Singles (1992)

I was living in this duplex.
For the first time, I was alone.
No dorm, no roommates, my own place.
I was so happy.
I had my own parking space.
Where I come from, they don't
keep them in cages.
They keep them in bins, you know,
so you can reach in and touch them.
- Hello.
- You need some help?
Yeah, thanks.
I'm from Spain.
Really? Which part?
I'm taking engineering at U of W.
- I like Seattle.
- U-Dub.
That's what people call it here.
Finally, a locaI tells me some secrets.
Listen, you really don't have to stay.
I think this will take some time.
Where else do I have to go?
In one week I have to go back to Spain.
My visa runs out.
U- Dub.
Let him know this is Linda Powell
from the Seattle EnvironmentaI CounciI.
Okay, great.
Thank you. Bye-bye.
Yes, that's right.
There's another spill in Bellingham.
Ruth, how long have I been
saying there are no guys?
I met one.
I met one when I least expected it.
You held out on me.
He's an engineering student.
He's from Spain.
His visa runs out in 2 days.
He's like a comet.
What do I do?
I wish you could stay.
If I overstay my visa
I can't come back for 5 years.
Were you coming back?
Well, now I have a reason.
I want you to have this.
I wish I was better able to tell you
what I am thinking.
But this is a symboI of our future.
I want to return in...
...2 months and see you again.
I don't really have much
to give you...
...but it's important to me.
Use this when you get back.
You'll always have a parking space.
Don't wake up.
I'm about to get on the plane...
...and wanted to say goodbye.
I'll see you soon. Goodbye, Linda.
Goodbye, honey.
I miss you already.
Did you perform any other acts
with him before he left?
It's amazing.
We can't hide things in language.
We speak in basics.
You know what else?
If I married him,
he could live in this country...
...and I'd always have a date.
You're talking about marrying him?
I'm tired of games.
If you were married,
would we still go out dancing?
We will always go out dancing.
We will always go out dancing!
The Genie Classic!
You can't go wrong with this garage
door opener.
We have the Liftrex and Liftrex Super.
Might be more opener than you need.
And the Linear pocket-pager-
Just give me the best one you have.
I'll never lose it again.
I broke up with someone recently.
Jennifer, my last girlfriend.
I did it in a crowded restaurant.
She just stared at me with that look:
'How can you pass me up?'
I told her we weren't right and
all the stuff we both knew.
A week later I realized I was wrong,
tried to get her back.
She won't see me.
Now she's with Tony.
Tony knows Bailey, who's friends
with Tony's girI on the side...
...Rita, who I broke up with
to go out with Jennifer.
Do I tell Jennifer that I know
Tony's going out with Rita?
Or do I tell Rita that I know
about Tony and Jennifer?
Tony, who'll tell Jennifer I was still
with Rita when I went out with her.
How does stuff get so complicated?
I don't know.
Sometimes I wish it was as simple as
this postcard somebody sent me once.
Isn't that great?
I don't know.
I'm talking here, man.
I think back to the beginning.
My dad left home when I was 8.
You know what he said?
'Have fun.
Stay single. '
I was 8.
My mom's a teacher.
She took me to a doctor to learn
about sex. He was from Boston.
The father and the mother have
finally learned to come together.
The father inserts his penis in-
You do know what the penis is,
don't you, Steve?
The father inserts the penis...
...into the mother's vagina.
This is called intercourse.
And what comes out is called sperm.
Then the man keeps moving untiI
something squirts out of his penis.
What comes out?
Oh, man!
Maybe it was never simple.
I'll tell you this:
For the next 3 years,
I'm going to concentrate on work.
It's the only thing I have controI over.
I got to go.
I'm 23. Remember how old 23 seemed
when you were little?
I thought people would be
traveling in air locks...
...and I would have 5 kids.
Here I am.
I'm 23. Things are...
...basically the same.
I think time's running out
to do something bizarre.
Somewhere around 25,
bizarre becomes immature.
I get inspiration from my boyfriend.
He's a musician.
His band put out
an independent album last month.
He's a really good artist too.
He's like a Renaissance man.
I'm so glad he moved into my building.
What's the ordeaI?
Your machine wasn't on and
I was supposed to see you Saturday.
So I thought I'd come by and say hi.
How's this weekend?
We're busy.
We got that show, right?
Yeah, we got that show.
- We got guys coming from L.A.
- Great!
It'll be really rocking.
So come over after.
Look, you know I see
other people still, right?
You do know that, don't you?
You don't fooI me.
I could not be fooling you less.
Cliff, move your truck.
We made the connection.
