Single White Female 2: The Psycho (2005)

- We're gonna be late.
- That's the plan.
Really? And why is that?
Because we're young, beautiful
women with high-paying jobs... in the greatest city
in the world.
People should wait for us.
How did you get hot water?
I let the super buy me coffee.
I didn't wear a bra.
Have you had any
relationship with a man...
...that wasn't based on sexuality
and manipulation?
Holly, that's the reason
that men were put on this earth... make life easier
for beautiful women.
He fixed the oven light
and the window in the living room.
You think we can still be roommates
if one of us gets promoted?
I don't think it'll be a problem.
As long as it's me
who gets promoted.
Yeah, I'm gonna have to work late.
We're just leaving now.
The lacy ones.
You play your cards right,
maybe I'll stop by after the party.
Okay. Me too.
So when do I get to meet him?
Not until I'm certain there's nothing
he can do to make life easier for you.
Oh, come on, Holly.
I was only kidding.
Don't be so sensitive.
This way, please.
- That's great. Look over here.
- That's great. Beautiful.
A little smile.
Right this way.
- Good times.
- Champagne.
Two champagnes, please.
- Two champagnes.
- Thank you.
Mr. Foster, the new collection
looks unbelievable.
The clothes sold themselves.
The press loves you.
Thank you. If you'll excuse me.
So where's the new client,
Mr. Rifkin?
David Kray. He's opening up
a new restaurant in Midtown...
...and he's hired Simpkins
to do his P.R.
They seem to be doing
an excellent job...
...hiding him rather than
promoting him.
You two innocent, lovely young things
would be doing him a great favor... stealing him from
Simpkins' incompetence.
Say no more.
Holly, just so there's
not a misunderstanding...
...I want this promotion.
- So do I.
Which is why I wanna be
upfront about everything.
We're gonna land
the account together...
...but David Kray is going
to give me the credit for it.
By the time I'm done with him, he'll be
writing me a letter of recommendation.
You fuck him, then you fuck me?
It's not personal, Holly.
It is to me.
You're not gonna fuck David...
...and you're certainly
not gonna fuck me.
- We'll see.
- We will.
- Having a good time?
- Having a good time?
- I'm doing fine, thanks.
- Holly Parker. Nice to meet you.
Jan Lambert.
- David Kray.
- So...
...I hear that you're opening up
a new restaurant in a couple of weeks.
Leonard Rifkin's A-team.
And my backup.
- What's the name of your restaurant?
- Zucca's.
Like the owner, I'm sure.
So this is your party?
Our company represents Mr. Foster,
a fashion designer.
Did you enjoy his show?
- I don't know much about fashion...
- I didn't like it either.
- I'd love to see your new restaurant.
- We'd both love to see it.
Well, I could maybe
arrange a tour sometime.
- Tomorrow afternoon?
- Let's do it tonight.
- Tonight?
- No time like the present.
Hey, thanks. Let's go.
It's perfect.
You've done an amazing job.
This is beautiful.
I love the bar.
Great ambience.
I wanted it to be timeless,
you know?
No gimmicks. Just a place you go
for a special occasion.
We'll arrange a press preview
on opening night.
An A-list crowd that will
attract photographers.
Wait a minute. I already have
a contract with a P.R. Firm.
You deserve so much more
than they're giving you, David.
You deserve the best.
Let us help you. Don't let all
your hard work go to waste.
Simpkins isn't holding up
their end of the deal.
Why should you?
What if I told you we could set up
a press preview for you by Friday?
You could get press in here
by Friday night?
Print and electronic.
You have my personal guarantee.
Your restaurant
will open with a bang.
You're on.
How'd I do?
You were great.
I believe a proper thank-you
is in order.
I could hardly keep my hands
off you in the restaurant.
It's too late for sweet talk.
I saw the way you looked at Jan.
Visions of a threesome
dancing in that little head of yours.
I think I've got
all I can handle right here.
But I don't think Jan is the type
to take losing very lightly.
Yeah, she'll go postal
if she finds out about us.
Only because she didn't think
of staging a new client for herself.
Gonna be a disappointing night for
you if you don't stop talking about Jan.
- Who?
- That's my man.
It's Jan.
Probably wondering why
you didn't come home last night.
I'm a big girl.
I spend the occasional night out.
Yeah. With who?
Jealousy is so not sexy.
