Singham Returns (2014)

This is the 3rd time you've
lost your cap in 2 months, Salunkhe.
Considering your age,
I don't feel like saying anything.
But how much more..
Will you get the department humiliated!
How much?
You may go.
Please go.
Sir...I've worked 18-20 hours a day.
Without caring for pollution or rains.
And yet the senior calls
me a disgrace to the department.
Sir, I would've
definitely caught them.
...If this had happened few years ago.
But now...
I suffer from B.P., High Sugar.
Sir, those boys are taking
the police for granted.
Hey, this is a one way. Stop.
There goes your cap.
- Why you..
Hey, stop.
Every time it felt like..
They pilfered the
department's honor..
Look, he's standing there again.
Got it.
Singham Sir!
I'm as old as your father.
Shell out your driving license.
Home addresses, father's name...
You are all in trouble now.
Phadnis, Jadhav,
note down their details.
Okay sir.
- Come on.
I told you we'll land in trouble.
All of them are students.
Don't panic.
You see those officers
who pretend to be strict.
..are just as corrupt on the inside...
I will manage.
- Okay.
Excuse me, sir.
We are kids.
After all, kids make mistakes.
We won't do it next time.
How about we end this matter..
..with a little give and take.
I don't take, I just give..
You're still kids...
...and are already breaking the law.
Tried to bribe a police officer.
Sir, I'll arrest them right now.
- Let it be, Daya.
They are just students.
A criminal record
can ruin their lives.
Why do you do this?
Too hot-blooded?
So why not use this
hot-blood in the right way?
Just like we do our duty,
you have some duties as well.
You can create all
the uproar you like.
But not on speeding bikes.
Instead, on the path
to building your future.
I'm letting you off.
Because the country needs you,
not the jail.
Bajirao Singham has only changed city.
But his style of working
is still the same.
"The head tremors, body shivers.."
"..when you know he's coming."
"No hesitation. No deviation."
"Just destruction."
"When he's coming.
- Singham."
Guruji, what's the
'Bhartiya Lok Party's' Manifesto..
..for this election?
If we manage to form a
major government in the Centre.
..then our main agendas will be..
opment, Safety of Women,
SIT against Black Money.
And Youth Empowerment.
And so our party has decided.. encourage the young generation.
Guruji, your party
has given a ticket.. TV actress Neeta Parmar as well.
Neeta is a daily soap actress. you think she
can run the government?
Neeta is not like the
other social activists.
..who debates on television.
She's the new generation.
..who fends for women's right.
...from the police station
to the court room!
It's disgraceful that
in many parts of our country
...the very farmer that feeds us.. forced to commit suicide.
But instead of lecturing on
the poor conditions of the farmer..
..our second candidate, Kishore Kamat,
lived amongst these farmers..
..and worked towards
their development.
And proved that it's not
difficult job to save the farmers.
Our third candidate, Sunil Prabhat.
Ex-Army Officer.
During his service in the Indian Army,
Captain Prabhat..
...has set many examples of bravery.
Due to a bullet injury to his head..
...he had to take voluntary
retirement from the Army.
But his fight still continues.
Against corruption.
We've heard that your party
has chosen an NRI candidate as well.
How can he know anything
about the country
..when he never lived here?
Engineer Mayank Anand
quit his job at the NASA..
...because he wanted to
do something for his country.
Now, due to the Solar Energy
Projects designed by him..
..many backward villages
have water and electricity.
If the spirited youth
and veterans work together..
..then nothing is impossible.
Every third citizen of India
is a youth aged between 20-30
And this youth is
successfully working.. even] sector
except for politics.
Political parties either
choose wealthy people.. candidates or
their own family members.
Guruji, if your party
comes to power this time..
..then what will be your
Prime Minister's first duty?
We'll talk.
To the people...about their problems.
Law and Order.
Woman Safety.
Inflation and many other issues..
...which we'll ponder upon
and take necessary action.
But our main agenda is black money.
There's more than
315 trillion rupees..
..of Black Money in India.
And due to this the
rich are getting richer..
..and the poor are getting poorer.
This black money is extensively used..
By political parties to
buy vote banks during elections that they can attain power.
And everything continues
the way it has.
But we have to change it!
Sorry...l got carried away,
but this is the truth.
Any other question please?
You don't need to remember anything.
..when speaking the truth.
Ask to CM.
- Sir, one question.
Make it fast.
What are you doing, Singham?
The Press will think you're
doing all this for a promotion.
Let it be.
I admit I am the CM.
But together we were Guruji's
student in the same school.
Yes, but even back
then you were my senior.
And you still are.
Adhikari, a person's deeds
makes him big, not his age.
When he was a kid,
he bribed the school peon..
..and leaked the exam papers,
and today..
What are you doing, sir?
I am the CM.
Don't embarrass me.
- Fine, fine.
Sir, I needed to talk to you.
Yes, yes...
Sir, according to lB's report,
your life's in danger.
So we're increasing your security.
Let it be, Singham.
These days everyone
in politics is insecure.
That's why they need security.
Who will kill me?
The word 'Me' has ruined
the entire human race.
'I did this'...
'It's me'.
'I. . .Me. . .Nlyself.'
Be selfless, not selfish.
Have you ever seen
the river drink its water?
Or the tree eating its fruit?
Have you ever seen
the sun taking a sun-bath?
Those who forsake their safe haven..
..and sheds light on others.
...rise above 'Me' and 'l' forever.
Glory to Baba!
Glory to Baba!
Glory to Baba!
Babe .
Baba, I am Shirke.
From Ratnagiri.
This is my wife.
We've been married for 10 years.
But my wife hasn't borne a child yet
Send your wife to me!
I mean...come here, sister.
Your favorite fruit is mango, right?
Stan eating mangoes...
Soon you'll want to eat raw mangoes.
Glory to Baba!
Glory to Baba!
Glory to Baba!
Glory to Baba!
So be it!
- Glory to Baba!
Baba, I am Jenny Carlton. From Rome.
I am going through a lot of stress.
No job satisfaction, broken marriage.
Show me the right path, Baba
My Jenny from Rome.
Keep the chanting the chant of Om!
And forsake this fair body,
the devious heart.
..and the sinful money.
What's this... tucked under
your shoulders! These wallets, purses...
The longer you try to
hold sand in your hands..
..faster it will slip through.
So take the name of God in my court.
..and open up your
pockets and your heads
And empty them.
Because...those whose
heads are free of deceit. where the Lord dwells.
Glory to Baba!
Rise, empty your pockets.
You too.
Sister...get up.
Look at how empty you're feeling.
You feel like flying.
You want to run.
You've all turned into children.
Children of God.
We're children, aren't we?
Aren't we?
Empty your selves.
Children don't keep money.
Your court seemed more like a bank.
And it looked like you were
officially pilfering your own bank.
Prakash Rao, you can't become a Baba..
..even after you do BA twice.
Because I've crucial information.
..about the common man.
"My favorite fruit is mango."
