Singham (2011)

Accused for illegal wealth
and possessing property..
..inspector Kadam has
proved one thing that..
Inspector Kadam has
proved one thing that.. one can stop pollution,
population and corruption in India.
The corruption charges
against inspector Kadam..
..raise a big question
mark on the Goa police.
Everyone is corrupt.
There is no denial with the
fact that Inspector Rakesh Kadam.. the new added virus in the
ongoing dirty game of corruption.
What big news, ma'am?
The real news will be when police
officers stop accepting bribes.
This is an everyday
occurrence in this country.
In addition to the charges even the
public is against Inspector Kadam.
Nitin. Go out and play.
They say that no matter
what their first names are..
..the surnames of such
police officers is Corruption.
Reena Patni, Star News.
You wore the uniform today..
- I am going to the police station.
I have some work.
Don't worry.
Everything will be fine, Rakesh.
If there are a few more
police officers like him..
..then the country
will go to the dogs.
Rakesh Kadam has deceived
the people.
He should be publicly flogged.
Inspector Kadam has
proved one thing.
That on the first day of
their jobs..
..police officials get
their license for corruption..
..along with their uniforms.
Sir, you.
After so long.
Have some tea.
We just got the news that in Goa..
At certain places in Goa inspector
Kadam's effigies were burnt.
This proves how widespread..
'Look, Kadam, don't be too hard.'
'Just take a step ahead.'
'And reap the benefits.'
'Just tell me how much you want.'
'You want to bribe me?'
'How much can you give me?'
'Half a million, a million.'
'I will make you all
dance to my tunes.'
'Go to your boss and
tell him just one week.'
'That's all. And his game is over.'
'The people are defaming the
entire police department.'
'These police officials are
openly demanding money now.'
'Under the table. Extra-income.'
'And the reason is you,
Mr. Rakesh Kadam, just you.'
'Mr. Kadam bought
this bungalow from me..
..and asked me to make
the agreement.. the name of his
relatives and not him.'
'Sir, that bungalow isn't mine.'
'I am being falsely accused.'
'And what about the bundles of
cash found in your jeep's dashboard?'
'Sir, that isn't mine I..
- Enough, Kadam, enough.'
'Enough is enough.'
'You cannot deny the fact
that you are a bloody disgrace.. the entire Goa
police department.'
Inspector Rakesh Kadam,
you are suspended.
Yes, Rakesh.
Megha, the more I
try to control myseIf..
..the more I stumble.
I am not a corrupt police officer.
I am not a traitor.
But I don't know long
will it take me to prove this?
I cannot let you and Nitin go
through this mental torture..
..for so long.
Why are you saying that?
We will face this together, Rakesh.
And I know that you are innocent.
Explain that to Nitin.
Tell him that his father was.. honest police officer.
'Police officers are now
openly demanding money.'
'The people are defaming the
entire police department.'
'Have him flogged publicly.'
'And the reason is
entirely you, Mr. Rakesh Kadam.'
'Just you.'
'He threatens me.
He is a corrupt officer, sir.'
'You are a bloody God
damn disgrace..'
' the entire Goa
police department.'
Inspector Rakesh Kadam was
an honest police officer.
He was doing his duty honestly.
Then why did he shoot himseIf?
He certainly pressed the trigger..
..but someone else
forced him to do it.
Who was he?
Who was he?
- Tell us his name, ma'am.
Jaikant Shikre.
Just a minute. Just
a minute, Mr. Shikre.
Mrs. Kadam has said that.. are responsible
for her husband's death.
What do you have to say about that?
Anyone can say anything!
That poor lady is targeting me
to save her husband's reputation.
But she doesn't know.. cannot prove yourseIf
innocent by accusing others.
But, Mr. Shikre,
Mrs. Kadam also states that.. run many illegal businesses.
What do I do?
I have a small
construction business.
And this hotel.
I serve foreign tourists.
Guests are God.
Mrs. Kadam says that..
..her husband shot himself
due to the pressure put by you.
I see.
Just a minute.
Here. Here. Here.
Kill yourself.
I Jaikant Shikre am saying this.
Shoot yourseIf!
If people really listened to me..
..then actress Kareena
Kapoor would be Prime Minister.
Look, Rakesh Kadam was a
corrupt police officer.
His guilt kept pricking him.
So he killed himseIf.
If you still think I am wrong
then you can shoot me.
Shoot me, I don't have
any objection.
Punish me.
You will surely get punishment.
You will be punished
for your deeds.
You won't survive this time.
You won't survive.
You have to die.
Just watch, Jaikant.
Now He will do justice.
''The heart races.''
''The body trembles.''
''When you know he's coming.''
''No hesitation.''
''No deviation.''
''Just destruction.''
''He never spares the bad.''
''Embraces the good.''
''He is unequalled.''
''He is very strong.''
''Singham is a destroyer of evil.''
''The heart races.''
''The body trembles.''
''When you know he's coming.''
''No hesitation.''
''No deviation.''
''Just destruction.''
''Has a honest heart.''
''Value him.''
''lt's a wonderful dream.''
''Treasure him.''
''He's a child at heart.''
''Mischievous and fun.''
''But if you underestimate him.''
''You feel his anger.''
''He's like a fresh breath of air.''
''Wanders about freely.''
''If you try and stop him.''
''You will feel his anger.''
''He never spares evil.''
''Showers love on the good.''
''He is unequalled.''
''He is very strong.''
''Singham is a destroyer of evil.''
''The heart races.''
''The body trembles.''
''When you know he's coming.''
Hello, brother Singham.
Sada, what..
What happened, Kelkar?
Sir, Sada has borrowed
40,000 from Shivraman..
..on interest.
And he disappeared when it
was time to return the money.
But we found him and beat him up.
Yet he says that he
doesn't have money.
Sir, now they want to
file a case against him..
..and get him arrested.
Yes, we will seize
his house and land..
..through the court
and recover my money.
Sada. Why didn't you
return his money?
Brother, you know sister
Suhasini is getting married.
I spent all the money.
If they file a case then her
wedding will be called-off.
I said I will return
it in three months.
But they kept beating me all night.
You two took the law in your hands.
We had to, sorry for that.
Why the..
Singham, this isn't right.
Those who break the law..
..I will break their bones,
The trial is over.
Now the judgment at my house.
50 crates.
Go and make the
entry in the other one.
Where are the safe keys, father?
- Mother has them.
- Why do you need the keys?
I need 40,000 rupees.
- Why?
To give Sada.
He borrowed it from Chandrakant.
Now he wants to file a case.
If he registers a case
it will be humiliating.
The marriage will be called off.
Will you like it if the
wedding of a girl from our village.. called off, father?
Mother. Mother.
- The safe keys.
Give it.
- What happened?
If you are so concerned
about Sada's expenses..
..then why don't you think
about the government as well.
Why have you opened
such a big police station?
No one's ever arrested nor
is any case ever registered.
I am in-charge of my own village.
Every other person is a uncle,
friend or relative.
What can I do, mother?
Even you give your known retailers..
..your stuff on credit.
Father, if family don't help
family then who else will.
Brother, Singham is simply great.
Yesterday Manoj was
caught for spilling blood.
And he let him go.
- What?
Mother, he had stolen a bottle
of blood from the blood bank.
You too, uncle. Murder.
Here, Sada.
Keep this.
And when will you return it?
Three months.
- I give you four months.
Four months means..
- Five months.
And time
when you lend money..
..take it back decently.
And next time you borrow money.. will repay it on time.
Case dismissed.
What are you looking at,
This is Bajirao
Singham's style of working.
''The heart races.''
''The body trembles.''
''When you know he's coming.''
''No hesitation. No deviation''
''Just destruction.''
''He never spares the bad.''
''Embraces the good.''
''He is unequalled.
He is very strong.''
''Singham is a destroyer of evil.''
Shiva, we are on the spot.
The child's game is
about to get over in an hour.
Excuse me.
- Hello.
Subodh Rajaram Tapkar.
- Who is this?
Your daddy.
Oh, daddy reminds me
..your son who is
playing at the sports complex.. going to be kidnapped
in a while.
- Don't worry.
We haven't done it yet.
We will do it if you
fail to give us ten million.
What nonsense.
What the..
Hello, Subodh, are you checking..
..whether your son is alive or dead?
Hey, what do you say?
I don't have
so much money right now.