Yeah, well, I just wanna make sure
the girl I'm falling in love with...
...feels the same way about me.
- You know I do.
- Oh, yeah? Then say it.
I'm sorry.
I looked for you before I left.
They specifically asked for me?
You're not serious.
After all the effort to set this up
you're gonna miss the first event?
- Come on. You should be there.
- It's a press preview, David.
A few reporters lob
softball questions your way...
...and then write
that you're a great guy.
Even Jan can take care of that.
I thought the point was
we didn't want Jan taking care of it.
I don't. But Jan said Rifkin asked me
to handle the meeting personally.
It's a big hotel account in Chicago.
She wasn't very happy about it.
Neither am I.
It's a big opportunity.
If I can land this
and your restaurant... over.
Bigger and better.
It's one night.
And I've made it very clear...
...there's no one bigger
or better in my world.
I will personally handle
every detail of opening night.
I promise.
I love you.
I'll call you.
The art was something that...
...basically, I'd seen in a picture
in college, and it really inspired me...
...and the restaurant
fell in place after that.
How long have you
been working on Zucca?
Basically, the place has been a dream
of mine since I was in college.
I wanted a place that was elegant
but understated...
...and intriguing.
- What's next on the horizon?
- Do you plan on opening any more?
Hi, this is David.
Please leave a message.
Hey, it's me. I finally made it.
My flight was almost two hours late.
How'd the press preview go?
Call me with the details.
I'm sure they loved you.
I do.
You were very impressive today,
Mr. Kray.
I was, wasn't I?
You were. To you.
To you.
You did a great job. Thank you.
To us.
- Hi.
- Hi.
Checking in.
My name's Holly Parker.
I'm sorry. There's no reservation
under your name.
It's probably under
PYK Public Relations.
Sorry. Nothing there either.
It was made through
your public relations office.
I flew up to see your hotel manager.
Mr. Roth is away on holiday in Europe
until the end of next week.
Here you go.
- You set me up.
- Back so soon?
You made a huge fucking mistake.
Did you really think I didn't know
that you were sleeping with him?
I thought we agreed that
sexual manipulation was my specialty.
I honestly didn't mean
for this to happen.
Didn't mean for this to happen?
You don't fuck someone
by accident, David.
I was drunk...
...and you'd run off to Chicago,
and the press event went...
You were drunk?
- You're such a prick.
- Holly... God, don't.
Don't what?
Don't believe your roommate...
...when she sends you on
a bullshit meeting?
Don't trust your cheating boyfriend not
to screw around while you're away?
Don't throw away any chance
of a relationship for a quick fuck?
It wasn't that quick.
Please, Holly. I made a mistake.
You both did.
And you're both gonna pay for it.
Hey, Holly. How was Chicago?
Bring me the morning paper.
And hold my calls.
You okay?
I will be.
So do you know CPR?
Sacred Orifice. My band.
We rehearse every Tuesday
and Thursday.
And on the weekends.
We're about to get a record deal.
- Hi. You must be Holly.
- Hi.
It's nice to meet you.
Thanks for letting me stop by.
Oh, I have a couple
good applicants already...
...but you sounded
so desperate on the phone.
- Is it that obvious?
- Come on back.
You don't play in a band, do you?
- What do you do?
- I'm in P.R.
- Oh, that must be fun.
- Well, most of the time.
But I'll bet you get a whole lot more
satisfaction out of your job.
My mother was a nurse,
so I sort of fell into it.
She always said "There's nothing
more rewarding than helping people."
Wow. This is beautiful.
- How long have you lived here?
- Six years.
It's mostly old people in the building.
You hardly ever see anyone.
It's like I have
the whole place to myself.
I can't believe anyone
would ever leave this place.
- What happened to your roommate?
- New boyfriend's.
When the right man comes along,
it's like old friendships never existed.
She left without paying
last month's rent.
- I'm sorry.
- It's history.
You have a boyfriend?
Not anymore.
I caught him cheating
on me with my roommate... our apartment...
...after she sent me on a fake
business trip out of town.
You work with her?
I have to face her every morning...
...until I get my promotion.
Then I'm gonna fire her.
I would have killed her.
I've thought about that.
But I'm more angry with him.
I just thought there was
something special about him.
That maybe I loved him.
It's so humiliating when
you love someone...
...who sleeps with your roommate.