Everyone's favorite fruit is mango.
The difficulties of a
common man give rise to fear.
And fear gives rise to blind faith.
And blind faith gives rise to 'Me'.
Yes Baba, but there's
an old man who isn't scared.
Guruji, right?
Where were you running off to?
The police?
Yes, I was going to the police.
You cheated us.
I was your devotee.
I revered you like God.
But you turned out to be a devil.
I see.
What did you find out about me?
Come on, say it.
Tell me, tell me.
What were you going
to tell the police?
Say it..
Tell me..
- I..
Speak up!
Speak up!
Speak up!
The donations made
to Prakash Rads party.
..for administrative jobs,
are deposited in your trust.
And Altaf takes that
money to his factory.
So that they can be used during
elections for acquiring vote bank.
Altaf, he knows about you too.
You're omniscient.
Speak up, go ahead.
And I know that you've
raped three girls.
And there's no trace
of all three girls.
And you know, now..
- How dare you!
Rao, where were we?
- Where were you? introducing.
..young inexperienced
people in politics.
You mean we haven't
reaped our share yet..
..and the others are already
asking for their share.
I guess we'll have to teach Guruji..
..that youth looks
better in the army..
..and old men, in heaven!
By 10th next month..
All the preparations
for the Urs will be made.
Daya, take care of the arrangements.
No, no. we're not worried
about the arrangements.
And anyway, the Mumbai Police..
..offer the first prayer
even] year at this tomb.
Your presence is enough for us.
- Goodbye.
Kishore, you?
Daya said this is where I'll find you.
And it was really
important to see you.
Mom and dad have called
70 times in the last 7 days.
The same question.
Kishore, when are you introducing
your sister to Singham?
- What?
I want you two to decide..
..whether you want
to get married or not.
And leave me alone.
Fine, I'll meet her some day.
Not someday, today!
I've called Avni here.
You two discuss this together..
...I've to head for a party meeting.
You and your politics.
What about it?
Brother doesn't know,
Politics is like a bus.
Whether he climbs on the bus..
..or the bus runs over him..
..he's the one who'll get squashed.
Are you done?
Can I go for my meeting?
And yes, I need an answer by evening.
Since you've come so far,
take the blessings and go
You believe in Makdoom Shah?
We all do.
Yes, the bond between
police and Makdoom Shah..
..spans since the British times.
Two years ago there was
a theft committed in Mahim..
..due to which one of
our officer's job was at stake.
He came and sought refuge here, and..
..the thief turned himself
at the police station.
...along with the loot.
The thief claimed that.
..whenever he tried to spend
the looted money, he couldn't.
And the bond just grew strongen.
...between Baba and
the Police Department.
That reminds me,
our relation... meeting.
Shall we?
You look quite excited
about this meeting.
You dyed your hair, didn't you?
Trying to look young!
You're young, aren't you?
But you look married.
Let's go.
Welcome, Singham.
How are you?
- Fine.
What would you like to have?
Actually I am full, but...mmm...
1 spicy omelet, 1 minced meat.
..1 bread-butter,
2 Cream rolls, 1 Veg-puff, 1 Pudding..
..and Ice-Cream Soda.
And you?
You mean you're going
to eat all this alone?
And you'll order something as well,
won't you?
If this doesn't suffice my hunger,
I'll share whatever you're eating.
..we've known each
other since we were kids.
But I've just setup my Salon business.
I want to establish my own franchise.
I want to open-up
four more branches of it.
There's much I still
want to do in life.
So...l don't want to get into
this hassle of marriage just as yet...
But mom and dad don't understand.
I am not interested
in getting married either.
This calls for a treat.
Let's order proper lunch.
What say?
And don't you worn], Singham...
I'll tell mom-dad that I rejected you.
Because you've changed
since you came to Mumbai.
You've become a corrupt officer.
No need to take the trouble.
I'll tell them that I rejected you.
..because you're having
an affair with someone.
You wander in pubs all night.
..with a glass of hard drink in
one hand and a cigarette in the other.
Bajirao, don't point
fingers at my character.
And what about the way
you're clawing my character.
Corruption is a common
trait in Police officers
I see.
Have you ever seen me taking a bribe?
Rusi, bill.
Singham, I've to face the Lord.
How can I charge you money?
Rusi, be afraid of the God,
not the Police.
Tch-Tch... You're a free-loader.
You should be ashamed!
This corrupt DCP who
pretends to be honest.
. Freeloads at hotels!
I'll have to tell mom-dad about it.
Bajirao, what have you turned into?
I'm going to tell them.
I'm going to tell
mom and dad about this.
Sister-in-law's really funny.
What's that?
Singham sir...
What's that?
She isn't interested in getting
married either, just like me.
I suggest that you get married, sir.
You're not getting any younger.
Why do you have to remind me about it?
By the way, why are you all
so concerned about my marriage?
Sir, once you're married..
You'll go home on time,
and so can we.
Have I ever stopped you?
- No, you haven't...So then.
My wife's going to her native
place tomorrow can I go drop her?
Go, but only 2 days.
Thank you, sir.
Whatever you may say, Usha..
..Singham sir isn't married, but..
..he knows the plight of a husband.
- Learn from him.
Mother, as soon as
I said I am going to..
..drop my wife at her village,
not pick her up..
..he instantly allowed me.
What? Do I bother you that much?
Usha, he's just teasing you,
You don't know how
Mahesh is going to..
..spend 10 days without you and Sapna?
Mother, these 10 days
are going to be a ball.
I see. I see.
I'll stay there for a month.
Are you mad?
Mother, please tell her something
Come soon I am telling
you beforehand, alright!
...make a Manchurian Rice for me.
Check this out, Pallavi.
Sameer's going to
be clean-bowled tonight.
Get ready to hear those three words?
I Love You?
Pay The Bill!
What's this charade?
Hey man, get them out of here.
They make it difficult
for our clients to get here.
Hey man...we won't
move nor let him move.
Hey you Fools, this is a salon.
Move your bikes.
And you 'Made-in-China',
I've told you before..
..that don't park your can here.
You're ruining my business..
- Madam.
If your business isn't doing we
..then put up a Gujarati snacks stall.
We'll become your regular customers.
Madam, Like I already said,
we won't move nor let him move.
Keep eating.
Give me your phone.
Who are you calling?
Her boyfriend.
Let her call.
We'll play 'Garba' with him.
Singham sir, my son's a big oaf.
Sometimes I doubt his mother.
Sir, the truth is we didn't know..
..our kids are upto such mischievous.
I see.
Your kids stay out
all night on their bikes.
Don't you ever call
and ask where they are?
These are their sensitive years,
tended towards fooling around anyway
But isn't it the parents
responsibility to keep an eye..
Aren't the snacks
around here very famous?
Get me some please, really spicy.
Papa, I think we'll be jailed tonight.
Son, those officers
who look strict outside..
..are corrupt on the inside.
You have fun. I am here, right...
I was saying...Singham sir..