I can give 2.5 million.
Only 2.5 million you say.
Why you..
You think we are beggars?
Is he your son or the neighbors..
- Give it to me.
Subodh, what are you doing?
You are not buying
detergent for your home.
He is your only son.
Forget it, it's not your fault.
These days everyone is
looking for discounts.
You do read the paper, don't you?
Three months ago a
businessman called Sri Ram.
His son died.
Sonny boy.
Your father doesn't love you.
I asked him for money
but he didn't give it.
I am sorry.
His body was found on the road.
But his killer wasn't found.
You must have seen on TV.
Jim Pereira, the
owner of Dreamland Hotel.
His dead body was found on
the terrace of his own hotel..
..under the 500 liter water tank.
His killer wasn't found.
Shiva, who did we kill on
Valentine's day? - Bansal?
We killed Bansal on Holi.
Oh, yes, Hiren. Lover boy.
He was giving a rose
to his girIfriend.
I gave him a bullet.
And do you know why I am
repeating these highlights?
You can do anything with
me but don't hurt my ego.
Now you decide, Subodh.
Do you value your money or your son?
I have lost my mind.
These days parents
aren't sentimental either.
No feelings, emotions, nothing.
They are getting practical.
The omelet has cooled down.
Get another one.
Call him now.
I gave him a dose.
The money must be ready.
The auspicious time is passing away.
Gautam hasn't arrived yet.
Your son is returning to Shivgad
village after five years, uncle.
Yes, but he is late.
Look, here he comes.
He is here!
How are you, grandpa?
- We are fine.
Terrific, grandpa.
How are you?
- Hello. Hello. Hello.
How are you?
Yes, Tavde.
That godown order.
How are you, Gautam?
I am fine.
You are looking very good
without the glasses, grandpa.
Yes, dear. But today I
like your grandma more...
...without the glasses.
What are you saying?
Mother, start the program quickly.
No, son, it is prayer
meeting and not a program.
That's exactly what I am saying...
...start the program quickly.
I have to go back by evening.
Just a minute.
Priest, just a minute.
Yes, Tavde.
Has the payment been confirmed?
Okay, accept the payment...
...but don't give him the
delivery before I arrive.
Yes, priest. Continue.
Of course, my attention is here..
Just a minute.
Program stop. I've a call.
Yes, Tavde.
No, no, send the tricycles
from the Pune godown. - Gautam.
What is going on here?
Have you called us
here for the prayers.
...or for listening to
your phone conversations?
I am not doing it intentionally.
I have to look after
my work as well.
And we are sitting free here.
We don't have any work to do.
Gautam Cycles are
very renowned in Goa.
I have to work day and
night to keep up the name.
I plough my field day and night.
So do you expect me to come here...
...with my plough, axe and two ox's.
Why are you villagers so
jealous of city people?
Great, Gautam.
Now you belong to the city.
You were raised in this village.
You received an
education in the village school.
But why would you remember that?
Now you are Gautam Bhosle.
Now you are no
longer our Gotya. Gotya.
Yuck. Papa's nickname was Gotya?
Look, Manikrao, you can curse me.
But don't call me Gotya.
- Why?
Do you feel embarrassed?
No matter how wealthy you become...
...but you will stay Gotya for us.
Gotya. Gotya.
Gotya. Gotya. Gotya. Gotya.
Gotya. Gotya. Gotya.
Gotya. - Shut up!
Shut up I say.
- What is going on?
Nothing they are...
intentionally calling me Gotya.
Look, I admit that we have
been calling him Gotya...
...since childhood.
But he is no longer the Gotya...
...who we used to
call Gotya in childhood.
He is a rich man now.
No one will call him Gotya now.
Gotya. Gotya. Gotya.
Gotya. Gotya. Gotya.
Gotya. Gotya. Gotya.
Who is it?
Who is saying that?
Ghost! Ghost! Ghost!
Sada, what happened?
- Ghost. Ghost. Ghost.
Kelkar, where are you going?
Sir, we will have to
take a definitive step.
We will have to call the BSF.
- Yes.
Will you call the army
to tackle the ghost?
BSF. Meaning Baba Sadanand Fakir.
You look that way and
I will look this way.
Why you...
- I am going.
lt's a thread.
I have an auspicious thread.
Saibaba around my neck.
I am not scared of ghosts.
Ghosts are not real.
Ghosts are real.
Sister, even the police.
We will have to see
an action replay.
Once more, sister.
Once more.
- Come on.
Aren't you that small timid girl?
Gotya's daughter.
- Gautam Bhosle.
Yes, him.
Now you have grown up
to scare people.
I was just... passing time.
- Passing time.
The villagers would have lost
their time forever because of you.
And what if someone had hit you?
So what was this?
You did hit me.
Come on, I will drop you home.
Come on.
Nandu, are you sure he comes
here everyday at this time.
But what do you want to do?
Apologize to Singham?
Sorry? I want to take revenge.
He slapped me on my left cheek.
Now I will give him a tight
slap on his right one. - What?
Slap a police official.
And that too Singham.
You will really
become a ghost after that.
So, Kelkar, these days... are coming to the
temple everyday as well.
Because there's Aarti (holy
offering), Archana (worship)..
..Puja (veneration) and
Shanti (peace) in the temple.
Sir, there are ghosts here.
I was thinking about you
the entire night. - What?
Oh no. I was
thinking the entire night...
...that I made a mistake.
I shouldn't have slapped a girl.
I am sorry.
If you want you can slap
me just like I slapped you.
- No, no. Not here.
I am respected here.
Inspector Bajirao Singham.
You can tell me the place and time.
I will be there with my cheek. Okay.
Sister, what was that grumpy saying?
He isn't grumpy. He is nice.
He was saying sorry.
- What?
Throw this at him.
He is leaving. Throw this at him.
Hit him, hit him.
- You are such a low-down person.
You want to hit a police
official from your own village.
That too Singham.
Me? It was you...
That is crazy.
Megha, we will reopen this case.
We will appoint an
investigation committee again.
This procedure takes a long time.
And even after that... is not guaranteed that
your husband gets a clean chit.
The police force is meant to
give justice to the public.
If you don't do justice
to your own officials...
...then how will the
people have faith in you?
I will try my best.
But we cannot deny the fact...
...that all evidence, all
charges in Rakesh Kadam's case...
...are against him.
Sir, you have said so much...
...then say it confidently.. husband was guilty.
Kavya, I used to bring
your grandma here...
...all the way to Shinoli
30 kilometers on a cycle...
...from our village to see a film.
- Wow!
I hope it doesn't
display too much weight...
...otherwise how
will I eat the popcorn.
But if it is less then you
can eat the cheese popcorn.
Give me a coin.
- Take off your sandal.
Then you will know the exact weight.
Take it off.
lt's a good start.
Then you can take your clothes off.
You will get the exact weight.
What did you say?
What did you say?
What did you say?
- Grandpa.
Didn't you hear?
Have you lost your
hearing with your age?
I asked her to take off her clothes.
I will... - What will you do?
What will you do?
You are living
beyond your time, old man.
Are you going to hit me?
Get lost.
- How dare you?
How did you dare to touch him?
- Like this.
If my villagers find
out about this...
...then they won't spare you.
I see.
Go tell them!
Go call your villagers!
She went to see a movie.
Some goons misbehaved with Kavya.
I told them that if
anyone messes around...
...with the girl from our village,
then the villagers won't spare him.
Has the movie ended?
- No, sir.
Five minutes are left.
Close the gate.
Stop. Stop.
No one will leave.
Stop. Stop here.
Hey, stop here.
We need to make an enquiry. Stop.
Someone misbehaved with this girl.
If you have the guts
then show yourseIf.
Come out.
But that is your problem.
Why are you bothering us?
When someone misbehaves
with your wife or sister...
...and you come
seeking help from the police.
And then if I say,
''That is your problem...
...why do you drag me in
this'' then how will you feel?
Stand quietly or you won't
be able to sit down again
Anyone can act tough
wearing a police uniform.
Anyone can be brave
with a gun in his hand.
If you have the guts then
let's see you without them.
Then I will show you who I am.
No. Don't hit me.
Don't hit me.
This Hari looks more
like a nerd than a milkman.
He broke my bike's
headlight with his cycle.
But, brother Singham, he
spilled his milk as well.
I will...