It's like chemistry
takes care of itself.
It makes its own decisions.
You got to sit back and enjoy it.
You know when it's reaI,
and this is reaI.
We don't even have to discuss it.
Janet...'re spazzing off on me.
While we're young.
I'll see you Saturday, then and...
...I'll help you with your speakers.
What can I say?
She's crazy about me.
Check out my new Gortec watch.
I can store 20 numbers in this watch.
Tonight, I'll fill it.
All or nothing, no compromise.
Tonight I'll be the Super Me.
What if the Super You meets
the Super Her and she rejects you?
Then it's no problem.
- Why?
- Because it was never you.
It was just an act.
I live my life like a French movie.
Webster and 24th.
It should be here.
Let's ask this clown where the club is.
Hey, man!
Where's Desoto?
I get it, you're a mime.
Mime the address.
Give me a ride and I'll show you.
Where's Desoto?
Our car broke down.
I'll tell you about love.
Love disappears, baby.
Every time I've been broke...
...babe has been off like a prom dress.
Maybe it's the girls you choose.
Maybe I've been hurt!
Maybe I've been dogged!
Anybody know where this place is?
Am I a Thomas Bros. Guide?
You really shouldn't speak.
Where do you guys work?
- I'm a maitre d'.
- Dept. of Transportation.
- He's working on gridlock.
- Thank God!
I build airplanes.
My friend and I have
this long-running argument.
He says when you come to
a place like this... have to have an act.
So, anyway, I saw you standing there... I thought:
I could just leave you alone...
I could come up with an act...
...or C: I could just be myself.
I chose C.
What do you think?
I think that A:
You have an act.
And that B:
Not having an act is your act.
Thank you.
Talking with Cliff Poncier.
Any comments on the Seattle sound
and Citizen Dick's place in it?
I don't like to reduce us to being
part of the Seattle sound.
I like to think of us expanding more.
Like, we're huge in Europe right now.
We've got records...
A big record just broke in Belgium.
A song like 'Touch Me, I'm Dick'
is about what?
I think 'Touch Me, I'm Dick' in essence
speaks for itself, you know.
I think...
...that's basically what the song is...
...about, you know.
I think a lot of people might think it's
actually about, you know... name is Dick and you can touch me
but I think... can be seen either way.
Excuse me?
- Hello.
- Hi.
Want to meet up later?
- Anywhere you're going.
- Anywhere you're going.
We're going home.
- We're going home.
- See you!
Anywhere you're going.
Always get their numbers.
Tonight I got 20 numbers.
Twenty numbers.
You got numbers of 20 girls
you will never call, never date...
...never see in the daylight.
20 numbers that exist
only to make you feeI... a guy who can get 20 numbers.
Watch the volume!
Sorry. Tinnitus.
Club disease.
You kids are all going to be deaf.
This is my night.
- What?
- Look.
Linda, don't look over.
I need another double latte,
no cream, skim milk, decaf.
I'm going to use that video date
you got me last Christmas.
It was a joke.
I know.
You think it's something
desperate people do.
You're wrong!
'Expect the Best' is the best
video dating in the country.
Debbie Hunt.
Call me before I go to Cabo.
- Your medication, Miss Hunt.
- Thank you.
You make the greatest coffee.
I can ask Steve.
I'll call you back.
The I-90 construction's
way behind schedule...
...and the Times wants to know why
there's gridlock on the I-5.
Tell them it's God's way of saying,
'Listen to the radio. '
Did you read my proposaI?
- What'd you think?
- I liked it.
You'll have to move it past Stu.
After lunch.
Okay. After lunch.
- Ted, what's up?
- Making music with my fingers.
And what a beautifuI sound it is.
Linda Powell, Steve Dunne.
Yeah, I met you 61 hours ago.
That was me.
Listen, want to get some dinner?
How about some lunch?
Have a lunch. Coffee?
How about some water?
I'll meet you where you're having lunch
and we'll have some...
I think this whole decade
will have to be about cleaning up.
Our project spent last year
studying the Alaskan Exxon spill.
And now with...
...all the Exxon kickbacks and...
God, yes!
The worst!
I'm trying to put together
a group in June... study the whole coast.
But I'm having a little trouble
getting a boat.
I think it will work out fine.
There's just no privacy anymore.
I thought he was going to swallow her.
- Me too.
- My God!
Do you know what time it is?
- I'm so late!
- I'm glad your lunch date didn't show up.
- Me too.
- Did you really have a lunch date?
- No.
- So you want to-
- I'm getting over somebody.
- I really think it's a bad time.
- Maybe I'II- Okay.
