Singh Is Kinng (S.I.K.) (2008)

'Only those who do great things...
...make a name for themselves.'
There are sharp-shooters,
goons and gangsters...
...but the King is above all.
Happy birthday, King!
- Thank you.
This contains my show reel as
well as my film directory.
This will keep you entertained
at night... well as give me
a break in Bollywood.
Call any of the producers
or directors... cast me as their heroine.
I'll give the top actresses
a run for their money!
What's wrong, Udaas? (Udaas
means 'sad' in Hindi)
Call me Pankaj, Raftaar!
Okay Pankaj, why are you sad?
You should be happy as it's
King's birthday today!
I'd once celebrated my birthday
at the Niagara falls.
My three friends got drunk
and fell in the Niagara.
I remember the day of
their mourning...
...each time there's
someone's birthday.
I can never forget that day...
- Is there any tragedy... this world that's still
not inflicted on you?
Drink up!
- Okay! Cheers!
Lucky! We'll have to
take care of Mika.
He's mistaking
the lamp for a woman!
Raftaar, look what he's up to!
Mika! You must be crazy
to dance with a lamp...
...when there are so many
live women present!
All's well?
Oh no!
Dilbaug, all the women present
here have a loose character.
My lamp-woman is much
better than them!
What happened?
- Mika!
For how long shall I hide
the fact from the world...
...that my brother's blind?
- What?
And also deaf in his left ear.
He puts the eye-drops in
his eyes and vice-versa.
Why don't you wear glasses?
Ever seen a don wearing glasses?
People may say what they want...
...but King loves Mika.
Mika loves him no less.
He took six bullets on his chest...
...meant for King.
Guru, why does Mika
always stare at me?
I wonder what script plays in
his head when he's staring.
Get up!
- Guru! Who's it this time?
Come with me.
Where's he gone?
There he is!
Raftaar, hurry!
That fool shouldn't escape today!
How can he escape? Raftaar
is behind him...
...while above him, is the
King of the crime world!
Today, we'll chop him into pieces!
Stuff him in this bag.
I'll bury it in the ground.
No one will know
where he disappeared!
Didn't you find a smaller bag?
We have to stuff a man inside,
not chicken lollipops!
Fool, of what use is a big bag?
All we have to do is hide a corpse.
Raftaar, look to your left!
Did you see him?
Mika's eyes are
as sharp as a hawk's!
Of course, I see him!
Hey! What are you doing?
Where exactly are you aiming?
You could've shot me!
Oh my God!
Today, I realize why
King's name is Lucky.
It's because death fears him... much as the film
industry fears piracy!
Good bye!
Today, I won't spare you!
You lousy woman! How long...
...will you be able to preserve
your voluptuous youth?
You've turned the entire
village against me!
Today, Happy Singh will
not show any mercy... set a woman like you straight!
Are you coming up or
should I come down?
I see, you want me to come down!
Happy, talk less and catch the hen...
...or else my son Tinku
will remain a bachelor!
The girl's family is coming
to see me today.
And my mother will impress them... feeding them butter chicken!
I'll make sure you get
butter chicken today!
Where did she go?
Sister-in-law, of all the
people in this village... found this idiot
to catch the hen?!
You useless chap!
You can't catch a hen...
...and you're all set to get married?!
I thought I should take Happy's help
for menial chores like these.
Yes, but you'll soon regret it.
Watch how Happy makes the
entire village unhappy!
Go ahead, attend nature's call.
Happy! Are you planning
to break our skulls open?
You're glued to the news all day!
Please let me watch some soaps.
Sure, anything for you!
What the hell, Happy!
What rescue mission
are you on this time?
Get aside!
What's going on?
Happy, stop!
It is on your back. - He'll never
improve! - He's gone mad!
- Happy! Come down!
Have mercy, sir!
I can't afford to pay the damages.
Why not? Happy is solely
responsible for them.
How selfish can you get?
Blame me for everything!
I'm not saying anything to him.
I was only trying to help!
What kind of help, son?
You've rendered half
the village homeless!
At least the other half
is still intact!
So what if half the village
is unsettled... least Tinku is
about to settle down.
Son, you speak so well!
That's because I speak the truth.
Hence, people endear to it.
But who'll pay the damages?
The one who's always paid.
The headman and my grandfather,
Sir Gurucharan.
Grandpa, throw the money
in their faces!
One day, I'll be thrown out
of the village! - Grandpa!
What's the damage?
We haven't decided the punishment
for the offender yet.
This fool broke into our house...
...and destroyed our T. V... etc.
He broke our bones too!
- Yes!
Some thieves broke into
their house last night.
Scared, they hid themselves
under the bed.
How would I know that they're
...not thieves?
I trampled all over them!
'I trampled all over them! '
Are you a cop that you'd
gone to nab the thieves?
In the process of helping others... destroy them!
Rangeela, he's your best friend.
What harm has he done to you?
That girl in the yellow
suit deeply interests me.
Look, she just nudged me.
Is she not younger to you?
So what? At least, she'll
be under control.
Do something, my friend!
Send three wrestlers in
the guise of goons.
Fight them and win the
girl's heart over.
You idiots! Aren't you
ashamed of eve-teasing?
C'mon scoot!
This is the height of shamelessness!
Prito, Rangeela had hired
goons to trouble you.
That idiot!
Sir, he's not my friend!
He's my worst enemy!
You've insulted me!
I can't bear it anymore!
Stop the court proceedings!
Goodness is no longer appreciated!
Happy has broken my T.V. Too.
The one that I'd bought on loan.
Just looking at the remote
brings tears to my eyes.
But Happy is good at heart...
...isn't he?
- Yes, he is...
Doesn't he help everyone
in the village? - Yes.
Say yes!
Aunt, your son is getting
married after 4 days.
If Happy doesn't come, who
will entertain the guests?
Mother, that idiot has come!
Today's a day of celebration!
The time is auspicious, too.
He who was in rags until
yesterday... - Oh great!
He who was in rags
until yesterday... now a groom wearing a suit!
Don't talk about the family.
- Oh great!
Don't talk about the family,
it'll scare the kids away!
They'll moan in dismay.
They'll slap their
chests in agony.
They'll slap their
chests in agony.
They'll slap their
chests in agony.
They'll slap their
chests in agony.
They'll slap their
chests in agony.
C'mon, start the music!
Your brother...
- What the hell! - Oh great!
Is so notorious!
- What the hell! - Oh great!
While your sister- Oh great! squint-eyed. - Oh great!
Your dad is a drunkard.
- Oh great!
While your mother's penniless!
- Oh great!
Your uncle's a limp.
- Oh great!
But he dances to Bhangra!
- Oh great!
They call you...
- Oh great!
...a shameless fellow!
- Oh great!
You dance to get attention...
...wearing perfume,
donning a groom's turban.
You dance to get attention...
...wearing perfume, donning
a groom's turban.
You wear rented suit,
hire your boots!
Whoever got you married,
you idiot!
Whoever made you a groom,
you idiot!
You idiot...
Whoever got you married,
you idiot!
Whoever made you a groom,
you idiot!
Oh great!
I was everyone's favourite.
I've been a bachelor for eons!
I'm still single...
...while you've readily mingled!
You've betrayed your friend.
Consider our friendship broken.
May you feel ashamed...
...each time you look at me.
Jeet! Harjeet!
Are you listening, Manjeet?
I'm left high and
dry while he becomes a groom!
Whoever got you married,
you idiot!
Whoever made you a groom,
you idiot!
You idiot...
Whoever got you married,
you idiot!
Whoever made you a groom,
you idiot!
Oh great!
Oh great!
Why repent now?
Let bygones be bygones.
Thank your stars... have me as your friend.
You're a selfish fellow.
But your wife's beautiful.
- Oh great!
I'll stare at her
for hours together.
Teeti! Tony!
Who can alter destiny?
What's the point in
harassing him now?
Whoever got you married,
you idiot!
Whoever made you a groom,
you idiot!
You idiot...
Whoever got you married,
you idiot!
Whoever made you a groom,
you idiot!
Whoever got you married,
you idiot!
Whoever made you a groom,
you idiot!
Whoever got you married,
you idiot!
Whoever got you married,
you idiot!
'Life threatening attack on Punjabi
Singh from Australia.'
This fool has disgraced our
village and Punjab at large!
Poor fellow had gone to Australia
to earn a few bucks.
But someone slipped drugs
in his bag at the airport.
He got jailed.
Hot blooded that he was,
he had to take revenge.
Killed everybody on being released
and earned the name 'King.'
He gifted a mansion to his family.
Uncle's health has worsened!
Someone fetch a trolley!
Come on, hurry up!
- Hurry up!
Looks like uncle just got the
news of the attack on his son.
He must've had a heart stroke.
He had an asthma attack!
He'll be fine after getting
a shot at the hospital.
Let's call the asthma attack,
a heart attack!
There can't be a better way to
drive Happy out of the village!
He's tormented the entire village!
- That's a good idea.
Why don't you just admit that as
long as Happy's in the village...
...he won't let you marry Prito?
My marriage's already
fixed, my friend!
I'm more concerned about
the villagers.
Lets' send Happy to Australia
to fetch Lucky.
Lucky will never come back.
Happy will have no choice
but to stay put.
But how will we send him?
He's an emotional fellow.
Let's get him emotional.
When we grow up...
Did you read the papers?
It landed Lakhan's dad straight
into the hospital!
Yes! Although it was the
son who was shot...
...the father landed up in the
hospital! He got a heart attack!
That's sad!
What's sad is that Punjab
is earning a bad name.
All the newspapers read,
'Lakhan of Punjab.'
True. The entire state gets
the blame for his bad deeds.
Yes. Chhotu, let's go to
the tube well.
It's very sad, friend.
- What is?
Uncle's in the hospital, counting
his last breaths.