- Hari, Hari, Hari, Hari.
Stop. Stop, Hari. -
I'll cut him into pieces.
Don't be furious.
Balli is from our village.
And if you beat him,
the poor chap will die.
Now cool down, come on.
Do it.
I am cooling down
because Singham said so, Balli.
Otherwise I would have
killed you today, Balli.
You here?
You know, Singham, my
diamond necklace was stolen.
At home! Come to the police station!
What ''Come to the station''?
She is in trouble.
Take her to the police station.
But, mother...
- I said go.
Shall we?
Singham, someone has
stolen my purse.
Actually I had gone to the
market to buy something...
...and someone stole
my purse, Singham.
Your mobile has been stolen?
From your home?
Where did you see it last?
With Nandu.
What now?
Singham, someone
snatched my bangles this time.
Seems like you are the
thief's favorite customer.
How did he look?
Like him.
Fine, go home.
I will catch your thief today. Go.
- Bye.
- Go!
Sir, I didn't steal it.
Even I know...that no one stole it.
She inflicted the wound herseIf.
With some thorn or glass.
But why is she doing this?
The other day she said that
her mobile was stolen, isn't it?
Yes, but we couldn't find it.
Do you have the number?
- Yes.
Dial it.
The number you have
dialed isn't valid.
The number isn't valid.
That's the message.
If you like this song
then press star to copy it.
At one...
''Munni was defamed...
darling just for you.''
At two.
''Sheila. Sheila's youth.''
''I am too sexy for you...''
''You won't get me.''
Nandu, how is your mother?
Absolutely fine, brother Singham.
Where is Nandu?
He is inside.
What was that sound, Kelkar?
Seems like there is
someone here, Kelkar.
Seems like there is
someone behind the boxes, Kelkar.
Who could it be, Kelkar?
lt's a cat.
Come out. Come out.
Stealing a purse, mobile!
I didn't steal. I am not a thief.
No, brother Singham.
I haven't stolen anything.
- Grandma, look what Nandu has done.
Stealing in his own home...
- Enough is enough.
I am saying it to myseIf,
not to you.
Enough is enough!
Grandma, I asked Nandu
to hide those things.
Enough of excuses
and lies to meet you.
Enough is enough!
Kavya, what is this joke?
Why did you do this?
- Simple.
I love you.
Don't you have any shame?
In front of elders...
- Why?
ls it a crime in saying
it in front of the elders?
And I just said
what is in my heart.
Why are you surprised?
I didn't kiss you publicly.
Do I say it or not.
Do I say it now?
When should I say it?
It would have taken years.
Grandpa, when goons
misbehaved with me...
...then why did you call Singham?
Because even you know...
...that he is the only one
in the entire village...
...who can fight them for me.
lsn't it?
- Yes.
Grandma, if the would-be son-in-law...
...belongs to this
village then your son...
...will keep coming
home every month...
...and not once in five years.
Yes or no?
- Yes.
Mother, it is important to know
the boy's family background...
...before the wedding.
And you know his family in and out.
Yes, I do.
And I also know that they
have a wholesale business.
So the boy will also
bring lots of gifts. - Yes.
See, everyone has accepted.
Now you say yes as well.
After that I will talk
to your family.
How can I straightaway say yes?
- I see.
Now I get it.
You are having an affair
with Lakha's daughter Laxmi.
That Lakha...
Grandma, I don't have
an affair with anyone.
Then what is the problem?
Tell me. Tell me.
Anjali, explain to your sister.
lt's no good.
What do I explain to her?
She will never listen.
You know what happened once was...
- Quiet.
Kelkar, try to explain to her.
You should understand.
Say yes.
You are getting past your
marriageable age. - Nandu!
Why are you scolding him?
That means you refuse.
Fine, say no.
Say it.
Say it.
- Say it.
Say it.
- Say it.
- Yes, but- What?
Say that it's a no.
Say you don't love me.
Say it.
- Say it.
Tell grandma,
grandpa, tell me as well.
Say it, say it.
Why are you stammering?
Say it.
- Say it.
Oh no, then!
''Beloved. Beloved. ''
''What has my crazy heart done? ''
''Chosen you. Yes, you. ''
''My crazy heart has chosen you. ''
''The heart soars in the skies.
Amongst the clouds''
''Dancing to a new tune. ''
''The naughty heart is deceptive. ''
''The naughty heart fell for you. ''
''The naughty heart
doesn't listen to me anymore. ''
''The naughty heart is deceptive. ''
''The naughty heart fell for you. ''
''The naughty heart
doesn't listen to me. ''
''The heart likes you.
Everything you do. ''
''My only dream is to be with you. ''
''Spending the night with my
head placed on your shoulder. ''
''Spending the day
holding your hand. ''
''What has happened to me?
I have lost my heart. ''
''What has happened to me?
I have found a new world. ''
''The naughty heart
is very deceptive. ''
''The naughty heart fell for you. ''
''The naughty heart
doesn't listen to me. ''
''The naughty heart is deceptive. ''
''The naughty heart fell for you. ''
''The naughty heart
doesn't listen to me. ''
''Beloved. Beloved. ''
''What has my crazy heart done? ''
''Chosen you. Yes, you. ''
''My crazy heart has chosen you. ''
''The heart soars in the skies.
Amongst the clouds''
''Dancing to a new tune. ''
''The naughty heart is deceptive. ''
''The naughty heart fell for you. ''
''The naughty heart
doesn't listen to me anymore. ''
''The naughty heart is deceptive. ''
''The naughty heart fell for you. ''
''The naughty heart
doesn't listen to me. ''
Anjali, I forgot my mobile.
Go get it.
Oh my. I'll take Lord's blessings.
Are you leaving?
- No.
My luggage got bored
lying around the house.
So I thought why not air it.
You are traveling by car?
- No, by a helicopter.
I just need to attach a rotor.
When will you return?
I will be back in 15-20 years, why?
I wanted to say something.
- I what?
I love...Gotya.
- Gotya?
But I hate you.
I hate you.
Your father.
This village.
And I am not Gotya.
And...what did you say
to my daughter.
What did you say? - Father.
- I...
Yes, Tavde.
Send all the cycles
from the storehouse.
Send all of them.
Yes, where were we?
- Yes, and...
Yes, Tavde.
Look, I won't be bankrupt
if one cycle goes missing.
Send them all.
Yes, what were you saying?
I love...
- You.
Tavde, to hell with you.
To hell with my factory.
To hell with the
name of Gautam cycles.
Burn it!
Burn down the factory.
Burn down the storehouse.
- I love you.
Burn everything!
Kavya, don't you dare give a
reply to his ''I love you''.
He is the one who
gave a reply, father.
I said ''I love you'' to him.
Tavde, come here and set me on fire.
Burn it down.
He died too soon.
What are you doing here?
He was a nice man.
What happened wasn't nice.
- Get lost from here.
Go away.
- You were supposed to die.
But he did instead.
And all because of you.
I asked him to vacate the place.
But the rascal
refused and threw me out.
And he got so sentimental...
...that he started
speaking like a madman.
My wife Shanti's memories rest here.
My son Pappu grew in this house.
Look, look, Pappu has passed away.
Stop your nonsense, Jaikant.
I know everything.
You killed my son. You killed him.
- Wrong.
Pappu was on a scooter
and a truck ran over him.
I admit that it was my truck.
But an accident is an accident.
Why do you always make me a target?
You said no. You put up a scene.
And now you are accusing me.
You are the murderer.
I am just the medium. The medium.
Old man.
Do anything but don't
hurt Jaikant Shikre's ego.
Sign on the papers and...
...handover the
possession of the house to me.
Otherwise you have a big family...
...and my truck is waiting outside.
One funeral after the other.
One funeral after
another will continue.
I have lost my mind.
- What now?
One vote less!
Jaikant, your arrest warrant...
Won't be issued now.
We are coming directly
from the court.
You have been granted bail
in the Dutta murder case.
I had to.
That's an old case,
three years ago.
And I was the third accused.
But, sir, you have been
granted conditional bail.
You will have to go to
Shivgad police station...
...for 15 days and sign. That's all.
What? Where is it?
lt's a small village near
the Maharashtra Goa border.
So I will have to go to Shivgad?
You don't need to go to Shivgad.
Vittal Dharvi who
looks after our docks...
...will come in handy now.
Who are they?