Here's my car.
Let me give you a ride back to work.
I really like your take
on the supertrain.
It's ambitious.
If it were up to me...
She opened my car door button.
Unmistakable sign.
I like this girl.
Got to handle this one really well.
The thing I like best about you... that you really listen to me.
You're a realist-slash-dreamer.
I get so pissed off
when I think about it.
That some jerk could
trash the Mona Lisa...
...or an ocean...
...or someone's life!
Who are your neighbors?
That's Bailey, right there.
He's a maitre d'.
He keeps us all in free meals.
On the corner there...
...that's Debbie Hunt.
She actually consumes men
instead of food.
And that is Cliff.
He delivers flowers, has four jobs... in the coffee shop
around the corner.
Upstairs is Janet Livermore.
She works there too.
She's saving up for architecture schooI.
Cliff and Janet...
That's it.
You sound like me
talking about my family.
Want to go upstairs
while your stuff is drying?
That's a good picture of you.
Let me ask you a question.
Do you think about traffic, ever?
Because I do.
Constantly. Traffic is caused
by the single-car driver.
900,000 single people get
in their cars every morning...
...they drive to work and they wonder
why there's gridlock.
But if you had a train...
...a supertrain, you give the people
a reason to get out of their cars.
You give them great coffee,
great music...
...they will park and ride.
I know they will.
I still love my car, though.
The Sonics.
They got a good team this year.
Good thing they traded Xavier McDanieI.
What is he?
- A boxer or a basketball player?
- You dare to rip the X-man.
'IKiss at the HoteI De Ville. '
You have this too. I have this.
And albums.
I miss albums.
- I was a DJ in college.
- Really?
That's why I still have records.
Any boyfriends?
You don't want to know.
I've had bad luck.
But there was this one guy.
All my girlfriends loved him.
All that stuff I told you about
the money I inherited?
I made that up.
Plus, I got back together
with Lynn last night... you probably want
to go ahead and freak out.
It was like a professionaI hit.
I didn't want to get close
to anybody for a long time.
And then I-
- I'm talking too much.
- No, go ahead.
I thought for sure I'd
meet someone in college, you know?
A perfect combination of
MeI Gibson and Holden Caulfield.
And the SexuaI Revolution would
just sweep us both away.
I was a semester too late.
They're free!
It's okay to loathe these people.
There is so much life in you.
And so much...
...emotionaI larceny in these others.
I'm Andy.
I'm Linda.
'EmotionaI larceny'?
He said passion didn't matter
as much as comfort and stability.
- That's bullshit.
- No kidding!
It's cooI.
We lived together for 2 years.
We're still friends but-
I did the same thing.
It's like one day... of you goes for groceries
and never comes back.
Everyone I know
wants everything to be easy.
I know.
Why'd I have to meet you in a club?
I don't know.
I love this song.
My clothes!
Is this you?
This gas-guzzling monster is you?
The environmentalist?
- I inherited it from my dad.
- I'm not sure how I feeI about that.
Let's maybe do something
this weekend or-
- I'll call you.
- Don't forget.
I won't.
Good night.
Listen, next time, why don't you...
...park underground.
I should go.
I was just...
...nowhere near your neighborhood.
It's Andy, calling to
make sure you're okay.
- She's okay.
- I thought about the talk we had.
I think you should trust him.
Although I think...
...he's putting on the moves.
I'm a guy.
I know these things.
I don't like that I know them
but I know them.
And I like that he's a Steve.
But be careful.
If he doesn't treat you right...
...I'll kick his ass.
Can you wait?
Just a little longer.
Whenever! Whenever!
You're amazing.
I feeI like I'm being pulled inside you.
Are we being too loud?
What are you thinking...
...right now?
I just go out and play good,
hard-nosed basketball.
Things happen throughout the game.
It's nothing you can do.
I don't go out and say I'll
to beat this or that guy up.
Anything else, X?
Steve, don't come yet.
I'm in love with my neighbor.
Why don't you call me, Cliff?
What can I eat?
I'm tired of starving myself
for this guy.
I'll have a salad.
If I call him that's being desperate.
He's late or he forgot.
I refuse to remind him he forgot.
If he shows up, I'll listen.
But no way do I call him.
Of course, men do like to be called.
I'll call him in 10 minutes.
That will be one hour and
that is officially very late.
He is officially very late.
If I make this basket,
that's fate telling me to call him.
Two out of three.
Did no basket mean call him or don't
call him?
Busy. That's a sign.
Fate says don't call.
Forget it.
I'm not desperate.
I have many, many people
to spend a Saturday with.