He remembers just two
people in that state.
Lucky and Happy.
Happy and Lucky.
Where are these blokes going after
closing down their shops?
To the hospital, to
see Lucky's father.
He's such a good human being.
Only a fool wouldn't visit uncle.
Happy. - Yes, uncle. - The entire
village has gone to the hospital.
Why aren't you going?
I am going, have patience!
Hopefully, I won't have
to take you along.
Hold the cow-dung for me.
I'm going to the hospital.
Don't eat it thinking
its chocolate cake.
Brother, if the old man doesn't
howl on seeing him...
...our plan will flop!
- Don't worry.
I've taken care of everything.
I've shown him his son's
photo in the newspaper.
Just watch how he wails now!
He's come!
- Happy!
How's uncle?
- He's in a bad shape.
He won't give up until
he sees his son.
That fool has turned the
entire world against him!
The more we try to forget him,
the more we miss him.
We threw him out of
our lives long ago.
Yet, we miss him.
It's a matter of the heart after all.
He's got a heart attack. His
heart is bound to ache.
Happy, there's no one educated
in our village...
...who can make these old
folks meet their sons...
...and restore the village's honour.
Shame on us!
What did you say? You'll go
to Australia to fetch Lucky?!
It's not easy to be the most
sought after gangster.
Somebody will kill him
in that foreign land.
His old parents won't
even find his corpse.
Forget it! You're talking
like a saint today.
Tomorrow, you'll go back
to your old ways.
Mind your tongue, Rangeela!
I, Happy Singh, promise you...
...that until I don't bring
Lucky back home...
...I won't step into
this village again.
The fish is hooked on to the bait!
Cheer him!
- Long live!
- Long live!
- Long live!
Happy! Happy! Enough!
- Long live!
Stop shouting slogans! Long live!
Happy, how will you go abroad?
You don't even have a passport.
Sir, I take that responsibility.
I have many contacts in
the passport department.
But one needs a lot of
money to go abroad.
I've already sold all my property.
Whenever the village has
faced any problem...
...the villagers collect donations
from the people. - Right.
And then, he's the biggest problem
of the village! - Hey!
I mean, he's about to solve the
village's biggest problem! Yes.
The villagers will arrange
for the money.
But he's never set foot
outside the village!
How will he go abroad?
Sir, why not send another
villager along with him?
Yes, that'll be fine.
- Yes.
Who's the most idle person
in the village?
Most idle...
He knows English too!
I... I know... no English! I won't go!
What about your wedding now?
C'mon! Go, Rangeela.
What are you talking about?
- I'm not going!
Don't be so melodramatic.
You're not going forever!
They are gone! Why worry now?
Sing and dance along!
Dance to the beat of Bhangra!
Celebrate the end of nuisance!
'Welcome to Delhi airport.'
Stop fooling around!
Ma'am, where's gate number 2?
We're not strolling in the fields.
We're going abroad.
Walk straight.
Don't look at the ceiling and walk.
Sir, watch out!
Where's my passport?
You stupid!
You're stupid, your father's stupid...
...and moreover, your sister's stupid!
I just want to go to
my beloved's house.
I just want to go to
my beloved's house.
Sir, you're boarding the wrong flight.
You're supposed to go
through gate number 7.
Your staff directed
us to gate number 2.
And now you say gate number 7!
Sir, leave or you'll miss the flight.
Yes, we're going.
- Hurry up!
Gate number 7 is over there.
Number 7...
Where are you going?
- Here's the boarding card. - Sorry!
C'mon! Hurry up!
- Thank you.
'Welcome to Egypt.'
Please, enjoy yourselves.
Why do they keep saying 'Egypt? '
Nothing to worry.
It's fashionable to change
the names of places.
Bombay has become Mumbai,
Madras is Chennai.
Lakhanpal has become Lucky!
Exactly! Similarly, Australia
has become Egypt!
We're surrounded by cops
and you're laughing?!
I'm laughing thinking
what just happened.
The one who had to go to Egypt,
has reached Australia!
What must he be going through?
Just imagine!
Now stop joking and get away!
- Alright! Okay!
It's such a lovely city,
such wonderful people!
They're not only arranging for
our tickets to Australia...
...but also arranging
for our one day visa.
C'mon, let's go sight-seeing.
You must be out of your mind.
For the past 10 hours, our knees
were stuffed into our mouths.
If we don't stretch them now,
we'll be paralyzed for life!
You too lie down.
- You never listen to me!
Stretch your legs. Spread them nicely.
Oh God!
I can't sleep. I'm going sight-seeing.
He's never set foot
outside a village...
...and wants to go sight-seeing
in Egypt!
Go to sleep quietly.
Oh wonderful!
Just look at the idiot
stretching himself!
Where's he gone?
If this idiot gets lost...
...I'll belong neither to
Australia nor Punjab!
What a beautiful mosque! Hey!
Hey! Stop! Somebody stop him!
- Somebody stop!
- Thief! - Catch him!
Get out of the way!
Move! Get out!
Get away! Move!
Stop there!
Aren't you ashamed of yourself?
God has given you two hands
and legs to work...
...and not to steal.
Give me the purse.
Here, take this.
By God!
Here's your thief.
She'll kill him!
Stop him! His nose is bleeding.
What are you doing? Have mercy.
- Have mercy on a criminal?!
What are you doing?
- I'll call the police.
Wait, my bag!
Sir, please save me! She's
going to kill me!
Run for your life!
Hey! Where are you going?
Where are you doing? Let him go.
- Come back here!
I'll kill you!
O mighty hulk!
I'm not ready to run another
Thanks for your help.
- Yes.
You're really nice.
You had to go through so much
trouble because of me.
No problem.
It's a Sikh's duty to help people.
Well, I must say, you're
a fabulous runner.
And you, a fabulous hitter!
- Really?
Anyway, nice to meet you.
Deep inside.
- Okay, miss you.
Now that's like my lady-Iove!
Innocent looks, aggressive nature...
By Lord! She's set my heart on fire.
Oh no, he messed the place. - Oh no!
He should be around here.
Sir! English!
Turban man?
- No!
Green... Tall...
- No!
My friend, turban!
- Your friend?
Catch him!
- Get out of here! - What happened?
Catch him! - Run for your life!
- Don't let him escape.
God has made you so beautiful!
God has made you so beautiful!
All I want is to stare at you...
Oh Careful!
- Don't push! - What's the matter?
Oh! It's you.
- It's nothing.
The earth shook, I became
giddy and fell down.
The earth shook?!
- Yes.
Nothing of that sort happened.
No, it did. You must've not realized...
Anyway, forget it. What
are you doing here?
You too want to get a tattoo done?
- Tattoo?!
Photo. I mean, a picture. See?
Yes, I too want a tattoo.
Get a nice tattoo done.
Okay? - Okay.
Did you say something?
- There he is! Get him! - Nab him.
I was asking in Arabic,
if there was a boutique nearby.
Oh I see. - I want to buy a dress.
It's my friend's party today.
Anyway, nice to meet you again!
Good bye.
- Good bye.
O shopkeeper, tattoo
her beautiful face all over me!
Taxi! Taxi!
Strange country!
The taxis here don't seem to halt!
In my country...
...people would've fought tooth
and nail to give you a lift.
You're interesting.
That's because I speak the truth.
Hence, people endear to it.
I'm running late.
I'm hungry too, but these lousy taxis!
Will you sit in that red Impala?
Whose car is it?
How does that matter
to you? Come with me.
- Careful.
What are you doing?
- Quiet! Hey!
This will spoil the car's engine.
- How's that?
Go and tell them that I'm a very
good mechanic from India.
If he fixes the car,
they'll have to give you a lift.
Go, hurry up!
- Isn't it working?
Excuse me? Do you have
a problem with the car?
This mechanic is from India.
Should he see? Check?
Yes, yes.
- Okay.
- Greetings!
I'm a mechanic from 'Guru
Nanak' garage in India.
It's not the bonnet,
the problem lies inside.
Searching for the problem.
Ask him to start the car.
- Try and start the car.
Just try. - Wow! - That's it.
It's all God's grace!
India is great!
- Yes!
Can we go?
- Yes, sure!
This idiot will never improve!
Do you want to drink?
Now, that's like it!
Have some?
Yes, thanks. I see, you like
to drink like us men.
Give me some as well.
Do check your bag, to see
if anything's missing.
Not needed. The bag is empty.
The bag is empty?!
You harassed the poor
fellow for nothing!
Poor fellow?!
He is a criminal! And for
your kind information...
...I'm studying law!
I see, you're becoming a liar!
Not liar, a lawyer!
I'm doing research on criminology.
- I see! I'm writing a book on... to wipe out the criminals
from the society.
Must I say something?
Don't hate the criminals.
One can reform them. Hello!
One can never reform them!
The criminals are a disgrace
to the society...
...and any punishment meted
out to them is less.
These criminals should be...
I'm a kind of girl who
likes a little fun.
And loves the game I want to play.
I think naughty is nice
and sugar is spice.
Are you listening to what I say?
We have nothing to
fear or worry about.
So c'mon baby, get down!
C'mon everybody, say it loud.
I'll tell you what it's all about.
Hey man! C'mon!
Let's get down, get to it.
Hey man! Have a little fun.
There's really nothing to it.
Life's a party, why
are you so stuck up?
Get a move on boy and you'll see.
- Hey man!
On your mark, be steady. Are
you ready to play with me?
All the ladies...
...are going crazy with the rhythm.
The music is speeding.
Yes, it's heating up the night.
Life's a party.
Live it to the fullest.
Who cares about what
will happen tomorrow?
It's my wish... make you sit beside me.
It's my wish... make you sit beside me.
It's my wish... make you sit beside me.
It's my wish... make you sit beside me.
Just one time...
Just one time...
Just one time...
Embrace me...
Embrace me, my lady.