Conditional bail, sir.
For signing.
They are from Goa.
Call them.
Hey, wait.
- Jaikant Shikre.
Father's name.
What happened?
Didn't your mother ever
tell you your father's name?
Sir, we are Vitthal Dalvi's men.
Jaikant can't come
here so we came here.
I was at the docks on the rocks.
I was slightly busy.
There is lot of work.
That's why I sent my men.
Otherwise I..
- Where is Jaikant Shikre?
Goa, sir.
We need to sign for 15 days,
isn't it?
We will do that.
And this..
Extra-income, token, good luck.
Consider it anything you want.
lt's 10 o'clock.
I want Jaikant here
before 2 o'clock.
And I won't take any excuses that..
..he is ill, someone died in
his family, the car broke down..
..or the road is too bad.
I want Jaikant here in four hours..
..even if the entire India is closed.
Otherwise a warrant will
be issued in his name..
..and that dog will be in jail.
What's going on.
- I don't no.
Where is he?
Where is that inspector?
- Sir has gone for his rounds.
Call him.
Tell him Jaikant Shikre is waiting.
Tell him.
Let him come back.
Sir, Bajirao Singham.
Jaikant Shikre.
Why is it so crowded here?
He is no hero here for autographs.
He is a criminal here to sign.
Hey! Hey!
Don't you know me?
My power.
I do.
You are a murderer.
I have read your file.
And saw your power as well.
You came running here in
four hours like a dog.
Show me your lD.
I am losing my mind!
Tell him, Shiva.
Vitthal, explain to him.
He doesn't know who he
is picking a fight with.
lt will become
difficult for you to live.
I swear it.
I am Jaikant Shikre.
- What happened, brother Singham?
Any problem? - lt is nothing,
please everyone go out.
Let us know if
anything is wrong, Singham.
Axes, daggers, pickaxe.
We have brought truckload of weapons.
Everyone please go out.
Kelkar, take Gundya out.
He is just an ordinary goon.
Who did he call ordinary?
You are very arrogant
about your post, isn't it?
I can get you fired from
this post, and right now.
I can make you feel
like a worm, right now.
I will rearrange the
interior of this place that.. will look more like a
morgue and not a police station.
Why you..
- Move..
Stop. What's going on?
You dare threaten our
Singham in our village.
Balli, what are you doing?
He won't leave from here alive.
But what are you all doing?
- Inspector.
Stop this charade.
Trying to scare me by
collecting your people.
You dog! Your mother..
No, Sada.
These people have gone mad.
They can do anything.
Let's leave from here first.
Brother Singham, you can arrest me.
But I want to pierce his chest..
..just like I pierced his car.
Anyone dare to touch Singham..
..I will cut his hands.
- Aunty!
We won't allow garbage
from outside in Shivgad.
Did you hear?
Did you see?
Did you understand?
What the entire village did
when you raised your voice.
Just imagine what they will do
to you when I raise my voice.
Right now.
What did you think?
He is just as ordinary inspector.
He will be scared of us.
You are the one that has
wet his pants, right now.
If you touch me then they will
cut you to pieces. Right now.
This is my village and I
this village's, Jaikant Shikre.
Kelkar, bring the file.
Come and sign here for the
next 14 days like a coward.
Otherwise.. I will lose my mind.
Get the car.
Brother, sit in the car.
Jaikant sir, please forgive me.
I didn't know he will do this.
I didn't know, sir.
Please, I beg you.
Jaikant sir, it is too hot.
Please sit in the car.
Why is this glass still intact?
I have found out, brother.
What is the connection?
There is no connection.
He has been posted here
only because of his merit.
And he is the favorite
of his village.
If I solve that, there'll
be a problem here. Got it?
Nonsense, disconnect the call.
Come, come. - Greetings. - Come.
Take a seat.
What a sweet child.
What do you want?
Do you want Bournvita or Chocolate.
Yes, madam.
You gave us an appointment
from your busy schedule..
What are you saying?
Phadnis and Abbas told me
that you are in trouble..
..and you want to meet me.
I said very good.
Nonsense. And anyway what else
we do sitting on this chair.
We serve the people.
Tell me.. how can I help you?
Sir, I want you to
reopen my husband..
..Inspector Rakesh Kadam's file.
Order a CBI inquiry.
CBI inquiry?
Madam, I feel you are gravely
shocked by your husband's death.
This is a open and shut case.
There cannot be an inquiry about it.
lt only accumulates dust.
I suggest that you go home now.
Call some priest.
Do some prayers.
And apologize for the sins
your husband has committed.
You and I both know who
needs to conduct prayers.
Phadnis, you are a public servant.
Waste of time! Nonsense!
You saw a helpless woman and
you thought of helping her?
Hey, Abbas..
If you want to help her so
desperately, resign your job..
And go and adopt that child
and sit in that lady's lap.
Don't waste my time here.
If you bring her here again...
What is wrong, father?
Why is everyone so quiet?
Your transfer orders
have arrived four days ago.
Oh this.
Son, you didn't even inform us.
Mother, why do I tell you about the
letter that doesn't mean anything?
I didn't understand.
Father, I have been
transferred to Goa.
How can I leave my family?
And you know very well
that not just you two..
..but the entire Shivgad
is my family.
You have already decided, son.
You should have also thought that..
..when you make your family,
your people, your village..
..proud in the big city then
your father will proudly say..
''Inspector Bajirao
Singham is from our village''.
''Our village. ''
Kavya, I have news for you.
I have been transferred to Goa city.
- Really?
Wow, Singham! That is wonderful news.
You are coming to Goa.
But I want to see your Gotya's
face while giving this news.
Your Gotya will be completely shaken.
- Don't say that.
Actually to be honest.
Even I want to see Gotya's..
Papa's reaction.
He will be..
lt was Singham, wasn't it?
- Yes.
He has been
transferred here, isn't it?
He was talking about me, isn't it?
Actually he was asking about you.
What was he asking?
How is papa?
- He must not have said papa.
He must have said
something else. What did he say?
He said papa.
- Be honest.
He said Gotya.
I knew it.
Now he will insult me in Goa as well.
- Papa!
Erase his name from your life,
your mobile right now.
Erase it.
They are all partners in crime.
Erase it.
I know it.
Everyone's mixed up in it.
I'll see them.
What? - Mother, Singham's
been transferred to Goa.
Inspector, Goa Police.
No, I won't let you go. Not at all.
- Sir, I only have this much now.
Try to understand.
Let's understand each other. - Yes.
What is this?
One note.
One note can only run the country.
But not my home.
Give me another one.
I see, it's a fake note.
Where did you get
this fake note from?
How many such notes do you have?
That is okay.
I will deposit it and
give you a receipt. - Yes.
I know the DSP..
..but still you
bring me here every time.
Come on, finish it now.
Let us go, sir.
We just send the money to the DSP.
Tell us what you want?
Just tell us and
get over with this.
We want to go.
Its business time, sir.
Acting smart.
- What smart, sir?
We just sent the money recently.
Just tell us what you want.
Welcome, sir.
Sub-inspector Phadnis, sir.
Sub-inspector Abbas. - Sir.
Head Constable Salunkhe, sir.
And they are all the
constables on duty, sir.
The control room is on this side.
And your cabin this way.
From Peter's road to Old Goa
the entire area is under us, sir.
This is your chair, sir.
In all there are
three beat stations, sir.
In our area.
Shall I order for tea, sir?
Okay, sir.
Shocked. Shocked. Shocked.
What is it?
You got a 440 volt shock
after 300 kilometers away.
What did you think?
Your transfer was normal?
You came here at my will.
You have come in
Jaikant Shikre's area.
Welcome to Goa, Singham.
What is his village's name?
Tell me where it is?
You called me to a village..
..which doesn't exist on Goa's map.
That is why I called you here.
The ministers and
police follow my order here.
This is my system.
Before this, another inspector
was acting too smart here.
Right on this chair,
in this uniform.
Right on this chair,
he shot himseIf.
You will die similarly.
You thrashed me real bad,
thanks to this very khaki uniform..
I swear on your khaki uniform..
I will annihilate you.
Not easily. But gradually.
You can do anything, Singham..
..but never hurt
Jaikant Shikre's ego.
Now you will die a
thousand deaths before you die.
Now it's your turn.
Sir, the police
doesn't have any evidence..