I was saying..
- What?
Stop your father.
Otherwise he'll be on
the receiving end instead.
I'm warning you.
You see, he's the one who taught me..
..this give-and-take business,
Now it's his turn to pay the penalty.
You see...Singham sir..
All this mess is
going to harm my son..
..but, it won't benefit
you in any way either
...let's settle this matter
with a little give-n-take.
Singham only gives, he doesn't take.
I know.
You fool.
Everyone apologise to Singham sir.
And his girlfriend too.
She isn't my girlfriend.
- What?
You fools,
how dare you'll trouble his fiancee.
What's he saying?
She isn't my fiancee either?
- What?
You fools,
you'll dared to trouble his wife?
Apologize! Apologize!
Please forgive us!
Please Forgive us!
Sorry! Sorry!
- Back off.
It feels like I'm still in Shivgadh,
not Mumbai.
No FIR, no Charge.
You released them.
These kids can still be explained.. instilling fear in them.
But once they are jailed..
..they will fear no
one and listen to no one.
And once they are tagged criminals..
..then crime follows outright.
And anyway,
the job of police is to end crime..
..not criminals.
I wish everyone could
understand your way of working.
That's my regret.
People consider Policemen their enemy,
not a friend.
They're scared of us.
Whereas we work for them,
not against them.
How about coffee?
You can meet Kishore as well.
Ok, let's go.
Hello. Yes, Daya.
Tell him to wait, I am coming.
It's 11 :45 pm.
When 47,000 policemen stay awake..
..20 million Mumbai
citizens sleep peacefully.
Guruji, you're making a big mistake.
Baba, why don't you explain Guruji?
Who am I to explain him?
We're here because of him,
he isn't here because of us!
passion takes you from A to B.
But logic takes you from A to Z.
Yes, there's still time.
these new kids..
...that you're introducing
in your party.
...will ruin it all...
CM sir, please tell him.
Every seat is important.
Think about the alliance.
Your party can break its alliance..
..but I won't change my decision.
Guruji, in the Mahabharat.
..Abhimanyu was trapped
in the quagmire.
If these new candidates get defeated..
..and come into power, I fear..
..that you'll be trapped
in a political quagmire.
We are worried about you!
Two things.
1- You'll aren't worried about me
2- I am not worried
about myself either.
What's this?
What's this stubbornness?
Such pride.
Try to use your brains.
Prakash Rao!
Prakash Rao
Those who speak from the head...
..shouldn't be answered logically.
Guruji, think carefully and..
..make the right decision.
Prakash Rao..
My children here,
live with hope in their heads...
..and this old man, lives on faith.
Guruji, you should've
heard what they had to say...
I've to hear them out because..
because of the alliance government.
And in an alliance you need support
We will fight this election
on our own, and win it on our own.
Complete majority,
that should be our goal.
Singham, it's been two days.
There's no trace of Mahesh.
Brother, last call
was made from Bhoirghat.
I tried calling him
many times after that.
But I couldn't get through.
We've found Mahesh's
bike near Bhoirghat, sir.
I think he met with
a serious accident.
But we couldn't find a body.
Search the entire area.
Sir, two days ago
an unidentified body..
...was reported in
the local police station.
He was shot.
I checked sir, it wasn't Mahesh.
Find out whose dead-body it is.
And Daya,
don't tell Mahesh's family about it.
Okay, sir.
Sir, I think its best that
you come down to Bhoirghat.
Sir, Inspector Prakash Patil.
From Bhoirghat Police Station.
Sir, normally no
one plies in this area,
But for the past two nights.
..few people have been
jumping into the river..
...with torch-lights and
trying to find something.
When one of the locals
tried to stop them..
...he was shot at by one of them.
Sir, there's an ambulance down here.
Sir, Meera Shori.
Here she comes... malign everyone.
What's important
is that the ambu
...which the Mumbai police
fished out of the river..
...belongs to Vikasdham Trust.
..which is Satyaraj Chandra Baba's trust.
What other links will we find next.
..whose faces will we uncover,
only time will tell.
But...another shocking
fact about this incident is..
...along with head constable
Mahesh Jadhaxs dead body.
...millions of rupees have been
found in this ambulance.
Commissioner sir,
who do you think is behind all this?
We can answer your questions.
Only after completing
our investigation.
But your constable's
dead body was found..
No more questions.
So you see..
Even the Police Commissioner
doesn't have an answer.
Take them.
Do you know anything about this.
Were other officials of
police included in this theft?
Or was he alone?
We don't know anything.
- You don't know anything?
There was a thief hiding
behind that uniform.
..and you didn't have a clue.
How's that possible?
- What are you doing?
She's lost her son
and she's lost her husband.
And you're busy increasing
TRPs for your channel.
We're doing our duty, sir.
I don't understand
why are you over-reacting?
Could it be, Singham,
that you're trying to cover-up?
After all,
one of the constable from your team.
..was caught with millions of rupees.
He wasn't apprehended.
His dead body was found
along with the money.
And we still don't
know whose money this is.
So please improve your knowledge,
Ms. Meera Shori.
Mahesh risked his life
for all our missions.
He even took a bullet
on his left shoulder.
But none of you were present then.
now when he's only been accused..
...and here you are with your cameras.
Your job is to collect information.
Not to give verdicts like
a High-court or Supreme-court judge.
So please... your job, and let us do ours!
The ambulance which the
police recovered from BhoirghaL.
...belongs to your trust Vikasdham.
And a police constable's dead body.
.. was also found in that ambulance.
Baba, 100 million rupees were
also recovered from that ambulance.
Didn't you know about it?
Says who?
The ambulance was stolen
from the Ashram a week ago.
My aides lodged a complaint. the Azad Nagar Police Station.
You can go take a look.
You're asking rubbish questions.
Baba thinks our questions are rubbish.
Sir, Baba's trust claims that.
..the ambulance,
in which Mahesh's body was found..
..was stolen a week ago.
And they had lodged a complaint
at Azad Nagar Police Station.
- Sir.
When did the ambulance leave Mumbai,
what time..
..and who was driving it,
I want complete details.
..right up to Satara Toll-booth.
Hold on.
Rewind that pan.
Sir, we found this
driver's dead body..
..near Mahesh's bike.
Singham sir, the same ambulance..
...plied through this
booth 10-12 times.
I remember clearly.
Are you sure?
- Yes.
It belongs to Vikasdham Trust.
We never charged him anything.
..since it was an ambulance.
I want complete report.
..from Mumbai-Pune Expressway
to NH4 toll-booths.
If we find out which direction
this ambulance headed..
we will be proceeding
in the right direction.
Sir, we've gathered the
details about the ambulance.
Sir, the ambulance always
crossed Wadhavpur toll.
But it never crossed
Shahpur Toll-booth.
Between Bhoir Ghat and Shahpur
comes Shivgadh and Wadhavpur.
So that's where the key
to this 100 million mystery lies..
Mahesh always said one thing.
L want to be like Singham sir.