Embrace me, my lady.
Embrace me, my lady.
I'm a holler to my ladies,
to my divas, to my girls.
We're just looking for some fun...
...not diamonds or pearls.
Say you want to come along, we're
going to have a lot of fun.
We're going to party all night
till the sun comes up.
In the morning, a new day
is dawning, so say...
In the morning...
You're ready for some fun,
step into my car.
We're going to take you for a ride.
Let me hear you say.
All the ladies are going
crazy with the rhythm.
The music is speeding.
Yes, it's heating up the night.
Life's a party!
Live it to the fullest.
Who cares about what
will happen tomorrow?
Just one time, take
my name with love.
Just one time, ask for my love
and you shall receive.
I don't want anything else...
...except this, if it's God's will.
God, you're so kind.
God, you're so kind.
Answer my prayers for once.
All I want... to run away with you.
All I want... to run away with you.
Run away with you...
I don't care about that.
Then I won't care if anyone
comes in my way.
Hey lady, hold my hand.
Then I won't care who
comes in my way.
Hey lady, hold my hand.
Then I won't care who
comes in my way.
Hey lady, hold my hand.
Life's a party!
Live it to the fullest.
Who cares about what
will happen tomorrow?
Life's a party!
Live it to the fullest.
Who cares about what
will happen tomorrow?
Dear fellow, what are
you punishing me for?
I've toured entire Egypt just
trying to get hold of you.
Where the hell were you?
Where I was, and where I am now!
Am I dreaming? Or is this reality?
Where has my lady-Iove disappeared?
Forget about your lady-Iove!
Listen to me carefully!
If we didn't have to bring
Lucky back from Australia...
...I swear by God, I wouldn't
have budged from here.
Do you know why we landed up here?
It was our bad luck!
No! It's because I was destined
to meet my lady-Iove!
Do you know why I'm still unmarried?
You're a fool, that's why!
No, I'm not a fool!
It's because my lady-Iove
was in Egypt...
...and I was looking for her in Punjab!
I'll have to come here again.
First, I have to make
grandpa meet her.
Then I have to marry her,
produce kids. After that...
Listen to me, you fool! First
find a way to produce money.
After that, you may produce kids.
C'mon, we have to go to Australia!
The luggage should've
been here a day ago.
How did it get misplaced?
You fool! You should've let the
wallet and Lakhan's address...
...remain in my bag! What
are we going to do now?
All day, all night, all you do is
complain! - 'AII I do is complain! '
The luggage will be traced. They've
asked us to come in the evening.
We have to find Lakhan. Follow me!
I am Happy!
- Good for you.
My name is Happy Singh,
a friend of King.
King! He is not happy!
Rangeela, see how I managed
to hitch a ride!
Of what use are the cops...
...if they don't know the whereabouts
of the criminals?
Don't mess with the white cops!
They'll throw you into the sea!
Am I their father's property?
What a big house!
It's not a house, but a mansion!
That's Raftaar!
- Raftaar!
Look, he's bowing to welcome us!
Bless you, dear!
I'm not asking for charity.
Just tell me the price of your casino.
It's my bread and butter, King.
Yes, everyone needs bread and butter.
But only when they're alive.
King, Happy has come from the village.
He's accompanied by Rangeela.
Where are you, my friend?
Who's that hiding his face?
He's Sheru's brother, Pankaj Singh!
Hey, Happy!
Look, how he's bowing with respect.
'It's commonplace to hear
on every street...
...that brother Lakhan is a thief! '
'It's commonplace to hear
on every street...
...that brother Lakhan is a thief! '
Have you forgotten how you
stole pencils as a kid?
Today, you're a big gangster!
Hello, sister-in-law!
Should I salute you or hug you?
Happy, what are you up to?
Happy, come here.
Have you come alone?
No, brother Rangeela has come along.
Touch his feet.
- Never mind.
Greetings, brother Lucky!
Greetings, sister-in-law!
He's also addressing
me as sister-in-law?!
How did a romantic track
begin in an action film?
Happy and Rangeela!
What are they doing here?
Remember how your parents...
...raised you...
The time has come for you
to become their strength.
You've started to speak well.
That's because I speak the truth.
Hence, people endear to it.
Now c'mon, come back to the village.
I can't.
How can you do such criminal
deeds being a Sikh?
People swear by our community's
trust and honesty!
C'mon, don't create a fuss!
Have you forgotten what
our guru taught us?
He'd named our community 'Khalsa.'
'Khalsa' means pure.
You should become true 'Khalsa.'
- Happy!
Shun dishonesty and quietly
return to the village with me.
Strive to become a true 'Sikh.'
Happy! - Hey!
Well done! Only this was
left to see now.
Now you're a threatening
a fellow villager!
Mika, they're standing
to your right.
Happy! What's wrong
with your brother?
Who are you aiming the gun at?
I removed the gun out of
respect towards my brother.
But these two belong to our village.
How can I possibly pull
the gun at them?
He's a saint, despite being a sinner!
- Yes, brother.
Go back to your country with your
friend in the next flight.
Make sure I don't have
to tell you again.
I understood the first time.
What did you understand?
I used to carry you around
on my shoulders!
And now, you're throwing me out?
Thank your stars I'm
only pushing you...
...or I would've shot you by now!
You'll regret it!
You will rot in hell.
Don't you have any manners?
Is this how you behave with guests?
It took us 3 days to get to Lucky...
...but he threw us out
in less than 3 minutes!
He won't come back.
So, let's return.
With defeat written all over my face?
I'd promised in front of everyone...
...that I'll return only with Lucky.
I'm not going anywhere.
Look, we had lied to you about
the asthma attack...
...being a heart attack
to get rid of you.
What about Lucky's parents?
Were their tears false as well?
They must've reached the airport
even before our flight took off...
...awaiting their son
to come back home.
I won't return without him!
Anyway, you're about to get married.
Go ahead, become a groom!
But I want you to be there, you fool!
If Prito has to become mine...
...she'll have to wait.
I can't leave you alone.
C'mon, let's go to the airport
and fetch the luggage.
Forget the airport!
I can't walk anymore.
Let's fetch the luggage.
Our underwear's are three days' old.
Never mind. Old is gold.
I'm fine.
You're stinking, you fool! Listen.
My dear fellow, stay put.
Because even if you don't get lost
in this foreign land...
...I surely will.
Hey you Englishman!
Your people said in the morning
to come in the evening.
Now its evening, but my
luggage is still missing.
Why trouble a poor man?
Sir, this is a counter
for ticket booking.
Go there if your luggage is missing.
Oh no! I'll have to speak
in English once again!
What's wrong with him?
Hey! Who's it?
Hello! What are you doing here?
I've been observing you
from my shop all day.
What are your intentions?
My shop has a security siren... well as a camera installed.
Try anything, and the cops
will catch you immediately!
Hey cop woman! What cops
are you talking about?
Who do you think I am?
You look like a thief to me.
I... I'm not a thief!
Why are you laughing?
When a poor man is hungry,
he looks like a thief.
I've lost my baggage at the airport.
I was kicked out of the house
I was supposed to visit.
I'm hungry and have caught
a cold since morning.
I'm not a thief. I only look like one.
Sorry. It's just that I'm all alone.
My shop neither has a security
siren nor a camera.
So, you lied to me.
Hence, I panicked.
These forsaken agents
put you on the flight.
And you readily come here
to starve yourselves!
Lousy losers!
Shut up!
- Hi!
I'll have another one
of your special roses!
It's the only place in the world
I pay 100 dollars for a rose!
Thank you. It's lucky for you.
Yes, it is.
Stop eating grass!
Come here, I'll give you food.
No, my friend's going to meet me here.
My house is right here.
If your friend comes back,
you'll be able to see him.
If you remain hungry, you'll look
like a thief cum gangster!
Oh... no!
Careful, you nut!
His hair is like a dog's!
How on earth will he see?
Who did that to me?
- I'm feeling very odd... eat at a complete
strangers house!
You were distressed,
while I was panicking!
There, we know each other now.
You are poor, so am I.
Now, we have something
in common as well!
Which village are you from?
I'm from the actor Dharmendra's
From Sanewaal? Yes.
- Then we're neighbours!
I heard father had a heart attack.
When did you hear?
- What?
From whom did you hear?
Guru told me.
Lucky, you were father's favourite.
You must return to the village.
I'll look after the affairs
of this place. Don't worry.
Mika, who doesn't want to
return to the village?
I still remember how father
used to hold my finger...
...and take me for a
walk into the fields.
But with the number of
bad deeds to my name...
...even if I do double the
number of good deeds...
...I can never return to the village.
Seeing Happy over here, has
brought back memories...
...of my village and family.
I've heard that the cops of 11
nations are out to get King.
Not King, they're out to get Don!
But there are 11 such dons
who are out to get King!
And you've come to take these
notorious people back?!
It's not the people who're notorious...'s their deeds.
If we separate these two...
...the same people can
become good like us.
You're very interesting.
That's because I speak the truth.
Hence, people endear to it.
Want to hear another truth?
I've never seen my mother.
But after meeting you...
...I feel that she must've
been just like you.
He's disappeared again!
Where have you disappeared, you fool?
Happy! - Hey you, shouting there!
Do you want me to call the police?
No! No police please!
Get off from here! Get off!
The old man's asked me not to scream!
How do I find him now?
Dear! What happened?
What happened?
- You come here.
You idiot!
- Why are you chasing me?
What happened? - I had to sleep
all night on this wooden bench.
My bottom's become sore!
But, I didn't tell you
to sleep on this.
Where were you all night?
I was in that house waiting for you.
Couldn't you see me waiting for you?
How am I...
Here comes a customer! Here
comes a customer! One minute.
Ma'am, this bouquet costs 10 dollars.
- Yes, there you go.
Thank you.
Whose shop did you take
over overnight?