..against Jaikant Shikre.
Because he brings people
from Karnataka border..
..and runs all his illegal business.
Jaikant's hotel
business is just a cover-up.
He runs kidnapping, extortion and
illegal construction businesses.
That's why inspector Rakesh
Kadam wanted to expose him.
But Jaikant used his power..
..and got him accused
for corruption.
He started torturing him mentally.
His own department
didn't help him either.
He was absolutely alone.
So alone that..he killed himseIf.
Sir, right on this chair..
Sir, this wasn't a suicide.
lt was a murder.
Sir, I am certain that inspector
Kadam was not a corrupt officer.
Even you know Jaikant Shikre..
Until today the law
hasn't found single evidence..
..against Jaikant Shikre.
And the anti-corruption department..
..caught inspector Kadam
red-handed with the money.
Our law acts on evidence.
Without evidence the police
department cannot do anything.
We have to do our duty.
But not against the law.
According to the law.
Singham. I have set
your kitchen stuff.
The supermarket is right
in the front.
If you need anything
then go get it from there.
And tomorrow the newspaper man,
cable-man, electrician..
..everyone is coming.
So please don't forget.
- Kavya.
If it wasn't you.. then
there would've been someone else.
Get used to this darkness.
Because from today your
life will be in darkness.
Welcome to Goa, Singham.
Who was it?
The phone from which
you received the call..
..was stolen from Madgaon
market yesterday afternoon.
Here is a fax of its report.
The phone is on
switch-off mode since last night.
That's why we couldn't track it.
Minister Narvekar has
chosen Jaikant Shikre.. his main
candidate for the elections.
Jaikant Shikre will contest the
elections from the Rai Nagar area.
Sir, there's a murder in
progress in VTS colony.
Come quickly, sir. Come quickly.
What happened, sir?
- Murder. That's the film going on.
We are watching it.
Someone played a prank on you, sir.
''My luscious lips.''
''Your craving heart.''
Welcome to Goa, Singham.
What happened, Singham?
All the lines in your route are busy.
Actually the traffic and
the routes here belong to me.
Because this is my city.
Welcome to Goa, Singham.
Long live..
- Narvekar!
Long live..
- Narvekar!
Long live..
- Narvekar!
Long live..
- Narvekar!
Long live..
- Narvekar!
What happened, Singham?
This same hand
grabbed my thumb that day.
Today this hand is saluting me.
I cannot say ''Give
me this hand, Thakur''.
Because you will have to
shoot yourseIf tomorrow..
..with the same hand.
Welcome to Goa, Singham.
I have been selected
for the Goa election.
I have taken my first step.
Now simply keep walking ahead.
Get rid of the opposition.
He will surely win.
- Jaikant Shikre will win.
He will surely win.
- Jaikant Shikre will win.
Sorry, Kayva, I just
saw your missed call.
lt's been a week, I haven't met you.
What can I do?
I have been posted
on day and night duty.
And the time that I get in between..
..the DSP hands me cases to solves.
Cycle theft. Electric meter theft.
Arresting street gamblers.
Move this. Let us go.
I will call you back.
Don't you see there
is checking going on?
To hell with your checking.
Move the barricade.
Whose car do you think this is?
Whose street do you think this is?
Everything here belongs to us.
We are Jaikant Shikre's men.
Why the..
- Move it.
Move it.
Drinking and driving.
Abused on-duty inspector.
Didn't cooperate with the police.
Charge them.
Singham, I can press
charges against you.
You didn't cooperate
with the citizens.
Public harassment and violence.
You took undue
advantage of your uniform.
Don't lodge any case.
And no charges will be
pressed against them.
Let them go. These are my orders.
But, sir..
- Shut up.
I am your senior. Will you
teach me, Bajirao Singham?
Come on.
This is routine here.
Whether there's a
system in politics or not..
..but there is surely
politics in the system.
The police didn't support Kadam.
The DSP didn't support you.
So you want me to support you.
What is your name?
- Sir, Bajirao Singham.
Bajirao, this is not
about your duty and justice.
lt's about guts and foolishness.
Thinking about walking
barefooted on fire is guts, no doubt.
But actually walking
on it is foolishness.
If you try to harm him,
you will be ruined.
But, sir, give me one chance.
Your support.
- What support?
Do I look like a fool who
is trying to explain you?
Have you lost your mind?
Who do you think Shikre is?
You think he is a
tea-vendor of your village..
..who sells liquor instead of tea..
..and you can just
arrest him and lock him up.
His monthly income can
fund you and your village..
..for an entire year.
His network is very strong.
The police is with him.
The public is with him.
I suggest sprinkle
this water on your face..
..and come to your senses.
Do your duty and don't finger him.
Shirodkar, I was saying.
This time only billboards
won't work..
Why are you standing here?
What are you staring at?
Am I reciting the Ramayana here?
You want a medal. Get lost.
Think about it once again, Singham.
ls your decision to resign
and return to Shivgad right?
If I stay, then I won't
be able to stop myseIf.
I don't know what I will do.
Kavya, let him go.
Otherwise he will
get the same threats.
The same torture.
And in the end..
- Fine. Leave.
But can I ask you something.
What will you say to your
villagers after you return?
That I accepted defeat and returned.
Singham, the other day
when you were fighting..
..with the goons for me
I felt that no matter what..
..but he won't let
anything wrong happen.
And today if my father
asks me who I want to marry..
..then what will I say?
One who is running away
instead of facing his problems.
I am not running away, Kavya.
I am not running away.
I was born in a respected family.
Was raised in a holy place.
Lived amongst good people.
I did my duty amongst people
that respect the law and justice.
There is no law here nor
does anyone respect justice.
lt's a swamp. Complete swamp.
If I hurl a stone in it
then I will get dirty.
Bajirao, you're looking tense.
Will you like to
have one? lt's chilled.
Come on.
Uncle. If you go then
they will hurt mummy too.
Are you scared of them?
- Yes.
'You will die a thousand deaths.'
'Welcome to Goa, Singham.'
'He will surely win!'
'Shut up. I am your senior.'
'And you teach me? Bajirao Singham.'
'Do your duty and don't finger us.'
'Before you another
inspector before you tried his best.
'He killed himseIf.'
What's wrong? Hurry up.
What is happening? Start it quickly.
He will kill us..
Brother, don't get tense.
I will handle it.
Don't be tense.
Listen to me.
Listen. I will handle it.
I will deal with the matter, okay.
Don't be tense.
Write the case.
Disruption of public property.
Threatened to kill a police officer.
And also attacked him.
Now I will show them.
What happened?
- Nothing, nothing.
Write, write!
Why, do you have a problem?
- Problem?
What is the point in
registering this case, sir?
Do you know whose men they are?
Jaikant Shikre.
- I know.
The same Jaikant Shikre
who killed inspector Kadam.
And police officers like you..
..who forget your
conscience and serve him. - Sir.
Don't force me, it is easy to say.
What did you do the other day?
You let the goons go because of
the DSP. - Be quiet, Savalkar.
I am not scared of anyone.
I am not scared of anyone.
I have heard such
lectures many times.. my years of service.
I came here as an angry young man.
But these seniors turned
me into Gandhiji's monkey.
Don't see, don't hear, don't speak.
What do you care?
You want to fight everyone.
Fight them. Kill them.
You will get over your
honesty in two days.
No one will support you. No one.
Okay, this constable
Savalkar will support you.
There are just six
months left for my retirement.
I will support you for 180 days.
I will see what you can do.
This case..
I wish you had done your
duty just as well as you speak.
Bajirao Singham.
You arrested my men.
Jaikant's furious.
You are furious. So I came
here to calm down the matter.
And.. Oh my.
Shall I sit on the chair?
Otherwise you might kick
the chair later and say..
''Until I ask you to sit,
stand silently.''
''This is a police station
and not your father's house.''
Phadnis, am I right?
Order for tea. With ginger.
So, Singham.
Let them go.
I have lodged a case.
- Then tear it.
lt's a government record.
lt's illegal to tear it.
I will get four new books for you.
Tear it.
Don't think too much.
I mean it seriously, tear it.
That's exactly what
I was explaining to you.
This useless anger..
- Why did you tear the case?
Why did you tear the case?
Why did you tear the case?
Singham, do you know who I am?
Who is Jaikant?
- Tell me.
Tell me who you are.
- Sir, tea.