I'm sorry.
That is way too much information.
- I am so sorry.
- Don't be.
This is your room.
- My room?
- You need an apartment and a friend.
You can move in
whenever you want.
Oh, thank you so much.
I will be the best roommate
you've ever had.
And I promise never to sleep
with your boyfriend... matter how cute he may be.
Be careful.
There goes their tip.
What have you got in here,
a dead body?
I used to move around
when I was a kid.
Everything I ever needed
was in here.
Now, it's mostly filled with junk
I can't bring myself to get rid of.
Was your dad
in the military or something?
I never really knew my dad.
He left before I was born.
So it was just you and your mom?
Until I was 7.
Then she got remarried, and there was
a house full of evil stepsisters.
Something like that.
- It's the third one. Not too far.
- Okay.
Okay. Here we go.
- It'll be safe down here.
- Is this all your stuff?
Yeah. Awful, isn't it?
Please don't tell everybody
what a pack rat I am.
- Yeah.
- Okay, just...
Slip right in...
...on the side.
- Okay.
Why do you have all this stuff?
It's nothing. It's where I keep all the
things I don't want the world to see.
- How's the new place?
- I love it.
Good. Mr. Rifkin wants to
see you in his office ASAP.
I'll be right there.
Nice work on
the restaurant account, ladies.
David Kray signed the paperwork
with us this morning.
You must have made a very strong
impression on him, Holly.
He asked for you to take the lead
on the opening.
I handled the press preview
flawlessly, Mr. Rifkin.
- I'd like to continue what I started.
- Client requested Holly.
Yes, well, did Holly mention
that she and David Kray...
Thank you.
I don't know what's
going on between you...
...but we need a sensational opening
for the restaurant.
And I expect the two of you
to work together to deliver that.
You left some plates
when you moved out.
Keep them. I'm not interested
in going back there.
Did you think you were
gonna get that promotion... setting up one of your
fuck-buddies as a new client?
He wasn't a fuck-buddy.
I was in love with him.
Well, then I did you a favor because
it wasn't that hard to get him into bed.
You are such a bitch.
It's your game we're playing, Holly.
I just leveled the playing field.
You're gonna regret
fucking with me.
That's a promise.
I told him I couldn't give him
a second chance.
You were too smart to fall for that
"please forgive me" bullshit men do.
It's sad, though.
I wanna forgive him.
I really loved the guy.
Fortunately, I never
actually told him that.
You're better off without him.
- Maybe.
- Hey, taxi.
Guys like David, they're more
trouble than they're worth.
God, I need some retail therapy.
This place really isn't me.
No, come on.
I come here all the time.
- Perfection.
- Yeah?
Will you need shoes to go with it?
Try it on.
No, I couldn't.
Oh, come on, Wade.
Wouldn't that look great on her?
It costs more than I make in a week.
It'll be my treat. Come on, try it on.
- I look...
- Stunning.
I don't have any place
to wear something like this.
Come to the restaurant opening
with me. You can be my date.
You'll be doing me a favor.
I could use a friend there.
It means a lot that you would
want me there. Thank you.
It'll be fun. Just be there by 9...
...and I'll have all the
meet-and-greets out of the way.
You look beautiful.
Did you get some food?
Zucca's hors d'oeuvres are
coming out now.
- Hi. You made it.
- Good to see you.
- You look great.
- I hope you like truffles.
- How's it looking out there?
- It's gonna be fine.
- I need amazing.
- You had amazing.
You don't handle amazing very well.
You know, I'm having
a hard time living with that.
Well, at least something good
came out of it then.
Yes, but I already told you,
your name isn't on the list.
I'm with Holly Parker.
She asked me to come.
- And who are you exactly?
- I'm her roommate, Tess.
She didn't say anything about
inviting her roommate tonight.
Right there. "Holly Parker plus one."
I'm her "plus one."
Look, Tess...
This isn't the party for you.
Just put the dress back
in the closet until the prom...
...and everything will be all right.
Frank Brusselier, Sasha McGann...
Nicholas Quirke from Dining Out.
How did you get all these people?
It's what I do.
I saw your new roomie tonight.
She looked like she was dressed
for a bar mitzvah.
Tess was here? I didn't see her.
- Well, that's because I didn't let her in.
- What?
We're trying to create
a scene here, Holly.
I'm so sorry, Tess.