Stop getting involved with your neighbors.
- Is that what broke us up?
- We're better as friends.
The thing about Cliff is...
...he has all this fierce integrity.
Except when it comes to women.
He likes...
...these club-type women.
These huge, hourglass Amazon women.
I think it's great you're together
but protect yourself.
So I'm not an Amazon woman?
You're from the high plains.
I'm so glad I live here.
Are my breasts too small?
Because, I mean...
...I look around
and all I see are these...
...posters and billboards
and magazines...
...and TV shows all with
these women with huge breasts.
And I guess...
...I just wanted to ask,
is that what men really want?
I mean, is that what you want?
You know?
Don't lie, because your eye twitches
and I'll know.
Ask me.
Are my breasts too small?
Have you had implants before?
What do you think?
You take a couple of days
and make up your mind.
We skew the size specifically
to what you want... graph, right.
Well, what's painfuI?
It can be mildIy painfuI and certainly
safety is on everybody's mind...
...mine in particular.
Take a couple of days and
think about it. All right.
Heard you on the phone. I'm in.
I don't need a couple of days.
How about...
Maybe for your frame,
something a little less...
I think if you're going to
have the operation...
...have the operation.
Do you jog?
A little.
Split the difference?
Split the difference.
Hi, it's me.
I'm tired of doing the right thing...
...waiting for you to call me.
I'm on the bed right now...
...wearing something really outrageous.
I've got no underwear on.
I need to be touched.
I'm burning for you, Cliff.
I think you got the wrong number,
but I'll be right over.
This guy plays no games.
That's great!
I've got to play this one perfectly.
Go with it.
What do your instincts tell you?
Not to listen to you guys.
She doesn't want you
tugging at her bra strap.
She wants mystery.
She wants drama.
She wants excitement.
I know women.
I don't want drama.
I don't want excitement.
I want to trust him.
Should I trust him?
Not all guys are like Luiz.
You're right.
You're right.
Steve is different.
Will you just follow your instincts?
Don't treat this like casuaI sex.
CasuaI sex doesn't even exist anymore.
It's lethaI. It's over.
What are you thinking?
If I had a conversation with God,
I'd ask him to create this girI.
My chest hurts.
You didn't leave a note, did you?
I left my blue T-shirt by mistake.
There are no mistakes!
What's that mean?
Give me the phone.
I'm going to call my new...
You don't realize.
You'll scare her off.
She's beautifuI.
Anyone would call her.
You distinguish yourself
by not calling her.
P.S. That's how you get her.
Bailey, you don't understand.
Remember your last 3 girlfriends?
You're right.
I got to let this one breathe.
You're concerned about dioxins.
I'll give you Greenpeace's number.
How'd it go?
I got the boat.
Trip to Alaska's set.
Great, Linda! That's great!
Steve on 2.
Four days he waits to call me.
What do I tell him?
I went for groceries.
She went for groceries.
He's coming over.
Nothing is wrong.
- I thought we connected.
- This is a really small office.
- Is this because I didn't call?
- I don't remember. Did you call?
Why are you being like this?
I like you. It was cooI meeting you.
I'll call you or you call me.
Look, I'm sorry if I blew it
by not calling you.
You don't owe me.
You don't have to call me.
Is it that old boyfriend
who always calls?
He doesn't always call.
- He probably has a ponytaiI.
- No.
He's Mr. Sensitive PonytaiI Man.
He's not Mr. Sensitive PonytaiI Man.
You're scared to get close to me.
You don't know me enough to say that.
- I think I do.
- No, you don't.
Let's not play games.
If I was playing games I'd have
waited a week to call.
What I mean is-
I got to work, Steve.
- Bye, Steve.
- I left my T-shirt at your-
Why do you talk such a good game?
You talk about things that matter...
...that get me excited, that get me hot.
Then it's like...'re lobotomized.
Why can't I just protect myself?
Why can't I just... a buddy?
Glad I caught this one in time.
Can't leave myself open.
Better to be the dumper
than the dumpee.
Listen, Mom, if he
invited you to Hawaii, yes...
...he probably wants something.
And who cares?
Dad's been gone for 2 years.
Listen. Listen, Mom!
Look, Debbie.
I'm having a bad sugar crash.
Could you just hold it down?
Wait a second.
Rinse off your dishes
before you put them in the dishwasher.
I rinsed them.
No, you have to rinse off all the food
or it gets over everything.
I found this big little
chunky thing on my glass.
No biggie.
Wish me luck on my video
for Expect the Best.
This is for Expect the Best?
I brought some clippings,
some possible looks for my video.