Do you know who he is?
He is Chotu.
He serves tea, works hard
and honestly and earns money.
Who are you?
A criminal born out of corruption.
What is your stature?
Tell me.
Tell me.
Now I will show you your stature.
He planted money in Kadam's jeep.
Now we will plant
liquor barrels in his jeep.
Make a smuggling case.
Call the media.
Singham, what is going on?
Have you lost your mind?
First you charged him for liquor.
Then for violence.
Then you tore up the
case report yourseIf..
..and locked him up.
What is going on?
You don't own this place.
Sir. Shiva Naik tore
the case report himseIf.
Yes, sir. I saw it too.
Yes, sir. I saw it too.
I see.
So you all think you are too smart.
Fine. Shiva Naik
tore up the case report.
Yet I order you to
release him right now.
Give me in writing.
Then I will think about it.
Do you know who you are talking to?
I am your senior..
- Quiet.
I know who I am talking to.
To an officer that comes
down to bail the goons out.
Our duty is to
apprehend the criminals.
For that you don't
need power or posting.
You just need guts.
You are talking to the
DSP of this zone. The DSP.
And you are talking
to Bajirao Singham.
And he has the courage and
strength to be just with the right..
..and wrong with the wrong.
- What?
Will you dismiss me?
Suspend me? Go ahead.
These things might
make a difference to you.
lt doesn't make a difference to me.
I will go back to my village,
work hard..
..and fuIfill my needs.
My needs are less that is
why my conscience is strong.
Shut up!
You are an ordinary inspector from a
small village.. - City or village.
The government gives
us similar uniforms.
lt bears the emblem of a lion.
But mine is here, on my chest.
You dare argue with your senior.
With your senior.
- No.
I am arguing with a public servant..
..who is the criminal
Jaikant Shikre's servant.
Don't forget that
I control 10 police stations and..
And I control only
this police station.
Anyone who interferes
in my matters..
..I will break his legs and
make him beg on the streets.
I swear.
What is all this?
Get back to your homes.
Move back.
Move back.
Sawant, where are you. Get the car.
Just a minute. I will be right back.
Just a minute.
You have become great.
You are now more
famous than superstars.
You have become really big.
What happened?
I came here all alone
in front of you.
Come on, touch me.
Touch me.
Touch me.
What is this?
You think you are a hero
after arresting some of my men.
You have seen lions on television,
movies, circus.
You never saw a lion
roaming in a jungle.
You never saw him hunt.
When the lion attacks
his enemy falls flat.
This is a villager's hand, Jaikant.
lt has been strengthened
by ploughing the fields.
They never begged before
anyone and never will.
You are so arrogant because
of this uniform, isn't it?
10 minutes. I can
dismiss you in 10 minutes.
Then do it.
Get me dismissed.
That is exactly what I want.
That Jaikant Shikre
dismissed a police inspector.
Jaikant Shikre was
scared of a police officer.
Jaikant Shikre lost to an inspector.
I swear.
You might have seen three
lions on the police cap.
The fourth one is right here.
If you awaken will pay for it.
Now I have lost it.
Jaikant Shikre.
Now it's your turn.
''The heart races.''
''The body trembles.''
''When you know he's coming.''
''No hesitation.''
''No deviation.''
''Just destruction.''
''He never spares the bad.''
''Embraces the good.''
''He is unequalled.''
''He is very strong.''
''Singham is a destroyer of evil.''
''The heart races.''
''The body trembles.''
''When you know he's coming.''
Calm down.
The elections are near.
The elections. Brother,
please disconnect the call.
I want to solve your problems.
Politicians will only try
to make themselves famous.
But who will solve the
electricity problem in the suburbs?
And foreign tourists.
Due to them, Goa's revenue is high..
..who will give them safety?
And if I don't fuIfill my duty..
..then you can burn my
effigy in any lane I pass through.
He speaks so well, isn't it?
And the water where
there are no taps..
I mean the taps that
still don't have water.. can lay my coffin there.
And those who..
And whosever's
demands are not fuIfilled..
..then I will give my
Jai Hind.
Jai Hind.
I am done, done, I am done.
I mean, ladies and gentlemen..
Our leader is a little bit a..
What is this?
Trying to scare me.
You cannot do anything.
I got Shiva out on bail.
Could you do anything?
There is no reason
to be scared of him.
Get the car. No need
to be scared of him.
Check the car trunks.
These days there are
bombs planted in the trunks.
Open the boot. Open the boot.
What happened?
Open it.
What happened? There is nothing.
Get the car.
Sir, can I say something?
Challenging him openly in his house..
..and scaring him in the rally.
How will that help, sir?
When you step on a
snake he writhes around..
..and makes a mistake.
I see.
I didn't know.
There are no snakes in my house.
Only lizards.
Yes, there are no snakes in my house.
But he is a snake!
It's written in the Bhagavad Gita.
That arrogant people die
due to their arrogance.
He will surely make a
mistake in his arrogance.
Then I will show him.
The one who has the
guts is Bajirao Singham.
Where are you?
- ECR road.
Barricade. High alert.
And you?
I am going to the temple
with the entire family.
- I knew you will forget.
Today is my birthday, Singham.
I didn't forget..
I just didn't remember.
Happy birthday, Kavya.
Not this way.
You will have to come
home in the evening..
..and wish me after cutting the cake.
But your Gotya will be there.
You are such a brave
officer and scared of Gotya.
I see. Aren't you scared?
If you are brave then
come here with Gotya.
Challenging me?
Sir, just a minute.
Just a minute, I will call you later.
- Okay.
Kavya, let's go.
- Yes.
- Yes.
There will be traffic on Mount Rd.
Let's take the ECR road.
We will get to the temple quickly.
Very good, very good.
RC book and license please.
Yes, Kavya. - Singham, you look
dashing in black shirt and jeans.
See, I met your challenge.
Now it's your turn.
My home in the evening, birthday.
Better be there.
- Okay.
Sir, he has the RC
book but no license.
Let him go, I know them.
- No, no. No way.
You want the license, don't you?
I will just get it sent
Kavya, give me the phone.
- One minute.
Hello, Singham, how are you?
- Fine, aunty.
Do come see us when
your family comes here?
Who are you talking to?
- To relatives.
I am sweating in this heat..
..and you are talking to
your relatives in this AC.
You come inside as well.
Come and talk to them.
Hello! What happened?
Okay. Send it.
So long to bring the license.
- Sorry, sir.
I don want anyone's favor.
I have given them my license.
Let them go.
Kavya, where is Anjali?
She has gone to the
mall to get a gift for me.
She will be back soon, mother.
What is it, Singham?
I have met my challenge.
Won't you fuIfill your challenge?
- I will.
But you are looking
great in that purple dress.
Son. You here?
Nice of you to come.
- Hello.
Who are you here to see?
- You.
Why me?
I cannot say it like this.
lt's the question of your respect.
How do you drive the car?
Do you know it has expired?
Oh no, did you bump
someone with the car?
No, no, his license
expired three months ago.
There is a penalty for that.
6 months and Rs.5000 fine.
What? - Thankfully you
are from my village.
Come to the RTO office
with the license on Monday.
And a passport size
photo with a smile.
How nice of Singham,
isn't it, father?
Son, now that you are here,
cut the cake with us.
Anjali will be here soon.
And Gotya won't say anything either.
No one will say anything.
Come, come.
Yes, Tavde.
- No Tavde. Terror.
And I have a mother but no daughter.
That's why I kidnapped
your daughter Anjali. - What?
My man called you so
many times for money.
What did you think?
Someone's selling you..
..three nights and four days
holiday package on the phone?
Anjali is with you?
Yes I have captured her.
And I know your next
dialogue as well.
Give the phone to my daughter.
I want to hear her voice.
''Papa, these people
are very dangerous.''
''They will kill me.''
And you will say,
don't harm my daughter.
I will give you the money.
Then get it.
Deliver the money to
Centre One Mall's parking area..
..and take your daughter.
And listen..don't inform your
other daughter's boyfriend Singham.
Inform him after the deal is done.
You are ruined, Gotya.
Hello, hello.
What happened?
- Nothing.
Whose call was it?
Where is Anjali?
Nothing is wrong with Anjali.
I will be right back.
What is wrong with Anjali?
- Where are you going?
What happened?
- I said nothing is wrong.