I didn't know
until the party was over.
We're friends, right?
Great friends.
These people, Jan, David...
...they're not your friends.
They don't care about you.
Please forgive me, Tess.
I was just so busy at the party, I just
assumed you decided not to come.
- Because I'm so pathetic?
- No.
Of course not.
What Jan did tonight
had nothing to do with you.
She was just trying to hurt me
by hurting you.
It worked.
I feel terrible.
I owe you a night out.
Maybe this weekend.
I have the perfect guy for you.
I haven't had much luck
with men, Holly.
Well, maybe you just
haven't found the right man.
Men don't find me very attractive.
That's ridiculous.
Tess, you're beautiful.
There was this guy in high school...
...Chris Hammond.
After what he did...
...I just couldn't trust anyone.
I was so stupid.
He never even talked to me
before Elizabeth died.
She was my best friend.
- She killed herself our junior year.
- Oh, my God.
I'm sorry, Tess.
She was so beautiful...
...and fragile.
We were inseparable
when we were little.
We did everything together...
...until Chris came along.
They went out for about a year.
She said she loved him.
Then he went off to college,
and she never heard from him again.
Her world just collapsed.
She couldn't live with the pain...
...of loving and not
being loved back.
Chris came home at Christmas
and called me.
He asked me to come over and talk.
He said he was sorry he hurt her...
...and that I reminded him of her.
He said that he liked me...
...and he was so gentle.
I believed him.
But he didn't mean any of it.
Yeah, get me one too.
- Hold on a sec. I'll be right out, okay?
- All right, hurry up.
- Hi.
- Hey.
- How are you?
- I'm good. I'm so sorry I'm late.
- I got stuck in a meeting.
- That's okay.
Except, I have to be back by 2.
Ralston's in one hell of a mood.
I know.
I've been reading his reviews.
It's been a while since
he's had a meal he's liked.
Yeah, well, he's having trouble
with his boyfriend.
Any chance we can get him laid?
I'm repping a new restaurant.
See, I knew
there had to be a reason...
...why you took me to a place
with waiters.
- You need a favor.
- I'm willing to reciprocate.
Okay. Help me get Ralston out
to review my restaurant...
...when he's in a good mood, and I'll
set you up with my new roommate.
- Pass.
- I'm offering to set you up...
...with a terrific girl.
All you have to do is make sure
your boss shows up.
Well, that's just it.
You said, "Terrific girl."
You mentioned nothing about hot.
Sam, she's my roommate.
Would she be anything else?
Oh, God.
- You're scamming me.
- Sam...
...this is the kind of girl
you take home to meet Mom...
...and you keep a close watch on Dad
to make sure he doesn't hit on her.
It's a win-win, Sammy.
Yeah, I'm sure it is.
All right, I'll do it, okay?
But if it goes bad, I don't wanna
hear from you for six months.
- I can't do it.
- Sure, you can.
- I have nothing to wear.
- What about the red dress?
He's not taking me to the prom.
Come on.
- Pick anything you like.
- You're serious?
How about this?
Oh, it's kind of sexy.
Where are you?
Mother Teresa you're not.
How long have you known this guy?
Jesus Christ. You scared me.
I didn't think you'd be back this early.
How was your date?
You didn't tell me you two
had an arrangement.
- What are you talking about?
- He gets what he wants... get what you want.
I would never do
something like that, Tess.
- Neither would Sam.
- He tried to force himself on me.
There must be some mistake.
Sam's not like that.
I'm not like your other friends, Holly.
I don't lie.
Tribune. How may I direct your call?
Sam Elroy, please.
It's Holly Parker.
Miss Parker, Sam is out of the office.
It says here that he's currently
at your office.
Oh, really? Thanks.
- So do you like Italian?
- A lot.
We'll talk later.
- Food or people?
- Food or people?
What the hell
happened last night?
We'll talk later.
- What's wrong?
- What did you do to Tess?
What are you talking about?
I didn't do anything.
No. I took her for dinner, then home.
- You didn't try anything?
- With that girl?
Don't be a smart-ass. She said you
tried to force yourself on her last night.
No, she's out of her fucking mind.
Come on, Holly,
how long you known me?
You know I would never,
ever do anything like that, right?
What did Jan mean,
you would "talk later"?
She got to Ralston before I could.
She's taking him to review Zucca's.