Here we have the Edie Sedgwick.
You know?
Pseudo-Brigitte Bardot.
Or we jet on over to Spain
for the depressed millionairess.
...I love these earrings
that nobody loves but me.
I will create your new look.
I will have men dying at your feet.
$ 10 extra...
...and Brian will shoot your video.
He doesn't even know me.
...he is only, like,
the next Martin Scorcese.
I'm in your hands.
I am Debbie Hunt.
If you want to see how I look
rewind and freeze frame.
But I am not about...
I crave responsibility,
respectability and love.
My goals are serenity and knowledge...
...and men who can understand me.
No druggies, please.
I'm fairly intense.
And I'm an advertising exec... KRWE-TV.
That's me!
Come to where the flavor is.
Come to Debbie Country.
'Debbie Country. '
It's funny.
'Doghouse. '
It should be 6 or 7 songs.
- They want me to come out.
- Stone's right. They're friends.
'Doghouse' as an encore, man.
You can't start off with that.
Why make those people clap,
so we come out again?
You don't get it, do you, man?
Check out this review of our record.
Read it out loud.
'Once again, when Cliff Poncier sings-'
Wait a minute. I don't want
to hear anything negative.
Go on.
'He was ably backed by Stone,
Jeff and drummer Eddie Vedder. '
That's a good review.
A compliment for us
is a compliment for you.
No, man.
This negative energy
just makes me stronger.
We will not retreat.
This band is unstoppable!
This weekend, we rock Portland.
I know you're in love,
but are you sure you want to do this?
My mind is made up.
Want to read a magazine?
Thanks for doing this with me.
Didn't want you to go alone.
Tell me, what do you
really want from a guy?
When I first moved here from Tucson...
...I wanted a guy with...
...someone with their own place.
Someone who said 'bless you'
or ' gesundheit ' when I sneezed.
And someone who liked
the same things as me, but not exactly.
Someone who loves me.
Tall order.
I scaled it down a little.
What is it now?
Someone who says
' gesundheit ' when I sneeze.
Though I prefer 'bless you. '
It's nicer.
Sorry you had to wait.
This is my friend Steve.
Dr. Jamison.
Come on in.
Last chance.
Here we go.
I'm going to say something that
I haven't said to any patients... 3 years of being at HMO.
I will perform the operation
but I don't think you need it.
I think you're perfect.
I think if your boyfriend doesn't
appreciate you the way you are...
...then you have to ask,
are you his Miss Right...
...or are you his Miss Maybe?
What's that mean?
Did my check bounce?
I really have a feeling about you.
Thanks but...
...I love my boyfriend.
I still feeI good about
saying what I said.
You should. It's good!
Can I say something to you?
Your face wants a different part.
- You know, your hair.
- My hair?
There you go!
Now you look vaguely rocking.
I mean, come on.
You're a happening guy, you know?
You're Dr. Jamison.
You've got...
...nice eyes. And you've got those
great, trustworthy eyebrows.
And you're a surgeon, man!
Many, many babes are into that.
No, really!
Listen, I have friends
who would love you.
I don't know how to have fun, right?
I'm 33 years old and
I don't know how to have fun.
Now was that fun or what?
Yeah. That was fun.
And now with the operation.
I want Cliff to like me the way I am.
A few days later, she leaves the hive.
Now she's ready to mate.
So Portland, maybe it wasn't our city.
Where are the anthems of our youth?
What happened to music
that meant something?
The Who at the IKingdome
or IKiss at the Coliseum?
Where is the 'Misty Mountain Hop'?
Where is the 'Smoke on the Water'
or the 'Ironman' of today?
We're not going out tonight,
are we, honey?
Look at this. These bands are like
well-designed bottles of bleach.
It's beer-and-lifestyle music.
I mean, it's like the next world war
is going to be sponsored by...
I don't know. What?
We could just take a bath.
Just remember one thing.
We are loved in Belgium and in Italy.
The yellow jacket wasp
has come looking for food.
The alarm has sounded.
They pour into the European hive.
Hey, babe, don't get me sick.
I'm playing this weekend.
Wait a minute.
What am I doing?
I don't have to be here.
I could just break up with him.
I have always been able to do this.
Break up with someone
and never look back.
Being alone.
There's a certain dignity to it.
Did I overreact?
You know who this is?
We spent a couple
of great weeks together.
But my mind works in strange ways.
When things are at their best,
I wait for them to fall apart.
I can't figure out
if I do it to myself...
...or if life does it for me.
I'm a little late this month,
that's all I'm saying.
How late?
Steve Dunne.