I want to be an honest and
good police officer like him.
My son's dead, Singham sir.
My child.
Stay strong.
...these allegations, people's views..
..had he been alive,
it wouldn't have mattered to him.
But there was just one
thing he cared about.
What you thought about him.
Usha, I was his senior.
But always felt like
saluting him for his honesty.
And whoever has accused
him of such a crime..
...I swear, I will make him suffer.
Bajirao Singham.
Bajirao Singham!
I've heard a lot about you.
I had a few questions.
Everyone comes here with questions.
But there's a difference.
If your devotees don't get an answer.. troubles them.
If I don't get my answers,
then you'll be in trouble.
According to our investigations.
..your trust's ambulances
was spotted 12 times.
..on Satara Highway in 3 months.
I am a benefactor.
And the ambulance
is for helping people.
The ambulance scurries
off to wherever it's required.
Then I am sure your
ambulance must be blistered.
Because traveling 256 km daily. 4-6 hour long drive.
And this time is enough..
..for any patient to be reborn again.
I am pleased to hear you
believe in life and re-birth.
There are many other
things I believe in. lodged a complaint
for a missing ambulance..
..but not the driver?
What's your answer to that?
Hey, Singham..
.. what's this charade?
How dare you question Baba.
Prakash Rao, with power...
come all kind of wrong ideas.
Too much light makes a person blind.
Hey, I am here to investigate.
..not to hear your stupid lecture.
What's to investigate?
A constable from your team
was apprehended with money.
100 million don't grow
on trees or fall from the skies.
And no one lodged a
report of a theft this big.
That doesn't mean
that Mahesh is innocent.
He must have killed the driver.
If that's true,
then I swear to take this uniform off.
But if it turns out
to be someone else..
..then I'll drag him like a mutt.
You dare misbehave with Baba.
Calm down! Calm down!
The 2nd Verse of Gita states.
..that anger makes a man delusional.
And a delusional man
heads to his own downfall.
And the Indian Money Laundering
act Section 4 states..
..7 years imprisonment
for possession of black money.
And death penalty under
section 302 for murder.
It's your turn now.
"The head tremors, body shivers.."
"..when you know he's coming."
"No ifs, no buts.
Just chaos all the way."
Evil-doers are defeated
and put down for good.
"The good find refuge in his arms."
"He's like no other."
"He's full of valor."
"Singham is the destroyer."
First Guruji, now Singham.
Both of them are out to get us.
Baba, this guru-student duo..
- Prakash Rao!
Whenever the sun
and moon come together..
..there's always been an eclipse.
Time will play its game now.
Because if man befriends time.. can take you to great heights.
But if it turns against you, then..
How long will you be gone?
Around a week.
It's election time
and there's much to be done.
I'll put pressure on
the Centre for Mahesh's case.
But no one will interfere
in your investigations.
You can take any steps required.
Guruji, there's something
I want to tell you.
I think Baba and Prakash Rao..
..are behind Mahesh's murder.
Calling Control!
Calling Control!
Location; Cotton Green Station.
Send backup immediately.
Guruji's convoy has been attacked.
Sharad, look after Guruji.
- Okay, sir.
Party Chief, Gurukant Acharya
was murdered in broad daylight.
Even after tight security.
..our police was unable
to protect Guruji.
You're listening
to Radio Mirchi 98.3 FM.
My name's Suren and with me is Meera.
And we just learned that
Guruji was murdered today.
The city is in deep shock.
Not just for the Mumbai police..
...It's an embarrassing
thing for everyone.
Due to the carelessness
of the police.
..we've lost an honest
and good leader.
Babaji, what else would
you like to say about it?
Babaji will be observing
complete silence for three days. a tribute to Guruji's soul.
Should Bajirao Singham
be blamed for this incident?
What's this madness, Singham?
Resignation letter?
If I can't fulfill my duty.
..then there's no
point in doing this job.
But you tried your
best to save Guruji.
Look, Singham,
the public, media and politicians.
..need a target to
vent out their anger.
So they made you one.
They will forget in a week or two.
But I can never forget, sir.
The man who made me what I am.. no more because of me.
Singham, I hope you
didn't take this step..
..due to some pressure
or someone's advice?
I did.
At my own advice.
Under my own pressure.
Because I couldn't save Guruji.
Another question amongst
the plethora of questions is..
..what will happen to Guruji's candidate
in the coming elections.
Can Guruji's candidate fight
this battle without Guruji.
Yes, father.
Son, are you coming to Shivgadh?
Yes, father.
Come. Come.
You'll feel better.
It'll be a good change for you..
..from all the worries of the city.
And yes, Avni's coming too.
Bring her along.
Why Avni?
She's coming to meet her parents. why not with you?
Okay, father.
Your parcel's ready
to be taken to Shivgadh.
Have you finished packing?
Shall we?
Come on, here they come.
According to sources
at T5 News Channe
..we've received this
head-wrenching news..
..that Bajirao Singham
is fleeing from this city.
- You cannot escape the keen sights.
.. of T5 News Channel,
Bajirao Singham.
But before that,
watch this skinny toad.
You can't figure out whether he's holding
the mike or the mike's holding him.
Lying is his hereditary problem.
People never believe a word he says.
- What?
Why you...
If you dare speak against Singham..
..then lay you down on the grass..
..and light it on fire..
..and telecast your pyre live on your channel.
- Avni.
Get lost.
What say?
What did you say about Singham?
- Madam, you are not doing right.
You have assaulted T5 News reporter.
- What did you say?
You can see..
- Get lost.
Don't hit me. I'm a reporter.
- Leave him.
I'll seek my dogs on him.
I won't spare you.
I'll show this live on my channel.
- Go ahead.
I'll expose you.
You misbehaved with a reporter.
You assaulted me.
See, how this woman
assaulted a repoen.
What did you say?
I am getting ven/ any"!-
Please tell our viewers
who did this to you?
It was DCP Bajirao Singham's girlfriend.
What did she do with you?
She assaulted me.
- Do you see, viewers.
Bajirao Singham's girlfriend
assaulted one of our reporter.
We will..
- Yes, Pompi..
You know..
Your video's been uploaded on Youtube.
And you received
more than 100,000 views.
I'll call you back.
What now?
My video's been uploaded on Youtube.
I've received more than 100,000 views.
I've been given a
title on TV and Internet.
Lady Singham.
What the..
Are you done?
Shall we?
I'll pay the bill today.
- Just like that.
Sit in the car, I'll pay the bill.
How much?
It's you? Lady Singham?
Your news is being
telecasted on television.
How can I charge you anything?
How about a selfie?
Thank you.
- Thank you.
Let's go.
- No.
I ate for free.
Of course I paid.
Come on.
They are here.
How are you?
- My son's here.
Bless you.
How are you, Avni dear?
Hope you're well.
Bless you.
- Bless you.
Bless you.
Father, I'll make a
shod trip to Vadhavpur.
Why Vadhavpur?
- It's something important.