- I don't want the police's help.
I will be right back.
Until you don't tell me,
I won't let you go..
..nor will I leave.
Don't worry.
Anjali will come back to you.
And the police will
take action after that.
Sir, Mr. Gautam.
We are coming. Open the car's boot.
No one got down from it.
lt's their car.
Sir, the bag has been collected.
The money isn't important.
The girl's safety is.
Sir, shall we go?
Let the girl reach the car first.
- Dear.
Trying to fool the police.
I will..
Jadoo from 'Koi Mil Gaya'.
Which language are you speaking in?
Sir, it's Tulu language
from Karnataka. I know it.
You ask for milk and
not money to do this job.
He means money.
They do this job for money.
All the instructions
are given on phone.
They just do their job and leave.
Hail Lord Ganesha.
Sir, if he speaks
like this in the court..
..then the judge will
file a case against us.
Find out is he telling the truth.
Hello, inspector Hegde?
Raghu Kotian.
Address: 32, North Angle.
Does Raghu Kotiyan live here?
Yes he does.
Sir, information correct.
He is right, sir.
He is speaking Tulu
because he is from Yellapur.
What to do, sir?
We got the girl, but lost the money.
And, sir, this man is of no use.
No matter where you
release a pet dog..
..he always returns home.
I see.
I don't know.
Because I don't have a dog.
But he is a dog.
And to send this dog
back home to his owner..
I will have to use
the ways of my village
Brother. Brother.
Sir, sir.
Jail-break. Escape.
Did you tell anyone anything?
- No, sir.
Yes, Shiva.
Raghu has escaped from
jail and come to us.
He hasn't said anything..
O God!
Jaikant Shikre.
Raghu's statement would
have led me only to Shiva.
But the statement
that he works for you..
..will help Bajirao Singham
tighten the noose around you.
Very well done.
That's called doing your duty.
You are not just good..
but the goodest.
And you, Bajirao.
You have become more famous..
..than Goa's fenny, Goa's cashews.
Without support, you
have done such good work..
..that I am ready to support you.
From today I make you
our police department's.. chief.
Now train the new recruits.
These petty cases like kidnapping,
..will be handled by DSP Patkar.
Why don't you directly say that.. want to remove me from
this case and save Jaikant?
What are you saying?
Do you know who Jaikant is?
Do you know who he is?
He is an elephant.
You are not even an
ant compared to him.
Not even an ant.
When an ant enters
the elephant's ears..
..then it can make him dance.
How will you do it?
How will you do it?
How many times have
I explained to you..
..that you don't have any
evidence against Jaikant?
What evidence do you have?
Tell me. What do you have?
What evidence does your father have..
..that you are his son?
If there's no evidence, then
every culprit is innocent?
He is hitting me!
If there's no evidence, then
we are the minister's slave?
You hit me?
You hit me, the minister?
What evidence do you have?
- Them.
They saw it.
You saw what he did.
What happened, sir?
- Singham hit me.
Why are you joking, sir?
Singham sir is standing
in his place.
He didn't even touch you.
You are all lying.
You are all in this together.
Just because you are
Bajirao doesn't mean anything.
You think you are a brave Maratha..
..just because your name is Bajirao.
But I will show you
the power of my chair.
I will show all of you
the power of this chair.
You brag a lot about
your chair, don't you?
This time we will hit you
in a place..
..where you will remember us
each time you sit in a chair.
- The lion's paw.
What the..
Come on.
I have six months to retirement.
Can I hit once as well?
Go ahead.
Singham, come home quickly.
Why? What happened?
I cannot say it on the phone.
Just come fast.
Singham, come inside.
You are not going to
believe what happened.
No. It's alright.
What happened?
Gautam called us all here.
To talk about your marriage.
Not Gautam, Manya. Gotya.
I couldn't understand as Gautam.
But today, as Gotya,
I understood one thing.
People in the city
are reduced to dirt.
But every person close
to his village soil..
..stays linked to
his culture and values.
That's why I called Manya.
Because there can't be
anyone better for Kavya..
But Kavya doesn't look
happy with this relation.
No, father, I was always ready.
''The earth and the sky
exist because of our love.''
''Night turns to day
because of our love.''
''lt's raining happiness.''
''All my dreams
fuIfilled because of our love.''
''You are my God,
don't ever leave me.''
''Bless me with this grace
and bring peace to my heart.''
''O, Lord. I am grateful to You''
''My love has appeared before me.''
''O, Lord. I am grateful to You.''
''My love has appeared before me.''
''I bow to you in reverence.''
''I will lose myseIf in your arms.''
''You are my sun and shade,
my destiny.''
''I am no longer scared as
now that you are with me.''
''Now all your sorrows are mine.''
''All my joys are yours.''
''You are my love,
don't ever leave me.''
''Bless me with this
grace and gratify my heart.''
''Oh, Lord. I am
grateful to You, Lord.''
''My love is before me.''
''Oh, Lord. I am
grateful to You, Lord.''
''My love has appeared before me.''
What is this?
- These are Jaikant's party workers.
He has won the election.
He is inside. He wants to meet you.
Come in, inspector.
I won in the election.
The party is celebrating.
Party time.
Yet I had some
important work with you.
I had to handover a few
important papers..personally.
Shikre courier service.
Transfer orders.
In 24 hours, you will be transferred
from this police station.
What will you say when
you go to Shivgad now?
Jaikant got me
transferred out of fear.
You will have to travel 300
kilometers to give this news.
And these days,
traveling by road isn't safe.
Hit and run. Accidents.
Where will you be
before delivering this news?
Who knows?
You gave me a look?
Wounded lion.
Go ahead.
There are just 1400
tigers left in India.
You can be one for a day as well.
But remember one thing.
If you are Bajirao Singham
the lion..
..then I am Jaikant Shikre
the hunter.
How a minister hunts
down a police officer.
Have a look.
Jaikant the hunter.
Sir, Shiva has given a statement..
..that he used to run
all the illegal businesses.
Now Jaikant..
- No one can touch him.
Open the lockup.
Yes sir.
O God!
You run the racket?
You will save Jaikant?
Hit me.
How long can you hit me?
You have only 24 hours.
You cannot do anything.
Hit me.
You are hitting me but
you are feeling the pain.
You humiliated me in
this police station.. front of a tea-vendor.
But what stature do the police have?
Hit me.
Hit me.
O God!
You knew Jaikant Shikre is a goon.
What could you do?
He joined politics.
Won the elections.
What could you do?
Look, Singham.
Today a goon handed
you your transfer order.. the police station.
What did you do?
Tomorrow Jaikant will swear-in..
..and then you will
salute him like this.
That is your stature.
And the minister
Jaikant will make a call.
And you will set me free in two days.
Hey, I forgot it.
But you got transferred, Singham.
Hit me.
Hit me.
This is what
policemen can do, Singham.
Hit me.
Shiva is right, sir.
What stature do we have?
We protect the city day and night.
But our salary is less
than a corporate sweeper's.
We live in homes the size
of people's kitchens, sir.
That is our stature.
That is our stature.
People celebrate.
After 'Holi' comes 'Janmashtami'.
After 'Ramzan' comes 'Navratri'.
After 'Eid' comes 'Diwali'.
But the duty of a police
officer is never over.
We never get a
holiday on any festival.
Just stand guard.
Stand guard as security.
We don't have the right
to celebrate any festival.
Because police
officials don't have a stature.
We don't realize when
our children grow up.
Try to save others during riots.
But you don't know whether
your family is alive or not.
And then a police
officer like you comes along.
He tries to shake the entire system..
..but what
difference did it make, sir?
What good did it do?
Honest police officers only
get transfer orders for rewards.
And people like inspector Kadam..
..don't get rewards.
Instead, they get a bullet
from a powerful man like Jaikant.
One bullet.
lt's of no use, sir.
No use.
Go, sir. Go back to your village.
It's of no use here.
Hello, uncle!
- Hello, dear! How are you?
That petty goon Shiva tells me..
..that we police
officers don't have any stature.
Why is that, sir?
That Jaikant hands me
my transfer orders..
..and I cannot do anything.
Why is that, sir?
Why did Rakesh Kadam kill himseIf?
They still didn't get an answer.
Why is that, sir?
Hey, Singham.
What is it?
You know that Kadam was
accused of corruption.
What could we do?
What else can officers like you do?
