This is called "Girls."
Sometimes I pull
myself apart
I shift my shape
the way I change my colors
Guess I'm a human
work of art
A never-ending video-o-o
Truth gets distorted
by the facts
Peace is in danger
and the trust gets broken
Love always
comes under attack
But at the end
of all of this
Oh, oh, oh
All the complicated boys
Boys know that the girls
are so complicated
Try to open up your mind
Let go, can you feel
your heart liberated
By the complicated boys,
boys, boys, boys?
And the complicated girls,
girls, girls, girls
We're all just diamonds
in the rough
I'm still a stranger
in the bathroom mirror
Stare at me long
and hard enough
You might see someone
that you love
All the complicated boys,
boys know
That the girls
are so complicated
Try to open up your mind,
let go
Can you feel
your heart liberated
By the complicated boys,
boys, boys, boys?
And the complicated girls,
girls, girls, girls
By the complicated boys,
boys, boys, boys
And the complicated girls,
girls, girls, girls
Oh, it's complicated.
That was shite!
This girl
is a beautiful sea
The girl
is a beautiful sea.
Thank you.
Come on, keep going!
Get off the stage!
Okay, here's one called
"To Find You."
It's a slow song.
Conor, we're not playing
a bleedin' slow song at a gig.
- Are you mad?
- No?
They love us. We'll blow it.
I don't know, it's a bold move.
Let's do it.
this song's for anyone who
thought they had a girlfriend
for a day, but then she just
turned out to be a friend.
What's that about?
When you were starin'
at your bedroom wall
With only ghosts beside you
Somewhere out where the wind
was calling
I was on my way to find you
I was on my way to find you
When you were racin'
like a cannonball
In roller skates
and sky blue
Or in the backseat watching
the slow rain fallin'
I was on my way to find you
I gotta find out
who I'm meant to be
I don't believe in destiny
But with every word
you swear to me
All my beliefs
start caving in
And I feel something's
About to change
So bring the lightning
Bring the fire,
bring the fall
I know I'll get
my heart through
Got miles to go
But from the day
I started crawlin'
I was on my way to find you
I was on my way to find you
On my way
Every day
I was on my way
to find you.
So this is our last song,
so come back in.
Don't worry, it's a fast one.
It's about this school,
and it's for Brother Baxter.
Oh, oh, yeah, right.
Hey! Hey!
Leave that light switch alone.
Didn't you hear
what I told you?!
You think that's funny?
Don't you push it now,
d'you hear me?
What? It's a tribute song.
If you want to keep this band
going next term,
you'd better be careful.
- Okay?
- Yeah, okay.
Go on, Conor!
Are you ready?
This could be all of ours
first and last gig, man.
You ready to do it?
Let's go.
Okay, so this is our last song.
This is called "Brown Shoes,"
and it's for every
Christian Brother
and every bully you ever knew.
So who the hell are you
to tell me what to do?
You wear a dress and tell me
not to wear brown shoes
D'you think
you're man enough
To wash the makeup
off my face right now?
Don't you know
the bigger that they are
The harder they fall?
And the boot's
on the other foot now
Buckle up,
we're takin' you down
See, your curtain's fallin',
so take your bow
And who the hell is he
to tell me who to be?
If he wants me dancin',
he can watch on MTV
You try to shut me up,
I'll turn the volume up
And drown you out
Don't you know
the bigger that they are
The harder they fall?
Yeah, the boot's
on the other foot now
Buckle up,
we're takin' you down
See, your curtain's fallin',
so take your bow
What's gonna define
the rest of your life?
Start facin' the truth
You're stuck in a lie
Sharp end of your knife
is pointing at you
Your up'll be down
Just hangin' around
in gravity boots
You're stuck in the past,
I'm writing the future
Yeah, the boot's
on the other foot now
Buckle up,
we're takin' you down
And your mask is slippin',
so take your bow
Yeah, you had your time
in the sun
Does it hurt
when you're kickin' someone?
'Cause the boot's
on the other foot
Boot's on the other foot
Boot's on
the other foot now
Take a bow.
Thank you!
We're Sing Street!
That was
Sing Street from Dublin.
Shh, keep it down.
Come in.
Where are the parents?
They're asleep.
How was the gig?
This is Raphina?
We need your help.
Can you drive us to Dalkey?
What for?
Well, granddad's little boat
is still moored there.
We're gonna sail to England,
the two of us.
We're all set. We just need
a lift to the harbor.
Yeah, sure.
When are you thinking of going?
Do you know anybody in England?
- No.
- Do you have any sterling?
- No?
- No.
She has her photographs.
I've my demo tapes and videos.
Let's go. Get the keys.
I'll see you, Mum.
I love you.
All right.
You call as soon as
you get there.
- No messing, all right?
- I will.
All right.
Hey, uh, before you go, I...
wrote down some song lyrics.
- Really?
- Yeah, it's pretty
stream of consciousness stuff,
but it's about this kid
and a girl.
In the future.
- Put some music to it sometime.
- Okay.
Wish I'd done this.
You'll probably die.
But anyway, go on.
You should come and visit us.
You seem like a mad bastard.
You look after
that brother of mine.
He's gonna be lost without me.
I will.
Call you tonight.
Right, go on. Go on.
All right, so we're gonna go
around the island
and straight on.
Straight to Wales.
Okay. Straight on.
Straight on.
All right.
Forward ho.
Yes! Yes!
You're gonna want
to sit down around now.
That's why.
Oh, my God.
You okay?
Are you okay?
Oh, my God.