Take this car.
Give him the keys.
Deliver these raw
mangoes to the Bhosles.
You plucked the raw mangoes?
Avni. How about some tea?
Mother, I'm going to Vadhavpur.
It's something important.
There's a temple on the way.
Avni's been insisting
about going to that temple.
I did?
See, she said 'I did'.
Take her to the temple.
Go on.
This is unlike my childhood friend.
You can come all the way here..
..but not to my house in Vadhavpur..
..which is only 2 miles from here.
- Vadhavpur?
Menka, Avni.
Kishore's sister.
Hi, how are you?
- Fine.
I won't hear any more excuses,
Let's go to my house.
We'll sit comfortably
and have a nice long chat.
Come on.
I'll drop Avni home.
She can take a rickshaw.
You leave.
Come on.
Yes, brother.
Take Avni home.
- Okay, brother.
Come on.
So this was the important work.
Come on, follow them.
Tavde, speed up!
Tavde, speed up!
Singham, I need your help.
Don't refuse.
For the sake of our
childhood friendship.
What is it?
Hurry up! Faster...
I want to marry
But my parents are against it.
- Because we are Brahmins.
And he belongs to
a different community.
Tavde, faster.
But if you meet my father..
..put in a good word for us,
he will agree.
He respects you a lot, Singham.
Okay, I'll talk to him.
Thank you.
Tavde. Go faster.
I am going fast.
Come on, come on.
How much faster do you want?
Faster, faster.
Avni, I am going very fast.
How much faster do you want?
Faster. Go faster.
Hey, why did you stop?
Avni, this is a rickshaw
not an airplane.
Do you have another plan, tell me.
Drive slowly.
I still have to pay
installments of the rickshaw.
These are village roads, not of Dubai.
What are you doing?
Menka, you go ahead...
I'll join you in 10 minutes.
It's something important.
Ashish, you?
- There's a problem.
I need to talk to you urgently.
Not here, let's go inside.
There's no one at home.
Let's go.
- Come on.
What happened, Ashish?
My parents have...fixed my marriage..
..with Sheila,
who lives in my neighborhood.
This means that girl has
cast a spell on your parents.
Useless! Bh! That Witch!
I don't care.
Say no to this proposal.
We've been in love
with each other since ages.
Please. You know we've moved
too far ahead.
Do something.
Truly Subhangi, I am very pleased.
Our efforts have finally borne fruit.
Yesterday Singham and Avni
went to the temple together.
And both of them are
missing today as well.
Not both of us, only Singham.
Avni, you?
Singham aka Vishwamitra is with Menka.
They've turned Vadhavpur
into a weekend resort
Singham isn't like that.
Correct, he isn't.
He's worse.
Father, uncle.
Let me show you where Singham is!
Come on, get up.
- Yes.
You're such a coward.
Anyone is bound to be..
Menka, imagine if
our families find out..
..that we meet secretly,
what happens then?
Hello, Menka.
They found out!
They found out!
Hello! Open the door.
Menka, I am done for.
I know...woo me.
I mean...hide me.
Where do I go?
Where do I go?
Where do I go?
It takes that long...
to hide him.
Come in everyone.
Mother, father, come in.
Now I'll show you what's
unsuitable for family audience.
Where are you? Come out.
Why this..
- Why not?
He's going to be exposed in even] way.
The family audience has
surrounded you from all sides.
It's best that you surrender..
See. See.
Behind this white curtain
is the twofaced man..
..that misleads innocent women.
..and preys on them.
He's the rascal. .
You just can't interfere.
You're the one who's interfering.
He's playing with you Menka..
..and he even toyed with my emotions.
Your name means 'Lion',
but you're no smarter than a donkey.
That night when you
were about to tell father..
...about your decision of not marrying,
and I stopped you. didn't understand
why I stopped you.
Because I love you.
I think about you day and night.
I've been dreaming about marrying you.
And you did this to me!
Oh my!
You are dreaming...
...of marrying me?
Then...we'll have
to talk to Menka first.
This means...
you were wooing her as well.
Rascal. Rascal.
That means...
you two were having an affair?
Yes, Avni.
And you interfered between us.
Let it be.
- What?
But where's Singham.
these two were having an affair.
You . . .heard everything .
Couldn't you tell me he's right here?
What the...
You guys are maligning a decent man.
You're all just too much!
"Let the night weave
beautiful dreams."
"Then let those dreams
steal your slumber."
"Silence speaks in volumes."
"Let your silence speak for you."
"Something has happened."
"What has happened.."
"Which I don't know."
"What has happened.."
"Something has happened."
I fail to understand.
can touch you passionately."
I'll make time stop right there.
"My restless head
will cross all boundaries."
"My head will stop beating."
"You've showered
me all the happiness."
"You mean the world for me."
"Silence speaks in volumes."
"Let your silence speak for you."
"Something has happened."
"What has happened.."
"Which I don't know."
"What has happened.."
"Something has happened."
I fail to understand.
Sir, Daya speaking.
- Daya, Avni here.
Avni, give the phone to sir.
- Why? What's so imponant?
Avni, it's urgent.
Try to understand .
Let me talk to sir,
it's very important.
Look, he's praying at the moment.
Tell me whatever it is. I'll tell him
Avni...l cannot tell you.
So call him later.
Hold on, Avni.
Tell sir that Altaf's arrived
at the Vadhavpur factory.
Who's Altaf?
Just tell him, he'll understand.
Singham, Daya called.
It was something urgent.
He was saying some Altaf has arrived.. the Vadhavpur factory.
Why didn't you tell me?
Why are you reacting like that?
Who is Altaf?
No one.
What do you mean by no one?
Who was Daya talking about?
Singham, you're definitely
hiding something from me.
For my sake...
...tell me what this phone call meant.
Avni, there's something
I hid from you and my parents.
'There's someone here to see you.'
'Singham we've learnt
that Baba and Prakash Rao..'
'..are behind Guruji's death.'
'Even if we arrest them,
they are so powerful.)
'..that they'll easily get bail.'
'Five stories on five channels.
And zero evidence.'
'Files closed.'
'S0 what's important
for us is evidence.'
'Sir, you sent us to investigate.)
'..where the ambulance
disappears to..'
'..between Shivgadh and Vadhavpur.'
'VVe found out, sir.'
'That ambulance goes
to Altaf Khan's factory.)
'..which is in Shivgadh.'
'That's where Baba's
entire wealth accumulates.'
'I am sending you to Shivgadh,
'On this mission you'll
gather evidence.)
'..against Baba and Prakash Rao.'
I am still the Deputy
Commissioner of Police..
..and I've been sent
here on a mission.
I am here to catch Guruji
and Mahesh's murderers.
And today I'm going to lay my hands..
..on those murderers sycophant, Altaf.
Now I'll show them...
The only one, full of valor.. Bajirao Singham.
Listen, this is 20 millions.
1000 each to even] voter.
And if our candidate wins,
then 2000 more.