Oh, Jesus, no.
Hey! You like?
I hope you don't mind.
I used some of your red.
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you.
I just love the way it looks on you.
I didn't think you'd mind.
I'll clean up the mess.
I can go to a stylist tomorrow
and have it colored back.
I talked to Sam.
He said nothing happened.
What did you think he would say?
We're friends, Holly.
Friends tell each other the truth,
protect each other.
I'm telling you the truth.
I am trying to protect you.
And I'm sorry about the hair.
It was a silly thing to do.
It wasn't just the hair.
When I saw the spots on the floor...
It just reminded me of something
I've spent a long time trying to forget.
What is it?
When I was 7,
my mother committed suicide.
I found her in the bathtub... the middle of the night.
And you thought...
...the red hair dye was...?
I just kept wondering...
...what did I do to make her so sad?
It wasn't your fault.
Sometimes I think it's harder
when you're the one that's left behind.
I will always be there for you.
It's what we both want.
No, Tess.
- I'll give you 50 bucks if you wait here.
- Sure thing, lady.
Like that.
That's good.
I don't want a drink. Just keep doing
what you're doing and shut up.
It hurts.
That's nice.
- That's what I'm talking about.
- You're disgusting.
Get down on the floor.
Get down on the fucking floor.
Don't talk to me.
Do what you want.
How you doing there?
Tighter. Please, tighter.
Yeah. Take it. Take it.
- Love it.
- Tighter.
Please, tighter.
I didn't know where else to go.
What's wrong? What happened?
So you just hopped in a cab
and said, "Follow that car"?
What would you do?
She looked exactly like me, David.
It was scary.
Look, I think you should
cut your losses and get out of there.
Tomorrow, if possible.
Look, I'll have a couple guys
from the restaurant come over.
They can move your stuff
out of there before noon.
You never have to see her again.
You can stay at my place
till you find another place to live.
No ulterior motives.
I'm just worried about you.
You're gonna think I'm crazy,
but I wanna talk to her.
She's weird, David,
but she cares about me.
Well, at least stay here tonight.
I'll sleep on the couch.
I'll feel better if you wait
until tomorrow to talk to her.
Thank you.
I'll get the sheets.
I'm so ashamed.
I had no right going there.
What you do in your own life
is your business.
How did you find me?
You don't strike me as someone
who would frequent places like that.
I could say the same about you.
You followed me?
I came back and saw you leaving
wearing my clothes.
I was curious where you were going
dressed like that.
I should have asked you first.
But we're friends.
Friends share what they have.
Friends don't share
everything, Tess.
Best friends do.
I wanna talk. I do.
- But I gotta get to work.
- It's something I can't explain.
What you saw.
It started a long time ago.
- It's none of my business.
- I've tried to stop.
It's okay. Really.
I have to go.
Maybe we'll talk tonight.
Page four.
Howard Ralston's review.
"Zucca's is light and airy,
impressive and ambitious."
"But ultimately fails
to deliver on its promise.
Instead of perfecting
a handful of choice entres...
...the menu promises
a myriad of culinary delights...
...but fails to properly deliver."
- That son of a bitch owed me a favor.
- Gosh.
I shudder to think what he would have
written if he didn't owe you one.
It's tougher to get what you want
when you can't screw them, isn't it?
There's still The Herald.
I know I can get the critic...
Thank you,
but I think you've done enough.
Let's give Holly a whirl at it,
shall we?
I don't care how you do it...
...but get The Herald critic out there
and get us a review...
...we can use.
- If I do, the VP job is mine.
- Bullshit.
A rave review from The Herald
wouldn't hurt your cause.
Dr. McGrath to ICU.
Dr. McGrath to ICU.
Dr. Purcell to Labor and Delivery.
Dr. Purcell to Labor and Delivery.
Did you read The Tribune?
I'm a dead man.
What is so goddamn funny?
I had 12 cancellations before noon.
Is that Eric Oliver from The Herald?
I did my job. Now, you do yours.
It's okay, Mr. Cummings.
Everything's gonna be better.
You can let go.
Just let go.
Mr. Oliver, it is a pleasure
having you here.
- Now, if there's anything I can...
- I'll have a Scotch, 18 years or better.
Coming up.
How long you
been sleeping with him?
Eric, that is none of your business.
- Is it that obvious?
- Painfully.