Doug Hughley.
Mr. Deegan's class.
What is up, you old goat?!
- How you doing?
- Okay, man.
You know how much homework
I missed because of you?
I loved your radio show.
That was the best.
Thanks, man.
We're throwing down tonight
over on Aloha Street.
We got 2 bands.
It'll be insane!
Would you get up and do a little
'Wheels of SteeI'?
Are you sure?
You're the only one who can mix up
Elvis Costello and Public Enemy.
What's so funny about
Peace peace peace?
Love and under-
Death Row
What does a brother understand?
You're the best.
You are the king.
You are the king!
You've got to be there, man.
You must be there!
Of course, you may be busy.
Ten more minutes and we pour X into B
and if it's blue-
Then we have a big talk.
- I have some time right now.
- Then let's talk right now.
- My body knows it'll be blue.
- It won't be blue.
I've never gotten anybody pregnant.
It won't be blue.
I'm probably sterile.
A family trait.
Do you know where my other shoes are?
Maybe they're by the door.
That'd be wild.
- What?
- Having a kid.
- If you were pregnant.
- If I were.
Which I'm not.
And I wouldn't expect you
to deaI with it anyway.
I'd be with you.
We'd deaI with it.
To friendship.
That's bluish, right?
It's fairly blue.
Oh, well.
Wait. Put it against
something blue, though.
Wait. Let's try and put it
against something white.
- So what are you doing today?
- Not much.
I got to meet the deputy mayor
to see the mayor.
- Good. I have stuff to do too.
- So you can call me.
Call you or...
- And finally...
- Interesting!
...if we can get the single-car driver
onto the supertrain...
...we can change the city.
It's all in the proposaI.
Flirts with brilliance.
Wish it were up to me.
Let me get you 15 minutes
with the mayor.
Thank you.
So basically, that's kind of
what we're all about...
...give or take a little.
I'd like to just kind of
leave it up to you at this point.
I think that will be great.
I think you've explained it really well.
These are the men who want me.
But I'm more than just a good body.
Feelings, man!
I have a lot of
tender feelings which are...
...just waiting for the right woman.
It's hard to get it across
when you look like this, obviously.
My name is Spiro. I'm an artist.
As you can see, my painting
is displayed behind me.
I'm the kind of person that's really...
...meticulous in appearance,
and also very precise.
In fact, if two people
really believe in each other...
...that love can go around the world
and through each other's soul.
But love is a very delicate thing.
In fact, if you're both not careful
and nurturing, that love can...
I'm looking for a woman
who is unpredictable.
Someone who is complex.
Someone who is willing to experiment.
I like the way the world
looks from a bicycle.
I guess I'm just looking for someone
who feels the same way I do.
About a bicycle.
Am I coming off as too intense?
I can be intensely laid back too.
I am very...
...very lonely.
Definitely the bicycle guy.
The bicycle guy.
He's, like, your souI mate.
Guy with the bicycle.
Nice outfit.
Is he late?
Yeah, but...
...I expect the best.
So why did you pick this Sea Merchant?
The First Avenue one is way happening.
You mean there's another Sea Merchant?
The new one.
On your right!
Excuse me.
Was a Jamie here looking
for a Debbie Hunt?
Yes, and he left you a message:
I got your address from Expect the Best.
Meet you at your house.
He was hot!
It's the world's worst cologne.
- You're good at that.
- It's the key to popcorn.
SwirI with the bowI.
Let's put the bowI down.
Let's make some more.
All right.
Are you okay? I'm sorry.
More popcorn!
Want more popcorn!
Stop, stop, stop.
- You want more?
- How does it work?
- Do you want butter?
- Do I want butter?
Yeah. You represent well
in reaI life.
Thanks a lot. So do you.
Thank you.
When I missed you at Sea Merchant...
...I buzzed over on my Elite
and I ran into Pammy!
- Pammy from U-Dub.
- Pamela. I'm Pamela now.
Oh, you're Pamela.
Did you see that package
out on the porch for you?
No. Jamie and I made popcorn.
We're making popcorn here with IKermit.
I'd love to show you
this package on the porch.
Just one second.
First off, we always said
separate lives.
- It's no biggie.
- It's a major biggie!
I knew him first!
So that gives you the right
to just bone him in my kitchen!
If I wanted that guy,
I wouldn't need a video date to get him.
No, you'd just wait for me to meet him
and then make popcorn!
I will make popcorn
with whomever I want to.
You've made popcorn
with half of the city!
At least I don't have to
chase the popcorn.
I don't think we should take
this vacation together.