- Happy! - One minute!
- Yes? - I wanted to know...
Who is this idiot?
- She's the owner.
This is my friend, Rangeela!
Friend, friend.
Friend?! Looks more like
your friend's father!
Old lady, watch your tongue!
Whom did you call an old lady?!
Where were you all night?
Poor fellow was so worried!
Did you settle base at the airport?
This is a classic case of
thief accusing the cop!
Back there, the 'missing luggage'
counter itself was missing!
On top of that, I'd have to explain
it to them in English!
I... manage.
- Manage.
To hell with your manage.
Had you really gone to the
airport or someplace else?
No, he...
- She's very suspicious.
No, she's not. She's
very good at heart.
She just makes a mountain that's all.
- You take rest. - Yes?
Dear, this is a yacht. You have to
decorate it with flowers. - Ok.
I've written the address
behind. Okay? - Okay.
Come, Mr. Rangeela.
- Get lost!
I didn't sleep last night,
didn't eat...
...and now you ask me to
come along with you!
We've to go to the airport
again in 2 hours.
Our trains are better
than their flights!
At least, it's mentioned that...
...the passengers solely are
responsible for their luggage.
Right? - Right. But Rangeela
is too grumpy for your age.
Your blood pressure may rise.
I've prepared lunch at home.
Go, eat and rest for a while.
See that house with the
window? That's mine.
Yes, I can see it.
- Take the keys. Yes.
Go. Don't go to a wrong house.
We won't. Thank you.
- Yes? - Yes?
People say that whosoever I pray for...
...God showers His blessings
upon him. Yes.
Take this. Today, you'll succeed
at everything you do.
Go, dear. May God be with you.
I'm bound to succeed... that I look like Pandit Nehru.
Good luck.
Everything looks fine on the outside...
...but what do I do about
the mess I created inside?
Oh Lord Waheguru, help me.
Hurry up, Udaas!
- Okay, just relax.
Mika! Mika!
Actually, I've bought a
yacht for the first time.
Whether it's your first
love or your first boat...'s the same feeling. Oh!
I love you! I love you!
I'd once bought a boat in the village.
I went fishing with my uncle in it.
A crocodile got hooked on to the
bait and swallowed my uncle.
Ever since, mother has not
cooked fish in the house.
In the entire village...
- Enough Udaas! Enough
Why didn't the crocodile
swallow you instead?
Who's it? Hands up!
It's me, Happy!
Not again!
This idiot's come back!
What do we do with him?
You've still not gone back?!
He won't go so easily.
King, you don't know him. He
sticks like a chewing gum!
What do you mean? Enough! Happy,
this is not Punjab.
Over here, people do as I say.
That's what I'm telling you,
this is not Punjab!
Let's all return to the village.
I'm begging you! I've
met your parents.
I've seen the tears in their eyes.
They have expectations from you,
ever thought about that?
It's their wish to see you married... see you become
a groom, you idiot!
Friends and relatives dancing
at your wedding...
The entire village rejoicing,
fireworks in the sky...
Hey! Why are you bursting them now?
Who's that? Who's it? Where's
it? Why is this happening?
- Uncle, c'mon!
Don't panic! It's me!
Oh no!
Who is this man?
I've been swimming for so long!
Why am I not reaching the shore?
Am I swimming in the wrong direction?
What's wrong with King?
What happened to Lucky?
They've extracted the bullet...
...but he has a serious head injury.
Thank God for his turban, or
he wouldn't have been alive.
But he's contracted a strange
disease due to his injuries.
What's it called, Hema...
- Haemoplasia.
Yes, Hema. Yes, Hema.
- What?
The one from Parel.
From Parel? What's that?
In this disease, one can see
everything, hear everything...
...but can't speak or move.
In the movie 'Anjaam', Shahrukh
Khan had this disease.
I've watched all of Shahrukh
Khan's films.
But which one was 'Anjaam'?
Wasn't it the one with Chandrachur
and Sanjay Dutt in it?
How the hell did Chandrachur
come into the picture?
All you movie buffs...
Shahrukh never acted in 'movie buff! '
Have you gone mad?
Shut up, you idiots!
This is not a cinema hall!
I can't figure out how
he got a head injury...
...despite me being so cautious
in carrying him.
'You buffoon! '
'You were bashing the goons with
me strung around your neck...
...and you're surprised
at my head injuries? '
Look! King's blood is boiling!
The point is...
...who'll shoulder the responsibility...
...of such a huge business vampire?
Who'll ascend the King's throne?
Tell me...
- 'Who's King's elder brother?
Happy?! As King?!
- 'No! Kill that idiot! '
'Kill Happy! '
How can I become King?
- I can never become King.
- Happy?
Of course, I'm happy!
But King's pointing towards Happy.
Don't point at me!
It's bad manners to point at someone.
He's pointing at the right person.
Happy has saved King's life!
'No, he's not! '
He's right. If it wasn't for Happy...
...King wouldn't have been alive today.
'Shut up, you sad sack! '
I... can't become King.
King's blood is boiling
even more! Look!
- Of course, his blood will boil!
After all, our blood is same to same!
Nonsense person!
His elder brother should be King.
Guru. - Don't make his blood boil.
Lucky, we've understood what you want.
'Bravo, Guru! '
You want Happy to take, right?
'Have you gone senile? '
- No, I can't become King.
Until Lucky recovers,
happy will be our king.
- Yes, that's okay.
How can I become King, Lucky?
'You fool! '
Even America must've not progressed
as fast! - Hear me...
Had you gone to fetch King
or become King yourself?
Listen to me!
- What do I listen to? - Listen to me.
Lakhan is lying in the hospital.
If I take him home in this condition...
...his father will get a heart-attack.
- Get lost.
I'm a follower of Guru Govind
Singh. He's my King.
Oh shut up!
- God helps those who do good deeds.
Are you saying that all
Kings are bad people?
Until he recovers...
...what's the harm in taking
a glimpse into his world?
Fine, do what you want.
I'm not interested in
seeing his world.
You're on your own now.
Guards! Catch!
- Go, catch!
He's inviting nothing but trouble!
You better put your
fist up, right now!
One for the treble,
two for the base.
King is in the place, you
better watch this space.
One for the treble,
two for the base.
King is in the place, you
better watch this space.
they contain but one King.
We're the ace, as well as the base...
We are also daring! Right now!
they contain but one King.
We're the ace, as well as the base...
We're also daring!
We do as we please.
We're not scared to
cross boundaries.
If your intentions are true,
God does the setting.
Singh is King. Singh is
King. Singh is King.
Singh is King. Singh is
King. Singh is King.
Singh is King. Singh is
King. Singh is King.
You know we bring the
rockers in the place.
Don't be messing with me, punk,
because I hit you in the face.
You know, you better
salute to the King.
You know, you better
bow down to the Singh!
Go for it, because
we are the greatest.
We're fearless, we are the bravest!
Sing and dance, bad as hell!
Punjabis in the house, you
better watch yourself.
Not once, not twice...
...take over the world 10 times!
And if you can still
win someone's heart...
...there's nothing like it!
If after listening to the
machine gun rattle... can still appreciate
a cuckoo's chirp...
...there's nothing like it!
Come on, sing a song that
touches the heart.
Sing and dance, from
morning to evening!
Singh is King. Singh is
King. Singh is King.
Singh is King. Singh is
King. Singh is King.
Singh is King. Singh is
King. Singh is King.
Yes, you better pump it up!
Singh is in the house.
You better turn it up!
When I say Singh, you say King!
Singh is King. Singh is King.
When I say Singh, you say King!
Singh is King. Singh is King.
We neither had pride nor plume.
We were living like paupers.
When suddenly, our fortunes
changed overnight.
I neither owned anything yesterday...
...nor do I own anything today.
I only had my heart as mine. Now,
I've lost that as well.
What's life without love? What's
life without high thinking?
Singh is King! Singh is
King. Singh is King.
Singh is King. Singh is
King. Singh is King.
They contain but one King.
We're the ace, as well as the base...
We do as we please.
We're not scared to
cross boundaries.
If your intentions are true,
God does the setting.
Singh is King! Singh is
King. Singh is King.
Singh is King. Singh is
King. Singh is King.
Singh is King. Singh is
King. Singh is King.
Singh is King. Singh is
King. Singh is King.
- What happened?
Did you find anything? Her
house is locked even today.
They say she's not opened
her shop in 2-3 days now.
And her neighbour said
that she's sick.
She cries all day and
roams like a vagabond.
I don't know what's wrong.
We'll have to find her.
What happened?
Happy, what's wrong with you?
Why have you become Aladdin?
Not Aladdin, I've become King!
King?! You're not even a Singh!
Singh's don't chop their hair, they'd
rather chop their heads off. And you.
I admit I've made a grave mistake.
I'll adopt a Sikh's appearance,
soon as I return to my village.
I'm doing all this because...
I'll tell you my story later.
First tell me, what's wrong with you?
Why are you so sad?
Nothing's wrong.
Sit down.
If anybody cries, I
too feel like crying.
You'd fed a complete stranger
in a foreign land.
I can never forget that.
I can lay down my life for you.
I can do anything for you!
Please tell me, tell me.
I won't rest until,, you tell me.
Oh! Shut up!
Hey! She's my mother, don't shoot
her! Put your guns back in.
My daughter's coming back
tomorrow after three years.
So That's good news, isn't it?
No way! She thinks that
we're still rich.
We were once amongst the
richest families here...
...when suddenly, my
husband passed away.
Fool! Left me in knee deep debt.
I lost everything Happy.
But I always hid this
fact from my daughter.
If she came to know, she'd leave
her studies and come here.
But do you know something? I never
deprived her of anything.
Fulfilled all her needs in
the past three years. Yes.
Just that I didn't let her come home.
But now she's coming tomorrow
with the man she loves.