If you have any hopes of this review
working out, you better start talking.
Because there's nothing
I hate more than a boring meal.
About six months.
I feel kind of sorry for her.
There's a sweetness there
that's just screaming to get out.
I haven't seen it.
You don't even know her, David.
I know enough to know
I want you out of there.
- And in your place?
- Guilty.
It's just, sometimes
when I look at her, I see myself.
It's frightening. And fascinating.
Move in with me.
No strings. Just a chance.
I made one unforgivable mistake.
I won't make another.
It's time.
Here we go.
"Zucca's, corner of Fourth and...
Elegant atmosphere
and an exquisite dining experience."
You did it.
You opened it with a bang.
Not yet.
- What happened to this?
- I don't know.
Don't lie to me.
Why would you bring him
into our house?
- Maybe I should wait outside.
- Stay. You have every right to be here.
He fucks around on you,
and he has every right to be here?
Listen, Tess, this is my life.
Do you understand? Mine.
I didn't mean to make you angry.
I just want you to remember
how he made you feel...
...when he fucked your roommate.
He doesn't care about you, Holly.
Not like I do.
Stop it, Tess.
You need to leave.
I'm gonna get some things,
and I'm gonna stay at David's tonight.
You don't have to leave.
Tess, I'm moving in with David.
It's really busy at work, but I'm gonna
try and be out by the end of the month.
She looked devastated.
She'll be okay.
You're doing the right thing.
She's had a lot of tragedy in her life.
I know what that's like.
I wish you weren't going
out of town tonight.
If I could reschedule, I would.
I'll be back for dinner tomorrow.
Thank you.
Maybe you're not such
a bad guy after all.
- I'll call when I land.
- Okay. Bye.
- Miss Parker.
- Good morning, Mr. Rifkin.
You look like
you haven't slept a wink.
Waiting for the morning edition,
no doubt.
- I think you'll be pleased.
- I've read it.
- Congratulations.
- Thank you.
I think it's time to put an end to all this
promotion business, once and for all.
The two of you have behaved
like rabid animals...
...which I rather enjoyed watching.
Pity I can't stretch it out any longer.
But all good things come to an end,
as they say.
Perfect timing.
Going up?
...job's yours.
That son of a bitch.
- Jan, listen. L...
- No.
Holly, he's right. You know,
we have been behaving like animals.
Truth is, you deserve the promotion.
I never should have brought
David into this.
You delivered on your promise.
His restaurant opened with a bang.
Two of them.
David and I are sort of
trying to get back together.
Good for you.
Are you sure you're okay?
With this promotion thing, I mean?
As long as you're not planning
on moving back in.
Well, let's go get them...
Sorry, who?
Oh, hi, Holly.
I can barely hear you.
I'm cooking tonight.
I thought you might like to come by.
I sort of had plans.
Oh, come on. It'll be fun.
You love my cooking.
It'll give us a chance to catch up.
All right. Sure.
Just give me your address again.
Hi, Tess.
- Is Holly here?
- She ran down to the store.
We ran out of something
she needed for dinner. Come in.
How nice that Holly's
cooking for you.
- Are you joining us?
- No.
I'm going out. To the prom.
...Holly and I were
going through a rough time.
I took my anger at her out on you.
And you're not going
through a rough time anymore?
You and Holly, I mean?
You know...
...I think I'm just gonna wait
for Holly downstairs.
She's my friend now.
Holly's been a great friend
to both of us.
Better probably than
either one of us deserves.
Certainly better than you deserve.
Please don't kill me.
What happened?
The super came over
to fix the door in the cabinet.
His screwdriver slipped,
and he cut his hand pretty bad.
I wasn't expecting you tonight.
I thought you were staying at David's.
Oh, I just came by to get my jacket.
That must've been a bad cut,
there's a lot of blood.
He's going to the hospital
to get stitches.
What's going on
with the candles and...?
Some friends
are coming over for dinner.
Oh, that sounds like fun.
Maybe I can stay and meet them.
Not tonight, Holly.
Maybe some other time.
Well, I'll just get my jacket and go.
Tess, I just wanted to say
I'm sorry about last night.
I know David and me
getting back together is a shock.
But the truth is, I've been thinking
about it for a while. He does love me.
And you believe that
because he hasn't tried... sleep with your new roommate?
- Tess, please.
- I'm sorry.