I had a talk with the headmen of..
..Vidhan Nagar, Kabuli and Simanpuri.
They are with us.
Sharad, leave now with the money.
But remember,
be careful of the election commission.
If you're not attentive,
mishaps happen.
Get him!
What did you think? I resigned?
What did you think? I was scared?
Altaf, a lion spreads terror..
..but a wounded lion
brings upon havoc!
I've been sent here to annihilate you.
I've been sent here to expose you.
I was waiting to find evidence.
And I finally have it now.
Now Prakash Rao and Baba's
future is in my hands.
And when I open my
fist and make a claw.. enemy's throat
will be in my clutches,
I am Bajirao Singham.
I am a Maratha.
Now you're all in trouble.
Straight up!
Stan counting,
your days are numbered.
Now I've lost it.
Well, it's hard to
mention the exact amount.
.. of black money that
has been confiscated.
Whose black money is this?
Where did this large amount come from?
These questions can
be answered by the person..
..who was arrested with the money.
DCP Bajirao Singham's resignation
was well-thought plan..
.. devised by the Mumbai's
police commissioner..
..and Chief Minister Vikram Adhikari.
Vikram Adhikari.
- Come, Rao.
You've played well.
And not for one, but two teams.
Rascal, you made us
believe you were on our side.
...and out there you were
supporting someone else.
You've come at lunchtime.
Would you like to have lunch?
But how will you eat?
Dogs can't digest butter, and..
..thieves can't handle respect.
I am going to malign you now, Vikram.
You were trying to expose us.
Wait and watch how we expose you.
Don't forget,
that in this alliance you're just a..
Break-off the alliance!
It doesn't make a difference to me.
But remember one thing.
Until the elections,
the care-taking government is mine.
Fine, let's see what you can do.
You made a big mistake
locking horns with us.
You two made the biggest mistake
of your life by killing Guruji.
When your sycophant
Altaf gives his statement.
..then you'll see.
You've gone on many trips with Baba,
haven't you?
Now get ready for a trip to jail.
So what if you didn't tell us,
You were only doing your duty...
Listen, Avni's furious at you.
"Why didn't he tell me earlier?"
She's furious over that.
Aren't you happy that I didn't resign?
- Yes.
I should be happy about the
fact that I don't know anything?
But nobody knew about it.
Sol am no special to you, Singham?
Is this a charade?
Get going. Leave.
Where was I?
You were right here.
No, I was saying something else.
Sol am no special to you now.
At the restaurant,
home, temple, Vadhavpur..
Everywhere you were on duty.
And silly me,
I was trying to lighten up your mood.
Because I didn't want you.. feel bad after resigning.
And all the while you were on duty.
You might feel offended but..
..if something like this
happens after we're married..
...I still won't tell you.
Because duty comes first.
..wife, children, family come later.
How rude!
By saying this, you..
What did you say?
After marriage?
Bajirao, you're really smart
What a way to propose.
You said everything in riddles.
Now say those three
magic words clearly.
Bajirao, are you feeling shy?
Say it.
Now I've lost it!
Baba, Singham's coming to Mumbai,
with Altaf.
He was right.
"'s our turn!"
Baba, I want power, not imprisonment.
As if I'm eager to
be thrown behind bars.
So why don't you say a prayer..
"perform a veneration
to stop Singham?
Rao, your penthouse
is on the top floor.
So you take the stairs
or the lift to get up there.
But I didn't take
the stairs or the lift.
I stepped on hordes of
dead bodies to reach this height.
Bajirao Singham's days
of doing good deeds are over.
Now the streets will
be littered with dead bodies.
Littered with dead bodies.
Get Altaf out
He's still breathing, sir.
He must stay alive.
What you..
The wounds will heal in a week or two.
No need to worn].
Sir, Altaf has slipped into a coma.
We've no clue about when
he'll regain consciousness.
Altaf must regain consciousness soon.
all our efforts will be wasted.
Baba, according to the
pre-poll sun/ey report.
...Bharatiya Lok Shakti Party
is in the lead.
Guruji's new candidates
are proving to be..
..a hit with the masses.
Guruji's death had the adverse effect.
Rao sir, Altaf is still
in the special ward, under coma.
Our men tried to get to him.
But Singham's arranged
such tight security.
..that it's difficult to get to him.
When all doors seem closed..
..then you must open the window.
Singham's given security to A
..not to Guruji's candidates.
Now we strike the hopes
of Guruji's even] candidate.
We'll strike them with fear!
And then we'll form our government.
How can you say he
didn't come to school?
I made him board
the school bus myself.
Are you sure?
Fine, fine.
His teacher's saying Adi didn't come
to school at all today.
The cleaner of the bus is saying.
..that he left Adi
in the school compound.
I think we should go to the school.
- Yes.
- Adi!
Are you okay? Who did this?
Tell your wife to withdraw
her name instantly!
Otherwise next time..
You'll find your child
covered in blood not his clothes.
Baby, careful.
Now eat.
I spoke to Neeta.
Adi is really scared.
He doesn't even want to go to school.
Whoever these people are,
they are ven/ dangerous.
You'll have to be careful.
I've requested for police protection.
By tomorrow hopefully...
Withdraw your name.
Otherwise, next time
we'll crush you with the car.
Hey, don't park there.
Sister-in-law will yell at us.
It's okay.
The salon's closed.
The shutter's partly open.
Too hot-blooded, madam.
Your sibling - your brother..
...has been advocating
his party a bit too much.
Tell him to step back, otherwise.
He'll have to pay for it.
What's going on here?
Get out of here.
Let sister-in-law go. .
Hey wait.
Now I've lost it!
Thrash them!
Since Guruji's demise,
there's no one to lead the way.
So it didn't take
us a moment to decide..
..that we'll break this alliance.
After all, we've to win your
heads through selfless deeds..
..and give a fitting
reply to the opposition.
..without lifting a finger.
Aye...Aye shut up.
How dare you attack our family?
Don't you dare do it again!
Otherwise, next time I'll kick you..
Publicly in your private part.
Why you..
You publicly. .
Don't just stand there.
Arrest her.
What are you staring at?
She assaulted a respected
politician publicly.
Arrest all of them.
I can't arrest them.
They are all ladies.
And according to the law..
Only lady officers can arrest them.
What kind of a law is this?
The judgment in the
State of Maharashtra..
..Vs. Christian Community
Welfare Council of India.
In this the Supreme
Court clearly states that..
..that a lady should be
arrested by a lady officer only.
Only a lady officer
can arrest a woman.
This clarifies section 46 of CRPC.
Where's the lady officer?
I've called them, it'll take
time though for them to reach here.
Singham sir's just amazing, Daya.
He came up with a brilliant way.. humiliate Prakash Rao
in public by getting him slapped.
Drive slowly, Daya.
What's the hum]?
If you ever touch my son again,
I will kill you.
Get that?
Where are the lady officers?
So you are behind all this?
Rao.. you were blown out of your wits.
Once Altaf regains consciousness..