I've heard he's from
a very rich family.
How will I ever face them?
I'll be exposed when she discovers...
...that her mom sells flowers
by the roadside?
How will I accommodate them
in such a small house?
I'm really tense!
He'll never accept her!
Her life will be ruined, Happy!
That florist will become
this mansion's owner...
Yes, bring it.
- Are we her servants?!
Careful! Come upstairs...
- I'd become a servant once.
Served the guests with phenyl
in place of buttermilk.
All the 25 guests died of diarrhea.
My master was hanged,
while I lost my job.
That day...
- Enough! Stop it! Please...
You seem to have verbal diarrhea!
Come on. Brothers, the old King
crowned me the new King.
Now, it's my job to appoint
a King amongst you all.
What do you say? What do
we have to do? - What?
Should I tell him about the scheme,
or you too want to hear?
No, tell us!
Yes, let's hear. What's the
harm in hearing it once?
Yes... Come closer. It's very simple.
You all have to do as
you've been doing.
Just like Guru clears the crime
scene of the evidences...
...he'll have to clear the garden.
- What?!
Will Guru become a gardener?
And you'll become a driver!
Am I supposed to chop
vegetables with this?
That's a good idea! He's very smart.
Let him be the cook.
And you better stay far from the
house! - Why? - We can't trust you.
You may kill us by mixing
phenyl with buttermilk!
Place him outside as a security
guard. - Perfect!
- Don't fuss!
What role am I playing?
What do we do about
this wannabe actress?
Since I used to be King's
personal secretary...
...should I become ma'am Rose's now?
Yes, that'll be fine.
What do we do about Mika?
He's blind and deaf, cleaning
the gun's barrel.
I bet he's listening to our
conversation from there.
I've never seen him work.
What role do we assign him?
Whoever said he doesn't work.
Look. He stares at me all the time!
He's risked his life several
times to save our King.
Great! Make him the bodyguard.
Just tell me. What role will you play?
Since I'm managing everyone, let
me be the manager. - Here.
Fine, then I'll be your assistant.
Good clothes go a long way
in making man presentable.
Also, a woman!
Servants, you're about to
do a great deed today.
You're supposed to serve. Okay?
Hide all your weapons.
They shouldn't be seen. Get it.
There, the plane has arrived!
Shut up, you fool! Everybody
can see that!
My daughter's here.
- Sonia!
I missed you so much!
Let me look at you.
Mom, this is Puneet.
- Hello aunt!
- This is for you.
Thank you.
- My pleasure. - Thank you.
Oh my God! Happy!
What are you doing here?
Just like that.
- What a surprise!
You look different and nice!
This is Happy. I'd told you remember?
Yes, of course! Hello Happy!
- Greeting.
This is Puneet, my boy friend!
- Hi.
I'm really scared, Julie!
There's no such scene.
Had I gotten your, Sonia's
and my roles...
...I would've done them
in a single take.
Watch out!
- You're a good actress.
But the criminals of which
this house is full of...
...are hardly actors!
I'm scared, we'll be unmasked.
Look in front! Start acting!
Hey, behave yourself!
- Sorry!
You're supposed to look respectable,
not like a goon.
Close your buttons.
- Sorry!
Julie, please don't leave me and go.
- Let's go ma'am!
She's a knock-out!
You're the epitome of sacrifice.
Don't try to hide your feelings by
plastering a smile on your face.
Go and propose to Sonia...
Sonia is not the sorts to
cheat on her partner.
If I propose to her...
...I'll ruin my chances
of friendship as well!
And then, I have to fulfill
the promise I made to ma'am.
I'll shoot you!
You'll shoot me?! You fool!
What's going on at my party?
Please concentrate on your character.
What's happening at my party?
Oh no! They're fighting again!
I see such weapons everyday,
you idiot!
Have you gone mad?
There's a party going on over here.
I'll give you one tight slap!
Am I your dad's servant?
Then am I your dad's servant?
You're all servants over here!
Who all are carrying guns in
an elite party such as this?
Who else but these fools carry
guns in a party like this!
That's true.
Don't shoot!
Brother Mika!
- Yes?
Wrong number.
You idiots! Have you come to a
party or to deal in weapons?
Lay down your guns.
Not there in your safe deposit.
Over here! Not there!
Mika, what's that in your sleeve?
The other sleeve as well.
- You give your gun.
From the waistband as well.
Remove everything!
Give here.
He has a good collection of guns!
Better safe than sorry.
Go to hell! They've ruined
my party Happy!
- What happened?
Happy! Sonia! Puneet! Puneet! Sonia!
Hey! Cover the artillery!
Hurry up!
Fast! Fast!
That's it. You've decked up the table.
That's it. Please, come.
You're welcome in a 'no entry' zone.
- Hi, how are you?
Aunt, you've thrown such a big party
to welcome us. - Thank you!
Thank you so much.
The pleasure is mine, dear.
Really! So many people...
I mean, I was really surprised.
There's something here...
- Flowers!
You forgot to mention thorns!
Wow! The diamond studded in your
turban looks magnificent!
You look more like a
king than a manager!
Mr. Happy, Sonia was telling
how much you spoilt her... just one day!
It's because you weren't there.
Well, actually I would've been there.
But my boarding pass got
exchanged with an idiot... the Delhi airport.
'Can't you see and walk? '
- 'Stupid villagers! '
People are such fools, I tell you!
There's something...
- Flowers!
It's an arrangement of
wild flowers, dear.
Ma'am, may I take Sir Puneet to meet
the other guests? - Sure!
Hey! So do you.
Use your guns as much as
you want after 2-4 days.
Just wait till my daughter
gets married.
Please try and be calm until then.
You lech at her so much so...
...that even the mirror
has developed cracks!
- That's Rachel. - Hi!
Nice to meet you.
- So, you're having fun? - Yes.
Great party, isn't it?
- Enjoy yourselves!
Enough now.
Ladies and gentlemen!
Everybody... Guys.
Sonia, can you come and join me?
What is it, Puneet?
Guys, I'd come here essentially
to meet Sonia's mother.
But now I'm thinking of leaving...
...only after getting married to Sonia.
Sonia, will you marry me?
I don't believe that you'II...
Will you marry me?
- Yes!
I can't see my friend so upset.
Get me a whisky!
- Get you Lucky?!
Now, is he planning to
put him on display?
What are you muttering?
I'll get you one.
- What?!
So, you're sitting here comfortably!
That idiot has become King...
...and is treating us like servants!
Sorry! Where are you?
Who put this table in the centre?
Not me, .
- This... - Who is this, mom?
He's our real King!
- The real king?!
Yes, he's the king amongst kings!
Everything belongs to him, dear.
- She means...
...that it's all because
of his blessings.
He's a saint.
He's Saint Divine Finger!
- Everybody seek his blessings.
Hail Saint Divine Finger!
Bless me, priest.
But who's he pointing at?
His finger... Watch carefully.
Watch carefully. He's
pointing upwards.
It indicates that God is above all.
He's observing a vow of
silence since many years.
Ma'am doesn't do a thing
without his permission.
Aunty, then why don't we
ask the divine saint... fix the wedding date?
Will he tell us?
And he's already told us!
Look, it is third.
The third of next month!
It's confirmed!
Oh God! Only 13 days left!
There are so many
preparations to be done.
Manager! - We'll manage.
We need to talk to you.
I'll be back!
- Come on, move! - Ask him.
What nonsense is this! - Yes.
We'd spoken about 3 days!
You don't expect us to be
servants for 13 days!
Are you mad?
- Shut up! Ramlal!
Stage actors!
How was I supposed to
know that the villain...
...had come to marry the heroine?
Why don't you ask him about
the future as well?
All you know, he'll tell us the
dates of their baby's delivery!
And we'll be reduced to baby-sitters!
- You idiot.
Sonia, do you know I jog
every morning at 7?
Swim at 8, do yoga by 9
and have breakfast at 10.
Keep it here.
- These idiots are late by 2 hours!
- Look, the breakfast's ready.
What are you looking at?
Lay the table!
Sir Puneet is very jovial
in the mornings.
Good morning!
- Thank you! - Good morning!
He looks so much like my dad!
Say that you love me...
- Amazing!
Say that you love me...
- Of course!
What's this? Bread stuffed
with potatoes?
Also, bread stuffed with
radish and egg-plant?!
Son, there's plain bread as well.
Hey you! Just because your
face looks stuffed...
...doesn't mean you'll prepare
only stuffed bread?
Happy! Knife!
- Knife?!
Relax, its okay.
Knife! - Happy! - Here it is.
Happy, knife...
- Knife. - Here, take his knife.
Dear, I need to spread
the butter on the bread.
Such a big knife to spread butter?
Big people live life king-size!
Here's your cold-drink.
- Give it to me.
Hey Devdas!
- Udaas! My name is Pankaj Udaas.
I don't care what your name is.
What are you doing here
leaving a guard's duty?
Have you asked Chunnilal
to take over?
Please sit. Sit down!
It was only a glass.
Of course! Practice!
Aunty, sack this senior citizen
right away! - Madam!
Had he been working in
a government's office...
...he would've retired thrice by now.
He's doomed!
Aren't you the gardener?
We got late today. So, we're
helping each other out.
Manage with stuffed bread. It's
Punjab's national breakfast.
From tomorrow, we'll serve
you an English breakfast.
Milk with wafers!
- Corn flakes! - Yes, that's what.
You can make scrambled
eggs as well, right?
You don't bother about it.
Wow! It's beautiful!
- Wow! I'm impressed!
This is absolutely amazing!
I can't believe mom owns
this five star hotel!
God knows what all she's
keeping from me!
There's a casino as well!
Sonia, let's go!
- I don't know how to gamble.
Neither do I! Come!
Mika, can't you see?
I'd won a gold medal last
week in rifle shooting.
The target was 500 kilometers away.