I guess I'm just upset
that you're moving out.
I love having you here.
I don't want you to leave.
I so appreciate you taking me in
when I needed it the most.
Don't worry, I'm gonna pay my rent
until you find a roommate.
I'll put the ad in tomorrow.
You, me and David
could get dinner tomorrow night...
...when he gets back in town?
I'd like that.
Great. I'll tell him to meet us
here at 7.
- Okay.
- Okay.
- Bye.
- Bye.
I love this dress.
- Sam Elroy sent this over.
- Have you seen Jan today?
No. A few girls said they saw her
at that bar on Third Street last night.
- Drinking away the promotion blues.
- If you see her, have her call me.
You've reached David's cell phone.
Leave a message, I'll call you back.
Call me soon as you land.
I need to talk.
- Hi.
- Hi.
- Is Holly here?
- Oh, no. Not yet.
She's supposed
to meet me here.
We're all supposed to have dinner
tonight. Kind of a farewell thing.
Come in.
It's okay. I'm not gonna bite.
Come on.
Do you want a glass of wine?
I'm gonna have a glass.
I think I'll wait for Holly. Thanks.
Okay. Make yourself at home.
She's always late,
but I guess you know that.
I'm sure you know her
better than I do.
You're right.
She is always late.
I'm surprised she didn't call
and tell you she was running late.
She might have tried.
I left my cell phone on the plane.
Maybe that's her right now.
No, but it's fine.
If he gets there before I do,
have him call me.
I really need to talk to him.
We're still going, right?
Your farewell dinner?
I think it's a little late
for that tonight.
I'm still here.
Just wondering how many times
you're gonna lie before I wise up.
We'll talk when you get here.
- Was that her?
- She's stuck in traffic.
She didn't ask to talk to me?
Her phone cut out.
She'll probably call back in a bit.
You might as well
take your coat off and relax.
She's at least 45 minutes away.
- Maybe we should just reschedule.
- I suggested that...
...but she wants to do it tonight.
To you and Holly.
- How's the wine?
- Oh, it's very good.
- Would I know it?
- Probably not.
It's from a small vineyard
in California.
Not like the expensive wines
at your restaurant.
The wines at my restaurant
aren't that expensive.
We charge people
a lot to drink them.
That's your specialty, isn't it?
Lying, I mean.
I'm sorry.
That was rude and uncalled-for.
I guess I'm just a little bitter
Holly's moving out so soon.
I'm sure Holly wants to stay friends.
Really? She arranged
a farewell dinner.
She says she wants
to stay friends with you.
- I'm sure she means it.
- Holly lies to you, David.
She was supposed to share
her pain with me.
We were gonna protect each other.
Are you still fucking Jan and Holly?
All right.
Are you okay?
You don't look so good.
Maybe it was the wine.
What did you do to me?
- What's going on?
- You live here?
- I do.
- Detective.
We've got the roommate here.
- Ms. Parker?
- What is it?
- You know a David Kray?
- What happened?
- Is David okay? Where is he?
- He's on his way to the hospital.
What happened, Tess?
He was hurting me.
He wouldn't stop.
What did you do to him?
This way.
She's lying.
You don't even know what she said.
She's lying about David.
He would never hurt her.
- They were in a sexual situation.
- That's bullshit.
He got rough.
She says he wouldn't stop.
She got scared for her life
and she reacted.
- What does that mean?
- She hit him with a bottle.
- Two blows to the head.
- Oh, my God.
He's alive, but he wasn't
responding when we arrived.
She's lying.
David would never do that.
Is it true you moved out
of your last apartment...
...because you found
Mr. Kray and your roommate...
...engaged in a sexual relationship?
Yes, but...
I wanna see David.
All right. Let's go.
He's suffered major trauma to the
prosencephalon section of the brain.
We've stopped the cerebral bleeding,
but he's in a comatose state.
There's been no cognitive
or motor responses of any kind.
Got here as soon as I could.
How is he?
Not good.
Exactly what does
she claim happened?
She says that when he showed up
at the apartment, he was drunk.
When she told him you were gonna
be late, he became irritated.
She opened a bottle of wine
to try and calm him down.
They started talking.
The conversation took on
sexual tones.
He said, "I know what you like
and I like it too."
She tried to fight him, but he
responded with a violent outburst.
- It's a lie. She made it up.