Goons like Jaikant and
politicians like Narvekar..
He has gone mad, sir.
Just because he received his
transfer orders, he is frustrated.
Singham. We police
officers have to do our duty..
..restrained by certain limits.
No matter how many
questions you raise.
But we have to answer our superiors.
But maybe you have forgotten that.
You have forgotten that..
..there is a lion's
emblem on our cap.
And it's not given to any politician,
even the chief minister.
lt's not given to the country's
prime minister or the President.
Only we are bestowed with it.
Because people believe
that we will protect them.
It's not that I didn't try.
I tried to change many things.
But the system
controls the department..
..the department
doesn't control the system.
You think this system is right?
I am wrong,
inspector Kadam was wrong.
But you are the DGP of this city.
Look into this boy's eyes and
say that his father was wrong.
You. Look into your wife's eyes..
..and say that Jaikant is
a decent and honest man.
And you look into
your children's eyes..
..and say that I am wrong.
Mrs. Patkar, look
into my eyes and say..
..that your husband is right.
You talk about the system.
If we want, then no
one can even steal..
..slippers from the temple.
Sir, there are some officers here..
..who are doing their duty honestly.
But our own department is
trying to hunt them down.
Knowing what is wrong
doesn't make a difference.
What makes a
difference is making it right.
I have 11 hours left for my transfer.
I am going to fight
against Jaikant..alone.
You..can stand here
with your eyes lowered.
But I will surely
return to my village..
..and look into my
father's eyes and say..
..that I did a man's job.
And alone.
Kavya, you don't understand.
Leave me and go away.
After what I am going to do.. own department will kill me.
I stopped you from
leaving the other day.
So how can I leave you now?
We three have decided
to resign from our jobs.
Sir, we never did our duty as
long as we were police officers.
Today we no longer have our jobs..
..but we want to do a
policeman's job with you today.
Sir, whether anyone
supports you or not.
But we will surely support you.
I looked into the eyes of that
five year old boy's eyes and said..
..that his father was right
and Jaikant Shikre was wrong.
I, Vikram Pawar, as
the DGP of this city..
..will ensure justice
to inspector Kadam..
..and punishment for Jaikant.
For the next 24 hours..
..the police department won't
work for any VlP, politician..
..or bureaucrat.
The department will do
what it feels is right.
I swear, Jaikant
won't swear-in tomorrow.
Hail Jaikant Shikre.
How did you come in?
What are you doing at this hour?
What do you mean at this hour?
That madman Singham is
planning to kill you.
So let him come.
What do you mean ''Let him come''?
That's not how its done, Jaikant.
If anything goes wrong
before the swear-in.
Oh, God.
News, media, public everyone..
I suggest that you come with me.
I will take you to a very safe place.
Come, come with me.
Don't think. Come on.
Let's go.
Where do we have to go?
DSP. Have you lost your mind?
So many police
officials for one Singham.
Singham is coming to kill Jaikant..
..and not Rajnikant the superstar.
DGP sir.
You are here too.
Guest is God.
Great, great.
Such power before
I become the minister.
DSP arrange for snacks
for the guests.
And let him come now.
Call that scoundrel now.
I will call him.
Elders have said police are
neither good friends nor enemies.
You made both.
You befriended him and
locked horns with me.
You rascal DSP..
- What can I do, Jaikant?
No matter how much a
person wanders around..
..he does return home.
And I am a police official
after all.
I will support the
police officials in the end.
Go ahead promote your brotherhood.
Let's all sing together.
You cannot harm me.
I will swear-in tomorrow.
I will be minister
Sri Jaikant Shikre.
And since 1947 till 2011 you
can see the history of politics.
No minister in India
has ever been punished.
But that will be tomorrow, Jaikant.
And tonight you are in our grip.
- What do you mean?
We will have to clean you up.
But, sir, we will
have to do it right now.
What will you do?
What can you all do?
- Yes, sir.
Let's kill him and declare suicide.
- Yes.
What yes?
Am I blind?
Is it a holiday
which you will declare?
What are they blabbering?
They will kill me.
Explain to them, DGP.
Where is the DGP?
The poor DGP is tired
of your election duty.
He has got high blood pressure.
The doctor has given him sedatives.
Now he..will get up
tomorrow morning.
So all of you were..
- Planning to kill you.
Sir, what should we do?
- I say..
What? Shut up. I am talking to you.
This cannot be possible!
lt can be.
If you can't find Baygon
for killing cockroaches..
..then you can use
Paragon slippers as well.
Sir, I say let's slash his wrist.
No, no.
But there is a big difference.. slashing your own wrist
or somebody else doing it.
Sir, we will be in trouble
during the enquiry. - Yes.
Everyone will be in trouble.
Sir, best is to hang him
from the fan.
If we hang him from the fan..
..the fan will break
under his weight. - Yes.
Sir, let's strangle him.
And we can say that he
hanged himseIf. - No, sir.
Sir, if we strangle him
then there will be a V mark.
And if we hang him
there will be an O mark.
We can get caught.
V, O. what the..
DGP, do you hear what
they are saying?
Where is the DGP?
High BP.
He is asleep.
Let's throw him down the
three storied building in front.
Have you lost your mind?
Sir, if we throw him down
the three storey building..
..he will only break his limbs.
He won't die.
Let's throw him from
the sixth floor.
Then let's throw him down
twice from the third floor.
Three. Three. Six.
ls this a joke?
Am I a goat?
Kill him. Throw him down.
Make mincemeat out of him.
I am Jaikant Shikre.
I will shoot each one.
He gave us the best idea.
Abbas, that stolen
gun lying in the car.
Blow his brains out with that.
After that your fingerprints on it.
End of Jaikant and his case.
You will kill me?
Not me, Jaikant, your arrogance.
Your ego will kill you.
You cheat.
You cheat. You cheat. You cheat.
You brought the entire
police force to kill me.
He is a villain and not the hero.
He always cheats me.
First in the village he
brought all the villagers.
And now in Goa you brought
the entire police force.
I was sleeping quietly. Dreaming.
And all my dreams will be fuIfilled.
Now its my turn!
I can't remember the number.
I have lost my mind.
Oh my, God.
Hello, police control room.
- Hello.
This is Jaikant Shikre speaking.
These police officers
want to kill me.
I want protection.
- Where are you speaking from?
I am calling from
a telephone booth.. front of the old secretariat.
Just a minute.
- Yes.
Hello, Singham sir.
Jaikant is in a telephone booth.. front of the old secretariat.
I am not, I am not.
I am not there.
Do they get diesel for free?
The whole police
department is after me!
Excuse me.
Do you have a mobile?
Do you have a mobile?
Nothing. Nothing.
Nothing. I have to run.
What shall I do now?
Mr. Shikre, you here?
I am here for admission.
- What?
My life is in danger, do something?
- Just a minute.
What are you doing?
I am calling the police.
- Not the police.
No police.
Come on.
Come on.
Before this, another inspector
was acting too smart here.
Right on this chair,
he shot himseIf.
'I Bajirao Singham pledge of..'
' devotion
towards carrying out my duty..
..with integrity, honesty,
hard work..
..impartiality and by
civilized behavior towards all.'
No. No. Let me stay here.
Hey! Let me go.
Your boss is dead.
Change your statement or
else we will kill you too.
Shiva Rai has given a
statement to the police..
..that he was Jaikant Shikre's ally.
And all drugs, kidnapping,
land-grabbing, extortion rackets..
..were run by Jaikant
Shikre with the support..
..of Minister Narvekar.
And Jaikant Shikre
is also responsible..
..for inspector
Rakesh Kadam's death.
After getting the evidence..
..when our officer went
to arrest Jaikant Shikre.
Embarrassed about his arrest..
..he shot himseIf before
the swear-in ceremony.
And..police found the
dead body of Jaikant Shikre.
From these evidences
and Shiva's statement..
..the police has also found out..
..that inspector
Rakesh Kadam was not guilty.
Our Goa Police
department appeals to the court.. acquit all charges pressed
against inspector Rakesh Kadam.
Because he was an
honest police officer.
''The heart races.''
''The body trembles.''
''When you know he's coming.''
''He never spares the bad.''
''Embraces the good.''
''He is unequalled.''
''He is very strong.''
''Singham is a destroyer of evil.''
''The heart races.''
''The body trembles.''
''When you know he's coming.''