I don't carry the medal around
or I would've showed you.
The Olympics wasn't last week.
Go to the casino and tell the owner...
...that our two guests who've
gone inside should win... all the games, understood?
The casino is this way.
Puneet, you'd told me that
you don't know how to play.
Actually, I'm an expert.
But I don't like to praise myself.
All the casino owners of Las
Vegas were begging me...
...not to come and play
in their casinos.
Puneet, you're simply great!
Sonia, let's go party!
Doesn't your mom own a disco?
She does! How do you know?
He's drunk, he's drunk...
Look, my friend's drunk!
He's falling here,
he's falling there.
Look, he's falling everywhere!
He's drunk, he's drunk...
Look, my friend's drunk!
He's falling here,
he's falling there.
Look, he's falling everywhere!
Pal, open the bottle
and give me a sip.
Pal, mix some soda and
make me a 'Patiala peg.
We're full of life and zest.
So get me all the rum you can,
for the sake of friendship.
C'mon, let's all drink
to friendship!
He's drunk, he's drunk...
Look, my friend's drunk!
He's falling here,
he's falling there.
Look, he's falling everywhere!
Hell will break loose...
...if my friend gets drunk.
Hell will break loose...
...if my friend gets drunk.
Life is so short.
So why drink sparingly?
Drink to your heart's content.
Sorry, sorry, very sorry!
I'm intoxicated with alcohol.
On top of that, there
are beauties galore.
We walk with a confident gait.
Sorry, sorry, very sorry!
Sorry, I'm intoxicated and
I'm having a lot of fun.
Please forgive me and give me a hug.
C'mon, let's all drink
to friendship!
He's drunk, he's drunk...
Look, my friend's drunk!
He's falling here,
he's falling there.
Look, he's falling everywhere!
Pal, open the bottle
and give me a sip.
Pal, mix some soda and
make me a 'Patiala peg.
We're full of life and zest.
So get me all the rum you can,
for the sake of friendship.
C'mon, let's all drink
to friendship!
Look my friend's drunk!
Look my friend's drunk!
He's falling here,
he's falling there.
He's falling here,
he's falling there.
Ever since, your photo's been
printed in the newspaper...
...he's been staring at it.
That's how his health has improved.
Even the doctor has said...
...that his health will
improve drastically...
...if you're around him.
King, come forward.
I too am not getting
a break as a heroine.
Come on, hurry up. Fill it up.
You love me so much, friend?
Now, I'll constantly be around you.
Just wait till you get
off this wheel chair.
'The day I get off the chair,
I'll make sure you occupy it.'
Today's a big day.
I'm going to distribute money
amongst the poor Australians.
I'm proud of you, Rangeela!
From now on, distribute
money amongst the poor...
...each time there's an improvement
in Lucky's health.
Absolutely! I can't be miserly today.
'Fools! Throwing away
my hard-earned money! '
Lucky, what's wrong? Tell me!
Doctor has said that Lucky's
tense about his work.
What tension? You tell me,
I'll solve it for you.
There's a hot dog seller's truck
parked at Coolangatta.
He wanted to get rid of it.
Such a measly job!
Ever heard of a King towing trucks?
Brother, there are two big
restaurants in front of the truck.
Their business is suffering a lot.
The restaurant owners are
King's good friends.
King had promised them.
Then fulfill his promise!
Go and get rid of the truck!
'For once, he spoke like a King! '
Do one thing.
Don't leave the truck anywhere.
Leave it at his place and give
him some money as well.
'Fool finally showed
his true colours! '
What happened?
King needs your blessings.
Why are you doing this to me?
Where are you taking me? Stop
it! Please let me go.
Tell your son not to go there
ever again to do business.
If he puts his van there,
we'll kill him.
Is there a circus happening here? Go!
We are a family of 7 people.
One more is to come.
What's wrong?
Isn't he agreeing?
Aren't we? The fool...
Udaas, this truck is their
source of livelihood.
He's asking us what price we can pay...
...for seven people going hungry
for the rest of their lives.
If you can calculate the exact
amount, we'll accept it...
...without even counting it.
If we can estimate the cost...
...he'll accept it without counting.
Any fool says anything
then come to us. Okay?
If any problem, call me.
You are like God to me.
God to me!
Gardener, what flower is this?
Don't you know this much?
Whoever made you a gardener!
Now a servant will glare at me?!
Listen to me, you...
- Dear!
Forgive him. He's your father's age.
No, he's my grandfather's age.
The candles on his birthday cake...
...must cost more than the cake.
Lousy senior citizens!
Hey Devdas! Who are you
day dreaming about?
Watchman, I'm talking to you!
I've been watching you day
dream about women all day!
Why don't you do your duty?
Go, do your job.
Go! Please?
One has to pamper old servants.
Why is your mood spoilt?
Leave the poor servants alone.
The gardener knows nothing
about flowers...
...the watchman's day dreaming
about girls...
...the front page of the newspaper
is always missing...
...including the news channel on T.V.
What's going on this house?
I can't take it!
Listen idiots! Finish
all of Lucky's chores.
He's not improved a
tad since yesterday.
'Lf I move a finger, you all will
give me a loss worth millions! '
King had an unfinished job.
- What's that?
'May you rot in hell, Julie! '
An officer from Indian navy
has seized King's booty.
He's a nobody!
An honest Indian chap.
He had threatened King... we had made plans to kidnap
his blind daughter.
Kidnap her? Why aren't you
kidnapping her?
Go! Go!
'He'll surely change his mind now.'
One minute.
Did you just say that she's blind?
- Yes. Blind child.
In that case, kidnap her,
take her to the hospital...
...and get her treated.
There he goes again!
What do you mean?
Who's our enemy? - Her father.
Exactly. Not the girl.
We'll get blessings.
Look! His finger is moving!
- Improvement!
He moved his finger.
Slowly, he will start
moving everything.
What a mess I am in.
It's a critical case of
cortical blindness.
But I'm sure,
I can make her eyes fine.
- Excuse me?
He's a good doctor.
Foreign education
makes a difference.
You deposit the fee and I'll
take care of the rest.
Excuse me, doctor!
I know you,
but I'm a little confused.
Before my mother died,
I'd asked her...
...when I'll be able to see again.
She said that
she's going to meet God.
There she'll request Him to come
down to earth to fix my eyes.
I asked her if God will
have any time for me.
She said, why not?
And if he's very busy, he'll
send his friend instead.
Hence, I'm confused whether
you are God or his friend.
Uncle, tell me, are you
God or his friend?
This is the Indian market
of this country. - Really?
It's the best place
for wedding shopping. - Happy.
Yes, mom!
- Sorry! - What happened?
No, the wedding date
can't be changed as...
...Saint Divine Finger
has fixed it.
What could I do?
It was very slippery.
Yes, that's right.
Even now I'm with your
future daughter-in-law.
Hold on for a minute.
You all carry on, I'll join you.
Come soon.
Yes, mom.
Dear, your dad's refused
to come for the wedding.
Tell him that aunt Rose can
help him in his business.
Tell him to think about that.
- Bye.
Oh no!
- What happened?
You're too funny!
C'mon Anjali, hurry up!
- Raftaar!
I'm seeing you after 6 years!
How've you been?
- I'm fine. And you?
I'm fine.
Driver, where's ma'am Sonia?
She must be around, sir.
These servants are such brats!
All seem to be hanging around girls.
I'm glad to see you like this.
So, you've finally changed your ways.
You left without informing...
- What could I say?
Mom, let's go!
Is she your daughter?
- Yes.
How old is she?
She's 5 years old.
I'll get going. Let's go, Anjali.
Why did you lie to uncle?
I'm 6 years old.
Oh Lord.
- Let's go. Father is waiting.
- Yes?
How's this? - Your kids will be
born after 1 year.
Why shop for them now?
These are for me!
Look, even the mannequins are
blushing. Have some shame!
Let's try another store.
Come, I'll buy you good
Indian clothes.
If you wear Indian clothes
in the wedding...
I'll kill you, you criminal!
Let's get out of here, Sonia! Come.
Happy! What's going on?
Who are these people?
Happy, be careful!
- Sonia!
Leave me, criminals! Happy!
- Hey!
- Come, my dear. - Dear. - Mummy.
A person like you can never change!
- Tanya, listen to me!
Let go off my daughter!
- Tanya, listen to me!
What happened?
- Happy!
That's my daughter...
Who are you talking about?
Ever thought of how many
kids you've orphaned?
Oh Lord.
Leave me, I'll kill you!
You better watch yourselves.
Singh is king.
Singh is king.
Singh is king.
- Happy!
They want to kill you!
Stop you!
Why do they want to kill you? Happy!
I'd sent a criminal to jail last week.
They're probably here to take revenge.
What do we do now?
Ever flown a helicopter?
No Happy!
Do you know how to fly?
- Shut up!
But I'm sure you know how to swim!
C'mon Sonia!
- Oh my God!
- Hail Guru Nanak Singh!
Are we still alive?
- Yes, we are.
Are you sure?
- Come, Ms Sonia.
Slow. Thank you.
- Careful.
Thank you. We're almost there.
- Thank you.
Any improvement?
Tremendous improvement!
Great! Distribute money
amongst the poor.
They'll bless us.
But we have a problem.
- What's that?
From where do we find poor people?
India is full of them.
Suitcases filled with money are
being dispatched every day.
Mom, they're robbing you!
Why would anyone rob me?
What would they find except flowers?
I mean, flowers should be watered.
Or they wither.
C'mon, water them!
You seem to know a lot about flowers!
Of course!
She's Phoolan Devi! ('Phool'
means flower)
C'mon, scoot! Go!
It's almost evening.
I've been asking you since morning...
...but nobody seems to know anything!
- Where've you been all morning?
Where were you?
- I was...
Why weren't you taking my calls?
Oh! 13 missed calls.