...I won't need brains, only brawn.
For that he needs to be conscious.
He's in coma.
And after what you did today..
..what do you think,
you out-played me?
Go ahead.
Play around with me.
But I am the umpire of this game.
Get the bail papers by 5-5:30!
I've spoken to the lawyer.
Daya, can I get something to eat?
I am very hung"!-
In the van.
Sir, Mahesh's wife
has been served a notice.. vacate her quarters.
This is happening because..
...people don't think
Mahesh is a martyr.
They think he's a thief!
A thief!
- Mother.
Be quiet.
I've made tea for brother,
go get it.
...please come.
Brother, I've found
a small hut at the back.
It's small, but we'll adjust.
I've also found menial
jobs in few houses.
Sweeping, etcetera..
- Usha..
Can I work in your house?
I'll work properly.
- What are you saying, Usha?
Sweeping, cleaning,
washing, I'll do everything.
I'll do everything properly.
If I can get work at few more houses..
...It'll be even better.
I've to pay Sapna's school
fees and stock the ration.
I've to do a lot. I'll even
manage working in four homes.
I'll do everything.
I'll do everything properly.
I'll do everything
- Usha!
I'll do everything properly.
I'll do it!
I'll do everything.
I'll do everything.
This is how our government.
..rewards honest police officers.
Make arrangements to send
Usha and aunty to Shivgadh.
I'll talk to mother and father.
Prakash Rads men are trying to..
..bribe the people of
Shanti Nagar for their votes.
Sir, by the time we arrived..
..those distributing
the money managed to flee.
But each one of them accepted 5000 Rs.
Policemen are dying.
Their wife's are getting homeless.
And here you'll...
You'll sell your votes for money!
Stop it! Stop it! Stop it!
Let him go!
Let my son go!
I admit he took money.
I admit that he took money.
I clearly admit he did!
Will you arrest him!
Arrest him.
But if tomorrow I get another chance..
..then I'll take money too.
Because it makes no difference to us..
..which government
stays in power for 5 years.
What makes a difference is whether..
...we'll get a meal for
the next few days, or not, sir.
We're worried today..
...about how we'll survive tomorrow.
My son.
I know Prakash Rads party is a sham.
But our children's fee,
medicines for the aged..
...that's more important for us, sir.
This stick!
How dare you flex
your muscles on my son.. hide your own weakness?
How dare you hit him?
You think you're a man, aren't you?
You know...
You know Prakash Rao paid us.
Then hit him.
Thrash him?
Do you have the guts?
Do you have the guts?
How dare you hit my son?
How dare you hit my son?
L am standing at Your threshold..
"With my head bowed."
"Bless me with Your grace."
"So I can do my duty.."
"O Benefactor."
"Listen to my prayers...
Listen to my request."
"Listen to me."
"Listen to me."
"Listen to me."
"Listen to me."
"Listen to my prayer."
I want to keep the promises I made.
"Show me the way, I submit to You."
I want to keep the promises I made.
"Show me the way, I submit to You."
"My head's filled with delusions."
"How do I tell you, O Benefactor?"
"Listen to my prayer...
Listen to my request."
"Listen to me."
"Listen to me."
"Listen to me."
"Listen to me."
"Listen to my prayer."
"Listen to me."
"Listen to me."
"Listen to my prayer...
Listen to my request."
Sir, got a call from the hospital.
Altaf has regained his sense.
This must be the first time..
..when a policeman prayed
for a crimina
's well-being.
Whereas his own people
are after his life.
I'll tell you everything.
All the money given
to Prakash Rads party.
..for approving a project
is deposited in Baba's trust.
And that money is
transported in an ambulance.. my factory in Vadhavpur.
So that the money can be used.. buy votes of the people
from different villages.
..during the elections.
On April 16th...
I was taking that money.
Suddenly, on the way,
the ambulance broke-down.
And your...
'VVhat happened?'
'ls there a problem?
Do you need help?'
'It's alright brother, we'll manage.'
'Let me give you a hand.'
'I am not a thief, I am a cop.'
'Come on.'
- 'See.'
'Fired up as soon as
it realized I am a cop.'
'Yes. Now, get down.'
'VVhere's the ambulance headed?'
'ls there a patient inside?
'Please get down .'
'VVhaPs inside?
- Nothing.'
'It's nothing.
'Open the back door. Come on.'
'What's this?
'VVhat are you doing
with all this money?'
'VVhere are you taking the money?'
'VVhose money is it? Speak up.'
Baba and Prakash Rao
killed Guruji as well.
Your sycophant Altaf's
spilled everything.
You tried to end his life..
..but he will be the reason for your end.
You had constable
Mahesh Jadhav killed.
You killed Guruji as well.
What baseless allegations.
Haven't you read the Gita?
Those who are born,
are destined to die!
Life is death, but in disguise.
Everyone has to die,
your father as well!
Who at the moment,
would be taking a dip.. the Gomti River of Shivgarh.
What if he drowns while taking a dip?
And your creator, your mother.
Who climbs 124 steps
of the Shiv temp
...every morning at 6:45 am.
What if someone pushes
her while climbing down..
...she'll fall down,
but will go straight to heaven.
And then, your sweetheart
Beloved. She goes to Mahim Church..
..even/ Wednesday evening
to light a candle.
What if a car runs
over when she comes out?
Slow down!
Slow down!
Hold your horses, Bajirao.
I know everything about you.
And I've known everything
about you since.. sold tickets in black
Outside Gaiety Galaxy Theatre.
Operated a brewery
in the slums of Dharavi.
Supplied girls in
Saharanpur's red-light area.
And I still hold all
the cards in my hand.
Like I had said..
I'll drag you like a dog.
Knock some sense in your brain,
Take some lessons about
what's right and wrong.
I only give, never take.
How dare you slap Baba?
We'll see how you
take Baba out of here?
Hey, move back.
'Lathi charge!'
Now I have lost it!
Baba is right!
Anger gives rise to delusions.
And delusions lead to ones downfall.
Singham's done so
much in a fit of rage.. he'll have to
face the consequences.
The situation will heat
up in the name of religion.
Down with Bajirao Singham.
Down with Bajirao Singham.
Down with Bajirao Singham.
Down with mumbai police.
Down with mumbai police.
Down with mumbai police.
Hail of Satyarajchandra Baba.
It seems like few political parties
are turning the events occurring..
..with Baba into a religious issue.
It's terrible.
Look at what's happening.
It's terrible. Terrible.
This is injustice. Injustice.
As you can see, Altaf will be..
Testifying against
Baba in the court today...
...we'll soon know what
new turn will this case take?
What's going on, Adhikari?
What, sir?
The people are blaming the police..
...and election's
just around the corner.
We'll have to release
that Baba right now.
Issue transfer orders
for the Commissioner.
And yes, that Bajirao Singham.
Order a departmental
inquiry against him.
Sir, it's not his fault.
Adhikari, there's no barometer
for right or wrong in politics.