You told me to tell you
when you're being plastic.
You're being plastic.
This is so unfair.
How much do you want for him?
$ 200.
- Outrageous!
- That's what I paid.
- $ 75.
- $ 150.
$80 and I'll do dishes all month.
- We need to talk.
- I think we do.
There's something I need to say.
- You want out.
- Let's get married.
Everyone around us is together
for the wrong reasons.
Or they baiI out.
This is life telling us something.
- Oh, God!
- What?
Don't make me remember
this chili dog forever.
Remember it.
Make that a historic chili dog.
Take your time.
Think about it.
You don't even have to use words.
Just take a bite if the answer is yes.
I want to be logicaI about this.
Say we're married, we have the kid.
Will we be anything like we are now?
It's really the great unknown.
Plus I've got work.
I've got that Alaska trip,
you've got your thing.
I want to be logicaI.
I think I can love you
and still be logicaI.
What is that look?
Someone who really cares about you.
It must scare you to death.
Forget logic.
What's in your heart?
I want to do it.
I think this is life
telling us something.
So that's a yes?
You're going to feeI good about this.
Mom, I want to get out!
Why can't we get out?
Did we make the right decision?
I don't know.
Xavier almost made the AII-Star team.
He fights players
who are better than him.
- Like?
- Like Charles Barkley.
That is a Bobby Van.
The host of Make Me Laugh.
I never got to finish that chili dog.
That light's on yellow way too long.
You okay?
You all right?
I'm fine.
Are you all right?
Are you all right?
Let's get out.
Come on, let's get out.
Who's James?
I don't know.
James Worthy is a star.
X is just a player.
Is this from an earlier conversation?
Good sign.
We had an accident, baby.
You're in the hospitaI.
I lost it, right?
It's all over.
If we can't make it through this...
...if you don't know
you're not alone...
I lost the baby.
Will you look at me?
I was flunking out of high school.
I was 45 pounds overweight,
had a dead-end job, a beat-up car.
I didn't feel good about myself.
My future did not look very bright.
How are you doing today?
I'm better.
I think I've read every single
magazine in the world.
- Did you go to work today?
- No, I didn't.
It's been 2 weeks.
I think they're going to fire me.
I need some time alone.
I have a new emotion every five seconds.
I think I should go ahead
and take that research trip.
I should just be out somewhere
in the middle of the ocean.
I know I'm right about this.
It's just a month.
It's just work.
See you in a month!
I'll miss you!
I got a present for you.
Give me another chance.
One, two minutes.
Come on.
This'll be great.
You're going to love me for this.
I installed your new stereo.
I'll replace the windows.
Work has never been better.
I miss her.
What will we say to each other
when she gets back?
- Welcome back.
- You look great.
You too.
How are you?
How was it?
It was really good.
Really good.
You want to go home
or out someplace?
I could do either.
Can you think of a place?
There's Costa's, I guess.
Or whatever.
The 3-2-1?
- No, Costa's all right.
- I don't really care.
The pressure in the air could sink us.
I know.
I really got into my job again.
I did too.
I've been working my ass off.
I had the Coast Guard working for us.
It was reaI exciting.
That's great.
We don't have to try
and be what we were.
I've been thinking the same thing.
Let's be the first people in history
to say it and mean it.
You always say the perfect thing.
That obnoxious mime...
...was right.
Love disappears.
Let's go, man!
Let's go!
We got people out here!
I got to go piss, man!
Let's go!
It's me.
I had to call you.
It's about midnight.
I was having many beers...
...and I wanted to say...
...what I should have said at the dock.
I fucking chickened out.
I lied when I acted casuaI,
like Mr. CasuaI...
...and I should have said it!
You belong...
We belong together.
It pissed me off that, now that
we're talking, you thought...
...I proposed to you only because
you were pregnant!
I've got to go piss!
This is not the bathroom!
Maybe if I'd said some of
these things at the dock... would've made a difference.
I think we made a big mistake.
We had good times and bad times...
...but we had times.
And I would like to start over.
I would like to be new to you.
I want to be new to you.
I want to be Mr. New.
Call me back if you want.
This is the last time I'll call.
If you really needed to know
how I really feeI...
...that's how I feeI. I love you.
That's something you should know.
I won't bother you again.
Good night and goodbye.
I love you. Call me back.
This thing just eats tapes.
So ultimately we're talking about...
...900,000 to a million people
by the time it's done...
...most of them single-car drivers.
We provide a better and safer
environment than their cars.
Why can't it work, Mr. Mayor?
So it's a train.
A supertrain.
I've been burned by this
train business before.