It was on silent, that's why...
But where were you?
You didn't even inform anyone!
I'd gone to purchase
your wedding cards.
Come here.
- Careful! I'm wearing new shoes.
Why did you have to take Julie along?
Because she knew where exactly
one would get wedding cards!
What's the problem?
I think it's a shoe problem.
Happy, you're different.
She's different.
She's not your type.
Since I'm a manager, only a typist
would qualify as my type.
All right, my job was to
warn you and so I did.
Now, it's up to you and your typist.
Why are you smiling? What happened?
No, it's not a shoe problem!
- You've fallen in love!
I'd once fallen in love.
I was leaving my girlfriend's house...
...when my wife caught me red-handed.
I lost both the women on the same day!
Udaas, drink up!
Julie, how come we didn't realize...
...that Sonia is in love with Happy?
Black. - What?
It's because you all are
blind and deaf!
I've seen the love she feels
for Happy in her eyes.
Hello Ms. Roppad!
- I'm from Patiala!
Yes, that's what.
You've seen the love in her eyes,
now look at her wedding invitation.
Why's she marrying that idiot,
when she's in love with Happy?
She herself doesn't
know she loves him.
How's that possible?
It happens at times, Guru.
She gets restless if Happy leaves
her for a little while.
She feels jealous if he's
talking to another girl.
If this is not love, then what is it?
Mika, empty glass?!
But my heart's filled with grief!
I won't drink a single peg until
Happy and Sonia are united.
But first let's find out whether
Happy loves Sonia or not.
He's crazy about her!
He misses her all day.
He had planned his marital
and family life...
...the minute he saw her in Egypt!
It's because of ma'am Rose, he's
getting her married to that idiot.
I think my best friend Happy will
remain a bachelor for life.
Idiots, do something about Happy!
Hats off to you, sir!
You sleep at 3 a.m. And wake up
early to go jogging! Strange!
How do you manage it.
at 10 every night.
What are you saying? Weren't you
talking to ma'am Sonia till 3...
That wasn't you?
Oh! It must be Sir Happy.
He doesn't sleep all night and
wakes up late in the morning.
I guess they were discussing
your wedding details.
- Yes. - Hurry up!
- You may go.
Thank you.
- Sir, juice for you.
Sir, Sonia ma'am is not to be seen.
Have you gone crazy?
- Why?
Why would she be here?
Go to Sir Happy, if
you want to find her.
They are always together.
Drink your juice, sir?
The names of these flowers
are very complicated.
I can never remember them.
Hence, I've named them myself.
Good, let's hear their names.
These two flowers with
their heads together...
...are Sonia ma'am and Happy
sir. Forever blossoming!
The withered flower over
there is Puneet sir.
Remains withered, no matter
how much you water it!
Mr. Pooh, listen to me.
I'll tell you a secret.
Please Mika, I can't take it.
I don't want to hear a word.
Then listen, all the servants
are fooling you.
They are making dumb-bells of you!
They are trying to break
you and Sonia up.
Don't be fooled by them. Bewares!
Have you lost it? Why are
you talking to yourself?
Talking to myself?!
Well, one prays to God when alone.
God! Save my brother Lucky.
That depends on his luck. You
look after yourself first.
He'll be fine soon, you'll see!
See? She just added
insult to my injury.
I got it!
Are you hurt?
Show me.
It's your fault!
- No, it's your fault.
Wow! Just another of mom's
varied businesses!
This show is so amazing,
don't you think?
You enjoy, if you're liking it.
I've been noticing since two
days that you aren't happy.
That's right, Sonia. I'm
not Happy. I'm Puneet.
But now I think I too should
be Happy. Know why?
Because Happy is really happy,
but Puneet isn't.
What are you talking about?
You're marrying me but talk
to Happy all night!
You are always with him.
What is this, Sonia?
You think there's something going
on between Happy and me?
Yes, I do.
I'm not as rich as you but that
doesn't mean I'll tolerate all this.
I can't take it!
You're so shallow and cheap!
You're doubting me?!
Listen, if you're having second
thoughts about the wedding...
...let me know beforehand.
Enough Puneet!
Another word and I'll forget
all about my book...
...and commit a crime right here!
Puneet, did you manage
to catch any fish?
Why are you upset?
You are a manager, stay
in your limits.
Don't try to get friendly with me.
It's wrong.
Not what you did right now,
but what you're doing to her.
You love her, don't you? Then
why can't you see her happy?
You can't stand her laughter!
What kind of a love is this?
I said, shut up!
Why are you asking me to shut up?
Is it because she laughs with me?
Don't people laugh looking
at a joker in a circus?
I'm a joker in ma'am Sonia's life.
Do I seem so intelligent to you,
that I can impress a writer?
Sonia is one in a million,
and she loves you!
And that makes you one in a billion!
I'm just an illiterate fool! A
'villager' like you say in English.
I am everything.
I can only make people laugh,
not win their hearts.
Come with me for a minute.
What's wrong with the two of you?
You are getting married in two days...
...and are doubting your
love for each other?!
Come on, shake hands. Come on.
Sonia, get your hand.
Very good. Now hug each other.
Come on. Very good.
Very good. Now that's how
it should be! Very good.
I've lost my heart to someone.
I've found my happiness.
I'm dreaming about someone.
I've found my happiness.
A bond that has touched my heart.
It's drawing me towards you.
Closer towards you...
Closer towards you, God.
Closer towards you...
Closer towards you, God.
Closer towards you...
Closer towards you, God.
Closer towards you...
Closer towards you...
The intoxicating ambience...
The dark clouds giving way... a whole new world above me.
Nature is rejoicing.
It's calling out my name.
Why is the universe being so kind?
God, all I know is that...
...there's no denying... feelings for you.
I'm being drawn towards you.
Closer towards you...
Closer towards you, God.
Closer towards you...
Closer towards you...
Closer towards you, God.
Closer towards you...
I'm a black belt champion!
I'll break your bones
if you come near me!
Let's dump him in the car
and chop him into pieces!
No gang has harassed
us as much as he has!
I'm neither connected to
any of the gang groups...
...nor do I mess with the underworld.
You're definitely misunderstood.
No, we've got the right person.
You're definitely mistaken.
I'm just a tourist!
You aren't a tourist, but a terrorist!
You've terrorized the servants!
You bit me so hard, you dog!
Your voices sound very familiar.
Our faces too are very familiar!
- You fools!
You called me Devdas.
- All of you...
You idiot!
The wedding should take
place smoothly.
I'll call the priest. Okay.
- Stop panting!
- Tell me.
Yes, go ahead. - King, the heroes
masks from my room are missing.
I think Puneet's life is in danger.
What?! - Yes, come along.
- I'll explain everything.
Bring him out!
C'mon step out! Come on, move!
- Move!
How dare you, you fools!
Get home, I'll fire each one of you!
Fire us later, let me chop
your insides first.
You idiots! Is this the
time to cut vegetables?
This is the first time we've used
the knife to cut vegetables.
Show him what all we've cut before.
Look here.
This is the front page
of the newspaper.
This gardener used to
hide it every morning.
My face looks stuffed
to you, doesn't it?
And I'm the driver who blocked
the news telecast in your room.
I'm in trouble. I can't take it!
Where are you off to?
Today, I'll stuff your insides!
Please listen to me, what's
your good name?
Is it Potato Singh or Stuffed Knife?
Please don't mind... - Shut up!
- No!
What are you doing?
- Happy!
No matter how hard one tries,
you people won't change.
He's getting married to
ma'am Sonia tomorrow.
If you kill him, who will marry her?
You will. You too are in love
with her, aren't you?
Wonder from where this
guy came in between!
He didn't come in between, I did.
If you want to kill someone, kill me!
Rangeela got drunk and spoke nonsense.
And you all believed him?!
How could you?
Guru, you are sensible. You
should've stopped them.
- He escaped, that fool!
He'll tell everything to Sonia.
What now, King?
You've helped my mother
a lot. Thank you, Happy.
I mean, thank you King.
I'm just telling the truth.
But it sounds bitter this
time, doesn't it King?
You addressed him correctly this time.
He indeed is our King.
But do you know why he became King?
So that he can keep us criminals
from committing more crimes!
Yes, so that we come to our senses...
...and think why we're
doing what we're doing.
Sonia, you believe that
the death of criminals...
...would mark the end of crime.
But our King believes that only
love can conquer hatred.
Without firing a single bullet, he's
put an end to the evil in us.
He didn't become King to
enjoy the perks of it.
He did it in order to take our
real King back to his village.
To make him realize his mistakes... show him the correct path...
...and to reunite him with his parents.
Sonia, I've spent my entire
life In the world of crime.
But I've never seen such a King
In the entire history of crime.
Ma'am, my friend is no King. He's
just a Singh, Happy Singh...
...who wants to see everyone happy.
And especially me, who he
considers his mother.
I once happened to give him
food when he was hungry.
Ever since, he considers
all my troubles as his.
You fool, no one returns such a
huge favour for a slice of bread.
He did all this so you
could get married.
But will I get married now?
Will Puneet marry me after
knowing the truth?
Of course, I will!
I would've accepted you even
if they had killed me...
...instead of kidnapping me.
You being rich or poor makes
no difference to me.
I love you not for your money.
We'll get married tomorrow.
Towards you.
- Let's go.
Towards you.
Towards you.
Puneet, one minute.
All of you please come
to my wedding tomorrow.
Happy, you too.
Sonia, let's go.
This boy needs a psychiatrist!
He's marrying the girl
King is in love with!
He'll put our lives in danger too!
Mom, dad, you're worried
about your lives... my wedding is in danger!
- Don't worry, dad.
This man standing behind me
is taking me to a person...
...who'll get rid of
this danger for good.
For the past 30 years, this boy
has been giving me headaches!
You were carrying him
for a year, remember?