What's right is right,
and what's wrong is also right.
Due to lack of evidence and witness.
..Satyarajchandra Baba
has been acquitted today.
Hail of Satyarajchandra Baba.
Hail of Satyarajchandra Baba.
Hail of Satyarajchandra Baba.
Hail of Satyarajchandra Baba.
For my special admirers..
Who write whose destiny.
...If the winds are strong,
it can make the strongest trees fall.
Ignorant fool,
you should understand now.
Only the best can survive here.
And after this incident
we're receiving news..
..about the Mumbai Police
Commissioner's transfer orders.
We've also heard that
DCP Bajirao Singham..
...will also face departmental inquiry.
DCP Bajirao Singham
was blamed earlier..
..regarding Guruji's security.
I guess this time..
I'm being pressurized
from the Centre, Singham.
He'll definitely be transferred.
But don't worry,
soon he'll be promoted to LG rank.
And the members on your
inquiry panel are my people.
So the outcome of the
inquiry will be nothing.
As far as Guruji's
murderers are concerned..
..they will face punishment.
But...we'll have to
stay calm for few months.
Once the elections are over,
we attain power.
Then everything will be normal.
...he sounds more like..
.. a Don on the run,
not the State's CM.
Guruji, Altaf, Mahesh.
We all know who killed them.
But what kind of political
pressure is this..
..that is stopping
us from doing our duty?
Pressing baseless charges against us.
Look, your anger is justified,
But we'll have to handle
this situation practically.
I can lose my post.
You can lose your job.
Who are you tn/ing to scare?
I am not trying to scare you.
I am just trying to explain to you.
There are few things we need to do..
..within the boundaries
of this uniform.
Then what's the point
of this uniform..
..which makes a policeman helpless,
not strong?
Bajirao Singham is a man of free will.
Now I'll do as I please.
No one can stop me.
Neither you nor this system.
Rathore, talk to him.
He's being compulsive.
Explain him, do something.
Right away, sir.
What happened, CM sir?
Never seen so many cops
without their uniforms?
Nothing can be done now.
They have all blown their tops.
We've all lost it now!
Avni, you talk to him.
Don't spare those...rascals!
Yes. What are you saying?
Come on.
Someone else needs 3rd degree as well.
Let them come, Baba?
How many will come?
I've called 500 of my party-workers.
Daya, break down the door!
Singham, why are you beating me?
Why are you beating me?
Where did you bring this gang from?
Why are you beating me?
Look, I'll make things
right for everyone.
I'll make things right for everyone.
You go back.
Commissioner back.
Singham back.'re back.
Everyone, the entire gang...back.
How dare you touch me?
- Do you know who..
Singham! You broke the law.. the presence
of a respected minister.
You broke the law.
You will all be jailed.
You will all die.
Rao, you still didn't understand.
We're here to kill you two.
Why kill us, Singham sir?
I am ready to be the approver..
..and testify against Baba.
Brothers. Brothers.
He's used millions of
black money in the election.
He's raped his female devotees.
He has buried dead bodies
under his preaching dais.
And he's the one who killed Mahesh.
Why don't you also tell them.
..that who helped me in my endeavors?
Whether the elections,
or illegal business..
..who invested money?
You did.
- I see.
And who killed Altaf? You.
And those four candidates
of Guruji? You did.
Who attacked them? You did.
And he's the one who killed
a pious soul like Guruji.
No Singham, no..
No Singham, don't do that.
This country needs officers like you.
So what else should I do?
Arrest them.
So that they can be acquitted again.
I did arrest them.
But what was the outcome?
The country makes
one law to stop crimes..
..and people like them
find 10 loopholes in it.
The superstitious people
make such goons Priests.
And such thieves, leaders.
They should die..
- Singham!
What's the point in killing him?
If you kill him, 5 years later..
...people will erect
a statue and revere him.
And if you kill him,
he'll be called a martyr.
...and his party will come in power.
Singham, change will come.
We'll take the first step.
We have evidence.
We'll show people their real faces.
And we'll get them punished.
They don't know the power of media.
Daya, take the rascals away.
Come on.
Those police officers
have broken the law.
So we'll have to take
action against them.
What action will you take?
Tell me.
What do we tell the entire police force?
Ask them to resign?
This has become a national issue.
If we don't take a strict action..
..then we will be questioned.
But you know, so do we.
What they did was right.
The public and media are
also supporting the police.
So what do we do?
I know...we'll let
them off with a warning.
Bhartiya Lok Party has
registered a historical victory.
After gaining majority votes.
..Guruji's prediction is coming true.
That the country is now in
the hands of the new generation.
'VVe'll contest these elections
on our own, and win it on our own.'
You're mistaken to think
that you've won, Bajirao.
You see, you're part of the system.
And we are the system!
These verdicts, the punishment...
And me...chest pain, hospital and you..
High court, Supreme Court...and dates.
You'll be trapped and
crushed in this cycle.
You don't know,
Singham, you can't harm me.
Because humans are born to die.
And we're going inside...
to come out again!
What happened?
The car's broken down.
We're checking.
Will someone tell me what's going on?
- Hey!
Hey, what...
Hey, wait.
'You know Prakash Rao paid us.'
'S0 go kill him.'
'Do you have the guts?'
'Do you have the guts?'
The car broke down on the way.
We got down to check it.
And a tanker rammed into the vehicle.
We were injured as well.
Right, Shirke.
The driver said that the
tanker's brakes had failed.
We checked.
The brakes had really failed.
So it's an accident.
You can see that we were
present at the accident spot..
Just a while ago..
Sawarayzhandra Babe and ..
A water tanker was heading this way..
..convicted for murder to public figure...
Then the van was parked in the front...
There was a big explosion
then they rammed.
And they both lost their
lives in this terrible incident.
You will never change, will you?
That's Bajirao Singham's..
.. style of working.
I Fight...fight...fight...
like a Bruce Lee.
I Fight...fight...fight...
like a Bruce Lee.
I Fight...fight...fight...
like a Bruce Lee.
I Fight...fight...fight...
like a Bruce Lee.
"My biceps are 16'...chest 46'."
I speak clear...
I don't know how to talk in riddles.
"Now I've lost it."
"My biceps are 16'...chest 46'."
I speak clear...
I don't know how to talk in riddles.
"Now I've lost it."
"Head of a tiger."
My mind's hyper)
"Now I've lost it."
"And shoot like a sniper."
"Now I've lost it."
"And shoot like a sniper."
My beloved's like a tiger.
My beloved's like a tiger.
Very, vew hyper
"Now I've lost it."
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
My beloved is very masculine
"He's like a tiger."
"He fears no one."
"He's a handsome Maratha."
"Now I've lost it."
"Anew young man."
"Don't mess with me."
I'll break your bones.
"When I lose it."
"Bid me goodbye."
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
Slow down .
I am furious.
Cool down .
I am furious.
Slow down .
I am furious.
Cool down .
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.
"Now I've lost it."
I am furious.