- She was afraid for her life.
She hit him with the wine bottle
in self-defense, then called 911.
Nothing happened.
Her injuries are consistent
with the events she describes.
They're taking DNA samples
from her now.
Yeah. Hang on.
The hospital's keeping her
tonight for observation.
We'll know more when we get
the test results back tomorrow.
Go ahead.
All right, Holly, take a breath.
I'm so sorry, Holly.
He wouldn't stop.
Cut the shit, Tess.
It may work on the others,
but I know you're lying.
Why are you doing this?
- He hurt me.
- Stop it, Tess.
He tried to kill me.
You're fucking lying.
Tell them the truth. Tell them!
Tell them the goddamn truth!
Ask her what she did. Ask her
what really happened! Ask her!
What a night.
You sure you wanna go back
in there again tonight?
I'd feel weird about staying
at David's right now.
Grab some stuff, come stay
at my place for a few days.
- I'll be okay.
- You sure?
Yeah. I need some time alone.
There are things I wanna check out.
All right, your call.
Take some time off.
Jan can handle your accounts
for a while...
...assuming she still works for us.
- What do you mean?
- She didn't show up for work.
Some of the girls think
she is going to jump ship...
...look for something
at one of the big firms.
- I'll call you tomorrow.
- Do.
It's a fast-acting narcotic
in high dosage.
Showed up in the blood panel.
He was loaded with it.
Enough to knock him off his feet.
Detective, we have a problem.
She was here five minutes ago.
No one saw her leave.
Miss Parker,
this is Detective Rousch.
If you get this message, call me back
immediately. I need to talk to you.
You killed her.
She was a bitch.
You said so yourself.
And she was coming
between us, Holly.
David too.
They could never understand
what we have.
- You killed Jan.
- She had to die.
She understood in the end.
They always understand.
My God, Tess.
- How many have you killed?
- How much pain have I taken away?
A lot.
I can help you, Holly.
- I can make the pain disappear.
- Please don't, Tess.
First your mother, then David... Jan.
So much pain.
When you understand,
you'll thank me.
I don't wanna die.
I don't wanna die.
It'll be okay.
Let's go.
You remind me so much
of Elizabeth.
I knew from the moment we met...
...that there was something
special between us.
- Get in.
- Please don't do this, Tess.
Get in.
We're friends.
Best friends.
I don't want that to end.
I said, get in!
Elizabeth was afraid too.
Scared of dying.
You go first.
Then I'll join you.
We'll be friends forever.
How do I know
you'll keep your promise?
Because I love you.
Even more than I loved Elizabeth.
I love you, Tess.
Help me! She's trying to kill me!
- Tell me what happened.
- She's trying to kill me.
Stay inside! Stay inside!
Where is she? Where is she?
Come on.
- Somebody help me!
- I'm trying to help you.
Why can't you see that?
You're not leaving, Holly.
That's not how it ends.
We're gonna be friends forever.
Do you know
how to use one of those?
Let him go, Tess.
I don't wanna hurt you.
You could never hurt me, Holly.
You love me.
The will to live is so strong.
So primal.
Even when all you want
is for the pain to go away.
Please, Tess.
I can get you help.
I have to.
For Elizabeth. For us.
It's a beautiful thing... see someone
released from their pain.
Please, Tess, let him go.
It's just you and me.
Just you and me.
There's a moment...
...just before the end...
...a moment of clarity, when it all
finally seems to make sense.
I saw it in Elizabeth's eyes.
I wanted it for me.
I tried. I tried so hard.
But I was so scared. I was weak.
And she was gone.
Look closely in his eyes.
You can see it as he dies.
The understanding.
I love you.
As you can see,
it's been completely renovated.
Marble floors,
copper piping, new paint.
And it's in a quiet,
safe neighborhood.
Life is so crazy, isn't it?
Did they ever find out
how many people she killed?
If you ask me, it's the meat.
- Pardon?
- The meat.
That's what's making us crazy.
Mad Cow and all.
It's the beef. The government
isn't telling us the truth.
I won't eat beef anymore.
My husband says I'm nowhere near
as bitchy as I used to be.
You saw it in my eyes, didn't you?
That moment of understanding.
What do you think?
The listing goes out tomorrow.
If you want it, it's yours.
I'll need first and last...
...but I think I can get the owner
to waive the security deposit.
Let's take it.