I can see everything.
Everything in this
world has a price.
Nobody stays here forever.
I'm the winning horse. Don't
take me to be a loser.
I'll be the King, my name is Mika.
Alright, stop!
Now, give me your attention.
I'm the best, so do as I say.
Money is the name of the game.
North, south, east or west...
The language of money is the same.
It's an old story, you better know.
If you give one hand,
take two in return.
Listen up, this is the greatest
lesson in the world.
All the great people have
learnt this lesson.
That's me, Mika.
I'd never imagined I'd see you here.
I like to surprise people,
keep them in the dark.
That's Mika for you.
I thought that you couldn't
see or hear properly.
It's not just you. I've convinced
many people including... brother and Guru, into
believing I'm blind and deaf.
What will you gain out of this?
- Sympathy.
Mind game!
- Mika.
My only concern is whether you'll
be able to kill Happy or not.
Happy is my enemy first
and then he's yours.
I've tried to kill him
many times in the past.
You love Sonia while I love
the King's throne! - Mika.
Then see you at the wedding!
- Brother Mika!
What a performance! I bet
he never suspected...
...that you can't see!
You fool! This is my den.
I've personally measured
every inch of this place.
I won't be fit to be called King
had I let anyone suspect me here.
I can't understand one thing.
How were you able to listen
to him so clearly?
Idiot, I didn't wear this
hearing aid to show off!
If I don't wear it in my den,
then where will I?
Now, I'm just waiting for the
latest hearing aid and shades...
...that I've ordered from Japan.
Once I get them, I'll be able to
see and hear everything clearly.
Rangeela, don't make my grief
an excuse for your drinking.
You should've been here with me today.
Instead, you're at home getting drunk.
It's you and not that idiot
who deserves to be the groom!
I'm really depressed!
If Sonia gets married to that idiot,
Happy will be heartbroken.
- Yes.
You've bought everything, but
have forgotten the vermillion.
He's been given so much
...that he's completely caught up.
We should help him get the
girl in such a way...
...that nobody suspects a thing.
Enjoy! - Dilbaug! The groom
seems to be very brave.
Why do you say that?
Only a brave father's son...
...would marry the girl
King is in love with.
His bravery will soon fizzle out.
- Why?
Look at King!
- Where?
Idiot! Why are you looking around?
He's right in front of you.
I see him now! King's calling
his sharp-shooter.
Why is it taking so long?
Hurry up!
Did you see that? I think that the
groom's first night will be his last.
The night is still far away.
I don't think he'll make
it even through the day.
King is angry! He'll cut him
into at least a 100 pieces.
I don't have to spend
an eternity with her.
So, don't take an eternity
to recite the mantras.
- Complete the rituals within an hour.
Once you start with them,
don't stop, come what may.
I should've been the one to stop.
Had I stopped on time...
...we wouldn't have had a dumb son
like you. What's the matter?
Sharpshooters have arrived
to kill you...
...on your wedding day!
Oh my God!
What is the 'Chicken Manchurian'
gang doing here?
And these 'Men in Black'?
Something's fishy. We
must do something.
Listen, think before doing anything.
Worry not, Guru! What am I here for?
Nice suit! Armani? No, Gucci.
- Oh really! I like Gucci.
So, are you having fun?
- I am.
You know, I like men in black.
And I like women in white! Bye!
- Meet you at night, baby!
Happy has made me really unhappy!
He must die.
Even if you can't kill him,
at least bring Sonia to me.
I'll marry her someplace else.
Good job!
- They are at least 15 to 20, right?
- Take this.
I'll get some more.
Kill everyone if there's
even a single gunshot.
Turn the wedding into a funeral.
And kidnap the bride!
But how? Somebody stole all our guns!
Oh no! My sharp-shooters are so sharp!
You're getting married today.
But you don't look happy.
Of course, I'm happy.
Despite knowing everything...
...Puneet is still marrying me.
All the guests and his
parents have arrived.
He'll be heart-broken if the
wedding doesn't take place.
Why won't the wedding
take place? God forbid.
Why are you talking like this?
Yes, Mr. Rangeela.
- Hello ma'am!
You're drunk, aren't you?
You've been telling me for
the longest time that... want to say something.
Why don't you tell me?
Towards you.
Happy! Talk to him.
God knows what's on his mind.
Towards you.
Ma'am, he loves your daughter!
She hung up?!
Ma'am is just not interested!
Lord, help me!
What are you waiting for?
Throw him down!
Sorry, Lucky!
Your time's up!
Hands up!
Now, shoot!
I didn't do anything.
Mika had sent me to kill you.
It's me.
- Happy looks so depressed.
Oh no! - Who fired!
What happened? - Puneet! - Run!
Puneet! - Where's my gun?
What is going on here?
Where are you going?
Fools! Idiots!
Sonia, careful.
Happy! Who are these people?
- You fools!
It's my daughter's wedding today!
I'll set you right, sharp-shooter!
Happy! Where's Puneet?
Have you seen him around?
Wait over here.
Don't go anywhere. Is that clear?
Have the hearing aid and glasses
from Japan arrived?
Mika. - That's my boy!
This marks the end of
the wedding rituals.
From today, you're husband and wife.
But you weren't the groom...
The wedding's over. Take
your fees and scoot!
Hari Om.
Puneet, I didn't do...
I was so scared of losing you...
...that I did everything
I could to make you mine.
But who can fight destiny?
Happy will keep you happy.
Wish you a happy married life!
He's already got a turban!
King, the bride is yours.
Sonia, I didn't do it purposely...
How is it that you mess up each time?
Now it is done.
You have ruined so much
in such little time.
Please don't be upset.
You may have not realized...
...but for the first time you've
done something right.
No, Sonia. I haven't done anything...
Happy! She's agreed.
I love you!
Mika! What's got into you?
I won't be able to become
King till you're alive.
Mika! Have you gone mad?
- Are you out of your mind?
Nobody dare stop me
from becoming King!
You?! - Lucky! Lucky?
C'mon shoot!
Why send others
to shoot your brother?
Do it yourself.
Mika tried to kill you?!
Forget it.
It was my fault. I created a monster.
I was the one who gave
him his first gun.
God's punishing me for it.
He's changed everyone's
lives around you.
But he couldn't change you.
That's because neither could
you see any good...
...nor hear any good.
But you could very well see and hear!
Did you ever see your
blind brother's misery?
Did you ever hear his cries for help?
All you did, was make Guru my crutch.
I kept falling, groping...
like a blind man.
Today, even you can't stop
me from becoming King!
What will you gain from becoming King?
What will you do?
Look at your brother.
What did he ever get except hatred?
So much hatred, that his own
blood wants to kill him!
He who fights for the
poor is the real King!
Brave is he who strives for the poor.
Who suffers greatly but
never abandons the cause.
Go ahead and become King.
But how will you answer the real King?
How will you answer God?
You fool, try and become a true Sikh.
Remember God's words.
Think about it, if your parents
came to know that...
...their one son killed the other...
...what will they go through?
Forgive me. Come here.
Come and hug me.
These glasses are like
magnifying glasses.
I don't need them!
I'm happy the way I am.
Let's go to Punjab and
be with our family.
Let's go.
He was blind and I used to
think he's staring at me!
I'm such a fool.
What happened to this ear?
He can't even hear anything.
And I kept blabbering away!
Why don't you come to Punjab as well?
Yo, what up?
This is big Snoop Dogg.
Represent that Punjabi.
Aye, hit them with this!
Akshay and Snoop D O double G.
Oh yeah, Singh is King...
...this is the thing.
Do you know what I mean? Follow me!
Listen to me for a second, check it!
Singh in the King.
Check the record.
Friendship means the life to us.
Our pride is extraordinary.
Laughter is our identity.
That's why, everybody says...
Friendship means the life to us.
Our pride is extraordinary.
Laughter is our identity.
C'mon everybody, say!
Singh is King.
Everybody knows that...
Singh is King.
Rock this world!
Singh is King.
Everybody knows that...
...Singh is King.
Rock this world!
Ferraris, Bugattis and Maseratis.
Snoop D O double G, the
life of the party.
Lay back, stay back,
I'm in the Mayback.
This isn't James Brown, but
it's the big payback.
Watch me zoom by, make it boom by.
What's up? To all the ladies
hanging out in Mumbai!
Cheese make dollars, East-west
masala (spice).
Singh is the King, so you
all have to follow.
What's up, what's up, what's up.
I'm trying to stack my butter.
What's up, what's up, what's up.
I'm trying to stack my butter.
Singh is King.
Everybody knows that...
Singh is King.
Rock this world!
Singh is King.
Everybody knows that, Singh is King.
Rock this world! Singh is King.
Friendship means the life to us.
Our pride is extraordinary.
Laughter is our identity.
That's why, everybody
says Singh is King.
Friendship means the life to us.
Our pride is extraordinary.
Laughter is our identity.
C'mon everybody say!
Singh is King.
Everybody knows that...
Singh is King.
Rock this world!
Singh is King.
Everybody knows that, Singh is King.
Rock this world! Singh is King.
The Singhs hold their bravery
in high-esteem.
They're willing to lay down
their lives for the same.
The Kings and the emperors
salute their bravery.
The Singhs' pride lies
in their turbans.
The Singhs who've laid
down their lives...
...have left their marks behind.
Singh became the King of the world.
But above all, King is God.
Singh is King.
Everybody knows that.
Singh is King.
Rock this world!
Singh is King.
Everybody knows that, Singh is King.
Rock this world! Singh is King.
Yeah, I'm just a king sitting
on my throne all alone.
Can you dig what I'm saying?
Bring me some grapes baby.
Singh is King.
And Snoop D O double
G is also the King.
You dig what I mean?
Diamonds on my fingers,
diamonds on my toes.
Real cool like.
This way he became the real Singh...
...and the real King!