You people all seem to forget.
We can change this city.
People love their cars.
But if you give them great coffee...
...and great music. If you-
I'll put it to you like this...
...then I'll thank you
for your time.
My answer is...
Hi, may I help you?
One ticket to Cabo San Lucas...
...through Los Angeles,
first class, please.
Could you seat me next to a single guy?
I think I'll put you in seat 3-C.
Thank you.
Tell me everything there is
to know about you.
I've got a speciaI feeling about you.
Don't feeI too bad about her.
I'll tell you what happened.
The kid talks her ear off
the whole flight.
His dad picks him up at the airport.
He's divorced. He meets Debbie.
His first words are...
Look at those fantastic earrings.
And that's all it took.
Debbie was in love.
She got back 2 weeks ago. He sends
her the big basket every day.
Every third one she sends back
just to be mysterious.
I don't know. Games.
He wants her to move to Mexico.
And if she gets a job at the
TV station there, she's going.
Tomorrow I sneak in and spell
her name in rose petals.
Do you believe this job?
It's so easy to fall back
into old patterns.
Back with Andy.
One week and we're already
like one of those...
...old couples who sit around in
Denny's and don't speak.
What am I doing?
Why did I chicken out?
You have the...
This is good.
Being with Andy is like being alone.
At least I'm not out there dating.
Love you.
Love you too.
I was worried about you.
I'm fine.
I am great!
Been working.
I read half of Exodus.
I think you're going through
a phase of some kind.
Do you realize that
in modern-day society...
...there is almost no need
to leave the house?
At all.
You're wigging.
I'm not wigging.
What? You think I'm wigging?
This is hang time.
I'm just...
I'm just regrouping.
I'm spending some time with myself.
Getting stronger. Regrouping.
Thinking about regrouping.
I'm thinking about how I listened
to my instincts and they were wrong.
Wrong. The opposite of right.
I just wanted to bring you your maiI.
You know...
...and maybe this isn't the
right time to say this...
...but things do turn around.
I mean, I don't even think
about Cliff anymore.
I'm having the best time ever.
On my terms.
And you know what else?
I'm going back to schooI.
Paid off my loan.
Got all my classes.
My first project is
to redesign the fountain... we can sit in it.
That's good news.
It is.
People need people.
It has nothing to do with sex.
Maybe 40 percent.
60 percent.
Forget it. Forget it.
Tell you what:
If I have any kind of news
of any kind...
...something good...
...something nice...
...that I want to share with you
or something...
...I will knock four times, okay?
It's going to be...
...our secret code.
- What?
- How?
- How what?
- How will you knock?
Like that.
Take care of yourself.
In a paralleI universe,
we're probably a scorching couple.
But in this one...
Did you get my message last night?
Because I called.
I know.
I thought I appreciated you
but I didn't.
I used to... out by the airport
underneath the flight patterns.
It was noisy with the planes
going by all day.
I used to have cookouts
and no one would come...
...because of the noise.
I got used to it.
And then, when I moved,
I missed the noise.
I missed the planes.
What are you talking about?
I don't know.
I miss you.
The way you used to look at me.
I'm finally over you.
I mean, you know,
I still really do like you.
You know?
I think you're very...
That's me. I got to go.
My break's over.
Janet, you rock my world.
I'm walking down the avenue
And I'm looking at the garbage cans
I'm laughing at the people I see
Something like that.
I'm just playing with the lyrics.
None of that stuff is set in stone.
Anyway, I'm working on it.
Call me when you get in.
I don't know
what you're doing tonight.
But give me a call.
Talk to me, talk to me.
40 rsums, bring me back something.
Here we go!
I was just nowhere near
your neighborhood.
I don't need to be your girlfriend.
I just want to know you again.
What took you so long?
I was stuck in traffic.
That's the way it happens around here.
Steve's moving out,
they're finding their own place.
- I'm happy for them.
- Look out!
No problem.
I may live here forever and that's fine.
Not everybody needs to be with someone.
I don't know, for a lot of people,
living alone is a nasty hang.
Not for me.
My music is all the juice I'll need.
I'm a self-contained unit.
I'm a solo artist.
I better get going.
I'm going out tonight.
Going out?
That's a nice hat you're wearing.
And I don't mean that
in an Eddie Haskell kind of way.
- Bless you.
- Thank you.
Does everyone go through this?
No, I think just us.
I'll be celibate forever.
I could spend the rest of my life
with that girl.
She's in a car.
All you see is her head.
- I know my type.
- I met someone new.
- She's more my type than yours.
- She is not.
- She is.
- You always say they're your type.